Neliko's Posts (33)

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I love, honor, accept, respect and approve of you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world, or the way you feel that is right for you. It is important that you are the person you choose and desire to be and not someone that I or others think you should be.

PE01160_.gifI realize that I cannot know what is best for you though perhaps sometimes I think I do. I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle that you have.  I do not know what you have chosen to learn, who you have chosen to learn it with or in what time period.  I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need?

I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgment from me about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say and do, in this place where I am. I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow, without reservation your right to make the choices you make in each moment.

I make no judgment of this, for if I were to deny you your right to evolution then I would deny that right to myself and all others. To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of Unconditional Love that the Creator bestowed within me for all creation, as I love you so I shall be loved, as I sow, so shall I reap.

j0188235.gifI honor and respect the universal right of free will - that you walk your own path, following your love, light and truth, creating steps or sitting a while if that is what is right for you. I make no judgment of these steps, whether they are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint. While I [may perceive that I] see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy I honor and respect that it may be that you bring great healing as you stand blessed by the light of the Creator.

I accept and honor that I cannot always see the higher picture of divine order and that it is the inalienable right of all Beings to choose their own evolution and with unconditional love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. In humility, I bow to the realization that the way I see is best for me but does not have to mean that it is also right for you. I know that you are led as I am, following the inner excitement of your own path.

I know that many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefit of diverse teachings.  I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I know that if there were only one way to do something, there would need to be only one person. I love you unconditionally whether or not you behave in a way I think you should, or believe in those things I believe in.  I understand you are truly my brothers and sisters though you may have been born in a different place and believe in another way than I.

The unconditional love I feel is for all of the Creator's worlds and universes. I know that every living Being is part of the Creator and I feel unconditional love deep within me for every person, and all trees, and flowers, every bird, river and ocean - for all the creatures throughout the world. I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of divine truth, becoming happier in the joy of unconditional love.

I love you unconditionally with no strings attached and no expectations just as you are Now. I thank you unconditionally for Being you and the many blessings your Being brings to me and my world.                                                             


- Author Unknown

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Contract for the Ego, Mind and Emotional Levels

The new paradigm – the great unknown – is terrifying to the denser levels which took over during the old paradigm. They want to keep us safe, they want to survive. But they don’t have the skills to shift instantly into the new paradigm.

The lower levels are like old paradigm salespeople suddenly dropped into a new paradigm office. Everything has changed around them, and they have no skill set for how to function, use the new tools, or move ahead.

We aren’t going to fire them, they simply must be retrained to support the new agenda. Your Higher Self is guiding the training with compassion and understanding, but the lower levels need direction or they’ll continue to reproduce what they have always done. They are trying to sell ink wells in a world that is moving into telepathy.

A fun and effective training method

This FREE pdf is a contract between you and your ego, mind, and emotional levels. It explains what the new agenda is, what they need to do, how to support where you are going, and that no more recreation of the old paradigm is acceptable. Print it.  Sign it. Post it up where you can see it. Make your lower levels honor the contract. This is light grounding; anchoring a new idea in a physical way in this realm. When the mind wants to worry, or the ego wants to control, remind them of the contract and say, “Honor our contract. Let’s focus on the new reality, please. Thank you.”

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Dear Light Tribe, with deep Love and Gratitude, I share with all of you this meditation received as a gift from my Angelic Guides a few days ago. The Light Beings requested me to spread it all over the world, and to connect all of us in OneHeart this evening 22 December at 22.22 (10.22 PM) to Heal Mother Earth. Please share as much as possible all Around the globe! We are Love in Motion! Thanks.

Prepare an harmonious environment to help meditation, with candles, incenses, soft music, crystals, a glass of water. Sit comfortably or in the Lotus Flower position with hands in Chin Mudra (thumb and forefinger joined)

Place the glass of water in front of us and ask AA Michael to charge it with his Purifying Energy. Decree now aloud loving and healing words for Mother Earth.

Connect with our One Heart, with the Divine Source, with our Higher Self, with the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth, and the Core of the Great Central Sun and ask the Light Beings, Ascended Masters, Galactic Brothers, for Assistance.

Now with the third eye, visualize Gaia, her physical, mental and emotional bodies, her Crystalline and Magnetic Grids. Bring our awareness to the environmental pollution and the collective thought egregoras.

Then visualize around us, in front, behind, on our right and on our left at the level of the Solar Plexus, 4 square based Moldavite pyramids, about the size of the palm of our hand, placed on 4 rings.

Imagine that Golden healing drops , like a gentle rain, are spouting from our Heart and go down into the body of Gaia, keep this visualization for 7 minutes. Feel Pure Love flowing from our Heart down to the cristalline core of Mother Earth. 

At the end visualize the rings at the base of the pyramids moving while the pyramids start rotating and raising in the sky.

Thank Mother Earth and all the Light Beings who assisted us.
Pour the water on the Earth and visualize it Golden in colour, while it goes deep down. (People living in the cities may wait till the next morning and pour it in a garden or in a meadow, not in their house plants)

Namastè - Om Shanti
Love and Light
(sorry for my English  )

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Metatron Light Incubation Chamber

‘Whilst on holiday in France, this August, I received the most wonderful birthday present from the Beloved Archangel Metatron.  I had driven, on the 10th of August, to Lac du Charlain, in South-East France, with my wife and four children, and another teenage friend of the family.

It was a long drive down and a lovely holiday, but by the end of the ten days there and three terrible nights sleep due to our youngest becoming restless at night, my frequency and light levels were certainly becoming low.
I was lying in the spare room of our holiday cabin, unable to sleep in the small hours, and Archangel Metatron came into my consciousness, unexpectedly, as he usually does. He showed me a 'Light Incubation Chamber' based on his famous Metatron Cube, and told me to consciously place myself in it to raise my energy, frequency and light levels.  It is a fourth dimensional version of the famous and beautiful geometry that we are all familiar with, and is very much like an etheric sun-bed.

When used, day or night, it will upon request, raise your frequency and light levels to the desired level.
We are all experiencing increased levels of stress, lessons and deep cellular cleansing at present, and this is a lovely and gentle way of getting yourself back 'online' when things become a bit too much.
I find that it is most effective when used prior to sleeping.  When you awake in the morning you will feel refreshed, cleansed and ready for your day.

Make sure that you are showered, bathed and relaxed. Tempting though it is, try to avoid caffeinated beverages after 6pm at night, as they tend to disturb your sleep patterns. 
An hour before you go to bed, ask Archangel Metatron to prepare his Light Bath for you.
If you are in peaceful surroundings, you may be aware of a gentle current of light running through your body. Relax and allow this to be. Archangel Metatron is the Primary Source of Pure Light available to Humanity, and an absolute expert in Light Quotient building.
Once in bed, or in your receptive state, state the following, either aloud or mentally.

