gunner's Posts (228)

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I have to get this off my chest

have to get this off my chestInboxXReply|john gunshefski to Allison, Ashley, chris, christine, david, gunshefski, James, JamesG, lemuria, lisa, mike, na, patty, samantha, Steve, torres, walter, yumi, Yumishow details 10:18 AM (0 minutes ago)I am talking about Ascension. Now , I think a lot of people think that when the ET's come face to face with us all their problems will be gone instantly. Listen, this ET mission was heralded from God. The galactics answered the call to duty to heal Mother Earth and all sentiment life upon her. Their mission is more of a spiritual mission than just technology. Yes, they will bring their technology but more important they will bring the love of their souls to each and everyone. I see a lot of people all for the ascension, however these same people have a lot of negativity, judgement and condemnation in their hearts. It is time to wake up all to your true selves. Your true self is a highly powerful being of God. You see god actually, hum how can I say this, God literally divided him/herself into trillions and trillions of different aspects of him/herself. These aspects became souls known as you and I the animal kingdom, the nature kingdom, the cetacean kingdom. So yes lterally YE ARE ALL GODS.It is very important at this time to heal all your old wounds. A lot of people will show up in your lives that may have hurt you in some way or someone you just hate. Well there is a reason they are showing up and the reason is to heal the situation. You dont have to get along with everyone but accept their personalites and allow them their god given right to be who they are whether you agree with them or not. It is time to lift your vibrations of your soul.. I am getting good at it as if I see someone that in the past I would judge or condemm, I simply see the god in them. Now I dont want to judge or control god so I now see them in a totally diffeent perspective whether I agree with them or not. I remember one day I gave a dollar to a homeless man that was ragged and dirty. He looked me in the eyes and said god bless you. Wow I could feel his god self come through. His eyes were shining the shine of love. I had so much admiration and respect for this man. We all could but we have to recognize the god inside all of us. I think what I am saying is of great importance at this time. Remember, God, the Angels, the masters the Galactics cannot and will not make the decison for you to ascend. It is up to each individual to make that decision on their own. Now they would all like for as many humans to ascend as possible but know that will not be the case. and respect those that donot choose ascension as some of them may feel they have more growth to do on a 3rd dimensional planet. So when you find yourselve feeling negativity for anyone or jealosy or condemnation, take a minute and see the god in them. The more you do this the more you lift up your own vibrational energy and you will see how good it feels. 2012 is not about destruction. Yes it is about the end of the world, and I mean the end of the world as we know it and then into the Golden age of love,peace and joy for all. Man what a world it will be, I could picture it now. We are going to have such a great time but for now there is much work for all of us to do. Work of the soul. So go out unto this world and show love for everyone. See the godspark in their eyes. Show no hatred, no judgement, no jealosy, no condemnation for love is all that is real. God's intention for us is to live in this golden age and now more than ever you have so much help from the other side. The only thing is you have to ask for this help and it dont matter if you ask the angels, ascended masters, the galactics or others. When you ask I feel it is important also to request that beings only of the highest Christed consciousness come into your aura. And get ready for the ride of your lives as they rejoice and take so much pleasure in assissing us with our soul evolution. Wow now that felt good to get this message out. God bless you all as you continue on your journey and may you always seek to create the next grandest vision you have ever imagined of yourself.
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Another Day, Another Miracle

Wow something great happened to me as I was walking from the train station to my home yesterday. I looked up at the sky and there were some scattered clouds and the sun was beaming through. I mean it was like spotlights beaming to the ground. Now I said Hey God check that out as it was awesome looking. At that same exact moment a couple of the beams started going back and forth for like 4 seconds. It could not have been a plane or other clouds as the beam remained shining down on the earth. It was like if you had a spotlight and shook it back and forth this is what the beams did. Not all of them only one section. Then I am like DOGHOUSE!!!!WHAT!!!!! saying to God how awesome that was and then all of a sudden a dragonfly came and hovered right next to me. It stayed with me a while I was walking for like a minute. I could feel my body vibrate with a pure radiance of love. I dont know what it is about all these dragonfly episodes with me lately. It must mean something and I know last year there was a dragonfly crop circle and also I recently dreamed of dragonflies. As a child I was afraid of them but now I love the dragonflies. About a month ago I was on my smoke break and this dragonfly comes right in front of me and I seen it was chasing a fly. Well it zoomed above my head and snatched the fly only like a couple of feet from me. It was like Discovery channel live.Click to Edit
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AAM= Awesome Angel Message

Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can always find peace, for peace is born within your heart of hearts. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can always find love, for you are made of love and it is only resistance to being the loving soul that you are, that makes life's challenges so difficult.You want to be peaceful. You want to be loving. These things are not dependent on your outer world or the people around you. You can choose to embrace peace at any moment. You can choose to be kind and loving to yourself in any moment and this will translate out into your world as you find it easier to be kind and loving to others.We understand it is hard to choose peace when others choose chaos, and yet you will feel so much better! It is only your human conditioning that says you must be upset if things don't go your way, you must feel badly if others behave badly, and that you must feel worry if you do not know how to solve a problem.In reality, if things don't go your way, try to embrace life as the adventure it truly is. "Ok God, this situation isn't going as I wished it would. I will embrace what is in front of me now, intend better, and trust you know how to guide me into greater joy." Dear ones that attitude will feel so much better than throwing tantrums, assuming you have done something wrong, blaming life, blaming others, or feeling as if you will never have your dreams come true. When things don't go your way, perhaps dear ones, you have something to learn, or God simply has better plans. Choose peace. Choose to be kind and loving to yourself. And watch how things unfold in grace, rather than in chaos.Suppose someone behaves badly around you. The ego wishes to react. And yet the soul says, "I do not want to be around loving behavior and so I will move away. If I must be around it, I will not take in energies of unkindness. I will remain loving, looking at this other person as if they are child who does not know any better. I will do my best to realize that what they have said or done speaks volumes about them, and says very little about me. I do not have to prove or justify myself to anyone. I know who I am. I am love incarnate." This dear ones is truth. This will feel so much better than entering into arguments, gossip, and blame. It takes mental muscle to be loving in spite of unkindness. You must practice. And yet the spiritual strength you will gain will repay you in peace and joy for the rest of your lives. It is worth the effort to learn new ways to behave when others are unkind.Suppose you have a problem you do not know how to solve - bills to pay, something to fix, a person in your life who cannot be taught... In these situations dear ones, you can still choose peace. You can still choose love. First love yourselves by asking God and your angels for help: "God I am worried. I have this problem. I need help." As for the comfort and reassurance you need, "Dear God, comfort me, I am scared. Reassure me that this will be solved. Help me have greater faith in you." And then dear ones trust. Trust that because you know you are a child of God, made of His light, that God loves and cares and will guide you to solve your situation. Choose peace in the meantime, for worry does you no good at all.As human beings, most of you have not been taught to choose peace, and to choose love. Instead your society conditions you to react, to worry, to argue, to justify, to blame, but these things dear ones will never make you happy. Think of choosing peace and love as a workout for the soul - at first you may find it very difficult to do so, but as you gain strength you feel better and better, kinder, more peaceful, and more loving. And this dear ones is truly what you all want to feel.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The AngelsMessage from AnnAccording to the angels, this was the year my soul originally intended to die. Thankfully I made a very conscious choice to live and so this year I am in a sense, in between lives, cleaning out the old and making room for the new. The skills of choosing love and choosing peace that I've worked on over the years have come in so handy this year I do not know how I would have made it through without them!Lately my opportunities to choose peace and love come in the form of piles and puddles gifted to me by my aging dogs. This isn't an easy phase. I clean up sometimes 4-5 times a day, often in the middle of the night, and do laundry at all hours. But I LOVE my dogs, and focusing on that love makes it all bearable. Focusing on loving myself has caused me to ask the angels for even more comfort and support as usual. And strangely I have been more awake with less sleep, able to love more in spite of more challenges, and able to accept myself even when I occasionally have to have good cry. The heart energy is HUGE. Friends have been supportive without me asking. Love is coming from unexpected people in my life, and I feel my heart more than ever before. In the midst of challenge, there is such beauty. It is simply amazing.The ability to choose peace paid off in a big way a few weeks ago. Somehow I threw my back off and I kept feeling pinched in my shoulders. I had little chest pains here and there and knew it was just my posture. However, one day I started having intense chest pains and shortness of breath - all the symptoms that one has with a heart attack. By the grace of God and years of practice, I was totally calm. I lay down on the couch, called in my guides, and simply asked, "Is this a heart attack, and am I dying?" "No and you are not dying," came the response. Jesus showed up quite clearly in my vision with his hands on my heart. "You have been feeling HUGE love for the world lately and your body got a little blocked up, that is all." I had been saying I was feeling so much love I thought I would burst! (Oops!) I received guidance to do some energy work and the pain was soon fixed. I later learned that the pinched shoulder caused nerves to misfire which made my heart skip a few beats. (A big thanks to Dr. Peebles who comes through Summer Bacon who suggested a chiropractic fix that solved this once and for all). Had I not had plenty of practice in choosing peace and love, I might have freaked out and caused myself REAL physical trouble. Instead the calm allowed me to hear guidance, to think clearly, and to simply solve the problem.Life is sometimes just doing its thing. Stuff breaks down. People and pets break down or behave badly. We break down or behave badly at times! But in spite of that we can take a breath and remind ourselves that loving ourselves first and then loving others is the happiest way to go. Choosing peace instead of conditioned drama ultimately feels so much better and allows us to receive greater guidance. Getting into a tizzy does very little good at all.We do have choice. We do have the ability to recondition and retrain ourselves. Each time we choose peace and love we are unlearning bad habits that have been passed down throughout the human race, and learning to be who we really are. It feels amazing to know you can be happy in spite of life's challenges, and in so doing, you get through them with greater grace, peace, love, humor, and joy. I feel very blessed in my life. I feel an outpouring of love from the universe and from friends. And this love I have chosen to share with life itself comes echoing back in the most magnificent ways. I don't 'give to get.' I am not always peaceful but even in my profoundly human moments I choose to love myself and thereby find my way back to peace again. So can you :)May peace be with you, and may the love that you are light your way.Annps - If you are guided, please continue praying for Mother Earth. There are many resources on this page.
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The Arcturian Group

JULY 31, 2010We are here to tell you that all is moving quickly into the resolution of the ages.You are moving into a new era dear ones, one in which the peace you have sought is the norm. Do not fear, all is on track. Many are awakening quickly and many are seeing the old as something that needs to be let go of.We see your struggles, but many who struggle , struggle to hold on to what is finished. Be open to the new. The higher frequencies of light create new ways of seeing, doing, and being. Be open to that; in your work, in your relationships, and in your worship.Be open, be aware and be always in the energy of love. By this we do not say that you must physically feel an emotion of love for everyone (that is a 3d concept), but what we mean is that you must, as awakened beings, recognize the Divine spark within everyone. That is, remember this truth with everyone you see, read about, or think about even if they are not even interested in such things. The Divine spark is life. The fact that something is alive gives you the information that they are an expression of the Divine, for all life is the One life.So you see, as you go through life and as you see those who would misuse others, recognize that they too have this divine spark, Often this is enough to actually awaken them a little, but you will never know. You are doing this as an unfoldment of your own evolution, not to change others.Each has their reason for being on earth at this time and those who choose to misuse this opportunity to evolve, will answer for it at some point. Many are new souls, just learning how to be on earth, and these are the ones who cause much of the discord and disharmony. They are like adolescents, spiritually speaking.However, you who are reading this, are evolved beings and it is time for you to realize that . If this were not so, you would not be reading this, it would be information that you would not even consider. As the many awaken, it is shifting the energy of the planet. Mother Earth, our dear soul Gaia , is trying very hard to do her shifting in a way that will not harm the many. However, she must adjust herself to also stay in balance. Oil is also the lubricant of the plates within her and you are depleting her lubrication system, you see.Please know that you are loved and watched by the many who are anxious to help you. Please know that you are not alone in these closing times of third dimensional energy. You are a brave people dear ones, you are doing much that others on this side want to study and see how you do.Please do not despair, you are making huge strides into your awareness of the bigger picture. Those who refuse to give up their quest for self serving activity will be relocated at some point to where they can play their games in the denser energies.We do not seek to frighten you, only to awaken you to the bigger picture. There is a God, there is a plan, and you are all infinite Beings of Light- whether or not you can accept this is up to you. You have free will to take all the time you need to evolve. We are here to help those who have chosen to awaken.We speak always in love and respect for you, our brothers and sisters of the One Parent.Thank you Arcturian Group 7/31/10
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God's Message on the Ascension

