cosmicwarrior's Posts (94)

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Ayahuasca: A New Approach to Western Medicine

eyes Depression, anxiety, and addiction are among the most common illnesses that plague the western world today. It seems that every second person is either taking some form of anti-depressant or self-medicating themselves with alcohol or recreational drugs. This occurrence can be viewed in all age groups; the idea of escaping problems using the common vices previously mentioned. It seems as though our overall health and well-being are no longer in the interests of the health care system, when a person of any age can walk into a doctor’s office and attain a prescription to antidepressants. It’s time to take a step back to look inside ourselves to find out where these issues are coming from. Are any of these substances or so called medications serving us, or allowing us to find peace within ourselves? For centuries ancient cultures from around the world have taken the naturopathic approach to healing their ailments, and it’s this concept of utilizing nature that western society has moved away from that might be one of our biggest downfalls. Deep within the Amazonian jungles, a traditional plant based medicine called ayahuasca has been used throughout their culture’s history to cure any known illnesses. In recent years, this form of medicine has found its way to North American culture, and is gaining widespread attention from many medical professionals.

peruSo what is ayahuasca? Traditionally, it is a tea or brew made from the combination of the vines and leaves of certain plants from the Amazonian jungle. This tea is brewed by what is described as a “shaman”. Shamans are considered the medicinal doctors of the native cultures in South America. These people are said to have the ability to communicate with the spirit world, and during an ayahuasca ceremony the shaman uses these abilities to help the participants through their journey with the plant medicine. It is unknown how long these ancient cultures have been using this alternative form of medicine. The first recorded usage of ayahuasca in western society was made in 1851 by a famous European scientist named Richard Spruce. Archaeological evidence suggests that native plant use dates back thousands of years.

Ayahuasca is considered a sacred practice by the natives of South America, and the tea is usually ingested in a group setting using a ceremonial approach. The ceremony is led by the Shaman, and the participants usually include people from all walks of life. Academic researchers have taken interest in this sacred practice in recent years, exploring the idea of using ayahuasca to treat depression, anxiety, or even drug addiction. These scientists are finding their way to the amazon to take part in these ceremonies to expand their own awareness of foreign medicine in hopes to take what they have learned back to America. National Geographic has written articles on the plant based medicine; even David Suzuki has explored the idea in his CBC program “The Nature of Things”. It is clear that the North American science community is beginning to realize that our current approach to therapy is no longer serving the masses.


So you may be wondering what an ayahuasca experience entails? Usually a participant agrees to take part in an ayahuasca ceremony because there are either physical or emotional issues that need to be dealt with, or sometimes the intent behind participating can simply be to attain knowledge of self. These mental issues can vary from traumas such as abuse, depression in the teenage or adult years, drug and alcohol addictions, and so on and so forth. The participant is required to go on a strict diet, called a “dieta”, the week before their experience. This cleanse allows for the body to rid itself of dangerous toxins that may interfere with the effects of ayahuasca, and it also allows for the mind to be clear and ready for what the medicine will teach its user. Traditionally, the ceremony will take place within the amazon, although it is becoming common for trained shamans to travel to Canada or the United States, bringing the medicine to local communities for people who are not able to commute. The brew is usually taken after the Sun has set, and so the group of participants meet beforehand to introduce themselves to the rest of the party and to the shaman leading the ceremony. Once settled in, the ceremony commences as one by one each person drinks the amount of ayahuasca decided by the shaman that will be necessary for their healing journey. After the participant has drunk the ayahuasca, they return to their bed and begin their solitary meditation for the rest of the evening. Ayahuasca brings its user into an altered state of consciousness, which can seem frightening at first, however the shaman and other helpers are there to guide and aid people if they are going through a difficult experience. It’s through this altered state of consciousness that the ayahuasca users become aware of mental or emotional traumas that have been affecting them at a subconscious level, whether it is abuse, substance addiction or so on. It is said that when someone takes ayahuasca, the spirit of the plant manifests through the guide of the shaman, and it is this spirit who helps teach and heal the participants throughout the ceremony. The ayahuasca ceremony can bring up difficult experiences, and it is common that when someone is dealing with a difficult memory that in order to heal they will expel bad energies in the form of purging, crying, yawning, or even defecating. The more difficult experience a person goes through, the more they are healing and shedding themselves of the ghosts of their past. During the ceremony, the shaman may feel that someone needs personal attention, and can do one-on-one healing work with that person. In the tradition of the ayahuasca culture, the shamans will chant sacred hymns throughout the ceremony to guide the participants through their journey, which can last anywhere from 2-6 hours. After the effects of the plant medicine have worn off, the patient is usually exhausted and will need to sleep; it is in the following day and days to come that they will feel like a new person, having shed any unnecessary emotional and physical weight that they have been carrying. The participant carries with them a new level of awareness that has ultimately changed their life forever. It is said that the amount of healing one can gain through only a few nights of drinking ayahuasca is equivalent to the amount of healing one would receive from years of psychotherapy.

What has happened to North American culture that has made us think that we are separate from nature? What has caused us to think that synthetically created drugs or alcohol can solve our problems? These are important questions which must begin to be addressed during this time. Stats Canada states that 8 % of Canadian adults suffer from depression. The pharmaceutical industry brings in billions of dollars a year, and the alcohol industry is not far behind that number. Perhaps the indigenous cultures that recognize that we are a part of nature, and who understand that nature has the ability to restore our health and well-being, are more ahead of the game than we know. Western society is now beginning to explore the concept of alternative medicine and is starting to accept that the way in which we are dealing with illnesses are no longer serving the masses. With these new alternatives such as ayahuasca being utilized, perhaps we are on the brink of a new era of health empowerment and a new era of self-awareness like never seen before.

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The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.

With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.

Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.

Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.

Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.

The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland

In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.

Various Researches ever since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.

Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, pepsi, tooth paste, mouthwashes, coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!. The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.

I like to end my article with this quote..

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

- :Buddha


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Using Psychedelics Wisely


Using Psychedelics Wisely
Myron J. Stolaroff
A veteran researcher explains how psychedelics can be used to give
beneficial results. From GNOSIS, No. 26, Winter 1993*.


MY WIFE JEAN AND I had driven several miles up the mountain to an elevation of 6000 feet a few miles south of Mount Whitney in California. We were about to meet Franklin Merrell-Wolff, author of the book Pathways through to Space, an impressively articulate and detailed description of a person entering a state of enlightenment and savoring it over several months.

When we were ushered into his private office, we found ourselves before an outstanding personage who radiated a marvelous glow. When we had talked for a few minutes and I felt sufficiently at home, I spoke of our research work, telling him that we had spent three and a half years administering LSD, sometimes in conjunction with mescaline, to 350 research subjects and had published our findings in medical journals.

"My oh my!" he said, looking at us with consternation. "I hope you haven't used these drugs yourselves."

We admitted that we had. He continued, "According to X" (here he mentioned an Indian sage whose name I do not remember), "it will take you seven incarnations to recover from the damage of taking such substances!"

Naturally I was upset, but I didn't think of the appropriate reply until we were driving back down the hill: "Never underestimate the grace of God!"
There is no question that psychedelic substances are remarkable graces. The farther one can reach into the vastness to be explored, the more one realizes how powerful these materials are. There seems to be no end to the levels of awareness that can be realized by those who use them to explore their psyches with integrity and courage.

The great value in these chemicals is that, in some way still not scientifically explained, they dissolve the boundaries to the unconscious mind. They give us access to our repressed and forgotten material, to the Shadow that C.G. Jung so effectively dealt with, to the archetypes of humanity, to an enormous range of levels of thought, and to the wellspring of creativity and mystical experience that Jung called the collective unconscious.

At the heart of the unconscious is what many experience as the source of life itself, and which some call God. Those who have experienced this describe it as a wondrous, ineffable source of light and energy that infuses all of creation, embracing all wisdom and radiating a vast, unending, and ever-constant love. Immersion in this is the essence of the mystical experience and produces what the great mystics have described as the state of unity or oneness. Such union is the culmination of all seeking, all desire; it is the most cherished of all experiences of which man is capable.

Not all who ingest these substances can count on such revelations. In fact, psychedelics are powerful agents and can be misused. It must be remembered that they help reveal the unconscious, and most of us have made its contents unconscious for very specific reasons. We may not welcome the appearance of repressed, painful feelings, or of evidence that our values and lifestyles might be considerably improved. Nor is it always easy to accept the spaciousness of our being, our immense potential, and the responsibility that these entail. We may also refuse to believe that we are entitled to so much beauty and joy without paying any price other than being ourselves!

To assure a rewarding outcome, let's look at some factors that should be taken into consideration when using these materials. I must add here that in no way am I encouraging the use of illegal substances. I do hope, however, that greater understanding of these materials will help restore an intelligent policy that will make further research possible. Here are some things that will help ensure beneficial results:


Set and setting have been widely recognized as the two most important factors in undertaking a psychedelic experience. Of these, set has the greatest influence.

As the drug opens the door to the unconscious, huge spectrums of possibilities of experience present themselves. Just how one steers through this vast maze depends mostly upon set. Set includes the contents of the personal unconscious, which is essentially the record of all one's life experience. It also includes one's walls of conditioning, which determine the freedom with which one can move through various vistas. Another important aspect of set consists of one's values, attitudes, and aspirations. These will influence the direction of attention and determine how one will deal with the psychic material encountered.

In fact, one can learn a great deal by accepting and reconciling oneself with uncomfortable material. Resisting this discomfort, on the other hand, can greatly intensify the level of pain, leading to disturbing, unsatisfactory experiences, or even psychotic attempts at escape. This latter dynamic is largely responsible for the medical profession's view of these materials as psychotomimetic. On the other hand, surrender, acceptance, gratitude, and appreciation can result in continual opening, expansion, and fulfillment.

Setting, or the environment in which the experience takes place, can also greatly influence the experience, since subjects are often very suggestible under psychedelics. Inspiring ritual, a beautiful natural setting, stimulating artwork, and interesting objects to examine can focus one's attention on rewarding areas. Most important of all is an experienced, compassionate guide who is very familiar with the process. His mere presence establishes a stable energy field that helps the subject remain centered. The guide can be very helpful should the subject get stuck in uncomfortable places, and can ask intelligent questions that will help resolve difficulties, as well as suggesting fruitful directions of exploration that the subject might have otherwise overlooked. The user will also find that simply sharing what is happening with an understanding listener will produce greater clarity and comfort. Finally, a good companion knows that the best guide is one's own inner being, which should not be interfered with unless help is genuinely needed and sought.


This is extremely important. Those who earnestly seek knowledge and deeply appreciate life in all its forms will do well. Yet certain characteristics of psychedelics make them very popular for recreational use. The most attractive of these is their great enhancement of sensual responses, which offer heightened perception, amplification of beauty and meaning, and intensified sensual gratification. Psychedelics can also generate a great sense of closeness among participants, especially in a group setting. While I am convinced that one of the great cosmic commands is "Enjoy," there are traps in using these substances purely for recreation. The first is that a person seeking the delights of the senses may find himself overwhelmed by the eruption of repressed unconscious material without knowing how to deal with it. Another danger is that constant pleasure-seeking without giving anything back to life can distort the personality and ultimately produce more discomfort. The safe, sure way to rewarding outcomes with psychedelics is through intelligent, well-informed use.


For the serious spiritual seeker, or for that matter anyone seeking knowledge, the single most important characteristic is honesty. This means the courage to look at whatever is presented by the deep mind, the ability to admit one's shortcomings when they become apparent, and the determination to change one's behavior in line with the truth one has experienced.


Experts in the field now generally agree that it is wise to conduct psychedelic explorations within the framework of a spiritual discipline or growth program that will continually call attention to fundamental values and goals. A good discipline will outline a body of ethics for personal behavior that will support the changes required. Good ethics will also help us stay clear about our objectives, and will keep the door open to increasing depths of experience. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that the more we are prepared to pass on to others whatever spiritual largess we have accumulated, the more we will be given.

For myself, I found training in Tibetan Buddhist meditation a potent adjunct to psychedelic exploration. In learning to hold my mind empty, I became aware that other levels of reality would more readily manifest. It was only in absolute stillness, accompanied by a special, highly developed quality of listening, that many subtle but extremely valuable nuances of reality appeared. While I achieved this to some extent in ordinary practice, I found this effect to be greatly amplified while under the influence of a psychedelic substance. This in turn intensified my daily meditation practice.


The role of psychedelics is often misunderstood. Many feel that having had wonderful experiences, they now have the answers and are somehow changed. And no doubt in many respects they are. But users often overlook the fact that there are usually heavy walls of conditioning and ignorance separating the surface mind from the core of our being. It is a blessing that psychedelics can set aside these barriers and give access to our real Self. But unless one is committed to the changes indicated, old habits of personality can rapidly reestablish themselves.

At this point many feel that repeating the experience will maintain the exalted state. It may, but most often real change requires hard work and dedicated effort. Unfortunately this is not always clear during the experience itself; it has merely pointed the way and shown what is possible. If we like what we see, it is now up to us to bring about the changes indicated.

There is a grace period following profound psychedelic experiences when changes can be rapidly made. At this time one is infused with the wonder and power of the new information. Moreover—and this is an area where some valuable research can be done—the drug experience releases a great deal of bodily and psychic armoring that is tied to our neuroses. This rejuvenation is quite noticeable after a good psychedelic experience, when, without the dragging weight of physical habit patterns, behavior can be more readily changed.

On the other hand, if you make no effort to change, old habits rapidly reassert themselves, and you find yourself sliding back into your previous state. In fact, it can be worse than before, because now you know that things can be better and are disappointed to find yourself mucking around in the same old garbage.

Another factor makes this process even more uncomfortable. A lot of the energy formerly tied up in repressed material is now released. This energy may be used quite fruitfully to expand the boundaries of your being to the new dimensions you have experienced. But if you return to old patterns of behavior, you now have more energy to reinforce them, making life more difficult. For this reason, these experiences must not be taken lightly, but with serious intent.


As Jung indicated, the Shadow holds all the material that we have pushed aside so we can hide from ourselves. Unfortunately, it also contains much of our energy, and as long as it is unconscious, it exerts a powerful influence on our behavior without our knowing it. Furthermore, Shadow material is responsible for most of the difficulties humans create in the world. We project our Shadow onto others, believe those others to be the source of our difficulties, and seek refuge from them rather than taking responsibility in our own hands. Consequently we must resolve Shadow material if we are to develop. If this were accomplished on a widespread basis, it would be a major benefit for the world.

Jung describes human development as the process of "making the unconscious conscious." Psychedelics, particularly in low doses, can be an extremely effective tool in this process. The bulk of my experience is with the phenethylamine compounds, which remained legal longer than the standard psychedelics such as LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin. Whereas a full dose of a phenethylamine like 2C-T-2 or 2C-T-7 might be 20 milligrams, a low dose would be ten or twelve milligrams, or roughly equivalent to 25-50 micrograms of LSD.

The most infallible guide to Shadow material is our uncomfortable feelings. Many do not like to use low doses because these feelings come to the surface. Rather than experience them, they use larger doses to transcend them. But these uncomfortable feelings are precisely what we must resolve to free ourselves from the Shadow, gain strength and energy, and function more comfortably and competently in the world. By using smaller amounts and being willing to focus our full attention on whatever feelings arise and breathe through them, we find that these feelings eventually dissolve, often with fresh insight and understanding of our personal dynamics. The release of such material permits an expansion of awareness and energy. If we work persistently to clear away repressed areas, we can enter the same sublime states that are available with larger doses—with an important additional gain. Having resolved our uncomfortable feelings, we are in a much better position to maintain a high state of clarity and functioning in day-to-day life.

I would also like to add a word about frequency: Individuals vary greatly in their frequency of use of these materials. Some are satisfied with an overwhelming experience which they feel is good for a lifetime. Others wish to renew their acquaintance with these areas once or twice a year. Still others are interested in frequent explorations to continually push their knowledge forward. Regardless of the frequency, it is wise to make sure that the previous experience has been well integrated before embarking on the next one. Early in one's contact with these substances, where there is a wealth of new experience, this may take several months. As one becomes more experienced, the integration time grows shorter, and the interval between trials may be shortened.

Many stop the use of psychedelics when they feel they have learned what they wished. But often it is likely that they halt because they have hit a deeply repressed, painful area that is heavily defended. The issue goes beyond purely personal material, however. One is unlikely to reach full realization without awareness, not merely of one's own pain and suffering, but of that of all mankind. This may help explain the Dark Night of the Soul, which is the final barrier to mystical union described by Evelyn Underhill in her classic book Mysticism. Since we are one, we must not only confront the personal Shadow, but the Shadow of all humanity. We can do this more readily when we discover the ample love that is available to dissolve all Shadow material.


There is another way in which psychedelics can serve the serious seeker. It often happens that those pursuing rigorous spiritual disciplines achieve elevated states by pushing aside or walling off certain aspects of behavior. With honest use, psychedelics will not permit such areas to remain hidden, but will insist upon their surfacing. One then experiences the great relief of being in touch with all aspects of one's being. The joy and thrill of being totally alive come from having complete access to all of one's feelings.


There appears to be a cosmic law that says that giving our complete attention to an object, image, or idea with constancy, patience, and acceptance will allow its different attributes to unfold. Psychedelics greatly accelerate this process. To operate most effectively, the observer must have developed the ability to hold his mind steady so he can watch the process develop. Large doses can push one so hard that it is most difficult to do this. Therefore the best results are achieved by a "trained user"—a person who has learned to manage high doses of psychedelics, or who has learned to hold his mind steady enough to observe his inner process competently. As a user clears up his "inner stuff," he gains more freedom in directing his experience. At this stage, higher doses can be profitably used to penetrate deeper into the nature of Reality.

