Russ Hatfield's Posts (130)

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Staying Alive, the Game.

Ready Player One
   Life is a gift that is too often underappreciated to a point where a decision made that seems innocuous turns out to be the one where the gift is taken away. In an effort to highlight the seriousness of life, we here at the Hades Base News have made a game out of it which we hope will make the experience more enjoyable and give your decisions clearer focus. The whole game lasts twenty-four hours and you win by waking up the next morning to find yourself ready for a fresh game after making the decisions you did that got you there. But winning isn't the only objective of the game, the feeling of waking up a winner gets the day started on the right foot and puts you in a successful frame of mind. Another objective of the game is the knowledge revealed from the lessons experienced in the time between waking up and falling asleep. The more lessons learned, the more games that are won and the more games that are won brings advancing to the next level of play called ascension that much closer. You the player though are only concerned with the game of the day and the moment at hand using a game plan consisting of a set of impeccable actions with well-thought-out decisions made to win through to the next day. Extra points are awarded for any actions directed towards a life’s purpose that has been established or is in the process of being put into motion. Out of all this comes a perspective on staying alive that makes the experience the fun it’s meant to be and not the slog it can become.
The Preparation Period
   Preparation for this game began long before birth during the waiting period between lives where there is no entry onto the playing field without detailed plans on how to grow consciously from one life to the next no matter how long that life might last. You meet the key players in that life to come during this time and since souls travel in groups, it makes organizing crucial intersections a simple matter as so many in the soul group incarnate around the same time frame. While it may seem like an amazing coincidence that just the right group of individuals could be in your revolving world of friends, family and acquaintances yet nowhere else on the planet, it's actually no coincidence at all and each have important functions where they will come and go throughout your life in their roles as your teachers or students or both. Events as well are set in motion during this period which are designed to affect you in ways beneficial for your growth and at every point in the process you are one of the main developers of your life. The planned elements you have put in place should have the desired effects but still, nothing is for certain and the best-laid plans so on and so forth. It is your ability to learn from what you experience as fast as your reaction time allows which gets you through the game. The key players have been entering the playing field on schedule and the events have been going the way they are supposed to with the result being the person you have become. Now, knowing the players and the layout, do the following days played as games become a game changer going forward? Remember, there is only winning and learning, you can't lose and there are no wrong decisions but there are a few rules.
Learning the Rules.
   Every game has its rules and life is no different. This game has only four so it’s not that complicated and the rules are really just guidelines that can or cannot spell success for every game. Rule one is to identify the key players, those people who are expected to have the most expected impact in that day’s game. What can happen between you was probably planned long in advance of your interaction even if it is someone totally new from way back when. Rule two, do what needs to be done to ensure as many games are won as possible. This rule covers everything eaten or taken in as a liquid throughout the day, medications legal or not, exercise or lack thereof and decisions made that could affect your ability to make it to the finish line once you open your eyes the next day. Rule three is that past games are for replay when a decision needs to be made but not be relived in slow motion to a point they are in control of your game. Your best and worst moments are behind you and the lessons they imparted are now the playbook to use. You can also design new plays based on the day’s scheduled events and see them as successful ahead of time to begin the process of bringing that reality into being. Rule four, have fun. What was said at the beginning about life being a gift holds true, each day is a gift you open that spreads into hours which breaks down into minutes and further into seconds. How those seconds are enjoyed depends on the decision to enjoy them to exclusion of all other options. A player’s rules may be completely different from those above but that’s the beauty of the game, it’s as individual as the player.
Play Begins.
   Play begins in earnest when it is played with the goal of winning that’s day game as well as accomplishing something with substance if possible. Approach meetings with people in a mindset of re-establishing a friendship which could bring about knowledge and lessons. Make that a game within a game where you try to determine if they were a parent personality, a boss or employee personality, sibling, soulmate or something else from your past lives and use that knowledge to form a bond which encourages further exploration. A job or school that is played impeccably is no longer a drag on your time, it is instead assigned missions where you begin to challenge your attention to detail to do the best you are able. Play with a partner if possible who can be a teammate in ways that lead to the advancement of both players. Not only is a shared experience a better experience but support in each other’s goals provides a safe environment to explore higher thoughts and actions together. Be prepared for loss though, members of your team will not always be there the whole game and it’s important to remember because you will have future lives with them and the time spent now will be a factor when you meet again. In the end, it all comes down to strategy to keep winning game after game acquiring the knowledge to make it easier the more you play, strategy established as early in the day as possible. While no game ever goes according to plan, some preparation will serve when a quick decision is required and from there it's up to the player to determine how the game is played. We hope this outline above provides the framework on which the Game Master within can provide the remaining details to make each game a work of art. The most important advice we can give is to play like your life depends on it, the last thing you want to do is take that life for granted.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "The Ladies of Hades......Base.". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted mid-month.)
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Meta-concerts and Making Sirian Ends Meet

Channeling Session Dates: 07/03/96 & 01/13/98
   The podcast for the month of April is from two different channeling sessions where we had to use only half of each tape because either one side missed being taped or had information that was of a personal nature and could not be posted publicly. In the first half we deal mainly with meta-concerts due to having just gone through a practice with five of us including Mark where we were able to get a flame to move the way we wanted but not put it out. It is from that point that the tape gets started and it is Tia and Kiri who work with us on the results and other meta-concerts where they had taken an active role. Side two took place a year and a half later and on this side we dive into what life is like living on the base or Sirius and how one gets by in a world without money. We finish up the channeling session with Bunny who actually talks about her sister and the past lives she's had with Karra, myself and others. We do get a bit of surprise to learn she was once the father of both Karra and myself in a past life.
   Getting the night started though is Tia and it is she who gives us a taste of side one's topic as she tells us about the two meta-concerts she had participated in before answering questions on the languages spoken on the base and Sirius. We hear about the differences she was experiencing between her native language Durondedunn, English and Sirian. She finishes by going over a recent power outage which affected ten other states besides ours and what would be needed to prevent another one. That gets Kiri into the channeling field and a meta-concert discussion begins just after we hear about her upcoming trip back home to Sirius. She tells us about some of the meta-concerts she had been a part of that focused on healing and coercion including a very large one of 350 individuals where the purpose was to take from their dimension a corrupt coercer that had abused the gift. Such a person could not be allowed to continue in that existence so the meta-concert got her on her journey back to the third dimension where she would have ended up eventually. From there we go over the ideal number of people for a meta-concert, where to place them in it and the importance of working as a team in a cohesive union. She ends the side working with a guest on a scale model of a flying wing he and Mark had been designing with her help.
   Side two takes place eighteen months later and all the guests on side one were missing from this channeling session. Kiri and I continue with a conversation we had started on side one about what is life like getting by in a society without money. It is a peek into what our world could be like in the future under the right set of circumstances so her description of how homes are leased and land acquired is fascinating. What she presents is a primer for anyone new to the higher dimension wishing to know how to both live and make a living when there isn't a paycheck to collect. We learn about the free education and healthcare plus the total population of Sirius. Most of the focus prior to the handoff to Bunny is about super operants, individuals with full control of the the five main psychic skills. They therefore live under special rules all Sirian children learn at a young age and we learn about now. That just leaves Bunny to wrap up the side and uses the rest of it going over the complicated relationship of her sister and Lyka but not before revealing some of her past lives with those of us on earth and up on the base.
In love and light as one,
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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My Best Friends Are Aliens