July 27th, 2010 during a soul healing session , Father God came forth to answer some questions about Ascension. They were beautiful words, so we asked if we should share them and he suggested we include in in the Father God Daily Message series; and here it is.So let us see what Father God has to say to you, because he said he wanted to come forth to speak to you about this. So, he is here and he is saying;You are asking, “Will you ascend and what should you expect as a result?”, and I think you know the answer to the first part of that question, do you not?Yes.Good; and the second aspect is what should you expect, and there are many facets to that question and I sense a little fear behind your asking the question, fear of what might unfold as that process occurs; would that be accurate?Yes.And so my response to you is that we have just conducted the process by which we have cleared the fear from past lives from your emotional body, and so it was really that fear that was in a sense triggering this question, and there is material that Richard and Carolyn have shared on the 2012countdown website , which will give you some understanding of what Ascension means. It means many things on many levels and so I encourage you to use that as a basis for broadening your understanding. However I will say to you that what is going to unfold is truly wondrous. There is a transition to what is called by many the 5th dimension and we would call that the angelic dimension, and it is the highest vibrational level where beings have ta ken a physical body, and so you could say it is something of a reward for those that have volunteered to journey in this very demanding consciousness, perhaps the most demanding consciousness that exists anywhere; and so it will be truly a wondrous time and great abilities that the human being held before The Fall in Atlantis will return to you as part of the Ascension process. Indeed you will move beyond those abilities.You will be able to connect with your Creator without effort. You will recall all of your past lives. You will be able to communicate with any and all forms of consciousness at will, and indeed if you work with Richard shortly, you will begin to open up some of this ability ( ); and much, much more. You will be able to use your mind, if you will, to work with the energies of the formless and bring forth your own creations. It is part of what is in your ability, in the opportunity which is being provided to those of humanity that choose to Ascend. You will Ascend to a planet which is pristine. It is like the clock is being turned back on all of the damage that has been done to planet Earth, and so you will Ascend to a pri stine, clean and clear version of the planet, not without some of what you have already in this world of yours; however it will be changed somewhat to accommodate the requirement for it to be pristine.So this is giving you some sense of what will arise, and I will say to you that this process will be very simple and very painless. Indeed the physical body is designed for this, though I would say not the physical body that you currently have, because part of what will come forth as part of the rejuvenation command is the first phase, you could say of what is known as the Adam Kadmon physical body, and that is the first step in that process of preparing for the Ascension cycle. So that form of the physical body is optimised for this entire process, and so if you simply walk forward in the utilisation of those three preparatory steps; acknowledging your Creator, clearing your karmic past and rejuvenating your physical body, that is all you need do. It is that simple, and as you know the second two steps involve experiencing these two commands, the first of which you have experienced and I anticipate you will experience the second relatively quickly after it becomes available.And so it is like a waterslide ride. It is joyful and simple and there is a defined path to follow and you simply, just as you did with the clearing, sit back and enjoy the ride because that’s what it is.Magnificent. Amazing.Your second question was about what happens to those who do not Ascend, and at this moment we do not know what the percentage of the population of the planet will Ascend. It is our desire that all Ascend; however we know that will not happen, and our current estimates are somewhere between 1/3rd and ½ of the population will make that choice and we would be delighted if it were much higher than that. However what I can tell you is that every individual will make a choice. Indeed most have already made the choice, even though they have not consciously expressed it, and we are hopeful that many of those who have chosen not to participate on a subconscious level will, when they understand what is involved, make that choice and they will have up to the time of the arrival of those energies in December of 2012 to choose to participate, provided they have remained up on the planet because there are many who will choose such things as earthquakes and other, you could say catastrophic events to choose to leave. Many will choose these opportunities to leave, because those who do not prepare, those who do not clear their negative karmic energies and prepare the physical body as I have described will not survive those energies that will come to the planet with the solstice of December 2012; and if you have been tracking Carolyn’s and Richard’s material, you will know the truth of this.So I wanted to give you this background and I will now explain what will happen to those who choose to leave rather than to Ascend, because I will say to you, every individual will make a choice about whether they are participating or whether they are not. It will not be an accident for anyone, and those who choose not to participate will reincarnate upon another planet of similar energy, of similar vibration to Earth, so that they can continue on this journey on this level of consciousness until they are ready to take another opportunity to participate in this advancement. Such opportunities will not be as comprehensive, you could say as the one which is being presented at this point; however they will all get the opportunity to return home to their Creator. They are just taking the long road, that is all. There is no judgement in any of this. It is all simply exper ience, experience of souls walking the multifarious paths of creation; and so as I say, those that choose not to Ascend are simply taking the long path home, that is all. That is all. And so it is.That was so beautifully explained.Copyright © 2010 Cosmic Connections (International) LtdTo listen to this message, click on this link -
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Matthew and Hatton

1. This is Matthew to extend loving greetings from all souls at this station and to share with you our observations. In this moment “anticipatory” may be the best word to describe the collective feelings of enlightened souls—not exclusively pertaining to an announcement of our universal family’s presence, but that is where a great deal of anticipation energy is being directed. Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of “get this show on the road” impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by “show me” doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.

2. Hatonn has agreed to speak about what is happening behind the scenes pertaining to the public announcement, and we turn over this forum to him.

3. HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, my friend. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

4. Official recognition can’t be further delayed because much has to be accomplished during this phase of universal activity. It’s essential to repair the severe damage that has been done to Earth so she can regain her health and restore well being to her inhabitants, and there’s no time to waste. We’re here by Earth’s request and God’s authorization because we have the capacity and desire to help you, but your representatives are responsible for making decisions because this is your world.

5. The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash. There’s formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say “security,” I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety—we have that well in hand.

6. The program can’t be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it’s ho-hum, they’re back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that’s where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here. Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don’t want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who’s willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.

7. This is an international action and it’s important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won’t feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there’s no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it’s compiled. Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they’ve been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing. Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands—not all of us look like you. Others say it’s necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren’t from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.

8. What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it? Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth? To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life? Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the “little grays” that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?

9. There are differing opinions about when to air it. The United States government, once the most vocal in denying our existence, now favors the most extensive disclosure with maximum speed. A few of your representatives want more polls and strategic interviews to determine how much information your world is ready for. Some in both camps want every national leader to be personally told what will be in the program prior to show time and others think sending each one the program outline is enough diplomatic courtesy.

10. This vital decision-making process that started off slowly a year ago has reached the point that within a couple of months at the outside, this “Earth-awakening” program will be on the air. The movers and shakers with integrity, wisdom and spiritual conviction will not be swayed by threats, bribes, even assassination attempts by the ones who oppose them. You can call them Illuminati or the Elite, the cabal, New World Government or Secret Government, New World Order or the darkness, it’s all the same. It’s the disparate groups that are operating under the heavy influence of the dark forces, that vast force field of negative thought forms. That is too esoteric to give out on the program, but the full truth about this vast populated universe will be revealed as Earth progresses into higher energy planes.

I think that covers everything. Thank you, Matthew.

11. MATTHEW: Thank you, Hatonn. This is a good place for timely questions that are combined as, Will proof of extraterrestrial life make it easier for all of humanity to awaken spiritually to the Oneness of All with God? As greatly as we wish this for all Earth’s peoples, we have to say that it is not likely. Proof of intelligent life beyond Earth does not automatically impart spiritual clarity to a third density civilization, and the majority of your world’s population still is at that level. Of the many other long-hidden truths that will be revealed, the most difficult for many to accept is the origin and purpose of religions, and there will be strong resistance to accepting that truth regardless of how solid the evidence is. Without understanding that greedy, power-hungry individuals devised religious dogmas to control and divide the masses, to make God a fearful supreme being whose rules must be obeyed and that those self-serving individuals themselves made those rules, and that much of the information given by God’s true messengers was distorted or omitted in religious books, there can be no spiritual clarity or growth of the soul.

12. Hatonn spoke of the formidable opposition to acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life. This includes creating fear about the motives of other civilizations, and the dark ones have been doing that through entertainment venues. While it may appear that the television show “V” was strategically planned after initial discussions a year or so back about officially recognizing other civilizations, producing that kind of viewing is just another means whereby seeds of fear have been planted throughout the ages. The same is true of the movie “2012,” designed to evoke fearful thoughts that the world really may come to the kind of end that some fundamentalist religions are expecting. With “entertainment” catering to that belief and refreshing the fear about aliens, not to mention the many other popular entertainment forms based in violence, you can see why all aspects of the announcement program must be so carefully considered.