Interestingly, this concept of the trained user does not appear in the literature. But it is precisely the trained user who can best take advantage of the unfathomed range of wisdom and understanding contained in the far reaches of the mind. There seems to be no limit to the dimensions of understanding that can be experienced by the explorer who has the courage, integrity, and skill to navigate them. With integrity, and with the support of appropriate disciplines and friends, one can bring back a great deal for the betterment of oneself and mankind.

Are psychedelics necessary? Can't these same explorations be conducted by those who have mastered the skills of meditation? No doubt they can—with an enormous investment of time and effort. But it is unlikely that many Westerners will be willing to make such a commitment. For Western seekers, whose spiritual practice must usually be integrated with making a living, the proper use of psychedelics can considerably accelerate the process. However, it is not a path for everyone. Choice should be based on full knowledge of the factors involved.

Psychedelics are not a shortcut, as it is of little value to sidetrack important experiences. If enlightenment requires resolution of unconscious material (and my personal experience indicates that it does), those who aspire to such achievement must carefully consider the pace and intensity with which they are willing to encounter this vast range of dynamics. The psychedelic path, while much more intense than many other disciplines, is in a sense easier because it often provides an earlier and more profound contact with the numinous. Such contact inspires commitment and opens the door to more grace in surmounting uncomfortable material.

If our commitment is truly to the well-being and happiness of all sentient beings, then it is reasonable to study all useful tools for accomplishing these ends. Psychedelics, used with good motivation, skill, and integrity, can contribute much toward easing the pain and suffering of the world while giving access to wisdom and compassion for spiritual development.

The author has worked for many years in the field of psychedelic research. Between 1960 and 1970 he headed the International Foundation for Advanced Study, a research group conducting clinical studies with LSD and mescaline.

Adamson, S. Through the Gateway of the Heart. San Francisco: Four Trees Publications, 1985.
Blumenthal,Michael. "LSD at Mid-Life," in New Age Journal, May/June 1992, pp. 81-83, 142-47.
Eisner, Bruce. Ecstasy: The MDMA Story. Berkeley, CA.: Ronin Publishing, 1989.
Grof, Stanislav. LSD Psychotherapy. Pomona, Calif.: Hunter House, 1980.
Ratsch, C., ed. Gateway to lnner Space. Bridport, Devonshire: Prism Press, 1989.
See especially the chapter "Purification, Death, and Rebirth" by Tom Pinkson.
Shulgin, Ann and Alexander. PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story. Berkeley, Calif.: Transform Press, 1991.
Underhill, Evelyn. Mysticism. New York: E.P Dutton, 1961.
Weil, Andrew. The Natural Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972.

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This will be probably my shortest post to date. Tonight I felt it was necessary to explain what the EGO of man is, and show you what the scriptures called Mankind’s Ego and the truth is being revealed today, so we will finally be free from it.

The EGO is defined as “A consciousness of Identity, Individuality and a person sense of SELF importance” – An EGO is WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE… now with that in mind. Let me open up some scriptures for you after a brief intro.

The EGO is the FATHER of all LIES. It is a LIE to begin with, for your EGO is not real and does not exist. This is your adversary, your enemy that is trying to devour you. Your EGO is prince of this world (ruler of your lusts). You EGO is the one that condemns you, blames you, and tries to destroy you. YOU EGO will lie to you, steal from you, and ultimately destroy you… IF YOU DON’T RESIST your EGO. So resist your EGO and your EGO will depart. But be on your guard, because your EGO can come disguised as an ANGEL of LIFE. Your EGO is the one who KILLED your TRUE NATURE (Gods child). Your EGO was a murderer from the BEGINNING. Because when you believed YOUR EGO was YOU, your TRUE NATURE was put to death (killed in your mind-Golgatha).

Luke 8:12
Those by the way side are they that hear the TRUTH; then comes their EGO, and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe WHO THEY ARE and be saved from WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE.

You can’t hear from God while listening to your Ego. It is impossible to hear the truth, when ruled by the false image that you have believed yourself to be. This is why so many people are torn up inside, this is why Paul wrote in Romans about wanting to do good but doing what he hates.

Romans 7:19
For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

You can’t serve two masters.

Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

A house divided will eventually fall, now that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Because the house that many live in today is their EGO. And the Ego has to GO. The reason is simple, one will not listen to the TRUTH if their EGO has them believing they already know all they need to know.

Psalm 10:4
The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

You ever try sharing the love of God with people who believe in infinite torture? They won’t listen to a word of what you say. Because the lie of the EGO’s in this world is strong. SO MANY people have taught about a place of endless torture for so long, so many believe in this place, the EGO of mankind won’t listen to different. The EGO of man will keep you from hearing the truth, and speaking the truth.

Matthew 9:32-34
32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a DUMB man controlled by his EGO. And when his EGO was cast out, the DUMB spoke the truth, and the multitudes marveled saying, IT WAS NEVER SO SEEN IN ISRAEL.

No one wants to be wrong, many say. Our EGO needs to be fed, it needs to be puffed up constantly. It goes about looking for praise, looking for acceptance, and looking for approval. But this is all vanity, it is a chasing the wind, or as eating dust. You will never grow spiritually or truly benefit by feeding your ego.

Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the EGO, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly (lusts) shalt thou go, and dust (lies/imagination) shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

The SERPENT (Carnal EGO of Man) has always been within man. Just as the Brain Stem (Reptilian Brain) has always been within man, controlling his basest desires (fight/flight/lust/rage/etc)

Those who choose the HIGHER WAY, the TRUTH will depart from the evil of the EGO.

Proverbs 16:17-19
17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Notice that a HAUGHTY SPIRIT (we know spirits are thoughts)… Haughty THOUGHTS come before a FALL… And who was it that fell again?

Luke 10:18
And he said unto them, I beheld the EGO of Mankind as lightning fall from heaven.

Your EGO will lift you up, and then tell you to cast yourself down.

Luke 4:5-7
5 And the MAN’S EGO, took him up to heights of pride and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the Man’s EGO said unto him, All this power will I give you, and the glory of this-worldly system: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. 7 If you will WORSHIP me and believe me and only listen to me, all shall be yours!

We saw the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. He was TEMPTED, which means to be drawn away by your own lusts.

James 1:14
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

And who does that tempting? Is there a literal snake trying to convince you to listen to lies, OR is it your EGO that does the tempting. And the deceit is so great because YOU THINK THESE THOUGHTS ARE YOUR OWN and you TRUST THEM. But they are NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, they are the LIES of your EGO.

John 8:44
You are of your father YOUR EGO, and the lusts of your EGO you will do. Your EGO was a murderer from the beginning, and EXISTS not in the truth, because there is no truth in your EGO. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

The EGO of man will convince you that doing evil is good, and that doing good is evil.

John 13:2
And supper being ended, Judas’ EGO put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him (the TRUTH)

The EGO of man will convince you to follow all sorts of VAIN TRADITIONS and RELIGIOUS nonsense. This only feeds your EGO. By setting up chairs at service, or helping with parking, or fasting, or celebrating a certain way, dressing a certain way, being a certain way, and more… this is only a sacrifice for your EGO. God has only wanted you to LOVE GOD AND OTHERS!

1 Corinthians 10:20
… they sacrifice to their EGOS, and not to God: (Anyone give up something for lent, or to fast, etc… you sacrificed to appease YOUR EGO, not God)

So how do we beat this DEVIL (EGO)… we need to RESIST our EGO.

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the EGO, and he will flee from you.

And how do we do that?

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of YOUR EGO. (Look up what the armor of God is for more info)
The best way to stand against your EGO is to constantly seek the TRUTH. Pray for the TRUTH. Only act out of true love, and love lifts others it does not tear down. Love does not fight, debate, condemn, cast out, love never fails. There is no fear, worry, or hate in LOVE. If it ain’t LOVE it ain’t GOD, and if it ain’t God it is the Ego of man. Because it is our EGO that sins from the beginning.

1 John 3:8
He that committeth sin is of the EGO; for the EGO sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested within you, that he might destroy the works of the EGO.

Notice how we differentiate between children of God and children of the EGO.

1 John 3:10
In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the EGO: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Those Born of God LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Those born of their EGO, hate, hate, hate. Now this doesn’t mean that people who are children of their EGO’S, who think they are their EGO, who are ruled by their EGO don’t believe in God. The EGO is tricky, think about how many claim to believe in God and KILL in the name of God… or so they think. Their EGO convinced them, that to harm others, to condemn others is what would appease God. In fact, the EGO of man worships a god in its image. The god of the EGO is a scary, vengeful hateful God. One that will torture you endlessly for not following mankind’s religious ways. THAT’S THE EGO TALKING THERE PEOPLE! The EGO of man will convince people to do all sorts of things to appease their false god, because they are scared of this god as well.

James 2:19
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the egos of man also believe, and tremble.

Mankind’s EGO is the cause of all suffering in the world. If it is not causing literal suffering, your ego will cast you into an emotional prison for which their seems to be no escape. And worse still the EGO of mankind will punish anyone who doesn’t believe what it believes. This is why we see people being killed in the name of God, or imprisoned, shunned, etc.

Revelation 2:10
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, MAN’S EGO shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

But the good news is the EGO is eventually destroyed in God’s consuming fire. It is LOVE that draws a multitude to repentance.

Revelation 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire

So hang in there, learn which thoughts to take captive, which to cast away and which to take to heart. God has thoughts of peace for you, the EGO has pride, fear, and worse for you. Choose this day which “God” you will serve.


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Y O U A R E G O D !

Y O U A R E G O D !
Stephen Steward

File 4 of 7

Well... my friend...
let's see whether I can make this a bit clearer.

And I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.

You are the Creator...
in the Form of an Individualized Entity...
and your task is to awaken from the sleep of Unconsciousness.
You are... the Evolution of Consciousness.

In order to do that...
you have chosen the Biological Path...
which means that by living in your own Matter Creation...
you eventually will become Fully Conscious.

So... you have radiated yourself...
into your Creation and you end up... or begin...
in the Physical Realm... and all that goes with it.

You come to the conclusion that the place is just too big...
so you start subdividing it.

In other words...
you have erected...
Time and Space...
Bodies with Senses and Solidness...
including Lifetimes with Friends and Enemies...
and all kinds of other Things to make you feel at home.

You dream up all these Things...
and they form the Walls and Partitions of your home...
in order to make you feel cozy.

All these Things form... the Scenery of your Environment...
and it helps you... to find your way around.

When you eventually begin to awaken...
you start to see through the Scenery of your Environment...
and you'll find that you were never anywhere else...
but in your own Creation.

In other words... Time and Space... The Plane of Earth...
the Planes of the Astral... and other Realms of Existence...
are the Sceneries you have erected or imagined...
in order to discover who you really are... and where you are.

Naturally... you were living in the same Place all along.

! This Place is Consciousness !

All your Lifetimes... Times and Places... Heavens and Hells...
Fathers and Mothers... Sons and Daughters... Friends...
and all other People and Things...
are the Figures in the Dream... you were dreaming.

Your Dream is absolutely Beautiful...
but you are more... than a Figure or Participant in your Dream.


You are the Creator... or Dreamer of all Dreams.

All lifetimes then... all places and times...
are but different aspects of your dream.

So... if you understand the above...
you understand the Concept of Reincarnation...
and the Reality of Human Life.

It is just not what it seems to be...

The Individualized Creator you are...
masterfully projects into the Physical Plane...
your Conscious Mind and the Body you live in.

The Individualized Creator... is the Soul...
and you as a Conscious Human Being are its Instrument.

The Creator... the Soul... and the Human Being...
are really all the same Being... and we call it... YOU.

So YOU then... as the Soul or Inner Self...
use your Creative Powers...
by manifesting a Human Being in the Plane of Earth...
which you see when you look into the mirror.

This manifestation naturally includes...
your Personality... your Conscious Mind... your Heart...
your Brains... and all the Thoughts you have.

So... who are You...?
You are an Individualized God Being and Creator...
who by means of its Dreams... is trying to awaken Itself.
And again.... this Self... is You.

You as a Soul then...
create a Physical Human Being... who lives on Earth...
and thinks it is somebody.

You as this somebody...
live and exist on planet earth... as a Human Being...
and are subjected to Time and Space.

You think then... that there is Time to do things in...
and that Space is the expanse you move around in.
It all seems awfully real.

The Being you are however... is programmed and conditioned...
by the combined activity...
of your conscious mind... brain... and senses.
This makes you believe that these physical things are real.

! Well my friend... you have dreamed the World !
! We all dream the World !
The Scientists who discovered this... are absolutely right.


Now... depending upon what Plane of Existence...
your Consciousness is focused...
what Plane you experience as real.

Obviously... you have focused your consciousness...
upon the Physical Plane right now...
for you are moving about and around... from day to day...
in the parameters of Space and Time.

Your Bodily Being then...
including your conscious mind...
lives and exists in an environment of matter...
and is the Instrument or Reporter for the Soul or Creator...
who likes to be informed about its Physical Dream.

! You are the Lens and Tabloid for the Creator You Are !

Sooner or later though...
you as a Human Being come to the conclusion...
that you are more than just a Physical Being.

You become aware that you are a Spirit in Flesh.

You also find out... that you have...
a logical mind that thinks... and a feeling mind that feels.

You have then a thinking... and a feeling mind...
and you know...
that you are a physical... as well as a spiritual Being.

To exercise and wake up your feeling or intuitive mind...
is your task while you live on earth.

This Intuitive Mind is the Soul speaking to you and through you.

Once your Intuitive Mind awakens... you realize...
that you are the Soul... or Creator... living on earth as You.

The Soul or Creator...
is a very purposeful Being... and in order to awaken...
you are not the only Instrument doing the Awakening.

There are many human beings... living...
all over the Dreamland of Time and Space...
and they all experience different lifetimes for the same Soul.

Now... for you personally...
these different lifetimes can be seen as... reincarnations...
but for the Soul... all things are happening at once.
The Soul lives in Now-Time and you live in Times.

So... depending from which Plane of Being...
you look at reincarnation... you could say...
that from the Soul's point of view... reincarnation is a myth.

For Time... and Space...
are but arbitrary concepts of the Personal Self...
under the domination of its conscious mind... brain and senses.

Human Life takes place in an Environment...
that is the Product of the Conscious Human Mind.

It is an Illusion. However... the Illusion is Real.

We can even enter Time and Space after Enlightenment...
and help the Human Beings we are in Consciousness.

Now...let's look at the conscious mind...
Your conscious mind is a Projection of the Soul Self...
and it is a Magical Device...
for navigating the World of Illusion.

You see... your conscious mind is limited and it deceives you.
It only reveals... the Nature of the Physical.

So... Human Life... is nothing but a dream that is real...
and to awaken from this dream completely... is Enlightenment.

Since you live in the Plane of Separation...
your conscious mind gives you the impression...
that you... and all the rest of this matter universe...
are separate... independent... and self-contained Entities.

Well... as you know... that is just not so.
All Entities have their Existence in the One Consciousness.

Your conscious mind then...
under the domination of your senses...
gives you a true conception of the Physical Universe... Only.

In order to find out however... who or what you really are...
you need a different kind of perception or awareness.

This different kind of awareness is a product...
of your Feeling or Intuitive Mind.

Your Soul... as an Individualized God...
is trying to manifest in the Plane of the Physical...
a Human Being...
with all the Qualities necessary to make this Human Being...
realize... who or what... this Human Being really is.

When this comes true... you have attained...
the True and Perfect Realization... that YOU Are God...
and that you live in the Physical World... as a Human Being.

You then... actualize God the Creator in Human Form.

Now... whether you realize this or not...
You Are God... anyway.
You just don't know it.

To me... the whole thing is quite simple.

For All of Us are the same Creator... different ways.

The point is...
that all of us have different functions and duties...
because we are all different... on purpose.

We are all One Creator... with different assignments...
in order to entertain ourselves infinitely...
our Infinite Dream of Creation.

So... you and I and the Rest of the Universe... High and Low...
are the One Consciousness of the Universe... dreaming.

We are the Dreamer... not the Dream.

- - - - - - -

Well... Sir... one thing is for sure...
you certainly aren't crazy.
But you sure are very unusual.

I believe... that you are the wisest man I ever met...
but you know... I need to hear this more than once.

It's just too much to understand in one sitting.
I'm sure glad that I have enough tapes for my machine.

I wish I could grasp it all now... but I feel...
that I should listen to the recordings many more times.

I have a long way to go yet...

You know Sir...
I wish I could just be sure...
that what you tell me... is really true.

How could I verify your truth Sir?

Are there books that I could read?

- - - - - - -

Well my friend...
I suggest that you should not accept... my Truth...
as the only Truth there is.
It is only my Truth.

Everybody has his own version of Truth...
for Truth is an Individual Thing.

Your motto should be... never believe anything... it's dangerous.

The story I tell you... is almost to nice to be true
Just receive it as information to be deeply thought about.

Knowing is a Feeling Thing... an Intuitive Thing.

Knowing like that has to be developed by the Intuitive Mind.
It takes time... and by all means... check it out...
there are lots of other sources.

There are thousands of books...
that will tell you a similar story.

No Truth is exactly the same.
Truth is like Beauty... it's in the Mind of the Beholder.

So... read... and ask questions... study...
and be patient with yourself.

It takes time for your Soul to come trickling through.
Full Intuitive Understanding is something that grows slowly.

You can only learn so much at once.

And then... remember my friend...
since I am very unusual... and maybe an old fool.
Who am I... to tell you what to do?

Do what you feel like.
It's entirely up to you.

Also... if your Soul does not tell you what to do...
don't let me disturb you with useless philosophies.

- - - - - - -

But you know Sir...
I think my Soul is trying to tell me!

Life has become more puzzling all the time.
It's like a puzzle with a myriad of pieces... and nothing fits.

I think a lot Sir... maybe... I even think too much!
How can I change my thinking... into feeling?

