flashstorm's Posts (84)

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Contentment and Satisfaction

Some say that Contentment is the greatest wealth. Perhaps they are right. For in spite of the situations we find ourselves going through, when we feel Contentment, we do not need to grasp after things to fill a hole inside. It is to be at peace with what we have, and have no need for anything more. Thus it may be only a little that we've got but we are grateful and happy with it and don't need anything more. Such a mindset is extremely calming, it is the opposite of that ravenous hunger that insists we get more and more and the more we get is never enough. Contentment annihilates Greed and it also understands that out of the little we have the wisdom of sharing with others. So Contentment is a great wealth, because although we may not have ideal situations, it brings peace of mind. Contentment also leads to Gratitude, because we become aware of all the blessings that we actually have. Though they may be basic we recognize their value and are immensely grateful for them To recognize our blessings and send gratitude to the universe is a powerful act. By this action we come into harmony with the universe and create such positive karma that sows the seeds for deep satisfaction in the future.To be fully Satisfied is to be full to overflowing with the fulfilment of our highest dreams and our deepest desires. Or even to experience energies that go beyond our dreams and desires and bring them into a more harmonious expression. Chasing after satisfaction in some way or another never works, even conventional wisdom recognizes this.Those who believe that money is the answer to all their problems find that with money comes other problems and the curious experience of realizing that although you have everything materially, for some reason you are not happy or satisfied. To be satisfied is to be full with the abundance of the Universe, to be connected to those energies that fulfil the purpose for which human life was created. This expresses itself as the divine within, the eternal and infinite speaking to us within time. In such a space we feel a Peace extended through all ages of the world, we see all of human history from it's inception to it's final end woven together in a tapestry of Love. We see without doubt the final enlightenment of the human race and it's ascension to total cosmic freedom..But sometimes to be satisfied is to sit simply with friends or family we love and enjoy a good meal with conversation and laughter. In such situations our flawed, mortal, temporal existence points to our eternal destiny which is Everlasting Love.The meditation: May all on Earth experience Contentment and deep Satisfaction.
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Imagine a world without roads, cars, planes, taxes, money, violence, or greed. Where everyone has more than enough to live comfortably. Love is celebrated above all else, and through Love all share what they have.

You have a fuelless flying antigrav vehicle that allows you to go anywhere on the planet at any time.You experience the gorgeous vistas of Gaia and explore hidden secret places. You go to some island in the South pacific, sit on a beach and enjoy the company of other explorers and friends. Then you hop over to Egypt in less than no time and sit in your vehicle with the shades up looking out at the pyramids while eating your lunch.

Then you are ready to come home, where you go to the great places of study where you learn about this history of the galaxy, the ancient and great civilizations that lived in the far distant past on Earth and on other planets. You are able to use devices that take you to the past and experience as if you are really there the bustling sights and sounds of what is going on.

Then you join your friends in a party under the stars, you dance and sing and have lots of fun. You watch plays and art created by the community. The food is great, the company better, the laughter endless.

Some scientists come up to the party and ask if anyone is interested in going on a survey. You have a fascination with science so you and some of your friends agree. You all hop on the antigrav machine and are transported to the grand Space Port that is bustling with activity. You then embark on the tranport that takes you up to the Giant mothership orbiting Earth, you look out of the windows with wonder as you pass through the upper atmosphere and out into Space. The Grand image of the Spaceship appears and as you enter the Ship you begin to feel a tired euphoria. You fall asleep in your lush cabin as the space ship travels to the planet for the survey. When you awake your friends tease you that you missed the sight of the Stars during the journey. You help the scientists survey the planet which is fascinating (You notice the beings on the planet that you are surveying taking photos of your survey vehicle and shouting at each other:"UFO, UFO"). You then return to the mothership and take the journey back home to Earth.

Back home on Earth you go visit your close friend and lover, and the two of you go to help the community for that day, doing various things that keep everything up and running. In the night the both of you talk and make love. The moon is up that night and as you look out at it from the bed with your lover sleeping beside you, you realise. "I've never been to the moon, hmmm thats something to do tomorrow."
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Joy and Bliss

"Utopia isn't Possible" says the conventional wisdom. Human beings are too flawed to enjoy a world of constant joy and happiness and they would end up getting bored and just kill each other for the hell of it.

Even in small new age communes that seek to live harmoniously, endless problems arise. Leadership problems, clashing egos, sexual jealousy, laziness, cleanliness. The list goes on. So perhaps those who say Utopia isn't possible have a point? But in fact what they are actually saying is that they can't be bothered to grow up and want to remain an adolescent forever never taking responsibility for their actions.

We as human beings have been gifted with a great gift, it is perhaps the greatest gift that we have. Our emotional body, our capacity to feel and to experience both positive and negative emotions. It is through our emotional body that we grow as Soul and Spirit. Without feeling there is no growth. Our capacity to feel is vast and we can feel the depths of darkest agony and the heights of Supreme bliss. The negative is also our teacher, it teaches us about the consequences of our actions, and how it FEELS. The negative also defines the positive so we have a frame of reference as to what feeling good actually is.

