Veruska Angel's Posts (24)

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I am light entering unto fire
coming forth and shining through darkness;
there is no season
... does not hold the shape
of its Beloved,
no time in which the earth,
does not sing;
the heavens speak,
the flame bursts on your cheek;
all things are possible.
Go, then,
blue-lidded daughter of dawn;
go, and make of this world
something beautiful.

~ Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day

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These are times when the hidden is coming into full view. This is external with the massive overhaul of society and new understandings of corruption, inequality, and unspeakable meanness perpetuated out of fear.More importantly, the hidden is coming to light within people as they awaken from a long slumber of forgetfulness. During that process, people of all walks of life across this world are coming to terms with who they really are and how their conditioning has prevented them from shining their light fully.

Seeing What Was Hidden

As you witness this and receive your own insights previously hidden from view, keep in mind that this is a natural evolutionary process. The things you are becoming aware of are not worse now than before. People are not meaner than before, either. For thousands of years, humanity has lived with a fear-based mentality. Without fear, there would be no war and no meanness.

Only in the most current cycle has society begun waking up to its dysfunction, the potential of a radically different way of existence, and the urgent need to change.

Primordial Roots of Unhappiness

On a personal level, you may sometimes feel that this must be your most challenging lifetime. After all, you are being called to address the primordial roots of your unhappiness.

As you tackle one element of these roots, other elements begin to come into view. You may wonder why you didn’t see those before, or how you will cope with one more issue to handle.

You as Divine Changemaker

The part of you asking these questions is your conditioned self, unaware of how vast and wondrous you truly are. In reality, you are a divine changemaker, born in this life to move fully into your empowered and genuine self.

You do that as you fearlessly look at and heal the primordial roots of your unhappiness. In the process, you increasingly realize that at your core you are pure joy. You remember that you are divine. Naturally, as part of this, you realize that every being you encounter also carries a divine spark.

Impact of Planetary Line Up

Over the next couple of years, with the planets lined up in configurations catalyzing revolutionary changes, you will notice an acceleration of awakening all over the world. Everyone you meet will be touched by this. You personally are likely to sometimes feel like someone is behind you, pushing you forward into the unknown and out of your comfort zone.

This pushing energy is not coming from the outside – it’s your inner wisdom revealing things you need to see, feel, and do. This may involve looking more deeply at an issue you thought you had addressed earlier. It could also be the need to take action on what you now know about something – being brave and doing things you didn’t know you could do.

Tips for Creating Outside Your Comfort Zone

The following are some suggestions for creating in a brand-new way, leaving your comfort zone in the back seat and finding your inner strength.

Finding Peace – To find peace when things around you are in chaos, it’s helpful to raise your awareness above the chaos. You do this with your mind. There’s no need for an entry ticket, secret password, or anyone’s permission. All that’s required is remembering to access this place within. Having accessed a more peaceful state of mind, it’s easier to face the unknown and bravely move into new territories.

Moving into Your Heart – You discover what greatness you are capable of by moving past your doubts and doing what your heart says is right. If you are hearing a voice of doubt, it’s not your heart speaking. Therefore, if you feel doubt, this is a clue to move into your heart center and still your mind, allowing your heart to speak to you about the situation. You can do this anywhere, anytime. The more you access this place within, the easier it will be to naturally go there when you are feeling shaky or uncertain.

Seeing Oneness – On those days when you feel at odds with the world and like people don’t understand you or are mean, focus on how interconnected you are with everyone and everything. What you see is not a random occurrence, but part of the human experience. To be awake and on the path of spiritual transformation means you are increasingly aware. You see things more deeply than before and you feel in a deeper way, too. You are learning to move out of a reactive state and to neutrally observe what is. In future times, when you and others have transformed humanity’s consciousness into the vibration of love, you will have a different experience. For right now, your task is to continually come back to your heart and be the love you want to see from others. Invite spirit to connect you with compassion as you interact with others. Ask to see beyond the veil of hate you sometimes encounter – to see the love.

Embrace the New – It’s normal to feel resistance about learning a new thing or getting to know a new person. Ironically, people like to explore new things, but they don’t like change. For success in doing something you’ve never done or meeting someone new, you must change. You are not meant to live your life on auto pilot, repeating countless situations including those that didn’t end so well. You are hard wired to continually evolve to a higher level, becoming more of who you really are with each experience, with each new relationship. Knowing this, when you feel resistance, acknowledge it but don’t judge it. Instead, invite your inner wisdom to help you in adapting and opening, showing you how to feel safe diving into new territories. Trust that spirit is right by your side.

Copyright 2013 by Selacia -

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Full Moon Update 1-26-13

8108902891?profile=originalDear Friends,

The Full Moon is Saturday, January 26 at 9:38 PM Mountain Standard Time. This is a time of expansion, power and acknowledgement. Acknowledge all your teachers, support, helpers and partners. Acknowledge yourself for being the power drive behind your life. Acknowledge the opportunity of this new time for expansion into uncharted territory and be inspired by the possibilities instead of irritated by the discomfort of change. There is a burst of energy during this full moon that is related to the sun and can support a truly higher centered experience. Work with sun and allow the energy of the sun to be absorbed into your cells helping to raise everything to a higher frequency.



Written by Patricia Liles   

Full Moon  Sun in Aquarius ~ Moon in Leo 7º 
Saturday, January 26, 9:39 PM MST
(Sunday, January 27, 4:39 AM GMT)

Who Am I? is the big question that unfolds through the Leo archetype.  With the Sun on the Aquarius side of the continuum, ruled by evolutionary Uranus, we get the greater perspective of the collective, the global view, a sense of commonality as we all ride the same spinning ball through the heavens.  But Leo wants to know ‘who am I?’ in this global family.  Leo is our individuality, our identity.  Its ruler is the magnificent, life-giving Sun itself!  Leo is the source of our desire for full, creative self-expression, our source of pride in our unique expression of THIS ONE!  No two alike; we bring Spirit joy by expressing fully all that we are.

Leo is the power sign for fire.  It rules the heart at the center of our bodies where the spark of the divine ignites us into life and the heartbeat aligns us with Mother Earth.  Leo’s relationship to the Sun bestows magnanimous generosity, leadership abilities, warm hearts and enthusiastic creativity.  Leos do not hide their light.  Oh no, they excel at the dramatic, love to perform, and embody the majestic gold and scarlet colors that suit them so well.  Leo is the part of our selves where we take risks, enjoy and participate in the entertainments of life and follow our hearts.  Draw on this Full Moon energy to use your personal power to light up your life and make creative changes that express your joy in inhabiting a major role on the stage where you find yourself.  How Leo loves to radiate self confidence! Learn from the King of Beasts; your courage and the endless source of love that pours from your heart may surprise you.

This Full Moon may possibly catch you at an off-stage Leo moment where you may be retreating from the stage lights, pulling within and drawing on your inner muses or life experiences for inspiration.  Let it be so.

Regardless of how this power sign expresses in your life at present, remember this lesson, all power signs – Leo (fire), Aquarius (air), Taurus (earth), Scorpio (water) – are gatherers of power.  The true nature of power is not to hold power for personal aggrandizement (bad idea) but to generously give and ‘make it possible for those with lesser power to gain more power’. *

The Leo Full Moon is the focus of a Finger of God formation formed by the relationship of Chiron to Pluto.  Chiron is the bridge between our wounding and the treasure it morphs into when forgiven and released, and Pluto is the tool that bores deeply into the soul to free our most powerful self.  Might show up as healing work focused on the structures we created long ago to protect our egos after a particularly rigorous trauma.  This formation requires adjustment/attention/skillful handling to bring out its gifts.  Yet, here’s an opportunity to highlight old energy, habitual ways of responding in life, and the tight stranglehold our egos keep us in (appropriate in the past, irrelevant now) and move it off the desktop.  Seeing through the ego’s fearful functioning is doubly emphasized in this chart by Saturn also squaring both ends of the Sun/Moon axis.  Saturn and Pluto are magnifying the same themes for at least the next two years as they occupy each other’s ruling signs (mutual reception), and they are really bearing down on this Full Moon.  Choice here is for using our personal power to face our emotional issues or let them remain hidden and in control of our creative functions and joy.

Positive support of the Sun/Moon axis is coming from the asteroid Vesta, Keeper of the Sacred Flame, goddess of the hearth and altar fire, brightest of the asteroids, traveling closely with Jupiter in Gemini.  Vesta helps us turn within and focus on our own personal integration, to build a relationship with Spirit, to connect us to the sacred fire that burns within our hearts, to acknowledge the issues of sexuality in our lives and transmute that energy into service and commitment to our path.  So, this Moon in its Leo glory provides us with challenge and support for bringing our feeling function to a clearer expression.  Use Leo’s single mindedness and determination to free your heart and focus your will and creativity.  Rely on your beastly instincts.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is tightly aligned with Pallas Athena, the virgin warrior goddess.  These two have much in common.  They are mental expressions, but activate our flashing, insightful conceptual mind – creative intelligence, perceiver of whole patterns, visionary intelligence, genius, strategy, foresight and planning.  Pallas Athena rules the healing arts that integrate and balance our body, mind, and spirit.  So, visualization, acupuncture, energy body type therapies are helpful tools now.  Both Uranus and Pallas are politically active and seek justice in support of the people and champion the oppressed.  Both these energies tend to be gender neutral or androgynous.  So the theme of balancing male and female energies within and without is emphasized in this chart as this combo positively aligns and affects the Sun and Moon at its fullness.

Feb 2 or 15º Aquarius, about a week after this Full Moon, marks Imbolc, Candlemas, or Ground Hog’s Day for you non-pagans, the cross quarter, mid-point between winter and spring, (or summer and fall in So. hemisphere) the quickening, new hope and germination dreaming time of what is to come before the new shoots appear above ground.  It’s half over, Enjoy!

*Paraphrased from Jose Stevens, Ph.D., The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way to Success in Business and Life, 2002.

02/10 Aquarius New Moon, 12:21 AM MST~21º

02/18 Sun moves into Pisces

02/23 Mercury retrograde until 03/17

02/25 Pisces Full Moon, 1:26 PM MST

Written by Patricia Liles

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Don't give up


You have created many wonderful things, relationships and experiences, believe in yourself and what you give to so many. Much of the growth that you have been experiencing has led to significant changes in how you  perceive your life and your relationship to everything. Trust yourself and have courage for you have only just begun to feel the new energy that you have stepped into. Powerful understandings led to great change and you are standing on the precipice. Are you ready to soar?
You are coming into your own and with that there will be changes around you. Look for new partnerships or contracts as the time is right for the manifestation of your creations and it is time to move forward to what you have asked for. Be brave and know that the keys to the kingdom are available to all that are courageous enough to embark on the journey. You are on the right path of understanding and enlightenment and joy, gratitude and contentment are yours.
Affirmation: "I am experiencing the profound insights, wisdom and understanding to help guide me on my journey to greater joy, gratitude and contentment."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
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Working on Freedom – Message From Agartha

Patrick is a personal friend of mine. Besides being an excellent camp cook and all around good guy, he has been receiving and sharing messages from the Agarthans of the Inner Earth. Here is his latest message. – Allen

Working on Freedom

Channeled by Patrick Sullivan

January 24, 2013

freedomWe are waiting to receive that which we have; planning to do what’s already been done. Do you “grock” (really get) what’s going on right now? Nothing less than revolution.

As the Declaration of Independence declared that which was already true – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – so the UCC filings of the One People’s Public Trust do the same. They return title to the people.

In 1776 the Declaration was directed at King George III. Today it is a statement to all. By putting it in the language of commerce, where the manipulation and slavery systems have been set up and are running, the Trust cannot be ignored; it is on the turf of the Powers that Were. Now it is up to us to continue the work.

We are in the early, delicate, formative days of this new world. Creation is happening with every thought, each word and all action. It is up to us to focus. Intend with clarity to heal, to love, to play and to manifest in joy. For years we’ve heard that “thoughts become things”.  What are you thinking about?

How about freedom, abundance, love and vitality. The Trust has laid out for us a beautiful path lined with gold; possibilities abound. As the documents and changes are digested, we’ll start and stop, climb and stumble, speak and recant, declare and change focus. It’s all okay. We haven’t been here before. We are learning and teaching together. One people, one Trust, one Truth, One. Fear need not be a part of the process. There is no failure. We are guaranteed success.

These are the early days, the days our grandchildren and great grandchildren will read about. They will be filled with variety and drama and excitement and zillions of questions. We are answering them all now – ourselves.

This clip (below) reminds me of the process we are all going through. Ralphie’s dream is real and yet he seeks validation and some sort of official stamp of approval on it to have it recognized. The UCC filings of the OPPT have done that; we don’t need to repeat them. It’s necessary to act free, feel free and embrace freedom. Understand what that means in your life. Unlimited is a challenging concept for a former slave.

Yet like Ralphie, our dreams will shape our tomorrows. Like compound interest, as we add to the collective imagination, possibilities expand exponentially. Where is your focus? You will only get more of whatever you insist on announcing. Select carefully.

We can choose more of anything – polarity, blame, opposition or unity and universal recognition of love. We are One being, working out our structure and form in every moment of now.

The illusion of difference has led to corruption, greed and service to self. It is the truth of Unity that will heal us. See yourself reflected in each other and love without condition. Dream big and engage your wildest fantasies. This is freedom. It is exactly what you choose.

We are the One we’ve been waiting for.

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8108898465?profile=originalMother Earth gives life to human being, she is the sublime divinity in our world. The Pachamama taught us to love everything unconditionally. She showed us that work was one of the highest virtues, because if we build with love in our work, then we become sages. Pachamama gave us these teachings of life to help us grow. She gave us the MUNAY, the YANKAY and the YACHAY. Humanity does not need other laws or commandments, because LOVE (MUNAY) makes us conscious of what is SERVICE, which should always be the VICE OF THE BEING, since the sense of Service is the consciousness of reciprocity or WORK… And you can be sure that LOVE and WORK (YANKAY), will lead us to the superior consciousness of KNOWLEDGE (YACHAY). We also know that Pachamama is Mother of all purification, cleansing and pardon. We have now begun a new era, and in this era of light, all brothers and sisters are welcome. Let’s allow Wiraqocha to touch our Inner Sun so that through the emergence of conscious love within, we may be beings of this new era.

Through all this time period, the Andean people were united by one common spirit; always honoring the Earth as their Mother. This is why we have found in many of their material remains a symbolic and ideological continuity transcending time and space. These seeds, which germinated in various cultures of the Andes, gave their fruits sothe Children of the Moon and the Sun could harvest them, and in their turn, they planted new seeds in order to form the great empire of the Tawantinsuyu.

