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StraightTalk_Sue2 (1)

The more discrepancy there is between the frequency of the Higher Light and that which travels through it, the greater will be the disruption to the holographic matrix. If we can raise our personal frequency enough, we can assist in raising the frequency of our planet.

Once we have raised our collective and planetary consciousness beyond the polarized third and fourth dimensional realities into a fifth dimensional reality free of all polarity, the planetary frequency of Gaia’s Earth will also expand.

When we first entered the third dimensional hologram of Earth, we polarized ourselves into Creator/SELF and ego/self. In this manner, we could spin the lower frequency, ego/self portion of our consciousness into the electromagnetic fields of Earth’s holographic matrix.

We could then observe our ego/self’s responses to a reality based on polarities and the illusions of separation and limitation that these polarities created. Could we remember our true SELF while living in such a reality?

To a very great degree, the answer was NO. However, those who did remember their SELF have greatly expanded their Essence far beyond what it was before their entry into our holographic playing field.

Many of us have grown attached to the blue planet, Earth, and do not wish to pull out of the matrix and leave that program vulnerable to destruction. Being the members of the Earth hologram, we – people and planet – could end the 3D Game and ascend, die, log-off (according to the belief of our Grounded Ones who are engaged in this holographic matrix.)

Instead, we wish to raise ourselves – that is raise our grounded Earth vessel AND our planet Earth – up into the fifth dimension and beyond, as the one entity that we have always been. The experiment of life in a polarized, dualistic reality has often gone poorly, especially during the Kali Yuga.

Nonetheless, what first began as a hologram has become a life form of great magnitude. We, the planet Gaia, do not wish to merely log-off from this holographic projection, as we have come to unconditionally love life on Earth.

We are aware that there are many glitches in this program, as the polarities of darkness and fear can be very destructive influences. Many of our fellow creators have become lost in this victim/victimizer polarity and the daily battle for happiness or even for survival.

We see that our Earth matrix is having many symptoms of transformation as we absorb the higher Light, and we realize that a new Operating System for raising our consciousness into the Flow of the ONE of the fifth dimension is vital for a peaceful transition into the higher frequencies of planetary resonance.

After going through many years of darkness, we do not want to leave this program just short of experiencing the prize of the raising of the planetary vibration. Many of us remember our lives on Atlantis and wish to put right the mistakes that we made there.

We see that the same greed for power that destroyed Atlantis is rearing its ugly head now, and we want to close this hologram with the happy ending of returning to our Multidimensional SELF, people, and planet. In fact, more and more of us are having dreams and visions of beams of Multidimensional Light and Inconditional Love.

We want to be awake while we gradually and safely transmute back into our true frequency of our Light Being SELF who first joined this adventure. To fulfill our dream, we must first raise our personal frequency, and then raise the frequency of the patch of Earth over which we are stewards.

As each of us fulfills our personal puzzle-piece of Earth, we will contribute it to the great Planetary Puzzle of Ascension. In this manner, we will raise the overall frequency of Gaia from third to fourth, and even into fifth dimensional, and beyond.

We have put much attention on raising our personal frequency, but we must now turn our attention towards also raising the frequency of our planet. We find that as we awaken, we can more easily combine our personal ascension energy with the transmutational process of Gaia. We are starting to remember how that we have practiced our personal contribution for planetary Ascension for myriad lifetimes.

We look around our reality and see that many are still trapped in the illusions of survival on a hostile planet, as well as the illusion of gaining and holding power OVER others. These polarity games have been played for millennia, but we are approaching the coming“End Game.”

Extreme polarity will not be able to survive our journey into the fifth dimensional gamma waves. Therefore, as we each continue our process, we need to find ways to assist others to remember their true SELF so they will no longer feel that they are in the program of “Battlefield Earth.”

Hence, as we raise our own personal frequency, we turn our attention to others and to the planet to assist Gaia in raising Her frequency. We do not have “time” to correct the viruses of fear and war, as we are approaching the NOW.

Instead, we must pull out of the battlefield and into our new Operating System of Flowing in Unity with the ONE. In this manner, we can better perceive and choose the frequency of consciousness that resonates to the Unity Consciousness of the fifth dimension and beyond. While in these higher states of consciousness, we have greater power over our thoughts.

We can then merge our mastery over our thoughts with our Unconditional Love for our Self. In this manner, we become not just an individual ON a planet. Instead, we remember that we ARE the Planet!

Suzanne Lie

BACK TO 2016

Right NOW, these transformational waves of Higher Light are everywhere within your current translation of reality. We say “translation” because each of you are beginning to perceive frequencies of reality which you had never perceived before – that is, in this incarnation.

Most of you have had many incarnations on Earth. Some were parallel realities and some parallel or simultaneous lives. You chose to take these simultaneous versions of reality in order to rehearse your Ascension. Now it is not just a rehearsal.

That long awaited process of planetary Ascension is here. What you are learning about that process NOW is that Ascension Is NOT leaving. Ascension is RETURNING.

As you expand your 3D consciousness into your 5D consciousness, you become as creative as you always were in your “imagination.” This expansion of consciousness and creativity is because new areas of your physical brain are being stimulated by these higher frequencies of Light.

Your unconscious mind is aware of these higher frequencies of Light, but your conscious mind – which is too often separated from your unconscious and superconscious mind – is often not aware of these inner changes.

You can hide things from your conscious Self. You can even lie to your conscious Self and tell it a convenient lie rather than a difficult truth. Your conscious mind can hide out in the 3D and forget the myriad other components of your total Self.

But NOW the higher frequencies of Light are beginning to become CONSCIOUS.

Let us define “conscious,” which is quite complicated. Your ego self has been the “keeper of your conscious mind” for many of your incarnations. With this limited dimensional access of your conscious mind, you can only receive what resonates to your third dimensional states of consciousness.

Therefore, if your ego could believe that what it perceived was “real,” it can store it in your conscious mind. Unfortunately, your third dimensional ego is very tainted by the myriad challenges, traumas, lies, and disappointments of daily life. Therefore, it will often decide that something is real because it wants it to be real. Or think that something “real” because it wants it to be.

Hence, this area of your mind is easily “brainwashed” because is only perceives the third dimensional, physical world. On the other hand, your unconscious mind can perceive your fourth dimensional reality, and your superconscious mind can perceive fifth dimensional and beyond realities.

What is occurring now is that the higher Light has been altering your Earth vessel at very baseline frequencies that were once undetectable to your conscious mind. Now your conscious mind is increasingly able to detect the higher frequencies of Light because your superconscious mind has been teaching your third dimensional brain how to expand it’s frequency range.

It is only within your “conscious mind” that you can lie to yourself. You, our Beloved Ones, have been repeatedly told that your conscious mind is your “best” mind, your Self, etc. In fact, your conscious mind has suffered the most “brainwashing” by the external lies, deceptions, and fearful information.

However, your superconscious Self is awakening, and your perceptions and translation of reality are increasingly transmuting to consciously encompass the higher frequency of gamma waves. Because gamma waves are penetrating your atmosphere, your reality and your bodies, your innate gamma wave – fifth dimensional consciousness—is coming “on line.”

Most important, your fifth dimensional consciousness is beginning to intermingle with your third dimensional perceptions. Therefore, your 3D perceptions are expanding, as if someone “turned on the lights.” Actually, that “someone” is you. YOU have turned up the frequency.

It is important for you to acknowledge that YOU are on the cusp of allowing yourself to acknowledge that you can perceive a frequency of reality that is just beyond your physical perceptions. Fortunately, your “superconscious Self” is beginning to merge with your conscious Self.

While in a flash of a “peak experience,” many of you are beginning to receive the Light language messages that are flowing into your reality from the fifth dimension and beyond.

More and more of you are learning how to share that higher dimensional information with your own conscious mind, as well as with others.

Because you are still wearing your holographic, 3D Earth vessel YOU can participate in the experience of third dimensional holographic Earth. By “holographic” we mean that you have sent a holographic replication of your SELF into your physical Earth vessel.

Your Earth body is the “vessel” you must wear in order to calibrate your state of consciousness with a third dimensional frequency of reality. From our perspective, it is a simple neural adjustment that will allow you to expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension. That is, it would be simple, if it were not for the brainwashing and the memory of many difficult, painful and frightening lives in the third dimension.

We are here, Beloved Ones, to remind you that those lives were/are part of the hologram – which you are leaving by turning towards the Light of Source (initial light source of hologram) and saying,

“I NOW remember my “superconscious Self.” It was the density of the third dimension, as well as myriad past lives, that led me to believe that the third dimension was real.”

Yes, your third dimensional body is real in that it has a third dimensional form. However, as the fifth dimensional Light continues to activate your 97% “junk” DNA, your body, your consciousness, and your perceptions will begin to calibrate to a higher frequency of Light.

Remember, you perceive the frequency of reality that resonates with your state of consciousness – brainwaves. Those of you who are able to perceive the higher Light just enough to feel the Unconditional Love that resonates from that frequency of Light are in for quite an experience.

We will not say more in this NOW as this is YOUR script and YOU – ALL members of Gaia’s Earth, human and non-humanoid—are choosing the frequency of reality that you experience by calibrating your brainwaves/state of consciousness to the frequency of the reality of your choice.

However, only your superconscious Self is able to take this risk of being one of the Initiators of the Next Octave of Reality.

It is one of your greatest challenges that you must look into the heart of those who would judge you and send them Unconditional Love. To do less than that would lower your own consciousness out of your superconscious mind and back into the limitations of your conscious mind.

Your challenge is to NOT allow your state of consciousness to be lowered by “their judgment.” Allow your conscious mind to remember the past, parallel and alternate realities in which you lived during an era of “peak experience.”

These experiences are often during a timeline in which you were experiencing a reality shift. A reality shift occurs when it is this NOW for you, person and planet, to calmly and peacefully enter into a higherdimensional expression of reality.

This process will be greatly facilitated if you can connect your conscious mind with your unconscious mind to review what you have learned in your myriad incarnations. In this manner you will also facilitate the full activation of your superconscious mind.

We are asking you all to remember to Love your Self Unconditionally during this process of personal and planetary shift. Please remember that:

Unconditional Love for your Self allows you to resonate free of the Matrix and within the NOW of the ONE.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Fasten your seatbelts, steer with your Heart, and Love with your mind.
We are so very joyous for your NOW.
~The Arcturians

Source:Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 2. Raising the Planetary Vibration. By Suzanne Lie, January 24, 2016.

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DL Zeta: Expanding your Field of Vision

DL Zeta

The energies of recent months triggered numerous ‘shake-ups’ that are now threading their way through your consciousness, sewing seeds of change that are already sprouting on the scene of your daily life. More energy shifts will be ushered in by the March eclipse series (March 8 and 23), so this is a good time to bring awareness to the changes currently taking place.

Change Filters through the Lens of Spiritual Purpose

These energies are filtered through the unique lens of your spiritual purpose and your personal identity. They manifest in your world in needed ways. Some of you have experienced it through the loss of a foundational aspect of your life such as a career, relationship or other changes on the home front. Others have experienced a sudden insight or revelation that altered your viewpoint or identity. Still others experienced health challenges that awakened them to their inner healer.

However this shake-up is manifesting for you, it has likely triggered many questions, setting you upon a new journey of discovery. This journey brings clarity to your understanding of the meaning of this passage. Expanding your field of vision allows you to open to what is being asked of you during this time and the opportunities contained within this passage. New potentials and timelines will materialize on your horizon as you answer the call to this new level of awakening.

Shake-Ups Awaken us to Karmic Patterns

A shake-up is an opportunity to further awaken to karmic patterns that may be holding you in place. Shake-ups happen when you are ready to heal and release karmic patterns. These patterns are spun from the threads of past life traumas as well as misunderstandings from the current lifetime. These shake-ups impact each person according to their current location on the map of their becoming. A shake-up assists you by creating a bubble of chaos that distances you from the pattern. Chaos triggers a desire to divine order that motivates you toward a new insight or skill that helps you burn through a habit or pattern that is binding you to a past you have outgrown.

Evolving Past Karmic Patterns

When you find yourself in a transformative passage, accept this as a signal that it’s time to evolve past anything that once held you back. Once you undergo a shake-up, the next step in this journey is to expand your field of vision. Expanding your field of vision allows you to consciously take in more of what has been there all along.

Expanding your field of vision allows you to see through your inner lens of perception more of what is there energetically – more by way of potentials, opportunities, connections, insights and inspiration. Expanding your field of vision will make you aware of the wealth of love and resources that are available and accessible within your present moment. It can help you see ways you may be tethered to past traumas and misunderstandings and how your moment-by-moment choices impact your health, well-being and future potentials. Expanded vision can make you aware of latent skills and abilities you can activate and enhance in this lifetime.

Embracing Timelines where your Dreams Already Exist

If you don’t see your desires showing up in your physical reality it may be time to shift your focus. Expand your field of vision to encompass the timeline where your desired reality is already in existence. This timeline most likely exists just to the left or right of your present location, moving along a parallel reality thread.

Shift your focus and attention to this reality and begin energizing the timeline where it exists. Whenever you shift to a new timeline it is wise to be prepared for unexpected changes. For example, when you energize the timeline where you are offered the job of your dreams it may mean you will leave off with other life threads. Some present aspects of your life may not exist along this new timeline.

Exploring Potential Life Threads

Before shifting your focus entirely to a new timeline, you may want to travel to the new parallel thread to witness the changes this timeline shift will trigger. It may take several journeys to clearly tune into a new timeline. Each time you ‘tune in’ you further energize this timeline into your life, helping guarantee it will show up in physical reality.

Once you journey to this new timeline and observe your life there, you will feel more certain of your choice – or you may choose to begin exploring and energizing a different timeline altogether. You can always keep refining the timeline of your choice as there are many timelines running parallel to your present moment. Keep working with journeying, imagination and dreamwork to energize the timeline that is highest and best for you. Do not settle for a timeline that is not consistent with your feelings or highest visions.

Breaking Free of the Scarcity Thought Virus

The energies of recent months and years brought awareness to many limiting beliefs. Even as we come into new levels of awareness we still sometimes need a jolt to help us break free of the limitations on which we have based our assumptions about our potentials and capabilities. Energetic shake-ups of recent months and years were designed to help break us loose collectively and individually from the scarcity thought virus deeply en-grained in human consciousness.

As you shine the light of awareness on any limiting beliefs, your higher self continues to bring you images of your highest visions. Keep expanding your field of perception and keep looking beyond perceived limitations. Keep going within and allowing yourself to be guided along this journey. Each time you go within, each time you focus your energy within, you expand your field of perception and bring to conscious awareness more of your potentials.

You came here to fulfill a unique and vital purpose. As you free your consciousness from past limitations and open to new, higher visions, you join with others on the inner planes to anchor and usher in the new time on Planet Earth. There are among you healers, channels, teachers, artists, writers, leaders and shamans who will join with others to activate timelines of the New Earth.

In coming times you will receive much assistance in stepping free of all that stands in the way of realizing your destiny. Welcome the changes and shake-ups that come your way for they are reminding you it’s time to expand your field of vision in order to embrace and align with the version of you that already exists along high-vibrational timelines.

