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Veröffentlicht am Mai 24, 2012

Dear Ones,
We come with very important news that we wish to share. The alignment of your beloved Mother Earth with the Moon, the Sun and the Pleiades has instigated an enormous transformation. Many among you can’t recall it but you have been transmuted to the Fifth Dimension together with your planet. It implied an enormous transfer which required lots of assistance from us in order to let it all proceed smoothly and softly. It may sound incredible like in a dream but I can assure you it was for real.

We did not plan to make it happen so soon but due to unforseen circumstances we considered the Solar Eclipse the most opportune timeframe to work cooperatively with the most powerful energies of the Pleiades. And I can assure you it was a complete success.Everyone has undergone a kind of transformation after which some of you had to return and others were allowed to stay in their new Home-world. Not everyone has ascended to the Fifth Dimension as there are still lots of unawakened ones and even the awakened ones are still needed here to fulfill specific missions they agreed to accomplish as stated in their soul contracts.

Amongst the Lightworkers are many who had to return to further be of assistance. They were not too thrilled they had to come back as they so yearned to stay in their new Home-world. To those I say : please be aware that your return has everything to do with your soul contracts made prior to this incarnation. It is of essential importance that you stay and help with the awakening process of the world population and to be of assistance in this regard. That’s why you incarnated in the first place. The ones who ascended to the Fifth Dimension and did not come back are the souls who have never ever had gone through an Ascension process. Most of the Lightworkers have already experienced Ascension in a previous incarnation and have returned to undergo Ascension again to assist Mother Earth and the unawakened Humanity to increase the frequencies to assist with their subsequent Ascension process.

There will be other opportunities to Ascend as it implies various phases. All in all it is a never ending process because you keep on ascending into eternity. There is still time left on Earth to further more awakenings of the people and that’s the main reason why you had to return to the Third Dimensional world. Don’t worry, everyone will have the opportunity to Ascend : the still unawakened souls as well as the awakened ones. All will arrive in due time and we will proceed in waves of groups to ensure the most comfortable Ascension process. You will feel deep inside whether you were present during this Solar Eclipse or not : the memory of it will surface shortly and we will be there to assist you with all your questions. Everyone will eventually Ascend : this is the Plan!

It’s only a matter of “time”. When we reach the end of this year there will be another Wave of Ascension and that one will introduce the new world to you. Up until that time there will be ample opportunities to help awaken others and help them with their Ascension. All souls who haven’t gotten to the point of Ascension by the end of this year will receive another opportunity to do so at a much later time. By the end of this year the worlds of the Third Dimension and that of the Fifth Dimension will be split apart whereas now they still are intertwined. That’s why it will feel as if your soul is shifting between both worlds as you can encounter yourself in the Fifth Dimensional Earth.

We, and by that I mean the Arcturians and I have been busy lately with your Ascension and together with all other Galactic Brothers and Archangels and many Ascended Masters were able to steer the entire Ascension process harmoniously forward. This aspect has consciously been withheld from channelers and lightworkers as revealing it might have stirred anxiety in you. And by not telling you there was not a single distortion or intervention. We are sorry that we did not share this with you as we wanted to, but it was omitted with your best interest at heart. We all have come so much closer now and have even become more visible to some of you who have already seen us. Know in your heart that we are always there for you and we love to answer all your questions and to assist you, for we love each and everyone of you. Let this info now sink into your mind as this will be necessary in order to comprehend it all more clearly and you will see that your memories of this process will return. Only fear could permanently block those memories. So please release all your fears and don’t take them for granted because they do not even exist! Think of your new world in the Fifth Dimension and your memories of this world will smoothly return to you for you have been there to return here for just a little while longer.