   For many years before during the channeling sessions I sometimes had a feeling a higher dimensional version of myself was already on the next dimension and so I felt a part of me was always in two places at once. Knowledge, like a wine, distills over time and as it ages refines itself into a more rational explanation that fits the facts. I could not be higher dimensional without reaching that dimension yet except on my short trips with my third dimensional astral body to visit my twin soul and best friend for more lives than I could count Karra, who was actually the other self I was feeling. Thanks to her I have more of an understanding of where my younger self was going in asking the questions I did to the members Ashtar Command that my older and much wiser self better comprehends now. I know from those sessions that on the individual level there is no wrong path to ascension as ascension is the path, it is finding and following the guides you come across at keys points along the way which matter. In my case, I could say I went out searching for my guides but in another sense, it would be just as easy to say it was my guides who were searching for me. The answers they provided I felt weren't just for my benefit but for those others like myself reaching a key point in their lives as I was when these channeling sessions started.
   Let me make it clear right off that I love the third dimension. I love everyone in it, everything reality has blessed my life with, the awesomeness that physical existence brings and for anyone looking to move up dimensions, this is the place where crucial lessons are to be found in abundance. Every moment, person, decision, thought or word can bring about change on a global level or serenity in the contemplation of a single flower. Learning and teaching what has been taught provides purpose and elevates the group mind so that society is raised up in consciousness as one. What I am passing on is one more constantly updated handbook for ascension to go along with the many available on the web as dictated by those who are already ascended. It isn’t something that is directions on how to ascend but what ascension can be like after it has been achieved. The lessons to be gained lie in the dichotomy of the two dimensions and it is merely the desire to change dimensions that maintains the inertia to stay the course through adversity. In the meantime, the fastest way to bridge the gap is to see it already bridged in your imagination. The creative potential of the mind is enhanced by the immersion into their world for up to ninety minutes per podcast each month and helps gives that bridge substance.
   For many years, NASA and SETI have spent millions of dollars on the search for extraterrestrial life beyond our planet through the use of satellites and radio dish antenna arrays scattered throughout the planet. Banks of computers analyze signals for the slightest differentiation between noises coming from space that would exhibit any kind of provable intelligence besides ours. Those vast sums of money are being spent on the basis that there may or may not be any life out there to be found, at least not yet. Beyond those two organizations are tens of thousands of amateur UFO hunters searching the skies for any craft to be seen or to research any crop circles that suddenly appear. They have much more of a belief in the ships they are searching for and can spend many hours and money looking for the truth they know is out there. Then you have the channelers, those who not only believe in extraterrestrial life but are able to let those same beings speak through them and give the knowledge directly to the persons asking questions about life beyond this planet. Their efforts are what could be called first contact that has no sign of stopping anytime soon as can be found from any search on the subject.
   The members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base fall into this last category and wanted at the time of the channelings to show our world that their lives are as much the same as any you could find down here with just the difference of a higher dimensional perspective they share to assist us in our learning. Their examples of what life can be like after reaching their level of understanding can serve as an inspiration to move on from trying to hear audio noises emanating from deep space or watching the skies for fuzzy images moving too fast to be seen clearly to a more direct interaction between worlds. From a personal reflection, my experience both during the sessions and now are of them as teachers who are more friends than instructors. We hear each month of the personal issues they experience, the challenges they face and how their stories are not so different from those that could be found in talking with friends down here on this planet. In fact this month we hear during the time where Bunny is channeling that from her access of her past lives she could recall several lives she shared with Karra and myself including one where she was the father of us both. That demonstrates a familiarity pretty hard to find on this planet but is surpassed by the fact that they do their best ensuring our ascension process is not interfered with by any other third dimensional races. Also, should our world ever be in danger of imminent destruction, Ashtar Command would attempt to save as many of those close to moving on to the next dimension as possible prior to the event. That is a friendship with us as a race impossible to find on this planet and one on a personal level I treasure deeply.
In love and life as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Meta-concerts and Making Sirian Ends Meet.". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted mid-month.)
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Baron von Ringmaster.

Channeling Session Date: 11/02/1998

   This month the staff of the Hades Base News remember once more and honor our friend now between lives, The Baron. This session was the third one The Baron had served as ringmaster and he would be heading back to his home planet to visit family after this. Unfortunately, he would die some nine months later. At this point in his life though he was the oldest active pilot on the base and always flew in a ship painted his trademark red like the earth pilot he had styled himself on, Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron. One new addition of note was a technological breakthrough where they were able to have Tia deliver a report on our planet through a holo-disc, a pre-recorded hologram she was able to use due to not being able to be at the channeling.

   The Baron gets the night off to a start telling us about his family he was soon to head back home to visit. We get inside the lives of his descendants as pilots also and learn about the sacrifices made in their duty protecting third dimensional planets like ours. We hear about the bravery of his daughter and the high price she paid for her bravery. He ends his first time speaking by helping us determine if Adolph Hitler may somehow have been a reincarnation of a corrupt 3rd dimensional Sirian leader named Tonar from the early history of Sirius. The base techs then get Tia's dissertation started via holo-disc and we get a concise overview of the ecological, financial and political concerns taking place at the time. It isn't a long disc so Karra comes on in the first of her two times on the tape. The Baron had her split her time in two so her main topic would have plenty of tape space. In this portion of her chat, she goes over parts of Tia's presentation related to ongoing ecological disasters and their effects. She cuts her time short to allow Treebeard to make an early appearance as he would take up the rest of the side of the tape going over his two favorite subjects, trees, and devas. In this case, though, trees become an analogy and devas become deities. During his time talking, he helps us tune into our local deva he had sensed come into the room down here as he was talking about them.

   Treebeard returns on side two and, instead of asking for questions from our guest who had just met him for the first time, reads all the prevalent thoughts of our guests and answered a lifetime of questions to which we only hear the answers as the questions were left unspoken. Our ringmaster ushers Treebeard along so that Omal can have his time to speak and Omal notes Treebeard's ability to probe minds through their shields before going over Tia's report. It is that report which then generates a conversation on preparations that would be needed in a collapse of society. He next outlines the requirements needed to upgrade Defcon levels as they had established for how bad things could possibly get in the future. The conversation starts in on food storage but after Omal makes a joke, we hear about our guest's time in the military so K-rations and C-rations come up. Omal ends his time on what items would make handy trade goods in the future and the virtues of vacuum sealing food before Karra comes on with the main topic she came to discuss, herbs and in particular mint. After some of the pros and cons of the herb, she moves on to a preview of the following week's topic on how to make a poultice. We go over the list of ingredients that will be needed to make the poultice which takes us to the end of the tape as we begin a discussion on tobacco and sulfur. One item of note was that Karra made her one and only endorsement of a website for researching possible health tips.

The latest free podcast can be found at:

For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:

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A Typical Channeling Session.

   The channeling sessions that make up these podcasts posted monthly are a labor of love between Mark, myself and all the members of Ashtar Command who spoke on them. From their humble beginning of just two guys trying new ways to explore the possibilities of astral projection, they grew to become an archive of higher dimensional knowledge from a most remarkable experiment. It took place one night in 1992 when Mark and I recorded his first astral travel trip to the base after I suggested he try to follow a ship there. Once he passed through the roof of where we were living, he saw one hovering above us and it showed him the way to where Kiri was waiting his arrival. The best we could afford at the time was a Radio Shack portable tape deck where the sound from those recordings had the background noise of the tape heads and were thus unsuitable for the current archives. It wasn’t until 1995 that we realized we needed better equipment if the tapes were to be made available to the public so we bought a recording system that removed the noise made previously. It was also about 1995 when the base started adding guest speakers and organizing the sessions into a more a consistent format of topics to cover. We wouldn’t upgrade to a two mic system until late 1999 which was the peak of sound quality that we were finally able to achieve. In the beginning after Mark's first trip, it was tapes of just Omal, Korton, Kiri and Karra with myself asking questions in an almost classroom-like setting but it was the later sessions from 1995 on that set the standard for learning and fun. One skill Mark discovered early in the sessions was how to D-jump or in other words, choose the point to reenter the fourth dimension on his way back to his body so that even though he had spent sixteen hours on the base, only ninety minutes had passed down here. The drawback to these trips would be that he would be experiencing both existences until the left the base at the end of the sixteen hours.
   After 1995, the format we followed changed little except for which days of the week the sessions were held due to our work schedules altering for the ski season. In the later years from 1998, the location of the recordings changed as different channeling sessions were moved from our house to accommodate guests who could not make it up the mountain. The sound would be challenged by the mic placement during those location recordings and a good example of low sound levels is last month’s podcast, “The Two-Way Mirror of Happiness.” A normal channeling session though would happen in what Mark and myself called the “Magic Room”, really just a spare bedroom in the house where we were roommates. We used to have a futon enclosed within a six-foot pyramid made from copper poles we had constructed and in three of the four corners, lamps were diffused by tapestries hanging from the ceiling to keep the light at a level where Mark’s eyes would not be hurt when he returned from the base. Around the room would be several bean bags and chairs for guests to sit in that kept them within the field of the mic. On the walls would be racks of tapes from previous sessions, artwork and a few movie posters. The last items making up the channeling room was an elliptical workout machine mentioned about in several of the sessions and a water fountain heard in the background for the year or two we had it running.
   To begin, Mark would lie down on the futon and I would take my place by the tape deck waiting for him to leave his body which would take a minute or two. Once he arrived on the base he would make his way off to the apartment where his children with Kiri and Tia would be waiting for him to enjoy his family before sometimes heading off to his duty as one of the flight controllers at the spaceport. Back in the channeling room, whoever was ring mistress or ringmaster would begin the session while the speakers on the base listened prior to their turn. The setup on the base differed only in the location from where they were held. For the first years, they happened in special channeling rooms where sessions for groups from all over our world would be conducted and monitored. Later we had the privilege of holding the sessions from the backyard of Kiri, Mark and Tia’s apartment until a particular session where Omal was unable to attend and the girls had a party going in the background the whole time. We would get the privilege back months later but in both cases the arrangements would be similar, three monitors had been arranged in the room down here on earth so that on the base they would generate holograms of those of us in the room to the members on the base waiting to channel that we could not see in this dimension. As each person took over Mark’s body to talk, they could speak to the corresponding figures of who was doing the talking. Another monitor showed a view screen of the room and a third displayed the auras and internal scans of myself and the guests asking questions. Overseeing all of this would be one or two technicians who would be monitoring the connection of the hookup, Mark’s energy levels and doing research or errands when needed.
   Down here in the channeling room each of us would be an open book to whoever was answering our questions and they would use much of what was going through our minds to help them understand how to answer in the best way possible. It could be quite an experience to have your primary thoughts available to speed along the conversation as well as knowing each speaker on the base could see auras fluctuate. The result was a union of minds that gave the lessons staying power after hearing them and even now the flow we achieved is easily apparent in how the answers to our questions were answers from a group of individuals we knew were doing their utmost to assist in the growth of our consciousness and that of the planet. One gift they entrusted us with among the many was their unique perspective on time. We on the third and sixth dimensions think in a linear stream of one thing following the next but that isn’t the case in the higher dimensions above the sixth such as with Omal, Korton and Ashtar where they have the advantage of non-linear thought and in some cases hundreds of thousands of years of personally watching our planet develop. Once past the fourth dimension, time isn’t so hard and fast and much of what we learned during the channeling sessions still holds the ability it did back then to change a consciousness to a higher frequency with the experience of listening to them speak. Add to that the lust for life shown by all on the base and a knowledge found nowhere on earth so that the end result is a set of channeling sessions which were incredible examples of love and light. Mark moved off the mountain in 2001 so the sessions came to an end but the understanding of all that was taught was just beginning. From Sedona when the first threads were set in place with my meeting of Omal and Korton to the tapestry they have become, the pattern they continue to form is a beautiful work of synchronicity perfect for this time and space.
In love and life as one.
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Baron Von Ringmaster". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted mid-month.)
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The Two-Way Mirror of Happiness.