I often encounter people who tell me: "I feel like shit." or "I feel like shit all the time.". The way we feel is telling us something about our karma and also the state of our soul. But there is no judgement here, it is just a statement of fact. Also there is the fact that on this planet there are many bad energies around, low vibrations which feel pretty damn awful. This is telling us something about the collective karma of humanity. Feelings of Joy and Bliss if we experience them can seem rare and fleeting and this is true for even the most wealthy and famous people.

Some meditators can experience happiness by entering a trance or projecting themselves to the inner planes, the higher planes where there are infinite energies of Joy, Visions of wonder, and beauty untold that melts the heart with exquisite bliss. If you have the freedom of the higher planes in this way you are very fortunate. But all that inner bliss does exactly nothing for those who suffer here on Earth day to day. In other words unless you can bring back something of that Bliss you feel and share it with your fellow man, it is meaningless to the world. My point is we are looking for Joy and Bliss that everyone can experience in this world as opposed to the low energies and bad feelings that most suffer from.

As I have said there are infinite energies in subtle yet profound shades of enjoyment that we can experience with our emotional body. To bring heaven down to Earth is to allow just a tiny percent of the bliss of the higher planes to enter the world.

Darkness and negativity are our teachers, we encounter them all the time in our lives on this world, and essentially they are teaching us that if we wish to experience lasting Joy and Bliss we must confront our own inner negativity and recognize it for what it is, understand it's purpose and move beyond it. Once we do this we are free, we become mature and are able to experience the fruits of positivity, not in mindless ignorance but as mature Spirits who fully understand the purposes and uses of darkness and negativity. In such a state the negative powers have no influence over us, because we have already conquered them within our own heart.

When a small community or more is able to do this through Love and Wisdom this will spread throughout humanity who can then experience lasting Joy and Bliss and all the unending abundance and infinite beauty as real in our life and our feelings. We transform each other and the world. We create Heaven on Earth. Utopia fails because it is full of adolescents who fail to take responsibility for themselves. But a community of those who Love with Wisdom, free of attachment and Ego, who are at one with each other and the planet and in harmony with the Universe, will last in bliss and joy for all ages of the world.

The meditation: May all experience lasting bliss and joy.
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Most of us have experienced being wronged by another person. The things done to us by others can be mild or very serious. So we have developed feelings of anger towards those who have wronged us. When this is serious it becomes hatred, when it is very serious it takes on a need for vengeance. Anger, hatred and vengeance are some of the worst states of mind and emotion that we can direct at others and send out into the world. These feelings do no good whatsoever except to pollute our souls and to create much suffering and pain if we act on them.

In some cases it may be argued by some that a need for Vengeance is a righteous and necessary step, such as when we and our loved ones are attacked for no justifiable reason. Thus otherwise sensible and good people, when hurt in someway determine to be avenged. In some scenarios this degree of anger directed at others is inevitable and inescapable as we get caught up in the emotions that are created by the situation. Escaping the feelings we have is like trying to remain calm in front of an oncoming tornado.

Although we need to act sometimes clearly and firmly to protect ourselves and our loved ones from those with negative intent, acting out of anger and hatred only adds to the negativity. It creates a negative outcome for the object of our hatred and also creates pain and suffering for us in the future, since our Intent to harm or destroy the object of our hatred in some way whether physically or emotionally, creates serious negative karma. This we will experience in the future, perhaps in this lifetime or in another.

Which brings me to the point of the actual harm or offense that has been performed by others upon us. This is a difficult thing to accept, but the harm we experience from others, we have attracted ourselves by our own past actions of thought, emotion, word and deed. We are responsible for everything that happens to us, whether good or bad. Thus blaming some object or person for what has happened to you is a mistaken view. It is we who create the effect of our own experience. From this point of view the saying "there are no victims" is accurate.

By blaming others and wishing them ill or seeking to hurt we create a negative karmic link with that person, and this link can last for many lifetimes. In other words in lifetime after lifetime we will have to deal with our enemies in one way or another. A great example of this is two people who were great enemies in one lifetime, actually become man and wife in another lifetime. They are in love at first, but then their love turns to hatred which devours both of them. They are bound by feelings of animosity which cause them to meet lifetime after lifetime...until they forgive and release each other from this toxic chain.

Hence the wisdom of forgiveness. To forgive and send those who have wronged us Love is to release both them and us from a negative karmic cycle (They wrong us, we take vengeance, they take vengeance, we take vengeance and so on.) that can cause much suffering. Killing your enemy in no way puts an end to the problem. Instead it creates vast suffering and pain for the future. Our world is in many ways a reflection of this ignorance.

From the overflowing heart of Unconditional Love comes the wisdom that we are all One, What we do to another we do to ourselves. We learn to treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated. This is a very important lesson. From the point of Love we can send forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness to those who have wronged us, and to whom we have wronged and release them to their own happiness and peace. In the end they too will learn this lesson.