We love you All.
I AM Saint Germain.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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Goddess, the Divine Feminine
Reposted from The Awakening Website



Venus - Goddess of Love

In Astronomy, an eclipse occurs whenever an astronomical object passes in front of another. But a planetary eclipse of the Sun can only occur with Mercury and Venus because they are the only planets that can position themselves between Earth and the Sun.
The planet Venus is our sister planet - our feminine other half. While the frequencies <In Astronomy, an eclipse occurs whenever an astronomical object passes in front of another. But a planetary eclipse of the Sun can only occur with Mercury and Venus because they are the only planets that can position themselves between Earth and the Sun.> of the Earth are primarily masculine, those of Venus are higher and more feminine. Moving slightly faster than Earth, she revolves in the opposite direction.
In Greek mythology, Venus is represented as Aphrodite who is one of twelve great gods called the Olympians. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of Love, Grace and Beauty. With the exception of the Sun and the Moon, she is the brightest object in the sky.
When Venus is following the Sun, she is known in Latin as Vesperus, the evening star. But, when she precedes the Sun, she is known as Luciferus, the morning star. The Latin word Lucifer, which is mentioned only once in the Bible, simply means ‘bringer of the dawn.’
To the ancient Maya and the Aztecs, the god Xolotl was the evening star and his brother Quetzalcoatl was the morning star. The Maya and the Aztecs prophecy that, one day, the god Quetzalcoatl will return to the Earth from Venus.
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. Revelation 22:16
The Maya are a culture that studied the long cycles of vibration on the Earth. To do this, they used various calendars, the most famous of which is a 260 day calendar called the Tzolk’in. There are various theories as to what the Maya were tracking with the Tzolk’in calendar. It is at the very center of their calendar system. It’s what connects all of the calendars together. They operate together like the gears in a wrist watch.
Keith M. Hunter is an independent researcher with degrees in both Psychology and Sociology. In his book, titled The Lost Age of High Knowledge, he explains the mathematics behind the Tzolk’in calendar and how it was used to track the orbits of Venus, the goddess of Love.[ii]
Transits of Venus occur only once in a human lifetime, for a period of eight years. So they are a rare astronomical phenomena. The last eight-year cycle came to a completion in the year 1882. We are now in the midst of another cycle, one that began in the year 2004 and completes midway through this 2012 year.
During a cycle of Venus transits, she shares the same orbit with the Earth. They effectively become one planet. But what is most interesting is that, in their shared orbit, these two planets together trace out the shape of a pentagram around the Sun - a five-pointed star.
The pentagram has long been misunderstood as a symbol of evil because, if it is placed with its single point downward, it represents the rule of matter over Spirit;. But, in ancient Hermeticism;, if it is placed with its single point upward, it is sacred geometry; that represents the guidance of matter by Spirit; the unification of Man and God.


Venus Transits 2004-2012

The Maya were tracking Venus transits because, during each eight-year cycle of transits, the rays of the Sun focus her heightened frequencies intensely upon the Earth. This produces an expansion of human consciousness;.
When consciousness expands, it does so according to the Fibonacci sequence; of the numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. Each number in this sequence is the sum of the previous two. When the sum is divided by the previous number, the result is 1.61803, or Phi. This ratio describes the proportions of everything from atoms to planets. It correlates to growth and harmonic cycles. It is the formula that all of nature relies on to maintain balance.
The Fibonacci sequence also relates to 137.5 degrees, or the sacred Golden Angle. This can be seen in the tip of plants, around which grow bumps called primordia. The measurement between these primordia is always the Golden Angle.
But the most fascinating display of the Fibonacci sequence can be found in waves and spirals, such as pine cones, pineapples and nautilus shells - even in the DNA molecule So our brain waves also follow the numbers in this sequence. Delta brain waves average around 3 Hz, Theta brain waves average around 5 Hz, Alpha waves average around 8 Hz, and Beta waves average around 13 Hz. When our brain is sending out Beta waves, we are fully conscious, awake and aware.
How you have fallen from heaven, Morning Star, son of the Dawn! Isaiah 14:12
This summer provides for two eclipses that involve the Moon. The first of these occurs on May 20. This will create an alignment of the Moon with the Earth, the Sun and the stars in the Pleiades - the Seven Sisters It is the Pleiades star system that contains the sun around which our own sun revolves. The second eclipse occurs on June 4.
The second eclipse of the Moon is concurrent with the completion of the cycle of the transits of Venus, which occurs the following day, on June 5. As Venus passes between the Sun and the Earth, she will create a third eclipse. This third eclipse will cause a grand alignment of immense power between Venus, the Earth, the Sun and the Moon.
There is a cycle of conjunctions between Venus and the Earth, which is almost exactly 2,000 years in duration.[iii] So, as Venus completes her current eight-year cycle of transits, these two planets will finally advance to a position where they will trace out the exact same shape of a pentagram, in the exact same location in the sky as the one they formed together 2,000 years ago, during the time of Jesus - the first arrival of the Christ mind.
This is the time when the frequency of the Earth, itself, is predicted to reach an average of 13 Hz, the next number in the Fibonacci sequence. During an eclipse, something dies while something else is born. This will be the return of the Goddess

