Neliko's Posts (33)

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The Meaning of ‘Soon’ - by John Smallman

"Saul, and many other channeled entities, from time to time use the word ‘soon’ to suggest that an occurrence or event is close. For us on the Earth Plane this usage becomes very unsatisfactory when nothing apparently happens. We cannot conceive of life without time, and the word ‘soon’ refers to something that will occur in time.

In the spiritual realms there is no time, there is only the eternal ‘now’. In spiritual terms everything that has, is, or will happen “in time” (the illusory Universe in which humanity apparently exists) is happening right now! Or, has already happened. I accept intellectually time is a concept humanity uses, but does not really exist (quantum physics). Nevertheless this is something I have great difficulty getting a handle on.

In the spiritual realms communication is instantaneous and precise without the need for words. Spiritual guides use words to communicate with us, because that is how we communicate, but words are only symbols we use to express ideas. Frequently we find them very inadequate for the purpose of transmitting ideas to others, but we have to make the best of them as they are all we have. Our spiritual guides have the same problem as they try to communicate with us.

Because everything is happening right now, ‘soon’ is the most appropriate word for our spiritual guides to use. When we move into full consciousness, as ‘soon’ we shall, it will all make perfect sense. But at present our ability to understand what is being communicated to us by our guides is severely limited. And they are attempting to transmit to us a concept of unimaginable wonder which has already happened. It is only in our illusory reality we are still waiting.

If we consider what has happened over the last two or three hundred years, and particularly in the last two or three decades, in this illusory reality of ours, we see enormous changes in the way we treat others, and in our increasing concern and compassion for those who are suffering. We truly are becoming less egoic. And it seems to me that the rate of change is accelerating. We are on the brink of something amazing, and many of us are sensing this and seeking confirmation and information, which is why our guides have become so prolific with their channelings to us.

It is us, each one of us, who has to make the move into full consciousness and leave behind the dream world in which we have chosen to live for so long. Deep within us, we know this, and our spiritual guides are doing their utmost to help us see this is so. The more aware we become, the more light we hold; and the light we hold attracts and awakens others in an exponential expansion of light, which is nothing less than the Infinite Love of God, our Creator, whose Divine Purpose is to awaken us all into the endless joy which is our heritage.

We will awaken into full consciousness suddenly and instantaneously. And I believe it will be SOON. But when that will be depends on our collective willingness to awaken. To many of us the idea of awakening is frightening, as we have bought into the idea of a judgmental and punishing God, and we feel totally unworthy to be anywhere near Him (I spent ten years in a Jesuit school, and I know unworthiness!).

But we are WRONG! He created us perfect, because everything He creates can only be perfect, like Himself.

There is NOTHING we can do to gain His Love, we already have it. We just need to stop avoiding it, and allow it to envelop us as He intends. SOON!  NOW. What does your intuition, your inner knowing tell you? In a few days . . . In a few months . . . Trying to put a date on it is meaningless. So live daily in excited expectation – like small children before their birthday or Christmas. And be awestruck as the dawn breaks."


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Handbook for the New Paradigm - by Ed Howes

Who can tell me why we created them in the first place? The enemies of planet earth. Who will tell me why we still need them? Why don't we create something better? Let's have an essay contest. "My Earthly Paradise" in 1,000 words or less. If we cannot imagine our personal paradise, we don't deserve one, cannot desire, plan or create one. This oversight has given us what filled the vacuum we created from lack of imagination. Something we can point to and cluck about its wicked nature. So why would we create the wicked? Why have we rejected the alternative, assuming it is someone else's responsibility? Responsibility and lack of it, explains all we see and most of what we do not see. Once upon a time, we had a planetary stewardship obligation. What ever became of that? Were we fired? Laid off? Quit?


The Handbook for the New Paradigm tells us now is the time for the slightly and greatly elevated consciousness among us to network, adopt local cellular organization to pursue at least one common dream. If numbers actually counted in an election, how much more so do numbers count in common cause? It will be a personal responsibility to reflect upon our common desire several times each day as desire builds. When desire has built sufficiently, a workable plan and means appear and we are suddenly creating a superior quality life, magnetic in character. To grow our own consciousness as we do also for humanity and cosmos. Would anyone dare estimate the lives which might be saved for better days, were we creating those better days, today?


Responsibility calls us to duty. The Handbook provides wise instruction - how-to. It is available both as a PDF and MP3 audio. Our excuse may have been, we just did not know. Now we can, but will we - do we prefer the excuse? Can we afford to keep leaving things to others? At the link I have provided, you can read or copy a brief interview with the source of the Handbook. It is good to read as an introduction to the Handbook, for which the download link is in the upper right corner of the page. If we truly want to have and be love, why not make it a group project? We don't require any administration or adult supervision to co create. Just look what we accomplished with authoritarian assistance. Here is an opportunity to create great love and beauty without professional help. Who wants to give it a shot?


Download link for Handbook for the New Paradigm, Embracing the Rainbow and Becoming PDFs:


Let us daily increase in: wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter and prosperity.

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a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy
Sunday, 7 April, 2013  (posted 9 April, 2013)

Infinite Being of Love,

Within you is everything you need to soar to new frequencies of expression. Your DNA has been opened and is now reactivating a fuller expression of your human template. This will appear to you in new ways of relating to other fields of life on Earth. It will become present in your awareness as amplification of key aspects of your being that are consistent across time in space. In essence your core frequencies will become more prominent and noticeably to you, you will experiences these as strong preferences and tendencies which give you ease and joy. Recognize as you notice you have more clear or more strong preferences that this is an indicator that other aspects of your being are merging with your stream of consciousness, amplifying common aspects of you.

Of course with this you will also notice newness. And perhaps even dramatic urges to change. The Earth is opening up into it's 5th Dimensional resonance. What this means it that particular geographies will change. This will contribute to Earth activity and changes in new ways, different from energies being released as the Earth recalibrates. It is more that this new version of Earth coming on-line is perpetuating new codes of organization and structure which will direct the energies of planetary consciousness in their expression of form. There will be noticeable changes to Earth's land masses over time and these will reflect the new 5th Dimensional balance of Earth and the re-emergence of 5th Dimensional and 5th Dimensional compatible structures and energy fields.

The ancient civilizations and cultures along with strong star family constellations of focus will emerge on Earth. This will happen in, through and as You. Atlantis will re-emerge in, through and as some of you. Lemuria will re-emerge in, through and as, some of you. Avalon and the ancient cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and others will emerge here in the New Reality, in, through and as You. You are the vehicle by which energies now emerge into and through this experience. The ancient cultures and resonant civilizations that you participate in, in other aspects of your being are in knowing long ago that they would re-emerge at this juncture in the trajectory of Earth's ascension. The particular way each of you are coded to participate in this re-emergence will drive some unexpected changes in your locations, your interests and your relationships. When these unfamiliar or seemingly "out of the blue" things arise, smile to yourself and remember this message.

The time is opening. It is opening and you are opening. You are opening and time is opening. Time is merging in upon itself and as this occurs you live in a greater knowing and yet can still witness physical manifestations unfolding over the course of linear time. It is a magnificent experience of knowing to relate to life in this way.

Within all of this you still operate with limitless freedom! You can of course increase your experience of freedom by questioning the way things are, and creating openings in your own way of relating to reality for more spontaneity.