Andean geography is totally different from that of many lands of the World which is mostly linear or horizontal. Here in the Andes, the people often perceived the limits of the horizon in the shape of a mountain peak, of a deep valley, of the Amazon forest’s green coat, of the desert’s sands or the sea’s deep blue color. These great perspective differences made the Andean people’s evolution onthological rather than linear reflecting the whole rhythmic aspect of their surrounding ecosystem. The presence of the mountains maintained the light that shone within them, thus turning them intoChildren of the Moon and the Sun and turning their nation into a Solar Culture.

According to the Andean Cosmovision we are now in a new Pachakuti, a time of transition and great changes. Our generation and that of our children will be the instruments for the creation of this new world, respecting each living entity, raising the banner of the rainbow, so as to become the conscious life example for our human brothers and sisters.


In Lak'ech Ala K'in

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Portal 2012 2013-01-13 11:29:00

Etheric Liberation Update
There is even more progress being made. The etheric Archon grid in layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface of the planet is slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) disintegrating due to actions of the Light forces and there are more and more Light beings present in those etheric layers. 
In the meantime, the innermost surface etheric layer (up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile) is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the Matrix. The main problem remaining is the etheric ELF HAARP technology which keeps the Matrix in this layer in place. You can experience this technology as a low frequency hum or vibration, which you can feel both in your physical and your etheric energy body, as etheric sound tends to propagate through the physical plane as well. You can feel it also as an electrical current in certain parts of your body, a feeling of spatial disorientation (due to strong etheric magnetic field) or a cold energy present around your aura (due to etheric electromagnetic standing wave resonance interfering with your auric membrane). When there will be more awareness about this technology among the awakened part of the surface population, the Light forces will remove it so much more easily. 

You can see a simplified explanation of the current planetary situation on this picture

8108896871?profile=originalOr read an excellent article about the progress of the etheric liberation process here:

Except for the technical details about the position and size of the remaining unliberated etheric layers, I completely agree with intel presented in that article and I would recommend everybody to read it. 
Victory of the Light is near!

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8108894065?profile=originalAs channeled by Elizabeth Ayres Escher

I AM the Divine Mother.

Beloved ones, we wish to welcome you into your new world now that you’ve had a week or two to feel out the new energies. While it still may not be apparent to many people that anything happened during the Shift, we can assure you that much has indeed happened.
As was witnessed by some who are presently embodied on the planet among you, the very structure that previously supported the third dimension has been removed by those great Beings who constructed it in the first place. Your world and everything upon it has been moved up into the 4th dimension and will now move gradually into the 5th dimension, as more people begin to feel the heart-based feminine energies that are now available to anyone.

The work done by the light workers on the planet has been extraordinary, your devotion to the cause exemplary. Now the entire Universe will benefit from your work, as well as that portion of the Earth’s population who are yet unawake, but whose Higher Selves wish for them to also ascend. We thank you for your astonishing generosity of spirit, beloved ones of the collective of humanity.

For those of you who are still dissatisfied with the outcome of Shift, we apologize profusely for any misunderstandings or expectations that were not met. Part of the misunderstanding, if one existed, stems from semantics, the use of language and the ability of our messengers to accurately convey our messages. Another part of the “problem”, if one exists, is that sometimes the human mind (and ego) has difficulty in understanding that we work on a different time frame.

We do not work from dates, but from levels of energy. And there are always changes in plans.
However, the time period of 12/12/12 to 12/23/12 was quite extraordinary. Due to the very expectations, hopes and desires of those focusing on the potentiality of ascension, your combined efforts enabled the legions of Heaven to lift up the planet and humanity into a lighter vibration, lower density plane. As we have stated earlier, a transformation of your world has taken place, just not in the manner expected by some.

It will take some time, in your terms, for the changes to be apparent in the physical. However, those among you who are particularly sensitive have already experienced a noticeable difference in the energies. Those who have the gift and ability of clairvoyance have witnessed a change in the light radiating from the planet and surrounds; the darkness that had invaded the lower dimensions of your world is gone. All that formerly supported the continuance of the rigid structure of three-dimensional life is now gone.

All the structures that were created in 3D are now without inner support; like a building from which the primary supports have been withdrawn, they will collapse. Still, patience is required for those who look to see outward changes.

We remind you, gently, to first look within if you desire to see and experience changes in your world. You are all co-creators; your thoughts as a collective create the world in which you live. Although multiple timelines do exist and intermingle, it is still up to the collective of the timeline in which you find your major focus that will determine what you experience.

We encourage you to leave the structures of the old energy to fall into decay on their own. Placing your focus upon them or resisting them in any way gives these structures power, at least for a short time. Focus instead on your own inner journey. You have all done the work, whether in full consciousness or not; at some level your multidimensional being has been involved in the great Shift, the one long predicted by many cultures across the globe.

In Heaven, we work with long cycles. This Shift was expected for a long time as it came at the end of one world and the beginning of another. Yet with all change, there is some cross-over and gradual loosening of old bonds and ways of thinking that need to be done, even as new ways of living and thinking become more common with the passage of time.

You, our beloved and hard-working light-workers, are needed here on the planet, to continue to hold the light and to be examples of how to live in the new energies. We encourage you to play with the energies, first to see if you do sense any differences. Some light-workers, although very awake, aware and able have not yet tapped into their higher abilities (clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and others).

Do not fret or be disturbed by this apparent lack that you may be experiencing. As the tension and stress attributed to the old energies begins to leave your bodies, you will begin to naturally open up to feeling, seeing and hearing new things. Other abilities will also manifest as your higher selves begin to be able to merge and anchor into your physical body.

Work on learning to balance and calm your emotional body, as it is one of the sensitive bodies that absorb a lot of information, but which is blocked when you are upset, angry, and anxious or in fear. Clearing the emotional body of fear will enable you to access higher functions of intuition. And do learn to take a moment or two (or much longer) to spend time with yourself in a quiet place so you can listen, simply listen for the quiet voice within. If you feel that it is yourself talking in your head, you are correct.

What is being said is another issue. If your ego is trying to dominate the conversation, the message will be controlling, even negative in its wording. In contrast, the voice of your higher self will be gentle, calm and sometimes even funny. Our messenger can attest to the humor of her guides; she has enjoyed many a chuckle or laugh due to a wry comment or two.

There is much to learn or remember for now you are opening up to the realization that you are truly multidimensional beings, existing at once on many different planes. Your higher bodies communicate with other soul extensions and members of their soul monad or families, as well as communicate with other greater beings whose “bodies” encompass planets, stars and even Universes. We do not relate this to make you feel intimidated, but to encourage you to explore your new world, step by step, in a manner that will not lead to overwhelm.

Seasoned light-workers are being situated to offer assistance, if needed, along the way to fifth dimensional living and you may call on us, Father-Mother God, the archangels, the angels and ascended masters, as well as upon your galactic brethren for assistance. For now, this assistance will be mostly on an energetic level, but in time when more of your population are feeling better adjusted, our assistance will become more physically apparent.

Particular dates and predictions will not be given out as that only leads to expectations and disappointments.
To quicken your own personal ascension, we encourage you to look out sources to teach you meditation and relaxation techniques. Listen to how you feel about anything that you explore. If your body begins to tighten up and you feel stressed or anxious, then whatever you are exploring is not for you.

You are in charge of your ascension. It is a process, but can be speeded up according to how much you apply yourself to the “work”.

And there will be some who float naturally along with the energies and do not have to do any work that is apparent to an onlooker. However, be aware that many light-workers have embodied with little or no karma, and have already attained ascension in other worlds and planes numerous times.

They are here with you to anchor a greater light quotient to keep the energy level of the general population high enough to sustain the continuance of the ascension process for all. In doing this sacred work, they are contributing to the Whole of Creation, for the entire Universe is being affected by the work being done here.

We are quite pleased by what has taken placed on Earth. From the darkest, most dense planet of the third dimension she has literally been transformed. And she will, again, take her rightful place as one of the most beautiful planets existing within this Universe. We hope that many of you will choose to linger upon her as she is raised up in vibration and becomes as bright as a star. There is much to be done to heal her physical body, but also much potential for the use of creative energies to assist in this work of the new age.

If you are still experiencing disappointment and sorrow, please call upon us for comfort. Our nurturing feminine energies can bring a relaxation and release to whatever is bothering you. It is possible that you also may need to work on journaling or doing some other inner kinds of work as this great change will bring up much that needs to be healed. In the process of everyday living in 3D, much was stuffed down in order to be able to function in the restricted manner in which the 3D world required.

While it was never meant to be so restrictive, it became so. The resulting traumas and emotional upsets are still stored in the tissue and cells of your physical body, manifesting as pain, heat or cold. Call upon the healing angels and the gentle Arcturians to assist you in these healings.

We encourage you to release now all judgment of those who participated in the darkest episodes (and to some degree, still persist) of your old world; they will have to undergo a life review upon leaving this world. We can assure you that self-judgment is far more severe than anything that the heavenly hosts would choose to dish out. These ones will suffer remorse and even dismay at what they have done when they experience it through their own bodies.

Leave that punishment and vengeance to the out-playing of natural law. And work on releasing your own sense of self-judgment that has been taken on in as a result of living in a constrictive environment with many laws and expectations, most of them false, unattainable or designed to control and intimidate the population.

In our eyes, you are perfect. As you expand your sense of self, you will also begin to experience the wonder of your being. You are all beautiful light beings, whose light brilliantly shines through the massive aura of your planet. We love all of you and admire your determination to sustain the work through many lifetimes, despite all of the resistance, pain and trauma that you have endured.

There will come a time when you will be able to review much of what has transpired here, to see and even experience some of your currently suppressed history, that which has been untold or buried by your erstwhile controllers. Much will be revealed. Much will astonish you. You have worked hard and the way will become easier as you move into the new energies. Be open to what comes.

There will be much opportunity and changes coming for those who are able to focus their intent and dreams into being. It is a wondrous new world that you are entering. A child-like sense of wonder, an ability to open your mind to possibilities and a determination to meet the challenges that will come will give all a new sense of being alive.

You have finally struck free of the bonds that held you back.
Use your creative powers to create the world in which you want to live. Bring it into manifestation and discover the wonders of your multidimensionality, as well as the endless opportunities, joy and wonders that will unfold to those who go forth with eyes open and senses expectant.

Beloved ones, we love you so much. Go forth with our blessings. We wish you well on your journey of discovery. Namaste.
Thank you, beloved Divine Mother.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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Opening Up to Your Divinity is a Sacred Mission

In the past week or so, I have experienced nearly nightly visitations from various ascended beings. I am beginning to take this as a matter of course, but a few years ago, I would have questioned my sanity. Let’s face it – the role of being a Light worker on this planet has been a long, lonely road for most of us. We’ve been sprinkled like spare salt over the face of the earth, into various fields of endeavors, some as parents, some as singles, some gay, some straight, and in every country across the planet. Many of us have had to live with partners, spouses and children who were not awake and resistant to any change whatsoever in their carefully constructed lives. Others of us have been travelers, moving across the globe, some in groups visiting the energy centers of the planet. And still others have begun to shape incipient communities, often much to the displeasure of surrounding neighbors suspicious of anything to do with spirituality outside traditional religions.

I have lived a divided life for a long time. While I am in the process of coming out (as it were) as a star seed and Light worker by running this blog, most of my co-workers and neighbors do not have a clue as to what constitutes the “real” me. And I suppose this is reflective of my lack of understanding of same. However, now that we are moving into an energy that is more conducive to light work, it is time that we all begin to explore and open up to our divinity, our true Self, our multi-dimensional being, as an individual starseed and as part of collective humanity.

One thing that I discovered this past weekend was that spiritual work can be very uplifting… quite literally. On Friday night, my guides came in and we began to do a careful Kundalini “exercise” that lasted perhaps a couple of hours. It took me practically all the next day to come down enough so I could function. Good thing I did not have to go to work. The energies were pulsing through me and I kind of floated on a sea of bliss most of the day. Didn’t get much accomplished and didn’t care.

Last night, my Higher Self came in with its Twin Flame and we “discussed” the relationships that exist between the soul extension personality and the “higher” spiritual bodies. If you have ever seen one of those Russian doll sets where the largest doll open to reveal a smaller one, and then that one reveals another smaller yet and so on… well, that is a faint echo of what we are to our greater collective consciousness. We are Them and they are us. As the veils go down–and they went down with a big thud on 12/21/12—we can begin to open up to these greater parts of ourselves. By greater I do not mean better or more spiritual. We are and have always been a part of the Whole; we just forgot as part of our role-playing on this planet.

As starseed and Light workers, we came here to free the people of Earth who have been caught up in a limited consciousness field for thousands of years. We took on the commission knowing that some of us would also get caught up in the strong negative energy fields existing here; however, being the bravest of the bravest, or perhaps not bothering to read the fine print at the bottom of the contract, we came in, as babies, into a strange place.

The title of the science fiction book, “Stranger in a Strange Land”, always resonated with me, as I know it has for other starseeds. Despite the difficulties of adapting to the local customs, I personally fell in love with planet Earth or Terra as I like to call her. Although stripped of her natural resources, she still offered me many moments of beauty and peace as I spent years hiking and backpacking in the wonderful mountains and sea shores of the Pacific Northwest of North America. I found beauty in the wild life and wild flowers, peace in walking the canyons, woods and ridges, soaking in the natural wonders all around me. I saw how many of her inhabitants were less than kind to her (to the planet) and her life forms, but they were asleep in a fear-filled nightmare. They did not realize that they were hurting themselves by hurting their environment. Like the behavior found in some of the mentally imbalanced, they cut upon themselves by cutting or littering or defiling the wilds.

This was and is a people who have been systematically stripped of their spiritual connection to the planet, to life and to each other. Now, it is time for them to begin to reopen to that connection and it is our job, as Light workers, to lead by example. If you were ever unsure of your connection to Spirit and to Home, don’t be. Realize that your thoughts create your world. What you dwell on will manifest in your world. If you linger in fear and hesitate, circumstances creating more doubt and fear will arise.

In my decision to begin this blog six months ago, I knew that I was opening a door that could never be shut, unless I chose to do so. I have encountered through this Internet connection some wonderful people… and a few not so wonderful to balance the experience. I have taken a stand in creating a space that I hope offers an example, not to follow, but to inspire others whether they consider themselves starseed or Light workers or just regular folk who are searching for meaning in their lives.

On the surface, I live a regular American life. I get up in the morning, go to work, go to the gym and then come home to household chores and my two cats. To my neighbors, I’m a quiet but friendly sort who spends a lot of time alone, walking, writing and gardening. However, inside, deep within my being I am undergoing a massive reconstruction project, otherwise known as ascension. And from what I have read about the ascension process, it is not an overnight happening, but occurs gradually over a long (or shorter) period in order to allow the body to adapt to the increase of the energies that it can carry. As evidenced by my experience with the Goddess Kundalini, it will take a little more time for me to carry those energies gracefully, yet every day I can carry more.