Nature by Numbers

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Posted: 30 May 2012 04:37 AM PDT
Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you.

I have relocated home and office to facilitate the expansion of the Office of the PMG and establish the Council as established in the Treaty for the Americas on the web site.
I can tell you that we now have a new banking system that will operate through the postal system and allows us to discharge debt and returns the value to the people. This has been accepted in Switzerland and is being established as we speak.

The Office of the Postmaster General, Divine Province has been recognized by the United Nations as a free and sovereign entity, as have I and the men and women who now make up the Council.
We now have a new web master who will be taking over these web sites and will operate right from the Office of the Postmaster General to give you all of the assistance that you want, need and diserve. I apologize for my negligence in responding to your needs and questions, but, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. All that we have all envisioned is coming to pass.

We have a new banking system that will allow us to dscharge debt. We now have 700 trillion dollars with which to fund the new global economic system that will absolutely eliminate world hunger and homelessness in a very short time frame. We are already well into our plans, and now have full funding, to create transitions centers that will include the newest technolgy avalible in the universe to heal Mother Earth and all of mankind. This is happening right NOW!

We have been in personal communication with the direct representratives of the Agarthians of inner earth as well as the Ets, both who are supporting us in many ways. We have been in personal communications this past 2 weeks with Kings and Presidents of the world and have had nearly constant contact with the most influential people in the world of banking as well as the military.

I can assure you that the arrests will take place! This will be a summer to remember for generations to come.
We are establishing a major training and healing center right now and have the funding to establish these around the world. Please watch our web site for further updates as we will be posting opportunities as they come available. Please do not flood me with requests as I cannot take resumes at this time but soon after the new web master gets here we will be doing just that.

Love and Light, James Thomas McBride Postmaster General, Divine Province

James Thomas | Columbus, OH 43228

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December 27, 2011
I AM Sanat Kumara.

I have come today, as always, at the end of the annual cycle in order to give the necessary comprehension of the further Path. In order to strengthen you on your Path and to bring home to your external consciousness those points which you need for your further advancement.

Thus, today we will continue the talk about the Path of Initiations. About how this Path of Initiations of your time differs from the Path of Initiations which was known to humanity in ages past.

You know that in the past times only a very small percent of the incarnated humanity had a notion about the Path of Initiations and had access to the knowledge that is necessary on this Path.

Now the time has changed. Now humanity is on the cusp of the new stage of its development. And greater openness and greater freedom are characteristic of this stage first of all. And we come and give you the knowledge, which was hidden from humanity under the veil of secrecy just a while ago, openly and freely.

The time has come when almost all the knowledge is available and accessible on the bookshelves and in the Internet.

However, the peculiarity of the coming age is connected with the fact that the true knowledge opens to people similarly as the knowledge and the information which are not true but which are the fruit of the mental speculation and consideration of the carnal mind.