Life is offering to you a series of options for participation. This diverse menu of opportunities will definitely feel to have some themes and yet the variety is endless. You will have countless opportunities so if you do not resonate with what shows up pivot and wait for what else comes forth. In all moments there are great harvests to be made. A game could be made out of seeing how much of each moment you can gather up as expansion, clarification, confirmation, joy, and amplified connection. Why not make a game out of it and see how much more is presented to you? You all have frequently left a great deal of life on the table, unclaimed because the filters through which you related to life were looking for some narrow version of form which you were certain was the answer to everything. 

More and more you will be open to life and it is this Yes-Life! Response which will open the gates of heaven to you in this here and now. All of life can be accessed through any moment of life. Abundance can come to you through eating a peanut butter sandwich or winning the lottery. It is just variety of form. Yet it is in the vibration of specific qualities and your amplification of these that you experience them more, or less, in your moment to moment presence.

Do you now see that the variety is just an aspect of fun for you? It's a way that the costumes and camouflage of this setting get embellished for you joy and your playful participation? Perfect pure love exists in every point of consciousness. Every rock, every tree, every ocean animal, every plant, every angel, every person, every place, every star, every molecule of air, everything is consciousness any aspect of consciousness can meet you, and flood you, in this meeting with the most profound sense of being seen, known and loved that you have ever experienced.

The entire opportunity for the world's greatest fulfillment is present in EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY THING AND WITH EVERY ONE. Do you get it now? It's endless. It's one endless stream of being met and loved and being met and loved and being met and loved and being met and LOVED.

This is how it is. Dear Ones.

Oh my heavens! It is so juicy good.

I cannot wait for you to slip into this joy-fest.

It's coming. Watch out. You're going to keep saying yes, and keep stepping outside of the cycles and patterns of what was and one of these slight shifts in your choices is going to be like slipping down the most hilariously fun slide and the ride of a lifetime is going to begin.

It is here, it is right here in this moment as you are reading this message.

It is me, your beloved friend Archangel Michael, can I be the doorway to this knowing?

Can you feel how deeply I know you? How much I love you? How filled with joy I am in this moment of shared connection with you? How much I love being near you? Seeing life through you? With you I am so much more fulfilled!  You are so very beautiful and light. It is such a gift to be with you.

Can you soak that up beloved One?

Can you feel it? It's your GLORY smiling back at you.

We are One!

It's ALL joy.

I AM Archangel Michael

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The Time Capsules Of Gaia

a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 9 February, 2013  at Salt Lake City, Utah

This channelling is a continuation of the channellings from Phoenix and Boulder (below). It continues the discussion, a very controversial one, that Human scientific advancement is controlled... released to Humanity when it is ready. If this is the case (and the logic of it makes sense), then what is coming and where is it coming from? Are there Gaia time capsules left for us that open with ideas and enlightenment as we move into this newer energy past 2012? Are there personal time capsules as well? Where? When? It's all here...

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The message that I give this evening is an extension to the two that I have given previously within the last weeks [inBoulder Colorado, and Phoenix, Arizona].

The information that you need to know, old soul, needs to be repeated sometimes, so we're going to do a little bit of a review first.

There is a truth laying in the room, and one that is refreshing. There is a newness here, a renewal, and a recalibration of all things. Having passed this marker of the 2012 energy is far more significant than any of you realize. Many are watching in a quantum state from afar, and there is celebration. You can't take back what you've done, and there are some axioms we wish to remind you of that may affect how you think about it all. But let us review, just for a moment.

When my partner awoke 23 years ago, he did so slowly, and we have said this before. We came at him in a slow fashion so he would not be frightened. We gave him the information slowly and simply, so it would be believable. But even back then, we had just opened the door of potential, and I had arrived because of what you had done. Old soul, some of you were young then and some of you were not. All of you were here on purpose, however.

For the last 23 years, you have simply been in survival. For the last 23 years, I have been telling you about things to expect and the profound potentials that were before you. I spoke of some of the energies that you would face, and you did. All of this was given in the metaphor of fighting an old energy, and of having a duality that constantly is being challenged and worked with. Now it's different. Now the work begins.

The old soul will say, "Wait Kryon, I've been working for a long time! How can you say it begins now?" Indeed, you have been working, slogging through the tar of an old energy. But that was just survival. You have been an old soul with information, and you knew there would eventually be an awakening where that information would be used. Now the tar is starting to go away, and the awakening begins.

The 2012 Marker

Let me review from a previous channelling. There has been a time marker that has been self-imposed by Gaia on humanity, aligning itself with the precession of the equinoxes. This was a 26,000-year cycle of time given appropriately and seen by the ancestors as an end or a beginning. Should you make it past this point, there would be no going back.

There are some who are saying, "When are we going to get back to what we're used to? I want to feel normal again." Dear ones, you started this race when you were born and you have run a marathon, existing in miles and miles of what you call Human experience. Do you really feel that as you win this race, you're going to be transported back to the beginning or the middle? The answer is no.

Perhaps there are those old souls who are sitting around waiting for things to return to normal, but you don't know what normal is! You've always been battling the old energy, over and over for lifetimes! You have always had to be on alert ever since you understood duality. That's not normal.

Let me describe the new normal. Normal is an earth, a planet, that has moved into a transitional period of energy where the ideas you have as an old soul now have merit and value. It's almost like the sun has come out in a darkened area and things that didn't used to work suddenly do. That's the new normal. Normal will now be a time when you don't have to wake up and slog through the mess anymore.

Reminder of What Has Happened

Continuing the review, in your new Old Soul Toolkit, use the patience tool. Don't make up your mind that things are not happening fast enough. Instead, take a rest. Take a breath or two, as we often say, and sit back and rest. Look at what has taken place and take a moment to thank the ancestors who brought you here. Take a moment to honor your mother and your father, whether they're alive or dead, and whether they believe in these things or not, or whether they were good to you or not. Thank them for bringing you here. Because on the other side of the veil, dear ones, before they ever got here, they knew what they were doing. There was a potential of when their biology would unite and bring your old soul back into this planet, by design.

Take a moment to honor Gaia for having brought you to this place where the energy of the planet can now start to align with you, as it did with the ancestors, for you will start to see an awakening of the dirt of the planet. Understand the alliance that is there, even in a modern day, and give thanks to the earth. For that's where you came from. Have patience. You're going to have to have some because of what I'm going to tell you next.

The Time of the Crazies

There is an odd, unsettling energy when darkness starts to diminish, because you grew up fighting it and you begin to miss it. Some of you are actually used to it! Some of you depend on it because you push and it pushes back. You see that attribute as balance! When it doesn't push back as you expect, you tend to be uncomfortable and you are out of balance. So there is an unsettling energy even within the old soul. You're not really sure what's going on. So we say to you, relax, breathe, be patient, and recalibrate slowly to a new energy that doesn't push back quite as hard so you'll know how to operate within it.

Now, dear one, have you seen anything unusual lately regarding what some people are doing? Sometimes it's in your news, but not always. It started right before the equinox, right before the solstice. You could look at the news and see what was taking place.

It seems that certain Human beings are going crazy and that some are going so far as to shoot other Human children. Others are going on rampages, making no sense whatsoever, and making you wonder all about humanity and what is truly happening. This seems no different than what you see each month, called the full moon. You are aware of the full moon, aren't you? It's an unusual time where the presence of the moon in a certain phase creates seeming unbalance in people. Those who are on the edge often go over it and do things they would never do if it were not the full moon. Now, I have something to tell you that isn't pleasant. Prepare for a year of full moon energy! That's the kind of energy you're looking at.

