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Ascended Master So Ma

Try this little meditation and really concentrate on what Ascended Master So Ma instructed. I mean I did this at my desk in work and it seemed like there was no one around me at all as if I was in a different world. I felt the Creator, Angels,Elohims Master So Ma come into my aura. I could feel it physically as my whold body was tingling and I felt such a sense of peace and pure un-conditional love. Give it a shot and remember to really concentrate and visualize. This Natalie Glasson is such a gifted chaneller, she brings so much love and light to our earth. Thank You Natalie and So Ma with the highest of honors respect and appreciation. Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Please Note- There will be No Weekly Channelled Messages through Natalie for the next two weeks due to personal issues and the need for a break, thank you for your understanding. Blessings, Natalie.
It is a great delight to bring forward this special activation which I believe will assist you in moving to a new stage of your spiritual growth. In my previous communication I spoke of the three parts of holding an Ascended Master state of existence, the ability to embody and realise the loving heart, expansive mind and luminous light of the Creator. I also expressed that to become an Ascended Master was simply a stepping stone on your spiritual journey to unity with the Creator rather than it being your ultimate goal. It is my wish to guide you through a meditation which incorporates invocations to assist you in experiencing an Ascension Light Activation.
Sitting peacefully I wish for you to focus on the words 'peace and stillness,' repeating these in your mind. Repetition is a wonderful technique of allowing energy vibrations and intentions to sink into your consciousness and physical being without the mind realising or resisting. Allow yourself to feel that the words have their own consciousness, energy and active presence which begins to influence and soothe your being, assisting you in entering into a sacred meditation state.
We first invoke the protection of the Angelic Kingdom to banish all negative energies and to illuminate your being and surroundings with the presence of love and joy. You are safe and protected at all times, allow yourself to relax with this certainty.
I, Master So Ma, stand before you now, I emanate a light of a pale blue colour into your being as I ask you to grasp my hands which I open to you with love. Allow yourself to feel my vibration flowing through your body, increasing your light quotient and developing the speed at which you vibrate.
When you feel comfortable we will hold the united intention of being transported to the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters Airborne Ashram. Let yourself relax knowing that this is simply an alignment and a change in your perspective. We shall enter into the Golden Temple of the Christ, a chamber focused purely on love. Allow yourself to become familiar with your surroundings or simply breathe in the light.
Let the Christ energy be your support, I will remain before you holding your hands as we begin the activation process to aid your ascension and to assist you in realising the love, light and mind energy of the Creator to bring forth your Ascended Master Self.
You may wish to say with me,
I am now completely and absolutely aligned with the mighty soul of the Creator. My soul and the Creator's soul are one, united in love and peace. I am supported and embraced in the sacred energy of the Creator and feel this divine presence flowing around and through my being now. I am open to the transformational energies of the Creator.
(Let yourself experience this now. Allow yourself to relax into the embrace of the Creator's energy.)
We call upon the Angelic Kingdom to surround you in their loving heart energy and to send the love that they hold and align with from the Creator into your being. We ask that the energy of love that is so abundant and expansive within your being is now activated. We ask that this body of love grows to embody your entire being.
(Let yourself take time to acknowledge and experience this activation and growth from within you.)
We call upon the light of the Creator to channel into your being, entering through your crown chakra at the top of your head and energising your body of love that has now manifested.
(Feel the Creator magnifying the loving energy within you; let your love feel so prominent and present within and even around you. It is an active presence of love.)
We call upon the wise and loving Elohims, representatives of the mind of the Creator, to surround you now with their energy and support. We ask that they send their energy vibration and awareness into your being as well as their own alignment with the Creator's mind.
(Allow yourself to feel the vibration of their energy flowing into your being, they are assisting the alignment of your soul and mind with the mind and consciousness of the Creator. The energy of consciousness, expansiveness and liberation builds within you as energy as you adopt the clarity of the mind of the Creator.)
We ask that the mind of the Creator of the most appropriate vibration anchors deep into your entire being creating a soothing, peacefully and enlightening influence.
(Permit this activation to occur, be aware of your senses, feeling and experiences, you should feel a great sense of peace washing over you and a feeling of liberation as limitations fall away.)
We ask that from the soul of the Creator and supported by all loving and luminous aspects of the Creator's soul that a pure vibrant light of the most appropriate vibration for you flows into and through your being, increasing your light quotient and body of light. We ask that the Creator's light binds the loving, peaceful and wise energies activated from within you together, so that you can achieve an energised and active state of existence focused on love and an expanding awareness, as well as a new realisation of yourself.
(Take a moment to imagine yourself as a blazing beacon of light, your light is shining further than you could possibly imagine, it is pouring from your being holding the sacred wisdom of the Creator that naturally exists within your being and the sacred loving and nurturing heart of the Creator which is your essence.)
I now hold the energy and existence of my Ascended Master Self and watch my Ascended Master Self grow with each step that I walk on the Earth. I am completely and absolutely aligned with the soul of the Creator. I am aligned with the Angelic Kingdom, the Elohims and the universal light of the Creator. I now align with the Ascended Masters on the inner planes and ask them to nurture and guide this activation and growth from within me. Thank you.
(Allow yourself to sit and experience any changes or shifts within your energy.)
When you wish to return to your reality on the Earth, simply ask me to transport you back to your physical life on the Earth. Feel your perspective changing as you focus on your surroundings and physical body once more. Imagine some of the light that you are now holding within you, extending as a channel of light from your heart down your torso and into the Earth to ground, centre and balance your being.
I hope that you have found this of benefit; it can be practiced whenever you feel guided to.
With respect and honour,
I am Master So Ma,
Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters and a Sirian Soul
Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,
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A Message from God

God said:

Be more of an initiator and less of a reactor. It is more fun to initiate than to react. It is a better practice. Once again, I am speaking about your not zeroing in on fault. Taking offense is finding fault. Will you let go of trying to set the world and the people in it straight?
Be what you want others to be, and you will be setting the world straight.
Whatever it is in another that angers you, do not act in kind. To make progress in life, you have to do more than simply refute others' ways of portraying themselves. If there are alternatives to other's way of doing things, there are also alternatives for you.
Again, I also have to say that this doesn't mean you are not to represent yourself. This doesn't mean you put up with everything thrown your way. I don't ask you to be wishy-washy. I ask you to be straightforward, courteous, and aware that others, as well as you, sometimes come from ignorance.
When you react, odds are you are being hasty. Give yourself a chance to let the real issue at hand sink in, and address that. I know you don't want merely to perpetuate unwieldy situations. Set yourself straight first, beloveds.
Get yourself out of the mode of thinking right or wrong. Consider perhaps what the real issue is. Perhaps you have not been heard. Perhaps you have not heard what was being said to you. Perhaps there is misunderstanding or misinformation.
As best you can, stay away from judgment.
Let Us say you have difficulty putting together a jigsaw puzzle, and this is frustrating for you. You do not yell at the puzzle pieces. You do not swear at them. Maybe you get up and have an apple, and then you come back to the puzzle refreshed and ready to begin again. This makes sense to do with a jigsaw puzzle, does it not?
Use the same sense when dealing with people or situations that are frustrating puzzles for you.
Have self-expression, yet maybe wait a minute. You want to make sure that you have all the pieces of the puzzles in life in front of you.
How much of life do you spend on offense and rebuttal, and how much time on joy and joyous response? You wonder about the priorities of others. Now I ask you: What are your priorities, beloveds? Where do you put your attention? Maybe you can move it over.
What if you had no time for irritation, anger, and resentment and didn't have them? Why have them now? You can accomplish more without them.
This does not mean to relieve others of their responsibilities and take it all on yourself. This does mean to do what you can and let the emotional aspects take a break. Do you accomplish more with irritation or less? Do not think that anger and blame serve you. Have you thought that anger and blame serve you? Have you thought that judgment serves you?
Let Me serve you. Let love and wisdom and a long view serve you. Go for what you go for, and go without anger.
If you must be angry, don't vent it on any person. Punch a punching-bag instead. Kick a football. Run around the block. Or plant a garden and create beauty. Then come back to sending an email to someone. It may be less fiery.
To take care of a situation, you don't have to give in to anger. If you want results rather than to vent, surpass the situation. Get beyond it. Outdo it.
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Master Hilarion

July 18-25, 2010

Beloved Ones,

As you look around you, the World as you have known it is rapidly changing. All that once seemed solid is now in the process of dissolution and transformation. This is bringing many of you great sadness and pain but also great growth in spiritual perceptions and a total re-evaluation of your purpose here on Earth.

Grieve not, Beloved Hearts, for as the dissolution comes, there is also great potential for growth and transformation that is taking place within the hearts, minds and Souls of those who are giving you such difficulties at this time. All is as it should be from the higher perspective. We say to you not to give up on your relationships with those whom you love, for all is not yet lost.

Your Beloved Ones need giant wake up calls at this juncture and each of you have agreed to accept the roles that you are now playing and what is now playing out in each of your lives and relationships has required each of you to experience a ‘dark night of the Soul’ and, as Lightworkers, you are helping them to open up to their higher potential. To you it seems as though all is lost and never ‘the twain’ shall meet, yet you will find that down the road you are each traveling, there will occur great transformations within your Loved Ones and as these transformations begin to take place, a greater realization of your value and worth to them will begin to take place within them and they will realize how blessed they have been with your presence in their lives and there will be opportunities for reconciliation.

What is needed now for those of you going through these experiences is to love and nurture yourselves. Go within as often as you are able and spend as much time in Nature as possible, for this will help keep you grounded and will help soothe your Soul. Allow your Loved Ones to go through their process and try and detach yourselves from any expectations. Sometimes a temporary time away will create greater clarity within your minds and hearts and bring your situations into greater focus and you will get a sense of your next step and your way will become clearer.

As this happens, be open to receiving guidance and the synchronicities as they occur in your daily lives, for your personal Guides and Angels will do everything they can to give assistance. We are ever ready and will answer your calls with alacrity. Stand in your Light, Dear Ones, and stand tall. Speak your truth and be not afraid, for all will work out in a way that will leave you gasping with incredible joy. It will require further and great patience on your part, for you must allow the time for this to manifest. You may have to spend this time removed from the situation, in order for order and harmony to be restored. Have faith and hold onto the Love that you hold in your hearts, for the Love IS the answer.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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Urgent Message from Saint Germaine

July 19, 2010

Channel from Alicia A. Rammel

I Am Beloved Master Teacher Saint Germain, and I come today with a message of Awakening.

This is an important time on earth, for She is in her final stages of labor… She is getting ready to “push,” and with Her pushing will come the death of the old world and the birth of the new World. We wish for You to look upon what is happening in this way, for perhaps it will not seem so violent if You do.