Channeling Session Date: 8/25/1998
   It was recently reported that the Doomsday Clock moved thirty seconds closer to Armageddon as world leaders have brought the planet just a bit closer to killing all life on it. To counter such a gloomy pronouncement, this month's podcast comes from September of 1999 when the main theme revolved around happiness, both living a life full of it and some of the things that make it a struggle to keep it. Several aspects of this channeling stood out as valuable lessons on life and death such Omal's pointing out that you reflect the happiness you have and Kiri's dissertation on guides in the afterlife. We also get the rare treat of hearing Mark's true voice as we end with enough time left on the recording as he comes back into his body from his time up on the base.
   On this night Kiri not only ended the session but got things started as ring mistress with a dissertation brought on by the happy news that one of our 3rd dimensional guests had recently gotten married. She starts out with her emphasis on being happy with who and what you are. She points out how many people lack that happiness with self and try to be people they are not such as celebrities who are set up as role models people attempt to emulate. She gets to the end of what she has to say by explaining how the struggle finances sometimes bring can actually make you happier than when money isn't a problem. People with money find other struggles even more challenging she says. That gets us to Omal who has another excellent lesson on happiness and that is that while the importance of being happy with oneself is self-evident, he breaks down the mechanics of why that is important. One of the reasons he gives is the reason for the name of the podcast and it has a lot to do with reflection. He finishes by giving us a great lesson on the best way to climb out of the pits of depression and back onto a path to happiness. Treebeard is the next speaker with an exploration on one of the roots of happiness, that of being needed which takes us to the end of side one.
   On side two Karra has replaced Treebeard as the next person to channel and she gets serious as she goes over a recent incident involving an acquaintance of ours who we had discovered was a person who used both people and things to achieve their happiness. She offers her usual advice of doing nothing before also bringing up a related incident we knew of where the same person had drawn a large pentagram for some reason without bothering to enclose it within a protective circle. That gave her the opportunity to wrap up on the point that it is not the symbol on the ground that is powerful but the mind of the person who drew it. Tia takes her turn to update us that an upgrade in defcom levels might be coming which in their scale would involve natural disasters, incidents of civil disobedience and stock market fluctuations. She uses her short time channeling to gives us the details of the major hotspots on our planet before rushing off to a meeting of the Council of 12 to present the same information we just heard to them. That leaves Kiri to complete the channeling session and it was lucky there was half of the tape left because she went over the life of a person after their death. We learn from her that everyone has to serve as a guide in the waiting period between lives at some time or another to someone living. We also learn how that happens and what takes place when a person is transitioning between lives. Speaking of new lives, a new baby was born on the base she tells us by one of the technicians who monitors the channeling sessions named Teene. We get to the end of the session early so as an added extra to the podcast we hear Mark's real voice as he returns to his body from his astral excursion.
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Sananda, the Last Avatar?

   In computer gaming, an avatar is a pixelated representation of the player whose moves are determined by a joystick, mouse or game controller. In science fiction, an avatar is created by using the DNA of the native species and mixing it with human DNA to create remotely powered bodies so that one can interact with the natives as one of them. For the purposes of this editorial, avatars such as Sananda who we know in our history as Jesus Christ was one of a number of avatars that have helped guide humanity through its growing pains. Each of our lives is an extension of the one that came before and his was no exception except that he was coming into our world from a much higher dimension. To really explore the life of Jesus, we have look back at what we know and add to it two thousand years of changes to get the full effect of his time on this planet because it is as if he never left but continues to influence things on a daily basis. So going back nine months before the birth of Christ to when a zygote split, regardless of the circumstances that caused the zygote to split, our exploration of the life of Sananda in the third dimension begins.

   From the start, Jesus set himself apart from those around him by how the slippery hand of fate brought him through many a peril such as the infanticide by Herod which claimed so many other Jewish boys his age or the time while still a child he was called crazy during a conflict with the neighbors of his family and the lack of worth of a life meant he could have been relegated to the lowest class of existence possible. There was also the crucial time as the family caravan was a day’s journey from Jerusalem on their way home from the festivals that it was discovered Jesus was not with the caravan. Joseph and Mary traveled back to Jerusalem worried sick he was hurt or dead and it wasn't until three days after the festivals ended they found him in the temple learning from the teachers in the law. History tells us about the important points in the life of Jesus but leaves out the parts that made up his daily routine and there are a lot of questions to be answered. How was he treated by his parents due to the circumstances of his birth and did they reveal what the angel told Mary? What was the relationship like between his brothers and sisters and himself? What happened in the eighteen years before his ministry started? History also can’t tell us what the world would be like if he had died at a young age or why he was the last avatar the world has seen that we know of. Possibly because while millions if not billions of people have died in the name of Jesus, how many more would have died without his place in history? His reducing of the Ten Commandments down to just a single commandment set the standard for compassion and love for one another that has had a trickle-down effect throughout the passage of time.

   So why did Sananda choose to take on a physical form even if it was but a blink of time in his long existence? Why does anyone agree to be born and go through however many years that life will last? In every case it is to continue a story. Sananda’s time as Jesus Christ was an important part of his story that for him happened in his yesterday but during that time was a crucial set of lessons and experiences that couldn’t be avoided. He made the choice to be an example of a better way to live and those lessons he learned were no different from the ones we still learn today. The thing about lessons is that they are not something that happen once and are forgotten. Lessons are living things that influence a person throughout the rest of their incarnation and beyond. Every time a person reflects on a lesson he or she has learned, it again imparts what was learned and possibly expands on that lesson. As the lesson is repeated, it merges with other lessons of a similar nature and change takes place once enough lessons have been experienced or is possibly grasped after the first instance. It doesn’t matter the dimension and it isn’t exclusive to earth, without the lessons there can be no growth. That brings up the question on if Jesus really was the last avatar or, was one of his purposes to show how it can be done, the pitfalls to avoid and the lessons available from following in his footsteps?

   After Sananda returned to the higher dimensions having achieved his purpose it would seem there has been no need of avatars since then as the example he left demonstrated we can be our own avatars, our own teachers who can then go on and teach others. We know during his time in the wilderness Jesus faced many temptations yet we face even more than he did in the wilderness created by the Internet and social media. For the bulk of the world, the average day is taken up by work, school or survival with any free time left filled with choices of how best to spend that time. It is no different now than it was two thousand years ago in that it has always been a matter of choices made that make up a life, each life a new chapter completely dependent on the previous chapters whether known or not. Possibly in chapters to be written in some far off future may come one or more lives where you may live a life as an avatar to any one of an infinite number of worlds in its developing stages but our preparation for just such an eventuality begins with a single choice and then another and another and so on until that goal is reached. Between now and then though we have nothing but time, choices and over two thousand years of change to give us the freedom to make those choices without a fear of being crucified for making them.

In Love and Light as one,

Russ and Karra.

(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "The Two-Way Mirror of Happiness". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted mid-month.)

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The Earth First, The World Second.

   Happy 2018 and welcome to another year of light and love. Such was not the case though the night this channeling session took place in 1999. April 20th was the day Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris shot twelve of their fellow students and a teacher at Columbine High School. By the time the session started details were still sketchy on what had taken place but the reality of what had begun to sink in. The event did open up the possibility to get a higher dimensional outlook on the tragedy and the channeling session itself was very enlightening. Morals, patriotism, honor and even child rearing came up during the podcast which set the theme that starts off another year of consciousness growth on a worldwide scale as thousands of websites such as ours share with the planet a message of oneness, a message that says we are humans first and proud inhabitants of whatever country we call home second.

