Olga Van Karnig's Posts (91)

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Be aware of the pain that others are undergoing. 
08/10/2011 by John Smallman 

As you see civil disturbances occurring around the world, be aware that they are a part of the ongoing changes leading up to humanity’s awakening. Dissatisfaction with the illusion is intensifying and encouraging people to wake up. Without dissatisfaction, waking up is difficult. During your life experiences, being awake, being deeply asleep, and dreaming, you have all had nightmares that were horrifying enough to startle you into wakefulness. When you awoke you realized that you had only been asleep and dreaming, and were now awake and quite safe. So the collective dream you are all dreaming is now getting to the stage where you all want to awaken from it into the peace and joy of your Father’s divine Reality, leaving behind the misery and suffering that it brought you. And because that is your will, and God’s, you will awaken. 

As you wait for this momentous event to occur, focus on being peaceful and loving presences, offering acceptance and compassion to those who are still very deeply asleep and suffering, believing the illusion to be real, and unable to conceive of anything else. As bearers of the Light you need to share It, and by doing so you intensify It so that others can see It and be inspired. Many of you are already doing this, and now is the time to encourage one another as you observe the signs that the illusion is starting to collapse, to intensify your efforts to bring the darkness to the Light to dissolve it, and to comfort and support those who are finding these changes frightening. 

When you call on those in the spiritual realms for their assistance in this epochal period in your evolution, you will receive it in abundance, enabling you to strengthen your resolve to focus on the Light as you carry It on high showing the way to joy. The work that you are doing to help raise humanity’s level of awareness to the level necessary for the mass awakening is essential, and you will not fail in your divine task because the outcome is divinely assured. The Light and the Love that you are bearing is spreading out far beyond the space occupied by your physical bodies, and bringing strength and support to those who need it all over the world. 

What you are achieving as you focus on being loving presences would astonish and amaze you if you could consciously connect with the waves of Love sweeping across the planet as you hold the intent to do God’s Will. Those waves are too subtle to be felt by the majority of you in physical form, but at a deep spiritual level they are affecting everyone as they meld and mingle with your individual energy fields, connecting all together in order to change your collective nightmare into a peaceful dream. 

Be aware of the pain that others are undergoing but do not join them there. Be loving and joyful within yourselves, knowing, as you do, that the moment for awakening is approaching, and offer them compassionate support. The strength of your love for them and acceptance of them will assist them enormously as they address and face up to the issues that make it so difficult for them to accept the abundance of Love that is constantly being offered to them. Your physical presence, calm and peaceful, is very reassuring to those in pain, and strengthens them as they address their issues. You chose to be here at this time in order to help; rejoice that you are here exercising that choice and remember how honored you are for making that choice. 

With so very much love, Saul.

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BLOSSOM ~ 10 August Channeling


August 10, 2011 

Hello once again. I've been rather busy ( as you probably would know). I 'get the urge' to say hello when I haven't been in touch for a while. 

Yet for us dearest one, it is but from one moment to the next . The souls recognition of itself cannot be missed. For that is all we are ... one another ... always present with the self and each other ... yet in different form. As the heart remembers the reconnection valve then there is a change regarding many things. 

When one fully understands the meaning of the fact that we are all one, we are all each other ... when one TRULY KNOWS this ... how then would an individual consider causing any form of pain to itself? This is what we are trying to express to you ... we are no different from you in essence ... only in form . The same way that an insect is no different from you in essence ... only form. Yet how ... because of this difference of appearance ... can your human form dispel such hatred and abuse at times for one that simply 'appears' differently. 

I know. It is a sad thing I find, that some upon this earth have 'chosen' to consider another 'less' than themselves. 

And yet you are aware of the words ' What you do unto another ... you do unto yourselves'. This law cannot be escaped. For BEING ONE , how can you do what you do to another and it not effect you in the same way? 

Do you mean here ... karma? I could interpret that a few ways. In that , if one were to torture another ... at some other 'place' in the human experience, the same would be done to them? 

That question is taking us into very deep waters. 

I'll get my snorkel! 

If , for example, a soul was to severely maim another human being ... say by severing off a limb, with the intent of causing grief and pain ... it does not mean that at some point in the lifetimes of the maimer that they too will have the same done to them . Yet we would announce that they will at some juncture in their experience encounter the same 'FEELING' both physicality and emotionally. Yet not necessarily by the severance of a limb. The physical pain is traumatic indeed but the 'karmic law' as you call it .. 

What would you call it? 

We would term it 'The law of attraction'. 


You seem surprised. Yet we say to you that whatever you 'give out' you will undoubtedly receive back ... attract back to yourself. It cannot be avoided.Yet it is more so the emotional repercussions that one must endure. For physical pain eases ... yet the scar to another's soul when they have been severely treated takes a much greater time to heal and the inflictor of such pain has to endure of the same in order to understand exactly what it had put upon ... itself. It is not punishment as many of you consider it to be. There is no punishment from our understanding ways. There is however a necessity for the soul self to fully accept responsibility for all its actions. 

You are wondering what we are to discuss next are you not? We understand that there are many many questions that souls of Earth would dearly Love to have answered by us and they ask of you to ask us. There is an acceptance between us that we give forth that which we find most appropriate to speak of . We are aware of this . From our perspective there is so much we could tell , so many avenues to explore and yet such matters we consider to be unraveled in their appropriate time slot. What is to come ... as we have said many times ... will be KNOWN by the place in your heart ... and when incidents occur ... the soul will recognize them. What we consider to be of most value is to help you understand yourselves ... in order to prepare the way. 

May I say you are doing a grand job. For you have indeed , through your word's ... assisted many to look upon this live of ours differently from the way we once did. 

And this is our quest. Yet we say this is just kindergarten. Once the changes are in place .... the 'Here we are' changes ... then there will be a whole new level of learning and understanding to work with . It will be of great ease for those who choose to acknowledge their Truth instantly. Others may take greater caution . Each individual must follow their hearts path when the changes assuredley get underway . We are aware of many changes that have already taken place , but these are just the baby steps in order for the great announcement to fall into place and that which the soul has cried for at night ... shall come to pass. 

We have been here before I know ... and I think so differently about things now than I did three years ago when you announced you were to appear in our skies ... yet ... gotta say it my friends ... come that day when our jaw drops to the ground in awe of your LIGHT presence ... in which ever form it may take ... there will be thousands upon thousands of us whose hearts will dissolve into uncontrollable tears for the KNOWING that we KNEW! 

Yet you still now and then have doubts do you not? 

Not big ones. I just sometimes wonder if we should find ourselves in 2020 and still no sign ... what would my FEELINGS be about it? Yet, I have changed my attitude so much, that I guess ... if I continue on doing so .... by 2020 'I' will be so very different from what I am even now. So no matter what is going on in our world I will be accepting it from a different place within myself. The thought of you landing on earth on a regular basis and it being the norm seems such a far off dream ... looking at the 'reality' we are dreaming now ... 

And yet can you honestly say that you do not FEEL it ... SEE it in your minds eye ... when you think of it and KNOW it to be True? 

I don't know to be honest with you. It could just as easily be something that I simply want to happen. Anyway ... sorry I am daydreaming ... wandering off a little .. shall we talk about something more tangible? 

You mean something you can get your hands on? 

Where's this going? 

Your KNWOING is not something that can be touched physically. Your KNOWING comes from another aspect of yourself ... your HIGHER self. This is why we ask so often and why your dearest compatriot White Cloud acknowledges the importance of allowing yourselves to 'switch off ' ... for just a short period of your time and connect up with the fullness of yourself. 

Here, ALL KNOWLEDGE IS KNOWN. The more you understand how to access it , the less inquisitive you become because there is nothing you do not KNOW. All the questions that run around in the heads of many will dissolve, when they learn to be at peace with 'this aspect' of the self and allow the connection of all aspects to unite for just a small period of time. Eventually , there will be a time when the presence of the HIGHER self is present within the animated Being as a matter of course. You FEEL that this must be in the very distant future, yet we would change that way of thinking about that FELING! 

Once the show begins ... the changes within the self will accumulate at a pace yet unknown. In the vibration you are currently residing in ... the changes can effect your physicality and emotional well being quite strongly and move you off balance. Yet when the Higher vibration arrives carrying within it that which you long to see ... the ongoing changes that will be occurring within the soul self will not 'knock one around' so fully. The adjustments will be FELT with more ease and accepted and utilized in what will become the normal way of BEing. Therefore, once in motion ... the quickening of where ones soul is moving into will be of such ... that one can hardly recognize oneself from one moment to the next. 

KNOW ... FEEL ... CONNECT ... with your HIGHER self whenever you think to do so. It is of great KNOWLEDGE and of a LIGHT that would dazzle your human eyes ... and yet .... dearest beloved friends ... THIS IS WHO YOU TRULY ARE. FEEL IT .... KNOW IT ... BE IT. 

We repeat again because of the importance ... Do you think we would be wasting your time and ours by offering these words to you if these wonders were not to come about? Think about it? FEEL ... KNOW ... the difference within yourselves these days and how far you have opened yourselves up to your TRUTHFULLNESS. BY FEELING this journey you are traveling ... you will recognize OUR TRUTH . OUR reason in conversing with you dear friends ... is not to simply pass the time of day ... it is so that you can KNOW and BE PREPARED for all that we have spoken about ... to come into your place of existence at this time ... wherever you are. 

The waiting at time seems unbearable ... yet when you are living in your Truth ... there is no waiting ... you already have what you are waiting for . 

Thank you ... eh ... just a note for your diary ... The pillars of light??? You said by the end of our year ... just so you don't forget. Many are looking out for them. I know we have 5 months , just didn't want it to slip your mind ... knowing how busy you are an' all! 

And how do you FEEL about them and the appearance of ? 

You know don't you? But seeing as you asked there must be a reason . I would like them to show as you have said. Otherwise ... I will of course have to consider correspondence with you. EVEN THOUGH ... I KNOW you to be of TRUTH and how you are helping so many ... it wouldn't be right for you to say this and then not deliver the goods. 

I accept your TRUTH about Oct 14th and why you could not do as you had wanted. I accept that Oct 14th was for many many reasons ... But we have our TRUST in you ... on a very deep level ... and to not have a display of such when you said there wouldbe one ... would not make sense. Your 'street cred' would take yet another dive ... and CLEARLY I don't want that to happen. Do you see where I am coming from? Some say WE are the pillars , some say this , some say that . YOU said there would be pillars of great Light in the sky that would carry the most wonderful energy. For all to see. You did not say metaphorically etc ... you said that we could not miss them. So ... I greatly look forward to seeing them .... OK??? Good. Marvellous! LOVE YA! 

Point taken . Point understood. We smile at you as you are smiling at us. Our BENGS swell with LIGHT and Love at you as yours do at us. WE ARE ONE. 


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~ }}}Liquid Light is Freedom{{{ ~

Liquid Light is Freedom

Dear Family,

The peak intensity of the shift happening now on the planet has called into action many new and different variations of Multidimensional beings from across the Multiverse. Many of these life form expressions (levels of existence or states of being) have never been exposed to the consciousness field of this planet nor this level of density in the 3D human realm. The majority of this vast network has agreed to work together in alignment to the higher orchestrated expression of the Celestial Management Structure which receives its directive from the Core of Creation. The vision of this collective network is Unity Consciousness in Action, achieved through the mutual cooperation of creating a massive focal point – multiple dimensions of vast bodies all aligning together to place their combined creative power into One laser focus of collective genius. The collective genius is the intelligent sum of All of its parts, perfected into an equal value and merged into a new tapestry of experience within God’s Universal Plan of Creation. All parts of the consciousness experience recorded are equal and yet when joined together they create an alchemical power entirely new in the process of creation. What is held within this Ascension Alchemy transmutation process is an entirely new actualization of potential embodiment, and it extends beyond our planet, our solar system, our galaxies and even our Cosmos. The infinite nature of what is being newly created through the alchemy of these Cosmic forces is truly unfathomable.


On our planet at this time there are multidimensional intersection points of directing Liquid Life force in order to attain the goal of “physically” embodied Liquid Light. Those purified and devoted to this pathway share a beneficial goal that must transcend ego needs, personal desire and selective species interest. We are required to rise and serve the greater whole and destiny of the entire Human race and its prototype for Universal Creation. The fulfilled destiny is the Return and the Restoration of the Christ Liquid Light and to ignite its complete Universal Krystal Star pattern within the physical population of Human Beings on this planet. This “Krystal Star” Celestial Management Structure contains a huge array of lateral hierarchal entities, both incarnate and disincarnate, both human and non human all striving to accomplish the same vision and potential for a Universal Collective Ascended Timeline. A time of Freedom for the Future of Humanity and All Beings who choose Freedom in their heart. It is the Liquid Light of Christ (Krystal Star) Intelligence that is the promise of True Freedom for All.


Artificially Bent Light


Through the eons of time our Universe has been founded on One Eternal Source whom divided itself into multiple levels through the Pairs of Opposite. The Principle of Gender and the physics governing consciousness units have followed Universal Laws governing these creations and their perception of evolution throughout “time and space”. Over many millennia, many vast expressions of Group Entity Forms sought to create their own worlds and replicated these origin codes through Mental Laws they determined to write for themselves.


These Mental Laws were “Artificially Bent Light” matrices through which its “Creator” (or Group Entity Forms) could manipulate its realities to perform controlled actions of behavior in its manifestations. Since it saw its manifested creation as a possession it had ownership of – like a slave - it felt entitled to manipulate and control life forms at its own personal agenda. The bent light matrices (and the artificial bent light holograms projected into the planetary architecture) were designed ultimately to exempt its creator from the consequence of personal energetic action and dump its responsibility (with the karmic load) onto another. The Crucifixion Strategy is an example of an artificially bent light architecture to create the mental archetype and therefore belief system of Salvation as a requirement through “Redemption.” This action created intermediaries (False Gods) that are interfering with a human being’s direct relationship to God Source. The correction of this imbalance is being restored to the planet and therefore humanity at this time. 


Fallen Ones Became Dead Light


Every Entity is bound to a Universal Truth of Cause and Effect. Every Entity, human or nonhuman is responsible for its use of Life Force and is accountable for the direction it places upon its own Consciousness Power. At the end of this evolution cycle many Entities are being held accountable, not in judgment but in the energetic physics governing the Natural Laws of Balance.  Being artificial realities, the bent light forms eventually die and become calcified with frozen dead light, further damaging and destroying original “living light” creational fields. The more damage created the more distorted and disconnected from the God Source we became. This dead light created problems in the time fields as more and more entities were becoming mentally diseased or dead light (soul-less and fallen) entities. More bent artificial light matrices and “frequency static nets” were designed to move dead fields (phantom spaces) to the backs of humans to carry the weight of the “energetic trash”. Humans were recycled for their use and the Human Soul became burdened with the enslavement of massive karmic superimposition loaded into this density by various Entities.


Because these Entities believe themselves to be Superior as a “God”, using or creating inferior beings to run energetic waste is their inherent design. (We see these beliefs superimposed upon the human pawns that are in positions of power to rule this plane and have lost their identity as a true human.) These Entities became a false albeit perceived “Supreme God” of their own replicated worlds, and energetically enslaved others to serve their continued existence and “rule”. Toxic with the ultimate delusion of the Supreme Ego Arrogance as a self proclaimed “God-King” these entities became the “Fallen Ones”.


The War Over God


The Fallen Ones started to infect their diseased minds with the Mental Laws they created as falsely masked Universal Truths. To make this actualized in physical they cultivated their human and non human contacts into alliances that would serve these agendas. The Fallen Ones infected the God-King lineages of the planet and replaced beliefs of sovereignty and freedom as Universal Truth to concepts of Hierarchal Enslavement, genetic discrimination and karmic retribution. As they proclaimed and defended themselves as the True God Creator, the War over God and God’s Natural Laws became the main power conflict in our system. These False Gods in their corrupt actions to have dominion and control over others imprinted the Mental Laws with the dark archetype of the False God-King of Tyranny. The Kings of Tyranny fought amongst themselves as they usurped the Sovereign Truth belonging to the One, and the battle for the True God became the primary battle within multiple dimensions of existence. 3D Humans were dragged into the conflict as pawns to act out this drama and actualize the battle over God in the physical world. As above, so below, and the War Over God has been the Battle of Personal Wills to come to the Great Revelation of Truth to be discovered in these End Times.


Dead Light is the Mental Body Disease


These replicated artificial worlds and their “fallen one” creators started to deteriorate becoming increasingly distorted and mentally diseased. To prevent the destruction of these mentally projected realities, and therefore aspects of themselves, aggressive vampirism, DNA manipulation to mutate core manifestation templates and the consumption of other entities became the survival tactic. This planet and all life forms on it have been influenced and controlled by these mentally diseased entities which staged invasions of manipulating its “mental laws” to superimpose agendas that feed their artificial systems. Ensouled Humans became the survival mechanism of an energetic source of feeding those entities existing in dead light.


The Supreme Arrogance of their “God” delusion is now being revealed into the greatest fear of any Fallen Entity, the total annihilation of their existence. These Entities are being revealed to their Ultimate Truth, that they are not God as they are not of the Eternal Living Light. The Cosmic Rage of this revelation is reverberating throughout the Cosmos and on our planet and is increasingly being played out by unconscious humans.The time has come when the Fallen Ones must submit to the Truth of our Universe, and submit to the Natural Laws of God, The Law of One. The One God Source is the Only Eternal Living Light. The Only Eternal Living Light capable of form embodiment is the Krystal Liquid Light. All other forms are not Eternal and can only buy Immortality for a period of time while feeding on another. (This is why this planet is ravaged by vampirism and parasitism) These diseased minds and those entities infected by these mental bodies are enraged by this revelation beyond any conceivable expression.


The Dead Light and Liquid Light Meet


During the Ascension cycle over the next sixty days we are reaching the pinnacle point of the impact of the annual magnetic peak on the planetary body. Many previous manipulated world events to catalyze war or chaos have utilized the magnetic peak cycle to further amplify negative agendas. The annual magnetic peak of mid August sets the stage of the progressive meeting of the Dual Spirals of the Dead Light and the Liquid Light descending and meeting in the physical worlds as Equals for the first time. This is akin to expressing the Fallen Ones and the Luminous Ones are meeting at physical intersection points on planet Earth, both energetically and in form. A massive frequency split of energetic realities will anchor as the impact from this Dual Spiral event at the end of October 2011. The foundational energetic architecture will split to support the choices of these dual timelines, and the schism experienced for those moving up into the Unity Source code architecture will be of a tangible impact. Life altering events will force changes or directional movement away from the old energy or false reality. The nature of one’s perception of reality will alter or change forever.


It also portends that masses of humanity will naturally embody the vibrational match or will consciously participate with which Master they choose to serve. (To consciously participate with your personal evolution is the most beneficial) This amplifies the polarity on the planet into surreal extremes. The players will become more apparent and surface to play out the role in the worldscape as well as reveal the Master residing within our own heart. Will we choose to serve our negative ego? Will we choose to surrender to our heart? All we have ever known and had attachment as our way of being has to be released fully. For many humans this time has been the most brutal time of their lives, as the ego mind cannot control our direction or perception of reality any longer. To maintain and restore sanity, one must be cleared of negative ego and mental body disease patterns.


The Mountain Range of Diseased Ego


As these Dual Spirals progressively descend into this reality, the “dead light” mental disease that accumulated from our histories is becoming unhinged from the other dimensions that are in a state of accelerated collapse. As the Dual Spiral breaks through a reality (timeline) it releases the toxic disease of the mental bodies pattern and its dead light is scattered and spewed into the environs. The dead light matrices also reflect the Artificially Bent Light “Holographic Inserts” (which contain the controlled versions of the nature of this reality, such as Crucifixion Implants) and these are also shattering and exploding systematically into the outer fields. These are false realities (artificial holographic inserts) that we have thought were “real” and then developed mental beliefs that held that specific version of reality in place. As these false realities are shattered into pieces (for those maintaining energetic balance in this explosive terrain), we can read the signature of those “dead light” pieces that reflect the nature of its disease and its schism. Further we can read the field signature to reveal the truth of what really catalyzed certain world events, such as the Hiroshima Bombing or Jewish Holocaust. As an Ascending human that activates Higher Sensory Perception and is cleared of most negative ego, one can clearly read the energetic field memory as a manipulation of the Negative Alien Agenda. We then start to realize how little humanity has actually been in control of any cataclysmic world events in the physical plane. To observe these events as a human being without becoming infected by its pain, is the most challenging part of our self mastery now. We cannot lose sight of the Real or the Truth of our Service to Others in God’s Authority Alone. God is Love and Unity With All Things.