Source:“Expanding your Field of Vision,” by DL Zeta, January 23, 2016, at

Source Link: DL Zeta’s Celestial Vision January 23, 2016

©2010-2015 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

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Mammalian version of the Adam Kadmon template

Mammalian version of the Adam Kadmon template

I’ve been asked to write an article discussing the “structure” of the divine order. It’s challenging to write about something that does and does not exist, especially with Third/Fourth-Dimensional eyes. But I’ll try.

The origin (and the destination) of the round of life is the One without a second, the Source, the Void, about whom nothing can be said. Some ancient sages, including Jesus, called this “God the Father.”

The Source is silent and still. The Source and love are the same. The Source is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. To realize that Source is the reason why all of us were created. We climb Jacob’s ladder of consciousness. God stands at the top.

When we realize the One, God meets God and the purpose for which we were created is fulfilled. We then return and help others to have the same realization. Because that meeting is joyous beyond imagination, life is said to be a lila or divine play.

Sine wave 33

The Mother is a creative universal vibration which takes the form of a sine wave

To create the world in which we sparks of divinity grow and learn and eventually realize ourselves as God, the One entered into created reality as movement and sound, as a sine wave, which creates, preserves, and transforms/destroys. We call this universal creative vibration, this primal energy God the Mother or the Divine Mother. Hindus call “her” (she is not a “she” just as “he” is not a he) Shakti or Energy.

Hindus break this sine wave down and personify it as:

(1) Creation = Brahma = The cosmic force called rajas.

(2) Preservation = Vishnu = The cosmic force called sattwa.

(3) Transformation = Shiva = The cosmic force called thamas.

The Divine Mother has been known by a thousand names. (1) The Father does not speak. The Mother is his voice, which leads her to be called the Word of God, the Voice in the Silence, the Voice in the Wilderness, etc. She is known to all religions as Wisdom or Sophia (Solomon), Royal Glory (Zarathustra), the Holy Spirit (Jesus), etc.

When the Divine Mother comes through in a channeling, to all intents and purposes, we’re talking to the Father. No one gets to the Father except through her, so to speak.

When the Mother creates worlds without end, she builds a body for its inhabitants and the Father deposits a divine spark (the soul, the Self, the Christ, the Atman) in the prepared body. This spark completes the Trinity, which in Christianity is called the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and in Hinduism Brahman, Atman, and Shakti. This is the Divine Family.

The first created beings were the seraphim, according to Archangel Michael. But then came the archangels and then more seraphim and then….

Steve Beckow: X said that archangels were born first from God. I thought seraphim were. What is true?

Archangel Michael:  First of all, it was the seraphim, but then it was the archangels. But it was not all the seraphim and then the archangels. There was a little intermingling.  (2)

While early Christian fathers saw the angelic kingdom as a hierarchy, starting with the angels and culminating in the Seraphim, Archangel Michael says it’s not hierarchical. Each angelic realm was created with its purposes in mind and each is equal. The angels do not want to become archangels, etc.

Below these are the dimensional realms, such as the human. There are twelve dimensions, Archangel Michael told me recently.

Steve Beckow: How many dimensions are there Lord?

Archangel Michael: Twelve.

Steve: How come some people talk about the 21st plane and the 30th dimension?

AAM: They are misunderstanding the construct of the human existence.

Also understand that within each dimension, there are 12 planes. Think of it as a 12 step program for each dimension. (3)

The human body, which conforms to what is called the Adam Kadmon template, is common in the universe. It’s bilaterally symmetrical, bipedal, with stereoscopic vision, physical senses, a large bicameral brain, etc.  David Wilcock explains:

‘The human body shows up in the galaxy on every planet where life can form. It’s a natural evolution. Some might get there by an insect; some might get there by a lizard; some might get there by mammals like we do; some might get there by cetaceans; some might get there even by vegetation, apparently.” (4)

Inside the different bodies is the same one soul.

I used to believe, as I think did most of our terrestrial sources, that we progressed from mineral to plant to animal to human to angel on our journey from God to God. Archangel Michael has told me that that view of things doesn’t quite reflect reality, but I haven’t explored the matter further with him. When I do, I’ll round out the picture, but this is as clear as it is to me for now.


(1) See “On the Nature of the Divine Mother” at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, Oct. 29, 2014.

(3) Archangel Muchael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.

(4) “David Wilcock, Project Camelot Interviews David Wilcock, Part 2 of 4 at”


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 Dear ones, we come in love with greetings to all of you who are working so hard to assimilate the new energies now pouring into you and your dear planet, Gaia. As you are well aware, these are times of change and questioning. Everything you once held as true and unchangeable seems to be dissolving around you with replacements that do not seem to be much of an improvement. As the old concepts and beliefs dissolve, new and better ways will/must appear but understand that those guiding the changes are often themselves struggling to see and understand the bigger picture. Send Light to the leaders of all governments and when voting be guided by your intuition and not media hype or perceived personal benefit. Vote for the candidate best qualified to bring forth a new and higher sense of governance that serves all people and not the candidate who refuses to acknowledge or move beyond ideas reflective of what is quickly becoming old and obsolete. Some are called to simply be still and hold Light for the world, while others are called to do hands on- feet running, work. Both are necessary, both are serving as Light workers, and neither is more spiritual than the other. The garbage man who carries away your trash with love and friendliness is a Light worker. Every seemingly mundane action of daily living when done with love is Light work. Know that in truth you only serve your Self, for there are no "others". Let go of any concepts you may still hold regarding the belief that only those who teach, heal, or channel are Light workers. Unconditional Love must be lived on all levels--this is what you came to earth to learn. Examine and release any remaining concepts you may still hold about love. This is easily done through remembering that unconditional love is simply the activity that flows from a consciousness of ONE and then examine your belief system by this standard. It is not necessary to know the all the how or whys, it is only necessary to live ordinary everyday moments from a place of oneness and connection and soon this will be your attained state of consciousness. There are those who are the essence of unconditional love and yet seem to have no intellectual knowledge or even seeming interest in spiritual truth. These souls attained their state of consciousness in previous lifetimes and are now simply living their lives from that place. When truth becomes your state of consciousness, it becomes who you are and there is no longer any need to even think about it. This is evolution. Learn not to place limitations or qualifiers on love and release all beliefs regarding your or others worthiness to be loved. Patting the dog who doesn't get much attention, holding the door for someone who needs it, or giving an honest compliment to a child or adult with low self esteem are actions of unconditional love. Conditional love is what the world is most familiar with. "This person is not worthy of love." or "If you act, dress, look, or behave in a certain way, then I will love you." Many in the quest to be loved, surrender personal power in exchange for so called "love". Conditional love still predominates in relationships of all sorts including many marriages. There comes a point in every soul journey where the individual must embrace and begin to practice the higher sense of Love--unconditional love-- or the spiritual journey can go no further because unconditional love reflects a realization of Oneness, the foundation of all truth and goal of the journey. You have all had the experience of feeling cranky and down hearted and then feeling a lift when someone you may have not even know very well, patted your hand, spoke a few kind words, or simply smiled. This is unconditional love and always flows without care or interest as to whether or not the receiver was "worthy" or even interested. Unconditional love becomes automatic after attaining a consciousness's of oneness and often goes un-noticed until the individual begins to realize that the "should's" and "musts" have disappeared from his thinking and daily living seems to hold a new sense of joy. This new state of consciousness has become who you are--you are your state of consciousness. The whole spiritual journey is one of remembering who and what you are, and each truth integrated and lived, becomes your state of consciousness until there is no longer need to practice, read, study, search, for you simply are it, IT is living you. Divine Consciousness is and never can be limited in any way because IT is all there is. Many still hold to the belief that ordinary human experiences are not spiritual. Everything "ordinary" is every bit as spiritual as the things society has deemed to be "spiritual". Individual consciousness interprets outer appearances, so as you evolve and begin to understand that nothing is or can exist outside of the ONE, you will begin to see the world and have experiences that reflect that. There comes a time when all the seeking and searching must end. Many of you are already there but you do not trust this and continue to seek and search outside of yourselves in the belief that you are "not there yet". It is time to live truth. You already know what you need to know and more intellectual knowledge will not change that. As you begin to actually live truth, more is always given and comes when you least expect it. You may be mowing the lawn or washing dishes when suddenly a truth, insight, creative idea, or something relating to your work, interest, or need is revealed. This is how you learn to be taught from within with no middle man to add his/her concepts about the issue. It is time to move past always seeking answers from outside of yourselves. You are ready and able to get whatever information and answers you need from within. The only thing holding many of you back from doing this is the belief that you are not worthy, spiritual, or evolved enough. As long as you believe that you are just a limited human, you never will be worthy, spiritual, or evolved. Ponder seriously and honestly what you still hold regarding who and what you are. The answers to all things that concern you lie within. Do not label your inner work "for spiritual answers only". A consciousness that knows self completeness to be SELF COMPLETENESS will begin to manifest this in ways that represent completeness for him--the surgeon won't get ideas for a car repair unless it is something he is seeking. An artist may find himself guided to paint in new and creative ways. A hair stylist may begin to get images of the perfect style for each client. The scientist will get insights he could never have imagined when working simply with scientific facts already known. It is Infinite... Ideas may come visually and powerfully, but more often come simply as a "knowing" about some facet of your life, or something you have been seeking more insight into. Individuals must learn to be more still if they are to hear this still small voice, which is why so many deny that there even is a "still, small voice". Anyone going through each day hooked to phones and other electronic devises will never hear the still small voice. Anyone serious about their spiritual growth must learn to be still. Make it a habit to have a quiet time each day where you can be uninterrupted and spend time simply pondering truth, and then resting it for about 10 or 15 minutes. This need not be long, just long enough for you to center, and make a conscious connection with your Self. It is during this time that you state your intentions and choices, always then allowing time to simply listen. Prayer is you talking to God and is often preying not praying. Mediation is a quiet and centered receptivity. Never believe you have failed if you hear nothing, or do not have the same experiences someone else may of had, for the action of sitting quietly and listening indicates to your Higher Self that you are ready for more, seeking, and receptive--you have started the process. Make time during the day and even at night when you wake up to simply be still for a second or two--closing your eyes, focusing on your Divinity within, and just listening. You are all well along the Way or would you would not be resonating with these messages. Know that, trust that, live that, believe that, and be that. We are the Arcturian Group 1/24/16


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Simply Open and Love by Steve Beckow

Sacred 14

In the middle of An Hour with an Angel, I popped through again into the transformational space. And the opening grew in the time after.

I’m still in that space, having joked with Linda and Suzi after the program for quite a while. We couldn’t stop laughing.

Archangel Michael confirmed that the energies were not only high but were designed to be that way to prepare us for the major changes. If we haven’t shifted our consciousness by the time the major changes happen, what chance have they? If you give great tools to a person who doesn’t know how to use them and doesn’t want to, nothing permanent or significant gets built.

What does it mean to shift our consciousness?

To shift our consciousness in the context of Ascension means to drop our limiting beliefs and residual issues and open ourselves instead to love and the flavors of love commonly called the divine qualities.

Well, we go through stages when we shift our consciousness. Let’s start there.

(1) We enter into conversations. Unless we’re talking to people in some way, we’re not going to hear of new ideas. We’ll only be left with our own store of ideas. A shift in consciousness is a shift to something else than what we’ve arrived at to date or it wouldn’t be a shift.

(2) We entertain the novel. We hear someone relate a good idea and we take it up, try it on, test it out. We’re either pleased or not pleased with the results.

(3) If we’re pleased, we resolve to introduce the new thing into our life. We take the steps necessary to introduce the new thing into our life.

(4) If we continue to be pleased with the results, we make it a part of our regular routine.

We have shifted consciousness on that matter.

So here, with us, we enter into the lightworker/loveholder conversation going on on the planet.

We hear new things – so many new things.

We take them up, try them on, test them out.

If we’re pleased, we introduce those new lightworker/loveholder things into our life and make them a part of our regular routine.

That’s the normal way it’s done in the old Third. There’s a shorter way.

Simply open and love.

Is that not what a flower does? Could anything that beautiful not be made of love? And does a flower do anything more than simply open itself to the sun and rain and get all it needs?

I’m not talking about getting all we need in material things. Honestly I have no insight into how all that works, being by nature a monk. But all that we need from an emotional and spiritual viewpoint.

The crux of the matter for me is to open. So many of us are closed off from the bad experiences that we’ve had. If we want the experience of love coursing through our bodies, then we have to let go of our closedness and open up to love.

Love then flows through us from the artesian well of the heart and out into the world. THAT is THE shift in consciousness.

We can do it the old normal way or we can do it the new normal way.

You heard me on An Hour with an Angel. Towards the second half I popped through into transformative love. You can hear the difference in my voice, in my depth.

The water is warm. It’s lonely here without lots and lots of swimmers. Everybody welcome.

The price of admission? Open to love.


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Beloved Ones,

As the energy influx continues, your human operating systems are receiving downloads of information that relates to you personally on your spiritual journey of life.

There is a direct interaction that is beginning to take place with your Divine Essence and it comes softly at unexpected times and places. As you begin to pay more attention to these communication attempts, you will be establishing a stronger connection to this higher aspect of yourselves. This will take a bit of time so practice being patient with this process. We are making this known so that you are aware and can be observant to this process.

There is much work ahead for those who have been prepared and you will be guided to those actions and activities which will require your participation and assistance in the days ahead. This work will involve working with the higher realms in order to accomplish certain tasks to help the planet stay stabilized and able to receive the higher cosmic energies.

This work involves utilizing your energy, for you are now moving from the task of increasing your energy to the next step, which is maintaining and using your energy. This is wonderful to see from our perspective and we applaud each and every one of you for the gains that have been made! Well done!

For the most part, your journey involves realizing your own higher potential in your everyday lives, so there will be a lot of opportunities to step beyond the status quo and comfort zones and these will make their way into your awareness. Stepping out of your comfort zones can seem a daunting task but it is imperative that you do so, for the universe responds to those who step up and begin to move forward in the direction their inner guidance takes them.

Whatever goals and dreams you have been nurturing within your hearts requires you to take the bold first step towards manifesting that outcome. It cannot happen if you sit and wait for something to occur! Just start doing it! This sets into motion the power, grace and magic to make it so!

Many of you are now discerning the transformations that are taking place within those in your sphere of influence and we say that this will continue growing exponentially as the year unfolds. The most recalcitrant souls are now turning within and becoming aware of the need for a different life style, in order that they improve their lot in life.

These may come as small changes at first, such as changing their dietary habits, but will ultimately lead them to seek ever greater purity of their body, mind and spirit. The renaissance of love has begun to unfold upon your planet! It is enabling others to seek higher and more peaceful solutions and resolutions to all that they find challenging in their lives.

In this, you are a shining example of what a fully balanced and integrated person truly is. By your loving example, they discern that there is a better way and they become seekers of that way and how they may also become that. This is a very positive turn of events in the daily interactions that take place between people and will, hopefully, expand the consciousness of everyone upon your planet.

As humanity’s consciousness is lightened by living according to higher principles of conduct, greater Light upon the Earth takes hold.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion


The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

Join The Hilarion Connection© Facebook Group here

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Excerpts of the messages as short quotations in written reviews is given permission by the scribe.

Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.

Source:“Hilarion: Just Start Doing It,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, January 24, 2016, at

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saul-300x91Audio version.

Much is happening now that will delight you!  Truly, enormous changes are taking place that will permanently alter the illusory world in which you experience being human.