13. Fear is the dark ones’ most powerful weapon against the light because the energy of fear not only forms a barrier between the consciousness and the soul, it refuels the darkness to keep it thriving. Another means of achieving that two-way objective as well as reducing the world’s population was developing various strains of “flu” viruses. An important part of this diabolical scheme to create plagues, which during your history have caused massive fear and death tolls, was the conditioning of Earth’s peoples to regard death as the ultimate in fear.
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Ascended Master Hilarion

It seems to me Hilarion always send messages of so much love and assurance. I felt his presence while reading his meassage and told him that his work is also not in vain and is so highly appreciated.I could really feel his love and physically feel his presence and it surged through my whole body. Much love and light to you all as we continue on our journey of ascension. July 25-31, 2010Beloved Lightworkers,Long have you all been in the trenches, transmuting and transforming all the World Karma energies that have been surfacing for resolution through this year. Many of you are weary from the sustained effort knowing that this will not abate any time soon but there have been breakthroughs in consciousness and Awareness and many of you are beginning to realize that you can at any moment, recreate your reality just by changing your thoughts and intentions. If you have been experiencing lethargy, this new phase will require extra effort on your part to break out of.There is much that is changing on the etheric levels and if you would be able to see and witness these changes, you would be so very heartened, Beloved Ones. Your efforts are most definitely not in vain, even though it seems as though chaos falls upon the Earth as each day dawns. Take heart and stand strong and practice your disciplines, for this is the glue that will keep you united, even though you feel as though you walk alone. We are always near you and give you strength and energy when you need it, even when you do not ask. Of course, when you ask, we can go to work on all levels of your Being and life situations and can help you get through the many initiations you are experiencing.As the days go forth through this month, remember that you are the anchors of the Light of God that never fails and that it is you, each of you, who make the difference. The Light quotient on the Earth is increasing and people are Awakening in record numbers now. Remember your own experiences as this happened and lend a hand to those who may need it, to help guide them through. It is your thoughts and intentions to create a new World, a better World that is making it so. This is the power that you wield, for you are the power and the power is love. We applaud your many efforts throughout the World to add your Light to many events that have been taking place in order to facilitate a change for the better.Know that there are Legions of Angels and Galactic Beings who are working diligently to help the Ascension process of the Earth, Humanity and all upon Her and that the Light of God will prevail. We love and honor each of you for going the distance, no matter what.Until next week….I AM Hilarion©2010 Marlene SwetlishoffPermission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
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Ascended Master So Ma Part 2

Try this little meditation and really concentrate on what Ascended Master So Ma instructed. I mean I did this at my desk in work and it seemed like there was no one around me at all as if I was in a different world. I felt the Creator, Angels,Elohims Master So Ma come into my aura. I could feel it physically as my whold body was tingling and I felt such a sense of peace and pure un-conditional love. Give it a shot and remember to really concentrate and visualize. This Natalie Glasson is such a gifted chaneller, she brings so much love and light to our earth. Thank You Natalie and So Ma with the highest of honors respect and appreciation. Channelled through Natalie GlassonPlease Note- There will be No Weekly Channelled Messages through Natalie for the next two weeks due to personal issues and the need for a break, thank you for your understanding. Blessings, Natalie.It is a great delight to bring forward this special activation which I believe will assist you in moving to a new stage of your spiritual growth. In my previous communication I spoke of the three parts of holding an Ascended Master state of existence, the ability to embody and realise the loving heart, expansive mind and luminous light of the Creator. I also expressed that to become an Ascended Master was simply a stepping stone on your spiritual journey to unity with the Creator rather than it being your ultimate goal. It is my wish to guide you through a meditation which incorporates invocations to assist you in experiencing an Ascension Light Activation.Sitting peacefully I wish for you to focus on the words 'peace and stillness,' repeating these in your mind. Repetition is a wonderful technique of allowing energy vibrations and intentions to sink into your consciousness and physical being without the mind realising or resisting. Allow yourself to feel that the words have their own consciousness, energy and active presence which begins to influence and soothe your being, assisting you in entering into a sacred meditation state.We first invoke the protection of the Angelic Kingdom to banish all negative energies and to illuminate your being and surroundings with the presence of love and joy. You are safe and protected at all times, allow yourself to relax with this certainty.I, Master So Ma, stand before you now, I emanate a light of a pale blue colour into your being as I ask you to grasp my hands which I open to you with love. Allow yourself to feel my vibration flowing through your body, increasing your light quotient and developing the speed at which you vibrate.When you feel comfortable we will hold the united intention of being transported to the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters Airborne Ashram. Let yourself relax knowing that this is simply an alignment and a change in your perspective. We shall enter into the Golden Temple of the Christ, a chamber focused purely on love. Allow yourself to become familiar with your surroundings or simply breathe in the light.Let the Christ energy be your support, I will remain before you holding your hands as we begin the activation process to aid your ascension and to assist you in realising the love, light and mind energy of the Creator to bring forth your Ascended Master Self.You may wish to say with me,I am now completely and absolutely aligned with the mighty soul of the Creator. My soul and the Creator's soul are one, united in love and peace. I am supported and embraced in the sacred energy of the Creator and feel this divine presence flowing around and through my being now. I am open to the transformational energies of the Creator.(Let yourself experience this now. Allow yourself to relax into the embrace of the Creator's energy.)We call upon the Angelic Kingdom to surround you in their loving heart energy and to send the love that they hold and align with from the Creator into your being. We ask that the energy of love that is so abundant and expansive within your being is now activated. We ask that this body of love grows to embody your entire being.(Let yourself take time to acknowledge and experience this activation and growth from within you.)We call upon the light of the Creator to channel into your being, entering through your crown chakra at the top of your head and energising your body of love that has now manifested.(Feel the Creator magnifying the loving energy within you; let your love feel so prominent and present within and even around you. It is an active presence of love.)We call upon the wise and loving Elohims, representatives of the mind of the Creator, to surround you now with their energy and support. We ask that they send their energy vibration and awareness into your being as well as their own alignment with the Creator's mind.(Allow yourself to feel the vibration of their energy flowing into your being, they are assisting the alignment of your soul and mind with the mind and consciousness of the Creator. The energy of consciousness, expansiveness and liberation builds within you as energy as you adopt the clarity of the mind of the Creator.)We ask that the mind of the Creator of the most appropriate vibration anchors deep into your entire being creating a soothing, peacefully and enlightening influence.(Permit this activation to occur, be aware of your senses, feeling and experiences, you should feel a great sense of peace washing over you and a feeling of liberation as limitations fall away.)We ask that from the soul of the Creator and supported by all loving and luminous aspects of the Creator's soul that a pure vibrant light of the most appropriate vibration for you flows into and through your being, increasing your light quotient and body of light. We ask that the Creator's light binds the loving, peaceful and wise energies activated from within you together, so that you can achieve an energised and active state of existence focused on love and an expanding awareness, as well as a new realisation of yourself.(Take a moment to imagine yourself as a blazing beacon of light, your light is shining further than you could possibly imagine, it is pouring from your being holding the sacred wisdom of the Creator that naturally exists within your being and the sacred loving and nurturing heart of the Creator which is your essence.)I now hold the energy and existence of my Ascended Master Self and watch my Ascended Master Self grow with each step that I walk on the Earth. I am completely and absolutely aligned with the soul of the Creator. I am aligned with the Angelic Kingdom, the Elohims and the universal light of the Creator. I now align with the Ascended Masters on the inner planes and ask them to nurture and guide this activation and growth from within me. Thank you.(Allow yourself to sit and experience any changes or shifts within your energy.)When you wish to return to your reality on the Earth, simply ask me to transport you back to your physical life on the Earth. Feel your perspective changing as you focus on your surroundings and physical body once more. Imagine some of the light that you are now holding within you, extending as a channel of light from your heart down your torso and into the Earth to ground, centre and balance your being.I hope that you have found this of benefit; it can be practiced whenever you feel guided to.With respect and honour,I am Master So Ma,Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters and a Sirian SoulNatalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,
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Galactic Federation Update

