cosmicwarrior's Posts (94)

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my mesage

Many people are scared because they believe that the in dark revelation in which they belive they will witness the destruction of the earth. we are in the age ofConflict , division mind control , for it is now iam omnipresent. No, no. This age is the Golden Age for the seekers of God, for earning and learning

There will be physical repercussions because of growing selfishness,greed , pride adjustments will happend on the planet, and lie will be clear-out.

I have come to revive the ancient wisdom contained in in every religion and occulte psylosophy

The Will of God cannot be stopped. The events God ordains will take place. it is a joyful Golden Age will for the chidrend of the will of god

the entire world will know of my presence. At this time only a relatively few people know of my truth. As of now only local individuals represent me, and they do not draw the attention of people of substance and importance throughout the world.

i do not look at status and worldly importance. a looks at the heart and service to the needy.

I want each and every one of you to reach the highest state of joy and grace. I wish each of you to know the joy of full Unity of creation.

It is wise to form a study circle on spiritual science and truth with others who are honestly seeking the spiritual life. Exchange truths, discuss virtues, and listen to the glories of the sun

when you Look at the someone. Try to discover a point of contact and similarity not point of conflict and division. Use your knowledge to make yourself kinder and more peacefull. Don't worry about failure; life will become worth living.

God is in Everyone

You must see that all persons are simply different faces of the Divinity. Attempting to hate God is the height of ignorance. There is no room in your lives for hatred of anyone.

To see all things as One you must expand your outlook. You must develop a broad loving heart. Selfishness must disappear. You must find the greater meaning of life - Godliness. ... Striving to lead godly lives is the only truly sacred behaviour.

wish to blossom forth as your true Self, your Higher Divine Nature, you must spend the life given you serving humanity with great humility and no concern for selfish gain

Never has there been that before. With Krishna, only the gopis were aware of humanity as Gods

children, awaken now while the divine Avatar is here to guide you. The way ahead is clear, sign-posted through the teachings of the Lord, and you have this unique opportunity to escape from the darkness into light simply by putting those teachings into practice in your daily lives.

Open your hearts and let the love flow, knowing that love can overcome all barriers. See God in everyone and everything and become part of the universal whole which is My reality.

My children, time to awake has come and that time is NOW. But for many of you it will pass without any positive action or participation on your part until, one day, you experience something traumatic which finally awakens you from your hipnosis.

the goal of mankind: release from the constant cycle of birth and death. It is desire and the craving and atachement to material pleasures that bind humainty to 3d earth plane, you can only find liberation through purification and enlightenment.

God is love, you are God, and you should awaken to that truth. See the light, live in light, and let love blossom in your hearts so that it lights up the world and cleanses it of the evil and the ignorance of the present age

Your future is assured once you find your own self, the divinity within, the real you, the child of the living God who lives deep in your heart.

The Golden Age is the creation of man, not of God

Human Family is One

The unity of mankind is the goal.

there will be harmony throughout the world and love will flow everywhere. All thoughts of hatred will disappear. Today you cannot visualize such a state because there is chaos everywhere, fighting, scheming, hatred, evil; all the negative emotions are in the ascendent. But the change is coming.

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A Medical Intuitive’s Perspective on Healing the Body

By Lynn Zambrano R.N.
Most of us, who work with the body and energetic healing, are aware that we are shifting into a higher vibrational rate. Our clients are coming in with complaints of generally not feeling well or excessive stress and sometimes of pain that can’t be pin pointed. Symptoms of the shift taking place in the world. Those individuals who are resisting this shift are suffering with physical effects. Why would anyone resist? Change is difficult, being unfamiliar with new and unknown; it is safer to stay in the misery we are acquainted with. As healers we are being called into service and expanding our abilities so that we may aid those struggling. We do this working with the physical body and also the luminous light body. The subtle-energy field that surrounds us and interacts with our physical body flows in and out. There are seven main centers where this occurs, known as chakras. Physical disease will appear as an external manifestation of disturbances to these energetic fields.
A medical intuitive can detect these disturbances. Having a medical intuitive evaluation can provide invaluable information as to issues of the physical body, but can also identify mental and emotional factors that act as direct contributors to health issues. Medical intuitives do not diagnose disease. Instead of providing a label for a disorder, a medical intuitive can identify the location of inflammation in the body, evaluate the health of a gland/organ and confirm that strong emotion is impacting health by identifying an imbalance within the body before it fully manifests as disease. This is done during an evaluation by using a highly developed sense of intuition, reviewing the body on energetic levels. I look and feel into the main chakras, looking at the flow of energy, looking at the physical structures and at times I may also receive symbolic images. It is important then to have understanding of energy, physiology and development of intuition. Fortunately today we have a plethora of workshops and classes to support our learning and development.

As an emapth, intuitive and nurse I work with clients healing on an energetic level. The majority of the clients I see share one thing in common, an emotional trigger. Science now recognizes the impact of emotions on health, the implications of which go deeper than the effects of stress on blood pressure. As a medical intuitive and nurse whose background is primarily in psychiatry, I provide insights into emotional triggers that give rise to a condition of disharmony in the energetic system, thus creating a state of dis-ease in the physical body. The role emotions play in distorting the energetic field is not something to be taken lightly.Energy starts flowing through us at conception and is unaffected by thoughts, feelings, emotions and judgments. When we are born, and as we experience negative, hurtful feelings such as abandonment, abuse or rejection our energetic field becomes distorted. This grows over time, slowing down our energetic flow in proportion to our negative experiences, until it finally stops. Dis-ease then, is only a step away. For true healing to occur, balance must be achieved and maintained, not only within the physical body, but also in mind and emotions. The issues that distort the flow of energy must be released. My practice offers energetic healing and also intuitive coaching. I find that this approach addresses the whole being. I’m able to move and clear energetic imbalances while gathering information on physical structures as well as symbols which will lead me to emotional triggers that caused the blocked energy. My clients then have the option of using my coaching service to remove negative thinking patterns and emotional responses and effectively shift their perspectives towards what truly supports them. There are many healers who could be considered medical intuitives but choose not to call themselves that because they don’t have traditional medical training. They are usually found in alternative healing modalities like energy-workers or body-workers. These healers allow an inner knowing or intuitive nature to lead them where to lay hands on clients. They often are able to identify energy blockages and imbalances.
Medical intuitives are not medical doctors. This means that they are not allowed, by law, to diagnose disease. We can provide insights into one’s health and wellness by identifying potential physical conditions before they reach a dysfunctional state.

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I’ll Be Damned – The Road to Hell Really IS Paved With Good Intentions

Albert Einstein once said that the most important decision you ever make is whether or not you live in a hostile universe or a friendly universe...
Which given his reputation for genius might lead one to want to examine the power of their thoughts and the choices they make with regards to how they perceive the world in which they live. An interesting thought arose today and now I am left re-evaluating a much overused and what I believe to now have been an extremely misunderstood old saying.

We are here to discover and explore and to for the most part enjoy the adventures that we have. Part of the journey, it would seem, is to become consciously aware of one’s capacity to create their own reality. It is spoken of often of late, this hidden power that humans have; a power I might add that we for whatever reason decided to hide from ourselves. Perhaps it is for the sake of the joy of rediscovering it and rejoicing in this new thing we have learned. Regardless of our reasons for denying ourselves our own Godliness for so long we are now on the verge of truly stepping into our own as co-creative light beings with a direct line to the Creator within whom all wisdom can be found. Great – this ought to be an overwhelmingly fun game to play yet for all that we are wandering around the planet trying out our new power by altering our own personal lives we have forgotten perhaps one extremely important aspect of all of this... If we can say with certainty that we create our own reality can we also at the same time say ‘I created this, I created that but that over there – I simply can’t have created it so it must be because of that guy...’
Sorry kids, as much I as I would love to play that 'pass the buck game' it just isn’t in me to do it anymore. If you can say to yourself that you have proven that your reality is a direct result of your thoughts and feelings then your WHOLE reality is a result of your thoughts and feelings. Poverty, oppression, tyranny, war... I could go on but I think you get the picture. Harsh though it may seem it is something that ought to be looked at. An idea that needs be considered, that when you say all you wish to do in this life is to help others, you are in fact creating a reality in which there are plenty of others out there who need your help... Sucks doesn’t it.
I try to find the humour these days in these odd insights into our world and the universal laws that we all have agreed to live by and although I realize it might take time to adjust and you may be wondering how on Earth you might solve the problems you foresee as arising from this particular revelation I have to be honest and tell you that I just don’t see it as a problem. Once you get over the shock you might be looking for ways to alter your thinking – great – go to it, but please don’t be coming to me asking how; my friends I am still figuring that part out and I really believe that at this point it is up to all of us to fix our stuff and stop telling others how to fix theirs or even dare I say that theirs ought to be fixed. I will say it helps to be aware of these things so that you can make a conscious choice on what kind of world you live in. That being said I am not writing today with any other intention than to share with you my own personal light bulb moment – what you do with it is entirely up to you because after yesterday when I realized “Holy Shit – they road to hell really IS paved with good intention” I am a little more cautious about what my own intentions are...
Love to you all
Jean Victoria Norloch

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free world? evolve world?