- - - - - - -

How to answer that question my friend...
is awfully difficult.
All I can say is... listen to your heart... your Inner Self.
And don't blame yourself for being a bit deaf.

Your very trying... will be answered.

Knock on the door... and it will be opened.
Search and you will find.

Also... remember... that you are being lived by God...
so why be concerned?

Let it happen... live with the flow... be open to change.

You are God in an individual Form...
and the Soul you are... will help you along when you are ready.

In the meantime...
do not be concerned with questions like...
Do I do things right? Am I open enough? Am I a good Father?
Do I treat others like I treat myself?

Do the best you can... and laugh about your mistakes.
Life is a celebration... not a snake pit of guilt.

You are perfect the way you are... because you are God Alive.
Do not let your thinking get in your own way.

Be Free... be Happy... be like a Bee and buzz.

Be like a Flower and bloom. Be like God in Man... and Love.

- - - - - - -

Well Sir... I don't know?
How can I be Free?
How can I buzz like a Bee?
How can I be like God... and Love?

I have obligations.

I have two children... a house to pay for... an old car...

How can I be happy... when my work is really tough?
How can I bloom like a Flower?

I have trouble sometimes containing my anger...
how can I be like God... and Love?

It all sounds very nice Sir... but really now...
I have responsibilities. I owe people money. I'm stuck!

How can I be what you say Sir... buzzing like a Bee?

Somehow you know... you make me laugh... at you... and at me.

And yet...? Yet... I know that you are right...
I know that you know... what you're talking about.

But how can I do what I feel like...
with all my day to day obligations?

You know Sir... I'm just a normal guy...
and there are millions like me... ordinary people.
Owing others money.

How can I possibly... buzz like a Bee?
Or be Free?

I am caught in a trap like millions of others... and I know it.

- - - - - - -

Well my friend... your life... and the way you live it...
is what is called... acting out your conditioning.

Which naturally means...
that you are doing exactly what society expects you to do.

You're a follower.

However... I know that your Soul is coming through...
because your Light is blinking.

Since this Light is breaking through now and then...
you're torn between two Masters.

The One Master is You... Your Soul...
and the other is the World of Man and its Insanity.

You have to decide which of these two Masters you want to follow.

The choice is not really that difficult...
for the God within you will direct you.

But don't expect an answer or a solution tomorrow.
God takes time... but always does the right thing.

However... whatever you're going to do...
you have to fulfill your obligations.

You cannot just step away from your responsibilities.

Life is nothing but responsibilities...
either to your Self or to society.

So... do the best you can... and follow the Inner Voice.
Your Freedom is guaranteed.

- - - - - - -

But Sir... this will take years and years...
I might even die before I can be Free.

You know what... now and then...
I wish... that I had never met you.

You've opened doors... I don't like...
and now I cannot close them.

Why did you cross my path?

However... the most baffling to me is...
why did I have to ask all these questions?

What came over me... when I sat beside you?

Your atmosphere has changed me completely.
Somehow... the hidden me has come out.

Do you do that to everybody?

- - - - - - -

Well... my friend...
I do not do anything in particular to anybody...
all I do... is be my Self... as splendid as possible.

However... everybody is affected differently.

It depends on them... not on me.

And Freedom my friend...
Freedom is a Quality of the Mind...
it is an attitude that must become your atmosphere.

You see... since we as Miracles...
are born into a world full of Miracles...
we do not see the Miracles as Miracles.

We think that all things are normal...
this just isn't so.

The Whole of Life is a Celebration of our Greatness.

Until you are able to appreciate this Greatness...
you are missing out... and you feel it.
You feel stuck.

So... whether it takes years... or lifetimes...
to fulfill your responsibilities...
who cares?

Live day by day...
enjoying the Light you are... within.

Expect Miracles... and they will roll your way.

Anyway... I recognize your trouble...
one day you're sky high...
and the next one you're leveled.

You're exactly what I used to be...
I know what it feels like.

However... this is a very good sign...
because you're going through a spiritual change.

It means that your Soul is trying to come in...
but what is inside is not leaving... and it feels crowded.

Why don't you let go of all this conditioned garbage?
You're holding on to a bunch of Gobbledygook...
that's not worth a darn nickel.

You're full of Gi-Go...
your Computer is crashing out... it's ready to burst.

You're a beautiful example...
of Inflationary Self-Importance...
and a Boobtube Victim of the Priesthood of Commercialism.

You have been willynillied by dazzle.
And your reward is confusion.

All this is perfectly positive.
Because you now know... the State of Soul.

Which means... that you can do something about it.
You're only confused... not beaten or slain.

Well now... what does all this mean?
It means that the education you received in the world...
is not worth a darn thing because it did not enrich your Soul.

To know this... is worth a Kingdom.

From now on in...
you will know that you are here...
in order to grow in Consciousness...
and not in money or possessions.

To know this... is a Victorious Victory.

You will grow in Wisdom and Knowledge....
and not to forget... Emotional Stability...
and Spiritual Confidence.

And your question now is...
how am I going to do that...
being the flip-flop I am?

It's easy my friend... easy.

For the Great Soul within... will take charge.

Since you however...
have trouble hearing the Whispers of the Heart...
you think... that you should be doing something different...
than what you are doing.

To that I say... absolute Nonsense.

For at all times in your life...
you are doing what you should be doing.
Who do you think runs the Universe?

You do... by what you are doing.

Does a Bee ask... when it is time to buzz?
Does a Flower ask... when it is time to bloom?

So... do what you do.
But do it with the Knowledge that you are God doing it.
There my friend... that's how important you are.

By doing what you're doing...
you're working on the Transformation of Consciousness...
of Man into God.

Nothing could be more important...

This Transformation of Consciousness...
is attained by... painting your house...
filling the basement cracks ... paying the bills...
working for the paper... camping in the woods... and boating.

All these my friend... are your responsibilities...
and all of them are the Manifestations of Miracles...
once you understand the Greatness You really Are.

Do you remember... that matter does not really exist?

What is the material that your house is made of?
Is it Matter... or is it Mind?

All Things my friend... are your Consciousness or Mind in Action.
And when you fill the crack in your basement wall...
you are literally filling it...
with the Dreamstuff your Mind is made of.

Don't you think for a moment... that it is ... cement.
That's what we call it... yes ... that's what we call it.

But what we call it... is not what it is.
It is your very Consciousness.
The Consciousness or Mind of the Creator you Are.

The whole world... is your own Consciousness or Mind in action.

You see my friend... God the Creator...
is just an ordinary creature.

Like a Mouse or a Louse...
like a Flower or a Bee...
or like You and Me.

That's what God the Creator is.

God is an ordinary Man or Woman...
a Child or a Drunk...
a Chicken or a Skunk.

And you know...
I often wonder about people... while I send them Love.

And sometimes I watch people lost in their self importance.

They move about like Big Shots... and I ask myself...
how will they ever know... that they are God the Creator?
Most people my friend... haven't got a clue.
It's very... very sad.

After that... I send them.... Light and Love.

Each Mind or Consciousness...
has to learn... by living life...
and each and every Soul in its own time...
will rise to the occasion and say... I am the God That Is.

Life is the Teacher.... Life is the Instructor of the God in Man.

For Life... will make all of us recognize...
the Greatness of all Mankind all over our Creation.

Creation... the dream we share.

Now let's talk about... the Concept of God as Such.

God as Such... is the Infinite Cosmic Energy...
Unconscious Consciousness.

By that I mean... that God as Such is an Unconscious Creator.

This Unconscious Creator becomes Conscious of its Creation
by living in its Creation and by becoming Aware as the Created.

This Infinite and Unconscious Creator then...
becomes aware of Itself... as You... and as Me.
And... as all the rest of Creation.

In a Bee... it becomes aware as a Bee... and buzzes.
In a Flower... it becomes aware as a Flower... and flowers.
In a Man... it become aware as a Human Being.... and humanizes.

In myself... it becomes aware as...
The Reality Of Self...
the Self I am in all my Splendor.

That's why I talk about it... I love to talk about my Self.

So... the restlessness within you...
is nothing but the Awakening of the Creator.

This process shakes the very world within you...
because it has to make room for the real Thing.

Congratulations once again... your Soul is showing.
You're learning to recognize the Greatness you really are.

What is happening to you... is...
that the verbal and the analytical half of you...
is being matched by the intuitive half of you.

Which means... that the right side of your brain...
found the connections to the Invisible Aspects of your Being.
You're finally learning to become fully Human.

Being Human means... that you are a Feeling Being...
and more than just a thinker.

And you know... man does very little real thinking.
Most of his thinking... is but a mental reaction or recoil.

They react to what I call...
- conscious mind input -
it's about the same as getting out of the way of a big truck.
Actual Thinking is Creating.

Anyway my friend... it's your turn to speak... what's next.

Well Sir... I really don't know what's next.
I'm still busy contemplating what you just said.

It's all a bit much... much too much.

All I know is... the more you talk...
the more I'm losing my mental equilibrium.

I have so many questions... all bundled up...
for example... what do you mean by Unconscious Consciousness.

What is... The Reality of Self... is it Self Awareness?

Or does it mean that you know... Who or What you are?

You know Sir... you're stranger than you think you are.

Anyway... I still have trouble thinking... that I am God.
And then you talk about the Reality of Self.

You confuse me and I'm lost.

- - - - - - -

Listen carefully... it's difficult to explain.

! The Universe is Consciousness or Mind in Action !

Unconscious Consciousness...
is the Cosmic Energy of the universe...
we are not aware of as yet.

Conscious Consciousness...
is the Cosmic Energy of the Universe...
we are aware of.

In other words... as Human Beings...
we could say that basically there are two kinds of Energies.

Consciousness... and Unconsciousness.

You and I... and all others... though...
are Consciousness... as well as Unconsciousness.

We are Both... we are the Totality.

However... at this moment we are not Consciously Aware of that.

In other words... what we are aware of... is our Consciousness...
and what we are not aware of... is our Unconsciousness.
Remember though... we are both... always.

So... what has not been manifested by us as yet...
what we are not aware of... at this time...
is still in an Unconscious State.

In other words... we grow in Consciousness or Awareness...
and are diminishing our Unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness however... is Unlimited...
and our Potential therefore is Unlimited in Scope.

In actuality however... from a Universal Perspective...
all Things already exist... and are Aspects or Ideas...
in the Universal Consciousness or Mind.

This Universal Mind then... knows no Unconsciousness.
Only we as Human Beings do.

When I speak about the Unconscious Creator...
I speak about this Infinite Creative Force...
from the point of View of a Limited or Learning Being.

! All Beings in the Universe are Limited and Learning !

This is the only perspective I can speak from...
for no Being in the Universe...
is the same forever...
and is equal to...
the Totality or the Universal Consciousness.

We all grow towards this Totality...
but in the meantime we translate or interpret this Totality...
the way we see it and experience it.

Naturally... these Interpretations vary from Being to Being.

All Beings are Aspects or Participants...
in the Play or Dream of Consciousness...
and we could say...
that the Totality of Consciousness...
is beyond the reach of any Being.

Yet all of us... High and Low...
represent and are...
the Universal Consciousness or Mind.

We Are IT... Our Way... Forever.

So... what is Unconscious Consciousness?
It is... what we have not discovered about ourselves.
Like hidden Talents... Wisdom... or Greatness.

All Beings are... see... and experience...
the Totality of the Universe...
but each Being is only conscious...
of his own Interpretations of this Totality.

In other words... there are nothing but Opinions.

And what do I mean by Totality?

The Totality...
or the Universal Consciousness...
is the Dreamer...
of an Infinite Dream Relationship or Play...
which is performed...
by an infinite amount of Aspects or Participants...
and forms Creation known and unknown.

The Interpretation or Experience of this Dream Relationship...
is... an Individual or Personal Affair.

You and I... are... and see... the Universe... our Way.

Life is... what you believe it to be.

I think that the whole thing... is absolutely Fair and Square.
What you experience is your Share of the Universe...
and it is your Creation.

The Universe... or God as Such... reigns.
It is neutral and it does not direct or govern.

You also asked me... what is The Reality of Self.

Well... the Reality of Self...
is the understanding and knowing with absolute certainty...
that you are...
the Reality or Realization of the Universal Consciousness...
your way.

The Reality of Self... is not what we call... Self Awareness...
but it is the Awareness... that you are the Self.
The Unlimited One.

! I am God the Creator my way !
! You are God the Creator your way !

Now my friend... about our discussion this afternoon.

I am trying to explain things in a very simple manner...
and I hope that our chat make sense to you...
as well as to everyone else.

The Universe is Awesomely Complex...
and in no way...
can it be explained by words in a seemingly lost afternoon.

Please remember... that I'm trying to keep things simple...
and my expressions and explanations...
are absolutely juvenile compared to the Real Thing.

The Real Thing... IS ... the Universe....
So if you want to know more about it...
all you have to do... is ... live Life.
It's all Yours... Forever.

Read more…

shine your light

asking self day after day
there is a great mirror i look into
for why sould a dare
for it only need be face to face
coridor of light is created

just in love with One

Sometimes All-One
Other times alone shy can be true lover grace all in one love
never wander if we loook like extinct star there alway one that
that spark something in us wich make us brither that a 1000 sun

do not dwell so hard on pain people not ready for true love
be yourself and grow as your nature will lead to fulfilling your destiny.
one awake can usely be happy herself man woman left alone is only half
cant real say anything one need let the heart reveal its purpose may is just be be wat love learning of compasition and aceptance on thing beyound our control live with out posesion or jalousy alway doing our best lifting up evryone that come in our presence to not dobt love to not try make any of our our trophy but alway being there be a source of liht for all who wander in the dark of deseparation and pain so they an see there all way a good side in evrthing wath is seem lots are starving for love but went it come they pass by not reconising it and just run for temporary emotional satifaction may not many are reday to wath truely love is seeing friend down see its not in time of sucess where evrything goes as you want that truly we can realise who truely are for us as see one finger that turn your turn the water in your eye into a expresion of joy if more important that a 1000 hand claping in time of sucess nevr be poseesive nor controling nor trap in unheathy atachement wile eternaly seeing all one noing separation is in the mind that the fear of loosing thing oftend produce a subconscious reation that lead to vibrated enrgyticaly wath we fear to happend

you have real heart and see a feel you from here a cry to see more love in the world ruducing pain and sufring but can is we can only be true and reflect to those our real nature so they return to the heart and trust naturaly sometime is that we atract thing to us that dont reflect who are we truely from the inside and energy stop flowing giving sing wher not where the vision of the heart show us
as why but not alway easy to macth with one that is whole and complete not just incosciously fixing a emotional pit with out end we will only produce temporaly relife as one must not be in love parter to feel something missing in one own self seeing evry entity as divine and just be there for love when to soulmate or twinflame meet for they become one with the universe it self light become so bright it become not a mater that the other will leave nut how we handle some presion that will try all they can to separate and end the alchemical reunio in atemp to nevr see the world heal end of manipulation and control sharing the world eqaly with no distintion for race religion nor politic wich reander polarise and divide creating suspition on the sincerity of the other may it matter not but just be love and know that we live in a universe that conspire with our heart most tru desire for wath was my realisation In the search of my self, a discovered somthing beautyfull that shine in all human . for the search of wath the truth was,a realise its beter to just be and realy love. for a discover a sun brither that a 1000 sun in my being and evrything as reveal in a myesterious way as innner wisper ask me to joint the ministery at fiest a tought and imagine a have to joint a church a a voice come sayin you are the church and the house for the god that aready in you for do not wait this ministry nor position in a Church of babel if You are to carry on do as What Jesus started! =. was, simply, loving unconditionally and meeting human need. and we are are all equipped to do BOTH...can Let's DO this
can it be you aready doing it so perfectly When where push back is against the wall, we tend to believe everything is about to fall. That is the time to hang on. Your life will have ups and downs, it will be filled with smiles and frowns, you will feel hopeless and lost and believe you have no friends around. But I promise you will see, doors open for you and me, and you will finally know what it is like to be secure, at peace, loved, and free.

just let you on this

Does reputation mean a thing when recalling all the good you do? Many fear what they don't understand, this is why they attack, mock, gossip,... and raise their fists instead of an extended hand. A flower doesn't become a weed just because there are so many weeds in the land. Be who you are and see the greater plan.

jalousy that unheathy for many who feel hurt wish all to joint in the victime hood as they cant hadle pur raditing light for they cant acepet to see other happy not knowing if they could just change there view on thing and be more happy for the sucess hapiness of other the whole wolrd will in timing lift themm up higher that they could ever imagine for puting or denieying the hapiness and better life for other who strugle only put limitation on our own ability to have significant impact in our surending and the world at large

ok hope it make sense nothing to try a indotrination at alll wish all could find there own call that bring falow your bliss its nice to have door where we can turn in time of confusion but most learn listening the deep voice within and try not atache to anything causing dependence reflecting wath truely is in us with transparence and no fear be  great confident

be well know all is ok do not dwell on pain so much take a leson and move on carying a less posible negative feeling about other all who acomplish great thing as not learn obedience by force but by wich the thing they sufer

and this obedience is not related to any autority outside your self

why are we are may life may not have any meaning at all if we dont give one to it

maybe will say a know nothing but wath we are is evrything

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AscensionHelp May 22 2013

Have you ever felt like you ended up in the wrong family?  Did you grow up feeling that you were so incredibly different from your parents and siblings, that there must have been some sort of mistake for you to end up with those people?  I’m not talking about feeling out of place in the insanity of the current era of human society, I’m talking about something much deeper, a sense that your very parents are NOT who you were meant to be born to.  If you have felt this way, please keep reading, as this may be very important information for you.