On July 23rd the largest Mental Body Disease Field (distorted electron fields of Metatronic Bodies) I have ever witnessed stemming from the False God – Tyrannical King Monad Body shattered like a bomb explosion out from the Orion Core (8D) opening. Since that event I have witnessed extreme pain in the mental bodies and the males (and females) that were primarily governed by the “Tyrant King” archetype. For those humans unaware of the causal events surrounding these incredibly mentally diseased matrices of dark energies, the mental pain has been unbearable. Those surviving the purification process know you cannot run and you cannot hide, there is no relief from the incessant purification of mental and emotional bodies now. We have to know the disease and observe it neutrally in order to choose to heal it in our consciousness. Recently this has been increasing in the untrained personal mind and in the collective human mind, accelerating personal crisis and mental torture by looping thoughts. Remember that the Bondage is released when the Ego is Released.  Prayer, Meditation, Letting It Go, Clearing Mental fixation and Refocusing obsession has been a requirement for restoring and maintaining sanity. Know that inner peace and emotional freedom is possible and many of us have attained it. You will be next, so stay the course!  (Ask our mentors@energeticsynthesis.com  for ES tools for mental body discipline techniques and clearing negative ego and use them!)


The impact of these Dual Spirals meeting in our bodies is like a massive collision between a Divine Lightning Rod hitting the largest Mountain Range of Negative Ego hidden inside your unconscious imaginable. Even though this “dead light” mental disease pattern has always been in the unconscious areas of our hidden mind, it is surfacing now to be witnessed in order to be resolved and thereby healed. This dead light is also buried in our physical flesh and we will feel the energetic blockages and stiffness as a result in our physical body. Whenever someone screamed at you, directed hate at you, or you directed hate toward yourself, your body became an energetic dartboard of its vibrational result. Hate feels horrible in our mind and body.  Most of us are feeling this accumulation of hate in our bodies, and we are processing to drop the density of this pain in every way imaginable. This is also because the diseased mental body of the False God-King is enraged and its hate is being felt in the mass consciousness fields as it is dying and losing power. It will try to take your power by deluding you into the false system and you must resist it. 


Importance of Transcending Ego In Community


All of us have been trained extensively in the negative ego beliefs that have defined our materialistic and selfish 3D existence. The polarity of these forces amplified our personal beliefs to sway between independence and codependence when neither state is in energetic balance or healthy for the entire human organism. (or our planet) In our materialistic greed the select privileged (False King of Tyranny) raped and pillaged their way to the top of the independent food chain while disempowering others in codependent survival mechanisms. This way of existence among Ascending humans is ending. In certain stages of developing personal self mastery, in order to become clear about your true core essence, one must learn to be confident and independent. However, as we evolve from the polarized forces of 3D duality, we must also leave the imbalances created between codependence and independence.


The Unity Source Code is about self-actualized people in community learning to depend on each other, without hate (negative ego) governing their behavior. We are evolving into group consciousness on this planet and we have to learn how to behave egoless in community.


In becoming unified we must learn to understand interdependence within community as a spiritual principle and then as an actualized reality. When one is in group consciousness, one must retain his/her individual identity, however, also maintain a conscious group identity. Once one is living in group consciousness, one realizes all aspects are God consciousness and the energetic reality is then learning to live harmoniously as a Cosmic Citizen. One can maintain a sense of individual identity and group identity simultaneously. When learning principles of interdependence, there is no action or behavior that does not have some result upon another person. That requires transparency, self responsibility, accountability and personal integrity to express the core values of spiritual principles or God realization, and to demonstrate that to the community as best as you are able. Every person is valued for their personal contribution, yet the group consciousness is the emphasis rather than the personality needs. 


Negative Manipulation vs. Clear Communication


Learning to develop clear communication skills is a requirement in order to reinforce positive behavior that fosters loving interdependent relationships in a group consciousness setting and community environment. Learn to communicate in a clear, loving, calm, objective, supportive, nonjudgmental and nonviolent manner. Principles of Nonviolent Communication are very positive guidelines to learn how to improve communication skills and confidence in your speaking and expression with others. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_Communication)


The negative ego will try to use negative manipulation in order to influence people. This is an invitation for corruption and dark entity vampirism. Honesty and integrity is always the best policy. Learning to communicate with compassionate honesty is a much needed skill in all areas of your life as well as learning to live interdependently within a family or community. Commit to improve this skill in your life as you will be calling upon these resources often. Credibility is energetically assigned to the personal commitment of the spiritual principles demonstrated consistently in your behavior in treating others. The reeducation of human value to reinforce public credibility from what you personally demonstrate and exude rather than the initials behind your name, are a part of our future changing paradigm.


The Antidote to Mental Torture is Psycho-Emotional Centering by Spiritualizing the Self


The below is a graph of a Psychological Centering Model to use to better gauge thoughts that are recurring in either polarity. The two main polarity groups the brain likes to occupy itself with are “Superior” or “Inferior” thoughts. With the Dual Spiral Event this month the polarity thoughts are going to amplify to even more surreal levels inside our own mental body and the collective human mental body we are all a part. When using your Mental Discipline Refocus technique, identify the thought as stemming from Negative Ego (Reptilian Brain) and Revalue it from its control over your emotional body and your other selves. When you drop into either an Inferior or Superior thought-form immediately label it as Negative Ego and Dis-Identify with the thought as defining your value or true nature. Do not let it control you or assign a value to it. Refocus and affirm the correct thought pattern by referring to the circular spiritual self model and choosing a new thought to refocus your mind upon.


Success happens when you do not allow yourself to go into an “Auto Response” trigger. Identify the “trigger” thought-form and immediately “Relabel” it as it is happening in your perception. The faster you identify the trigger in your self-awareness and stop letting your mind go on “Auto-Pilot”, the faster you will see success through “relief” of mental anxiety. The goal is to not feel a negative response or emotional charge to any thought-form that used to trigger negative thoughts in you, such as fears, panic or anxiety. You want to remain in “neutral association” to the triggered Negative Ego thought pattern. When you correct the thought, you can mentally command “neutral association” to the pattern to correct it. Learn to focus breath to take you out of your mind and back into the now presence. Stay in the Now moment and breathe. Let go of what your mind thinks you should be doing. This is key to your mental body health and sanity.




Here is the Centering Model :  



Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking


Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom


Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.


Love Always, Lisa


© 2011, Lisa Renee 


This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2011, Lisa Renee

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Dear Family,
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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at: www.energeticsynthesis.com.



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Conversations with SaLuSa

Conversations with SaLuSa
August 9, 2011
Laura: Good morning SaLuSa. Here is our first question from a reader: 
“My question is about the so called "dark night" which is stated in the Mayan calendar and which should happen as the Mother Earth's poles change. I understand it will be a lengthy period of time of a massive energy loading when we do not see anything and we are supposed to relax and stay in the love. The outcome will be the Mother Earth's transformation to the New Golden World. 

I am ok with this on my own part but I am a bit worried how to help people and pets you live with? Is there any physical connection with others during this time? How can I help them if they are afraid for instance? (How do I take my dogs to pee ;) Could you describe a little of what is going to happen? Or is it the moment when we kiss the physical 3-to-4-D world totally goodbye?”

SaLuSa: Good morning. This period you are referring to marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is, in your terms the end of the Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age. The period of this may vary from one day or less, up to three days to be accurate. It is what you are refining to as the Shift. There are many shifts to be considered here dear friends. It is all a matter of scales. Each individual, each living creature will have to make his and her own transition into this shift. You, dear ones, will make your shift with mother Earth, although many of you are already well advanced in their own journey, according to the limitations imposed on you by outer factors.

As a mass consciousness, your shift will happen with Mother Earth’s Shift. Some of you, who experienced these kind of transitions before may remember similar procedures for other planets even. It is all hidden in your subconscious. Perhaps ask to be shown of previous similar events of your higher self and of your guides. It is important that some of you will enter this time without fear and knowing what to expect exactly. There will be many changes occurring at that time for you individually, for Mother Earth and for the entire Universe. We look forward to the time ahead dear ones, the outcome will be a time for rejoicing, reunions and happiness. You will not believe how simply and quickly the shift can take place for some of you. And nothing will look different, yet all will be different when the day light returns. You will see the spirit world as well as the material world after this period of “dark night”. You will laugh in happiness at how, while having being trapped in the cycle of the lower vibrations, you were entirely unaware of entire worlds and beings evolving all around you. You will not believe the level of limitations in which you are currently stuck, at this time in your evolution. You will literally not believe how cut off from reality you have been for all these eons in time. Yet this unseen world has been around you and aware of you for all this time.

For those of you who have worked in this life with the aim to remove their blinkers, the transition will be joyful and peaceful. It will be like a night watching the comic events and the star. This will be a true show to you from above, full of stars and lights, all during this “dark night”. You will feel all the cosmic changes affect you and transform you in marvel. The Galaxies will offer you the best entertainment, as you are crossing the galactic heart alignment of your galaxy. You will connect with all and with the galactic heart chakra. You will be blessed by pure love and joy energy from the Universe. For those of you who have previously lived through these times before, you know it is a time that is deeply routed into your memory as a sacred moment of joy, peace and stillness. You will be able to hear Mother Earth’s heart, her breath, her warmth and her love. You will feel, hear her rotate and shift in perfect peace. You will be aware of her Ascension first, as yours will shortly develop from hers. You will cry in tears of joy and sorrow at times, for past mistakes, due to the limitations imposed on you by agreement. All your tears will wash away your past fears, pains and hurts. All of the past, which was dark will vanish away, along with the darkness you have been surrounded by for thousand of years.

You will all be together for a few brief moments, as a human consciousness. This will be the time for you to say good bye to those who will chose to remain in the denser vibrations. This will be a time of reunion for all of you, a time when all illusion will fall away for ever, and a time for goodbyes as well. Your hearts will be at peace, because you will all have this period together and you will all be free of the illusions before taking leave from each other. Time and space will no longer exist as you know it now. It will truly be Human Consciousness awakening for this period of time. The darkness will leave your planet for ever; it will leave your bodies and souls for good. All unnecessary things will shade away, never to return here again.

Dear friends, many of you will experience intense fear at this time, weather justified or not. Be strong and loving for all those around you, be an anchor for the love of light. Be connected to Mother Earth, be connected to your higher self, be connected to us and to the Universe. Hold hands in a circle, and send love to all by joining your hearts together. This will have a southing effect on all. Do not remain in isolation, join others around you, and offer them your love and compassion. Many of you will experience all the traumas Mother Earth will release from her heart, as you also will release all negativity, fear from your being as well. These energies will go out through you, so you will experience them directly. Many of you will experience crying, but also healing through this. At the same time, dear friends you will receive the incoming uplifting energies from the Universe and the Black Holes of the Universe, so in this sense all will be healed, transmuted and transformed in this last clearing and cleaning period for you and your planet.

As you know, dear ones, the Earth along with yourselves have been undergoing cleansing for a couple of years now. You see in the UK and in the finance system one of the greatest clearing of all times. We foresee that more and more of these events will take place, for each individual, for each country. This is in preparation for these times you have asked in your question. A gradual, progressive cleansing is now preferred by the spiritual hierarchy rather than a more dramatic 3 day of darkness for the Shift. We are foreseeing most of the cleaning to take place in the coming months all over your planet. So that you dear ones will have the most wonderful loving galactic light show for the grand shift finale. This “dark night” will be an unforgettable night for you all, dear beloved. There is no need to fear this time ahead.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that you are following the process of Ascension at optimal pace. I am proud for being one of your guides for this pivotal eternal moment for Mother Earth and for Humanity. Know that the changes are affecting us also and that we truly consider you all as an integral part of our family, as our equal brothers and sisters. We offer our thanks, our respect and gratitude to all of you. Be blessed.

Thank you, SaLuSa.
Laura Tyco  
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Channeller: Laura Tyco

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Hello dear friends,

It is that time when I tune in and speak with the 9D Nibiruans through Devin, their spokesperson, to get their perspective on the year ahead.  Normally this conversation is written as a channeled message from Devin,  but this time Devin has requested that we change to a Q/A format.  Why , I’m not sure, but as I have learned over the 15+ years of working with him, there is a reason.  The Q/A began with a general question about the year and then moved into specific areas. 

Jelaila: Greetings, Devin.  I am ready. What would you like to say about the coming year, Devin?

Devin:  Thank you, my dear.


Devin:  First, we wish to discuss the physical changes taking place on your world.  Let us say that though they appear to be extraordinary in some cases, in light of where Earth is in its processional journey they are normal.  In fact, when compared to some of the more difficult past cycles, they are mild.  By this time, Earth would have already experienced a poleshift. 

In regards to a pole shift, projecting out along the timelines, we do not see a one occurring.  In fact, we haven’t for some time.  The reason is that humankind successfully altered their timeline (after 9/11), in essence, creating a new one.  The new timeline does include planetary shifts but not a pole shift.  No passing of Nibiru occurs without at least minor earth changes.  The changes we see in your future will cleanse and recalibrate the more toxic areas.  These are mainly coastlines and areas where tectonic plates connect…but not all.

Jelaila: So, no pole shift. That’s good news!

Devin: Yes, we agree, and just so those who read this will know, Though we and  other off-world groups provided education, we cannot claim credit; humankind created this change on their own. This means that you can continue to alter the future by continuing to shift your consciousness from that of disempowered victim to empowered creator god/goddess. 

Jelaila: The bottom line then is more of the same in regards to earth changes but not as intense as predicted.  Additionally, we can further minimize the changes by shifting our consciousness.  In other words, take responsibility for all in our reality knowing that we are not victims but creators of it all.  We just have to figure out why we created it.  Is that correct?

Devin: Yes.  The more fear you clear the safer you and your future will be.  You see, safety is not something created outside of you, but inside.  As you have learned through quantum science, your thoughts and feelings are what create your reality.  If you are projecting fear, you will draw more reasons to feel fear.  If, on the other hand, you are projecting calm, relaxed energy, you will draw more reasons to feel calm and relaxed.  It is completely up to you.  That is why we and many others encourage you to look at your “inner worlds” and “clean house” as you say.  We encourage you to take responsibility for all that is in your reality regardless of whether you understand how you created it.  Taking responsibility means taking back and owning the power that was used to create the event.

Jelaila: Is there anything you’d like to say about the governmental systems?  I’m sure that is a question many would like answered.

Devin: As you know we don’t involve ourselves in the more mundane affairs since we know they are the product of humankind’s consciousness and thus cannot be altered by anyone but humankind.  That is why our focus has been to help change your consciousness by providing higher dimensional education.  With that said, the systems will radically change in months ahead.  I cannot tell you much but something very massive is about to occur…something that we see will radically impact every man, woman and child.  It will not be one huge event but a series of interconnected events.  An analogy would be the way one domino causes a chain reaction causing all the other dominoes to fall.  Look to China to be at the forefront. 

Whether the impact of these events is positive or negative will once again depend on the individual’s level of consciousness.  Furthermore, this is why you, Jelaila, are still in a holding pattern.  The pieces are still coming together.  Take this opportunity to focus inward, doing any clearing necessary to be in alignment the highest aspect of these coming events.  If you do so it will be as though you catapulted your consciousness and that will create additional levels of safety for you.

Jelailaa: Okay, Devin.  I have to say it’s a relief to know that this extended holding pattern has a purpose.  Thanks.  I get to antsy sometimes and I find myself struggling with bouts of fear, depression and despair…guess that’s the inner work you are talking about.

Speaking of Nibiru, what do you have to say about its return?  I get asked that question just about every day now.  In fact, it appears that various well-known channels are now jumping on the Nibiru bandwagon. 

Devin: Jelaila, you know that we don’t feel when the planet will return should be the focus.  Instead it should be altering consciousness since doing so can influence the impact of Nibiru’s effects on your world.  Still, we are aware that many want an answer. 

As we have stated, Nibiru and its entourage of moons and asteroids (it is a mini solar system) is approaching your planet and will eventually be visible to the naked eye.   Those in the southern hemisphere will see Nibiru first followed by those in the northern hemisphere.  When this will occur remains questionable because it is determined by two factors; the consciousness of both humankind and the Nibiruans and dimensional location.  Allow us to explain.

The law of attraction is universal and therefore applies to all species on all planets.  If you continue to alter your timeline, you will experience the best case scenario.  This means you may not see Nibiru or if you do, you may only see her from a distance because your planet will be on the opposite side of the sun.  The reason you will be on the opposite side of the sun is because you didn’t need the cataclysmic experience.   If, on the other hand, humankind should choose not to continue shifting their consciousness upward, and remain in a fearful disempowered state, they will draw reasons to feel more fear.  In regards to Nibiru, she will be on the same side of the sun as Earth.  Being so close and having such a strong magnetic pull, her passing will be well--cataclysmic. But, as we stated previously, the timeline has altered so that it appears…at this moment…that your planet will be further away but not the furthest you could be. It is our great hope that you will step up your emotional clearing so that you end up the furthest away from Nibiru as she passes. 

Regarding location, Nibiru is a 3rd dimensional world and like you, the Nibiruans are evolving.  Should they continue making their consciousness jumps they will dimensionally move up and so be the furthest away from Earth as they make their way up through the asteroid belt, arching over the sun and coming back down on the other side.  Nibiru’s magnetic influence would not cause any undue or unnecessary damage to your planet or pain to you, their child race .  Instead, their passing would simply have been a catalyst for positive change…something any parent would want.  In regards to the Nibiruans landing, it is under such circumstanced that they would do so.

Jelaila: So what is the state of the Nibiruans’ consciousness now, Devin?

Devin:  The majority are 5D but there is a strong contingency that are now 6D.  Yes, they are somewhat ahead, but that is to be expected since the Nibiruans are a much older and technically advanced race.  Of course this is a simplistic answer; there is much more to it.

Jelaila: As you are aware, Devin, there is a lot of effort being exerted to paint the Nibiruans in a less than positive light.  It is being said that they are returning to enslave humanity.  Is there anything you’d like to say about this?

Devin:  The Nibiruans wish humankind no harm.  Indeed they are excited because they believe that all their efforts to advance humankind are soon to culminate in your gradation into the galactic community.  That means that their work as a parent race will be complete. 

Jelaila:  I’ve been asked repeatedly whether the Nibiruans plan to land when they return.  Is this the case?

Devin:  At this point there is no plan to land.  As explained previously there are circumstances under which they would make contact but even that would be limited.

That is enough for now, Jelaila.  Thank you for this time together. 

Jelaila: You are so welcome.   I’ll continue with what I’ve been doing and wait for the signs as to what to do next…and work on patience. 

May your 2011 see you embracing its highest potential.

In service,
Devin through Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council

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Attributes of the Match Bearer 
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll 

Saturday, 2 July, 2011 at California (posted 3 August, 2011) 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. A group of old souls sits in front of me as they often do. Each one has his own attributes that are spiritual as well as that of the earth. It's a duality that is present with appropriateness and that literally speaks of the year you're in, which is 2011. 

If you examine the numbers of 2011 as we have discussed with you before, you get the energy of the two and the 11. The two represents your duality; the 11 is illumination. You might say 2011 is "the illumination of duality." When you add them together, you get a four, which is structure and Gaia. So this is the year where great lessons occur. Lessons are occurring in groups as well as individuals. 

The entire reason for the lessons is to develop compassion. If the earth becomes more compassionate in any way at all, the actual spiritual vibration of the planet increases, and that is the goal. So the old souls in the room have a goal for their being here at all. It's not just to exist, and it's not just to solve problems while they are here. That's what I'm going to talk about. 
I'm going to talk about a metaphor that we have given so often before, but that takes on special meaning as we give it yet again. I have a title for this message, which we don't often give. Usually I let my partner do that later. This time I'm going to give it. It's "The Attributes of the Match Bearer." These are the ones who sit in front of me right now and who are reading this message. 

There are two areas of concern that you come in with [arrive on the planet]. There are two sets of questions you carry as you sit in the chairs. The first set of questions are all about yourself, as they should be. You ask, "How I can get from A to B and become better at what I'm here for? How I can live longer?" You might ask, "How I can eliminate drama in my life? How I can be healthier?" The second part is, "What am I doing for the planet?" These questions aren't really something that come in pairs. The second one requires a confluence of energy for old souls who want to know how they can stay longer and do the work that they came for. If you would interview everyone here in the chairs, they would have a different answer for what their work is about. But they wouldn't be here if they had not asked the second question. 

So we're going to be quite generic and yet fairly specific. We're going to give you concepts that you haven't thought of - the reason you are here, old soul. Right now, especially now, the reason you are here is to hold light in dark places. You're not here to try to evangelize or change any other Human Being to what you believe, for belief is not the issue. The vibration of the planet is the issue. It can only be changed with a consciousness that is pure. It's not just in what you believe. It is in the being and not the doing. It is being light, for as you walk around with illumination, you change that which is dark. 

You might say that you take the new energy where the old energy used to be, and that changes everything around you. That is your entire purpose. So we're going to be specific here in a moment. We're going from the big to the little, and the first is this metaphor, even before I start the teaching. Again, dear ones, for the ones in the room and for the ones specifically who are reading this message right now, I see you. 

One of the attributes of God is that there is no time. If you are listening at this moment to this recording, or reading this message anywhere, it's the now. That is how time is for me. It is not just for the souls in front of me, for those old souls in front of me here are in a three-dimensional state on a linear track of time. It's critical for them to live their lives in a succinct way. But not me. So the potential of your ears hearing this was known to me as something you might do. I know you're here. I know you're listening and reading. This may be hard for you to understand, since you might say, "If God cannot tell the future," you might say, "then Kryon, how did you know I would be listening or reading?" That answer is easy because the potential of your doing so was so strong, I knew you'd do it. 