you think you are free you are a think you have choice all your choice are think the gouvernement is there to take care of you know that farmer give food and medecine to the animal they send to the sluther house.think the media inform you no they manipule your mind.think you can report the truth about our system or the gouvernement try you be put in jail or asylum or kill.think the pharmaceutic industry is searching cure for disease you are a fool they create disease and dangerous antidote to them.think school are great is to domestic you like a dog.think you vote count no opinion are manufacture they chose who can run and its not for your benifice but for the globalist agenda.think the prsident or the prime minister are in charge no its the secret elite people who you nevr hear about they are bound by secrecy.think the american dream is great you must be sleeping kill inocent bring misery at home and acroos the globe.thik the gouvernement is in charge no its the corporation and the criminal baking elite.think you can be a free thinker see what happen.know that god will not fix the earth for us.we have the power from within to restore the earth.know that if you live only for you self its a waste have to live to make the world a better place for future generation.know that nature will alway rebalance.we may seem to win over nature for a moment with gmo and monoculture wich create uge unbalance in the web of life and in the take alots of efort to maintain monoculture despite our efort nature will alway reclaim its right and destroy monoculture and gmo as it is not natural.monoculture is the result of slave nation.our centralisation of food production away from local market create a dependence on few plant to feed the nation.we are puting our self at risk of great starvation by expecting to feed the nation with centralise monoculture and gmo we have to use more and more pestecide wich will one day fail us and cause great panic in the population.people as loose knowledge of the natural world and dont know much anymore wich plant are eatible or wich one to use to heal.people in the colonisation process and in the developement of the evolve and modern world where thinking that idian where inferior and unevolve what as you to be proud of the industrial nation we can only expect to live a few milinia before the earth is to damage to live on.idian have live milion of year in symbiosis with nature knowing that we are part of the web of life.indian before being brainwash never break natural law as they know it will bring great pain.they keep water river lake and ocean pur as water was view as sacred now water river lake and ocean are poluted across the planet.we have countless number of criminal due to the coruption of human nature countless natural disaster du to the coruption of consciensciouness.magick and miracle where view as natural and normal in daily life now its view as evil or none existing.people who where one with gods and nature where becoming shaman avatar christ boudha and medecine people and was respect for their wisdom now if someone experience mystic truth we send them to the psychiatrist and force fals belief on them and drug them and convince them their something wrong with the so call modern world prison and asylum are full in the indian time no metal illness or crime existed and diference where honor now its view now peace truth and mystic are view as a treat to the estasblisement instead of being respected, in indian time diference where respected and people who where diferent where teach to become medecine people now they are exlude from society and tag as insane.the only thing monotheist religion bring to the modern world is racist division supertition and the supresion of human nature it as bring great darkness into our world by making us separated from gods and our divine nature it as make us lesser that god and turn us into misarable sinner who wait for a savior.we have to earn our redemtion and save our self and the world before nature destroy the so call evolve world we dont no what to do with the waste we produce from consumerism in the indian time they where no waste.want the truth study quantum science ,taoism , gnostic , pentheist , boudhist, falung-gong, yoga , paganism , sufism, rainbow way, reiki, qi-gong.we have made ilegal lsd mdma psylosibin dmt with out proper investgation of the pupose of these substance the truth is that they bring expention of consciensciouness and bring peace and harmony.we have made canabis and thc illegal now know that science as prove it cure many disease and help repair brain damage.the model of the future world is to unite all nation toward a new dream for humanity wich take care of all people.we have become slave of technology for comunication in indian time tribe comunicate by telepathy now its view as mental are unatural and will eventualy vanish.

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psychiatry is a tool of mind manipulation and control not a medecine.psychiatry still torture the mind of people event if it dosent look like it.if you study the history of psychiatry you will realise its the bigest scam in history.their is no real science behind psychiatry only the psychosis of psychiatrist.psychiatry is there to keep you in the colective psycosis.they tel you to be you self and drug you for being you.know that all psychiatrist who study real science and spiritual science quit psychiatry.people enter in psychiatry with spiritual and mystical experience they dont understand and psychiatrist force fals belief on people and make them belive they are sick most psychiatrist are more insane that their patient.they force drug on people that cause the problem they pretend to cure and these drug have very damaging side efect.psychiatry is a mind control science they keep people in the illusion making people belive its real.know that psychiatrist are responsible for fake science such as mental illness is cause by chimical imbalace in the brain is total rubish.another of old pseudo science of psychiatry was that indian and black was inferior.and the psylosophy of euginic was write by a psychiatrist .psychiatry is was supose to be the science of the soul but most psychiatrist write that we have no soul.psychiatrist belive their is no god nor angel nor alien an no spirit .if you enter in psychiatry and belive in god, angel, spirit or alien or in mind control they will overdose you with drug.psychiatrist force fals belief on people

psychiatry is the invention of disease

psychiatry its destroying people especialy highly advence soul like shaman or reiki or other holistic praticionner.they cant make diference betwen divine and wrong perception as soon they meet sommeone who live beyound 3d psysical reality they call them  bibolar or schizophrenic.true guru dont lead nor make falower guru mean dispel darkness earasing illusion and make the devote reach   infinity know that in occident  living in syncronicity with infinity is call mental illness.remote  viewing scare psychiatrist and when they fall under a remote viewer who enter psychiatry they over drug them with dangerous drug who is calsifying the pineal and other brain glad that are very need to the future of mankind.they  call sick who ever know in part or fully the cosmic  history of humanity and all the dark dna manipulation that have being going on to trap us in illusion and turn us into  change your life by changing your subconscient belief and your thoughts when you do if you enter psychiatry they will be very efraid if you have reach greater truth on the nature of reality and will event get violent with you if you do not accept their falsify diagnostic and their fals belief they will over drug you  know that mental illness is a myth read the power of myth by joshep  cambel and the myth of mental illeness a dont remeber the author it will opend your mind to greater truth on the nature of  now prove that their is no such thing as solide mather your body is not who you are it is a holographic projection of the mind of the universe.psychiatrist destroy perception of who ever reach magical  or spiritual reality and ability and and powerfull brainwasher into making you belive  that  only the material universe is real psysical reality is but a projection of the subconscient belief of the mass and the vibratory thoughts of people solidity of the mather is but a illusion and teir is no such thing as are never victime of your gene your gene are upgrade by your thoughts and subconscient belief the the purty of the mind determine wich gene is activate and a much strand of dna is activated 12 strand is light body.their is no real science behind psychiatry if you want verify your perception study max plank , albert einstein , greeg branden , bruce lipton , sonia barrett , mitchel gibson , gerald o` will not find you true self in psychiatry nor in monotheist religion neither in new age or atheist.religion that turn earth into hell all biblic quranic torahnic one.spiritual psylosophy that bring health and help you find you true self taoism,sufism,boudhist,pentheist,gnostic,yoga,wiccan,pagan,reiki,qi-gong,falung-gong,quantum-science.religion without science is a oxymoron,scince without wisdom is a way to the coming earth change only pure soul will and kindness is the ultimate asurance and security

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find your true self before its to late

you will not find you true self in psychiatry nor in monotheist religion neither in new age or atheist.

religion that turn earth into hell all biblic koranic toranic one.
de la revolution industriel aux reveil global
spiritual psylosophy that bring health and help you find you true self self,taoism,sufism,boudhist,pentheist,gnostic,yoga,wiccan,pagan,

religion without science is a oxymoron,scince without wisdom is a way to extinction.

in the coming earth change only pure soul will survive.
our creator right
every citezen as the right to proper and higher education.

the right of poursuit of happiness.

the right to be idependent and live from the earth with out money.

the right to consume any plant and extract we wish.

the right to chose our own belief with out interference.

the right to sleep in any park or forest we wish.

the right to natural and organic food.

the right to chose the medecine of our choice.

the right to refuse any medical traitement especialy psychiatric one.

the right to free and clean energy.

the right to a desent shelter.

the right to be selfsufisent and not participating in any economic system.

the right to live in a interest free nationalise banking system.

the right to cultivate any plant.

the right to be free from propaganda and disinformation and be jail for propagaging disinformation or lie vonlontary.

the obligation to have a spiritual and mystic education and the right refuse gouvernement schooling.

the right to live the way we wish as long it dosent harm the environement or the people.

the right to mystical and esoteric experimetation with or with out drug.

the right to know the truth about mdma , lsd ,dmt , and psylosibin on consciousciousness.

the right to asosiation and manifestation to change a destructive or war desision that we do not aprove.

the right to vote on any war desision.

the right to clean water without toxine.

the right to freedom of asembly

the right freedom of spech.

the right of freedom of press.

the right to protest for our right.

the right to be mask in protest.

the right to be a self sustainable society.

the right to free education water food clothing and shelter.

the right of freedom of choice.

you think you are free you are a slave.

you think you have choice all your choice are fated.

you think the gouvernement is there to take care of you know that farmer give food and medecine to the animal they send to the sluther house.

think the media inform you no they manipule your mind.

think you can report the truth about our system or the gouvernement try you be put in jail or asylum or kill.

think the pharmaceutic industry is searching cure for disease you are a fool they create disease and dangerous antidote to them.

think school are great is to domestic you like a dog.

think you vote count no opinion are manufacture they chose who can run and its not for your benifice but for the globalist agenda.

think the prsident or the prime minister are in charge no its the secret elite people who you nevr hear about they are bound by secrecy.

think the american dream is great you must be sleeping kill inocent bring misery at home and acroos the globe.

thik the gouvernement is in charge no its the corporation and the criminal baking elite.

think you can be a free thinker see what happen.

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a mesgae to the resistance

it may be imperative to be self rightious but it can lead to non acceptance and violence toward the one who do not control their thoughts and action have more tolerance toward the one who make mistake in good will know that the road to hell is pave with good intention.

we live in a society base on fear base mind control if the enemy know your trauma it can control you forever is what secret society do they facilitated the happening or even organise traumatic event and with the use of media reawake the fear.

know that reality is not random not even our death we have being program by tv radio and other form of media psysical ageging and disease do not happend by chance or coeincidence the secret elite know that we are powerfull creator and dose not want us to discover our true self.

psysical reality is thoghts condence our personal reality operate from our subconscient belief and emotion to stay healthy it is nesesary to detach emotionaly from what we percive negatif or evil to more you engage emotionaly the more you create of what you do not want.

the resistance is organise and ready to strike the arnarco-socialist monarchy is resusrected and well alive working in secret to set humanity free and restore the health of people

if you happend to experience psychiatry dont let no one tel you your are sick from schizophrenia or bipolaity you are a mystic and dont defend you belief or try to explain you self to a non awake psychiatrist no they are mostly criminal at the sold of a corupt pharma industry that invent disease and make dangerous antidote to them.

spirit in form mind programing

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Dear friends:from gerald o`donnell

A lot has happened lately around and within me, including odd untoward interferences which affected many levels of my operations. Some of it will be told to you in my next communication.

There is plethora of unceasing attempts to block our future from reflecting a new quantum jump of awareness and operations for humankind. Old forces want to invite us again into slavery to their ancient plans of subjugation, and are monopolizing the invisible realms utilizing highly sophisticated methods of sub-space program implants and alteration of our holy DNA to infiltrate our reality and cause ever greater strife, chaos, despondency and disconnection of humankind from each other and from its Sourcing Essence.