And these changes are for the good of all on Earth, yes, even those who appear to be wedded to the dark. You have been praying for this and intending for it to happen, your collective intent has now become unalterable, and it will be maintained.

Your Love and your loving intentions have changed the world! There is no going back to the old ways of deception, betrayal, and conflict, you (all of humanity) can only move forwards further into Love. It is your natural state, you have recognized It, and It is drawing you onwards, forwards, ever closer to your heavenly destiny because you were created there in infinite joy to experience and enjoy that state eternally, and so you will return there.

The nightmare, the separated state in which you have been experiencing so much suffering, seemingly for eons, is dissolving. You sense this, you feel this, as your unaddressed issues rise to the surface of your conscious awareness to be acknowledged and released. You may find this unsettling, disturbing, and be tempted to seek distraction. Do not!

Face these dark energies arising within you but do not identify with them or engage with them, just let them be. Observe them, realize that they are not you and let them flow through. To engage with them or identify with them gives them some of your energy, enabling them to fight with you and suggest that you are not good enough, that you are unworthy, thus leaving you feeling drained and depressed.

Every sentient being that God has ever created, has his or her own individual energy field created at that same moment of creation, while at the same time remaining One eternally with Him.

The field of Oneness, God’s divine energy field can never in any way be diminished, and you can never be separated from It, but you can allow yours to be diminished by choosing to engage with the dark or misguided ones who are lost and terrified in the illusion, and who need to feed on the energy of others because they feel themselves utterly separated from their own energy fields, with their very existence dangerously threatened.

Your individual energy fields are the life force that runs through your bodies. When you chose to experience separation from your divine Source you chose to experience your energy fields as separated from the divine One. Then you found that you could hide from the Light and seemingly create the dark.

The dark is but an absence of Light, but that absence is terrifying and it seems to have immense power. The reason that it appears to be so powerful is because you, having apparently separated your individual energy field from God’s energy field, feel extremely weakened – the Light has, as it were, gone out, and the darkness appears all-enveloping.

Of course the Light has not gone out, it is just that your awareness of it weakens when you focus on the dark. Be cognizant of the dark, send it your love, your compassion, your forgiveness, but do not engage with it or mistake it for yourselves. It is unreal and you are Real! The love, compassion, and forgiveness you send to it assists others who are seemingly deeply immersed in it, shows them that there is Light at the end of the tunnel, and encourages them to move towards It.

As you have been told so often, your loving intentions are enormously powerful, even when you are feeling low or depressed. Those feelings are just passing through, just like your unaddressed issues mentioned above, so do not engage with them as that slows their passing. Be aware of those feelings, acknowledge them, they may be as a result of painful events in your past that still have a hold on you; offer them love and comfort rather than dismissing or denying them, and thus allow inner healing to occur. Peace will follow.

Your nature, being Love, is therefore also Peace. When you worry about problems or issues that appear important to you, you shut yourselves off from peace because peace is free of worry. Frequently when you worry the issues that you are worrying about seem to grow in importance, taking up more space in your minds, and leaving less room for peace, which at its simplest is just freedom from worry.

Practical rational thought about how to deal with issues makes sense, and that, for instance, includes accepting that perhaps in this moment you do not have all the information you need to deal with a particular issue.

Instead of worrying while you wait, move on to another issue for which you do have information, or take time to smell the roses – or perhaps, this being January, play in the snow! Doing something that you enjoy, without guilt, is very healing because it demonstrates to you that you care for yourselves, and it will put smiles on your faces. And smiling intensifies your enjoyment, honoring you and helping to dissolve your worries.

To honor and respect yourselves is very important. God created you as perfect beings and He always honors and respects you, so follow His example.

As humans you are limited in your awareness, in your intelligence, in your understanding, and so life is often very challenging for you. You make mistakes, you say or do things that are unloving, unkind, even intentionally so, and you either feel bad and guilty later, or even in the moment, or you refuse to acknowledge them and pretend that they never happened.

But all these things are learning experiences from which you can and do grow, so accept your limitations, they are part of the illusion, forgive yourselves quickly for your mistakes, and honor yourselves for the lessons that you have learnt and for forgiving and loving yourselves.

Unless you treat yourselves well you will be unable to treat others well, because what you do to yourselves is what you do to others.  So to treat yourselves well creates a win-win situation and automatically extends your powerfully loving energy fields outwards to interact harmoniously with the energy fields of others. People then feel good around you, and you, of course, then feel good around them. With energy like that flowing the information necessary to resolve issues and problems arises easily and quickly.

You have what it takes to assist in humanity’s awakening process, that is why you are on Earth at this momentous time. Do not be discouraged when you feel tired or depressed. Go within, ask us, your loving guides and mentors, for assistance and a loving hug to raise your spirits. Then, suitably refreshed, reconfirm your intent to be loving in every situation and continue to awaken humanity. You are making it happen.

With so very much love, Saul.


Source:“Saul: You Have What it Takes to Assist Humanity in Humanity’s Awakening Process,” Channeled by John Smallman, January 23, 2016, at

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Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

To forgive is to let go. To be unforgiving is to hold on with all your might as if an offense were essential to your life’s path. You have been holding on to not letting go. Holding on is attachment. Who are you to not let go of what you grasp to be an infringement upon yourself?

Someone stepped on your toe. At some point, whoever it was, stopped stepping on your toe. He may even have apologized. In any case, he took his foot off yours and walked on. He probably never even remembers the incident you remember as an event, a huge event of sorrow for you, and you remember it again and again.

Even when it was a small offense in passing, you branded it in your heart. Somewhere along the line, you announced this passage in time as unforgivable, and you are unable to let go of it, so you keep it alive and ever raw, living it and reliving it, rubbing your heart as on a grater.

Perhaps the one you cannot forgive looked at you askance, and you never forgot that look. He may not have been looking at you. He may have been thinking of something else altogether. You thought he was directing himself to you. In any case, you continue to think so.

Who is the perpetrator here? Who keeps this going and won’t let go? Why, it is you who is holding on to the hilt.

There are amazing stories of people who let go of past trespasses, serious trespasses, not the little offenses that too often plague My children.

Big or little, you plague yourself. When you let go, you are not doing a favor for another. When you let go, you kindly stop plaguing yourself.

Consciously, right now, let yourself off the hook. Forgive everyone for everything. Do it in one fell swoop. C’mon, let go of the vultures of the past that hang onto you for dear life. On behalf of your dear life, let go of them.

Someone else really isn’t the maker of you. You are the maker of you. If another’s glance or deed offends you based on actual events of great magnitude or your own over-blown sensitivity, do you really want to keep it for posterity? Perhaps someone promised to love you forever, and did not, and you put him in a dudgeon of your heart.

Beloveds, if you are holding on to the past, when are you going to let go of it? When will you set yourself free?

Take two steps forward. If one foot of yours holds onto the past, that is one foot too many. Keep your dreams. Surely, keep your beautiful dreams and let go of bad dreams about what others have done or not done that impact you.

Leap past the past, jump past it, leave the past behind. Say, “Farewell, Useless Past.”

You are aware that you have to let go of old sweaters you have stuffed in a trunk. You simply have to let go of everything from the past and choose today’s sunshine. Clouds pass. There is a good reason for this, so that you may bless life for others and open your life to possibilities.

It is not for you to sum up other people and staple them to the Fate of Your List of the Heart’s Unforgiven. It is your heart We are concerned with. Forgive yourself for your trespasses.

Get out of the hard-hearted mold. Hard-heartedness is not strength. It is weakness.

Do I hear you say you cannot forgive another for your perception of him? Then change your perception of him.

You do not have to condone in order to forgive. You are not giving up anything but an offense you have coddled in your heart. Give it up gladly.

Do you counter that you just can’t forgive, try as you may?

Then forgive yourself for being unforgiving. Just don’t try so hard. Just as you drop junk mail into a wastepaper basket without a backward glance, drop off what you have been carrying around that is really not yours to carry.

Drop off the past and cry out, “Hallelujah!”


Source:“Heavenletter #5540: Forgive Others for Your Perception of Them,” Channeled by Gloria Wendroff, January 24, 2016, at

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Baxter Dmitry,, Jan. 20, 2016

Former CIA and commercial pilot John Lear has come forward and sworn an affidavit stating that the Twin Towers were not bought to the ground by planes crashing into them.

In his expert opinion the official version of events that claims two planes crashed into the towers is actually “physically impossible.”

With reports from the Kremlin this week that President Putin is ready to release satellite images proving that the Twin Towers were destroyed by “controlled demolition” rather than by the force of two planes, enormous strides towards disproving the official 9/11 Commission version are taking place.

An affidavit is serious business in law. Unlike any other form of statement, an affidavit becomes “truth in law” if it is not rebutted. It is now up to the opponents of John Lear’s theory to present evidence and attempt to disprove his statement point by point.

If they cannot or do not rebut the theory, the US Government will by omission be allowing that the official account provided by the 9/11 Commission is not the truth.

And believe me, John Lear’s statement makes a very strong case. He is not just a simple pilot throwing his opinion around. He is as close as you can come to being American intelligence and aerospace aristocracy.

The grandson of Learjet founder Bill Lear, John himself is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot who has flown over 100 different types of plane during 40 years of active flying. He holds more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certified pilot. He has flown covert CIA missions in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear says that flying a plane into the Twin Towers is "physically impossible"

Basically, you don’t want to argue with John Lear about flying and planes. You don’t want to argue with him about planes flying into tall buildings and bringing them to the ground. Here is what he has to say in his sworn affidavit about the planes that supposedly bought down the Twin Towers.

No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors. Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons:

In the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun ‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center.

The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground. The engines when impacting the steel columns would have maintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building.

No Boeing 767 could attain a speed of 540 mph at 1000 feet above sea level ‘parasite drag doubles with velocity’ and ‘parasite power’ cubes with velocity. The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept the volume of dense air at that altitude and speed.

The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window cutouts is inconsistent with an airplane that hit 14 inch steel box columns, placed at over 500 mph. It would have crumpled.

No significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine could have penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of it falling to the ground.

The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC.

Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.

It takes a highly skilled pilot to interpret the “EFIS” (Electronic Flight Instrument Display) display, with which none of the hijacker pilots would have been familiar or received training on, and use his controls, including the ailerons, rudder, flaperons, elevators, spoilers and throttles to effect, control and maintain a descent.


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Credit: The Inspiration Network

I regret not having a post for you all first thing this morning, because I’m feeling inspired to work hard at writing, music and everything else that nourishes the spirit.

I want to be around for those of you who come to the Culture of Awareness for these writings daily, and I also want to put out some music despite that it takes so much time away from the blog and writing.

My intention is to share light with the world by creating things from the heart, which sounds easy but can be difficult when living on a planet full of darkness and inhuman levels of apathy.


Remembering that, as Terence McKenna put it, we come from ‘unimaginable realms of light’ makes it easier to deal with the world’s vitriol and carelessness, and it gets easier when we open the mind and return to the heart.

In order to open the mind, we have to be willing to calm it by slowing it down.

We don’t have to slow down the heart or the love we feel surging through our spiritual veins, but we do have to slow down the mind so we can access this love more purely, which helps us remember the realms of light we came here from and reawaken memories of everyone’s divine origins.

A calm mind combined with an open, flowing heart will give us the strength to work hard each day, but we have to be wholly dedicated to our mission if we don’t want the world’s stress to pull us under.

We have to remember where we come from when we’re tempted to feel overwhelmed, and it’s especially important to remember that our love and creativity will never deplete if we continue to call on them.

They seem depleted when we’re tired or we just don’t have it in us, but perseverance teaches us that they’re always accessible. We just have to refuse to give up, and I mean really refuse because sometimes, we’ll feel totally depleted and our whole mission will seem pointless.

This is where perseverance becomes crucial, and if we can keep on and keep working to raise consciousness, we’ll be endlessly rewarded upon our return back to our true home.

The rewards won’t come in the form of praise from God or some higher guiding entity, but from the satisfaction of knowing we did all we could to help the planet evolve.

It’ll feel even better to know that we actually reached people who might not have awakened were it not for all the things the conscious community is doing, and our satisfaction and gratitude for the chance to help this world will outweigh the stress that sometimes brings us down.

The best advice I can give in this moment is to stay strong, remember where you came from and try your best not to let the negativity or drama halt your mission.


We aren’t here to be perfectionists or master all of the lessons we’re learning overnight, but returning to love will give us the strength to do our best when we’d rather hide from the world.

Hiding is easy, but finding the strength to work hard every day in the best interests of humanity is infinitely more fulfilling.

Let’s remember this when we’re tempted to stop, relax or take it easy on ourselves when we could be working to awaken consciousness, and while hard work is important (especially right now),we should also remember to rest and engage in other soul-nourishing activities.

For me, those activities are writing, music, meditation and getting out to nature, but whatever you enjoy alongside your effort to awaken the world, remember that you enjoy it for a reason and try to have some fun with it.

Having fun is arguably the best way to raise the collective vibration, which is why so many of us are doing work we love, so let’s embrace the things we enjoy while we passionately pursue our life purpose. We’ll be glad we did when we look back on this life knowing we made a significant impact on this planet and its people.

We’ll return to the ‘unimaginable realms of light’ when we’re done here, so for now, let’s bring as much of that light as we can onto this planet in hopes of awakening everyone and facilitating revolution and evolution.

Source:By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, January 22, 2016 –

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Audio Version

With the Earth’s alignment with Venus in order to support Mother Earth in manifesting as a planet of love great volumes of love are flowing to you at this time. The flow of love from our consciousness is immense signifying that you have the opportunity to accept love in abundance, allowing all areas of your being and reality to be abundant in love.

Your soul is equalling the love you are receiving from our consciousness and delivering to you the same volume of love from the truth of your being. The love of your soul is flowing and returning to your being through your soul star chakra, above your head. Your soul star chakra is becoming immensely powerful, expansive and active as it processes, delivers and filters great volumes of love from your soul into your current reality.

Our purpose is not to give you love that you do not have, it is to activate your being in a very profound and beautiful way to allow your soul to deliver the beauty of your love into your current existence. Such an experience would create a wonderful sense of peace within your entire being which unconsciously you have been waiting for as it will create feelings of completion, acceptance and security in your current mission upon the Earth.

Our love is a gift to all of humanity however it is not our energy which is creating shifts within your being, it is your process of opening up to receive, to recognise yourself as worthy and to view yourself/ truth in a new expansive way. More important than our energy is the awakening which takes place within your being as well as your reaction to the gift we share unconditionally with you.

There will not come a time in our united future where we will demand of the Earth and humanity a service due to the process of awakening we are achieving with you currently. Our service is unconditional, our vibrations and consciousness given in love and due to our love and appreciation of you.

As you are encouraging yourself to open to the love we are sharing, you are awakening your entire being to your soul, soul group, the universe and the Creator. Such an awakening will alter your perspective and the way you exist upon the Earth therefore guiding the Earth and humanity upon a new pathway of Ascension; Love Ascension.

Many planets and star systems in the universe of the Creator are ascending and awakening to new aspects of the Creator. Each are accessing an ascension or evolution which allows them to further exist as an aspect of the Creator. To explain this, we can share that our civilization and planet Venus is known as the planet of love; love is a beautiful aspect, energy and expression of the Creator. However, the next stage of ascension for Venus is to become a planet of bliss.

