Veruska Angel's Posts (24)

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Your DNA is interactive with others.

Your DNA is interactive with the energy of the universe. Galactic power surges, solar flares, vibrating a pure frequency of joy/gratitude/ appreciation all contribute to the triggering the switching on of more and more of the dormant aspects of your DNA. Human beings are made up of complex fields of energy all interweaving, moving, shifting and changing moment to moment.

These energy fields interact with other humans beyond words or consciousness. More is shared and communicated on the subtle energy grids of each person than words spoken. When two people come together there is a total interface mixing as it were of the energy fields of each one. Volumes of information is available to both.

As the DNA codes and programs are activated this awareness of being in more than one reality at any moment will become the norm. Humans are realizing they are multidimensional.

They are interactive in other realities. They are more magnificent then they can ever imagine. They can read emotional history and experiences in one in breath. They can process data and information on another level while staying focused on this reality and dimension.

~ Peggy Black

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On Monday, October 27th, 2012 we will experience the next full moon phase which in some readings represents the “Hunter” due to its illuminating light at night.  It is the first full moon after the Harvest and the legend was that the light was so bright it was a time for a hunter in native times to walk through the woods and forest to hunt their prey for food.  I am in no why aligning my energies with the modern hunter, but showing the history of the times from the past eras when a man needed to gather food for their families which was in balance.

What I want to share is how we can take this meaning of the “hunter” to represent what each of us is going through presently in the awakening upon the Earth.  We are being honored to have a beautiful moon upon us to help guide us more fully into the night which can represent our darkness.  If we can think of ourselves as the “hunter” who has been searching for their pathway of illumination, then search no more.  This full moon is going to represent the essences of the higher frequencies of Light to shine within each of us to allow the Light to fully reflect in our lives.  It is time ~ to fully understand where we are while allowing the Light of this moon to fully illuminate our full essence in the Now.

This moon is also stated to be very powerful as it is in the sign of Taurus.  It is a time when we most know what we want, our true desires, so that we can move forward as that is another aspect of the energies presently.  Understanding the focus of what we desire and where we are presently will fully allow the doorways to open unto our new reality.

The energies presently are going to be coming very swiftly and we can tumble without even knowing what has occurred.  It is the perfect opportunity to allow the frequency of Light to fully shine through us from our I AM Presence through the physical reality that is US.  We do not have time to waste anymore and those that are newly awakened are going to be needing reassurance that what they are feeling is tried and true in their lives.

I will share some personal thoughts on how I am being challenged.  I think it helps an individual to realize the potential that lies within them if they hear another’s story from their book.  Let’s face it ~ we are in this together.  Some of us have been doing it longer than others and that will always be the case.  It is the same for the Ascended Masters as we now are becoming the same with them.  We learn from each other’s experiences to mold into our own existence.  Some of it will help and sometimes it won’t.  But it may help to hear from a seasoned lightworker what this frequency is all about.

Time is changing quickly.  You may have noticed that the hours in your day goes by like a flash, especially if you are doing something that you enjoy.  I barely have time to do the personal work like I used to involve myself in for my own pathway upon this Earth.  I am finding that the Masters who I work with and love dearly are showing me new ways to create the projects with joy and ease.  I ask of you how much time do you spend for yourself?  This is something that I was lacking for a couple of months due to the increased energies in Mt. Shasta and in my life.  Projects just seemed like they were not getting done but yet the long hours seemed to be the only way I could achieve the results I desired.

Until, the Telosian Way of Being Seminar [details available on Walking Terra] that we are presenting with Lord Adama, I am learning with my partner, Mike, that even if we have so many deadlines with projects, putting up recordings, sending out newsletters, and sharing as much knowledge as possible, that none of this will matter without our personal pathway.  I learned that I needed to do the exercise I desired and not just think about it, but in a very balanced manner.  And, if I don’t do a routine three or five times a week, well I am doing it.  Balance is the name of the game and without it, everything is going to get lost.  When you do this work professionally and within your home environment, these tools are especially important.  As always, we always teach what we need the most; and the Ascended Masters remind me of these tools every day to assist my personal well-being upon this planet.