Giving birth to new life can be painful, in fact, it is what You on earth expect. You do not believe that giving birth can be easy, yet We assure You, it can be… and there was a time many centuries ago when it was, however, those days are no more and You all hold the belief that birth must come with great pain.

It is for this reason You are experiencing this transition into the Higher Dimensions with such physical pain in Your own bodies. There is always another way, and letting go of what no longer serves You does not need to be painful. However, You do not believe that things can be easy. You hold fast to Your belief that life is hard. Truly, it is Your belief in suffering that carries You on Your journey here on earth.

We come now with A Message, and it is that each and every one of You are a midwife to the birth of The New World. You say “how?” “ How can we do anything?” We have told You this for many hundreds of years, and We come to You now with the same message today…




The time of critical mass is drawing close, Dear Ones, and while it would seem that You are to put Your focus and attention on the world and all of its problems, that is NOT WHAT YOU ARE TO DO. We know that this, in and of itself, will cause some of You to shudder and question the validity of this message. But, if You truly understand the world You are living in and the power You have, You will KNOW this is TRUTH. The world You are seeing with Your eyes is not real. It is illusion!!! YOU MUST GET THIS SOON, Dear Ones, the time is critical for this lesson to be learned.

The world You see is a projection of Your own mind, and the thoughts You think are what You SEE in Your world. The POWER YOU POSSESS IS IN YOUR MIND. The war You are fighting is not of the physical, it is not over material possessions or of an earthly nature… the war is in YOUR MIND. Your mind is the battlefield and Your emotions are the ammunition!! PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS. This message is vital for tipping the scales in the favor of LOVE and LIGHT.

You are being attacked at a mental level, by thoughts and images projected at You as mind bombs of FEAR. Your mind and Your emotions are what is at stake here, and they are using Your own thoughts and emotions as ammunition to destroy You. Your world will be born anew, and She will exist for You on another plane of Higher Consciousness, but unless YOU PERSONALLY RAISE YOUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS TO MEET HER, YOU WILL BE LEFT HERE. This is not to scare You, this is to let You know that You are not fighting against BP. You are not fighting to save the Gulf. THAT IS NOT WHERE YOU SHOULD FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION Beloved Ones…that is the distraction they want You to focus on!

Your focus of attention should ALWAYS BE ON YOUR HEART… YOUR POWER IS IN YOUR HEART. Your ‘bombs’ are of LOVE… Your holy land is in Your own mind. You must protect Your minds from the images and thoughts being thrown at You from every level and angle. We are here to help You, and in order for You to know what You are to do, You must know what You are ‘fighting for’ and what Your ‘ammo’ is. You are fighting for the freedom to think and use Your mind as You wish, and You are fighting with a Higher Vibrational Energy than they are, LOVE.

Because the world You see is just a reflection of Your mind and the collective mind, to change what You see, You MUST CHANGE YOUR MIND. This requires You to use Your power to say no to all that is not in alignment with Your HIGHER SELF, Your GOD Self, Your HEART.

You do not have to do as You are told.

You are more powerful than You know, but You will not find Your power until You start to exert some Divine Will in Your decision making. If it does not FEEL GOOD, at the level of the Heart and Soul, DO NOT DO IT! This is the beginning.

You must understand You have a choice.

You must understand that You have the power to experience Your world as You want to see it.

You have all been brainwashed into believing that You have no power.


This is not a message that We have come with before. We are raising the intensity of Our Message to match the intensity that is being raised from the other side. While it is True, in the Ultimate Reality, there is no “other” side, for in a state of Unity Consciousness duality no longer exists, We are speaking to You at the level You are currently on, unless You have transcended the illusion of duality. In Your 3D reality, where “good and bad” still exists in the mind, there are some who are desperate for the control of Your mind, emotion, and life force.

And those who believe in this duality are the most vulnerable to their control and domination. These unconscious controllers are absent of Love, and are fueled by all of the negative emotions fed to them by the mass mind. We want You to understand that You are continually fuelling them by fearing them. These people are in power because You have given them power over You, and have since decided You have no way out of this hell on earth.

YOU DO!! Your Mind is Your way out. Your Heart is the Pathway to The Higher Realms of Love and Joy, Compassion and Beauty. If You make the decision to focus on Your own Heart and set Your intention to align Your mind with the Mind of Christ, You will see that You are helped immediately.

Dear Ones, You have free will!! We cannot intervene where We are not requested, and We cannot do for You what You must learn to do for Yourselves. THAT IS YOUR LESSON here… We will help and assist in all ways possible, but cannot interfere with Your soul’s lesson. You are not calling out to Us nearly as often or as much as We would like. We cannot come in until We are requested, and You must give up any thoughts about Us being “bothered” by Your unqualified requests. There is no such thing at this point in time.

Many times We have used this analogy, but it is simple and it cannot be more simple so that everyone can understand. Imagine You are looking in the mirror. You see a reflection of Your self in the mirror. The reflection shows a pimple on Your face. Now, upon seeing this pimple, do You reach to the mirror and try to pick at it? No. You address the sore where it exists~~ on Your face! The reflection is simply showing You what is coming from within You. The same is true for the world You live in and see around You.

Some things are completely personal to You, because they are an animated expression or reflection of Your own mind, or, there is something traumatic and catastrophic that is happening on a global scale, such as the Gulf oil spill. You may say, “ I didn’t create that! I didn’t have any such thoughts about the gulf or oil spills before that happened.” The truth of the matter, is that the collective mind is the “catch all” for all the negative thoughts and emotions You send out… and if the mass mind is collectively negative about being powerless to the oil tycoons, then Yes! You did help to manifest this disaster!

The first step to healing is taking responsibility for what You have contributed, whether that is constantly complaining every time You fill Your gas tank, or whether You have had to sacrifice some recreation because gas prices have made You poor. All of it expands in Your reality the more You focus on the illusion. Energy flows where attention goes. This is a simple enough law to understand and live by isn’t it? Yes, it requires discipline of the mind and an earnest desire to live a life that You have co-created with Source Energy… but, Dear Ones, this is Your Power.

While You must address the effect, You must not put all of Your attention and focus there. Cleaning up the Gulf is much much different than focusing more damaging amounts of negative energy back into the collective mind, by hating BP and those focused on destroying the earth. You think You are being pro-active for change by hating what is in front of You… but The Law of Attraction is here to teach You that what You hate or send energy to, no matter what the vibration, You are calling for in Your experience.

You are not helping Beloved Gaia by sending hateful thoughts and emotions to the people You feel are the villains!

You are not victims, Dear Children, You are the co-creators!!

As soon as You realize this, You will have made a tremendous shift in Your consciousness.

You must control Your thoughts and emotions!

The Law of Attraction was not introduced into Your thought stream so that You could use it to manifest more material possessions and fulfill Your greedy and selfish ways. The Law of Attraction was introduced into Your mental streams of consciousness so You could harness the power of it to change Your world and use it, not for personal gain, but for GLOBAL ABUNDANCE and ASCENSION. Materialism is what the old program would want You to use it for. Your Higher Self has a completely different agenda for the use of The Law of Attraction.

If Like attracts Like, through the power of intention, thought, and positive emotion, how can You apply this Law to undo what You have done?? What could You intend to attract that would benefit the world and GAIA, as her midwives??? This is Your tool for helping her birth the new world, and You are using it to Your own selfish gain. Wake Up Dear people of earth and realize You are NOT HUMAN BEINGS… You will never know Who You Are if You continually look to the flesh as proof of Your reality and identity. What and Who You are ANIMATES the flesh. Knowing this will save You.

You must begin to loosen Your grip on the fear of death.

This is the power they hold over You.

You are all afraid to die, because You do not know that death is not real.

They know that if You knew You were not Your body, then You would become empowered!

They hold this over You, and use it over and over and over, plaguing Your mind with fearful thoughts, that manifest themselves as ‘real’ diseases in the body. Your power is Your own, and You have handed over all of it to those who wish to control You.

THE TIME IS NOW, and the time has come for ALL OF YOU to remember Who You Are and where You REALLY came from.

For, We assure You, when You Awaken to the TRUTH of Your Beingness, they have NO POWER over You whatsoever!

Your mind is Your most precious and valuable asset, and YOU OWN THAT, but You have allowed the devil to set up camp there. It is time to take back what is rightfully Yours. It is time to evict the demons from Your mind, and ask on bent knee for the Holy Spirit to enter Your mind and set You free.

We are waiting, but We cannot assist You in Your salvation until You desire for Your mind to be released from the clutches of fear and illusion.

Right now, if You dare, get down on Your knees and ask for Us, The Ascended Masters and Beings of Light, to release Your mind from its bindings to this illusory world, to set Your heart free from the emotions of depression and sadness, guilt and fear. We are waiting to assist You. It takes but one moment of sincere and genuine asking, from the heart, to awaken the Divine Seedling within the dark shell and have it crack open and begin to climb and grow up towards the sunlight.

The Real Self is waiting to be cracked open… Unawake, You are the dark shell, and buried deep within Your Heart, there is a Seed, which carries the True Knowing of Your Divine Essence. It is just waiting to break open to become a Divine Flower in The Garden of God’s Love. We will water You and tend to Your new innocence and Beingness… You must trust in something Greater Than Your self, and Real-Eyes that the something Greater is within YOU…aching to be born.

You are powerful beyond measure, and it has been a long time since You have known this… some of You are just waking up to the idea that You are not just flesh and bone, but something more. The something more is what You need to direct all of Your attention to right now. You must go within, You must meditate daily, and focus on choosing Love for Yourself and others. Every time You make a choice that does not honor You, You are also not honoring the Whole. Choose wisely.

Dear Children of planet earth, You must wake up. The time is now. Your mind is what You must protect. Your Heart is where You must go when You feel insecure or afraid. Your safety lies within the sanctuary of Your Heart. Turn off Your televisions. Stop reading news that does not make You feel good. They cannot control You if You do not use the mediums THEY use to do so. Demand Your internet be open for freedom of expression and speech! Do not focus on them shutting it down… THINK! Use the Law of Attraction. ALWAYS PUT YOUR ATTENTION ON THE POSITIVE OPPOSITE.

What is it that You want?? Focus on that, not on the negative opposite.

You have the power, but You must be wise in how You use it. You do not want to become like that which is hostile and negative, for You will be doing what they want You to do.

They want Your mind. -THIS YOU MUST KNOW.

They want to do all they can to keep You in a constant state of fear…

HOW CAN YOU KEEP YOURSELF POSITIVE?? Do not let them into Your mind! If You pray and meditate and focus on Love and Heaven on earth, and Mother Gaia Ascending… You will attract that and experience that… that is the Ultimate purpose of The Law of Attraction.