'Archangel Metatron, please now place me within your light bath'
Visualise yourself lying horizontally, completely relaxed, on a bed. 
All around you are pillars of beautiful, golden, glowing light. 
These are all around you, in precise geometric locations. You are lying directly within the centre of a Metatron Cube. It is the size of an average bedroom and has more than enough room to fit you comfortably within the centre.
Close your eyes, and imagine yourself and every cell of your body, becoming pure, Honey Golden, Liquid Light.
Feel Archangel Metatron's beautiful, divine presence, as he places his hands upon you. All your stresses, strains and worries dissolve as the Archangel pours his frequency through every cell of your being.
As you become more relaxed and more immersed in his Light, you will notice that the room is becoming brighter. This does not disturb your relaxation. You become more at ease. Archangel Metatron is simply amplifying the Light Quotient of your bath to precisely suit your needs.
You will never be 'overcooked' or receive more light than you individually require.
Ask Archangel Metatron to dissolve anything within your body, aura, or fields that you know has been an issue within the course of your day, for example, anxiety, any fear that you may be running, physical issues ( i.e. headaches, injuries, any other 'body stuff').
Feel his golden light flowing through every chakra, opening them and spinning them at a fifth dimensional frequency.
Finally, ask Archangel Metatron to hold your perfect level of Light Quotient within your body and fields at all times, day and night.
Thank him. Relax and sleep.


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581723_533362090064621_1558064969_n.jpgThe Greatest Gift You Have to Give is the Gift of Your Transformation.

By transforming ourselves; by seeking to eliminate all that is dark within ourselves we become the blessing to the world we are meant to be. 
The more we are able to live in our light the more we spark the light in others.
The more we are cultivated in the arts of compassion and love and forgiveness the more we cultivate this in others. 
The more we soften our relationship to the world and others the more everyone and everything softens. 
The more everything softens the more fluid and expansive the growth. 

Our very beings are a gift to the world. Choosing to stretch into the energy that you truly are is expansive to the world. 

Whenever I am feeling self-conscious I try to remember I am withholding my gift to the world.

I choose to bless the gifts I have been given by believing in them even when I doubt myself; even when I feel uncomfortable. 
I keep going and do my best to have trust. I know by doing so I am seeking out all that is dark within myself and living the gift of transformation.......


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The Divine power in me...- by Iyanla Vanzant

The Divine power in me...

There is a Divine power seeking its expression in me, as me and through me.

The instrument of Divine power is my mind.

Today, I believe in the Divine power within me. 

I believe in the power of where I AM.

I understand that this is a power of good and of the creator

I realize the power flows through me at all times.

Today, I accept the presence of divine power within me.

Today, I believe the power is operating in all of my life's affairs.

Today, I acknowledge that there is a Divine power instructing me in all that I do.

Today, I affirm Divine power as the active presence of joy and happiness in my life.

Today, I deliberately turn from everything and everyone that denies the reality of Divine power in me, as me and through me.

Today, I know every atom, every cell, every tissue, every organ in my body is brought into divine health and harmony.

Today, I know every shadow of doubt, worry and fear is dispelled as I Am quickened with Divine power of the living spirit in me.

Today, I Am graced with the presence of Divine power.

Today, I Am blessed with the love of Divine power.

Today, I Am strong in the glory of Divine power.

Today, I know I Am the instrument through which the Divine power is working.

Today, I affirm that the Divine power within me now breathes newness into my being and every aspect of my life.

I Am filled with good. I Am filled with light. I Am filled with faith. I Am filled with truth of my being, which is enduring Dynamic, and Divine.

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Intentional creation or manifestation is the conscious process of intentionally creating anything you choose to manifest itself in your personal reality. You are your own magician - out of seemingly nothing you can, with conscious intent, and detachment from results, create whatever you want. There is no judgment on what you create but there are consequences that follow your intent. For starters, your thoughts, visualizations, intentions, emotions, feelings, beliefs, behaviours, attitudes, clear expectations, words, deeds and actions must be aligned with what you intend creating.

The manifestation already exists in Spirit, now to bring it into reality in the physical: Declare your intention; although your five senses cannot validate the existence of the reality of the manifestation, as yet, you must know it is real and already exists; think about, focus on and pay attention to your ultimate objectives; determine how long, within reason, it should take to manifest this reality; your attitude is positive and great, it's gratitude, in advance of proof; you remain fully confident that you can do whatever is required to manifest this reality; your expectations are total success; you intend playing by the rules and standing in your integrity throughout the manifestation process; the clear vision of your intended creation remains your focus; you willingly take each step, one at a time, keeping your clear vision intact of your intended creation.

Each experience along the way is consistent with your stated intentions as you keep your eyes firmly on your vision; you feel and sense that intended reality to willingly be part of you; doubt, failure, uncertainty, disbelief and failure are not thought processes you will allow, and, failure is not an option. You are prepared to do whatever is required to manifest this reality; you do what it takes to get the job done. You trust the process as the Law of Intentional Creation enables the manifestation process to unfold. By doing what you need to do, by trusting the process, you remain detached from the results or the outcome. While you are taking the required steps, the Universe will manifest your intentional creation.

Your thoughts start your creation of your reality. Your total belief system enables this process to manifest by directing the universal energy to apply itself to unfold the Law of Intentional Creation as easy as it unfolds the Law of Gravity.

Believing is Seeing!

Laws From: Guide Speak

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"Given to the Dying" by Thich Nat Hahn

This body is not me; I am not caught in this body,

I am life without boundaries,
I have never been born and I have never died.
Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies
All manifests from the basis of consciousness.
Since beginningless time I have always been free.
Birth and death are only a door through which we go in and out.
Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek.
So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye.
Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before.
We shall always be meeting again at the true source,
Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.


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Love's Pathway by Carnelian Sage

Being in a state of love is an absolute necessity if you want to be connected to the energy field which is responsible for the fulfillment of desires. The quality of being loving is not the same as being love, and neither does it have the same effect.

You might say some of the most loving people you've ever known hardly manifest their desires or live the good life. It's important to note that just because people seem loving doesn't mean they are in harmony with the energy field. They may display the outward appearance of lovingness but it's possible their loving behavior is motivated by, insecurity, fear, a desperate need to be loved, pity, manipulation, or control of others, to extract reciprocity, or gain favor or a host of other things which have nothing to do with love. There are also some people who are masters at the conspicuous display of generosity and kindness, which may be done for the admiration and applause of people - and not born out of genuine love. And then of course, there are those who are fundamentally loving, but their prevalent thoughts center on low energy emotions such as shame, anger, guilt, fear, frustration, resentment or judgment. In all of these cases, the individual is no being love but simply going through the motions of love, thereby never really connecting to the energy field.

The best way to connect to the energy field and remove the obstacles to the awareness of love's presence within one's self is by doing the following powerful exercise I call Love's Pathway:

1.) Close your eyes and breathe deeply 3 or 4 times, while saying the following to yourself: I am the full expression of God's love. Just as God is love, so am I. I am love.

2.) Hold in mind an image of someone you love. This could be a family member, a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other. Then imagine yourself putting your arms around that person in a loving embrace while simultaneously saying "I love You" in your mind. Hold on to this feeling of love, allowing it to spread throughout your entire being.

3.) While holding on to this feeling of love, silently say to yourself, "I feel love." After a few moments mentally say, "I feel God." Then finally in your mind say "Thank you," allowing the feeling of gratitude and appreciation to wash over you.

4.) Remain in this state of being love for a few minutes, imagining the love in you radiating outward in an egg shaped sphere of vibratory energy that flows out onto all people, encompassing the world and the universe.

You may repeat the process, holding in mind the image of another loved one in the next cycle. You can do, as I do - and practice several cycles, going through every member of your family in succession. Or you can choose to do just one cycle - holding in mind thoughts of the person who naturally and strongly causes strong feelings of love to be generated within you.

The profound effect of the above exercise cannot be emphasized enough. It may seem disarmingly simple, but it awakens in you feelings you didn't know you had. You'll learn the secrets of your heart, and the extent to which you can love another human being, and truly love yourself. It will also magnify the love you already have for those you love and create a deeper bond between you and them.