What is the benefit in being a human guinea pig since physical ascension has never before occurred on this massive scale? Well, it allows each of us to become transformers and transmitters of the light energy that is daily being beamed to the planet from the various galactic light ships stationed around the solar system, as well as Cosmic energies being directed by heavenly bodies (i.e., stars) and the ascended masters. In the past, most humans who ascended dropped their physical body once their monad descended into it, as the process literally blew out the fuses of the body’s electromagnetic system. This time, ascension is going more slowly to allow our bodies to gradually adapt to the increases. We can speed up the process individually, but do seek the guidance of your soul and Monad when doing so.

We are quite literally bringing heaven to earth. Our planet, the one that we have adopted during this great work, is set to blossom into radiant beauty once the fifth dimensional energies become stronger. We can allow this to happen by focusing on opening up to our true nature, as multidimensional beings embodied here and now. Life does become very interesting when you start expanding your neighborhood to include the Universe.

While processing these very strong energies and undergoing the tests that come with the process of Ascension, do seek out the means to keep grounded and in your body, through meditation, exercise, good food, finding like-minded people with which to share, spending time outside and in nature and anything that gives you some joy and laughter in your life.

We are the Ones we were looking for and now is the time to get on with the project of bringing the fifth dimension into being, a new world and a new age for humanity and our lovely blue-green planet, Terra.


Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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2013 ~ Navigating the River of New Life

8108893458?profile=originalDear Ones,

As you open to the Light of this New Year, the power of Divine Love explodes within your being. Without Balance however, on the internal barometer of your emotional state, clear Harmony will not be present in your life.

It is a tussle at times to stay open while you experience often conflicting, sometimes raging, and even bliss-filled feelings and experience within your mind. The answer is to attune to your heart’s wisdom. This takes practice but at the same time, it is the only place where you can find solace in these changing times. When reality blows your mind, your feelings become the ultimate path to your heart.

The new frequencies acting within you are causing an upheaval of new, very strong currents that are affecting emotions. You are navigating a fresh river now, one called Life in the New World. Don’t be fooled by appearances — this world is NOT the same. The new world exists as a shift in dimensions, available, amorphous and malleable energy that reflects enormous power and beauty like you have never seen. It is all supported by the Realms of Awakened Consciousness working for the Earth’s evolution, empowering hundreds of millions of souls who incarnated for this purpose.

What do I call this Experience I am Having?

We are giving you a new mantra for 2013 ~ It’s only Energy! Use it as you will. Know that overwhelming feelings will become the norm within you and all around you. Intense energy frequencies can trigger feelings and when you apply old patterns of thoughts to the feelings, you can let yourself sink into states of mind that are not resourceful. When you neutralize the charge you may be experiencing with the knowing that “it’s only energy,” your awareness will help you to come into balance more quickly.

It is helpful to use your physical body to work off the excess energy by grounding it through focused activity, exercise, yoga asanas, dance, song, playfulness and of highest importance, time in Nature. When you can discipline yourself to take a breath before you react, you will find that the new frequencies are benevolent with neutral intentions. With more awareness, you will find a deep wellspring of Divine Love to nourish you. Staying there will require all the tools of Mastery you have learned to this point. All you have learned and experienced in this life and many others, has brought you to this moment of Choice. If you can apply what you know you know, life will take on a certain graceful flow. You have support to make this happen from the Illumined Realms of the Masters. Your Higher Self can assist your connection when you attune to its guidance.

Without awareness and conscious intention, you will find the opposite of Balance to be true. The Divine Love force is pushing all that is not like itself to the surface. Strong emotions are running rampant within the human psyche now. Despairing hopeless thoughts are causing a sense of powerlessness in many people, which leads to anger unabated. While the energies are so unfettered, you as Light Workers, are required to be a balancing agent for the earth’s peoples. You are so needed. Never doubt that. Your job is to ground the intense frequencies of Light so the excess energy goes to feed and nourish the Earth rather than stir unproductive actions. In time people will become more familiar with the intensity of energy and learn that it is malleable according to their intentions and focus. “Instant Karma” can be a powerful teacher. At the same time, your thoughts, actions, prayers and balanced energy will provide a structure for the New Earth lifestyle of Heart-Centered Action.

What Are You Available to Experience?

The energy frequencies of 2013 are still unsettled and respond instantly now as you create your new life. The next few years will be important for setting into motion the Harmony and Peace that most people desire to experience. On a moment to moment basis you each hold the key to the new world evolving before your very eyes. As you resonate with the Love Force, it brings Harmony and Balance to the Earth. From this place you are a radiant demonstration of an empowered system of being — a human who is blending the Light of the Divine with your physical life on Earth. You will magnetize more of the same to you and many people will be affected. You become a Balancing Agent for the New World.

Hold your frequencies high. Relinquish fear by inviting pure Divine Love to be the active agent of change in your life and in the world. Many are experiencing such a heightened level of change that it frightens them. You who have become friends with the Unknown and who are learning to ride the waves of change, provide a new resonance of Safety and Ease. Your presence allows others to harmonize their energy systems to this new frequency, which will dissipate the overwhelming energy of fear.

The New Earth frequencies are empowered and available. Stepping into the Light of new life is as close as your breath. The support of the Unseen world is holding the space for entry into an exalted space of Love. The more time and focus you spend opening, receiving and integrating these energies, the more they become your norm. There are millions of people experiencing the exalted state of this new life. The shimmering dimensions of the new Earth are becoming stabilized by the conscious presence of so many workers for the Light. You are a part of a community of dedicated souls — hundreds of millions strong — that is powerfully creating the new world as you hold the frequencies of Divine Love together.

The Earth is in a process undergoing Divine Metamorphosis. Your presence stabilizes the new world of Love. Your focus empowers higher frequencies to bring more Harmony and Balance. Your being offers strength and gentle reminders of the Truth within the illusion of polarities and upheaval. Divine Order will prevail and Creative Solutions exist where none is apparent from a lower frequency awareness.

Your Spiritual Toolbox

Your Spiritual Toolbox is filled with all that you need to work quickly in this first quarter of 2013 to set new standards and foundations for life in an accelerated world. Your experience, training and desires are stabilizing your consciousness to know what you need to do. Each of you has a special gift to offer the whole Earth consciousness. In the sacred place within your being, your new life begins as you bring Spirit into matter and sanctify your life. Your dedication has been acknowledged. Gratitude fills the fields of Light that are showering the Earth at this time. You did it. Together you workers in the Light created the shift into multidimensional awareness that was held as only a possibility before. Now the Masters and Angelic beings are assisting the completion of this vast experiment in Unified Consciousness.

Your are a part of an amazingly strong, multidimensional community of souls that are working in harmony and cooperation, blazing new pathways for Peaceful existence on the earth. This community of Light Workers, near and far, hold the keys for manifestation of the New Earth life. Together you enter the temples of the heart to join the Divine Multitudes of Grace awaiting you. The realms of spirit are celebrating your willingness, and offering all manner of assistance, greater than you imagine possible.

Float Gracefully on the River of New Life

The dimensions of Divine Assistance awaiting your invitation and advancement are amazingly pure and available now. When you set your intentions to work in the River of New Life, you step into a stream of pure consciousness. You will find the currents can take you gracefully into directions and ways that fulfill the intentional requirements you set forward as necessary for your new life. When you know in advance what you are available to experience in order to thrive, the Light Fields you are setting become the framework of your life. Choose your river consciously and wisely and let the Divine Currents carry you. There is no need to paddle, only to allow the loving nudges of the Angels who are powering the vessel of your Soul’s Purpose. With their help your way will be clear and graceful.

When you enter into the choppy sections of the rivers, the waterfalls that may throw you off balance or the whirlpools that eddy in the darkness, know you are not alone. Your empowered intentions will encourage your Higher Self to gracefully center your course. If a new tributary enters the river, you will be able to ride the unfamiliar currents with Strength and Ease. If you need to take a different fork in your River of Life, you have unwavering guidance for your inspired heart-centered action.

Be willing to flow with the empowered currents of energy within the river’s surging and buoyant waters, and 2013 will completely surprise you. Sustain your balance with intention, prayer, and heart-centered action. Enjoy the cooperative support being offered to you in a whole new way from others in the Community of Light. All of Life is supporting you on your Soul’s Journey. Know that Divine Love will prevail and all is well.

So be it. Be it so. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: January 5, 2013


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Dear Ones,

This energies of this week will open you to enhanced forms of manifestation.

The manifestation we are speaking of is perhaps different from what you envision. Manifestation indeed creates – but most of you think of objects or things, instead of emotions or non-visible entities and harmonies.

While it is true that your physical manifestation capabilities may also be enhanced this week, it is your spiritual being that will first embrace enhanced manifestation skills, then your emotional being and finally your physical being. Meaning that those pieces that are not of a physical nature will manifest more rapidly this week than is true for those outside your inner-being.

Your physical body is necessary for one life, one incarnation. It is not designed for longevity. Granted, you are now living longer for a number of reasons and your physical being is strengthened accordingly. But because your emotional and spiritual beings last forever, they are the most durable elements of your being. You do not need to negate or denigrate your physical being. Merely understand that your physical being was not created for longevity.

Each new skill you develop or acknowledge on the new earth will follow a similar pattern of spiritual development, emotional development and finally physical development.

For those of you believing that you cannot possibly be a Lightworker as you did not note any shift on December 21 or the days that followed, internal shifts did occur that you are not yet aware of. One of which is your new spiritual manifestation skill.

Of course, you have always had the ability to manifest in all three areas of your being. It is just that your manifestation skills have been upgraded to levels you have not yet experienced on earth in large numbers.

Many of you naysayers will state to yourself and others that such is not the case – that your skills are no different from what was true in November. We beg to differ. You now have a broader spectrum of manifestation skills. Believe and accept that.

This manifestation shift is somewhat like the difference between driving a 1930′s automobile and one of today. Both vehicles transport you from point A to point B, but today’s vehicle does so with much more ease and comfort. So it is for you.Your manifestation skills have been enhanced in ways you could not have envisioned a few years ago.

Is it not true that many of you have GPS devices in your automobiles to help you find point B, that you are not surprised by seats that are heated with a touch of a button or cameras that allow you to back-up more easily?

Your new spiritual manifestation skills will be a pleasant surprise for many. And as you accept new manifestation happenings as a common part of your repertoire, other skills will follow.

Some of you wonder why your manifestation skills are being enhanced this week. Even though your calendar year has little meaning for the Universes, the processes your completed up to and thru December 21 invited your new manifestation skills in. And so it is that you rested and processed for a few days. It is time to once again shift and change.

Perhaps the past few weeks have not been that restful for you. Maybe you were involved with many 3D world activities or rested via a minor illness or fretted over something as silly as you are not a Lightworker. All avenues to allow your earth being to adjust to the new being you are becoming.

Eventually, you will enhance your manifestation skills at all levels but for now – this week for many – it is time to add your spiritual manifestation skills.

Nothing is required of you – it will just happen. We are merely informing you so you can note your new skills in joy and laughter, instead of fear or anxiety. Your new being is progressing wonderfully in stages correct for you. Allow that to be.

Do not compare yourself to others for you are progressing at the right pace.

Some of you have already accessed your spiritual manifestation skills. Others may not do so for a few weeks. It does not matter. Anymore than it mattered if a young boy’s voice changed before or after others in his age range for it was inevitable that his voice would change.

The only frustration was for those boys who wanted their voices to change sooner or later than others. Some who were choirs members and or involved in other activities requiring higher pitched voices were upset when their voice changed. Others were upset that they were “late bloomers.” All of which was forgotten in a few years. Few adult men ruminate about trauma related to their voice change. So it is for you now.

It does not matter if your spiritual manifestation skills bloom this week or in three months – it will happen. What matters is that you are prepared for the resulting joy of experiencing new spiritual manifestation skills and any other level of manifestation that is or soon will be occurring. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

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World of Forces

July 2012galaxy2.gif      by Lisa Renee

Dear Ascension Family,

All of us are exposed and subjected to the World of Forces, existing within a constant interaction between a multitude of energies, forces, and entities, which further impact an action and reaction in every area of our lives. There are no coincidences and nothing is random. Every manifestation or event has had an effect which proceeds directly from a cause. There are natural laws in the mechanics of creation which govern these many forces, some of which current science has identified. The laws of magnetism, gravity, electrical orientation, and the basic manifested elements of atomic structure, as defined from this 3rd dimensional reality perspective, are to name a few. In physics, a force is defined as any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, either concerning its movement, direction, or geometrical construction.

However, the majority of these forces, such as extra-dimensional forces, along with the human comprehension of how these forces actually work, still remain unknown in their impact and hidden from the general public. During the end cycle of 2012 and beyond, our planet and humanity will be vastly exposed to many more extra-dimensional forces, which can be experienced from a point of great fear, or great love. Ignoring these forces, like ignoring the presence of darkness, allows your body to be a portal for the use of these forces. People are being used unconsciously as vessels for directing these various forces, especially, when they are extremely attached to an identity of ego. The more we fight to assert our identity as an ego, the more easily we can be controlled and possessed by an outside or extra-dimensional force. At this time this phenomena is increasing in numbers and becoming heavily amplified within the world population.

Not until you are aware of your own inner energies and take responsibility for them, can you choose what energies you are directing as a force.

Every person is a force of nature, and is capable of great harm, or greater good. What are you going to choose? How do you want to influence the World of Forces? Understanding these forces better, making informed choices, learning how to be transparent, will allow for a smoother transition, when exposed to these powerful forces.

Life Force

To intuitively begin to understand these forces, one should reflect on the Universe, the planets, the solar system, the earth, as it is clear that all bodies are directed and influenced by life force and a great many other energies. When paying attention to the natural movement of these “stellar” bodies, such as our solar system, it is clear there is an order inherent as a pattern within the Universe. Everything exists within some state of relative energetic balance in relationship to all of its parts. In a living organism, such as when a human body interacts with these various forces, there is an immediate action or reaction that changes the state and vibration of that organism. When a person begins to be willing to comprehend their place within these forces, once can greatly understand their own life force and the influence of its inner energies. When one meets the inner self, it becomes possible to accurately express that personal energy signature to the external world harmoniously.

The energy of life, the life force, is what makes the difference between a dead and a living body. There is no external source that animates the living human body, therefore, the body has to be animated by an internal force.

Life force is the source of creation in all things, from a person, a planet, and within the larger cosmic structure. The internal life force is the nature of the soul, the nature of the God Source. When the energy of life gets out of balance, or is disturbed from its natural movement, sooner or later, there is a consequence. Disconnection and fragmentation of the real self, the soul, is the first stage of disturbance. Later stages develop into disease, deterioration, insanity and death, as the result of chronic disturbances. This may apply to a person, place or thing, whether animate or inanimate. Inanimate objects, such as an organization or community, are also created with an individual or group directing their ‘life force”. When that object is loved or cared for, it is continually charged with the quality of that life force, which brings the quality and the sphere of influence with its manifestation.

