Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals that have not yet been proven to exist by science, but have been seen on video or photographed. Animals thought to be extinct also fall into this category. Examples of these animals include the legendary
Thought it would be cool to expand my Sheldan Nidle and GFL discussion and add even more info regarding anything that gets into the UFO ET topic on this new discussion so if anybody finds anything UFO or ET related feel free to post on here. Could be
A Pleiadian Princess of Love, Light, & Compassion - Aurora 77D
Introduction to AURORA a Pleyadian Princess of Love, Light & Compassion from the 77th Dimension, radiating to Mother Gaia and Humanity the White Diamond Light Energy...
While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as
Darkness & Light - Reconcialation Of Non-Duality Transmission
By Shora From White Walls
Non duality is NOT no duality. The irony of non-duality is about being in the dual nature of this plane, yet at the same time understanding and embodying the dua
Here is another wonderful Vision from our friend Pernille Therkildsen in Denmark. Thanks so much, and keep them coming to us, Pernille! She says, "This morning I woke up with a song on my mind: Freed
The New Wave of Awakening By Lady Nada & Octavia Vasile
Beloved children of light, the time of suffering is dissolving like mist before the morning sun. You have carried the weight of pain and fear for lifetimes, but now, the gentle embrace of heal
How To Create A Safe Space For Your Own Healing By Matt & Joy Kahn
Are you carrying too much? Do you feel like you're holding the weight of the world—your family, your community, even the struggles of the world around you?
Affirmations: Releasing the Suppressed Feminine, Embracing the Divine Feminine By Steve Nobel
Affirmations directly address the unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think,
If you are a healer of any kind and wish to clear intrusive energies interfering in your work and to upgrade your connection to Universal Energy then check out this track.
Decades worth of secrets may finally see the light of day. Video down below in the comments section. These months and years ahead are going to be amazing :)
I greet you in the eternal light of divine transformation, in the radiance of the Violet Flame that ever burns within the heart of creation. Now, more than ever, I ca
A Vision for the Magnificent Gifts We Receive Daily from Creator
The following Vision came in last month from Lynne Newman whose words are so poetic and touching that we are honored to share them with you. Thanks so much, Lynne.
I would like to clarify that when I mention earth surface nations, such as Russia or America I'm not trying to place one above the other, or shaming one, while praising the other....That is not my purpose...My purpose appreciate