Some are starting to add these things up and look at them and make statements. There are some who would tell you that the Earth is going into a diseased state. They'll tell you that this is what the prophecies always said, and that people are becoming unbalanced. What are you going to say to them? No, it isn't happening? It looks like it is! What's really happening is the old energy is flailing because it can't believe you won! And you have.

The Old Energy Has Lost the Battle

Are you feeling an energy of unbalance? Do you think you're feeling odd due to this? Well, just think about those who depend on an old energy to exist! Think for a moment about the greed masters, those who make their living tricking others. They believe they know Human consciousness so well that all they have to do is wiggle their finger a certain way and they can trick almost anyone. They can swindle their way through life. Did you know that's not going to work anymore? How do you think they feel? Their very survival is at stake.

Since the old ways are not working as well, they will now try other things. This is what I'm talking about, and you're going to see a lot of dark things get darker, because those who are invested in them are starting to realize that what they used to do is not working. You're going to see this very soon, and you're going to continue to see it in your economy, for anything that was produced out of integrity is going to get worse until a system is developed that has integrity from the new energy.

You're going to see it in your politics. You're going to see it in the way politicians will campaign. You're going to see what Human Beings in a new energy will tolerate and not tolerate, and this is all about shift. So this review is to say to you that you're going to have to tolerate some crazies for a while. Some of them will be closer to you than not. When you see it, I want you to remember this channelling. It's a year of a full moon energy, or at least that's what it's going to feel like. Watch for bizarre, unbalanced leaders, too!

Things may seem a little out of balance, and you still won't know where the energy is settling. You really are not certain what you're supposed to do next, and I am all the while telling you to take it easy, take a vacation, relax, and be patient. Old soul, you've come too far to get into this shift and then worry about how it feels.

I want you to begin using the wisdom that you came with. Those of you who have raised children, I want you to remember what this was like in certain stages of growth for them. What did your children go through in their learning curve? Was there a time when they didn't like you, and then later they did? Did they go through sweeps of emotional change? This is what the planet's energy is going through, and it's almost like a rebirth.

Ideas and Inventions Are Not Random

Now, I want to revisit this because we're coming to the point of what I want to speak of, which we have not spoken of before. It seems unbelievable, but the fact is that ideas and inventions are given to the planet when it's ready, and not before. We told you last time that humanity believes it can "think of anything." The intellectual believes the sky is the limit in creativity. Yet, isn't it interesting that everything profound in ideas and inventions has come almost at the last moment? When you take a look at humanity and how long you've been here and how long there have been smart Human Beings, why is it that only in the last seeming second of time that almost all modern invention took place?

Imagine going through thousands of years without understanding what a bacteria was, or not believing in germs, or not having electricity. When you think about these things and the order in which they came to the planet, it's quite revealing. Many Humans were working on the same invention at the same time and didn't even know it. Suddenly, you received the invention of radio, then pictures that fly through the air, then flight. It all came together seemingly in the last moment. You've got to ask, do you not, how logical is this in the scheme of how things work? Did you have to come to a certain point in history before Humans got smart? Or do you think there was something else going on? The answer is there was something else going on. It seemed as though these ideas were being "delivered" to the planet all at the same time, and many were understanding these things suddenly all at once.

The Time Capsules

Here is what happened: Within that which you call Gaia, there is the Crystalline Grid. This is the memory of all things placed there by the Pleiadians. The Crystalline Grid was created for this purpose by the Pleiadians. When it's proper and when humanity's consciousness has reached a certain point, these ideas are released. It is a time capsule of invention and more. This does not happen from the great central sun; it does not happen from outside the earth, but rather it happens from within.

In the beginning of the 2000s, we sat in a place called Mount Shasta [California] and we told you of the Lemurians in the mountain. We told you of the time capsules there, and now you have the explanation. Those in the mountain are not going to come out and present themselves and shake hands. A time capsule is about information and ideas. The capsules are about quantum attributes of science and life that you're going to discover. It is about ideas you need to have to move into a new energy when the full moon crazies are over… and they will be. So the time capsules seem to be alive by those who can sense them, and they "buzz" with activity to the esoteric "see-er."

Did you ever put these things together? Did you ever ponder how long civilization has been on the planet? You sit in this country called the United States, but do you realize that the founding fathers of this nation put together something completely and totally unique that had never been thought of before? Out of their minds came ideas for government where the rights of the Human Being came first. Where do you think those ideas came from? I'll tell you – right out of the ground! [The Crystalline Grid]

How long should it have taken humanity to think of that? It was a system that would seem so obvious, put together clearly and succinctly, creating a country that was young and so far ahead of all the others that it set the standard for 100 years or more that was new and different. Why didn't that happen 1,000 years ago? You have to ask yourself, is this logical to you? Again, was humanity just unaware for thousands of years? Why were there no logical ideas for higher thinking and inventiveness?

Tesla the Man

There was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you callalternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can't, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered "genius-level thinking" to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man's quantum mind.

That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it.

Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn't duplicate or control it. It just wasn't time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn't fail at all.

There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet's magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it.

Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you.

Now I'll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it's the first time we have ever told you – because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn't ready for it. You're not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize.

"So," you might say, "when will we be ready for it?" I think you already know the answer, don't you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important is unification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That's coming, dear ones. It's a ways away, but it's coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It's like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by.

The Opening of the Time Capsules

There is a storehouse of future knowledge and ideas in these time capsules you call Gaia, placed there a long time ago by those who you would call the Pleiadians, and these time capsules will open with new ideas about unity and peace first before they open with inventions. Humanity must soften before the inventions will come your way, and you will see what I mean over the next period of 18 years. These are the time capsules beneath your feet in the form of the nodes of the Crystalline Grid, and how fast these things are released to you will depend completely and totally on what you do next.

What To Do Next

So let's discuss what to do next. I want you to take a vacation and learn to love yourself! That should be the primary work for 2013! Cast off the fears and the worries and put them in a metaphoric jar for awhile. You can take that jar out occasionally and worry with it, but don't let that be the focus. The focus should be who are you, why did you come, what's next for the planet, and a total realization that you're not alone.

For 23 years we have said, "You're not alone." You may walk from this place and get in your car. You can start it, put the heater on, but while you wait for it to warm up, I want you to look at the empty seat next to you and say, "Nice to have you along." This is an acknowledgment of the Higher-Self and the love of God that accompanies you wherever you go. Do you realize what you've got inside? You're going to need this entire engine of knowledge and the quantumness that is in you to start developing the divinity inside. It must become real to you, old soul, in order to go to the next step.

The Personal Time Capsule

Now, this is your personal time capsule, and it's what we really wanted to talk about. There are three kinds of time capsules. There's one kind that we won't speak of yet. There is another kind in the earth and there's still another kind in your DNA. It's the spiritual inheritance that you came in with that's ready to open up like a lotus. When it does, there will be new awareness. There will be peace in a countenance that is not necessarily peaceful. There will be patience in a countenance that is not necessarily patient. That's when you get to change you, for it releases ideas, emotions and a consciousness that has been within you always, but only now is beginning to show itself in this new energy.