Increasing Life Force through Resonance

Learning how to increase your life force by returning to inner balance, while being exposed to these many external forces, is crucial during this time. (When you are out of balance your life force is weakened, and one will feel cranky, constricted, frustrated, ill, and lack endurance and tolerance for others) As we pay attention to what forces we resonate with over others, we are empowered to move towards the energies where we feel a positive response to those forces. This increases your life force via resonance, strengthening your overall multidimensional energetic body. Personal energetic resonance increases life force, dissonance decreases life force.

Our life force will react to adjust on every stimulus or force that it is being exposed to within the body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the force of stimulus is stronger than the inner life force present, the bodies are forced to adjust in a way where a consequence of that force is perceived or experienced. If the force of stimulus is dissonant the consequence of that force can range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful. Depending on the inner spiritual core development, will be the relative reaction or response that the impact of these forces will have upon your body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the mind is weak, unfocused and undisciplined, these forces will pack a punch to your emotional body, weakening your life force. Nothing is more powerful than the development of your inner spiritual source and its life force energy. As this motivates one to develop their spiritual body through ego discipline, this increases inner energetic strength, which repels these external and extra-dimensional forces from knocking you around. This is what it means to have a strong spiritual and inner core.

The impact of these forces upon your energetic body and how they resonate with the frequency of your being is called, the “Law of Resonance“.

Through the laws of physics, science confirms energy and matter interplay in massive electro-dynamic fields that are measurable in terms of waveforms, frequency, wavelengths and amplitude. The same fields and substances that move throughout the Cosmos, move through our own bodies. Everything in the Cosmos vibrates at its own frequency, which makes it clear that every substance and body also vibrates at its own specific frequency.

It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the forces of “life”, forces of goodness, forces of gratitude, forces of love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen your body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance (to what “is”), will also amplify those disturbances in your body greatly.

Avoiding Ego Displays

Now is the time to find out what is causing these frequency disturbances in your life (where you do not spiritually resonate) and discover for yourself how to bring those disturbances back into balance. Many people are governed by forces they do not want to understand because it requires accountability. The more disturbed your frequency and life force, the body will react to the external and extra-dimensional forces of lower frequency that are being blasted into the environment at this time. To overcome these disturbances, practicing non-judgment of yourself, and others, is critical to success. Things are what they are. Being angry, depressed or freaked out about the alien agenda and what happening on earth does not help anyone, including yourself. Accepting the circumstances as they are, finding productive ways to release stress, (so you don’t explode on others) takes spiritual maturity. The wisdom is in understanding that IF one really is devoted to life enhancement through human freedom, behaviors such as blame, guilt, yelling or threats, will not get anyone anywhere, but into a fast downward spiral. We must avoid ego displays and tantrums of this nature, as your body will be used by the forces that want control over you, and control over this planet to remain as it is. Since forces are amplified now, when one displays rage, the energy ball explodes like a bomb around you or others, ultimately wreaking havoc in your life, increasing personal suffering.

The more balanced your frequency and strengthened your life force, you will be aware of these forces, however, the body will not resonate, therefore, not unconsciously reacting to these external forces by feeding them and making them stronger.

This allows one to have the choice of interaction by directing those “resonant” energies towards you or “dissonant” energies away from you. As you gain consciousness from consistent spiritual development, greater skill and immediate awareness is present to resonating or dissonant energetic forces, forms, or entities. Harmful energies will be more repelled from your body, (or easily directed away from you even if they are present in the environment) while positive life force will amplify its resonance to support your body.

Metaphysical Origins of Forces

All experiences in life are the result of our relationship with our true metaphysical nature, either accurate in resonance, or inaccurate with dissonance. Everything in the human experience has a chain of events of which all things are manifest. In its simplest form, all things have metaphysical origins through the mental archetypes and emotional symbolization of which bring that into the physical form of matter experiences. These energetic instruction sets are “forces” of influence, which are referred to as morphogenetic fields. Morphogenetic fields are a layered part of the “consciousness” architecture of the planet, which include the entire collective energy of humanities mental and emotional body. Those collective mental and emotional energies are responsible for what the entire planet manifests as its experiences and mirrors it to the whole. This reinforces and influences, belief systems, ego identity roles and every psycho-social and cultural system existing on the planet today.

So when it is discussed that the planetary “architecture” has been hijacked by alien forces, it means also that the mental archetypes and emotional symbols that many humans have been using as a belief system to identify with as an ego identity, are actually dissonant to the metaphysical nature and harmful to the life force (inner spirit).

If we take an inventory of planet earth today, and measure the quality of life and level of human dignity supported in our cultural systems, it is not hard to see that humanity, as a whole, is failing at leading itself from the old paradigm of belief. The current planetary leadership is driven to self- interest that uses war, deception, denial and destruction of the human spirit to maintain its control to enslave the population. The ego is not capable of resolving problems that have turned our planet, into a cesspool of pain and fear. This is why it is important to transcend ego belief by recognizing the feeling senses (higher sensory experiences), and to learning how to feel resonance and dissonance, by recognizing which forces of energy are accurate or inaccurate for your true nature. As one becomes clearer about their true nature and what forces and influences are resonate and supportive for life force, this action ( and its devotion to its method) is a service to the whole, as what is supportive for your life force, is supportive for everyone else. (The exception would be argued for those people feeding off your life force, and have a superiority complex that they believe entitles them to continue to feed off of your life force. i.e. the belief you are their slave, which is the reptilian belief system.)

Alien Manipulation of Mental & Emotional Symbolization

Anytime there is a manifested event in our life, preceding this event, is a mental symbol and emotionally driven (2d lower emotional body) plasma, which are psychic forces directed from our own minds and emotions.

If we are not responsible with our personal thoughts and emotions, and allow ego disturbances to run our lives, we are vulnerable to be heavily manipulated and controlled by external forces.

One such manipulation is the collection and use of human psychic forces. When we are acting out extreme emotional states or mental judgments, that plasma substance is taken from our lower bodies (1D-2D-3D) and reconstituted to serve the manipulation of a planetary mind controlled agenda. If the person or group involved in creating such a “highly charged” ego based scenario “take the bait”, (this is referred to as “fishing”) the motive is to create chaos, disruption and get a dark “foothold” in the door. The point is here, to not let something “pushing dark energy” to get in the door, and to see it clearly for what it is, without fear or judgment. When you see it for what it is, the dark has no power or control over you or anything that you may be working with, such as projects, work, etc.
Clarity only becomes available when you are self-directed, calm and neutral and have no investment in any outcome or result.

This tactic is especially prevalent in spiritual leadership and within spiritual communities where the alien manipulation is used to divide and conquer those groups by instigating psychic warfare. This is to prevent the group from recognizing their own power and from creating unity through collaboration, which if stabilized, drastically increases their manifestation power (critical mass) into this world. How best to hijack or divide a group, when you believe it is another light-worker in that group, that is evil, controlled and sending you psychic attack? (This is why having some tools of Psychic Self Defense is mandatory when navigating the ascension and light-worker communities. Focused minds with disciplined egos reduce this problem extensively.)

This planet’s invaded architecture includes sophisticated mental belief systems with software that promote these distortions in the human mind, throughout the current paradigm of human belief. These are “hardware” systems, they are not just plasma thought forms, although the human created plasma of thought-forms and 2D instinctual body (psychic forces), are used to power up these alien systems to keep them running in the hologram. Negative alien implants, mind slides are used to keep the perception suppressed, controlled and limited, so that multidimensional awareness and accuracy in assessment of circumstances is obfuscated. Ever asked the question as to why so few human beings look up and show concern over the increased UFO’s, chemtrails, moon bases and weird phenomena in the sky? Because most humans are mind controlled to “not see what they are looking at”. How many times have we heard disinformation about UFO’s, E.T’s and the denial of their existence? (Hey you crazy lunatic for seeing that UFO, that’s a weather balloon, or swamp gas!) Of course they do not want the population to know they are here, it puts their power at risk. Naturally if those of us in the light-worker family are serving freedom and ascension for the human race, we can be targeted quite easily through the victim-victimizer software, especially if we have little discipline over our mind and emotions.

Remembering that the planetary mind is invaded, means that the collective human mind has been invaded, (via the ego functions) as the reptilians (i.e. archons) have downloaded their mind into this planet. Therefore, it has leaked its sickness and sociopathy into the human mind. The global brain is magnetic, and keeping these machines operating will give us a clue as to what the lunar forces and the moon are being used for.

All of us have the choice and the power (by developing our inner life force and spiritual core) to stop this ego sickness from invading our sense of wellbeing, and controlling our mind to play out and inflict these sick behaviors on others. All of us here on earth are recovering from this ego sickness. Yet, being committed to the development of more compassionate kindness and tolerance for the human race is desperately needed.

By taking personal responsibility for the direction of one’s energies, at any moment one can choose what words and associations one will use as the filter to perceive or imply mental-emotional states. This responsibility of owning one’s thoughts and emotional state, are the way to build self-mastery and avoid being mind-controlled or manipulated, by any outside force.

As one becomes responsible for one’s behavior and being aware about the World of Forces, we avoid being used unconsciously to create dramas, pain and karmic loads on our self and the others around us.
This also equips us to deflect these forces when they are in the various stages of abuse through the alien manipulation and its software.

There are various strategies of targeting light-workers (all persons that are influencing positive changes for humanity and the planet) such as the following:

1. Manipulating the Psychic Forces of a person, so they will act out or believe something not true
2. Projecting false images through holographic inserts into the astral plane, esp. in dream states
3. Using negative forms, and their residue energies, from being traumatized in other timelines
4. Using painful memories from current or other lifetimes, that person can be controlled by
5. Using isolation techniques of victimization, defamation, and singled out as a “lunatic” to lose credibility with peers
6. Acting out of pain or betrayal scenarios in partners, spouses and other close family relationships
7. Possessing of unstable personalities bodies for the use of directing dark forces to inflict harm

The Unstable or Wounded Personality

Tempering our knowledge with the fact that we are in a heavily manipulated reality from alien involvement, coupled with the fact that unstable people are being used as portals for these dark forces, is an important distinction to make for an appropriate action. Unstable people are used as portals for dark forces. What is the characteristic of an unstable person?

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by impulsive actions, rapidly shifting moods, and chaotic relationships. Many times because of insecurities they seek to control the environment and others in order to make things around them fit into their belief system. The individual usually goes from one emotional crisis to another. Often there is narcissism, dependency, separation anxiety, unstable self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness or sadness.

Only by accessing higher consciousness, which is unbiased and nonjudgmental, are we then capable to be pro-active in meeting creative resolutions when faced with such confusing scenarios, such as dealing with unstable people. Because so many people on earth are not equipped to deal with the changing planetary terrain and the changing self, we have a great many unstable people. Clearly personal discernment is required when in contact with people that are fully run by their egos, are unstable, and running around like a loose cannon imposing their urgencies on you.

There is no person run by their ego that is within personal integrity and are capable of being trusted. The ego is always self-interested, self-motivated and is untrustworthy.

Real integrity only comes through spiritual consciousness embodiment. Integrity is not a mental construct.

Dominating egos are wounded personalities that are prone to inflict their position upon you or disrupt a group setting, as their wound drives them to control others to feel a sense of order in the chaos around them. That sense of control makes them feel safer. Sometimes if they do not get their way, they become “enraged” (have a tantrum) and are extremely vulnerable to dark force manipulation and full blown dark possession.

A dominating ego does not have the personal vision to comprehend that the health of the whole outweighs the desires of a lone ego. This is why the ego (undergoing spiritual ascension) must be sublimated and released of its entitlement. Many of us on the spiritual path will experience humiliation, as to learn to become humble. Many light-workers have chosen a partner relationship with a dominating ego to learn skills to better define the spiritual-self boundaries. This can also be a source of confusion yet, offers a great lesson for mastering relationships with others. This planet is leaving individual consciousness and moving into group consciousness, which requires we learn better compassionate communication skills and how to relate better with others. This is why so many of us in this light community are attempting to find ways to strengthen a sense of community with practicing group consciousness.

By learning how to speak compassionately, such as in a group setting, we can air our grievances without creating shockwaves of energetic trauma. Shockwaves are created when we communicate with anger or condemnation. Speaking with anger is like throwing an energetic dart at someone. It is not pleasant, especially to a sensitive. Personally I have felt razor blades coming off of some emails I have received in the past, people have no idea their words even in email, when ego based, are “loaded weapons”.

So the question becomes when an unstable or wounded personality is having an ego display or tantrum impacting your life or life’s work, as a spiritually devoted human, attempting to be responsible to heal the schism within the self, now what?

This is a complex situation with no right answer, and must be felt in the moment and decided upon if it is your “personal piece” to engage with, or not engage with. The wisdom is in knowing when there is a capacity for clear honest exchange and positive communication and when the situation is one big tar baby waiting to suck the life force out of you. This is when you call upon “resonance and dissonance” energy discernment, which will help to guide you through the problem with the easiest resolution. Many wounded people are experts at emotional manipulation and do not want to be healed. They just want to be right and get what they want at whatever cost.
Many times disengaging and retreating, will stop the scenario from escalating into an explosive pain ball ready to smack whomever gets near it. If you pay attention to patterns of behavior in the unstable people around you, they will escalate at certain points when you are working in a focused way, or attempting to accomplish a project. Since the unstable person does not understand the World of Forces, some influence is able to be manipulated and is directed to spread out energetic chaos and disruption. Being neutral as a compassionate witness, seeing the mirror reflection as it is presented within the scenario, diffuses most of the dark energy stopping it dead in its tracks.

As an example, almost every time I am assigned to grid-work, some person from out of nowhere decides to “create a crisis” on the day I have a lot of tasks to accomplish that require intense focus. This is a predictable alien manipulation, which happens quite often, they scour the most unstable person in the near vicinity, and have them kick up a bunch of debris to snowball into some crisis to keep me jumping through hoops. At this point I am an expert at seeing the manipulation, so it’s a mere annoyance, however for many others, this can creates emotional dramas and feuds, which can always be avoided if you understand the game being played.

The Study of Forces

When we have studied our self, our motivations and our influences, it helps us to know where we have weakness and where we have strengths. Knowing our self can be enhanced by studying he various patterns in the architecture of which we are personally apart. All of these identities, archetypes, symbols, astrology, numerological patterns, are forces which in many cases are parts of personality weakness which can be used as an ego control mechanism. Becoming aware of these patterns, allows us to be freed of being controlled by these patterns, which act as forces upon our lives. However if we look at this, it gives us much more information about our soul and spiritual purpose, so that we can participate with these aspects of identity to bring healing integration to all of our parts.