I sit in front of a group of approximately 100 souls. Now, I knew when they made their decision to come. I knew the potentials of them finding out about the meeting. I knew even those who found out yesterday. I knew. For the potentials of this energy is what is in the quantum soup that I have spoken about so often. Not the future, but the potentials. This allows us to bring forward an entourage that is then complimentary of those who sit in the chairs, of the old souls and their lives, of their lessons. It even drives the subject of the channels. We wait for you to come and sit before us, dear ones, way before we really know what we're going to say and what we're going to do. So I know you and I thank you for being here. This is your time on the planet. 

The Light and Dark Metaphor 
Let us begin the teaching. The metaphor has been given over and over. Imagine that there is a room full of entities called humanity who walk around in darkness. So the metaphor here is spiritual darkness. The Humans don't know who they are or why they are. They have no concept that they are part of the creative energy of God. They follow whatever is given to them and whatever doctrines they learn about when they are young. They find God in whatever corner they can. Some find God profoundly, and some do not. Many go through the motions and never understand any more than the motions. 

Seemingly in the dark, they often bump into one another. Some of them bump into another and become angry… a war starts. That's what happens in the dark when you can't really see what's going on apart from what you know about yourself. Therefore, what is always going on is apart from you and is always a mystery. Therefore, there is drama. Therefore, there is conspiracy and mistrust. Being in the dark creates war. Being in the dark creates separation and hatred. Being in the dark creates fear and anxiety. 

But now, as the metaphor continues, there is one in the darkness who knows who they are. You might say that the attribute of this person is our Match Bearer. This person bears with them the ability to create light. Small as it might be, this person has a match. In a fully darkened room, one lit match is interesting, for it creates light enough to see dimly for everyone, so that one Match Bearer in that darkened room, on their own, decides to light it. The reason? It's to study their own spirituality, their own self-worth, to light their match to see themselves better. 

So they light it for themselves so that they can take the hand of the Higher-Self and discover who they are. Therefore, they light their match. And in the process of lighting that match, they illuminate (very dimly) the rest of the room. Suddenly, Humans can see one another and they like it! They see family! Fear starts to go away. Understanding what is next to you creates understanding and peacefulness. There's less distrust. Some actually look for where the light has come from. Many don't. 

The attribute of the light of the Match Bearer is similar to the lighthouse that stands by the sea, which we have given you before. The lighthouse stands alone, all by itself. It shines a light that others may or may not see, that steers them into safe harbors by their own choice, since they have the rudder of choice on their own ship of life. The Match Bearer is sitting with the match, has illuminated it for themselves, yet it affects all around them in a positive way. 

The Match Bearer says nothing. Those around this person may not know his/her name. They may not even know she has lit a match! All they know is they can now see! Some of them start looking for the match in themselves and they begin to slowly light their own matches, and the room becomes brighter. The brighter the room becomes, the more is seen and is not a mystery, and the further a Human Being can see past themselves and their immediate family, the more understanding there is, the more peace there is. This is the attribute of the planet as we see it right now. 

We have made the statement over and over that less than one half of one percent of the planet must strike the match for there to be peace on Earth. Now you know the reasoning behind that. It means that there could be Human Beings all over the planet who never strike a match, who don't believe anything that you believe, yet they still participate. They participate in your light. 

This is difficult, perhaps, for you to grasp - how one small match would make a difference. But it does. So in this room and listening to me now and reading these words are Match Bearers. How do I know that? Because I know you. Oh, human being. There are warriors in this room; there are stories that would make your hair stand on end. There are heroic actions and joy. There is sorrow beyond belief; there is gratitude. Everything that you can imagine has ever happened to a Human on the planet is here right now. Some of the greatest dramas ever presented on Earth, you participated in. Some of the most heroic actions any Human Being can do for another, you've done. Some of the suffering that never should have occurred on the planet, you've experienced. Some of the greatest celebrations that the planet has ever seen were about you. 

The Variety of the Old Soul Energy 
There are men here who have given birth! This is because their gender is different today than it was then. There are women who have worn the battle armor because their gender was different when they wore it. Old souls take turns, you know? Here is something I'm going to tell you now, and I want you to listen because this is a concept you don't think of often. Humans tend to stay in family groups for a very, very long time through many incarnations. They stay in cultures for a very, very long time as well. Oh, you may move around once you're born, but you can't change your blood, can you? You can't change where you came from no matter where you move to, can you? You may sit in a chair today in America but it can't change where you're born. So what I want to talk about is outside the purview of three dimensions. This means it's outside of your understanding of the way things work, or how you think about your ancestors, relatives, and ancestry in general. It's different than you perceive how things work. So now we're going to talk about your parents, your grandparents, and their parents. We'll go back 100 years or more. 

The Timing of the Shift 
My partner spoke today of fractal time. He gave you examples of how time is actually in a circle that makes no sense in three dimensions as you perceive it. But it is the way of things in a multidimensional world [using the word quantum to mean that]. Your own science is starting to understand and participate in the belief that time may very well be in a circle and may have what they would call fractals or a predictable cycle of potential influence that occurs on a regular path as you transverse the circle of time. These potentials can be computed, and so they sit there even without those to give them an esoteric prediction, those who have the calendars of old. The calendars reflect the cycle of time. 

We have discussed with you that the Mayans had a system in their observatories besides pure astronomy. Like many of the ancients, they used their intuition to develop systems around the calendar that were the esoterics [spiritual] of the study of time fractals and predictions of potentials used even today. We told you that you are in a 36-year window representing the precession of the equinoxes, the center of that time window, which is 2012. We told you this 36-year event is what you have called the 2012 Galactic Alignment energy, and also what you have called The Great Shift. If this is so, this means it was predictable - and many predicted it. Also, if this is so, it means it was expected, and the potentials of the expectations are upon you now. 

A Quantum Meeting of Your Own Ancestors 
Let me take you to the other side of the veil where there is no time. Remember, we are not in linear 3D on my side. We are in a multidimensional state, which we often call a quantum state, using still another metaphor of real physics that means, "outside of 3D." On the other side of the veil, I want to tell you about meetings that have taken place and are still taking place. When there is no time, there are only potentials. When there are only potentials, even the past, present, and the now are blurred to you. They are blurred because you have a 3D filter. The future is not known, but the potentials of what you might do are and the strength of the potentials are generated by your consciousness and what happens today, yesterday, and tomorrow. 

Come with me to the meeting of your parents and grandparents, for they represent souls just like yours. Like you, they are a piece of the God Creator. Even if they never awakened to examine that fact while on Earth, they are NOT on Earth for this meeting. Let's go to this meeting where they are, even now, right now. 

"Wait a minute, Kryon! My parents are still alive. They can't be in a meeting on the other side of the veil." For us, they're still in that meeting, because part of your soul energy is on the other side of the veil all the time, dear one. What do you think your Higher-Self is? It is the energy of your own personal, angelic form. The metaphor we like to give is that one foot is on the other side of the veil all the time, and one foot is in 3D. The entire duality issue and the test of your life is to open the door and see that, and to take the hand of that which is your Higher-Self. Your Higher-Self has been the same Higher-Self every single time you've been on Earth, the same one occupying the different Human bodies of your many incarnations. There is a commonality through the ages. Do you see it now? No matter how many past lives you've had, no matter what you've done, no matter where you've been, the same Higher-Self is there. It's your core. Now, do you start to understand why you would want to connect with it? 

Birth of the Match Bearer 
Come to this meeting with me, metaphorically, and watch. Your grandparents are there, too. They are looking at everything with the mind of God, which is theirs while they are in the meeting. They're not in 3D; they're in that perfect place, which the Creator energy represents beyond anything you can imagine. Although there is no individuality or singularity with the parts of God, and although these in the meeting are part of a collective quantum group, the essence of the potential of who they've been and who they will be are still represented there. I don't ask you to understand this. I just ask you to see it with me. All their past lives are there with them. 

Now, in what you call your past, I'm going to tell you what they said: 

"We're coming into the planet. We're going to be there in a lower energy, and we will try to shine as much light as we can, but it may not be much. We might never awaken," they're saying. "Because it's not time," they're saying. "But we see the potential of the Galactic Alignment looming. We see the 36-year window is coming. We may not even be alive." they say. But they are planning on coming anyway. They are old souls and have something to do: Plant seeds. 

"So, why are they coming to the planet while there is an old energy?" you might ask. Here is the answer: They're coming to the planet - your grandparents, all four of them - so they can give birth to your mom and dad. Now, your mom and dad are also in the meeting as well - and by the way, so are you! So are your children. Do you understand this? You are all part of the collective and parts of you never leave it, even though you are here, walking on Earth. Within that quantum meeting, there is no linear time, only potentials of time. This is tough for a linear thinker to grasp. 

Listen: Your grandparents, parents, and you are agreeing as your ancestors speak: "We are going to go through this so the timing is proper that our children will be born in the shift." They know what the potentials are and they need to make certain that it is YOU who arrived during this time. I could go back even further than your grandparents. 

If it's true that the timing of the shift is known in advance, since it is part of Gaia, and also the cycles of the earth, then it's a system and not random. This means the planning of the potentials of the souls who occupy your ancestors, as well as you and your children, line up perfectly so that your cellular structure has the bloodline it does and the Akashic records it has. Did you ever think of this? You might even start to realize that you may actually be "old soul specialists," here at the perfect time. 

Let's again talk of your parents, as we have done before. They may say, "We're going to come to the planet, meet each other, and give birth to this soul, an old soul [many incarnations on the earth], one of the oldest souls possible, even older souls than our ourselves. We may never awaken. But this is our chore to go into the planet. We can't hold much light. We may even criticize those we birth. We may even throw them out of the family! We may even abuse them. The old energy may completely hide all of this current divine intent from us, but that's why we're going, so that our children will be the ones with the wisdom of the potential of an awakening. They will be The Match Bearers." 

Now, we stop to remind you that there is no predestination. So again, this is a planning meeting of potentials, not contracts. However, Human Beings incarnate into karmic groups, so the attraction and synchronicity often plays out to enhance the overwhelming chances that they will indeed meet each other and come together to birth you. 

The Match Bearers, as in the metaphor above, are the ones born in this time who can metaphorically light a match in the old energy darkness and illuminate the planet. Did you ever think of that? Your parents came together on purpose. Oh, I know you're going to say, "Wait a minute, Kryon, you don't know my parents. I don't think they have that consciousness in them." Maybe not on this side of the veil, dear ones, but do you understand what I'm saying? With the mind of God, they came in saying, "We probably won't wake up. We won't remember this planning session or even believe it was possible. The old energy will keep us from seeing. But we're going to have a child that's a Match Bearer, a very old incarnate soul on this planet. That's why we're here." 

That's why your grandparents came in and their grandparents came in as they did. The lineage is there for you to see. The potentials are there to see, and you sit in the chair today listening to this channelling because it all worked together, and here you are, Match Bearer. 

Attributes of the Match Bearer 
Let's talk about the match that you hold, dear one. I'm speaking to the match bearers who are here, who are reading. Wherever you create light, in any situation through your own individual actions, the energy you create changes the energy of Gaia where you walk. It changes that which is quantum around you. The whole earth knows you. If you awaken, the whole earth knows you have done so. Gaia knows you. You walk into the forest alone with the trees, they know you. The animals know you. God knows you. I know you. It's why you came. It's what you're feeling now that brings you here. It's why you sit in the chairs, and why you came today. 

You might say, "What is different about me? What am I feeling in this lifetime? Why is there a feeling that I have to do something?" Well, wake up, Match Bearer, because this is your destiny. With free choice, you will illuminate your life to the point where all around you know who you are, or at least feel your light. 

So let me ask you about your family. I'm going to ask you about your immediate family, your blood family. How are you treating them? There are some who will say, "Well, let's not bring them into this, because I don't like them very much." That's why the drama circles all the time, dear one. You continue, "I do my best, but I don't like them very much. But I sure am stellar when I go to New Age meetings. I love everybody there, every one of them." [Laugher] Yes, but I didn't ask you that. It's easy to get along with others like you. It's because you all have a light! No, I'm talking about you alone in the dark, by yourself. I want to know how you're treating your family. 

Let me tell you how the Match Bearer sees family, immediate family. They look past the abuse; they look past the drama; they look and see what has been done for them. They may even say to Spirit, "Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me life and for knowing on the other side of the veil that I can change the planet. Thank you for what you've done in that planning session. No matter what the words have been or the slings and arrows and the abuse and the names I've been called, I honor you." Now, is that you? 

You come into relationships; you grow; the relationships sometimes change; you stay in them for a long time; they change again. Now, let's say there's drama in that relationship. Remember, this is not a blood relative; it's an elective. Do you think there is a possibility they were in another meeting? This becomes a bit ponderous to think about, doesn't it? So how do you see these in this relationship? No matter what the words have been, no matter what the actions were, no matter what the betrayals were, no matter what goes on today, the Match Bearer looks at them and says, "This is a creature of God designed to give me lessons and to push me out of the nest. Maybe the lesson is even to give me a kick in the pants so I can have compassion for the rest of humanity. Thank you, God, for them." That's what the Match Bearer says. Can you do that? 

The Match Bearer has the light of God, and you may say, "Well, you're just describing Mother Teresa! I'm not sure I can do any of those things. This is a hard call, Kryon, because you really don't know what happened in my life... what has gone on with those around me and my family." Oh, yes, I do. You see, I was there. And by the way, so were all the seeming angels you carry around with you. Why didn't you take their hands when they had them outstretched? I know who's here! You always want to do it alone, don't you? You'd better be listening, my partner, because this is for you, too. You always want to do it alone - all that help that's around you, yet you always want to do it alone. We know who did what to whom. We were there at every step. 

The attributes of the pure Match Bearer are to push love. They have tolerance for every single Human Being who they come into contact with. They assume love is present in every situation. They create light. 

I want to tell you about dark and light, yet again. If you've got a light lit, darkness cannot invade you. How can darkness, which has no energy at all, be around and invade you when you're holding the light? Darkness, as defined, is the absence of light. Some Lightworkers have a strange 3D concept that says, "I don't want to go there because the darkness may get me. I'm very careful where I go. I don't want to go around these people because they have dark energy." Why don't you go there and shine your light in their lives, oh courageous one? Are you only going where there is other light? Do doctors go to work and only see doctors? 

How do you treat your family? When you go to work, what goes on there? I can hear the verbiage now: "I've got the worst boss in the world. This is one who delights in torturing us with tasks that make no sense at all just to make work for us. This boss doesn't like the New Age because he happens to believe differently, so he makes fun of it." You don't think we know this, dear one? Remember, those in charge don't always have the wisdom to be in charge. Sometimes they're egomaniacs. Don't you think we know this? That's how they got where they are. So, how do you treat them? Do they continue to push your buttons? Do they do things just to irritate you? Or perhaps you just have one who is always depressed? Therefore, you have to walk in the dark energy all the time at work - or is it lighter because of you? 

I want to give you the truth, Match Bearer. If you're holding light, no darkness or dark energy is going to affect you. You're going to walk into that place, open the door, and do your work. And while you're there, you are saying: "Thank you, God, I have a job. Thank you, it's here for now, because wherever I go, I'm going to make a difference." Some say it's impossible to make a difference at work. They again say, "You don't know my work." Oh, how 3D of you! You don't know that the light you carry creates tolerance, appreciation, and love? It creates the ability to share and listen with care. It changes the planet. Some of those around you may eventually come to you with their issues and their problems. You might sit and ask, "I wonder why they want to share it with me?" Perhaps it's because they intuitively see your light; maybe because they see your tolerance; maybe you're the only one who will listen to them, and in the process, you share love. In the process of them being next to you, you love them. And maybe it's the only love they're going to get that day or that week or that month or even that year, dear Match Bearer. 

That's what you do. It's one Human at a time with another. The earth changes one Human at a time, and that's why you came. That's why your parents saw the potentials of it. Everywhere you walk, every situation you're in, you have a chance to strike the match. The greater your light, the greater the planet's light. So now, are you still wondering why you came to the planet? 

"Kryon, I'm not a healer, nor an author. I'm not a channeller either. I just go to work, come home, do errands, make the beds, then go to work again. What kind of a life is this?" I'll tell you, dear one, it's a Match Bearer's life! Your lineage asked for you to come and for you to walk on the planet and strike the match, go to work, make the beds, do the errands, and come back home again. That's why you're here! I don't want you to diminish that for a moment, since everywhere you go there is more light because of you. 

How do you handle fear and anxiety? What pushes your buttons? What makes you worry? Isn't it about time to conquer that? What's happening in your body that's tested you lately? I don't just talk to those in the chairs. I talk to my partner. I talk to him all the time. He's just like you. He walks through life just like you. He has some of the same questions you do, yet he's the channeller! So I talk to all. I am Kryon. I've never been a Human Being. I'm always seemingly standing on the outside. I am in charge, if you want to say, of the information that comes through your guides, which comes through your Higher-Self for the energy of the planet. I was not even allowed here until this shift began, because the planet's energy was not commensurate with the energy of the information that I now teach. I'll be here a long time, because the potentials are for the energy to stay and grow and be - all because of the Match Bearers. 

What irritates you the most? What buttons get pressed the easiest in you? When you watch the news, when you see politics, when you see certain kinds of attitudes, do you get angry? Think of what makes you the angriest. Now, let me ask you, can you see it in tolerance? Well, that's what the Match Bearer learns to do. 

"I hate war," you might say, "I don't want anything to do with it. I hate the sorrow that it creates, the heartbreak that it creates. It seems to perpetuate itself." I'm not asking you to love war. I'm asking you to love the Humans who created it. They're pieces of God, just like you. Can you look at these things with tolerance and see the parts of them who are loved by God? If you can do that, then you shine light in their life. It doesn't matter where they are, and they never may know who you are. It's just like the lighthouse on the rock. How many ships and the captains of the ships have gone to lunch with a lighthouse keeper? The answer is very few of them. But they look for the lighthouse, don't they? Well, humanity looks for you! It's intuitive, and even the darkest energy knows about light. 

There are Match Bearers everywhere. Everywhere my partner goes, there are auditoriums filled with Match Bearers. That's why they're there. They may not know the particulars, but they feel it inside. These are old souls coming together to participate in an event called, "Planting the Seeds of Peace on Earth." When this 36-year window [The Galactic Alignment] is over, they will have been planted securely and permanently. The potential will unravel itself and unfold itself and there will be more wild-cards for you to see. Wild-card is the term we use to describe actions that are not expected, and that change things on the planet. It is often expressed as countries who have unexpected turns, or dictators who unexpectedly fall. A wild-card is a scenario where humanity starts to put things together instead of tearing them apart. 

This is the potential we saw 22 years ago and it is the potential we continue to see today. You're still on track. Nothing has derailed it and you still have free choice. It's not a given, and it's not a set future. Instead, it is the strongest potential that we see in this quantum soup of many potentials - yet we still see it. It is building upon itself, and there is evidence that is manifesting everywhere, and the Match Bearers continue to light their matches. 

When we opened this seminar this morning with a short channel, we invited those who would build a wall between me and them through self-doubt, and through skepticism, to let me in for a little while. Now I give you the opportunity to put the wall back. If you came here and you don't want any part of this metaphysical talk and you're not ready, then it is your safety net to put the wall back. I know that and I say to you, "Put it back," because you're not ready. We are not here to force anything upon you. We don't want you to leave with an energy you don't want. This message is for those Match Bearers who feel it is appropriate and timely. But I want to give you a fact: You will never forget what you heard today. There is no "delete" button in the Human brain. 

The match doesn't go away, either. The old soul carries it as long as they need to. Your children will carry it as well. So this is the truth of it, and it is a beautiful plan. Again, less than one half of one percent of this Human population must light the match for all this to take place, and it's slowly happening. That's not that many of you. So let the matches be lit this day in whatever degree. Some day you'll realize that to have a fully lit match, there must be many lit in many places, not just one. That's why there are so many Lightworkers all around the earth. You'll never meet them, but you all know each other in a quantum way. 

So that is the message of this day for you. For the listener and reader, it is the message of Kryon. It always has been and always will be. It becomes more succinct and clearer as the energy increases and allows for these things to be said and mentioned and taught. 

Grateful, I am, as Kryon, to have come this distance to meet the Match Bearers that I always knew would be here. And so it is. 

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At the time of writing (July 31, 2011) we are at the beginning of the fifth day of the Ninth wave and then also rapidly approaching its end and the completion of all of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011. There are three more days (over a time period of three regular months) yet to go as the effects of the Ninth wave intensify in accordance with its high frequency of transformation to unity consciousness. While we may all have ideas of how this final transformation is going to take place no human knows the exact details of what is going to happen. We are sitting in the waiting room of the cosmic doctor and we do not know how He or She is going to treat this patient.

