It is amazing to be so surrounded with love, and so wounderful are all its people as they unite, what else can you do but be love. This is really the year where you will see many people uniting in groups.
Doctor Love
"Indeed friend...The Chicoms were simply obeying orders from their cabal masters, contaminating whole teams of international sporting athletes, as well, passing through Wuhan...Allowing a global pandemic to be announced, later, by the WHO...
"Drexk-it is said covid was developed in varius places in the US including Harvard and at least one Armed Forces base-caught, obama moved it through fauci and that other scum bucket (forgot his name) to wuhan-I'll bet the chicoms used an aerosol…"
"Spartoi, or Skeleton Warriors, are monsters who are formed from ancient dragon teeth that are placed in the ground, and then focused on Trump's/our enemies.
Light Workers-just say 'go get em'-other names for our skeletons;
Johnny Rotten
Nu Xtrax Rocks!
Marketing Tools
love, Ero
Thank you, I'm glad to be your friend!
Much light in your heart,
Doctor Love