   Kiri is the designated ring mistress and starts off with the usual format of speaking first. Disregarding the day's events at first, she begins things with a lesson on love and what standards are allowed in her opinion. This was an extension of a conversation taking place just prior to the record button being pressed. Those standards started a progression of thought on the growth of the individual life after life. The motivating factors of the goals that a person sets in each life change but the irrelevant ones leave no attachments at the end of a life. Naturally, that is when the shooting in Colorado becomes the subject being discussed so the question of why things like that happen. Kiri's very astute observation tied it all in the steady decline of morals and how violence, even violence or killing done in an honorable way makes one numb to it. We lighten things up discussing her new role as the on-the-spot reporter on the base for additions to the website. That takes to Omal who comes on to finish up the side. In expanding on what Kiri had talked about with Columbine, Omal points out that the violence over the years in popular entertainment had spread to daily news reports causing the value of a life to be diminished from what it had been. One solution brought up involved patriotism but for the planet first instead of a country and making that country second. We get to the end of side one accepting a challenge set by Omal to convince at least one person that they are humans first and members of their countries second but both are equal. What also comes up before the end is the fifth amendment of the constitution which gets some chuckles for the members of the base hearing their commander mention refusing to answer questions that may incriminate them.

   Omal is on for just a minute and then it is Lyka on to channel which kicks off side two by her opinion on how the state of our society compares as to some of the 3rd dimensional planets she has helped survive the 3rd dimension. She talks about the oath taken as an oath keeper in the Sirian Defense Force and we learn that for her and the other members of the force the significance of that promise. They literally swear on their lives to defend the 3rd dimensional  sister worlds of Sirius. Lyka's pregnancy means she isn't deployed so she fills us in on her lighter duties and how they interfere with her desire to work out and exercise. Her studies while on the base get covered as well as past studies of the generals and wars of our planet. In short, we get a great history lesson on Ramses the Second and General Custer. Last to speak is Karra who gives us an incredible dissertation on child rearing for parents wanting their child to learn how to use their psychic gifts. she ends the session commenting on the belief factor needed and how not enough people go beyond acceptance of something to taking the next step of asking why?

In love and light as one.

Russ and Karra

The latest free podcast can be found at:

For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:

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There's Someone In My Head......

   Stop and listen sometime to the noise going on inside your head, the stream of random thoughts that finds you talking to yourself out loud even though there's no one else around. You know it’s you, it’s always been you since you know how you think yet why is it so many of the thoughts seem to predict what's about to happen seconds ahead of time or the great advice you've just given yourself seems to have developed a personality? The thoughts that make up the background flow of words, feelings, and emotions waiting to be expressed are an important part of an individual's identity but have you ever wondered what takes place in that wilderness of unformed words? So have I and, as readers of this webpage know, having a conversation with my twin soul in my head comes with the territory which brought up the question of how does it work for everyone else in their minds? How do they go through each day sorting through the background sounds in their heads? What process does the mind use to filter the best information out of that chaos to express an idea? Meditation helps with the filtering part and a much quieter mind has the ability to sort through the jumble of thoughts taking place. What out of all of that is valuable teaching and which are the random meanderings of daydreams? Well wisdom is always available from within and merely the knowledge that a thing exists is enough to begin a search for the source of that knowledge though in this case the source is us and yet at the same time it isn’t.

   As mentioned many times in these editorials, this is hardly the only life that can be experienced or has been experienced. No matter how many lives a person has lived there have always been souls traveling in the same group with one another. Sometimes as family members, sometimes as best friends or enemies, sometimes as soulmates and sometimes as all of the above. Add to this the possibility of twin souls, triple souls, and even quadruple souls and you have a number of beings that is staggering. Quite often that group of souls do not incarnate at the same time and not always on the same dimension. It is in that waiting period between lives when time is spent as a guide for other souls in the soul group and the training to be a guide happens during the many years of waiting for rebirth. But, before accepting responsibility as a guide, one has to come to an understanding first what is going on in the mind that is being guided. Rarely is it isn’t only a single guide per person and more often than not, guides are working together to assist in a person's growth based on the extra knowledge gained during the waiting period. Having access to the Akashic records of a person helps with their guidance along a path but other sources of inspiration are available also. Twin souls, higher dimensional entities, and a person's superego can be valuable sources of information so it is a good way to use the internal filter to identify their voices of guidance over the other ones.

   Taking it to that next step requires having a calm mind sharp enough to notice all the little details around you from what the senses take in. At certain times of the day there will be a bit of foreknowledge about some of the most insignificant things happening that would usually be ignored. You will be thinking of a word and suddenly see it in an ad or make a decision based on a thought that turns out to be fortuitous. Those moments once noticed will be hard to ignore after that and it may become a game to see where the conversations in the brain lead. Now it is a matter of filtering those thoughts as unique from the others for the flavor that seems to accompany them and the focus meditation brings begins to open the mind up to those singular trains of thought that drown out any distractions interfering with personal growth. Changes are seen in small stages but it starts with dreams, dreams that have stories remembered upon waking as full and rich in depth as if they were real. Next come outward changes such as replies to questions that take longer because the thoughts being used to form an answer are being drawn from those higher sources or a moment longer is taken than normal to decide a direction. Several years of constant use will see other changes start to take place such as increased patience, more self-confidence, a trust in what life has to offer and a sense that you are no longer alone in a world of over seven billion people.

   The workings of the mind are not confined to this time and dimension and the guides working with us have our long history of lives to draw from with all of our possible futures mapped out based on our goals and ambitions. Once the advantages of those higher sources of advice are recognized the question will come, “how was it not noticed all this time?” It’s comfortable to think that every thought has been generated by years of personal experience and that guides advising us on how live our lives is the stuff of science fiction but what if there is an audience of souls who care about us and how our lives turn out? Using the advice available from that knowledge could be an invaluable edge to living where more right decisions are made than wrong, better phrasing is used to express ideas and first time meetings with people go smoother than in the past. All this comes from the personal experience gained from years of watching what can happen when a person seeks the help being offered. Your primary voice of guidance is trying to cut through the clutter that makes up what we call our train of thoughts and it holds the best options possible to draw upon in these changing times. That is because the lessons a life requires are far easier when you have advice from someone with only your best interests in mind and is in your mind as well.

In love and life constantly as one,

Everyone here and there.


(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:

Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "The Earth First, The World Second". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted mid-month.)

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It's All Third Dimensional

Channeling Session Date: 8/25/1998

   As we close out another year here at the Hades Base News we end it with a channeling session almost entirely related to subjects of a third-dimensional level. It's a busy night for Tia and all of side one is hers to go over a news-filled night from events taking place here on earth. We get way off earth on side two as Omal explores the universe with us before Lyka shows how a sixth-dimensional Oath Keeper helps keep the oaths made by Sirius to third-dimensional planets in their efforts towards ascension. 
   Tia gets what for her will be a longer than normal night answering questions on the report she presents right at the start. Cruise missiles had been flying over the skies of the Middle East and Africa so that is the first topic she explores. Operation Infinite Reach had concluded which involved sending cruise missiles into Afganistan and the Sudan in retaliation for the United States embassy bombings. She explains how the targets of each were either of low value or a result of faulty intelligence which we know now to have been the case. She next recaps the stock market fluctuations throughout the world before opening the floor up to questions. Luckily the first set up questions lead to a detailed look at the history of her home planet in the third dimension Durondedunn. We learn it's history which is very similar to our until as she relates they found a balance between their chemical use and their environment. We also find out that due to wars in their past, the male to female had gone from 50/50 to 25/75 to what it is now of three to one. We finish up the side with a discussion on a possible pole and whether the results of such a shift would be as bad as some of the reports I had brought predicted. She gets busy debunking the prospect as well the possibility that land miles from a volcano could cause things to spontaneously combust or that the West Coast was about to tear itself apart.
   On side two Tia quickly wraps up her final thoughts before giving the time over to Omal. This turns out to be very educational for anyone with a love for spatial mechanics. He first uses economics as an analogy of how there is not a finite amount of matter or energy, and that as the universe expands, it draws from energy and matter form the future to accomplish that expansion. Reversing the process, he goes over what happens when that expansion finally stopped and everything heads back to the center. He gets really deep as he reveals that parallel universes are being created and can be observed. Things were getting a bit over our heads so we finish up the same subject concerning the creation of a new galaxy within our own galaxy. To explain, he teaches us about proto-solar systems and how they can be seen as a young galaxy. The final speaker to channel is Lyka who changes places with Omal to complete the session. It's her last channeling session before she returns to college where waiting for here are some dreaded classes in mathematics to learn trajectories, diameters and ballistics. The question is asked about our chances for total peace on our planet to the woman who hasn't known much peace in her role as an Oath Keeper. Luckily she says our chances are good. More from her we don't have the room to add.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Coalescing the Revelations- Part Two

