Russ Hatfield's Posts (130)

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Life in Brief

There is so much more to life than just living because life as well as death are merely different phases of the same collection of conscious energies we call ourselves. Life is a cumulative experience built up over tens of thousands of years and living is a transitional phase that happens during each incarnation. At the end of that incarnation is another phase of life called death as we prepare for our next period of living but this part of our life being lived at this very moment is a crucial part of the overall goal. In short, we are the protagonists in a cosmic epic that never ends but does evolve. People around the world the last few years have noted a vibrational change taking place where they feel different in ways they haven’t felt before. It is the course of evolution passed on from parent to child where each new phase of life ushers in a better prepared person ready to expand consciously. We may only live for about eighty years but compared to the nine hundred years for the average sixth dimensional Sirian, our brief life is a rich and full one without the ability to access all of our past lives as they can saving us the extra burden of regretting mistakes made thousands of years ago or trying to live up to a life far more desirable than the one currently being lived.
Souls awaiting this time in earth’s existence have been incarnating here for decades as the changes start to take place and people begin to act on the new energies many have never experienced previously such as photonic energy. What does this mean for the future and the life being lived now? It means the goal everyone is trying to reach is closer than ever, the goal of ascension. Atlantis provided a missed opportunity but the souls now taking up that goal again have returned to an earth familiar in so many ways. To handle an increase of information availability several magnitudes more than was available at the turn of the century requires human evolution to include increased memory and storage capabilities to organize the multitude of streams of information constantly at our fingertips. From a baby monitor to a global satellite system, our entire world is more a part of us now than at any time in our planet’s history, a unifying oneness separated only by a sense of overriding individuality, national pride, religious, racial and sexual differences, economic, social and class inequalities though none of which will have any effect on the individual’s path to ascension itself unless allowed to by the individual.
That process of ascension is inevitable but only rarely does it happen overnight. It is more like a matter of waves that would better be described as a series of tsunamis when they finally hit. Wave after wave of changes would sweep the planet were the right set of circumstances present which is exactly what is happening at this very moment. What we are seeing is the restless receding of the water from the shoreline and the back flow sucking everything inexorability out to sea. It’s a process that could take hundreds of years or the impending waves could come rushing in and fill up the dark corners of the planet within months. Until then, the pulling back from bigotry and extremism is being caused by those very acts themselves. As the world experiences each new outrage against the peaceful coexistence sought by almost everyone, more people are turned against those acts in shock and disgust. Take world wars, the thought of another one is abhorrent to most as well is the thought of segregation by color. Once completely acceptable for hundreds of years and then suddenly found to be a period of insanity the world went through as the clarity of what is right replaced it with equality for all. As the world gets kinder the waves get closer.
In looking for the simplest way to sum this up, I turn to a song from the Grateful Dead called “Morning Dew”. A song about the apocalypse and the world ending where there will be no more chances to walk in the morning dew. It ends with the fateful decision to take that first step in the wet grass because really, it doesn’t matter anyway. So it is with life, whether it is a world ending event, a sudden car crash or a long, slow slide into an oblivious death, nothing will prevent our departing this reality into another. It is the acceptance of that fate happening at any moment which allows us to also cast off old misgivings and regrets, lost opportunities and a life one may even feel is already over with the ease of taking off a coat. All one has to remember is that every moment is an opening to start anew without any of what has been left over except happy memories and hard earned lessons. Going from living to death is not to be feared but used as a jumping off point for a new life now, to let go completely from anything that has held us back from experiencing every moment in full awareness of how each are gifts to be opened with new eyes filled with a love for the light we all are at the quantum level so……..
in love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "The Gonzo Interview". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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The True Guardians Of the Galaxy

Channeling Session Date: 12/31/1996
Space isn't just for humans anymore and in fact we're the newcomers to the party. This month we find out just how late we are as we get a wider look at why the galaxy is guarded and how it is done. Ashtar Command is only one of the groups of higher dimensional organizations such as the Galactic Federation that look after planets like Earth which are on the verge of a consciousness breakthrough leading to possible Ascension. That we are just one of many planets being guarded and guided is another example of life imitating art, if art was a sector of space fifty light years in any direction.
Tia is the night's Ring Mistress and gets right into all things terrestrial leaving the galactic happenings to the other speakers to come. Those things concerning the planet began with an more than normal drop on Wall street for a New Year's eve and so we look at the reasons for the drop and predictions of what could be expected once the markets opened again. She gets out of the way for Omal who helps us understand better who the Galactic Federation is and what they do in helping guide those planets who show potential and will hopefully not destroy themselves before reaching space faring capabilities. Our designation as one of those worlds is the whole purpose of Hades Base and so he is able to clear up the question of whether there will be future mass landings. He also gives us his first hand knowledge of the landings that do place and the scientific research going on afterwards. He answers questions on the photon cloud and its affects on the spiritual behaviors of humans and physical effect on weather patterns. He also shares with us the plan for the evacuation of earth by Ashtar Command should it be necessary. He goes on to explain the ritual for planetary Ascension taking place to bring higher consciousness individuals even higher and the guides helping with the process. He ends his time with a closer look at the Hale-Bopp comet and negates the idea of it having a companion. Karra gets us to the end of the side with a discussion on spiritual growth cycles that can wear a person down without an equal amount of rest after one. She explains it is the same as when she does a healing and that the drawing in of that energy is possible for me as well if needed in my job.
She continues on that same line of thought as side two gets under way but now we include the photon cloud as an energy source and get a great healing demonstration from her. Using one of the cats, she changes to photonic energy in a healing where the results of the new kind of energy being added gave some immediate effects. Demonstration done, Lyka takes her place to channel and we get to hear from an actual guardian of the galaxy about the life she leads and the future she is looking to in her duties as an oath keeper with the Sirian Defense Force. She tells us more about their affiliation with the Galactic Federation and the minimum 300 years needed to be served as the volunteer she is. We get the closest look yet at what it's like being a member and the perks for her service. We switch topics to the upcoming Tri-Base ski races and the outfit she'll be wearing in the competition. Prior to finishing up she shares with us her fascination with Picabo Street whose career she had been following. Kiri closes out the night to get the New Year's celebration off down here as they are in full swing in the channeling room on the base. Most of Kiri's time is spent discussing Lyka's ski suit and the preparations for the ski races such as which ladies of the base will be modeling her latest swimsuit and lingerie designs. She ends the night telling me about my Christmas present, a diabolical (according to Karra) Energizer Bunny programmed for realism.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The Power Grids Of Atlantis

