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2012 The Love by Adrian

Dear Reader, over the years, one question has arisen from people perhaps more than any other - that of the "vexed" question of "Love".
Many such questions arise from those who are married, are in relationships, would like to be in a relationship, and so on, but all so often arising from personal "difficulties" in relationships, or marriages or not yet having found "the right person".

A surprising number of people have also written to me over the years asking if I have an effective "love spell" or know of a "good website" that can offer such a "spell".
However, Dear Reader, perhaps we are simply "asking the wrong questions"?

But what then is this mysterious thing that people simply, generically call "love".
Well, Love has many levels and dimensions, all of which are mutually inclusive.
The very Highest Expression of Love in absolute terms is Divine Love - Source.
Divine Love has another name - "Christ".

But this, Dear Reader, is perhaps were some "misunderstanding" on Love arises.
The person, who came to be known as "Jesus", is very frequently used interchangeably with the word "Christ". Perhaps we should ask ourselves "why".

In truth, that great, original Spiritual Guide would more appropriately be known as "Jesus the Christ" as opposed to the more familiar endearment of "Jesus Christ".
Let us then take a look at the true meaning of Christ, which is there for All to See.

The historical person who became known as "Jesus" was probably the Highest Expression of Divine Love ever to have walked the Earth - in recent times anyway.
This mysterious person who became known as "Jesus" - for whatever reason - came here to illuminate the Path to Divine Love as a Living Example of Divine, Christ Love, while always emphasising that Everyone on Earth, without exception is, potentially, a Living Expression of Divine Love - simply waiting to be Realised.

I would just like to add, at this stage, lest some may misunderstand the context, that, as you know, nothing I say here, or elsewhere, should ever be viewed to be from a "religious" perspective - nothing could be further from the Truth.
So then, you may justifiably ask - why are we not all "like Jesus"? He was a "living example" of Divine Lover after all.
Well this, Dear Reader, is one of the most profound "secrets" - although there are most assuredly no "secrets" - to the "mystery" of Human Existence" on Earth It-Self.

You see - we can never search for, and therefore "find" Love, no matter where we look or how much we look, or however much we "try". Love Simply Is What It Is
We can therefore never find Divine Love by somehow "mistaking it" with a more fundamental, but nevertheless natural Human instinct that so many call "love".

The most basic of these human characteristics is rather crudely known as "lust" - arising mostly out of the natural instincts of procreation and sensual gratification.
We may then move on through the levels and stages of "romantic love" and then onwards and upwards to the love between two people, who truly do "honour and respect each other" for all the "days of their lives" without any sort of expectation.

This then is the purest form of love at an emotional level, and is Beautiful to Behold.
Since the days of the inexorable rise of the Internet, with its "dating services", "chat rooms" and other types of "social networking" this highest expression of "emotional love" is being stifled by motives that usually can never lead to true "emotional love".

Often the motive is "lust". In many cases people simply do not have the "self-confidence" to follow a path that can naturally lead to true "emotional love" and life-long commitment between two Souls, simply making use of the Internet as a proxy.

This, Dear Reader, is just one reason, if we are to be honest, why the "divorce rate" has never been higher, yet such "divorce rate" is often between younger people.
To understand the "reasons" for this apparent "situation" further, we may look to previous generations - and we do not need to go back too many decades to do so.

If we go back say 7 - a Divine Number - of decades, to the dark days of the "second world war", there was tremendous "hardship" in the world. Yet at the same time there were no "material temptations" and no "ulterior motives". There was simply a Community Spirit of Like-Minded Souls who came together to Serve Each Other.

Only out of such a genuine, motiveless, self-less and Pure Spirit of Community, One-ness, Together-Ness and Unconditional Sharing such as this - there are many others - may two Souls naturally "come together", as One, for "higher" and motiveless "reasons", One Soul, One "person", one life", to Serve "Each Other" Unconditionally.

This form of sincere love then transcends lust, romantic love and emotional love.
So must we return to the "war years" to discover such a high expression of love?
No - absolutely not.

These Expressions of sincere, self-less love have always been available to us.
Today however, Dear Reader, due to the characteristics of so called "modern society" there is so much more "background noise" that we must "filter out" first.

But therein is our great opportunity - Blessing - if only we may actually see it thus.
The "pressures of so called "modern society" as well as the consequent expectations of family, friends, peers and "convention", make this conceptually more "difficult".

Again though - this is a truly great opportunity, the "rewards" for which are greater. We should never however see these matters as a "reward system" - it really is not.
We must simply - although it is most assuredly never intended to be "simple" and neither should it be so - see through the "fog of Life" that we may truly find ourselves

Yet - even this highest expression of human love between two Souls is but the beginning and path to even Higher Expressions of Love, the Highest - Divine Love.
We are, each and every one of us, both alone on our Path yet Never Alone.
We can only go so far alone though - not very far. We Are One In All Things. Beyond this, Love must be All Inclusive, Self-Less and Unconditional - or is something else.

So then Dear Reader, let us turn our attention to this question of Divine Love.
"Divine Love" is more often, understandably, referred to as "Unconditional Love".
Yet Divine Love must always inherently Be "Unconditional" - it may be no other.
A most fundamental aspect of Divine Love is: "Service to Others Before Self".
Now Service to Others Before Self, has its very basis in Divine Love - The Love of The Spheres - and never something we can "try to do" or to strive to "achieve".

We can only ever Be Divine Love. Divine Love Is effort-less and motive-less.
Only when we, as members of the Human Race, "transcend" the mortal, transient, temporal cycle of "incarnation" to this Spiritual kindergarten we call "Earth", is when Divine Love and Service to All Divine Expression Of Life and Love is All that remains - nothing else. But then and only then Dear Reader, may the journey really begin.
Let us then remind ourselves of these most profound words from the Bible:

Love is The Truth

Love Is The Way

Love Is The Light

No One Progresses Towards Source, God, Except Through Love
I am fully aware of the fact that the words "I Am The Way", within the original, are herewith replaced with Love. Yet this was surely the original meaning of these profound words from the Spiritual Guide who became known as "Jesus" The Christ.

Jesus was the purest Expression of Divine Love, Christ. "I am" becomes "We Are". Yet the "We Are" is more than mere words - it is truly our Destiny here together.
In another Bible passage, Jesus was, I suggest, misquoted as saying:
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." -- Mark 12:31
Of course, this was no "commandment" - This Is Simply A Statement Of Truth.
What Jesus may then have taught, had he been here now is this:
"Love Others As You Would Love Yourself.
There Is No Truth Greater Than This."

Make no mistake. We may ever take a "leap" from the most "basic" forms of "love" to Divine Love - or know Divine Love - until we have first undertaken the journey.
I honestly do not know whether even a single Human on Earth today has truly attained Divine Love. It would be nice to think so, but I truly do not know. One thing I do know is this. There are many, many "stages of Love" that we must all inclusively Experience before we may arrive at Divine Love. I am myself on this journey, you are on this journey, and likely, most people on Earth are on this Blessed Journey.

I will say no more this week except to invite you to join many Wonderful Spirits at the Our Ultimate Reality Forums, where you may share your thoughts and to contribute:
And So It Is.
Brought To You In Love, Light And Service,

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Greetings, Beloveds, I am Sybra of Sirius; Elder of The Council of the Venus Ray and Messenger of Light, in service to the Divine Mother. Today, however, I step away from the ladies of The Council and speak with you in yet another of my roles - that of an officer and representative of The Galactic Federation of Light. The message I bring at the behest of my Brethren will be simple and to the point, as such is the preferred manner of those under whom I serve.

This day begins an era of unprecedented change. Yes, Dear Ones, this is the very change for which you have been working and praying for so tirelessly. Rest assured, your prayers have been heard. Observe the 5th of May and all that it signifies. There is the brilliant “Supermoon” and the rare transit of Venus as she passes gently between the Sun and the Earth. Then the eclipses, the solar, and then the lunar on the 4th of June. Think about it, truly do. Consider carefully the immensity of the changes such a close succession of significant events may make manifest! This is the Ascension. It is here and it is happening now.

Much has been written about the strength and beauty of the incoming energies. With them come a plethora of gifts for humanity. A further partying of the veil, DNA expansion, waves of nourishing light for the as yet unenlightened, the opening of the portals, The Mother’s love… All of this and so much more. You who read these words are the carriers out of The Mother’s mission. You already know what is occurring and that there is more yet to transpire. You are strong and resilient and you are aware of the armada of support that stands fast by your side. You do not fear the potency of these days.

 You relish the change. You draw it into your reality. For you know with quiet assurance that your success, and that of the Earth, are as good as done. You stand beneath a canopy of Truth, with your brother Michael’s sword and shield raised up in this Truth’s defense. Yet sadly, it is not so clear to all who dwell upon your planet. While you grow mighty in the coming days, so they shall become more fearful and confused and less sure of their place in this - the world they once found so safe and predictable, a world they believed they thrived within.

 Do you see where I go with this? This energy will not feel good to everyone. Consider a pair of shoes which are too tight or a mixture of foods that do not sit well in the stomach, fingers scratching on a chalkboard. They will recoil from these sweet energies as a thing to be feared, a defilement of their carefully constructed status quo. They shall feel cast adrift, poor souls, and shall need assistance - your assistance - to make it back to shore. I speak not only of the old forces, but of your friends and neighbors and members of your family.

 Fear must be contained, extinguished, at this crucial time. Rampant fear does nobody any good, and there will be much to trigger it in the coming months for those who have chosen to ignore the warning signs and hold fast to their outmoded ideals. Institutions shall crumble and new ways of living are set to be ushered in. You must take the hand of your brothers and sisters and show them the way. You must remain in a state of non-judgement and impartiality at all times. You must reach deep within yourselves and find your own vast stores of kindness and compassion, and when this runs dry, call to your Mother.

 She shall see to it that you have all the love that you need. You must be her shining example, the living embodiment of patience and compassion.
We of The Galactic Federation of Light, and The Councils, seek to make our presence known to you in the not so distant days to come.

 You who are our ground crews must assist us in this now, as this is a time when progress has the potential to be achieved. The proverbial floodgates are being thrown open. The light is blazing bright and it permeates all it touches, all who see it. The dark stands no chance to remain, as there is nowhere to run and no place to hide. Those in fear shall search to shelter themselves from it’s brilliance, but they shall search in vain. I watch your planet now, as I speak to you, from a place of comfort and softness.

 A place I dearly hope to share with each and every one of you in the days to come. High above, yet so surprisingly close. We are here. We praise your unselfishness, your goodness, as you extend a hand to those who are lost. May peace be with you.


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in Ron's Channeled Messages





This morning we will talk about the messages you are receiving regarding this month’s energies. It should be obvious to you from the tone of all these messages that you have reached a turning point. If you relate this to the little real news you receive through your media, you will also perceive this beginning of change to your reality.

We have been discussing these things with you for a long time. You are about to experience the convergence between several galactic alignments and several events which you are planning to utilize to propel you into your desired future. You are expecting to see results from these meditations and prayers. You have no real way of gauging the reach of your calls to join you on this coming day of the full moon. I will tell you it is becoming bigger than you ever dreamed. You have been hearing for a while now of an approaching event.

 Dearest friends, this is the event.
You have reached the top of the long uphill struggle. For a little while now, you have approached the edge of the downhill grade. Give it that heave now and watch as the hurtling rush to the bottom picks up speed. This is a good picture, except in this case the bottom will really be the highest point you have ever experienced. Your expectations of this event are great. Let us tell you now that you can have no idea how great they will be.

Your memories of the life you pray for are so far in your distant past, and so well buried, that you can only see faint glimmerings. If we told you who you are and what you are capable of, it would seem to you to be fairy tales. Your past has been so carefully hidden that, when you begin to learn of it, many will refuse to believe it. The technologies that you already possess will beggar your imaginations, and we tell you they do not approach what will be shown you, given to you freely. There are those among you who laugh aloud when they hear of our promises regarding your health and lifespan, but we tell you there are many doctors and researchers already who are not laughing.