Our inner and outer biological, mental, and spiritual environments have lately been under an undue amount of stress and assault often resulting in grave imbalances to all the levels which create and form our reality as human beings. We need to regain immediately control, and power, and purify the vessel that we are, in order to invite much more powerful forms of energy and reality manifestations which beg to operate and awaken within us.

I will soon start to teach methods and a newer awareness which will reconnect you to a point of perfection and great empowerment of yourself. You will heal. You will rejuvenate. You will reactivate and re-project (manifest) your original Divine blueprint stored in your Higher morphogenetic fields i.e Higher etheric body. Original Human (the Adam Kadmon) will resurface again. Nothing will be able to block such a great endeavor as long as you sincerely engage in the greatest adventure of mankind. The solidly implanted myth of biological time and mechanical causal fate will be made to implode to be replaced by a new paradigm, a new Higher human, free of the commonly accepted fields of reality constructs.

To introduce these ideas, I would like you to read the following Skype chat which I had with a student a couple of days ago. The concepts which are just brushed herein are capital to your ability to transcend your present condition of restricted beliefs. Enjoy!

[3:27:12 PM] M.: Yes, and we trying our best to maintain A. in an uplifted mood!

[3:34:02 PM] One: We are. I had my own stuff to deal with for a while. We are at the winter solstice of Creation and the night/darkness is at its highest. Lots of instability is spreading around. Weird mad energies abound and try to infiltrate people all over, especially beings who carry High Light energy, and it is taxing to keep them at bay. They suck vampire-like energy out and I am afraid that A’s aura has become porous, hence her so-called dis-ease and her depressed state.

This is happening world-wide as you can tell by reading news events and witnessing individuals around us behaving in odd and often disturbing fashion.

[3:35:53 PM] M.: Yes, dear Gerald I agree. Light is to be victorious. I keep my focus on the Good and Light and Joy, just not to fall a prey to losing my energy.

[3:37:16 PM] One: This Creational phase is far beyond Light and involves Essence. Light and a “light” state and enlightenment becomes a by-product of Essence’s involvement. The rebirth of Essence in our awareness is what will shift ALL.

[3:38:06 PM] M.: I see...and the essence is LOVE and Light Both?:)

[3:39:32 PM] One: no

[3:39:38 PM] One: Essence is Essence.

[3:40:34 PM] One: We have all moved away from Essence and invented corrupt systems that we claim to originate from Light but that in fact are far away from Essence.

[3:41:14 PM] M.: The Essence is the Core of the ONE, put in other ways?

[3:41:27 PM] One: It has no location.

[3:41:55 PM] One: But you could say that it is the Real Core of TRUTH.

[3:41:58 PM] M.: it is the All, the Absolute?

[3:42:03 PM] One: NO.

[3:42:20 PM] One: ALL is EL is ALLAH is ELOHIM.

[3:42:40 PM] One: ALL is all a movement away from Essence.

[3:43:31 PM] M.: So, the main focus, or the final quest for all of us in order to reach the Enlightenment, freedom, etc.. is to get close to the Essence and to connect to the Essence ;)

[3:45:13 PM] One: Yes, it is to connect to the Essence and understand that Essence is ALL Loving and non discriminatory of Self. We need to capture again the Essence of what is important to all of us as mankind and let go of all the polluted soiled clothes we wear.

[3:46:43 PM] One: We watch our own reflection in the mirror of Life either as humans, animals or even God. When you watch your own reflection changing in a mirror, does the mirror change?

[3:47:34 PM] M.: no, :_)

[3:48:58 PM] One: Exactly. Remember this: Light is but a Creational tool, darkness is a Creational tool; neither can be defined without the presence of the other. Their interaction is what created and creates life i.e. Creation. But the Essence - the mirror - is still.

Nothing is disconnected; hence we are all affecting each other in the mechanism of modulation/projection and reflection of each other onto the One-and-Only Mirror of reality which we all carry and live within. We live as points of awareness within Creational Quicksilver which is the Mirror of Essence giving us our 3D perspective.

[3:50:04 PM] M.: So it was the Essence that Created All from the very beginning of Everything :)

[3:50:31 PM] One: yep, of course, and you know what? It keeps on Creating ALL from moment to moment.

[3:50:50 PM] M.: Yes, absolutely....

[3:50:54 PM] One: ALL HAH, ALL HIM, ALL EL

[3:51:48 PM] One: But we reflect each other upon the Mirror of the Essence, forgetting the Essence because we are too busy watching the reflection.

[3:52:00 PM] M.: The great mystics, masters, High Beings, prophets etc.. Did they all get closer to Essence and became what we know of them?

[3:54:12 PM] One: The great mystics are in fact the ones who touched a sliver of the Essence and tried to understand the Unfathomable. Their disciples then tried to understand the master and before long legends were born and new reflections, good and bad, established upon the One-and-Only-Mirror. But Essence did not change Itself and we do not necessarily understand It more.

[3:55:30 PM] One: In fact you cannot understand Essence, you can only harmonize with It and merge with ITS reflection in the flame of the Fire of Truth.

[3:57:02 PM] One: No Being can Understand the Non-Being.

[3:57:21 PM] M.: Yes,

[3:58:17 PM] One: And I hope I gave you enough to chew on for today.

[3:59:29 PM] One: Happy I did, as it made some points clearer in my mind too. Lol.

[3:59:57 PM] M.: :)

[4:00:02 PM] One: :)

[4:00:49 PM] M.: Yes, It got clearer. Thank You...

[4:02:13 PM] One: The Teacher and the student are always One, but operate from different perspectives, levels of Oneness. It is that dance of sort which really gifts us Light and clarity and it is in its application to our lives that we seek to emulate Essence and find the still Peace of One.

[4:03:18 PM] M.: Yes, even by naming the word Essence, it has a smoothing effect on the heart and Soul.

[4:05:53 PM] One: Yes, indeed. Stillness cannot ever reside in the dance of polarities but outside of it in the Essence of its movement. The gap between polarities at their moment of extreme tension is where the connection to Essence is made, alike the movement of a pendulum where infinity resides at the swing’s end.

You will not find Stillness in human or God, light or darkness, and silence or sound. It is only when you absorb the flame of the Mirroring support of Reality that you can find the real Peace because you do not exclude anything anymore but incorporate it ALL.

[4:08:00 PM] One: Our role which is very difficult is to stay both still and dynamically vibrantly active at once. That is where thought comes in as the modulating factor to the Divine carrier wave Field; our co-creative gifts and abilities are there..

[4:07:29 PM] M.: Igniting the Divine Spark?

[4:08:29 PM] One: Yes, rather we feed the fire with our sparks.

[4:09:41 PM] One: We are all reflections/images of God and we have made God a dynamic reflection of our selves. The Essence is to be bestowed again to both.

[4:10:06 PM] One: And that causes recalibration.

[4:10:23 PM] One: An Instant of Merger.

[4:10:35 PM] M.: And this is all what the Great Shift is about?

[4:10:43 PM] One: YES

[4:11:00 PM] One: Still to be beheld.

[4:11:07 PM] M.: :)

[4:11:08 PM] One: Hopefully soon to come.

[4:11:24 PM] M.: Hopefully...with all our heart

[4:13:20 PM]M.: Ok, Dear Gerald, thank you very much for these great and deep words…

Gerald O’Donnell


Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Reality

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cosmic program

reality is base on code is not what is apear to be.

is you perception that lead you to the wrong idea of who you are.

until you analize the real validity of the story you live by or being present with and have space for realising it might be wrong you will alway be a slave.

you are the computer in wich the program of the universe is write decode and play it only projet what you have being train to decode.

you radiate a field of imformation and energy that tel the reality how to teat you in macth with you emotional field and belief.

why are you not manifesting what you want is that you focus on lack and on problem instead of solution and abondance dont think about what you dont want only on what you want.

most people operate in protection mode they have being train to fear to have a strong position either you belive the universe is suporting you or not you are right.

listend to our inner voice is more powerfull that any thought.

the way you have being train to think turn you in a internal prisoner.

we are in a time where society try to heal it self.

the mystery is living with faith in the now moment.

a mind that is agited manifest undesire result pratice to quited and silence you mind and feel the element and divine presence.

the universe is a infomation and energytic fabric dont expect to hear voice go with what you fell as soon you engage a new vision what you see start to change.

you have to realise you psysical body is a field of information when you sense where the information come from and what it do to your body you can ajust and see more of what you truly are.

amost no one understand what is happening no christian no muslim no jew no gouvernement they limite and created boundry sickness and division by fear of the unknow , inform your self all that you hear on tv radio you read in news paper and magazine is probaly just rumor nothing real.

you are me iam you inside of you live a part of every human when you heal that part the other is heal so go in you where the part of the earth is and fix it.

as you think you power as being take away you live in duality and lie its a fals perception and make you want to put everybody down to reclaim your power you are restoring your power by taking responsability for the situation you create.

stop increasing pain by dwelling on misery it alway time to create wich we desire.

if you have emotional reaction on what people say or do is that you dwell in the ego level you have projet you own belief that insane and mean you probaly partly agreed with the oposition.

stay out of the rumormill you allway define you self by the story you engage in stop it,

there is no future the only future is the one we create the now is alway a field of infinite posibility.

we are the one making the change is not about the people who alaway say the right thing all knowledge is aready withing you you are aready save.

forget you need be kind be true be loving to what suround you pratice to take care of people and the earth.

you belief system create your reality and the universe confirm you belief to you so that you alway belief you have it al figure out its a trap.

that you belive you have to be save or that you are save the universe will make you experience what you belief.

the earth is healing because you emodie the healing withing you the change you make withing you is reflect in the reality around you.

invest you self in the freedom and healing of you self and other what you presence bring is what the universe will eventualy bring to you.

know that self intergrity will change what you look at.

give up expectation its a form of belief that bring situation that hurt you and leave you with lack dont worry the universe will repay you for all that you do.

the universe as in store many unimaginable suprise for if you only opend your mind.

life start with self responsability and direct experience we have being program for milinia to give all our power to idol a free individual in toch with inner knowledge have more power that all gouvernement combine dont transfer loyality to money politician guru priest and pope be loyal to what is right and just for all..

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Junk DNA: Our Interdimensional Doorway to Transformation

TGI-and-PYD-Eileen-McKusick-copy© Brendan D. Murphy 2012-13


Something that is not particularly widely known about the mind-body connection today is that, since the early 1940s, a genuine microbiological framework for understanding the power of suggestion, intention and belief has been developing. In this short essay based on research from my book The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality (Vol. 1), we will look at some of this work as it relates to previously unexplainable “spontaneous” alterations to the genomes of living people—and the physiological and psychospiritual transformations that often accompany them.

