Norma's Posts (1)

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The Mystery of the Body and the Power of Thought

Our body cells are alive, when I say "alive" what I mean is that each cell has its own conscious 'mind'.  Some will think that this statement is crazy...but it is not. Every bad word, every negative thought, every act of evil affects our cells.
The full body despite being divided by organs is like the trunk of a tree with its own branches. Continue anger in a human being can form tumors affecting the body's cells, and these tumors can become cancerous causing a chain reaction in the cells.  It's good every night before going to sleep to send light to every cell,  we have to light them like a Christmas tree. Friendly and positive thoughts are like flames that light each cell as a spark of light. If we are kind to ourselves and want to look good and to have a good outside presence, why we are not kind to our internal organs too?
Do you have problems with your liver for example?, talk to it and let it know  that you love it because it is part of your body, part of  your human vehicle, tell it that you want it to function in harmony with the other organs of your body. You will be surprised of the results. Do not forget that we are 60 to 70 percent water, and if  Masaru Emoto talks to the water and according to what he says it creates different beautiful forms, why not to believe that talking with love to our body organs will not have a good effect too? We cannot see our internal organs that's why we do not pay too much attention to them, but they are there in the dark, waiting for us to be grateful for their function.


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