The meditation: I send Forgiveness to all who have wronged me and I release them to the Universe.
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The Universal Love

Love is the greatest power, the highest virtue and the greatest wealth. The only thing of value within this civilization is the love that we have for each other, everything else that is not in harmony with that love is worthless junk that will be destroyed. True wealth is the love we have in our hearts, it is this we carry with us past death and into our future lives. The love we have is the source of our future happiness, the fulfilment of our divine destiny and our final liberation from the worlds of form. A begger with nothing except love in his heart is billions of times more wealthy than the richest billionaire.

To believe in love is to join with all who love throughout this universe, the great wisdom beings, the light beings and those who have attained enlightenment and the highest realization. For l ove is the reason this universe was sung into existence and it is the celebration of Love that is the final destiny of all within the worlds of form, and it is love that will take us beyond these form worlds into the bliss of everlasting happiness. All good things come from love and those who dedicate themselves to serve the purposes of love are blessed beyond measure. In the fullness of time, love solves all problems, heals all wounds and resolves all karma. There is nothing that love cannot transform and make whole.

In this civilization greed, lust, hatred and scheming are everywhere. if the human race is to survive it must turn away from these things and learn to love each other, heart to heart, soul to soul, in innocence and with good intention. In this young children can be the greatest teachers. With empathy and oneness we must learn to join with any heart anywhere in the world and give and receive love, no matter what the distance, no matter if they are strangers and not our closest. We must learn to love freely and unconditionally and to give and receive all the beautiful feelings of love which we feel with our heart, so that all are healed through the power of love.

There is already a vast community of beings who do this, they have no temple, no preists and no dogma. It is love that guides their every move. They exist throughout all this universe in the spiritual and material and the only requirement to join is that you love. For it is they who witness in each moment the celebration of the universe and the purpose and reason for which they were created and the reason for which the cosmic wonder, beauty and joy exist. They experience it, taste it, feel it in each moment. It is the love that is all around in every sphere, plane and level, and they are in harmony with it. If the human race is to survive it too must tune in and bring itself into harmony to this love. It is free and is our birthright as children of the universe.
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Love and Attachment

Many people, (most people) confuse love with attachment, or desirous attachment. They get feelings of love from being with someone and conclude that their love depends on that person being in their life, being with that person, or a need for that person. The deep affection that they have towards that person, generates feelings within that are magnified when they are around the person. The problem comes when they have to inevitably depart from the person in one way or another. The feeling of love they had is broken, because their love depends on their attachment to that person. Involved in this type of desirous attachment is a very clearly defined sense of self and other, and of self as dependent on other. In essence separation and the desire to be united with the one they love from whom they are separated, hence the attachment to that person. This is a sad state of affairs, because love is so much more than this. True love is free of attachment, or the ego desire to be gratified in one way or another by someone or something external to self. True love recognizes that you are already one with that person and that no matter where you are or what that person is doing, you are with them. So there is no need for attachment. True love recognizes also that the blissful feelings of love come from within and are not dependent on another person. Love should not be confused with the human need for intimacy with those whom we have deep affection. Attraction, affection, intimacy and togetherness are all good and well and they lead to love. Yet when love is realized fully, it recognizes that it can't be bound, or contained by conditions. It is unconditional and free and it is free to unite with anything or anyone for it is one with all things. Attachment is a teacher whose master is Separation. The lesson is We must be free to love without ego and without conditions. The test is to let the one you love go, perhaps to find happiness with another and to be totally happy for them. For your love is infinite and without limitations and comes from a source that is eternal and ever new.
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The Law of Karma

In this life we all have to go through difficult times. Some of us have to go through extremely harrowing situations. There is pain, suffering, emotional and psychological problems and all kinds and forms of serious situations that we must face. From this there is no escape, because we have all created negative karma in our past, and the law of karma is extremely exact and inescapable. What we sow we shall reap. So everything that is happening to us today is a result of the karma we created in the past, whether that was positive or negative. Everything happens for a reason and all problems, difficulties and seemingly unjust situations we encounter are a mirror before us reflecting back our own actions we created in this or previous lifetimes. The good you create comes back to you, and so does the bad. There is always a reason for what happens to us even though the reason may not be accessible to us. Or if we were able to look into the past we would see ourself in a completely different personality carrying out negative actions that we think have absolutely nothing to do with us as we are now.

The thing is we have been ever type of being possible on this and other planets, so even though we may think of ourselves as a good person in this lifetime. In previous lifetimes we may have been very negative personalities. Karma isn't always instant. In fact in many situations it takes a long time perhaps many lifetimes for the Karma to ripen. The law of Karma is teaching us as an immortal Spirit the consequences of our creative acts, acts of mind, emotion, and physicality. We are always creating, whether positive or negative. All we create comes back to us. Within Karma is the lesson of love and wisdom that teaches the immortal spirit over vast amounts of time that we are responsible for what we create, and what we give and send to others, how we treat others, is how we in the end treat ourselves. For we are all one. Thus the saying "love thy neighbor as thyself", can only sink in over countless lifetimes of experience and the introspection of the spirit, which finally learns this lesson in the end.