Allow me to walk you through the various stages of the exercise, and what each step accomplishes.

1.) When you breathe deeply 3 or 4 times, this allows you to center yourself, silence your mind, and remove all extraneous thoughts and feelings in preparation for the exercise. As you contemplate on the truth that you, as a human being, are the full expression of God's love, you gain a newfound view of yourself that defies description. You'll feel a dismantling of your self imposed imprisonment of pride and the ego based emotions of resentment, fear, doubt, worry, greed or hatred.

2.) When you hold in your mind the image of someone you love, this immediately puts your body in a state of strength. The science of applied kinesiology, pioneered by Dr. George Goodheart in the latter part of the 20th Century, shows through muscle testing that certain stimuli increase the strength of certain indicator muscles while other stimuli would cause those same muscles to weaken. Emotional stimuli, such as picturing someone you love, provokes a demonstrably strong muscle response when compared to negative or neural stimuli.

When you imagine putting your arms around a loved one while at the same time silently saying, "I love you", and then allowing the feeling of love to spread throughout your entire being, this act of loving another human being allows you to spontaneously detach from your identification with the ego momentarily because you are focusing on your loved one. Since at that very moment, you're loving someone without condition or expectation of reciprocity, you step outside of yourself and transcend the ego for the time being.

Different people have different triggers that cause them to have deep feelings of love. Many of us respond to the sense of touch - therefore, envisioning a loving embrace or a gentle caress is just the key. For others, the deepest feeling of love is triggered when they hear the words, "I love you." In this step, feel free to add whatever it is that causes you to have deep feelings of love.

This is the emotional phase of the exercise. It allows you to start with the feelings of love that you're already familiar with, and use them as a catalyst for accessing the deeper dimensions that reside within you.

3.) When you say to yourself, "I feel love" it brings crystal clear realization something inside of you, your true loving nature, is finding full expression. When you say, "I feel God," a shift in awareness occurs as you realize you've found the bridge - the "wormhole", if you will - between emotional and spiritual dimensions, and you've opened the doorway to God through love.

When you say, "Thank you," it is an expression of profound gratitude and appreciation for the spiritual vision to see who you really are, and to revel in your boundless capacity to love. By being love, you connect to the energy field from which everything, including the manifestation of your desires, originates.

4.) When you remain in the state of being love and imagine radiating outward, you raise your frequency of vibration so that it ultimately becomes a vibrational match to the energy field, which means you've realigned yourself with the field.

Conscious connection to the energy field can happen in a split second. Many people are able to catch glimpses of this connection for brief moments - or maybe a few minutes, hours or days - when they are in an altered state of consciousness, or when they are experiencing a spiritual epiphany or a religious experience. It's characterized by that sublime, surreal feeling that everything is right in the world, that one has access to all the wisdom in the universe, and anything one sets out to do will meet with success. While it's wonderful to experience that euphoric feeling of being of being connected, unless you can sustain that state longer than just a momentary period, it's nothing more than a spiritual "high" which will do little towards the fulfillment of your heart's desires.

When you awaken to the full realization you are love, and practice the Love's Pathway exercise regularly, you perpetuate that state - and it becomes the "normal cruising altitude" of your life. That's when miracles begin to happen, and you experience the definition of self - realization referred to by Swami Paramananda, as follows: "Self - realization means that we have been consciously connected with our source of being. Once we have made this connection, then nothing can go wrong."

There are many ways of arriving at that conscious connection with the energy field. Often, it takes a lifetime of spiritual agony and suffering, combined with the performance of traditional spiritual practices. The recovery of millions of people from the incurable malady of alcoholism, for instance, follows a spiritually based pathway called the 12 step program. Indeed, most people who have been cured of alcoholism using the 12 steps espoused by Alcoholics Anonymous (and embraced by other groups like Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous) attribute their sobriety to a transformation of consciousness they call a "spiritual experience." The spiritual experience involves, among other things, asking a power greater than themselves for strength and guidance, and daily prayer and meditation to improve conscious contact with God.

It should be noted, neither medicine, psychiatry, nor any branch of modern science, has ever been able to bring about the recovery from alcoholism the spiritual truths of the 12 step program have been able to accomplish successfully. Likewise, neither positive thoughts and feelings, visualization, affirmations, and any other techniques currently taught in conjunction with Law of Attraction will ever wield the manifestation power of the spiritual truths contained herein. Consciously connecting with the energy field through love is the accelerated method - the sudden emergence into higher awareness, which dramatically shortens the time it takes to manifest desires. When you cast a pebble of love in the ocean of life, the ripples you create will return to you in waves, according to your heart's desires. If you cast no pebbles,,there will be no waves to propel your heart's desires and enable them to arrive at your shores.

Let us daily increase in: wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter and prosperity.

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Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 23rd May 2013 - 

A constant aspect of acting as a tool and beacon of receiving light upon the Earth is to be observant of the need for constant cleansing of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is a tool which fuels all experiences upon the Earth, the level of the openness of your heart chakra allows you to perceive your reality, self, the Creator and even your own healing process with varied levels of understanding.
When the heart chakra is open then you are abundant in your ability to accept and to give the vibrations, wisdom and essence of the Creator. Your energy vibration shifts to a quicker frequency and you are able to move into a state of clarity throughout your entire being especially the mind. With the openness of the heart chakra it can seem as if you are connecting to higher dimensions and aspects of yourself as you are receiving a constantly vibrating current of yourself and the Creator flowing throughout your being. The openness of the heart chakra to whatever degree allows for higher aspects of yourself to ground into your embodiment.

When the heart chakra is closed or closing it can signify that the heart or the mind has become focused upon pain within the heart chakra. This pain may have always been present or it may have emerged recently due to experiences but the mind can become besotted with the pain, reminding your entire body of the pain in the heart constantly. It is as if your focus wishes to send the vibration of the pain into the entire body as if to become the vibration of pain. To enter into the vibration of pain in this way may seem as if it could bring forth a healing or solution to the pain but in actual fact allows your entire vibration to slow down and your heart to close or protect itself. It is often when pain is experienced in the heart chakra that the heart closes taking on the pain or even becoming the pain, finding love within the heart chakra can become increasingly difficult unless the focus of the mind is altered. Remember, that which you create or focus upon you experienced. So if you focus upon pain in the heart chakra the heart chakra seems to embody the pain because of your focus.

In many ways you experience an illusion created by yourself and your focus, you allow yourself to enter into a reality where pain is real and the pain that you focus upon in your heart becomes your reality. The truth is that the pain is merely a blemish upon a clean and loving canvas of love. Your heart is always filled with the love of the Creator; love is eternally present and cannot be dissolved by pain or fear. If you imagine your heart chakra as a clean window, but you notice a blemish upon the window, once you notice the blemish it becomes all that you can see, the clean window no longer has value or relevance because of this blemish which is almost consuming your attention. It can be the same for the heart chakra.

It is true that within your heart chakra you can store much pain and fears, in many ways you could imagine your heart as a storing cupboard where you not only allow yourself to hold the love of the Creator and your soul but you also store energies, memories and wisdom that you perceive as valuable. Sometimes you store things within your heart chakra because they need to be hidden until you are ready to acknowledge or address them. Not only is your heart chakra an instrument of love for you to experience and express the love of the Creator but it is also a space in which you store energies, memories and wisdom. Sometimes fears can be locked within your heart acting as tools, they will emerge at the most appropriate time to aid a healing and inspire you with a new realisation about yourself. The heart chakra is also a tool of magnification and this can be why pain held within the heart can become overpowering within your being and mind. It is important to remember that when you experience pain of the heart chakra that love is always and remains present within your heart chakra, you have a choice whether you wish to acknowledge the love or not. The presence of love within your heart chakra can allow for a quick and beautiful healing of any pain that is experienced but the key is to remain observant of the pain but to draw your focus away from the fear and to place it in the realisation that your heart chakra is always abundant with love.

