Spiritual Healer's Posts (7)

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8/14/13 - My last post

This will undoubtedly be my last post to be made on this website. Upon reading some of the information (which you can see here: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/the-metaphysical-colonization-of-the-human-mind?xg_source=activity), I have realized that there will be no such thing as an Awakening Movement, as this website Ashtar Command crew has claimed. I've realized now that only a few people will actually be awakened spiritually/metaphysically, as well as intellectually and philosophically, and also, mentally. As for the masses, they will not survive what is to come in this horror. I'm not saying that people who are actual martyrs are going to survive, but I am hoping that there will be a remnant of people that will actually survive this. Those people who will survive - I don't know what will happen to them. They could either learn to become adapted to nature and be spiritually humble and civilized; or, they will die off, and human civilization will be over.

I do not know if there will be any more galaxies that will have civilizations. However, what I do believe is that judging by the many possible civilizations in the Milky way galaxy on different planets, I have a feeling that the Milky Way galaxy's time is running out. See, this is called Cyclical Time. I believe that this repeats itself over and over, and each repeat we approach things get even worse. It exists because of the elites using mind control on us. I have a feeling that they probably have become much more ahead of us, through stealing our wisdom and knowledge and manipulating it; in doing so, dumbing us down so that way they can keep their stronghold on power. The Gnostics call them Archons - a name that I call them myself. These entities have now been conquering and colonizing every facet of life with their wickedness, and many of us know this but they do not know the depth of this Metaphysical war against humanity. Many of us who believe they are awakened are still asleep because they think that they're winning; when in fact we are losing miserably. This website, Ashtar Commandcrew, I believe, is a gatekeeper website. It's just like all of the other websites that trap us into the same trap of being asleep; the only difference being is that they give you some form of truth. The give you all some truth, but they spin it with mental ejaculation. They feed you shit about indigo children; they feed you nonsense with this channeling ridiculousness, that give you all the same messages of an unlikely collective awakening. I will say this again: not everyone is going to be saved. There will be martyrs and victims that will be crucified by the same ruling elite. 

This is what I believe the Book of Revelation, which is found in the Bible (if interpreted in a literal form), was talking about. This book, even though the version of the story is different, is very true when it says that the majority of people will die - even worse, wiped off from existence. Many of you, in the New Age community (especially this website) may not like it, but it is unfortunately true. The nightmare is not over; it's just the beginning, and guess what - this is a game that will metaphysically destroy us and wipe us out from extinction. We must be prepared if some of us hopefuls (or their next generation) will survive. 

Which is why I say this - to hell with this stupid website! Let me tell you that I'm not mad at the people (or my friends); I'm mad at this website because it is nothing but lies and total utter garbage. It just makes me want to write in capital letters, but I'm not going to because I must learn to contain my emotions. Peace. 

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8/14/13 - My last post

This will undoubtedly be my last post to be made on this website. Upon reading some of the information (which you can see here: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/the-metaphysical-colonization-of-the-human-mind?xg_source=activity), I have realized that there will be no such thing as an Awakening Movement, as this website Ashtar Command crew has claimed. I've realized now that only a few people will actually be awakened spiritually/metaphysically, as well as intellectually and philosophically, and also, mentally. As for the masses, they will not survive what is to come in this horror. I'm not saying that people who are actual martyrs are going to survive, but I am hoping that there will be a remnant of people that will actually survive this. Those people who will survive - I don't know what will happen to them. They could either learn to become adapted to nature and be spiritually humble and civilized; or, they will die off, and human civilization will be over.

I do not know if there will be any more galaxies that will have civilizations. However, what I do believe is that judging by the many possible civilizations in the Milky way galaxy on different planets, I have a feeling that the Milky Way galaxy's time is running out. See, this is called Cyclical Time. I believe that this repeats itself over and over, and each repeat we approach things get even worse. It exists because of the elites using mind control on us. I have a feeling that they probably have become much more ahead of us, through stealing our wisdom and knowledge and manipulating it; in doing so, dumbing us down so that way they can keep their stronghold on power. The Gnostics call them Archons - a name that I call them myself. These entities have now been conquering and colonizing every facet of life with their wickedness, and many of us know this but they do not know the depth of this Metaphysical war against humanity. Many of us who believe they are awakened are still asleep because they think that they're winning; when in fact we are losing miserably. This website, Ashtar Commandcrew, I believe, is a gatekeeper website. It's just like all of the other websites that trap us into the same trap of being asleep; the only difference being is that they give you some form of truth. The give you all some truth, but they spin it with mental ejaculation. They feed you shit about indigo children; they feed you nonsense with this channeling ridiculousness, that give you all the same messages of an unlikely collective awakening. I will say this again: not everyone is going to be saved. There will be martyrs and victims that will be crucified by the same ruling elite. 

This is what I believe the Book of Revelation, which is found in the Bible (if interpreted in a literal form), was talking about. This book, even though the version of the story is different, is very true when it says that the majority of people will die - even worse, wiped off from existence. Many of you, in the New Age community (especially this website) may not like it, but it is unfortunately true. The nightmare is not over; it's just the beginning, and guess what - this is a game that will metaphysically destroy us and wipe us out from extinction. We must be prepared if some of us hopefuls (or their next generation) will survive. 

Which is why I say this - to hell with this stupid website! Let me tell you that I'm not mad at the people (or my friends); I'm mad at this website because it is nothing but lies and total utter garbage. It just makes me want to write in capital letters, but I'm not going to because I must learn to contain my emotions. Peace. 

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BLOG POST #5 - 8/5/13

Excuse me for my absence from this website, as I've been checking out other forums. 