Throughout the shift points of this Ninth wave various initiatives have been taken for inspirational events and towards its culmination not only are events being planned for the midpoint (October 21, 2011) and end-point (October 28, 2011) of the seventh day, but also for the Gregorian date 11:11:11 (November 11, 2011). Even if the latter date is not based on the Mayan calendar, but on numerology, it gains its real meaning from this calendar and is the day for celebrating that we have made it through the end times and into the new world to be created afterwards. I encourage all such initiatives celebrating shift points, especially if they educate people more broadly in the true meaning of the Mayan calendar and its various days and nights. However, I also feel that there is a need for events that emphasize the work that we need to do at the current time. For this aspect of the process I feel that there is one shift point that deserves our full attention and this is the beginning of the sixth night. The reason is that the beginning of the sixth night on September 23, 2011, and its following few days, means a convergence of an energy shift in the Mayan calendar and the passage of the comet Elenin between the earth and the sun (and, if you like, the autumn equinox as well).

This little comet Elenin has attained an immense amount of attention on the Internet and is sometimes associated with more or less dire predictions. Thus, its name has been read as Extinction Level Event although it with equal justification may be read as El +Lenin (God + Anti-capitalist revolution) or Ellen In (the names Ellen, Helen or Elaine mean light) or El enin (God +Nine backwards referring to the completion of the divine plan of Nine Underworlds). All that we really know about it is however that it is synchronized with the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011. As part of this the Ninth wave, also called the Universal Underworld, brings a cosmic context to human life in a way that has not previously been the case. Human beings are in other words in the Universal Underworld about to become citizens of the universe, a consciousness shift that has led to a heightened interest in all things extraterrestrial. Yet, maybe this shift is primarily about us living up to our cosmic origin and the Cosmic Convergence is an invitation to fully experience this at the beginning of the sixth night. Thus, the word Cosmic is here more meant in its Mayan meaning as the all encompassing intelligence.

I feel it cannot be emphasized enough that the Mayan calendar is an expression of a truly cosmic, but also divine time plan. It is from this that we know that it is purposeful and benevolent. Many who fail to recognize that this calendar describes a divine plan developed by waves of seven days and six nights, may risk to end up in hopelessness or a belief that the world will come to an end. (The lack of connection to a divine plan is the reason that the false pop culture end date of the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 often has become associated with such thoughts.) It is the divine background of the plan described by the Mayan calendar that explains that nothing in the universe happens by accident. Everything plays a role for the fulfillment of the purpose of the cosmic plan, making it meaningful despite the hardships and challenges that we may expect in the time ahead. From such a perspective we may wonder what God is communicating to us through the comet Elenin especially in terms of what there is to do at the beginning of the sixth night, but also in the seventh day of the Ninth wave. After all, comets are prophesized to be part of the language that God is going to use to communicate with us in the end times.

Another thing that we know about the Ninth wave, and its sixth night and seventh day in particular, is that it brings about a polarity shift to unity consciousness as is illustrated in figure 1. Elenin may then also be seen as a messenger of the finality of this shift. Today, we often hear the idea of an impending pole shift, which goes back to psychics like Helena Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce. Yet, most, if not all, professional geoscientists would argue that there is no reason to expect a pole shift in the near future. Most likely then, since Blavatsky and Cayce were not familiar with the kind of polarity shifts that the different waves of the Mayan calendar bring about, and had no language to describe them, they simply mistook such shifts for an electromagnetic pole shift of the Earth. In favor of such an interpretation is for instance that Cayce predicted what he called a “pole shift” for the year 2000. This as we now know did not happen, but what did take place was a polarity shift of consciousness as the Eighth wave of the Mayan calendar was activated in 1999 and most likely this is what he saw in his trance state and mistook for a pole shift.

Time of activation

(Fig. 1) Different polarities of consciousness created by the five highest waves of the Mayan calendar.

Polarity shifts in consciousness take place in synchrony at several different levels of the universe - cosmic, galactic, heliospheric, planetary and human - at the times of shift points in the Mayan calendar. The Ninth wave that we are currently in is carries the polarity shift that creates unity consciousness. We then need to ask what we are to do, if anything, if we as individuals want to be part of this polarity shift and remove all dark filters from our minds. After all, we only have the direct power to transform ourselves and then hope that it spreads along the lines of the great Indian leader and sage Mahatma Gandhi, who said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

What, more specifically, would this imply for the Cosmic Convergence? A general rule of the Mayan calendar waves is that its night and day energies relate to one another as inner preparation to outer manifestation. This may especially be true when it comes to the last such pair of energies in the entire creation scheme, the sixth night and seventh day of the Ninth wave starting September 23 and October 11, respectively. This alternation between energies would mean that the sixth night should lend itself favorably to inner work like prayer, contemplation or meditation, whereas the seventh day would lend itself better to global ceremonies, which externalize the inner changes that have been brought in the sixth night. Ceremonies and rituals in a sacred context are powerful tools to externalize the rearrangement of our inner landscape.

The ninth wave

This diagram indicates the motion of the "wave" of energies belonging to the ninth wave and the related dates as to when these come into play. The relationships of the comets Honda and Elenin to the Seven days and six nights of the Ninth wave of the Mayan calendar. A is the comet Honda’s closest distance form the Earth. B shows the time of passage of Elenin between the sun and the earth and C is its closest distance to the Earth.

At point B in figure 2 I thus feel that the comet Elenin signals to us that we should surrender our egos to the all encompassing cosmic intelligence and also that this is our last chance to be part of the polarity shift to unity consciousness, or if we like, Oneness or God Consciousness. This will also be a test of the integrity of today’s evolutionary leaders, not to mention “2012 experts.” Elenin is a final wake up call that will be heard also by the many who know nothing about the Mayan calendar or how this expresses the divine plan. After all, the sixth night is the last energy when we can turn inward to prepare for the polarity shift that the wave is bringing. As the seventh day starts the new polarity is locked into position and generates its final manifestation.

This finality is partly why the Cosmic Convergence of September 23-26, 2011 is different from previous events, such as the Conscious Convergence of July 17-18, 2010, which also set the intention to manifest unity consciousness. In the Cosmic Convergence it will also be necessary to make an effort to see this intention manifested. This is a time for connecting with the divine, introspection and soul searching. A connection with the divine can be accomplished by intense prayers or by other spiritual practices. To stay aligned with the cosmic plan and be part of its polarity shift in consciousness I would then also like to suggest that the following commitments become the foundation of the Cosmic Convergence:

1/ Committing to consistently let divine guidance rather than our egos decide our actions and the direction of our lives.

2/ Declaring our independence from the dark side including surrendering the right to use the dark side to fight the dark side in others. https://www.youtube.com/user/forunity#p/u/2/pkVHYQF
 (In my own understanding the dark side is not some kind of eternal dark force, but anything that results form the darker filters of the lower waves as can be seen in Figure 1)

The Cosmic Convergence is thus fundamentally about making sure that we ourselves as individuals are the change that we want to see in the world. This may be very uncomfortable if we have much of our past unprocessed. It is then clearly not about putting the blame for the state of affairs on our planet on other people or forces. It is about taking personal responsibility. I think we here need to go deep into ourselves and see where we as individuals have contributed to hurting others or the nature of our planet. We have become quite used to complaining about the violence and wars in the world or the threats to its natural state. Yet, it is one thing to complain while secretly blaming others, or simply “the way things are” and something totally different to see how we as individuals have made choices that have contributed to the global deterioration. The idea here is to see and acknowledge such instances and choices in our lives and yet not get stuck in guilt, but rather find a path to healing through a corrective course of action. Since usually we have suppressed or numbed ourselves to any personal responsibility for the course of events on the planet we may actually have to pray for being reminded of such instances in the past. Hence, if we truly want to create a polarity shift in ourselves and so for instance are willing to embrace the commitments above it is a natural consequence that we do the necessary soul searching as we recognize how we may have failed to live up to these commitments in the past. If we do not do so aspects of the dark filters will continue to dominate us and the polarity shift will not be total.

The Cosmic Convergence is thus about the participants taking responsibility for the transformation to unity consciousness and doing so in a committed way. Granted, these may be difficult tasks, but again, if we are not to bring about this shift to unity consciousness in ourselves, who will? Hence, the Cosmic Convergence is really about providing an opportunity for us at least to commit to irreversibly bring about a shift in consciousness polarity in ourselves. While it may be difficult to immediately live up to such a commitment it will if it is taken seriously have powerful consequences On the benefit side a thing to ponder is that in order to receive the appropriate guidance into the new world it is possible that such a profound commitment to unity consciousness is indeed necessary.

On my own part I will at the occasion of this event be participating in a peace festival in France together with Mayan and Hopi elders (http://www.lothlorienfestival.com/EN) where we will meditate around it. Because of the nature of the inner work required I feel that the Cosmic Convergence may equally well be observed individually or, ideally, in small groups that provide a safe environment for sharing. I recommend that we process our past and ourselves in the present moment in an air of introspection, healing and corrective action drawing on the collective energy of the observance of the Cosmic Convergence around the globe.

A common component in it may be the lightning of candlelights as a sacred enactment of these commitments. Participating groups and individuals in the Cosmic Convergence may of course chose their own expressions, but the commitment to the transformation to unity consciousness should be the common denominator. In the Cosmic Convergence it is for us to surrender to whatever will be required from us. To live up to our commitment The presence of the comet Elenin will give a natural connection to the cosmic dimension in this event and at the same time add to our experience of a common destiny of humanity. It will be in this large scale context that we need to make the commitment to be part of the polarity shift to unity consciousness. Every person who makes a such makes a great difference and spreads the light and the hope to those around her. This may be all the more needed if indeed the times will be challenging to our comfort. The Cosmic Convergence, September 23-26, 2011 is meant as a solemn and humble event allowing people of unity consciousness to connect on a very deep level wherever they are on our planet.

I feel this is really the last chance of humanity and that the day of reckoning is here. I feel that a commitment to the polarity shift to unity consciousness is not only a passport to the new world to be born, but also the only hope for the world to survive. The dark filters have been ruling humanity for millennia and provide no way out. If human beings do not make such a commitment we really have no reason to expect that the world will survive. I thus want to encourage everyone to do their utmost to spread this message and encourage others to solemnly make a commitment to shift to unity consciousness. We are the ones that we have been waiting for. And it is entirely up to us. If we are looking to see our greatness, we should see it not in denial, or at all cost avoid anything that may cause fear, but in the courage to face squarely what we have done to this creation as it manifests on this earth. The Ninth wave indeed brings a field change on the cosmic level that we may become part of, but it will not happen without a deep and serious commitment from the heart of our souls.

Carl Johan Calleman
July 31, 2011 (2 Chuen) 
First day of the Fifth day of the Ninth wave

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Message from Archangel Michael LM-8-2011

Transmitted Through Ronna Herman 

Beloved masters, first of all, allow us to ease your minds. The ascension process is not new to you, you have accomplished it many times before. You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing. You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys. 

For each new adventure into physical consciousness, you are given new rules, a new mission and a great variety of challenges to overcome. We wish you to understand that those of you who are stepping to the fore as qualified World Servers have had vast experience throughout this Universe and its many Sub-universes. From the time this Universe began to expand, select Star Seed were transplanted from other time zones and Sub-Universes to oversee and assist in unique programs designed specifically for humanity and other life forms. The primary Divine Mission of these special groups of Star Seed is to lead the way for those ready to evolve into the next level of expanded consciousness as an infinite number of cycles and Divine programs come to a completion. 

The cocreative process is very difficult on the physical plane of expression, and it takes great courage and wisdom to adventure out into the unknown, to have a veil placed over your memory as you begin your earthly experience within a broader spectrum of Light and Shadow. Your skills and true identity were hidden within your Sacred Heart and Mind and often were not apparent until later in life after you began to awaken to the nudgings of your Higher Self. 

The ascension process for the Earth and humanity is unique in many ways. First of all it is an accelerated path of ascension that has never before been offered. Also, for those of you who are the wayshowers for this Round of Evolution, your earthly contract/mission contained Memory Seed Crystals of awakening which would be triggered by a Divine Discontent. These Seed Crystals of Divine Light were to be activated by your Higher Self and downloaded into your conscious awareness when it was time for you to begin your journey into Self-discovery. If you will look back over your lifetime, you should be able to recognize the times when your Higher Self and angelic guides nudged you toward a certain direction or created unexpected events / dispensations to encourage and assist you in gaining knowledge and developing special skills. You have never been alone, beloveds. Your mission was / is too important to leave you to your own devices. The grand strategy for ascension has been orchestrated and supervised from the very beginning by our Father/Mother God, the great Cosmic Councils of Light and the Legions of Angels who OverLight and direct the creation and expansion process of our Sub-Universe. 

Many of you have experienced extreme tests and challenges during this lifetime in order to prepare yourselves for your ultimate earthly mission. However, you agreed to face the full measure of your shadow side, once and for all, in order to be qualified to participate in this extremely difficult and important mission: the ascension of the Earth and the human race, along with all facets of our Sub-Universe. 

Yes, you were programmed at the deepest Soul level to seek ascension and the Light. However, you, the Wayshowers who are now stepping into the role of World Servers, were also informed that even though you would strive with all your heart and Being to ascend into the Light during this lifetime, you must agree to remain on Earth in a physical vessel as long as necessary in order to help anchor the Refined Creator Light. Have we not told you over and over again that you are the sentinels, the transducers and conveyers of the Light? The Adamantine Particles of Light are magnetized and directed to those whose energetic signatures / Soul Songs are attuned to the higher fourth-dimensional levels and above, and these Divine Light Particles must be activated by your compassionate, unconditional loving energy. The ascension process for the Earth and humanity cannot be realized without all of you Bearers of Creator Light. 

We encourage you to visit often and spend time in the various Pyramids of Light we have told you about over the years and to also visit the Celestial City of Light that OverLights your area / country. In your work pyramid, you may envision and create anything your heart desires which is in harmony with your Divine Blueprint and for the good of all. Here also is where you can join with your Higher Self to gain assistance in resolving the troublesome problems in your daily life that you are seeking to return to harmony. 

We strongly suggest that you go into your personal pyramid of Light before your sleep time or, occasionally, into the City of Light, where you will receive assistance in purifying, rejuvenating and healing your physical vessel. Before going to sleep, through your intention, go into one of the Light Cities Ascension Accelerator Chambers located within the entry level of the sixth dimension. This is a most beneficial way to assist in balancing and harmonizing your physical vessel. Beloveds, we encourage you to seek understanding and to trust that it is our greatest desire to assist you in establishing an environment of great harmony, beauty and wholeness (holiness) on Earth, right where you live. Your mission is to bring the peace, abundance and harmony of Heaven to the earthly plane, thereby creating a safe and sacred environment around you and then sharing this wondrous gift with others via your example and service. 

You, the vanguard, have spent years taming your emotional nature, gaining knowledge and wisdom via your mental body and endeavoring to unify and fine-tune your major chakra system so that your physical vessel can integrate, absorb and convey the rarified frequencies of Creator Light. Now it is time to focus on your Sacred Heart and Mind as you endeavor to harmonize the right and left hemispheres of the brain and to open your crown chakra more fully so that the column of Light which connects you to your Divine I AM Presence becomes as wide as the Crown of your head (as it was in the beginning). Each forward step in the process of ascension involves seeking an active, aware relationship with the next advanced facet of your Higher Self. Ascension is a process whereby you consciously move into the energy / vibrational field of your Higher Self and then ever forward into more rarified fields of Divine Energy called the higher dimensions. 

In a recent past message we told you: 
Electromagnetic Energy is yet to be fully understood. Humanity is affected by the fiery forces of Creation in three ways: 

I. Fire by Friction: Fire of Body 
II. Solar Fire: Fire of Soul 
III. Electromagnetic Fire: Fire of Spirit 

We will endeavor to give you an understanding as to how each of these “Fiery Forces of Creation” affects humanity: 

FIRE BY FRICTION * FIRE OF BODY: While in the physical body, you are subject to and influenced by the powerful forces of nature. Forceful action is necessary to create and manifest objects in a material form. You must draw forth the “Fire of Spirit,” the Divine Will and Power of our Father God, into your physical vessel in order to use the “Fire by Friction.” Intention, focused thought, clear vision and forceful action are necessary to successfully live on the material / physical plane of existence. 

You develop a fever or increased bodily temperature or bodily fire in order to “fight off” invasive low frequency germs or viruses. Also, some of the symptoms of ascension entail the use of Fire by Friction. At times you may feel as though you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy as lower frequency energies are pushed to the surface and you are confronted with the negative manifestations of your past thoughts and actions. Your body will sometimes heat up to a “fevered pitch” when you are in the process of “burning off old destructive, impacted energy.” You may also feel as though your spinal column is a “rod of fire” when your Higher Self is downloading a series of higher frequency vibrational patterns. Our beloved messenger, Ronna, has experienced these “power surges” many times in the past when we merge our energies more fully with hers in preparation for a seminar or an intense channeling session. 

SOLAR FIRE * FIRE OF THE SOUL: The magnificent, powerful and vibrant SUNS OF CREATION radiate SOLAR FIRE to all living things. It is an outward manifestation of the power and life-giving Essence of the Supreme Creator and our Mother/Father God. When you become aware and begin to heed the nudgings of your Soul and Higher Self, the “fire of Divine Discontent” begins to burn brightly within your heart center. The SOLAR FIRE of the great SUNS throughout the Omniverse Light up the heavens and dispel the darkness–another outward manifestation of the greatness of the Creator. As you move deeper and deeper into the mysteries and wonder of your Divine Self, the Fire of the Soul will become the Fire of Spirit, and you will no longer be just a human Being with a Soul. You will, once again, become a Divine Spiritual / en-Lighten-ed Being enjoying one of the many diverse manifestations of Creation. The Spirit of our Father/Mother God dwells within the Soul and your mission is to integrate as much of this Sacred Fire as possible. 

ELECTROMAGNETIC FIRE * FIRE OF SPIRIT: When you have attained an energetic signature composed of mid-fourth-dimensional and higher frequencies of Light, you are ready to receive the full spectrum Light Particles of God Consciousness called Adamantine Particles of Light, which are the electromagnetic fuel of Creation. You are no longer subject to the restrictive, debilitating frequencies of the dense third / fourth dimensions. You are ready to magnetize to you, integrate, control and radiate the pure Essence of the Creator as you become a proficient Self-master and a successful cocreator on the physical plane. The electromagnetic fire of Creation is a part of your Divine Birthright; however, you must prove that you will be a responsible steward of this powerful, magnificent Fire of Spirit before you are allowed to be a true Bearer of Cosmic Fire/Light. 

We will close this missive with more vital information that we recently imparted to our messenger. We are ever near to guide, guard, inspire and protect you, and we convey to you our profound gratitude and everlasting love. 

I AM Archangel Michael. 

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * 


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~ }*{ Christ Michael and Candace }*{ ~

~The Glorious Times Ahead~


Christ Michael and Candace
July 29,2011 posted 7~31~11



Dearly beloveds, my, it has been a while now since Candace and I did a work together. It is time to update a bit in a more serious manner.

We have just come out of a series of meetings, and are ready to go ahead with a plan that removes the dark. Candace knows the plan, it has not changed since it's inception, but we are still not covering it. All I will state, is it comes before the lengthy stasis, and it will remove the dark ones from this planet, so we can engage in a teaching period of several weeks to a few months, depending on the conditions of the earth changes and simply the acceptance of the people who are here after this removal.

The removal will be extensive and it includes not only your dark puppets, but also many other dark types, such as those that deal in gambling, the sex trade and other obnoxious activities. The numbers will be quite large. It may thus include people you may know. Also, many of the ones scheduled to move to other planets that are not going forth with earth will be removed during this event. The teaching period to follow with benefit those moving laterally to other worlds, returning to the mansion worlds and the like who have made progress but are not part of the ascension group. Some folks will not benefit, such as the robotoids, so they will move during this event. Also leaving will be many light workers who are released to go home who are not participating in the ascension process. They have completed their assignments.

Now the teaching period will included contact activities. We will be giving many people the opportunity to voluntarily begin their next in body journey and thus to board craft to their destinations. These are ones such as those going to Venus for example, and some even get to go the underground areas of Mars, but that number is not huge.

There are many worlds taking "refugees" from earth and they will receive them also on their craft. There will be a great deal of teaching before hand so that people are truly comfortable with moving on. We have in place an email system in fact, and people can be in contact via that route. There will be rides too and from craft, so that ones get comfortable, with many scheduled landings that will be made public.

Esu will be on television, as well as Candace and many others during the teaching period. It is global and in all languages. (Candace: PLEASE do NOT write and ask if you are to be involved in the public teaching, because I don't know who is!)

Now this coming event, is going to be shocking to some, in fact to many, and thus now is the time to put on your best faces. There will be some portion of the events before the removal that are going to frighten people. I will not be explaining this before hand,

but I will rely on all of you to stand up as needed. Now remember what I said, the teaching period is after the events. And man and woman of this planet will be in mourning when it this period starts because of the many removals and the shocks of it all. It will be glaringly obvious, a dramatic reduction. There is no point keeping folks here who will NOT benefit from the teaching period. Now the major portion of this moving will be done during a short stasis period, otherwise it would seem very harsh. During the short stasis period we will be put some other preparations into place so its all ready to go before the teaching period.

The ones that came last December, OUR lookalikes, 5000+, are in place, many already seen and people accustomed to them. There must be folks people trust and this includes some in government of course. But some major dark leaders will not be here even as lookalikes, for therein it would appear a lie as to who is good or bad, so there will be others standing in that people still remain familiar with.