When you feel alone, afraid, sad or any kind of emotion that causes pain in the heart chakra to emerge, it is important to remember and to remind yourself that love still remains within your body, being and reality. Love is eternal within your being and just requires your focus in order to bring it to the forefront for experiencing. In moments of heartache you have chosen to bring pain to the forefront to be experience, this is your choice and you always have the opportunity to change your choice and to choose the experience of love through reminding yourself that love is always present within your heart chakra and can be summand forward in waves to aid deep healing.
The heart chakra also has the ability to download the higher self into your being and embodiment. Your higher self is constantly downloading its energy and presence into your heart chakra for your further understanding and expression. Your higher self can be explained as the aspect of the Creator that is needed to be merged with your being. You hold within your being your soul which is your essence, truth and is an aspect of the Creator. Your soul in some ways can never be complete because there is no separation between your soul, your soul group and the Creator. These are all aspects or quicker vibrations of the Creator. When you are accepting your higher self you are accepting a quicker vibration of the Creator that will serve you in that moment so it may be an aspect of your soul, soul group or the Creator but it is an aspect which holds insights and realisations to aid your embodiment of the Creator. With this understanding your heart chakra is constantly downloading, realising or attuning to your higher self. It is often that when you seek guidance or inspiration that you cannot comprehend which part of yourself you require assistance from, but when you call upon your higher self you are allowing a part of yourself, whether your soul, soul group, Creator or even guide to step forward and provide.

I am aware that many experience confusion with labels such as soul, soul group, higher self, Creator and so forth, but it served me while within a physical body upon the Earth to understand my higher self almost as the next stage of integration of or with the Creator, it is a vibration that is constantly evolving and increasing in vibration because you are constantly accepting your higher self which is akin to pieces of the Creator. Your higher self is a part of yourself and the Creator which is always providing to you all that you need. It is akin to a bridge that allows you to easily access all that is the Creator in order to embody the Creator more fully within your being. Your soul could be explained as the essence of the Creator that is attached to the incarnation, your soul group is the source from which your soul extends, your higher self is the bridge between your soul and soul group and all of these aspects including your physical body are aspects of the Creator.

You may wish to ask me, Master Kuthumi, to come forward to be of service to you in cleansing your heart chakra. The love that I now share with you as I exist before you will assist you in allowing your heart chakra to expand and open appropriately. Allow yourself to breathe the love that I share with you deep into your heart centre. Your focus is upon your heart chakra being open and expansive. You may wish to repeat; ‘My heart chakra is open and expansive.’

Then call upon your soul which is attuned and can be expressed through your heart chakra to come forward and cleanse your heart chakra of all unneeded energies. Ask your soul to cleanse your mind of all unneeded focuses within the heart chakra also. Imagine the light of your soul washing and purifying your heart chakra or the space of love within your being.
Allow love to flow from your heart chakra, sending it into your surroundings to focus upon the flow of love and the ample love that you hold within your being.
‘My heart chakra is attuned to my higher self; I allow the vibration of my higher self to flow into and through my heart chakra. My heart chakra is an expression of my higher self.’
Allow yourself to experience this integration.
‘I allow myself to recognise any pain in my heart chakra if and when it needs to be released and to inspire further growth. I realise that I do not need to allow the pain to consume my heart chakra completely but that I can observe the pain while remembering that my heart is filled with love eternally. It is my realisation of my eternal love that allows me to constantly cleanse, realise and heal my heart chakra allowing for the greater expression of my higher self.’ Allow time to experience, observe and integrate.

May your heart chakra be your greatest joy,

Master Kuthumi

picture by Brian Exton

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23 May 2013

From the earliest material that we have sent through various channels regarding the transformation of the Earth species, we have emphasized how important it is to drink water to assist and support the changes.

This recommendation is becoming more urgent now. There is a particular surge of energy that is depleting the water reserves of your bodies and creating stress, especially on your nervous systems. Attention to the amount of water you are taking in will help you handle this energy.

There is a recurrent motif in the patterns of life on Earth, as well as on other humanoid world civilizations. It is the link between water and birth. The water-world is the source that holds all necessary elements for all levels of consciousness to bring forth new life. The birth of the ascended species on your world is occurring in the bodies of humans currently alive on Earth. This means that each individual is his or her own birth vessel. And water is a vital support for this process.

Previously, our emphasis on water has been for clearing toxins. The ascension changes require high hydration, not only for detoxification, but also as a conductor for electromagnetic energy. Without sufficient water all symptoms of ascension are much more intense and difficult to handle. In fact, if you compare a list of ascension symptoms with a list of dehydration symptoms you would find that they are very much aligned.

In light of the milestone you passed in December 2012, we wish to turn your attention to a new focus for the water imperative. In addition to the continuing need for detoxing hydration, we wish to present another element that will become increasingly important: water as a prime source of nourishment. Human bodies altered by ascension energies will require less dense nutritional elements to nourish their bodies.

There is a probable future reality in which human life is nourished and sustained by subtle energy nutrients such as light, air, color, sound, and water. The water element will act as a medium to make subtle energy sources available to human bodies. The more dense substances that you now ingest will become toxic rather than nourishing. You already see this happening in the increase in food sensitivities and allergies.

Water-carried subtle energy nourishment requires a clear, pure carrier. Most important, the water needs to carry life force energy. Much of the water available to you, at your present level of civilization, is devoid of life. The human body needs water with vital energy to support its many functions. All the functions of all life on Earth require pure, clear, life-filled water.

In addition to carrying subtle nutrients, pure, clear, living water has the potential to act as a means of communication. It may be programmed with purpose-energy that directs healing, manifesting, changing attitudes and emotions, encouraging growth (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) or almost anything you can imagine. You would be seeding the water with subtle energies that would support any manifestations you choose.

The level of contamination the Earth is experiencing due to over population and a careless abuse of Earth’s resources is another level of extreme need for purifying water. Since water nourishes every level of life on Earth, one of the first steps in cleansing the planet must be purifying the water. In the spirit of programming we just mentioned living water could act to seed large bodies of water that need cleansing. Some of your scientists are experimenting with this now.

There are many ways that the quality of water can be influenced. Its crystalline nature absorbs and communicates. There is a surge of material surfacing through creative and scientific people on Earth that is providing information about the nature of your water and the ways it can carry programming. As you search for information, as individuals, you will be guided to the most beneficial processes and programs for you. Remember: the time of gurus is winding down. It’s time to follow your own inner guidance.

We would like to recommend an area that could be explored. Many crop circle patterns are intended to be accommodated, on subconscious levels, as symbols that have effects and cause alterations in those who view them. This is the opposite of decoding the “messages” for the understanding of the intellect. As symbols they carry an energy effect (actually many levels of effects – for this the nature of symbols – they are multidimensional) and could be used to program water like many other influencing energies.

Crop circles, on the whole, convey many different types of data, but there are ones that are clearly geometric symbols. You could look for ones with which you feel a positive resonance. Their initial intent was to be accommodated visually, but some of you might feel inclined to experiment with these images and the programming of water. You could choose an image of a symbol, set a container of purified water on it over night, then drink it or use it in other way to test its effects.

