



Chicago, IL


November 29

About Yourself

I am a musician and former personal fitness trainer.For about 40 years now I've had the strong feeling that I wasn't human,and I remember as a teen I would often look to the sky and pray that the ET's would come get me.I have refused all of these years to beleive that I was mad(quite the contrary),I was convinced that everyone else was quite mad.For obvious reasons I never married or had any children,it wouldn't have worked out for me for it has been only resently that I have found there are others like me and I am not alone.Thankyou internet!!And thank you Ben !!!

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

In my 59 years here this go round I have had many teachers.Physically I have always been a loner,but I've NEVER felt lonliness.

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  • To my dear brother, I Love you my brother and my dear friend, you are in my thoughts often and I always hope that you are doing well.. that you are feeling Loved my great friend because you really deserve to be Loved so dearly.. you are a truely incredible soul.. you have the most tender energy, I salute you Ranthom..

    and I just noticed that Lee mentioned your birthday, and I am also sorry I missed it too, well I wish you a very happy belated birthday Ranthom, may you always feel Loved and cherished, and know that I am always here for you.. 

    I appreaciate you very much, you are a very lighted soul and I am so gratefull that you are here, that we may sail along in this great Ascension wave together, I wish you Love and Light, peace and joy forevermore..

    take care Ranthom and enjoy every moment you can my dear friend.. may happiness be with you always :)

    your brother and friend, through space and time..

    Luke :)


  • http://www.ascendedmasters.org/index.php?option=com_content&vie...    - The 24 Elohim Благословии!!

  • Greetings,

    Thank you for the friendship

  • "Blessed and Honored to call you not only friend but Brothers in the light" One love Ranthom. 

  • Thank you brother, it's the love that keeps me going and all my brothers and sisters love, and there help that keeps me balanced. I'll talk to you soon be well and take care;o)


  • Hello Ranthom, thank you for your welcome.

    I too look to the sky wishing my et family would come and get me. I have the feeling sooner than later our human species will be reunited with our star family on a wide scale,..I can't wait!

    I feel a strong connection with Arcturus and the Pleiades, I have had the most extreme pleasure of meeting members of both societies in this lifetime. I consider the Arcturian's to be my immediate cosmic family, they are who I consider more my parents than my human ones.

     peace be with you








  • Thank you Ranthom, my brother!

    Have much fun and laughter.


  • http://www.marguleta.ru/index2.php?option=com_content&task=view... 


  • Thanks so much for your message Ran, so kind of you ~  :-)


    Love and blessings to you for eternity and beyond :) 

  • http://www.kryon.org.za/ChannellingNo519.htm


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Ranthom and LOVE are now friends
May 7, 2021
Ranthom and John Jancar are now friends
Nov 17, 2020
Ranthom left a comment for Dr Soumya Bhattacharya
"Welcome and stay blessed my friend!"
Sep 15, 2016
Ranthom left a comment for Malachi Light Warrior
"Stay Blessed my friend!"
Dec 14, 2015

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