





January 31

About Yourself

Software professional but interested in Spiritualism, Yoga, The Almighty Force....

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Swami Dattavadhut Swami Samarth Mahavatar Babaji Sri Sri Yogananda Swami Rama and Many More .......

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  • Hi Rajesh! Thank you for contacting me. I didn't realize that there was someone else from Mumbai on the Ashtar list.
  • Hi,

    Yes I believe…

    This is the collective fate that human has bought onto himself by going against nature….

    The true nature of human being is to be human… the question is ARE WE??? can we really call ourselves as humans… Where is the Humanity in our day to day life… Do we even know what qualities come under the word Humanity..

    Tell you frankly NO… when we forget our basic nature in order to pose ourselves on others, to rule others we loose our humanity in us… And we are slowly degrading ourselves lower than animals… Even animals attack or kill only for hunger & fear… We create wars WHY.. to rule some other country, to rule some other religion, to rule some other human.. We deserve to be punished & 2012 is going to be the start of it…

    Sorry for this long lecture I think you don’t want this type of answer….

    To know what I think will happen read the following book…
    "Prophecies 1998 to 3100" By Swami Dattavadhut

    you will get all the details even the reason why the old prophecies went wrong….
  • Thank you. Ive read you in my stones. Here and now, you harmonize with the red jasper and green budstone. The Red Jasper tells me: That youre a balansed person, youre energies are flowing. you might sometimes feel a bit dizzy. Budstone tells me this about you: You are very sensitive, and a bit anxious. You are a dreamer, and find soulotions to problem in dreams. You are in a creative, attracktive, sukseeded, progressive and welthy mood this days. Youre doing a lot off growth and progress. Thank you - hope this was helpfull.
    love and light
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RajeshY replied to Goddess of Beauty's discussion Why so much fuss for the aliens to land? Can some1 answer my 4 questions plz.
"Beautifully pointed....."
Apr 22, 2013
RajeshY replied to Krishna Kalki's discussion Humans / Earthlings are not ready for Free Energy

Sorry to differ here ....

It is not that humans are not ready ... the so called leaders who are minting money over charged power doe not want us get it that is why it is suppressed with very high anonymity .....

Frankly Humans are ready that…"
Mar 7, 2013
"Beautiful work ...."
Mar 1, 2013
RajeshY replied to Semile's discussion A Buddha Is Among You
"Hi Semile ...

Really a beautiful one ...

It has been ages that everyone has been seeing only bad points in others and neglecting their own bad points...

It is a well versed story ... and I feel that everyone here reading it should give moral in…"
Feb 21, 2013

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Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"I watched it a couple of times, great movie and great cast, there is even a song from Iron Maiden about Where Eagles Dare LOL
6 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks for saying so, friend....I try to explain a very sophisticated operation, in as simple a way, as is humanly possible...Of course, just the tip of the iceberg.....
It's a show.......Not unlike the best movie you ever saw...a war movie, with…"
1 hour ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"very well explained Drekx, thank you, WWG1WGA"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Moreover AE, 🫡In military parlance, the deep state and Biden regime, is part of an insurgency and Trump and his backers, are the counter-insurgency....And this includes the people.....and the greatest weapon a US citizen can use, is the vote......So…"
2 hours ago
Drekx Omega replied to Drekx Omega's discussion The Soul of Mother Russia Resonates With The Incoming Aquarian Ray - Like Attracts Like
"Currently, GFL Ground Crew is led by a Major General, designated Senior Global Officer (SGO)......Russia, is important in this work....But we are also dependent upon western allies, such as the massive "sting operation" against the cabal, in…"
4 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"🫡Well AE, you will not be seeing retribution against the evil cabal, UNTIL, the retribution phase, kicks in....And until November 5th, the military will not act publically, against the cabal operatives, in ways that demand justice, as the justice…"
4 hours ago
Beingone liked rev.joshua skirvin's blog post Jeshua: To Be Reborn; Channel: Jahn J Kassl .
5 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
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