Besides Esu during the teaching period, all those former masters who have walked this plane will be teaching their own and all countries and cultures will be introduced to them, but the bulk of their teachings after the introductory periods will be with their kind.

Mohammed, Krisha, Maitreya, Confucius, Lao-Tse, will be present as examples. There will also be some REAL leaders who are of the light, but I will inform Americans, Obama will not be one of them. We did of course have "Our Obama" who was shown last fall but these various ones with the massive head scars and people noticing more and more the differences, this cannot stand. Plus the truth process will not stand with Obama and others guilty of great treason.

The teaching period will include of course, teaching around God. But also, the TRUTH which will be individualized for each country, as to the treacheries. You will be well pleased. And for the time being, that is enough.

I cannot of course give a date. "Soon" will have to do, this must be a surprise and some of the events during this period will resemble to some degree what folks have been taught to expect. Jesus however will not be riding a white horse across the sky! (me laughing on that, its just one of my favorites as to what people can accept as truth-C)

Now some of you are wondering about watching to the east. IF POSSIBLE we will bring Jupiter into full view, but beloveds, we have to be careful with this, again it depends as its energy is so strong. If it is too much, we have an alternate idea that will satisfy something to the east, but it will have to be a night, we can't get starships to shine IN the day enough to be seen. So this is a play by ear as you ones use the term.

Now again, you should have a stock of what you need, pretty much no matter where you live and for those heavily affected by the banking issues, you must have small cash on hand, because it remains quite likely there will be a financial shutdown and banking holidays. This is a very tenuous situation and I am not updating about the risk of banks, social security checks and the like. Be prepared for a period of time.

We are hopeful there will also be arrests and many other events during the next days to a few weeks. Be prepared to assist those around you by standing in YOUR TRUTH.

Now, during the teaching period, with so many folks having left the planet, there is going to be a lot of temporary provisions. Many will be unemployed. There is a carefully laid plan to help people make their bills, the planet will mostly be on wellfare for those weeks, and there is ample storage of food. Many of your corporate leadership will be leaving during the cleansing. There will also be some significant earth changes, and thus shipping and the like is not going to go well for distribution of goods.

There will be only minimal distribution of goods, only what people actually need. Toilet paper is included on that list (he smiles). But it is fine for yourselves to stock on what you WANT or NEED. (Candace: you might spend less time in line that way!) I suggest where you are able to make sure you have your supplements and medicines you think you need. The shelves are not going to be very full.

Now during that short stasis, many of you will sleep also. We will have only the barebones ones we need on board to prepare for the teaching process. If you are IN an area that might be effected by earth changes, that will occur, you and those who are to survive with you, will be removed to safety, but you may still sleep until the wake up.

If you and others ARE removed from certain areas, there will be fleet counselors and others to assist during the wakeup. You will obviously be aware you are not in the same place and you will be expected to rapidly come around and assist the process, assuring those around you. This process is going to get peoples attention and I assure you, no matter all the material on the web about evil aliens, these ones, still in the billions who are "left behind" after the cleansing of the dark will be very happy once oriented about the assistance of fleet personnel.

Oh, in addition during the teaching period, once TV and radio are on and we have gotten the folks settled down, there are also filmed tours of craft that will be shown, and when people do begin to tour craft they will be allowed to take cameras and the like aboard. We plan to have you tube running nicely. The Internet will work reasonably well.

The teaching will include the long stasis and the need to move, and again, many will get opportunity to board craft to move when they are comfortable. There will likely be more quakes and the like which may hasten some decision making.

This my beloveds, is meant to be a glorious time for those who are "left behind."

Candace: OK, I was given permission to teach something here at this time. Our Wave has been visible on Stereo since mid March or so. We did not point this out so the data would not be removed. It is noticeable in some of the electron material out also, but that fluctuates and I am not going to teach it.

I am surprised as nobody that supposedly follows Stereo has posted much anywhere on this and its so OBVIOUS something is going on.

Now, go here: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/  Observe the blue images, at this point Stereo Ahead HI 1 in the lower left corner you see some whitish fluff stuff coming into view. This started perhaps a week ago and I watched it to make sure for a few days. That is the WAVE.

Now look at the Gray Image, called Stereo Ahead HI 2. See all that white and black fluff stuff going across the screen? That is the WAVE. It has been in that for a while yet, but far enough away, it did not show yet on the Blue Stereo Ahead image. It seems to be moving towards the sun, which is why it did not show there until just recently.

Now, look at both the COR 2 images (red). All that DARK stuff that used to be red, and is now dark and sometimes black, IS the WAVE. The darkness came into those maybe mid April. I am not sure anymore, but it was SUDDEN. Cor 2 A and B have always had short period of dark muck in them, digital goo or something of that sort, but this has been constant. At first it was milder and then over a couple weeks or so it got darker.

Now, in later March, the wave was showing on Stereo Behind Blue and Gray images. I will post a couple samples here. You can browse a bit more if you wish. It is easy to go back one day, one week or use "rot." This option takes you back almost 4 weeks. It varies by a day or so. These options are found at the bottom of the page next to the dates. Once you have moved backwards, you can use these on the other side of the date to move forwards.

Ok this is the first "rot" date from today. July 2.http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...02/index.shtml

On this one, only the gray images are important. On the BEHIND image (right side), you see the first lap of the wave moving away and out of the image to the right edge. On the AHEAD (left), you see the current one moving also to the right, but moving closer to the sun instead of away from the sun.

Ok so lets move back to when the wave was showing in March.http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...23/index.shtml  Look on the BLUE Behind image, this is March 23, 2011. The WAVE is just creeping up from the bottom as a little cluster of light blue stuff, where you see 2011. It is not really on the Gray image yet. Now I started seeing this fluff cloud, barely on March 18, but I had to wait a few days more to be sure.

OK moving ahead in time, heres the images on April 3.http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...03/index.shtml  You can see a lot more fluff stuff, with some dark blue and something black in it in the Blue Images. And in the Gray images you can barely see some fluff coming up from the lower left corner. At this time there is maybe a bit darker Cor 2, but I am not going to play with that yet. Lets move forward a bit more by a week.

April 10, 2011. http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...10/index.shtml  Lots more fluff stuff in the Blue image, and a dark area shaped like the boot of Italy. I was able to see it gradually move each day but watching that boot! There is obviously more fluff, white and black in the Gray image. Cor 2 images are now clearly darker than the previous week.

April 17. http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...17/index.shtml  Continuing on. And the very dark stuff on the blue behind image about in the middle is also wave energy. More progression on the Gray, and increasing darkness particularly on Cor 2 behind. Notice that the Blue and Gray images are reversed from Cor 2, so make sure you look at Cor 2 behind ON THE LEFT.

Now the HI 1 and 2 images look between the sun and earth more or less. So in each, the bright area on the border, is the sun, or rays from the sun, it varies. In Behind the sun is on the left, and in Ahead, on the right.

OK Now May 7, 2011. http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/browse/2...07/index.shtml  On the blue Behind, you see the last of the wave on the right moving out and there is still a LOT of fluff on the Gray Behind image. Then for a time, these things are not seen, except the every darkening color on the Cor 2 images. The WAVE makes a u turn. And now is coming back thru, as what you see above.

It is very hard to determine on 2 d images exact locations. Or when earth is actually IN it. They way I feel at the moment we have some affects, but I don't feel it as much as I did in March and April and I don't hear it as intensely and I don't know if I have adapted, or its a case of we are not quite as intensely in it. Some are reporting a fair amount of discomfort and we are again in the weather patterns that were typical earlier. I am hearing more and more changes in sound too, sometimes really amplified. By this I mean city and road sounds and other sounds. The highway near me started to ROAR this morning. I have never heard it like this. It startled me. Last 10 minutes and began to quiet again. I hear a lot of LOUD vehicles last night too, and wondered what was going on. I didn't sleep well, got up finally just before 5 am.

The WAVE comes from Paradise, not the Milky Way. Paradise is in a plane, a disk like all of the creation. All of the matter in this "disk" of the creation is called PERVADED Space. The areas above and below this massive disk that is the creation, is called UN-PERVADED Space. Now the waves leaves the area ABOVE Paradise and returns to the area UNDER Paradise. I am going to insert here for you a link to Gary Tonge's painting that will give a clearer picture for you. No wave in it, but you were understand the above better.

http://antifan-real.deviantart.com/g...set=48#/dastwu  This is Paradise. The Center of the Creation. The architectural Spheres you see in that are the 21 spheres of the Father, Son and Spirit. 7 each. Father's are closest, but his painting doesn't clear show the 3 orbits. They do Orbit Paradise.


Now this link shows the Central Universe of Havona, which includes Paradise as the center, the 21 worlds above, and the 1 billion regular worlds on which you all might live, or will live or have already been there and done that as part of your ascension journey. I am not teaching this stuff here. But anyway, you see a light coming out the top of Paradise and the Bottom of Paradise in these images. The top and bottom are UNperfaded Space. So the WAVE comes out the top and returns thru the bottom. It does not just keeping going on forever. It carries information cleaned when it returns that determines what needs to go forth again. So our WAVE has done this u turn and will head out back to Paradise.

If you have not seen Gary Tonge's work before, he was commissioned by the Urantia Foundation to paint these. He also has other images as part of his commission. I have posted teaching before on this, months ago sometime. I go to the above site because he gives information about the paintings. He has his own separate site too, which is here: http://www.visionafar.com/  And has made a couple You tube video's you might enjoy.

Also of interest, in case some of you have not learned this, "heaven" is PLANETS dear ones, not fluffy space, and the planets of heaven, are custom built, where we live on an evolutionary planet. Spirit and material beings always live on SPHERE's of some sort, including CRAFT. And here is a painting by Gary, on that process. These are sphere worlds being constructed in a new nebula.






So there we go for now, I think this is enough. I want to get this up! Take care, Candace

PS, during the "teaching period" man will discover he does NOT need all his stuff, and he is going to have plenty of time on his hands to progress his spiritual development over this short period, before we call it quits for several years to cleanse the planet, undergo the magnetic Pole Reversal, and the axis shifts. ALL LIFE will be in stasis during the nasty parts as the atmosphere will be terrible. Plants are awakened first, to help reseed the Oxygen and so on and so forth.


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EMMANUEL ~ The Sparks Ignite


Energy Forecast - The Sparks Ignite 
1 August 2011 
Channeler: Emmanuel Dagher 

The Sparks Ignite 

August 2011 

Hi my amazing friend, 

There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air. We are right on the cusp of major global revelations that will make it even clearer we are moving towards a more open and united society. This means the old out-dated structures that have operated from a place of dishonesty and domination are quickly losing their grip over humanity. What we have and will continue to witness is the final efforts of systems trying to hold on to the ways of the past through fear. It’s imperative at this time that we look beyond the fear tactics constantly bombarding us. A great deal of these tactics comes from media outlets, and often seeps into our local communities (friends, family, colleagues) where the fear could seem very convincing to us. The key is to remember that all is unfolding in Divine perfect order. Soon, if it hasn’t already, it will become absolutely clear to the masses that all the current changes are playing their role as precursors to the new emerging heart-centered reality. 

On a personal level, the anticipation we are experiencing right now is showing up in a few different ways. One of these ways may include feeling overwhelmed as a direct result of having so many things to do from little daily tasks to big projects we have chosen to accomplish. It could definitely feel a bit chaotic if we are not centering ourselves. In others, it could also show up as feeling restless to the point we think we’re not doing enough. Whichever we may be feeling, the best thing to do right now is to connect with the energy of ease and grace through our daily walks, meditation, playing, journaling, or anything else that helps to relax our mind, body, and spirit. The current energy of anticipation can make us feel a little ungrounded, so by choosing an activity that connects us with ease and grace we are sure to feel more settled. 


What will continue to assist us in moving through the current and upcoming changes is to operate with compassion. True compassion is all inclusive. When we are able to show true compassion even to the structures, systems, and people that may have appeared to not have humanity’s highest interest at heart, we instantly remove our own personal resistance to allowing the new heart-centered reality to emerge more quickly. 

True compassion instantly moves us out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. Showing true compassion is being able to look past the stories we or others have created. When we are showing others compassion, we are recognizing them for who they really are. We are looking past the illusions and connecting with their Divine Self. 

In order to show true compassion, it’s important to know and understand who we are. I share often that each one of us is a beautiful expression of the Omni Universe (also known as Source, Creator, Spirit, Love Energy) here to experience more of Itself in physical form. So, we are the micro of the macro. When we can remember this especially during those times we may want to quickly react from the old patterns of victim consciousness, we are showing true compassion. By showing compassion, we are holding a sacred space of true self remembrance for others to step into. 

Revitalizing the Fire Within 

Are you someone who may have been feeling exhausted and uninspired for awhile? Well, then you will welcome the fact that the current astrological energies are fully revitalizing the fire within us. How this manifests itself in our lives is through inspiration, drive, and renewed zest for life. In the coming days and weeks, we may notice that we’re receiving downloads of new ideas and insights contributing to the fulfillment of our deepest desires. It could show up in areas of creativity, career, relationships, personal development, or health. A simple process we can do at this time is to journal. Journaling allows us to create a simple outline of our thoughts, so that we can refer to them later on when we are ready to put these ideas into action. 

Inspired Action 

Due to the high amount of electric energy in the air at this time, we may feel an inner pull to take action towards bringing our visions into fruition. Before taking action, it’s important to understand which action to take. 

There are two kinds of action: Inspired action and forced action. Forced action usually has the energy of control attached to it, which stems from a fear we may not be doing enough or lack of trust. So, what ends up happening is we put a great deal of pressure on ourselves to achieve which ends up pushing away the very thing we are trying to attract more of into our lives. Inspired action happens when we are in the flow, and it feels good and effortless. By taking inspired action, we are open and receptive to the opportunities around us affirming to Universe a resounding “Yes! We are willing to do our part in making our greatest life vision a reality.” 

The Gift of Your Presence 

Although there may appear to be a great deal of chaos all around the planet on many levels, our Spirit knew it could easily handle and transmute all of it into the highest vibrations of love. We’ve been gifted with an opportunity to be front and center to assist in Mother Earth’s transition into the higher realms. Every act of kindness that we show her and all her children elevates the process more quickly. The thing is, there were many Spirits waiting in the wings to have the rare opportunity we have right now of helping our beautiful Earth ascend, but we were the ones chosen. How blessed are we to be of service in such a monumental way? I’d say we are very blessed. 

Till next time, 

Miraculously Yours, 



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Thursday, July 28, 2011 

The (re)Education of Sacred Embodiment 

"There is a beautiful unfolding in your physical world that is unraveling the part of the journey where you come to understand the depth of the work you've put forth...to see, feel, touch the reflections of your accomplishments in the material planes." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades 

Physical reBirth 

According to the perspective of the seven sisters, and as of the last three eclipses coupled with the massive heart rewiring that we all sustained, we have officially begun the process of physical alignment with our mental and emotional bodies. This means that much of the energetic support we are receiving right now is toward the understanding and experience of living as a fully-integrated galactic/spiritual being...in a human body. 

Emphasis on the human-body part. 

For the remaining days of the universal ninth wave we will be emerging in incremental stages... (re)birthing ourselves in the physical dimensions, one layer at a time, and in preparation for the externalization of our true divinity where we will be capable to finally share our selves/gifts with the outside world. We are r-e-a-l-l-y feeling the pressure building and the ache for freedom is becoming unbearable, but we will not be able to completely e-merge until we are fully ripened galactic-humans. 

The Pleiadians are emphasizing that our physical bodies are such an important part of this leg of the journey because the body is our contact point between the physical and ethereal realms...where we harness, structure & anchor our potential into form. In other words, 'we' are where the proverbial rubber meets the road....where spirit meets matter...where our creative passions meet the world... and it will be for our upgraded biology suits to provide each of us with the hardware needed to participate in the 5th dimensional world of our making. 

Green Light 

Even tho we technically ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, I have always held the understanding that ascension is more of a descension…a slow and arduous process of pounding our souls into our bodies and the earth until we find it comfortable enuf to live here. And I don't have to tell you that getting into our bodies and staying in them is/has been quite a chore. In fact, for many of us on this journey, grounding into the physical dimensions has not only been a relentless & tedious pursuit, its been mostly impossible up until this point. 

There are so many starseeds (blue rays especially) on this planet that have never even come close to touching the ground...let alone in a fully embodied way…and sadly this has made for some pretty complicated living in 3D. But that was actually the point. Those on the ascension timeline were never able to get completely cozy in 3D because all y'all mutants are wired freakishly different…and the purpose/result was that we all successfully averted complacency…even if we did hit the snooze button a few times. 

The main reason many on this path (especially the younger generations) have refused to touch-down in the lower dimensions is because the frequency of our home turf was just not available for us to nestle into, until recently...mostly because we are the ones anchoring it here...and so it felt unsafe. Being in a dense body can be unsettling due to the limitations of the lower realms…those frequencies we are just not accustomed to. It's like trying to fit the ocean in a Coke bottle… it just seemed ridiculous to even try to ground all of our expanded limitlessness into a container that felt VERY restrictive. 

But now, my fellow starlasses and starlads...our bodies are coming online with the rest of us which means we are being given the green light to take the full plunge. Our biology systems are tirelessly preparing us to begin our physical journey together into 5D which means a rebirth is underway as well as the development of a new (co-creative) relationship with our external world. Apparently we have a lot yet to learn about our new selves so the unseens say that a "(re)education of sacred embodiment" is in order. 

Movable Parts 

"We would like to emphasize the need for activity during this time by reminding each of you that it is vital to begin moving your physical bodies in a way that will support the systemization of your new cells." -Seven Sisters 

My partner Leon said to me once in a passively sarcastic tone…"cars have movable parts, you know"... 

He was snidely referring to the fact that I hardly ever leave the house (compliments of untiring fatigue) and as a result my car sits in the garage sometimes for days on end. And even tho at the time I had thoughts of dousing him with a full glass of iced tea, those words really echoed in my head and became an ongoing and tantalizing reminder that 'if I don't move my 'vehicles' parts, problems arise'. 

The constant emotional and physical heaviness & lethargy that accompanies path-cutting can be discouraging, to put it mildly, and I'll be the first to admit to an aversion to regular exercise...even and especially yoga...ugghh. I.just.can't.force.one.more.asana.on.myself. 

From the beginning of this journey exercise felt to me like waaaay too much effort for far too little reward…which unfortunately made it very easy to give up and fall victim to inactivity....so I definitely get that even the thought of exercise can be daunting with so many symptoms. That said, I have been getting repetitive messages that we will be so much better off if we push thru the (adrenal) fatigue and start "moving our parts" on a regular basis. In other words, we can no longer be sedentary without increasing consequences due to increasing frequencies. 

thru this grounding process. 

As always, our body is the best gauge for what and how…and desire is our fuel. If you can cultivate the desire to get more physical by doing something you love over something you dread, you will double your results, but even the simplest movement with intention to stabilize, revitalize or regenerate will bring more palpable results now. Either way, more focus on the physical will help us to maintain homeostasis thru these increasingly more physical changes. 

"We would also like to add that along with movement, the physical body is still in need of rest and rejuvenation through integration periods... doing and being, activity and recuperation…this formula will be required for optimum self-care and nourishment during this time." -Seven Sisters 

The bottom line is that we are physicalizing our authentic selves in the material world now…cell by cell…and with so much energy channeling thru our meridians we will just plain feel better if we up the ante with regard to physical care. If we heed this call to move our bodies on a regular basis we will be supported to dislodge stuck energies and release stored up toxins in a more effortless way. 

I am also hearing that any part of our body that needs healing (love) will most likely make its presence known to us during this cycle, if it hasn't already, and that we will be given the opportunity to release deeply lodged emotions responsible for long-standing physical ails. Any primordial resistance (fear) we feel with regard to embodiment will be highlighted for healing as well...mostly because we need to ground ourselves before we can ground the life of our dreams. 

"The amount of time that it takes to fully embody your physical vessel is directly proportionate to the amount of resistance you uphold. What we mean is this: for the physical body to integrate these very high frequencies requires a deep level of surrender, of acceptance so that each cell can harmonize with the galactic forces of creation. If there is resistance to holding, carrying or embracing these energies, the body will buck in defiance and create great discomfort. For this we recommend a softening, an openness and a willingness to welcome and embrace these energies fully...not a refusal of them. Similar to childbirth, relaxing into the discomfort will ease the stress on the physical body during the intensive rebirthing process you are currently undergoing. Allow, allow, allow, is what we would say in response to all resistance disguised as suffering." -Seven Sisters 

BioDynamic Intelligence 

"What we would like for you to understand is this: the new human form is one of dynamic constitution…it is a living, breathing entity of its own accord and therefore requires a new level of communication and relationship to maintain. Your new system functioning is less about 'how' you use it, but 'why'." -Seven Sisters

A 5D human differs greatly from a 3D human by way of consciousness and self-responsibility…that is to say, the state of BEing awake and aware of our multidimensional mind and motives. "Why" we do anything matters more than ever now since our intentions must be spawned from heart-centered love in order to live in a harmonious flow of life...love-based intention is the actual 'programming' that the new-human prototype requires to function optimally. 