Divine wisdom and speculations of the carnal mind are lying side by side on the shelves of bookshops, and then they move to the bookshelves that you have at home.

How safe is it for the development of your souls, and is it reasonable in terms of evolution?

Let us turn to an example.

Small children are protected by their parents against any false step and any threatening danger. Matches, prickly and sharp things are taken away from them, so that they could not hurt themselves. And then the moment comes when the children grow up and start their exploration of the surrounding world. In this case, it is more difficult for the parents to control their children because they come out in the street, go to school and come onto the Internet. What they see and face there slips their parents' attention.

Now the moment has come when humanity grows out of its childish state of consciousness and moves to the world of adults.

However, not everything in this world conforms to the Divine patterns. And many things are right the opposite to the Divine world.

How can one make a distinction and discern?

Wise parents do not hasten to familiarise their children with the wonders of modern technologies or with the achievements of modern civilization. Wise parents, first of all, try to give their children the idea of the moral law and of the inner guidelines. Wise parents hasten to provide their children with the wisdom of the heart. Then, when a person has the right guidelines within himself, they will lead him through life as a sound of a tuning fork. And what is not consonant with the sound of the tuning fork of his heart will go past his external consciousness without leaving a trace in his soul.

Buddha goes through life quietly, not noticed by anybody, and no mud of life is attached to the golden robe of his aura.

Likewise, we try to give you the right guidelines that will lead you through your life, showing the direction and protecting you. Then, when there is a sensation of reality, Divinity, within you, everything that is less than the Divine perfection will go past your consciousness, leaving no traces in it. And you will aspire to your Victory, to your Freedom from the chains of matter.

Those human individuals, who do not have that feeling of the Divine that sounds like a tuning fork within them, are forced to learn their lessons of life in order to gain that distinction and comprehension that are needed for further evolution. And life offers rich and diverse material for your development.

The refinement of the illusion and of its facets makes you develop your distinction and gain merits on this path of distinction.

There are also other people, who do not wish to burden themselves with any effort, who see the surrounding world only as a source of satisfaction of their desires and needs.

Well, this group of people is also given an opportunity to satisfy all their desires and all their aspirations. In order that once, having been tired of the race for knick-knacks and pleasures, they could stop and raise their look towards timeless reality.

There is a definite amount of time in order for each human individual to reach the border beyond which the real world of God begins. Everyone is given a chance.

And all opportunities are open in your time.

All the processes are accelerating. Including the processes of your choices.

And when you persist and continue wandering about the illusion, choosing one toy after another, while it is time for you to start doing the deeds of the adults, you will be pointed out your mistakes and errors. First, in a mild way and then in a clearer and a more insistent way.

Everyone is given a chance.

Everyone is shown the Path.

And if you were not so involved in your illusory processes and could observe your life from a higher visual angle, you would be able to understand and to perceive how carefully your souls are protected.

However, there is the law of free will that inviolably governs in this universe and on your planet. And none of the Ascended Masters can help you if of your own free will have you been choosing the world liable to decay from embodiment to embodiment, for tens and hundreds of thousands of years.

Sooner or later the term of the experiments in the earthly reality will be over for those individuals. And like pupils left back in school they will be forced to continue their education but in another reality. Millions and billions of years of evolution will be provided for them again.

For those, who heed our guidance, the days of staying in the illusory world will be reduced. Unprecedented opportunities are opening up for you, for your spiritual growth and advancement along the path of evolution that the Ascended Masters, the Masters of Wisdom, teach.

We are always beside you at the most slippery parts of the Path. Just wish and you will be able to start communicating with us directly.

You just need a skill to leave the surrounding illusion for the Divine reality. And nothing is needed for that except for your inner efforts. Like sportsmen train their physical muscles in order to win the competition, you need to train the muscles of your soul in order to achieve your Victory on the Path of Initiations.

