Will's Posts (44)

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Previously I mentioned that Everyone Is God, and that the belief that God is in control of everything is an illusion spread by religion. I'm sure for some this is a frightening thought, as many find comfort in the belief that God has some master plan for their life. The idea that you create your own destiny carries with it a kind of personal responsibility that many don't want to accept yet.

God is not in control of the Universe, God Is The Universe. This is not some minor difference, if God is in control, then God must be separate from the Universe. Since you're part of the Universe, believing God is in control also separates God from yourself, which is something we don't recommend doing.

The next thing to understand is that everything is made up of Consciousness. A rock's consciousness is different than yours, and it can't express consciousness in the same way you do, but that doesn't mean it lacks consciousness. Don't just believe me when I say this either, this is not something to be believed, it's something that needs to be experienced directly to really be understood. There's a state of Being called samadhi where the true nature of the Universe is revealed, and there is no longer any separation between the observer and that which is observed. It's in this state that the Consciousness of Everything can truly be felt.

Consciousness is already united as One, it's everything appearing to be separate that's the illusion. It's all one Unified Field of Consciousness, and we're all just different aspects of that single Field. Again, this is an understanding that needs to be experienced and felt directly, if it's just a mental belief, you're missing the most profound experience of your Life.

Since everything is united as Oneness, everything affects everything else. Every single breath you take changes Creation forever. The Consciousness that is Creation naturally works together, and sometimes we call this the Flow. Human beings have collectively lost their connection to this Flow, in part due to their trying to control each other and Creation itself. Trying to control things goes against the Flow, it's resistance, which creates chaos. If you want to see what control does, look at the current state of the world, with everybody trying to be in control. It's a mess.

The Universe works through Co-Creation, everyone and everything has input. It would be impossible for the Universe to fulfill all of humanity's conflicting desires, in fact, that would probably create a situation that nobody is happy with. Luckily, the Universe understands what you need better than you do, and it's provided exactly what you've needed. If that wasn't true, you wouldn't be here to read this message right now.

If you want to really Co-Create, express your intention, and then release your attachment to the outcome. You can have preferences for what you'd like to Create, but understand that may not be what you get. You're not in control. If you really allow and accept, you may find that what you get is even better than what you originally wanted. The more that you really align your Consciousness with the Natural Flow, the more you can see which of your thoughts are really aligned with your Higher Self, and which come from the limited ego.

A word of caution, and I say this not to frighten anyone away, but to prepare them. If you really ask the Universe for what is best for your own evolution, the situations that come up in your life may terrify your limited ego/mind. This is not the Universe picking on you though, it's to help shake you free of your attachments. You may ask the Universe for what is best for you, and then have your whole illusionary life fall apart the next day. It's not that things need to happen in this difficult way, but often that's what it takes for a person to really surrender their illusion of control, and to really start accepting and allowing.


The Galactic Free Press
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How Spiritual Practices Can Become Limitations


Let me start out by saying that people are not here to be like Jesus or Buddha or Mohammad or any guru or spiritual leader. That's all a distraction. You're not here to try to be somebody else, you're here to discover your own Divine Self. If you try to be like someone else, you're just an imitation, an impersonator, an imposter. You can't be somebody else no matter how hard you try, you can only be yourself. Look at that for a moment, are you comfortable with it? If you find the thought disturbing at all, it's because there's parts of yourself you don't like.

Most spiritual practices arise from trying to imitate someone else. The prophet did something, and now everybody else believes if they do the same things the prophet did, they can be just like the prophet. People have been trying that for thousands of years, has it worked yet? Obviously not, or else we'd have a whole Planet full of Awakened Beings by now. What you do is only an expression, only a result, of what's inside of you. The key is to focus upon who you are Being, not what you are doing.

Now I'm not saying that spiritual practices cannot help people. They often do help people at first, which is why they're so popular, but it's important to understand why they work. Many people live a life that's almost an unchanging pattern, one day is so similar to the next that there's virtually no difference. This kind of behavior starves the Soul, and squanders the amazing gift that Life Is. Then the being brings a spiritual practice into their life, and the pattern is broken. This is like a breath of fresh air to the Soul, and the person starts feeling much better about their life. There's a pitfall here though, and that's when the spiritual practice becomes integrated into their daily patterns. Pretty soon they're just repeating that same patterns over and over again, just like before. What seemed like freedom at first starts to become restrictive, because all the person has done is jumped from one mental box into a slightly larger mental box.

The best way to participate in Creation is to Create! This means bringing in new expressions of your own Divine Self, not trying to repeat the past over and over again or imitate someone else. That would be an incredibly limited use of the amazing tools you've been given. Now, expressing your creative nature doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a painter or a musician. While those artistic endeavors are often helpful in self-discovery, the most important part is how you live your life. If you really want to find yourself and break free of the past, everything you do should be a conscious act of self-expression. Do not just react to situations unconsciously, that just feeds into the patterns of the past. Each moment is unique, and in each moment you have the opportunity to recreate yourself anew, to become an even more amazing expression of YOU!