It was in the summer of 1921 on June 30th when an elderly gentleman out riding his horse in the countryside of the Bredwardine hills of England was graced with a vision. The man was Alfred Watkins and what he beheld was a familiar countryside changed before his eyes into a pattern of glowing lines of energy intersecting churches, stones, wells and sacred sites laid out before him. In an instant he connected what he saw as being a part of a pattern established centuries before by the inhabitants of the land. His theory was that they had built these lines or tracks to facilitate trade and commerce as they traveled from hilltop to hilltop instead of following rivers, valleys and ridges as was usually done. His revelations sparked an interest in what he called Ley lines and it sent thousands of people out into the countryside to determine the truth for themselves. Extremely rational, he dismissed the supernatural theories put forward to explain Ley lines and steadfastly held to the belief that they were no more than primitive roads to get from one key place to another. He did though go on to write three books over the next six years, the most famous of which is "The Old Straight Track". In it he added photographs and diagrams to illustrate what he had discovered and was one of my favorite books early on in my exploration of new age ideas.
Nearly a hundred years later, humanity has progressed significantly in both science and spirituality. What he saw as mere tracks along the landscape are now known as Telluric currents running under the land and what he thought were carefully laid out paths were actually lines of force felt or discovered by his ancestors who built their sacred sites and structures at places where the lines intersected. Over the centuries churches replaced the sacred sites where the energy felt the best and patterns started to form as more and more construction took place by those even slightly sensitive to the nature of the effects. Archaeologists disregard the theories of Alfred Watkins or that early Britons would have established such tracks and they are right, Telluric currents were already in existence long before the first sacred sites were constructed but how were they used thousands of years before early Britons? That is one answer we do know thanks to Kiri of Ashtar Command who in a recent channeling session revealed that Telluric force lines were first utilized by the Atlanteans and later by those who escaped the destruction. Science tells us they are natural electrical currents that run over land and sea and even before Alfred Watkins time early telegraph systems were using the currents to charge their batteries as far back as the 1840’s.
The children of Atlantis are returning and bringing with them their memories of how the earth’s energy could be harnessed as it was once before. Free energy supplied by the forces of nature was widely available with the technology they brought with them from a planet far away and would be available to us in our modern age except that energy for free is not in the interest of companies that supply the energy that powers the world. That has always been in line with the path of our progression consciously but it will not be the case forever. Nikola Tesla had a chance to provide the world free energy and jump-start that progression but was stymied in his efforts by those whose fortunes would be threatened with the success of his experiments. We may never know how he was able to produce the results he did in both New York and Colorado with the harnessing of the earth’s energy but his stated goal to provide limitless energy for free to the world was a noble one. Now we see a person of our modern times who could be a reincarnation of Nikola Tesla in the form of Elon Musk. One could make an argument that the name he gave his signature automobile achievement would be a dead giveaway but with the recent introduction to the marketplace of his solar roof panels and the built-in energy recovery system that goes with it, the energy grid of the planet could and hopefully will be revolutionized by its widespread application.
Here in 2017 we know that changes in our planet’s magnetic field induce fairly substantial currents into the surface of the earth and these Telluric currents are not actually straight lines of force but circular ones. They are also not nearly as prolific as described by Alfred Watkins. What we don’t know is what our world would be like if Nikola Tesla had received the necessary funds to make his dream a reality where by just attaching a metal pole to your house could power everything in it indefinitely for free as was done in Atlantis. That alternate reality will have to stay just that but not forever. The demand is on for energy that is renewable from sources such as the sun, wind and water and that demand is being met in increasing amounts. Whole countries are dedicating themselves to be powered 100% through renewable energy which is a watermark for those of us who have dreamed of a world whose energy needs are met without resorting to coal, oil, or nuclear fuels. Those glowing lines of energy seen by Alfred Watkins back in 1921 may not power the planet for free as was hoped for by Tesla but if it can be done cleanly and cost less with renewable energy, we may yet reverse the destructive effects of global warming with the new mindset emerging worldwide. So on that note, for those about to roof, we at the Hades Base News salute you.
In love and free light as one,
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "The True Guardians Of the Galaxy". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "A Big Bang and the Baron's Tribute". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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A Big Bang and The Barron's Tribute

This month of May, 2017 is bringer of a very deep channeling session from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base with the nature of known reality called into question. This time though it isn't about whether the earth is the only source of information in the universe but if this universe is the only universe there is. What if our big bang is but one of many big bangs and we actually live in a Multiverse? This and many more questions on energy and black holes are just what Kiri discusses with the group and there are four more speakers besides her.
it is also Kiri who is the acting ring Mistress for the channeling session and starts things only by bring on Omal who takes up pretty much all of side one with some fascinating topics of discussion. First on the list is an immediate demonstration of how a 7th dimensional being can influence the temperature in a 3rd dimensional space as he demonstrates his manifestation skill by cooling the room here on earth from the base. With Tia on sabbatical, Omal fills us in on news of the world as seen from the monitoring of earth from the base. In his review of national news, he calls out NASA for the sloppiness demonstrated by a fuel leak with the latest shuttle mission. That leads to a discussion on the inherent changes in society in general as seen in some current police investigations at the time and lax moral attitude towards the value of a life. Following the cause, we get a lesson in the true birth of the Internet before he ends his time explaining the complicated factors that make up global warming. Side two is almost over at that point but we have time for Treebeard who comes on to barely answer a questions on devas. That question on how devas use energy becomes an excellent lesson on energy in general.
On side two he asks for examples if energy and descriptions or each but it is all a setup for his answer on energy's definition is perfectly explained as he knew all the time where he was leading us. From there though he defers to the expert when the questions on energy really start in earnest. It's Kiri then who comes on to take the conversation to the next level, stellar phenomenon and the really big examples of energy at its most intense. Here is is where we get into the mechanics of a black hole and how energy is brought from one universe to another. Of course we now have to grasp the concept of a Multiverse and that's when things get really heavy. She shows what someone who has the knowledge gained from thousands of years of research into how the universe works to give us an in-depth tutorial on practically everything there is to know about a black hole including how they may be responsible for not just our Big Bang but multiple Big Bangs when two black holes of equal mass meet. Wing Commander Taal drops in so Kiri makes way for him. He came by to deliver a tribute to The Baron, a pilot who occasionally had been a speaker on some of the podcasts who had died recently so the channeling session takes a somber tone. It doesn't take long so Karra comes on and lightens the mood by giving a discourse on the devil and another happy subject, Creutzfeld-Jacobs disease. She has been under incredible stress in ambassadorial duties and it shows in the topics of the night. Kiri is called in again at that point to help in Skip's quest to get from her an answer on how to build a warp care engine. She finishes up the session by helping our youngest guest with a identity issue he had been having..
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The 60's Ride Again

This has been written for those who have the will to succeed where others fail to try. It’s also written for those fifty years ago this summer who came together in a celebration we now call the "Summer of Love" who tried and seemed to fail at changing their world. From those nascent roots of what was hoped would be a raising of consciousness across the social and political landscape came generations of children influenced by a culture born of free love, free thought and free expressionism. Now it is as if the hippies have gone high tech, higher consciousness and higher overall. The Internet has connected people across the world like a non-stop love in and those connections have included beings from other worlds and other dimensions. The teachings coming from the thousands of websites devoted to strengthening those connections to higher dimensional beings have created a groundswell of interest in things outside our planet as a result. Add to that the growing support for marijuana legalization and research into its benefits along with stronger strains emerging have had a profound effect that was also prevalent back then. Psychedelics in the 60's, just appearing outside of a lab for the first time, opened people's minds in ways never dreamed while today they still are finding their way into the mainstream.
The 60's weren't totally about peace and love and then just as now, the government has taken a decidedly conservative tone with a new administration some have referred to at times as Nixonian. Already the drumbeats of war can be heard, the attorney general is taking a harder line on drugs and the Supreme Court is headed to the right. Around the country, protests have broken out and racial unrest has been a large part of the reason why for a number of them while intolerance for anyone with a different opinion is also on the rise. Someone in a coma for fifty years and just coming around to awareness after all this time may not be as surprised with the changes as one might expect. Despite all the negative similarities to the 60's that exist, so much good is being generated by the positive similarities that they far outweigh anything that could derail the momentum of this summer of enlightenment. Take for example hallucinogenics, while we do not endorse or encourage the experimentation of mind altering substances, the life altering effects of them can be a short cut to the one thing hard to experience but attainable without needing any aids, oneness.
Anyone who has ever experimented with psychedelics of any kind has been given a glimpse of time at its rawest near the end of the trip where each instant is broken into a history of life choices laid out in a swirling mosaic. So much so in fact that you feel as if the decisions will never stop and you can’t wait to get back to a normal mode of thinking where it all gets slowed down to one thought at a time again. In a matter of seconds, over and over, one sees that the moment being experienced all comes down to an unending series of choices folding in on each other as you are witness to the complete interconnectedness of all things. Whether you choose to read or not read, turn left instead of right, reach for a drink or not reach for a drink, it doesn’t matter because it all leads to the place one already feels at the center of, source. Once free of the effects of whatever it was that got you to that place, all of the connectedness you have been a part of so briefly fades from memory and your world is once more your world, all that is left behind is a desire to get back to that place without the need of such substances. Facing eternity again and again is a scary prospect but one of the lessons to be learned from it is to always live a reality one should be proud to call their own. Just because the trip stops, it doesn’t mean the lessons from it stop as well but hopefully the lessons can be learned without the need of the trip in the first place.
It is the same thing with past lives, just because we no longer live them, it doesn’t mean there are not lessons to be learned from a greater understanding of what made us the people we are. Everybody is a combination of previous lives and lessons that make up a latticework of interconnecting lifelines which weave together the tapestry of infinity we experience. Once there were castles and classes to maintain organization and protect the citizenry from outside forces. Now there are countries and the hard won security as the reward for our evolution from barbarity to modern civilization. It is computers and freedom of thought that will take that evolution to the next step of going from having national pride to an all-encompassing planetary pride. Go Team Earth. It was in the 60's when an explosion of light was ready to take place through mind expanding substances and ideas but the world wasn’t ready just yet. Instead it would have to wait nearly sixty years engendering an even larger explosion that could potentially start any day. One thing the "Summer of Love" didn't have were the higher dimensional teachers whose help can get us to the goal that was hoped for back then with our desire to make it so. Now the mass consciousness of the world is seeing a return to a spirit of the 60's but in an environment much more conducive to the growth of that consciousness. John Lennon said it best when he said, “let it be.” We here at the Hades Base News second that opinion but say instead, "let it grow."
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "A Big Bang and the Baron's Tribute". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Soul Notes and Tuella

