StefineRachel's Posts (2)

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Dreams & Warnings

Sometimes warnings come to me in dreams. I was told by family members and friends that I have the "eye". My eldest daughter thinks that it is creepy. I do not think much of the warnings until something negative actually happens. That is when the "aha" or the "wow" factor kicks in. My sister has come to me in dreams, and so has my deceased grandmother. Angels speak to me in dreams and they have told me things like "Don't look back", as I walked across fields of death and fire. I have seen three suns and three moons so close to the earth that it looked only miles away. I have seen the last days in my dreams and I am like a soldier in it. I have been dreaming things like this since I was a little girl. I recall an angel lifting me up and laying me down on my mother's bed. It may have been a human angel but I cannot remember his face. He was tall, dark and strong. It feel wonderful to share these thoughts and dreams! Bless all that read this. 

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Spiritual Journey

When I was small, I had this divine closeness to God. I would attend services alone and I was very meticulous about prayers and my thoughts. As I grew older and explored the world, I found myself dwindling away from my spiritual journey. I am currently on my journey. I purposely ignite my inner-light to assist others in coming closer to God and their mission on earth. This is my mission here. I am under constant attack. Dark forces come into my home. My finances were stolen from me and my entire family were in an uproar. I have taken it all as a grain of salt and have left it in God's hands. This brings me peace and time to recollect myself, my intentions and my inner-light. Peace to all who read this. Have a blessed day!

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