Your aspiration and your daily spiritual practices with our help will inevitably raise you to the next evolutionary stage.

I was happy to give you my helping hand today and to give the right direction to your aspirations.
I AM Sanat Kumara. Om.
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
Translator Ekaterina Reznichenko


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"Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved.
You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved." ~Osho

The Universe has a way of teaching us in the most mysterious ways. Throughout your life, you’ve most likely encountered experiences which made you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, or disappointed on some level. Then, just when you thought all hope was lost, some act of grace happened and life turned your situation around. You then experienced a feeling of relief, satisfaction, joy or just felt things were lighter for you in some way. Life is very intentional in the way its pendulum swings. When we get to taste sour lemons, it makes the lemonade even more succulent and sweet.

The grand diversity of experiences that life provides for you is what causes your soul to grow and evolve. We can only form a desire to move towards a higher experience of love, freedom, joy or compassion when we are wallowing deep in the trenches of our emotional pig pen. The secret to having compassion within yourself is knowing this emotional pendulum is natural and will persist throughout your existence. It is a tremendous blessing in that it causes your soul to discover what true freedom really is. When being faced with choosing love over fear everyday, the soul is forced to look deeper inside and uncover the eternal essence of your being. This essence is what's truly satisfying to the sweet and sour experiences life brings.

When you can release your personal attachment to where your pendulum is currently at in the swing, you'll discover a state of deep self acceptance at the root of your being. This very root is where compassion abides. This is an effortless state of love for yourself, the world, and everyone in your life as they are. It is complete mastery of life. This internal heaven yields a feeling of completion within yourself that is like nothing else you've ever experienced before. The deepest acceptance of life is the feeling of perpetual bliss. Happiness, joy and freedom all stem from this root of bliss, and happens for those who are willing to wait for eternity for it. When you stop rushing through life to get somewhere and simply relax into every single experience that arises, you'll soon discover the greatest compassion has already found you!

To master compassion is to master yourself. Self mastery always starts and ends with a deep curiosity about who you are. Imagine what your life would look like to always be loving and accepting of yourself, others and the world as it is. This does not mean to bury your head in the sand when you see fowl play or injustice. True compassion is much smarter than that. Real compassion understands why human beings do the things they do, and knows that you would have done the exact same thing if you were born inside their body and brain as a baby. To reach this level of emotional understanding of others is essential for true compassion to take root, and the first step to being free from any future form of suffering.

"My understanding is that whatsoever is given to you is precious. If it was not so, existence would not have given it to you." ~Osho

To live in a perpetual state of compassion is to be free from the judgmental mind that says this is right and that is wrong. Compassion sees the global picture, knowing the Universe is ultimately in charge and the ego is just a little pawn. Compassion is what allows you to master your life, and once you master it everyday becomes an easier ride downhill into the divine. It is the most sacred energy because it doesn�t care who or what is right or wrong, how others should or shouldn�t be, or what outcome needs to happen or not happen. It�s an energy born from love, rooted in freedom, energized by lightness, and bound by no laws. It is bliss itself and is your natural state of being.

To begin practicing compassion with everyone you meet, start redirecting your attention as frequently as possible to the most loving, accepting, timeless, light, or spacious energy that has no judgment about anything. When you discover this feeling stay there as long as you can. This is the fuel for compassion to opens the door for divine bliss to enter. When you realize how good it actually feels, you'll spend more time being curious about how to be more compassionate. You'll devote your enter life to seeking the source of bliss, knowing it comes from accepting all beings as they are, in whatever way they temporarily show up.

The source of compassion is unlimited, and this bliss arises naturally from it. When it engages your mind completely, you won't have to try to be friendly, polite or loving with others anymore. You'll naturally have a lighter response to those challenging situations, people, thoughts, and emotions inside. You'll have discovered your own source of freedom. You may even look forward to the next challenging person as your next new opportunity to test your level of lightness and compassionate mastery. You'll find a way to use every experience that arises to bring more awareness forth, to transcend old karmic habits you've had for lifetimes.