When you start doing this, don't expect that all your problems will quickly fix themselves. You'll get discouraged very quickly if you have those sorts of preconceptions. If breaking out of old patterns was quick and easy, people wouldn't have accumulated so many. If anything, expect a lot of mixed emotions at first, ranging from being highly inspired to very frustrated. It's a process of self-discovery but also self-creation, and you're going to have to learn to Love yourself unconditionally to make it all the way through. Finding your own True Beauty requires releasing all of the ugly ego-stuff, and while parts of the processes may not be much fun, it's the most rewarding thing you'll ever do.


From the Galactic Free Press!

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Love and desire

We hear the word "love" almost constantly, but what does it really mean? It seems that our society has two very different meanings for  the word, and these meanings have unfortunately been twisted together. True Love could be described as a feeling of transcendent Bliss, a feeling of Freedom and a total release of fear. This is what's known as God's Love, or Unconditional Love, and it's completely different than the other way people use the word love, which is nothing more than a strong desire.

What's wrong with desire? Well, Buddha had a lot to say about that. To put it quite simply, desire is the very thing that keeps people stuck within illusion. A person full of desires is living in the future and the past, they aren't living in the Now. Why is Now so important? Well that's where the whole Multi-Dimensional Reality is present, that "future" people are trying to get to only exists within the mind. If you want to get to Real Love, if you want to get to God, you start at the Present Moment.

Desire can be seen as the dualistic imitation of actual Love. Love gives and receives freely, without expectation or conditions, while desire is always filled with expectations and conditions. Desire makes life about trying to get "things" instead of actually Living. Desire is a bottomless pit, a void that's never really satisfied. Individual desires come and go, but the habit, the pattern is still there. It's not uncommon that for each specific desire that's been resolved, two more have come up to take its place.

Very few relationships on this Planet are really based upon True Love. Each person may tell the other, "I love you", but what they usually mean is "I want you" or "I like what you do for me". Each person "loves" the other so long as the conditions are fulfilled, but if the conditions of the relationship are violated, the "love" is withdrawn. True Love is not something that can be lost, or something that fades with time. That's what happens with desire, and to call that "love" is to deeply misunderstand what Love Really Is.

Conditional love is an oxymoron, a complete contradiction of terms. Love cannot be controlled, and you're not in charge of Love. Attempting to control Love always results in misery. People often claim to be hurt by love, but it's always unfulfilled desire that causes the actual pain. A truly Loving person respects the choices another makes, and  that Love sets everyone free, while desire seeks to control others.

Unconditional Love is given everything equally, which is how Real Love works. Unconditional Love is like the sun, it doesn't pick and choose, it shines on everyone freely. If you really Love another, you don't need for them to Love you back. Even if they don't you still treat them with Love. With conditional "love", the desire often fades or disappears completely when it is no longer mutual. I'm more like an agreement between two people "I'll tolerate your ego if you tolerate mine".



From the Galactic Free Press!


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Dear Janice

Dear Janice,I'm speaking for myself, MotherGod and FatherGod when I say we no longer see any point in communicating with you. You seem to only want to argue and criticize. We're not looking for conflict and we'd much rather spend our energy communicating with people who want to share Peace and Love. So don't expect any more replies from us, we attempted that and it didn't work. The more we reply the more aggressive you get, it's like dumping energy into a black hole. We're not trying to save anyone, and we understand our messages are completely lost on some people.You're the stereotypical school-yard bully. You've got a big chip on your shoulder and you're running around looking for a fight. You've even got a few lackeys to cheer you on. Of course, this is a spiritual forum and physical violence doesn't mean anything here, so you've got to establish your superiority in a different way. You do this by trying to prove to everyone how happy you are and how much love you're feeling. The complete absurdity of this is that you do this through conflict. I'm not sure why someone so “content” with their life would feel such a driving need to convince others how content they are. If you truly feel Love in your Heart, every thought, word and action reflects that Love and convincing others becomes pointless because it's plain to see. Not that there isn't any Love inside of you, but you do an excellent job of disguising it.I've heard you say multiple times, “What you resist, persists”. Have you resisted us much Janice? Feel free to continue replying to our messages. Feel free to think you've won against us, though understand we've never seen this as a game. Make sure to write a lengthy reply to this thread telling us how wrong we are, and make sure you get the last word in. Or you could just let go of all your conflict and realize we're telling you how we really feel about you not out of spite or anger or hatred, but for your own evolution. For the Love Of God, please realize all your conflict lies within yourself and you only externalize it to maintain your false sense of peace. You can change and you don't have to be offended one iota from this message.Love,Will, MotherGod, and FatherGod
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