The is the reason I sat down in this moment to write about this Full Moon.  If you know what you need to do, then slot it into your time management.  It works well but only with fluidness.  Writing down what you need to do and if you don’t do nit, well, it can be done tomorrow.  Having a structure to assist your mental mind and then flowing through it is the best policy that I have created.  Some of it is in my thoughts when I awake in the morning.  And it has helped me tremendously to feel good about what I am doing, what I am not, and knowing that it is all flowing within my life.

It is essential at this point in time as the indication of this full moon is illuminating our essence to allow us to see what our true structure is doing for us.  If it is not creating the flow that you need, then change it now.  Take the time to remove the old elements to prepare for the new creation that you will be experiencing.  This month of November is jam-packed full of frequency updates with the Eclipses both Solar and Lunar.  We are being prepared in our sleep-state for the most powerful time in our evolution up to this point for December.

So this full moon is going to move us places that we never thought we could be.  Put it all into perspective and ready yourself for the ride that you have been asking for.  For those that are new to these frequencies, do what works for you, not your best friend.  Their energies are probably quite different so create the NEW YOU by intending to be the real YOU.

Join us on Monday, October 27th, 2012 for a special Full Moon Ceremony via tele-conference.  Details are available on Walking Terra

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

Posted October 27, 2012 by Christine


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“Living in the Present Moment” October 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,


You are making rapid process on your path of ascension, as the opportunities for advancing are increasing moment by moment.  Many new gateways and portals to the higher dimensions are opening.  These openings are available to everyone who has a sincere desire to progress and who is working for the highest good of all.


In these times of rapid advancement, it is advantageous to remember that in the higher dimensions there is no time and space.  Everything is occurring simultaneously.  There are many dimensions and many realities.  In the 3D world events and situations have been presented in a linear fashion because previously this is what the consciousness could imagine.


Now you have an expanded consciousness, and you are beginning to comprehend that everything is happening simultaneously.  In the 3D reality this may appear in many ways.  Situations seem to manifest much more rapidly.  There is much less of a seeming gap between cause and effect.


Things that have been hidden from awareness are rising to the surface to be examined to determine whether they are congruent with the new reality.  Each examination and determination of situations and events takes on a new meaning.  It has moved from a point of judgment to a place of determining whether it fits with the new reality.  This is done with a calm, loving point of view and is used to determine whether it will advance humanity on the path of ascension.  This allows you to separate the act or the situation from the individual or group from which the situation originated.  Loving thoughts and acts lift you from one level of awareness to the next.


Because the energy is moving so rapidly, it is of utmost importance to remain centered and focused in the present moment.  Living in the present moment has many advantages.  It allows you to see all sides of a situation.  You can more fully comprehend not only what is happening on the surface of the situation but also what the bigger implications are.  You may be able to see how a slight change of perception or thought can lead to new awareness and higher outcomes.  Very often a shift in the energy and perception of one person can benefit others in a situation or environment.


Being fully present in the moment allows you to conduct yourself according to your highest ideals and in accordance with your ever-expanding consciousness.  You are able to remain focused on your higher consciousness and know that what is occurring has much bigger implications for your progression than the seemingly surface event.  Because the veil is thinning, you have the ability to view events from a universal and galactic perspective.


Things that would have previously caused irritation in the 3D seem to float away and not disturb your peaceful demeanor.  It is as if you have the ability to view events in a telescoping fashion.  You are able to zoom in and out from the surface 3D view and perspective to the higher dimensional perspective and back down again.  When you zoom in and out in looking at a situation, after you have viewed things from a higher perspective, you bring back a much higher understanding.


When you focus on the present moment and view actions from a universal perspective, you are able to remain centered on what you are doing each moment.  Your higher perspective allows you to be aware of whether each thought and action is moving you toward ascension.  It allows you to be aware of how each action affects others, the planet, and the universe and galactic realms.  Because everything is energy, each thought or action ripples out into the greater whole.