If We Don’t Understand It, Then It’s “Junk”

As most Conscious Life readers would know, the vast majority of our DNA “text” is not used in the coding of proteins and enzymes—it is non-coding—and scientists generally don’t have any idea what its purpose is. Thus, in their infinite wisdom, they initially dubbed it “junk DNA”. How much of our DNA is junk? About 95–98 per cent—rather a lot of waste for Nature to hang onto, I think you will agree (some scientific estimates go as high as 99 per cent). Since it is not responsible for constructing our basic physical form, its purpose has remained mysterious to conventional mindsets until very recently. We now know that a large portion of that “junk” DNA is made up of mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) or “jumping DNA”, which can rewrite and activate—or deactivate—certain genetic codes. Jumping DNA reportedly makes up as much as half of the total DNA nucleotides.

Another major portion of the non-protein-coding regions of the genome is comprised of variable-number, tandemly repeating sequences known as “satellite DNA”. Microbiologist William Brown believes that through specific conformational arrangements, satellite DNA interfaces with the so-called “morphic field”; various conformations have specific resonances with the morphic field and can therefore tune into different information programs. Since satellite DNA is very specific to each person, each of us tunes into a distinct and unique morphogenetic pattern.

It seems likely that both jumping DNA and satellite DNA interface with the morphic field, thus responding to alterations in one’s state of consciousness. Satellite DNA’s ability to expand the number of repeating sequences means an increase in the information-carrying capacity of DNA. As a fractal antenna, DNA interacts with the vacuum/aether (terms which are synonymous in this context with zero-point field/implicate order/time-space), transducing the zero-point energy which interacts with our consciousness. A greater interaction between our DNA and the torsion and/or scalar forces in the vacuum might equate to expanded consciousness, while a lesser interactivity would result in a contracted awareness. Thus, “certain modular arrangements of DNA would be more conducive to conscious awareness.”

In the 1990s, a team of Russian linguists led by Dr Peter Gariaev discovered that the genetic code in “junk” DNA follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the “junk” was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning (a perspective forbidden by fundamentalist Darwinism). This ground-breaking research followed Jeff Delrow’s discovery in 1990 that the four nucleotides (A, T, G and C) of DNA inherently form fractal structures closely related to human speech patterns. Within non-coding DNA segments, scientists have found large numbers of “endlessly repeated sequences with no apparent meaning, and even palindromes, which are words or sentences which can be read in either direction.”

Thus, human language seems to have emerged from the grammatical and syntactical structures within our very own DNA—the massive “junk” portion, no less!—hence why there is no substance to the notion that there was some kind of linear progression from the primitive form of pre-linguistic communication in the animal kingdom to human language. It was a quantum leap right out of the aether/vacuum/implicate order.

The Gariaev group’s pioneering DNA research accounts for the power of hypnosis (and potentially most other psi phenomena, or “hypercommunication”). One of the basic assumptions made by the Gariaev team is that “the genome has a capacity for quasi-consciousness so that DNA ‘words’ produce and help in the recognition of semantically meaningful phrases.” Because the structures of DNA base pairs and of language are so similar, we can alter our own genetics by simply using words and sentences, as has been experimentally proven. Live DNA “will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects of humans and their bodies.”

One of the more famous cases of hypnotically induced genetic alteration was documented c. 1951 at the Queen Victoria Hospital in West Sussex, England. It involved the cure of Brocq’s disease in a teenage boy. His skin was dry, hardened and reptile-like, and it cracked and bled easily. Using hypnotic suggestion, anaesthetist and hypnotist Dr Albert A. Mason remedied the condition in a matter of weeks—a miracle at the time, since Brocq’s disease is a genetic condition, so eliciting a cure meant that Mason had effectively reprogrammed the boy’s genes (which scientists of the time “knew” was impossible). The boy’s hardened skin fell away, exposing soft, healthy flesh which remained so thereafter.
Today we know that by using correct light and sound frequencies—as well as words—we can activate some of our mobile DNA to “re-code” certain portions of the genome, thus effecting a physical transformation at the most fundamental biological level.

DNA, Wormholes and Torsion Fields

During 1984–85, Gariaev made a startling discovery. He found that an in vitro DNA sample in a test tube had the ability to attract and harness coherent laser light, causing it to spiral along the DNA helix. This alone was an unexpected (and paradigm-shifting) discovery, but it wasn’t all. After the DNA sample and all the apparatus were removed, the photons continued to spiral as if the DNA was still there. This was dubbed the “DNA phantom effect”, and it signified that some “new” scalar/torsion field structure had been excited from the vacuum/aether and was entraining the light even in the absence of the DNA!

This effect has been observed to last for up to a month, showing that this new field structure possesses remarkable persistence and stability. Even after blowing the phantom away with gaseous nitrogen, it returns within 5–8 minutes (torsion fields are known to be stable and persistent). Gariaev et al. also remark that “sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments”, showing that DNA not only absorbs and emits light (as is well established) but radio frequencies and phonons as well.

Our DNA harnesses both sound and light in its moment-by-moment operations, but, more than this, it “punches holes” in space-time, opening a window to time-space/the time domain. To put it another way, our DNA creates “magnetised wormholes” in the fabric of space—“tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” Most of us know this process as intuition or psychic insight. Ordinary human memory would also operate on similar principles, since available evidence indicates that our memories are stored not in our brains but in aetheric/implicate/time-space field structures which envelop our bodies (a.k.a., the “auric fields”).
Various researchers have theorised that the energy occupying time-space/aether which is responsible for these phenomena is twisting/spiralling torsion energy. The “magnetised wormholes” mentioned above could also be described as “torsion fields” or “vortices”. A torsion field is a self-sustaining vortex in the aether/time-space which is innately non-electromagnetic—though it can produce EM effects such as light. By spinning, a vortex can excite photons or virtual photons out of the fabric of space/aether—and static torsion/scalar fields can harness and store light within them (as we see with the DNA phantom effect).

Sol Luckman, developer of the sound-based Regenetics healing and transformation method, considers qi/prana/orgone to be the light-based effect of torsion fields. In Conscious Healing, he describes torsion energy as “universal creative consciousness or subspace energy (Aether) experiencing itself in time…Torsion Energy in the form of a ‘life-wave’…interfacing with and modifying Potential DNA’s Transposons is the driving force behind the evolution of human consciousness and physiology.”
The first research generally credited with the discovery of this “fifth force”—torsion—is that that done in the late 1800s by Russian professor N. P. Myshkin. Einstein’s colleague Dr Elie Cartan first coined the term “torsion” in 1913 in reference to this force’s twisting movement through the fabric of space-time—but his important work was virtually buried by the rampant success and notoriety of Einstein’s theories. In the 1950s—the same decade in which Dr James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the helical structure of DNA—pioneering Russian scientist Dr Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908–1983) conclusively proved the existence of this energy demonstrating that, like time (and not dissimilarly to DNA), it flows in a sacred geometric spiral, as I detail in The Grand Illusion Vol. 1 (TGI 1). Russian scientists are reported to have written thousands of papers on the subject in the 1990s alone, and, more recently, award-winning physicist Nassim Haramein, along with his colleague Dr Elizabeth A. Rauscher, has re-worked Einstein’s field equations with the inclusion of torque and coriolis effects.

Torsion Fields, Mental Intention, and Healing

If your “soul” is in fact a torsion field or vortex in the fabric of space (or a structure of multiple nested vortices, as described by seers and occultists), then your consciousness, by definition, must survive the demise of your physical body: it existed in the aether/vacuum/time-space/implicate order/zero point field before you ever obtained a body. This is exactly the perspective shared by physicist Fred Alan Wolf, who refers to the vacuum of space as “the home of the soul,” from which the material world was actually born.

Interestingly, the work of scientists Gennady Shipov and Burkhard Heim “established that torsion generators allow us not only to replicate all ‘phenomena’ demonstrated by so-called ‘psychics,’ but they were also able to demonstrate effects that were never demonstrated by any ‘psychic.’” This “transcendent force” that is intrinsically unrestricted by the bounds of our space-time (and which, in the form of torsion/scalar waves, effectively operates billions of times beyond the speed of light) can account for the well documented remote healing phenomenon demonstrated in many studies, as well as more localized, short-range psychokinetic effects. (For a much more comprehensive exposition on such mind-matter interactions, see TGI 1.)

Cell biologist Dr Glen Rein discovered experimentally that anger, fear and similar emotions have the power to contract a DNA molecule, compressing it. On the other hand, emotions such as joy, gratitude and love unwind or decompress DNA exposed to them.
This effect could be created on samples up to half a mile away from the “sender” of the emotion. Years earlier in Russia, remote-influence experiments with human targets presaged Rein’s results and proved that remote human intention could be used to affect physiological and conscious processes in a distant human target, as well as to send telepathic messages.

Pertinently, in another series of Rein’s experiments, those with coherent electrocardiograms could wind or unwind DNA samples (not extracted from their own bodies) at will, while those with incoherent heart energy could not. Furthermore, in these experiments, simply feeling love-based emotions was not enough to affect the DNA samples: the intent to alter them had to be present. The effect was achieved up to half a mile away in an experiment using Lew Childre. Another experiment using Russian healer Valerie Sadyrin replicated the effect with Sadyrin stationed thousands of miles away in Russia (Rein’s experimental setup being in California), thus indicating that, although coherent EM heart energy does act locally within the body, it also has a non-EM (torsion/scalar) component that acts nonlocally, entangling healers with their “healees” (via time-space/aether/implicate order). Ipso facto, DNA is a “torsion antenna,” a biological “bridge” between our space-time and time-space/aether.

Thus, Rein’s research links torsion to life-affirming emotions—in particular unconditional love, which propels both our individual and collective evolution. “Only the love-based emotions stimulate DNA to decompress so that messenger RNA can access codes for healing”. Negative emotional states compress the DNA helix, “severely limiting access to genetic information necessary for healing as well as evolution”.