There is already a civilisation of bliss known as the Celestial White Beings, these beings are working to aid their evolution to become a civilization of unity. We could say that Earth will take on the role of Venus, Venus will take on the role of the Celestial White Beings, and Celestial White Beings will take on the role of Andromedans or if they wish to merge with the Creator.

Each planet and star system are raising their energetic vibration to move to the next stage of their Creator awareness and embodiment, thus major shifts are occurring and will occur within the Universe of the Creator. Earth will have an important role of expressing the love of the Creator to all aspects of the Creator.

It also determines that although humanity will always be changing, in the way that souls leave the Earth and enter into the Earth’s cycle, the consciousness of humanity will always be present, thus there are qualities within humanity which serve the presence of love. These qualities are selflessness, kindness, caring, joy, freedom and peace.

You may feel that some of these qualities are lacking within your being or maybe within the consciousness of humanity, however they are the keys which has allowed the Earth to be chosen to ascend into the planet of love. Selflessness, kindness, caring, joy, freedom and peace are present within every person upon the Earth and will be nurtured by the awakening of love within many at this time. Focus on these qualities, know their power and presence within your being and they will manifest worldwide.

With an understanding of the purpose of the Earth in the Ascension of all aspects of the Creator, we wish to return to the importance of your soul star chakra. Your soul star chakra is filling with love both from your soul and our transmission, this means there is a need for you to consciously and with awareness allow the love to filter into your entire being and reality at least once a day. Thus you will further gain the benefits of this unique time.

As you focus upon allowing the love flowing into your soul star chakra to almost empty into your being and reality you will encourage your soul star chakra to receive more love of higher and quicker frequencies to shower upon your being and influence your current reality. You will also be receiving greater aspects of your soul allowing powerful soul merges to take place with your simple conscious awareness aiding your spiritual evolution and unity with the Creator.

The process of consciously allowing your soul star chakra to filter or release the love it is collecting into your being will encourage an expansion within this chakra signifying that you will be able to receive and distribute throughout your being greater volumes of love, consciousness and light. Imagine a large piece of paper above your head with a small hole which allows the sun to blaze upon you. If the hole is made larger then the sun can penetrate your being with greater force allowing you to reap the benefits.

More love flowing into your being will nurture you on all levels allowing you to further embody the Creator. Practicing allowing the love moving into your soul star chakra to filter throughout your being consciously will dissolve any resistance within your being to love and to accepting the Creator.

It is your awareness to your resistance to love which begins your beautiful process of encouraging yourself to be and receive love from your soul. We can acknowledge resistance as an alarm to specify where love is required.

Those that may be experiencing unhappiness, negative thoughts, hopelessness or fear at this time as natural reactions to the love we are delivering to the Earth may recognise these experiences with hope, knowing that your entire being is preparing to receive love. Consciously filtering the love held within your soul star chakra may assist in bringing you back to your centre and truth with a perspective of love.

Your soul star chakra is always naturally and automatically filtering energy from the universe of the Creator and your soul into your entire being. We are encouraging you to consciously practice this due to the great volumes of energy and love building within your soul star chakra which requires to be released into your body and utilised within your reality. Otherwise the excess energy could cause imbalances within your being.

It is a beautiful process that we ask of you, to allow yourself to be more consciously connected to your divine source experiencing the divinity of your truth flowing throughout your being, as well as recognizing its positive influence within your being.

Simply bring the attention of your mind to your soul star chakra, imagine, sense or acknowledge a brilliant source or cup of light above your head which is constantly being filled with deliciously nurturing and nourishing light. The light is the consciousness of love from your soul present in response to our love surrounding you completely and absolutely.

‘I activate my soul star chakra and release the love of my soul into my entire being.’ Say this in your mind once as you inhale deeply with your focus still above your head.

As you exhale deeply and expansively imagine, sense or acknowledge the love consciousness flowing into your crown chakra, down throughout your entire chakra column and merging with your entire being.

As you inhale once more bring the attention of your mind to your earth star chakra below your feet which is connected to your soul star chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra absorbing the love consciousness as you inhale.

As you exhale, imagine the love consciousness flowing in all directions from your earth star chakra below your feet.

This is one cycle, to begin again inhale returning your attention to your soul star chakra as you say the affirmation in your mind.

This will support the easing of many ascension symptoms which some people may be experiencing, while allowing you to be embody love and your soul further.

With deep unconditional love,

Beings from Venus

Source:“The Beings from Venus: Awakening Your Soul Star Chakra,” Channeled Natalie Glasson, January 22, 2016, at

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John’s audio reading is available here

Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you truly reside in every moment of your eternal existence, we watch with joy as you resolve and intend to move ever more fully into your natural state as beings of Love.

It is a state you have never left, and never could leave, but you have – through your choice to experience as real as possible a state of separation from God, and therefore from each other – hidden from yourselves your divine and eternal connection to Source.

Consequently you feel alone, small, and insignificant in the vast universe in which it seems humanity’s planet, Earth, although large in relation to each of you, is itself utterly insignificant. A planet that could itself be instantly destroyed by collision with some rogue and wandering celestial body. Your security as humans on the planet truly appears unsustainable due to many factors that are beyond your control and beyond your knowledge.

Often it seems that those who are searching for God, a Prime Source, a Supreme Intelligence, or who believe in one are merely hiding from the truth of your inevitable and eventual death in whatever form it strikes you.

It is an issue far too fearful to address consciously – unconsciously it creates great emotional stress and pressure that needs to be relieved – and so you hide from reality by imagining and hoping for a divine deliverance from your eventual and inescapable extinction. Others strive for material wealth and military security for the very same reason – an intense fear of death. That is the game of separation that you chose to build and engage with. And it always ends in death!

So, rejoice that it is unreal. You are God’s beloved children forever completely safe and utterly adored as you rest, apparently asleep and dreaming, in His welcoming and unconditionally accepting Presence. Remember, Love is always unconditional, and God is Love, and so therefore are you.

It is the place in which you belong – the field of divine Creation – and from which you will never depart because there is no need for you to do so, and there is nowhere to which you could depart. If that sounds dull and boring that is because you have totally forgotten the joy and ecstasy in which your eternal existence there is constantly enveloped.

That is why we are so joyful as we finally see the signs of your awakening from the nightmare, the illusion in which it seems to you that you have been contained and imprisoned for eons. When you do awaken the nightmare will dissolve, and it will be as though it had never been dreamt. Naturally the memory of it will fade rapidly from your minds because it was unreal, meaningless, and because you have no need to remember the unreal. Fear is unreal, and it too will be gone, never to return.

Ahead of you lies your awakening, and that is a most wonderful prospect. Many of you have indeed been hoping and praying for this for most of your lives, and many of you have been disappointed more than once as the moment of your awakening, as apparently foretold by many channels, seemingly drifted off into the distant future.

This was because of humanity’s collective freewill choice. On a number of occasions when your awakening seemed imminent, those who wished to maintain the crumbling old world order – whose sole purpose is in fact to rebuild, renew, and strengthen it – used their power and influence to intensify fear among you all by causing a variety of catastrophic fear-inducing events that led the collective move back towards fear and away from Love. Fear empowers those with dark intentions because it provides the negative, or, if you prefer, the dark energy on which they feed.

Humanity’s collective energy field is a bit like a see-saw on which negative energy fields and positive energy fields are attempting to outweigh each other. When the illusion was first built the energies were basically in balance so that an interesting game could be played, but over time this changed as your memories of Reality became more deeply buried in your minds, below your level of conscious awareness.

Fear arose and the need for defenses against one another seemed to be essential for your continued well-being, and so balance was lost and the dark energies became dominant. This continued for eons, and civilizations and empires arose and were destroyed with monotonous regularity.

Over the eons many have sought God, Source, Supreme Intelligence, and religions have been established with the aim of leading people Home to God. Many wise ones have come among you demonstrating and teaching that the only way homewards is through Love.

However, for a long time that message was thought to be unworkable, and many took sides to support the view of God that appealed most to their cultural or ethnic origins. Wars between different religious persuasions caused immense suffering as the opposing sides convinced themselves that they were doing God’s Will by destroying the enemy, which was, in their painfully benighted opinion what He required them to do.

Finally, in these last few centuries since the start of the industrial revolution, and particularly within the last few decades, humanity has collectively begun to realize that a better way of living together had to be found as conflict and disharmony had shown that the only results that could be counted on from that approach was further suffering. Taking sides just did not work. It took a great shock for a great many people for this to become apparent, and the wars of the twentieth century, reported as they happened by the newly mobile and connected news media, provided that shock or wake-up call.

Now many realize that Love is the only way to live together in peace and harmony, and the numbers coming to that realization have been growing exponentially, increasing the power of the positive or loving energy fields and unbalancing the energy see-saw, hence the attempts by the dark ones to increase the negative energies by bringing about catastrophic events that terrify people. When people are terrified they have in the past turned to the dark – the military industrial complex and its leaders – for protection.

That is no longer happening. People have wised up, they have realized that they have been used and abused by those who claim to be looking after their best interests. They now understand that Love can resolve the issues that have for eons seemed irreconcilable. In other words the see-saw has swung permanently towards the Light, towards Love because the collective has made the irrevocable choice to awaken; it has made the choice for Love.

The dark will continue trying to distract you for a while with tactics of fear, but the events that they contrive will become increasingly insignificant in their effects. Their energy fields are collapsing in on themselves as the Light of your Love swamps and dissolves the fearful and negative emotions on which they are utterly dependent.

Continue your good and essential work of bearing your Light on high for all to see. I assure you that your Light is seen when you live with Love in your hearts, holding the intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation.

You have no need of fear, or of defenses. In your holy innocence, in your loving vulnerability you are invincible. Let go of all your doubts. Deep within you, at the holy altar where the flame of divine Love burns eternally, you absolutely know that you are One with God, inseparable from Him, that untold joy is your destiny, and that your awakening is inevitable because God wills it along with you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Source:Jesus: You Have No Need of Fear, or of Defenses. Channelled by John Smallman. January 22, 2016.

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#15The Arcturians

You ARE standing at the helm of your own mission now. At least if you feel centered and open, we are standing at the helm. However, if you are frightened or angry you are not at the helm, and are a possible victim at any moment.

Of course this fear was created not by your reality, but because of your fear. And, often the fear that comes to you is the very fear that you have put out into your reality.

Now as you are all moving into the highest frequencies of the fourth dimension, you are beginning to lose your sense of time. That is, you are letting go of your adherence and addiction to the limitations and separations that occurs in a reality that is ruled by third and fourth dimensional time.

For many people “all realities” mean only the third dimensional realities and maybe some of the fourth dimensional astral plane. There is still time in these fourth dimensional realities. Now, more and more are beginning their consciousness journey through the astral planes.

The third dimensional physical and fourth dimensional astral worlds are very different. But they both have some structure of time, except that fourth dimensional time is much faster than third dimensional time.

On the fifth dimension time becomes extinct and there is only “NOW.” You may have thought you had problems with your transmutation in the fourth dimension, which is simple in comparison with the great acceleration of energy fields as you move up into the fifth dimension.

Also, the frequency jump from the fourth dimension into the fifth is challenging because the fifth dimension is so different from the first to fourth dimensional realities. It is so very different because in the fifth dimension there is no time.

Since there is NO time, there is no separation. Actually, the term “no time” is more of a 3D term as it carries the concept of zero or nothing. That concept does not exist in the fifth dimension. In fact, in the fifth dimension everything is right “here”, right “now,” and being alone does not occur.

With no time to create distance between people, situations, concepts, thoughts, and emotions all that flows is moving in intermingling patterns of reality. You see that your fifth dimensional operating system is quite different from your third and fourth dimensional operating systems.

The fifth dimension is a circle of reality, as all reality exists within an ever flowing, moving, shifting flow. This flow is experienced mutually by all with whom you are sharing your experience.

In a third dimensional reality, your consciousness is limited to the mid-range frequencies of reality. Therefore, you do not see the extremely high frequencies of reality and you don’t experience the very low frequencies of reality.

Hence, you can be unaware of the higher spiritual dimensions, and it is relatively easy for the dark Ones to hide in the lower frequencies below that mid-third dimensional frequency range. This third dimensional mid-range is your third dimensional habitual thinking, which also includes some of your fourth dimensional dreaming and creativity.

But back to your experience of knocking at the door of the fifth dimension. What if you learned or remembered that your fifth dimensional life was real? Then you would want to learn about your Higher Self and about the great courage that this higher resonance of you had to enter into a physical body to assist with creating a new world.

In the ancient times many beings tried to create new settlements. Of course they were on the third dimensional planet, but they were in an area so different from where they had originated that they did not know the rules of this new reality. Some of these people survived and prospered in their new world, and some did not.

However, “survival and prospering” are both third dimensional words. In the fifth dimension there is no death, so every one survives, and there is no money, so everyone prospers. In spite of this knowing many people are wondering, “Can I take this plunge? Can I move into this unknown? What will this unknown teach me?”

However none of these are fifth dimensional questions. They are all third dimensional questions. In order to ask fifth dimensional questions, you must think fifth dimensionally, you must feel Unity with all life, andyou must perceive that all is “ONE” within the “NOW”.

Once you embrace the fifth dimension in this fashion, you begin to communicate with others who are in the fifth dimension and beyond. We say fifth dimension and beyond because the fifth dimension is a “threshold reality.” It is a threshold between the third/fourth dimension and all the higher dimensional realities that exist beyond the fifth dimension.

This fifth dimensional threshold is much like an oasis where you can rest, relax, and enjoy the wonderful new reality in which you have found yourself. As you come to the threshold of this fifth dimensional world, you will feel immense Unconditional Love.

This Unconditional Love appears to be riding on some invisible wind. At first, you will likely find yourself remembering all of your myriad incarnations and all the realities that you have created for yourself in the lower dimensions.

In a final examination of your total history of life in third/fourth dimensional realities you will learn/remember how to Unconditionally Love, Unconditionally Forgive and Unconditionally Accept the myriad lives that you have experienced in your third/fourth dimensional adventures.

If you decide to return to these worlds, you will know that you only do so to complete a mission for which you volunteered. You know it may take a lot of preparation before you return to that lower frequency. For, as you look down to where you have been, you will realize how much you were wounded, how much you were lost.

You also realize that those feelings were normal when you were in that third dimension. Thus, when you perceive them from your higher frequency of Self you are able to acknowledge that, indeed, a 3D healing is necessary. Fortunately you will also remember the comradery, friendship, creativity, families, and children.

“But wait”, you say, “am I really ready to leave this wonderful fifth dimensional frequency of reality? Do I really want to volunteer to take a 3D Earth vessel to assist Gaia’s Ascension? I worked so hard to get to this frequency.”

Actually “work” is another third dimensional word. Also, once these doubtful – and somewhat fearful – thoughts come into your mind, your consciousness begins to drop. Then, you begin to perceive how the images of reality are shifting into a reality, which has a less love, work, things that have to be done and money has great power.

“Wait, wait”, you cry, “I change my mind. I do NOT choose to return to the third/fourth dimension.” But, the fear is in your voice, and you begin to lose your focus on your fifth dimensional reality. You know that your focus is returning to the third/fourth dimensional reality because you have experienced that reality, you know it, you can feel it.

You realize that if even a whisper of fear enters your thoughts it could lower your consciousness, which lowers your perceptions, back into the third/fourth dimensional realities. Then you begin racing down into the third/fourth dimensional realities. “No, no, no”, you cry.” But, “No” is the wrong word.