"That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance?" ~Rabindranth Tagore

One of the greatest secret to summoning compassion into your life begins with self forgiveness. After forgiving yourself and those with whom you're holding any heaviness inside, you can instantly access a higher energy and consciousness. Forgiveness is not something you can wait to happen to you, you must dig deep down into your emotional mire and give it to yourself. Don't wait another day of your life. Give this gift to yourself before you fall asleep tonight. Forgive yourself for any past drama and whatever "wrong" acts you did the past 20+ years.

Think about everyone you need to forgive on the smallest level and tell them you're sorry, you love them, you're thankful for them, and ask to be forgiven. Allow grace to take over you. Let a soft, sensitive, sweet, lightness to penetrate your heart and enter your bones. By forgiving yourself on the inner world, others will naturally fall into this energy and forgive you on the outer world. By living in the habit of constant forgiveness you’ll naturally respond to others with more lightness and compassion. When this becomes your normal everyday way of being, you've found the golden key to self mastery.

Forgiving yourself on the deepest levels takes everything you've got. It is by far the greatest act of compassion one can ever achieve in life. Perhaps you've heard the saying that one must walk a mile in another man's shoes to understand him. Well, try going back in time in your own shoes, visiting yourself throughout your entire life, and see if there's any more room for just one more ounce of gentleness that you could receive.

Remember that the others you meet along your journey are just reflections of yourself, so how they are treating you on your inner world is how you're treating yourself. By going on a deep meditation journey inside, you'll bring about total inner healing and discover your life's true mission. As you let go of your ego's need to be right and step into the feeling of forgiveness, you find that deep peace is much more satisfying than being right. The relinquished ego instantly brings about the natural sweetness of your life and gives rise to an eternal spring of compassion.

The sweet source of forgiveness is not hard to find. It is closer to you than your next breath of air. Simply hold tight onto the intention that you are worth forgiving. Give yourself full permission to let go of ANY fixed idea you have about who you are or were. The soul you really are is indescribable and undefinable. Nothing can pinpoint exactly with words what you always were and forever will be. You are pure consciousness within a highly ordered chaos of perpetually changing energy. You are too mysterious to held down by any one limiting thought or idea. Certainly a negative feeling or judgment about yourself is not big enough to contain the vast truth about who you truly are.

The most enlightened way of living your life is to be free from the mind and the thoughts it formulates. Choose to be free from everything that comes into the mind. By simply making this freedom a priority, you will soon rise above the mind and see through all the subtle slippery good/bad judgments it tends to fixate on. A soul who is free from its mind soon becomes a master, and forgiveness is the super highway home. The insights and inspiration you'll receive from this path will liberate you and reveal the most enlightened loving self you truly are inside.

"Awareness is ever there. It need not be realized. Open the shutter of the mind, and it will be flooded with light." ~ Nisargadatta

The last great secret to becoming a master of compassion is taking a trip down the spiritual path of surrender. Surrender means to give into your experience of life, whatever it is... don't fight it, just give into it, let go and become it. Surrender to whatever experience is here now. Give in to this sweet ever-present unbounded Universe around you, open your heart to the divine infinite reality and all that it contains. Be completely willing to be present to whatever shows up in the moment. With this approach your heart naturally welcomes every thing, thought, person and feeling with deep acceptance. There is no greater source of peace to be found.

True surrender is the deepest form of trust we can have. It is meeting life with effortlessness, and reveals a goldmine of bliss hidden inside you. Surrender naturally occurs when you understand that life is conscious, intelligent and here to help you evolve. So surrender your ego's fight to fix your problems and its ongoing effort to figure out your solutions. When you truly give up, you give in and the real answers come flooding! When you surrender to that which does not change, and is forever here now, it will instantly reveal the most spiritually awakened being inside you.