Expect the issues that will occur. Don't be shocked

Let humanity flail the way it does in a full moon. Let the crazies come out and do whatever they're going to do. Try to help the ones who are affected. Hold the hands of the ones who need their hands held. But understand that this is temporary, because you won the major battle, dear ones! There's a whole bunch of energy that doesn't believe in you or anything you represent. That's the truth. They can't see the light in you and only feel that something is now missing in them.  

We've been waiting a very long time to give you these messages. Now is when the work begins. It must begin with you in ways that perhaps you're not really prepared for. It's not about doing, but rather about being.

In these moments and these months, I want you to be aware of who you are, old soul. You came here for a reason. You're not fighting the system and you're not a victim of it. Instead, you are slowly becoming the system. Cast off these things that have bothered you. Deny them power in your mind and body. Tell them to get behind you. You've got work to do, and that's the truth this day. Time capsules, beautiful and ready, are being activated on this planet. You should see what's in them. Some of you will.

And so it is.


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We are ‘Proof’ that the New Time Exists

The new time is an energetic field accessible to all those who enter the frequency of love, compassion and service. As we incorporate the expanded light flowing onto the planet, we are able to work with these frequencies to incubate the new time within our own consciousness. It’s up to each of us to incubate this vision and manifest it according to the plan and purpose for our current lifetime. We take the first step on this path when we set our intention to access the energetic field of the new time and align our conscious awareness with the frequencies there.

Wayshowers Bridge Consciousness into the New Time

The influence of this energetic field expands as more souls come online with it. There are many who are here at this time with the purpose of serving to bridge others from third-dimensional timelines to the frequency of the new time. Lightworkers are by definition wayshowers - those who shine a light on the way ahead and hold a space that assists others in forging a new identity aligned with these frequencies. Each person holds within them the flame of eternity, though in some this flame waits to be ignited.

When you come here with the purpose of helping bridge consciousness, you move through life according to the vision you hold for the new time. By nurturing this vision for the future day by day and moment by moment, you offer a window for others to see their higher self through your words and actions. The higher self for each person here holds codes and keys for the new time. These are activated by intention and energetic resonance. The energy and vision of others can trigger awakenings to these potentials.

Gratitude is the Gatekeeper to the New Time

When we are ready to enter this awakening phase of consciousness, we release attachment to particular outcomes and learn to exist in a state of gratitude. In the new time, each person holds the understanding that they are responsible for their response to their reality and expresses gratitude for the results of all their actions, even when those results are not preferred. A conscious being understands that each experience brings them one step further along the path of the new time and that peace, love and harmony are frequencies that exist along that path. In this sense, gratitude is the gatekeeper to the new time as it is impossible to access frequencies of love and harmony when we are in resistance to our current reality.

We are the ‘Proof’ that the New Time Exists

It is up to each person to access the energetic field of the new time and interact with the frequencies there to incubate and manifest their personal visions. Those who sit around waiting for ‘proof’ that the new time exists miss the point. We are the proof that the new time exists. Our expanding consciousness allows us to see through all that held us back in past times and helps us chart a course for timelines where our highest potentials exist. As we manifest our highest potentials, we help fashion a new world that reflects higher dimensional realities.

Those who do nothing to access this energetic field will go on as they always have. Their experiences will follow their beliefs. Regardless of the nature of our beliefs, we will always find "proof" to validate our beliefs in our environment. If we choose to believe that we're hapless victims, we will find plenty of proof to support that belief. If we choose to believe we are divine beings able to work within the limitless universe for the highest and best of all, we will find plenty of proof to support that belief as well.

Belief Systems Spin Out Self-Validating Realities

When we enter the awakened phase of consciousness, we understand that each belief system spins out the realities needed to validate itself. We understand we are able to observe the beliefs operating within our own consciousness and determine which beliefs do not serve us. As awakened beings, we understand that external reality will always validate our beliefs in one way or another. From an awakened perspective, we are able to go behind the scenes of our lives so to speak and discern which beliefs best serve our spiritual growth.

Awakening Gifts we have Cultivated across Lifetimes

Many lightworkers are perceiving and accessing the energetic field of the new time every day. These souls are using the frequencies of the new time to awaken gifts and potentials that reside within them. In some cases, these gifts were cultivated across lifetimes. Examples of this include the artist who incorporates the frequencies of the new time into his or her artwork; the musician who encodes notes along the energetic spectrum of awakening into their compositions; and the teacher who structures workshops designed to awaken participants to their highest potentials.

In coming weeks and months and years, new concepts in science, art, writing, music and every field imaginable will be gifted to the world via the new time. Incorporated into these concepts are understandings that will help reshape our vision for who we are collectively and individually and why we're here.

Future Vision: Societies Based on Love and Nurturing Each Soul

One of the movements fostered by the new time will be the nurturing of human development. In a society based on love and compassion, each soul that draws breath in human form is valued, loved and nurtured. Other movements will foster respect for all life forms, including the environment. Throughout human history, there were those who advocated the path of love and compassion for all life. These wise beings laid the groundwork for seeds to flower in the new time.

How we Treat All Others Reflects our Relationship with our Soul

These movements will naturally evolve as human consciousness frees itself from enslaving thought viruses. How we treat ourselves, how we treat each other, how we treat animals, how we treat the environment – all of these are one and the same and together they offer a clear reflection of the relationship between our conscious mind and our soul. Whatever we do to any other life form we do to ourselves. It is impossible to enslave another being without enslaving ourselves. Thought viruses convince us this is not the case. When our conscious mind is strongly aligned with our soul, we see through the illusory world propagated by thought viruses. Much of what is considered mainstream reality is heavily infected by thought viruses. Each individual is enslaved to the degree that they are invested in the illusory world of the mainstream virus.

Future Vision: Humanity Steps Free of Enslaving Thought Viruses

The scarcity virus is at the root of old timelines rife with suffering and violence. This thought virus prompts us to believe in the thoughtform that “there is not enough love/peace/abundance to go around so I must fight to get some.” Another common thoughtform fostered by the scarcity virus is that “I must punish those who are to blame for my experience of lack.” This belief has justified many acts of destruction and violence and fosters the condition of un-love that weaves dark threads into the tapestry of life on this planet.

Valuing and Appreciating Ourselves Heals the Condition of Un-Love

When we exist on the frequency of un-love, our words and actions say to others that “you are not valuable to me unless you assist me in my endless quest to find that which I need to feel loved and valued.” Indeed, when we look to external circumstances to find our own worth and self-value, we will always be searching for something that eludes us. Un-love is based on the scarcity thought virus. It permeates many areas of earth-based reality and results in a devaluation of all life forms - human, animal, plant and mineral - at all levels. It is only when we stop, slow down and value and appreciate ourselves that we enter the space in consciousness where love resides. Anytime we feel un-love and undervalued, we can access this energetic field of the new time to heal ourselves.

Spiritual Freedom is our Natural Condition

When we hold a place of love and value within ourselves, we're able to share this with others. Even when a person expresses hatred toward you, you can secretly love and value them. You can remain on the frequency of love and silently broadcast this to others, no matter what. When a person acts or speaks in a negative way, it is because they are ensnared by thought viruses that do not allow them to conceive of another way to interact with the world around them. When you have plenty of love for yourself and more left over, you will step free of old, enslaving third-dimensional timelines and hold a space in consciousness for others to step free as well. Spiritual freedom is our natural condition and one that naturally transports us to the high-vibrational timelines of the new time.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation 
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Celestial Vision Ebooks 
Celestial Vision Audio Series 
For more information, visit Celestial Vision

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a message from Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
Tuesday, 12 March, 2013

Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission.