So gather in your groups, physically or spiritually, on this fifth day of your fifth month of this five year, and we will join you in finally getting this show on the road. Well, it has been on the road for a very long time, hasn’t it? So let’s push it out into plain sight. Yes, let’s do that. When we do, every little victory will raise your spirits that much more.
Center yourselves now. Ground yourselves firmly into the energy of your dear Gaia. Gather your energy about you. Picture the lion just before he leaps. That is where you are in this moment.
All love and peace to you this day, dear friends. We will speak again.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:, Energy, Michael, New World, Spirit | by Oracles and Healers | Tags: Channeling

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in Ron's Channeled Messages

, Channeling







 And now the day is come upon you. The time of your awakening is here. Please do not expect a eureka moment, dear ones. Although some may experience that, it is no less an opening for you if you do not.

Today your efforts in oneness will open for this planet doorways and possibilities that will take many, many years to explore. It will not be so very long before the change you create today will be evident to all who care to look.
Do all of this with unconditional love and forgiveness. Do not harbor ill will against any. Do not enter this time with the intent to destroy, but to create. Keep the energy of this night the highest you have ever experienced.

Light is beaming down upon you now in frequencies and strengths never available to you before. As you join in your world-wide visualizations this full moon, join it in your hearts and shine it onto all the places which come into your mind’s eye. Allow the full brightness of your love to wash over all that is of the old world. Allow the new shining world to emerge. See the abundance of your world shared by everyone. See your waters clean and shining. Smell your sweet air as it is swept clean. See the damage done to your dear mother, Earth, healed. Marvel at all the new technologies that are shown to you. Dance in the streets with joy and abandon. Throw back your shoulders and feel your new freedom. This will not be what you awake to tomorrow, my friends. And yet, it is exactly what you will have created. The time between this now and that now will be so short as to boggle the minds of many who do not understand.

Tomorrow place yourself in watchful expectation. Look for each sign of your approaching freedom. They may be small and hard to read at first. They will certainly be unmistakable very soon. And you will have discovered your true power. There will be those who still do not understand, some who scoff, who belittle. But having done this and watched its profound effect, you will never doubt again. It is the beginning in earnest of your discovery of who you are. You need not beg nor plead for things to change. You are the change-makers. You will have learned how to come together to create the world as you desire it to be.

We leave you now to your day. Think upon these things and find peace and love in your hearts. Prepare yourselves for this evening. We will speak tomorrow

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: |

Tags: Abundance, Light, Love, Michael, New World | by Oracles and Healers



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Posted: 04 May 2012 11:09 AM PDT
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Al Qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication - a Made in the USA production
Posted By: Maryhrt
Date: Friday, 4-May-2012 13:46:23

 I can always tell when people are uninformed because they talk about al Qaeda as though it is real...well, except for people like Obama and that gov ilk whose job it is to perpetuate the lie. It is just one more of the many ways they lie to the American public. It is their job to create bogeymen to scare the American public so they can keep us under their control. They would never be able to justify their wars so these corporations can rape the natural resources of these other countries.

 Media where are your balls? If we can find this information with just a few keystrokes, why aren't you reporting this on the news? Oh, that's right, you're OWNED! Maryhrt (more on link - long article with photos) Al Qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication - a Made in the USA production. February 26th, 2012 The essence of any communication campaign is to successfully deliver the message to the targeted recipients and make them react to it the way you wished.

 - Allied Media Corps In the BBC’s documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“ top CIA officials openly admit that Al Qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. Al Qaeda is code for illegal CIA false flag attacks against the United States and other countries.

 The highly revealing BBC documentary digs deep into the roots of the war on terror, only to find that much of the widespread fear in the post-9/11 world has been fabricated by those in power for their own interests. Fear has been used widely in the media to manipulate the public into giving up civil liberties and turning over power to elite groups with their own hidden agendas. The Power of Nightmares clearly demonstrates that the nightmare vision of a powerful, united terrorist organization waiting to strike our societies is largely an illusion.

 Wherever the BBC team looked for Al Qaeda, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the sleeper cells in America, they found that we are chasing a phantom enemy. The documentary exposes the Bush administration’s need for a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia.

 They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al Qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. “Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working … but this has the hallmark of that approach.” People the US claim to be Al Qaeda are not Al Qaeda they are actually POWs and Resistance Fighters, taken from the countries the US illegally attacked. They are POWs and Resistance Fighters who have been illegally deported, tortured and murdered by the US and NATO forces .

 The people who are fighting to free their country and countrymen from the illegal US and NATO invasion and occupations are called Al Qaeda by the US government because the US government needed an enemy. If the US people knew the truth that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist the US would not be in Iraq or Afghanistan. Al Qaeda is the US government propaganda, used to falsely and illegally justify the US and NATO invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Both attacks, wars and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are deemed by US, Canadian and International Law as crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, wars of aggression and war crimes.

The Iraqi, Afghan and Taliban people the US call terrorists are guilty of no crime. The Iraqi, Afghan and Taliban people are doing exactly as any country would do if attacked and occupied by a foreign state’s military - they are resisting. They are freedom fighters. Their actions of killing US and NATO soldiers are legal as their battles against the US and NATO forces are one of self-defense whereas the actions of the US and NATO are clearly attacks of aggression - war crimes. The US, Canadian and NATO countries are the terrorists. The US, Canadian and NATO countries are the enemy as they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan.

 Iraq and Afghanistan did not attack the US, Canada or any other NATO country. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are the innocent victims of US, Canadian and NATO wars of aggression, crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes - kidnapping, deporting, torture and murder. ghost-buster.jpg CIA "Terrorist Buster" Logo On June 16, 2004 staff members of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States testified that Osama bin Laden met with a top Iraqi official in 1994 but found “no credible evidence” of a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda in attacks against the United States. No link has ever been found between Al Qaeda and Iraq or Al Qaeda and Afghanistan because Al Qaeda does not exist.

 Al Qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication. The CIA is trying to tell us something that they publicly can’t with their “official” terrorist buster logo. They are stating that terrorists are like ghosts. Everyone is afraid of them, but nobody has proof they even exist. Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties Another eye-opening video available online for free viewing is Unconstitutional. In this documentary, interviews with ranking members of Congress, top legal experts, and even a former CIA chief describe many insidious efforts to take away freedoms guaranteed under the US Constitution for over 200 years. Compelling video footage shows US citizens, from law-abiding store clerks to a US Olympian, who have been the victims of unconstitutional policies established under the Patriot Act.

 Members of Congress describe the replacement of the previously agreed upon Patriot Act by another version quietly slipped into its place just hours before the final vote in Congress, leaving no one time to read the many devastating changes inserted at the last minute. Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties, is the third in a series of Public Interest Pictures films that follows Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election and Uncovered: The War on Iraq. True to their legacy, Unconstitutional provides the facts and stories that illuminate administration lies, wrongheaded policies, and the real victims of these actions-the American people.

 Here, you’ll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other administration policies that tries, illegally, to strip the US people of their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. Their goal is to one day permanently suspend the United States Constitution after launching another attack against their own country, the US, and falsely blame the totally fictitious terrorist organization they call Al Qaeda. They will launch another 9/11 style attack against the US but this time they will declare Martial Law.

 The martial law in the U.S. is closely tied with the right of habeas corpus, which is in essence the right to a hearing on lawful imprisonment, or more broadly, the supervision of law enforcement by the judiciary. The ability to suspend habeas corpus is often equated with martial law. Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” In United States law, martial law is limited by several court decisions that were handed down between the American Civil War and World War II. In 1878,

 Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval. On October 1, 2002 United States Northern Command was established (in direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act) to provide command and control of Department of Defense homeland defense efforts and to coordinate defense support of civil authorities. On June 15, 1995, Norman Olson, along with militia leaders from other states, testified before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism. Olson’s opening statement included the following: One other important point needs to be made. Since The Constitution is the limiting document upon the government, the government cannot become greater than the granting power. That is, the servant cannot become greater than its master. Therefore, should the chief executive or the other branch of government or all branches together act to suspend The Constitution under a rule of martial law, all power granted to government would be cancelled and differed back to the granting power. That is the people. And I’ll conclude with this statement: Martial law shall NOT be possible in this country as long as the people recognize the bill of rights as inalienable. Al Jazeera used by the US government as it’s propaganda media outlet for its “War of Terror”

 Al Jazeera is the largest and most controversial Arabic News Channel in the Middle East, offering news coverage 24 hours a day from around the world and focusing on the hottest regions of conflict. Founded in 1996, and based in Qatar, the Al Jazeera news network is the fastest growing network among Arab communities and Arabic speaking people around the world. It has been the main propaganda news media for the US immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks, when the US government paid Al Jazeera to broadcast videos in which Osama bin Laden and Sulaiman Abu Ghaith defending and justifying the attacks. That broadcast has since been proven by both US government and International government officials as fakes. The fake video tapes that were sent to Al Jazeera through the CIA was created in the US at Allied Media Corp.


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Posted: 05 May 2012 04:40 AM PDT
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Exposing Israel's Most Dangerous Secret
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Saturday, 5-May-2012 07:12:47

Dear RM Agents and Readers, So it is happening everywhere---the creation of dangerous biological agents and the testing on anyone they feel like, human guinea pigs, animals and plants. The purpose is to destroy not to protect and often this is where the confusion lies from the outside. One man who developed leukemia was later to be found that he had been poisoned.

 A leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Haddad was accused by Israel of responsibility for several terrorist operations, the last of which was the hijacking of an Israeli passenger plane en route to Entebbe in 1976.

According to a recently published book by the Israeli journalist Aharon Klein, Haddad had a great fondness for Belgian chocolates. Mossad obtained some of these special chocolates, coated them with a slow-acting poison, and had them delivered to Haddad, who was then living in Baghdad, by an Iraqi official who was a Mossad agent and who had struck up a friendship with Haddad. Klein relates that the deadly substance was first developed in the IIBR and that its slow-acting and undetectable properties ensured that the agent and the instrument of death would not be discovered. And indeed, following a gradual but severe deterioration in his health, Haddad was flown to a hospital in East Germany where he was diagnosed with leukaemia and eventually died on 28 March 1978. It was not until 32 years later that the truth came to light: that the real cause of death was a poison produced by IIBR. ----------------------------

 Many Blessings, CrystalRiver


May 4, 2012 · 12:16 pm Exposing Israel’s Most Dangerous Secret What’s Really Going On at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research? by Saleh El-Naami Drivers will only dart a glance at that mammoth structure nestled in the dunes south of Rishon Litsion southeast of Tel Aviv as they speed on their way.

 It is forbidden to turn off the Tel Aviv-Rishon Litsion highway onto the side road leading up to that building, which is barricaded by cement walls equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance and warning systems developed by Israel’s military industries.

 That fortress-like structure is the Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) where Israel develops its biological and chemical weapons and prepares for any eventuality of biological or chemical warfare. It is the most top-secret military installation in Israel. So tightly is it guarded by military censorship that the Israeli press has to turn to Western sources for scraps of information made available to them, very intermittently, by special contacts inside the institute.

 More at this link:

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from The 2012 Scenario

What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?
How do we know that Ascension will occur on Dec. 21, 2012? Who said it will? Various galactic, celestial and spiritual sources have. Why don’t we review their evidence to see who supports that date as the time of Ascension.

