





March 9

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every human being every event every life...

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  • Interview with a Zeta-Hybrid about coming Earth changes and the Reptoids
    (they are connected to the -Illuminati- and our socalled -Governments-)

    The coming -swine flu- vaccinations are not really vaccinations at all,
    but an excuse to give all of us a NANO-MICROCHIP, when you get THIS
    you could say goodbye to all privacy as they would have total control.

    Please spread this video far and wide and watch it fully, it might be the
    most important video you will ever see in your life

  • Hi Solaris !

    Hope you are well and happy and had a wonderful summer.

  • Greetings!
  • If I didn't know any better I'd think these messages were personally too me!?...thank you for being you, you have a kind heart and a gentle soul.~_~
  • Hi, I am just stopping by to wish you a great weekend dear friend. Relax and enjoy.

    Love and Light

    MySpace Graphics
  • Thank you very much!Glitter Graphics

    Thank You Glitter Pictures

  • Absolutely beautiful. Thank you!!!
  • Peace and love Solaris


  • This is how I feel right "Now"
    All my love to you :)
This reply was deleted.
Solaris posted a video
This footage was filmed by Antonio Urzi during the 4th International UFO and NEWAGE Congress in Istanbul on the 14th of June 2009 at WOW Convention Center and witnessed by hundreds of people who were there...
Nov 2, 2020
Solaris left a comment on LYRA VEGA
"Hello Jean

Channelers names are Safir Jolan & Eser)
I read messages deeply and I would say that they underline balance importantly and how it is important I guess that is a sign of 2012. They mentioned about alignment of the stars it is definite…"
Sep 7, 2009
Solaris left a comment on LYRA VEGA
"Sending love waves to all
Have a wonderful weekend"
Sep 4, 2009
Solaris left a comment on LYRA VEGA
Sep 4, 2009

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AlternateEarth commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"During hillary and obamas arab spring in Egypt the puppet pres tried to re write the constitution one night-early that morning the egyptian military stepped in and arested him and paraded him around in his underwear-the end of the fake arab spring…"
37 seconds ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"Yeah I have thought about how maybe plans have been modified before just like you said. I now have confirmation that indeed modifications have been made. Thanks friend as usual you have the answers we seek :)"
2 hours ago
Infinity posted a photo in Mission Of Maitreya; Eternal Divine Path
Or await the Elohim to return.
2 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"Of course, Shel made that vid about eleven years ago, so in 2013.....So, mods have been made to reflect the NOW moment, of 2024....In every now moment, a plan can be forged, but events, including energy shifts, may make for differences in the manner…"
2 hours ago
RichRaelian liked AlternateEarth's discussion Expert believes Las Vegas alien sighting video showing “cloaked” aliens IS REAL
2 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"Oh here's that Shel video I was talking about which mentions in the first few minutes about the arrests and what comes after. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l6sWlFG3-Y"
2 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"Well the fun I am definitely enjoying. No need to worry about that :)"
2 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"Hehe...!! Well, that's OK friend....There are a number of variables, but the timescales will be dictated by the response of humanity and through manifestation efforts, transforming, what was a slow process, to something that can be sped up, if…"
2 hours ago