cici's Discussions (103)

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Psychogenealogy on the premise that certain 

unconscious behaviors are transmitted from generation 

generation and prevent the individual self-realization, so that 

an individual becomes aware of them and is closely related to the 

they need to study you

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What about the Sirians?

What about the Sirians?

Well, we are finding out that they are seemingly involved in the Dark Side activities with abductees along with the Greys and elements of the US military and intelligence forces. we are finding out that Reich programming is cur

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the year 2011

the year



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St Germaine!
"It is surprising, you will be working with those who have met some form of demise here on this Earth. You will be uplifted. You will be tested. But the inter-exchange in the year 2011 will be, what

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March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predi

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