We wish to emphasize, again, how important this life-giving liquid is for you, at this time. So many of you are judging discomforts, imbalances, upsets, pains, etc. as needing medication. We encourage you to give yourselves whatever comforts are available, but start with the basic source of life: pure, clear, living water.

©Hannah Beaconsfield 2013

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Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan’s liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine intervention is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for ‘accountability’ accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.

Your reality is dying as the economic system it is founded upon grinds to a halt. It is similar to a huge mill which is dependent on a river that is rapidly drying up. The owners, the dark cabal, comprehend what is happening and are intent on getting the last bit of work out of their flagging equipment. The cabal is hunting desperately for a solution to restore the falling levels of the river, but despite its best efforts no solution is found. We have informed the cabal on innumerable occasions what it would take to solve their dilemma and its response has been to proceed doggedly upon the same course. We have therefore moved forward with what Heaven has directed us to do. The cabal is fully aware that its time is up and still it increases its determination to pull some unrealizable miracle out of the air. We watch and marvel at its inane reaction to the inevitability bearing down on it. It is time for these dark-controlled governments to quit and disclose the truth to their beleaguered populations.

Our liaison personnel have just completed a series of information exchanges with several Western governments, in which we clearly showed them that their dilemmas are endemic to the entire global economic structure which is now falling down around them. The practical solution is to allow new governance to introduce the range of new economic and abundance programs, including the formal disclosure of our existence. We are therefore awaiting the time chosen by Heaven to act and reveal ourselves to you. This will also be the moment for the series of announcements by both the Agarthans and the Ascended Masters, who will be divulging what you need to know to get a reasonable grasp on what is truly happening in your world. These swathes of information will trigger a rapid change in your consciousness and introduce new ways for you to change your societies, enabling them to work creatively with each other. We clearly perceive the labyrinthine problems created by your present governments, which is why an entirely new structure has been agreed upon which can be relied upon to promote your new prosperity and your new realities.

We stand on the brink of the grand intervention decreed by Heaven. This will open the door to first contact and a new relationship between you and Agartha. The extent of the upcoming technology transfer will astound you! Your world is due to absorb a leap in capabilities that is greater by far than the advent of the laptop computer with its many offshoots such as tablets and smart phones. As an aside, these came with some serious health concerns! By contrast, some of the new technology can boost not only your general health and vitality but also your levels of consciousness while connecting you more easily and effectively with your world. You will begin to view technology in general as ‘consciousness tools’ and will begin to use your time to absorb knowledge, to meditate, and to ponder on the coming miracle of full consciousness. As your mentors we will show you the immense significance of the abilities still largely dormant within you, as this is central to your comprehension of the next phase of your journey to your divine destiny.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this auspicious day to make some important announcements. First, let us bless our space and Inner Earth families. They come now to set the stage for the next steps on your journey to full consciousness. Heaven decrees that each of you now needs to become aware that you are not alone in this magnificent, vast Universe. There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead. Second, we are to be able to manifest among you in great numbers to begin our teaching schedule. These teachings will show you how and why the Anunnaki purposely jumbled up the wisdom teachings given to you by some of our most respected grand masters. These messages will finally allow you to discover the truth about your origins and what Heaven expects of you.

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you. This constitutes the beginning of the new financial system which will institute debt forgiveness as a means to level the world’s financial structures. Newly chartered banks will temporarily distribute and somewhat regulate these funds. Once the Federation fleet lands, these banks, the accompanying financial system, and your perceived need for ‘money’ as such, will be subsumed into a type of precursor of your new galactic society. The intention, dear blessed Ones, is to use physical abundance for a short time to heal the dark manipulations which twisted you into believing in want and limitation rather than adhering to your divine responsibilities. The mass influx into your lives of your individual mentors will change all that immediately! We are then to introduce you to the responsibilities that come with higher consciousness and assist you to understand their significance.

Your primary responsibility is to become effective overseers of your precious home world. Mother Earth is gleefully looking forward to your wonderful ministrations. New technologies are to heal the surface world and prepare her for her grand transition to a fully unified, fully conscious globe. You are to play a major role in these initial proceedings, after which it will be time for the culmination of your auspicious return to full consciousness via the use of your Light chambers. Then, once you are acclimatized to the joys and powers of full consciousness, you will be ready to work together with us. We have joyously anticipated this most special time as we are destined to create a most heavenly star-nation together. Heaven informs us that what we have been told about is then to manifest and our long sojourn on this planet takes on a new and gracious path. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we brought you another message about transforming the old and bringing in the new. It is the magic time when the dark leaves your world and a bright, fully conscious one begins to manifest. It is when the wonders and exaltation of freedom and prosperity return! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) / link to original article

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This Hathor Message is pure sound.

In other words, there are no words in this Hathor Planetary Message. It is pure Hathorian sound.

The Hathors’ primary mode of communication and method for imparting transformational information has always been through their catalytic sound work.  These pure sound-forms activate non-ordinary states of body and mind that we can use to access the multi-dimensional realities of our existence.

That, in a nutshell, is why their sounds are so potent.

Directly experiencing our multi-dimensional nature is not only freeing to the mind and heart, it can rapidly impart new insights, heighten creativity and inspire spiritual courage.

You can find a direct link to this sound meditation at the bottom of this page. You can also find a link to this sound meditation in the Listening section of our website (

This particular “sound message” was recorded live during a one-day Hathor Intensive that took place in Istanbul on April 13, 2013.  During this sound meditation our focus was in the heart chakra, and I was surprised to sense that the sounds were emanating into many underground passages that stretched underneath the vast city of Istanbul. It was my clear sense that these sounds were being broadcast from Istanbul to the rest of the world, due to both the geographical location of this ancient city and its unique energetic qualities, which bridge both Europe and Asia.

At one point during the sound meditation, I had the strong psychic impression that I was being greeted by a host of Earth Protectors who resided in the underground passages. Every one of them, without exception, informed me that the world was about to undergo a radical transformation. What they meant by this exactly was not made clear to me, but the changes will be very disruptive to our human way of life.

My feeling from these ancient beings was that humanity must face and transform its unresolved emotional wounding if it is to survive the passage into higher dimensionality.

Thus, the purpose of this meditation is to integrate aspects of yourself that you have shunned or disowned. In psychology, this type of emotional displacement is called the shadow, and un-owned shadow material can contaminate our inner life as well as our outward actions in the world.

The Hathors are adamant that we need to transform our own shadow material, both individually and collectively, as we move upward in consciousness. They also contend that our collective shadow is being acted out at an alarming rate, and in ways that threaten not only human survival, but the survival of other life forms on this planet as well.

In spite of the precarious position that humanity is now facing, the Hathors believe that the human heart (i.e., the heart chakra) has an innate ability to heal and transform our individual emotional lives no matter how difficult our past history and emotional traumas may have been. Not only this, but they are of the opinion that healing our emotional lives has a subtle yet far-reaching affect on the collective heart (i.e., our collective emotional tone) as well, which can and does affect our collective destiny.

I have listened to the recording of this sound meditation several times, and I experience a healing response in my heart chakra every time. The Hathors have asked me to post this on the website as soon as possible. And this is a sign, I think, of just how urgent and dire the Hathors consider our current situation to be.