The podcast for April had a larger number of guests to ask questions of the members of Ashtar Command so the topics for the night's channeling session hopped around quite a bit. Some of the questions revolved around moves to other places which brought up the subject or soul notes while other questions on Tuella brought up revelations on the mass landing plans of Ashtar Command. It is an informative session all around with a lot of growth potential just from the wide range of questions and answers as well as a clearer look at the decision making process within the Council of Light.
Tia answers questions right away instead of her normal dissertation with the first first question on some missing plutonium in Russia and where it had gone. The possibility of the material getting into the wrong hands was a current concern. She gets into a discussion on the advisability of making a move to another state but is instructed from behind the scenes to cut it short for Omal to speak. He's next to channel and he had quite a bit to enlighten us about such as the first question he fielded where he takes up the question of the missing Russian plutonium. He brings up a good point where he questions the apparent news blackout of the American press compared to it worldwide competitors. The question again was brought up of making a move which Omal answered with an explanation on the vibrational qualities of an area where one is raised and how they correlate with a person's soul notes. He explains that a person's spiritual development happens best when in an area that resonates with their soul notes. He gets to a question on the photon cloud and he confirms its effects on the planet's magnetic shield as an increase to solar activity. He ends the side after a answering a few more questions on the subject of Tuella and her writings of the planned mass evacuation of the planet in the case of a pole shift by Ashtar Command.
On side two Omal assists in setting the record straight right at the beginning by laying out the logistics of moving billions of people off the planet in colony ships two million at a time in ships over five miles long. It's Kiri's turn next who revisits questions on the photon cloud but addresses the spiritual side of the effects the cloud has on each of us. This is where we learn that it affects us in how it increases the body's frequency which amplifies a person's spiritual growth. She answers one last question before over half the crowd have to head down the mountain so it's on a question of sentient engines. We get as far on the subject as Kiri is allowed to by Omal so too much information is not revealed. After it is just down to two questioners, we learn of the vetting process each channeling session gets and that we sometimes will get more information than would normally be allowed but that is because it is an initial incarnation to this planet for one of our group. Karra takes the place of her sister in the channeling pyramid on the base who helps me review the state of my shields throughout the session and I am reminded by her of when she was in my mind while I was getting my skis fixed. An employee had offered a beer and it may have affected me when I found my shields tested shortly thereafter. We get into a good conversation then about shielding and intoxication. She ends her time going over each of the psychic skills and how an operant in each is determined and how with what little coercion she and I have we can control each other at times.
In love and Light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Star Wars and Star Peace

Published in 1869, Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” chronicles the lives of people wrapped in their own worlds while the world around them is going up in flames. The intertwining story lines of a diverse cast of characters goes to the question at the very heart of the novel asking what is fate and what is free will? The individuals of the story come to life with the reading and could almost step out of the pages from the various situations the reader’s imagination conjures. A work of fiction, it doesn’t lose the presence of reality all good books bring to life. Stories have the power to awaken the emotions, provoke thought and uplift the soul but what about a non-fictional part of our reality rarely heard of and believed in even less? War and peace are not restricted to just our planet and elsewhere they mean more than we could ever know because the stakes are higher for the heros of this editorial, the pilots of the air arm of Ashtar Command and members of the Sirian Defense Force. Here in the Sol Sector, the Brotherhood of Light operates under the aegis of Ashtar Command with the pilots of Hades Base the part which patrols earth's skies and, as with the Sirian Defense Force, transition from a higher dimension to the third dimension to accomplish their mission though only one has any interaction with this planet’s security.
The dichotomy of someone from a higher dimension doing a job that may involve killing someone else often raises confusion as to its need. We will try to clarify that need by starting with the Hades Base pilots and the mission they do in preventing interference from third dimensional, non-earth entities like the Greys. We call the pilots “The Blue Guys” affectionately for the skin pigmentation of their race which was genetically modified with the qualities that make them the superior pilots that they are. They can be found throughout the galaxy piloting craft for various races and operate independently of Ashtar Command. For those pilots like Flight Commander Taal who can be heard in some of the podcasts that have been assigned to work with Ashtar Command in maintaining the security of humanity, each day could be their last they see of their families as they leave the base for the three minute flight to reach their patrol zones or rush to the aid of other pilots. Symbiotically bonded with their craft from their earliest days, they share a connection that few of us can imagine and if lost in battle, moves on to the waiting period unknown, unmourned and unthanked by us for the perilous job they do ensuring our growth minus anything that would impede it from other races who do not have our best interests at heart.
How to describe The Sirian Defense Force? It’s hard to convey the commitment those of the higher dimensions have in assisting those of the third dimension in reaching their next evolutionary jump to a dimension without wars, money or prejudice. To that end every Sirian joins the Defense Force unless they do not wish to do harm to others in fulfilling that oath they had taken as a planet. Other Sirirans like Lyka, who can also be heard in many of the podcasts take on that promised time instead for the honor earned at the end of their service which can last often half their lives or some five hundred years. While having never come to this planet, we have heard through Lyka of several of the races the Sirian Defense Force have helped. In each case it has been a population on the verge of being swallowed by the darkness in need of help finding a thread to the light again. So as to not interfere themselves in a race's growth, the Defense Force have to use weapons conventional to the planet they’re helping and not the advanced weaponry available to them. They also have to do what they do unacknowledged for the role they play by the people they are helping all in the name of the light. Before being assigned to the base, Karra and her soul mate had joined up out of college as medics and went through the training necessary prior to being deployed. During one harrowing mission on some faraway planet they were doing field medicine of the wounded in a war torn city where only the bones of the once bustling city were left. A wounded soldier needed tending so they rushed to her aid and as they were tending her wounds, Karra’s soul mate looked out over the broken wall of their concealment to be suddenly hit in the head by an enemy’s laser beam. Watching her soul mate die devastated Karra and is a vision I’ve been given during a sharing of it she did with me once. I had not as yet been exposed to that kind of personal tragedy until then so the scars we shared have helped both of us understand why it had to happen or these words could never have been written.
Back here on third dimensional earth, people are worried about blowups between housewives in various large cities, the price of oil and the loss of jobs to artificial intelligence. Our potential is calling and it would be rude to ignore the call. We have been given through the channeled discussions with members of Ashtar Command on this site and others, examples of how living for the group is significantly better than living for the self. We’re seeing in our higher dimensional mentors ourselves someday when enough lessons have been learned by the human race and a greater wisdom can prevail. Until then and after, it’s all about growth. Incarnation after incarnation, going through the lessons that expand consciousness amidst a challenging environment determined to block that expansion. It is in these exciting times that breakthroughs are happening and information of a higher dimensional nature is flooding across the web. Connections are being made that never could have happened before a global network had been established but now that it has, the consciousness explosion about to take place will be a thing of beauty to watch. Much stands in the way but little of it will make any difference to persons of will who are determined to act as those do in the higher dimensions, raising ourselves to the highest level of vibrational stability we can reach and then helping raise up those at a lower level find the light illuminating our path. Anything we do now is good practice for when that ascension takes place and is also an important part of making that happen. Until then, sacrifices will be made, lives will be lost but we discount as a species our galactic importance in the lack of acceptance of that importance. Were we to do so and act as a unified whole, we could take our place among the Brotherhood of Light assisting other planets find their true potential as well.
In love and life as ONE.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Soul Notes and Tuella". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Strangers In A Strange Land.

