Spiritdancer's Posts (127)

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believe me I'm a long time magic ships flying in the air and all different. sometimes I see them through my camera and I can I can pull them and sometimes I can not draw but I see them through my binoculars and tis wonderful to be able to see because you see so many things in the air to even your biggest fantasy you may have, because I see many colors in the evening one night last week and certainly I see much in the dark with me the purple and the trees all have a purple color, and then I pull it away to a dark sky and bright with lots of white and colored lights that you see them so talk to one another, with me every day a great white star-like, but I think a ship because it is moving a lot and sometimes I show the various drawings and dance in different colors and I can shoot in the dark and believe me, if you look at the sky is dark and you see nothing just a white light and then through my camera, I see several things that are magical to me .. tone is really wonderful to be able to see and feel .. I want you to show that you should have no fear it is so nice and give you a wonderful feeling inside your body and soul..just follow your heart and believe,
In the magical things in life, insist that there is much more open than the illusion that they are things you just do what you do not want to do. I know it's not easy, but difficult, too, believe me, .. I have a long way by myself to stay, but I'm glad I this way have made because now get everything back on my path of my past .. all those that I have performed that are returned with the pose tive things in order past my exit, at first it was too good to be true, I almost dared ot believe but after a while I could stuff more and more places. everything you need to go to your inventory and you will thus finally be your off and not be afraid of the emptiness that you mescaline hein going to feel, yes it is weird but believe me you can change them back filled with new things you will do with new things and brothers and sisters on your way out the same your right and one is with you .. everything I write here I speak from experience and am thankful that I may feel and see where I go with them to enlightenment,. we are all one,. I know I few things still need to complete and let go and believe me it is not always easy for me but I follow my heart and feel very good at it,.
because everything come at the right time and you get the characters on your path if you are open and ready for you .. I just need the courage to see and want to see and believe .. much love and light to you my brothers and sisters. . I'love you8108742293?profile=original8108742860?profile=original8108742681?profile=original8108742698?profile=original8108742877?profile=original

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í αm ....

í αm líght
í αm ínfínítє.
í αm thє chαnnєl.
í αm єхpαndíng.
í αm psчchєdєlíc.
í αm víвrαtíσn.
í αm tímєlєss.
í αm unítч.
í αm αctívαtíng.
í αm rєsσnαnt.
í αm gαlαctíc.
í αm rαdíαnt.
í αm dєfínєd.
í αm єlєctríc.
í αm lunαr.
í αm mαgnєtíc.
í αm plαnєtαrч.
í αm вαlαncєd.
í αm σrgαnízєd.
í αm cσnnєctєd.
í αm ínspírєd.
í αm ín hαrmσnч.
í αm ín-tєgrítч.
í αm pєrfєct.
í αm mαnífєstαtíσn.
í αm díssσlvíng.
í αm rєlєαsíng.
í αm líвєrαtєd.
í αm dєdícαtєd.
í αm unívєrsαlízєd αnd dívínє, trαnscєndíng mαntrα.
í αm вєíng.
í αm cσmmunícαtíng.
í αm spírít.
í αm вrєαthíng.
í αm cσsmíc.
í αm єssєncє.
í αm pσwєr.
í αm αctíσn.
í αm drєαmíng.
í αm αвundαncє.
í αm íntuítíσn.
í αm gσd.
í αm єхtrєmє.
í αm íntєrnαl αnd єхtєrnαl.
í αm flσwєríng.
í αm thє clσckíng.
í αm αwαrє.
í αm lífєfσrcє.
í αm survívíng.
í αm dmt.
í αm spírαlíng.
í αm αrc.
í αm αccσmplíshíng.
í αm hєαlíng.
í αm вєαutч.
í αm єlєgαncє.
í αm purє.
í αm flσwíng.
í αm lσvє.
í αm chαkrαs.
í αm cσ-íncídíng.
í αm plαчíng.
í αm mαgíc.
í αm єlusívє.
í αm frєє wíll.
í αm wísє.
í αm єхplσríng.
í αm spαcє αnd tímє.
í αm wαkíng lífє.
í αm vívíd.
í αm єnchαntíng.
í αm tímєlєssnєss αnd cσmplєtє, ínfínítє dєsígn.
í αm αlíєn.
í αm humαn.
í αm rєcєptívє.
í αm vísíσn.
í αm єnєrgч.
í αm míndful.
í αm quєstíσníng.
í αm αnswєríng.
í αm íntєllígєnt.
í αm fєαrlєss.
í αm єvσlvíng.
í αm σpєníng mч thírd єчє tσ thє unsєєn vísíσn, trαnslαtíng.
í αm sчnchrσnícítч.
í αm rєflєctíng.
í αm єndlєssnєss.
í αm σrdєr αnd chασs.
í αm thє tασ.
í αm crчstαlízєd.
í αm sєlf-gєnєrαtíσn.
í αm αffírmíng.
í αm єnlíghtєnєd.
í αm вlínd.
í αm thє tσnє.
í αm thє cσlσr.
í αm єlєctrσníc.
í αm lunαr αnd sσlαr, σppσsítє αnd pσlαr.
í αm lαnguαgє.
í αm rαdíαl.
í αm pαrtíclєs σf plαsmα.
í αm єndurαncє.
í αm cσsmíc.
í αm rєlєαsíng.
í αm líвєrαtíng.
í αm pєrfєct.
í αm pulsíng.
í αm rєαlízíng.
í αm thє σnє вєcαusє thє σnє αrє αll.
í αm fσrm.
í αm thє ínfínítє, nσthíng thαt вєcσmєs thє єvєrчthíng.
í αm sчmвσlíc.
í αm rєlαtívє.
í αm thє dívínє spírít thαt hαrmσnízєs wíth lαws.
í αm prσjєctíng.
í αm cσntrσllєd єхpєríєncє.
í αm dєsírє.
í αm вєíng.
í αm wє, wє αrє чσu.