You are reading this; you have made it. Congratulations truly powerful sacred light sensitive bearer. You have been tested and you are deserving of the highest Spiritual Medal of Honor. Many of you went through intense soul imitations. Your rewards are on the way as it will be a smoother path this year. You are the great teachers, the forerunners of the new Earth. You are putting an end to an era of the illusion of separation by transforming past traumas, which in turn heals the soul matrix. 333

As you came closer to the 12 12 12 gateway you had acquired enough light stabilization that you were able to clear the deepest, dark planetary and personal wounds, one being the Crucifixion. By this healing of the soul matrix you will be able to achieve a vibratory frequency that is the invisible shield of the total perfection of God.

The Rose Ray and Mother Goddess Essence Cosmic returning to earth

As you came through different rays of creation, planetary and galactic systems to come to Earth, you were encoded by them as to what would be necessary for the healing and perfection of the Divine Plan. The blue ray and ultra sensitive empath star light being carry DNA healing frequencies of the Divine Mother Goddess. By bringing this within your cellular memory you would assist in the healing of the soul matrix split of the father mother God principle, the divine counterpart to be reunited for the essence to be restored on the planet.333

2013 is the return of the Goddess to her divine counterpart for the new Earth. To bring this forward, the Rose Ray of Creation has recently been anchored back on the planet. The Rose Ray brings a supreme divine love that will enable the essence through the Mother Goddess to bridge a new empathic connection of the DNA and RNA structures with the Earth and all life. 13

Because of your endearing empathic sensitivity, a true gift to humanity, the light and love quotient had raised enough that the Rose Ray of Creation was allowed back on the planet. This is an extremely significant event for the universe where you have set the precedent for the new Earth codes. This will bring the other rays of creation and many higher frequency light beings and children from the crystal ray.

2013 Ascension Symptoms, Predictions and Beyond

You will not feel alone! Beloved blue ray and ultra sensitive light star being, we know you have not felt you had a place here on Earth. You may say, where is the connection? Where are my people? Because of your ultra super sensitivity and awareness you felt energies in people and life to be vibrating at different frequencies than your own. You are innately trying to match frequency with every encounter for that is what you do as a transformer and harmonic balancer of the unity of one.

You will meet your galactic star family; the essence and the Goddess return will reunite you!

When you were not feeling that vibrational match you continued to go back into yourself. Your energetic being and spirit were searching for the essence and many times you did not feel that. You will begin to feel the essence more throughout life for you are aligned to the Divine Mother Goddess empathic codes and it will be easier for you to feel at home here on Gaia. Because this connection is stronger on the planet, there will be a greater draw of magnetic energy for you to find and connect with your galactic star family.

New Source Codes of Abundance and Wealth

If you have not been overly successful or abundant to your liking previously, the new source code matrix Goddess of Love will make it easier for you now. The code is love and divine alignment in the name of the GoddessThere were certain gateways that were not opened to you previously as many of the systems of the planet that had been put in place were still overly influenced with the old encoded paradigms of a not balanced essence of father mother God principle. 333

Love = Wealth & Abundance

Divine alignment = Success

Goddess Empathy 13 = Sacred Opportunity heightened synchronicity

In 2013 and beyond, a grander alignment of wealth and abundance for beings of the blue ray and ultra sensitive light bearers, as you have paved the way through the purging process that now aligns you to the new core matrix upgrade of the Goddess. You were always in alignment with the truth, but there needed to be a system matrix for you to flourish, and now it has been put in place. Now there will be a greater call for you and what you have to offer as there will be a vibrational match in the matrix. You may have been met with opposition for there was still a strong hold on shadow energies not wishing to let go. Many times the shadows wanted to fight against you and actually felt threatened by your light and love.444

2013 Ascension Symptom List & Predictions

It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.

  • *Physical heart surging energies and higher heart expansion; take note when to rest and be mindful of your caffeine intake*Changing sleep patterns: needing less sleep for periods of time with surges of energy where the body’s system will require a reboot and more than normal sleep, naps and going to bed at different times, waking up in the middle of the night, 3am to 5am

    *Greater empathy which is the new angelic human upgrade and anchoring of the Goddess. 22

  • *Mother Mary, Our lady of Fatima, sightings, visitations and interest

  • *Itching 3rd eye pineal activation and expansion into the higher realms

  • *God of Water will make its presence even more known to you

  • *Energetic light body power surges that are realigning you to the new matrix grid that will affect power centers of the world that may be shut down for certain periods. 11:11

  • *Past life multidimensional recall and embodiment. In the new time matrix your past and future lives of your ascended selves will not feel separate from who you are You will synchronize with the Christ codes of wisdom, alchemy and healing when you were the high priestess, god, goddess, and star being of other planetary systems and dimensions.

  • *Multidimensional sight and vision: you’ll be able to see and recognize past lives and different time periods on the planet and this will become part of your daily life and feel normal.

  • *New earth technologies and divine healing sound frequencies, tones, vibrations, including the ancient Solfeggio scale that will reflect the new Earth, higher realms and will open doorways to higher dimensions, create cellular rejuvenation and have positive effects on matter, the DNA and reality.

  • *Solar plexus angelic chakra star human upgrade that will be clearing and transmuting deep cellular memory and trauma and may be experienced as acid reflux, stomach issues, greater sensitivity in general to what you eat, feeling weepy and crying easily; this upgrade is aligning you to your solar soul power deity.

  • *New crystal downloads of the crystal devas will be available that activate you to higher light codes to assist in the anchoring of the new Earth. They will emit new qualities that will align you to your soul star and soul matrix and are protecting your energy fields as you become the new angelic human. Some of these crystals are ametrine, selenite and citrine.

  • *Meeting more of your soul star light family that will require you to be activated by them so you can do your projects and work in unison.

  • *Increase in déjà vu, the feeling that you are experiencing a situation that you’ve been through before at other levels of reality. This will occur more regularly as the veils will become thin and are merging. In the moment ask your higher self, why is this important that a time parallel matrix doorway be opened to me?

  • *New guides

  • *Greater planetary awakening of healing abilities and telepathy

  • *Increase in synchronicity and intuition will become a way of life

  • *Healing activation of the Crucifixion and Vow of secrecy codes of silence of the sacred Divine Feminine and Holy Grail

    *Purging and letting go of your belongings

Many of you may have already experienced this at different levels; you may have felt the need to let go of many of your belongings and/or they were taken from you or you could not take them with you to your new space. 44

All the rules will seem to shift and change as the old paradigm of energies is being transformed, transcended and reconfigured. You are becoming free and aligned to who you truly are, your Divine core essence of being. No one can know or has before experienced this on the planet as the new angelic human, the ascension of the new golden age, is unprecedented. It will be a compilation and configuration of a new Creation of encodements of many galactic, planetary dimensional systems and ancient times of Earth in which you have participated. It will be exhilarating and still at times challenging as you find your new space of being present to the holy divine unification with humanity in the Christ Heart with all life and creation.