8 Akbal, 1 Pop, 7 IkSelamat Balik! We come again! Great turmoil has descended on your reality! The turbulence needed to push the dark cabal from its seats of power is underway and numerous agreements are now being implemented that will accomplish this goal. Groups within America are coming together armed with plans and legal documents that demonstrate the illegality of the current American administration and that show just cause for the investiture of new governance. Concurrent with these developments are similar proceedings in many other nations which are being carried out by our Earth allies. Remember that with regime change come the deliveries of your prosperity funds. Several governments are now defying the US regime and secretly staging a challenge to the legitimacy of its rule, and various military and law-enforcement organizations are close to actively joining in the struggle. In short, we are seeing events that can at long last bring all this out into the open. Meanwhile, the collapse of the economic system gets closer and closer. The final push to topple the dam of dark control on your world is on!Meanwhile, Mother Earth continues to move this reality nearer to her moment of change. The odd weather patterns are bringing strong typhoons, floods, and torrential rains to the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Oceania, thereby issuing a warning that the world you have known is approaching a massive change point. This is the point where Mother Earth shifts your 3-D realm into a 5-D one. Obviously you cannot remain as you are and survive the reconfiguration of the surface world, and this is a primary ingredient of the reasons for first contact. Those still in charge of you persist in harboring the insane notion that they can somehow prevent the inevitable. This reason alone is grounds enough for removing the present incumbents with their rabid obstructionism from power. There is much to be done once these minions of the Anunnaki are gone. Earth is still a fragile place, with ecosystems very near the end of their viability. Redressing this damage requires a global effort, supported by the swift release of a number of now-suppressed technologies. Then there is the question of full UFO disclosure.Our Earth allies understand the whys and the hows of disclosure. It is an operation that must be carried out in such a way that it is beyond doubt that we are benevolent and of the Light. Too many factions in your society over the years have spread a dogma demonizing anyone who is not of this Earth. Further, the existence of Inner Earth needs to be presented alongside a new, fully proved geological model of the planet. The people of Agartha have compiled a series of joint announcements that are sure to resolve this requisite. The purpose of this information is to ease your world into an acceptance of the fact that you are not alone and that the world is put together quite differently from what is taught. Once these new facts are squarely proven, our own announcements can proceed. What we desire is, first, to assist you in rehabilitating Mother Earth’s surface world. Then we wish to introduce certain Light-tech devices, which, together with many now-suppressed on-planet technologies, can remedy the ecological problems that have been wreaked.We envision the temporary caretaker regimes as the bridges to a new reality. The first goal is to get these interim governments up and running. The great shock of these immense governmental and financial changes needs time to sink in to the collective psyche and to be accepted as ‘normal’. This will be accomplished by umpteen hours of television and radio broadcasts explaining everything in detail. It is then to be followed by the disclosure of the UFO cover-up. This is a twofold operation, starting with many eyewitness accounts and the release of now-closed UFO files which will provide a chronology of off-world contact since WW II. This leads in to part two: the fact of our benevolent presence and first contact. Once more, our Agarthan allies have come up with an excellent approach for this, and our liaisons and Earth allies are fully on board with this plan. At the end of this process, we can begin to broadcast openly on a number of subjects that need to be discussed before the actual mass landings take place.The most important subject is, of course, full consciousness. We need to broach this matter with you in the right way. You have lived for generations in a limited-conscious state that has never been questioned. The Anunnaki manipulated you into believing that you were divinely created this way, whereas the truth is quite the opposite; indeed, the present ‘you’ is a mere shell of who you truly are. The facts of how you came to be this way need to be presented with the skill and enough incontrovertible evidence to allow you to accept the reality of You. Indeed, your sciences have been hinting at these things for the last few decades. Their case studies of individuals with extraordinary abilities pave the way for our revelations. You are all capable of things that you have only glimpsed in the few documentaries based on these case studies. You are in fact much more than what these programs and films depict.You are a fully conscious Being in disguise, who has completely forgotten the amazing capabilities that you possess. One of the affects of dropping into limited consciousness is the eventual loss of all awareness of who and what you are, or where you come from. In your case, you have been in this state for over 13 millennia! It is small wonder that you will require extra-special one-on-one mentoring, refresher courses, and oodles of loving support to be able to reassert your true Beingness. We have come as your space and spiritual family and are pledged to bringing you back to full divine consciousness. All is being done in conjunction with Heaven. This special planet and this special solar system are to be restored and a new star-nation created. This star-nation is to blossom and become the center for many major conferences that will make the galactic peace permanent and bring union to many thousands of nearby galaxies.Mother Earth welcomes her destiny and dearly wishes you to embrace yours too. Your global society is at a point where a new working paradigm is urgently needed. Change is well overdue for your present industrial model, and a new energy and a new society must be birthed if you are to survive. As you know, yours are not normal evolutionary circumstances, and therefore the question is not so much what you do at this point, but what we do. We need to progress you toward a solution that includes your return to full consciousness. To do this, we have indirectly interfered with your society in numerous ways since the early 1960s. Your culture is indeed changing rapidly, but nevertheless, we need at this moment to accelerate this process. Mother Earth asks us to carry out a first contact sooner rather than later, and Heaven seconds this request.So we have a clear mandate to get the landings done as soon as possible. Consequently, we are putting immense pressure on our Earth allies to finish their tasks. Our imbedded personnel are constantly monitoring developments in various governments, in the dark cabal, and among you. We intend to have some dramatic changes happening very shortly and to land soon thereafter. Thus you are witnessing the last vestiges of this reality. It is fading and fading fast! And the new one is ready to manifest. Change is ready to burst forth! The world you live in is too unstable to hang together much longer and its total collapse is imminent. Even the mighty machinations of your dark masters cannot prevent what is about to be sprung upon you!Today, we discussed what is happening around your world. Mother Earth and Heaven decree in earnest that this reality is at an end and that the time has come for this world to morph into a 5-D integrated whole. The inner and outer worlds are to be reunited at last! And all this is ready to pop! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Ascended Master So Ma