Channeling Session Date: 01/03/1997
This month we here at the Hades Base News present a channeling session initiated in January of 1997 which is named for the process all entities go through to feel at home in their environment, even in the higher dimensions. For this session it referred to several cases such as the group of scientists rescued from their powerless spacecraft who were from Tia's home planet of Durondedunn. Kept in stasis and revived, they were from the third dimension as Tia was but left the planet 200 years before Tia. Their adjusting to a higher dimension could be compared to our adjusting to a higher dimension. First there is the acceptance that there even is a higher dimension and then accepting that you are sharing the universe with countless other beings and cultures. Reality needs to be completely rethought to include all the new parameters if you've changed dimensions as they did or are planning to change dimensions in some life to come.
Tia starts the session off answering a question on the difference between channelings from the base to those from the city ships before moving on to the main topic of discussion, her accident that brought her to the sixth dimension. We also get a more detailed story of how the Durondeddunn scientists from her home planet and eventually came to be placed on Hades Base. With their root race being feline, we learn of the unique difficulties they faced making the transition. It was Tia's recounting of her near death experience and subsequent assignment to Hades Base along with one very funny faux pas that makes her time channeling unforgettable. Omal is next with his reasoning for the channeling sessions being unique among the websites devoted to Ashtar Command channelings for not appeasing the masses. The discourse next focuses on world events environmentally and whether they are being influenced by the Photon Cloud. He ends on topic by going over our preparations for a possible collapse of society which turned out not to be needed.
We get side two off to a rousing start with Alana and her helping us understand more about dolphin behavior on earth through her research of dolphins on the base. She does confirm that dolphins are probably interacting more with humans now that they feel safer around them. Next we get into the subject of super operants and some of the ways they could be born. Staying on subject, we learn a lot more of how the act of making love cane be enhanced by super operants to levels unavailable to those not paramount grand masters of all five mental abilities. We end the talk with the revelation of a device now in use that allows her to speak to dolphins and they respond in answer. What the dolphins told her showed incredible intelligence. Karra takes the place of her daughter to review my recent healing experiments using photon energy. She points out what I'm doing wrong and then provides a method for gathering photon energy the next time I need to use it as well as the ratios needed for various injuries of earth, background and photonic energy. We close out her time channeling on why the sessions from the base are so in contrast with anything else being channeled on the web. Kiri channels next and she makes a prediction on how computers would be sold one day.
In love and Light as One.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The New Age Of Enlightenment

Enlightenment and the paths to enlightenment are different for each and every individual. Some use a strict path of religion and dogma to reach that state and others choose paths free of such restrictions. It's the goal of enlightenment and not the journey that matter when one takes on such a commitment. One path to enlightenment is the acknowledgement of a self without limits, ready to find that state through the help of one's guides. For example, we know subconsciously or consciously that we are not the sole intelligent race in the universe. We know there is far more to reality than what is accepted fact and it creates a longing for knowledge outside of the general consensus. Three centuries have passed between the last age of enlightenment and this new one though the excitement of discovery is still as strong in the human race as it was back then. Greater than space, greater than the depths of the ocean, the exploration of the mind is the truly last frontier where anyone with any amount of knowledge can make great strides in understanding those limitless possibilities.
The first age of enlightenment took place in the 1800’s through the writings of men such as René Descartes and Voltaire as well as through great advances in science, politics and government. Back then, it was all about perspective. No longer was religion the only source of knowledge but instead reason now came to the fore. To go from reasoning to proof was the next obvious path and thus the age of enlightenment was born. Explorations to far-away lands widened the perspective of everyone along with scientific breakthroughs, exciting literary works and even more exciting landmarks in philosophy and thought. This was the point when most of our modern world had its roots through both the American and French revolutions as ideals replaced religious ideology. One could say we too are coming out of a dark age in modern times where a new age of spirituality is replacing religion as a source for guidance. Places of worship bring communities closer together and provide a comfortable place to practice one’s faith. With the Internet's advent, the world is now a global community and it will take more than religion to bring that community closer. What the world needs is enlightenment but it has to come from a global desire for spiritual growth on an individual level.
TMI, too much information, the enemy of enlightenment. In times past, freedom of thought that challenged conformity was dismissed outright as a form of madness or even outlawed throughout large parts of the world especially if it conflicted with the religious tenets of a non-secular country. Now freedom of thought and religion allow one to express or learn as they wish instead of mind-expanding information being banned and forbidden. Competing theories and a continual flood of new content added daily make any search for information that moves the soul a challenge for even the most patient of knowledge seekers. Even once found, keeping up the learning faces the challenge of getting sidetracked by new information that draws the student away from the original search following trails leading down unproductive paths. In the past, the growth of spiritual uplifting came from an inner search through books, meditation and contemplation of self. Today the self is directed outward towards uncounted options for entertainment instead of inward where one can find inner peace. It takes a supreme effort committing to consciousness raising and for those willing to make the commitment, there couldn’t be a better time to take advantage of this new flood of information once a path to follow has been found.
Take a moment to close your eyes after you are done reading this to imagine living in the previous age of enlightenment. The modern world falls away to see yourself in the mid-1700’s without any of the electricity or conveniences we rely on daily. Freedom of thought was not for the sane as conformity was rewarded and self-expression frowned upon. Slavery was still a major factor back then as was the many rights denied to women and entire classes of people. Sexual preference was socially limited to the opposite sex, clothing distinguished class and you didn’t marry outside that class. Too little appreciation is afforded these days to the fact that sites such this are common and it’s no longer outside the norm to believe in what you want to believe. No longer are human rights ignored and we live in a world free of such restrictions for the most part with the freedom to expand consciously if so desired in any way, shape or form that we want. This is a time where the only limitations to finding enlightenment come from the person themselves and how well they overcome all the distractions placed in the path to that goal. Welcome to the new age of enlightenment, an age that will transform the planet just as happened three hundred years ago.
In love and life as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Strangers In A Strange Land". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Chakras and the Key To Living Forever

We start our fifth year in publication here at the Hades Base News and while we have a large following on the Base, Karra informs me we are growing in readership across our sister planet Sirius, parts of Ashtar Command and even as far out as the city ships. We’d like to take this time then to welcome those new readers to the saga of our planetary ascension to your dimensional level. Currently the United States is going through a change in political leadership timed to accelerate that process out of the mundane into the magical. That brings up this month’s editorial, “I Was Sure the Sign Said Oz.” This month Karra and I explore the difference between illusion and real magic. We hope you enjoy this month’s offerings on this shorter than usual hour long channeling session.
Starting off that growth, Tia gets the channeling session started by answering questions from one of our guests on world affairs. It was a time when Y2K was on the minds of many and Tia's expert analysis of earth served us well that night as she accurately predicted the effects of the changeover. She also reviews the situation in Kosovo that covers its roots and her predictions of the outcome with a very detailed assessment of the situation there at present now that a peace deal had been struck among the warring parties. Omal comes in on the heels of Tia as she trades places with him to answer questions. With our stock market in 2017 just hitting 20,000, coincidentally it had crossed over 10,000 in 1999 and Omal gives us his assessment of that milestone. Also up for discussion was the conflict in Kosovo but with a reminder that while War is bad, the technological advances from it have helped make the world a better place. He finishes up side one by providing some insight into spiritual advancement through speeding up the chakras but with a caution it should be done with a goal in mind ahead of time.
Side two is where Omal gives us the ingredients to theoretically living indefinitely with a healthy body, a healthy mind and the one thing that could mean giving up on life if we give up on it. From an entity tens of thousands of years old, he is someone whose advice bears the weight of experience when it comes to living a long life. Treebeard next joins the channeling session to add his 800 plus years of experience to the conversation of living a long life. In the case of our lives, he reminds us we are who we are because of the struggles we've had to endure and to wish them not to have happened would make us less than who we are. He also gives us an in-depth look at the the interaction of plants and the devas that help the plant grow from a true insider's perspective of someone who has worked closely with devas in is role as the base gardener. Korton, head of communications for Ashtar Command, comes on last to help explain the why the English used by some of the Base personnel like Treebeard can be so hard to follow as they translate their literal thoughts from Sirian to English.
In love and Light as One.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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I Was Sure the Sign Said Oz