I have written at length about the ongoing battle to free humanity from the enslavement of the forces of darkenss in articles like “Never Call Them Archons,” “First Contact Is Not Happening Soon,” “Shifting into 2013” and many others.  The central theme of these articles is to illustrate that humanity is mired in multiple layers of illusion, deception, energy-draining/harvesting, trauma, manipulation, subjugation and much more.  While this is an incredibly beautiful planet, the true beauty of humanity is being actively suppressed by forces that want to keep humans enslaved.  At the same time, positively oriented guardians of free will have been working to free humanity from its energetic bonds of slavery, while being careful to avoid creating further trauma within the enslaved populace.

How Do You Free Slaves Who Believe They are Already Free?

One of the many challenges to this undertaking is that people are repeatedly told that they are free, that their government cares for them, and that those ugly things like pollution and war are inevitable aspects of “the human condition.”  More accurate would be to say that the conditioning and programming imposed on humans produces the horrors of abuse, environmental destruction and war.  In order to show people how they have been enslaved, and present them with alternative ways of living, positively oriented beings from higher densities of creation chose to incarnate into human form.

In doing so, the free will of humanity is not subjected to a new outside authority arriving and dispensing belief-shattering truth upon the fragile minds of enslaved and abused humans.  Instead, positive social change begins to happen from within the race as awakening individuals point out the insanity of the “human condition” and show others how to live in alignment with Earth and natural laws.  This is an effective tactic, although it is slow to produce change, and is filled with risks.

Due to the overpowered “veil of forgetfulness” that is in operation on the planet, the incarnating light-worker completely forgets their true identity, takes on a human ego identity, and risks the possibility that they may not awaken to the truth of their mission.  Another risk is that the incarnating light-worker will experience severe traumas that prevent their awakening, or worse, that these traumas will orient their ego towards serving the darkness that they are fighting against.  Despite all the risks, many millions of brave souls have incarnated on this planet because we are soldiers who fight for the Infinite Source of all creation, and because humanity is worth fighting for.

Parachuting Into a War Zone

Many people don’t fully realize it, but this planet is a war zone, and the battle is being fought mostly in the more subtle densities of the planet instead of in 3d with guns and bombs.  That’s a good thing for the most part.  However, for a light being from a higher density to “parachute” into this war zone, there is a major risk of “landing” in the wrong incarnational vehicle (body) due to dark-side interference. 

When a being chooses the family they want to incarnate into, they attach a filament of energy into the developing fetus.  This attachment allows them to stake their claim on the fetus so that they can enter the body more fully once it is close to being born, or shortly after birth.  In a perfect world, this process would proceed smoothly without interference.  On a war-zone like Earth, this process can be disrupted.

The forces of darkness, which I call ankle-biters, would prefer to NEVER allow a light-worker to incarnate on their heavily controlled planet. However, they cannot stop us from entering, so they use different tactics to attack the incoming light-worker.  One of their favorite methods is what I call the “Birth Bump.”

The birth bump is usually done on the day the baby is being delivered, because this is normally when the incarnating being comes much more strongly into the infant body.  During this time, there is a window of opportunity for the dark forces to rip the original filament attachment from the intended body and attach it to a baby being born elsewhere on the same day.  The incarnating being’s incoming energy follows their filament, and ends up settling into a body and birth family that they did not choose.

Because this is a dark-side attack, the family that the incoming light-worker gets bumped into is selected based on their propensity for abuse, neglect, mistreatment, lack of empathy, and so on.  This allows the dark forces to effectively neutralize an incoming soldier for the light, without having to expend nearly as much time and energy on attacking that person as would be necessary if the light-worker had been born into a loving, supportive home.

The bad parenting of the “pseudo-parents” serves as a source of constant torment for the infant lightworker, and they grow up taking on the negative programming of their dysfunctional pseudo-parents.  Physical, emotional, mental and even sexual abuse all take their toll on the light-worker, making their job of waking up, getting clear and fighting against the forces of darkness vastly more difficult.

Sometimes the pseudo-parents aren’t overtly abusive, but are still a complete energetic mismatch to the light-worker.  As the child displays budding psychic abilities, the parents will ridicule their perceptions.  Or if the child is repelled by certain actions of the family, they will be forced to conform to the family’s normalcy biases.  Essentially, the pseudo-parents continually attempt to coerce conformity from the light-worker child, who they don’t understand at all.

When the bumped light-worker grows up and begins the process of self-clearing, releasing their past, gaining clarity and balance, all it takes is a visit or phone call from their manipulative, aggressive, judgmental, blaming pseudo-parents to put them into a downward spiral of negativity.

From the dark forces perspective, this is their most efficient strategy to combat the influx of lightworkers onto planet earth.  It requires almost no energy output to impulse a darkness-riddled pseudo-parent to call their grown offspring and project a load of judgmental, guilt-ridden energy upon them.  Conversely, for the dark forces to psychically attack an individual requires much more time, planning, energy and resources.

Eject!  Eject!

The newly bumped lightworker, upon realizing what has happened, has a choice to make:  Either “eject” from this body and try to find a new one, or stick it out with the hopes of overcoming the traumatizing childhood later on.  The ones who choose to “eject” simply evacuate the body and it dies, causing “crib death” or “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” where the otherwise healthy baby suddenly dies.  Not all cases of crib death are from this unusual scenario, but some of them are.

For the light-workers who are brave (or over-confident) enough that they choose to stay, life becomes a daily grind of feeling unloved, alone, unsupported, abused, and alienated.  Their earthly home feels like a war-zone where they can be attacked at any time for no reason, where every action can be criticized and result in being berated or spanked (which is just a nice word for hitting a defenseless child).

Boys in this type of situation usually leave home as early as possible, often before 18 years of age.  Depending on the culture, girls often try to get out by marrying as soon as possible, or by going to study at a school far from home.  Regardless of the gender or culture, the drive to get away from the family is usually extremely strong.  This is often fodder for more guilt-projection from the pseudo-parents lamenting that their offspring “doesn’t love them” when in reality, they are just trying to protect themselves from the toxic projections of their pseudo-parents.

Finding a Safe Distance

Along with healing and clearing the stored emotional pains of the past, bumped light-workers need to energetically disconnect from their parents.  The more abusive and painful the childhood, the more distance that is necessary.  This starts with living in a different town, not calling too often, and not allowing the parents to project their stuff onto you.  If you find yourself in a phone call where a wave of negativity is being projected onto you, just say “I’m not going to listen to this” and hang up!

Energetically disconnecting from one’s “bumped family” can be tricky, as they will often call after a major energetic disconnection event. On some level they feel the disconnection, and will attempt to pull you back into their dramas and energetic baggage.  This is where standing strong and refusing to engage their particular brand of craziness is essential.

Please understand that I am only advocating that bumped light-workers create this distance from their dysfunctional and abusive families.  I do not advocate this for anyone who had normal, non-abusive families, even if they don’t really understand what you do as a light-worker.  What it actually means to establish a safe distance for those who were bumped into abusive families will differ from person to person.

Creating Your Comfort Zone

For bumped light-workers, how much distance from your pseudo-parents you create is up to you and your Higher Self.  I would recommend a few things in this regard.  First, don’t waste too much of your time and energy trying to get your pseudo-parents to admit what a bad job they did in raising you.  Even if they do admit to some of their mistakes and apologize, it won’t alter their fundamental behavior, and they will still push your same buttons when you talk to them.

Second, stop arguing with them about your own life choices on the phone or in person.  You have probably already tried that for years, and gotten nowhere.  It is impossible to have real communication with a human being in a state of denial and guilt-projection.  If a conversation starts to turn into an argument, just end it and hang up, or leave.

Third, do not let them come to your home.  Make your home a sanctuary from the ills of the world, especially your pseudo-parents.  Do or say whatever you need to keep them out of your home, so that you can end any downward-spiraling conversations by leaving the situation.  It is much easier for you to leave a place than to make someone leave your home.

Fourth, consider writing them a letter detailing their mistreatment of you and explaining why you are disconnecting from them.  A person can’t interrupt a letter, they just have to read it and attempt to deny things after the fact.  Writing a letter like this can be a difficult experience that brings up old, painful memories, so make sure that you have done a lot of self-clearing and healing before you go this route.  I usually only recommend this if you are going to also consider the next step as well.

Fifth, end all contact.  This is an extreme measure for extreme circumstances.  If the abuse you experienced as a child is still being perpetuated in various, more subtle ways by the pseudo-parents, your best option to maintain your equilibrium is to end all contact with them.  This works best if you are living in a different town, and have already begun creating distance.

Be prepared for an onslaught of projected guilt and other forms of drama as they try to hang on, and be firm in your convictions that you are not going to be dragged back into their dysfunctional world.  Writing the letter to detail their past and present dysfunctional behavior will make it clear to them exactly why they are being cut off, which will preempt any attempt for them to act like victims or project guilt and blame onto you.  They will be unable to utter anything like “After all we’ve done for you” if your letter is thorough and detailed.  The letter will make clear to them that “After all you’ve done TO me, this is the end.”

The Art of Forgiveness

Once you have established your safe boundaries and worked diligently on healing yourself, there will come a point in your process where forgiveness is needed.  This forgiveness is for you and your own peace of mind.  It does not require that you call the pseudo-parents and tell them that you are forgiving them, or to reestablish contact with them if you have broken it off.  Forgiveness occurs within your heart and mind, and does not need to be spoken about in order to be effective for your own inner peace.

While your outward actions towards your pesuco-parents will not change, your inner perception will gradually shift as you incorporate forgiveness into your self-clearing and healing efforts.  When you reach a “sticking point” in your clearing process, visualize them and say to them through your Higher Self, “I forgive you for (that particular dysfunctional behavior).”  Repeat it as many times as needed, and allow your Higher Self to multiply the energy of your forgiveness so that it can clear out the frozen emotions and traumas within your subconscious mind more and more deeply.

The deeper purpose of this forgiveness is so that you can think about the pseudo-parents, or the events of your childhood, without dropping into a low-frequency state of depression, despair, victimization or hatred.  Over time, your inner perspective on the pseudo-parents will shift, and you will be able to understand how they came to be so dysfunctional, which is usually from their own parents being abusive or neglectful.  When you can think of them simply as damaged human beings who deserve pity more than hate, you will know that you are well on your way.

Dropping The False Ego-Identity

It is vitally important that bumped light-workers release EVERY aspect of the false sense of self that they were imprinted with during their traumatic childhood.  This is true for all light-workers as well, even those who had good parents.  A central part of the 3d incarnation mission is to transcend the ego identity formed in this lifetime and remember our real reason for being here, then take action on that mission.  We didn’t come here to support the matrix of illusions and lies, to accrue fame or wealth of fiat currency.

We came here to render that entire paradigm obsolete by revealing the truth of the human being, that humanity is a divine species that has been corrupted by darkness and evil, and this must be acknowledged in order to heal our species-wide trauma.  We came here to transform and rebuild the fragmented DNA of our bodies, to help others to do the same, so that we can live in 3d vessels that reflect the Divine Inner Self that is our true identity.  We came here to help the entire human race heal, which means healing ourselves.

This is a monumental task to be sure, and those of you who were bumped have even more work to do, but you CAN do it.  You were strong enough to choose to ride out the roller coaster of a “bumped life” and still fulfill your mission and you maintained that strength throughout the trials and tribulations of your childhood.  Tap into that strength of will, heal yourself, clear the baggage out of your subconscious mind, and begin working on your mission.

If you haven’t already done so, I urge you to work with the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2 and make those clearing techniques part of your tool box.  The Energy Refund and Reclaiming Energy processes should be done daily to ensure that you are not energetically wrestling with your pseudo-parents.  For childhood traumas, use the “backpack of pain” process in Level 2 on a daily basis until you feel a significant, lasting shift in your consciousness.  Also, use the “three galaxies” process at the end of Level 2 daily (with or without the recording) to keep your personal energy flowing smoothly.

You can transcend the traumas of your past if you are determined, persistent, patient and gentle with yourself.  Always remember that who you really are is far more than this one single lifetime, and that you can access the vast consciousness that is your True / Higher / Divine Inner Self to help you heal from the past.  Most of all, focus on loving yourself exactly as you are right now, traumas and baggage included.  Cultivate that love with your focus on the goal of being fully healed, clear and filled with the light of your true, Divine Inner Self.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

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the special chidrend

they are childrend that see and hear what supose

normal people cant.
they oftend know what man search to know.
in the past they have being use many time for

amusement of the masse.
these childrend have  special caracteristic that most

people dont understand and where use to distrac people

 who laugh at them thinking they where actor the

childrend suffer  from uncomprehension and did not

understand why people laugh at is truth.
in the 21 first century science as start to study these

childrend that seem to be like other childrend but

there fragility as egal only with there emotion society

tag them as being pertube trouble hyper actif ,we of

spitual pratice call them indigo chrystal and rainbow

childrend they are  here to falllow a special destiny.
they falow a universal path that its close to the guine

nature of humanity sometime away from all because

society  dont look at them and people oftend ignore

we live in society of digital number a fake paper base

reality that they cant grasp and dont know why he is

reject we are all number but they trust a better

system they know that society is at the point of

failing .
most of them are not clairvoyant or medium they

opend new idea that oftend take in consideration not

only human but animal and the earth its self for long

survival not temporary abide as society do today.
its important in the inspiration of life and death they

manifest sign of understanding of a invisible world wich

is etrenal and never change contrary to the one most

no idea new age or pseudo spiritual but a divine

conection of a cosmic reality.
even when mock they still try to make the world a

better place.
they bring a harmony there coming to earth give us a

brief understanding of angelic emotion.
the parent  dont alway have it easy as they they try

to stop there imposible idea wich they cant undestand

but the child even if he cant do someting in the now

know that nothing is imposible he know the  illusory

nature of this reality.
most people dont look at there  spiritual conextion wich

can bring healing to the world but the social rank how

big is is house what kind of car he got is job.
these chidrend know that we can go out of our body

but cant explain it they oftend have psychic ability.
they say there is a tought behind every tree rock and

drop of water because they know everything is

energyticaly conect.
man he a angel in disguise but dosent not know is true  

nature and reject is responsability to take care of

most people call them dreamer non social we look at

terror on media and do nothing thinking some sort of

invisible  willl fix all our problem it to everyone of us

of taking care that harmony betwen nature and man  

become real not to give them drug trying to make them

normal just like the sheep mass.
why trying to make them normal in a crazy world

where war pain starvation is a most view as a nesisity

by the corupt elite these childrend trace a new way of

life where we cold evisage the imposible and make it

real everyone is a genius not sick its our leader of

today who are sick and use evil genie to control us and

lead us to our grave but the special chidrend know

there a beter way wich can lead the whole world to

joy peace healing and happiness.
these special chidrend are victime of a manipulative

they are predicator of people who have do great thing

to the world think of jim morrison ,john lennon martin

luter king they are many we will find them in greater

number as we go in time till time disapear and we

become imortal.

thecnology will permite them to brocast there mesage

and perception of the world and reality to the world

wide world its time to bring them out of legend and of

psychiatric hospital they where in them a conectivity

much more important that is center to the pinealgland
they have a receptivity extremly judicious at the age

of maturity they experience strong intuition they

proconise the third eye.
the question are the same for all what we do who are

we .
what are we thinking of these chidrend we oftend label
as being disconect from society or being mentaly hill .
if the base of god comendement is not respect society

cant evolve.

these childrend are precursor of a new world and will

have a precise role to play in the healing of society

dont feeds them drug or label them because they have

diferent belive that most people dont have.

dont make you own interpretation of these childrend

lear to love them as they are dont try to mask there

nature whith psycotropic drug they recive mesage

remember that 90% of population if under mental

psycotrope by mass media and cant comprehendre the

truth they label the awake childrend  as being bizard

and crazy for not falowing the sheeple.

they will experime there knowledge when the world will

be receptive to them they are avangardist its time to

opend to these childrend on a spiritual level society as

mask our spiritual nature.

with meditaion you will be able to comprhendre they

talk and action even if at beguining you tought they

where confuse you will realise they know exactly what

they are doing they can teach you how to conect to

divine ralm and show you the invisible reality.

there dna is particular and its prove by science even if

there is a diferend the childrend dont want lable like

the one who laugh.

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MARK 16: 17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

How many today take these words and believe them to be literally true? Unfortunately, the answer is far too many. Some go so far to “prove their faith” that they hold poisonous snakes and actually drink small amounts of arsenic. Not the brightest thing to do. But we are not living in the brightest of times, there is more darkness in the land today than many are aware of. And those in that darkness (ignorance) hate the light (enlightenment of truth) but as far as the above scripture goes, the misinterpretation can end here.

These essays I write are meant to open the windows of heaven that many religious leaders and religious friends and family members have closed shut.

Today, we look at Mark 16. All too often I hear “christians” preaching, “Where is the power of the apostalic church? Where are the miracles?” Well you don’t have to go too far to find some “religious leaders” trying to prove they are healing people at their crusades, from the blind recieving sight, the deaf begin to hear, demons are cast out, and some go so far, to say the dead have literally been raised. Well, I have written and spoken in depth about these charlatan shows, and how many are being taken advantage by them. Many are raking in the cash, but the price is far too great and I pray only more would TEST the SPIRITS to see if they be of God.

Psalm 49:20
People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.

But leave that can of worms for you to open, by reading the essays I have written on the subject or by finding the videos on here as well. Today, we deal with those snake handling, poison drinking, tongue speaking believers.

Now I warn you, if you are expecting me to say that this is a super power that God has given to us, you will be sadly mistaken. If there are any powers to be won, it is the Holy Spirit’s power it to interpret the true meaning of this passage and many others. So buckle up, people because the ride has just begun.

There is more to scripture than meets the literal eye. You see all scripture is given by inspiration, and it is not of private interpretation… In other words, God must reveal what it means. Jesus spoke in parable for good reason. So those without the “keys to the kingdom” would hear but not understand. The book was SEALED up and only the LAMB can open the BOOKS for us…

Luke 10:3
Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves

Yes, that’s right… The Hope of Glory is CHRIST IN YOU. And when you and Christ become one, you are the LAMB as well! People need to stop putting their faith in everything that is outside of them, and they need to close their eyes and seek the TRUTH OF WHO IS INSIDE OF THEM, and WHO THEY ARE WHEN THEY BECOME ONE WITH their TRUE LIFE (CHRIST).