The unseens have said to us many times in the past that our cells have intelligence, and we are just beginning to learn how to work in conscious cooperation with that intelligence as we develop a deeper, more loving relationship with ourselves and come to honor the body as the sacred temple it really is. 

In this next phase we are going to be learning how to work in tandem with our biology…that is not to say that our autonomous biological functions will cease without our attention, just that everything works better with our conscious participation, especially now that our minds have greater influence on our cells. 

What has changed? 

Up until now, our biology has been largely operating on auto-pilot, without our conscious participation, or what the star-beings call 'intentional programs' which heighten or optimize our human-experience. 

The new-human prototype is a biodynamic system of cellular intelligence that works with or without intentional participation...however, just as biodynamic farming produces a self-sustaining system with more vital, nutritious, abundant, and even more effortless results when considering the holistic interrelationship of soil, plants and animals in accordance with celestial timing, so too does our biology work better when used in a conscious, integrative way. 

And this is what our next phase will be about…learning how to consciously utilize and create balance within the body and thru the use of intentional force-fields that will maintain our ability to exist (w)holistically within a still-separated world. We first needed to integrate the understanding that this was possible, and now the knowledge of how this works will become known to each of us. 

The point of being a 5th dimensional human is to exist within the 3d dimensional world of form, but with conscious connection to the unity field of intelligence. This is what is so unique about this special time on earth…that each of us is coming up on the ability to co-create as the gods/goddesses that we truly are…and of course, while functioning in a human body. The benefits to this are vast, yet largely unknown because this is something that is new to all of us…which is why the unseens emphasize that this part of the journey is so exciting, because we will be learning to do so many new things, as if for the first time. 

Symptoms of the Merge 

Since we are waxing all things physical, thought it might be helpful to mention that... in addition to the heightened myriad of symptoms you may be experiencing... there are also profound changes taking place within the structure of our brains during this time. 

If you have been experiencing unusual bouts of vertigo, unsteadiness, dizziness, sinus discomfort, blurred vision, inability to read or focus, burning/watery eyes, skull/eye pressure, ear aches, headaches/migraines, or out-of-body estrangement...most likely its related to what the Pleiadians refer to as "symptoms of the merge". 

The sun acts as a transmitter of light codes that are interpreted by our pineal and pituitary glands which have been continually stimulated thru recent cycles of intensive solar activity. You may have noticed an inability to stay in the sun for very long during these periods, or an overstimulated nervous system (anxiety, jitters, ungroundedness, etc.) for seemingly no reason. As with all symptoms, they will subside as the body assimilates to the frequencies. 

Apparently our brains are physically morphing from a reptilian (primitive) brain to what they call the "brain of a galactic over-seer"...the main difference they say, is in the computing and level of comprehension and the actual mutation is activated thru the merging of sacred (polar) forces of energy. 

As the energies of the pineal (feminine) and pituitary (masculine) meet in what is commonly referred to as the Mystical Marriage...or the opening of our 'sacred inner-sight'...we are also (shockingly) able to see these light codes in a very literal way. 

If you have been waking in the middle of the night from a blindingly bright inner-light behind your eyes that you can't shut off...kind of like someone is shining an industrial sized flashlight inside your brain, from the top of your crown...chances are the birth of your multidimensional consciousness, the passage into the fifth dimension and beyond, is being initiated. 

This can also accompany a firm pressure on both the crown and the brow and sometimes this light is audible as well...as in the humming of a very high frequency that is also pretty annoying, but oddly interesting. This can be a bit startling if you don't know what is happening, but the unseens say that these increasing pituitary/pineal radiations (light from the higher dimensions) are a natural part of the 'sacred embodiment" stage, or the "realization of our divine body". 

Ultimately, when the merging is complete, spirit & matter unify as the multidimensional forces of spiritual light merge with the physical matter of our third dimensional brain, and we are home free. 

To still hanging on...even if by a thread.... 


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 Dr. Mark Sircus, Contributing Writer

Say what, two suns may be visible from Earth in 2012? Everyday we seem to be getting bombarded with warning signs that our planet is changing rapidly.  In fact, many of the changes are occurring for the first time in modern recorded history and all seem to indicate a need for civilization to adapt. 

Record-breaking heat and cold are striking all corners of the globe; earthquake activity has spiked, even in places thought not to have active fault lines; birds, bees, fish, and other animals are dropping dead with no coherent cause, and there is a flurry of talk about galactic anomalies beginning to happen.

Since the man-made global warming theory has simmered down from a boil, many other concerns have surfaced that appear to minimize possible effects of CO2 concentrations as our greatest concern. Sure, many of these changes may be connected in some way, but the idea that there is a silver bullet to stop this train of collective events is unlikely.

One thing we can say is that we live in very interesting times.  These unprecedented events are accelerating at a blistering pace, as we hurl through space on this ball we call Earth. It seems this turbulent cycle is going to continue to manifest despite our best human efforts to stop it.  The only thing we can hope to do is digest the available information and plan for the worst, while hoping for the best.  Assuredly, humans possess a far greater ability to adapt through technology than the animal kingdom, yet we certainly can't thrive without protecting the entire biosphere.

Here are 8 strange Earth changes that should demand our attention:

1. Environmental collapse: The global environment has been in an exponential rate of degradation for some time.  Our economic system can be likened to Pac-Man gobbling up everything in sight until it's game over, except that Pac-Man doesn't crap out waste like our economy does. Furthermore, we can't just put another quarter in the machine and hit the reset button.  From the industrial-chemical agriculture business destroying soil, water, and wildlife on a mass scale, to over-fishing the oceans, the Gulf Oil Spill, chemical spraying, strip mining, gas fracking, water toxicity and the like; our entire habitat seems to be in critical need of healing if we expect to maintain life as a whole.  Real environmentalists must wake up from their "Inconvenient" trance and realize there's much more to saving the ecosystem than simply reducing CO2 output.

2. Record tectonic activity:  Many earthquake researchers have noted the demonstrable uptick in earthquake frequency and strength, with 2010 hitting record levels.  The Chile quake rocked the planet, causing us to actually lose a fraction of the length of our year.  This increased activity is precisely what was predicted by science researcher, Lawrence Joseph, who documented in his bookApocalypse 2012ir?t=permacultucom-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=0767924487 that our entire solar system is traveling through an interstellar energy cloud, which would produce significant observable earth changes beginning in 2009.  Renowned physicist, Michio Kaku, has recently warned that enormous earthquakesin our lifetime threaten the mega cities we have created, which only compounds the threat.  In addition to galactic changes, there is mounting evidence that the human activity of industrial gas fracking -- particularly in Arkansas -- may have led to earthquake swarms in a region which is not normally active.   Now we learn thatFEMA is buying massive amounts of MREs, blankets, body bags, and other provisions in anticipation of potential catastrophe along the New Madrid Fault.

3. Magnetic Pole Shift: There is clear evidence throughout history of the magnetic poles wandering and even completely reversing.  One of the many functions of Earth's magnetic field is to be a natural compass for animals that rely on it for navigation.  A second function would be as a protective barrier against solar flares and space radiation.  The news lately has been peppered with dead birds and fish, beached whales, bee colony collapse, and animals dropping dead everywhere for no discernible reason.  Many theories have been put forward related to localized events, but the global nature of the overall die-off might better indicate an all-encompassing source like the shifting of the poles.  An interesting article on SOTT also claims, "there is some correlation between magnetic reversals, ice ages, sea level drops and likely a whole host of other data indicative of catastrophic activity."  There is no doubt that the north magnetic pole is moving rapidly toward Russia.  The question is whether or not it will increase toward a cataclysmic event, or continue its path resulting in a wide variety of changes, such as recent airport runway closures, that will require humanity to adapt in more subtle ways.   

4. Volcanic Activity: The recent alert of ground levels rising at Yellowstone, sitting atop one of the world's largest supervolcanoes, has bulged a full 10 inches over a section measured in miles is concerning.  Along with earthquakes, volcanoes also have dramatically increased in activity.  Throughout the Ring of Fire, dormant volcanoes have flared up, and others have increased their output.  This is yet another indication of global earth changes, which may at the very least require large populations to relocate, and at worst could threaten civilization.

Aussie Floods
5. Extreme Weather: Tom Engelhardt recently wrote, "From now on, rising prices, powerful storms, severe droughts and floods, and other unexpected events are likely to play havoc with the fabric of global society." Engelhardt predicts that high prices for oil, as well as food shortages will surely lead to riots around the world. The extreme weather that has been increasingly ravaging the planet in the last few years is likely caused by one or more of the earth changes outlined in this list.  However, the effects are one tangible sign that Earth's climate is shifting in some way. Droughts and floods are showing up in unusual places with more intensity, and unusually harsh arctic winters are pounding Europe, the United States, and elsewhere.  If we accept these type of weather events to be the new norm, then civilization must at least adapt its food production methods and locations.  We're already seeing a major toll on food prices, which may quickly become a global food crisis in 2011.

6. Weakening Ocean Currents: The Thermohaline Circulation (THC) system is the conveyor belt in the world's oceans that transfers heat from equatorial waters to cooler regions.  Weakened or changing ocean currents are being blamed for the extreme cold weather in Europe and warm weather in Greenland. As dramatically shown in the movie The Day After Tomorrow when the North Atlantic Current breaks down, so does the global climate.  Despite record heat spikes in the summers, some believe the longer and harsher winters due to changes in the ocean currents may result in a new ice age.  This underestimated force is so powerful that even slight changes will force humanity to rediscover their nomadic traits.

7. Galactic Anomalies:  Reports that the sun rose two days early in Greenland, and that two suns may be visible from earth in 2012 -- the same year as the end of the Mayan galactic calendar and the myth of an approaching planet in our binary solar system -- all seem to render grade-school Earth Science textbooks thoroughly obsolete.  Many have speculated about the ramifications of approaching galactic events, but there are no accepted or overriding theories.  However, there is a good chance that some physical effects will be felt on Earth if the force of gravity is altered from planetary alignments and/or approaching celestial objects.  Keep your eye on the sky and a go-bag at the ready.

8. Solar Activity: It seems that the sun is still very unpredictable, but when she twitches, so do we.  Although many have predicted that a severe solar maximum will peak in the next few years potentially causing blasts of electromagnetic radiation to disrupt major communication systems and perhaps elevate tectonic activity, NASA claims the sun's Great Conveyor Belt has slowed to a "walking pace" in 2006 claiming, “We’ve never seen speeds so low . . . the slowdown we see now means that Solar Cycle 25, peaking around the year 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries."  NASA also reported that the sun experienced a rapid pole reversal in 2001 stating, "Our star's magnetic field has flipped."  NASA said that this occurrence is normal and expects another flip in 2012.  Even though they claim it has no affect on Earth, the speed of our planet's pole shift has increased over the last decade.

There's no saying for sure what ramifications, if any, these anomalies will cause, but they should be investigated in a serious manner.  The challenges facing humanity are difficult enough without constant deceptions and distractions. Collectively, we should demand clear answers about the real threats that are obviously beginning to affect our civilization. Adaptation will be much less painful if we are armed with knowledge and resources. The best thing we can do, individually, is to get educated and become as self-sufficient as possible.
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What's Going to Happen in the Near FutureWhat usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down - all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science realizes may also be the key that enables the axis to shift in the first place through magneto- hydrodynamics, where the magnetic field supports a connection where liquid aspects of the earth's composition become solid. When the field collapses, some solids become liquid and become slippery. They have demonstrated this in laboratories. The magnetic field and the electromagnetic field are the key. The magnetic field is what we use to interpret who and what we think we are, and also to store our memory with. We need an exterior magnetic field to retain memory. We cannot live without some form of magnetic field. If you look at major cities all over the world, you will notice that the day before, after and during the full moon there is more rape and murder going on. The reason is that the full moon tends to cause a ripple in the magnetic field of the earth, and this change is enough to take people that are emotionally near the edge over the edge. The magnetic field affects the emotional body.The Collapse of the Magnetic FieldImagine a planet where you are at a point on the precession where things are starting to get out of balance. Suddenly the magnetic field of the Earth, over a very short period of time (usually three to six months) starts fluctuating a lot and undulating. What happens is that people start losing it. They go crazy. That is what breaks down all the structures of the planet. Without their balance, everything falls apart. The magnetic field will go away entirely for at least three and one half days. Usually you will see a buildup of chaos.TRIVIA: 4,000 of the Earth’s major sacred sites are located at node points of the Earth's planetary grid including: The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Stonehenge in UK, Pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico, Lake Titicaca, South America, Mt. Shasta, California, Sedona, Arizona, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala, Avebury in UK, Shaanxi Pyramids in China, Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Kunoonda stone circles in Australia, Haleakala Crater, Hawaii, Mt. Kailas, Tibet and Haleakala, HawaiiMorphological Grid InteractionsEvery time one person plugs into the consciousness grid, they increase the signal from the grid. There will come a point where people will just start remembering and start breathing this way. Children will have the least problem. The older you are the harder it is.The Final Time of Axis Shift and Dimensional InterfaceHopefully it won't really get crazy out there - if it does, that is where the idea of Armageddon comes in. If you look back through the records, you will see that when the axis shifted in 1400 A.D., in South America, they all started fighting and warring with each other, because their emotions got so strong. Hopefully, that won't happen.About five to six hours before the dimensional shift in consciousness, the process (which is usually tied to an axis shift) begins. Axis shifts and shifts in consciousness are usually tied together. In this case, the consciousness shift may happen before or after the axis shift. Usually they are simultaneous, and usually what happens in this period five or six hours before a dimensional shift is a visual phenomenon. This almost for certain will happen as 3rd and 4th dimension begin to interface, and our consciousness begins to move into 4th dimensional consciousness and 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to recede away. When that happens, synthetic manufactured objects which consist of materials which do not occur naturally on the Earth, begin to disappear over a wide gradient, depending what the materials are. They do not disappear all at once. When the grid of 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to break down along with the collapse of the magnetic field, these synthetic objects begin to disappear over this five or six hour period. Since axis/conscious/grid changes have happened continously for millions of years, this is why there are few manufactured objects from previous civilizations (some of which have been more advanced than ours) which remain to tell the tale.The fact that objects start to disappear really starts to make people who do not understand what is happening go crazy. That is why it is important to remember this. It is a natural process, and when this starts to happen you should get to a place that is natural, not inside an artificial structure. You want to be out on the earth. This is the reason why very advanced civilizations built structures out of natural materials, like stone. They make it through the dimensional changes and remain there.This is also why at the Taos pueblo, which is 1,400 years old, they are not allowed by tribal law to have anything synthetic in their buildings. They know that when the day of purification comes, they go in and remain centered.There is another phenomenon that will probably happen. As the dimensional interface occurs, 4th dimensional objects may appear in the 3rd dimensional world. They will be objects that will not seem to fit in anywhere with colors that will boggle your mind. These objects will impact your mind in ways you cannot understand. Since gradual movement through the interface is desired, do not touch any of these objects (to touch one would pull you instantly and fully into the 4th dimension) or look at them. They are mesmerizing, and looking at them will pull you more rapidly into the 4th.If you are calm and centered, you will be able to watch all of this for a time, but not for long. As soon as the magnetic field collapses, your field of view and vision will disappear and you will find yourself in a black void. The 3rd dimensional Earth, for all intents and purposes, will be gone for you. What happens to most people during this time is that they will fall asleep and start dreaming during this period, which lasts about three to four days. If you want you can just sit there, but realize that whatever you think is going to happen will happen. Realize that you are about to literally go through a kind of "birth" process into the 4th dimension, and don't worry about it. The process is perfect and natural, but fear is a big problem for humans on a 3rd dimensional level. This appears to be a new process, but it is very very old. You have done it before. At some time during the process you may in fact remember that you have done it before.The Other SideAs the 4th dimensional world comes into perception, light comes back again. You will find yourself in a world the likes of which you have never seen (although you have, but you will not remember it because your memory has been erased so many times before). It will feel like a brand new place. All the colors and shapes and the feel of everything will be new. You will be perceptively just like you were when you came into 3rd dimensional conscious- ness, except that you will be the same size you are now. There are a lot of things that are very similar from world to world - one of them is the idea of the holy trinity (mother-father-child). As you enter into this brand new place, although you won't understand anything, you are going to see two beings standing there - mom and dad; they are going to be very big compared to you. They are going to be about ten to sixteen feet tall. One will be male and one will be female. These beings have a bond with you and will guide and protect you during your early formative period in this world. These beings do not have the kind of attachment to you that parents on Earth might have had. From the very beginning, they know that you are part of the Creator and recognize your divine nature. You will appear just like you are now, though more than likely naked, since any synthetic clothing will not have made it through the shift.You will come out the other side and be in this incredible reality with these two beings that you somehow feel this intense love towards, although you won't understand why. Although your physical form is exactly the same, the atomic structure in your body will have changed dramatically. Much of the denseness of the previous physical structure will have been converted into energy, and the atomic structure will be farther apart than before. Most of your body will have been converted into energy, but you won't know that.The Many Are Called - Few Are Chosen ScenarioIn the Bible, Jesus said "two of you shall be in bed and one of you I shall take". This speaks of a "many are called-few are chosen"scenario, which is often what happens, but you can only do so much to help someone. You will go through this process alone. It will be determined by your character and who you are.What usually happens is that some people go through and some do not make it through, but there is a third possibility - that someone will have just made it through. Jesus spoke of a parable about the wheat and the chaff as an analogy. The wheat that goes through had some weeds with it. Who takes the weeds out? The weeds do. You take yourself out. When you get to the 4th dimensional conscious- ness, most people don't know that you are creating the entire world and every- thing in it second by second by your thoughts and your feelings - every- thing. It is true in the 3rd dimension as well, but it is not realized because we have culturally put all these limitations on ourselves that we can't do anything. There, it's all inclusive and instantaneous. If you are there and you are not really ready for it and you start thinking negative thoughts and fear comes in, you will create a scenario which will result in your being thrown back into a lower dimension.At the same time, the "wheat" is going through, and sitting there and thinking "love, truth, beauty, peace and harmony" - and that is what happens. You start manifesting all of it. You become stable in the new reality because of what you are thinking and feeling - your character and who you are. Jesus, referring to this time, said "if you live by the sword you shall die by the sword" and "the meek shall inherit the Earth". Those who are there and not trying to protect, kill or anything else along those lines, but just being and thinking positive thoughts - that is what manifests, and you've just won the game.After the entities who are not resonant ("chaff") are gone and the resonant entities ("wheat") remain, one of the first things that begins to happen is that you begin to realize that "hey, whatever I think happens!". Usually people look at their bodies in this light and begin to change their appearance to suit whatever idealized image they have in mind - it's a childlike exercise. If you look at some of the non-terrestrial races, they are all tall, beautiful and healthy. The self-modification of body structure is a natural occurance from the 4th dimension onward. It is a creative expression. After that, other things become more interesting as activities.On Earth in the 3rd dimension, it takes roughly 18-21 years to go from a baby to someone who can go out and take care of themselves. On the 4th dimensional world, experientially, it takes about two years to go from your present size and state (when you first arrive) to an adult - and you start growing again. Your body grows, your head elongates in the back, and you end up looking like Ahknaton. This is what the Egyptian egg of metamorphosis what about.All this explains why it is essential that you maintain peace within during the first few hours of the dimensional interface and progression into the next area of dimensional consciousness. Again, work on your character. The moment you establish the Merkaba during this time, you've made it. Its the inner technology that is most important. Helping others is very important. As you understand more of what this is about, you have a moral responsibility to help if they ask.Your Cosmic DevelopmentDuring this shift, there is a polarity with your "higher self" which merges into your current state of consciousness to the point where you and it become one.A very high level of dimensional consciousness has as its "body" the planet Earth. You, on a high level of consciousness, have as your body the body you are currently using. Literally, someday you will become suns and stars in the sky - it is part of the process of life.Your new "Parents"Relative to these beings you will encounter, your new "parents", you already will have a "karmic" bond with them; they will guide and protect you during the first two years until you can go out on your own. They realize your true divine nature as part of the creation, unlike Earth parents, many of whom view their children as "possessions" to be "controlled". If your new parents wanted to tell you something, you would simply experience it. If they wanted to tell you about a room, you would be in it. It is sort of like an extension of a higher level of dream time from the 42+2 level of consciousness. The 4th dimensional realm is really not that much different than the 3rd dimension in some ways. It's still a world which has a physical aspect to it.Injection of Christ/Unity Consciousness Models Into The Planetary GridsMany individual entities have manifested themselves on this planet in order to illustrate the possibilities in unity consciousness. After the introduction of writing, a model was need in order to inject an example into the akashic/ morphic field and into the memory of man that unity consciousness was an option. Jesus, who had been through a great number of dimensional levels, was the entity who accomplished that purpose. Because of his efforts, the IDEA of man-unity consciousness is within the MEMORY of man to act as a model. It is also within the grid around the planet.First, you have Akhenaten as one of the Pharaohs, illustrating unity consciousness - "that which we would become". He walked around for a few years and put that into the grid. He created the seed from which the Essene Brotherhood grew. From them eventually came Mary and Joseph, who made it possible for the introduction again of unity consciousness through Yeshua Ben Joseph, referred to as Jesus. When Jesus started telling people "love each other, love your enemies", no one wanted to hear it - people were in duality consciousness and it didn't make any sense. Knowing now about 4th dimensional consciousness - it should make sense. The words he spoke are powerful and true, and we need to take the knowledge and make it part of our lives.All the efforts of unity consciousness beings who have come to 3rd dimensional Earth have been in an effort to heal the process that occurred in Atlantis.Drunvalo ended the lecture by saying, "It appears right now that the shift will take place, accoring to how everything is going, around the fall of 1998." Barbara Hand Clow who wrote the Pleadian Agenda thought it will happen byJune 21, 1998...source
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by Steve Beckow

A series of crop circles may depict different aspects of Earth;’s Ascension.  Some sources predict a division into two Earths; some do not. Thanks to Len.

