SERGEI's Posts (1)

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When I was a kid I loved staring at the stars... more than other kids do. It didn't make any sense to me, something just attracted me so much out there... When my mom saw me first time sitting all alone in the dark and staring at the sky, she said:
"I have to tell you something... Before you were born an old Gipsy lady told me that I'd have a son who will have a great connection with the cosmos... And, when you were born and you were a few months old, another totally strange lady showed up out of nowhere and said: "Listen to me, it's very important. This is not your son. He belongs to the stars..."

Guys, I have been having dreams almost every night if not every night, I'm going crazy... I see ships in the sky, all shapes and sizes, they land, I greet them, talk to them, tell them that humans are not ready...
Is anybody else having these dreams?
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