Listening Suggestions

1) One way of listening to this sound meditation is to simply focus your attention in the area of your heart chakra, which is located in the center of your chest behind the sternum. Just keep your mental focus in this area and listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your heart chakra and the sound patterns.

2) Another way of listening to this sound meditation is to imagine that a small version of you is inside your heart chakra. This shift in self-identity will create a more powerful effect for some people. Depending upon what you are dealing with, you might find your self-image inside the heart chakra standing, sitting or lying down. In some instances when you feel highly vulnerable, you might find yourself curled up in a fetal position in your heart chakra. Just keep the focus of your attention on this sense of you that is inside your heart chakra, in whatever forms it may take. Don’t be surprised if the form inside your heart changes as you move through different types of emotional material.

3) Some people will find it more powerful to breathe into their heart chakra when listening to the sounds. If you work with this method, sigh into your exhales, and let the sighs come out from your heart chakra. In other words, make an audible sigh with each exhale.

A more advanced form of this method is to allow yourself to feel the movement of energy that emanates from your heart chakra as you sigh into each exhale and to follow this movement of energy with your awareness as the energy from your heart chakra circulates throughout your entire body.

My personal suggestion is to try all three methods and choose the one(s) that work best for you. You might also find it helpful to have a notebook to write down your impressions, feelings, images and insights right after you complete a listening session. This is because the state of consciousness generated by this sound piece can generate a type of waking-dream, and like dreams they can sometimes impart significant insights, but also like dreams, they are fleeting in nature and easily forgotten.

I think of this sound meditation as a type of archaeological tool. You can use it to uncover hidden passages in your heart and to retrieve treasures of consciousness that have been obscured to your sight. And you can, just as importantly, bring to the light of your conscious awareness “things” that have been hidden by the darkness of unconsciousness.

You undertake this task for yourself. But the benefits of freeing yourself from emotional imprisonment and constraint can, and will, benefit your fellow human beings and all life as well.

Please note that this audio file is best listened to with headphones or ear buds since most computer speaker systems will distort the sounds of this recording. 

Click here to listen to and/or download the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation ©2013. Note that this is a live recording from the Istanbul event and there are some room noises that were picked up by the microphone.


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Here is a meditation, a teaching, and a gift from AA Michael to help you create or strengthen your connection to the Archangelic Realms and begin to reclaim your memory, your destiny, and your power. It was part of a recent channelling by Ronna Herman.

Beloved masters, I ask you to close your eyes for a moment. I wish for you to sense my presence, not just read this message I offer you.

When you have sensed Michael’s presence, then read the rest of this, and allow yourself to fully feel that it is being given directly to you. It is real. AA Michael, and the promises he makes, are as real as the screen or paper that you are reading from.

We have a Divine connection, you and I, and yes, I mean each and every one of you. You are here on this planet because we sent out a clarion call and you answered.

You had to meet certain rigid criteria and undergo what might be called an intense training process in order to qualify for this grand experiment on Planet Earth.

Draw forth that memory from deep within the core of your heart and soul. Allow yourself to sense a feeling of expansion, a richness, a joy, as we merge our energies, one with another. I send you a Ray of Love from the center of my Being, a gift that is yours alone.

We of the angelic realms are as anxious as you to reclaim our connection. We miss your presence, Dear Ones. We have been separated too long.

If you are willing, I will assign to each of you four beautiful Angelic Beings. But you must ask for this gift.

These are more powerful than any other of the myriad of angelic helpers you have assigned to you, as these beloved angelic Warriors of Light will come to you at my request. There will be two with feminine energies and two with masculine energies to serve you.

If you want to receive this gift, close your eyes now and ask. Then go on to read the remainder of this message.

I assure you, they are real! As real as anything you can touch in the physical realm.

Ask their names, and allow a sense of their personalities to emerge. Attune to them with your inner senses. And give them assignments. Direct them to assist you in every endeavour, whether it be abundance, health, organization, protection, creativity — there is no limit to what they can do.

The more you interact with them, the more real they will become and the more you will see how helpful they can be.

It is time for you to receive some of the rewards for all your patient endeavours, all your trials and tests. Gradually, we are resuming our proper relationship with you — with all Humanity.

We were not meant to be separated or divided. It was intended that you would be able to interact with us telepathically, even lift your Spirit into the realms where we reside and spend time with us and receive succour.

Even when your Spirit incorporated fully in the physical vessel, it was planned that we would always be available to guide, encourage, and support you. And it has been so — but in a much more limited way than was originally intended. When the Earth was jolted off its etheric axis and sank into the third dimension, one of the greatest tragedies was that we could barely penetrate through the density of the lower astral planes to connect with you. You forgot we were all a part of the Plan — that we were “in this together,” in this experiment on a planet you now call Earth.

We could only reach you in your dreams, through the yearnings of your heart, and the gentle nudgings of your soul. We became unreal to you — myths, fantasy, or a hope of the faithful.

More recently, we have begun to rebuild our connection with you, as you have cleared the static between us by refining your auric field so that you could once more access the higher dimensions.

Also we have been able to accelerate the process because we were given permission to intercede in order to activate your awakening. You agreed, before you were allowed to incarnate in this lifetime, that when the proper time came you would allow us to set aside your free will and direct you toward your destiny onto the path of awakening. Many of you may recall exactly the time, place, and circumstances in which this took place. We nudged you onto the path, and nothing in your world has been the same since.

We are all brothers and sisters, my beloved ones, no matter what our lineage, heritage, or level of awareness. You have forgotten you are Divine Beings, that you are only visitors here. Your home is out among the Stars, in a vast and wondrous place that has no boundaries, no limitations — the Realm of All Possibilities.

You are the leaders, you are the examples. You will represent the vision and carry the standard of what the future holds. We are ready to assist you, my brave warriors. Allow us to support you, bolster your courage, sharpen your insight, and give you direction.

Together, we will overcome any adversity. We will prevail. But then, I never had a doubt.

Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

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No more meekly saying 'yes'
When my heart is screaming 'no'
No more taming of my feelings
So my power won’t show
No more hiding my exuberance
From disapproving eyes
No more watering down myself
So my spirit won't rise

No more 'smalling up' of me
Pretending I am not here
No more running from the music
And the spotlight's glare
No more living in this prison
Barricaded by my fears
No more turning and retreating
In the face of new frontiers

Even as I am speaking
I am taking shape and form
Harnessing my powers
Like a gathering storm
There's no obstacle so bold
As to dare stand in my way
I am taking back my life
And I am doing it today.

Jean Wilson

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Dear friends, I am your mother, the Earth who carries you. I flow through you constantly, and I want to nourish and inspire you with my energy. We belong together; we do this dance together.

Life in a body, male or female, is an interplay between your soul and that of the Earth. Honor your beautiful body, the body I have given to you. It is an expression of female or male energy, so feel the beauty of that. Observe it from within. Experience the powerful energies in your body: the emotions, the feelings, the passions, the desires. They are powerful energies against which you sometime resist. However, try to feel the pure beauty of your body for a moment without wanting to control it. Feel the force field that you are as a physical being.

You receive information from your body continually and you often ignore that input because you think you know in your mind what is best for you or what is wrong for you. You often ignore your body, this gift from me. I ask you to instead turn your attention downward toward the ground under your feet, the foundation upon which you stand in this life, and to return to your sacred body – the dwelling place of your soul. Make peace with your body and no longer resist those energies that manifest there – respect them. Your soul is invited to dance with the energies of Earth, with the energies of being a woman, of being a man, of being together.