What other Forces can people be potentially manipulated by?

The Ray Identity Force

Our Universe is composed of multiple energetic ray spectrums that vitalize and move consciousness intelligence through our energetic chakra systems. Most people’s chakras are not running these higher energies until they begin to spiritual awaken and dedicate time to their soul. (Otherwise they are dormant) Depending on the year you were born, there are Ray configurations of that energy wave spectrum that will influence your body and your personality. These Ray configurations are in a specific organization of the soul and higher bodies and give you clues to your spiritual pattern of purpose. Many times we deny or reject what we really are designed to be, because we feel it is “too hard” or it does not fit our ego’s desires. The Ray Identity is just beginning to be made aware of its existence, and as humanity evolves, should be another area to explore and discover. The Indigo Ray 6 is one such example of a Ray Identity force.

Zodiac Identity Force

Finding the various expressions of your personal star map or zodiac will tell you what you chose at this time as the identity role you would play, within this Solar Ascension cycle. Constellations have specific magnetic imprints upon the soul and upon the birthing cycle, as well as the planetary energies at the exact moment you incarnated. This reflects the mirror of your personality and its motivation as an ego. All of these items will give obvious to subtle clues about personal lessons, strengths and weaknesses and things that your spirit came to learn. By studying these items you can see where you are ego influenced archetypally and learn how to not allow those archetypes to control or overwhelm your mind or emotions. Most people that are not spiritually developed are automatically run by these archetypes and the patterns are played out in their life very clearly. People that love each other or hate each other, can be reflected clearly in an astrological chart, when both parties have not made the choice to transcend their archetypal identity. When unconscious to these identity influences, they act as unconscious forces upon you and your life, and can be subject to manipulation through others or negatives. Do not give the external control over your unresolved identity archetypes.

Mathematical Identity Force

Numbers, math, master numbers, birth and other numbers associated with us, are also cellular embeds into the coded instruction fields that direct these various energies as a mathematical force. No number is random and many numbers in different ways will be attracted to you or superimposed upon you. Because this reality is imprisoned, the negatives will use numbers to hijack coding in your body. Many times this is rectified with your awareness and learning how to spiritually clear yourself, using the 12 D shield and other housekeeping techniques. Paying attention to these forces will also give obvious clues to patterns in your life and the influences it makes upon experiences. As you pay attention to the message you learn to interpret reality from the number codes and this can manifest in a variety of ways, all designed for you and you alone, as your energy signature is mathematical and its message will reveal special meaning for your spiritual growth. Synchronicity with events are especially found in the numerical codes, as the time and space vector field (where we are as a station of identity in time) is a numerical sequence code.

Reincarnation Memories

We have been many other identities existing at many other times in space. Reincarnation in multiple times and in multiple identities is a fact of this Universe. The current identity you are in this time and space is the most important identity to be focused on in the now moment. However, learning to reveal and heal trauma from other lifetimes can help to resolve pain and blockages in this lifetime. Sometimes if we are open to this awareness we will be made available of memories in other stations of time. Sometimes this will actually be recorded as an alien abduction scenario. Surfacing the stories of memories allows all to be seen and accepted, bringing healing resolution to the trauma, if one is psychologically and emotionally stable enough to do regression work. Considering these influences is a potent empowerment tool, however, it must be handled responsibly and carefully. Negative aliens use many other lifetime memories to manipulate people in this timeline based on artificial pain or memories of pain that the being has experienced from other points in time. This manipulation is designed to stunt that human’s spiritual growth by having him repeat painful situations over and over again without any possibility for it to be healed. If we do not remember our painful history we are destined to repeat the same pattern again and again.

We are able to heal pain and choose our destiny when we stop repeating the same destructive patterns in our life, consciously or unconsciously.

How many times have you had an over-reaction and exaggerated blow out over some event that was not that big of a deal? Most of the time the intensity being experienced is coming from another timeline, (with unresolved pain) and you are upset about something you are feeling bleed -through that other space-time. Again the answer is compassionate witnessing, not getting wrapped up in the ego of whomever you are in that other timeline, but learning what the mistakes are, so you can improve them this lifetime around. The negatives do not want us knowing about our real history so they have made this harder for the general population to access, by sticking religious overlays of guilt into the global brain. However, basic meditation skill with an open mind and an open heart is all that is required to request healing integration of multiple lifetimes, where one has unresolved pain. It may take time to resolve, but this is a direct part of the integration process happening for all of us during the of the ascension cycle.

Other Influential Forces

Our biological genetic histories with our earth family lines, as well as our other lifetimes with our star family have great influence on us also. Paying attention to the patterns in your life that repeat and that have been present since birth, are all patterns ( and relationships) that are chosen, and appropriate, for both of these influences to spur combined growth and development of the soul. Accepting that responsibility as the choices in family patterns were made for your optimum spiritual growth, will help support the healing and clearing of painful resentments from the past.

All of these “forces” influence one’s life force and the way one chooses to direct that life force, either by participating consciously with one’s spiritual development, or not. To not participate with one’s spiritual growth at this time, and to refuse to adapt and re-educate one’s mind about the massive transition humanity faces, puts one at high risk. Those high risks are negative manipulation by the World of Forces, along with its result, pain and suffering. There is no need to suffer. The task at hand is to “know thyself” and to “thyself be true”.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path, be kind to yourself and each other.

Love, Lisa



This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2009-2012, Lisa Renee

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url.


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Dear Ascending Family, 

For many years those of us directly working for the Ascension timeline have undergone persecution, misunderstanding, constant psychic attack, isolation, betrayal and excruciating pain in order to meet the requirements that these incredible circumstances have placed upon our mind, body and spirit to finally make it to this very important time for the planet and humanity. The only way to survive and be sane in the Ascension process when your number has been called is to always remember, “You are in this world, but You are not of this world.” As with the Biblical reference which is highly misunderstood, Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.” What is being referenced in this verse is that the Christ consciousness, the Krystal Star presence, is not of this world, not of this earth.

The controllers have been hiding the true historical origin of not only humanity, but Christ as an extraterrestrial presence for a very long time. They hijacked the written and oral histories of our indigenous tribes and created the planetary Christ story to promote the crucifixion of humanities real inner spirit.  For those of us as awakened Starseeds, we had a better comprehension of this fact, as most of us knew that the Christ consciousness was not from here, as we are not from here. Most of us have been horribly uncomfortable living on this planet for that very reason. Many of us have been reduced to living a double life for the fear if we show our real heart-self, we may be singled out and tortured as the many histories of genocide have taught us here. This Christ family is beginning to be safe now which means that it is time to reveal your true nature to the world. Like myself, many of us have not been able to freely share with others our role with this planet. This runs the gamut of planetary light-working, extra-dimensional contacts and communication, awakening experiences, other worldly experiences, developing healing and teaching modalities, soul retrieval and transiting, designing new blueprints, planetary grid-work and etheric surgery.  We finally have a frequency support grid of Krystal current which allows those of us with that role to exist more comfortably on earth. The time of the promised return of Christ, the externalization of the Krystal Star presence (Cosmic Christ Unity Consciousness) is beginning now as an Ascension timeline made for the planet earth. All of this building up for such an important and awaited time to reach this little blue planet and it happened without any pomp or circumstance from the masses. Congratulations to this small Light and Star family who resonate with these words, as your contribution is deeply acknowledged and appreciated from the silent watchers of humanity.

Anti-Climactic Feelings

However, those of us that have been aware of this recent anchoring have been cautiously elated, suspended in the animation of that internal feeling, there is Cosmic Victory! We have felt a deepened release that has left us somewhat exhausted and confused while in the middle of this victorious feeling. This has pitted us with a great juxtaposition of potential inner conflict. This is created between the incredible contrast of external and world events and our “victorious” inner feeling.  For some of us we may feel saddened, let down, anti-climactic, and disappointed that we cannot see in the material world a great manifestation of this recent incredible event on the earth. Where is the peace on earth? Where is our Mother presence?

What we come to terms with now in our deepest soul and inner being, is the new beginning of the Externalization of the Christ presence in this world. We have a fairer playground now, of which the constant energetic pummeling, victimizer programs and constriction will stop when a human being is embodying the Krystal principle. There has been a saying by beings off planet, “They crucify the Christ down there on earth!”, and there was great truth in that statement. The predator’s enforced “Crucifixion of Christ” is over on the planet, yet the re-education of the many humans that have been brain washed to believe otherwise, is still the greater task at hand. We still have many people on earth covered with alien machinery and their ego programs without identifying them as inorganic vampire technology. At the very least, the frequencies and balanced energies made more easily available on the planet will allow for a softer and easier time for this group. Many more people will come to the expanded consciousness level to understand that the old way of existing, in a mind controlled lifestyle created from alien machinery, does not work for them anymore.

Aurora Hosting Cycle Begins

The morphogenetic structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its “living” energetic current in the planetary brain. This has been generated from the constant work involved in the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged planetary grids, which act as the central nervous system for the planet. There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos (brain) into compatible messaging for trinitized frequency formats. After a knock down, dragged out battle for the end game pieces in December, we emerged from the demolition of the flying dust particles in early January with ALL of those pieces. Those pieces began a re-assembly process that has been frenzied with many extra dimensional and multidimensional humans acting as conduits in the end game. This was to allow the Liquid Krystal Forces and current to wash through the many energetic tributaries, ley lines and meridians within the planetary consciousness field. In the first week of January, grid-workers were in extreme pressure and being pushed to stop certain structures being used on the planetary gridlines.

These structures are called “Minarets” and they had to be stopped from broadcasting reversal frequency for the “net”, as well as pumping many genocidal and suicidal mind control programs into the planet. This was an immensely successful project, as it finalized the corrections required that allow for the anchoring of the Krystal frequency lines to be made accessible on the planet. This is a first time event, as this Krystal frequency and its Ascension platform have never been in this density before, as its beginning to seep through the many, multiple field layers now. This is a multidimensional event, impacting parallel realities and future earth timelines. This event necessitates that we will continue to rebuild architecture ongoing from this month, as a part of the full Ascension Timeline available on the earth for the next thousand years. At the end of this root race consciousness cycle, the Guardians had been extracting Melchizedek hosting architecture and other fallen networks in the planetary consciousness grids. These various networks are systematically being recoded to the Avatar of Ascension, or Aurora Host. The Aurora Host and/or Krystal Star are the consciousness root race evolution cycle that we begin this month. The Aurora (luminaries from the next Universe) are the Ascending host consciousness for the new races evolving on planet earth.

The Failsafe Effort

During the last weeks of December and into early January the reclamation of planetary consciousness technology that was usurped and used by negative alien networks was in battle for control. There were millions of Light Beings working this project from the inner and outer dimensional planes. Once the Mother quintessence opened the larger Creatrix field by locking into intersection portals with multiple Universal Core Gateways on December 21st,  a huge amount of group consciousness and entity fields enthusiastically rushed into our Universal System. Once these gateways opened we had a flood of massively large Light Beings from the next Universes come to help us. This was to answer for the call of support to manifest the real Ascension timeline for planet earth, which allowed for the release of enslavement through the alien technology and their programs of reincarnation. The magnitude and size of this group effort is beyond our comprehension.  This is completely new consciousness architecture, consciousness creations, source technologies, blueprint fields, Krystal entities that were ignited by this merging presence with the Aurora Hosting project. This was the Ascension failsafe effortthat was immediately implemented when the portal gateways were opened to allow the full access into our Universal System.

Many of you reading this were probably involved as it was the last push to bring the Aurora Host to reconnect thoroughly into the planetary fields. This failsafe effort was sourced in the deepest love and unification between of millions of Light beings collaborating with humanity to change the future timelines to an Ascending planet. It has been truly staggering, humbling and awe inspiring to witness this effort and know that we are cared for and truly loved at levels beyond our imagining.

The Four Square House of God

Some of us were assigned in different places on the earth (remotely) for the anchoring of four huge vertical Sound Wave Pillars. These four pillars also cross diagonally into horizontal bases located in multiple dimensions of time into the parallel earth realities. This is akin to saying that all parallel earth realities are connected for access in any time field through this Guardian built architecture on the planet.  In order for the Christ consciousness to live on the earth plane, the house of God (the mathematical architecture which allows the Liquid Light of Krystal Star to exist and live) must be built to contain the Krystal frequency. The “containment” structure itself built in the planetary consciousness field is referred to as the City Four Square. We also must build and rehabilitate the City Four Square in our own personal auric bodies to contain and hold the Krystal light frequency.

The City Four Square represents the four planes of matter in the four quadrants of this Universe. This also represents the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter. (Air, Fire, Water, Earth) These four elementals make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora’s through the “Krystal River” current. The chemical catalyst of this elemental re-encryption is Mother’s Quintessence, which is a substance that just arrived last month at the Universal Gateway opening.

This new life foundation is necessary in order to focus the Divine Wholeness of God consciousness in the newly given dispensation of the anchored Ascension timeline. The City Foursquare is the “Golden City” architecture that returns God’s Laws and life force (Christ) back to this planet.

Our Guardian contingent was working primarily in the Middle East, Jerusalem, Egypt and the parallel networks in Peru with this architecture. (This was a final work in anchoring what was discussed in September 2010 newsletter about the Cosmic Cube of God’s 144,000) In these demographic areas on the earth plane there are spinning vortexes that allow intersections between the parallel earth timelines. Reversed alien technology hijack of these spinning vortexes which are heart circuitry centers directing energy in the grid system is called a “black heart” system. (a.k.a. anubian black heart) A black heart system is an inorganic and artificial “heart-brain” that circulates and directs planetary life force and frequency current into distorted holograms, negative forms, phantom or dead spaces (underworlds), and off planet to Orion for their usage. They are also used to maintain the compression needed for the magnetic imprints of alien implants and their machinery to operate in the planet.  These are frequency distortions that have been designed to reverse and siphon life force in a variety of unhealthy ways. Our Earth Star family will begin to be involved in healing the field damage these systems have left behind.

N.A.A. Minaret vs. Krystal Star Spires

Guardian forces determined that the black heart systems were being fed by the larger networks of frequency reversals being powered by reversal Metatronic Cube alien technology. One such “power plant” cube is the Black Stone Cube (Kabba) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Multiple millions of beings are hard wired into the black cube and their life force is used to power up this Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) network in the Middle East. Some of these beings are incarnated on earth and many others were trapped in the other dimensional planes through its soul “binding”. This “on planet network” was comprised of thousands of Mosque Minarets located primarily in Europe and in the Middle East. The Minarets are physical and etheric structures that were designed to be point holders of reversal frequency which reinforce and run the reversal net systems throughout multiple dimensions. A massive multidimensional battle in the Jerusalem area was waged with the dark power being directed from this complex Minaret connected network that had extensive foothold in the 2D, and 4D that was rooted in the Earth Core. Many of the manipulation of earth’s timelines occurred in the 2D gate and earth core hijack, where genocide and killing “broadcasts” are used repeatedly to manipulate the masses. We have seen this warring in the Middle East repeatedly as a mirror to this alien manipulation. (Please note this information is not ever intended as any type of judgment towards Islamic faith, as the planets many religions have suffered from serious alien hijack. This is just one example of many.)