Master So Ma
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

May peace prevail within the hearts and minds of all and let love lead the way forward to truth, a truth that is pure and vivid to see and experience. This is my greatest dream for all on the Earth, a goal that I energise daily to ensure its manifestation and to support the divine plan of the Creator.
I am Master So Ma, I work closely with Commander Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters and I am also a being descendant of the star of Sirius. It is such an honour to be given the privilege to connect with you now as my work is normally unseen or unrecognised by humanity. I feel that I have much wisdom and inspiration to share with you, my heart and mind are bubbling with abundance but today I wish to bring forth and guide you through an activation which will aid your ascension and the development of your body of light as well as building your connection with all that is the Creator, but first I will share my wisdom with you.
Let us take a moment to focus our mind upon the Creator, to think of the peace, love and beauty of the Creator's light. As we centre our thoughts on the Creator's soul to build our alignment, let all false beliefs, impressions and expectations that we may have concerning the Creator fall away. It is when we allow this to occur that we gain a true understanding and experience of the Creator's soul and energy. Permit yourself to pull your attention from your reality on the Earth and concentrate on the Creator's luminous light allowing yourself to be aware of your senses and experiences. This will bring you into alignment with the most appropriate vibration of the Creator's soul, creating a foundation for great transformation to occur.
To ascend is to gain a certain level of light, love and consciousness, it is a state of existence and being that is maintained eternally and that is focused upon all that is the Creator. It may seem impossible to exist as and with the Creator on the Earth when negativity is so present within the atmosphere of the Earth and minds of humanity, but many have achieved this before your time on the Earth. I assure you whole heartedly that you will also obtain this pure and loving state of existence on the Earth for yourself and to be of example to others. I can say this with true faith as you have already achieved this sacred state, you just have to remind yourself of it and reprogram yourself to focus upon this sacred aspect of your being.
When souls begin to maintain a focus upon the Creator and realise themselves as the Creator then they may adopt the label or title Ascended Master. This is essentially a label on the inner planes it holds far less weight than it does in the minds of light workers and humanity on the Earth. We see our ascension as a natural shedding of false impressions and absorption of love; it is simply a label, akin to recognition of a level of growth obtained. To be an Ascended Master doesn't mean that you have fabulous rights and magical powers. With the realisation that it is simply a state, we begin to let go of self importance and are able to move closer to the heart of the Creator. To become an Ascended Master isn't the ultimate goal; it is a natural part of your progression and schooling on the Earth and the inner planes. With this realisation the ego is able to step back and you are able to move forward with greater ease to embody your Ascended Master Self.
The state of an Ascended Master holds three parts, these are very simple and obvious but I would like to take some time to discuss them now.
The first is the love of the Creator. Many people perceive the angelic kingdom as the loving representatives of the Creator's magnitude of love and heart chakra energy. Maintaining the state of Ascended Master existence is to hold within you a body of love that is so pure, generous and abundant in its flow through and from your being. Essentially there is a need for you to discover in your own time the profound love that you hold for the Creator and to experience this within you, letting it bubble into your entire being and surroundings. When you have discovered the love that you hold in devotion for the Creator this can be extended to all those around you, as you recognise the Creator's love present within all. You could remind yourself that every soul is an angel on the Earth and acting as a representative and an embodiment of the Creator's love. This is a beautiful way of honouring all and recognising the truth within all. It is also important to realise yourself as an angel on the Earth, holding the sacred qualities of the angelic light body and offering your services and assistance to others with generosity and a whole hearted love. It is appropriate to contemplate what it is to be loving to yourself and to others without attachments, a feeling of need or recognition.
The second part of holding an Ascended Master state of existence is to maintain an open, peacefully focused and clear state of mind that is aligned with the soul and essence of your being. It is perceived that the Ascended Masters hold the focus of the Elohims who represent the expansive and focused mind of the Creator; this is essentially to hold an alignment with the mind of the Creator. We can imagine this as a body of consciousness or awareness that is beyond the limited understandings or perceptions of the Earth. It is the mind that can bring peace and focus to your entire energy so it is important for the intentions and programming of the mind to be pure. The Elohims hold a complete oneness with the mind of the Creator, receiving and absorbing a perspective that is born from love and holds a magnitude of enlightenment. At this stage it is not productive to imagine the vast enlightenment that you could hold and understand within your mind through the alignment of your mind with the mind of the Creator but it is essential to grasp the tremendous stillness, concentration and peace that is held within the mind of the Creator. It is appropriate to imagine the serenity of the Elohims and the depths of stillness that vibrates from their beings, this will assist your connection with their energy allowing you to realise this within yourself.
The third part of holding an Ascended Master consciousness is the embodiment of light or the magnification of your light body and quotient. Light is the substance that holds and binds vibrations, intentions and consciousness, it is akin to a foundation of the entire manifestation of the Creator. Light can empower, fuel and energise your being and reality. Light blends the awareness of the Creator and the heart of the Creator as one to form a vibration that is pure and sacred, carried throughout the entire Earth and universe upon the back of light.
By understanding these three aspects of an Ascended Master state, I hope that you may find it easier to realise yourself as an Ascended Master, understanding that this isn't your ultimate goal but is a nature progression of your soul on your journey home to the Creator.
I will bring forth the activation of light to aid your ascension and realisation of your Ascended Master Self next week but for this week I would be honoured if you sat in meditation and contemplated my words with a focus on the meaning and purpose of the Ascended Master state of existence, taking into account the three parts that I have spoken about today.
I would be delighted if you would also practice the exercise that I shared with you at the beginning of my communication, to think of the Creator free from expectations or the projection of impressions. Through these simple practices you will feel your alignment to the Creator and sensitivity to yourself building.

With honour and respect,
I am Master So Ma,
Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters and a Sirian Soul
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Angel Message

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today wish to speak to you about guidance. Each one of you is made of the very same light that moves the stars in the heaves, causes the seeds to burst forth and grow into full bloom, and guides you in all of your interactions. This light is known by so many names - God, Love, Universal Intelligence, and so forth. This light is nothing less than the love that created and sustains the universe. So too, it creates, sustains, and guides you, for it IS you.

It is the human mind that makes you feel separate from this light. It is human fears and anxieties that make you forget that you are eternally connected to the source of all creation and that this love WANTS you to feel at peace, WANTS you to feel in harmony with the universe, and longs for you to know the love that created you and guides you. What the mind wants however is entirely different. It wants the illusion of control. It wants certainty, predictable outcomes, and assurance that it will be the boss. As you learn to surrender your mind and to listen to your heart however, you find a divine balance between the two. The mind was intended to serve the heart, not vice versa.

So when when you find yourself in fear or in challenging times, know it is a human tendency to start strategizing, reacting, figuring out ways to manipulate the universe. Far better however, to stop, breathe, sit in silence and ask yourself, "What do I really want out of this situation? What is my heart trying to tell me?" Ask, "Heart, what do you want? What are you trying to tell me?" Invite the presence of God within you to speak clearly through your heart. And then, listen, not so much with your ears, but with your inner knowing. Be willing to 'hear' things your mind might disagree with.

Suppose you want desperately to get a new job . In every minute of your spare time, your mind says, work, work, work! Send out resumes every moment. Make those calls! But your heart says, I want to go outside today and relax and read my spiritual books. I want to reconnect with myself and God. And during this quiet time you realize there is something else entirely that you want to do with your life. You want to go back to school or change careers. Now dear ones, now that you have gotten in touch with your hearts, now the universe can and will support you. Now doors will open. Now you will receive inspiration and guidance.