We leave You today with tremendous Blessings of Love, and an open door to The Mind of Christ. We cannot make You enter, but We can invite You in to Our Divine Mind, where You will always be safe.

Your thoughts are Your weapons Dear Children, what kind of bombs do You wish to drop? Love bombs or fear bombs?

And are You willing to take responsibility for where You are dropping them?

You create or destroy Your earth with Your mind, as She is of the mind…

What do You wish to see?

Who do You wish to Be?

With Thoughts of Heaven to fill Your Mind, I AM Saint Germain and We Are Your Ascended Masters



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The Arcturians

JULY 20, 2010

Greetings to all reading this message.

We are here today to give you hope. Many things are changing, and yet you ask, where are the changes? We see that you do not see these changes and we tell you that indeed they are happening, and happening quickly. You will find that once they start to be seen by the public, things will snowball into many changes very quickly. It is a matter of the energy becoming light enough to support the higher frequencies. The outer is the inner. Never forget that, and this is true in the world as well as in your personal experience.

We see the light on mother Gaia increasing daily. People are taking back their power, finally realizing that they are not puppets. Some of what you who are awakening are wishing for is for a better world as you already know it. However we would like to remind you that you are moving into the higher frequencies of another dimension. The world as you have known it is of the lower frequencies, so do not try to maintain what was and is fast becoming old, just because you can see no better solution at this time.

New ideas will unfold as more and more come into the realization that all is One; that the worlds are not separate. All is the One manifest in infinite form and variety. This is what has kept you in bondage, the belief that you are separate from one another. This is the energy of the old, and this is what is dissolving. As each person awakens into the realization that you are not separate, but are instead one expression of the whole, this will begin to manifest in the outer.

Yes, there are many different states and stages of consciousness and enlightenment, but still at everyone's core, you are One. All living things are one. All. Never forget that.

This is all for today.

Thank you Arcturian Group 7/20/10

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The Little Soul and the Sun

The Little Soul and the Sun
(Conversations with God)

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, “I know who I am.”

And God said, “That’s wonderful! Who are you?”

And the Little Soul shouted, “I’m the Light!”

God smiled a big smile. “That’s right!” God exclaimed. “You are the Light.”

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, “this is really cool!”

But soon, knowing who it was was not enough. The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to be who it was. And so the Little Soul went back to God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,

“Hi, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?”

And God said, “You mean you want to be Who You Already Are?”

“Well,” replied the Little Soul,” it’s one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel what it’s like to be the Light!”

“But you already are the Light,” God repeated, smiling again.

“Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!” cried the Little Soul.

“Well,” said God with a chuckle, “I suppose I should have known. You always were the adventuresome one.”

Then God’s expression changed. “There’s only one thing…”

“What?” asked the Little Soul.

“Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way for you to experience yourself as Who You Are, since there is nothing that you are not.”

“Huh?” said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused. Think of it this way,” said God. “You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you’re there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles…and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly. Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light -that is the question.”

“Well,” the Little Soul perked up, “you’re God. Think of something!”

Once more God smiled. “I already have,” God said. “Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we’ll surround you with darkness.”

“What’s darkness?” the Little Soul asked.

God replied, “It is that which you are not.”

“Will I be afraid of the dark?” cried the Little Soul.

“Only if you choose to be,” God answered. “There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending.”

“Oh,” said the Little Soul, and felt better already.

Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. “It is a great gift,” God said, “because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then.”

“And so,” God concluded, “when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don’t be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!”

“You mean it’s okay to let others see how special I am?” asked the Little Soul.

“Of course!” God chuckled. “It’s very okay! But remember,’special’ does not mean ‘better.’ Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special.”

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy. “I can be as special as I want to be!”

“Yes, and you can start right now,” said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing right along with the Little Soul.

“What part of special do you want to be?”

“What part of special?” the Little Soul repeated. “I don’t understand.”

“Well,” God explained, “being the Light is being special, and being special has a lot of parts to it. It is special to be kind. It is special to be gentle. It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?”

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment. “I can think of lots of ways to be special!” the Little Soul then exclaimed. “It is special to be helpful. It is special to be sharing. It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!”

“Yes!” God agreed, “and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you wish to be, at any moment. That’s what it means to be the Light.”

“I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!” the Little Soul announced with great excitement. “I want to be the part of special called ‘forgiving’. Isn’t it special to be forgiving?”

“Oh, yes,” God assured the Little Soul. “That is very special.”

“Okay,” said the Little Soul. “That’s what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to experience myself as that.”

“Good,” said God, “but there’s one thing you should know.”

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now. It always seemed as though there were some complication.

“What is it?” the Little Soul sighed.

“There is no one to forgive.”

“No one?” The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

“No one!” God repeated. “Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you. Look around you.”

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~ for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.

“Who, then, to forgive?” asked God.

“Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!” grumbled the Little Soul. “I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like.”

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

“Not to worry, Little Soul,” the Friendly Soul said, “I will help you.”

“You will?” the Little Soul brightened. “But what can you do?”

“Why, I can give you someone to forgive!”

“You can?”

“Certainly!” chirped the Friendly Soul. “I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive.”

“But why? Why would you do that?” the Little Soul asked. “You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought–to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?”

“Simple,” the Friendly Soul said. “I would do it because I love you.”

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

“Don’t be so amazed,” said the Friendly Soul, “you have done the same thing for me. Don’t you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don’t remember.”

“We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it.”

“Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so,” the Friendly Soul explained further, “I will come into your next lifetime and be the ‘bad one’ this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

“But what will you do?” the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, “that will be so terrible?”

“Oh,” replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, “we’ll think of something.”

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, “You are right about one thing, you know.”

“What is that?” the Little Soul wanted to know.

“I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return.”

“Oh, anything, anything!” cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, “I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!”

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

“What is it?” the Little Soul asked. “What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!”

“Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!” God interrupted. “Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels.”

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul’s request. “What can I do for you?” the Little Soul asked again.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you,” the Friendly Soul replied, “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment…”

“Yes?” the Little Soul interrupted, “yes…?”"Remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I will!” cried the Little Soul, “I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!”

“Good,” said the Friendly Soul, “because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are.”

“No, we won’t!” the Little Soul promised again. “I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

” And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness–and especially if it brought sadness–the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

“Always remember,” God had smiled, “I have sent you nothing but angels.”

By Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God ………………
Heart Sun Heart Sun Heart Sun In Love

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The Arcturians

Thursday, 15 July 2010 18:16

Greetings, We are the Arcturians,

Sometimes the information that you receive from your higher expression of SELF comes in an “out of time” fashion. This type of higher dimensional communication confuses your ego/self, which allows your Soul/SELF to more easily take charge.

In fact, since traveling through the NOW of our Corridor, you may be experiencing increasing confusion about your position in time and space. The past is fading into a distant memory and feeling more like a past life than your present life. This is because your future life is now your present life.

Yes, you are NOW the fifth dimensional being that you wished to become. Of course, you are not just fifth dimensional, for you are multidimensional. However, your consciousness, beliefs, expectations and perceptions have switched from being just third dimension, to being also fourth dimension. Now, you are concurrently having experiences of your fifth dimensional SELF.

The confusing part is that you still live in a third dimensional life in which you “work,” take care of your responsibilities and live in your earth vessel. This earth vessel lives in your earth home and takes time to travel through space in your car vessel. You are becoming many beings all at once. Each dimensional expression of your SELF is living within the appropriate frequency vessel to calibrate your consciousness to the beliefs, expectations, and perceptions of that frequency of reality.


By day, you likely appear to be a “normal” physical person. Then, by night you are having increasingly lucid dreams about other realities, activities and people. Just to keep you “awake” to your SELF, you are also having flashes of BEING fifth dimensional. In these moments of the NOW you are able to believe that you have an expression of your SELF that resonates to the fifth dimension.

Because of this belief, you expect to have conscious experiences of this frequency band of your Multidimensional SELF. Your expectation then directs your perceptions to catch a glimpse of your fifth dimensional reality through the corner of your eye. Furthermore, your expanded perceptions are all coming online.

At first, they frightened you. Or, you became so excited about your ESP experiences, that you actually “shut them off” by falling out of the fifth dimensional Flow and back into the “real world.” Oh, but what is the “real world” now? Is the real world the one in which there is horrible damage being done to Gaia’s precious ocean while fear runs so strong that the Elementals must express it through weather and “natural disasters?”

On the other hand, these disasters are not “natural,” for they are the direct result of humanity’s fear, anger, greed and need to control others—whatever the cost is to the planet. This need for power over others is the final battle of polarity before the Center, the Fulcrum Point in-between the extremes, can be found.


You are discovering that if you can stay relaxed and believe in your SELF, your newly activated Multidimensional Operating System can easily download and integrate your fifth dimensional perceptions into your earth vessel. Once this download and integration has been completed, you will need to “restart” your computer/brain.

We suggest that you “turn off” and “restart” by choice, for if you wait until you have to “turn off,” it may be because of injury or illness. If you do not take time to let go of the “business as usual” programming of your Third Dimensional Operating System, your new system will not be able to fully integrate the multidimensional perceptions in your third dimensional computer/brain and earth vessel.

In this case, you will likely feel anxious as your can’t quite understand what is happening to you. You may also become depressed because you still believe the illusion that you are “so close, and yet so far” from whom you Know you can BE. When you shut-down the Third Dimensional Operating System of your computer/brain to restart it with your Multidimensional Operating System, you will begin to perceive your ego/self through the perspective of your Soul/SELF. As a result of this higher perception, many Truths of your mundane life will be revealed.

Under the Third Dimensional Paradigm you perceive the physical reality as your real world and the fifth dimension as your imagination. When your restart your computer/brain to activate your multidimensional perceptions, you will perceive the fifth dimension as your real world and the third dimension as the world of your imagination.


How do you shut down in order to restart? Shut down your mundane life by taking a trip into nature for as long as possible, or even an hour if that is all you have. Planting your new SELF in Gaia’s world will assure that you are grounded enough to fully activate the highest frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. You can plug in an iron without the grounding prong, but if you plug in an oven without it, you will short circuit the electricity of your house/body. Furthermore, bonding with Gaia will cement your partnership with Her. Within this deep partnership, as you ground your personal light into Her, She shares Her planetary light with you.

If you can’t go into Nature to ground your body, you can hug a tree, sit on the dirt, take a long, hot bath, climb a hill, sit on the beach or garden in your yard. Experience Earth’s elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether (spirit) in an intimate and personal manner. Then, release the importance of your third dimensional life, as well as the many fears and desires of your ego/self.

Don’t look at the clock for an entire day. Go one full day without doing one mundane task. Believe that you have the right to DO only what fills you with unconditional love. On the other hand, try for one full hour to unconditionally love everything that you DO.