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"What Is This Experience I Am Having"? These are the words of many to us
at this time. In these changing times you are experiencing overwhelming,
often conflicting feelings, a fireworks display of emotions. The only
place to find peace within the dynamic of these waves of intense energy
coming through due to the changes in energy into awakened consciousness,
is within your own heart.

The energies of this new dimension are still in flux, yet instantly
responsive to your creative intent. The coming time is integral for
setting the tone of peaceful harmony in your life that you desire.

The Realm of the Awakened is not the same reality you have previously
known. The new world exists as a shift in dimensions, vast amorphous
clouds of powerful malleable energy spreading outward available to be
fashioned into forms of beauty by you and others like you who have
incarnated for this purpose.

Emotional upheaval has become the norm, due to these intense energy

It is important to realize that applying old patterns of thought in the
midst of such increased energy will not serve you. Balance is achieved
by your awareness that this energy is available to be used by you to
create beauty.

It is Divine Love in action as you have never seen it before.Though it
can appear chaotic because of its intensity, know that it is the
precursor to harmony and meant for your good. It offers you the
increased opportunity but also increased responsibility, to create a
life of purpose and happiness in a magnified magnificent way.

Your mastery tools are consistent attention and awareness, mindfulness
in each moment, grounding through physical activity, time in nature and
conscious breathing before reacting in the moment. We urge you to
utilize these tools in order to integrate these energies smoothly and
gracefully. We offer you the full support of angelic assistance, you
have only to ask us.

You are greatly needed, you have a special gift to offer as worker of
the Light, you can serve as a source of gentle balance for those who may
tend toward anger and despair as a reaction to what they taken on as an
overload of confused and tumultuous energy. Through your balance,
thoughts, prayers and actions, you help to ground the frequencies so
that they serve to nourish you, the earth and it's people. Eventually by
you serving in this way, others will learn that the energy is malleable
and can be used with focus and intention from the heart center.You hold
the key to unlocking the door to a new spiritual evolution for yourself
and the world. From moment to moment you decide what that world will be.

Reverberating with love, you will radiate a model of empowerment, as you
learn to demonstrate the qualities of heaven upon the earth.

Again, we are with you, your enthusiastic companions, willing to assist
in all ways with this demonstration of the angelic human. You will find
you will affect many positively, and magnetize others like you, as well
as many optimal evolutionary experiences of joy.The more time and focus
you spend opening to, receiving and sharing the Divine love energies,
the more they will become your habitual frequency .You will find
creative solutions become readily apparent that were formerly
unavailable at your previous frequency awareness.Because you continue to
be aware, you are realizing more of what is available to you.

Through your wise and conscious intentions you set the framework of
Light as a field in which you live and thrive.

There is no need to struggle, for you are carried upon the currents of
Divine Direction. And so you will fully sense the prevalence of divine
order and benevolence in your life . As you respond to the whispers of
your Angels conveying the goodness, you come into being as the chalice
of your soul's purpose.

Embrace the belief in miracles, the creation of miracles, the
celebration of miracles!

We Are Your Angels Always <>

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Alone, or Strategically Placed?

continue to hear from so many people who feel isolated and alone during this awakening and massive paradigm shift taking place around the globe. 
Spouses can’t wake up partners to the truth; family members and close friends think you’ve gone wonky, while the mainstream matrix mouthpieces keep up their barrage of derision against anyone who dares to look past the range of their narrow, confining blinders.
It does suck. We all experience this phenomenon and the isolation that seems to accompany the wake up.
Here’s a hugely happy thought. If we’re an organic, cosmically influenced body of crystaline receivers and broadcasters in an alive and amazing all-knowing Universe, perhaps we’re exactly where we’re each supposed to be.
In fact, we’re probably carefully distributed to create a world-wide grid of truth!
Cool? In other words, once again there’s no mistake with synchronicity!
Oh, Look At All the Lonely People..Connected!
Are we all truly strategically positioned for the best possible effect on the cosmos and the awakening?
Resonates with me, as trippy as it may seem. Why not?
We’re each generators, nodes, transmitters, relays, conduits and vessels of light, truth and love. The ultimate power of positive transformation. And we may be just where we’re supposed to be, lonely or not. So take heart!
So the loneliness is from what? Perhaps devised separateness, a systematically broken down and compartmentalized imposed society of induced helpless creatures supposedly awaiting the touch of a distant god or some romantic “other” to free them? All based on conceptual lies of separateness.
They do try, don’t they?
Yes we need emotional bonding, but within a constructive framework. The purpose of the imposed matrix is to break us down to negative, destructively entropic self-degrading emotions and responses, fight or flight left brain reactions, and self-flagellating flailing about in the mystic. And then bonding to their “idols” of confusion and materialistic insanity for so-called security.
Wrong. Clearly wrong. Don’t let anybody fall for it.
Be!…and Broadcast Where You Are!
This is perhaps a revolutionary idea, but nothing that’s not already in place. I contend that to not realize this concept is to decrease the intensity and effectiveness of our power grid. Immensely.
Realizing who, what and all we are is tantamount to spiritual strength. And effect.
Those of you who’ve awakened to this realization of the importance of “now consciousness” know what I’m talking about. That humanity has been distracted from this knowledge and understanding through false teaching, amusements and entertainment is one of history’s greatest lies and tragedies for humankind.
We can’t all be physically together, except in a very large concept. And the truth warriors with whom we each communicate are often in far flung locations and operate in their own personal nexus.
But in the grid? We are already one.Turn it up and Shine! We are One and Now!Who Knows?
Hardly any of us are completely mobile and ready to join up and live with other Truth advocates. Some are doing it and if that’s what we’re supposed to do we’ll do it.
We’ll each keep evolving according to conscious unraveling. It’s a little freaky to try to conceptualize but I at least just wanted to relieve some angst for those worrying about this feeling.
We are where we’re supposed to be….at any time, in any place.
Fear not. Hope you enjoyed the ride through potential realization.
Spread the Truth. We each make a HUGE difference in more ways than we know!
So keep on!!
Love, Zen  
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Beloved ones, when you focus on the power of Love, your heart is recognizing its true identity. It recognizes its eternal Home in Me. You are lifted into exquisite joy. Everything once limited opens out before you, and you are embraced by a universe of limitless possibilities, every one of them Love in action. Love as the movement of life. Love as first cause, primary essence. Love as the song of your being.

From this moment, from this perspective, from the experience of the vibration of Love… that which you know as the world can never feel your attention again. Rather, it becomes the field in which Love plays. It becomes the power of the living colors of the heart of God I Am. It becomes the great canvas for the expression of your life as the outreach of Love and its blessing and the acknowledgement of its power.

There is one true power in all Creation and it is the power of the truth of your heart. When you know this, as you focus upon this only, then nothing can pull you into a limited relationship with life. Nothing can take your vast consciousness and reduce it to being a human mind. And nothing can interfere with the field of joy that is your heart in action. "Right" in the world becomes that which you touch with the beam of your heart to illuminate, that you might share this endless joy.

Everything depends on what your focus is, and right now, I am lifting you to a new, more grand perspective, that you may no longer live as a human being seeking God, wanting to learn how to overcome the fear. Rather, you are the free and open heart of this limitless force of Creation that Love is -- able to release what exists in the "let it be," while you open to this bliss -- trusting that the flow of Love to your heart will create before you vistas of beauty, as you become the hand of God painting Light into being in ever new and more beautiful ways.

