Pichu's Discussions (36)

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Hope to see you around!

I seem to say that a lot, I think I'm missing out of many deep conversations and good friends from not being around as often as I would like to, sorry this 3rd density world keeps finding it's ways to distract me. Anyway, everyone can feel free to ad

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Just wanted to show you guys this video, the real reason and inspiration for the story which I will only tell here is that I often see shadows and I was once chased by a stranger, so it wasn't difficult getting into this little project.

It's a Trailer

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Have to write this...

Ok, this is the first time I'm writing the whole story for the world to see, eventually I hope to be able to tell this to more people who are not only the ones I feel comfortable with or random strangers here, to be more open, because by doing this,

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I saw this at a dream a couple night ago, it appeared in the sky and it was green (the sign) and next to it I could see a blue planet, 10 times bigger than the moon, the sign was a lot bigger than that, my drawing isn't exact, but in my dream it look

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This might be outrageous

But I have to speak about this dream I had, it could be just a dream but it has kept me thinking and I cannot just make as if I heard or saw nothing.

In my dream I was at a some sort of warehouse (I recently saw it a couple weeks after this dream)

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In the mainstream

Hi, just wanted to put some of our attention into those artist who apparently are in this process of ascension, it's interesting to hear their message out in the radio nowadays where everyone can be "in tune" yet at the same time other have no idea w

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I thought it would be ok for me to post this here.Hello! (that's a form of expression right?)I hope I can get to share my experiences with you(I'll try to be as constant as I can)I found this web page out of research (awakening)and I hope it leads to

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