If I had to guess, I would say that I was expecting to be born into a world ruled by magic but instead ended up on a world with only the illusion of magic because I keep expecting the world to change immediately on my desire alone. To compensate, I have had to alter my definition of magic to include illusion and real magic and how to recognize each of the three kinds. Not an uncommon realization and one many come to accept though I was in denial of that fact for a number of years. During that time I studied religions both old and new trying to prove to myself whether or not magic was a valid concept until it was during the channeling sessions that I came to a definitive answer I was happily forced to accept. First though, it’s important to have a proper understanding of both magic and illusion and the difference between the two. An illusionist can simulate magic with the use of misdirection and sleight of hand making the eyes see what they are meant to see to complete the illusion. Well-placed mirrors, props and an assistant or two amaze the watcher into believing what they are seeing is unbelievable yet what they are actually seeing is just repeatable playacting with a high degree of skill. Magic on the other hand needs no illusion though it does need belief as well, a belief that the physical world is not immune to alteration from the thoughts of a person or persons of will. If it had to be defined, magic is really a sustained use of will power to achieve something the user has identified as their focus but the effects can be also be interpreted as coincidence. This isn't real magic, real magic will be explained at the end of this editorial.
It was in my studies of the old religions that I learned about tarot cards and how to give a reading which would map out the past, present and future as they could possibly happen barring any changes the reading might indicate needed to be made. One of the Major Arcana of the tarot deck is that of the Magician, a card of great spiritual significance no matter where in the layout it appears. The image on the card is of a man in front of a table with items representing the four elements on it. I was taught that the Magician was a person able to control the four elements and thus able to control the forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. It was later I learned that the four elements also represent the totality of a person with earth standing in for the physical being, water a person's emotional nature, air making up their spiritual side and fire the will or creative desire. It was when the Magician was in balance with the four and could control each that magic could take place but in these chaotic times of the 21rst century, how could any aspiring Magician find the inner calm to achieve that balance? My answer was to go looking for a role model from times in humanity's past when the world had not yet heard of social media, computers or central plumbing.
In looking throughout history for an example of a real magician who has shown what happens when all four elements of a person are brought into balance, we need only look to the greatest magician of all time, Jesus Christ of Nazareth AKA Sananda. No illusionist he but instead someone who had an innate knowledge that everything is one. Turning water into wine would be no parlor trick with that kind of knowledge and walking on water is easy when one is already one with the water. As a tenth dimensional being in a third dimensional body, much of what he came here to impart was the importance of our individual divinity denied the people of the day even as a thought form by the religious elite. That message can be found in scripture throughout the New Testament where we can read we are not powerless, just unaware of the power we can harness for the benefit of others. Believe in him he said, believe in his belief that no matter how ascended you become, you too can bring about great change through the belief you are a reality magician. But, as was shown by Jesus, it has to be done through love or expect the reciprocal karma as a result if it is done for selfish purposes.
Real magic is what happens when the mind's influence over reality is brought to the fore and accomplishes changes on a physical level immediately. Only twice have I seen real magic and that brings up the last of the continuing series started two editorials ago on meta-concert. Both times where real magic was demonstrated happened with the help of about one hundred higher dimensional members of Hades Base under the control of Omal the base commander to facilitate healings from one dimension to the other. One of our friends named Carrie who would occasionally attend the channeling sessions received word from her doctor that she had a tumor and its removal would affect her ability to have children in the future which was something she wanted more than anything. A house cat of ours at the time also had a tumor so a test meta-concert was arranged where I would be conducting the energy through an energy crystal which would do most of the work channeling the energies into the cat. In both meta-concerts the results were successful and the tumors disappeared much to the amazement of the doctor who had given her the bad news in the first place. Today Carrie is the proud mother of a 19 year old daughter and like myself is a firm believer in both magic and miracles. Belief though is a personal matter and we encourage you to become a reality magician in your own life if that goal hasn't been reached already and you found it was actually you behind the curtain the whole time pulling the levers.
In love and life as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Chakras and the Key To Living Forever". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Awakening the 144,000

Happy New Year from those of us here at the Hades Base News as 2017 is ushered in with an optimistic look ahead to a horizon of spiritual uplifting. The theme for the month that will make that happen is change, change in the form of social enlightenment as keys are found that will unlock the consciousness of the 144,000. Who are they? That is what this unusually short session will clarify. Recorded on one of the rare 60 minute tapes we would go to occasionally, it isn't short on substance. In fact in only a few sentences by a couple of the speakers, it ranks as one of the more inspirational sessions on record.
It's Tia's job as ring mistress to get the channeling started and she does so by going over the plans we had to begin a new website that would focus only on the information that exclusively dealt with earth called Earthwatch. We discuss ways to get the site built and how promote it before moving on to a question I had saved for her concerning the 144,000. She gives us a clearer understanding of who that includes before Omal takes his turn channeling and gives us the full story. We learn they are to be awakened from keys they will discover during their lifetime. Prior to that he defined for us what a light body is and ends his time helping with the new webpage. Karra finishes out side one with her planned contributions for the site will be just as the tape runs out.
Karra continues on the topic she had begun on side two before moving on to the subject of Kiri's injury incurred at the Tri-Base ski races. We get a healer's overview of what happened while watching her sister race on a leg already traumatized. She leaves us with some helpful suggestions on how to grow consciously. We get to celebrate with Kiri next as she nurses a leg back to health and regales us with her perspective on her race result where the pain was worth the price. We get to hear next what it is like to be a female channeling through a male body and the extra plumbing that she had to get used to at first before moving on to how surprisingly astute she was politically. As part of a new web site being planned, she demonstrated that to our satisfaction by correctly predicting the outcome of the presidential election which was still up in the air as to who would win it at the time. She takes a break at this point to let Alana channel who had just shown up with her girlfriend. In the ensuing conversation, Alana reveals some of the genetics being practiced among the population of sixth dimensional Sirius to achieve super operancy as well as the genetics being explored among the dolphins on the base. She finishes with the story of a male Sirian dolphin with an unusual sense of humor. Kiri comes back after that to finish up the channeling session with a lesson on the Sirian political system and how the President's bondmate is also the vice president as well. Along with that we get more insight to what the president of a planet does during his term on a day-to-day basis.
In love and Light as One.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Our Planetary Past Life

It’s about time, it’s always been about time. Nothing happens outside of when it is supposed to happen and it is for this reason this month’s editorial is being posted when it is. It has to be posted now to begin this next year with memories of times long past and in the belief that good times are to come. We are not completely indigenous to this planet, part of our makeup comes from a world several light years away and our genetic structure has quite a number of strands that were not in the original design. The bloodlines that imparted their genetic code into ours were from Sirius through a colonization on the continent of Atlantis. Back on Sirius, recognizing how valuable their natural psychic skills were, the people there encouraged the joining between parents of the same skill to bond and raise children that would one day to do the same. Blending the offspring of those pairings with others of different skills gave way to the possibility of their goal of creating children strong in all five of the major skills or super operants. Their skills became our skills so in each of us is the potential to develop any or all of the abilities for astral projection, manifestation, psychokinesis, healing or coercion. This is the story of our progression through the unwritten pages of our past and how it will lead us out of uncertainties of the future.
Love survives death, as does memories, fears and personality, the amount of each retained differs with every incarnation. Were we to trace our many past lives and find that they go all the way back to Atlantis and maybe all the way back to third dimensional Sirius, we would understand the symmetry in motion that make us who we truly are. A better analogy would be of a Resume built up life after life with each one adding to the skill set we have available to draw upon with the proper training. One example that was brought up in last month’s editorial and this month’s podcast is meta-concert, a simple tool to blend multiple minds together as one. Commonplace both on Sirius and Atlantis, we know the modern day version in the form of guided prayers and meditation. Any number of examples where the act of focusing the energies of a number of people to accomplish a specific purpose still exists and have been utilized in the past. Large scale versions can be found throughout history where it has been used for good such as John F. Kennedy’s goal for man to set foot on the moon by 1969 or for bad as with Hitler and the Third Reich. Focusing the will of a mass consciousness into achieving whatever it is the director of that focus wants to achieve is what a meta-concert is though its forms can change over time. Through the words of Tia and Omal in this channeling session from 1996 released this month, a goal has been laid out and a purpose has been presented on how to use meta-concert in a form that could transform our world.
The 144,000, described by Tia in the podcast are the number of people on earth reincarnated in this time who are already close to ascending to a higher consciousness. Omal expands on that with his explanation of how those 144,000 are already experiencing spiritual growth and are just waiting for the keys to awaken their subconscious. Once awakened, it would be necessary to unite them together as a single mind. While it may sound like the script of a major summer blockbuster, it is actually taking place in real life in the people around us. It could be you are one of the 144,00 just waiting for the keys to suddenly understand all that has been happening to you spiritually. That kind of optimistic future is just what the world could use to reverse the actions of others who have led us to a dysfunctional style of planetary management of getting everything there is to be had until there is nothing left. Enriching the few to the detriment of the many is exactly the opposite of what should be happening now. Technology has demonstrated how we can change to renewable energy sources and no longer rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. It has also led to increased lifespans and the cures to diseases once thought incurable. Now it is just the awakening of the 144,000 that could transform this world and inspire the consciousness of the rest of the over seven billion people who would feel the effects should that happen.
We are not a body with a soul that exists with each new birth but a soul with different bodies and each of those is like a message in a bottle. We try to leave ourselves a message with the strides we make spiritually and also in a physical way through our offspring as we open doors for new souls to enter and leave their mark. With every incarnation we try to become better people and the history of the world reflects that. The human race is growing consciously if slowly as computers have brought the world to our doorstep every time we turn on any number of devices. We can now enjoy a face-to-face conversation halfway around the world and for those of us born before the computer age, it is an exciting time made even more exciting knowing that fact could make the coming together of the 144,000 a reality. This brings us back to Atlantis and how a plan for ascension initiated on a planet several light years away could now finally see its fruition. This is why the Brotherhood of Light has such an interest in earth because of the potential for explosive spiritual growth that is a real possibility now more than ever. It has taken over 10,000 years to get here but the keys are in place just waiting for the 144,000 to discover them and complete what was started so long ago.
In love and life as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Awakening the 144,000". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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The Duality of One