Tomorrow is my birthday where I will be turning 17 (yes, I'm that young), and while my birthday is coming up I have been pretty much expanding and combining ideas that range from: the Occult, Deism, Metaphysics/Ontology; to Taoism and Zen Buddhism. That being said, I feel that the esotericism of today has been watered-down and devoid of real Metaphysics; with the New Age being a copy of Theosophy and Theosophy being a copy of all of the ancient mysteries without much Philosophy. The New Age, as I have said before, has been too much riddled with reptilians, UFO/Aliens, indigo/crystaline beings, you name it. This is no disrespect to my friends on this website who are into that, but the main reason why I was here was to basically try to bring Philosophy into the esoteric circles. 

This goal has evolved into not only learning from people, but to bring my learnings to teach to people - regardless of the quantity of people. My goal is to try to incorporate Magic, Alchemy, Meditation/Contemplation, Symbolism, etc., into the realm of Philosophy, Metaphysics/Ontology, and even Naturalism (which is what I'm currently exploring). I'm also going to incorporate the classical educational systems of Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric) and Quadrivium (Music, Number, Geometry, and Astrology) into the mix. 


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Blog #4: The Buddha Way

Peace, everybody. I just got home from a family trip to Chicago (which is not really important in this discussion), and today I am now trying to learn the basic ways of Buddha, which are the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Here are the basics of Buddhism for those who just got into spirituality.

Four Noble Truths

1. Life is suffering

2. Attachment is the origin of suffering

3. Realization that attaining the path of non-attachment is possible

4. Practice of going to the path of non-attachment

The Noble Eightfold Path

1. Right view

2. Right intention

3. Right speech

4. Right action

5. Right livelihood

6. Right effort 

7. Right mindfulness

8. Right concentration


What I'm trying to do is to actually practice the attainment of the Buddha through these practices. I am indeed out of balance, and so I am trying to reclaim my balance so I can become spiritually, mentally, and even physically rich. 

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Recent stuff

I haven't really been on here for about 2-3 days, so I thought that I'd might was well break the short hiatus. I've been contemplating so many things: on Islam, Jesus Christ, searching new frontiers to expand my horizons, etc. Right now, I'm looking into the philosophy and metaphysics of music. What musical philosophy is is basically searching for questions, such as simply put - what is music? It's a question that many have been attempting to answer, but not one have actually answered it in a straightforward manner. That's simply because they have not looked within their soul to utilize their intuition. 

I'm not going to go too deep into music on this blog post, so I'm leaving on an end note, Peace Be Upon You. 

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Blog Post #2: Yoga & Meditation

It seems as though people seem to forget the main existence of what Yoga truly is. They have got caught up in the essence (such as the misconceptions of Yoga being an exercise) that they forgot the real meaning of it. Even those who claim (wittingly or unwittingly) to put the spirituality in Yoga have not seem to actually look for the root of what Yoga is. Well let's take a look at what it originally meant.


1820, from Hindi yoga, from Sanskrit yoga-s, literally "union, yoking" (with the Supreme Spirit), from PIE root *yeug- "to join"


So what are we trying to unite ourselves with? We are trying to unite with God, whom is inside ourselves, as said by Prophet Issa/Jesus (pbuh) in the Gospel of Thomas (the original teachings of Jesus). 

So what about meditation? How does it connect with yoga? Let's look at the definition of meditation.

meditation (n.) 

c.1200, "contemplation; devout preoccupation; devotions, prayer," from Old French meditacion "thought, reflection, study," and directly from Latin meditationem (nominative meditatio) "a thinking over, meditation," noun of action from past participle stem of meditari "to meditate, think over, reflect, consider," frequentative form from PIE root *med- "to measure, limit, consider, advise, take appropriate measures" (cf. Greek medesthai "think about," medon "ruler;" Latin modus "measure, manner," modestus "moderate," modernus "modern," mederi "to heal,"medicus "physician;" Sanskrit midiur "I judge, estimate;" Welsh meddwl "mind, thinking;" Gothic miton, Old English metan "to measure;" also see medical). 

Meaning "discourse on a subject" is early 14c.; meaning "act of meditating, continuous calm thought upon some subject" is from late 14c. The Latin verb also had stronger senses: "plan, devise, practice, rehearse, study."


What meditation is is to contemplate on remembering God (Allah) as it says in Sura 2:198, 2:200, 2:203, and so on. It's through prayer and devotions that connect with Allah. 

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My first Blog entry

Well looks like I'm back, and I'm sticking around, so it wasn't really much of a hiatus. Got bored. I don't really do much except for going on this computer because, well, there's nothing else (except for reading books). I'd thought that I would do a blog entry to show you my research, theories, etc.  I will still be posting discussions. 

Blog entry #1: Baphomet

As you may know, I have decided to change my avatar picture from a Coptic Christian cross to a picture of the misunderstood Baphomet. Baphomet simply derives from semi-Greek Baphe (baptize) and Metis (Math). So it simply means to be Baptized in to the Math. Math simply means knowledge in proper Greek, as in mathema. 

By being initiated into the mathematical knowledge, you are being initiated into the school of Pythagoras, because Pythagoras taught that mathematics was key to unlocking the esoteric knowledge and wisdom. However, mathematics did not originate in Greece, but it was actually in fact originated in Africa when in 1960, it was discovered by Professor Jean de Heinzelina Belgian the Ishango Bone which contained marks that are seemingly resembling to mathematical marks. 



Here's the symbolism of Baphomet. The pentagram is symbolic for man being God; the two moons represent the Law of Polarity and The Law of As Above, So Below in the Hermetic Science; and the Caduceus represent the Kundalini rising from the genitals signifying spiritual enlightenment. That means that Baphomet is the highest divine being. 

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