To create love, peace, happiness and harmony, to give and express these and other positive minds within our mental, emotional and phsysical existence allows us to experience these things in our future. The higher realms of such glorious happiness, beauty, splendour and wonder can be experienced through the positive karma created by such minds. Yet there is another lesson that others who are themselves suffering from the karma they have created are not only our brothers and sisters, they are ourselves. We are one with them, so what happens to them happens to us. Thus their suffering is our suffering and we are not content to simply experience worlds of bliss while those we love are suffering. Yet this realisation has to come for oneself, no one can force it on you. Through compassion we enter the world to help others through their suffering.

In the darkness of a world embroiled by negative karma, there is much suffering and we who are here have no choice but to experience it. In such a situation, there is only one story on Earth worth telling. It is how our Love for each other binds us as one, and how our Compassion causes us to help each other. Only through Love and Compassion will the human race be healed and go on to ascend as a whole to a higher existence to eventually be permanently free from suffering. To serve the purposes of Love is to express the will of the divine that all living beings fulfill the divine destiny for which they were created and attain liberation without exception. This is the Great Work.

Our self centered mind creates an attitude that is obsessed with money and whatever we can get from others. It creates greed, anger, obsession, jealousy, lust, attachment and all the other negative minds. Hatred, violence and war are delusions that flare where Love, Patience and Compassion are absent. Thus these negative minds when acted on create negative karma, which perpetuates the cycle of suffering for all involved. Thus the sayings in the bible. "What you sow, you shall reap", "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.", "Love thy neighbor as thyself.". It may take LONG time for us to learn these lessons. MANY EONS and ages of repeating the same thing over and over again, until we finally learn the lesson that sinks into our heart for eternity. However long it takes, the lesson WILL be learned. The Law of Karma is slow, but it is absolutely thorough. Herein is the Love of the divine expressed through the law of karma.

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The Great Moment of Now

In the present moment there is no time, there is no past or future. When you realease all thoughts and emotions of the past and all expectations of the future, slowly you find the great moment of the ever present now. Within that moment you touch the presence that is beyond time, the omnipotent power that extends throughout all of existence. Within the now is Eternity, you feel it's emanation timeless and forever. Within the now is the everlasting happiness of Nirvana. Ineffable and Incorruptable. Within the now is the omnipresent ecstacy of the divine, everywhere and everywhen, everything that ever has been or ever will be. Within the now is the infinite bliss of pure enlightenment penetrating all awareness. Within the now is the Omniscient mind pervading all of space all knowing, all wisdom. Within the now is the Love that sung into existence infinite universes, that holds and sustains all things in an eternal embrace. And time, time itself disappears, melts into the wonder of the now. And you know you are not separate from this presence you are one with it. You were never separated, you only have to look for it and you will find it, within the now. When you find it you will know that there is nothing to fear. There is only love. All is one. Eternity is now.

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Heaven's Blessing

May the Heart of Compassion embrace and heal the lost and broken.

May glowing Health and Long life once again return to the children of men.

May the unending abundance of the universe bring contentment and satisfaction to all.

May the Wellspring of Happiness forever renew each adoring heart.

May the scintillating beauty of the cosmos fill each soul with it's ineffable bliss.

May the Wonder and Joy of the stars shine in the eyes of all Earth's children.

May the gentle and the kind be given the Wisdom to end all wars and violence.

May harmony and oneness rule all the powers on Earth.

May Undying Peace flow through every being like a river without end.

May the infinite and eternal power of Love fill every soul.

May there be Heaven be on Earth.

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The Journey to Heaven

The cities of Light, the Light spheres, the Fifth dimension, Worlds of bliss, the Heaven worlds. Many seek this to be free of the Karma that binds them to this "3rd dimension" and believe that Ascension will take them there. In my opinion you can ascend any time you like as long as you meet the requirements for ascension. This is a spiritual process that results in being free of the karma to reincarnate here and is the freedom of the higher worlds and planes.

The idea that the entire planet is ascending to the fifth dimension in my opinion is not really accurate. This planet already exists in the fifth dimension in a sense and there are vast wonders there. If you do your homework spiritually you can go there anytime you like, and if you're really good you can go far beyond that. I do believe that there is a process underway that is prompting the majority of beings on this planet to raise their vibration and to move as a whole to a higher frequency.

Unfortunately it is my awareness that this process will result in the extinction of the human race as it currently is from this planet. The human race as a whole has chosen it's direction for the future and that direction is totally at odds with the purposes of the divine consciousness of planet Earth. The race that will replace human beings is from the planet Jupiter and is already here preparing for the time when human beings will go extinct and they will take over, since they are more attuned to the frequency and vibration of the planet Earth. The soul group that encompasses the current human beings will go extinct in approximately 400-900 years time. Between the middle and end of the current millenium.