On Feb. 24, 2012, SaLuSa told us: “That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain.” (1) On some occasions, SaLuSa places the time at the end of 2012: “Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012.” (2) Elsewhere, he actually names the date as “the 21st of December,” 2012 (3) and “21.12.12.” (4)

Celestials like Archangel Michael support the same date for Ascension.
Here he speaks through Celia Fenn on the matter: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.” (5)
The angels that speak through Magenta Pixie have named the same date as the time for Ascension: “We have spoken much of the date 21st of December, 2012, and indeed, that date, the culmination of the Ascension process, is a significant one.” (6)

Matthew Ward put the time of Ascension at the end of 2012: “It is Earth’s destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year.” (7)
“The highest universal council created the master plan for [Earth's] transition out of third density and the return to fifth, where Earth’s soul originated and remained even as the accumulating negativity caused her body to spiral downward.
“The plan included the joint efforts of evolved beings from other civilizations with selected persons on Earth and a timetable for the planet to be out of third density, the end of your year 2012. Even though time-which in reality is the prevailing energy frequency-is passing more quickly by the day, Earth’s timely arrival at the threshold of what was named her Golden Age is certain.” (8)

SaLuSa reveals that “the solar cycle was planned to complete in 2012.”
(9) On another occasion, he identifies Dec. 21, 2012 as the day the Mayan calendar ends, though he adds that history does not also end on that date.
“Word of the year 2012 being an important one is spreading, but unfortunately because the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st of December, it is being taken by some people as the end of the world. That of course naturally evokes fear amongst you, but with the coverage given by the Internet we feel that it will soon be understood that the ‘end’
is but the beginning of a new cycle.” (10)
Not only did SaLuSa agree that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012; he also held that a galactic alignment would occur on that day and be instrumental in bringing about Ascension:
“As things unfold this year you will see plenty of proof in respect of our part in the build up to Ascension. It is real and divinely decreed to take place with a high point due to the powerful alignment on the 21st. December 2012. From thereon you will continue to evolve into even higher dimensions, each one more beautiful and peaceful than the one before.” (11)

Kryon, who first spoke of Ascension in 1989, also supports the theory that it’s the galactic alignment of that date that will presage or cause the shift.
“So now we will review yet again, in a more succinct fashion than ever before, the changes that we began to speak of in 1989. … The shift before you is a shift of Human consciousness. It coordinates with the Galactic Alignment, the precession of the wobble of the earth, bringing into alignment that which you see as your sun aligning with the center of the galaxy. This represents the profound prophecy from the ancients. Something is happening regarding the evolution of Human consciousness. If you were to assign an attribute to it, it would be that which is a speed-up of vibration.” (12)

The same contentions are made by others who draw on Mayan calculations. Reba Cain, for instance, says that “the Mayan Long Count Calendar marks a cycle of 5,125 years … ends on December 21, 2012.”
(13) Mayan elder Carlos Barrios tells us that the date was named by the Mayans as well. In an article by Elaine Seiler, Barrios is quoted as saying:
“Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”

“We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes.” (14)
Seiler gives Barrios’ interpretation of what we might expect on Dec.
21, according to the Mayan predictions:
“The indigenous have the calendars and know how to accurately interpret it - not others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated.
The Maya understand 17 different calendars such as the Tzolk’in or Cholq’ij, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. …

“At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.
“Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in
2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. Carlos reminds us: ‘This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate.’” (15)

Well-known spiritual author Diana Cooper also ties the date not only into Mayan and other native calculations but into events that began with Atlantis. She gives a vivid picture of what will happen on that day.
“2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year astrological period as recognized by the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Maoris and most of the ancient cultures

December 2012 is also the final end of the experiment of Atlantis.
This took 10,000 years to set up, lasted for 240,000 years and is taking 10,000 years to tie up all the loose ends, so the 260,000 year experiment ends on 21.12.2012.
“Then we start a double transformational shift as the planet and all on her, including humans, rapidly move towards ascension. This is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been in the entire history of the planet and beings from all over the Universes are watching in awe at what is happening on Earth.

“There are two cosmic moments occurring, one at 11.11 on 11th November
2011 and the second at 11.11 on 21st December 2012. These are instants of total silence throughout the Universe when the portals of heaven open pouring in new divine energy - and unimaginable things can happen. Vast numbers of people will awaken psychically and spiritually.” (16)

We’ve already heard sources like SaLuSa and Carlos Barrios say that history does not end on Dec. 21, 2012. In fact it was common for our sources to say that Dec. 21 is not a final but a beginning date.

 Here is the Arcturian group through Marilyn Raffaelle on the subject in their inaugural message of 2012: “We wish you all a very happy 2012 - the year so many have been waiting for for so long. Be aware that not all is going to suddenly appear different on December 21, 2012.” (17)
They remind us that Ascension is simply another step in realizing the purpose of life - awakening to our divinity - rather than simply beautifying the planet.

“This is an ongoing process of light which is dependent upon you, dear ones, dependent upon the activity of light flowing onto the planet though the awakening of souls to their divine nature. These times are about awakening to your divinity, not simply about making the world a more pleasant place to live.” (18)

The theme that Dec. 21 is a beginning rather than an ending date can be found in SaLuSa as well. “Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment,” he tells us, “yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.” (19)

Matthew Ward also reminds us that the date is an entrance, not an
exit: “The arrival of the popularized date of December 21, 2012, does not mean that Earth humankind will have entered an era of complacent stability.” (20)

Thus “the countdown to Ascension has started,” according to SaLuSa. (21)
“The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for the final thrust of energy, that will propel it into the new level of expression and out of duality. It will also fulfill the promises of a new Age that will be unlike anything you have experienced previously.
and truly bring about a heaven upon Earth.” (22)

We can see that a range of sources, from Mayans to masters, galactics to celestials have named the date of Dec. 21, 2012 as one on which a galactic alignment opens an astral window and allows this planet and its inhabitants to increase their frequency from that of the Third to that of the Fifth Dimension. Not all sources and scholars agree on the same date, but a significant body of credible sources do.

(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 5, 2011.
(3) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2012.
(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011.
(5) Archangel Michael, “Endings and Beginnings: The Sacred Union of Divine Light,” through Celia Fenn, July 25, 2011, at
(6) The White Winged Collective Consciousness of None through Magenta Pixie, May 15, 2011, at
(7) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012, at
(8) Matthew’s Message, May 8, 2011.
(9) SaLuSa, June 29, 2011.
(10) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 11, 2011.
(12) Kryon, Live Channelling, Boulder, Colorado, Sunday, January 16, 2011, as channelled by Lee Carroll, at
(13) Reba Cain, “The Mayan Calendar: What You Need to Know,” The Awakening Shift, Feb. 19, 2011 at
(14) Elaine Seiler, “2012 Will Not be the End of the Word,” April 21, 2011, Transformation Energetics, at
(15) Loc. cit.
(16) Diana Cooper, “Why is 2012 so important?” at .
(17) Arcturian Group, Jan. 8, 2012, at
(18) Loc. cit.
(19) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011.
(20) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 21, 2009.
(21) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012.
(22) SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2012.
you are love, you are loved, and I love you



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Removing the Cabal

Removing the Cabal

Phase 1: Arrests
The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course of action left. There are some New Age people against that procedure, saying violence only provokes more violence. They need to understand that this action is not promoting violence, but protection of innocent people from the sociopaths of the Cabal. Each day this does not happen, 25,000 people die of hunger because of the actions of that Cabal. Therefore action will be taken as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from the society.

Phase 2: Adjudication
After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other.
Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing for humanity to see those criminals finally being held accountable for their actions. Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is reached.

Amnesty will be granted to some of them. This pertains mostly to those that were born into the Illuminati and basically had no choice but to go along with the program or risk being killed. There are many good souls in there that want to get out. A few of them have already done that and are now fighting for the Light. Many will defect just before the arrests get started. Many of the younger generations Illuminati do not agree with the program and some have been secretly helping the Light forces to take down the Cabal. After the Event, psychological help will be offered to them and they will be able to be integrated into the society.

For many members of the Cabal, amnesty will not be granted. They will have to balance their past actions. Those who are unable or unwilling to do that will be removed from the planet.
This must be a lawful process during which humanity as a whole will adjudicate. No private witch hunts will be allowed as this deprives others of the catharsis and balancing process. This will not be done out of revenge but to restore balance. Revenge is a trap and it does not solve anything. Just remember what happened in French revolution. After the Event, private acts of violence against members of the former Cabal will not be tolerated and will be treated as crime under common law.



Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun
Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of holding that office without doing harm to the people.

Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths - in short they are not capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave:
Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged according to the Galactic Codex, section III:

Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the consequences of their past actions. First they will be taken to virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society.

Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not balance the consequences of their past actions. They are unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the beginning.

This process will be completed before the First Contact. After First Contact with the Galactic Confederation on Earth, no dark individual will exist anywhere in the universe.


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If there’s one thing I’ve learned since I began communicating with the dolphins, it’s that they are unbelievably persistent. It doesn’t matter where you’re going or what you’re doing. If they decide they want to talk to you, they will talk to you! They’ve explained to me that their perception of time, and what is and is not important, is vastly different than ours.
Therefore, when they initiated contact with me this morning, it didn’t matter that I had a zillion things to do; clean the house, do laundry, go food-shopping, print out my son’s homework, walk the dogs… ( You know what I mean-all the fun stuff!) As I steered my SUV off the parent-dropoff ramp at school, I felt the requisite pressure building at the base of my neck and then heard the familiar chirpy, singsong voice say, “Good morning to you, Angel. We wish to chat with you.”
I told them that I would find a quiet spot in the supermarket parking lot so I could receive their message undisturbed. “No, no, no. You need to go to the beach to hear us!” But I can hear you now, I told them. I don’t have time to go to the beach. Obviously they did not think anything I had to do this morning was as important as hanging out with them, since their reply to this was, “Go now, Angel, now. Those other tasks can wait. Such silly, silly things you choose to do. Go!” And so I did. Across the causeway and in the opposite direction of the shopping center! Here is their message…

(*my comments are in italics.)
☯ We embark today on a topic which causes us no small amount of distress, in regard to the care and feeding of your bodies, Sweet Ones. Your sacred vessels of light, gifted to you by the Creators themselves, to facilitate your life experience on planet Earth. Like a growing garden, they must be cultivated and loved. When fed and watered well, it shall gift you with an abundance of succulent fruit and flowering glory. Suffused with rubbish, it shall surely wither and die.

 It grieves us so to observe that even now, at this late stage of the ascension timeline, so many human beings persist in polluting themselves with all measure of toxins and contaminants, of their own choosing. This is the urgent message we wish for you to convey, Sister, as it will surely reach the ones who are meant to see it.
I really like this topic! I’m always preaching to everyone about healthy eating and going vegetarian, and trying to get some friends and family to stop smoking. I’d love to hear what you all have to say about this.

☯ Oh, yes, we have much to share, we do! Where to even begin? With the smoking sticks, perhaps. Why oh why do you partake of such destructive behaviors, dear Cousins? We recoil in horror at the damage this is doing to you, as this is some of the more difficult violation to attempt to reverse. This is an addiction which need be processed and let loose unto the ethers, as we can guarantee you that to continue on will most assuredly inhibit your physical shift. The tools are available to ease you through the transition, and know that your loving guides stand ready to hold your hand throughout this difficult process.

☯ Let us next address the topic of feeding and sustenance. Once your crystalline bodies take form, there will no longer be the need to eat and drink, but for now it is a challenge we must all contend with. Know that you are not alone in this, as we of the Cetacean Realm are physical Earth dwellers, also. We too eat to stay alive. Our struggle is akin to yours, and many of the pollutants that attack your food supply are the very same ones that are defiling ours. Much of our environment has been tainted by oil and waste. At times, we are hunted and stripped of our most cherished freedom-that to play, explore and roam at will. Not unlike the wars that ravage the surface world. Like you, we ask ourselves “How shall we feed our young? Which food is safe to eat?” Or so sadly, in your own case, how to afford the rising cost. It is no small feat, is it, what ought to be the most natural act of survival?

And so, beloved Cousins, our advice to you is this. Gravitate towards what is real and choose only from the fruits of Gaia’s delightful bounty. As you peruse your shops, closely examine each choice and ask yourselves, “Is this food? Is it God given or a false creation? Is it pure or specially engineered by those who wish to rob you of your health and creativity; is it’s function to anesthetize the Golden Children and rob their will? Can your lips form the syllables imprinted upon the product’s packaging?
The old powers have devised these addictive temptations to be both attractive and convenient. Yet, for the ascending human they are but a pretty poison cleverly designed to keep you from reclaiming what is yours, which is to evolve and become one with All That Is. It is your right to be able to soar to the heavens and fly with the Angels! Oh, and yes, best of all sweet Cousins, to swim and play with us! Of course. Lest we forget the most enjoyable part!

☯ As for the dilemma of whether to eat the flesh of an animal or not to do so - we say that path is best left up to both the individual and to the creature in question. Should you choose to consume meat, then do it wisely and with compassion. Choose only the meat of a being who has lived freely and humanely, asking permission and giving thanks. Honor the sacrifice that they have made.
Much of the meat sold in your shops come from creatures who have been subjected to cruel and barbarous conditions, knowing only existences of pain, degradation and fear. When you ingest their flesh, you ingest their energy and experiences. Oh yes, dear Cousins, there is much truth to your popular saying, “you are what you eat.” You simply cannot grow into your crystalline nature in a body which is rife with harsh energies. We truly cannot stress this enough!