So, let’s get into this passage already.

I’d like to simply address this passage in Mark and point out that what we are seeing is  “word pictures”.  I will explain why and how, and of course open the door for you to walk through and in all your GETTING, GET THE WISDOM of what Jesus has said.

Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

WISDOM is the TREE OF LIFE! That we are meant to eat from!

Proverbs 3:18
She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

As is a wholesome tongue (Those who speak out of wisdom). As is the FRUIT of the RIGHTEOUS, since the fruit is birthed of the WISDOM OF GOD, which is CHRIST. Now by stating this, I want you to understand that when you know the TRUTH it sets you free, but when you have the wrong understanding it is the death (ignorance) of you. Being ignorant of what scripture means is the reason wars have been fought in the name of God, people have been tortured in the name of God, crosses have been burned in the name of God, and people are condemned on a regular basis in the name of God…. And that also goes for those that believe we can handle deadly snakes and drink literal poison and speak foreign languages, etc!

Now to understand what certain passages mean, we have to unlock the mystery. Jesus said, the Kingdom of God is a Mystery… He also says he gives us the KEY’S OF THE KINGDOM (which means REIGN/RULE) OF GOD.

So when we read about miraculous and supernatural events we must use the KEYS given to us, to see what those passages really mean. Considering, to those without understanding, Jesus only spoke in parable.

Matthew 13:34
All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them

So I will try and unlock the meaning of this passage in Mark by using these very same “keys of the kingdom”. 

Let’s look for a moment at what a key does, for doors and locks it opens… For Maps a Key is used for direction and distance, For Math a Key is used to solve the problem. The same is true for scripture. The KEYS of the Kingdom are tools given to us within the body of scripture, and within our heart(spirit/mind) to interpret and understand what is being said. 

Why all the mystery, shrouded messages, and allegory you say? Well, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a TREASURE hidden in a field (US) and in this life we are given this great adventure to find the very meaning of life, and who we are in it. And the TRUTH, when found, sets us free from the ignorance of who we think we are, and what we have believed… Mind you, the TRUTH sets us free from all the ERROR religion, the world, and your friends, and family has shackled you with. From the moment you were born, the FIRST YOU (adam) was formed. You were given a name, told what is acceptable and what is not, how to act, what to eat, when to go to bed, to get up, what to wear, what to learn and how to learn it… the list goes on and on. That’s the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL and that we are made subject to. We are forcefed lie after lie, like Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and a host of other nonsence laws that man makes to cover their own shame and ignorance. (Fig leaves). But by now, you know this FIRST PERSON you have been formed into is not a person who is TRULY ALIVE! You have a mountain of worries and fears, and we can thank this to all the fear we have been poisoned with since birth. This is why Jesus said, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN! Because the FIRST YOU is an ignorant shame filled, fearful wretch… BUT THAT IS NOT WHO YOU ARE! YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE! YOU ARE GOD’S CHILD!

And when you see this, you understand that you don’t need to prove anything by doing the impossible. You don’t need to prove the existence of God by pretending people are being healed, you just KNOW GOD IN TRUTH AND SPIRIT and you LOVE, AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS! But the TRUTH of who we are has been HIDDEN WITHIN US. And now is the day when we are being pulled to REVEAL the TRUTH TO ALL!

After all, it is the GLORY OF GOD to conceal a thing… And CHRIST (truth) does indeed come (is revealed) in the GLORY OF GOD (the concealed thing) … ahhh but that is a different topic for a different day… 

So, let’s us begin to use  the Keys found in scripture to uncover the meaning of …

MARK 16: 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Let’s take it in parts. Let’s start by finding out, once and for all, what DEVILS are. Oooooowww a spoooooky subject, especially since we just celebrated Halloween and all, which of course, all you good religious folk wouldn’t dare celebrate would you?… I mean why not just condemn it as Satanic, and then convince everyone to dress up in costumes and come to the Man made “Church Building”, where the “Church” can create some HELLISH fun in their auditorium, you still trick or treat, but its at the church building so, its cool. :) Ah, the vanity of man’s religious system.

Back to the DEVIL… Interesting to note, DEVIL spelled backwards is LIVED… A great side note: The DEVIL is the accuser of the brethren… So is Moses (anyone see that?) – but think about it, do you accuse yourself of the things you do in the future of those things you did in the past. LIVED! DEVIL! – That’s just a cool thing to ponder. Moving on….

So, what are these DEVILS, that Jesus and company love to cast out? Are they some spooky demons spirits flying around possessing people. Going in and out of these houses of flesh and tormenting them or getting them to buy tickets to Harry Potter Movie or the Twilight series?

Well, I say no, they are not and Jesus agrees. There is no spooky devils flying around outside of us, fighting literal battles in the sky and streets with angels over our souls… You see, Jesus said “Nothing that GOES INTO A MAN defiles him.” 

People there is nothing OUTSIDE of us that possesses us. Every wicked thought is already in the heart of man, whose mind is on evil all the time. You see our carnal nature is a “hot mess” and we enter sin when we are drawn away by OUR OWN LUSTS, not when we are possesed by beelzebub.

James 1:14
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

SOOOOO, it is our LUST that TEMPTS US…. Wait a minute! Hold the phone…. I thought only SATAN tempts.

1 Corinthians 7:5
Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

Is it possible that SATAN the father or ALL LIES, is OUR CARNAL LUSTS? The very same SERPENT placed in the GARDEN (Within us) tempting us to conitinue to EAT of the wrong tree. (the Temporal world and all it’s trappings and vain traditions and beliefs)- It is interesting to note, the BRAIN STEM – called the REPTILIAN BRAIN – is hanging on the TREE of our NERVOUS SYSTEM (controlling our sensual sights, sounds, tastes, touch, etc) — Hhhmn, that is interesting. The REPTILIAN BRAIN (Brain stem) which is known for dealing with our LOWEST AND MOST CARNL FUNCTIONS… isn’t science fun?

In any event, these DEVILS that we are to have power over, are not spooky creatures outside of us, as you’ll see, but ignorant thought processes inside of us.

Remember, even Jesus called those ignorant of the truth, THE DEVILS CHILDREN. Satan’s seed it seems, was ignorant people of Israel. Really nothing to do with “Rosemary’s baby” lol

But you know what, lets see what scripture says about Devils and Demons. There is one passage I believe makes it beautifully clear.

DEUT 36:17 They sacrificed unto DEVILS, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.

The people were sacrificing unto GODS THEY MADE UP, Gods they CREATED. God’s their FATHERS FEARED NOT… These devils were creations of the carnal mind. They were was false beliefs, like Santa Claus — We do put out cookies for that DEVIL don’t we… JUST KIDDING PEOPLE, I LOVE CHRISTMAS AND ALL THE FUN STUFF THAT GOES ALONG WITH IT! Remember everything is lawful, not everything is expedient!

Look today, the world is FILLED with DEVILS (False BELIEFS). These Devils are the LIES man believes. They are LIES we believe about ourselves, about the world, and most importantly about God. These DEMONS MUST BE CAST OUT… excuse me, I was being dramatic, THESE LIES need to be cast out.

2 Corinthians 10:5
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Notice, it is IMAGINATIONS that are not TRUE tha exhalt themselves ABOVE THE KNOWLEDGE of God, that needs to be CAST OUT! LIES people, false beliefs, these are the DEMONS CHRIST casts out.

Let me give you a good example of how the DEMONS are cast out. There was a time people believed the Earth was the center of the universe and that the EARTH was flat… Anyone who said differently was condemned as heretic, even though the people of the day believed a LIE (demon). Now here is how the DEMON (LIES) are cast out, by the expression and understanding of the TRUTH.

You see the TRUTH is the only thing that is eternal, the LIE is temporal (temporary). That is good news, because no matter how long the TRUTH lies buried, it always RISES and DESTROYS the LIE with the BRIGHTNESS of its coming…

2 Thessalonians 2:8
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

So here is how the Flat World demon/lie is cast out, one day a rocket is shot out into space and it captures the image of our world which is indeed more like SPHERE than like a mat. People are presented by the TRUTH and the LIE is cast out. The same is true for any, and every, LIE that needs to be cast out in man. And there are lots of them, and these lies get Mankind to do some pretty horrible things.

How many lives have been lost because of man’s false beliefs? We have seen man kill in the name of God in almost every major religion for centuries now. Even today countries believe “their God” is the true God and they will destroy all other countries who believe differently…. You see, we know the DEVIL is in the DETAILS… LIES, people, that is what a DEVIL or DEMON is… Nothing spooky but terribly dangerous. 

In fact the only thing spooky about these LIES are the SPOOKY LIES we have been told about LITERAL DEMONS AND DEVILS (WHICH DO NOT EXIST). 

Revelation 17:11
And the beast that was, and IS NOT

Scripture is clear, DEVIL, DEMONS are false beliefs, creations of the carnal mind. And yes they do torment us, and yes these lies DO possess us. But we are given POWER to CAST THESE DEVILS (LIES) OUT…. But not the way they do in the movies, or at most churches.

If Devils are lies, then the TRUTH being spoken to those who believe those devils(lies) would in fact rid the person of that false belief.

Christ, who is TRUTH, casts out Demons left and right. Many LIES have been cast out of me as well over the years. (SYMBOLICALLY) I too cut myself with stones (I abused myself with the Laws of Men), and I was in chains (Fear)dwelling in Tombs (my carnal mind) … But these LIES are no longer welcome in me, the TRUTH freed me of the lies, and now only the SWINE (carnal people) have a place for these false beliefs.

So YES, we have power over Demons and we can CAST THEM OUT! But the DEMONS are simply the FALSE BELIEFS people have, and it is the SPOKEN TRUTH we have been given (within us) that FREES THEM!

Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Before we can cast out the DEMON (LIE) SPIRITS (THOUGHTS) of others, first we must be rid of our own.

Matthew 18:9
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

No, this is not talking about cutting out your EYE, but your perception of a thing. If your perception of God is offensive and condemning to you, GET RID OF IT, otherwise you will continue to suffer from the LIES you believe. It’s better to get rid of your false beliefs than to suffer because of them.

Galatians 4:30
Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

CAST OUT THE LIVES THAT KEEP YOU BOUND! And use the TRUTH AND LOVE to rid yourselves of these DEMONS.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

When we cast out the LIES in these people, we return them to their RIGHT MIND. And in so doing, we HEAL them. Remember God does not care about the OUTWARD MAN, but the CHRIST.

2 Corinthians 4:16
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Okay, I hope I made it clear you don’t have any spooky demons fighting outside of you, but the LIES are being fought within you! Yes MICHAEL (WHO IS LIKE GOD) is Fighting the DEVIL (FATHER OF LIES/OUR LUSTS) in HEAVEN (which is WITHIN) – And the good news is the TRUTH WINS!

Ephesians 2:15
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man


 Now unto the SERPENTS.

Does God give us the power to pick up a rattler, be bit and shake it off without the need of anti-venom? Or are the serpents a symbol of something else.

Matthew 23:33
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

How many times did Jesus call the Religious leaders serpents? MANY

Do you really think Paul was attacked by a literal poisonous snakes when he was STARTING THE FIRE, or do you think some Religious dude came against him… And when that happens, guess what… SHAKE IT OFF! We have power over the lies of Religious men and women.

Is not more plausible that when you believe and know THE TRUTH (Christ) the SIGN THAT FOLLOWS is that you can meet with, debate with, speak with, be condemned by, love, and forgive those who believe lies and preach lies.

We know scripture is clear, the SERPENT was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. The serpent is and was a liar. For many years, SERPENT preacher/priests/spiritual guru’s/ and more/ have come and gone in my life. They sunk their fangs deep into me, told me that I was possesed, in error, lost, condemned, I have been called many things… But I always sat back and sort, just laughed as I SHOOK IT OFF – get it?

Look there are so many differing beliefs out there. I am not the authority, just the vessel typing away, so don’t ever just take my word… SEARCH THE SCRIPTURE, SEARCH YOUR HEART, and SEEK GOD in all.

Doesn’t it make more sense that when we know the TRUTH if we meet a SERPENT preaching lies (venom/demon) we can endure these false teachings and not even feel a bit sick because of them? OR does God want us to play with poisonous snakes? DUH!

LOOK, we can hear all the lies from these snakes, we can visit with those who believe their lies, we can have the lies shouted into our ears and watch them on TV and yet, the poison that comes out of these serpents mouths, the LIES of the Religious and Worldly, can not hurt us anymore. Because we KNOW THE TRUTH.

Which brings us drinking any DEADLY THING.

First of all… let’s look clearly at what PRODUCES DEATH, before we get into this.

Romans 8:6
For to be carnally minded is death

That’s right, once again, DEATH = IGNORANCE = BELIEVING LIES

Now, if the serpent is the LIAR, than the poison must be the LIE. Well there are many scriptures that deal with this.

Romans 3: 11
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used DECEIT; the POISON OF ASPS is under their lips:

You see, DECIET = LIES = POISON to the SPIRIT, WHICH produces DEATH (ignorance, carnal thinking).

For those who DON’T know the TRUTH, the poison is under their lips. On their tongues. These poisons are the many lies man has created in his carnal mind.

3The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, SPEAKING LIES. 4Their poison is like the poison of a serpent:

It’s all there in two verses, the WICKED (IGNORANT) speak LIES, and these LIES ARE POISON, and it is like that of a SERPENT.

It should be very clear, that the SIGN that follows is that the Lies of Man and this world cannot hurt us. The Devils (False Beliefs) the Serpents (Those who spread lies) and the Poison (The lies themselves) cannot hurt those who believe… Nor can we speak these lies, or believe them anymore…. Because we have been given a NEW MIND, and it is the TESTIMONY OF CHRIST. And when you are given the TRUTH will be given a NEW TONGUE! A Cloven (separated) Tongue of Fire… Your WORDS (sword) will be separated from the lies of the world and they will be like a fire burning down the lies inside of all mankind.

These are the NEW TONGUES we are given. Not jibberish, God is not the author of Confusion. These New tongues, THE TRUTH can only be heard by those who KNOW THE NATIVE LANGUAGE OF TRUTH. To everyone else, it will appear people like me and others are drunk fools! Lost! They won’t be able to understand the words of the Kingdom, which is why it is so important for us to INTERPRET the TRUTH carefully and without condemnation, with patience and in all meekness. Not everyone will agree with this paper I have written, but that’s okay, one day EVERYONE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND IT SHALL SET US ALL FREE FROM THE LIES OF THE WORLD!

This is why when Religious people attack me, I shake it off it doesn’t hurt me. When I am told I am wrong and that I must believe what they say, I drink that poison in and it doesn’t hurt me because I don’t believe it, because I am free to know the truth. And when I see people that are spiritually sick and hurting, I can tell them, its going to be okay, and the Truth spoken, is the very OIL (wisdom) that will heal them.

So don’t throw that Holy Water on someone who is confused. Love them, comfort, and lead them into TRUTH and watch those LIES (demons) diappear.

Put down that Rattler Bob, John, and Ruth, be like the STICKS that are bundled together to hear the truth, just don’t bite the messenger like that “serpent” did when the preaching got to hot to handle.

And stay away from POSION… unless its aspartame in Diet Coke and then feel free to have one a day like me (I in no way endorse Diet cola, it is terrible for you,  addictive, and man do i want one right now :) )

I hope this study has blessed you. Forgive any spelling mistakes, I write very quickly and don’t revise much. Peace to you all. Jacob

“The Truth Will Change You”

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There is some debate over what this First Resurrection is. Some wait for new bodies, others believe their old ones will be built stronger and better than before, and there are some, a few, who believe this resurrection takes place within and has nothing to do with flesh, bones, and sinew. This paper will examine the later. I also know that this may make many uncomfortable, I simply ask that you pray fully, and consider, as I promise I will do the same.

Remember in all things, “Let God be true” and consider that “every man” may be a liar. That goes for me as well. Daily I pray God will unfold to me the truth, and I have found that many times, I have thought I knew what was what, only to find that I was wrong. But even in that error, God makes a way to bring us higher. I have no doubt that God will reveal all things to the pure of heart, who truly seek and want to serve God.

This paper is what I consider to be a strong essay on what and how the first ressurection takes place. I pray it blesses you as I know writing has blessed me.

Okay, now that I got the disclaimer over, let’s begin.

Let’s start here:

1 Corinthians 15 : 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2By which also ye are saved, IF YE KEEP IN MEMORY what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

Did you notice Paul said, “IF ye keep in Memory”… You see this puts a whole new spin what many believe salvation is. Here Paul is saying, you are saved IF you remember the gospel he preached. So much for just accepting Jesus in your heart and the rest takes care of itself.

“Not all who cry Lord, Lord” know God and Christ (enter the kingdom of God)

Paul here is saying, we must REMEMBER the Gospel preached to be saved and if we FORGET this great TRUTH we are no longer saved.

It is when we believe the Gospel, and when we believe on the NAME (Nature) of Christ, that we are saved… The question I think many should ask, when seeking salvation, is, “what are we saved from?”

This is important question because very few actually know what it is we are saved from. Most believe we are being saved from a fiery eternal torture. They believe they are saved from a terrible future, however, for brevity’s sake, I can assure you, this is NOT WHAT WE ARE SAVED FROM.

Salvation is all about TODAY, not just tomorrow. Salvation is about the HERE AND NOW, not just the hereafter.

But what is it really that we are saved from?

Luke 7:50
And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.

Here we see the woman was saved from her PRESENT CONDITION. And it was her FAITH, that saved her.

What I believe we are saved for in a nutshall is our carnal mind.