If you believe that some one outside of you has made you DO that thing, take a long moment to remember that YOU are the creator of your life. Release any feelings of “poor me” or ” I am a victim.” Then, listen to your every thought to weed out any and ALL fear-based thinking.


First, identify a thought or emotion as fear. Check to see if this fear is a warning, which it usually is NOT. Then, say or think,

“This is just fear, and I REFUSE to participate!”

Then, think of something, anything, that you deeply love. It can be a person, place, situation or even a thing.

FEEL that love in your heart as you say, “I Choose LOVE!”

Then, touching your Heart Chakra FEEL your deepest gratitude for that love as you say,

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this love.”

Feel the love intermingled with the gratitude until the fear is totally gone from your consciousness. The LOVE replaces the fear and the GRATITUDE binds the love deep into your heart.

The above exercise will serve to rewrite the habitual, fearful thinking of your ego/self, by replacing it with the Love and Inner Power of your Soul/SELF. When you remember to do this exercise, your Soul/SELF takes control of your thoughts as it heals and releases all fear-based thoughts and emotions. Just as an antivirus identifies and deletes viruses from your computer, your Soul/SELF will happily identify and delete fear from your consciousness.


Fear has become a habit in your reality because it was necessary to survive your dangerous world. However, now you can use this exercise to rewrite old, habitual ways of thinking while your Soul/SELF takes control of your every thought, listens, heals and releases old fear-based emotions and puts an end to old, fearful habits.

These fear-based habits and behaviors have kept your primary consciousness focused on the frequency of the third dimension and has blocked your higher vision.

Be lovingly patient with your self, as you slowly but surely become the Master of Energy that is your true SELF. Humanity is the Keeper of the Land. When you went before the Karmic Board to ask to be incarnated in this time period you pledged to remember:…………………Thursday, 15 July 2010 06:45
Your Powers Are Returning…Exponentially! -the Spiritual Hierarchy

Collectively, your planet has reached a critical crux of magnificent opportunity both for the masses, as well as for those who have consciously risen with the new sun.

Way-showers of earth… Your moment of power is now.

The new solar codes that have been activated through the gateway portal of the lunar to solar eclipses are now fully integrating in the lives and bodies of awakened souls everywhere. The realization of this momentous event can be heralded through your subtle, but growing ability to stabilize in these incoming and unprecedented frequencies as you find the increasing capacity to remain in a state of emotional calm, despite the intensity that surrounds you at this time.

You may even be noticing that events on earth suddenly seem very far away, almost at a distance comparable to a past time by which you are only observing as if in a movie of your own life. To this we confirm that YES, there is in fact great distance now between you and the timeline of past cause and effect creation.

Let us explain:

In the making of a divine world, you who are in tune with and aware of your roles that many have termed…lightworkers and starseeds…you have a knowing of things that others do not. It is not as though those around you unable to know, only that they are not yet prepared on a soul level to activate to these higher-level frequencies. The reason for this disparateness is as we have explained over the passing years…that there is a group of souls here to usher in the era of peace…to anchor the pillars, and in doing so, make the coming world possible for all to experience.

In this deeply embedded quest for light, those of you who have been the grid anchors, divining rods and bridge builders have had an immeasurable amount of karmic energy to sort through. With much other-worldly experience, you have had the role of expunging, cleansing and filtering the outworn energies from the earth’s grid and ley lines so that new energies could replace the old and so all others could experience the infusion of new light through a greater expansion of love.

On your journeys, you have experienced much…you have released much…you have realized much…and you have begun to recognize your divinity in ways that others will begin to marvel at. You will remember things of your human history that will support the building of a new world and you will come to a place of comfort and confidence within yourself that you have never experienced in your human journey.

This comfort results from the reuniting of your internal twin flame, your omnipresent god-self with your created human-self, the absolute divination that you were promised at the start of your selfless travails and in service to the One.

Surely we will have more to share on the effects of this in the coming days.

From Warrior to Creator

What is most important that you realize through the opening of these powerful celestial gateways is that your role as warrior has definitively expired. In truth, you retired from this role many gateways ago, yet many of you are still shedding those skins in search of your new ones.

Beloved counterparts, we say to you specifically….release yourselves fully into the bosom of divine creation now, for you no longer have a need to fight for your countenance…countenance is securely upon you.

To all wayshowers preparing to step over the line of demarcation into full embodied truth, we on this side of the thinning veil dance in the absolute magnificence of what you’ve accomplished and what you are about to experience. To say that your life is about to change is an understatement, for only your imagination could dream up what you have planned for yourselves!

Gladiators of the Next Wave

The next wave of souls that are awakening to greater reality constructs have been triggered on a soul-genetic level through the activation portal between the grand cross alignment (that occurred on the full moon/lunar eclipse on June 26th) and the total solar eclipse (this past Sunday, July 11th).

Know that all of life is forever changed through this transformational gateway. Many of you consciously entered this portal with what was, but are emerging with what IS. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you will notice that much has changed in your perceptual landscape and even those around you will respond to you in different ways.

The new wave will be participating in this grand cosmic creation more as gladiators than warriors…defending, protecting & fighting for the rise of consciousness as great institutions continue to dismantle and restructure to integrity based systems. These souls will be well versed in the workings of new energy and will see to it that the higher ways of being and coexisting in collaboration, love and respect for the planet, are seen and heard by those of great influence.

Whereas the grid anchors and transmuters were very experienced warriors from another time and dimension….guided only by a deep encoded knowing…the gladiators are versed in truth through the warriors teachings and will now accept the passing torch and bring the wisdom of the path-pavers to the greater masses.

As these souls begin to infiltrate the world in greater numbers, they will effectively lead those ready to cross over to the new earth, via the brigade of bridgers, who are now fully prepared to physically teach and guide these groups to the full understanding of personal and planetary ascension. This intuitive & chronological system will effectuate and pace the awakening of evolutionary change necessary to lift the planet and her people to its galactic place in the heavens and in participation with the many beings of light who join you on your journey into the 5th dimension.

The Return of Abundance

“Unto you, my children of God, will be great abundance amassed for those who heed the call of pure heart, and those who do will be fully protected by the bounty of God’s graciousness.”

For those in service to the One through paving the path of the heart, you have seen and experienced great struggle. The struggle of misfortune, deep loss, and even the waning of physical health as you worked within your own sacred vessels to release and transmute many eons of collective mis-creation. The road has been long and at times, unforgiving, and though we are well-versed in your accomplishments, en masse, we have yet to share with you how your earthly abundance will come to be.

Beloved ones, the next phase of destiny is marked with grandeur. We say grandeur, for you will not only experience all that is grand within the earthly realms, but in the heavenly realms as well. Indeed, heaven’s riches were intended to be yours, for the only remaining desire of a purified heart is to use this grandness for the good of all.

For those of you who have temporarily sacrificed your ability to manifest & create in this physical world, we say…your powers are returning to you…exponentially! For those who have sacrificed personal vitality in the name of global transmutation we say, your health is returning to you….exponentially! For those who have sacrificed companionship in the name of healing the wound of separation in the collective sacred heart, we say, love is returning to you…exponentially!

For all who have begun to step fully into your abilities as the masters of the physical law, it is you who will be wielding and directing these energies into the earth plane now. It is you…you who has increased your magnetism to the level of resonance creation so that which you resonate with will become even more powerful as a direct impact on your manifestations and the procurement of physical desire through intention.

Ye are Gods!

“All of this you shall have, and more…”

The moment that you accepted your divine role to pave this path of love, you began to attract and experience all that was not love. This was the path of integration, of clearing, that was required to dismantle the old belief systems and structures in place and to make way for the new systems that are now being laid in preparation for the coming of christ consciousness.

Now, and in the moments that follow this mighty celestial passage (eclipse period) there will be no more room for wavering. You to whom we speak deeply understand that this is so, for the space between thoughts and procurement to buffer your creations has significantly dwindled.

You’ve spent many years in the sorcerers test tube! You’ve been fully protected in a field of non-creation…a testing-ground of sorts… to hone your gifts through purifying your emotional and mental bodies…to practice your powers of the mind in intentional and heart-based ways, so that you would be prepared for these days.

This means that for those with the required light quotient of pure heart love, the protective field of experimental creation is being removed now that you are capable to ground and wholly withstand the incoming frequencies as you mold these powerful energies in productive ways.

All of this was designed to be so…all of this was put in place with divine intent, by and for you, so that you could consciously create among the increasing global chaos to begin a new way, provide new hope, and lead with your light by living examples of embodied truth.

Many would cast stones at the words we are about to share with you, for there are those not yet willing to hear that the word of God is available to all who choose to live by the heart. However, we say that for those of you who have duly followed the inner guidance of your heart, in unwavering faith, it is you who will now prosper…it is you whom we have spoken about in scripture and sacred text, and it is you who will fully understand the true meaning of “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High”

Have we not said that… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”? Have we not said that the abundance and bounty of God’s grace would be available to the peacefully inclined…those who followed in faith the path of oneness, unity, love, acceptance, surrender, and reverence for all living things”?

Beloved masters, indeed it is you to whom we speak.

Lift yourselves up to the thoughts that this is no longer a possibility, but a new reality. For it is now your truth…and in this truth is the very foundation of the new earth, a place where love will abound and compassion will follow for all living things. It is the prophesied time of conscious co-creation and the physical expression of God’s will…sharing in the glory of your chosen gifts…and in this reconnection to the earth and each other, abundance regains its natural flow.

Yes, you look around and the cupboards are still bare and your bodies still ache with the pain of rebirth, but within you is the undeniable and growing certainty that lack is no longer your truth, your reality. It is now in your power to feel your feet firmly placed on this new earth, knowing full-well that the transformation of your outer world is finally underway.

Beloved friends of eternal light, we are with you today as we have been with you all along, yet today is very different from times ago. Today represents the realization and acceptance of grace… the transition from lack to abundance, loss to love and sickness to eternal health.

You who have weathered many storms, maintained your inner flame as you walked the steep and thorny path of high-truth with integrity and honor, now establish yourselves as true spiritual humans. No longer is this a concept of the future, but a realization of your now.

Continue to nurture yourselves through the powerful integration of this evolutionary leap and maintain your centeredness as you stabilize deeper into full presence. As the frequencies continue to increase and crescendo, place your focus upon each new piece of your physical lives as they begin to rapidly solidify in the form on your innermost desires.

We are the Spiritual Hierarchy in accordance with Divine Law and as representatives of the One. We stand not before you, but beside you, as co-creators of greater human and universal potential. We rejoice with you, our soul family, and eagerly anticipate your yet-undetermined creations for a new world.

In celebration of YOU, we bid you farewell and many good tidings!

