cangelj's Posts (1)

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Has anyone else eyes changed color

 Hi my spirual name or should I say my real name Sestia Dal Ra El and I am very knew to your group not new to Ashtar heavens no. I have a question with in the last few week some wonderful and strange has happened and I wondering if any one else has had the same thing happen to them? my eyes have changed color completly my eye color before was green and sometime a blue gray now my eyes are Light Blue like the ocean and as bright like a blue light on your dvd player my daughter said something the other day and I didn't pay much attention I am sixty one and I don't stair at my self in the mirrow but last night when I was getting ready for bed I look it was amazing I did know who eyes those where I knew I am being worked on at night which is so wonderful so just want to knew if this is happen to other I love all you wonderful brothers and sister out there with your light shine bright through your posting love n light


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