When the mind is trying to control the heart, you can only be guided into situations that force you deeper into your heart. When the mind is honoring the heart, you can be guided easily towards the heart's goals.

Only when you are at "one" with your true self will God guide you in your outer world towards your goals. Suppose your earth said, "I do not wish to revolve around the sun now! I want to go in a different direction." Well my dear friends, she would not receive any help and assistance in that endeavor because she was created to go around the sun. And so guidance would be withheld until she said at long last, "Ah it is in my heart to revolve around the sun as gracefully and beautifully as I can." So be it! Guidance would be immediately forthcoming.

Suppose you want a relationship to make your life more interesting, or to help you feel happier. If you insist, we can guide you toward one to do just that, however realize you will attract someone who wants YOU to make their life more interesting and to make them feel happier as well. And this will drive you deeper into your heart and you will say, "But I want a relationship with someone who is happy with themselves, and feels good about their own life." And then the realization will follow, "I want to feel happy with myself and good about my own life." Then dear ones, you will receive guidance as to how to go about realizing this truth, and in this deeper truth you will attract healthier and happier relationships.

Suppose you say, "God I want more money! I want to be able to pay my bills more easily." Well dear ones we could guide you there in a heartbeat, but many times we do not because what you really want, underneath these desires is, "God, please show me that you really love me, support me, and care about me." Far better to ask for this, because it is a deeper truth and in this deeper truth you will be guided in many ways that show you how much God loves you. You will develop faith, trust, and an awareness of greater truth, perhaps even in different directions than you might have chosen had the money come easily, and then... the money will come as well.

There are always very deep desires beneath the more human ones. Dig deep into your hearts, find them and ask for them, because these are the prayers that are answered in beautiful ways that you might not even imagine. In asking to feel your light, the light of God's love, and the universal support for you, you are admitting to yourself you are worthy of it (and this is truth). You are admitting that you are a valuable part of the universe. You are allowing the Divine to guide you as was originally intended, and you are surrendering to a grander vision of your life than one you could ever dream for yourselves.

So by all means, pray the very human prayers for we care about your human life, but don't forget to dig deep and see what prayers the heart is trying to pray underneath these human desires. You all want to know God's love. You all want to feel safe and secure in that love. You all want to feel that your life has purpose. And we can easily guide you in these endeavors, for a life centered on love is one in which your material needs will truly be satisfied, your desires for connection will be upheld, and a joy that is natural to the soul will be allowed to shine through you to others on this school called Planet Earth.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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Ascended Master Hilarion

July 18-25, 2010

Beloved Ones,

As you look around you, the World as you have known it is rapidly changing. All that once seemed solid is now in the process of dissolution and transformation. This is bringing many of you great sadness and pain but also great growth in spiritual perceptions and a total re-evaluation of your purpose here on Earth.

Grieve not, Beloved Hearts, for as the dissolution comes, there is also great potential for growth and transformation that is taking place within the hearts, minds and Souls of those who are giving you such difficulties at this time. All is as it should be from the higher perspective. We say to you not to give up on your relationships with those whom you love, for all is not yet lost.

Your Beloved Ones need giant wake up calls at this juncture and each of you have agreed to accept the roles that you are now playing and what is now playing out in each of your lives and relationships has required each of you to experience a ‘dark night of the Soul’ and, as Lightworkers, you are helping them to open up to their higher potential. To you it seems as though all is lost and never ‘the twain’ shall meet, yet you will find that down the road you are each traveling, there will occur great transformations within your Loved Ones and as these transformations begin to take place, a greater realization of your value and worth to them will begin to take place within them and they will realize how blessed they have been with your presence in their lives and there will be opportunities for reconciliation.

What is needed now for those of you going through these experiences is to love and nurture yourselves. Go within as often as you are able and spend as much time in Nature as possible, for this will help keep you grounded and will help soothe your Soul. Allow your Loved Ones to go through their process and try and detach yourselves from any expectations. Sometimes a temporary time away will create greater clarity within your minds and hearts and bring your situations into greater focus and you will get a sense of your next step and your way will become clearer.

As this happens, be open to receiving guidance and the synchronicities as they occur in your daily lives, for your personal Guides and Angels will do everything they can to give assistance. We are ever ready and will answer your calls with alacrity. Stand in your Light, Dear Ones, and stand tall. Speak your truth and be not afraid, for all will work out in a way that will leave you gasping with incredible joy. It will require further and great patience on your part, for you must allow the time for this to manifest. You may have to spend this time removed from the situation, in order for order and harmony to be restored. Have faith and hold onto the Love that you hold in your hearts, for the Love IS the answer.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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Angel Therapy

July 2010
Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels by Doreen Virtue
This week, in response to my prayers, I received visions and messages about the mechanics of how our reoccurring thoughts manifest into reality. This is so exciting, because the angels showed both the energetic basis AND the solution for reoccurring negative patterns!

Any negative pattern that you’ve experienced consists of Individual thoughts that look like little vibrating microscopic globes, like the nuclei of atoms. These atoms are right next to your body, each connected by a magnetic bond to you. The bond is your attachment to the ideas you hold about yourself, your life, and your patterns. ANY reoccurring pattern you've experienced in your life is a result of these atom-like globes around your body.

The angels showed me that the universal energies are like a blanket of pure clean snow. Snow falls equally everywhere that it lands, yet it takes on shape and form based upon the landscape upon which it falls. So if snow falls upon a rocky terrain, then that's the shape that the snow will appear if snow falls upon a smooth landscape, then the blanket of snow will appear smooth. In other words, the universal energies are neutral, and they only take on form according to the energy which surrounds YOU. And the great news is that you get to decide which energy surrounds you.

So it's important for us to have a smooth surface upon which the universal energies can land. The angels showed me how they can help to remove rocky patterns from your life's landscape!

The healing Archangel Raphael's emerald green healing energy can dissolve and loosen the bonds of the negative patterns' atoms. Please take a moment to center yourself with breath, and then say this aloud or silently:

"Archangel Raphael, please surround me with your healing light, dissolving all bonds to fear-based thought patterns. Please wash all of my former fears away."

You'll likely feel sensations as the green light dissolves and washes away the old thought forms from your body. Afterward, you'll feel lighter and freer, which is the basis of inner peace and health.

The Dolphins’ Messages about the Law of Attraction
by Doreen Virtue
Recently, as I was scuba diving, I heard the unmistakable sounds of the dolphins: a beautiful melody similar to children’s laughter. I swam in the direction of the sound, and looked up to the surface where a big pod of dolphins was diving near me.

At first, I swam fast to join the pod. But they changed direction and swam away from me . . . fast! That’s when I realized that I was chasing them, and thereby chasing them away. I remembered my previous teachings from the dolphins: that they’d come to me if I’d just stay still, turn my belly to face them, and open my heart with great love to them.

Forty feet below the surface of the ocean, I turned and floated on my back with my belly in the direction of the pod. Although I could no longer see or hear the dolphins, I consciously opened my heart to them. I wasn’t “sending” them love, I was simply feeling love for them. I made sure I wasn’t doing anything similar to chasing or manipulating them. I didn’t demand that they come to me. I didn’t even will that they swim to me. I simply loved the dolphins.