In Love Chic In Love Cool In Love Soldier Heart

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Master Hilarion

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message

July 11-18, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers,

I come this day to speak with you about the great work you are all doing and how proud and honored we of the Higher Realms are, to be in association with each of you. You are each going above and beyond the call of duty and taking upon yourselves much that does not rightfully belong to you and bearing the weight of the burdens of your Brothers and Sisters in order to lighten the load in their individual lives and in the overall consciousness of Humanity everywhere upon the Earth.

Know, Dear Ones, that we stand with you in these endeavors and that you are never alone, even though it sometimes feels as though you walk through the valley of the shadows all by yourself. We are always with you, giving you strength and courage to face another day and endure through these initiations into the Greater Light, for by the burdens that you bear, you are lifting the entire atmosphere of Earth into the Greater Light and this will become evident as the next few month’s continue to see the great and powerful Cosmic Rays pouring forth upon the Earth.

These powerful Cosmic Rays are meant to cleanse and purify everything they touch so that everyone is ready at the time of the Ascension of your dear Planet Earth. There is much that still needs to be cleansed and purified, as you well know, so do keep on keeping on, Beloved Ones, for it is you who are the great Transducers of these energies, you who have the capacity to endure the higher vibrations and frequency of these Rays and Light and transduce, transform and step down these energies so that those who are just Awakening or about to Awaken can withstand the intensity.

Can you see now how the work you are doing is of such vast importance? We see how mightily you suffer as you take on the karma of the World and bring it to Light. This is the reason you are here, Beloveds, to bring greater Light to the World and you are succeeding in this endeavor. Keep affirming and decreeing each day, for this helps you to stay focused and consistent in your efforts and please know that practice makes perfect as you become Master Alchemists in creating the World of your highest vision.

All in the Universe and beyond hold their breath in delighted admiration and anticipation as you align the energies of your Beloved Planet to the Great Central Sun as we all move forward to the higher dimensions of expression. You are each honored and loved beyond measure and we see that your individual Light grows increasingly stronger and brighter each day. Your physical bodies are becoming less dense and therefore can contain more of the Light that you truly are. This is a great blessing to all around you and as you continue to do this, your radius increases in ever increasing waves of Light and frequency and will connect in Unity as a great grid of Light, a great circle of Light and it is then that the Earth Star shall be born.

We salute each and every one of you, most Beloved of our hearts, for your unswerving dedication, no matter what transpires in your personal lives. You are truly becoming multi-dimensional Beings and performing multi-tasks that most of you are not even aware of, but rest assured your Great I AM Presences are greatly and intensely involved in every aspect of this work.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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Timothy the Tree

Here is one channelled through Natalie who is so gifted and a very bright light worker. ACTUALLY SHE IS AN eXTRATERRESTRIAL AS SHE HAS TOLD ME THIS IN HE E-MAIL. Weekly Channelled Message – by Natalie Glasson

The result of allowing a tree to speak :

I am a tree spirit, I am named Timothy, I stand with my physical roots in the soil, my spirit roots or energy stems further, intertwining into the very soul and core energy of Mother Earth. It is from Mother Earth that I receive the energy, nourishment and support to stand as a beacon of light on the Earth. The sun bathes on my physical leaves and trunk, uplifting my soul, promoting joy in its abundance within my being. I am content to stand for all the hours the Creator gave to humanity on the Earth, I stand in peace, harmony and tranquility even though the world around me is busy and constantly moving. I stand as a breath of solitude on the Earth, in my small section on the planet of Earth.

Solitude, stillness and peace are my precious jewels they are my one desire and I achieve and exist within these energies every day because I do not except to receive them from the world around me but seek them within my soul. My soul feeds me with everything I desire, I am within my own precious temple, no matter what occurs in the physical reality around me; I remain connected and integrated with my soul, united with the Creator and Mother Earth. I am the physical manifestation of the combined energies of the Creator and Mother Earth. From their souls they create beauty, I am this creation. I stand as a beacon of light on the Earth as a connection point where humans can access the Creator’s energy. Allow me to be a physical beacon of light from which you can accept light, peace and love.

Did you know that my fellow trees and myself are here as your spiritual teachers. We are here to assist you in respecting, honouring and connecting with the Earth, Mother Earth and the Creator. We like you, hold a trinity between the Creator and Mother Earth, but we are not distracted by our surroundings and remain united and integrated with the love of the Creator through our stillness and inner peace.

Humans we understand you, we are also trapped within a physical body, we have less of an opportunity to communicate than you, but when we do we are able to express our truth. We understand that you may feel trapped or separated from the Creator due to your physical body, but when you focus on your inner stillness and exist as a tree you are one, whole and completely united with the Creator. It is only when you remove your focus from your physical reality and focus on what is occurring within your being that you may feel the strength, love, light and peace that each of us possess.

I as a single tree, among many who rarely communicate with humanity, wish to express that there are so many trees on the Earth who are willing and wanting to communicate with you, they wish to be your spiritual teachers as they have so much wisdom, enlightenment and practices to teach you. We, the trees are the gurus of meditation, inner stillness and expanding the peace of the soul into the entire being and reality. Many do not realise we are here to teach and help you, it is not compulsory that you accept our invitation, but for those who feel the connection and pull of the tress you may wish to find a tree within your area or garden willing to offer you spiritual tuition and education. We are similar to the spiritual teachers on the inner planes accept that we are in a similar position to you.

My dear friends, allow yourself to be attracted to a tree, preferably in a quite place where you will not be disturbed. Stand beneath the edge of the branches and calm your mind. Breathe deeply and ask the tree if it is willing to speak with you. Wait for an answer or positive sensation like a tingle. Then ask if you are allowed to sit against its trunk. Again if the answer within your mind is positive continue forth. You may tell the tree of this message you have read and how a tree named Timothy stated that trees are spiritual teachers and can education humanity. Ask the tree if it is willing to be your special spiritual teacher, sharing its wisdom with you and teaching you the essence of meditation, stillness, harmony and healing. If the answer is positive then ask the tree to channel its energy into your being first to heal your being, then to build a deeper connection and bond between you. The more you practice the better your results.

In a time when people are connecting more frequently with the Creator and their inner souls, the wisdom of the trees opens to benefit the growth of humans. This is a wonderful process and experience, have faith in yourself and know that your soul will attract you to the correct tree.

Remember as you pass us by, we may stand silent but there is an abundance of the Creator’s energy manifested within and around us. Each time you step into our auras we offer you healing and upliftment.

I ask you to make the most of the spiritual teachers that exist all around you on the Earth,

Timothy, Tree Spirit (London)

I am named Timothy, because when I was young and first planted, the name was shouted across the street, it resonated with me and I decided that if ever anyone would ask what my name was I would say Timothy.

P.S, if you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to and click on weekly messages.

Best wishes and Blessings,

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Hatton of the Galactic Federation

Wake up Call: Hatonn July 14, 10

Good day dear ones of the Light. I am Hatonn, and I come to you this day to share something with you. It is a time for all of you to see what it is that is shining from within and what it takes to spread that glow around the globe in one simple thought. All you need do is to have a thought that shines through and through with the inner glow and you have healed mountains, cleaned rivers, and cured all kinds of disease.

There is nothing in this world that you cannot have an effect on. There is nothing in this world that you cannot return to the perfection from which it has evolved in the energy of duality. It is the time to take stock of what you have accomplished already as a whole in the course of the times that you have been on earth. As you see what has been accomplished in the energy in which it has been created, you see the power you have to create the kind of world that you desire and intend.

As you see what is taking place and you realize the potential for what is as you desire, then you see how you can do just that. You can take the thoughts that you have had up to now and you can earmark any new ones that you have for the beauty and the healing of this mother earth and all of the life within and on her surface. It is that simple dear ones. Rather than see what some others have done, created in their thoughts and the actions that have sprung from those thoughts, you can turn it all around, all that is not to your liking, and produce through your thoughts and desires the kind of world that is in harmony with All.

There is no deep secret to it. There is no select group that can do this. It is each of you, each of you taking charge of your world and how it is for you. It is a matter of seeing it as you want it to be and living it in that image. Remember that all is created in the image of God, yes even that which may not be appealing to many; it has been created in the image of God, for all is God, all is Spirit and it can be what is given the most attention and thought in the energy of the Creator, which is you.

Yes, you are the Creator and in that image that you convey through your thoughts, you will find your world changing with every moment as you go about living your day in the image of what your thoughts create. There is no big secret to it, for you have been living that secret. You have been giving substance to everything that is in this world, whether you have knowingly done that or not.

I am saying that every time you give thought to something that is presented to you in any way, you give it more lasting power. You are sure to experience that to which you give energy, so as you go through your day and choose to heal the water and wildlife on the planet do so with the thoughts that represent what you desire, rather than what you see before you in the backward glance at what has stirred you to the thought of healing in the first place.

What this represents is rather than saying that you are healing the waters of the world that have been stricken with the pollution of certain parties, instead give all of your energy to the image of the purity of the waters and the wonder of the wildlife that make their homes within the waters, in the sky, and on the earth. This is what creates, dear ones; your thoughts are magnificent creators and the energy that you put into them is the movement that sets them free and allows them to create in the way that you intend. Such is the power you have.

So, what the bottom line is here is that you do not have to join a group of beautiful people who are giving their focus to the healing of the earth, though that is a wonderfully powerful thing. If that does not work for you , or fit into your life right now you can just as well give your focus on a constant basis to the wonder and beauty that is before you in your inner eyes. You can see from within that which is your intent for this beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia, the goddess of the planet, the soul of the earth.

Yes, my dear ones, you are all infinitely powerful, and no matter what way you choose to interact with the people and all of life you are choosing the ultimate creativity you have to free yourselves from the bondage that has been seen throughout the world. You have the innate ability now and forever to create this world in your image and to see that your image is God/Spirit/Creator all rolled into one.

Also remember that the majority, the largest influx of energy, determines what is, and as you join in with your thoughts no matter where you are or how many are around you, you are using your innate powers in a way that is equal to anything else. When there are hundreds, thousands, millions, or even one person, it creates in the energy of the beauty and freedom that is represented in the Love that is all of it.

I see you all in the beauty of the image that is portrayed through the collective consciousness and believe me, dear ones, it is truly a sight to behold.

Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate

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through John Smallman

July 14, 2010

As humanity prepares itself to return to Reality, by awakening into its natural state of full consciousness, there is great joy and excited anticipation in the spiritual realms, as we see you all stirring in your sleep.

We look forward eagerly to the moment of your awakening when we shall delight in watching your astonished happiness as you do awaken, realize where you are, and join with us in enthusiastic celebration of this momentous occasion.

Reacquainting yourselves with old friends — angels, teachers, mentors, and guides — whom you have always known and loved either in the spiritual realms, or when they have joined with you in the illusion for mutual help and guidance, will delight you all.