Focusing on the present moment also allows you to receive incoming information more easily.  You may find that your intuition and perception increase when you do this.  By remaining focused on the present moment, you are clearing away mind clutter that can cloud this incoming information in the same way that static prevents clear reception when using electronic technology.


The energy that is being sent from the higher dimensions is constantly changing.  It can change moment by moment.  What appeared to be true a few moments ago can literally change in an instant.  Being aware of the present moment allows you to receive the new energy and determine whether it fits with your path of advancement.  A seemingly small packet of higher energy can often lead to new awareness and insight.  It is as if the old and the new are existing simultaneously, but in reality, they are presented together for you to choose whether to remain where you are for the moment or whether to incorporate the new energy into your being and move to the next level of awareness.


Because these packets of energy are being sent with increasing frequency, it is important to live in the present moment so that you will recognize them when they occur.  Light packets of new energy are constantly swirling around you for you to reach out and invite in for examination.  The more you focus on the present moment, the more you are able to recognize these packets of higher understanding.


Many times new packets of energy and information are sent to increase understanding of current awareness.  You will begin to see the synchronicity of events.  By remaining clear and present, you are able to see how the threads and packets fit together, for nothing exists in isolation.  All energy is interrelated.


When this occurs, you begin to see yourself as a multidimensional Being of Light, and you begin to incorporate the understanding that you are a spirit living in a temporary human existence and that all is becoming multidimensional.  Each new understanding lifts you to higher levels and dimensions, and you are able to incorporate even higher understanding.  You rise higher and higher in the dimensions and see the wonder of the grand design of the Supreme Creator.


When this happens, you realize that the hologram of this grand design is contained in the present moment and that by living in the present moment, you are a part of All That Is.


Beloveds, we rejoice in your awareness of the present moment, and we send you much Love and Light.




I AM Archangel Zadkiel

…and I surround you with love
And so it is.




All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson /

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Greetings Beloved Ones,

We are the Hathors, and we come to you in love.  This is a time of preparation of Self for the final upcoming events of 2012 and the heralding of 2013.  Alignment of purpose with a heart-centered focus will help you gain the greatest advances for Self and for those around you during this important time. 

Each thought and each action need to be infused with the power of love for the greatest benefit.  Each time you focus on your heart center and the love within, you infuse your entire Being with love.  This love permeates every part of your Being, and its power and radiance will grow with your continued focus and attention.  With your continued focus on love, your vibration will increase to a higher level, for love carries the highest vibration.  It can override all other vibrations when it is held with focused intent.  

As your radiance of love grows stronger, it spreads to all around you.  Indeed, it spreads beyond the scope of your immediate surroundings to the planet, the Universe and beyond.  Beloveds, you are very powerful, and the power of your love that you send is a gift to all. 

Spending dedicated time on this focus can help you advance on your heart-centered path.  Gathering in groups to meditate and do heart-centered activities adds extra energy, for the combined total of energy is greater than the sum of the individual parts.  Each person brings unique characteristics to the group, and the blend of these characteristics forms a total energy of love that is very powerful.  The power of one is multiplied exponentially when it is combined with that of others.  This energy is magnified when a group comes together in a power spot on your Earth, for the energies of the geological characteristics amplify what you are sending forth.

Gathering in a group in a power spot benefits all who are present as well as those who are in this and other dimensions.  Your planet Earth also receives much benefit from your loving energy.  This loving energy also radiates out to your universe and other galaxies beyond.  All forms of energy, whether it is human, plant, mineral, animal, or other form, will receive your love when it is sent for the highest good.  When you remain focused on love with the intent for highest good, this is one of the greatest gifts you can offer. 

Beloveds, we encourage you to heed the call to action to focus on love in these coming times.

Know that you are greatly loved. 

We are the Hathors,

...and we surround you with love.


All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,  You may copy freely and share.  Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to The Hathors as transmitted through:                               

Linda M. Robinson/








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