☯ Oh, how we love you utterly beyond measure! We are your closest Star-Family, embodied and dwelling right here among you. Our hearts swell to bursting with pride as we experience firsthand the inspiring progress you have made. We say that you must never forget to be in boundless gratitude at all times and spread it far and wide. Shout loudly from the treetops so that all will know that the time of awakening has dawned. Join with us in thanks to the Creator. Oh, the blessings! And a priceless blessing you are to us, sweet Cousins. We have been, and shall eternally be, bonded in love forever and always.

We are the The Collective.


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Posted by Meindert Arends on May 2, 2012 at 12:25am in

SaLuSa 11-January-2012 GFL + OLYMPIANS + SAINT GERMAIN The Olympians and the Central Council of the Galactic Federation of Light, April 29, 2012 Greetings from the Galactic Federation of Light, The day May of 5th is the day of five, the number of Epsilon, of Apollo, of Light. In this day all portals all over Earth will be officially activated and the procedure has been locked in place.

No matter if they are free or occupied1, on this day all portals will go under the control of the [Inter] Galactic Federation of Light2, under control of the Olympians and this includes all flight systems of this Galaxy. We have already warned you that Olympus is active. The hyper weapon, this energy umbrella of high technology, has been activated and protects your consciousness and your emotions from the dark efforts to create fear.

Through DNA intervention3, its aim is to develop the collective consciousness. Our next message will be about our first contact. For security reasons the date is not announced. One of your media will announce that we are coming. Twenty four hours prior to our arrival you will be warned to get ready by a message that will interrupt the program of all your media. Then all your media will be closed and all flights will be cancelled. You will see on your TV sets a clock counting down for the earthly time left before our arrival. The countdown for total disclosure and the fall of the false veil has started.

We are the Olympians and the Central Council of the Inter Galactic Federation of Light. Channeler: Demetra ------------------------ 1 Occupied portals: This probably means that certain area is used now for other purposes. At all ages, in all centuries and regardless of religion, people used to build temples over such portals for diverse reasons. A representative example of such a portal is considered Aya Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey. For those who may consider that this place is now occupied by Muslims they should consider that before it was occupied by Christians. 2 The channeller claims that the appropriate term is “Intergalactic Federation of Light”. This should mean that more than one Galaxies are involved.


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Posted by Meindert Arends on May 1, 2012 at 10:32pm
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Savor the peaceful moments when you first awaken from your nightly travels. I say travels because at this juncture, very little of your evening sojourn is allotted to what you would consider to be sleep. Focus on those moments, my friends; that time before your mind fills up with countless trivialities the many tasks you “must get done”. Do not allow these things to crowd out the last of your serenity. Relax a few moments more, forego that first cup of coffee and simply allow yourself to lie still and be. Listen closely and what do you hear?

It’s there if you choose to hear it, that highly-pitched ringing in your ears. From some it’s constant to the point of becoming unnoticeable, is often loud. Then, for others it’s barely perceptible. Nonetheless, you shall hear it - the heartbeat of the universe, the songs of the angels.

Allow yourself to melt like butter into the sound. Place all of your awareness on it. Hear it, really hear it. Pay attention and the tones shall form ideas, the ideas becoming words; words which convey messages of love and upliftment, activations and upgrades, or possibly details of the next phase of your assignment on Earth. These sounds are your own personal transmissions from home.

As you comfortably revel in the stillness of the morning, allow these codes of ascension to take root within the energetic framework of your body. Permit them time to grow and take shape. These tones are your tones, specifically yours, cut from the very mold of your own higher soul self. This hour of the day is the time of your greatest awareness, when you are newly returned from home, and the connection is still fresh. Occasionally you may awaken to a quiet, loving voice speaking to you , only later to find that the words they spoke were true and of great importance, or that they foretold an event yet to come.

For those who are highly visual, it is not uncommon to wake up to the smiling face of a beloved angel or guide. Before long, you shall all be functioning in this state of heightened awareness, this being the norm. Hearing us is soon to be as elementary as picking up a phone and calling a friend. Although, come that time the heavy apparatus shall no longer be necessary. Your telepathic skills shall be fully restored!

Be alert, always, because our messages may arrive at any time and on occasion these times are not always the most convenient. Try as we might, it is often difficult for us to connect with and function according to your linear schedule. Remember to keep a notebook and pen, or a small voice recorder handy whoever you go, so that you are able to preserve the messages and refer back to them at a later date.

My friends, the Dark’s hold on the Earth is in it’s final death throes. When the old paradigm falls, and I assure you most emphatically that it shall, your knowledge and razor-sharp expertise shall be needed. Not only will you be called upon to lead your team members, but you must be ready to soothe and educate the disillusioned masses as well. Therefore, when we speak to you, please listen as best you can. Never forget that you are God’s Ambassadors of Love.


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Posted by Meindert Arends on May 1, 2012 at 10:18pm
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We continue with our timeline - now having reached the year 2002.

2002 - 2008 - Seven Years of Transformation/Tribulation
In 2002, we entered into another seven-year cycle. This cycle is intended to bring us deeper into the clearing, healing and integration of these new enegetic downloads. These initiations are marching forward one way or another.
Each of these seven years is intended to bring us into a deeper clearing of one of our seven chakras/energy centers. We were prepared for a move into the first chakra, which is the arena of safety, security and survival by the events late in 2001.
September 11, 2001 brought the world quickly into another awakening. This prepared us to move more deeply into the final battles with our lower self. In this case, it brought up for the world issues of safety, security and survival.

The empowered choice is to allow the outer triggers to become measuring sticks. "How do I fare in the face of these first chakra challenges? Do I buy into a world of fear, where I am not safe? Or do I face the fears that are revealed with a willingness to look for solutions?"
In fear, we can all be controlled and manipulated to seek out the predictable limits of our comfort zones. If, on the other hand, we face these events as merely the trigger points to show us where we need to look to create resolution inside - we will become a part of a world of empowered individuals.
If we look inside to resolve our primitive fears, we will find ourselves transcending the manipulations of a world that is seeking to keep us in the "herd consciousness," deep in the box or predictability. If we are willing to see this as an encouragement to respond to everything that is out of balance - we will heal.

Part of that vision involves looking to see the motivations behind these actions. This will be dealt with much more directly in the EDUCATIONAL ARTICLES segment of the site. For now, we return to our throughline.

2002 brought us into the issues of the first chakra more fully. The intention is get us to respond, nurture and resolve the issues in our lives, as well as to get us to reach out to support and nurture others into their healing as well. The soul is a realm of unity consciousness - One for All and All for One.

Each consecutive year from 2002 to 2008 will bring us more deeply into this time, which was forecast in the famous Book of Revelations in the Bible. This is the time of the unfolding of that map as well. However, we need to realize it was one man's vision that has been used to manipulate and keep us in fear as well.
The Book of Revelations speaks through the archetypes that we face as we move into direct confrontation with the old paradigm. It shows us the challenges of the seven chakras, as well as the potential to move into a Heaven on Earth.

These seven years are the next step of our opportunity, to look at the issues of the seven chakras with a clear decision to resolve ourselves and our world on deeper and deeper levels. It is our opportunity to grow up out of the fearful, childish, wounded perspectives we have known for so long.
These seven years will be marked by ransformation if we respond or tribulation if we resist.
Within that time, there is one event well worth mentioning that brings us into another powerful cycle in this timeline.

- 2004 - 2012 - Soul Integration -
On June 6, 2004 we moved into a powerful alignment of the Earth, the Sun and Venus in retrograde. This began an 8-year cycle of movement of Venus before it crosses back through the alignment in 2012.
This 6(June) 6 (day) and 6 (2+0+0+4) - is the 6 6 6 that is talked about in Revelations as well. It is a number that brings focus to the time when we have brought the fear, shame and controlling agendas of the old paradigm to their fullest potential. This is the time that the planet reaches its greatest point of separation from Source - with its greatest attachment to the things in the PHYSICAL as the illusion of the source of fulfillment.

As we face the 6 6 6 with a willingness and resolve to clear and integrate, this alignment becomes a great and powerful signpost. This was an alignment of physical, Spirit and Soul. Earth (physical), Sun (Spirit) and Venus (the feminine energy archetype of the soul).

Venus is attempting to open us to all that stands in the way of the soul ray (the love force). In this eight years, we will go through a revelation of all that stands in the way of truly loving in our lives. Opening the heart to love is what will open us to the experience of the soul (divine connection) in the physical world for the first time in the history of our planet.
This new cycle is bringing us through the integration of the Heaven on Earth, as we face each challenge revealed in the initiations (as well as the Book of Revelations).

We have the chance to take this process one step at a time. We have the opportunity to become living examples of higher potential. We have the challenge of moving out of the childish separation we have known in fear and shame - opening to become the empowered individuals who bridge an old paradigm into a new one. A world of unity, meaning, value.
This is what faces us as we move deeper into this Grand Timeline of Ascension.

By the year 2012, we will have downloaded the energies of all seven initiations into the energy grids of the planet. This will present a path of greater heaven or hell. As we have said in so many places in the web site over the years - IT IS ALL UP TO EACH ONE OF US!
These are just a few of the layers that we will begin to make clearer. However, these two pages are intended to give you an overview of what has been taking place and what we face.

We look forward to playing our part in educating more of you with the levels of remarkable information that Gabriel has presented to us in the last 15 years. The information has been so accurate. Gabriel told us long before all this began exactly what we could expect. It has been so on the money. We are forever grateful...and are inspired to do what we can to nurture and educate people around the world as we complete this timeline and the vision for HEAVEN ON EARTH together!
All for Oneness and One for All!


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Posted by Meindert Arends on May 1, 2012 at 9:30pm
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El Morya: Blessings!

Today we shall continue further learning about creating fulfilment and manifestation. As you will recall, to become a co-creator, you must know ‘who’ you are. You must accept ‘what’ you are. This includes your good bits and the not-so-good bits; and most importantly of all, you must love yourself. You must also have armed yourself with the ability to know what you want, and the belief that you are worthy of having everything you want, without having to sacrifice anything. During the process of manifestation, you must also have learnt to master your ego, and see it as your ally, not your enemy.

If you have all this, and feel you are capable of moving onto the next step, then it is time to begin. First, it is important for you to explore your beliefs, about what separates you, from those who seem to be able to manifest everything they desire. Everyone has twenty-four hours in a day. So what is it that creates this division in abundance and fulfilment?
The difference lies in how those people see the potential within each experience, and the way they learn ‘how’ to respond to those experiences.

Don’t think you are alone. Somewhere around the world, there are hundreds of other souls, each learning the same particular lesson as you, at exactly the same time. Some of those souls will learn positively from their experience, and see how to adapt the situation so they get what they want; whilst others will believe that life has, once again, thrown up a barricade to fulfilment and abundance, and that they are unworthy of moving forward.

The difference between you striving for what you want, and those who seem to have it all, is BELIEF. Yes, we’re back to belief. Those people you regard as inspirers, motivators, experts in their particular field, are classed as such, because they refused to give in. They all have stayed focused, and believed that, without a shadow of a doubt, they would eventually arrive at where they need to be.

Now you have probably heard the phrase ‘time is of the essence’. Time, in the physical world means many of you believe you have to wait for something to come to you. You see everything as separate; outside of yourself. This is not true. You are part of the cosmic soup. You are merged into all the energies of the universe, and as I have said, you are energy; therefore energy is not limited by time. Embracing this belief, understanding ‘how’ energies work, and accepting your ability to manoeuvre, shape and form time, means you, like the universe, are not bound by anything, except the limitations of your mind.

It is so essential to eradicate your faulty thinking. This lack of education which has been missing from all of your lives for so long, is essential if you are to step into the powerful beings you truly are. The universal laws and spiritual principles of manifestation mean there is nothing to figure out; there is no struggling to be done.