“The law of the unity of opposites is a fundamental law of the universe.”
A quote from the movie “Zardoz”.

There is a rush taking place around us as the winds of change reshape the world with the force of a tornado threatening to disrupt the link we maintain between our higher self and lower one. It's at those times one must remember that there is always an eye of calm in every tornado where one can find safety at its center by bringing those two halves closer together. The peace of mind needed throughout the learning process the future can bring will come with that joining. The opposite is the chaos which takes place when impatience, anger and fear are allowed to run rampant instead. It’s the maintaining of a calm state of being that this editorial addresses and how easy it is to lose that calm when the events of the world threaten to to overrun it completely. Too often the stress of a job or school affects concentration or the commute to work is more than can be endured. It’s then that the duality of one can be experienced when the suddenly increased mental strain meets the controlled and patient self. Many books and speakers will often advise to use one of the three M’s, music, mantras or meditation to unify the two. We’d like to offer another, the M in moment and the love for each of them as they are experienced throughout the day.

There are no accidents in life nor coincidences, mistakes or luck. Everything happens as it is supposed to which can be a source of confidence knowing that whatever needs to be faced is there for your benefit. We are all an intermingling of cosmic dust that has been people, mountains, oceans and all the creatures living or dead throughout the history of the planet. We are the world is not a euphemism but a truth best expressed when meeting someone new. You are looking at a part of you in everything material and if that can be fully comprehended from an appreciation standpoint, you can see things through the eyes of the creator or beings of a much higher dimension. All these factors make up a moment and are more than enough reason to love each one as each is a step closer to growth on a personal level. The vehicle of the human body created through the miracle of birth houses the consciousness we use in interacting with our fellow humans. The higher self that never dies houses the super ego we use to raise that consciousness to a level ideally suited to face the challenges those winds of change can bring. Both make up the self higher and lower that needs to be recognized and integrated.

As the end of an election cycle ends, divisions abound about what the future holds. Changes in the political landscape call out for a coming together at a time when the very opposite is dominating the mass consciousness of the planet. On the bright side, one could not ask for a more ideal learning environment and one lesson the world could learn is that the thoughts of one or more people can have an effect on the physical world even though science has yet to prove that fact to its satisfaction. An organized and trained group of people working together in harmony can achieve more than one person acting alone and the bigger the group, the more energy can be directed at the group's focus. A technique to unite that focus has been included through the channelings from those on the Base called a meta-concert where groups of five or more can act with one mind and one purpose as long as that purpose is of the highest intention. Individuals trained in the various positions of a meta-concert could step into whatever role they felt worked best for them or who's skills would achieve the goals of the group. Generating that symbiosis between the participating minds could initiate a breakthrough in the field of psychic development once the results could be demonstrated to a skeptical public.

In the meantime, unifying the duality between the two selves can be thought of as a change for the better one thought at a time. It’s to that point it’s more imperative than ever the world work together to at least slow what could easily be a second Atlantis but on a worldwide extent this time instead of a single continent if certain tipping points are reached through global warming. These are lessons that must be learned and have to be accepted minus the fear and anger such a fate instinctively generates if all stays the way it is. It all comes back to that cosmic dust. That it has formed into molecules structured in such a pattern as to form the human body and the world around us suggests a larger pattern at work calling us higher. Blending spirituality with physicality is the answer to that call, the call back to the one and we have a suggestion to offer on how to make that a whole lot easier if it becomes too big a challenge. In fact appropriate to the season, Charles Dickens expressed it best in “A Christmas Carol” where it was superbly pointed out that one should always live as if one had already died, regrets can come once we've moved on to the waiting period when it's discovered they were all part of a larger plan at work and should have been called the lessons they really are.

In love and life as ONE.

Russ and Karra

(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Self-Control and the Nuclear Option". 

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Aftermath, Protocol and an Astronomy Lesson

This month the podcast of the channeling session being posted is a look back to the past, specifically March of 2013 when the channeling session "Fulfilling Oaths" was added to the podcast archives. This session took place a week after that session and the aftermath of the title for this month's podcast refers to the hearing Omal's take on the speakers and the significance of their presence. With speakers as distinguished as Sananda, Ashtar-Athena, Monka and Ashtar, the time he spent discussing it completely justified.
Just before that though, Tia got the night started helping me sort out the possibility that a computer could channel back in time from 2275 as I had been reading about in the Sedona Journal of Emergence. She and I discuss whether such a thing is possible and if so, how its very existence was in jeopardy from the revelation. Through that conversation we get to hear how the computers on the Base are programmed with certain parameters in regards to making projections about the future. As we were on the subject of the future, she reminded me of how the technology of "Star Trek" was now finding its way into our present. From this we get to hear how she was once the subject of a transport prank by some of the Base engineers which was funny to all but her, Mark and Kiri. She wraps up her comments with the most obvious reasons we aren't being contacted by higher dimensional beings who could make our world perfect, it would take away the very crucial lessons needed to advance consciously. Omal next gets us into the aftermath portion of his time channeling mentioned above before going into the protocol part of the session's title. With Karra being elevated to the position of ambassador from Hades Base by her father the president of Sirius the week before, formal functions in astral form would be needed by me to attend as the ambassador's bond mate so Omal gave me a quick lesson of how it's been done there based on a system 150,000 years in its development. To finish up side one, he takes me outside for as far as the mic cord could reach to point out key points in the night sky the ancients used to expand on my knowledge of astronomy.
On side two, Omal continues the astronomy lesson with the emphasis on the planet and how it's seven year path around our planet affects our weather due to its mass. Karra relieves Omal as speaker and the newly appointed ambassador uses her many years of healing to stick to that as her go-to topic, in this case, harmful activities that have beneficial side effects. She uses cigarette smoking and car exhaust as comparisons found in the double standard held regarding prejudice directed at one action and not the other. It's at that point we delve into the pros and cons of each of the two negative activities and debate which is worse for you. Kiri takes her turn after her sister to open with an off color joke before getting serious to discuss some upcoming coercion training. The big topic of the night is the inauguration of her and Karra's father as president of Sirius. Therefore we get into a back and forth over her dress choice which I am assured will be perfect for the occasion. She ends the session by posing a brain teaser for me to work out of how far is it from our sun to the Centauri Base sun.
In love and Light as One
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The Captain's Table

This is an analogy familiar to anyone who has taken a trip on a cruise line and it revolves around the captain’s table, an invitation only dining experience where those lucky enough to receive such an invitation would find themselves dining among the people who keep the ship running. The selection process is random with it normally going to guests who have amassed many hours at sea with a particular cruise line. To look at the deeper meaning of this scenario, let's say the table is on a cruise ship we'll call third dimensional Earth which would be synonymous to the real world we wake up to every day. As with every cruise ship, there are a mix passengers and crew with the majority of passengers outnumbering the crew by a substantial margin, this is all about that margin. What defines a passenger on this cruise is someone enjoying the trip but not taking the time to delve into what makes the the cruise ship run. A perfect example would be my mother whose only major contribution to the planet was to meet my father so that I could be born. She was a person with deep religious convictions who worked until retirement and died safe in the knowledge heaven would be her final reward as she was welcomed through the pearly gates by Jesus himself. That knowledge brought her through her life and it will take her into her next one where the cycle will start all over again except that in the waiting period, she'll find out how things really work and hopefully will try to pass on what she learned.