Sounds Like DNA Activation

We have recently entered into what Larry Dossey, MD, has dubbed “Era III” medicine. Era III medicine is concerned with the primacy of bioenergetic consciousness in the sound domain (time-space/aether/implicate order) in healing and transformation, whereas “Era II” epigenetics primarily restricted to the light domain of our space-time, and “Era I” was myopically based solely on physico-chemical considerations—a boon for Big Pharma. Era III acknowledges that since consciousness is fundamentally nonlocal, not only can your thoughts influence your own physiology, but someone else’s as well, regardless of distance—as per the aforementioned early Russian remote-influence experiments and Rein’s more recent work.

As the Gariaev group has shown, sound and light can be utilised to rewrite the genetic code. The group even went so far as to be able to turn frog embryos into salamander embryos by electronically recording one species’ DNA informational patterns and then re-transmitting them to the other species. The resulting salamanders could even mate and produce baby salamanders.

Specific sound frequencies: herein lies the power of Luckman’s DNA activation method. Some of you may be aware that our mathematically structured DNA is “tuned” to the ancient Solfeggio scale; it is resonant with it. According to mathematicians Marko Rodin and Victor Showell, this scale constructs the entire universe. Len Horowitz, DMD, comments that the “creationistic dynamics of matter have their source in pure acoustic spirit”, which is vividly demonstrated (analogically) by the work of the late Dr Hans Jenny. By vibrating a mass of solid particles on a metal plate at certain frequencies, Jenny caused those particles to arrange spontaneously into specific geometric forms. Alternatively, the vibration of these loose particles suspended in a fluid could be seen to create nested geometric figures—the Platonic solids, in point of fact. Hence Horowitz’s point about matter being created by “sonic” frequencies in the “spiritual” domain. Because the ground of reality is fundamentally holographic, it assembles the manifest universe fractally in a self-referencing manner in which geometric forms—such as the Platonic solids—can be nested within one another.

By simply utilising the correct vowel chanting technique—the most important ingredient—and a 528 Hertz Solfeggio tuning fork (as detailed in Luckman’s recent book Potentiate Your DNA), some of your mobile genetic elements can be activated to harness greater amounts of torsion energy in time-space/aether. (With the Regenetics method, the activation of potential DNA occurs incrementally as one goes through the different stages of Potentiation, Articulation, Elucidation and Transcension.) Potentiation—the first phase of the Regenetics technique—specifically employs the “mi” note of 528 Hz, which has been used by molecular biologists to repair genetic defects and is also known simply as “Love Hertz”. The result of this total process (the Regenetics Method)—which unfolds over a minimum of 27 months—is a gentle and progressive kundalini awakening and healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies/layers of the psyche (see figure 1). Allergies disappear, old injuries repair, serious diseases vanish, the body detoxifies, emotional baggage is purged, and a sense of peace and well-being develop. Some people can even begin to sense their fundamental interconnectedness with creation, a development that reaches its fullest fruition with the completion of the final stage, after the prefrontal lobes have been awakened through Elucidation.

For my part, immediately following my own Potentiation, I noticed my damaged rotator cuffs felt subtly different. Within a few weeks, they had improved very significantly. Seven months later, I experienced virtually no pain in them and could comfortably lie on my side to sleep at night—something I had not been able to do for about 12 years previously, no matter how positive I tried to be or how determined I was to heal them myself. Before doing my own Potentiation, even swinging my arms back and forth across my chest caused sharp, stabbing pains in my shoulders—but no more. After several months I also experienced a spontaneous detox process (primarily through my sinuses), and my food allergies show signs of eventually disappearing.

With the DNA acting like a tuning fork and resonating with the vowel chant and 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency, the “errors” in the sonic torsion field blueprints (in time-space) for our biology are corrected. At the biological level, the jumping DNA shift to “rewrite” the gene code for the better, as previously dormant codons are switched on—while others may be switched off—in order to improve healing mechanisms and so on. Consciousness researcher Stephen Linsteadt has reported that, at this 528 Hz frequency, “the clustered water molecules that surround and support the DNA structure form a perfect six-sided hexagon” —meaning that you are apparently generating your own internal cymatic effect as you perform your own Potentiation!

“In theory,” writes Horowitz, “phase-locking your body to [the] 528 Hz frequency sends the most powerful healing energy in the universe to your DNA’s amino acid sequence, which vibrates in a glycoprotein matrix of structured water, depends heavily on the 528 Hz frequency not just for its physical structure but also for its bioelectrical and bioacoustic functions.”

A New Kind of Human?

Microbiologist Dr Colm Kelleher has studied “junk” DNA for years. He states that transposons are known to be engines of evolution, explaining that the most plausible mechanism for initiating a rapid, large-scale change in physical structure—even the emergence of a new species—is a “simultaneous transposition burst”. He speculates that similar mechanisms might also be involved in a kundalini experience.
Kundalini—a real physical energy, as I show in TGI 1— has always been held in high esteem by mystics and seers because of its ability to awaken higher consciousness and vivify and restore the physical body. It upgrades the bioenergy system. The principal function of kundalini in occult development is reputedly to pass through the etheric chakras and vivify them so that they bring astral experiences through into the physical consciousness. An enhancement of the chakras at the etheric level will naturally have positive physical side-effects, as the etheric body is an energetic duplicate of the physical and in fact is considered to be of the “physical” density in its own right (unlike the astral/mental/spiritual energies).

Retired theoretical physicist Dr Amit Goswami states in Physics of the Soul that the raising of the kundalini seems to unleash the dormant capacities of consciousness for making new representations of the vital (etheric) body onto the physical body. “There is evidence. People in whom kundalini has risen and been properly integrated undergo extraordinary bodily changes (for example, the development of nodules on the body that [form] the figure of a serpent).” Kundalini experiencers also often describe an incredible white light enveloping their consciousness—as the plasma-like kundalini rises up the spine and explodes into the head and the crown chakra. The result in the moment is often a state of expansive bliss.

One salient point to any researcher of these topics has to be that there are similar elements in the aftermath of DNA and kundalini activation as compared to the near-death experience (NDE). Aside from biophysical alterations (an effect shared by all groups), many near-death experiencers (NDEers) have reported that they experience a deeper sense of connectedness with all things, higher levels of empathy, decreased competitiveness and egotism, elimination of the fear of death, and a greater sense of peace and contentment. The spontaneous resolution or disappearance of serious diseases and allergies falls under the category of biophysical transformation, which is correlated with kundalini awakening as well as DNA activation. NDEer Mellen-Thomas Benedict, for example, had an inoperable brain tumour prior to his 90-minute NDE. Post-NDE, his cancer was simply gone: it had vanished.

NDEers also find quite often that their psychic faculties are put into overdrive post-NDE—whether they like it or not! In Transformed by the Light, Dr Cherie Sutherland offers the case studies of 50 Australian NDEers, at least one of whom reported that post-NDE they had become so telepathic that they were picking up on the internal monologues of people around them—totally unintentionally.
Dr Kenneth Ring actually hypothesised in the 1990s that NDEers do undergo a kundalini awakening, and he marshalled some impressive evidence in support of the notion in The Omega Project. We might speculate whether the NDE can also spontaneously precipitate the sealing of the “fragmentary body” (the energy defect in the second chakra) by revealing to people their true nature as immortal “spirit” or infinite consciousness and an integral part of the cosmos, thus remedying their “separation consciousness”—as well as other personal issues around self-loathing, guilt, and so forth. Certainly, the experience of contacting a force of cosmic love, compassion and total, unconditional acceptance is powerfully healing for many NDEers. Perhaps not surprisingly, many find that they spontaneously develop powerful healing faculties—even to the extent that they give up their careers to become energy healers!

This suggests the activation of previously dormant sections of DNA (codons) involved in the transmission and mediation of electromagnetic energy and torsion forces. In 1996, Kelleher cloned a stretch of human DNA from activated human T-cells and found it to consist of a tandem array of transposon sequences “arranged like beads on a string”. It was the perfect structure that he had envisioned for accomplishing “a large-scale speciation-type change.” Kelleher predicts that people who have undergone NDEs or have meditated for long periods “should have a higher transcriptional level of this transposon casette.”

Available NDE case studies seem to support his contention. Many NDEers appear to represent a new kind of human being: one not just infinitely more metaphysically aware than the “average” person but one who is also more “switched on”, genetically and psychically speaking. Overall, NDEers seem to show an unusually high level of intuitive activation, not unlike kundalini-awakened individuals.

Speculative Conclusions and Visions for the Future

In 2003, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (“Encode”) genome research project was launched. Pooling the resources of over 400 scientists over thirty-two laboratories throughout the UK, US, Spain, Singapore, and Japan, it is the largest research project into the human genome yet conducted. In early September 2012, scientists from the Encode project confirmed, after having analyzed all 3 billion pairs of genetic code comprising our DNA, that far more of it is biologically active than had been widely believed: 80% is in fact performing a specific function, confirming that most non-protein-coding “junk” DNA isn’t junk at all.

Perhaps more importantly in the context of the foregoing discussion, these scientists have also identified 4 million “switch genes”, which are sections of DNA that control when genes are switched on or off in cells. These can even be a long way from the actual gene they control (if you’re talking about an uncoiled DNA strand). Many switches are linked to changes in risk levels for various diseases and disorders, and we have the field of epigenetics to thank for proving that local environmental triggers (including stress) are ultimately more important in determining the activation or silencing of certain genes—and therefore our biological health—than inherent genetic defects (which account only for about 5% of all diseases).

It is only natural to conclude that mobile DNA elements/transposons—comprising as much as half of our roughly 98% “junk” DNA—are involved in mediating the functions of at least some of these 4 million “switch genes”. In addition, mobile DNA (and satellite DNA too, if Brown is correct) appear to interface with our consciousness in the aether/time-space/implicate order. This means that Era III metagenetic modalities such as the sound-based Regenetics Method—where the facilitator can be located thousands of miles from the treatment recipient—can be effective in influencing genetic expression regardless of healer-healee proximity. In the time-space domain consciousness occupies, distance is meaningless.

Thanks to the innovative work of researchers in fields as diverse as shamanism, epigenetics, thanatology, psychiatry, molecular biology, hypnosis, kinesiology, occultism and more, we may have identified four major ways to activate our latent jumping DNA to effect dramatic personal transformation and even conscious evolution: hypnosis, DNA activation with vowel chants and Solfeggio frequencies, kundalini awakening, and NDEs (the latter three all apparently involve kundalini activation to varying degrees, and reach deeper into the multiple levels of one’s being). This is to say nothing of the astrophysical processes which can influence planetary microbiology, and over which we as individuals seemingly have little control—a tangent we lack space for here.