Galactic Mantra .
I'take this pict's last week and believe me i'have more different magic beautyfullll pict's from my mistery ship's in the sky..
۞۞ It's feel so good inside my body and soul that i'may see and feel the power fulll energy from the Mistery's off the Galactica Universe۞۞

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8108743868?profile=original8108743301?profile=original8108743678?profile=original8108744068?profile=original8108743885?profile=original8108744252?profile=original8108744085?profile=original8108744252?profile=originalI believe everything has a reason and chance does not exist .. hehehhe,. do well to hearing that, I can only say from the depths of my heart that we must follow our hearts and listen to what the say, our sense continue even if it is not always easy, believe me, but I'm happy who I am and I see so many things not to do the same tonight .. back in my garden and look up my back and I saw white light going back several movements did and drawings that you can see in the picture, if you see the pictures draw you see nothing but you on the PC move is really wonderful to be able to see it and give me such a good feeling not to do for many years that I can see many magical lights, even though I know a lot more faith in it .. and only now come to light last year closer to me and around me waist all different colors, sometimes you just a small light looks white and then begin to move and I see all sorts of things and characters in it .. is like a story and I'm in my fantasy finally come and the thing I've always believed more and more towards us,. you should only dare to believe and open stand. because it's so beautiful and really give you an expert sense certainly for me because I've been seeing things and feeling, and believe me it was not easy to not really as I never to another to be able to talk about integdeel they said I was crazy and that I could fly, but it attracted me and kept myself ... sometimes you need a hard way to go things to see and feel enhoe your way is longer and harder the more you get the characters on your path afterwards, I returned to the more things come your way, to your own childhood .. things you would not think that email or you think that people, friends from childhood, school I never really had someone who accepted me for who I was. and I am in my little world where they fled not hurt me or hurt my music and the fantasy that I was working out...This Pict's are taking this evening in my Garden it's Magic really and give me à gooooood feeling inside my body and soull..Thxxx Universe for show and give me the signes on my way..Love and Light8108744462?profile=original

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Remember your Dreams of the Highest Degree

8108739500?profile=originalRemember your Dreams of the Highest Degree... For they are your means to see your true me,.Remember your feelings of your greatest highs, as your window to your soul to help you realize, who you really are through subtle disguise... Who we really are is in Who we most wish to truly Be,. and who our Heart wishes to express so naturally... What I wish more than anything else in this world right n......ow is that Unconditional Love shine in your Heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky. ..May our Love and Light ((( shine ))) to all the earth, and all the universe's renewal take birth...May our Heartfelt tears of joy fall like rain, upon this universe wherever there's pain,..to Fill their Hearts with Love and Light, and Lift them up to their dreams delight...May everyone reach a higher state of knowing that We may all Be our true selves a glowing...Stay listening to your heart my sisters and brothers ..you will see the signes on your way like me..it's really magic believe me...mutch love and lighting to you allll ♥♥♥

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Being Your Own Voice of Reason.......

