White dragon's Posts (2)

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White dragon to Lady dragon 13

To Ladydragon13 I noticed you have mentioned August 25th. This is my birthday and I would like to point out one other detail about myself. I was born from the mouth of the smoking Dragon. (Japan). Dragon representing Japan and of course the smoke from the Atom Bomb though much later. I truly feel I have a connection to a white dragon for many reasons and I know she has given me guidance.  Without appearing out of the norm I dare say She is my twin soul. I don't claim to know everything but I can tell you that you are on the right track.

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My agenda will always be to expose those who have taken from the innocent. The financial fraud that has been occuring for over 250 years in the United States as well as around the World.It is only a matter of time before God will descend and they will have to answer for their actions. It is our responsibility to try and stop the corrupt one's within our system in order to return to the Gods what has been taken for thousands of years. Dating back to the pyramids and the ancient times Gold and Gems as well as other treasures were left and buried for a reason and we as humans have disrupted those burial sites. Trust me if we do not correct what we have done wrong as a society then it will be corrected by the Gods and it won't be pretty. We as a group have allowed this to happen for far too long. To this time certain government officials and the coorperate world continues to steel the riches of this planet and burn them to benefit themselves. Gold for healing and silver for protecting and the gems for energy. These are the riches of this planet that we have been placed on this Planet to collect in order to secure advanced life for humanity. This is not based on greed but necessity to continue the evolution process and for humans to evolve into a higher species of a life form.  To live among the rest of the universe and other dimensions side by side with other life forms. GOD created all with a purpose for each but we have caught what I call a viruse AKA GREED. Until we can cure the virus we will continue to fail. We don't have a lot of time to correct our errors. We must focus on Agriculture, advancing our resources of energy and water supply and not coninue to damage what GOD has given us to work with. This planet is changing faster than we care to admit and one day we will have to leave. Now is the time to start planning no matter what demension you will ascend in it is our resaponsibilty to assure the resources are their for mankind as well as other life forms in need of the resources. In order to correct what has been done we as a people must stand up and demand accountability for the actions of those trying to harm mankind with fiancial supression and manipulation. Our quality of food and water has been contaminated d/t the greed of certain select indivuals and Cancers are developing at rapid numbers d/t the poison that is being placed in our food, air and water for population control. No matter where you are in your spiritual world we still have a responsibility to this world, as well as we all know, this is GOD's will and why we exist. It is wonderful to be able to ascend to other levels but don't forget to protect and nurish the world we live in now or we won't have the capability to ascend or survive when the time comes. Every day I make an attempt either I send a letter to the President himself or governement officials speaking out and demanding an explanation by our government officials into why the system is so corrupt and why the quality of life has depleted e.g contaminated water, the poor quality of food with contaminated pesticides that lead to cancer and other diseases. GOD is coming and so are many others. We are being evaluated 24/7 on how we behave twards one another. I ask you to please take an hour out of your day each day and speak out in some way to raise awareness about how we can improve our way of life. Even if you just stop to help someone on the street starving when you buy a sandwich, buy him or her one to and give it to them. Every little bit counts. God Bless

Just food for thought as well as my personal mission to make a difference.

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