Let us do this today. Try to let go of beliefs in terms of right or wrong, beliefs about what is to be allowed and what not. Try to let those ideas go, altogether. Let the energies speak for themselves. If you look around you in nature, you see a continual play of energies and powers: in the wind, in the water, in the temperature, in the seasons, in the weather.  Everything moves constantly, but tends naturally to a certain balance and equilibrium when things are allowed to take their own course. An overbearing need to control and organize eventually leads to imbalance, to a lack of equilibrium. And this happens also with your own human nature, because you are a part of earthly nature. Let go of trying to control and manipulate everything. Look at who you are, here and now, at this time. Allow your desires to be present and to “speak” to you.

Each of you here present longs for love. Love in relationships with others and love for yourself. Love to give and love to receive, and that is as it should be, because this desire is sincere. Even though you have this strong desire, there is a part of you which is fearful and in the dark. This part makes you afraid of love. So although one part of you yearns for, and reaches out to love, another part of you unintentionally closes you off from giving and receiving love.

You are forerunners of a new time, you are pioneers. You are taking steps on new ground, in unexplored territory. You want to live from your heart and your soul, and you want to get acquainted with what love really is. Not the images of love that are portrayed through the media, but a love that is more grand and more vast. A love that allows both partners to be completely who they are. A love as nature intended it to be.

This is a transitional time on Earth. More and more people desire depth in their relationships, a true meeting with the other person, and that is where your path leads you. But it is not a path that only leads to the heights; it is also a path that can lead to the depths, because on this path you encounter your own fears, the prejudices of your parents and ancestors, and the pain of generations before you. That is the choice you make once you choose for a relationship in the new era. You then choose for another way of being. You choose for an openness and sincerity that goes to the core of who you are, and therefore that choice challenges you to reveal, from the fullest extent of your soul, the part of you which still hides in the dark.

Let us look today in openness and without judgment at what still is to be revealed within you. What pain, what fear lives there? What hinders you from loving yourself and another? Let us first look at the past and to how the male and female energies have developed in centuries past. We then see that the male energy has played a dominant role for centuries and that both sexes, both women and men, have suffered because of that. The male energy that was dominant in your history was very much a mental energy of wanting to direct and determine earthly nature, as well as human nature. This form of energy wants to restrain and to control, often out of a desire for power.

In all layers of society, that energy has been at work. In governments, religions, and in daily life, the female energy, the emotional and the intuitive, was suppressed. The result has been that women felt inferior. The female qualities were less, or not at all, appreciated. That was the prevailing image. Women were regarded as second-class citizens, lesser human beings, and the female energy in general was regarded as suspicious.

If you are aggressive, and you focus on control, power, and manipulation through mental processes, the feminine soon becomes your enemy, because the feminine is by nature more flowing, more flexible, and more connected to qualities of feeling and emotion. The feminine is the source of all inspiration. She creates the bridge to your soul. Your soul flows through your feminine energy. The masculine energy is meant to support that inspiration, and to make it possible for this inspiration to become established in the material world.

That is the way it would be if the masculine and feminine worked well together, but throughout history the natural cooperation has become fractured, and men and women have become strangers who stand opposite one another. And this has not only happened outwardly between men and women, but also within the hearts of men and women. Men became alienated from their own emotional life, barred from it, and women increasingly began to feel insecure about who they are and what they can do. In both sexes, the male dominance has left wounds.

I would like you to join with me in an exercise of guided visualization. Imagine that you see a man and a woman standing side by side. I would like to sketch an image here of the male and the female soul on the collective level. A very sketchy picture, thus a general image, but something that you can recognize, or to which you might identify.

When you see how a man looks historically, at the pain he has suffered, then you see a man whose emotions are not allowed to flow sufficiently. Men have identified with thinking, doing, and acting, but the connection with their heart is broken or difficult to find. If you look at the figure of a man, you can see that he lives partly within a shell or an armor. This armor gives him the feeling of security on the one hand, but at the same time it restricts him, because his heart is stifled. You can see his tide of passion and love, but that current may not flow very freely through his armor; there is congestion and blockage within him. Men cannot express their feelings very well, because they have to contend with an old armor that no longer actually fits them, and you can perceive there are already cracks in the armor of this representative male.

Men fight against this ancient armor, because they want to express their feelings more outwardly. But within this restriction, which is a result of the judgments of the past, it is still so that, as a man, you cannot express certain emotions from your heart and cannot truly connect with another. From the point of view of these restrictions, you will give up a certain security when you release your inhibitions, and that is dangerous and scary.

Let us now look by way of this visualization at how the woman looks as a result of her long past of pain and suppression. If you look at this representative female, the first thing you see is that something is missing. The woman is not entirely present, because of the suppression and the sexual violence she has experienced in the past thousands of years. Something has been shut down, especially within her belly in the lower chakras.

The pain from the violence has been too heavy to process. And what people do, if traumas are too much to survive, is they flee from it in some way. They try to leave their body and are no longer sufficiently grounded and are no longer connected to their inner power, because it is too painful to be completely present in their bodies. That is what has been globally true for women.

Ask yourself to now connect in your imagination to both these figures, and let us begin with the man. Imagine that you go with your awareness inside that man. Feel the pain that lives there, and also the desire in him to be able to feel again, to live from his heart. See if you also recognize within yourself some of that same restrictive armor. To what extent do you also carry that with you, this armor that seemingly gives you the certainty of control, but that also stops you from allowing your soul to radiate on Earth? See if you can tell that man, and thereby also yourself, that you can put down this armor, piece by piece, releasing it more and more. You can let go of what is there in excess and no longer needed. Do that now, but do not do it by force. See what can fall away by itself.

Observe what feels freer in your energy field and in your emotions, and to where the released energy can flow. Maybe there is a place in your body to where it spontaneously flows. Yet, it may be that a part of the armor remains or refuses to yield. If so, just let it be; it need not all go at once. In this way, you have now helped yourself, as well as the broader spectrum of the entire male energy here on Earth, which wants to transform in this time, wants to change. Now step outside the figure of that man that you envisioned.

Now bring your awareness to a point of focus, leaving the figure of this man, and look at the woman. Notice how you see the figure of the woman, the uncertainty and insecurity, the fragility and delicacy in her, the not daring to be here fully. Go there for a moment with your awareness and allow it to descend into her consciousness and into her body. You can connect with her fear and the resistance to being here fully, to descending into that fragile area of her abdomen, into her womb.

I, Mother Earth, am with you when you do this, so you are safe. I will support you, so do not be afraid. Become present in the energy within that female figure. Let her know that you are there for her, that you will receive her. Tell her how beautiful she is, how welcome she is in this world on the Earth. We need her intuitive gifts and the connection that she creates with the soul, with her inner knowing and the beauty that she brings to life. We need her again on Earth.

Imagine that some kind of ladder appears from heaven and the full and authentic feminine energy slowly descends downward, and do this for yourself as well as for the entire female energy at this time. She needs to feel welcome on Earth, because she has pulled away from Earth, because of the aggression and pain she has experienced.

This pain is present in you all, whether you are now a woman or a man. That is why it is so difficult to allow your emotions freedom of expression and to dare to be who you are in the depths of your soul. See if you succeed in bringing the rungs of the ladder closer, but allow it the freedom to do as it will; it does not have to come down all at once. Now leave this imaginary figure of a woman and come back to yourself, into your body, into the here and now.