The typical passenger on a real ship is looking to use the cruise to relax while away from a job or school and knows that while all that may be waiting, there is nothing to do in the meantime except enjoy the ports the ship visits, eat the fantastic food prepared by teams of cooks night and day, work off the weight from that food in the gym, jogging track, basketball court or dance the night away at any one of the many nightclubs. Pools and jacuzzi’s help to sooth sore muscles or one could schedule a masseuse to work out the kinks while letting go of all the cares in the world. If they should get tired of the main dining room, specialty restaurants abound with tastes from around the world and staff specialized in serving their selections to perfection. The only bad thing to be said for all this pampering? You definitely don’t want to be a passenger. It’s fine to enjoy the trip, be comfortable in the experience and revel in the indulgences but the real heroes of this analogy are the staff, those who paid the same amount to be on this trip as the passengers but get to do the all work helping to bring this ship to port. Saving the port's location for later, there's nothing to say that the work the staff does is hard or that they can't have as much or even more fun than the passengers. For them it's a labor of love and something they feel drawn to pursue.

Metaphorically speaking, this cruise has been going on for so long, no one can even remember when it was they even came on board. Since then for most people, it has been an endless series of buffet lines and live entertainment with the ship rarely stopping and when it does, it is to let crew off before taking up the trip again. Every time the ship stops, beautiful ports of call lay almost within arm’s reach but the only way to get to shore is to be a part of the crew and that means working with the ship instead of just enjoying the trip. That can sometimes be a challenge as there always seems to be new inducements to stay a passenger forever appearing almost on a daily basis. There is now WI-FI around most parts of the ship and the entertainment options are completely staggering. Where once the choices of how to fill a day were fairly limited, now there are water parks, driving ranges, VR headsets and social media. There are also though worries about the ship taking on water and a number of passengers have become too alarmed to enjoy the trip while elsewhere, passengers in a few of the compartments are constantly bickering over politics and closet space. Inevitably everyone reaches a point on a personal level where they decide the trip has gone on long enough and it is time to see what is available off the ship. That is when that person would get up out of their seat at the captain’s table and become a part of the crew serving those still seated.

Now as a part of the crew, they would take on any tasks that they were best suited and take advantage of their unique talents. This was a fairly new ship even before all the upgrades with the passengers and crew just getting their sea legs in comparison to the beings at the ports the ship passes. Those ports are other worlds, galaxies and dimensions some of the crew get to visit and tell of their wonders. One task a crew member might choose as their form of service may be in sharing what they have learned about those ports with the other passengers who may then get up from their seats to join in the servicing of others. As the table starts to have less and less people sitting and more empty chairs, the serving of just the crew becomes easier and a lot more fun. It could even come to be that everyone will eventually decide to serve instead of sit and at that point the cruise will finally come into port to let the crew disembark to enjoy the wonderful future waiting. That's a long way off with plenty of storms to steer clear of but in the meantime, there’s plenty of time to study and prepare from the ship’s extensive collection of library archives on how best to interrelate with those higher dimensional former passengers once that gangplank finally gets lowered.

In love and light as one,

Russ and Karra

(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Aftermath, Protocol and an Astronomy Lesson". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)

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Reality Remodeling

Every day we learn of some new danger that can kill us or reminded of some impending global catastrophe threatening our lives and every other living thing on the planet. But what if that wasn’t the case? Imagine the sudden loss of both your eyesight and hearing with the resulting lack of incoming sensory data from those organs. There would be some time period involved making adjustments to your new world with only a previous knowledge of the world before darkness and silence descended. Now imagine if the loss of sight and hearing took place at birth. Taste, smell and touch would be your only way of interacting with the world but what kind of world would your mind’s eye see before it? You would basically have to create your environment from your remaining three senses and what those assisting you who could see and hear gave you as information to build on like a puzzle, fitting each piece so you could integrate into the rest of society. Now what if they decided to hold off informing you of those threats the rest of us take for granted and only gave you their version of a perfect world?

Labeled disabled, the challenges faced would be character building tests with the ability to bring out the very best in a person if perceived that way. The imagination would have to replace sight and sound so anything the mind could conceive becomes a mental simulation of which only a small portion will correspond with what is really there. If instead of a handicap a person were to see it as an opportunity, the world they built with their mind might instead turn out to be their biggest advantage in overcoming the feeling that they did not fit in with the world around them. Those of us who can see and hear have solid definitions our mind associates for each of the items of our reality but not so for those without such senses. Disabled? Maybe in their ability to transit from point A to Point B easily but the freedom they lack in movement would be compensated by the freedom of imagination relied on to bring their reality to life. In their mind, until told differently, theirs would be a planet of peace and harmony.

In a similar way, we too bring our reality to life with our imagination by using it as a tool to remodel our future to the one we desire. It is not the physical world we are shaping with our imagination so much as ourselves in the self-image we see reflected in the mirror of our mind. The constant drive for improvement changes that reflection with our decisions and actions and at the same time changes the world around us as a consequence. The key to all this change is a simple smile, differing only in width or replaced with something more appropriate to reflect critical emotions. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough for no matter the mood, taking on any situation is always initiated best when a smile precedes you into a room. Not just a smile to change up your features but a genuine feeling of happiness exuding from you like the warm glow of a fire. Even if you were deaf and blind, it would not keep you from being able to share that happiness to the fullest.

Now achieving that happiness takes reminding oneself that those things affecting you personally are all important for growth. The bigger things like global warming, mass pollution, the war on terror and the current election for the president are also important for growth if we decide they should be but it's the emotions generated by events that determines how that growth takes place. Like the person lacking the two most important senses, it is what is admitted into the bigger picture by yourself and whether what is added brings fear, anger or happiness. It’s a decision faced by everyone all the time, how much of the world beyond our immediate sphere of influence is useful for growth if it is based on fear or anger? In contrast, growth based on happiness has an almost magical quality to it. Not only does the world seem a happier place, good things seem to happen, friendships strengthen and family bonds grow tighter. You may find education seems to come easier and the workplace is not as impersonal as it once. There is only one rule when choosing to use happiness for growth instead of fear or anger, no matter how happy you are, there are always more levels of happiness beyond that. Keep pushing those limits.

In love and light as one,

Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Surfing the Waveforms". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)

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The Sound Of A Thought

About a year ago I shared in the passing of my mother and it was during those trips between Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas I would stop on a lonely stretch of road in the desert when passing vehicles were nowhere in sight, get out and walk a dozen yards or so from the car. During the time that followed, the persistent noise of city life could no longer be heard along with the background hum of electronics leaving just the stillness of nature. The mind can be turned inward after enough silence has been enjoyed and it is at that point when one can appreciate an earlier age when the technological wonders that make our lives so easy were still a century away. The world was a larger place for those living then with neighbors sometimes closer than family, towns that were true communities and people had the time to appreciate a slower pace of life. Side-by-side, both points in history seem worlds apart but compared to the times in the past when even the luxuries of a printing press was a thousand years in the future, the time-saving devices of the year 1900 would have been inconceivable in the year 900.

This was the end of the classic Mayan period in the Americas and taking that as an example, one can see in their amazing works of architecture, art, games and rituals, comparisons to our modern times done through the absence of technology. Along with that came a study of the stars and development of a very advanced calendar capable of charting points in time thousands of years in the future. When one is surrounded by silence, the only sounds one hears are those thoughts passing through the brain which can sound like a symphony if groups of them align in just the right way. It is in those concepts such as pyramid construction, stellar research and Gods from the sky that one has to consider what else they saw above them. The Mayans built planetariums in each major city and with so much time spent looking into the skies, any visitors to this planet in flying ships would have seemed like Gods to those who placed such major importance to the happenings in the stars unimpeded by artificial lighting. With so much to ponder, it's no wonder the tops of their pyramids and temples were built higher than the distractions taking place in the city below.