Ask; believe; and you shall receive.
Start to have conviction. I want you to think of something you want, and accept that the outcome of you having what you want, is beyond doubt. Start to be certain of success. You must have complete confidence that you are energy, and the energy you are, will draw back to you, ten-fold of the same. Do a good deed for someone in need, whether you give of your time, or you give a donation. Trust that somewhere, at any moment, the universe will reward you with something of similar or equivalent value.

Don’t be ignorant about how the universe and energy works. Start to practise working with energy, and if you have an experience that isn’t what you want, stop what you are doing, take a deep breath, and ask yourself what unproductive thought or behaviour created this moment. Be prepared to keep going back to the beginning to correct anything you feel needs correction.

Value your time beloved ones. Time was given to mankind to enable them the power of free-will. Think of it as a ‘cooling off’ period clause. You do something; the cooling off period allows you to reflect whether you have made the right or wrong choice, thereby giving you the opportunity to change anything.

If you are to be a co-creator, you have to become wise and value your time. You need to be able to identify anything unproductive you are doing which is stopping you from manifesting and co-creating with the universe. You can’t allow yourself the luxury of ignorance. You must continually question, evaluate and be focused on your mission. If you hit a hurdle, you must immediately stop, reflect, and go back to the beginning, and be ‘willing’ to turn a hurdle into a crutch which holds you up and helps you regain your balance.

Being a co-creator means having a sense of purpose. Do not allow others to tell you what they think of you, and put you off what you are trying to do. Remember, you are spirit, you are energy; and if you are energy, you are part of the power-source of all that is.

Now you have all this wisdom and understanding under your belt, how do you go about setting your goals, and ensuring that you begin to get what you want?
How many times have you had a dream, only to give up because it seems so far away from reality? Have you ever considered looking at your goals whilst standing on your head?
I would often say to my students (for I have been a teacher in the physical, many times), if you can’t find the answer, try standing on your head. They would, like you probably are now, think I was completely insane. But, if you see something far away and then you stand on your head, take another look, you will be surprised to see that what you thought was a long way off, was in fact, in front of you all the time.

If you have a starting point, and you have a finishing line, then it is easy to find the mid-point of your journey, when you have your mid-point, then find another mid-point, then another, until you have attained a step-by-step list of what to do. The key here is, don’t think logically. Instead of going forwards, you may have to go backwards to reach your destination.
So let us begin by getting your grey matter working with a little spiritual homework from El Morya.

Imagine you have decided that you want to take a luxury all-inclusive holiday to the Bahamas in November, and you live in the United Kingdom. The cost of the holiday is £3000.00 for two adults, and you plan to take another £1000.00 spending money.
How would you, being a co-creator, go about manifesting and creating this dream? Keep in mind that you have seven months in which to find the additional money, without getting into any debt.

Remember that you are in charge of your business. What you focus on, will determine what you get. I will leave you with this little exercise, looking back through everything I have taught you so far, take a week to consider how you could create your dream holiday. In our next lesson, I will show you how this can be achieved.

I will leave you with one last thing to consider. Remember you have the ability and lots of opportunities to attain what you want. You have to decide how much you want something, and what you are ‘willing’ to do, to get what you want. In life, each experience offers you an opportunity to make better decisions. The ability to change your life, means that you have to be ‘willing to be the change’.

Without effort, without conviction, you will continue to stay in the same cycle. This is an opportunity for you to discard the old behaviour that keeps you stuck in a cycle of unfulfilment. If you integrate what I have talked about, then you will master manifestation and attain fulfilment.
Until next time beloved ones. Be of the light…

El Morya.


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 The Council has expressed some concern about the recent increase in fear-inducing material which is circulating around the internet. They explain that this is in a large part due to Gaia’s stepping up her cleansing efforts.

 The storms and rumblings are shaking loose lots of old, “dirty” energy that’s been buried far below the surface from long-dead civilizations. This can affect us not only psychically and emotionally, but physically as well. They caution us to “click delete” the moment we feel that first tingling of fear.

 As Sybra the Elder says; ”The written word is a powerful catalyst for activation, but not all activation is a good thing.” I was very touched to receive this lovely message, which my friends asked me to share.

♥ Fear not, oh Godly pioneers who tread the soil, so brave and strong.

 ♥ Fear not, as fear is false and you are truth. You are of God and what is God, if not truth?

♥ Banish fear, as fear is not your friend and is never of The Light. State, ” I do not welcome you”.

♥ Follow The Light and you are Home.

 ♥ For fear is but a poison thing, so when you fear-fear lightly. Then let it go.

♥ Blaze forth as beacons of the Colored Rays and know you cannot hide, because the shadows are no more.

 ♥ The martyrs are no more.

♥ The lacking are no more.

♥ The blackness is no more.

 ♥ We see you.

Love, from The Council of the Venus Ray through Sybra the Elder, of Sirius.;

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maandag 30 april 2012

Dear ones,

We are almost done with the cleansing of Mother Earth. The Arcturians and Myself are trying to land on your planet and invite you to our ships. The Illuminati and the Russian government are going to the Tribunal of World Order right now and they are to never return again. Lady Nada is escorting them in order to establish a safe journey for them, so returning is not an option for them.

The Illuminati and the Russian government have to explain their deeds to the Tribunal of World Order, to go afterwoods to Orion and to come never back again. We are on the verge of taking them down and they can not resist us anymore. They are desperate but their intentions are not to avail. They will not succeed their intentions of killing the World population and they will be gone for an Eternity. The Illuminati and the Russian government are awaiting their proces for endangering humankind and planeth Earth and her beauty.

They are on their way now and are going to the Tribunal of World Order as we speak. They are not to be return. They are going to have to explain their deeds, though they are unforgivable. They will be punished by never beeïng able to return to planeth Earth again. The Illuminati and the Russian government are on their way and they are so desperate. That is why we are accompaning them to make sure they can not return, and they will not return ! This for an Eternity.

 You will be finally free and this for an Eternity.
I am Saint Germain and I thank you for your assistance to Mother Earth which you are helping with ascending to the 5th Dimension.. And she will be ready now to move forwards to the 5th Dimension. Since the Illuminati and the Russian government are on their way, she will be free to ascend.

 These are things that are happening behind the scenes my Dear ones, but to come out soon. You will see that all of our actions are about to be known and the media will finally show the truth. When time has come that the media is disclosing these things, you will see the landings of the ships of our Galactic brother and sisters.

 The Arcturians and myself are awaiting you to welcome you all at our ships. We will finally be able to communicate with each other and you will be free at last, and this for an Eternity.


Saint Germain.



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Posted by Meindert Arends on April 30, 2012 at 1:52am
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We thought it would be most helpful to offer a more specific Overview of the process of Planetary Ascension that has been in motion since 1987.
For more than a decade we have been in a time of unprecedented change and shifts. As we are each personally challenged to go through all of these shifts, we wanted to start the education with a clear map.

We begin as we go back in time to catch up...
The deeper we moved into the 20th centure, the deeper we were in trouble as a planet. The reason we were in trouble is that energies began to accelerate in preparation for this time of quantum shift and growth. However, for the most part we were processing all of these expanded opportunities from the old paradigm of patriarchy, fear and defense.

For 2000 years we have been learning on the planet through a system of duality - through the pairs off opposites. At this more primitive stage of our growth, we were interpreting life through the limited system of good/bad, right/wrong and reward/punishment.
As we moved towards the end of that last cycle, we began to bleed into the greater consciousness of this next 2000 year cycle - very much trapped in the primitive consciousness of the old. This was very much like giving more freedom to a child or adolescent and true to form we simply began to push the less effective choices of our old systems to their extremes.

This brought us deep into a time of crisis for the planet - and if something was not done, the planet was not going to survive our choices.
Since this shift was also preparing us for something wonderful in potential, we began to receive help to save us from ourselves - and to help us grow into this new phase of our potential.

- 1987 - The Harmonic Convergence -
In 1987 we began the first phase of planetary healing or Ascension into our soul potential. Many people will remember the term Harmonic Convergence. This was the time when the planetary hierarchy placed an energetic veil between the consciousness of mankind and the consciousness of the planet.
In other words, the planet got energetic protection as we all began to be encouraged into an accelerated learning curve.

For a period of five years the planet herself was protected from the direct impact of our primitive choices.
Of course as a mass consciousness we continued to act out, violating the planet in our childish desire to fill up the emptiness that comes from a disconnection to our deepest sense of Self. However, there were plenty who began to respond to the help.

During the five years from 1987 to 1992, we moved into a time when our guides from the other side of the veil began to encourage and direct us into various types off awakenings. Some people were capable of listening directly and found themselves awakening to a "feeling that there was something more."
Others needed greater events to trigger them into an awareness of the dead end directions of the old choices. One way or another, as a planet we found the introduction of more consciousness messages everywhere we looked.

Many ideas began to awaken in the mainstream consciousness. We moved through many stages - from the Positive Affirmations made more popular by the likes of Norman Vincent Peale to the integration of Eastern practices into the West (such as meditation, yoga and the like). We also found messages introduced in various forms of mass media, like self-help books and mainstream movies.
The bottom line is that the plan began to show real success, as more people than ever began to deepen a search for "something more."

1992 - 1998 - Seven Years of Acceleration
As we moved deeper into this time of awakening, we also began to be impacted directly by the movements off higher and deeper energies. For instance, we never heard much about "flu epidemics" prior to this time. But once we moved into the early 1990's, we heard about them a great deal.

The truth of the matter is that as the time came to remove the energetic veils, we began to be affected by an acceleration of the energies in the planet's atmosphere. Gabriel tells us that each year during this seven-year cycle, we were 100 times more impacted by the accelerating energies than ever before.
This increase in energies had an immediate impact on our physical bodies. Our bodies did their best to assimilate these shifts.

The first aspect of our physical bodies that faced the challenge was our endocrine system. The endocrine system involves the 12 primary glands that were built with the potential to integrate new levels of our potential. At this stage of our healing, we began to ask these 12 power centers to grow and grow fast.
This download of energy created a shake-up in the chemical system of the body. One of the symptoms that was immediately apparent involved fluctuations in the body temperature, as well as aches and pains of this new energy moving through the habitual blockages in our dense state of consciousness. In other words, we experienced mass manifestations of "flu-like symptoms."

This period introduced many shifts. They are too numerous to mention in this one overview. If you are interested in knowing more, these shifts are outlined more completely in my book - Revelations for a Healing World, Book One.
I will mentions two of the primary shifts that occurred.

The first life-changing event focused on the opening of the Sirian vortex in 1993 - opening the planet to the much-needed energies of the Goddess once again. This feminine energy began to permeate the Earth to prepare us for what was to come.
One of the primary impacts of this Goddess energy has been been to shake up the imbalance of a world governed by patriarchy.
This has challenged us, like it or not, to face the imbalances of male/female energies in our own bodies and lives. This imbalance of male and female has been a symptom for each one of us. Yes, we may find this distortion acted out in the world in the genders of male and female. But it is MUCH more important for us to realize that we have all held this imbalance in our individual lives - men and women.

Our imbalance at a primitive level have been mostly held in place by the habitual shaming of our emotional bodies (feminine and receptive for everyone), while we have habitually acted out through the control of our mental bodies (male and assertive for everyone). This distortion has been the source of a world of disconnected people, seeking like children to compensate through achievement and accumulating things.

With a shamed inner sense of self, we have typically remained focused OUTSIDE ourselves, looking for something to rescue us from our plight. As we moved into this seven-year cycle of our healing, we began to reveal the overwhelming imbalance. And mass consciousness simply moved more deeply into the greater means to accumulate and achieve.
The second shift of this seven-year cycle that is well worth mentioning was the crash of the Shoomaker-Levy comet into the planet Jupiter in 1994. The impact of these 22 fragments of comet created craters in Jupiter as large as the planet Earth. This event was unlike anything we have known in our planet's history, according to Gabriel.

The explosion that took place released such a high energy into our universe that we birthed a potential energy or level of consciousness that we had not known up to this point. This "cosmic orgasm" opened us to the vibration of higher dimensional energies. In short, this event led us into a perfect opening of our higher sacred potential.
The higher dimensions of energy that were highlighted in this event hold the potential for us to actually integrate our soul/Christ Consciousness level of energy. (Again, we point out this has nothing to do with a religion. The soul or Christed level of consciousness is the highest potential of knowing ourselves as truly sacred individuals that we can know.)