Once the City Four Square was anchored in its foundation platform in Jerusalem, a massive call for Guardian grid-workers to topple the Minaret structure from its reversal net broadcast was made.  Some of us were sent to the Atlantian and Underworld “causation” time fields to wait for the immediate action of Guardian assisted false timeline erasure, false ascension programs removal and transiting of trapped soul fragments. Many of us may have felt the underworld fields moving through our bodies as portals being used for mass transiting. This was a literal “cutting off” of the power plant and from other timelines being used that were sending directed life force energies into this massive NAA network. The cutting off of the actual power source (and soul bodies) being used this way rendered the NAA system in the Middle East inactive. During this critical window of opportunity, Guardian teams reclaimed and recoded these networks to architecture that would run Krystal Star frequency in multiple layers. The Metatronic Cube Minaret network stopped pulsing reversals into the planetary field and is systematically being replaced and recoded into replacement technology called Krystal Star Spires.  These new networks are affectionately being called “kisses” by the Guardian Krystal family.

As these Guardian “kisses” are running corrected frequencies and life force patterns into the planetary grid network, there is a systematic process of rehabilitation happening in their coordinate locations on the planetary grid.  These Krystal Star Spires (Kisses Network) are able to run living energy fields back into the earth from the City Four Square Foundation Pillars. This strengthens the planetary body and is acting as a buffer field that is building to protect the entire planetary body and all of her inhabitants.  This field is building new ascension platforms that are acting as “hubs” through various islands which are being anchored on the planet surface during this time. This has to do with stabilizing the Pacific Ring of Fire which is the geological area of great instability due to volcanic eruptions and seismic activity. Apparently these certain island chains were apart of land masses (colonies) in the Pacific Rim that have been long forgotten through the loss of our galactic history. These islands are specific to reclaiming histories and artifacts about our real human origins and other advanced civilizations.

The Eternal Eye of God

For years the Guardians have been showing me optical lenses which refract the light source into the holographic projector of the consciousness blueprint fields. It was shown how intermediary lenses (i.e. Eyes) are used in mind control to manipulate the patterns of refracted light in our reality and create distorted holograms.  Negative Alien technology created many of these “eyes” which operate as the optical lenses of the false gods. In 2010 the Krystal family of 144,000 began to witness the schematic of the Divine Mind of God upon the third eye imprinted in the center of our brain. The actual Living and Eternal Divine Plan of God is projected as a geometric schematic of the “Divine Will” blueprint as through its “All Seeing Eye”. (This All Seeing Eyesymbol has been hijacked in the past through the many uses of occultism, such as that which has been used to control the economic and financial system, as well as the money supply.)

All intermediary lenses of “mind control” (Eye of Yahweh, Eye of Jehovah, Eye of Horus and other religious control mechanisms requiring salvation or redemption) must be broken away in order to “see” the mind of One God. This “Eternal Eye of God” is coming to reside as the living presence in our re-wired brain. The Eternal Eye of God projects its Divine Mind blueprint as an imprinted Geometric Tesseract called the Cosmic Cube 144 Matrix. This Cosmic Cube 144 replaces the Metatronic Cube. Some of us in this family may have been consciously aware that in the last weeks the schematic was projected directly into the planetary field through our own brain and bodies.

The Eternal Eye of God has been placed in the field through our embodied person, and our mission is to ensure we hold this 144 cell schematic for the balance of the planet. When the schematic is being released, it is similar that your body is acting as a frequency current “transformer”, stepping down and stepping up the frequencies as they are run throughout your internal circuitry. We are getting used to this sensation, as it may feel like energetic phasing, electrical popping and a massive amount of current vibrating throughout your center core and vertical channel and moving out from your crown. (This generates a magnetic field around us and electronics and technology may not prefer that so much.) We have been positioned all over the world in order to run these Eternal Eye of God schematics into the planetary networks. ThisDivine Will from the Mind of God Blueprint has been placed in the 33rd parallel north latitude coordinate for access all over the globe. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.

This begins the process of which planetary guardian grid-workers are able to access the geometries required to create diamond networks of “trinitized forms” throughout the globe. This is required to change the bi-wave energy system to the tri-wave energy system, which in effect is moving from a closed energy system to an open source network.

Vesica Pisces to Trinity Forms

Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a “closed” bi-wave system. A closed system means “finite energy supply”. With finite energy supply, consuming others energies and parasitic relationships multiplied into massive proportions on our planet. This energetic imbalance was purposely programmed by the Controllers to distort the organic relationship between the electron and proton spin rates. The life force energy was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, through the Vesica Pisces (VP) bi-polar geometry. This hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the trinity (unity) code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions.

The time of the VP geometric harness is ending and we are learning how to create trinitized forms which allow the feedback loop of source field energies. Many of us as grid-workers will be called to continue the rehabilitation of the planetary networks in major cities and major hubs. Some of us will be training to learn how to rehabilitate the human aura and many other life forms that will be exposed to our planet in the future to learn how to rehabilitate their bodies. At this time we are learning to be re-educators and rehabilitators to our planet, and potentially for many other planets that will require this support at some point in the future.

When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these new beginnings of time is to create the tri-tone (neutral field) that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. These patterns on the grid are called Chalice Configurations which are in effect the life giving nourishment of the Divine Mother principle we have missed so much. (Mother Arc Frequencies) This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle, which when is used in matter the pattern is called a trinitized form.

Since our God source code is a trinity wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed from connecting through the sacred union relationship. Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species. This gender energy pattern is changing now on our planet. The sacred union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles.

This is also referred to as the embodiment of “Hieros Gamos” or the Risen Christos. This is the foundational design for the Avatar of Ascension; the Guardian Group hosted Mentor Band of living intelligent energy called the “Hieros Gamos System” (HGS). The HGS is a multidimensional living intelligent technology being created into a mathematical template within the ES community consciousness container. The HGS Calibration method is being released by the Guardian host of HGS to the public this month on the ES website. For more information please go to

Inner Balance to Sacred Marriage

The HGS is a Self Mastery Study that is designed to help anyone connect to and find the inner energetic core and learn the language to remember the inner spiritual purpose.

The AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is a Multidimensional and Living Template Technology being offered to those desiring to expand their own personal empowerment by means of developing spiritual exploration and personal consciousness.  The development of Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) leads to the awareness of communicating directly with one’s inner energetic core and finding one’s divine mission and purpose in life. As one finds clarity within the personal knowing of their energetic core and its purpose in life, inner balance returns, allowing a state of wellbeing that includes inner peace and harmony.

Through the intentional application and developmental use of the AoA Hieros Gamos System (HGS), one may develop a foundation based upon Energetic Self-Mastery principles, and claim personal sovereignty and responsibility over one’s personal energies. In result, one may become fully cognizant in efficiently and harmlessly directing focus and attention to maximize “living” life force potentials.

Much of this knowledge has been esoteric and hidden for centuries in many Mystery School teachings and Ancient Wisdom philosophies that carried down this knowledge through certain blood lineages. Basic energetic concepts in comprehending how to access Universal Creative Intelligence forces, the Natural Energetic Laws of Governing Forms, and how one can masterfully direct these energies to influence their experience within the world of matter; have only been allowed to be accessed by a privileged few. The Ascension Cycle requires our participation with ourselves and in order to gain energetic sovereignty in the matter worlds, the commitment to serve one’s spiritual core is what allows one to have access to these previously hidden systems.

To become attuned and aligned to the HGS template for applied session work for a multitude of purposes, one must patiently commit to the process of personal auric calibration to the HGS field.

This is called HGS Calibration. This is the most effective, efficient, harmless and productive method to gain access to the living energy system hosted by Guardian Krystal Star Teams. Patience and learning with the basic HGS Calibration method will yield fantastic results with personal healing and spiritual development. Massive increases with Higher Sensory Perception (HSP), lucid dreaming awareness and reconnection back into the God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)Krystal Star intelligence field, which has returned to the planet at this time. Without completing the calibration method, the HGS system is rendered inactive. Heart based integrity, ethical conduct and the full agreement to honor the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Humanity is required to be a facilitator of the HGS System.

The HGS system is primarily geared for personal healing while learning how to become one’s own etheric surgeon. This allows one to remove alien machinery from one’s aura, while participating directly with the process of spiritual initiation and light body activation, as guided byHSP ability. Simultaneously the system will educate one’s awareness through participation with the Galactic History time fields. This is to begin to remember the journey in the timelines with Extraterrestrial origins and the real histories of the human race. This is a new language being given to reeducate oneself beyond 3D mind control and the many veils of illusion. Learning to go beyond fear programs, mental preconceptions and dogma is mandatory for successful HGS calibration and for the process of learning how to use the system. A Statement of Action and Responsibility under Cosmic Sovereign Law is required to facilitate the system under the terms provided to activate the HGS Mentor Band to connect and support one’s HGS session work. (HGS Manual, Page 10)

For our current HGS Certified Mentors, it is suggested in all agreed upon client-facilitator sessions that are reached through the mutual consent of all parties involved, that the HGS Calibration Method is the suggested pre-requisite for the continual use of the full HGS session template and HGS Modules. Under certain conditions (i.e. Parents of children or animals, larger grid-work, steward of organizations) the intention of stating Cosmic Sovereign Law to be applied towards the HGS session clearing, is sufficient.  HGS Calibration method can be given freely as spiritual homework before or after session work for the client to learn how to take self-responsibility for personal healing. This is especially important for those persons new to the HGS that are non-community members, and are not versed with the 12D shield technique and basic energetic clearing procedures.  The use of the personal 12 D shield between client–facilitator will greatly enhance the efficiency and ease of holding the session containment field and processes for clearing, healing and inorganic removals. Training the client relationship into basic HGS calibration procedure is the first key to have effective and productive continual sessions.

Those confident in energetic session ability may also intuit to utilize the HGS Calibration method and are free to share the HGS Calibration method with everyone at this time. These materials will be integrated into the ES website, of which can be easily referenced and shared with any person or group that may benefit. It is highly recommended to run through the HGS Calibration procedure beforehand with any client–facilitator sessions. This means the Facilitator should suggest before the session or during the first session to only run HGS Calibration method as the “first session”. Listening to guidance received with HGS Calibration may take minutes, hours, or weeks. With chronic physical pain or difficult cases such as possession, addiction or severe trauma, it is suggested to apply HGS Calibration steps and the Quickstep PDD method. Quickstep PDD audio meditation is in the community platinum archives and can be freely given to any client for session support or for assistance with the HGS calibration method. One use or multiple usages may be required to complete HGS Calibration.

At this time the Guardian Host requests that non-community members only work with the HGS Calibration procedures and Quickstep PDD. The HGS Session template and HGS Modules will be released at a future date as the complete HGS manual, to be announced at a later time, to non-community members (public).

However, the ES community is currently being requested to complete HGS session template field work within the ES member community container. This is the energetic responsibility required at this time to build the extensive network and mathematical template in our community supported system. This means only ES community members will have Guardian Mentor support with facilitation of the entire HGS session template as provided in the HGS Manual. ES Members can calibrate non-members as clients, as the session holder and facilitator, while non-members will not be supported in HGS session facilitation due to the field container constraints at this time. These HGS sessions are recorded mathematical template procedures that are building the platform of the ES and HGS community which protects the integrity of the system, as well as allow for the most effective use of the system moving forward. The ES Community container is the steward and protector of the HGS.

For newer ES Members, a thorough comprehension of the ES foundations and use of the ES core practices (which are included in the HGS calibration method) is the pre-requisite for learning HGS and carrying out full facilitation of HGS session template. A general time period of six months is suggested for continual ES community membership for appropriate integration time, such as listening to the community monthly classes before attempting to learn the HGS Session template. The ES community is the energy platform and foundation to learn the HG language, to develop a skill set with core ES practices and ES foundations, and to take part in the community monthly activations. (Meditations) Seasoned energy session workers and energy facilitators with their own private practices may be exempt from the pre-requisite time period.This is a personal area where integrity, ethical conduct and self-responsibility to use the system wisely should be considered.

As we are emerging into a new community structure to support the requirements of the HGS technology, please have patience, as we are in growing transition to support the system as best as we are able. We will develop more clarity with training, learning and facilitation of the HGS system to become available to as many people who truly desire to learn proficiency with the energy healing that is made possible with the HGS. This is a completely new technology that we are learning to support the best we are able moving forward. Thank you so much for your patience with our growth process.

This month of January please check our website if you are interested in learning more about the AoA Hieros Gamos System and the HGS Calibration procedure. Thank you for your patience with us as we are a huge work in progress.

Congratulations to our Light Workers, Star Family and Indigo’s everywhere! From our Light Family to Yours, we send our heartfelt appreciation, gratitude for a joyous, abundant and loving 2013! Happy New Year!

Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path!

Love, Lisa / link to original article

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Message from the Divine Mother – 10 January 2013, by Tazjima

I AM the Divine Mother.

Beloved ones, we wish to welcome you into your new world now that you’ve had a week or two to feel out the new energies. While it still may not be apparent to many people that anything happened during the Shift, we can assure you that much has indeed happened. As was witnessed by some who are presently embodied on the planet among you, the very structure that previously supported the third dimension has been removed by those great Beings who constructed it in the first place. Your world and everything upon it has been moved up into the 4th dimension and will now move gradually into the 5th dimension, as more people begin to feel the heart-based feminine energies that are now available to anyone.

The work done by the light workers on the planet has been extraordinary, your devotion to the cause exemplary. Now the entire Universe will benefit from your work, as well as that portion of the Earth’s population who are yet unawake, but whose Higher Selves wish for them to also ascend. We thank you for your astonishing generosity of spirit, beloved ones of the collective of humanity.

For those of you who are still dissatisfied with the outcome of Shift, we apologize profusely for any misunderstandings or expectations that were not met. Part of the misunderstanding, if one existed, stems from semantics, the use of language and the ability of our messengers to accurately convey our messages. Another part of the “problem”, if one exists, is that sometimes the human mind (and ego) has difficulty in understanding that we work on a different time frame. We do not work from dates, but from levels of energy. And there are always changes in plans.

However, the time period of 12/12/12 to 12/23/12 was quite extraordinary. Due to the very expectations, hopes and desires of those focusing on the potentiality of ascension, your combined efforts enabled the legions of Heaven to lift up the planet and humanity into a lighter vibration, lower density plane. As we have stated earlier, a transformation of your world has taken place, just not in the manner expected by some.