You can visualize yourself in a triangle with these two figures, the male energy and the female energy. These are images that have to do with you, with your life as an individual and, at the same time, these images also transcend your individual life, because they are force fields that permeate society as a whole.

By recognizing the wounds of the past through these imaginary figures in this visualization, you also heal a part of yourself, and you become free of the past. You can once again become an inspired, feeling man, and a powerful, self-confident, intuitively gifted woman. In this way, you free yourself from the pain of the past, as well as add healing to the collective consciousness.

Thank you for the work you want to do for this transformation process. You are the forerunners of a new time.

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The Angels Message - channelled by Lily Grace

We Come to Invite you into the magnificence of miracles

When we speak of Self-empowerment and sovereignty we mean that you will honor you,
your life and your connection to All. You will take responsibility for your responses
to everything in your life. If you often feel hurt and frequently blame others for
your feelings, you are giving away your power, and you are giving up your sovereignty.

By letting go of others criticisms of you and your judgment of them, you allow trust
to flourish within you. Know fully and truly that despite appearances, the Divine
is always working for your good. When you realize this and embrace it, you release
victim-hood and become sovereign.

When you are unempowered you draw to you those individuals that you will find challenging,
who in actuality only echo your own level of self- doubt. If there are many individuals
in your life that are critical and judgmental of you, you will know that you are
largely operating from an unempowered state of being. By letting go of their criticism,
you come into a state ofsovereignty and find self-value.

Empowerment leads you to connection and enables you to see the judgmental opinions
of others as a reflection of their own fear and a call to love. You answer the call
by realizing your connection to these other spiritual beings clothed in a physical

Although the behaviors of some others may be difficult for you, as you begin to 
empower you, you will not see yourself as separate from them. You may disagree with
them, or challenge their behavior if it is offensive to you, or move out or their
physical presence if necessary, yet you will not lose sight of your shared spiritual

Refuse to be enslaved to anyone or anything external through blame or judgment. 
The energy dissipated in such ways is similar to a steady leak trickling from a 
pipe, you are steadily drip drip dripping your energy away, until the pipe finally
bursts. Stop leaking your power away. Trust that we, your Angels, will always guide
you through the grace of the Divine on your best path.

There will be times that you may need to lean on us when the path is bumpy and uphill.
There will be other times you will walk steadily. As you progress, you will learn
to run, leaping over obstacles on the way, and eventually, you will fly. You are
becoming the luminous hominus angelicus, an earth angel, moving into an evolved
state of being.

As you move into your power, you will begin to explore new spiritual geography, 
you will inspire others and find that those that want to join you will be less restrictive,
and judgmental themselves. As you become a model of sovereignty you will serve as
a blessing to those in need of experiencing their own power.

As an earth angel you become attuned to celestial perception, seeing things not 
as they appear in the world, but perceiving the invisible blueprint that lies within
them. This essence is part of a greater field of limitless potential just as you

As you let go of the limitation of blame and invest in your power, this field of
potential becomes more accessible to you so that you can now avail yourself of 
opportunities of which you were formerly unaware.

Investing in this wider, more expansive vision allows you to see the narrowness 
of concentrating your attention on those small things you once found disturbing.
Your narrow focus has expanded so much that the judgments and slights that once
challenged you are no longer of any concern, or disappear altogether.

You are becoming and becoming and becoming, and yet you already contain all that
desire to be. Though it sounds incongruous, it is, therefore allow for it to be

Embrace the belief in miracles

The creation of miracles

The celebration of miracles

We are your Angels Always


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"Life from inside the Vortex is sublime." 

Like many of you, I've been listening to Abraham-Hicks talk about getting in the Vortex for some time now and, perhaps like many of you, I've been wondering: What IS the Vortex?and How Do I Get In? These questions and more are addressed in their book, THE VORTEX Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships. Read on and we'll pursue The Magic of The Vortex together.


The Vortex is defined as the "place" where everything you desire has already been lined up for you. It's referred to variously as The Vortex of Well-Being, The Vortex of Becoming, The Vortex of Attraction, and - my personal favorite - Your Swirling Vortex of Creation which contains everything you desire and everything you have become!

Here's how it works: Each time you have a desire, the Non-Physical part of you BECOMES the vibrational, expanded version of your request. Therefore, everything you have asked for already exists in vibrational reality. All your desires have already manifested vibrationally and are waiting for you in your Vortex.

Got a problem? Get in the Vortex where the solution is. Seeking inspiration? Get in the Vortex and be inspired. Have a desire for greater abundance, improved health, more joyful relationships? Get in the Vortex. In the Vortex, it is done, complete, already manifested.

Of course, it's OK to spend time outside the Vortex. In fact, being out of the Vortex inspires desire which launches more rockets of desire which are actualized in your Vortex. Vibrational reality always precedes physical reality.


Getting in the Vortex means aligning your physical perspective with the Non-Physical Source Energy part of you. Getting in the Vortex starts by accepting the existence of this vibrational reality, then doing your best to move in the direction of it.

To achieve the vibrational frequency of your Vortex:

Feel Your Way. The Vortex is a vibrational state of being that you feel your way into. Your emotions tell you whether you're inside or outside the Vortex. Feel your way in by reaching for the best feeling thoughts you can find in each moment. As you choose thoughts that feel better, you raise your vibration and move closer to the Vortex. When you raise your vibration up to Hope, that's the doorway to the Vortex and you're almost there.

Think Good-Feeling Thoughts. Make feeling good the most important thing and consistently direct your thoughts to what feels good. By thinking thoughts that feel good, you easily move into your Vortex where everything you desire is available to you.

Take Good-Feeling Actions. Do things that feel good, such as meditating, walking in nature, singing, dancing, yoga, interacting with like-minded friends, playing with your kids or pets, relaxing in a hot bath, giving or receiving a massage, appreciating a child, a flower, a sunset, etc.

Feel Appreciation. A primary key to getting in your Vortex is being in the state of appreciation. Focus on people and things you appreciate. And remember, please, the importance of appreciating yourself.

Seek Positive Aspects. Set your intention to seek positive aspects in everyone and everything. Continuously find the most positive circumstances in your life and consciously direct your attention there.

Tune Your Vibration. Tune yourself to the vibration of what it feels like to be living everything you desire now. Lean in the direction of that vibration and deliberately focus yourself there.

Bask. When you activate a good feeling, milk it for all it's worth. Stay in that good feeling and practice that high vibration by fully savoring each moment of bliss.

As you consciously decide to BE in the high-flying feeling of elation that is your Vortex of Creation, everything you desire becomes a physical reality. By choosing increasingly better-feeling thoughts, you are able to predominantly stay inside your Vortex.

Imagine the joy of being in the Vortex - feeling good, flying high and watching everything you desire unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time. It's all there waiting for you. Become a vibrational match to your swirling Vibrational Vortex of Creation and experience The Magic of The Vortex now.


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"I will put the Law of Pure Potentiality into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:

(1) I will get in touch with the field of pure potentiality by taking time each day to be silent, to just Be. I will also sit alone in silent meditation at least twice a day for approximately thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the evening.

(2) I will take time each day to commune with nature and to silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. I will sit silently and watch a sunset, or listen to the sound of the ocean or a stream, or simply smell the scent of a flower. In the ecstasy of my own silence, and by communing with nature, I will enjoy the life throb of ages, the field of pure potentiality and unbounded creativity.

(3) I will practice non-judgment. I will begin my day with the statement, 'Today, I shall judge nothing that occurs', and throughout the day I will remind myself not to judge."

Deepak Chopra

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