This month our editorial returns to revisiting some of the knowledge gained over the last five years by reviewing a retrospective of the planet from which our race shares its DNA, Sirius. If a comparison were to be made between 3rd dimensional earth and 6th dimensional Sirius, it would best be described as going through a busy shopping mall at Christmas time in a war zone before leaving to cross into a neutral country and entering a library or cathedral, that is how completely different the two are. Earth has a civilized history stretching back over six thousand years while Sirius, we have learned, has a system of government over a hundred thousand years old. In that time they have learned that such things as wars, crime, money, and prejudice are not needed in higher dimensions but are a part of the lessons needed to reach them. Earth too has the opportunity to come to that same conclusion and move beyond such things if it hopes to expand consciously as a species and eventually reach its full potential. The next step on humanity’s evolutionary ladder is seeing how life happens in the higher dimensions and using that as the perfect incentive on why ascendancy is such a worthy goal. We’ll take a look at the people and places of 6th dimensional Sirius and also their purpose as keepers and defenders of the light. We’ll revisit how everything ties together to when the Hades Base News began and at the conclusion, we'll get us back the present and where we go from here.
The People
Try to imagine a world full of altruistic telepaths and that is just the start of how life takes place on the higher dimensions. One of the keys to ascension is in service to others which defines the economics and government that has been maintained for so long a time. It’s just one of the reasons for a lack of crime or a need for lawyers, judges or police. To create something or provide something is a service and it is a reciprocal service that purchases the item or service. A dinner out may involve washing the dishes of others or floors may be cleaned to take ownership of a shirt. We’ve learned there are items where nothing is owed because they are an essential part of a person’s job or needed to make life more bearable as conditions demand. We know many menial tasks are handled by automation programmed not to ask certain questions and it’s just one world among many throughout the sixth dimension where this way of living has led to harmony for each and service to all. They have a rich history going back hundreds of thousands of years to when the planet was still in the third dimension and through the benefit of their science, can rejuvenate someone to their twenties twice in their life which allows a person to live for over nine hundred years. The recall of a person’s past lives is available to Sirians at age twenty one so the lessons of a single life are not all that they rely on during that long life but that kind of wisdom and knowledge comes with a need to share it with others who want to gain from their vast experience. We on earth are the fortunate recipients of that knowledge which could transform our planet as it has transformed theirs.
The Place
We learned recently that Sirius has an equal amount of land to water and that four percent of their water is drinkable compared to one percent for the earth. We know conditions are very similar to earth with skiing, surfing, and fishing available along with some subtle differences such as a lighter gravity allowing someone to fly like a bird after strapping a pair of wings to their feet. Technology has allowed nature and civilization to coexist with a balance found between the two which provides both beauty and comfort. A flyover of the planet would reveal the highlands where the home of Karra and Kiri’s family can be found, the lowlands where Lyka comes from and the beaches of Sirius where the family of Leah and Bunny’s family resides. Coming to the main capital where Karra and Kiri’s father is the president brings us to the largest city on the planet but small in comparison to a metropolis like Los Angeles or San Francisco. Just outside the city is the Great Pyramid of Sirius, the only structure that came through the ascension into the sixth dimension. A religious order maintains the pyramid and people can still enter the main living area where 144,000 Sirians slept through the transition. It’s a very sacred structure that had come alive in ancient times before the ascension and that same energy can still be faintly felt. In a preview of a future channeling session, we know Tia entered in through the capstone to meet Sarra whose mind still is a conscious part of the pyramid. She had won a footrace featuring Sirians from all over the planet thus fulfilling a prophecy that someone not of Sirius would win and be able to enter the capstone. It’s a very special planet and an important center for the great works being done in service to the light.
The Purpose
The beings of higher dimensions have one purpose and have always had one purpose, help lower dimensional lifeforms achieve the consciousness needed to ascend to the next dimension. Towards earth, a policy of non-interference was adopted as the best way for our species to reach that goal. What had been sanctioned were channeling sessions such as the ones found at this site and others throughout the web so, in 1990, a unique opportunity presented itself to the Council of Sirius and Ashtar Command. Two third dimensional humans met in Lake Tahoe where they both worked at the same ski resort and found themselves sharing a home as roommates. One had already been introduced to two members of Ashtar Command through channeling sessions in Sedona and one had phenomenal astral traveling abilities. Both had twin souls on the sixth dimension who were the daughters of one of the senators on the Sirian Council so it was easy to get the astral traveler up to Hades Base on Mars by following a ship hovering over the house. Once there, the one roommate learned how to maintain a solid form of his astral body for up to sixteen hours while being only gone ninety minutes back on earth. The result was essentially an open mic to the third dimension with zero interference from the mind of the body they were speaking through. He was off raising a family and working with the flight controllers for the pilots among other duties he took on all over the base. While he was gone, the other roommate asked questions of those who came to channel while creating an archive of the recordings for some future time when earth’s technology would offer the perfect platform to reach a worldwide audience of those for whom the messages resonate. Five years later this is the result and we here at the Hades Base News hope to continue for a long time in what has coalesced around our shared purpose in bringing about earth’s ascension one day.
In love and light for all,
Everyone here and there.
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "It's All Third Dimensional". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Race Memory Recall

Channeling Session Date: 10/29/1997
   The theme for the channeling session being added to the web for November is centered around mental processes both conscious and unconscious. Race memory, dreams, and vacation memories are the upbeat parts of the podcast until Tia comes on at the end with a bit of bad news. Some explanation is required first about Kiri who starts off the night and offers a chance to look back into the human racial memory as this is the continuation from the channeling session that took place the previous week. The process of how to access it had been in her discussion we were getting back to so as it isn't mentioned in depth in this session. It basically involves going into a trance much like with a past life regression but changing the focus to looking back at select times in the history of the race instead of themselves with the help of a person's guides. It isn't something I have experimented with yet but the possibilities are tremendous.
   To get things started, Kiri is the ring mistress for tonight's session as Tia was busy monitoring stock market action and market fluctuations of historic proportion. After going through some of the things you can do in a race memory recall, she lays out some of the advantages of doing so including examples from both the history of earth and the history of Sirius. She next explains the difference between a race memory and a really active imagination before finishing with the roles guides play during the recall, one of which is sensory overload. Before leaving she tells us her experience she went through with just that problem once. Omal replaces Kiri as speaker and we explore a recent incident where a friend of ours had called with a dream involving a break-in at the where Mark and I lived. He notes the changes made in because of the warning reminds us it is only a postponement of the lesson. An errant statement of mine leads into an excellent dissertation from Omal on communication by presenting it through a brilliant analogy. That's all he has time for and all we have time for on this side of the tape except to discuss birthday presents for Tia's Cubs.
   Alana is the first speaker to channel on side two and it is someone I have been wanting to talk to ever since I had returned from Cancun where I had gone swimming with some wild dolphins. While in the water I had a close encounter of the cetacean kind and luckily Karra plugged into my mind at the time so the experience could be recorded. As telepathic speech had been sent by the dolphin, she was able to explain that way the buzzing I had felt in my head. Even though her pregnancy was keeping her out of the water and her work with the dolphins, we did get in a discussion of that work on improving the back and forth communication between herself and pod helping her in Dolphin Lake. Karra takes her daughter's place due to time being at a premium so we jump into the immediate issue of sharpening my focus during my trips to the base in my astral form. That was almost all we had time for but then an opening for a dissertation presented it. It concerned the subconscious link all mothers have with their children. She leaves because it is Tia's turn we learn a lot about the economic disaster known as the mini-crash of 10/27/97. Her analysis of the three-day event is a comprehensive look at the market forces at work. We get into how these are all part of her predictions before finishing the tape with something cute the Cubs did for their very tired mom.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command, and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Coalescing the Revelations- Part One