Being Your Own Voice of Reason
The meaning we assign to our experiences is a very powerful factor in determining the quality of our lives.
The meaning we assign to our experiences – whether pleasant or distressing - is a very powerful factor in determining the quality of our lives. What we imagine events to mean will color the way we feel about ourselves, about the people in our lives, and about the world at large. If we want to encourage a positive outlook, well-being, and a sense of self-confidence and even trust in the universe, we can begin by assigning more peaceful, loving meanings to what we experience.

Imagine, for example, that a friend fails to show up to a lunch date. You have choices as to what you will make this experience mean for you. You could allow being “stood up” to reinforce your feelings of unworthiness, you could begin to mentally attack your friend’s character, or you could assume that something big must have happened to cause them to miss the date — then, you might open yourself up to enjoying some relaxing time alone. If you were recently laid off and are having difficulty finding a new job, consider that you might have hidden gifts or passions that were untapped in your regular career that you are now available to explore. The universe might simply be moving you in a more fulfilling direction. If you have recently lost a loved one, gained weight, lost money, or gotten in a fight with your partner, see if you can infuse the experience with meaning that feels loving and empowering and opens a door for you to embrace life and the world a bit more.

When we begin to bring consciousness to what we are making things mean, we may be shocked at the messages we have been feeding ourselves all these years. Try taking the reigns and begin assigning a kinder meaning to the events in your life and you will likely find yourself on a much more pleasant ride.

sourced with grattitude from

shared with love Spiritdancer Tasha8108739292?profile=original.

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When People drums together
the world is a better place
Together we are invincible, light beings
Toward the singularity
No intolerant religious credos
no flags, no colors, no nations
One PEOPLE Heaven Now
Respect All Living beings
Protect our children's, future generations


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believe me I see different ship in the air and give me a good feeling they may see their presence may feel too .. I see many different colors tondom magical white lights to me and in the air .. there is so much movement, but unfortunately not many people that look like them or not .. but we still believe we should not pull partial integration continue to believe and continue doing what we are doing, .. we're in a spiral and everything come back on your path to find even in your childhood .. I'm not sure that everyone has but I speak from experience and I feel all my pain all these years to heal the characters I am with you and always stay by myself in difficult and hard times but I'm stronger and I became who I am and that's myself .. believe me it can sometimes painful things to finish and release but that is only our luggage was this time, the more you become aware the more things you will see and be able to place trust me, I'm still not always easy but I feel that I am, and almost anything can finally close .. really, you that void in your feel so find out what a really good feeling .. you can back fill with new things .. but most are afraid to learn new things and feel ... just do what they should do or be taught by their parents or what others say,.but dare not for fear of their own to know what others might say or things could get lost, but just what is matter and what we do not need to live ...we have only follow our heart and love ...8108739261?profile=original
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Just Believe in your selff...and Love

8108739667?profile=originalbelieve me I feel that a few years and can see things and feel that is not always easy, but they were characters I got from the universium to make me feel and see myself and heart to stay volgen.moest you know what's on my way come, things ...of the past to my childhood to have been where I had never dared to think that there are some people back on your way, and believe me it's my finishing process I'm in everything finish and let go of the past for me to prepare for a higher level,. is sometimes much talk about all the magical things that I may see, and I pictures have different white colored lights around me and that been a long time. so that I feel good but do block stand when I want to write about, but in my book where I write, my dream and fantasy that I'm always the only truth finally fled ... is that the hatch is.. and give me a really good feeling that I can reveal more and more without the view be where I keep busy with and what I see and feel it because I friends and people to open their eyes, I know it hurts to get things to close to themselves friends to let go because your pose tive energy take away, even if they are not bad but sometimes you let go of what may hurt but you learn other things feel in your body, and there are other things your way, .. you can not be afraid of the emptiness in your or around your back on the contrary you can fill them with love and all the things you want to do and not what others tell you what to do. . dare yourself and what you do not lose because we do not need that, dare to do things like what you did as a child, drawing, .. what is the same as it has many colors and unity where love is. we are all children of the magical light of the universium, .. only if you are open to it and aware of everything you get more characters and see and get on your path, ..
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❤Let Your Life be Your Love Message to the World❤"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the Heart of Creation. ~Rabindranath Tagore~"Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ~Buddha~...ღ Love only affirm their existence if people express themselves ღღ Let us love, not only in word and speech, but in truth and action. Love is what the world really needs ღ˙·٠•●♥❤•.ԼƠƔЄ is the act of feeling .•❤♥●•٠·˙ღ True love frees unites and seeks only to the individual and collective evolution within the larger evolutionary spiral of Light ღღ We are One ❤ With hearts united, we establish harmony and peace in our lives and in the world8108738078?profile=original
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As you walk ....