It will take some time, in your terms, for the changes to be apparent in the physical. However, those among you who are particularly sensitive have already experienced a noticeable difference in the energies. Those who have the gift and ability of clairvoyance have witnessed a change in the light radiating from the planet and surrounds; the darkness that had invaded the lower dimensions of your world is gone. All that formerly supported the continuance of the rigid structure of three-dimensional life is now gone. All the structures that were created in 3D are now without inner support; like a building from which the primary supports have been withdrawn, they will collapse. Still, patience is required for those who look to see outward changes.

We remind you, gently, to first look within if you desire to see and experience changes in your world. You are all co-creators; your thoughts as a collective create the world in which you live. Although multiple timelines do exist and intermingle, it is still up to the collective of the timeline in which you find your major focus that will determine what you experience.

We encourage you to leave the structures of the old energy to fall into decay on their own. Placing your focus upon them or resisting them in any way gives these structures power, at least for a short time. Focus instead on your own inner journey. You have all done the work, whether in full consciousness or not; at some level your multidimensional being has been involved in the great Shift, the one long predicted by many cultures across the globe.

In Heaven, we work with long cycles. This Shift was expected for a long time as it came at the end of one world and the beginning of another. Yet with all change, there is some cross-over and gradual loosening of old bonds and ways of thinking that need to be done, even as new ways of living and thinking become more common with the passage of time.

You, our beloved and hard-working light-workers, are needed here on the planet, to continue to hold the light and to be examples of how to live in the new energies. We encourage you to play with the energies, first to see if you do sense any differences. Some light-workers, although very awake, aware and able have not yet tapped into their higher abilities (clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and others). Do not fret or be disturbed by this apparent lack that you may be experiencing. As the tension and stress attributed to the old energies begins to leave your bodies, you will begin to naturally open up to feeling, seeing and hearing new things. Other abilities will also manifest as your higher selves begin to be able to merge and anchor into your physical body.

Work on learning to balance and calm your emotional body, as it is one of the sensitive bodies that absorb a lot of information, but which is blocked when you are upset, angry, and anxious or in fear. Clearing the emotional body of fear will enable you to access higher functions of intuition. And do learn to take a moment or two (or much longer) to spend time with yourself in a quiet place so you can listen, simply listen for the quiet voice within. If you feel that it is yourself talking in your head, you are correct. What is being said is another issue. If your ego is trying to dominate the conversation, the message will be controlling, even negative in its wording. In contrast, the voice of your higher self will be gentle, calm and sometimes even funny. Our messenger can attest to the humor of her guides; she has enjoyed many a chuckle or laugh due to a wry comment or two.

There is much to learn or remember for now you are opening up to the realization that you are truly multidimensional beings, existing at once on many different planes. Your higher bodies communicate with other soul extensions and members of their soul monad or families, as well as communicate with other greater beings whose “bodies” encompass planets, stars and even Universes. We do not relate this to make you feel intimidated, but to encourage you to explore your new world, step by step, in a manner that will not lead to overwhelm.

Seasoned light-workers are being situated to offer assistance, if needed, along the way to fifth dimensional living and you may call on us, Father-Mother God, the archangels, the angels and ascended masters, as well as upon your galactic brethren for assistance. For now, this assistance will be mostly on an energetic level, but in time when more of your population are feeling better adjusted, our assistance will become more physically apparent. Particular dates and predictions will not be given out as that only leads to expectations and disappointments.

To quicken your own personal ascension, we encourage you to look out sources to teach you meditation and relaxation techniques. Listen to how you feel about anything that you explore. If your body begins to tighten up and you feel stressed or anxious, then whatever you are exploring is not for you. You are in charge of your ascension. It is a process, but can be speeded up according to how much you apply yourself to the “work”.

And there will be some who float naturally along with the energies and do not have to do any work that is apparent to an onlooker. However, be aware that many light-workers have embodied with little or no karma, and have already attained ascension in other worlds and planes numerous times. They are here with you to anchor a greater light quotient to keep the energy level of the general population high enough to sustain the continuance of the ascension process for all. In doing this sacred work, they are contributing to the Whole of Creation, for the entire Universe is being affected by the work being done here.

We are quite pleased by what has taken placed on Earth. From the darkest, most dense planet of the third dimension she has literally been transformed. And she will, again, take her rightful place as one of the most beautiful planets existing within this Universe. We hope that many of you will choose to linger upon her as she is raised up in vibration and becomes as bright as a star. There is much to be done to heal her physical body, but also much potential for the use of creative energies to assist in this work of the new age.

If you are still experiencing disappointment and sorrow, please call upon us for comfort. Our nurturing feminine energies can bring a relaxation and release to whatever is bothering you. It is possible that you also may need to work on journaling or doing some other inner kinds of work as this great change will bring up much that needs to be healed. In the process of everyday living in 3D, much was stuffed down in order to be able to function in the restricted manner in which the 3D world required. While it was never meant to be so restrictive, it became so. The resulting traumas and emotional upsets are still stored in the tissue and cells of your physical body, manifesting as pain, heat or cold. Call upon the healing angels and the gentle Arcturians to assist you in these healings.

We encourage you to release now all judgment of those who participated in the darkest episodes (and to some degree, still persist) of your old world; they will have to undergo a life review upon leaving this world. We can assure you that self-judgment is far more severe than anything that the heavenly hosts would choose to dish out. These ones will suffer remorse and even dismay at what they have done when they experience it through their own bodies. Leave that punishment and vengeance to the out-playing of natural law. And work on releasing your own sense of self-judgment that has been taken on in as a result of living in a constrictive environment with many laws and expectations, most of them false, unattainable or designed to control and intimidate the population.

In our eyes, you are perfect. As you expand your sense of self, you will also begin to experience the wonder of your being. You are all beautiful light beings, whose light brilliantly shines through the massive aura of your planet. We love all of you and admire your determination to sustain the work through many lifetimes, despite all of the resistance, pain and trauma that you have endured.

There will come a time when you will be able to review much of what has transpired here, to see and even experience some of your currently suppressed history, that which has been untold or buried by your erstwhile controllers. Much will be revealed. Much will astonish you. You have worked hard and the way will become easier as you move into the new energies. Be open to what comes.

There will be much opportunity and changes coming for those who are able to focus their intent and dreams into being. It is a wondrous new world that you are entering. A child-like sense of wonder, an ability to open your mind to possibilities and a determination to meet the challenges that will come will give all a new sense of being alive.

You have finally struck free of the bonds that held you back. Use your creative powers to create the world in which you want to live. Bring it into manifestation and discover the wonders of your multidimensionality, as well as the endless opportunities, joy and wonders that will unfold to those who go forth with eyes open and senses expectant.
Beloved ones, we love you so much. Go forth with our blessings. We wish you well on your journey of discovery. Namaste.

Thank you, beloved Divine Mother.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Namaste ♥

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Sophia Love ~ Unopened Packages

Sophia Love

We are further along on our Quest for Agape.  It is different than before.  Last year as we journeyed there was a definite date, a marker, a moment that may have meant our journey has been completed.  With that day over, now what?

We like things in nice, neat packages.  We can wrap our head around them when they are presented that way.  This is not that sort of Quest.  It ends in 6 days here, yet there is a depth and there are layers – each journey uncovers just a little bit more.

We cannot know the expansive and glorious intent of Source without an open and free heart.  We must be willing to risk everything to discover the plan.

You are so much more than you know.  These bodies, jobs, chores and lives are just vehicles for exploration – they are not answers.  Answers are found beyond them.  You must be willing to step into discomfort.  Once you are there, with every sense tingling, your eyes will open wide.  Images, ideas, thoughts and feelings enter then – all of them new.  Do not be afraid.

This is a journey of the heart, the most intelligent and powerful organ you have.  It would not lead you astray.  It knows where agape resides.  It is found in you.

Dare to imagine yourself, naked and new before your eyes – bathed in nothing but love.  See every inch, know every thought, remember every deed – and be.  Just love.  There is no place else to look, no one to hide from, nothing to hide.  It is you – just as you decided to show up.  Perfect.

The answers exist or there would be no questions.  For you are love – snippets of Source in human suits.  “What you don’t have, you don’t need.”  You know the solution before the problem is given voice.  Just listen.  In the quiet you will find what you seek.  The wisdom, the teacher, the guide – is you.

The holidays are over yet the most extraordinary package remains.  It holds boundless love and looks like complete acceptance.  Open it.  You are the one you are waiting for.

See you tomorrow.



Namaste ♥

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Hilarion – January 13-20, 2013

Belove8108894689?profile=originald Ones,

As you go about your daily life, you are beginning to notice shifts within your bodies and within your consciousness. It is now becoming much easier to stay in equilibrium most of the time, even when changes occur that might have been unexpected or unforeseen. Life just seems to flow in a harmonious and synchronistic way and as you stay attuned to this flow, living in a physical body upon this Planet becomes easier and more filled with grace.

Many of you are experiencing intense heat at various times in your body which comes during or shortly after a download of higher energies and activations. Some of you are experiencing times of the shortness of oxygen or the feeling that you find it hard to get a good breath of air into your lungs. This too, is a symptom that is temporary and has to do with being in a higher frequency level within your auric field. This could be likened to the mountain climbers who scale Mt. Everest, as they get to the higher elevations, the air becomes thinner and more rarefied. There are products on the natural food market that can give assistance with this such as oxygen drops or a daily regimen of vigorous breathing in and out to help your comfort level.

It is time to remind you Dear Ones once again about staying grounded into the core of the Earth. This will help you to integrate the higher energies in a more graceful manner and also help you to walk your path being fully present upon the planet as you bring in more of your higher aspects. If you do not remember to ground yourselves, you can find yourselves losing focus and being unable to complete projects that you are starting or have already implemented. You are each, the bridges between heaven and earth, and so it is a responsibility to self to ensure that this task is one that comes from a balanced energetic body of Light.

There are so many of you discovering the treasures that have lain dormant for eons within yourselves. Many talents are now beginning to surface and it behooves each of you to become an observer and an enabler of all that wants to rise up from within you. There are also skills and talents from previous and future lifetimes that are now coming into your auric field for recognition, assimilation and development. It really is a most exciting time for all souls to inhabit a physical body upon the planet Earth!

Watch your thoughts as they surface, for now you are gaining the ability to make choice as to whether to embrace them or to just let them pass through you and away from you. The possibilities within each thought carries an infinite variety of outcomes depending upon where you place your attention. Truly, your mastership training is in full swing and as you realize your co-creatorship with the Infinite One, you will realize that what you create, you are responsible for, for now the manifestation of your creations will happen more quickly so that you can observe that you are indeed the creator. This will become much easier as you become accustomed to seeing your manifestations appear to you more quickly. Profound times and inner revelations are ahead for all who have done the work.

Until next time…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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Coalescence of diverse energy patterns (structures) commences as of the 1-13-13. Unique opportunities for Gaia harmonization in particular occur at the 1:13 and 13:13 points. Higher Guidance directs operations at those window points.

To the outer eye seeming unrelated events coalesce to recognizable Higher Symmetry structures, leading to awakening to Higher Purpose for many of the previously human-only (small ‘h’) individuals.

Galactic Gatherings occur more readily as time lines converge and dissolve.

Hue-manity notes the significance of this 1-13-13 portal.

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Children Born With Advanced DNA

This is an incredible story of children being born with advanced DNA. Many of today’s parents are awake enough to be witnessing 8108897652?profile=originalmiracles in their children and then exposing them to information to help prevent suppression and/or the depression that is inflicted on many of these beautiful beings due to lack of understanding.

Children of the New Dream
Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek By Diane Cooper

Diane: So Drunvalo…who are these “Children of the New Dream” that you are so excited about?

Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the “Super Psychic Children of China.” The second are called the “Indigo Children” and the third are called the “Children of AIDS.”
….It is the third group that I am most interested in–the “Children of AIDS.” About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive for AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then they didn’t test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is that this test showed that he was completely AIDS free! In fact, there was no trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV whatsoever! He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn’t have normal human DNA.
In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic acids that combine in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are called codons. Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons turned on and the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. I’ve always seen them like application programs in a computer. Anyway…this boy had 24 codons turned on — 4 more than any other human being. Then they tested this kids to see how strong his immune system was. They took a very lethal dose of AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells and his cells remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the lethalness of the composition and finally went up to 3,000 times more than what was necessary to infect a human being and his cells stayed completely disease free.
Then they started testing his blood with other things like cancer and discovered that this kid was immune to everything! Then they found another kid with these codons turned on–then another one then another one–then 10,000, then 100,000, then a million of them and at this point, UCLA, by watching world-wide DNA testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new DNA. That breaks down to approximately 60 million people who are not human by the old criteria.

Diane: Is this new codon activation found only in newborn children?

Drunvalo: Well, it’s mostly children, but now they are finding adults with it too–just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of people are being affected by it and its spreading fast.
Remember, it started just 5 years ago with almost no one and now it’s spreading–just like a disease. It’s like an outbreak and this is only the beginning.
The other part of this concerns the new book entitled “Cracking the Bible Code”–which has to do with running the Hebrew Books of the Bible through a specialized computer program. If you go to page 164 of this book, it shows where these researchers put the word AIDS into the program to see what would happen. When they did, the program translation provided words like “HIV,” “in the blood,” “the immune system,” “death” — all the things you would think youd s’ee around the word AIDS, but down in the corner was this sentence that they didn’t understand and it said — “the end of disease,” and that is what I believe is happening here.
“Science has stated that there are so many people showing up with this new alien DNA that they now believe that a new human race is being born on the earth today and apparently they can’t get sick.”
Now what is really incredible — they believe that it is a very specific emotional, mental body response — a waveform coming off the body that is causing the DNA to mutate in a certain way. I’ve sat with Gregg Braden who was one of the first persons to write about this and what we believe is that there are 3 parts to this phenomenon.
“The first part is the mind that sees Unity.” It sees the Flower of Life. It sees everything interconnected in all ways. It doesn’t see anything as separate. And the “second part is being centered in the heart–to be Loving.” And the “third thing is to step out of polarity–to no longer judge the world.” As long as we are judging the world as good or bad, then we are inside polarity and remain in the fallen state. I believe these people (with the new DNA) have somehow stepped out of judging and are in a state where they see everything as one and feeling Love. Whatever they are doing within themselves is producing a waveform that when seen on computer screens looks almost identical to the DNA molecule. So the researchers think that by the very expression of their life that these people are mapping with the DNA — resonating it — and are changing these 4 codons and in so doing become immune to the disease. What they don’t know and this is where a lot of research gets to happen is so maybe they are immune, but is there anything else? They might be immortal, who knows. Maybe there are other characteristics that we haven’t even dreamed of. I often wonder if they are all linked together? Is there some form of telepathic connection that goes on?

Diane: Have you met any of these people? Are they accessible?