New Crop Circles Found in England May Offer Proof That A New Earth Is About to Unfold

Latest crop circles seem to confirm the new Earth prophecy is well underway

News | July 31, 2010

Reported by Scott Mowry


The 2010 crop circle season is in full bloom in the farm fields of England this summer and an absolutely spectacular harvest has already been reaped.

Several of the most incredible crop circles that have ever been seen and photographed would appear to be unquestionably confirming the emergence of a new Earth that has been predicted by many, from the Bible to investigative researchers such as, Dolores Cannon, David Wilcock, Drunvalo Melchizedek, among others.

(See our News article, “Is A New Earth Being Prepared for Humanity?” from June 29, 2010 for further information.)

And there is not just one of these “new Earth circles” but an an astounding fivethat have been sighted thus far since the month of May. Even while there is still another eight weeks of the summer season to go!

These crop circles seem to be subtly preparing humanity for the separation of the Earth from one single planet into two –– a 3rd dimensional Earth that will remain on its destructive and dire path, and a whole new 5th dimensional Earth, that most of humanity will eventually move to and will unfold the long promised Golden Age, or Heaven on Earth.

As matter of fact, this new Earth may already be birthing itself into existence and is simply awaiting the arrival of the human population to take root. And the crop circles themselves may be foretelling this!

The first of these new Earth circles appeared on May 9, 2010, very near the ancient ruins of Stonehenge, in the town of Amesbury, Wiltshire.


Amesbury, Wiltshire May 9, 20102 | Image Chris Bird Copyright 2010



This crop circle could be demonstrating the process by which our present day Earth is being prepared on the energetic level to split into two. 

This formation contains three circles, representing our three dimensional reality at this time. The largest of the three circles would symbolize our Earth now, and the two smaller circles that appear to be spinning off, would symbolize the preparatory stages by which this separation process will occur.

In the photo above you will notice the spiraling smaller circles have seven waves attached to them, which possibly could indicate the seven dimensions of reality or consciousness known to exist within the universe. In other words, we are moving from third dimension to the fourth, fifth, and perhaps, ultimately, the seventh dimension. At least some of us potentially will.

The second noteworthy crop circle appeared on June 16, 2010 in an area known as Chirton Bottom, near Urchfont, Wiltshire. In this circle we actually see two large circles separating, similar to the process of cells dividing known by the scientific term of mitosis.

As cells divide, they go through a sacred geometrical progression which is universal law or principle by which all life follows as it moves through the developmental stages of growth.


Chirton Bottom, near Urchfont, Wiltshire, June 16, 2010 | Image John Montgomery Copyright 2010

Also contained within this formation is a series of linked half circles that appear to form a chain. This chain could be symbolic of the human DNA strand that is currently undergoing a rapid upgrade in order to prepare humanity for residence upon the new Earth.

You will notice how the chain moves from one circle into the other and then comes to a stop, as if to suggest that this DNA upgrade will reach a conclusion, which will signal that one is ready to move to the new Earth.

Also note there are twenty-seven half circles altogether within the two larger circles. If you were to complete either one of the two circles you would get fourteen complete half circles within that larger circle, and only 11 half circles in the remaining larger circle. Two of the half circles would be on the border line and therefore cut in half, which would make for a total of 12.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 27 would be a reduced to the single integer of 9 (2 + 7 = 9). Nine is the number known to represent completion. And the number 14 would be a 5 (1 + 4 = 5) and thus, the number 5 would be representative of the fifth dimension. While the number 12 is a 3, (1 + 2 = 3), which would be representative of the third dimension.

So in essence, this crop circle is communicating to us that we are evolving to a higher species as we are nearly ready to move from the 3rd to the 5th dimension!

The third new Earth circle was found on July 18, 2010, in an area known as Woolaston Grange, near the town Clap-Y-Ares, Gloucestershire.cc_wolastongrange7-18-10.jpg

Woolaston Grange nr Clap-Y-Ares, Gloucestershire July 18, 2010 | Image Olivier Morel Copyright 2010

Here we clearly see the separation process unfolding with the formation of a sacred geometrical pattern known as a vesica piscis, that is found in the center, between the two larger circles.

The vesica piscis is similar in shape to that of a football or an egg, that is produced when two circles begin to divide, or, as the two larger circles separate from one another. Or, as if two cells were dividing.

The vesica piscis can also be interpreted as a symbol for the womb, and is a definitive sign that a new life, or a birth, is about to unfold. Once again, absolutely confirming that a new Earth is being birthed, or perhaps, it is emerging at this point in our evolution.

Or, could this vesica piscis be indicating a stargate or portal is opening that will allow us to be reborn into this new Earth as a whole new more highly evolved human being?

The series of smaller circles within the two larger circles, appearing like ripples or waves in a pond, would seem to indicate the energetic waves that will be necessary to make this separation possible.

On July 26, 2010, the fourth and the most magnificent of all the new Earth crop circles was discovered in an eastern farm field in the town of Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. This circle offered the most definitive evidence yet for the new Earth prophecy.


Alton Barnes, Wiltshire July 26, 2010 | Image Olivier Morel Copyright 2010

The Alton Barnes circle is by far and away the most sophisticated and complex design that very clearly shows the new Earth separating from the old. Once again, we find the vesica piscis pattern in the middle, however, this time there is seen a series of ten smaller circles inside of that formation, all linked by a spider web pattern.

These ten tiny circles inside the vesica piscis would represent the nine planets within our solar system that we are aware of: (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto); plus the addition of a tenth planet –– which of course would be, the new Earth.cc_altonbarnes7-26-10_2.jpg

Ten planets found within vesica piscis Alton Barnes, Wiltshire July 26, 2010 | Image Olivier Morel Copyright 2010

Also contained within the two larger circles are found some rather interesting hieroglyphics that would seem to offer proof of an extra-terrestrial signature of some origin.

As in the Woolastan Grange circle from July 18th, there are again found two smaller circles that would appear to be magnifying, or highlighting, the areas on the right or left where the split between the two Earths is forming.

Perhaps these magnifications are drawing attention to the timeline that we are now in and pointing out that this separation process has now begun in earnest and will continue to unfold through the next several years. Although, admittedly, that is merely speculative at this point.

The fifth and final new Earth circle was seen on July 27, 2010 in area known as Beggar’s Knoll, near Westbury, Wiltshire.


Beggar's Knoll nr Westbury, Wiltshire July 27, 2010 | Image John Montgomery Copyright 2010

This pattern, as in the one from Woolastan Grange from July 18th, appears to be representing a series of energetic waves engulfing both the new and old Earth. The circle in the middle which can be interpreted as counter-rotating waves, may be representing a magnetic pole shift that could be part of the energetic process to bring the new Earth into being.

And yet again, we find the magnified or highlighted areas to the right and left of the separation points, although this time with much smaller circles.

Counter rotation is otherwise known as hyper-dimensional, which is the physics that allows a physical body to move through different dimensions. The human body is able to traverse through the dimensions by way of the merkabah, an ancient Jewish word for “light vehicle”.

The merkabah is created by counter rotating the two star tetrahedrons that comprise the sacred geometrical shapes of the human body at a very high rate of speed, thereby creating a sphere or orb –– or, in essence, a space vehicle. This may be the same principle by which UFO’s are able travel from other dimensions and across vast distances of space.

Perhaps then, the Earth itself will become a light orb itself in order to move into the higher 5th dimension.

As if to offer a clear and direct signal to humanity, these five crop circles combined would appear to be broadcasting to the world the same overall themed message –– the time has arrived for a new Earth to be born, and thus the birth of a whole new higher level human being.

Dolores Cannon, for one, has reported that the Earth will be separating in a very similar fashion as the same as the process of two cells dividing. Her information comes directly through her many hypnotherapy clients she has taken on past-life regressions over the last forty years.

(See our Dolores Cannon section for more information.)

She has been able to identify three specific waves of souls that began arriving in the mid-1950′s, shortly after atomic weapons were deployed on planet Earth during the 1940′s. Alarm bells were set off throughout the universe when nuclear weapons were used and a call was sent out for souls to come to Earth in order to save it from human destruction.

The rescue plan involved placing higher evolved souls upon the Earth in order to raise the vibrational frequencies, which would then make it possible to split off a whole new Earth into a higher dimension. This movement of an entire planet into the fifth dimension has never been attempted in the universe ever before! It has drawn the attention of many, many extra-terrestrial species from across the universe who are here to observe, or if necessary, to assist.

This would account for the massive amount of UFO sightings, alien abductions, and thus, crop circles that have been steadily on the rise over the last fifty or more years. All in preparation for this grand event of a new Earth which will perhaps culminate around the year 2012, or for some, maybe even sooner.

Each and every year, crop circles expand in their design and sophistication to embody more and more deeper concepts. 2010 is no exception and the appearance of these new Earth circles is a direct reflection of the evolution of human consciousness. We have arrived at that magical hour!

Clearly, some crop circles that appear each year in the fields in England have been made by human hands, but many others are simply far too complex and way too profound to have been made by anyone other than not of this Earth.

With the appearance of so many crop circles that center around this new Earth theme, it seems only natural to expect even more will likely materialize before the season is over in October.

And as far as we are concerned, the more the merrier –– bring them on!

The Golden Age, my friends is upon us, and the invitations are being sent out to all of humanity. Let’s get this party started!

© 2010 MR Productions, LLC

New Radio Show on Thursday, August 5, 2010 10 EST / 7 PM PST

Scott Mowry will be making another appearance on the Ohio Exopolitics Radio Show for a one hour segment on Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10 PM EST / 7PM PST where he will be discussing this latest news article.

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This is a time for great patience and compassion. 
07/20/2011 by John Smallman 

Humanity has arrived at a very important stage of its spiritual evolution, as it moves from attitudes of distrust and defense against one another to a profound and permanent realization that loving cooperation is the only practical way to live together on the jewel that is Planet Earth. As you look around at the damage that has been done and that continues to be done to the whole ecosystem, including humanity, for self-centered personal gain, it is difficult for you to believe that major changes in perspective and behavior are already in progress worldwide. Nevertheless, they are. 

A very large number of you have been working for lifetimes to bring the ideas for these essential, wonderful, and enlightened changes to your human sisters and brothers in order that they may be put into effect to enable all to live in peace and abundance. There is no need for poverty, deprivation, or repression to be endured anywhere, and the work that is being done to bring an end to endemic worldwide privation will ensure that no one is left in need. 

The changes that will occur to bring in peace and abundance for all are very complex, and the preparations necessary to bring them about are approaching completion. But there will be some confusion initially as the changes start to occur, because they are quite unprecedented – nothing like them has ever been undertaken during Earth’s long history. 

Many of you are having or have friends or relatives who are having severe personal relationship difficulties in which it seems impossible to find any meeting point between the myriad differing perceptions you have of one another. At this time all the issues that you individually need to address in your lives, so that love and forgiveness can replace the many negative and damaging attitudes to which you have been so attached for so long, are coming to the surface of your conscious awareness in a very emphatic manner, as part of these necessary changes in perspective and behavior. This is, to say the least, very unsettling for you, especially if they are issues with which you thought you had already dealt satisfactorily, or even issues which may seem to you not to be your issues at all! 

This is a time for great patience and compassion as you are not alone in your emotional turmoil. Everyone with whom you interact is going through his or her own previously unaddressed personal issues, indicated by physical and/or emotional discomfort or pain. Being a human is very demanding because your egos are constantly striving to get you to focus your attention on your worries and fears, and when this occurs it is very difficult for you to focus on the lesson that the discomfort is attempting to draw to your attention. Even when you are aware that there is a lesson that you are meant to be learning, it can still be extremely difficult for you to understand what the lesson is. 

Mostly it is simply to accept. To accept whatever state it is that you are experiencing, rather than trying to work out the reason for it and correct it. Because as soon as you start to reason your ego becomes involved, making judgments, and suggesting to you that you have already done the work and learnt your lessons. It reminds you of previous suffering you experienced when dealing with the ongoing issues of being human, and tells you that you have surely been through enough already. This leaves you feeling rather helpless because it seems that there is no solution, and this seems very unfair. You may even feel “Well, what on earth does God want me to do? Can’t He see that I am doing my best? Doesn’t He see how much I am hurting?” 

Well, God only wants you to open your hearts and accept the abundance of Love that He is offering you. Nothing else! But as long as you believe that you have issues to resolve, lessons to learn, and are attempting to resolve them with your mind, you effectively close your hearts to the Love that is constantly offered to you. Acceptance of your situation just as it is, without trying to figure out the reasons for it, will decrease your stress levels and start encouraging your hearts to open to receive God’s Love. This will lead you towards awakening from the nightmare, the illusion in which it seems that you have your existence. 

With so very much love, Saul.

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What is Meant by Disclosure?



“Disclosure” is the name given to the announcement by various governmental leaders of the world that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of human beings are here around this planet and have been for some time, on peaceful missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from the people until very recently.

Disclosure ends the period of secrecy that extends back to at least 1947 and probably much earlier. The practice of denying that UFOs or spacecraft exist has been a policy followed by most governments for varying reasons, some laudable, most not. However, for reasons to be discussed below, the era in which the existence of other civilizations technologically and spiritually more evolved than we are is now ending and a new era of galactic contact and cooperation is beginning.


No one knows exactly when Disclosure will take place. In the past, when dates were discussed, acts of reprisal were threatened or have occurred from those who oppose it. However, it seems reasonable to assume that, once the galactics are certain that Disclosure will not result in reprisals or mass panic, all nations on Earth will, through a coordinated process, announce to their citizens the fact that cosmic civilizations do exist.  The general consensus at this time is that the date of Disclosure is not far off. Increased public pressure will probably bring the date of Disclosure forward. 

Resistance to Disclosure comes primarily from governments whose militaries have benefited from technologies gifted from extraterrestrials most of which were intended for the entire population of the planet. These technologies such as anti-gravity propulsion systems and free-energy devices, have been reserved for military use and often bent to aggressive ends. Other technology has been back-engineered from downed or crashed spacecraft. The computer itself is one example of a technology derived from the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

Few of the planet's citizens are aware of these technologies or the use they're being put to. Governments and their militaries have opposed Disclosure since Roswell and many committed citizens have lost their lives trying to have the veil of secrecy lifted. These include President Kennedy, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, and CIA Director William Colby, among others. That secrecy is now no longer possible to maintain. Neither the galactic visitors nor the Earth's own spiritual hierarchy will permit the knowledge to be withheld from the populace any longer. The people of this planet should begin to prepare themselves to meet what is essentially our space family; namely, those cosmic humans who seeded Earth with its population in the first place and who are now here to benefit this planet and ensure that a Divine Plan for the end of this cycle (as predicted in the Mayan calendar and other native or religious traditions) succeeds.

Our space brothers and sisters come from such star systems as the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, and Arcturus, to name a few. They, like us, worship and serve the same God. However, unlike us, they strictly follow the laws of nature or universal laws, that prohibit harming another, deceiving, stealing, or any other immoral or unethical acts. In this, they are dissimilar to many of us here on Earth, who behave primitively and immorally compared to them.

If their aims had been nefarious or imperialistic, they could have subdued this planet a long time ago. The fact that they don't force their will on others, even though they could if they so desired, is what has taken Disclosure so long to happen.  They could have subdued the elite and military but to do so would have violated their own standards of conduct. They were invited here by the masters in charge of the Earth's wellbeing, also more familiarly known as the “ascended masters” or the “White Brotherhood and Sisterhood,” and familiar to mystics of all ages here on Earth.

Although some races of negative extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past and have created hardship for its inhabitants, no negative beings are able to approach the Earth now. There's nothing to fear from the arrival of the galactic contingent from such space coalitions as the Galactic Federation of Light and much to look forward to from peaceful and harmonious contact.



The arrival of our galactic brethren in millions of cloaked spacecraft around Earth has both a short-term and a long-term explanation. The short-term explanation goes back to the Second World War, when humans exploded the first atomic bomb on Earth. This explosion apparently caused death and destruction in other dimensions of space and brought extraterrestrials here to persuade Earth's governments to stop using these weapons.

In this they were unsuccessful, following which the galactics neutralized all nuclear weapons on the planet. Although governments like the Americans and Israelis have been threatening to bomb countries like Iran of late, in fact no nuclear bombs have been capable of being detonated for aggressive purposes since decades ago, as whistleblowers like retired captains Robert Salas and Bruce Fenstermacher have been reporting for decades.
The long-term reasons why the galactics are here are connected with the Divine Plan for this era. While it may seem difficult to believe, the era that Hindus call the Kali Yuga is ending and the era they call the Sat Yuga or Golden Age is beginning. Westerners are more familiar with the shift from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, which is another way to talk about the same events. The Mayans also agree that the calendar they've been custodians of for many centuries shows a cycle of many thousands of years ending in 2011/2012. The close of this era will see a global transformation occur on or before Dec. 21, 2012. The galactics are here to see that the global elite that has held Earth's population in its grip for many centuries releases that grip and the planet's inhabitants prepared for that culmination.

For decades now it has been known that the time between now and Winter Solstice, 2012 will see freedom and abundance restored to Earth's inhabitants, the planet cleared of all pollution including radioactivity, and humanity prepared for the expected global shift or transformation.  One might ask how information about the galactics is known.

The galactics first communicated broadly with Earth's population on Nov. 27, 1977, when the Ashtar Command interrupted the evening news on Britain's Southern ITV (which covered London, the South, and South East), to make a broadcast lasting 5½ minutes, superimposed over the voice of newsreader Ivor Mills. Part of that message was as follows:

“We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on other worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.” (1)

Since that broadcast, the galactics have used methods that spirit inhabitants of the afterlife use to communicate: telepathic or other related means of communicating through a medium or channel. Many representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light, in particular, send messages often several times a week through the Internet, keeping those interested apprized of the progress of Disclosure and related events.

In addition, galactic beings have appeared in person to officials of the United Nations, the militaries of many nations, and government leaders. They have stated their intentions and tried to persuade the leaders to cooperate to end war on the planet and begin preparations for the global transformational shift, the service of which is their main reason for being here.



The galactics and spiritual hierarchy or ascended masters have arrived at many plans for Disclosure, but these change to meet changed circumstances. At one time, 36 hours of broadcasting was planned, introducing terrestrials to all elements of the galactics' culture, technology, and mission. But, when those plans failed because of resistance from the global elite, the galactics were obliged to modify their plans. At the present time, the latest form Disclosure may take appears to be an announcement from global leaders, followed by a decloaking a short time later, and then initial landings and introductions afterwards.

Because the global elite has responded to the nearness of Disclosure by causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, and wildfires, the Galactic Federation has become more and more reticent to be overly specific about dates or arrangements to prevent further harm to terrestrials – not from them, but from the rogue government elements possessed of weather-control technology which they use even against their own populations.


Disclosure is simply the bringing up of the curtain on the main events destined for this period. The first event will be the rounding up of dark figures who have been responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, torture, financial treason and other acts which the mass of the population hardly suspect. Most of the “natural disasters” that have occurred to countries like Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, the United States and other countries have been caused by this dark cabal. Some readers may be aware of them under names like the Illuminati or the New World Order. 

Bent on reducing the world's population from 7 billion to 500 million, that elite has caused  manmade pandemics, chemtrails, depleted-uranium pollution, and the release of other toxic substances throughout the environment. They have disturbed food production through the use of GMO seeds and foods. They have engineered false-flag operations such as 9/11, the London, Madrid, and Oklahoma City bombings, which they blame on “terrorists,” planned a nuclear World War III, and followed other strategies that have resulted in thousands if not millions of intentional deaths. They whittled down constitutional rights, created vast surveillance networks, planned the introduction of martial law and the incarceration of dissidents, and undermined the financial, legal, educational, medical, religious and other institutions of nations worldwide. Their control of the mass media ensured that very little of this leaked out to the public, who refused to believe “conspiracy theories” in any case.

However, Disclosure will end this phase of our history and the members of the elite responsible for these crimes will find themselves in international courts facing terrestrial judges, charged with their crimes in a phase of events generally known as “Accountability.” The evidence produced in court, we are told, will be irrefutable and the verdicts neither vengeful nor unfair.  Apparently, galactically-supervised courts don't resemble their terrestrial counterparts in that our courts can be corrupted whereas theirs cannot be.