That Soul group will then be guided to another planet which reflects the course they have chosen. i.e. a planet that is nowhere near as beautiful and full of spiritual treasures as is Earth. Since humanity has chosen technology, industry, competition, science etc. over spiritual wisdom and harmony with the universe, their choice will provide them with the right environment to explore it.

Of course these are my perceptions of the future as I see it. Yet the future is not written in stone. It is very true that the human race has a vast potential and they can change their fate any time they like. The price for doing this though is very great. The human race as a whole has to back away and turn around from the abyss they are marching into and they have to open their eyes to the deceptions that are all around them in every part of their civilization.

For this purpose many beings from other worlds and planes of existence have incarnated among human beings of this world to prevent the human race from being displaced from this planet. This was mostly out of love and compassion for human beings and a desire to see them elevated and lifted up to the bliss of the higher worlds. Unfortunately as of this time this mission has not succeeded, and many cry to return back home. To be dragged by the collective karma of humanity to a lower world is not something that appeals to them and many will find a way out of it.

What happens is entirely up to the human race, it is a difficult time, I can see what is ahead for humanity if they keep going in the direction that they are headed. Yet for many incarnated here from other places, they came to change the future, so anything is possible. The majority of humans will not ascend to the fifth dimension. Knowing this many came here to bring heaven to Earth. To bring heaven on Earth, we have to bring heaven into our hearts. The more that do this, the better chance that the tide will be turned and the light and blessings of the higher worlds will come to Earth.

Imagine a world full of love, peace, happiness, abundance and spiritual wisdom for all. Although this seems impossible at this time, it is part of what it means to bring Heaven to Earth. Yet for many astute incarnates "getting the hell out of here" is the only thing on their mind. Whatever happens there is no substitute for spiritual development that gives you the freedom of the higher words, while engaged on work here in 3D. As such there is nothing to fear.

In this context "Ascension" has great significance, yet most will find it nearly impossible to attain. Their fate lies in the here and now, not in the fifth dimension. That makes it absolutely critical that what occurs here in the 3rd dimension is auspicious, for the majority will not attain freedom and will be tied to the collective karma of this human civilization. Thus the direction taken by the majority will be the determining factor.

It comes down to this: pray that the majority of humans choose a future of love, peace and happiness over an inevitable fate of war, suffering, death and annhilation. We all of us stand poised at the edge of the abyss. May divine providence guide the hearts of human beings that they may use their free will wisely. That they liberate themselves from sorrow. That they hear the call of their brothers and sisters to enter the celebration of gaia, the stars and the great galactic civilizations.