In less than one minute, the pod of dolphins swam right to me! I kept my belly facing in their direction, as a sign of equality (since that’s how dolphins swim with each other). The dolphins playfully twirled and spun around, and I mirrored their actions in a fun and beautiful underwater dance. We played like this for about 20 minutes.

This interaction was another reminder and metaphor that when we chase after anything, it runs away. But if we simply open our heart and send love, we attract all of the goodness of the universe.

You can call upon the protective Archangel Michael to guard and shield you as you live open-heartedly. He will give you clear guidance, in the form of thoughts and intuition, to steer you toward people of integrity. He’ll also warn you if you’re around someone who is ego-based. As long as you listen to and follow Michael’s guidance, you’ll be able to keep your heart open with peaceful interactions with loving people.

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Mary Magdalene


I am Mary Magdalene and I call from the bottom of my heart to the People of Earth to listen to my message that your world is about to change; that the earth is shifting out of an old energy field into a new one. This new energy field will drastically change everything on earth. I and others knew this 2,000 years ago that completion would come in this lifetime. All was put in place then for moment, nothing has been left to chance. Many have come to earth through incarnations over time periods to put the matrix in place for this end time so that the transition would be as easy as possible.

Know that only through Love and Peace can this transition be possible without destruction. It is time to wake up to the reality that your life on earth must change, that all people on earth are as one. There are no separations. The blood that runs through your veins is the same all over your world. There is no distinction; you are all blood brothers and sisters. The bloodline runs through you all from the beginning to the end of humanity. You have been hoodwinked into thinking there is a difference between you. Separation comes with dominance. YOU ALL HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD. This is your time to stand in your own power as one nation on earth and proclaim your true love of self as a whole nation. CALL FOR PEACE. All hearts beat as one. REMEMBER THERE IS NO SEPARATION. Males and females of earth can now proclaim their true birthright. You do not need a piece of paper to say who you are. Royalty and loyalty come from within. NO-ONE IN AN EXTERIOR POSITION IS ABOVE THE OTHER. You should all stand shoulder to shoulder as ONE CIRCLE OF LIGHT, spiralling across the earth. Do not allow this time to lapse without this acknowledgment of who you truly are. Come together and let your hearts sing with joy. This is a momentous time on earth. Let the heavens open to the sound of your calling FOR PEACE, LOVE AND TRUTH IN HARMONY AS ONE NATION ON EARTH. Lay down your armour of war. In the NEW WORLD on earth it will not be needed. Only the frequency of peace can hold to the NEW WORLD.

This is the time of PURE LOVE. Nothing else will hold to this new frequency. Start preparing now. You do not have long before the new energy transforms the earth and all who reside on her. Use the Magdalene day for love and peace. Prayers are said in my name across the world and candles are lit. I ask that my Light will ignite the FLAME OF PEACE AND LOVE that from this day my name will be used as a prayer for peace and love.

Please send this message out now in my name – Mary Magdalene


Rainbow Heart Rainbow Heart

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I have been asked to address this issue by many whereas I usually take a neutral position and share my own experience. Unfortunately the majority of those who are in the field of ufology have not risen to the occasion nor developed the consciousness necessary for contact. The focus on fear, aggression, self importance and lack of cooperation is not conducive to contact. The promotion of fear and aggression by disinformation agents, skepticism rather than discernment in which ufology is replete is also contrary to contact. The spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors known as the greater family of man have asked that I deliver this message. All you need is to have an open mind, loving heart, and pure intent to connect with the highest intelligences. Most connections are not through the mind but through the heart and it is with the heart that one must discern the nature of the contact or the individual delivering the message. There will be those who put themselves in a superior position separating themselves from others; which is nothing more than a trick of the ego or spiritual ego. This can also come about by low level contacts or faker spirits. In these areas discernment, self-authority and training in how to sense and heal any unseen negative or self-serving entities is in order.

As a heads up one of the oldest tricks is to be told your are here to save humanity from some dark force by the very dark forces themselves. It is easy to mislead, divide and separate using this technique. There will be those who have received guidance that those who are truly working in the light are cabal or serving the dark yet this information is brought about by the very same forces who are bent upon the continuation of fear, aggression, and separation. They are not in unity consciousness nor are those who are guiding them. By their fruits you will know them and if they are separating themselves in hierarchies, distracting you from your own personal God, Creator, Spirit connection and are self serving rather than serving in empowering the individual and the awakening and healing of humanity and the earth by all means focus back inward. Use your own inner guidance and heart to steer your course.

There are those who will quickly give all their power away to seen and unseen forces if the story is a good one. The more elaborate and complicated the better to confuse the mind and give up thus turning their power over to those who seem intellectually savvy.

On the highest vibrations and dimensions there are no Hierarchies. They know themselves to be one with all life on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. Identity means little to them yet for those who are focused on the personality and body giving them an identity is necessary. For those who have not awakened to the God, Spirit, Creator within; identity is extremely important as well as the acceptance and approval outside of self. By giving them selves a fancy elaborate title self importance is created in the outer rather than knowing they are loved, accepted and approved beyond measure on the inner.

There are those who want to war against ET and as Hollywood shows fighter jets and guns with national pride winning. This is beyond logic and short sighted. Many are working out their own victim patterns trying to regain something lost in the outer rather than healing the inner wound or trauma. In the interest of national security the wise path is to rise to the occasion and align with the benevolent off world visitors thus being under their protection. They have the full use of creative powers yet we must leave our warring aggressive behavior behind. We also need to learn to cooperate in the highest and best good of humanity and the Earth setting our petty differences and egos aside. Our greater family of man is here to serve the Creator in all Creation. They are here to assist us in releasing the past and setting aside all grudges, petty differences, transcend all religious and cultural barriers. They have transcended war, disease, material lack, live in harmony with each other and their environment and only wish for us to do so as well. They are on the wings of the great wave of unity consciousness. The days of separation and competition, unbridled greed and tyranny are coming to a close. We can be a part of the solution or part of the problem yet the problem's days are coming to a close. Be well
James Gilli

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Steve Beckow needs our help

I Need Your Help (1)
July 21, 2010
by Steve Beckow
1 Votes
From time to time, I may need to ask for your help with something. If so, I’ll use this format. If you can assist, that would be wonderful; if not, that’s also great. Only offer if you have the time.
Steve is a light worker assissting Mother Earth and all sentiment life upon her with the ascension. It seems our government can now delete websites and I would not be surprised if they attacked Steves website. His site is Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gunner Two Things
I’m concerned that this blogsite could be shut down and everything on it could be lost. I need to make copies of all the articles and put them on CDs.
But I already have enough on my plate. I can’t see how I could do it.
You could help.
If 100 people were willing to take five articles and copy and paste them into an email and send them to me, I could copy those into files and save them to a CD.
To make this work and avoid duplication, I’d have to assign five files to people so why don’t you write me first ( and I’ll let you know which five pages or posts to enter into an email and what the format should look like.
If anyone has graphics skills and can make a graphic that incorporates the V-sign (at a 45-degree angle) and the OK-sign together, I’d be most grateful. We could swap it into the existing post.
Thanks if you can help,
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