   As we approach the five year anniversary of releasing podcasts of our past channeling sessions, we would like to look back in a retrospective on the people, places, and purposes of the two higher dimensional groups of individuals that helped make this happen on both Hades Base and Sirius. We’ll take it in two parts to give each their due so November’s editorial will focus on Hades Base and we’ll end the year with a look at where it all started, Sirius. To mention either is to bring up just some of the organizations at the heart of it all, Ashtar Command, the Galactic Federation and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. The true scope of the beings and worlds involved have a great deal to do with us as their history is our prehistory with interactions extending up to the present ensuring we continue evolving without any outside influence that would be detrimental to our growth. What we’ll try to do over the next two months is share as complete a picture as space allows of the inhabitants in the galaxy who feel a connection to us and do care about the path our planet takes into the future. Our focus turns first to the base and the dedicated personnel working around the clock on our behalf. Understanding that beings from higher dimensions can be perceived as all-knowing and above it all, they choose in these sessions to show that they are much like us with regular lives led in pursuit of their evolution as well.
The People
   To describe the individuals who gave up so much of their time to make these channeling sessions come together is like talking about family on both dimensions since our third dimensional guests also played a major role. From the top down everything begins with Sananda who we know as Jesus Christ. Ascended as a tenth dimensional from then, he is still a guiding presence and shared his wisdom in two channeling sessions. Next are Ashtar and Korton who direct Ashtar Command and the communications for Ashtar Command respectively. They maintain the overall direction in how the base operates and have spoken a number of times each. Both were honored guest speakers as were other individuals who shared their invaluable knowledge we do not have the space here to include. Ensuring the base runs smoothly is the base commander Omal, who is seventh-dimensional as opposed to Ashtar and Korton who are eighth. Omal provides the bulk of the teaching moments in the sessions being an expert in pretty much everything and has watched over our planet since long before Atlantis and Lemuria were colonized. Making up the sixth dimensional part of the speakers on the base each session were the sisters Kiri and Karra. Karra is the elder of the two and is also a former healer but is now the Ambassador from Sirius to Hades Base. She covers all topics related to healing. Her younger sister Kiri is an engineer on the base and also a coercer, any questions regarding coercion are her specialty. Lastly was the third-dimensional contingent of our speakers and ring mistress Tia who came to the base through an interconnecting series of occurrences which brought her to be in the ideal position as the channeling sessions got underway.
The Place
   Suffice to say that Hades Base is five miles below the surface of Mars in the sixth dimension with unlimited ability to expand the base to any size due to some fifth-dimensional technology. The mechanics of how they make that happen is beyond our science but think of Mary Poppin's handbag, the principles are the same. Within that space, housing and the various departments are spread among the three main features, Dolphin Lake, Wookie Mountain and the docking terminal for the spacecraft. We know from recent channelings that it is one of the more spacious and well-equipped bases where someone could be stationed. Housing around the docking terminal is mostly taken up by the pilots known as the “Blue Guys”. We have learned they are not actually a part of Ashtar Command but work in conjunction with them to achieve shared goals. Wookie Mountain has housing for those who enjoy a mountain atmosphere and where the engineers of the base live. How George Lucas knew about Wookies and their skills would be a good question to ask him but he has everything right except that they are higher dimensional, telepathic and love snowboarding. Dolphin Lake is where the bulk of housing and offices are located. A beautiful beach fronts an expanse of water with a very tall waterfall at the far end. Normally on most days, you would see Alana and some of the base personnel working with the pods of dolphins who volunteer to help in improving inter-species communication. The various departments on the base include the healing and engineering sectors where Karra used to work and Kiri still does. Data collection is in another section where Tia would be found supervising her crew on the night shift before presenting Omal with the results of what happened on earth with her recommendations the next day. Lastly would be the administration section where Omal and Korton, when he is on the base, have their offices.
The Purpose
   Beyond the central purpose of assisting humanity in a non-intervention capacity reach its next evolutionary step, the members of the base who channeled in the podcasts provide a look at higher dimensional life with all of the little details that go into base operations. What started as a series of teaching sessions with some humor and racy banter thrown in between myself and some of our friends who came to learn on a firsthand basis expanded to include setting up a series of conferences between the non-earth races consisting of, to paraphrase President Tanaka of Sirius, “all extraterrestrial life forms within the galactic sector that has interaction in one capacity or another with your planet.” Though the conferences did not come off before the channeling sessions ended, they haven’t been canceled and just wait for renewed interest. Throughout it all, beings who have already moved beyond wars, crime, and prejudice wished to help us do the same through lessons and laughter. The channeling sessions posted throughout the last five years and in the years to come are timeless and will always have the power to transfer the higher dimensional experience vicariously to any wanting to know what it is like to make that transition. One might think of it as akin to a college atmosphere or at least it is the correlation that immediately comes to mind when trying to describe the education process that takes place. Hearing the podcasts in order from 2013 to the present while following along in the transcripts offers a unique opportunity to graduate and move on to the next set of lessons. One day hopefully we will be able to thank them in person for the help they have provided.
In love and light as one,
Russ and Karra.
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer, and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called A Healer's Secret". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Channeling Session Date: 09/02/1997
   Each of the podcasts posted on a monthly basis are special and it is hard to say one is better than another. This podcast for October is very special for several reasons with the first being that Korton replaced Omal as the main teacher and the second was that we get to learn about the astrological signs of Sirius. Similar to our own and based on times of the year, differences can be seen though not in a way that makes any difference. That the formation of ours is an evolution of theirs brings the differences into perspective.
   The session starts with almost an homage to last month's editorial as she brings up the importance of haves a set of goals to assist in a growth of consciousness. Equating the striving for growth to the opposite of that shows how it can only be that way for anyone on such a path. Part of that growth and a major theme of the podcast then goes back in time to a lifetime of mine in Atlantis when I was in possession of psychic skills of which only a shadow remains of what they were then. She puts the two time periods in contrast to reveal the lesson of having and having not needed to find balance. It is her opportunity now to introduce the guest of honor and censor of the content to be released to the web Korton, head of communications for Hades Base and Ashtar Command. Knowing well the history of our planet and communication in general, he breaks it down to how it would begin and grow almost anywhere. In answer to a question on how the breakup of Atlantis influenced the parts of the world the survivors fled the destruction. He stands by as Karra joins the session and helps in the use by Korton of comparing the linguistic similarities between Atlantis then and Sirius now in how the had racial languages with a shared common language. we stay on topic as we also look at how the healing practices of Atlantis were dispersed across the globe to be used as was suited to the community. She ends the side using the example of the healing of one of our guests as how a healer can utilize the importance of the common experience of the healing to alter to a patient's consciousness up to a higher level.
   Barely stopping to draw a breath Karra continues with what she was making a point on side one of how the energy work we did on a 3rd dimensional guest was an example of how healings can be done naturally. She then gives the seat back to Tia who is called a bad name by one of our house cats before switching over to Leah where my curiosity about family life on her home planet of Sirius is satisfied. I learn of story told in parts by her family members during the festival of the springing fish. We also hear about a fish species nearly seven feet long called a climbing fish that managed to break Leah's fingers when she tried to complete an obscure rite of passage. That leads to discovering some of the star signs Sirians use. Time getting on, she makes way for her sister Bunny who gives us not only the plot of a new romantic hologram episode but the editing process and where it was hot on the base. She is as always the life of party and this conversation is no different but too short in my opinion. We have to get in Kiri before the tape ends so we now get to hear about the Sirian star signs of her and Karra. We end the tape reminiscing on how the channeling sessions have gotten to the structure for learning over time.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The Pyramid Wide Web

Have you ever been to the Great Pyramid of Giza or wondered about its mysteries hoping someday we would find the answers as to who built it and why? So have I and therefore I have put together some clues with the help of Karra that go back tens of thousands of years to when it could have actually been built. We know after hearing Tia confirm in the podcast “Stargates and Cydonia” from July of 2015 that the Great Pyramid was one of two computers sharing a communication link with another on the surface of Mars and Omal said in the podcast posted last month called “A Healer’s Secret” that, while it may have been built by humans, it was from plans that were not of this Earth. Maybe the plans were only used once and all the pyramids to follow were possibly copies by later civilizations with no understanding of what the original was or did? We also know that there was a Great Pyramid on Sirius while it was still in the third dimension which stands there now after playing a major part in getting the people inside of it to the sixth. If the Great Pyramid on third dimensional Earth is an antenna, to what purpose would it have served on this world and whatever other planets where they may have been built? If it is also a computer, is it self-aware and what is the signal it would be receiving?
   First off, how does an antenna work? Antennas pick up frequencies and relay them back and forth across great distances. The antenna is normally connected to a receiver through a cable that has a protective covering. We know the protective covering of Tura limestone on the pyramid was removed to be re-purposed but all that would have been exposed is the wire or in this case the granite under that covering. The high concentration of quartz in the granite would be the key to making the receiver work because of the unique properties of quartz as demonstrated by early radios where its frequencies are detected by quartz crystals. The immense force of pressure applied by the weight pressing down on the granite might provide both a source of power and a steady frequency that would never change. It’s been theorized that a cap of gold once covered the top which if true would have amplified and directed what it received but not affected the basic signal. After so long in disuse it would not look as it did when it was still functioning but we can picture how it may have looked when it was brand new. Gleaming white with its covering stones once more in place, the sarcophagus would be whole and a golden cap on top to complete the picture. Let’s take a look at one possible scenario out of the available thousands that may have been the reason for its construction though this is only based on what has survived the ravages of time. The names used are what are currently in use but would have been completely different then.
   The initiates stand in front of the Great Pyramid completely stunned by what they see looming over them and about the upcoming ritual. They are led forward by the two attending priests into the entrance and down the mysteriously lit hallway to the ascending passage where the climb begins. Ascending up the passage to the Queen’s chamber, they enter and watch as the priests place a crystal of Atlantean origin in the niche still seen today to establish the connection. The priests would next lead them out of the Queen’s chamber and start up the Grand Gallery to the King’s chamber where the priests would arrange the initiates in front of the sarcophagus. Made whole and warmed from the opposite side, it is filled three quarters of the way up in a solution of water and salt at a specific gravity kept at skin-temperature. After assuring their comfort, the priests lower a lid over the top and assume a position of waiting for each initiation. Inside, the connection is established and the initiation begins once the sensory deprivation allows the necessary opening. The knowledge comes through to where the initiate is taught information possibly involving past lives, the history of the world, crucial guidance for the future or revelations about everything.
   To the world looking at the Great Pyramid in its current state, it would be hard to see that possibility now but that is just one way to answer some of the questions of its construction. Perhaps modern scientists, like the ancient Egyptians before them, are only guessing as best they can with the clues left by the builders to establish when it was built and for what purpose. What if it actually is just one part of larger computer complex that was still transmitting and could be used again to establish a two-way link through any pyramid built to particular dimensions and aligned along true north? Maybe such a pyramid would act like a laptop hooked up to a galactic Wi-Fi which may explain some of the effects pyramids have been shown to do? Certainly more study is needed to determine what else they can reveal on an individual basis and might form a part of each person’s own initiation into the deeper secrets of the Great Pyramid. Any study though is a drawing upon the deeper recesses of the mind to make a personal connection happen to access lives where that information was available. The future is only history that hasn’t been written yet and the present is the paper where the words are flowing together one after the other. So it was then, so it can be now where the past, present and future are open books where your life is laid out to be discovered. A properly built and aligned pyramid may be your personal library where those books are ready for your perusal and new ones can be written.
In love and light as one,
Russ and Karra.
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Korton Revisits Atlantis and Sirian Star Signs". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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A Healer's Secret