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The Sphere of Neptune

This sphere is similar to the crown chakra’s relation to the lower six chakras and also in some ways like the relation of akasha to the four elements: it serves as a higher conscience and also an embodiment of all ideals. It embodies the purposes that encompass everything else. And it insists ultimately on balance, harmony, and unification.The astrological sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Neptune plays the role to the other planets that Pisces has to the other eleven members of the Zodiac. It is the conclusion, the unity, the completion, the final goal, and the mystical vision for which all else serves.Too much Pisces in an individual’s natal chart and you have a person who is over sensitive, mystical, self-sacrificing, blindly loyal, sometimes a fanatical idealist, and overwhelmed by others’ emotions and depths of feeling that have nothing to do with the reality of daily life.Too little or a complete absence of anything remotely Pisces like in the natal chart and you get an individual who is materialistic, selfish, trapped in his own ego, insipid, without empathy, and who lacks the passion to change the world.The first few moments I projected my mind into this sphere the energy felt heavy and magnetic—but no more dense than the earth element and no more magnetic than is typical of the water element. And immediately there was the sense of Piscean idealism with its vision of the unity of life and the oneness of all living beings.Now, ten minutes later, the sensation or feeling is of a party, kind of like among undines/mermaids. At this party everyone loves each other. And like a party among undines, it is outrageously joyous and festive; the air intoxicating and the love as real and as precious as life has always hinted that it could and should be.Saturn is viewing life from the other side of the grave. Saturn is like sitting down with the Judge of the World whose name is Fate. And he/she reviews your life with you saying,“These were the cards life dealt you. And look what you did with them! Look how you played your hand! I dealt you a wild card here and you threw that golden opportunity away. I dealt you aces and you called too soon.“And here and here had you only bluffed raising the stakes you would have walked away with the desires of your heart. Don’t you get it? Life is not only about the cards you have been dealt. Life is about being attentive to others so that you transform each other.”Well, that is Saturn. The Sphere of Neptune is like the heaven that people can not imagine. But it is not out there after death or up there somewhere. Rather, it is meant to come down to earth.When there is a race of skilled magicians who love from the core of there being anywhere in this galaxy then that is where Neptune has made a place within the physical world. That is the “marriage of heaven and earth” to misquote William Blake.With all due respect, no religion is required for this dream, no belief and no faith. It is about hard work, wisdom, and the realization that love is behind and underneath all things. The song goes: “If the people lived their lives as if it were a song for singing out of light/Provides the music for the stars to go dancing circles in the night.”Unlike the party among undines or even among the spirits of Venus, Neptune understands like no other realm that the physical universe has been created as the vehicle and preparation of a Great Celebration—of a dance of light that is infinite joy and unending love.When Joseph Campbell explains the Hero’s Quest I do not think he ever found his way to this place. None of the mythologies speak of it. Oh, it is not that the great world teachers have not been out here. It is just hard to describe without the direct experience:How do you explain the taste of the elixir the Chinese Eight Immortals drink that makes them immortal? How do you describe the taste on your tongue of the twelve fruits from the Tree of Life that are for the healing of the nations?How do you expound on what is like when the Tao is upon you, within you, and around you so that all you have to do to move with its flow is to let go? Beethoven could have said, “I can touch this Joy within my art but without my art it has nothing to do with my life.”Like I say, Neptune is rather mystical. If you have a personal God, then it like knowing and feeling that when you pray your heart is joined to the heart of God during your prayer so that there is no separation. It is more than Mother Teresa who says “I seek to find Christ hidden in others.” With Neptune you are the life hidden within others. It is part of your self.Reviewing my brief time here I would have to say that this sphere is the most like anything that represents a genuine cosmic religious experience. Just being here is a completion that is more than personal love. Or more accurately the personal and the universal experience of love are completely united.So, a guy is on a beach and he finds a lamp in the sand and of course if the story is to go anywhere he rubs the lamp. Out come three genies. They say to him, “Each of us offers you a wish in accordance with the sphere that we represent. You may have one but not two or three. The wishes we bestow consume an entire life by the power of their mystery. What do you wish for?”He says, “I want to get the most out of life.” The first genie who represents Saturn says in reply, “Then I will give you a life of hard work—sixty and seventy hour weeks. But you shall always be able to say truthfully that you are doing what you love most. In the end, you shall be Warren Buffet (the second richest man in the world) who gives thirty billion dollars away to charity.” [The genie later apologized about not being able to offer the “most wealthy man” in the history of the world. A dumb college student who somehow got into Harvard and then dropped out got that wish as a result of a wish he made in a previous incarnation.]And the second genie who represents Uranus replies, “I shall make you Winston Churchill. All those around him said that England should accept Germany’s offer to end the war by leaving Hitler in charge of Europe. Surrounded by doubt and fear, Churchill resisted. He said that this island nation has not existed for a thousand years only to surrender to tyranny. The fate of the world passed through Churchill’s hands and was shaped by the choice he made.”And the third genie who represents Neptune replies, “I will make you Bob Dylan whose words shall inspire a generation. You shall be the tambourine man, the Fool card in the deck of the Tarot, who walks through life unconstrained and free. The spirit shall be upon you. But you shall not understand the words you speak for no one is yet ready to comprehend my Mystery.” (Bob Dylan wrote the song Blowing in theWind in ten minutes. But when you listen to Dylan when he is asked about what the song means it seems pretty clear to me that he not only does not care what the song means but that he lacks the mind to even begin to understand the words.)Which wish did the man on the beach with the lamp choose? What did he gain and what did he lose? Was he wise or was he a Fool? I will leave that to you.
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And Goodwill to all mankind.

A very happy holidays to all here. As we enter the time of giving and sharing love with each other, a time for celebration and remembrance of the things that are most important to us. Family, love, caring for each other, kindness and compassion. May all of humanity pledge and find the will and determination to uphold the light within the human spirit. That the inspiration at the heart of love, which is the incoruptible light of the divine, may we listen to it's voice that calls us to love each other and care for one another and to place love above all as the highest purpose in our lives. May heaven come to earth, may the blessing, grace and providence of the divine enable us to see the age where happiness, peace and love are celebrated within a civilization here on Earth that works in harmony with Gaia. May we all know a oneness with each other that reminds us that none of us is ever alone, we are all connected and joined to the great celebration and harmony of the stars. May we all overcome the negative powers that influence us here and find the courage and faith to serve love.With blessings to allflash
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The Five elements