At probably the same time, a planetary abundance program which has generally become known as NESARA will be enacted. NESARA stands for the National Economic and Social Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress which has been ratified but not proclaimed. By its provisions, debt will be erased, income tax will be scaled back or ended, prosperity will be assured every citizen, and many other steps taken to relieve the planet of poverty, hunger, homelessness and other lamentable conditions.
At the same time, the galactics will bestow on humanity technology that will permit worldwide communication, a revolution in health care, ease of travel, ample production without labor, and other benefits at present undreamed of.


Once the conditions of dis-ease and discomfort have been relieved around the globe, the galactics and spiritual masters will set about mentoring the population to prepare for the global transformation associated with 2012.

There will be movements of the Earth's crust needed to relieve negativity and stress within the planet's own physical structure but these will be overseen by the galactics so that minimal inconvenience occurs for the planet's inhabitants.

The planet itself will move towards a uniformly-temperate climate. Many people worry about “global warming,” but that trend is itself an intentional and beneficent one that will see the Earth enter a climate that is evenly pleasant around the world. Some animal species will leave the planet, but will find themselves migrating to other worlds where their continued evolution is ensured. However to appreciate that, many of our existing beliefs will need to expand, such as our belief that life ends with the physical death of the body. This belief and many others like it are not true and will be corrected once the masters and galactics have the opportunity to address them with us and reveal the truth.

We'll move into an era in which all of Earth's inhabitants will regard themselves as one people, worshiping the same God who created this world and all others, and evolving towards a future that is unimaginably more fulfilling than the one we experience now.

Disclosure is the opening of the door to this wonderful future. The more people who are aware of Disclosure and who realize its benefits, the sooner the event will occur. As matters stand now, the galactics and masters assure us that Disclosure is not too distant in the future, but many readers of this article have been expecting it for a very long time and will no doubt be greatly relieved when the event finally does occur.

So welcome to a new and unimaginable world, the world of the Aquarian Age, the Sat Yuga, the Golden Age. Welcome to the world of your dreams in which Earth becomes Heaven and life becomes Heaven on Earth. 


(1) “1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command,” at http://stevebeckow.com/2012-history-4/1977-broadcast-from-the-ashta....
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EMMANUEL ~ Creating Instant Magic

Creating Instant Magic - Energy Forecast 
4 July 2011 
Channeler: Emmanuel Dagher 

July 2011 

Hi my beautiful friend, Right this very minute we are being gifted an extraordinary opportunity to connect with an overflow of luminous higher frequencies pouring into every nook and cranny of our glorious planet! As mentioned in the last forecast, we've now glided through some noteworthy astrological happenings (triple Eclipses/ Solstice/ Solar Flares) that have launched us into a whole new space where our thoughts, ideas, dreams, & desires are quickly being alchemized into our physical experience. 

Many of us are starting to palpably see that the time it takes for our thoughts to materialize themselves into our life has sped up drastically. It's no longer a hypothesis or wishful thinking, it's real, and it's happening now. The speeding up of time gives us absolute confirmation that all our hard work and dedication for choosing to live consciously and compassionately is paying off big time. 

In the next few weeks & months, as even more people start to re-member who they really are and move out of the limiting conditions they've unconsciously created for themselves, time will continue to speed up until we as a collective breakthrough the barrier of what we've perceived as being linear time. Once we experience this collective breakthrough, we'll continue to move leaps and bounds in the direction of no-time, also known as the Eternal Present Moment. 

Freedom to Choose 

One thing many of us have come to know as being certain is that the Universe has always blessed us with the freedom of choosing our own personal experiences. If we are someone who is still looking the other way when it comes to accepting we are in fact the Creator of our life, we may find that we're still attracting a great deal of difficulty in our lives. Why? The reason is by not accepting that we are the Creators of our lives, we are giving our power away as we continue to prolong the archaic patterns of being a victim. When we are willing to take full responsibility for every experience in our lives, no matter how easy it may be to operate from a space of blame, we begin to empower ourselves. We begin to look at every experience as simply being feedback from the Universe. So, when we attract a circumstance into our lives that we don't necessarily resonate with, we can now just use it as feedback to make another choice: it's that simple. Wow, how much lighter does that feel for you? Being in this space, we find that we no longer need to over react to every seeming challenge. Instead, we begin to see these challenges as amazing opportunities to fine tune what we really do want to attract and experience more of in our lives. 

Instant Resolutions 

For awhile, especially in the past few months we may have also noticed that whatever seeming challenges we've been faced with, we've been able to move through them much more quickly. Whether it's an emotional trigger or a health imbalance, instead of taking weeks, months, and even years to resolve, now it's taking minutes, hours, and days. 

What could be causing this shift? The current shift is a direct result of the tireless inner personal work we've been doing on ourselves for many years. Because we are all connected, a domino effect of sorts is happening. When just one person begins exploring a path to their truest Divine Self, a spark is triggered & a space is created for another person to awaken to their truest Divine Self. 

The amount of light pouring into our planet as a direct result of the high solar activity and the ever expanding nature of the Universe is also a contributing factor to our ability to move through seeming challenges more easily. All these factors are raising the vibration of every living thing on the planet. In fact, we've already crossed over into a whole new realm where it's actually easier to focus on the magic and wonder around us, as opposed to the heavier vibrations we may have found comforting in the past. I'm sure we've noticed that it's almost impossible to remain in a space of doubt, worry, and fear for more than a short period of time. And for those still extremely comfortable in the old dense energies (only because it's familiar and feels safe to them), will soon begin to find it more tiring to remain in such vibrations. 

The Key - Reuniting the Heart & Mind 

The key to riding the amazing waves of high frequency at this time is to re-unite the mind with the heart. The idea is to let the heart lead and for the mind to follow. Of course, this can seem a bit challenging for the mind since it's been condition to always be in control. However, that's not to say we have to try to 'fight' against the mind or view it as something we have to move out of. These beliefs have been internalized into our subconscious for thousands of years by spiritual and religious teachings. Some of these teachings have preached to us to look down at the mind and ego. Even some of the most current well-known spiritual teachers still speak of getting rid of the mind/ego. 

The challenge here is that when we try to 'get rid' of something, we are creating resistance against it, which actually gives the thing we're trying to get rid of more power. The reality is, the mind/ego at its core is a gift. Do you think the Universe that creates us in its perfect image would give us anything less than perfect? So, why would the ego/mind be anything less than perfect? 

The original purpose of the ego was to be the observer of this third dimensional reality. Without it, we would not fully experience our sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Our senses are pretty miraculous gifts to have, don't you think? However, over these thousands of years something seemed to shift with the role of the ego. Where as before it was about being the Divine Observer of our reality, we somehow ended up forgetting and moved into survival mode, so the ego's main objective became about survival. Then why are we trying to get rid of the ego? 

The ego is like a 5 year child. That's usually the age a child thinks they know everything right? So, imagine a 5 year old child who thinks they know everything, is presented with a seeming challenge. That child is going to do what she/he knows best to protect herself/himself. That is exactly what the ego has been doing. It has been trying to protect us through doubt, worry, fear, stress, belief in lack, etc... because that's how it knows to keep us safe. Subsequently, instead of being so hard on ourselves that this is happening, we can now thank our ego/mind for trying to keep us safe the best way it knows how. The quicker we are able to move into this awareness, the less resistance we'll receive from our ego. Then, we can begin to make peace with our ego. We can begin to embrace it as being part of us. Soon enough, our ego will return back to its highest purpose of being the Divine Observer of our reality making it easy to allow the heart to lead and for the mind to follow. It's in the heart where eternal bliss resides. 

Letting Go of inhibitions 

Therefore, with all of that being shared, we can now give ourselves full permission to let down our energetic armor and embrace the magic happening all around us. It's officially time to come out of hiding and play instead. By playing more, we open ourselves back up to the magic and wonder happening all around us. 

Till next time, 

Miraculously Yours, 


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ST.GERMAIN ~ Most Important Message

My dear ones. Consider this to be the most important message to date. My contact may not continue after the ascension, so those not ascending need this information. 

When ascension occurs there may be no immediate notice. As calls about "missing persons" begin to consume the local authorities for such reports, curiosity about all of these disappearances will arouse the attention of the media. As media delivers its consumate lies to the group not ascending, there will be those who are aware of the cause, and the next opportunity. We need those who are most aware to come out to the media with an outspoken message to declare. It is important that these messages not be deleted if we are going to get the next wave on track. 

We need to bring more attention to details than just announcing that there will be another call. All of the leaders of light will be ascending on this first wave, so no attention to the need to be clear of negativity or the need to get quiet to channel will continue being heard by those who do not ascend. How important are these messages? Delivered with continuity, they can bring many more to ascension. So those needing to complete another level of growth before the next wave are asked to come forward, so their awareness can be the cause of many other Masters emerging to ascend. 

Choosing to wait to ascend may give the mind a new attitude about not being around to witness what comes of the nations losing the most conscious among them, but will not deliver the needed cause of wave #2. (Actually, this will be the 3rd wave of ascension – many did ascend in consciousness in 2009 who did not disappear.. They deliver a light flow that is now moving others to ascend on the next wave.) Many need to disappear so that they cause sufficient curiosity for another wave to be announced. 

Clear channeling will be needed to deliver correct messages to the news media in contrast with all the other announcements that will be made about man's next developments. Bringing channeled answers to the media can provide a consistent message to all of the continents. Two continents will need more channels: Asia and Africa. Neither of these areas have adequate clear channels to make a consistent message accepted by others. Any channels who can do this are asked to assist as many as they can in learning how to channel clearly. 

More deliverers are also needed as leaders, not only as messengers. Can those who do channel consider opening their attitude to include directing a movement of awareness in their country? The next days additions to the controllers actions may move all who are not declaring their awareness to do so. We are asking that they do. 

Will man deny ascension? If there are not enough to demonstrate how it can occur. Our needing a large group is important for you to be clear about. Canceling the ascension is no longer going to happen. Now we need to be certain the impact is not deniable. Changing the date or time is also not going to occur. Only the energy to ascend is needed now, and we can deliver that at the appropriate moment. 

False advice has been given to many channels to divert the ascension. No diversion will occur. Those accepting those delivered messages as Truth may miss out on an opportunity their inner advisor can still deliver them to. It is imperative that anyone questioning my content get guidance from their own inner channeling of I Am That I Am. When an active call comes, they can still be on this ascension wave. 

Never before has an ascension like this occurred. Belief in its actualization is not needed. Only an open attitude and agreement. Prayers are being answered. More happiness, caring and contributing will come as a consequence. Peace on Earth will need more continents delivering less negativity against others, but no matter how this begins, it will need attention, not a miracle. Ascension is not a dream. Completing your contract to ascend is an avenue to awareness that is about much more than what an ascension brings. Another adventure awaits. 

Chelas, give me the contract completion that your own inner director can guide you to. Don't depend on anyone else to decide your destiny. You are a New Earth creator, as the next wave is not the only contract detail that is causing this ascension to occur. This group asked to co-create the New Earth, and an ascension is needed for this to occur. 

Bless you all, and give ascension an attitude of "why not?". 

Ascended Master Saint Germain 
Channeled by Aruna
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Instructions for When the Call Comes 

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 10:02 PM PDT 

When the day of ascension arrives, the entire group needing contact will receive it at the same moment. Some will be in deep sleep. Others will be doing their daily activities. Channeling this message will be inactive it will be amplified to awaken the God within and the mental body at the same moment. Awareness of it will not be a new challenge to go through, it will be apparent. Next is to accept the call. 

Acceptance means agreeing to ascend. Nodding without clear agreement is not adequate. A "YES" must be announced by any means applicable. "I Am That I Am" can be the words used, or anything that declares agreement with divine will. 

Chapter II of ascension will be in the next attitude after agreement. Being in bed means getting dressed quickly to leave the building you are in. No need to travel, just go out of man made containers: cars, houses, trains, etc. Go to an area of choice where a man can be dissolved without notice. In the doorway of a building is not good enough. Feet on the ground is an option but any uncovered area that is not near a doorway is better. You will make that choice to the day and time the call comes. Wait to be consumed by a dose of energy that courses through the body. 

Children are to be taken to the area with their mother and allowed to be apart from her during the actual ascension. Other parents can be at the area if they are also ascending. Calling all candidates is exactly that. Those not prepared are not being called. They are not to be dragged along by the ascension candidates. 

Free the mind of any concerns about hearing the call, going out of an enclosed area or getting dissolved. Make no announcement. Just go to the area you are drawn to when the call is heard. Announcing the ascension date and time is not going to occur. 

Are these instructions clear? Get out of the area that is covering the body and await the energy surge. Anchoring an answer to God's call with your agreement, and delivery of the body is all that is needed. Breathe, give no attention to the mind, and align with the coursing energy. 

Busy now? Of course you are - it is the ego's way of declaring its desire to prevent your ascension. Ignoring the ego's comments must be done. I am giving instructions now because ascension will occur in the next months and I want everyone to have them. If you are not giving these messages to others, please distribute this one. 

My channel just asked what to do if the body is on an airplane when the call comes. Await an opportunity to do what is needed. Should it be a very long flight, go to the lavatory to be ascending. Nothing will occur to the airplane as a consequence, only the notice of one or more missing passengers. 

No call from God demands acceptance. No discipline measure will be correcting those who choose to not be on this wave. The next wave will come about one year later. This is a most difficult decision to make, as a large number ascending will help make the coming year less painful for those who will be on the next wave. Choosing not to ascend on the first wave will actually decrease quality of life for all that remain. Please consider the importance of ascension to all cosmic creatures, not only those who will be left on Earth. Each and every ascension brings new life to humanity and the collective consciousness now, when it can truly make a difference. 

Growth and development time has been answered by an ascension call. Next is to change the negative dynamic of the collective consciousness so the New Earth can be created. Chosen to ascend are all who chose it. No distinction will be made as to the country or continent, as all will get the call together. New light on the land can make the difference that all of you have been asking for. 

Ascended Master Saint Germain 
Channeled by Aruna
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Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
According to the Light Councils and our Beloved Starry Brotherhood, the star, who has entered our solar system from two universes away, was sent by Jehovah to imprison and destroy those on Earth. However, there is another side to this story. This same star is bringing the Ultra Violet Blue Frequency into our atmosphere which is raising our frequencies into the 12 DNA template, the Christ Consciousness, the template of immortality.
Our Starry Brotherhood is in truth battling with Jehovah at this time. The battle is a timing and frequency control. The timeline that would had brought the Star into a field of alignment which would had created great earthquakes and tidal waves in the Northwest has been slowed down and shifted into a higher state of consciousness.
There has obviously been something controlling the activity of this Star which NASA is now calling Elenin. NASA has labeled it an unstable Comet because it's movement has been erratic. The Light Councils are explaining that the change in movement is actually being caused by their control of the Star as they are controlling the activity of Jehovah. I have found some research that shows evidence of the movement of Elenin actually being controlled by some unknown outside Source. (I've placed the URL below of that information).
So, now we know why the activity that was expected to happen on June 15 didn't happen. The activity of the Northwest was put on Hold until the shift in consciousness is complete. That doesn't mean that our Starry Brothers just press a button and the plan is changed. Each one of these activities is created or prevented through a great amount of negotiation and battles at many levels. One part of it, as I understand, was a grand negotiation with Poseidon to help calm the waves of the Pacific Ocean. There are so many levels of reality going on that the average human being cannot comprehend. Zaurak once explained to me how they have to actually realign the etheric DNA strands in each and every individual each time a change or shift takes place. They are always freezing us in time for thousands of years to complete each of these tasks.
It should also be known that a large part of the battle that is going on is happening inside of Earth as well. There are thousands of layers of hybernyzation zones of Entities who have gone within when their civilization was destroyed. The entire history of Lemuria and Atlantis is frozen within the layers of the Earth's crust and mantle. The tectonic plates that are shifting under Japan are being caused by the completion of the war between Atlantis and Lemuria. That very war was frozen in time and happened directly under Japan. The unfreezing of the hybernization zones is allowing a reunification of all dimensions and all times to continue as multidimensional consciousness. Those who die in Japan will immediately awaken in their multidimensional bodies on the higher realm that Earth is shifting to. We will all awaken together in a new Utopia.
This same shifting in tectonic plates will happen in the Pacific Ocean. I wrote many times before about watching Atlantis rise from my Condo in Monterey. This glorious movie will take place; however, we must use our frequency specific Mind of God to see it. It is not recommended to watch Atlantis and Lemuria rise from the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
There is much contradictory evidence about this star that is entering our solar system. There are groups, including NASA now claiming that this star or comet is so small that it couldn't possibly have an effect on the Earth. That information is obtained from technology that cannot calculate the density of Ultra Violet Blue because it is not in the Visible Light Spectrum.
We have been locked into the belief that the only reality that exists is the three dimensional Visible Light World. Now we have an Ultra violet Blue Object entering into our system that cannot be seen with the technology that this world uses for its scientific observations.
NASA does in fact know that this star is ultra violet blue in nature. They do know that it is made of a frozen liquid light substance that cannot not be weighed or measured with their technology. They are lying about not knowing. They also know that the density of this anti-matter ultra violet blue frequency will have a great impact on the magnetic field of the Earth.
The questions that leaving people in a contrary emotion of not knowing who to believe come from this factor of the yellow brain (the part of the brain that only recognizes visible light) cannot be convinced of the reality of anything that it hasn't already experienced.
We are moving into a new reality, a new time, a new dimension of ultra violet blue which is the field of light that has not been seen by those on Earth because we must begin using our mid brain and our mind of God in our lower Cerebellum to begin seeing these new realities.
Our Beloveds were warning us of the wobble that would be created by this star if it had been under the direction of Jehovah. There is a constant battle going on between the Beloved Brotherhood and Jehovah, the Annunaki troops and many fallen angelics. This group has been called the Ashtar Command in many former teachings. They don't actually call themselves that anymore. However, they are a great field of light created by their own starship Merkaba Light Bodies that are continuously protecting us from the powerful light of destruction that could come from this star is it isn't controlled in its timing and direction.
The Beloveds cannot and never have made any guarantees of how smoothly the transition into our new reality of ultra violet blue spectrum of co-creation, instant manifestation and immortality would be. They have been working on this project for millions of years, in order to secure the best results at this time.
There have been hundreds of times that Earth was almost obliterated during the past eleven years. The Beloveds have been realigning frequencies and light and battling with Jehovah continuously to protect us. The latest warning of June 15 was just one more warning. The Beloveds are not meaning to create fear. They are trying to create intelligence. They are trying to get their human angels to wake up and take their stations. They have made it very clear that being on the coast line is not an intelligent choice.
The Starry Brotherhood has told us many times over the past eleven years that they would give us a three day warning in case of a catastrophic event that they would need to guide us from or even send ships to pick us up or to shift us in dimensions to protect us.
This is one of those times. The three day warning doesn't mean you only have three days left. It means they are giving a three day warning. This phrase has been used so many times in the past eleven years, that it obviously has a different meaning than we might associate with it. It is like a cue, a symbol that only has meaning to human angelics and starseeds that know that it is time to take their stations. Since one day in God Time is Billions of light years in length, it could be that three days actually means three months warning. It is obvious that the Beloveds have warned us for twenty years to get away from beach front property. They are just trying to give us PLENTY OF TIME TO PREPARE. That's what I think. For instance, if I didn't move away from Monterey three years ago, it would be much more difficult to move from there before August. My starry family warned us to get out of there and they did give us a three day warning at that time. So, for us, the three days actually meant three years. Time doesn't exist in any realm except this Visible Light three dimensional realm. The Beloveds are just doing everything they can to help us.
There were many who became very angry and accused me of fear mongering. That very reaction is absolute proof that those who chose to react to fear itself and to comments that created more fear, are not ready for what is to come. Fear is the reactionary response of the yellow brain. The yellow brain or mortal mind is now being replaced with the blue brain- the immortal mind of God. There is no fear in the mind of God. The mid brain is frequency specific. It does not register fear. Fear is only caused by activities that are unknown and unfamiliar to the yellow brain. The Re-actionism is a part of the personality fighting for survival. The personality will evaporate when the ultra violet blue frequencies raise consciousness beyond the visible light spectrum. However, those who are still in the yellow brain during the transition are in the greatest danger. This pre-warning period was a good example of how much work needs to be done on getting rid of fear.
I highly recommend these two youtubes for in-depth understanding of what the incoming Star is and when it will arrive at the most dangerous proximity. It has been made very clear that all we need to do to be safe is be at 1000 foot elevation. So, instead of allowing fear to motivate why not plan a trip to the mountains on those days, and then focus on your ultra violet blue reality of instant manifestation. You won't need your old house because you can manifest anything your heart desires.
The second youtube shows that many countries are so familiar with the time line of this star entering our system that they put it on their currency hundreds of years ago. It's even more interesting that those same countries have removed Nuclear Energy Sites.

BEST INFO YET ON DWARF STAR THAT WILL CAUSE SHIFT Dates to watch for are SEPT 26 - Oct 17 - Nov 6, 22

This YOUTUBE SHOWS map of NIBIRU entering on Swiss Currency.

Crystalai (c)2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c) 2011
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