Channeling Session Date: 08/18/1998
   A rare disagreement came up over the title of this podcast with myself wanting "Pluck Yew" and Karra wanting "A Healer's Secret" though reluctantly as the healer's secret isn't something she wanted a lot of focus on but it was better than what I offered. In the end, 6th dimensional class won out over 3rd dimensional crass, go figure. On note about this session that made it stand out over previous podcasts was that it could have been recorded last Friday instead of 1998 for how relevant the topics discussed are to the news anyone can read about daily. It's not often that we're transcribing a tape where we have to remind ourselves the topic is about Bill Clinton and not Donald Trump when Tia is discussing impeachment or Omal discussing the effect of the presidency on the stock market. It's another great night learning from teachers of the highest caliber if only it was to teach us that life in their world is not so much different than life is in ours. On that note, it's old home week five miles below the surface of Mars three dimensions away.
   As to the session itself, Tia was the ring mistress and thus had the honor of going first. Answering a question on the wild fluctuations in the stock market, it was then we first learned about what was then in 1998 just the start of the Asian Flu when markets around the globe were affected by the drops in the Asian markets. Moving on she focuses on politics and the turmoil taking place in the current administration the day after Bill Clinton gave his famous speech admitting an improper relationship with a certain intern. She gives us her impassioned opinion on what it will mean for the presidency going forward. Impeachment was looking likely so she was very hooked into how this was making that more of a reality. We shift back to stocks and where does an investment go and after that was cleared up, Omal came on to discuss both Bill Clinton and the stock market in words that cannot help to bring on a sense of deja vu. How the two are interrelated could make one think this session took place recently and not in the '90's. The fun doesn't stop there, he next floors us by confirming that not only did the pyramids of Giza originally had hieroglyphs on the outside and that what was written is still someplace in public view. He ends side one by linking the wording of the hieroglyphs to words in general wrapping up with the history of the English language from someone who watched it grow to what it came to be first hand through monitoring on the base of its growth.
   On side two Omal is only on long enough to finish up the point he was making about why English became the most widely spoken language on the planet. Karra is the next scheduled speaker so the subject naturally shifts to healing. To that subject she explains how when you are healing it is important to use the energy efficiently so that you can gain in knowledge and strength. One other key ingredient is the patience learned through experience to be effective as a healer. Next we move on to the healer's secret, knowledge held back from a patient until an appropriate time comes to share it. Karra and I had a long running debate on whether it was a secret someone should be told right at the start which was my contention or held back as was the custom. Things came to a head with this channeling session and Karra's wisdom won out as it always does. The question at hand was belief and what someone should believe will happen during the healing. The one topic would be all that we would have time to cover but we went through quite a bit of tape making sure the point was well understood. Lyka comes on next all tired out from an exercise the night before where she had not gotten a bit of sleep. She was now newly promoted to captain and was having to b more responsible than she had before in her time with us which was starting to show. From our discussion with her we get a look into the what her life was like while having a command in the Sirian Defense Force. Kiri is the last speaker for this session and after teasing us yet again with a lesson on how to build a warp core engine, she tells us about a recent trip to Sirius to see her grandmother who had recently broken her arm while pruning some trees. Not something someone in her 800's should be doing but it led to us hearing about the status of a future guide for Skip, one of our guests in the room. We end the session on a variety of subjects such as how parents are such kids at heart and contemplate what would happen if you put a rabbit into a warp core engine.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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Our Mission Statement

   Like any organization, we here at the Hades Base News have a mission statement of our intended direction, purpose and focus that has always been at the heart of why the Hades Base News was created. Let it be a shared vision by both the staff and those who want to see humanity achieve its spiritual, mental, emotional and social potential as it becomes a partner in its ongoing ascension process. Earth needed an introduction to the galactic community and a window into life on the higher dimensions. Our multi-phase, twenty-five year goal will see the completion of the recorded conversations released as podcasts during that time and, through a non-intervention capacity, assist humanity in the evolutionary path started once on a long vanished continent. The humans of Earth have a mixture of Sirian DNA that was added during the time period of Atlantis and it is mostly Sirians who inhabit the base along with a number of other races. Earth then is considered a sister planet of Sirius and has been one for hundreds of thousands of years. All are committed to Earth’s ascension and assisting mankind on that path to joining them on the higher dimensions available beyond the third even though only a very small portion are an active part of the staff.
   Our next phase of expansion will be in the form of an online academy that will be established in conjunction with this website which will organize the various subjects discussed during the channeling sessions into specific fields of study. There, channelings related to that field are added and expanded on as future podcasts go online without the other subjects or extraneous conversations. Anyone looking for subjects such as healing will go to that subject and find the channelings from Karra and others concerning healing. We anticipate small meta-concert groups of five or more being creating around that field of study as they discover that combining their spiritual energies together in a specific way will achieve far more positive results than trying to work singularly. As more and more meta-concert groups start working together, a change in consciousness will begin to take place around the planet recognized as a viable way to positively influence the planet’s future. Those unaware of their potential will begin to reevaluate just what they are capable of achieving in this exciting period of personal discovery. The next phase will be an actual brick and mortar center where the teachings of the various speakers in the channeling sessions will continue to educate those wishing to know more.
   As time goes on, live channeling sessions from higher dimensional teachers can begin and the knowledge gained will be on a more interactive basis. The center could be the start of a learning opportunity that would expand on from there to world-wide teaching centers where students could learn to expand on their psychic abilities individually through classroom instructions or boosted through the help of a meta-concert to bring them up to operant status. With psychic abilities less of a stigma, parents would bring children with special gifts to learn more about them in a supportive environment of like-minded peers. It is in the future that exposure to metaphysical concepts will lead to classes in established universities where the phenomenon can be studied scientifically with a more open mind. The undiscovered abilities everyone has the potential to develop will benefit the future with their greater acceptance. With meta-concerts and psychic abilities becoming more common place, the world could find unity with the shared experience and the way would be open towards more interaction with higher dimensional beings. Those individuals wishing to expand their knowledge through the growing number of channels with the desire to make that connection would spread the information over social media with the possibility of causing a paradigm shift.
   The height of the antediluvian era would be an equivalent comparison to what the world would be like then as to what was being reached when there was still interplanetary travel and revolutionary achievements in genetics, mining, farming and energy production. Psychic abilities were as common then as they are now on Sirius and on the base and crystals of various sizes and colors were produced to heal, communicate and transfer power cleanly. What should have been never was and this mission statement is a blueprint for the rebirth of that promising future. It certainly would be a better one than the future faced at present but that is in the hands of those who follow this or other websites devoted to world peace as opposed to world war. The universe is a complex web of billions of civilizations over multiple dimensions and it is the birthright of every person on the planet to join that reality as awakened individuals hitting their spiritual peak should they decide that is a goal worthy of pursuing. To get there will be continuing lessons on healing and crystals and their role in healing, telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation, coercion, astral travel and of course meta-concerts. Along with that will be a look back over tens of thousands of years of history and peeks at the possible futures available both good and bad. It is with great pleasure and anticipation for the planet’s harmony that we issue this mission statement to fill in the framework of what has already been started.
In love and light as one,
Karra, Russ and the staff here at the
Hades Base News in all dimensions.
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called A Healer's Secret". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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Land Management