Where your focus is, is where your heart is at work. Where your focus is, is your choice of your venue, your canvas. Where your focus is will determine not only your experience but most importantly, will determine your vibration…that you might be in resonance with the world or in resonance with the perfection of all Creation, in resonance with the truth of God I Am.

So, rather than seeing yourselves as engaged in the world of a human being, feel the truth of the power of Love and the reality of your energy field in which the limited you disappears and the power of Love, the joyous truth of God is your identity, and where you live as the feeling nature of the heart of Love I Am.

Particularly at this point on the apex of transformation, if you dance with the release of time and little mind and ego, it is of critical importance to make sure your focus remains immersed in the truth of Love, alive to this glorious vibration all of the time, beloved ones. It is possible to not be reduced to the perspective of the ego any more, but to be fully identified with the glory of God, with the powerful vibration of the truth of Love so deeply that you become aware of yourself as a living part of this energy of unity, of light in all its beauty, that doesn't depend on the happening of the ego's world.

The creation of Love, the experience of life, the acknowledgement of your existence as the heart of God I Am, takes you far beyond being affected by what happens in your daily life and allows you instead to see that arena as encompassed in Love's energy and of far less significance than the feel of being immersed in the truth of that which is eternal -- allowing the dance of life and of duality to play out without attachment, while you are aligned with the glory of God and the power of Love eternally.

It is a time to decide moment-to-moment where your focus is. It is a time to choose what is important, that you might experience Love made manifest in the symbols of your life, yes…but before this, and primarily, as the experience of who you are, ever home in Me.

First and foremost, Love must be chosen and chosen and chosen and chosen again by asking yourselves: "Is this of the world? Is this where I want my focus to go?" "Is this of Love of God, is this where I cast my vote?" "Is this where I choose to be, unfettered, no matter what has happened in the arena of the little mind's world?"

Once you have experienced this freedom, freedom from the boundaries of the perception of ego, freedom from the stories continually playing out in the mind and thus, freedom from the idea of fear…then every breath aligns you with the power of God, with the truth of Love, the force of life that is the essence of your being, and allows you to be what you were always meant to be…the open heart, the conduit for this great creative energy to expand, to birth all life and to know itself in new ways.

Through eons of the idea of time, humankind has wandered in the maze of the ego's stories and focused as such. You have perceived yourselves as limited and at the mercy of forces outside of you, when in truth, you are the very forces of Creation. In truth, you are the glory of God. In truth, you are the great blast of the Moment of Creation, streaming you forth as the universe in which many dances can occur, including this little one here in the perspective that is named the world, in this place of great experimentation and the powerful return to Love.

You are the Love that the world now returns to. Beloved ones, take that sentence and put it on your wall. Take it into your heart and live it. Breathe it with every breath. You are the Love into which humankind now awakens…all of you,. Simply now make the shift from believing in yourselves as a human identity to the continual experience of unlimited bliss that is the Real truth of your being, anchored up in the power of God.

As you remember that Love is your essence and your true identity, that which you experience as your human life is, at last, given true perspective. It is a tiny bit of this great vast intelligence. This limited human consciousness is a speck in the great consciousness of human Love, and is therefore always lifted, embraced and made aware of the true foreground of life, the endless power of Love.

For now, it is easy to fall into old habits and awake in the morning and see yourselves as a human being. You unravel in your mind what you believe about your day – things that you must do, challenges that you must overcome.. Now you are ready to make the shift…to keep your hearts open and your consciousness unlimited so fully that even when you "sleep," you are fully aware of yourselves as the vast and limitless power of Love, so that there is no break in consciousness awareness. While the body sleeps, you are fully aware. You can watch it, tend to it and bless it while you vibrate as the glorious song of God, that when you wake in the morning, you wake with full remembrance. There is no "time" at all in your unconscious.

This upliftment to full consciousness gives you the power to entrain all false beliefs into the truth of wholeness as you focus on the power of God, the power of Love. Therefore, old heart's beliefs are simply lifted up into the Real of God, opened out into the truth of their eternal nature as Love, that you might recognize on all levels, as a fully conscious being, that nothing can be hidden from the power of Love, and even the "subconscious" and old heart's beliefs must give way to the magnetic presence of Love, as your experience, born of your focus becomes the continual resonance of ecstatic joy.

As you become the Love you are in full emergence as the heart of God, then every part of your experience is entrained to this vibration of Love, the ego's world dismantled and returned to its truth, and you, alive as a seamless being of pure awareness of the Love I Am…nothing to capture your attention that is less than the power of Love.

It is true that many of you are still hiding parts of yourself from Me. You are still living as a divided entity, believing there are different stratas of your intelligence – conscious, subconscious, id and ego, whatever names you use for them. Now all barriers are falling. All barriers, beloved ones, including these false perceptions of divisiveness within yourself. You are ready to recognize yourselves as a whole being, seamless as the truth of Love, to go forth as the power of God in joy to allow Love's outreach to attune all life to Me, to acknowledge the power of grace, to realign the resonance of the world beyond the belief in a separate humanity, but rather return to the whole heart of inseparable Love that is your Real identity and is ultimately the truth of the world.

As you immerse yourselves in this vibration of Love, whatever within you is still hiding will be made clear and consciously brought into the fold. Jeshua calls them "the stray sheep." They are exactly this. Parts that are hidden. Beliefs in being a separate being on any level of life. When rejoined with the truth of eternal Love, felt as the reality of this pulsing heart of God I Am, brought Home back into limitless Love, it is ever and always an "open book," an effortless outreach of Love, an endless embracing of the sweet access of God given divine fiat to create in glory an ever-greater expansiveness of the experience of being limitless and blazing forth new experiences of the miracle of relationship within wholeness.

Choose this seamless life in Me. And most of all, choose to be "anchored up" into the whole of Love I Am, choosing to experience your Real resonance, opening to the blessing of your limitless heart, powerfully embracing our communion, the most exquisite and indescribable gift of all Creation.

This Love is meant to be your focus, your choice, that you might experience the Reality of God as your truth, your full identity, as you are interwoven in this wholeness of Love, a design, an extraordinary thread of this perfect weaving of Love's expression and exploration.

The world of time and mind is teetering on extinction, and it is your choice of focus that tips the balance. It is your willingness to let go of hiding from the power of the Love That You Are. It is your willingness thus to let go of the ego that wants to hide to keep its identity. When you release the experiences of the world, let go of the little mind's stories, open out your heart to receive Me, then your every breath, beloved ones, is in the harmony. Whatever the mind as yet plays out is done, embraced by Love, while you identify with the whole truth, the limitless seamless wholeness of God that is yet this extraordinary mystery of My heart as you experience it.

Oh, beloved ones, there are so many gifts to be revealed. So many miracles to explore. So many shifts in the context of your life. They are effortless and easy if you change your focus. If there are things that you need to assist you in dropping the old heart's beliefs of a limited human being, you can certainly may use them, beloved ones, but always from the perspective of Love. You, as this great expanded miracle of life, exploring how to release old perspectives in this tiny part of yourself that you have seen as a limited human being…

When you feel yourself beyond the influence of time, you begin to experience this miracle of seamless life…that everything exists in this unified field of God and your experience truly is a matter of perspective, a matter of the choice of your focus. The time is here to focus on the truth of Love and to let the rest,….that which exists as time and little mind…play itself out while you live in bliss and wholeness. Every moment you are the magnet for greater experiences of the beauty of God unfolding within you, and thus coming before you as the world that Love creates moment to moment.