“Yes,” you fortunately remember, “I must adjust my thinking. I must calibrate my thinking and my emotions to the frequency of Unconditional Love. Just as I must have air to maintain a third dimensional body in a third dimensional world, I must have Unconditional Love to remain within the resonance of a fifth dimensional reality.”

Fortunately, the Kundalini provides a transitional state in which you can consciously feel the re-calibration of your nervous system from a time-bound, third and fourth dimensional reality into a reality in which there is no fear, no separation and no aggression.

Just the mere thought of a reality where there is NO aggression allows your consciousness to expand back into the higher dimensions. You slowly remember that you have had many visits to the third dimension. You also remember that you chose several incarnations into a reality in which there was a gentle transition from one frequency of reality to the next.

You chose to incarnate in that type of reality so that you could prepare for your incarnation into ascending Earth, who is creating the great transition from the third/fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

You remembered from your other incarnations that if there was too much fear, you would have difficulty shifting your consciousness, and thus your perceptions and experiences, from the third/fourth dimensions into a fifth dimensional reality.

Fortunately, many inter-dimensional immigrants from higher dimensional galaxies and planets have taken human forms to assist Gaia with her planetary Ascension process.

However, many Draconian refugees from the Great Galactic War also took physical bodies. As the higher Light penetrates into Gaia’s atmosphere and physical planet, these Draconians in physical form are being more and more easily identified.

One of the things that you perceive as you identify them is that they, too, have grown accustomed to life on physical Earth. Remember the dinosaurs were the first ones within this era to be on Earth.

However, as the consciousness of “all” goes into higher frequencies, the separation and competition between persons that are “good or bad,” “better” and “worse” are beginning to be replaced with decree that, “We are all together in this NOW.”

It is within this Unity that you all want to create a New Earth, not based on fear, but a “New Earth” based on Unconditional Love. Fortunately, just as fear is very contagious, Unconditional Love is also contagious. Furthermore, Unconditional Love is an inter-dimensional experience.

Unconditional Love arises from the higher dimensions and intermingled into and becomes grounded into a third/fourth-dimensional reality that has been established and maintained with fear and conditional love.

Fear is a bonding force that ties one to that lower third dimensional frequency. However, in order to release oneself from these bonds, all they need do is to move into the frequency of Unconditional Love.

Whereas fear bonds one to the third/fourth dimension, Unconditional Love opens an inter-dimensional portal into higher and higher frequencies of reality. As you enter these higher frequency portals/energy fields your consciousness expands.

Then, as your consciousness expands your perceptions expand, and as your perceptions expand you are able to perceive realities based on Unconditional Love, Unity and the “NOW” of the “ONE”.

It is your Mission, and your Joy, to take that which you have experienced, as well as that which you have remembered from your higher dimensional realties and share these experiences with those who are willing to listen.

Your freedom comes in realizing that you have created your traps. Thus, you can create your escape. The way that you create your escape is to remember that it is you that created your trap. In this manner, theyou that was once a prisoner becomes the you who is now the creator.

It will take a great deal of Unconditional Love for your Self to admit that you are a creator because your third dimensional consciousness has taught you to chastise yourself for making a “mistake” or creating that “problem.”

On the other hand, Unconditional Love says,

“What did you learn when you were experiencing that problem?”
“How can you use what you have learned to release your Self from that problem?”
“How can you share what you have learned to assist others?”

Also, please remember that you only “became trapped in the lower frequencies” because you took a body on Earth to assist Gaia and Her inhabitants to ascend into a higher frequency of reality. As you increasingly realize that you are the creator of your reality, your consciousness progressively expands.

Then, as your consciousness expands, your Kundalini force begins to awaken within the core of your spine. As your Kundalini begins to awaken, your consciousness expands further and your physical body gradually alters.

As your body changes, your consciousness and perceptions begin to shift from that which tied you to the third and fourth dimensions and into the fifth dimension. Eventually, you realize that the third/fourth dimensions are ruled by illusion.

At this point, it becomes much easier to truly and deeply accept that the fifth dimension is not just a concept but a “real” world. You are realizing that the higher worlds that you once thought you were “imagining and dreaming” are REAL.“

If those imaginations and dreams are REAL then perhaps that Being of Light that you thought you perceived was real. Then, if even one person says, “I saw a Being of Light and I believe that Being is real,” you ponder if perhaps that person is correct.

Within your NOW, more and more people are saying, “Yes, yes. I saw that Being too, and I also thought that Being was real. But, I didn’t know if it was safe to tell anyone.” The fact is that as more and more people openly discuss their inter and higher dimensional experiences, they become more normal.

As you continue the process of transmuting your consciousness, perceptions and even your physical form into a higher dimensional resonance continues, your “sense of Self” and interaction with your reality will alter.

Then, gradually, or all at once, Ascension will be the “New Normal.” In the fifth dimension, that day is NOW!

Blessings, we your Galactic Family are ALWAYS with you!
How could we not be, as WE are YOU in a higher dimension?

Source:Make Ascension Normal Now – the Arcturians. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. January 20, 2016.

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Putin: Russia is Ready To Show Proof that 9/11 Was an Inside Job

Baxter Dmitry,, Jan. 15, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the date he plans to release proof that the US government and intelligence agencies were responsible for the “controlled demolition” of the World Trade Centre in the 9/11 attacks.

Like a boxer confident in his own strength, Putin has been absorbing pressure from the US and biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The evidence is so explosive he knows he only has to hit once.

According to Kremlin insiders, President Putin has named September 11th 2016 as the date he plans to release the satellite footage proving conclusively the US government’s darkest secret: that the 9/11 attacks were a false flag terrorist event committed against their own citizens.

The US government’s secret terrorist activities at home and internationally will be exposed, undermining the credibility of the nation on the world stage, and proving that Putin is the only major world leader truly fighting terrorism and darker forces.

It is well known that Putin is a fan of synchronicity, but there is more to the September 11th 2016 date than a simple anniversary of the attacks. It is also the beginning of a politically volatile period in the US.

Do not forget: the US government’s darkest secret is also their biggest Achilles heel.

This blow will hit hard. There will be mass protests in the cities and irrepressible public anger that will lead to a popular uprising, culminating almost certainly in revolution. The government will be completely destroyed, and the new world order they support will be thrown into chaos.

2016 is the year Putin has vowed to destroy the Illuminati. The simple step of choosing the right moment to take advantage of the great American Achilles heel may well be his first step towards shaking up the status quo and fulfilling his promise.


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We’re nearing a time when certain human leaders may be revealed as being reptilian in their native form. I’m reposting this from 2010 to remind us that not all reptilian humans are dark.

One of the mistakes in judgment we’re liable to make as we meet people from other civilizations is to proceed on the basis of loose generalizations. They make our work easier but they may also lead us astray from the truth.

Here’s a case in point.

The conventional wisdom for some people is that all reptilians are dark extraterrestrials. In fact, not all members of any line of evolution are negative.

Neither are all members of any line of evolution necessarily light-bearing. Just think of how non-human species on this planet might regard us. We eat many of them. What does that make us in their eyes? Dark perhaps?

We worry that others will eat us while we eat other species.

Matthew Ward attempted to dispel the notion that all members of an evolutionary line could be dark by introducing his readers to Horiss, a light-bearing individual from a service-to-others reptilian civilization. The picture to the left is not of Horiss, but an imaginative recreation of a reptilian human.

In order, then, to invite us to question some of our cherished beliefs about extraterrestrials, I offer Suzy Ward’s conversation with Horiss, recorded originally in 2003. In it, Horiss discusses the round of life in his civilization.

Note the fact that Matthew says he met Horiss at a conference in Nirvana, which is Matthew’s term for “Heaven” or the other side of life. Apparently, beyond the Third Dimension, there is no impediment to spirits and galactics interacting with each other; the impediment only seems to exist between us in the Third Dimension and spirits, who live in higher dimensions.

I follow David Wilcock’s style of calling Horiss a “reptilian human” rather than Matthew’s of calling him a “reptilian.” You remember David saying on Kees de Graaff’s video that some civilizations reach the human form by mammalian lines, some by reptilian, some by insect, bird, plant lines, etc.? (1)

From “A Reptilian Commander Speaks: Horiss” in Voices of the Universe, October 19, 2003, reproduced in Matthew’s Message, June 24, 2009.

Matthew Ward: There is the misconception that all [reptilians are] Illuminati…, and that is not so. Just as humans can be “good” or “bad,” most simply speaking, so can reptilians, and within the Illuminati are “bad” of both species. Also, just as there are many different human civilizations in the universe, there are many different reptilian civilizations, and those in one world don’t necessarily know about their counterparts in other worlds.

The primary difference between the human and reptilian species is DNA-related—speaking only generally, reptilians’ intelligence and physical strength are superior to most humans and their emotional spectrum and spiritual clarity are less developed.

Mother, please copy Horiss’ conversation with you that is in one of the books. I believe readers will enjoy learning about one of the civilizations that has been assisting Earth directly from one of its representatives.

S: Matthew, hello dear! Am I right or am I imagining that a reptilian commander (in the light!) will be giving a message for the book? That was my waking thought.

MATTHEW: You are right, Mother, and I am pleased to introduce Horiss, one of the commanders I met several years ago at a conference in Nirvana [Matthew’s name for “Heaven.”]. He has been given permission by the Council to give a message for the book. That double “s” in his name indicates the best English sound, which does have a long soft “s” sound at the end, but please don’t associate this with the hiss of a snake! In the language of his people, the various sounds of the names have a quality that is pleasing to hear. Now, please welcome Horiss.

S: Greetings, Horiss.

HORISS: My very warm greetings to you, Madam. I have been told that I may address you informally, but if you will, please grant me the favor to address you more formally as I will be more comfortable speaking that way.

S: I want you to be completely comfortable, and Madam is fine.

HORISS: Thank you. It is known by some of your people that certain of my civilization are fearsome creatures that have been causing all manner of evil upon your world for endless time. We are not proud of that truth, and I have been requested to speak on behalf of our greater numbers who equally oppose the influence of those dark members. We, too, think of them as dark because of their actions, and we are in combat with them to rid their influence on your planet and all the rest of this part of the universe.

It is possible that of all who oppose their darkness, we are the most vehement because their actions reflect upon us as a total civilization. Those members are not in the majority and are not representative of the rest of us and it is not how we wish to be portrayed. Please let me advertise to your world the nature of the rest of us. Thank you.

Without intending to sound vain, I tell you that our intelligence level exceeds that of many other civilizations that also are advanced intellectually and technologically beyond you. We are less advanced spiritually than many civilizations that have not progressed to our stage of mental development.

We are endeavoring to bring more enlightenment throughout our civilization and one pursuit of attainment in this respect is joining with others in light forces to subdue and then eliminate the dark reptilian influence.

All souls in this universe derive from the same One Source, Creator, which makes all of us inseparable aspects of Creator and each other. God has told you that He is the amalgamation of all souls in this universe and loves all in equal amount. I say God to you, Madam, because that is your name for the ruler of this universe. That equality of love is true from our experience, as we first petitioned to God to eliminate these most foul of our brothers from this universe. He has no authority to do this and likewise, no desire, because all subsequent soul aspects of those original ones are indeed elements of God.

The darkest souls of my civilization entered this universe from another in an energy blending of the two universes that was meant to be mutually advantageous by a sharing of light to advance spiritual clarity. Some souls resisted this opportunity and now in this universe, they have become God’s responsibility to bring light into them. That makes it our responsibility to fight against their continuance in darkness.

Madam, am I going too quickly for you?

S: No, Horiss. All that red is typing mistakes and I’ll correct them later. But I’d like to ask a question. Were the dark souls that entered this universe the original reptilians or did your civilization exist here and they chose to enter it?

HORISS: I like your question, Madam! What entered was the soul energy with dark thought forms attached. It is not only the reptilian civilization in this universe that this kind of soul energy entered, but it is primarily this one. They were attracted to it through the universal law of like attracts like, and the attraction on this end was our civilization’s inclination to see strength in maintaining powerful defense forces of great military might. The souls with darkness that are influencing Earth humans are the reptilians that have made clear to other belligerent souls that Earth is solely their territory in this conquest. …

The most effective way of eliminating the dark reptilians is by creating more light in this universe to the extent that their souls either will be infiltrated with it or they will leave here to flee from that possibility. No, I do not know where they would go as I do not know about conditions in other universes or if they can enter any without permission. That is why we are endeavoring to bring light to them here and now.

Light is missing from those souls and they believe it will destroy them if they are in contact with it. It is their fear of that which motivates them to fight the light everywhere they see it. The light would fill them with the en-LIGHT-enment they lack, not destroy them, but they do not believe this and so they continue their battle against it.

I would like to describe to you the light ones of the reptilians. Because you associate that name with your animal reptiles and have little affection for those, it is easy for you to picture us in those forms. We are not in those forms unless we desire to make them, which we don’t, because those forms would be too confining for the movement and functioning we desire. We are at a level of intelligence where we can make any forms we design.

You have been told that the dark reptilians on your planet look just like any other human, so you know that all of us have that capability. It may be either pleasant or unpleasant for you to know that some of us with lighted souls also are there, and quite a number of you are genetically crossbred human and reptilian.

This is neither to your advantage nor disadvantage, as this is DNA inheritance only and has no effects whatsoever upon your soul evolution.

Madam, your jolting energy leads me to ask if you would like to comment.

S: No, thank you, Horiss. Well—yes. Obviously you saw my monitor with all the red lines. Are you here in spirit or maybe even etheric body?

HORISS: Neither, Madam. I am able to see you distinctly from my homeland. At this moment I am in my “office,” as a comparative term for your business management place. However, I do like your asking as it gives me this opportunity to mention that this ability to see at a vast distance is enabled by the likeness of energy bonding, which also facilitates your clearly hearing my words.

I shall add that if I wished to be present in your office, I could be there in a twinkling either in spirit only or in a body that I would materialize. I would not choose to do this as I believe that a solid form abruptly appearing in any style configuration, even one familiar to you, would not be a comfortable experience for you.

S: I think you are right, Horiss—I wouldn’t be prepared for that. Please continue.

HORISS: Very well. Matthew has told you that we respect military power and do not hold much respect for a civilization that differs with that. He told you that some years back in linear time. In the universal “time,” some of us are in higher stages of spiritual alignment and that higher evolved contingency of the “future” is helping us “in the present” to abandon that outlook.

What our “present” members have believed is that the power of large forces is necessary to prevent invasions of dark-minded souls whose method of conquest is with military force. My people in majority nature are not invaders, but defenders. Now we are seeing that the greater light being generated throughout the universe is diminishing the areas under dark control, and this enables us to reduce our defense outlook accordingly.

You ask other civilizations’ representatives about their people and I am eager to have you know more about my people. When I say “my people,” I do not mean that we are representative of all reptilian populations any more than Earth humans are representative of all human populations in the universe. I am speaking now only of the people residing in my world.

We reside on a planet in this galaxy that is as near my solar system’s sun as Earth is near Sol. We use the energy of our sun much more efficiently than you use the energy of Sol. Instead of your various forms of power generation, all of ours derive from our sun. Yours also can, and as you progress in awareness of this, that will come about.