Channeling Session Date: 10/05/1999
This month's podcast has the unique distinction of having received its name from the Base's lead gardener Treebeard. Normally the teacher, Treebeard became a student learning about farming techniques he was unaware of by our 3rd dimensional guest and suggested the only name he ever did during our talks with him. Of course this wasn't just about land management and farming but far more to cover but with less people than usual. Tia had been giving us planetary updates for a free newsletter we had been sending to readers of the website who asked to be kept informed of happenings on Earth. Unfortunately the stress of providing those updates took almost all Tia had to give and she was being given a sabbatical to anywhere she wanted to go. Kiri was helping Tia through this back Tia's office so both of them would be absent but provided with link so they could hear most of what was said.
With only my twin soul left as the resident female, Karra is the the acting ring mistress and gets into her role by explaining how the work Tia had been doing was a vital part of the purpose of Hades Base, helping us prepare for our future. In trying to learn how we could lesson the world problems as a species, we have to take a look back on the violence across time increasing as the population increases which brings her to the end of her first of two speaking periods. She observes how humanity seems to have grown apathetic to incidents where many people have died compared to the attention those events would have generated for weeks in the past. At that point she hands off to Treebeard who thought he was just stopping by to fill in for the missing girls. What he ended up learning made the whole trip worthwhile but it starts off with a simple question about renewable forestry management. That morphs from an explanation Treebeard gives on plantation forestry methods into the overpopulation of land that is needed for farming into the farming methods of the dust bowl era used by the European immigrants to this country. At this point Treebeard becomes the student instead of the instructor as our guest Skip gives us a history lesson on farming techniques from the 20th to 21rst centuries. As side one ends we just start to learn modern farming techniques so the mistakes of the dust bowl era are not repeated.
On side two the informative talk continues on how farmers have learned from the past by adjusting for the effects of wind and water. We finish up our time with Treebeard getting a history lesson from Skip on the causes of the dustbowl of the '30's. Omal joins next as Treebeard goes off to ponder his new information. As first he keeps it light as we review what we talked about with Treebeard but then the conversation takes on a serious note. This involves Tia and the work she had been doing for the base and us here on the 3rd dimension by providing us with updates on events that could bring on what they referred to as defcon one or a breakdown of civilization. Trying to keep up with the increasing amount of things happening exhausted her to the point where here and Kiri had to retire to Tia's office where she could rest and listien in the session from a hookup Omal arranged. As part of her rest she was given a travel pass to go to anywhere she wanted such as another base, planet or city ship. We next get the surprise of the session as again Skip comes through to help out the base. From a question of a one world government comes a chance for Omal to trigger what is called a cascade effect in our guest and we got from him predictions for the future of mankind after space becomes more accessible by asking Skip specifically directed questions rapidly leaving him little chance to consider the answer. He wraps up his time by explaining how he setup the effect to happen and how it can be used to access a person's past lives. Karra gets us to the end of the tape with an initial review of the cascade effect brought out in Skip. We learn the predictions were based on enhancing humans to exploring the far reaches of space but that brings on the crash Karra sees in my mind when the discussion turns to "The Six Million Dollar Man". Kiri had relayed to her sister that it was based on a real crash and what had happened after it to the person driving. We end things with Karra giving advice as a healer for an issue Skip's significant other was having.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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The Human Body's Owners Manual

   Congratulations on your choice of vehicle for this incarnation onto third dimensional Earth. We know you have many options to choose from and are sure your decision is one that will serve you for many decades to come if maintained properly over the life of the human body. This section of the manual focuses on that aspect for maintaining the vehicle’s long life by going over the self-diagnostic and maintenance feature built into every model. Your body comes equipped with three sets of user interfaces, an outer shell customizable to the users tastes, an internal framework with all of its operating mechanisms and a twenty four hour uplink to the control hub of your higher self where the self-diagnostic and maintenance feature is activated. Please remember that loaner vehicles will not be available when your body malfunctions so care at all times should be exercised in the operation of your vehicle when not powered down in sleep mode. We hope the following tutorial will provide you with all you need for the satisfactory ownership of your new or used human body.
   Your body’s health, memory and energy flows can be adjusted or repaired by commands imparted into the maintenance operations center of the brain. With customizable overlays containing the parameters required to repair any minor problems that might occur, thought patterns are going to tell the body what it needs to do to keep it in good running order. For major repairs, we always encourage you to seek out professionals who have been trained to handle anything that can’t be fixed at home. The key command to initiate the self-diagnostic and maintenance feature starts by imagining a flat circle in the shape of a five foot wide disk of any color the operator prefers about a foot above your head. The properties of this disk are that it can pass through your body, permeating every part it touches all the way down to the cellular level. It also has the ability to automatically repair each part of your body or make any improvements the operator desires. One tip before initiating the feature, the disk is a self-learning disk so any information gained ahead of time of what is to be worked on will increase the performance of the feature.
   As the work being done is using the energy produced by the body, be sure to include the seven chakras during this if you so wish. They won’t be mentioned in the following process because they are a factory addition put in at the time of construction but not everyone is comfortable using them. Start the process by bringing the circle down so it passes through the brain and as it does so, it begins to open new pathways to improve memory and recall. Continuing lower, build connections that speed up left brain right brain communications as well as stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands so the chemicals needed in the upcoming maintenance are brought to bear. Next comes the teeth, sinuses and cerebellum as the disk begins its journey past the head and into the neck where muscles are soothed and passages are cleared. Moving into the shoulders, upper body and lungs, most of the repair work here involves sweeping pollutants and debris out of each lung off to the edges of the disk where they won’t be coming in contact with the vehicle as it passes through the body. Next comes the heart with its veins which get a full diagnostic workup as the circle sweeps inside and out so that any work needing to be done is completed as the disk moves through each section.
   Continuing down, the stomach is checked as well as all the major organs which are repaired as needed. Livers tend to get the most attention from the work they put in filtering a 21rst century fuel load which is a far richer blend with more additives than earlier models used. The complicated digestive system is swept but attention is also focused on the spine, cartilage and skin as the disk touches each part during this brief description of the process. Finishing up past the hips, legs and reproductive systems, the disk passes completely through the body where it is sent to the center of the Earth to burn away anything that could shorten the lifespan of the vehicle. That completes the process which is only a framework to build upon as more information is collected but it is up to the operator as to how the actual process functions. And, while it is only an exercise in imagination, real effects can be achieved through the healing power of belief. Continued use of this technique will improve over time because repetition turns the process into a mental muscle memory. The mind can be made to believe anything including the fact that it has the capability to rebuild itself from the cells up with the proper instructions and belief that they will do what they have been programmed to do. The human body also has the capability to do things completely out of anyone’s ability to fix though that is what also comes when you own one of the finest vehicles for the human soul ever built on this planet.
In love and light as one,
Russ and Karra
(On behalf of myself and my twin-soul, co-writer and member of Ashtar Command Karra, we presented above the latest editorial from this month's edition of the Hades Base News at:
Please also enjoy the free podcast from the members of Ashtar Command on Hades Base for this month called "Land Management". A synopsis of that channeling session will be posted in a few days.)
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The Gonzo Interview

Channeling Session Date: 12/12/1995
So what is it like to be learning about earth and the third dimension for the first time? We find out this month as Hades Base gets a visit from what was then the future wife of the president of Sirius whose real name was Kristi Gorozky but everybody just called her Gonzo. She had made the trip from Sirius for two reasons, to get fitted for her wedding dress and meet Mark and myself, her future sons-in-law. Kiri and Karra's father had not yet been asked to take up the position of president and Gonzo was well known to all in the family with the exception of the two of us. I had already met with her prior to this channeling session to give her a crash course about earth and better understanding of the third dimension so this was a follow-up to that conversation.
Our talk with Gonzo would be at the end of the session so starting it off was Tia who was still getting used to her new responsibilities in the data analysis department where she spent her work hours monitoring earth activities. It was those activities she had been watching that got the most attention during her time in the channeling chair. The first bit of news she had for us was that Omal and Korton would not be joining us as scheduled due to a Council meeting they had to attend which is what had precipitated Tia asking Gonzo to join us instead. She starts by giving us a quick outline of some of her monitoring which covered the rising crime rate in south Africa, tensions in countries of the former U.S.S.R which includs a history lesson about the country of Georgia. The conversation turns to tribalism in the modern day which gets us to the next speaker as we explore our heritage with her before she departs from a history lesson on the preamble to the Constitution. It's all about coercion when Kiri comes on next as she jumps right in with a coercion demonstration on two of us at once down here. From there we use the rest of side one to go over the how and whys of coercion in great detail. We also learn about some of the great coercers both good and bad like Hitler, Stalin, Lincoln, Churchill and Roosevelt. We go over excellent examples of negative coercion used in a positive way through Napoleon's transformation of France and the simple process of a job interview. We next move off planet as the rest of Kiri's time channeling continued on side two.
On side two we move to the ascension of Sirius from the third to the sixth dimension to get a clearer idea on if there was a chance of recreating the same type on circumstances that led to their transition. After tossing around some candidates for a matching structure such as the Great Pyramid of Sirius, it's determined that the missing ingredient is a unifying religious setup now over a 100,000 years old. Next we move on to the healing portion of the session where Karra had a patient in the room down here with one of the 3rd dimensional guests who had injured his knee. The sound quality suffers because she has to move away from the mic to treat him but it was a learning opportunity for all in the room that night. The healing is both a demonstration and training opportunity as I get to be a part of it for my training as a healer. Healing complete, it's time for the guest speaker so Karra make way for Kiri who will be doing the talking for Gonzo. It was an unusual experience meeting someone on the base without a well-established knowledge of our planet so it was fascinating to answer questions about earth to a visitor who wanted to learn all about us. In turn, we got to learn all about her life on Sirius and some of the things that she did for fun that we haven't yet invented. We also find out what she would like to do if she was down here. get to hear about her physical features and what would happen if she walked down one of our streets and why she wouldn't be allowed to visit earth is she wanted to. We get to teach her about basketball almost and what is crime and immorality. Out of tape, we end but a lot was shared between worlds.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and the 6th dimension, please visit our website:
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