About Yourself
Hello and NAMASTE ~*.
Visit Ashtar Command
I am here on a helpfull loving mission which is still to be fully completed over the coming times, for those of you who do not recognise or remember me from before, my Physical 3D Earth name is Owen J Currie. I incarnated here in the year 1992 in the country Scotland. It has always been a feeling of mine to explore the unknown, Love nature and its beauty, help others as much as possible, find out more about space, and remember why i am here (even as a kid i questioned that). I had gone through many years in my life here (so far 17) struggling with coping with the 'negative' atmosphere around me, and dismissing my ideas for a better world, it seemed i hadnt fully grown into 3D vibrational frequency as i still felt like staying in my imagination, and anywhere i went in real life i got too fascinated and wanting to learn more about this strange new planet. I even had strange dreams which i have forgotten that i had as a child, and experiences too. As my body grew older i had no choice but to blend in to this lower vibration which even yet confuses me naturally and almost "attempts" to pull me into, which i am glad to say is failing even more now, due to LOVE. It was basically in the year of 2008 that i began to awaken, it happened quite interestingly as it came through searching for a topic i had been bringing up for a long time, yes.. Earth Evacuation. Might sound silly to some but to me it felt right and familiar in a way to me. Then slowly learned more about things, and aspects came also to my realisation such as the Ashtar Command, The Galactic Federation Of Light, Ascended Masters, the planet Niburu (somehow i like this planet, almost like i've been there before), Pleiades, Atlantis, and The types of beings more common to 'first learners' such as the Humans, Grays, Reptillians, Nordics, Felines, etc. Then i fully felt comfortable with the wonderfull meditations which help us become higher in vibrations, the Chakras had always felt right to me too getting higher and slightly opening throughout the time. One of the things i wish to do soon is return home, my home is not here on earth i feel, but i would look forward to returning to the New Earth after its transition, seeing its harmonious waters, creatures of all kinds, beings focused only on Love and Light, only Spiritual Science, cosmic people visiting from all over the universe, ships used to take anyone anywhere to explore the magical and beautifull Galaxies. I welcome all beliefs of everyone, we all have our own paths, it is no longer time to doubt anything, but to LOVE Everything, follow your heart, what feels right and has done all your life ;).... ? x
Love is the key... Light is the door... its up to us to open it.... <3
With unconditional LOVE, endless Light, eternal Blessings and deepest Wisdom ~*
Oen ~*
Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration
Remember: "Everyone is a hero and teacher in all kinds of ways"
Many helpfull teachers such as the Prime Creator God, My spiritual Family, Ashtar, Jesus Sananda, Archangel Michael, Saint Germain, My Earth Parents and family, Negativity, Positivity, LOVE, Sathya Sai Baba, The Atlanteans, The Pleiadeans, Bob Marley, Alex Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Che Guevara, Tijs Verwest and many more...
Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx
I am relatively new here but have made several blog postings and I think that you will find them enjoyable. Please feel free to comment on them. I am sure that you comments will be interesting.
Blessings my new friend,
Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx
Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx
Hello, Oen! Thank you for being my friend♪
with L♡VE,