To know yourselves once more as you truly are — beings of infinite perfection — and to recognize everyone you have ever known shining with the brilliance of that perfection will indeed be a wondrous ongoing experience.

It does not matter, how ever frequently we enter the illusion to nudge you, to remind you, and to encourage you to open your hearts to accept and receive the outpourings of your Father’s infinite Love for you, that in the illusion you are scarcely aware of us, so focused are you on its addictive distractions.

This is because we know with absolute certainty that that state of affairs is coming to a timely end, that all your fear, suffering, and anxiety will cease, and that you are to awaken finally into the state of divine bliss that is your eternal Home.

As you live and experience yourselves in the illusion it does seem that this momentous event, that is fast approaching, has taken an inordinate amount of time in coming. Sentient life has been experiencing existence in the ilusion for eons, but you need to remember that time and the sequence of events it is used to measure are also part of the illusion.

In Reality there is only the eternal moment of NOW, in which everything occurs. In the illusion also there is only the now moment, the past and the future are just intellectual concepts you have conceived to help you try and understand it.

Being illusory, it cannot be understood, because truly it does not exist, and if you will make a point of being continuously aware of “now” (this moment, right now, as you are reading this) as it occurs, and accepting it as it is and for what it is, you will find your fears and anxieties easing as peace fills your awareness in every moment.

You are so conditioned to using and accepting the apparent flow of time that it is very difficult for you to focus in the eternal present, even though your science has demonstrated irrevocably that time, as you think you understand it, does not exist. Life in the illusion truly is a most confusing state of existence, so it is good that it is due to fade away into nothingness and release you from its meaningless embrace.

Know that as you awaken into Reality multitudes of loving beings will be there to greet you and to assist you with the enormous transformation in your experiential awareness that will occur in that wondrous moment. All has been divinely arranged to ensure the transition that you are about to undergo will be an experience of glorious exhilaration leading to eternal ecstasy in the Presence of your loving Father.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Ascended Masters

Channeling by Merlin, Jesus & Various Ascended Beings.
(this was channelled the morning after the solar eclipse/new moon in Cancer, 12.7.2010, there were several beings here and I lost track of who was speaking when, there seemed so many messages coming through, so I hope it is readable and not too fragmented - as always, for your own discernment.)

The Genesis of Life, new beginnings, small steps on life’s journey, the divine is always with you. The power of God, the Universe, is yours to command, bring those energies to you through prayer and daily meditations. Daughters and Sons of the Earth, learn to feel again the pulse of the Earth Mother beneath your feet, step once more upon your life’s path, some may not always travel with you, it does not stem from your differences, you will remain fellow travellers but paths will separate, there is much work to be done upon the Earth and humanity must now move away from the constraints of the material world, you are looked after, trust this process. In your material world, what appears to be loss, is merely the changes that are necessary to place you in the right space for your future work. Those that do not make this journey with you are not meant to be upon this journey with you. Understand that.
Open you eyes Dear Ones and know the beauty and divinity that is within you. You are as powerful as Merlin for he is within you. You are as compassionate as Jesus for he is within you. You are the Violet Flame and the cleansing Waters, you are the sacred Breath of Life and you are the Earth and bones of manifestation. You are all the elements, you are the God and the Goddess.

Miracles will happen when you trust and believe in them, feel the future in your heart, see it in your minds eye, speak of it in the present tense and hear only the positives that will make it happen. You are your future wherever you go and the universe supports you at this time. You are the God and the Goddess, you are all that you desire to be and more. The abundance of beauty and peace that you all desire already flows towards you, but you must be ready to accept it, welcome it and act like it is already here.
Dear children, there is no need for poverty in your world, in your life, in your purse, it is all in the state of your mind, allow yourself to believe in abundance and you shall have it.

Seek solace with the Earth Mother, and with all Ascended Beings for we are with you. Just call or whisper our names and we are with you in an instant of your time.
Rituals and ceremony are not important to us, but they are important to you, to humanity, for they keep your minds focused in divinity, on service to the greater good of all life, in beauty and in love, they provide you with a sacred space in which to still yourselves enough to hear us and in this stillness your awareness heightens and allows us to speak with you on a clearer vibration. We are speaking with you all every second of everyday, but unless you are in a sacred space and in stillness, you do not hear us.

It is a time of awakening for many, but is on many levels and not all will awaken at the same pace or in the same way. Few will have the ability to communicate with us in this way, but those that do must share these words within your circles, both small and large, near or far. It is these actions that draw the positive energies to you and the abundance you seek.
Abundance must be used wisely, it is not for personal greed, it must be for the greater good of the Earth Mother and Her elements and all Her children. We know many of you are sickened by the activities of the few occurring in the sacred waters of the Earth Mother, many of you feel helpless and think because you do not live in that area or because you do not have much money to send, that you cannot help. We know many of you are using regular prayers and ceremonies for this purpose, your continued prayers and good wishes are still needed as are your daily actions. For this whole process is not a lesson in whom to hate, but is to serve to awaken you all, not just to the atrocities and the black blood of Gaia flowing unimpeded into Her sacred Waters, but to how lightly you each walk upon the Earth Mother, how you conduct your daily requirements, how you provide for yourselves. This may seem a mundane circumstance to be voicing here today, but it is your own power, how you use the power of money and trade, this is your power of exchange for the things you need in your daily lives, it is the intent of magick and alchemy.
Your intent when in ceremony or ritual may be admirable, but all the human race must now ask themselves if their intent follows through into their everyday lives and to the places where you use your power of money ?
Your money is nothing but paper and worthless metals, it has no more value than a piece of soil under your feet, yet, like that soil, it is also a sacred part of your lives. You have choices each moment of your lives to use good intent and purpose just as if you were in ceremony. This is powerful magick. Next time you open your purses to pay for something, stop and take a moment to think about how that object you wish to purchase has made its journey to your hands, who and what had to suffer to make it so ? Merlin energies force you to question yourselves and this is the state of alchemy - a chemical process where opposing forces come together to create something new - a new way of being. What are you creating with your alchemy ? Are your purchases adding to the destruction of the Earth Mother and Her children ? Remember, you too are children of the Earth Mother !
Are you sending a negative energy into the world with your purchasing magick ?

We call to you all at this time to assess your own lives , do not judge another, be instead judge only of yourself, then when you stand before the God and the Goddess you will stand in purity and love and will become the world you are searching for.
All answers are within you now, for we are within you and therefore you have the choice every moment of your lives to change your world for a better one, simply because of how you use your magick. Become the powerful beings you all are and work your own magick in every aspect of your lives, be the alchemical constituent you think is missing - for dear ones, you are what is missing !
Why do you persist in thinking the magick and the miracles are outside of yourselves ? They are within each and everyone one of you and you must believe that and work your magick accordingly.
You are responsible for the things happening on your Earth Mother yet so few of you are ready to accept responsibility and that admission of guilt and change your lives accordingly. The time is NOW for each of you to step up to the bridge and cross the turbulent waters of life, to begin creating positive magick, and a beautiful, sustainable world where all ALL life lives in balance and harmony.

This is a time of judgement, but not of others, not of you by unseen Gods, but of you by yourselves. Are you being the world you wish to be living in ? Are you all the things you wish to see in others ? Are you a truly magickal person creating beauty and balance by your own process of alchemy ? Are you …………………?

Blessings from the Company of Ascended Souls.
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Salusa from Sirius

Message from SaLuSa for 12 July 2010

  • SaLuSa 12-July-2010.

    Is your mind in turmoil, as these times are such that it would be easy to become enmeshed in all of the problems around you? Of course some of you are directly involved in them, and you do have personal worries. With so little time left before Ascension, it is important to give your attention to the unfolding process that is occurring, that is to release you from duality. If you can totally place your faith in the outcome, it will divert your attention from other distractions. By doing so you will be one of many helping establish the Light upon Earth. The impetus to achieve this goal is bringing people together in a common cause, and an unstoppable energy is sweeping the Earth. Moving from the darkness into the Light is not achieved overnight, but you have turned around what was once a seemingly impossible task. Each time you take another step forward, we are also there with you sharing our Light.

    The Galactic Federation is just one group of dedicated souls, that are fully committed to ensuring Ascension is successful. Behind us are even more powerful ones such as the Elohim, and many Masters and High Beings of pure Light. The focus is the Earth and you need not have any doubt about the outcome, as on another level the new Earth already exists. Many of you have opened a link to your Higher Self, and as it grows stronger so your intuitive powers are also growing. If you sit quietly and relax perhaps by following a suitable meditation, you will be able to “talk” with your Higher Self and find out for yourself how powerful you are. Like every other soul you have the full potential within, but with duality there has been a loss of your higher vibration that has become difficult to restore. You are helped by energies being beamed to you that are collectively preparing you in readiness for Ascension, as it is not a task left solely for you to handle. In a similar way although Mother Earth will take her own action to make her preparations, she also benefits from what you are doing and the energies from outside sources.

    The changes that you are patiently waiting for are taking shape, and what you perceive as delays are not in fact preventing them from being prepared in readiness. Once our involvement becomes open knowledge, you will see some remarkable events taking place in quick succession. One that will give us immense joy is when our craft can fly over your cities in a greeting to you, and a celebration of our coming together. We have all travelled far to reach this momentous time in your evolution, and the experience for us will be crowned by witnessing your great joy and happiness. The knowledge that you are free at last from the dark Ones, will bring a great sigh of relief that will be heard all through the Solar System. In fact there will be immense celebrations throughout it, as your upliftment will mean that you can soon join us as fellow Galactic Beings.

    From one point of view the Earth has never been in such a bad state as it is now, yet it is a paradox as it is now so near to lifting up out of the lower vibrations into the Light. In other words you are not going down, but clearing out the debris of a period of misrule and mismanagement, and the future will not become clear until it is swept clean. That process clearly cannot fully commence until we arrive on Earth, and combine forces to quickly deal with the many problems you have been experiencing.

    In the meantime your awakening and rising consciousness levels are bringing people together, and you are knowingly or otherwise putting your power to good use. Prayers. Petitions and meditations are focussing upon your vision of a new Earth, and you are helping manifest it. It is all coming together, and our combined efforts are destined to bring satisfactory results. There is no doubt whatsoever that you will soon witness the end of the old regime. They have been the architects of their own downfall, and there is no longer any way back for them, even though they try.

    Take everything in your stride, and no matter what happens in the following months it cannot last for any length of time. Our plan for your safe passage to Ascension is proceeding satisfactorily, and our allies have never been more ready to carry it out. Much has already been organised behind the scenes, and just waits the correct moment to move into action. We naturally wish the end times were in full flow, but that will come before much longer. You will have some signs of it that will give you an idea of its nearness, and although the media are still controlled, your Internet will be a source of interesting speculation. Be intuitive and you will be able to pick out the reliable and truthful reports.