The impact of this explosion resounded into the universe, eventually reaching and affecting the Sun. The Sun just happens to be the heart chakra of our universe. As the heart was affected and awakened in the macrocosm, it began to radiate that solar energy back out to us.
The most important thing to mention is that In 1997, these energies began to download directly into the planet and brought us into a time of planetary INITIATION! And the core of this initiation process is seeking to open our individual and collective hearts as well.

In order for this heart opening to take palce, we have continued since 1997 to move through a series of accelerations or downloads (initiations). As our bodies are exposed to these energies, we are challenged to face our limited old form of duality, to clear the imbalances in our indivdual lives and to move into becoming true initiates of soul consciousness!
This is the most exciting thing we have ever known on the planet. However, this does not guarantee anything, except that we are being exposed to this potential. The rest is up to each one of us!

- 1998 - 2001 - Here Comes the Kundalini -
The impact of these initiations brought us into the first wave of change for our planet and our individual bodies.
The first move awakened by the initiation energies is a move of the life force energy that rises from the base of our spines. This energy is the sexual force of creation known as KUNDALINI.

This powerful energy first rises to clear the blockages along the spine, in an attempt to join all of the seven chakras or energy centers in the body and around the world.
Each stage of this process creates a deeper challenge and a deeper opportunity.
This kundalini release began to accelerate the shake-up, by revealing the imbalances in our bodies more powerfully. We don't have to look very far to find this truth revealed in the world around us.

These unprecedented energy releases not only created waves of flu-like epidemics, they also brought us into a decade when the numbers of people with dis-eases on the planet began to rise out of control. Many dis-eases more than doubled in this short time.
Another symptom of energy moving in the lower body brings us to the HUGE increases in the numbers of people on anti-depressants and other medications. It is not our intention to call this good or bad. What we are attempting to do is to reveal that we live in a world where people don't know how to respond to these changes.

We live in a world that has typically looked again OUTSIDE ourselves - to anything that will help us numb out on these rising feelings. What we need to realize is that the feelings we had been able to hold down for so very long in the subconscious are no longer going to remain buried and quiet. In short, FEELINGS began to rise with the acceleration of kundalini and people need an education about how to work with these feelings, which will actually enhance our lives.
We will never heal ourselves as individuals if we simply create one more way to avoid, resist and try to get rid of the parts of ourselves that we have held in shame.

There is so much I want to say to interject healing thoughts, etc....but this is an overview of the stages of energetic movements. So I will save that for other places on the web site. I will say, just to be clear, that if you are someone who has needed to take medication to create some balance - we encourage you to use it as a tool, WHILE you learn how to connect with and resolve your wounded feelings.

The concluding comment about this 3-year stage from 1998 to 2001 is that these years were marked by kundalini continuing to work their way through blockages in our lives, pushing more and more fully.
This created the opportunity for us to integrate the first layers of the initiations of Ascension that are preparing us for the conscious marriage with our souls. Within all the challenges, it is so important to remember that this is all happening to HELP us. The universe is working to encourage our healing, opening us to the next levels of our divine potential.

However, that will only be possible as we educate ourselves and stop resisting.
We must embrace change. We must learn to look inside. The old choices are no longer an option. They will only create greater destruction and break down.
The time for healing is NOW!
We will pause before introducing the next phases in our Grand Timeline - to give you a break before going on with this important map of planetary Ascension!

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Posted by Meindert Arends on April 28, 2012 at 8:30pm

If the information you find on this site intruiguing and simply need help with knowing how to INTEGRATE these powerful new energies and potentials into your life, we now have a great solution:
... a website called Empowered At Last, where Ron will take you personally through layers of self-empowerment and personal healing, that will allow you to create a more fulfilling potential with your life - one clear step at a time.

Come and found out how you can enahance your own journey!
Empowered At Last


And now, Gabriel Speaks about 2012...

 Dearly beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always, we are most joyous to be in your Divine presence.
We are here to talk about 2012... a year of "Preparation for Service, Disillusionment from Enlightenment and Beginnings and Endings.
The three elements that we have just listed include preparation for service, which is the focus of the soul consciousness you are all moving towards at various levels of preparation... the process of disillusionment of the old paradigm from the enlightening impact of the emerging soul consciousness... and a time of momentous beginnings and endings.
This is the year for the emotional and mental bodies to embody a sense of divine purpose, from the impact of the Diving Plan being integrated into a place of reality and realization. This year is truly the beginning of all that. It will be the beginning of what no one has known before.
As usual, we are going to divide the year into 3 four-month segments.

Purification through Self-Love

Planetary Love or Love of One Another

Divine Love through moving into World Service

The first segment of four months will be a process of purification. This ultimately involves learning to love the Self in a deeper way, from the inside out.
This involves developing a very personal relationship with your preparation for service. This will clear the physical, emotional and mental bodies, as you connect more fully to the first gateway of the heart (located at the lower end of the breast bone or sternum).
This will put you into a focus of the first gateway of the heart - freedom of choice and discernment for the bringing about of the development of individual conscience... out of judgment and into discernment; the ability to see all the possibilities that are available to you from an inner sense of connection to true Source, your Divine connection.
It will be a time of learning how to come together to create a relationship with self-love.

This will prepare you for the second four months, which have to do with Planetary Love, or the Love of one another. This is a cosmic love cycle for the planet. It is about moving into the 2nd gateway of the heart, which involves creating the experience of real connection in relationships that transforms old attachments.
This has to do with the world at large, with people continuing to find their place in service.

The third four months involves the relationship with service to one another, the Divine Love, with the connection of the Divine Will directed outward in world service.

The first four months deal with the self.

The second has to do with relationships to others.

The last has to do with going out into the world to be of service with the Divine Will.

This will bring about a greater end of duality (which most people do not understand very well at this stage of development), the end of the need for duality (opposition of two sides of the same issues out of fear, defense, judgment and shame).
This will be a time of purification, as you learn more fully how to love one another, starting with the Self. This will end the illusions of the desire body, which keep you in attachments and yearning... and depends upon what happens on the outside to determine who you experience yourself to be and what choices you make.

This new intention of Self-love begins making contact at this time, perhaps for the first time as a whole planet, where the Diving Plan is being put into some kind of actual effect. This will create a re-structuring, which will indeed be "the end of the world as you have known it."
You have known lives where you create through your myths of fear, of right/wrong and reward/punishment... which merely keeps you in a survival consciousness.

Now it will be the development of the ability to exercise true freedom of choice without judgment, but with evaluation and discernment about what serves you and the good of the whole.

It will no longer be about right and wrong through judgment. From that growth into deeper truths, you will be able to develop a relationship of the quality with the self, where you are dependent upon a true connection to the inner Self.
This will be a time of inspiration, learning HOW to, using the imagination and finding guidance from your dream state that involves the fulfillment of Self-love. in order to know love of Self, one must be able to develop a conscience.
It is the difference between looking outside through the rules of right and wrong... and looking inside to your own principles and values to discern your choices, negotiating within your own needs and boundaries with the equal rights of others.

If you move in this direction, it will take you out of the need for judgment and into the awareness and ability to operate through trial and error, to learn from your mistakes and refine your freedom of choice... to really expand your ability to take responsibility. That way you own the gift of free choice that is intended for every individual.
But this cannot take place when you are trapped in judgment or fear of right and wrong, projected from the "herd consciousness."

This first quadrant will be the inspiration of that self-love, that comes through the development and contact with your intuitive nature. This will happen more and more as the soul begins to make contact with the personality. It will be an inner learning process, rather than an outer focused process.
Most of your conditioned thoughts are based upon what is happening outside of you, rather than what choices you need to make, that are based on your own inner truth. You will learn to evaluate in this time through a growing knowledge of your needs.
You will learn to move out of survival consciousness into creator consciousness through the opening of this 1st gateway of the heart more fully...

What you will be experiencing on a physical level is a lot of energetic change and movement in the lower part of the body. It will continue to bring up any remaining survival issues in the lower chakras (safety, security and survival issues, wounded emotions and limiting beliefs that have not been nurtured and resolved).

There will be activity in the lower heart, by the sternum, as the energy moves down for purification of the 1st chakra at the base of the spine. Survival issues will come up and be reflected in the world around you.

It has already begun, but will move into more of an extreme as this year progresses. You will see it happening all around you. Do not doubt that this serves a purpose. It is about enlightenment through disillusionment (becoming aware of what does NOT work and is out of balance), letting go of the myths about the outer being the source of your fulfillment. It is NOT. So your illusions will rise, depending on what you are still holding in the subconscious.

This transformation alone will equal the end of history as you have known it, where the myth of self is sourced outside in the physical as the primary focus. Seeking love from something outside you will not work.

There will be a lot of confusion in the outer world where each country is concerned. You are already seeing this breakdown accelerate in many parts of the world, such as the challenges faced in Europe at this time.

As there is more outer disillusionment, more focus will have to come back to self. You would be wise to ask sooner than later, "What is creating the problem in my own life, that is contributing to the imbalance in the world around me?" Responding to what you discover is the first place of power and healing change.

The US is going through the same disillusionment process and it will become more intense in 2012. It is a preparation, as the imbalances of system as you have known it continue to reveal for you what is not effective or conceived in valuing choices.

Keep in mind that each of these 3 four-month quadrants is an initiation into the things we have talked about. An initiation is a BEGINNING. You will not find the solutions in this first quadrant, but the solutions will begin to be revealed from inspiration that is attempting to awaken on the inside.

The dream state will become more important for the inspiration of these things. It is all happening to encourage you into an inner focus, that is then inspired to be practiced on the outside. Any conflicts that you do not deal with in your waking life will come up in your dream state as well.
This is so that you can face these energies in the physical and on the astral plane (4th dimension that is accessed during sleep). This is where the subconscious connects with the conscious mind most easily for people at this stage in your growth. There may be times when it seems that the outer feels like more of a dream than the vivid nature of your dream state.

For instance, the mythology of Adam and Eve is nothing more or less than the separation from the spiritual source and being caught up in the outer world as the source of your fulfillment. Trapped and surviving, rather than having an inner connection.
You are now beginning to break out of the Adam dream, which will expand your dream state and your intuitive knowing. You will experience that more and more as leaders and people in all areas of leadership (economic, political, religious and social structures) begin to act more fully through their awakening intuitive sense.

That will begin to bring up dis-illusionment of many old myths and the old approaches. For instance, the economic system will reveal its illusion as you move through purification of individuals in the world. You will also see more and more the struggle between opposite perspectives and approaches. This is because there are those who do not want to give up the control of the old approach to life.

However, in spite of resistance, you have already begun to see how easy some of the outer forms have been impacted. You have seen it in the Middle East and in the protest of Wall Street. People are beginning to wake up and say that some things are no longer acceptable.

This is an important step, as people must wake up in self-love and self-value... and no longer be willing to be sheep without power or voice (like wounded children who have not taken responsibility for themselves and the world around them).
The American Dream started as a celebration of individuals taking charge of themselves, to create their own dream and vision. You will face how this "dream" has become an illusion in the manifestations of imbalance that come out of a lack of self-love.
There will be an acceleration of dis-ease in the lower body at this time, as a reflection of the distortions of the mess that many systems have become and have supported, such as in the economic systems.

There will be more people coming forward to suggest deeper solutions to the problems that you face, which is also a part of the purification. However, it will only be introduced during this time. The inspiration and beginning, as your intuition begins to awaken.

2nd Four Months
This time will move you into the 2nd gateway of the heart, where you will move from attachment to connection in relationship to one another more fully.
Attachments, that are an attempt to fill the disconnection from inner self, will be prepared more fully from the purification and self-love that develop in the first four months of the year.

Things will be prepared for you to take charge and move more effectively into the relationships in your lives, responding and choosing in mutual value more fully.
You will be more able to act from your own inner connection, rather than personalize what everyone else is doing. This will prepare you to show up to love one another more fully. This is a tremendous service that is needed in your world. The Golden Rule, as you break off from old attachments and move into the enlightenment of connection.