I am studying to embody the attributes of the positive emanations of the Five elements within my spirit, here are the summaries of my perception of the elements and some of their properties. I hope this adds something to your awareness of the forces active in life.EarthThis is the undisturbed Silence of the ages, it is a patience that can wait billions of years to accomplish it's purpose. It is the step by step mastery of any task. The study, attention to detail and hard work required to make something real in the world. It is to endure and to persevere no matter what is happening. It is the connection to the underlying forces and powers that move and shape the Earth on which you live. It is to understand the purposes governing the planet, so that you create something that endures through all ages of the world.AirThe ability to be free of all points of view, yet to move between them with equal ease. It is to see everything from different perspectives, and not be attached to any perspective. To view things with detachment, yet penetrating insight in crystal clear vision. It sees the beginning and predicts the ends. There is the ability to understand any idea or concept. To master and penetrate any problem or mystery. It is to see all resources available to you at any moment and to draw on exactly what you need to accomplish a task or mission. It is the mind that can respond to any situation with exactly the necessary action.FireThis is the determination, faith and will to overcome all that stands in your way. To draw on resources of such depth and power that obliterate the obstacles in your path. The intense penetrating scrutiny that dissolves like acid whatever stands between yourself and your goal. It is the energy that thrusts aside any oposition and paralises any oponent. It is the force of mastery that controls any situation and commands all outcomes. It is excitement, enthusiasm and expansiveness backed by intentse concentration and focus.WaterIn water are the resplendent images on the inner planes full of beauty, wonder and love. It is rich textures of emotions, it is the aura full of feelings of well being that blesses all around. It is the abundance of nature and the gorgeous vistas of mother earth. It is the bliss throughout the universe, the treasures unending and unknown. The heartfelt connection between lovers and friends. It is the heart that loves, the mother that nurtures, the goddess that blesses. It is those nights and days of exotic pleasure, of erotic fulfillment, of delight and beauty in playful dance. Touch, taste, feel Satisfaction, happiness and contentment. To perceive the depth and expanse of a universe full of profound mystery and the freedom to become one with anything that exists through the law of love.Akasha (The Fifth Element)This is a infinite awareness that penetrates through all time and space. It is everything and everywhere. It is the form of all things and yet the formlessness as well. It is the source from which all things arise and the emptiness of all phenomena. It is detached yet intimate, timeless yet immediate, transcendent yet present. It is the then, the now and what is to come. Within akasha is the highest divine principle and the providence of liberation and enlightenment.
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Love the Bliss of Union

We are closer than ever to the reunion with our brothers and sisters of the stars. Those who serve the goddess, the divine feminine. They know that all power is in service to love, and the feminine expression of existence, which is love, happiness, peace, nurturing, and joy. The heaven worlds come closer to us, those of us who remember will know the bliss in the hearts of our beloved. To bring heaven to Earth is the gift of the goddess to the people of Earth. A new civilization where happiness not suffering, is the norm. Where the nurturing of Gaia for her children is revealed and the wonder for the mysteries of the galaxy and cosmos are celebrated. The jewel of heaven on Earth comes to us now if we are willing to accept it. Our brothers and sisters from the stars wait with great anticipation for us to remember who we are, and join with them in their celebration. The door to the treasures of the heart of the goddess is open. Within is an endless treasure chest of wonders unknown. Of feelings, discoveries and joys that know no end. To partake of just a small part of this is to know heaven on Earth. When those on Earth are tired of negativity, of conflicts and destruction. When they seek to return to creation, and the inner purposes in the heart of Gaia for her children on Earth, then shall the change begin. To return to the goddess, the source of happiness. The inner revelation of the divine in us. Through Love we create this change, Love is the highest magic, the greatest power. It is through our Love for each other that this bliss hidden in us, our divine destiny is revealed. The Union in ecstacy of the divine feminine with the human race on Earth is the return to heaven.
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Love is Magic