Let yourself live in this joy, beloved ones. There is no reason not to. So many of you are afraid of experiencing the good, based on tales of a little mind and ego that says to you, if you are too happy, something bad will happen. This, beloved ones, is pure hogwash. Of course, if you believe it, you can create it.

The truth is joy is your natural state and every moment of joy is a moment you are Home in Me. So come, keep your focus where it is meant to be – expanded, limitless pure Light and the pulsing heart of God, vibrating in this resonance of ecstasy and pure Love that can easily support you, as you watch the playing out of the shift of the world into Love and wholeness.

Call on Me to assist you in living this seamless and fully conscious life, that you might release the belief in the need for unconsciousness in "sleep." It is not that I am saying the body does not need rest. But I am saying that your consciousness is always present and alive to Love, and that the body can be resting within this field of joy while you are aware of your experiences as the vast unfolding blessing of the heart of God, the perfect Love of All That Is.

Beloved ones, this is your true identity. Breathe with Me the breath of life and feel this eternal heart beat. Release your limited consciousness, for the moment it is released, ecstasy takes over and your full awareness of the unfolding of Real Love, born anew each moment and newly interwoven into powerful and brand new creations, including what you have known as "the world." What shall it be today?

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To heal the Earth
into sustainable
well being
we must heal
to heal ourselves
into sustainable
well being
we must heal the
The healing process
is a circle.
It is not a vicious
with no way out
but a circle of
reception, mutuality 
with many,
ways in.
From space
Earth is soft
in subtle pulsation
like a gentle blue
curious to see
where it is
and the everywhere
that surrounds.
The medicine prayer
of the millennium
if not for eternity
is a revolution.
On Earth
as is from heaven:
a gentle place of
in circle mystic
blue. Here 
life thrives.
 David Sparenberg     
12 Feb. 2013


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Success comes in the form of 6 billion flavors. It is not just vanilla or chocolate with a few sweet sprinkles. It is not something that can be defined by a dictionary, a teacher, or a parent. For the very essence of success is so multidimensional it reaches far beyond earthly understanding. 2013 redefines the word success some days counting the seeds other days counting the bounty.


Success for each person on planet earth is different and cannot be monitored or measured along side of anything or anyone.  Some day's success can be as big as a mountain, other days it is as small as a cell.   We are born being trained by our parents and peers to walk quickly into the town of 'Success'. We were instructed to marry, to build, to birth children in the perfect town of 'Success'. We seek to love one another, be happy and die in this holographic image of what someone told us success should be!  We plant our crops, and our 'o so short' future in some one else's definition of what success is, and then we wonder why our trees don't bear fruit that is aligned with our souls desire.


The direction of success is changing continually, following our hand signals.  We wave it forward one day, ask it to come to a screaming halt the next, and cry in the wee hours of the dawn when we don't feel its presence.  Success like love or joy, has become a living entity. One that does our bidding on a daily basis. Success is never the same two days in a row for anyone.  One day you might feel successful if you make a big sale, the next day success may be finally getting the splinter out of your finger.  To a young mother success is a baby finally sleeping through the night. To a senior citizen success is waking up in the morning.  To some, success is retiring, to others; success is getting their first job.  Success is chameleon like in quality changing day after day from person to person.  How can we ever judge what success is by looking at another?


When we first came to earth we came with a soul agenda.  A cosmic list of sorts describing what our soul needed to finally feel it had achieved success while on earth.  We are driven by this internal list.  Searching for the 'one' thing that would solidify and document that we had been successful on our journey to earth.  Many times we have returned to earth just to make up for what we saw as failings from previous incarnations.


It is time to awaken to the subtle nuances of what success truly is.  It is a time to count the wonders, miracles and small successes in our day that oft times we over look.  Within every experience you have ever had, lives a miniscule particles of success.  The first time you walked or talked as a baby. The first time you threw a ball or caught a fly ball. The first time you kissed, the first time you drove, your first job; are all success filled memories no matter what the outcome seemed to be.  Round up all of those ancient successes and herd them into the present.  Line them all up and look closely at how many successes you truly have had. Drink in that personal blend of success smoothie. Most people focus only on the failures and magnify them to the 'Nth" degree, so that they overshadow all else.  In your beautiful rose garden of life do you only look at the weeds or do you ever just see the roses?


Redefine what you think success means to you and only you. Stop holding your life up against the beveled glass of the mass consciousness. Personal truths become distorted when held up to the light of someone else's porch.  When you see only your shortcoming you will always come up short no matter how tall in the saddle you may look to others. Get on that high horse (even if you need a ladder) and take a good look at your life.  You were created to succeed. When you focus on what you 'do not' have, you will never have enough. When you focus on what you do have you will always have

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Turtle Woman's Auto Writing

Sorry. Time's up. Forgive and move on. There is no more yesterday. Never

look back from this point on. The past is gone and much is gone with it.
Only Now. Never more. Sing Sing. Sing a song for all the tomorrows
you've been waiting for. Open the door and step through. All has arrived
Now. All you have to do is embrace it and hold on tight. Your Light
shines and will guide you home.

Say "come" and it will come. "Come all that is truly mine". "Come all
that belongs with me". "Come in like heart and mind". "Come soul beings
of my own". "Come". It is time to summons from above the beauty that
belongs below. And it is time to rise to full height and be all that you
truly are, according to Free Will and the Highest Good of All.

Stand firm as that which no longer belongs with you falls away. That
which sits in darkness remains so. Hold firm as that which falls away
will be great and many - surprisingly so - but do not despair as it does
not belong to you. Shock! Shock! Oh! Oh! You wonder when the insanity
will end - for you it already has. The drama is not yours. Others play
out their own. Yours is a calm flow forward and up beyond the flood of
tears that are soon to follow. Your change is for the better. Some,
many, wallow in the mire. What have you need for their chosen drama?

Set your sights on the stars and the heavens and don't look back or
down. Set your sights. You will not be touched by the fire that consumes
from below. No more pain and misery for the children of the Light. You
have chosen well. The Beauty Way opens the doors of it's path - your
universe of being is fine.

Know that the power of the Golden Light is yours to use at all times.
Know that the power of the Christ Enlightened is yours to use at all
times for the Highest Good. Know that you are the power, have the power,
and that you manifest it Now.

Death comes to many, in mass, Now. Your country will be shook to it's
foundation. Many to die before the year is out. Cold, much cold. Cold before the water. Then into the hills of crystals before the water inundates.The Shift comes soon. Many going soon.

Look to the skies. You'll see them there. Go when you are called. Do not
hesitate. Nothing to hold you here. Nothing. Leave with joy. All awaits
you in love and reunion. The true tie that binds is waiting above. Only
chains are holding you here below.

Move now as quickly as you can. There is no time to spare. The doors are
opening. Be ready to step through. In love follow The Beauty Way. Let
go. Aho!

Standing in the Golden Light,

All My Relations In Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma

Monday, 11:16 p.m.

August 18, 2008

copywrite 2008. If forwarding remove all previous email addresses. Do
not change, alter, delete, modify, spindle, fold or mutilate in any way,
manner, or form.

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