Travel back another thousand years or so to focus in on the life of a simple carpenter as he plied his trade of building up people and laying the groundwork for a master plan the effects of which are still shaping our world on a daily basis. Crushed and oppressed, many people of the time were overseen by a brutal Roman occupation and what imagination they had was fed to them by their priests and authorities like the Sanhedrin. Out in the desert surrounded by his disciples, Jesus would have had that same quiet I experienced in those trips to Las Vegas and those disciples would have had months if not years in the early days of his ministry where they would have been around him twenty-four seven. Imagining that kind of access, it’s no wonder some would suffer horrible deaths passing on the message he had taught. After his ascension back to higher dimensions, they would have then had all of the quiet afforded a lack of distractions and in that quiet would have had time to reflect on the words he imparted to each them as have millions of people since. Monastic life has always sought such quiet to regain that reflection enjoyed by those of Christ’s time but let's look back another two thousand, five hundred years to a civilization who understood how truly loud silence can be.

Egypt at the height of its power and creator of some of the most wonderful structures of their era also built structures underground and chambers within the pyramids were silence reigned when no else was around. Anyone who has ever taken a YouTube visit into the king’s chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza can imagine being in there by themselves to think and meditate. In the deep penetrating silence to follow would be a chance to really explore what a thought would sound like in such a space. The musician Paul Horn released an album of him playing his flute there and the sound can still carry the listener away to the deeper places within themselves. Imagining what it must have sounded like at the completion of its construction when the door was still open, one cannot help but be overwhelmed by their ability to construct such a edifice as well as other such fantastic buildings and temples. To stop here on our journey though would be a disservice if we did not continue on to when the power of thoughts was appreciated to its fullest but also to a fault. Our final destination is ten thousand years before Egypt's height to the time of Atlantis where our search has been heading all along. During its even bigger height was how all of this started when ascension to the next evolutionary level was still thought of as a possibility. It still is and the time span from then to now is but a continuation of the path all third dimensional humans are on. That leads us back to today going forward from here. Should you find yourself where all sound has been eliminated, use that time to listen to the music of the mind. The harmony has never been missing, it's just needed all this time to be enjoyed properly.

In love and light as one,

Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "An Ashtar Analogy". 

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50 Years and Counting

“That's incredible. Imagine seven billion people all wanting to live together. Yeah, the Earth must be the friendliest place in the galaxy.”

In paraphrasing with some poetic license from the movie “Crocodile Dundee”, I am reminded of a time many years ago I spent as a travel agent, a vanishing species now in the age of the internet and how I could send people around the world with only a few key strokes. Should some fictional intergalactic travel agent book a trip for someone to come to any of the major cities of this planet without knowing much about it ahead of time, they might have similar sentiments until reality would reveal the truth of the matter. That said, it isn’t really much more complicated than the fact that most people really do want to share this beautiful world with the other inhabitants privileged to be alive in this time and place. While differences only denote learning opportunities, it’s those differences my clients were looking to explore when they booked a trip though our agency and it’s those same differences we explore as we may incarnate as a different sex, a different race, a different social standing or different nationality with each new birth. It’s hard to imagine anyone not wanting to stretch their boundaries and embrace the richness travel brings to one’s perspective as we return each life to experience that same richness again and again.

The next step in stretching those boundaries even further is by including possibilities in the very stars themselves but, by not able to travel there, we have to rely on the mind to provide the only vehicle we’ll need. For most, “Star Trek” gave a mental picture of the concept of traveling through space to meet races other than those from Earth. For others, the concept of space travel to meet other races could be found in a myriad of movies and television shows but all could give a small nod of the head to what the crew of the Enterprise started. As “Star Trek” prepares to celebrate fifty years since coming on air next month, The Hades Base News would like to take this time to thank all those who have helped make the show a reality and have done so much to expand the horizons of our imagination. It was the perfect show for its time and still is thanks to the new reboot. More than ever is needed the cohesion displayed between different races and species working together to seek out new life and new understanding. That’s on an entertainment level, now comes the part where the expansion includes both the social issues it addressed and the consciousness increased as a result of seeing space as attainable and races other than ours as possible.

I watched the original episodes of the show while attending elementary school and would join my friends in taking on the role of the crew of the Enterprise. I would always play Mr. Spock due to my relating to the character more so than any of the others and we would explore space while sitting in the bleachers of the school baseball diamond. Away trips to other planets only took up as much time as lunch allowed and we always won every space battle if negotiations failed which always seemed to happen. Still, it opened my mind to what it would be like to actually be on these adventures and cause me to wonder about being a race other than human. It also illustrated how discrimination was indefensible as was the war the United States which had been escalating at the time. People of all races and colors were working together for a common cause and I had hope this was the future that was destined to be mine. Well that did turn out to be the case but not in any way I would have expected as I lived through real life episodes of “Star Trek” during each of the channeling sessions with those on the base.

It’s thanks to the mind expanding efforts of Mr. Eugene Wesley "Gene" Roddenberry that have I and other light workers can help take that expansion to the next step and add to the planetary consciousness some fact to the fiction. While Captain Kirk and crew worked from a sound stage of technicians, lighting personnel and a whole host of people making each episode come off without a hitch, real beings from a number of races and dimensions populate not just Hades Base but many more bases and worlds throughout our galaxy, all established and stationed by the dedicated men and women of Ashtar Command for the express purpose of bringing those who wish to do so up from the third dimension to the next evolutionary level of growth. One could say it was only a matter of timing that it took fifty years and multiple generations to come around to where the concept of an interstellar community working towards peaceful coexistence could actually be possible. Thanks to the efforts of those on Hades Base and the crew of the U.S.S Enterprise, the best examples possible have been given of what can happen when everyone works together for the common good of all.

Live long and prosper,

Russ and Karra

(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Set Circumstances For Growth")

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The Price of a Life

(In honor of the victims of the Pulse Nightclub tragedy.)

The other day I was looking at an aquarium full of clown fish, some orange and black with white stripes, some all back with white stripes swimming together, oblivious to the differences between them. Everywhere in the wild you can see the same behavior where differences can make little difference until man enters the scene. In a supposedly far advanced state over the lesser creatures, no such oblivion to differences exists. The tolerance to those differences can be graphed and calculated throughout history in the currency of a human life and just how much a person’s existence is measured in relation to the rest of the population.

The valuation of a human life varies with location and time period along with how much those differences affect that value. Recorded history provides benchmarks to judge by and it starts with how karma and a soul’s higher self has assigned the parameters of a person’s birth. Factors setting the value on a life have been fairly consistent even up to today where the color of a person’s skin, the belief system they abide by, the station in life in which they find themselves, the choice they make in sexual partners can all make huge differences in the development of one’s environment. Contributing to the assessment is the location of one’s birth, the parents who have agreed between lives to accept the responsibility to have an influence in the lessons a person has assigned themselves. It is how that person deals with those lessons they’ve laid out that gives rise to the consciousness needed for ascension.

The last but most important factor we’ve left off is the understanding a person has on the value of themselves and those around them. It’s separate because it is the internal calculator which can often set values based on the external factors already mentioned even if it is only in the subconscious mind. History is the perfect gauge to see how life has gained and lost in value through the centuries. Slavery, indentured servitude and the sex trade industry have all contributed to extending the gulf in the price of a life to actual money as opposed to a personal intrinsic value with soul changing lessons necessary for the individuals involved. Subjugation of a land or a people also changes the dynamics of those who are the conqueror and those who are conquered. It’s this intolerance to the differences found in others that only promotes tolerance of those differences in people who before may not have had a strong opinion one way or another but are forced to take a stand in defense of those differences if only from a moral standpoint.

It’s the future we have to look to so that as many people as possible can come to understand that the price of a life is incalculable. No value can be set for something which is so rich in experiences and those trying to set a value fail to take into consideration the future lives to come, the present potential and the past lives that brought about that moment. In higher dimensions, these are the true factors that can’t be assigned a value. We are beings of light and light is free. Increasing that light comes with the sharing that same light to others, giving them a hand up from a place if they’ve assigned themselves a low personal valuation and just need to be reminded that they, as well as we, are worth far more than what they, or ourselves, think we’re worth.

In love, light and sorrow,

Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Visitors From Sister Worlds".)

Hades Base News -An Ashtar Command Network for the Sol Sector
HadesBase, Ashtar Command, Channeling in a New Age. Aliens in the Sixth Dimension.

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