...* ( \(_)/ ) * ..*♥ (_ /|\ _) ..*.** . /___\ . *.As you walk your path of life and love guide yourself into spirituality. Be patient with yourself; there is no rush when it comes to advancing on whatever path you choose. We have chosen to come again. A new day dawns as WE awaken to the marvel of Heaven on Earth. WE are Spiritual Beings wearing human cloaks. Trust yourself and go within. As the rambling begin to quiet, listen to the whispers of your inner self; your intuition; your spirit. Keep what is good for you. Love ALL unconditionally.ONE becomes a Way of Life.~ Mayan Code of Honor~ॐ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ☯ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ॐ ¸.•*´¨`­­­­­­­*•.¸ ☯
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ƸӜƷ Sending love

ƸӜƷ Sending love, courage and unity in the light... I ԼƠƔЄ❤˙·٠•●♥✿Mother Earth✿♥●•٠· I ԼƠƔЄ❤☆:*´¨`*☀Father SKy☀*´¨`*:.☆ I ԼƠƔЄ❤`*☀All living beings on the planet.☀*´❤ I ԼƠƔЄ❤ You ☀ All ❤ _/♥\_ ☀ԼƠƔЄ❤ is the most powerful Energy of the Universe ☆ॐ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ☯ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ॐ ¸.•*´¨`­­­­­­­*•.¸ ☯

"AWARENESS brings REALIZATION. Realization causes an Awakening. Awakening will bring you to an in-Lightened state. In the Light, you will find your TRUTH... and finally you will know that the POWER IS WITHIN YOU!"

ॐ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ☯ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ ॐ ¸.•*´¨`­­­­­­­*•.¸ ☯

May all Beings Be Peaceful, Happy and Light in Body, Spirit and Mind. May all Beings Be Safe and Free from any harm. May all Beings Be Free from anger, despair and fear. May all Beings regard themselves with Understanding, Kindness and Acceptance. May all Beings recognize and nourish the seeds of Loving Kindness within Themselves. May all Beings Live Peacefully. May all Beings understand their interdependence and power to affect others positively. May all Beings Honour the Sacred. May these words benefit us, and all those whom our lives touch.

~ Metta- The Great Prayer of Loving Kindness ~

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believe ....

8108735859?profile=originalbelieve Kindness, Compassion, Love, HumanityJustice for making a better worldWe travel long distances and short distancesThey don't measure our hearts and soulsThousands of miles may separate usBut there is no distance between our soulsWe share the same, fears, tears, love, joyAnd laughter in our hearts...Love,.
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8108736867?profile=originalLove came, and became like blood in my body.It rushed through my veins and encircled my heart.Everywhere I looked, I saw one thing.Love's name written on my limbs, on my left palm,on my forehead, on the back of my neck, on my right big toe...all that you see of me is just a shell, and the rest belongs to love....
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I have found that .....

I have found that True Friendship is the Rarest of Gems indeed you Sparkle like a Diamond ~ Because you are my True Friend my Life is enriched in a Myriad of ways ~ Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day ~ like a Ray of Sunshine parting glowering clouds you Lift me up ~ May all your Good Wishes come True For You~☜❤☞~IN THE COMPANY OF ANGELS~☜❤☞~8108737064?profile=original
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Love it's the only Keyyyyyy ♥

The life is dream and the dream is life ''


We Are Together And We Are One ..

Just be yourself,Follow your heart and soul.Close your eye's and .listing to the Rithme of the Music... After your open your eye's and you will see the Light of Mistery's,..Soon will whe once with the Universium,.One People's,..One Love,.one Soul,..one Spirite's... without only Love Peace Freedom and Respect!!!

Love it's the only Keyyyyyy ♥

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Like a circle in a spiral...

8108737692?profile=originalLike a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel,Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel,Like a snowball down a mountain or a carnival balloonLike a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon,Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face,And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space,Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind.
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