John 9:25 … one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

Here BLINDNESS is a great word picture of our ignorance before Christ is FORMED in our heart (thinking).

Christ is the TRUTH, so the “seeing” of the truth is an allegory for “precieving/understanding” the truth– This in a nutshell is what we are saved from, our IGNORANCE/BLINDNESS/DISEASE/SIN/DEATH

We are saved from our carnal mind, from our ignorance, we are saved from sin, we are saved from OURSELVES (seperation). Remember, there is no seperation in God, there is only UNITY. This is what this essay is about.

This is why we must REMEMBER the gospel. That is to say, the revealed truth which is Christ. REMEMBER the gospel, which is the TRUTH, is within us all. And if we forget such great Liberty, there is no remission of sins.

This is why Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN” – “Christ IN you” — Noah had to go WITHIN the arc to be saved. Salvation is WITHIN, hidden in these earthen vessels we call humanity.

Many people will say, that the TRUTH is not WITHIN US, but far from us, and that we must INVITE IT IN as opposed to LETTING IT OUT.

John 1:9 ”That was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world.”


What this means in a nutshell, is the only place we can be SEPERATE from God, is WITHIN our THOUGHTS. Which is what happens in THE ADAMIC (ignorant) Man.

In other words, if we forget the truth of who we are in Christ, than we deny the truth of who we are and enter into a delusion called the Carnal Mind and the result is we suffer as Joe, Peter, Linda, Bert, etc, etc.

Let’s continue to see what Paul preached.

3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.

The first thing Paul taught was that CHRIST died for our sins. This Christ, according to JOHN 1, is within ALL men, even those who don’t know it.
John 1 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

So, we are not talking about a “literal” man here, but the SPIRIT OF LIFE, the WORD OF GOD, CHRIST that is within us all. That Spirit is the WORD OF GOD, which is TRUTH.

The Man Jesus manifested THIS WORD to all as the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. Jesus, The Man, did not appear until many, many, years AFTER the BEGINNING of CREATION. Yet the SPIRIT (WORD) that JESUS manifested, was and is, the very WORD OF GOD that takes away the SINS OF THE WORLD.

So in essence, Paul is saying that this TRUTH that is in us all died for our sins.

So what are our sins you may ask?

Well, if the wages of sin is death. To be carnally minded is death. Then SIN is our ignorant carnal thinking. In fact, Sin is even called the “thought of foolishness” in scripture.

To truly understand what is said here, let me interpret what Paul is really saying by rewriting a bit.

1 Cor 15:1 – For I told you first, which you also believed, that the truth died (was buried and forgotten) because of your ignorant thoughts and beliefs.

It is not coincidence that Christ (truth) dies at Golgatha, which is the place of the Skull. It is no coincidence that Christ now sits in the Temple of God, and our Temples are located on either side of our brain. It is also no coincidence that Christ is given a crown of thorns before he dies. Because “thorns”, according to the parable of the sower, are symbolic of the “cares and thoughts of the world”

When the thoughts of the world (lies) rule our mind, then the truth (Christ) is indeed put to death in our thinking. Then it is neatly buried in a tomb called our Flesh. And what happens when people go looking for the TRUTH in the CARNAL MIND (tomb)? They don’t find it. Because you cannot find the LIVING among the DEAD, or the ENLIGHTENED among the IGNORANT.

Back to Paul and his teaching.

3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the SCRIPTURES.

Most people just skim past these last words. We won’t, because it opens our eyes to a great revelation. What “SCRIPTURES” was Paul talking about? It couldn’t have been the New Testament because they weren’t written yet. He must have been speaking about the Old Testament.

So, somewhere in the Old Testament it seems, there is a story of the SON OF GOD being put to death… Sound familiar?

Genesis 2:17 – But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

That’s right. ADAM is who Paul was talking about? The First man. The son of God that died because he hung on a cursed tree. Now here is where WE come in.

Do you know what Adam means in Hebrew? Strongs defines it as “MANKIND.” Male and Female he made THEM and called THEM ADAM (Mankind)

Could this be these “scriptures” Paul spoke of. Could this also be speaking of what happened to us all?

Did WE, like ADAM, eat of the Knowledge of Good and Evil after being tempted and drawn away by their own soulish lusts (Eve). – Eve is symbolic of MANKIND’S soul… This is the FLESH OF MY FLESH AND BONE OF MY BONE. I will have an article posted about this at a later date.

In that moment Adam (Mankind) forgot who they were. They separated themselves from God and began to see God as outside of them. They began to fear God and started covering themselves with fig leaves (vain religious traditions and beliefs). Isn’t that what we all did as well?


Like Adam, Paul was simply saying that Mankind had simply forgotten the truth of who they were. Mankind had forgotten their connection with God, they forgot that they are ONE WITH GOD.

Paul goes onto say that when ADAM (Mankind) did this, when they forgot the truth, the (CHRIST) Truth in Them died… Until it is raised again.

Now how does this happen you say? Well the first man is FORMED out of dust. In scripture dust is compared to lies, imagination, idolatry, sin, you name it. So in fact the 1st Man (The dead man) is formed in lies. This is how it happens.

From the instant our flesh Mom and Dad name us, and we believe that is who we are, we also begin to believe that we are a separate being. Our experiences mold is into this Ego called, Bob, Mary, Tyrone, or John. And then the day comes when someone whispers in our ear that we are sinners, damned and doomed. And this REALLY kills THE SPIRIT WITHIN.

Romans 7:9 – For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.

As the days pass from our birth into this literal world, Mankind is brainwashed to believe they are something they are not. And so Christ dies, the truth dies. Because Christ took on the Sins of the World… Because the truth was forgotten for the lies we began to believe… But the story does not end there.

1 Corinthians 15:4 – And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Here Paul tells us that the TRUTH that was dead and buried rises again on the 3rd day. I like to call it the 3rd day in our spiritual tri-mester  – You see it is this 3rd day when that Dead Seed (truth) comes back to life and most importantly, the Gospel is remembered.

Did not Christ say, the HOLY SPIRIT will bring to Remembrance all things?

Now here is the crux of the matter. Later, Paul begins to teach what the Resurrection from the Dead really is.

The first thing that should be pointed out is that if it was a literal physical resurrection from literal graves, then where was all the confusion coming from? Why did they need further explanation from Paul. Today, no one in Christianity has a problem believing that literal dead will be raised again. The problem seems to be the belief that it is not literal, but spiritual. You see today, no one really understands that or believes that.

Look, scripture tells us the Kingdom of Heaven is mystery, so not everything is so cut and dry.

1 Cor 15:12Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?

I don’t think you would find many Christians today that will NOT say there is a literal resurrection, but I do believe there are NOT MANY that will say the Resurrection takes place INSIDE US, in our minds.

Scripture states the FLESH PROFITS nothing, but a majority of the Christian faith revolves around the FLESH resurrection. I think the reason most people don’t understand THIS is because they don’t really believe they are “Dead” already in Adam.

Some are even TWICE DEAD = The Pharasees :(

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Jesus here tells everyone plainly. I AM THE RESURRECTION. And who is Jesus? THE TRUTH revealed IN MAN… The truth is resurrected. He that believes the TRUTH though he were DEAD shall LIVE!

Many are ignorant of this. They want their carnal lives to live forever. They are waiting for a new body of flesh and bone that will never perish. They are waiting to be immortal HUMAN beings as opposed to understanding they are already eternal spirit on a journey through valley of the shadow of death. (Their own ignorance)

Scripture is so clear, 2 Corinthians 4:16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

The outward (ADAM) man dies, the inward (CHRIST) man RESURRECTS!

Let’s look at that another way, shall we… The OUTWARD MAN – adam lives OUTSIDE THE GARDEN. ADAM sees GOD as OUTSIDE OF HIMSELF. Yet, the INWARD MAN is WITHIN (Christ IN you) (Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN) (that day you shall know I (Christ) am IN the FATHER, and the FATHER IN ME, and I IN IN IN IN YOU)

The INWARD man is RENEWED (resurrected) – The OUTWARD MAN perishes and is CAST AWAY.

The Hope of Glory is NOT Christ rising from the literal, physical grave. Not to say that THIS DID NOT HAPPEN WITH JESUS. Just talking about what the HOPE OF GLORY means for us CHURCH, settle down peanut gallery :)

I digress, The Hope of Glory is CHRIST IN YOU. Today, you are the seemingly EMPTY Tomb he rises from. Paul understood this and even went so far as to say in Galatians that “It is not longer I that live, but Christ”

This is a mystery, the DEAD (ignorant) shall be raised (brought to understand the Truth)

This is the FIRST RESURRECTION of the Dead. It is the resurrection out of our ignorance and into the NEWNESS OF LIFE. Now, look at this next line closely.

21For since by man (PLURAL) came death, by man (PLURAL)came also the resurrection of the dead.

Notice how it doesn’t state by “A MAN” or by “ONE MAN” came death, and by “A MAN” or “ONE MAN” came also the resurrection.

It says, by man (Mankind) came death (Ignorance) and by Mankind comes also the resurrection (understanding the truth of unity)

22For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive.

47The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

The first man “You and I” is of the earth (soulish and carnal), the Second Man (You and I) as hard as it may be to believe, is Our Unity in CHRIST.

The 1st “US” sees things as Natural, temporal, limited, and does whatever it wants. The 2nd “US” is “Christ IN US” and only does what the Father wills.

Howbeit the FIRST is NOT SPIRITUAL in thinking but CARNAL… This is why we MUST be BORN AGAIN (Resurrected)… Because the FIRST MAN doesn’t understand the things of God… The SECOND BORN AGAIN man ENTERS THE REST OF GODS KINGDOM … the Second Man is CHRIST/ CHRIST IN US.

The 1st shall be last, and the LAST MAN (CHRIST) shall be first! And here is the good news…

49As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

Paul explains this happens to us all!

51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

We are all changed into Christ. The mystery which has been HIDDEN for the ages… is best summed up in one scripture… CHRIST IN YOU… This is the ONLY HOPE of GLORY there is.

ROMANS 14: 8For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. 9For to this end

For this is the way… Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

So stop looking to the literal clouds for Christ to return, stop waiting for your death to know eternal life, the TRUTH is in us all… If we are ignorant of that Truth, the Truth is dead. The good news is on the 3rd day it RESURRECTS in us, as us, when we REMEMBER the GOSPEL PREACHED.

The DEAD man forgets he is God’s Child, he forgets the Truth of who he is because of his sin (foolish thoughts). But the Truth will Rise again within us all and we shall be raised INCORRUPTIBLE and know we are God’s child.

Romans 6:9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. (Knowing this Truth we leave our ignorance behind and never again allow Lies and Ignorance to rules our lives.)

P.S. as far as Christ being “risen from the dead” AGAIN – I say amen and amen… Are we not the literal body of Christ and members in particular. 

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“The Truth Will Change You”

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a call to action sychrodestiny

We are all here for a purpose. You are all here to bring it about: Unity in Oneness. Let us become the silent vehicle of a new and better connected inner and outer world. Let us show the power of infinite Love over any darkness!

Let us meet on April 11 across time and space!

Let us show how powerful Remote Influencing can become when done with a high purpose of Unity!

Thank you


Remote Viewing and Influencing our Choices as Probable Futures

Important message from the Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing

A call for action in Unity
Imagine ...

To all:

This message seeks to unite. In that capacity it means to transcends all restricted understandings of our spiritual heritage and applications of it. It has all to do about the One Spirit that Unites us all, whether we are aware of It, or not. It seeks to bring us soon into a gentler, kinder, probable future.

Recent Remote viewing sessions from teams of Remote Viewers from the Academy have shown a proximate probable future that we feel should be communicated. It is not our habit to spoon-feed a constant litany of horrific end-of-times scenarios as many remote viewers have done. We see no need to add to the general addiction to fear which has grappled mankind lately. If you feel that this message is about fear, then please read it again and again. This is not about events, judgment, but about the panacea to erase fear, and suffering. You all carry this Infinite Force within. NOW is the time to manifest it.

However, because of the imbalance between fear and love, man and nature, humankind and its Creator, male and female energies, great corrections are taking place on very High energy planes and very sub-conscious planes. These are attempts to rebalance The ALL that need to happen. The One is the Fulcrum or vertical pole of the Tree of Life symbolized by the Cross, the Ankh and so many other powerful symbols. Nothing can remain eternally in a state of imbalance, for the One Unified Field of Energy brings automatically all back to perfect balance and then inverts the movement so that Creation as a unbalancing act can happen again and again within Eternity.

This message is different from prior ones. Because of the scope of events which we are seeing in our global probable future lens, I am going to ask you to do a very simple thing. So simple, yet so powerful and important, that it carries in it the seed to change this whole planet's consciousness.

I am going to ask you, wherever you are located on this planet, to connect twice on 4/11 (April 11, 2005) in silence to your deepest core and heart, for 11 minutes each, from 11 AM (morning time) up to 11:11 AM, and for another 11 minutes again from 11 PM (night time) up to 11:11 PM. As the planet rotates during its 24 hour cycle, it will create, through the many of you living in all its time zones, a great field of consciousness of Unity that will powerfully help lift, and transmute the dark field of separation and fear which is now covering so densely our beautiful and fragile home: Earth, separating us from the Inner Kingdom of Heavens. I would like you to enter the moment when 11:11 shows up on your clock, morning and evening all around this planet, in a state of total communion with the One Unified Field which we all represent and are parts of.

This will become our answer to 9/11 and to the fear cloud which has since engulfed much of our awareness and dulled our hearts and minds.

For 11 minutes each, on the morning and evening of April 11, I will ask you to open your heart in perfect abandon and trust, and invite within your being a force of pure unrestricted love which lies now deeply entombed within it. It has never left you, but you have, for the most part and for eons, not been aware of its presence. Please, call upon It to pervade your awareness, your total being, and chase away all illusions of fear. Bathe in its loving embrace. It is only through opening your heart to its magnificent presence that you will experience within and project then without the Divine Feminine force which has been called so often The Christ, Holy Spirit, Bindu point, The Great Spirit, Shakti, Ruach Hakodesh, Cosmic Consciousness, Shekinah, Sakinah etc... You do not need to name It unless you feel more comfortable doing so. This is the Real Power of total unconditional Love. It is the quality of total acceptance of who we are and have become, and the Divine aspect totally void of judgment.

If you stop only for a small moment your daily activities, and accept unconditionally the Messiah within, the savior within, you will then totally perceive and feel that the Messiah (savior) is within each and every one of you. You are each connected to the savior, as it is you, deep within your heart: your soul. It is the loving Self of Oneness waiting to be recognized and invited.

In the time of our exile from our inner Divine Self we thought that we could not be the Divine Savior, that only one Savior could have been or be it. We waited for It on the outside, and the pain of separation became evermore greater. There is no one external Savior. We are all It. We are all the Divine Sons of The One (Father) - each and every one of us. It is only by unconditionally inviting this realization within and touching that vibration of Divinity within our hearts that we become aware of being the Divine Son, and that the Divine Child and the Divine Source (Divine Father) are but One. All you need is to open your heart to the Savior within and invite it in. It will answer your call. It has been in exile from yourself, and you from It, far too long. The separation has been too painful and the suffering is now so extreme that only by dulling our awareness have we been able to survive, one day at a time. Our hearts have lost their softness and have hardened. We long for the memory of what our souls have once known, Love, Peace, brotherhood, in Divine Oneness. The Christ has died in utter suffering billions of times nailed to the Tree of Life which has embraced fear and separation. As the Divine Unconditional Loving Eternal One Source hiding in each soul, sHe died over and over again as so many human beings lived and then departed in pain and exile from the realization and experience of Oneness in the Kingdom of One. sHe can but only be reborn in Its full Glory as your Savior in the womb of your Loving Hearts, as you feel and live the way of One.

The only sin there can be is in the perception of separation and fear. It is that perception which kills the awakening of the Oneness within.

We have searched for real Love and real Peace outside of ourselves, but have found naught but sorrow and insecurity.

How we have forgotten that we carried Its seed and Holy presence within!

How barren our souls have become, how silent our awareness!

We have witnessed the effects of separating from this Divine One Heart within, disconnecting from one another, all of us, brothers and sisters, children of the same One Godly Energy, and begat a dark cloud of fear - a stone-like dark clouded energy covering our Inner Self and not allowing for the Light of The Divine presence to shine through and forth.
As this cloud of fear overcame us, we have tended to deny our Divine Origin and brotherhood, our undeniable right to all be happy and free from any fear and anxiety. We forgot that were born out of Love, and that we all can only but come back to It, sooner or later, without exception.

In the hells we created, we tried to burn the fire of Love. But no water nor fire can burn our inner Essence for It will always resurge from the deeper recesses of our souls, as It is our Eternal Self, the part that never changes nor dies: The Fulcrum of the swinging polarities.

It is only through inviting and embracing the Unconditional Divine Feminine Love dwelling within us that we can rejoin the Father of Divine Light within the heavens of our Sub-conscious realms: the inner Kingdom. And, as we enter the Divine Feminine Presence of the loving energy called the Christ or Shekinah, we can then bring down the magnificent powerful Light of the Father in our common Heavens in a final Union of Oneness, as we all realize that we were, are, and will always remain the Eternal One Energy of loving embrace and Oneness.
In order to do so, we have to crucify our pain of separateness and die in the notion of fear and separation, by embracing the totality of the Tree of Creation, which is the tree of Life.

As we are voluntarily nailed to the Tree of Creation, we must invite the death of its imbalanced state of being when fear rules over love. It is only by OUR decision to kill ourselves from this old painful perception of fear/separation, that we can then be Divinely reborn into the new Creation: The New Earth (outside reality) and the New Heaven (inside reality). The key is to STOP, go within, and unconditionally embrace Love over separation, and accept that the ones that are not ready yet are still ALL The One and should be forgiven for they "do not know what they are doing."

