

About Yourself

Astronomy, all things metaphysical, painting, writing music, E.T culture studies, ancient civilizations (Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu , Sumeria etc..), Wicca, backgammon, cloud watching, dream journaling, crystals, Medieval era, Templar and Grail lore, movies and t.v, to name a few things.

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  • Hey Luke.

    Thank you. It's been a very strange few months since we last interacted. I don't really know what's going on any more. Every day seems like Groundhog Day and I have not yet found a reason to be here in this world. I find it harder to be here by the day because there is so much sadness and hardship going on amongst friends, family and well, the world really. Today I found out that one of my best friends (who I met via the AGC 6 years ago and speak to every day on the phone as he lives here in the UK) has slipped into a coma and will probably not make it thru the night. He's on this site too, Martin Askey. I can't stop crying.

    I have had some nice moments with my 22 month old nephew and seeing friends and family, but I don't feel really part of this dimension anymore, but my body is here so I must take part even tho' it feels so false somehow. Oh well, there must be a reason. I hope things are well with you brother. Be Happy. Only Love.


  • 8113797066?profile=original

    Hi Seb.. sending you some futuristic Blade Runner Love and Light :-)

    Hope you are keeping well my lovely sister.. you always have a friend here.. drop in to my page anytime you wish.. I am always here for you,



  • 8113738273?profile=original

    hi Seb.. I hope you are well.. its been a while since I was last here and I want you to know that you are loved so very much... you have beautiful energy and I hope that allis well for you at the moment.. I've been through so many upheavles lately and I really wish for all of this 3d illusionary world to wrap itself up so that we can all live in Love and peace.. I cant believe there is still so much confussion and crazy stuff going on in the world but i know that our spitiual loving energy will and is carrying us through it all.. I wish you a beautiful week ahead free of anxiety and may you feel Love and joy and bliss and comfort.. my beautiful sister.. I Love you always

  • 8113726878?profile=original

    .. you're here in my heart Seb... it wont be long before all of the darkness finnishes forever.. I understand how upsetting it can be...

    I Love you.. always.

  • 8113725688?profile=original8113714094?profile=original

    Happy new year my lovely sister ... its going to be a beautiful 2011 for you Seb..

    with infinite Love and warmest hugs and smiles .. joy and laughter.. bliss and harmony..

    your brother and friend eternally..

    Pan :o)

  • 8113723085?profile=original


    Seb your Love is stunning :o) - I hope you feel better and i send you my Love always... may you have a warm and comfortable Christmas and may the new year be brilliant for you... we are in a dream and the dream is changing for the better... we are going to be fine.. I Love you... my beautiful darling sister... always,





  • 8113721276?profile=original

  • Seb that you are a pioneer into illusions, you are loved more than you can imagine and you are exalted by billions in the unseen..  we go through heartache and pain because it enables us to bring in the deepest Love - the dark it is ending, the light is comming through and we have a very bright future very soon.. all of the pain is finaly comming to an end.. you can feel it in the air.. it may look chaotic in the world but very soon there will be a beautiful cosmic mind blowing event that will is going to be stunning.. Seb, I also feel that after years of thinking i knew quite a fair amount...I actually know .. well nothing.. nada,zip..in fact zero... Lol... really... it appears to me thats its because we are all being rewired with our lightbodies and so we are purging and cleansing... I was reminded of u2 when you mentioned it.. the first few lines in this song are ''the more you see, the less you know.. the less you find out as you go - I knew much more then... than I do now'' - anyway, i hope you enjoy it :o)


    Seb, yes... heres to park benches.. beaches.. rainy days by the window in a quiet corner of seaside cafes... when rain is on the window.. I will hold your hand and if you feel teardrops comming.. then I do too - because we are sensitive souls.. but our sensitivity is helping to change the world forever..

    Love to you always and forever my lovely sister.. stay in the Light sweetheart.. the worst is over.


  • oh sweetheat.. you are so beautiful.. you are not alone in any way.. the amount of times I have sat alone parks and by the beach just on the verge of tears I have lost count.. Seb, dont worry, we'll get through this together.. the Christ Vibration is in you and you are always safe in the Christ Vibration - you may walk this journey with me any time my dear sister .. there are beautiful souls in here who can also guide us as we guide them and together we are all guiding ourselves home..


    stay as beautiful as you are .. and if ever you need to chat - I am always here..

    pure Love to you Seb - always forever.



  • oh.. sorry I just realised I sent it twice (whoops) :o)


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