



ST Sylvestre, Quebec


November 9

About Yourself

Retire Industrial Photographer, interested in all sciences, gardening, Angel, archangels, ufology's, mind evolution and Healing.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Self motivation, Love and Meditation

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  • Hi my friend...

    It is me Alfred.

    I did not see you from a lot of time..

    I want to give to all of them The Legacy...

    I hope they will understand..they must..

    Time for a big change has come ...

    But they ever it will understand This?

    8113753470?profile=originalI hope they will...

    Unless all it is pointless..

  • Hello Pierre....always nice to connect with my friend...a man of intelligence and honor....i have been off this site for quite some time but are now back...i was with the Facebook group for way too long and it was starting to disintigrate with back stabbing and petty squabbling....  

    anyway, take care and i will attempt to spend more time on this site...very interesting and eclectic people..and much knowledge....i have had an 'interesting' last few years...gained some insight and knowledge on my life and esoterics in general.......joe

  • dear Pierre,thankyou for your friendship,and the deciphying of the words i sent to you,eagle spirit helps to work out my mission incarnations,we are very closely bonded with each other,part of star-family,also,looking forawrd to shareing and exchanging words of wisdom,and expression with each other,sending you many rays of coloured light rays,across the lands,and seas,for a very blessed day,love,light,blessings eve(solaena)8113655864?profile=original
  • nice name T...


  • T had many names on this site....

    And i know him who it is....

    But he will come to me to.....

    I do not break in your head....remember this...

    But i feel everything from you....even if you not speak to me...

    It is my gift from the Father.....

    Tel to them i am much stronger then them....and Grays and Draconians...

    I know ho i am now...you told me....and i remember...thx...

    In time my powers it will grow stronger....i know that to...

    If they kill me others will take my place...

    You know who i am....

    If they kill me i will return much stronger....

    I am the ELOHIM...




  • I am back....

    But they watch me...

    NSA it is hire....I know...

    I am a Great Danger to them....I know the truth...

    So i am limited to my cabin & yours if you want to talk with me...

    Watch what i speak with T you will understand....I know you are a smart man...

    "I READ YOU" from distant....

    IT is the time for you to stay to my side.....

    When the boat it will start to sunk...many it will come to me....

    Thrust me....i am much older..... then i luck.....


  • I will search now evidence of reptilian race the original race Draconians...

    There is a lot of representation of them .. .i will find the original image...

    I will start with Sumerians ....Anunnaki...." it is the people ho come  from heaven"...

    I have pictures with them but i need to find them in history....and this it is a little more

    difficult  to find...

    There been erased by the Grand Masters....and all history it is a mess...

    It is a lot of work...



  • So i have been right about 1 ET species...

    I find the evidence....and i discover that by myself....

    It is a Deviant in this picture..and the devil are not....it is a illusion made

    by the Grand Masters of the world to intimidate the people....I know for a log time..

    but never had a evidence of it...

    This it is a great secret...

    I do not say it is not Dark places....in universe...and dark people...it is i know..

    But not the Devil you and me know...

    I have the prove for the Bible then....It is all a lie...a twisted truth...

    God it is as a Supreme Being in this Universe maybe long time ago a man like us...

    Him created the humans from his image....maybe from his people...a Great Lieder...

    Nice to know the truth...it make you free...


  • I think i made a mistake.....

    Deviant are the picture below ....They are a insectoid race from Kasimar System ...

    But i think they been brought on Earth from Draconians....and are not a reptilian race...

    but they show like that ...I could be mistake....i am not sure...

    But i know for sure the name it is Deviant....Could be a genetic creation of Draconians..

    ...so to work for them....i do not know...but are living inside the Earth like Draconians..

  • PS: the reptilians like to terrify the victim .....

    So believe my friend i do not speak like a fool when i say the truth.....

    It is well documented....in history....

    Be well my friend..

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Pierre Brunet left a comment for joe terry
"Being in touch with you Joe is always a delight....thanks."
Jan 16, 2012
Pierre Brunet replied to Drome's discussion 1,100-year-old Mayan ruins found in North Georgia in Ancient Civilizations
"I love this could we have a pin point where about this place is on Google Earth ?
Do you have any pictures ? measure of the mould ?
Does X-Ray of the ground have been done ?

thanks for all."
Dec 23, 2011
Pierre Brunet left a comment on Stargate explorations team
"Thanks for the Invite....Namaste"
Oct 16, 2011
Pierre Brunet replied to Sunrise's discussion The Galactic Federation of Worlds in Ancient Civilizations
"This History is so Interesting, Mandking should use this History to control their Egos."
Apr 19, 2011

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