It is only through the active decision to unconditionally embrace the Divine Feminine aspect of Christed (anointed in ancient Greek) Unconditional Love, who we all carry inside, that we can, each and every one, go through the realization that we are each the Fulcrum, the balancing Zero point, and that we can then invert the polarities in the Final rebirth of Love, after having died in and killed the old world system of fear.

Within the irony of time, we are running out of time to awaken and apply this universal Divine Gift which we all carry, equally so, adults, children, rich, poor, people of all colors, all creed or not, all magnificent individuation of The One.

Within the irony of timed manifestations, dis-eases and imbalance always starts at the level of the outer energetic bodies and inner recesses of our sub-conscious realms before it finally expresses itself in painful manifestation in the physical and sensory conscious realm. Much major rebalancing and restructuring, is already occurring in the energetically and sub-conscious Higher worlds, for the Fulcrum of One needs to keep balancing the imbalances if they become too acute. We all have the power to help this process of redemption, before it touches the boundary of our physical and conscious reality. We all have the power to save our world.

As the Asian tsunami and the latest earth-movements and energy releases have hinted lately, the "ring of fire" in the Pacific rim is being activated, and the tectonic plates of our Mother Earth are being restructured. We have remote viewed probable futures which strongly pointed out that if we do not accept our Loving Unity soon, much fracture will be shown manifesting our dis-connected state from the state of Union in Oneness. Tremendous rumblings will be felt throughout the One Unified Field. We ask the scientific community to closely monitor any unusual pattern in the migratory behavior of whales, dolphins, and birds, for they will be much more predictive of locations where potential large-scale energy releases might happen than any current scientific monitoring apparatus. Also please monitor any strange tidal patterns. This only addresses bad-case scenarios, but the time has come to become highly aware of their proximate potential. Please let us avoid such painful re-alignment!

All we need to do is so simple: Re-member all the pieces that we form in the Unity of the Being of The One. Do it not out of fear, for it will negate it, but out of a deep yearning for Limitless and Unconditional Love. Cry and laugh all you can at the same time.

That is why I ask of you to do this act on April 11. One 4 One. There is a very special significance over this new consciousness being activated on that day.

Try to make this a daily habit from then on. We will all benefit from it.

I hope that you realize how important this is and ask for your help in helping save your selves by spreading this message quickly and inviting Love within.

I would like to finish by quoting an excerpt from a book by Goldie Knight "The unseen World" (2003), which a student sent me a couple of days ago:

What is the Christ (The anointed)?

The Christ is a place in consciousness where you become aware of who and what you are. When you become aware of the presence within, you awaken from a deep sleep. You become aware of the beauty around you. Things that once seemed a burden are no longer a burden. You become aware that nothing is yours and yours alone. You are aware that all things and all people belong to God. You know you are his child and you see that if you are a child of God, all others are children of God.

You know in your heart that even your children are not yours. If you are a child of God so are the ones you have called yours. Then you begin to release your hold on them and give them back to God. You trust God to take care of them, whereas in the past you have tried to mold them to your way, or tried to take over their responsibilities. You realize that instead of helping them you have retarded them. You also realize that they too must see their mistakes. Instead of taking over, you speak to the Christ within them and you pour out impersonal love; this is true Christ love. You become aware of why your love must become impersonal. You realize that it is not possible to love all people in a personal way; you love all because all are One.

You begin to speak to God as you would to your dearest friend. You speak to him knowing he is within and not in a far off place You feel warmth from within that you have not felt before. You tell him you have given up the struggle. You feel your troubles take wings and fly away. At last you are free. You have come to that place in consciousness where the Christ dwells, that heavenly place that belongs to all, and you know that at long last you have come home. You stand serene and look back over the far country that you have roamed and struggled and wonder why it took you so long to come home. Then you will know the meaning of the words: "You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven except through the Christ."

In Love of Oneness

Gerald O'Donnell


The Earth that we percive  is the result of a frequency, the  movement  energy flow. a feel we are  entering a new cosmic  Synchronization toward global change wich can be worst or better.

when we raise our vibration we assist the  transition by consciously raising our consciousness This, in turn,  the frequency of the Planet change.

we are  multidimensional in amnesia of our true self .

interdimensional stream of knowledge that serves as a bridge between human and star family.

We are in a  time of the Great recondioning of our mind the new subconscious programing  will give way to cosmic perceptions. this will be the entering of non-locality and the beguining of end of linear time.

Earth's mental sphere of thinking layer.

Everything is tought wave matter is condesnse wave of energy and the more we realize this as a human the more the our planet shifts. changing  our thought structures and patterns of perception.

thoughtforms in the creation bring a new reality based on love, truth , sharing , synchronicity.

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shaman experience and our society

seem to go from worderful scene to another.
its now time to bring a pointer to our aceleration of our evolution and help fix our dilema.
its no new that at the turning of the milinia wonderful experience await us but it can also be the beguining of our end.
we are at the dawn of a trasition that milinia of crishtianity, judaism, is coming to a end and we will return to the mystism of our origine.
a new cosmic creation is about to expand and show us that the technology as become toxic to our survival.
our endles adapting self as become the enemy to our survival life is a ending fluctuating process its time to change the paradigme in wich we live for the restoration of the earth.
as the rise and fall of atlantis nature is a machine for extintion of creature that are unbalance with the natural law.
if we dont redising culture to fit the new value that are nesesary for the presavation of mother earth we are the one who will face extinction not the earth.
the coming crisis is a sing that meant us to return to our original self and purpose.
the shamanism and mystic experience is taboo in the western world.
for the western mind is a hous of card and its society is very fagile truth make fall great empire.
its is posible to go from birth to the grave totaly hypnotise from reality.
in order to know who we are we have to form a symbiotic relationship with nature and find the singularity of all life.
you think your consciousness spring from your brain and the material world no its from the cosmos the divine matrix of all life its a godly energy that decend from higher realm that infuse material nature and the being who inhabite it.
its provoke a spontanious change of perception and reality its unveil a great paradox consciousness spring from quantum reality that is vastly more inteligent that any man.
all aboriginal nation tribe as use various ritual to acesss what outside of ordinary perception and contact the dead for divination and healing and the bending of psysical universe.
the secret of our transcendence into the spiritual world as been oculte we are half angelic and animal with godlike ability.
we live in a world create by mind and the abstration of fact about the truth of greater reality.
we are in the time of fusion of mind spirit and mater.
our dream is the goal there is no going back.
society that pratice shamanism and or psychidelic experience dynamic equilibrium betwen nature and man and live in A stable environement.
its seem that the western religion is the cultural programing for a golden prison a orwelian nightmare.
new direction can be found out of crisis our problem will be solve by catapulting our imagination into the uknow reality where mind mold reality.
psychidelic and or meditation is a catalist for the expention of consciousness, imagination, creativity and syncronism.
entering a field of limiteless potentiality back to the experience of unity of being and consciousness.
humanity as become the consumer experience that is feed from a hirachy that make us belive we are free while they enslave our mind to preserve there sick society.
turning us into mindless worker.
we have give our power of experience away to trade it for religion and politic into consuming death in a path of external thecnology and ideology.
shamanism is the experience of boundry disolution its the world of pagan sufism boudist gnostic natural magic it is treating to the state and the society of consumerism.
the expention on consciousness destroy industrial democracy and it end money fetisism.
let the gaian new agenda florish by disolving your ego.
our civilisation as we know it is a myth that bring us to the destruction of our self and the earth.
the faith of the cosmic intend rest with us we are not with out resposability.
the next evolution into the promise land mean to step out of our unconscious mind we need to be bring back from animal conscious to bring our angelic utopia where make have godlike power we have to decondition our mind we are a sick society that need to be heal we have to solve a abstrac cultural programing and point the way to answer to our insane world of competition and consumering of a destructive material acumulation.
what must be done is the legalisation of all plant and the liberalisation of our mind we must reclaim our right to explore our consciousness by any mean be a abasador for reason and scientific fact and truth and built a world that our chidrend will thank us for its nolvelty and bright futur.
know that planet earth is under quarantine and the quarantine to joint our cosmic family will be lift when we find our true self and discover for our self of the true history of our planet.
a think we are at the turning point where our entire universe is soon to be afect by something we can`t consive of.
is that we will discover that we are here to create wonder and miracle and that a great shift in consciousness it will manifest cosmic destiny the god will manifest on earth and awake within us a new havea a golden age with suprem power that is love and rediscover divine will and reason our dna will be upgrade and disease will disapear.
the truth is about to be reveal to us we are all one.

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Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.] The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.

One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.

This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. ?So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and maturity in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. The Russian researchers work on a method that is not dependent on these factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency.

But the higher developed an individual’s consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device! One can achieve these results by oneself, and science will finally stop to laugh at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn’t end there.?The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars).? These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper communication is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worries or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless.

In nature, hyper communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insect states proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as “intuition.” But we, too, can regain full use of it. An example from Nature: When a queen ant is spatially separated from her colony, building still continues fervently and according to plan. If the queen is killed, however, all work in the colony stops. No ant knows what to do. Apparently the queen sends the “building plans” also from far away via the group consciousness of her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants, as long as she is alive. In man hyper communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one’s knowledge base. Such hyper communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition. The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini for instance dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory, he called it the Devil’s Trill Sonata.

For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majority of facts were outside his personal knowledge base and reached technical details about which he knew absolutely nothing.

When hyper communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA as well as in the human being special phenomena. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many control experiments showed that the pattern still came from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effect encountered most often in hyper communication also in human beings are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned. Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work. The better the atmosphere and the energy, the more frustrating it is that the recording device stops functioning and recording exactly at that moment. And repeated switching on and off after the session does not restore function yet, but next morning all is back to normal. Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept, it means they are good at hyper communication.

In their book “Vernetzte Intelligenz” (Networked Intelligence), Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been, just like the animals, very strongly connected to the group consciousness and acted as a group. To develop and experience individuality we humans however had to forget hyper communication almost completely. Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness, namely one, in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from the network and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or “remote sensing” about the state of relatives etc.. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper communication. Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality. Otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated.

Hyper communication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of today’s children will be problem children as soon as the go to school. The system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today’s children is so strong that that they refuse this adjustment and giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.

At the same time more and more clairvoyant children are born [see the book “China’s Indigo Children” by Paul Dong or the chapter about Indigos in my book “Nutze die taeglichen Wunder”(Make Use of the Daily Wonders)]. Something in those children is striving more and more towards the group consciousness of the new kind, and it will no longer be suppressed. As a rule, weather for example is rather difficult to influence by a single individual. But it may be influenced by a group consciousness (nothing new to some tribes doing it in their rain dances). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies, the so-called Schumann frequencies. But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize their thinking or individuals (spiritual masters, for instance) focus their thoughts in a laser-like fashion, then it is scientifically speaking not at all surprising if they can thus influence weather.

Researchers in group consciousness have formulated the theory of Type I civilizations. A humanity that developed a group consciousness of the new kind would have neither environmental problems nor scarcity of energy. For if it were to use its mental power as a unified civilization, it would have control of the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence. And that includes all natural catastrophes!!! A theoretical Type II civilization would even be able to control all energies of their home galaxy. In my book “Nutze die taeglichen Wunder,” I have described an example of this: Whenever a great many people focus their attention or consciousness on something similar like Christmas time, football world championship or the funeral of Lady Diana in England then certain random number generators in computers start to deliver ordered numbers instead of the random ones. An ordered group consciousness creates order in its whole surroundings!

When a great number of people get together very closely, potentials of violence also dissolve. It looks as if here, too, a kind of humanitarian consciousness of all humanity is created.(The Global Consciousness Project)

To come back to the DNA: It apparently is also an organic superconductor that can work at normal body temperature. Artificial superconductors require extremely low temperatures of between 200 and 140°C to function. As one recently learned, all superconductors are able to store light and thus information. This is a further explanation of how the DNA can store information. There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these supersmall wormholes are highly unstable and are maintained only for the tiniest fractions of a second. Under certain conditions stable wormholes can organize themselves which then form distinctive vacuum domains in which for example gravity can transform into electricity.

Vacuum domains are self-radiant balls of ionized gas that contain considerable amounts of energy. There are regions in Russia where such radiant balls appear very often. Following the ensuing confusion the Russians started massive research programs leading finally to some of the discoveries mentions above. Many people know vacuum domains as shiny balls in the sky. The attentive look at them in wonder and ask themselves, what they could be. I thought once: “Hello up there. If you happen to be a UFO, fly in a triangle.” And suddenly, the light balls moved in a triangle. Or they shot across the sky like ice hockey pucks. They accelerated from zero to crazy speeds while sliding gently across the sky. One is left gawking and I have, as many others, too, thought them to be UFOs. Friendly ones, apparently, as they flew in triangles just to please me. Now the Russians found in the regions, where vacuum domains appear often that sometimes fly as balls of light from the ground upwards into the sky, that these balls can be guided by thought. One has found out since that vacuum domains emit waves of low frequency as they are also produced in our brains.

And because of this similarity of waves they are able to react to our thoughts. To run excitedly into one that is on ground level might not be such a great idea, because those balls of light can contain immense energies and are able to mutate our genes. They can, they don’t necessarily have to, one has to say. For many spiritual teachers also produce such visible balls or columns of light in deep meditation or during energy work which trigger decidedly pleasant feelings and do not cause any harm. Apparently this is also dependent on some inner order and on the quality and provenance of the vacuum domain. There are some spiritual teachers (the young Englishman Ananda, for example) with whom nothing is seen at first, but when one tries to take a photograph while they sit and speak or meditate in hyper communication, one gets only a picture of a white cloud on a chair. In some Earth healing projects such light effects also appear on photographs. Simply put, these phenomena have to do with gravity and anti-gravity forces that are also exactly described in the book and with ever more stable wormholes and hyper communication and thus with energies from outside our time and space structure.

Earlier generations that got in contact with such hyper communication experiences and visible vacuum domains were convinced that an angel had appeared before them. And we cannot be too sure to what forms of consciousness we can get access when using hyper communication. Not having scientific proof for their actual existence (people having had such experiences do NOT all suffer from hallucinations) does not mean that there is no metaphysical background to it. We have simply made another giant step towards understanding our reality.

Official science also knows of gravity anomalies on Earth (that contribute to the formation of vacuum domains), but only of ones of below one percent. But recently gravity anomalies have been found of between three and four percent. One of these places is Rocca di Papa, south of Rome (exact location in the book “Vernetzte Intelligenz” plus several others). Round objects of all kinds, from balls to full buses, roll uphill. But the stretch in Rocca di Papa is rather short, and defying logic sceptics still flee to the theory of optical illusion (which it cannot be due to several features of the location).

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our personal and colective dream

we are aware that everyone around us has

emotional wounds a emotional poison that is create from from negativity , it can be easily understand that humanity as create dream of hell. From

the perspective that everything ...we believe about our...selves, and

everything we know about our world, is just a dream. religious

description o hell, it is the same as human society today , the way

Hell is a place of suffering, a place of fear, a place of war and

violence, a place of judgment and no justice, a place of punishment that

never ends. There are humans versus humans in a jungle of predators;

humans full of judgment, full of blame, full of guilt, full of emotional

poison~envy, anger, hate, sadness, suffering. We create all these

little demons in our mind because we have learned to dream hell in our

own life.

Each of us creates a personal dream ofr our own self, but humans

before us created a big outside dream, the dream of human society. The Dream
of the Planet, is a collective dream The big Dream includes all the
rules of society , its laws, its religions,

its different cultures, and ways to be. All of this information stored

inside the colective mind is like a thousand voices talking at us at us at once.

The real self is pure love; we are Life. our true esence has nothing to do

with the Dream, but the illusion keeps us from seeing what we really are.

When we see the Dream from this perspective, and if the

awareness of what we are, we can understand the so call nonsense that we percive humans behavior and

it becomes amusing.when everyone else live in a big drama, for us

becomes a comedy. we can see our suffering over something that is

not important, that was not even real. But we have no choice. We are

born in this society, we grow up in this society, and we learn to be

like everyone, else playing nonsense all the time, competing with mere


I believe we are ONE. And the reason of Oneness in my beliefs is because

within my universal mind or imagination ,Everything and Everyone comes

into existence. My Universe made up of my many thoughts and Mirrors. To

learn more of itself. Everything is ME, because I create my reality.
to see you self in everyone and everything that surend you is call self
realisation be in thai oneness you can experience the live of the whole
without moving

Life is to be lived, not controlled, and humanity is won by continuing
play in face of certain defeat.”

'We need not war'

need not war, to show us how freedom is made
What we need is love to
show us how freedom is played.
For freedom is not - but to “do as we
But rather to “please others” - because of what we achieve

serve requires love, only with love to we attain freedom”

no need for tought control and dogma

just some tought on wath god conscious energy wave of light with infite inteligence that operate in a very myterious
way in wich is the same as you divine esence that we all are

that create all that... is is wich all that esixt is made of forever
expanding conscious universe that is influence by our belief tought and
emotion if you ca fell it imagine it and feell good about wath you wish
to experience with litle trust and faith anything can become reality you
are universe and you are creating your self every moment this reality
can be change in a instant the moment we shift our perception see the
dream acomplish and hold the vision the more people hold the same vision
the self start emanating energy that start to bring about the change
you desire and you dont realy have to talk the heart reawke its vision
and the earth is restore naturaly to its natural state of beauty god is
the manager of the bank of love who gadien of this piece of theater you
are the producer and the actor and he never opose to creatif vison and
idea wich bring fantesy into is theather and joy the its creation he
send creative energy to the player you are in this creation wich enable
you to create event more wonder in your life in wich can

only hapend if we let our self be guide by our heart and out

of love for the whole creation

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A scientific approach explaining the power of thought. We have all heard before, 'Your thoughts create your reality'. Well, new quantum physics studies support this idea.!


Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter. If you enjoy the video, please pass it on to friends and family.

The power of our thoughts and feelings allows us to manifest our desires. The challenge is in harnessing our ever shifting perspectives so that we can focus upon the thoughts that can make a positive difference.

Working with our thoughts consciously allows our awareness and experience of life to unfold its potential. The key is to be open to change and express ourselves from a higher perspective on life.

Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter. If you enjoy the video, please pass it on to friends and family.

The power of our thoughts and feelings allows us to manifest our desires. The challenge is in harnessing our ever shifting perspectives so that we can focus upon the thoughts that can make a positive difference.

Working with our thoughts consciously allows our awareness and experience of life to unfold its potential. The key is to be open to change and express ourselves from a higher perspective on life.

Our past is but a memory and the future is in our imagination, right now in the present moment is our true point of power.!

“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experience of your life.” -Gary Zukav

the best way to know the future is to invent it

 Dr. Joseph Murphy's book on the power of the Subconscious Mind

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Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad

Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad

by Swami Krishnananda
Chapter 3: Section 1

Now we go to Section 1 of Chapter 3. The same verse that occurred earlier illustrating two birds perching on a single tree is before us.

Dvā suparṇā sayujā sakhāyā samānaṁ vṛkṣam pariṣasvajāte, tayor anyaḥ pippalaṁ svādv atty anaśnann anyo’bhicakaśīti (3.1.1): There are two birds in this tree of life. This tree of life may be either this body of the individual, or it may be the entire creation itself. Ishvara and Jiva are present in the world of creation as well as in the human body. They are friends. God and the Individual are like Nara and Narayana of ancient mythology. They are inseparable brothers, one connected with the other perpetually. These are compared to birds living on a single tree which is this vast creation. And they enjoy their existence on the tree. The only difference is, one of these birds is busy enjoying the delicious fruit that is of the tree and the other bird is not interested in eating anything. It is merely looking on, unconcerned and unattached.

This unattached bird is God, Ishvara, seated in your own heart and everywhere in this world. The bird that is eating the sweet fruit of this tree is the individual soul, the mind-body complex. So there are two phases of experience going on in one’s own body: a consciousness that is totally detached, and a consciousness that is very much involved. The detached consciousness in us is called Kutastha-chaitanya. It stands uncontaminated even in the state of deep sleep, and enables us to regain our consciousness of identity of personality when we awake the next morning and feel that we are there.

This consciousness of our being the same person that we were yesterday is not the action of the mind, not of the sense organs, not the body. The body cannot know anything; it is unconscious, and the mind and the senses were not functioning in sleep. So who told us that we existed yesterday? There is some minimal awareness, consciousness qua being, as it is called, which is our essence that existed in deep sleep, and that is responsible for our memory of the fact of our having existed yesterday also. That is the uncontaminated detached consciousness in us. It is not connected with body, mind and sense organs. That is the Ishvara-tattva that is in us. The jiva-tattva is our own selves. The very consciousness that is contaminated by the body, mind and sense organs becomes jiva. Consciousness connected with the sense organs, mind and body is the jiva, the individual, so-called. The detached consciousness, unconnected with these, is Ishvara himself because the general consciousness we experience in the state of deep sleep unconnected with the senses, body and mind is Universal in its nature. Because consciousness cannot be located only in one place, cannot be divided into parts, cannot have fractions, it is therefore Universal.

Hence, the Universal being is inside us. In the deep sleep state we land ourselves on it, as it were, and feel the bliss of it so intensely that we do not like to wake up in the morning. So intense is the joy of sleep that we want to go to sleep again and again. But when we wake up, we are once again the jiva, the fruit-eating bird in this world tree of samsara, and not even conscious that there is another bird sitting there, always uncontaminated.

Are we aware that we have a universal background in us? No, never. We always think we are Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so – this body, that body, this individual, that individual, performing this work and that work. Has anyone time to believe that there is a universal ocean at the back of our consciousness? We are floating on the sea of Absolute Being. Do we know that? Has anybody had time to think like this? No. Because we are eating the sweet fruit of life, we are very busy indeed. Let the Universal be there; what does it matter to us? So this bird that is eating the sweet fruit does not even know that another bird is sitting here, as it is so much engrossed in the indulgence of the bliss, joy, pleasure of eating the sweet fruit. These are the two birds – dvā suparṇā.

Samāne vṛkṣe puruṣo nimagno’nīśayā śocati muhyamānaḥ, juṣṭam yadā paśyaty anyam īśam asya mahimānam iti, vīta-śokah (3.1.2): Helplessly sunk in the apparent joy of the sweetness of the fruit, one of these birds also is sunk in sorrow at the same time because we do not merely suck the fruit, the fruit also sucks us. We do not merely get stuck in the object, the objects sticks to us. The more we try to grab objects, the more will objects try to grab us, like crocodiles. If we try to grab a crocodile with our hands, it will grab us with greater force.

In the Upanishads the sense organs are called graha because they grasp, and the objects are called atigraha, the greater grabbers. Our condition may be really pitiable if we give a long rope to these sense organs and allow them to go on grabbing objects, because the result would be that the objects will grab us with a greater force. The result would be utter helplessness, and one will be reduced to slavery to such an extent that it will be difficult to distinguish between oneself and the object outside. The slave is like an object; he has no subjectivity. He does not think in terms of himself; he always thinks in terms of his master. So we are like slaves thinking in terms of our master which is this world of objects, and we have no independence ourselves. We are caught and bound in the chain of this helplessness caused by our indulgence in the objects which appear to be our masters.

Samāne vṛkṣe puruṣo nimagno’nīśayā śocati muhyamānaḥ: Deluded is this bird that is indulging itself like this. Juṣṭam yadā paśyaty anyam īśam: When by chance this indulgent bird has time to look around and see another bird there seated, the most adorable being, the moment we behold it, our bondage is snapped. The vision of God is also the end of all sorrow. The consciousness of Universality is the cessation of attachment to particularity. But we are not able to maintain an awareness of this Universal in us. We cannot see that there is a bird called the Universal in us. We see only the other one, the object in front of us. The moment we become aware of the Universal bird, the consciousness of its existence will redeem us at once.

Juṣṭam yadā paśyaty anyam īśam asya mahimānam iti, vīta-śokah: When the glory of that Universal bird is seen, all the sorrow of indulgence and involvement in things in the world ceases at once, as night departs when the sun rises. They are simultaneous, and do not come one after the other.

Yadā paśyaḥ paśyate rukma-varṇaṁ kartāram īśam puruṣam brahma-yonim, tadā vidvān puṇya-pāpe vidhūya nirañjanaḥ paramaṁ sāmyam upaiti (3.1.3): When this seer, the individual soul, beholds this glorious, luminous, radiant, Universal bird nearby – which is really the ruler, the originator, the controller of all things, which is the seat of Brahman itself, the supreme Purusha, Mahapurusha, Purushottama – then the knower of this Universal bird sheds all the effects of punya and papa, merits and demerits. Freed from contact with the effects of good and bad deeds, one attains equality with the Universal. The moment we are conscious of the Universal, we have become one with the Universal. Here in this case, knowledge is the same as being. In ordinary life, knowledge is not being. If we know there is lot of money in the bank, it does not follow that we possess that money. In ordinary life knowledge is not power, and it is also not being. But here knowledge is, at the same time, power and being. The being of the object is at once the being of the knowledge of that object. The Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman. Universal equality is attained by the consciousness of there being such a thing called Universality. Therefore, we have to awaken ourselves to the consciousness of our true nature, which is Universal existence and not this body-mind complex.

Prāṇo hy eṣa yaḥ sarva-bhūtair vibhāti vijānan vidvān bhavate nātivādī, ātma-krīḍa ātma-ratiḥ kriyāvān eṣa brahma-vidāṁ viriṣṭhah (3.1.4): This great Hiranyagarbha Prana, the Universal life principle, is visible in the form of the life of every little creature in this world. Having known this, our mouth is shut and we will not speak afterwards, like a drowning person whose mouth is filled with water. Eternity will fill us to such an extent that we will have no occasion to open our mouth, and we will not speak. Silence is golden. Not merely is it a policy, but it is a result that follows from the highest vision. The more we know, the less we speak. As it is said, it is only half-filled pots that make lots of noise.

One who is filled with this knowledge of the Universal Prana operating through all life in this world is the true knower, and he does not speak afterwards. What does he do then? Ātma-krīḍa ātma-ratiḥ kriyāvān eṣa brahma-vidāṁ viriṣṭhah: He is the Knower supreme. He is the best of the knowers of Brahman. He rejoices not with things outside; he rejoices with himself – ātma-krīḍa. He plays with himself, he rejoices with himself, he works through himself, not with instruments outside. God does not have instruments like a pickaxe, a fountain pen, etc. By His very existence, He works. So is this knower of Brahman capable of working miracles in this world by his very existence. The word used here is brahma-vidāṁ viriṣṭhah, which means the best of the knowers of Brahman.

There are four stages of Brahman knowledge described in the Yoga Vasishtha, and these stages are called Brahma-vid, Brahma-vid-vara, Brahma-vid-variya and Brahma-vid-varishta. There are seven stages of knowledge in the ascent of the spirit to God – subecha, vicharana, tanumanasi, sattvapatti, asamsakti, padartha-bhavana and turiya. The fourth stage is called sattvapatti, where light flashes from Brahman, and that condition of awareness of the flash of light from Brahman is called the state of Brahma-vid. Then the next stage comes. When we are totally detached from everything on account of perception of this light everywhere, that is Brahma-vid-vara. When we see consciousness illuminating through every brick, every stone and every atom, that stage is Brahma-vid-variya. Then we feel that the light is scintillating within us also and we become indistinguishable from this mass of light everywhere; that is turiya. Such a stage is called Brahma-vidvarishta. He plays with himself, rejoices with himself, is satisfied with himself, and he works through the soul and not by any kind of external instruments. Such a great soul, a true knower of Brahman supreme, is called Brahma-vid-varishta – eṣa brahma-vidāṁ viriṣṭhah.

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Activate your brain, revive your body, revolutionize your life!

A Quick Example
A 70-year-old woman (we’ll call her Patricia) can’t reach her shoe laces to tie them. She is told to, “Try harder. Stretch, stretch, stretch.” It doesn’t work. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t reach the laces. She is now convinced that her limitation is inevitable she is simply too old.

She doesn’t realize that she isn’t getting better because this mechanical approach is not addressing the real problem. The problem is not in her muscles—it’s in her brain. After many years of habitually moving only some of her joints, using only certain muscles and not others, Patricia literally cannot feel parts of her back and hips and legs because her brain has stopped getting the information it needs to remain aware of those parts of herself. Whole areas of her body are not “mapped” anymore in her brain. It’s as if they don’t exist for her.

Now, if the brain isn’t aware of certain muscles and joints, how can it direct and orchestrate those muscles and joints to work? It can’t! The same holds true for adults with different conditions and children with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other special needs.

By moving gently and slowly, with attention, and with lots of variations, and by using the remaining six Essentials of the Anat Baniel Method, Patricia helps her CEO brain connect to more parts of herself. By differentiating her perceptions and movements, remapping her body in her brain, and evolving her ability to move more flexibly, she can now reach her shoelaces easily.

As a by-product of applying the Nine Essentials, she begins thinking and feeling better too.
Through communicating with the brain, miraculous changes can occur.

Anat Baniel, founder of the Anat Baniel Method(sm), is the author of two highly acclaimed books, Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits. Anat was trained as a clinical psychologist, dancer, and was a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade.

Anat’s innovative methods have helped thousands of people, both adults and children, from five days old to 90 years old, transforming their lives physically, emotionally, and intellectually.


About Dr. Feldenkrais

Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais, a physicist, engineer and judo master was a revolutionary scientist-clinician. He was the greatest thinker in the 20th Century about how to improve movement. Dr Feldenkrais was well ahead of his time in his understanding that the brain can change itself and needs to change itself in order to improve skill and well being. He pioneered a learning system Feldenkrais exercise that uses movement and awareness of self to bring about remarkable changes in body and mind.

Born in Russia in 1904, in the 1940s he sustained a debilitating injury to one of his knees. Unable to walk and trying to recover, he realized that rather than focusing on the muscles and tendons associated with his injury, it was his brain that needed help to find new ways to organize his body so that he could walk again, despite the injury. On the path to figuring out how to re-educate his brain and change his way of moving, his method was born.

Feldenkrais understood long before it was generally accepted that the human brain can change throughout life, what is called today brain plasticity. He also understood that movement is a powerful way to communicate with the brain in order to bring about change and improvement. As he said: “Movement is life, without movement life is unthinkable.” He understood that lifelong learning and growth are not a luxury but a necessity for our health and wellbeing.

After successfully applying this approach to his own injury and fully recovering, he began to develop and teach this new methodology. His approach quickly brought about remarkable changes for his students. In his ongoing work, Dr. Feldenkrais was motivated to have people achieve their fullest potential—no matter what their condition. In his own words: “What I’m after is not flexible bodies, but flexible brains . . . what I’m really after is restoring people to their human dignity.”

More information is available at Dr. Feldenkrais at

Activate your brain, revive your body, revolutionize your life!

The Nine Essentials

The Nine Essentials form the core of the Anat Baniel Method. Each of the Nine Essentials describes one of the brain’s requirements for waking up and doing its job well. That is, creating new connections and avoiding rigidity and automaticity when needing to overcome pain and limitation to thus reach new levels of physical and cognitive performance. Validated by modern science’s latest discoveries in the area of brain plasticity—the brain’s ability to change and grow new neurological pathways and connections throughout life. The Nine Essentials offer you concrete, effective, and immediate ways to easily tap into your brain’s enormous potential. With the Essentials, the brain becomes a brilliant problem solver, leading to breakthroughs in movement abilities, pain relief, and peak performance.

Essential 1—Movement with Attention
Movement is Life. Movement helps the brain grow and form. The brain is organized through movement. In turn, it is the brain that organizes all movement: the movement of our body, our thinking, our feelings, and our emotions. But movement alone is not enough. Automatic movement—movement done without attention—only grooves in the already existing patterns. When we bring attention to what we feel as we move, the brain immediately starts building billions of new neurological connections that usher in changes, learning and transformation.

Essential 2—The Learning Switch
The brain is either in a learning mode—the learning switch is on—or not. Healthy young children have their learning switch on and the dial turned on “high.” Their eyes are bright, their movement lithe, and they are full of energy.

Repetition, drill, and everyday stresses, as well as habitual patterns of thought, exercise, and emotions, all tend to turn the learning switch off. The same happens when a child has special challenges, or a person has suffered trauma or injury. For the brain to properly do its job, the “learning switch” needs to be on. Once on, at any age, life becomes a wonderful new adventure, filled with movement, creativity, and new possibilities.

Essential 3—Subtlety
We have all heard the expressions “no pain, no gain” and “try harder.” However, in order to overcome pain and limitation and thrive, the brain needs the exact opposite—less force. For the brain to receive new information, it needs to perceive differences. By reducing the force with which we move and think, we increase our sensitivity. With the resulting increased sensitivity, we greatly enhance our brain’s ability to perceive the finest of differences. These perceptions give the brain the new information it needs to organize successful action and become more alive and vital in both body and mind.

Essential 4—Variation
Variation is everywhere, and is more than just the spice of life. It’s a necessity for optimum health. Variation provides your brain with the richness of information it needs to create new possibilities in your movements, feelings, thoughts, and actions.
It helps increase your awareness and lifts you out of rigidity and “being stuck.” By introducing variation and playfulness into everything you do, you awaken all your senses. New ideas occur and new possibilities emerge in your life.

Essential 5—Slow
Fast, we can only do what we already know. This is how the brain works. To learn and master new skills and overcome limitation, the first thing to do is slow way down. Slow actually gets the brain’s attention and stimulates the formation of rich new neural patterns. Slow gets us out of the automatic mode in our movements, speech, thoughts, and social interactions. It lets us feel and experience life at a deeper, more profound level.

Essential 6—Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is self-generated; it is a skill you can develop, choose to do and become good at. Enthusiasm tells your brain what is important to you, amplifying whatever that is, making it stand out, infusing it with energy to grow more. Enthusiasm is a powerful energy that lifts you up, and inspires you and others. It lights up your brain, helping to usher in changes, transforming the most mundane situation or task, adding meaning and generating delight. Enthusiasm helps make the impossible possible.

Essential 7—Flexible Goals
“Keeping your eyes on the prize” is a great way for most people to fail. Freeing yourself from the compulsion to achieve a goal in a certain way and at a certain time keeps you open-minded.

You are available to recognize opportunities you might never have noticed had you been fixed on a too rigidly set course. There is no way to know in advance the path that will lead you to achieving your goal. Know your goal and embrace all the unexpected steps, mis-steps, and re-routes. They are a rich source of valuable information for your brain to lead you to your goal. Flexible goals will reduce your anxiety, increase your creativity, resulting in greater success, vitality, and joy.

Essential 8—Imagination & Dreams
Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview to life’s coming attractions.” Through imagination your brain figures out new possibilities before actually having to perform. When imagining, the brain grows new neural connections. Our dreams call upon us from our future. They give us our unique life path to follow and guide our brains to continue growing and developing. Your imagination and dreams give you the ability to create something that has never been there before, transcending your current limitations and leading you to develop your authentic life path.

Essential 9—Awareness
Awaring—the action of generating awareness—is to be knowledgeable about what you are doing, sensing, thinking, and experiencing at any given moment. Awaring is the opposite of automaticity and compulsion.

It is a unique human capacity that can catapult us to remarkable heights. When you are aware, you are fully alive and present. Your brain is working at its highest level, noticing subtle nuances of what is going on around and within you, revealing options and potentials, greatly accelerating learning. You are enlivened and joyful, contributing to others, becoming more enlightened, and fulfilling more and more of your human destiny.

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