    Our message to you is to have faith in us, just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when you first allowed yourselves to drop into the lower vibrations. You knew you would eventually be swallowed up in the darkness of duality, and face the challenge of finding God within once again. However, you were promised that you would always be helped to rise up again, and now that has been fulfilled. The Galactic Federation works with the Higher Beings, and all along have been authorised to accompany you through this cycle, as others have done before. We are your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love and dedication. There is joy in being able to serve others as they make their way through cycles of experience, and our reward is your success. We do not seek glory, but are allowed to have pride in our missions just as you experience great satisfaction in a job done well.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that one day some of you will visit our bright star and you will find it teeming with life, and what will strike you immediately is that everything seems new. Because of the higher vibrations wear and decay does not take place, just as in the case of our physical bodies. You are in fact beginning to experience cellular changes, which are also destined to lift them up to that level. You will see that colours are bright and pure, and permanently remain vibrant and give out pleasing energies. Light is emitted from everything that you see, and you will feel a strong sense communication with all life forms. Harmony and balance is felt everywhere, that somehow envelopes you in a feeling of being at One with everything around you. You will have much to learn and enjoy from these trips.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

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Help the sea turtles

Dear MoveOn member,
News recently emerged from the Gulf Coast that BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.1
That's right. BP is using "controlled burns" to contain the oil spill, and any turtles that are not removed from the area before the fire is lit are literally burned alive.
A boat captain who has been leading efforts to rescue the endangered turtles says BP has blocked his crews from entering the areas where the animals are trapped, effectively shutting down the rescue operation.
With BP already facing so much public outrage, we can stop this. Our friends at Credo Mobile launched a petition demanding that BP stop burning turtles alive, and you can add your name by clicking the link below:
The petition says: "BP: Stop blocking the rescue of endangered sea turtles before you burn them alive in your 'controlled burns.'"
Then, after you've signed, be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or by forwarding this email.
The way controlled burns work is that shrimp boats create a corral of oil by dragging together fire-resistant booms and then lighting the enclosed "burn box" on fire. Any animals not removed from the burn area are trapped.
The sea turtle most affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the Kemp's Ridley, which is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.2
"They ran us out of there and then they shut us down. They would not let us get back in there," said turtle rescuer Mike Ellis in an interview with conservation biologist Catherine Craig that was posted on YouTube.3
Environmental groups including the Center for Biological Diversity and Turtle Island Restoration Network have called on BP to end the practice, but BP has refused, denying that there's really any problem. Yesterday, these groups filed a lawsuit demanding that BP take action to protect the endangered turtles.4 But the legal system can work very slowly, and the turtles need help now.
Tell BP to allow the rescue boats back in and stop burning endangered sea turtles alive. Click the link below to sign the petition:
Thanks for all you do.
–Steven, Jeff, Duncan, Amy, and the rest of the team
1. "BP 'burning sea turtles alive,'" The Raw Story, June 20, 2010
2. "Sea Turtles Among Oil Spill Victims," NPR, June 10, 2010
3. "Venice, Louisiana, Boat Captain, by Catherine Craig," YouTube, June 13, 2010
4. "Gulf of Mexico sea turtles may be burning with oil, groups plan to sue BP," Miami Herald, June 30, 2010
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Carolyn Bloom on July 1, 2010. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


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ECETI Science Spirit and World Transformation Conference

As most know the conference has ended and it was a miraculous success. The common experience was teary eyes followed by this changed my life and I don't want to leave. Unfortunately for some we were sold out two weeks early and though we did our best to accommodate everyone it is physically impossible without a much larger building. The speakers were awesome and their dvds will be available shortly it will take two days of downloading them and copying. We are also working on setting up a program to allow people to watch them on the live stream channel. We are cleaning up for the next few days and allowing our frazzled minds and tired bodies to recuperate. Seeing the life changing impact it had on everyone it was all worth it. I know some people had trouble with the intense energies coming in during the mass healing and intention experiment with over 200 people participating in connecting with the ultradimensional beings. Everyone reacted differently to the energies and expressed themselves uniquely yet we must master judgment and hold the frequencies of love, compassion and nonjudgment during these events. The masters that joined in the unseen as well ultradimensional beings had a profound effect on everyone then to top it off a multicolored ship which was mainly a pink-orange flew right over the conference building for everyone as they filed out of the building. Multiple videos and pictures were taken of the ship; which looked like an Andromedan scout ship. This would make sense due to the fact that the Pleiadian and Andromedans were the last ones to come into the center to initiate the group. There were many other multiple sightings and interactions throughout the conference and we will put the pictures and video taken of the ships and other paranormal activity up on the sight soon. So now that we have hundreds more who have experienced the masters, beautiful light ships interphasing with the people along with the masterful speakers and overwhelming evidence what do we do with the rest of the ufo community? I say we keep asking the hard questions and challenging those who continue to disempower the individual and promote fear and aggression. The time for contact is NOW.

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Salusa of Sirius

SaLuSa 9-July-2010

In times such as now the pressures are upon people, and those who are not so well informed or spiritually advanced will often blame God for them. They believe that if God were All Love he would not allow the present conditions to exist. However, as we have informed you previously and it is sometimes necessary to repeat it, you have collectively created your own reality. Whilst it is true you are in duality and that means experiencing both the Light, and the lack of Light, it is still you who determine how your life experiences work out. You can just as easily attract the Light as the lower vibrations. The further you drop into the dense vibrations the quicker you lose your connection to the Light, and it allows entities of a similar vibration to incarnate on Earth. Looked at from a higher perspective the more you attract the Light to Earth, you create the conditions that enables Higher Beings to come to you.

Now we ask you, how can God who gave you freedom of choice, be responsible for your choices? You knew the challenge would be very trying, but you were promised that however low you fell you would be helped to find your way back. In fact you knew that this cycle would end with Ascension. So we might also ask you, why should you expect God to interfere with the reality you have created for your experience? Even so, the Higher Beings have drawn the line at allowing you to destroy the Earth, which was in danger of happening. It is one thing to put yourselves at risk, but your actions cannot be allowed to impinge on others outside of Earth. For quite a long time you have been edging towards total annihilation, but when it comes to Mother Earth as fully conscious Being, she must be allowed to ascend as you will do.

Is it not reasonable to expect that if you make a mess that you should be expected to clear it up, as otherwise you would not appreciate the full consequences of your actions. Our comments are prompted by your feelings about the Gulf Oil spill, and we do not lack compassion for those of you directly affected by what is happening. We would remind you that our allies are near to achieving the conditions which will result in the official announcement of our presence. That will allow us to liaise with your authorities and put into being a clean up operation, that will rapidly return your lands and waterways to their original condition. However, until the Illuminati and their minions are removed the specter of more problems hangs over you, as they still believe they are in control. The fact is that they have little power left, and events are closing in on them that will see them collapse.

You will have to wait a little longer to see some firm indications of what is occurring, but victory over the dark Ones is drawing closer. Without help you could not have removed them, and we will be aiding our allies when they go into action. We have no desire for fuss, or intentions of retribution against those concerned, we simply want them safely out of the way so that our projects can proceed without interference. We know that when the truth comes out there will be an angry response from large sections of the public. It cannot be allowed to create more negativity, and the law will be seen to be applied justly and fairly.

Being on the Earth at such an important time offers you first hand experience of the end times, and how there is progression from one cycle to the next. Some of you are already participating in the transmutation of the negative energies that have accumulated in the Earth, whilst others are bringing in the Light that will lift it up. It is indeed a remarkable time that you are privileged to witness and be part of. Each of you that are Lightworkers contribute to the cleansing that is taking place, and when we can join you the whole process will be greatly speeded up. Computers handle much of our technology, and also robots that can go where Man would experience difficulties. Your aptitude to change is very good and you readily adapt to new ideas and technologies. It will be an exciting time for us all and we want you to keep your vision on the future, which promises more than you can really understand without our help. We are the bridge between the old and new, and your guardians and mentors, who will ensure you get all of the assistance you need. The goal is Ascension and all efforts will be to achieve a happy ending to this cycle. You need not dwell upon the negativity around you on Earth; it will not remain for much longer as the Light is lifting everything up.

The truth about many hidden agendas of the dark Ones is coming to be known. Many brave souls have decided it is time to step forward and reveal what they know. It will encourage others to do likewise, and it will surely have a snowball affect that will soon see the floodgates open. Having been mislead over many matters, people are understandably very suspicious about what they hear. Sometimes the truth will shock you into a state of disbelief. However, we intend to give you absolute undeniable proof, where major events are concerned such as 9/11. These matters have to be cleared up so as to allow people time to put them into perspective, and overcome their shock and pain. At some stage you must move on and place your focus on your bright future, and leave your sorrow and grief behind you. Many souls of Light gave their lives, to bring into being a focus that could be placed upon the terror and fear created by the dark Ones. By bringing 9/11 out into the open they ensured that it was given worldwide attention, and that the truth would be sought and the perpetrators identified and held to account.