Attachment is the desire to control and get "what is missing," from no real inner connection... from someone else. It keeps you in defense, fight and struggle. Who has perceived power over another? It serves nothing, as it has come out of a lack of self-love and value.
If we instead move into a place of self-love, we will move into the potential of equal value, where we all have equal rights and needs and feelings. This will help us to break down old attachments and move into deeper, more fulfilling choices.

As you take responsibility for your right to choose and make mistakes with forgiveness for self, you will be more likely to offer that same process to others. it can be a process of true learning with redemption of the old choices.
You will take what you have learned about choices in the 1st gateway now into the valued connection of one another more fully at this time. This will create a sense of equality to love one another. This will be quite a purification, as a realization in the world takes place within the relationships of one country with another as well.
This will bring up some issues and the need to negotiate more fully.

Keep in mind, as always, this will not happen automatically. It will only be energetically encouraged and supported. You still have the gift of free choice. And you must show up and respond if you are to move into the greater potential that lies ahead.

As the 2nd gateway of the heart opens, you will move into a place where separation and defense no long seem plausible options. As this takes place, you will seek deeper solutions more naturally. The process of defending through separation and opposing one another is in place only because of the belief that another person or group or structure has no right to be of equal value within your wounded, narcissism. "I must get THEM to accept my choice as the right one." This will never work.

As you move into the heart, you will move out of survival consciousness and into the force of Divine Love, which has infinite space and potential. Connection in relationship of all things with their individual differences will become a real privilege. Everyone can be allowed to be where they are, with their authentic point of view, in honor of everyone else. That is where you are headed, as you build more self-love and the ability to value.

When you truly connect and respond, you exchange in equality. This will balance giving and receiving and your capacity to love. Within this process, all things are considered and have value. You release yourself from the conflicts that keep you in attachments, right and wrong, winning and losing through opposition.
You will see a breakdown of old relationships that are connected in duality and control. You will see this not only in the human kingdom, but in your relationship to your environment more fully as well. You might be surprised to see big corporations that have done a great deal of harm... announcing plans (even if only in the beginning stages) to move into the direction of valuing everyone in new ways.

As the Divine Plan just begins to penetrate in a conscious way, everyone is affected in one way or another. This depends on how conscious each one is. But it will affect in one way or another, according to development of different individuals at different soul levels.
There will be groups of souls that will also influence more readily those around them, with more benefit to more people, as you prepare for the true service of the soul, which is indeed rising. It will also bring about the revelation of many things that are out of balance. It will become more extreme in 2012, based upon how people are willing to relate and choose in value or not.

There will be much exposure at this time, with criminal acts that do not serve the good of the whole becoming harder to hide. The groups like Occupy Wall Street that are meeting around the world will discover that what they are doing is getting attention, but is not presenting a solution. They will soon discover that peaceful protest does not change anything. However, it does raise awareness. Both sides will then need to learn to work together, to serve everyone in the relationship.
You can see how "love one another" is being set up as an opportunity. You will see it all around the world in every system, in one way or another. It is now time to respond.

You use all that you learn to make more informed choices, more refined choices, as you move through the learning curve of trial and error, a very needed process for you to embrace. It is all an opportunity to learn and grow and heal and enhance.

Is there going to be an economic crisis? Yes.
What is an economy? It is derived from keeping things in an equation of equity. That is not what your economic system has been based upon. It has been based upon have's and have-not's, which is not a healthy economy. In healthy economy, all must be willing to have a relationship where people are balanced and valued. Everyone invests and everyone is served.
This will become more exposed in the 2nd quadrant of the year.

You will experience a lot of energetic movement in the area of the heart, in the area of the 2nd gateway. It will continue throughout the entire year, from the sternum to the base of the throat. You will experience a lot of energetic issues in the area of the spleen, kidneys and liver, as well as the adrenals. The adrenals will often be compromised as energy moves, if people are holding on to attachments and separation.

If you are not holding on, the body will be able to assimilate more easily. This will sustain your extra energy or not, depending upon your choices. The immune system will shift. As you clear the body in the first quadrant and move into the 2nd, you will have more exchange and there will be more extreme responses from the immune system. If you are separating, it will have more extreme and begin to lose its power.

Physical symptoms will develop much faster. When you are in response, you will notice more power in the body. There will be rushes of energy in the body unlike anything you have known. As the vibration of the body is raised, so does your response mechanism in all parts of the body.
The activation of the messenger cells will move more rapidly. This comes form the etheric body feeding into the physical body more fully. It will activate the organs in a new way, supporting the organs more fully. Once the etheric body comes into communion in the soul and physical body, the soul's radiatory light will be funneled through the astral body and into the physical body and into its activities and functions.
The etheric body will begin to take over the physical body. You won't need to use the lungs as much to breathe. The circulatory motion will come more from the etheric as well.

Your feelings will go through extremes and dramas in this time, as you activate the 2nd chakra and continue to purify. You will also become more intuitive at this time.
Those that are at different levels will find themselves less attracted to one another. They will be more attracted to those who are at a similar resonance at this time. There will be some mental telepathy developing as the intuition deepens from the connection to the etheric, bringing the emotional body to a higher octave of potential.
You will gradually be letting go of the lower ego self as the higher will of the soul continues to penetrate and influence. The soul will start to express through the physical form in new and deeper ways. Expect a lot of activity as the year progresses in the upper part of the physical body in the throat, shoulders and neck.
This may come as expansion in the head in the final quadrant, as you move into Divine service of the planet more fully.

3rd Quadrant of Four Months
The 3rd gateway will begin to open more fully at this time, which will bring focus to your passion and will for life. Cosmic will of the Divine Plan will be initiated into more service for the creation of a new world. As this takes place, you will find more change in human expression, operating more for the good of the whole group.
Countries and systems will begin to shift and consider taking deeper responsibility. The ambition or intention to admit and respond will begin to awaken more fully at this time. People and groups will begin to see the value in responding and admitting where they want the good of the whole or not.

All things are connected to all things... and are impacted by all things. This will begin to become clearer in some practical ways.
Expression and Experience and Restructuring will take place more fully in this quadrant of four months. This will be a time of initiation more fully than the earlier months, as you move into a deeper experience or feeling of the "end of the world as you have known it."
It will be the end of history merely as a repetition of survival consciousness, pain and pleasure, as well as gratification from that which is outside the self.

A survival system focuses on one dimension and feeds off of that source. That is how you have treated the 3rd dimension, the physical world. As you gain more inner connection, and create relationship more fully, you will be willing to see the connection of the whole more fully.
As the soul penetrates, your physical being will move into a place that may seem like a connection of service. The kingdom of nature already operates this way. However, your freedom of choice will allow you to eventually know that you are powerful and divine. That is what you begin to connect to in the 3rd quadrant.

Connection to the inner will change your focus and sense of priorities. You will begin to connect to a state of neutrality and oneness, if you have been preparing yourselves for this time by doing inner investment and nurturing. Freedom of choice is vital. It is the way the creative force initiates reality into expression, experience, inspiration and revelation.
You have not known that freedom yet, trapped in fear and opposition and defense for the most part. But as you move into this time, you will begin to understand and practice the manifestation of free choice.

You are beginning to prepare to know what service is, inspired into it more naturally. You will find many countries that have been separate and in opposition will start to let go of this approach, as they begin to see each and every form in value. The problems in your world have not been something "happening to you"... but something you have created by engaging in survival fears and no real value and connection to self.
You have mastered opposition and separation. You are now going to learn to master unity. It is like night and day. You will start to see both in value, to see how the darkness reveals the light.

The physical symptoms at this time will involve a lot of movement in the head and throat, as well as in the solar plexus region. Lower body movement and heart activity will continue throughout the year. Thought patterns that are repeated will come into manifestation more quickly and more readily. You are moving into creating from your RESONANCE.
If you resonate with a thought that you must still try to avoid a feeling, you will find yourself being faced with it rapidly and powerfully, more quickly than ever. This will simply support you to see the impact of your choices.

However, if you resonate with the thought that you are supported in an abundant universe, you will find yourself in the manifestation of that more readily. The potential is quite beautiful, depending on your choices.
It will first happen with a loving investment in the inner Self, then in your personal relationships and then in connection to the whole in 2012. You will see things more in group consciousness in the last months of the year. That is quantum physics in operation. Science and spirituality will support one another.
These are the things that you can expect as you prepare for service in 2012.


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from Revelations for a New Era by Matthew Ward


Suzy: Why did you say the oceans are the saddest places on Earth?

MATTHEW: Because they are the home of the whales and the dolphins, the most intelligent and most spiritual souls on the planet, yet their homes have been defiled by intention and carelessness, and their inhumane treatment is an indelible mar on the nature of Earth's human civilization.

 The cetaceans' energy is as sacred as human energy insofar as individual souls and their oversoul entirety, but their homes have been gravely polluted and their lives brutally ended.

Suzy: Matthew, did I receive that correctly-did you say cetaceans are more intelligent and spiritual than humans?

MATTHEW: That's what I said, Mother, but I should have stated it more precisely. It is the species-wide phenomenon that cetaceans are higher than humans in spiritual and intellectual energy attainment.

 I didn't mean that never has any human on Earth achieved or exceeded that level. Some exceptional humans have. Certainly Jesus the Christ and the Buddha are exalted above that high level.

You may remember when we were talking about Earth animals coming here that I said the entire whale energy on Earth doesn't come, only enough to create the human-whale energy bonding here. Well, the rest of that pristine life force goes forward in soul growth after its Earth service, and it transitions more rapidly than humans through this realm on to higher frequencies for soul evolvement.

Suzy: That's quite a revelation, Matthew! Recently I heard that some whales have shown what seems to be an interest in friendliness with humans. Do you know anything about that, and does it have any significance?

MATTHEW: Yes, I do, and yes, it has major significance. That attitude of the whales is showing the great difference between former and current human-cetacean contact.

 The improvement has come because of vibrations being raised within the human framework. That rise in vibratory rate is evidence of the light beings' successful efforts to raise your frequency at cellular level so you can ascend in physical bodies along with your planet into fourth density dimensions.

The energy of whales and dolphins also is helping the planet raise its vibrational frequency in preparation for that ascendance.
The whales' recent activities that signify less fear of humans is proof that the increase in light energy on Earth is lessening the influence of the dark forces.

The mass destruction of whale life that once prevailed, and the pockets of determination to still consider whales as only commodities, was and is a direct influence of the dark forces. Their decreasing influence no longer is having the effect of fracturing the energy bonding between humans and cetaceans.

 It was the fracturing of that energy bonding that permitted the slaughter of whales. Their intelligence and spiritual evolvement was once recognized and respected by humans, but it became hidden from conscious memory as the energy bonding between the two species was relentlessly attacked by the dark forces. Their aim was more than to stimulate the capacity for brutality in the nature of humankind.

 The dark forces also wanted whale presence on the planet to disappear entirely, and they influenced humans to do their dirty work. Whales anchor light energy beamed at the planet from distant light sources, and their holding pattern of that energy within the ocean depths and vastness eludes the power of the dark forces, which cannot be attuned to that wavelength.

 If the whales were gone, so would Earth's major light energy anchoring source be gone. Without the anchoring of the light energy, its presence on Earth cannot be steady. If the light cannot be dependably maintained, its healing influence ebbs and flows and cannot be strengthened in intensity or scope to heal and preserve the life force of your planet, which is desperate for the light.

 Only if all anchors of light on Earth are extinguished can the light itself be vanquished, and only then can the dark forces claim the dead planet as their prize. That planetary death would have come long ago if extraterrestrial agencies had not come to the rescue of Earth by directing light energy to your life forms while the anchoring power of whale energy was holding the light steady.

 Without their invaluable service, this is what would have happened:
Whales would have outlived all other life forms because the ocean depths would have safely harbored some of them. The few survivors would have continued for a while anchoring non-disrupted light energy through the force carried by that energetic connection from this realm and well beyond into universal connections. While that would have preserved the whale energy through transmutation, it would have allowed the planet to perish.

 The reason that did not happen is, God decreed that Earth shall NOT perish, but shall be revived to radiant health once again. Earth is more than a small planet in an ordinary solar system in a minor galaxy among the billions in our universe. The planet once was one of God's own favorite placements. It actually was the paradise named Eden. Its radiant aura and pristine beauty made it a showcase in this part of the universe, where it was a testament to the power of God co-creating with Creator in love and light energy.