Also, there is no pollution from any source anywhere on the planet, not on the landmasses nor in the seas, due to our technology that prevents such contamination rather than makes an effort to clean it up.

Our home planet is called Lacone [lah-cone’, with the accent on the second syllable and a soft “nnn” sound]. It is as large as Uranus, to make a comparison that still is beyond your perception, but that tells you it is much larger than Earth, and it is about the same density of Earth in form and substance.

We do not have the variety of natural beauty as does Earth, and which Earth itself no longer has as formerly due to destruction in many areas. Our cities are larger than your largest. That is the temperament and choice of most of us, and the union of ideas and desires focused upon the same goal manifested large, then larger population centers.

Our cities are immaculate, as are outlying inhabited areas throughout the planet. We can travel to any point on the planet almost instantaneously by thought or leisurely in vehicles.

The appearance my people has chosen when we are at home or visiting other advanced civilizations is as I appeared in Nirvana, when I met Matthew. Male and female forms and features are much alike and with little variation in any. We do not have a mixture of races as you do and which creates the great variety in your appearances, but that is not the reason we are so similar in ours.

Our collective choice is to look alike. Long ago we learned that differences in appearances can lead to prejudices and discriminations, and with our inclination to be a defensive people, we chose to eliminate elements over which we had control so that civil conflicts would not arise to weaken us.

To describe us, we are of a height not dissimilar to your average height, but we are uniformly slender except our females who are bearing children. The skin tone is pale blue-gray, which is pleasing to us although it is unlikely that you would find it so. Our most distinctive features are our eyes, which are large and dark.

I know Matthew told you that they are so dark that you cannot see into our souls, but now he knows that is not so as he has evolved greatly since our first meeting several years back. To be more accurate, he is a highly evolved soul and through self-discovery has eliminated the layers of non-understanding that come with indoctrination of erroneous information and subsequent opinions or beliefs.

Our education is in line with our advanced intelligence and every soul is in the learning system from birth until the move onward, what you call death, or transition. It is our intense desire for learning that has allowed us to give a back seat to spiritual development, and that is changing.

Emphasis upon learning is as great, but now the mental is more balanced with the increased desire for spiritual, which is another kind of learning. It is the self-discovery I mentioned that removes layers of indoctrination and allows the opening of the truth of this universe and of Creator’s laws that govern here along with God’s laws about the order of celestial bodies and other such activity that is unique to this universe.

Our children are conceived and born in the same manner as yours, but their intelligence at birth permits speaking soon afterwards and fine motor skills to develop immediately. So at a very young age, about five years in your time calculation but with maturity commensurate with your adults, they no longer are dependent upon parents for protective attention and guidance. It is the love of family that bonds us and results in our children staying close to home long after they are self-sufficient.

Madam, what else may I tell you?

S: Anything else that describes your life and your world!

HORISS: My! I welcome this! Very well, to describe the planet further, there are many similarities to Earth, such as great differences in elevation, large seas, many forests and plants, barren areas of rocks and sand. Earth is more vibrant in its unspoiled places than our planet and has a greater variety of colors. Nevertheless, this is completely satisfying or we would make changes to more greatly please us.

You have in your mind structures, so I will tell you that our buildings could be considered sterile in comparison with the many styles and shapes you have built. Our preference is what you would call ultramodern, I believe, with little variation in style overall but of course, considerable variation in sizes in accordance with usage. Homes are decorated simply in keeping with the austerity of surroundings, and our choice of attire also is plain.

Perhaps from my skeleton outline, I am giving the impression that we are an austere, harsh people in feelings. This is the sensation I am picking up from you, Madam. While it is true that we are serious-minded and are not given to “frills,” we are not without warm feelings. Our children are as precious to us as yours are to you, and our mates are the same. We are a monogamous people.

Mates are judiciously selected and know each other very well before aligning as partners, thus separations rarely happen except by the death of one. We enjoy levity and many forms of entertainment in which a whole family is participating, so you know that the sources of amusement are suitable for even the youngest minds. Music is important to my people, and none of it is blaring and discordant noise.

We are well informed on events in many civilizations besides our own. Earth is of special interest to us, just as it is to many other civilizations of individuals and of collective souls, but it is by no means a self-serving interest. My people want the banishment of the dark influence on Earth to be replaced by peaceful means of living among all of Earth’s inhabitants, and not to bring to you another source of troublemaking.

Our military might in numbers and technology could subdue yours in a day, as a description of our capability. However, ours is solely a defense force, and its purpose to defend rather than invade is the vital element of difference between our two worlds. This is further proof of our warm feelings, which extend to civilizations beyond our own.

I see “government” in your thought. Our planetary form of government could be compared with Greek city states of your history. Not the warring with each other, but the equitable and benevolent rule within each state is the basis of our planetary ruling body. We have the advantage of one language and telepathy, which provides clarity of expression and promotes honest communication among all the population. Smaller bodies govern large districts as this is more orderly and efficient in a world this size with a population of more than 20 billion.

Madam, do you have a question?

S: Would you like to mention the kinds of industries and other employment?

HORISS: Yes, thank you. For our strong defense force, we need industries to provide weaponry and space vehicles and all supporting services, so we have what I will call factories even though you would not recognize them as such because of the technology of their production equipment. As my people ease from the stance of maintaining military might, there will be a transition from this type of production to others. This is in the planning stages.

Our emphasis upon education makes that one of the largest fields of employment. We have computerized education along with tutorial forms to present opportunities for our children to specialize in areas of their greatest interest and aptitude. This is equally available to our adults who wish to change from one specialty field to another.

Studies are of our homeland history as well as the history of many other civilizations, and of course, all branches of science as it is in its authentic universal form. What you call “the arts” are of great importance to us, and I feel your surprise, Madam, although already I have mentioned fine music. Painting, sculpture, dance and poetry have significant meaning to us as an entire civilization. Parts of your own are threadbare in these necessities of soul expression.

Construction of buildings is by solid materials rather than manifestation by focusing on images. Although we could do that, and sometimes for expediency do so, my people find greater satisfaction in using their hands to form materials into desired structures and objects. This kind of productivity is a good balance to the concentration upon academic learning that everyone pursues. We respect the need for balance in our lives.

We have many employed in making and maintaining computer systems. I could boast of our advanced systems but boastfulness is not in our nature. It need not be as the condition of our world speaks for itself. However, I can tell you that our systems are at a development level that a word, even a thought, starts and stops operations and desired input or outflow are accurate and complete.

S: That is an advanced system! Horiss. You mentioned “death,” so I would like to ask about the ordinary longevity of your people, and do you have a sanctuary realm that would be similar to our Nirvana?

HORISS: I did say “death” and only as a term of ease. The physical shell of us gets used up by deterioration of cells or by combat wounds, but we know there is no death—the soul has lived from the Beginning. But longevity in the physical shell when not cut short by combat is about 200 years. That is our “present” DNA programming, and it will change as we reach higher spirituality levels where physical shells can live much longer with full functioning abilities.

I do not intend debasement of our bodies by the reference to “physical shell.” It is important that we have robust health to maintain combat fitness, and we do that, but I meant to make a clear delineation between the far lesser importance of our bodies as compared to our respect for our souls.

In keeping with that respect, we do have a sanctuary realm that is commensurate with our planetary population’s advancement intellectually. That realm also is rising in emphasis upon spiritual understanding and attunement. I discussed this with Matthew at the time we met in Nirvana, and his sound suggestions for treating our most psychically damaged souls have been implemented with great success.

Madam, may I answer anything else?

S: Horiss, is there anything else you would like to say to the people of Earth?

HORISS: Yes, thank you. As a summary of the intentions of my people, it is this: We do not often speak of our convictions and our nature. We live by them. At heart we are warm, peaceful, respectful and helpful, and that is what we look forward to showing you one of these days, when you are ready to welcome “strangers.”

S: I think that is a perfect way to end your message. Thank you for coming today and giving such interesting information about your people. I look forward to welcoming you, Horiss.

HORISS: And I you, Madam. I believe I will comfortably call you Suzy then. And for this time, I bid you good-day.


(1) “The human body shows up in the galaxy on every planet where life can form. It’s a natural evolution. Some might get there by an insect; some might get there by a lizard; some might get there by mammals like we do; some might get there by cetaceans; some might get there even by vegetation, apparently.” (David Wilcock, Project Camelot Interviews David Wilcock, Part 2 of 4)


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Greetings, I am Gabriel; I am Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. Welcome, welcome my beloved family, lightworkers, loveholders, pathfinders, wayshowers, healers, teachers, channels, and just plain ol’ folks, for we are all equal.

Yes, there is splendid diversity and that is the expression and the glory of the Mother. But never has there been a hierarchy, child, and we are all in equal measure and in equal measure of Love.

I come this day to speak to you of this Council of Love of which I am primary spokesbeing. It is my honor. It is the blessing that the Mother has bestowed upon me at the very beginning because this Council has been in existence that long…and I do not simply mean the beginning of the existence of this beautiful planet of my sister and cousin, sweet Gaia, I mean the very beginning.

I come because it is time to renew your acquaintance. The depth of our relationship has need to grow and as spokesbeing, as Archangel, I desire and am charged with the responsibility and the promise to make this allegiance and alliance stronger than ever.

You know that this explanation will never change, that the Council of Love is God’s sacred alliance composed of angels, Archangels, enlightened saints, the apostles, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, the ascended masters, the sacred prophets, and those beings that have simply evolved, ascended into sheer energy.

The purpose of this Council is the transmission, the instillation, the infusion, of divine radiance…we have not spoken enough about this…divine radiance and Love, into each of your hearts, into the hearts of all beings who choose, who wish, who desire to align and receive. And let me say to thee, there is no being upon this or any planet, within any galaxy or any universe that does not desire Love. So, we are most certainly an equal opportunity Council.

We are the messengers of One, of Father/Mother One/All, of unified Godhead, and there is only one message and that message is Love! That is why sweet Albert’s work and words are so important at this time, because he is reminding you, he is helping you remember, and some of you hearing for the very first time that there is only really one essence and pattern throughout, and that is the essence and design of the Mother, and that is Love. Does it have a multitude of faces, of qualities, of divinity? Yes. But all of these are expressions and experiences and transmissions, activations, alignments of Love.

Now, you may think that this is a very simple explanation of who we are and we know that there is a tendency upon the planet to say “well, you better keep your mission statements brief”, and so we are in alignment with that. But in fact dearest hearts, let us suggest to you that our mission and purpose is extensive but also flows far beyond sweet Gaia, but you are the focus of so much attention throughout the multiverse, throughout the omniverse at this time. This is the destination that most are paying attention to. It is a favorite destination and vacation spot for many of your star family, the ascended masters, those of sheer energy that you see dancing and visiting and assisting.

The restoration of Love upon this planet is Ascension. There are many explanations of how and where and when and what Ascension is and looks like and feels like. So again, in the spirit of simplification, we tell you that Ascension, individually and collectively, is the experience, the anchoring, and the embodiment of Love, in its totality, in its divinity, in its expression, in its actions.

Now you say to me, “Gabby, what on Earth does that mean?” And what I suggest to you, as an Archangel that is often considered quite vociferous, is that what it means is you accepting the truth of who you are. Long ago we have, through this channel, said to you that the keys to heaven are Love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connectedness, and balance.

Now you may take that as an explanation of what does the embodiment of Love look, feel, taste and smell like. It is not simply to be kind, although kindness is a much underrated quality upon your planet and elsewhere, at times. If you are loving then you are kind, you are gentle, you are considerate, you are compassionate.

It is the practice, it is the action, it is the intention, it is the stillpoint, it is putting yourself completely, consistently, eternally, infinitely, in the expression and the experience of Love. It is bliss, it is ecstasy, it is common sense, it is being grounded. It is not being a space cadet walking around and doing nothing.

Have you ever heard one of us – Archangel, angel, guardian, ascended master – say that we are hanging out and relaxing because we feel overwhelmed? Of course not! Now, are there times –  yes, even as Archangel – that we feel overwhelmed by what we witness, not only collectively as death, disease, destruction, despair, war, hatred, greed, lust? These are distressing.

But what is overwhelming to an Archangel, to me my beloveds, what is overwhelming is when I see or witness or know that you have forgotten, or lost, or do not believe, that you are the essence of Love. That is a tragedy. It is an illusion but it is a tragic illusion because [love] is the truth, the essence, the totality of who you are.

And this is why I have asked to speak to you in this manner this day. We, of multitude that you can not even begin to imagine, are the Council of Love. We are the messengers, the instillers, the transmitters, the infusers of Love. Now, we have job descriptions that are infinite and yet extraordinarily simple during this extraordinary time of change. When you feel even a whisper that you have forgotten Love, about how it feels within…note that I say to you in discussing Love that it is the experience and the expression…I am talking about the within and the without…it is absolutely necessary for you to have the knowing within every fiber of your being that you are Love. And it isn’t a mental process or construct. It is a deep knowing of who you are. And then that expresses because you can only express who you are.

So, if you are feeling less than, then your expression is less than. If you are feeling ignored or isolated or separated or betrayed, then that is your expression. Even though you try and hide it under a mantle of kindness it does not work. So, when you know that you are not knowing and feeling and experiencing the Love, turn to us. Of course, turn to the Mother, the ultimate source, the supreme source of Love, the pattern of Love, the essence of Love. But we, we are her work force, we are the messengers.

So, you may turn to your favorite person, your favorite being…yes they are people – St. Germaine has been a person, Jesus has been a person, many of us have incarnated for a couple of moments as people…we know what it is and it feels like.We are not ignorant of your situation.

So, I come this day to plead with you, to absolutely plead with you to come and turn to us and allow us to fill you with Love. Now you say, “Oh that’s okay; I know that I am in the Love.” Dearest hearts, you have only just begun; there is always more.

So, on behalf of the Mother in the honoring of who you are and the honoring of the divine, the Mother/Father One, can you let us do our job? Could you call on us, the entire Council of Love and let us fill you and bring you to a higher realm, to anchor your feet firmly in the 7th dimension of Love? We are not waiting.

Months ago, let me be clear … August 15th … five months almost to the day, child, we have told you of the expansion of the 13th Octave, the most precious gift that we have ever been honored to bring forth. What have you done with it? It is sitting there waiting for you…as are we.

Please let us be in sacred union. Let us be in sacred partnership. We have always been family. You are as much an integral part of this Council of Love as we are. Let us work, play, laugh, and explore the possibilities and potentialities and actualities of creation together, right now.

Go with my Love and go in peace. Farewell.