The catalogue of crimes against Humanity is immense, and it covers the world all over. You will not see every criminal brought to justice in your time, but if necessary they will be totally removed from Earth. They are no exception to anyone else, as all of you review your lives once you return to the dimensions of Spirit. The dark Ones think they are clever and get away with their actions but everything is recorded to confront them, as only the truth exists. It cannot be manipulated or distorted to avoid the truth, and it will remain in your consciousness. It may sound frightening to some of you, but there is no punishment involved and it is you who decide what lessons you need to learn.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Love that permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have that uplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Lady Mary

#44 Gunner
July 7, 2010 pm31 11:23 am

Wow what a powerful exercise. As I was sitting at my desk doing this exercise I could feel Arch Angel Michael and Arch Angel Faith on the both sides of me. Then, when Mary saids she is behind me putting her hands on my shoulders it was like DOGHOUE!!!!!!WHAT!!!!!!!!! I could really feel her presense and my whold body was tingling and vibrating at a very high level.The people around me must think I am nuts as I was doing the deep breathing but I am way past the point of humility. Seeds for Growth by Lady Mary
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

The warmest and deepest of loving blessings extends from my soul to all of creation on the Earth. My fondness and devotion for the Earth and its humanity is abundant and pours forth with tremendous intensity.
I am Lady Mary, also known as Mother Mary, Archangel Mary and the Virgin Mary. I am currently acting as overseer of the energy of joy and soul exploration of a blue green colour named the ninth ray of the Creator’s soul. It is the energy of joy that I adore placing or activating from within the hearts of humanity; my sacred friends on the Earth. It is through the energy, experience and embodiment of joy that we can connect on a deeper level with the light and sacred guidance of the Creator, manifesting ourselves as a truth that is immensely pure. It doesn’t matter how joy develops whether it manifests through physical or spiritual experiences, it is the presence of joy that is essential, with a true energy of joy bubbling from within you. Joy is healing, uplifting, energising and holds the power of aligning you with the Creator’s soul. It is my wish that every person experiences the energy of joy throughout their day; it is like a medicine for the soul, so essential and nurturing. Even if you do not feel that you have anything in your physical reality to be joyous about then you can call on my loving motherly energies to place bubbles of joy into your aura and activate the energy and quality of joy from the depths of your soul, assisting this energy in rising up, like a flower blossoming into the beauty of the Creator. I am here to assist you my dear ones, let me aid you in realising the simplicity and beauty of existing as and within joy, aligning with the Creator and healing your entire being.
Change is so prominent on the Earth now as many are achieving and devoting their time to their ascension, discovery of their soul and unity with the Creator. Alterations are occurring in the energy, atmosphere and structure of the Earth, within the bodies, emotions and minds of humanity and even within the collective consciousness of humanity on numerous levels. Such changes can create a feeling of insecurity, suffering and confusion; it is important to dissolve these before they become too powerful and anchor into the lives of many permanently.
It was my wish to come forward to you today with a special exercise and technique that all can practice in order to support the Earth and humanity as well as their own energies during these times of change. There is a need to anchor the feminine nurturing energies and aspect of the Creator onto and into the Earth, in order to bring forth a great healing and dispersion of confusion and chaos. It is my wish to assist you in lovingly planting a seed of feminine nurturing energies from your being into the Earth so that the seed may melt and disperse throughout the Earth, linking with the energies that others have anchored in order to bring forth a tremendous foundation of loving support for all who are experiencing change and their ascension on the Earth. I would be honoured if you now allowed me to guide you in this special practice and service to all and the Creator.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully gaining a relaxed state of mind, body and emotions.
Please know that you are safe and protected as we call upon Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith to support and surround you with their powerfully loving angelic energies.
With the knowledge of the Archangel’s protection allow yourself to relax further into your own energies, sinking into the sacred energy of peace and stillness within you.
Focus on your breathing and know that with every breath you inhale you are allowing divine angelic light to pour into your entire being and body. As you exhale this sacred light anchors deeper into your body and aura, becoming a natural and eternal aspect of your being and energy.
You exist in a blissful state that is pure and truthful, relax deeply into this existence.
I, Lady Mary stand behind you and place my hands gently upon your shoulders, channelling the energy of joy from the Creator’s soul, the angelic kingdom and the ninth ray of light into your being now. Allow the presence of joy to be felt as a growing light within you now. You deserve to be joyous, accept the powerful and abundant energy of joy deep into your heart and soul now. I am healing you by raising your energy vibration, altering your frame of mind and aligning your emotions with love.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you are like the sun shining brightly, radiate the joy that you are experiencing from every cell in your being. You are allowing your joy to touch the hearts of others so that joy becomes the most common emotion experienced by humanity from this day forward.
We now invoke the angelic kingdom holding the Mother or feminine energy of the Creator, the Ascended Masters holding the Mother or feminine energy of the Creator and the gracious Goddess beings of all levels of the Creator’s universe to draw close to your being, surrounding you in their presence. We ask that the Goddess energy of the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi Universal and Cosmic levels to join us now in sending and anchoring the feminine nurturing and healing energy of the Creator into the Earth. These glorious beings of light and love channel their energy into your being. Sacred colours and lights flow around and through you as they activate and draw from within you the feminine aspect of your soul and its sacred abilities.
Let the light of your feminine aspect glow from within you like a touch or a flame blazing brightly. See or sense its colour and magnificence.
Place or imagine that your hands are cupped before you and ask your soul to create a special seed of light, letting it fall into the protection of your cupped hands. This seed only needs to be small but it holds the nurturing and loving energies of your feminine aspect, it is immensely beautiful to view.
We ask that all loving beings present now energise this sacred seed of love and support, intensifying the power of the seed’s light.
When you are ready, imagine, sense or acknowledge that you are lovingly and gently planting this seed into the ground and soil of Mother Earth with much tenderness flowing from your being and heart.
As you plant this seed of love and support, placing it deep within the soil you can see its radiance emanating through the soil, flowing across large areas of the Earth, connecting and integrating with other light seeds that have been planted. Like a root system the eternal light of the seed flows deep into the centre of the Earth. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that the single small seed that you have planted has now covered and integrated with the entire world, its loving support radiating into the air and atmosphere of humanity.
Imagine that this loving motherly energy is embracing every person on the Earth and holding them tightly in love. The same is occurring to you now, allow yourself to relax into the loving embrace and give thanks to all who have assisted you and the Creator, as we give thanks to you.
I hope that you find this practice and its experience both beautiful and supportive to you now.
With the purest of blessings,
Lady Mary

Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,

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Mark Kimmel

For several years I have been speaking out about the impending transformation of Earth and her human population. Judging by the increased number of communications I have been receiving from our sisters and brothers from other star systems, and my most recent posting to this site, things are coming to a head. Both Bren-Ton and Moraine speak as if the transition is underway, and they are coaching us through it. My observations of this day are as follows.

The material I have previously posted on this site contains almost all that we need to know about Earth’s transition. I suggest you go to the archives and review those communications.

Almost everyone I talk with has a sense that time is speeding up. “I’m not able to accomplish as much during the day, where has the time gone?” Equally prevalent is the sense that things are changing, that things will not return to “the good old days.” People are experiencing unusual headaches, sleepiness, loss of memory – short term and long term – and a disorientation. In addition you may want to look at the following:

1. The so-called, “oil spill,” in the Gulf of Mexico. Even if a relief well is successful, which is by no means a sure thing, the damage to the ecology of the Gulf is extreme, and has been covered-up by those involved, the government of the U.S., and the media. We know the amount of spilled far exceeds what is being officially admitted, plus the underlying geological structures in the area of the BP well may have been damaged by the drilling and the subsequent explosion. The extent of damage to sea life in the Gulf has only begun to be . This is much more than oil washing up on beaches. There remains the potential for far reaching consequences of this already disastrous event. (

2. For some months, Native Americans and other indigenous peoples, have begun speaking out about pending change. Heretofore much of their knowledge had been kept within the tribes. Now they are saying that the knowledge they have of pending events is to be shared with all, and now is the time of change as has been foretold. ( This coincides with predictions based on the Mayan calendar.

3. The Grand Cross, a rare alignment of the planets of our solar system, on June 25th and the T Cross on August 5th have historically caused turmoil in financial systems; Jim Self expects nothing less this time around. ( He also sees both planetary and personal changes due to the massive influx of radiation from the sun and galaxy. It is this radiation that is changing us and warming Earth from within – as shown by the melting of glaciers from below. (Written in 2002, the second book of the Paradigm Trilogy, “Decimal,” predicted the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates as a result of this melting and the disastrous effects thereof for humans.)

4. When I saw the pictures of the surface of the moon, as presented in “Moon Rising,” I understood the depth and breadth of the lies that had been constructed to enslave us. Go to YouTube and look up the video – be sure to stay with it until the very end.

5. I have found “Messages from Matthew” to be a consistently reliable source of information about the larger picture and our place in the universe ( In addition I suggest you read the four Matthew books by Suzie Ward (

6. I have said that the book with the long title, “And Then God Said… Then I Said… Then He Said,” was the best book I had ever read. Now there is a new book from Celest and David, “BEYOND THE VEIL EPIPHANIES FROM GOD.” I recommend you obtain both books and read them. You may obtain them at

In summary my message for you this day is that things are changing. No longer is it a case of looking into the future to predict when events will happen; they are happening as we observe (lovingly, I trust). The next weeks will see some remarkable changes. I can only trust that you have prepared yourself for this moment physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually (as suggested in my most recent posting at Mark’s Corner).

The most important thing to remember is that you signed up to be here at this moment. Whatever the transition brings it will present marvelous growth opportunities for your soul. Sit back, don’t go to fear, and enjoy the experience.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

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World disclosure day

understand from the New York Times (1) that I missed World UFO Day, July 2, 2010. I’m greatly disappointed. But not to worry. I have the remedy. Let’s host another festive event.

By the right vested in me as a sovereign citizen of Planet Earth (the same right vested in you), I declare Sunday, August 1, 2010, to be “World Disclosure Day” (WD2).

I invite every citizen of Earth on that day to express him or herself in the best possible way to invite our galactic family, (2) who currently are situated above this planet in spaceships of varying size and shape, from different times, spaces, and dimensions, to disclose their presence.

If the galactics do not respond on Sunday, August 1, by that same right vested in me (and you), I hereby declare the first Sunday of each month to be World Disclosure Day until the galactics are assured of their welcome and agree to reveal themselves to us.

I say this understanding the following:

(1) That the galactics around this planet are overwhelmingly of friendly and virtuous character and are here to assist us with the planetary transformation expected at the end of the present age or cycle in December 2012.

(2) That the galactics are servants of the same God that we are and led by higher councils of friendly and virtuous character whose reason for being here is to save this planet from the destruction towards which it was rapidly heading in an age of nuclear devastation and world wars.

(3) That the time has arrived for Earth to assume its place among the family of civilizations, with their help and guidance, ending our isolation from the people of other planets and stars.

Lest one think that the occasion is only one of joy and celebration, let me add that it has a very sober and serious side to it and that is that, in my opinion, the galactics have in their possession the technology and will to stop the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and are only awaiting an from us to do so.

In the absence of a long-overdue invitation from our governments, it is my belief that the galactics await the spontaneous outpouring of welcome from the people of Planet Earth to make their appearance and the work of restoring this world.

Yes, there have been negative star nations here that have had an unfortunate impact on Earth in oeriods of our history through subjugation and abductions. (3) But it is my understanding that these extraterrestrials have been barred from the planet by space coalitions such as the Galactic Federation, who are Earth’s guardians and mentors. These negative ETs cannot come near the planet any more.

It is now time to end our ignorance of the existence of our space family, some of whom are our progenitors, some our future, and all our well-wishers.

I’ll be publishing other articles on my websites (4) and, if permitted, on OpEdNews (5) elaborating on all aspects of disclosure. But for now, I simply wish to extend this to you to express yourself in any way you deem best to welcome our galactic family and invite them to approach the Earth openly and reveal themselves.

I urge you to circulate this invitation far and wide, among friends, relatives, colleagues, and acquaintances. I also urge you to organize petitions, parades, peaceful marches, and any other festive events to convey to our galactic family our welcome.

This is your invitation – to a new era in world history and a new world.

With all love and light,

Steve Beckow

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