elihusmom's Posts (1)

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Ascension for Hedonists


I feel pretty lucky to be here on this planet at this historic time. I am, however, thinking about a couple of things:

1) Can I still drink wine, smoke, eat meat and such, yet hope to enjoy some sort of dna 'upgrade'?

2) Is my love and humor enough to carry me towards the light? Or do I need to buckle down and clean up my act to qualify?

3) Might this whole transition take a few hundred/thousand years to turn around? I hear a lot of talk from Mr. SaLuSa, but the thought occurs to me that it might all be symbolic, general, epoch-spanning, ya know? I do believe things to be changing, and I do believe disclosure will indeed happen, but just perhaps these events won't occur in our current, 3D lifetimes. Ideas on this, anyone?

This is a new forum to me, and any responses will be a nice bonus in my day.



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