 Your planet then was the antithesis of all that the forces of darkness had made to plague the universe, and the conquest of Earth became their objective.
Now you can see why elimination of whale life has been one of the major strategies and a goal of the dark forces' influence on Earth. It is to counter that negatively-aimed energy that some humans have been inspired by spirit to save the whales from extinction.

 Their efforts are being assisted by the light energy that has motivated them to act bravely and steadfastly. The current comeback in whale numbers is specifically for the upraising of energy vibrations during these years of Earth's transcendence from negativity, woes and deprivations, and for allowing the light of Earth to heal the planet and all its life forms.


Excerpt of the Matthew's book
Revelations for a New Era


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How the Sirians are present on Earth at this time


Lori Tostado

 The Sirian souls come in many fashions, most as dolphins and whales (the cetaceans), who are the most fully conscious sentient beings on this planet. The reason for this is that as cetaceans, beings don't experience such harsh separation and feelings of isolation from Earth mother and Nature, like humans tend to.

Cetaceans are truly the caretakers of the Earth. Humans were meant to share in this role of caring for the Earth and all of life on and in it, but most humans have been "asleep" for a very long time now, and are rapidly destroying themselves as well as Earth and Nature. The Sirians, along with many others, are here to help us change that.

Another way the Sirians appear in physical form on Earth are as human "starseeds," those who have spent most of their lifetimes in a Sirian body but have chosen to incarnate as an Earth human for a specific purpose, either through birth or as walk-ins.

Then, there are some who come in as emissaries, who have chosen to spend most all their lifetimes in this cycle as Earth humans, and most of them are or have been in the process of being "awakened" by their Sirian guides on other dimensions. These guides are working with the physical beings' Light Bodies as well as their physical, mental, and emotional bodies, to prepare them to come to full consciousness.

Our relationship to the Sirians:
About two million years ago, the Sirians began adding some of their own DNA to the genetic material of Homo Sapiens' forebearers. They helped create the bodies we have now; so genetically, we are almost identical to them. The main physical differences are that Sirians tend to be taller than we are, with larger and more fully-developed brains, and they live much longer than Earth humans. In fact, the Sirian brain has another lobe above the frontal, much like dolphins and whales have. It allows them to have stereoscopic vision: in other words, they can see inside of an object as well as the outside and opposite side in the third dimension.

Also, the Sirians, as well as cetaceans, have tremendous telepathic and psychic abilities. The telepathic communication is focused through the fourth or heart chakra, more so than through the fifth and sixth chakras. This makes the communication much more loving than words or thoughts alone. The Sirians also helped genetically co-create the dolphin/whale forms, and that is one reason many Sirian souls are so attracted to incarnate on Earth as cetaceans. They love to joyfully become their co-creations.
The Sirians who are in etheric or in their native form are now working with many of us not only on activating and opening our five higher inter-planetary chakras and portions of our brains that have been dormant, but they are also working on our genetic structure.

Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand helix from the current double strand. Now for those of us who are adults, our DNA in our bodies will not be changing much. But for those of us who have small children or will have children in the not-too-distant future, the Sirians are working with many of us to actually change the DNA in our ova and sperm. This will then make sure the children are being born with their full 12-strand DNA and automatically already have the infrastructure within their physical bodies for being fully conscious. Therefore, they will not have to be "retro-fitted" like us adults!

The Sirians are members of a large Galactic Federation, and some time before our so-called "recorded history," Earth used to be a part of this Federation also. There are claims that differ from source to source on what happened that caused humans to either leave or be left out of the Federation after some sort of genetic manipulation disaster.

But now, Earth is coming into a great change, and it seems everyone wants to be here to see what happens, some as participants like the Sirians, and some as observers. After the Ascension, Earth will once again be an active member in the Galactic Federation.

The Ascension
This Ascension process can and will manifest in many different ways, and it is up to all of us collectively to decide how and when this occurs. Creating the Ascension starts with each of us, on the inside. The Sirian guides who I know, have stressed to me time and again that the most important thing to do is to go inside our hearts, be open to Love Unconditionally.
The Sirians are working with/as individual human beings first, then are giving us hints as to what's happening, as we meet others and form little groups together that interconnect with one another, and then we begin to share our experiences. Later, this would lead to more conscious understanding of what their/our purpose is in the transformation of planet Earth as it goes into Ascension.

The Ascension will be like a key, opening and anchoring the Light Body with the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, allowing them to integrate and thereby give each individual much greater access to higher dimensions and experiences of Oneness with others. Imagine that! No one would ever have to feel loneliness again! There really would be no "other," because everyone would realize their connection to the whole. Of course, all these things happening would still be the choice of every one. I know what I'm going to choose.

What the future really holds, I don't know, but I envision a great paradigm shift, and a re-birth for Earth and its symbiotic companions that live here physically and in other dimensions. We are all here to experience this fantastic journey, and there are many from other realms, dimensions, universes, and star systems who are here to help us. The Sirians are some of those beings.

They work with some of us on the third dimension in subtle ways that we cannot easily see with our mere five physical senses, and on higher dimensions in more blatant and direct ways, which we still can't perceive unless we have access to those dimensions. Well, we do have access, just not usually in a conscious state. So they often work with us in dream states, when our consciousnesses are not being so affected by our personality and ego filters that make our worlds look as if they are neat little "boxes," where everything either has to fit inside, or else it's not real.

The Sirians have been blasting away at my little "box" for a long time now, and they're beginning to succeed, because I'm finally just beginning to get conscious, but subtle contact with them. And they wouldn't have been able to do any of this to me without my permission, I know this is true. They are helping me so that I can "wake up" and become FULLY CONSCIOUS. They are doing this with many people at this time.

My real life's work, I believe, is to raise my spiritual consciousness, and help others who want to do the same. I believe that is what the Sirians want--for us to raise our spiritual consciousnesses, collectively, so that Earth can return to its former glory, and to re-join the Galactic Federation. I feel that I myself, still have quite a ways to go in accomplishing my goal.


Here is a little poem my Sirian guide Aruna gave me recently, about who we are.


You are a beautiful Ship
Sailing on the infinite Seas
Of Time, Space, and Light.
 You are this great Freedom
Caught in a web of Limitation.
 But look around yourself,
At the bigger picture,
And you will see,
The web is very small,
And you are so Vast!
 Yet, concentrated,
In one small vessel.
 We are all a part of the Great
 Let us join hands,
And make our way back home,
 Just take may hand,
Dear Friend,
With Love in our Hearts,
We find the Light.



in silent mind


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Lori Tostado

The Sirian souls come in many fashions, most as dolphins and whales (the cetaceans), who are the most fully conscious sentient beings on this planet. The reason for this is that as cetaceans, beings don't experience such harsh separation and feelings of isolation from Earth mother and Nature, like humans tend to. Cetaceans are truly the caretakers of the Earth. Humans were meant to share in this role of caring for the Earth and all of life on and in it, but most humans have been "asleep" for a very long time now, and are rapidly destroying themselves as well as Earth and Nature. The Sirians, along with many others, are here to help us change that.

Another way the Sirians appear in physical form on Earth are as human "starseeds," those who have spent most of their lifetimes in a Sirian body but have chosen to incarnate as an Earth human for a specific purpose, either through birth or as walk-ins.

Then, there are some who come in as emissaries, who have chosen to spend most all their lifetimes in this cycle as Earth humans, and most of them are or have been in the process of being "awakened" by their Sirian guides on other dimensions. These guides are working with the physical beings' Light Bodies as well as their physical, mental, and emotional bodies, to prepare them to come to full consciousness.

Our relationship to the Sirians:
About two million years ago, the Sirians began adding some of their own DNA to the genetic material of Homo Sapiens' forebearers. They helped create the bodies we have now; so genetically, we are almost identical to them. The main physical differences are that Sirians tend to be taller than we are, with larger and more fully-developed brains, and they live much longer than Earth humans. In fact, the Sirian brain has another lobe above the frontal, much like dolphins and whales have. It allows them to have stereoscopic vision: in other words, they can see inside of an object as well as the outside and opposite side in the third dimension. Also, the Sirians, as well as cetaceans, have tremendous telepathic and psychic abilities. The telepathic communication is focused through the fourth or heart chakra, more so than through the fifth and sixth chakras. This makes the communication much more loving than words or thoughts alone. The Sirians also helped genetically co-create the dolphin/whale forms, and that is one reason many Sirian souls are so attracted to incarnate on Earth as cetaceans. They love to joyfully become their co-creations.
The Sirians who are in etheric or in their native form are now working with many of us not only on activating and opening our five higher inter-planetary chakras and portions of our brains that have been dormant, but they are also working on our genetic structure. Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand helix from the current double strand. Now for those of us who are adults, our DNA in our bodies will not be changing much. But for those of us who have small children or will have children in the not-too-distant future, the Sirians are working with many of us to actually change the DNA in our ova and sperm. This will then make sure the children are being born with their full 12-strand DNA and automatically already have the infrastructure within their physical bodies for being fully conscious. Therefore, they will not have to be "retro-fitted" like us adults!

The Sirians are members of a large Galactic Federation, and some time before our so-called "recorded history," Earth used to be a part of this Federation also. There are claims that differ from source to source on what happened that caused humans to either leave or be left out of the Federation after some sort of genetic manipulation disaster. But now, Earth is coming into a great change, and it seems everyone wants to be here to see what happens, some as participants like the Sirians, and some as observers. After the Ascension, Earth will once again be an active member in the Galactic Federation.

The Ascension
This Ascension process can and will manifest in many different ways, and it is up to all of us collectively to decide how and when this occurs. Creating the Ascension starts with each of us, on the inside. The Sirian guides who I know, have stressed to me time and again that the most important thing to do is to go inside our hearts, be open to Love Unconditionally.
The Sirians are working with/as individual human beings first, then are giving us hints as to what's happening, as we meet others and form little groups together that interconnect with one another, and then we begin to share our experiences. Later, this would lead to more conscious understanding of what their/our purpose is in the transformation of planet Earth as it goes into Ascension. The Ascension will be like a key, opening and anchoring the Light Body with the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, allowing them to integrate and thereby give each individual much greater access to higher dimensions and experiences of Oneness with others. Imagine that! No one would ever have to feel loneliness again! There really would be no "other," because everyone would realize their connection to the whole. Of course, all these things happening would still be the choice of every one. I know what I'm going to choose.

What the future really holds, I don't know, but I envision a great paradigm shift, and a re-birth for Earth and its symbiotic companions that live here physically and in other dimensions. We are all here to experience this fantastic journey, and there are many from other realms, dimensions, universes, and star systems who are here to help us. The Sirians are some of those beings. They work with some of us on the third dimension in subtle ways that we cannot easily see with our mere five physical senses, and on higher dimensions in more blatant and direct ways, which we still can't perceive unless we have access to those dimensions. Well, we do have access, just not usually in a conscious state. So they often work with us in dream states, when our consciousnesses are not being so affected by our personality and ego filters that make our worlds look as if they are neat little "boxes," where everything either has to fit inside, or else it's not real.

The Sirians have been blasting away at my little "box" for a long time now, and they're beginning to succeed, because I'm finally just beginning to get conscious, but subtle contact with them. And they wouldn't have been able to do any of this to me without my permission, I know this is true. They are helping me so that I can "wake up" and become FULLY CONSCIOUS. They are doing this with many people at this time. My real life's work, I believe, is to raise my spiritual consciousness, and help others who want to do the same. I believe that is what the Sirians want--for us to raise our spiritual consciousnesses, collectively, so that Earth can return to its former glory, and to re-join the Galactic Federation. I feel that I myself, still have quite a ways to go in accomplishing my goal.

Here is a little poem my Sirian guide Aruna gave me recently, about who we are.

You are a beautiful Ship
Sailing on the infinite Seas
Of Time, Space, and Light.
You are this great Freedom
Caught in a web of Limitation.
But look around yourself,
At the bigger picture,
And you will see,
The web is very small,
And you are so Vast!
Yet, concentrated,
In one small vessel.
We are all a part of the Great
Let us join hands,
And make our way back home,
Just take may hand,
Dear Friend,
With Love in our Hearts,
We find the Light.
in silent mind



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