Drunvalo: Well, I’ve known about this for over two years and I have personally followed this path and I think I’ve moved into what they are doing. I have gone into the merkabah and asked my subconscious mind to change my codons in the same way and ever since I began to do this over two years ago, I haven’t been able to get sick. I don’t know if I’ve been able to change them or not. I guess the only way I’d know is with a DNA test. However, Iv’e been exposed to all kinds of things and when someone gets sick I purposely get close to them and try to get it. I’ve been trying to get sick — and I can’t feel something come on — it will last maybe an hour and then it’s gone. What is interesting is that hardly any of this new DNA is found in the Super Psychic Children of China — almost zero. It is, however, being found in Russia and the U.S. There seems to be pockets of it and if what we are thinking is right — it has to do with a very specific response which is where most people in the New Age are headed for.

Diane: Do you think these people are creating the DNA changes

Drunvalo: I think someone has made the path — one child did it
somewhere. Then he put it into the grids and it is now in the subconscious of the earth and is accessible to anyone. Once that happened I think somehow or another other people have connected to this on a subconscious level in deep meditation and prayer and made the change. A new race is being born and it is one of the most remarkable phenomenon that has happened on the planet! It’s incredible that no one seems to know about this until now!

Diane: Well, you are the only one I’ve ever heard speak about this.

Drunvalo: Well, I’ve been tracking this for about 2 years and I’ve waited to say anything because I wanted to make sure it was real. In the book called “The Indigo Children” there has been extensive research on these children. There are websites you can go to if you’re a parent where they begin to interview you about exactly what’s going on with your child. Like I said earlier, these kids know exactly what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking

. You can’t hide anything from them. It’s really amazing! I see it as a phenomenon like the ETs except they aren’t coming here in spaceship form–they are coming here in spirit form making it personal by coming into the earth’s evolutionary cycle and joining with us. I’ve often thought that when spirits come in on the right side of the planet–Japan, China, and Tibet for instance, the incarnating being takes on the psychic characteristics (of those people), and if they come in on the western side–the logical side (i.e., physical characteristics)–then the DNA comes in changed. But that’s just speculation on my part. I’m just looking at this and trying to understand what is occurring. At the workshops I’m going to do, I’m going to bring everything I’ve learned together and teach people to actually access this and make the change. I think I know–or I’m very close.

Diane: And that has to do with putting yourself in a certain state of consciousness?

Drunvalo: Yes, a very specific state of consciousness produces a change in your DNA–and I think it’s just the beginning of much more than that. The fact that it could be the end of disease is just a tiny bit of the total picture.

Diane: How would this particular kind of work and discovery affect the DNA activation work that seems to be popping up all over?

Drunvalo: Well, if you know your light body and you know how psychic energy works and if you understand the connection of the subconscious to all life on this planet, then you can go in and ask your subconscious. “Your subconscious knows exactly which codons those kids have changed and if you ask for those things to happen through your light body and in the presence of God,” it should occur. “[/b]It also requires dropping polarity–no longer thinking in terms of good or bad but seeing the wholeness and completion and perfection of life.”
It is a very definite mind, emotional and body response. The body response is the one where your body simply does not acknowledge good or bad but sees that there is a higher purpose behind it all. We all know this stuff–everyone from Jesus to Krishna to Sai Baba has been talking about this for a long time, but this is the first I’m aware of where something actually is changing in the outer environment. People’s DNA is really changing. There have been many of us who have talked about this–but none of this had been seen by science. Now it has been seen, and it has been documented.

Diane: So, if that’s the case, then what significance does that have on our lives today?

Drunvalo: I believe that all of us have the choice to follow this particular pattern that the children have set up or not. It is said that “the children will lead the way.” If we wish to and we trust these children, as I do, one of the side effects is the immunity to disease.

Diane: There are a lot of us who are choosing immortality. However, some people would say that to be immune to disease is also to upset the life/death cycle which has supposedly helped to keep the planet in balance. How would you answer that?

Drunvalo: Well, I just don’t judge it. This is happening and if it is going to upset the cycle and it probably will in some way–everything that is occurring in life has a reason and purpose for it. Perhaps these people who don’t get sick anymoreerhaps they won’t even die anymore and maybe their consciousness is so aligned with the original purpose of earth that ultimately it would mean an earth that is whole and complete and not one that is polluted and deadly and overtaxed. We could easily live with 6 billion people or 20 billion…if…we live differently.
There is plenty of space, and it’s just that we are using our resources in ways that are killing the planet. If we were to choose to live in different ways, that might change. Maybe through these people the answers might become apparent. For someone to move into a state where they are immune to disease is a very powerful indication that they are definitely in harmony with life somehow. We can equate this process with the mutation of bacteria and viruses. We attack their systems with pollutants such as penicillin for instance, and it kills them all except for a few. Those few get stronger. Now what’s happening is that these bacteria are getting to the place where they are immune to the poisons we are giving them. And have we not done the same thing?
We are mutating to a point where we are not affected by pollution or viruses or by disease. And you know, there is another thing that happened last year — AIDS dropped something like 47% — the largest drop of a single disease in the history of the world. I believe that it had a lot to do with this very thing we are talking about.

Diane: That’s exciting!

Drunvalo: Yes, it is. I just let the earth prompt me where to go. Of course, it is important to know our light bodies and how to use them, but the children are very carefully saying–come this way–and see where this leads.

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There is a force within that gives you life—Seek that. In your body there lies a priceless jewel—Seek that. Oh, Wandering Sufi, if you are in search of the greatest treasure, don’t look outside, Look within, and Seek That.

~ Rumi

As the sun illumines the moon and the stars, so let us illumine one another.

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Morning Blessing: 01.07.13 Dimensional Mapping

"A new year is unfolding - like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within."

The solar system of which earth is a part of is fabulously pulsing its way toward the light of a different order, changing everything and inspiring an evolutional leap that is natural within the great schemes of things. This soon to be experienced light is of a cosmic order, and though you cannot see it from your current perspective, it is propelling you into auspicious moments of illumination and self-realization. Gaia (planet earth being) has evolved into phases and spaces that will elicit a practice of deepening to live from your internal core of truth and authenticity this year. For that reason I thought I would dedicate today's column to some basic information on going from 3D to 5D, or third dimension to fifth.


On subtle intuitive levels this week you will be anchoring fine, smooth and silky crystalline threads of energy. These come as a consequence of opening to the December star frequencies and will serve your physical human engineering by giving you a boost of mystic genius intelligence. You are now in a more prevalent psychic atmosphere and if you haven't done so yet you need to forge an understanding within your mind of where we have been in consciousness and where we are going. We have rounded the corner on 5th dimensional living and many are asking, "So where are we now?" and how does it differ from 3rd dimensional living.


Shifting dimensionally doesn't mean that we have traveled a certain distance. In truth we are no closer this year than in past years because dimensions are not separated by distance. The exception to this rule is when distance is measured by human thought without bias to belief. In other words, when human collective thoughts are ordained (divinely ordered or inspired) and not subject to lower repetitive patterns of behavior, the distance between them is shorter. By way of another description it could be said that dimensions are separated by commas and not by periods. They overlap and border each other in much the same way as the season of the year. All dimensions take place in the same moment but not in the same awareness.


There is also an additional relationship between density and time, and it would be helpful to understand this as well. The denser an object, the quicker it will sink or fall. Likewise, a dense being or culture will fall faster than one that is lighter in density. Density is sometimes confused with weight, but they are not the same. Density is the amount of substance contained within a specific area, and the density of a substance can change under different conditions. Some of those conditions include temperature, a noteworthy and interesting fact at this time on earth. For instance, hot air balloons rise because the heated air within the balloon is less dense than the cooler air outside.

The density of all things and beings can be measured, but humanity has not yet discovered how to influence, and therefore alter its own density in order to benefit itself and its future. Ancient Egyptians (as well as certain cultures before and after them) by contrast understood how to do this, and were able under certain circumstances to alter their reality and their dimension. Primarily only those of mystery school tradition knew this and little evidence of any true relevance remains today. Still, those who study the properties of gold, and monatomic (one replaceable atom) gold in particular, are often fascinated to discover that under unique conditions it will manifest as substance without density. In other words, it can weigh less than nothing as well as influence the density of other matter. The importance of this is that the influence of precise thought upon matter is what closes the gap between what you know and what you do not know. Knowledge is not the accumulation of information; it is the distillation of thought.

With your thoughts concentrated on the ordinary stresses of life, it is difficult to stay above the momentous tide of unconscious beliefs associated with these. The more removed you are from being able to think for yourself, the further away new thoughts and ideas seem to be. A new thought is not one that you believe, or even one that you think is plausible. A new thought is one that you invite into your field without resistance. Like an electric current, the flow of pure thought is best explored through the field of awareness without resistance. The neighbor and partner to this electric current of thought is the magnetic field of creativity. The intersection of these two crosscurrents is where the 5th dimension begins. You will access the 5th dimension when your frequency vibrates within this range of expanded thought and creativity. At that point the duality that has been a part of your daily experience will yield to a greater diversity of life and it will seem less consequential than it does today.

Although there are natural forces that protect the integrity of the dimensions, access is neither gained nor denied by any authority other than your own. Yet without a like vibration the portals (currents) between dimensions would seem unstable and you wouldn't venture through them. That is one of the reasons why humanity strives to liberate itself form a history that does not accurately describe its origins. The beliefs by which humanity has lived has kept it in bondage to its past and even now prevents it from crossing the next bridge to greater consciousness.

The 5th dimension is a less dense version of the 3rd dimension. It affords a more consistently conscious view and understanding of life. The electro-magnetic currents are more stable in the 5th dimension so thoughts and experiences complete themselves more quickly than in the 3rd. There is more space in the 5th dimension but there is less time, at least as it expressed in the 3rd dimension. Since there is more space between the atoms there is less density, which means that there is less waste. Wasted thoughts and actions account for a great expenditure of energy on the third dimension.

Before exploring the 5th dimension in detail we must briefly visit the 4th dimension, which is the bridge to the 5th. The 5th dimension is widely accepted to be the concept of Time. Time is the concept that gives relevance to the shift from the 3rd dimension to something else, but it is not time as it is currently measured. Better put, it is the curvature of time by which time expands or contracts with relevancy to how much light is present within the space that is being measured. Basically, when more light is present, time accelerates (both forward and backward). The result of this acceleration is a more refined experience, one that is more seamless and less abrupt. The 4th dimension unites the 3rd and the 5th by quickening sequences and segments of time wherever that is a possibility. This is accomplished by curving or bending time. Time is sequential but not linear; it only appears linear within the landscape of the 3rd dimension. Beyond these barriers, the measure of time is not as you know it and the speed of light is not constant.

The importance of the 4th dimension is that it is fueled by consciousness, and it is this that strengthens the fabric of time and space. The 4th dimension is the bridge between the 3rd and 5th dimensions because it invites the field of possibilities to become the field of probabilities, as well as that of experience. As you imagine a better world and attune yourself to living in one, your consciousness becomes more enlivened and you quicken the pace of your endeavors until your awareness matches your experience. So the 4th dimension is responsible for what you call the quickening. It is also responsible for some of the unusual and irregular experiences that are being associated with the current time period. Especially where your body is concerned, as this is the most physically dense aspect of life for most. That being said, it is noteworthy that thoughts can be as dense as or even denser than physical objects.

Once you cross the seamless and invisible bridge to the 5th dimension you will find that life there is less complex than in the 3rd dimension. It is amply creative and artfully expressive. Because it is less dense, form and shape is more subtle and graceful. This is particularly true where architecture is concerned, as 5th dimensional construction does not depend upon wood, steel or concrete to anchor its buildings to the earth. Glass is less brittle and more resilient because it is made differently. This discovery will be made as we become a greener global community.


Given the existing standards by which health is measured, the 5th dimension offers a leap forward in the well-being of the individual and the community. Given presently accepted practices, the 3rd dimension can no longer guarantee nor sustain its existence. The value of life has decreased to the degree that there is less sanctity for life; therefore there is also less sanity in life. The mental faculties of old and young alike continue to decrease, while the stresses of the middle age are on the increase. A greater capacity for mental and physical health is essential at this time. 5th dimensional thought is more mindful and its thoughts less chaotic. This requires a higher than average oxygen intake and today you would describe the experience as 'heady'.

The 5th dimension is not somewhere else, it is right here beneath your nose and under your feet. You can't see it? Look again, but this time with blind eyes that know there is nothing to see. Where does the 5th dimension begin or end, can you tell? If you can't see it, does that mean it is less real? How many must acknowledge its probability before it becomes a part of daily experience? What experts must accredit which scientific finding? The more real you allow the 5th dimension to be right now, the sooner you will have an experience of it. A dimension cannot prove its existence to you, nor can a teacher reveal a mystery to you that you cannot reveal to yourself. Remember that while the half-wise are the keeper of the keys, the wise have no need of locks. Let nothing and no one prevent you from your next step or your own next thought.

The 5th dimension is not a haven for those who have healed their karma, or endured a difficult life, and it is not a cosmic reward for those who gather near heaven's gates. It is the natural progression for those who propose rather than oppose life. This does not mean that you must abandon your battles or that you must lower the standard under which your Soul has pledged its allegiance. Yet I ask how many of your battles are within your own ranks? How many weapons are still in your own arsenal as you call upon others to surrender they're own? If you feel that the pace of your development has slowed and you do not feel Spirit in attendance near you, choose a moment each day in which to silently abdicate the throne you sit on; the one in which your life seems even remotely more important than your neighbor's or your friend's.


Instead, be enriched by the wonder that is life and know that its everlasting quality encourages and invites ALL to evolve, for they too have a sacred place in this world -


God is all that there is.
It is perfect and it is powerful. It is absolute wisdom. It is love without limit.
Every experience I have takes place within the Infinite arena of God. Whether
I perceive it or not, the perfection, power, wisdom, and love of Spirit is present.
Today, I open the gates of my perception to experience these qualities of God
in all things. I'm ready to understand more fully. I'm ready to let go of confusion
and doubt when things don't look the way I think they should in an orderly universe.
I'm ready to trust the power, presence, wisdom, love, and perfection of Spirit.
I send out mindful and compassionate thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions knowing they are the only things that can bring the experience of healing to this world. Blame, anger, suspicion, and other modes of inflammatory thinking do not serve. Bemoaning the events of the world doesn't heal them, either. At the same time, I don't distance myself from my experience of world events...I don't close myself off. When I experience pain, I experience it fully. And then I consciously, gently, mindfully, and compassionately take the actions I can take within my life to relieve that suffering. I take actions in the world that are informed by a serene awareness that no matter what happens, God is in this, good is in this, and nothing can ever take that away.
This day, I choose to let my awareness of the power of my inner life be heightened. I use this innate power skillfully and compassionately. I am grateful for this ability to change my thinking and change my life...and all life. And so it is.



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