Thus, with the extinction of bottom-up Darwinian “DNA primacy,” we can and must relinquish the moribund notion that our genetic inheritance is a done deal which we can no more change than the Earth’s orbital pathway around the Sun. The various lines of research discussed herein reveal that in using vowels and targeted light and sound frequencies to deliberately change our genetic expression in a controlled fashion, we can also change our consciousness—and vice versa. We can change our consciousness and, in turn, alter genetic expression (more or less permanently). No longer can a human be conceived of as a powerless little Darwinian “meat computer” at the mercy of the random forces of “natural selection”.

Thank goodness for the “junk” that Nature didn’t throw away! ∞

About the Author:

Brendan D. Murphy is an Australian researcher, speaker, musician, and the author of The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality – Book 1 (TGI 1), assessed by Regenetics Method creator Sol Luckman as a “masterpiece.” Brendan is also a certified DNA Potentiation facilitator, as well as a Psych-K and personal transformation facilitator, and has also received formal EFT training (levels 1 and 2) under Australian EFT Master Peter Graham. TGI 1 is available for purchase at You can also find Brendan at “The Grand Illusion (TGI)” page on Facebook.


Gage, F.H. and A.R. Muotri, “What Makes Each Brain Unique”, Scientific American, March 2012
Brown, W., “Morphic Resonance and Quantum Biology”, NEXUS 2012;19(2)
Luckman, S., Potentiate Your DNA, Crow Rising Transformational Media, USA, 2010–11, p. 116
Narby, J., The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, Phoenix/Orion Books, London, 1999, p. 100
Pinchbeck, D., 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2006, p. 174
Miller, Richard Alan, Iona Miller and Burt Webb, “Quantum Bioholography: A Review of the Field from 1973 – 2002”, 2002,
Fosar, G. and F. Bludorf, “Spiritual Science: DNA is influenced by words and frequencies”,
Gariaev, P.P., M.J. Friedman and E.A. Leonova- Gariaeva, “Principles of Linguistic-Wave Genetics”, DNA Decipher Journal 2011 Jan; 1(1):11-24,
Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, from their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, quoted at
I have proven this beyond any rational doubt in The Grand Illusion Vol. 1 (TGI 1).
For in-depth discussion of torsion as it relates to psi phenomena, see TGI 1.
Luckman, S., Conscious Healing, Booklocker Publishing, Bangor, Maine, 2006, 1st edition, p. 219
Yurth, D.G., “Torsion Field Mechanics: Verification of Non-local Field Effects in Human Biology”, 5 December 2000,
Luckman, Conscious Healing, op. cit., p. 52. See also M.D. Jones, PSIence, New Page Books, New Jersey, 2006, pp. 183-6
The Soul and Quantum Physics: An interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.
Nowak, A.M., “Torsion Fields – Theory of Physical Vacuum – Shipov and Heim”,
Rein, G. and R. McCraty, “Local and Non-Local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA”, Institute of HeartMath, 1 January 2001,
See S. Ostrander and L. Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, Bantam, 1971, 2nd pr.
Rein, G., “Effect of Conscious Intention on Human DNA”, Proceedings of the International Forum on New Science, Denver, Colorado, October 1996,
Luckman, Potentiate Your DNA, op. cit., p. 92
A Conversation about the Future of Medicine,
Fosar and Bludorf, Vernetzte Intelligenz, op. cit., quoted at
Horowitz, L.G., “Why Some People Just Can’t Get Along”, Veritas 2011–12; 2(6),
See chapter 6 of my forthcoming book The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality, vol. 1 (Balboa Press), for more detail on this.
Luckman, Conscious Healing, op. cit., p. 122

See my article “Diary of a DNA Potentiator” in New Dawn, no. 133, July–August 2012, and an expanded, updated version at my website
Linsteadt, S., “Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level”,
Horowitz, op. cit.
Grosso, M., Experiencing the Next World Now, Paraview/Pocket Books, New York, 2004, p. 163
See A.E. Powell, The Etheric Double, The Book Tree, San Diego, CA, 2007, chapter 13 (first pub. in 1925)
Goswami, A., Physics of the Soul, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Charlottesville, VA, 2001, p. 246
See P.M.H. Atwater, The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Charlottesville, VA, 2007, pp. 36-7
Sutherland, C., Transformed by the Light: Life after near-death experiences, Bantam Books, 1992
Ring, K., The Omega Project: Near- Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at Large, William Morrow & Co., New York, 1992
Grosso, op. cit., pp. 163-4
Walsh, F. Detailed Map of Genome Function.

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TONIGHT AT 8PM EST, Award winning author and revolutionary speaker, Jacob Israel opens up about his latest insight into creation with fellow author and speaker, R.K. Souliske. The lines will be open and they will be taking your questions. It's this Saturday the 27th, at 8pm EST, join Jacob and his guest as they discuss the power of intended thought. Buckle up and get ready because everything is about to change! We have been conditioned in life to believe that to be happy and to find peace we need to have more, to do more, and we need to be more. Every day we are flooded with images and ideas to keep us slaves to the belief that what we have and who we are just isn’t good enough. Sadly, this belief that most people have put their faith in is the very thing that keeps their freedom, peace and joy far from them. Like a carrot dangled before the mule, this promise of peace and joy through attaining more is a promise that will never come to pass. However, there is hope for the hopeless, there is joy for those who has lost their desire to live, and it is closer than you think. It is the truth that changes you and your change is coming! It begins with KNOWING that the POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH is in the tongue. Our thoughts and our words have great power! Please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE AND SUPPORT!

For more information about Jacob -

For Jacob's novel, The Calling -

For R.K.'s awesome fantasy novel/allegory visit -

blog talk radio life-and-death-in-your-tongue

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imortal technic

all religion promise eternal life.
you have to become imortal in your life time their is no paradise after death.
know that reading the bible the koran or the tora will never make you imortal they only bring conflic and great division amount mankind.
people are like sheep they falow and belive blindly anyone who seem to have great position or sucess.

man of value in a world of darkness rarely get famous.

a tell you if you falow the old testament you will never reach imortality but most likely end in prison.

know that their is no god above our self.

the only thing that exist is consciensciousness and energy.

the rest is created by us human these monotheist religion as turn us into miserable sinner we have become condense information.

the material and psysical round is made only of thought form condense information slow wave vibration.

thought and imagination become real the secret elite of this world know it that why they invent psychiatry to control what people belive to normalise society into slave worker.

the latin definition of work is torture and civilisation mean slavery.

know that reality obey mostly to our subconscious belief.

belief are trap you need to know.

know that every 20 or 30 year half our belief go into the supertition box.

for milinia humanity run on make belief.

for milinia we have belive in lie is time for truth.

many people has being kill to expose supertitious belief and truth by a mass that was scare of abandoning their supertitious belief.
all new discovery that change humanity has scare the mass and people who propose new idea where call insane.

know that all truth start like a blashpheme and it is reject by the mass as it invalidate all they know it make them feel insecure.

we are in a dream and nothing is imposible happy thought make you fly.

you are condanme to eternal reincarnation due to the fact that you dont know who you are nor what you do,

we are living in satan matrix where choice are fated.

live up to your ideal.

the more you try to control the more supisious you become about the people and you become scare by the mass coming togheter for peace and justice.

man of peace and truth only as two enemy gouvernement and psychiatrist.

truth as make fall great empire .

only throw love peace and truth can you free the nation from slavery disease and misery.
if you kill demon you multiply them and you end up control by them.

when the system is corupt it become ilegal to be rightious it become a duty to break unjust law that keep our people slave and ignorant.

in the land of god king and qeen are not ruler of the people but costodian of the earth and its habitant.

their is no savior it a scam to keep you waiting that lead you to your own death.

real sage make no folower but free people and empower people to live a rightious live.

a world where their is childrend who suffer is a unjust world.

when the mass is more interest by the royal family that by the need of the starving childrend is time for a revolution.

not caring for the people and the environement is the result of unconscious thinking.

to belive you are god make you a rule and enemy of the mass to know that you are gods make you a lover of life and a bringner of grace and mercy.

when coruption end natural desaster end.

thing that make the body sick,greed judgement , pride , sadness, defending belief or mystical truth, anger , negative thought , lie , violence, fear , injustice ,living in the past or the future , resisting to change,
worry, man law.

thing that bring us healing ,generosity, truth , peace , love, joy , patience, kindness, positive thought , living in the present , justice , humility , gods law.

you have being trick into beliving the psysical and material universe was the only thing real and that you where mortal your own spirit nature as being hide from you where all imortal being.

when we heal our self the earth heal when a nation see and know the truth the earth is made prestine again.

when you know your self the world disapear and gods become real.

in the so develope world school turn you into a blind and mindless slave.
a education that dont teach you to trust your intuition and to think by your self is useless for the people and the planet in turn nto a materialist ,

their is no expiration date on your body your attitude toward life and your subconscious belief determine on long you will live.

if you belive in psychiatry you live and belive in a lie.
if the cause of your happiness is you material or your position you will end up in emotional trauma nothing is eternal in the psysical universe.

a man of sucess worth nothing in the eye of god if he dont live by virtue and have wrong value.

in the so civilise and develope wolrd prescription drug cause more death and health problem that all ilegal drug combine it is time to legalise all plant and extrac and standardise what people buy.

nature is perfect balance braking that balance cause disease and pain nature will halway balance at at the expense of of so call evolution and progress in technology we must restore our harmony and our symbiose with nature in our so civilise world people thing they are iteligent that we are facing our own instinction earth as eternity to heal not us.

if we cut the military budget by half in the industrial world and transfer the budget in real education feeding and clothing the people we will all be traveling interspace.

the interdiction to patent any plant gmo or not.

know that psychiatrist are criminal at the sold of corupt pharmaceutic industry.

the truth will destroy your military gouvernement and civilisation and will earase your belief and make your body the temple in wich you dwell.

we are not here for peace but for truth freedom and justice.

entering a world of posibility the only choice you have is how you chose to percive life.

if something dont bring you joy and happiness you sould avoid to do it.

fear lie stress and anxiety lower your inteligence love truth joy and happiness bring you to higher inteligence.

we are here to help and serve the earth and its people to harm none to heal all.

we are all interconected and every thought afect the whole.

when you where born you inerited the belief and perception of your parent you health condition as a baby and young child depend on how your mother as percive life its a filter of reality that blind you to the truth our job is to remove harmfull subconscious belief as they determine our health and longivity.

if you have emotional reaction to what you see or hear dont wacth the new nor drama neither gossip nor negative or violent movie as it what you will bring in your reality.

if it not truth dont say it.
if a action is not base on rightiousness dont do it.
when we change reality change.

if we adapt to a pur and prestine world and we are  not adapting the world to us we live forever.

