Stephanie1994's Posts (2)

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past life pain..November 20,1977...

I am actually afraid to even post one of my pastr lives. I was murdered along with one of my came back to me in dreams last year around November-December..the time we both died.. I got into a fight at school with a girl that kept bothering me and she got the first punch so she hit me i nmy nose and that was the first and last one she egot but she still hit me in the head so i was thinknig that maybe it like awakened something in my brain that deals with past lives. I felt..really bad that I made her bleed..and cry even t hough she started it and hit me first.. at first I didn't understand the dreams but they were so very familiar.. we were catholic school girls and I was the same.. and mor eangry .. and I am not sure why.. i was hurt more than anything.. i've never been to a catholic school though.. in my lifetime..then i had mor and more dreams .. i saw our killers.. in the dreams too.. i still am honestly hurt from that life..idk wat do to do.. i had a dream of it when i was four to...
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Can't sleep; never really can

I remember when I was a toddler, I would always wake up in the middle of the night feeling like something was either watching me or from waking up from a dream. I would climb out of my crib thingy and go to my parents room i'm not sure what it is . I didn't sleep full nights until I was 8 and then the waking up thing started when I was suffering with depression when I was 13 years old almost four years ago. I wake up at either 2 or 3 am -.- it's 3 15 now. I read a lot of stuff about that time people say that it's the hour of spiritual happenings. Sometimes I would be awake, I did feel bad presecnecs as well.. who knows
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