Source:Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2016 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

Read more… One of my favorite quotes is “If you were born into a world you feel you don’t fit into, then you were born to create a new one”. I think many of us who identify with being “awakened” are collectively feeling very similar; we are looking around at a world that just doesn’t seem to make much sense anymore. It also can feel very isolating. However as the Angels regularly remind me, the chaos that appears to be permeating our world is not what is seems to be. It is not the beginning of the end, but rather the dawning of an entirely new kind of world. A world where each of us is called to share the gifts and abilities that each of us with out exception possess, a world where we unite as a collective of humanity and not just as individuals separated by countries, cultures, religions and creeds, a world where we each step into our own power and begin making choices to change our world for the better no matter how big or small those changes may seem to be. The Angels have repeatedly shared their visions of the most likely manifestations that we as a collective are most likely to create going forward. Humanity is indeed reached a proverbial “fork in the road”, one in which we can continue down a path of destruction, of service to self, and isolation, or we can make a new choice, where we choose to unite, to come together and not let fear divide us. This year we will each individually and collectively be met with many opportunities to test our trust, our trust in ourselves and our trust in creating something far better than we ever have before. Much of the dramatic changes that will manifest in years to come will be traced back to decisions we each make in this year, our year of 2016. This is why I am so very excited to share our big news with all of you like-minded souls! I am co-producing a new animated children’s series, called Zachary’s Quest that is set to launch this year! It is the first animated series ever created to teach children of the metaphysical concepts many have come to know as the laws of attraction and manifestation using the tremendous power of our mind, all while captivating children through action packed adventures. Zachary’s Quest will be distributed globally on streaming platforms including Amazon Video, Netflix, Hulu and others. In addition broadcast and cable television deals are planned to air the series in many different territories around the world. With your support our dream of creating the very first metaphysical animated series of this kind will become a reality. We are very grateful for every contribution and as a very special thank you we are offering each of our contributors gifts to allow each of you to be connected to the success of Zachary’s Quest. Thank you all so very much for your continued support, I am immensely grateful for the powerful community that we have created together! Just click play and be a part of the change. “When many minds come together there is no limit to the momentum of the energy in which they create” ~Angelic Guides Much love, Taryn


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The first point of transformation is to understand you're not really transforming reality or "what is," but yourself. The identity you hold determines your field of possibilities and the realities you activate into your life. If you're not sure whether your identity is one of scarcity or abundance, become a detective in your own life, observing and making notes on things you habitually say, do and feel around the issue of money. If you find yourself constantly saying you can't afford things or that you’re "broke," or "poor," this is an indicator you have some degree of scarcity consciousness. Beliefs about scarcity often are passed from one's family and are therefore deeply ingrained. This heritage of scarcity thinking can be transformed but it requires cultivating awareness and an openness to changing any aspects of your consciousness that are still invested in scarcity. Learning the Inherent Worth of All Beings It’s difficult to manifest any significant amount of abundance when your thoughts are holding onto lack in any way. While you may speak affirmations to the contrary and create positive visions of what you wish to manifest, these efforts won’t succeed if underneath the surface, you’re playing old tapes attuned to the frequency of lack. These tapes are often created early in life. In fact, if you’re experiencing lack in any way, there are likely moments you can trace back to your childhood where you received programming that implied you are not worthy of having what you dream of. This is not saying you are a victim in any sense. When a spirit chooses the condition of unworthiness from the shopping list of available life experiences, this choice is made from a need at the soul level to learn the inherent worth of all beings. Maybe you have come to accept your own inherent worth, but your inner child of the past is still confused and feeling unworthy. This is enough to keep you from experiencing abundance in your present moment. These unresolved feelings may spin out self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent you from moving forward until you have healed your inner child. As you bring your focus and attention to those parts of yourself in need, you heal your past and present and clear the way to peacefully transition to the next step on your path. When you’re ready to step into emotional freedom with a healed and spiritually aligned consciousness, you’re ready to see the world through the lens of abundance. Seeing the World through the Lens of Abundance When you see the world through the lens of abundance, there is always plenty, always more than enough. In your most abundant state, you’re able to telepathically commune with your higher self, your guides and angels. You understand that when you set about bringing the visions you receive from your higher self into physical reality, resources flow to help manifest that reality. Life force energy flows in great abundance, as does joy and love and happiness. It is in this way that you manifest the version of yourself that is aligned with your highest vision.

Source:Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your Dreams by DL Zeta

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>>>> ♥╰☆╮ The Biggest Filter that Hinders Truth is Your Biased KNOWLEDGE ♥╭☆╯ <<<< ( all Art here are by Igor Morski ) ♥╰☆╮ ♥╰☆╮♥╰☆╮ ((((( ♥╰☆╮ The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. ♥╰☆╮ The Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher ♥╰☆╮ To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. ♥╰☆╮ Sometime information is even added. ♥╰☆╮ Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. ♥╰☆╮ So enjoy this enhanced message given in Salt Lake City. ♥╰☆╮ ))))


♥╰☆╮ Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. ♥╰☆╮ It sometimes takes a moment or two for you to move into an area of consciousness that would allow for something like this [the channelling]. ♥╰☆╮ So many times, we have asked, "Is the man in the chair channelling or just giving his own opinion out of channel? ♥╰☆╮ Is the process that is claimed to be here actually here? Is there a door that is opened to Spirit at this moment or not?" ♥╰☆╮ The answer is unique to each of you, and it is about your individual perception. ♥╰☆╮ We've talked about the many Human filters*, and we've even revealed some Akashic filters.** ♥╰☆╮ These are some of the things that would keep you from recognizing Spirit, or the things that would keep you from recognizing basic truth, ♥╰☆╮ simply because of what you've learned in the past. Is this real or not? ♥╰☆╮ Knowledge is this way. It has helped you many times, but not always. For instance, again: Is this channelling real? ♥╰☆╮ You must discern and validate the process of channelling before you ever can believe this message. ♥╰☆╮ You have free choice, dear Human, to discern if this is accurate and true or not. ♥╰☆╮ It's going to be important that you do this here, within this particular message, for I am going to give you some science and also some revelations of poor thinking. ♥╰☆╮ All of this is a benevolent push for you to recognize some things that are coming, and perhaps change the way that you think. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


The Biggest Filter that Hinders Truth is Your Biased Knowledge ♥╰☆╮ <<<< The biggest filter of humanity, the one that keeps Humans from actual truth, believe it or not, is called K N O W L E D G E . ♥╰☆╮ We speak of that which humanity perceives currently as knowledge. That which you do not know is, therefore, future knowledge. ♥╰☆╮ Now, every single scientist understands the difference - every single one - for they know what is coming is going to teach them what they don't know yet. ♥╰☆╮ This is part of the scientific process. Even so, they take what they know, or think they know, and completely let it temper the experiments for what they don't know. ♥╰☆╮ They base the future on what they know or believe, even though they know better! ♥╰☆╮ A medical doctor will look in the past and he'll remember being taught about a time when humans would report to the barbershop for healing. ♥╰☆╮ That's when they would actually bleed people for healing. By the way, that's the reason for the barber pole having the red stripe on it - ♥╰☆╮ it's the tradition of barbers doing the bleeding. So back then, you went to get healed in the barbershop by being bled! ♥╰☆╮ This, of course, led to many deaths because there was no understanding of germs, sterilization or today's common sense. ♥╰☆╮ Doctors know this, and they laugh at how far you all have come from this. ♥╰☆╮ So doctors absolutely know that what is coming will someday be actually laughable, yet they are also absolutely and completely closed to what it might be. ♥╰☆╮ They just think it will be an advancement of what they currently know. ♥╰☆╮ This bias is the same for almost all industry, too. A computer scientist loves the advancements - all happening so fast! ♥╰☆╮ In his case, he expects things from what he has seen only in the past few years. ♥╰☆╮ Therefore, he will predict what is going to happen using a model of what has happened so far, such as better electronics for increasing speeds in processing, size and memory capacity. ♥╰☆╮ Let me give you a hint of where it's going, which he has no model for in his short history. ♥╰☆╮ Fifty years from now, there will still be computers, but they will be completely and totally different. ♥╰☆╮ Instead of changing electronic chips, you will change life chips. There will be parts of computing that must have life to work. ♥╰☆╮ Bio-computing is the wave of the future. By the way, this gives a whole new meaning to your computer catching a virus. [Laughter] It's coming; it has to. ♥╰☆╮ There will be a combination of circuitry and live, reproducing biology that is grown on a chip. ♥╰☆╮ This will enhance computing power and memory and what you think of as a "computer" will be very different. ♥╰☆╮ What you ask a computer to do today will be laughed at compared to what you ask for it to do in 50 years. ♥╰☆╮ You may actually name a computer in the future, as you now do a pet! You will have to "feed" it! ♥╰☆╮ But the computer will still exist. You don't know what you don't know so, therefore, it's Human nature to take what you do know and extrapolate what to expect. ♥╰☆╮ I'm going to speak of five areas. In the process, I'll reveal some new information and potentials, even about that which is metaphysical knowledge. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


Physics - Sticking To The Known ♥╰☆╮ <<<< Physicists are among the kinds of scientists who expect change through discovery, and who absolutely know that they are unaware of how everything works. ♥╰☆╮ It comes with the territory of being a physicist. Yet the mistakes they make in their bias are the same as the computer scientist. ♥╰☆╮ They take their truth from known absolute physics in 3D and then apply this truth to everything they don't know. ♥╰☆╮ I point to the revelation and the discoveries of astronomer Vera Rubin. ♥╰☆╮ When she found out that stars that orbit the middle of your galaxy don't behave within the gravitational laws of Newton ♥╰☆╮ or the laws of planetary motion from Kepler, it was a major discovery. Your solar system moves around the sun in highly definable 3D laws of motion. ♥╰☆╮ The objects that are further away from the sun go slower. The ones closer to the sun go faster. ♥╰☆╮ However, her discovery showed that stars orbiting the galaxy had this reversed! The stars that are further away from the middle go faster. ♥╰☆╮ What she discovered was that all of the stars go the same speed in relationship to the middle, like they were pasted on a plate, ♥╰☆╮ all revolving together around the center. They do not follow the rules of the physics that you know. ♥╰☆╮ So, what did the physicists and astronomers do with this major new information? ♥╰☆╮ Instead of seeing a brand new paradigm, they instead used Newton's laws and computed what would have to be "out there" to make this happen. Dark matter! ♥╰☆╮ It had to be mysterious, invisible matter that was creating this very strange and enormous new Newtonian attribute. ♥╰☆╮ Instead of looking at this and saying, "There is a new law of physics happening here that we don't yet know about," they kept it within the Newton box and renamed it, "Altered Newtonian Physics". That's funny! ♥╰☆╮ That's like a situation when you discovered the earth was round and called it the "Altered Flat-Earth Principle"! ♥╰☆╮ Newton's name is still attached, but his 3D laws have nothing to do with anything Ruben discovered. Dark matter does not exist! ♥╰☆╮ It's a made-up energy to satisfy an old law that doesn't apply! Instead, there is a new law of physics that you haven't seen yet. ♥╰☆╮ It's a multidimensional law having to do with modified entanglement. ♥╰☆╮ Modified entangled objects are created because of what is in the middle of the galaxy. ♥╰☆╮ The immense push-pull twin energy at the middle of each galaxy is not simplistic like your sun is to your own solar system. ♥╰☆╮ It does not have Kepler rules, since it's not mass that's just orbiting naturally. ♥╰☆╮ Yet, you think it is, since it looks similar: The galaxy has stars circling it in space. ♥╰☆╮ Someday, you'll slap your heads in revelation of what you did with this, and you will change the rules. ♥╰☆╮ Now to esoteric astronomy: Look what you've done with the idea that you came from the Pleiadians. ♥╰☆╮ There are some scientists laughing right now who smugly say that the mythology of the Pleiadians being your seed biology is simply not possible. ♥╰☆╮ It's not possible because of astronomical history, and what they now know about the constellation itself. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


Pleiadian Connection - Mythology?

♥╰☆╮ <<<< Let's talk about the Pleiadian system, the Seven Sisters. Let's talk about the truth of it, and then let's discuss what science says is the mythology of it. ♥╰☆╮ We will tell you what you don't see and don't comprehend, simply because of your existing knowledge. ♥╰☆╮ You call this constellation the Seven Sisters [M45]. The physical facts are that there are hundreds of stars in this Pleiades group. ♥╰☆╮ Circling these stars is a nebula (dust particles and gas). ♥╰☆╮ This creates a wonderful blue tinge that you can see in the heavens on a clear night. ♥╰☆╮ With distance and atmospheric attributes against you, the naked eye can only perceive what appears to be seven stars (or clusters), hence the name Seven Sisters. ♥╰☆╮ However, there are actually nine when you use a telescope. ♥╰☆╮ Each of the nine have been identified with names, but again, there are actually hundreds of stars. ♥╰☆╮ The Seven Sisters are approximately 440 light years away. From the viewpoint of astronomy and distances, that's close - very close! ♥╰☆╮ Now, here's what science says is wrong with your mythology about the Pleiadians: The constellation is way too young! ♥╰☆╮ The whole system of the Pleiades is far too young to have developed life. ♥╰☆╮ It's only approximately 100 million years old - a baby! ♥╰☆╮ The galaxy is four billion years old [according to your science] and your planet is at least a billion of that. ♥╰☆╮ Yet, the Pleiadians are only a tiny fraction of that, only 100 million. ♥╰☆╮ So here is what science says: The mythology has most of the ancients of this planet claiming the Pleiadians as their seeds. ♥╰☆╮ However, this is impossible due to the age of the stars. The suppositions and logic are applied this way: ♥╰☆╮ What you saw on earth happens everywhere in the galaxy. That's incorrect, and quite humorous! ♥╰☆╮ Your bias is that life develops only a certain way, based upon the way it developed here. ♥╰☆╮ Not only is that incorrect in general, but the possibility has never even been broached that perhaps, just perhaps, ♥╰☆╮ the Pleiadian life as you think it exists was actually implanted there! How about that? ♥╰☆╮ Perhaps it didn't evolve from there at all! ♥╰☆╮ So to dismiss a possibility completely due to only the knowledge of what you have here may result in a totally illogical conclusion. ♥╰☆╮ Then there is the question, "How did those Pleiadians get so advanced so quickly?" [Wink] ♥╰☆╮ These are just little vignettes of possibility, which I throw to you this evening to give you things to think about. ♥╰☆╮ The Pleiadians who are here are smiling, and they know you so well. ♥╰☆╮ You may be the new kids on the block because life just developed on your planet, but the Pleiadians had an entirely different scenario from what you had. ♥╰☆╮ To become an ascended planet, they needed certain kinds of pushes from certain other kinds of planets. ♥╰☆╮ They had their own seed biology! Dear ones, it's important to start thinking out of the box of your knowledge and open up to possibilities that are not what you've seen here. ♥╰☆╮