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Physical Immortality Philosophy – the choice is yours! Dr Janni Lloyd

Throughout the ages, pioneers have been questioning the accepted belief systems of the populace, and producing major evolutionary leaps. ‘The Earth is the centre of the Universe’ gave way to the understanding that the Earth revolves around the Sun – even though the Sun still appeared to the eye to move around the Earth. ‘The Earth is flat’ gave way when Columbus did not fall off the edge. The Wright Brothers also flew us into another reality, as have countless others over time.

‘Physical death is inevitable’ will become as obsolete as some of those previous belief systems. We are moving from the Piscean aeon to the Aquarian aeon – each aeon lasting around two thousand years. With the Aquarian aeon, Physical Immortality will become ‘an idea whose time has come’. What has been available to the individual will become available to the masses – we are in the process of an evolutionary leap of the mass consciousness. ‘Physical death is a choice’- a combination of theology and science can give one a starting point with this new belief system. Most people who have opened to their spirituality in this new age accept that they have a spiritual body which is eternal – the spiritual body separating from the physical or material body during the death process. Most of these same people also now accept that matter is composed of energy or consciousness or ‘thinking non-stuff’ to quote Deepak Chopra. To put it simply, when we get to a sub-atomic quantum level all matter is essentially ‘spirit’. With physical immortality, spirit/matter becomes one entity co-operatively organising and experiencing the play of life – thus physical death becomes unnecessary.

Sondra Ray in her book ‘How to be chic, fabulous and live forever’ likens our spiritual, mental and physical bodies to steam, water and ice, all the same substance just vibrating at a different rate. Medical science and scientific research are also very rapidly moving us towards physical immortality. The areas of gene therapy, regeneration/cloning of organs and nanotechnology, in particular, are highlighting this choice. Many individuals are historically reported to have achieved physical immortality. These include Enoch, Elijah, Moses, Jesus, Mary, Lao Tse, Babaji, Count St Germain to name just a few Twentieth century immortals include Fulcanelli the alchemist. In spiritual literature, Immortals are reported to be able to teleport their physical body from place to place, and dimension to dimension.

My feeling is having a physically immortal body is the ultimate freedom. One can remain on the Earth plane as long as one chooses, and eventually learn to move to other dimensions – with the choice to come back and forth at will. The immortalist writer, Annalee Skarin said “Death is the dingy back door entrance to the heavenly realms.” Sondra Ray in her book ‘Inner Communion’ talks more about the advantages of choosing LIFE – “Some people will say – I would not want to live forever because I want to go to a higher place.” And yet, you do not necessarily go to a higher place just because you drop your body. Consciousness, when departing from the body seeks its own level. There is no escape from yourself. Death is no solution. Other people say “I don’t want to live forever because it is too painful.” The reason it is too painful for them to be in the physical body is because of the death urge. Therefore, mastering Physical Immortality IS the solution to manifesting a body free of pain. This is the ‘Catch 22′… the secret of the ages. People who are sick obviously do not want to live forever, and yet mastering Physical Immortality is the way to heal sickness. In fact, all healing is temporary until you heal death. We could teach people to heal themselves of all the diseases they created (because what you create you can uncreate), BUT if they don’t heal death, they will just make up a new way to kill themselves. It becomes clear that all death is suicide. There is an alternative to aging and death and that is youthing and mastering the mind and body so that you can keep it as long as you like by the power of your mind. If you can learn to rejuvenate your body and youth it (which you can), and if you can learn to have and maintain Pure Joy (which you can), then you might want to learn to master Physical Immortality. The quality of your life would immediately improve.’

The techniques that I feel help one transition to a Physically Immortal body are many and varied. Here’s a few to get you started. On the mental level, start believing it is possible. As Wayne Dyer says ‘You’ll see it when you believe it.’ The ‘believing’ will, in time, become a ‘knowing’. Become aware of and release death oriented patterns of thinking, speaking and behaviour. Affirmations of life and joy are useful.

On the spiritual level, use the three laws of Physical Immortality – The law of PRAISE, the law of LOVE and the law of GRATITUDE. These are powerful laws, particularly the law of gratitude. Here is what Robert Coon, who has been teaching and writing about Physical Immortality for over 40 years, says about gratitude in his book, “The Science of Everlasting Life”- “Gratitude is the most powerful attitude of Being, the Great Be-attitude. Mastery of Gratitude leads to the overcoming of all things. The energies of gratitude multiply many fold as they are sent out from your heart. As these energies are released, they uplift the atoms and cells of your physical body. Develop your outpouring of Gratitude until it is a mighty river radiating from your heart 24 hours a day. Pure gratitude is a real energy whose frequency is incorruptible and Christed. Tzadkiel, the Archangel of Jupiter, is the principal angel of Gratitude in the Cabala. The gratitude that you send out eventually returns to you, many times multiplied, as spiritual light or divine substance. This light enters your body and mind and illuminates your Way. Every Spiritual Law can be expressed as a Divine Promise. DIVINE PROMISE: You who are grateful in all things shall be filled with light and comprehend all things.’

Open to the state of grace – using the energies of praise, love and gratitude for EVERYTHING in your life will move you from the law of karma to the law of grace. Life affirming meditations and vision quests are also helpful.

On the emotional level, one needs to move towards unconditional love of self by removing blocks from childhood and past lives. Many techniques can assist with this eg. Rebirthing, past life regression, aromatherapy, aura soma therapy, flower essences, and many forms of body work. Leonard Orr, the father of rebirthing, says that rebirthing will ultimately lead to physical immortality Breathing techniques in general are very powerful. Unconditional love of self leads to unconditional love and non – judgement of others.

On the physical level, love and enjoy the miraculous creation that is your body. Honour your body’s wisdom. Nutrionally, vegetarianism may become appealing. Move your body with joy and fun. Be flexible in every area of your life and your body will remain supple.

In an article in ‘Golden Age’ magazine, Leonard Orr said: “The three basic causes of death are: (1) Ignorance – people never question or think about it. (2) Emotional energy pollution – people don’t learn how to clean their energy body – they don’t take spiritual purification seriously. (3) Poor diet – most people eat themselves to death.

Remember – if Physical Immortality philosophy is your choice – trust the divine intuitive guidance within your own heart.
As Robert Coon says – plan to be eternally LATE for your own funeral……

‘The Fun Way of Physical Immortality Philosophy’ book and eBook available at -

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a dream

link to divine intervention

everything that is not love kindness compasion and freedom is not truth a have a dream of the future there will be a divine tutel the angel will chose 7 king to restore wisdom on earth then the human awake will redesing the earth into a beautyfull paradise

David Arthur Johnston The guy from rap news.
Russel brand.
Marc Chauvette and gerald o`donnell are oneness and future king a dont know the 2 who

......God smokes.....drinks.... takes dope..........and when He feels holy..............he is honest.........He loves..........for that is who He is...........

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Dr. Joseph Cardillo

Joseph Cardillo, Ph.D
Series: Inner Bridge Radio - featured guest
Author: Sonia Barrett Date: Friday, 19 July 2013 Duration: 1:13:31
Joseph Cardillo, Ph.D., is a top-selling author in the fields of health, mind-body-spirit and psychology. He is an expert in Attention Training™ and creative thinking. Dr. Cardillo has taught his methods to more than 20,000 students in various colleges, universities and institutes. He has authored 5 titles—The Five Seasons: Tap Into Nature's Secrets For Health, Happiness, and Harmony; Can I Have Your Attention? How to Think Fast, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Concentration; Your Playlist Can Change Your Life; Be Like Water; and Bow to Life. . A regular contributor to the Huffington Post and Psychology Today, he holds a doctorate in holistic psychology and in mind-body medicine and is a research associate at Mind-Body Medical University. Dr. Cardillo received the prestigious 2011 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Scholarly Research and Creative Activity. In addition, he co-writes books for Harvard Health Publications. Feature articles on Dr. Cardillo's work have appeared in Smithsonian Magazine, The New York Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Toronto Globe, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Family Circle, FIRST for Women, Curve, American Fitness Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Natural Health, Natural Solutions and He was interviewed, based on his book Be Like Water, for a documentary film Looking for Mr. Miyagi, scheduled for a 2013 release. The film is produced by Emmy-winning producer (and four-time Emmy nominee) David Liban. Specialties: Attention Training™, mind-body health, creative thinking Web site:

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Are you ready to smash it up?

Are you ready to
smash it up?

.....The current model of reality that is.
Then get ready for
Punk Science - the Movie.

Our view of reality is changing. We no longer see the world as solid and mechanical. We are entering a new era where consciousness is fundamental, the universe is a giant hologram and black holes are not what they seem.

Join global experts at the very cutting edge of science who will turn your world view upside down. We will be travelling to the edges of space, into the heart of the atom and then bringing it all back to you and what it means for your life.

Featuring Lynne McTaggart, Professor Gary Schwartz, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Amit Goswami, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Jude Currivan, Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, Anthony Peake and many more.