Love is MagicThere is no wound love cannot heal, no sorrow it cannot overcome, no suffering it cannot turn into bliss and joy. The power of love is truly divine and is what will overcome the terrible problems of our world. The most powerful meditation you can do, is where you send Love to the world and all it's inhabitants. Love is the power to heal our world. Realise that a single meditation on Love is infinitely more powerful than all the nuclear weapons and military war machines of this planet.The Divine GoddessThis civilization is far too obsessed with the firery masculine energies of Power, will, control and Domination. We need to balance our civilization and shift to the feminine energies of love, compassion, peace, nurturing, happiness and oneness with the universe. We need to celebrate the depth and wonder of the feminine mysteries because they provide us with the well being and emotional fulfillment that we all crave. It is through our feelings that we are able to touch the divine and it is the power of the Goddess to lead us to that place within our heart, soul and emotions where we can fulfill our divine destiny and celebrate the purpose for which our universe was created. Suffering does not have to be the norm. Through the power of the divine goddess we can create a world where happiness and bliss are the norm and where love is celebrate above all else.CompassionWe are here to serve each other, not to serve ourselves. We must learn to cherish others. The suffering of all the peoples of our world can be vastly reduced simply by everyone changing from selfishness to care for others. It is only through this way that we will throw off the dark powers of our planet.Wonder, Mystery and Beauty of the universeOur universe is full of wonder, it is a profound mystery that unfolds in the stars and it is on fire with beauty. To lose our wonder and awe for the majesty of the universe is to become like those who walk to path of darkness. They have become numb, and totally ignorant of the love and beauty that is in every breath and that surrounds us all. They have lost the joy they had as children and it will be a long dark path back to the light for them. Children are our greatest teachers when it comes to wonder and if we can put our house in order a great adventure awaits us for discoveries unknown that look both to an ancient starfaring past and a future full of the secret treasures hidden amongst the stars.Sexual energyHumanity has many great lessons to learn in this age and one of those is that Sexual energy is sacred. Within loving relationships, sexual energy leads to great bliss and spiritual awakening. It is a great gift and has many powers. Abused it leads to perversion, addiction, obsession and degeneration. No one can teach us this, it is something we have to learn for ourselves.Heaven on EarthTo bring heaven to earth we just have to create a wish and then concentrate on it day after day until it happens. When humanity is tired of suffering, greed, avarice, hatred and war, perhaps we will try a different way. Know that we have a divine gift to create out of nothing like the creator and there are no limits to what we can achieve. May we all decide to create a world that reflects the beautiful dreams of our hearts and may we let go of the horrible nightmares of the past.Venus to EarthThe planet Venus celebrates love above all else, especially the love between two soulmates, it is this experience of love union that leads to the oneness of the universal love expressed by the sun. The civilization on Venus exists at a different desity to the one we occupy in our existence and the message that the Venusians have for us is to love each other, to give love, to melt into the bliss of love. They stress this above all else, if we put aside all our differences and place all power to serve Love, we will create heaven on earth.Realm and experience of the undinesOn our planet there are many other evolutions that exist outside our perception at different densities. One such evolution is that of the undines who live within the oceans of our world. Like the civilization on Venus, the undines are full of the mysteries of Love, yet in a much more wild ecstactic way. These undines are hinted at by the mermaids of lore, but nothing in literature even begins to express the majesty and beauty of their existence. They exist in a realm of emotional ecstacy that most human beings cannot begin to imagine. They wish to express to humanity we have to capacity to experience an infinite variety of blissfully emotional states of being. Yet we are stuck within a very narrow band of experience. They wish to teach us how to exist within a permanent state of happiness and joy, if only we would open our eyes to find them.Telos and Agartha Civilization on EarthOur civilization is not the only civilization on Earth. In fact it is not the primary civilization. Within the Earth at a different density is the true civilization of our world. It is known as Agartha. The Earth itself isn't actually hollow. The portals that lead to Agartha, actually shift in dimension to a different density where this great civilization exists. There are many different phases to physicality, and shifting to these different densities is one of the abilities of all the true civilizations of our galaxy. Our own civilization is considered to be ruled by rogue elements of tyrannical ETs, and is like a dark, crazy theme park on the planet. A wonderland. Totally fake. Everything we do in our civilization is wrong and does not reflect the harmony of the galactic worlds of which Agartha is joined to. So to state again, our civilization is secondary. Agartha has all the knowledge of the history of our world and also that of the great galactic civilizations.Great Galactic CivilizationsThese civilizations span the galaxy and are for the most part harmonious, loving, positive worlds that exist in various levels of development. These starfaring groups are our brothers and sisters and we are joined to them very closely. It is only the fakeness of our civilization that keeps us from contact with them. There are many of us incarnating on planet Earth at this time that come from these worlds, and we are here at this time to fulfill a great mission, to bring the joy and love of the galactic worlds to wake up humanity from it's deep sleep and into the light of a universe teeming with life and wonder.No Money, No mind controlOur civilization is held under the tyranny of money and mind control by rulers who seek to dominate humanity. All the public technology serves the purpose for mind control of the populations. The media, politics and education also serve this purpose. The mind control is used so that people will still accept the monetary system, that controls, dominates and steals their labour to profit a minority of criminals with strong delusions of power. Say no to money, throw away your TVs and cellphones and say no to mind control. Create a world of love, create a world of peace, Create a world of happiness.
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Heaven on Earth

May you know wonder.May you know peace.May you know love.May you know joy.May you know happiness.May you know wisdom.May you know bliss.May you know beauty.May you know hope.May Heaven come to Earth.

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Watching the movie Contact starring Jodie Foster again has made me remember once more my mission here on Earth. This movie was originally made as a wake up call to many starseeds on the planet. The story line is very similar to what happens on planets that are being prepared for First Contact with the galactic community. There are many triggers that open the memory and recollection of starseeds in this movie, and it was clear that when it was made in 1997 the Galactic community was planning to make public Contact with Earth around the year 2000, but apparently due to all kinds of problems and resistance the plan did not go ahead at that time.Many starseeds here on Earth now have been part of First contact process on many other worlds, where they incarnate to gather intelligence and help prepare those planets for contact with the galactic community which is their real home. They came here to again take part in a proceedure that they have done many times before, but I think this time was really difficult with all the dark powers that resist the good intentions of the Galactic community.It is true that from since the 50s the Galactic community has been planning Contact with Earth's populations and have met with world leaders more than once to attempt this connection. Yet they have been rejected, due to the negative powers that control the politicians and "visible" leaders. First contact is overdue for our planet by many years now and starseeds know it and are very restless. The Galactic community realised that all the many different problems of this world could be solved if public contact was made between them and the peoples of Earth and they have tried in many ways to make this a reality. Unfortunately we live in a very dark world where great powers do everything they can to prevent our peoples from being liberated.I would say that the plans of the Galactic community will go ahead and although we have all been through dark times and Contact has been postponed many times, it WILL go ahead in the near future. There are many things that are happening behind the scenes and we are coming to a resolution and to an end point for the slavery on this planet. Perhaps you too can feel this as a reality. If you are a starseed, I can tell you that we have gone through the worst and if you've made it up to this point, you will see your mission completed and Contact with our family from the stars in the near future.
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