>>> ♥╰☆╮ Medicine - Where It's Going ♥╰☆╮ <<<< I want to show you some other areas to consider. ♥╰☆╮ There are several categories that we'd like to talk about, but they're not in a specific order except for the last one. ♥╰☆╮ So let's talk about medicine. What is future medicine going to look like? ♥╰☆╮ The most elegant predictions of medicine fall short of what's really coming. ♥╰☆╮ What you have today is a high-tech approach to designer chemistry. ♥╰☆╮ Now, since the body is made up of chemistry, it makes sense to look at this chemistry and work with it. ♥╰☆╮ It makes total sense to discover how it reacts to disease and then design cures with more chemistry. ♥╰☆╮ It's absolutely normal what you have done, but it's going to reach an end very soon. Because the future of medicine is physics, dear ones, not chemistry. ♥╰☆╮ You're going to start understanding and developing new medical physics. ♥╰☆╮ You will discover that medi-physics is going to literally speak to cellular structure and give it instructions, without one chemical involved. ♥╰☆╮ There's always a reaction to chemistry, isn't there? There's always a side effect. ♥╰☆╮ When you push one thing, something else reacts, doesn't it? How do you like it so far? ♥╰☆╮ Your most elegant chemical designs, the ones that are helping with the worst diseases on the planet, ♥╰☆╮ all have side effects - and some of those side effects are death! I say to you, how do you like it so far? ♥╰☆╮ Does it really seem elegant to you? Or perhaps it's just a more sophisticated way of bleeding in the barbershop? ♥╰☆╮ Dear ones, that's how you're going to look at it someday! ♥╰☆╮ You're going to slap your heads and say, "Remember the day when we did everything with chemistry and drugs?" ♥╰☆╮ Right now, these kinds of changes have already started in several areas. ♥╰☆╮ There are discoveries being made that are healing some of the most heart-breaking diseases you have. ♥╰☆╮ I reveal one, because it's not a secret. I will always give you information that is either being worked on or has been postulated through free choice on this planet. ♥╰☆╮ That is the guideline of channelling. We can't give it to you. You've got to develop it yourself. ♥╰☆╮ However, we can put you in an energy that has a faster discovery potential - that is to say, discoveries become more obvious. ♥╰☆╮ Alzheimer's is heart breaking. There are millions on this planet who develop this condition, more all the time. ♥╰☆╮ You're living longer and a plaque-like material that literally obfuscates your memory within the brain is becoming more common. ♥╰☆╮ It clings to certain parts of your brain, encrusting and restricting it, imprisoning the Human's ability to remember and eventually process information at all. ♥╰☆╮ The result is death, slow death. It's caused by your environment, a fact which will be discovered eventually. ♥╰☆╮ Your long-lived Ancients didn't have it. ♥╰☆╮ It's going to be cured with physics. Your science is starting to find out that the plaque-like substance has a resonance that allows it to be weakened with sound. ♥╰☆╮ High-frequency sound, tuned to a certain frequency and amplitude, will cause the sheaths to weaken, dissolve, and come off. ♥╰☆╮ There's a lot of research to do yet, but it's a Eureka! moment - realizing that physics alone, without chemistry, can change the structure of biology. ♥╰☆╮ This is with no side effects whatsoever. It's coming, it's coming. ♥╰☆╮ There are those working with fresh umbilical cord stem cells right now who are using pure physics to guide the stem cells ♥╰☆╮ to a specific destination in the body in order to repair failing systems. ♥╰☆╮ Dear ones, the future of health and healing is not through better chemistry, yet medicine is still waiting for better pills! ♥╰☆╮ Did you connect the dots and realize that all biology is physics based? There is magnetics, leverage, the energy of consciousness, ♥╰☆╮ electricity and much more within cellular structure. With physics alone, you can "tune in" to disease and destroy it! ♥╰☆╮ You can fine-tune your system with cooperative resonances and extend life with benevolent, physical assistance. ♥╰☆╮ Sixteen years ago, I told you this when I spoke of the Temple of Rejuvenation. ♥╰☆╮ I described the super-cooling needed to do it and the temperatures needed to work with it (-55C). This is physics! ♥╰☆╮ Now, the false expectation of greater chemistry for the future is totally caused from the filter of knowledge. ♥╰☆╮ What you have and know then gives you your expectation of what is going to take place. ♥╰☆╮ It literally blocks you from seeing some of the potentials that you may have. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


War - Nobody Sees What is Coming ♥╰☆╮ <<<< Let's talk about war. Let's discuss something that very few are considering. ♥╰☆╮ What you expect next is completely and totally out of perspective of what's actually coming, because you only have one kind of knowledge about war. ♥╰☆╮ Your war has advanced over history with bigger explosions, higher yields and weapons that fire faster. ♥╰☆╮ Nuclear, laser, sound - all are far more efficient ways to terminate life. ♥╰☆╮ That's how war has evolved. However, there hasn't really been anything called anti-war devices, have there? ♥╰☆╮ I'm going to give you an invitation for discovery, and some are already in the postulation stage of this. ♥╰☆╮ Multidimensional fields change 3D reality. Period. ♥╰☆╮ I've told you that lurking in your future are discoveries that will help you with every aspect of your life, ♥╰☆╮ mainly due to the discovery of what makes basic physics do what it does at the atomic level. ♥╰☆╮ If you fully understand multidimensionality, you can manipulate the formula for mass and create massless objects. ♥╰☆╮ You can even do it with the tools you have right now. ♥╰☆╮ There is physics possible that can create certain kinds of fields - listen to me - certain kinds of heretofore unseen multidimensional fields ♥╰☆╮ that are harmless to your biology, but will alter some attributes of 3D. ♥╰☆╮ These fields are designer fields, and they are isolated and specifically designed for one purpose. ♥╰☆╮ When in the field, conventional explosive reactions can't happen. ♥╰☆╮ Can you imagine putting a field within rooms of a building so that no matter what weapon is fired, whether it's a machine gun or a pistol, it simply won't work! ♥╰☆╮ What about targeting an airplane when it drops a bomb and it won't explode? This is pure physics. ♥╰☆╮ The alteration of 3D reality through multidimensional designer fields, both small and large, is coming. ♥╰☆╮ I know you don't believe it, but just wait. As you start to discover multidimensional physics and the ability to control it, ♥╰☆╮ you will discover that there is a "benevolent attitude" of this kind of physics. ♥╰☆╮ You can't "weaponize it" as easily as you can 3D. It is an entirely different kind of reality. ♥╰☆╮ Again, I tell you that when you understand how mass is created at the atomic level, you'll learn how to create massless objects. ♥╰☆╮ By the way, that has another name. You call it anti-gravity, but there is no such thing. ♥╰☆╮ It's just the ability to finally control the formula that creates gravity with mass. ♥╰☆╮ You understand that this is simple physics, don't you? And it's very easy to manipulate for benevolent uses through other fields that you do know about. ♥╰☆╮ Just like you have learned to control certain kinds of physics that are 3D, you can also control multidimensional physics. ♥╰☆╮ Imagine a planet where it doesn't matter what war device you had, it wouldn't work anymore! ♥╰☆╮ What do you think about that? Imagine physics having the ability to shatter the molecules of a biological weapon. ♥╰☆╮ Do you think that would change world politics? It's happening, it's going to happen. It's in the laboratory today. ♥╰☆╮ You're broaching the discovery of multidimensional physics. ♥╰☆╮ Being able to control that which you don't think is controllable is what you are doing. ♥╰☆╮ It's going to make such a difference to the Human race! ♥╰☆╮ You don't believe it, since your knowledge of how things work just doesn't allow for such a thing. This is your filter. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


Health ♥╰☆╮ <<<< Normal good health is turning to simple physics for some of the simplest things. ♥╰☆╮ New kinds of foods are being grown with new physics, not chemistry. ♥╰☆╮ These will be physic-foods [Kryon name] that are not genetically altered or chemically altered, but benevolently enhanced by physics! ♥╰☆╮ This causes a new kind of super growth that can feed the planet in a way it's never been fed before. ♥╰☆╮ It will create food that is resistant to absolutely everything - insects, bacteria and disease - all through physics. ♥╰☆╮ Who thought of that? What you're expecting in the future regarding health is based upon the past. ♥╰☆╮ The big filter of past knowledge keeps you from thinking out of the box. ♥╰☆╮ You don't know what you don't know. ♥╰☆╮ >>>> ♥╰☆╮


Spirituality ♥╰☆╮ <<<< Finally, I want to talk about spirituality. New-ager, I want you to get real with me for a moment. ♥╰☆╮ We're heading for an ascended planet. Everything I have told you for 26 years has been about that. ♥╰☆╮ Human Beings are starting to evolve spiritually. DNA is starting to become more efficient, and many are feeling it. ♥╰☆╮ The masters of the past whose names you recognize are the examples of DNA working at 80 percent. ♥╰☆╮ Each one of them, in all their instructions and teaching, were trying to show you this. All of them were Human Beings; none were angels. ♥╰☆╮ There's a reason for this, so that the Human can face off with the Human and say, "Look at me, look what I can do! ♥╰☆╮ You can, too, if you get in touch with that which is inside you, which is the seed of the Creator." ♥╰☆╮ When you heed their advice, you start to evolve and you start to have wisdom and knowledge. ♥╰☆╮ It can create peace on Earth and more. ♥╰☆╮


What is an ascended planet going to look like, new-ager, metaphysician? You have an idea, don't you? ♥╰☆╮ Based on your K N O W L E D G E and what you have visualized, what will it be? Your vision: First will be the end of religion. ♥╰☆╮ Everyone will be of like-mind. Everyone will be floating around; you might even change colors at will! ♥╰☆╮ An ascended planet will be one where you only have consciousness, no need for the body. ♥╰☆╮ This is what you think, and I'm here to tell you that your vision is incorrect. ♥╰☆╮ It's bigger than that! Believe me, it's better than that! What kind of free choice would you have if there were no choices to be had? ♥╰☆╮ Do you think ascension is going to be the homogenization and spiritual reprogramming of everyone? ♥╰☆╮


Listen to me: You don't homogenize a planet through wisdom. ♥╰☆╮ What you do through wisdom is GET ALONG. You don't become the same! ♥╰☆╮ You will always have free choice on this planet, but the wiser the planet becomes, the greater the ability to find wise solutions for everything. ♥╰☆╮ The greater the wisdom, the greater the ability to discover the Creator inside. ♥╰☆╮ That's the path that more than 90 percent of humanity will take. ♥╰☆╮ You will always have those who don't agree, but you will still get along. ♥╰☆╮ The paradigm of how you treat each other will totally change, and Human nature will change. ♥╰☆╮ There will be wisdom, so there will be no more war. Killing each other is an attribute of an unevolved race. ♥╰☆╮ There will be certain kinds of physics and invention to help nullify the possibility of war as you grow. ♥╰☆╮ There will be new healing techniques and life spans that will triple and quadruple within the Human race. ♥╰☆╮ Then there will also be the wisdom to control your population as you evolve. ♥╰☆╮ You'll get to a place where you look a whole lot like you look now, but you are far wiser and you get along. ♥╰☆╮ Religion? It will simply get wiser! What that means is it will simply morph into new ways of thinking about itself and others. ♥╰☆╮ There will be new leaders claiming new kinds of things. ♥╰☆╮ There will then become the updated doctrines and shifts in energy will be more based on spiritual common sense instead of HISTORIC MISINFORMATION. ♥╰☆╮ Great new leaders will be in touch with the Creator and create a far better church for their members. ♥╰☆╮ They'll understand it's okay to embrace every kind of different religion. ♥╰☆╮ You can stay in your box, have your belief, and still love someone in another box. Isn't that wisdom? ♥


╰☆╮ It's different than you thought, isn't it? ♥╰☆╮ There will be recognition that one God is able to be worshipped by many in many ways and there isn't just "one way". ♥╰☆╮ The Pleiadians had a planet that became so evolved that they could control much of their "reality". ♥╰☆╮ Physics was controllable by consciousness.


♥╰☆╮ This is where it's going for you as well, and many of your masters actually did this to show it to you. ♥╰☆╮ For the Pleiadians, life force itself could be then restricted to consciousness without a body, and through entanglement they could "travel" to another place. ♥╰☆╮ That place was Earth and they're still here! ♥╰☆╮ The physics of that statement requires that you understand: If you do this, you cannot go back to the physical and must stay in an ageless consciousness state without a corporeal-self. ♥╰☆╮ It's simple, one-way physics. I know for some of you I am talking in riddles, and some of you know exactly where I'm going with this. ♥╰☆╮ This could be you, too, but not for a million years. This happens slowly, but it's happened before. ♥╰☆╮ You're on the cusp of discovery of how some of it works, but it won't work through anything you think you know. ♥╰☆╮ The knowledge filter, the biggest restriction you have to real truth, is being slowly realized and dissolved by Old Souls like you, ♥╰☆╮ who are thinking beyond the box of the way it used to be. You're the ones to make the difference on the planet. ♥╰☆╮ This last filter of spirituality is really important to you. I want you to take the attributes of mastery. ♥╰☆╮ I want you to stop being seen as a strange Human who seems to believe in odd things. ♥╰☆╮ Instead, think like a master of the planet, a loving person who people want to be with. Be balanced and compassionate. ♥╰☆╮ If somebody comes to you, feel comfortable enough to hold them, hug them, listen to what they have to say, ♥╰☆╮ cry with them, and laugh with them in joy. ♥╰☆╮ This is what the masters of this planet have done. Masters understand Human nature. You're an Old Soul, and you've been there and you've done it. ♥╰☆╮ There is no excuse for your not understanding this, because it is your legacy. ♥╰☆╮ This is who you are. I am Kryon, in love with humanity. ♥╰☆╮ And so it is. ♥╰☆╮ ♥╰☆╮


* Human Filters: Written ♥╰☆╮ ** Akashic Filters: Audio ♥╰☆╮ Source : ♥╰☆╮ KRYON ♥╰☆╮ ╭✲✿╯※¸.•*¨♥ A L O H A ♥¨*•.※╰✿✲╮

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All moments have the power to transport us to alternate realities and new dimensions, effectively activating new zip codes on the map of our consciousness. Our openness, intentions, energy levels and present-moment focus determine whether we actually click on the hypertext links and begin to follow the alternate threads they represent. Our Energetic Makeup Determines our Field of Possibilities Among these alternate threads, some stand out, offering us glimpses into possibilities that run parallel to our present course. Each person according to their energetic makeup – which includes their soul age and current "lesson plan", enters a given lifetime with a given field of possibilities. Chosen realities are those possibilities transformed to threads of experience by intention, attention and focus. Unchosen realities continue to exist within alternate dimensions, still very much alive. Over time, some possibilities become less viable as probabilities. An example might be the person who holds the dream of becoming a long-distance runner. It’s easy to see how this dream becomes less a probability as the person approaches their 80 and 90s -- though not necessarily impossible. Parallel Realities and ‘Hypertext Moments’ There are moments when our present timeline energetically comes so close to a parallel reality that the alternate reality is activated by a single choice (or lack of one), by a turn to the left or right, a missed connection, an alternate route or any number of variations. It is during these “hypertext moments” that one's life shifts to the new thread of a parallel reality. By closely observing our feeling states, we can remain awake to subtle energetic shifts that signal proximity to a parallel timeline. We can become aware of the feeling state that accompanies those potential shifts, which may include a sudden light-headed feeling of coming un-tethered or ungrounded from our present point of focus. This un-tethered feeling seems to arise within a single moment but it actually builds slowly over time when decisions, longings, spiritual downloads, and other factors create subtle energetic shifts that begin to align us with a parallel thread. The Crossroads between Two Timelines Finally, a moment arrives when the energy toward the alternate reality gains momentum until it manifests as something similar to a hypertext link -- a moment when the energy truly arrives at a crossroads. This is the point when two parallel courses are about to diverge and move in opposite directions. At this point, we may feel a magnetic pull in both directions. It’s within these hypertext moments that we can use our freewill to choose the shape of our destiny. The person who intuits such moments approaching may find it helpful to enter a spontaneous session with their higher self in which they ask for assistance and guidance, or they may choose to navigate solely on their feelings of resonance with one timeline over another. Parallel Realities and Changes in Energetic Frequency As you gain awareness of hypertext moments, you may look back and recall times when shifts occurred in the past. The times when you shift from one probability thread to another are often accompanied by fluctuations in your energetic frequency. These fluctuations result in people and situations becoming de-magnetized from your focus reality and new people and events arriving. These are times when you have shifted to a parallel reality.

Source:For more on parallel realities see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta For more information, visit

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