Sign up to be amongst the first to see the full moviewacth trailer click the link below

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kind world

only those who are ready to walk trow hell and be still with no fear can bring

light to the world.

to find inner peace one must pratice love kindness and compasion.
remove your atachement from people and material thing of this world its only a

mirage nothing real.
pride destroy inner peace and boost your ego wich maintain you in fals reality.

your best insurance is kindness and love.

to see all as one is freedom.

they make you carry anger and hate toward your enemy the more you have anger and

hate the more it as the ability to control you.

be kind toward all pratice silence it is not our job to judge the reality of other.
focus only on what you want for you and the world.

know that you self its a mirror of the soul consciensciousness.
sickness is the result of trauma emotion and negative tought.
no event in your life is negative its only our perception.
to fail to see the divine harmony and to fail to realise we are the archithec of

our world and reality.
heal your consciensciouness and you will see that the earth is prestine.
the earth may look dark but it is fals the destruction of the earth reflect our own

darkeness and lack of consciensciouness.
everything is light energy and vibration.
you live in a world of shadow your incarnation here is to free your self from

contrast and only the hart as no polarity.
discover your unity with the divine know that it is imposible to manifest heaven on

earth with our mind the mind as polarity if you manifest your dream world with your

mind you will also manifest you own nightmare.
so if we manifest paradise with our mind we will enter hell if we try to manifest

hell on earth with our mind we will endup in cage in paradise.

your truth can only be share not defend.
if you speak your truth share it with opend mind if you are not ready to be ridicul

and atack.
when you speak truth the power that be will try to enslave you and put you under

belief control.
know that every new discovery put people out of teir confort zone.
often they discredit new science and keep their fals belive it procure them a fals

sense of security.

the truth alway have made people feel insecure if you want to win let people who

are asleep with teir belief dont argu they have the mass to suport them you dont.<

tel a vision, not television the telivison is a mind control beacause your mind is

people often say they wacth program they call it a program because they want you to

be program like the actor on tv.
the people in control fear the light so they codition you mind to fear what is

truth and project drama and gossip programation.
they only show you a limited reality know that their is so much more.
they know people try to copy the attitude of people who seem to be sucesfull by

society stadard know that the truth they want you to be powerless and miserable.
they dont want you to experience the totality of who you are.

who are you.
do you let culture define you know that culture is a tool of mass hipnosis.
you are not you name nor you body you are not the title of the work you do.
you are the totality of wich exist you have no beguining nor end life is a

continius stream of experience.

by no mean let people define who you are.
you are not trap by title nor label you can be everything you wish to become.
dont belive the label people put on you.
be free from fals indetity.
indentify you self with less have more freedom.

the one who dont question autority and accept blindly what the power told never

bring positive change.
you must obey you own consciensciousness not what society tell you.
misfit mystic sage scientist of all age aas defy the rule the belief and the norm

of society to bring positive change.

you will not find solution to the human problem within the legal parameter the

power that be forbide true knowledge and label as insane who tel the truth

time is a mental construction of the mind of the mass.
it only exist by the consent belief of the mass.

to control the mass their is nothing better that a clerical gouvernement who invent

a all powerfull god above human and make people feel inferior and belive they are


we live in a time where good people stay away from politic and popular religion

they have loose faith in those thing and loose hope in humanity.

all those politician who make you belive they will bring positive change 99% of the

time they lie and have doble talk how can they change the world if they are not

changing them self first and falow not spiritual wisdom.

how dump people are politician have double talk and are not condame they lie people

dont get upset buy re-elect them into power and cry of tyrany they promise peace

they brouth war and tyrany they make you look at a probaly none existant enemy

instead of facing the problem within the nation.

all nation who lost spiritual value is on the brick of anilation only the

restoration of the spiritual path can save the world.

what we need is mystic truth.

fear is the response to supertitious belief.
you are born with love you learn fear return to you true self wich is truth love

and kindness.

child at young age can feel axiety worry and anger of the people surending them.

psychiatry is the cause of pseudo science of eugenic and racist.
its a fake science.
a industry of death,
iam slave of psychiatry and need help
the doctor who put me on medication is betrand major the one who try to keep me

slave for ever is philipe cassant from chrdl of joliette 450-759-8222
their drug damage my brain and my pineal glad a need a spiritual doctor,
psychiatry is a tool of mind control for the elite
its a fraud.
psychiatry is politic the use of force against consent after they are in charge.
psychiatrist shall be send to falung gong boot camp.
know that psychiatry is everything but medecine.
real medecine is holistic.
adhd is a scam genius see the scam of the school system einstein and tesla hate it

the schooling of their time wich they percive to be a mass mind control system more

that education.
they have powerfull technic at making you belief you are sick and powerless they

scrap the live of million people instead of empowering and heal people.

a utopia is coming to earth but christian,catholic,satanist , luciferian, jew,

muslim, and atheist are exculde from the coming paradise.
all reader of koran , bible , and tora are exclude

want truth learn from krishna, boudha , reiki , qi-gong , yoga , shaman, holistic

praticioner, falung-gong ,seth material, blavassky visnu , brama

learn from greeg braden, mitchel gibson , sonia barrett , tony samara , gerald

o`donnell , caroline myss , bruce lipton

read book write by carl jung , vernon howard , jane robert ,

if you want me to belive in psychiatry show me scientific truth
let science and spirituality speak iam a mystic

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Is the Supernatural Terrifying?

Is the Supernatural Terrifying? The Idea of a Shamanistic, Stormy Spiritual Path Is Too at Odds with Our Religious Anti-Body Culture to Be Easily Accepted
Posted on July 13, 2013 by sillymickel
The Divine Is Mistaken for “the Devil” Until One Is Surrendered Enough: The Stormy Path to Self, Part One — The Way Forward Is Down
Implications of Falls from Grace, The Devolutional Model of Development

From looking at the possibility of a more benign, less tragic human trajectory, as we did in the last chapter, I would now like to delve into the implications of this devolutional model of development—these Falls from Grace—as concerns psychotherapy, human growth, or “healing.” For, once the falls have happened to a person, once the patriarchal pathology has occurred, we need to look at what to do about it. We need to turn from prevention, as in the previous chapter, to correction or remediation.

The Way Forward Is Down

I said at the outset of Part Two that a metaphorical analysis such as this one can uncover underlying meanings: It can provide understanding of inner and outer behavior as well as guidance for such. At this point it can be stated that the implications of an analysis such as I have been presenting are for no less than the direction of growth, the direction of mystical experience, the concept of regression, and the evaluation of current ego psychotherapies, among others.

Is a “Fully Functioning Ego” a Prerequisite to Higher Consciousness?

Specifically, this perspective puts in question the psychotherapeutic maxim that ego strength precedes higher consciousness. I confess that many years ago I myself made exactly that claim in a work titled The Dangers of Mysticism for Modern Youth (Adzema, 1970). As I concluded, “Cosmic consciousness is dependent upon self-actualization.” By this I meant, following a Jungian line, that ego-actualization leading to a solidified ego and ego strength was necessary before one could hope to face the overwhelming and terrifying Unconscious Self—the repressed inner Divinity. And again following Jung, I proposed that this usually could not occur until the second half of life, or after the mid-life crisis.

Is the Supernatural Terrifying?

Subsequently, however, I encountered the new experiential psychotherapeutic techniques which — it has been my own experience — allow one to deal with and integrate the repressed “negative” energies that lie along the path (as this book’s analysis demonstrates) to mystical experience of Energy, Mind, Absolute Subjectivity, and God. Thus, I declined to publish that earlier work.

Ego Does Not Precede Illumination, It Prohibits It

Schneider (1987), to give an example, claims that the kind of mystical consciousness of which Wilber speaks is not possible because, for one thing, it would be terrifying and overwhelming.


Indeed, that was a good part of my position in The Dangers of Mysticism for Modern Youth (Adzema, 1970). But as I say, I eventually came to understand there to be a big difference between access to and integration of these realities. For, as both Jung and Campbell have pointed out, a God is often seen as a devil until one is wholly enough … I would say surrendered enough … to approach him.

Some People Are Sick for Healthy Reasons

At any rate, those subsequent experiences of mine with the experiential psychotherapies led to a reformulation of my understanding which led to works titled, descriptively enough, “The Way Forward Is Down” and The Centered Path Through Hell. The proposition arising from this later work is that low self-esteem, low ego strength, is a precondition for “higher” (“lower”) growth in a mystical direction.


As Maslow (1968) put it (and contrary to Wilber [1970]), some people are sick for sick reasons and some people are sick for healthy reasons. Therefore, especially in an avowed “insane” (see Fromm, 1955) culture, we might want to think twice about doing people the big favor of “helping” them in the direction of increased ego defenses … and societal adjustment and social functioning.

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In fact, those people with inadequate defenses against what is in essence more real are not only closer to being truly sane than the majority of folks but also might be better helped by leading them in the direction of dismantling what remains of the barriers between themselves and pure Energy, pure Consciousness, and helping them instead to integrate with and grow to encompass the expanded awareness that results.

The Stormy Path to Self

Now, I realize that this proposition is not absolutely new. For one thing it seems to make sense of some of the extreme and bizarre behavior, the seemingly manifest neurotic behavior, of some of the saints and mystics on their way to expanded awareness (see for example James, 1899/1982, especially Henry Suso, pp. 306-310; and Saint John of the Cross, 1959).

But in this secular age, it seems such allowance for “aberrant” behavior is rare. Keep in mind that in many cultures there are institutions—like medieval monasteries—or roles, like shamans, through and in which such distortions of personality can be worked out in socially sanctioned ways.GrofChristStan_StormySearchicon Contrast this with the modern attitude which seems to be that if they can’t be talked into picking themselves up and/or behaving themselves like everyone else they are to be drugged or electroshocked into compliance.

Nevertheless, there are those in this day also who do speak out in favor of the direction of growth that this book is presenting. R. D. Laing, Arthur Janov, and Stanislav Grof are not the least of these. Indeed, the Stanislav and Christina Grof’s (1990) book, The Stormy Search for the Self, is a near-exact affirmation of the proposition I have just stated.

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Our Religious, Anti-Body Culture Makes Folks Terrified of the Shamanistic, Stormy Path

Still, this idea of a “stormy” spiritual path—despite the fact that it was distinctively presented and described nearly a century ago in William James’s classic (1899/1982) work, The Varieties of Religious Experience, (1899/1982)—in my opinion, goes too much against our hard won “rationality” … which we see is essentially our cultural rationalization. This notion is to much an affront to our culturally embedded “pragmatism” … which it is clear now is our cop-out to consensual constructs, especially fear-rooted economic ones. And it is in direct opposition to our pervasive Judeo-Christian anti-body cultural bias. So this idea of a stormy spiritual path, a path in which progress involves regress … in which the way forward is down, is anything but easily accepted.

To Be Continued with Personal and Spiritual Growth Is Hardly Linear … One Returns to the Beginning, Again and Again: The Stormy Path to Self, Part Two — The Linear Fallacy

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