Your ability to let go and surrender is actually what measures how evolved of a soul you are. It tells you what level of mastery you've reached thus far. The more you can trust and surrender, the less the ego is in charge. Surrender opens all the doors to finding love so you can access the highest realms of bliss. It allows the mind to go beyond the duality of right/wrong and good/bad and transcend human suffering. It is the doorway to bliss and the golden key to your awakening.

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 Not long after giving birth to my son, I received my first visit from Mother Mary. She arrived on a sunny day in May, signaling the end of my spiritual slumber and the beginning of my quest to “find myself again“. That morning, one of my friends-another new mom-offered to babysit.

 I headed off for a much needed beach fix, and it didn’t take long before the warmth of the sun and the rhythm of the waves swept me away to to a place of serenity and bliss. Maybe I had been in the water too long, or better yet, maybe my Team was done with my being sidetracked with Earthly preoccupations. But I checked out as soon as I lay down on my blanket in the sand and was quickly ‘taken away’.

 It was then that I saw her. She was standing effortlessly on the surface of the ocean, just a few feet from the shore. I was fascinated. I can’t remember everything about her appearance, but I do recall that she wore a sheer white veil dusted with sparkly lights that fell over her long dark hair. She held her hands out in front of her, palms facing upwards, with a slender necklace dangling from the fingers of her left hand. Because of my altered state of awareness, I knew who she was. “Child of Grace”, she said. And then I realized that, ethereally speaking, the delicate choker of pearls she’d been holding was now around my neck.

♥ The details after that point are fuzzy. I do remember that she said it was time for me to rediscover who I am, and that raising my child is the very thing that I had come to Earth to do. In other words; playtime is over and it’s time to get down to business! She explained that in the coming years I would face may challenges to my faith, and there would be people I would meet who would try to deter me from my path and make me question myself and my life’s purpose. Nothing, she said, absolutely nothing was more important than my role as his mother.

That and reclaiming my own Divinity. She told me that whenever I felt lost or confused, that I should remove one of the tiny pearls from the choker and deeply meditate with it. The answer would come to me. She was right about the fact that there would be a lot out there to distract me, and for a long time I did as she instructed and utilized her beautiful gift. I meditated daily, uncovered memories and missing pieces of my story, getting additional verification for every one. I quizzed my little son about his past life experiences, and to my delight he actually remembered!

 But those distractions she warned me about took their toll, and eventually I spent less and less time going within and more time dealing with the drama of 3D Earth. Mary’s appearance on the beach was in 1995, and I would not see her again until much later (as in…last week). Just like before, it seems like nothing will ever be the same again.

♥ This time I was in that wonderfully receptive, half-sleep state when she came to me. I’m guessing it was about 4 a.m. or so, and I 




  heard a woman’s voice say “Grace. Lady of Grace”. This time I felt, rather than saw, her. But her presence was unmistakeable. “Child, I am your Mother Mary, Star of the Sea, Light of the Heavens. Blessings to you”. Star of the Sea? Oh, yes, the name she says that in my “reality” I prefer to call her. Now I remember…

 The beach, the necklace, it all came rushing back! She explained to me that Lady of Grace is another name I have gone by, simply that, and the manner of reference that she prefers. She had come today with a message for me to deliver to anyone out there who cared to listen, and that she also would be coming back to me with many more. While short in duration, I think you all may enjoy and benefit from what she had to say, and she did request I share it. So here we go. My very first transmission from our lovely Mother Mary…

“Something quite magical is happening to you at this time, my dearest, dearest Children. You know this to be so. You are becoming whole again. You are in the process of integrating the Self which has existed always and in all time, but that the human form has been as yet unable to contain. This is no longer so. It is time for you to become whole once more. For you wear many hats and live in truth as complex and mutifaceted expressions, as highly polished as the most impeccable of diamonds.

Never doubt this. Do not say ‘This can’t be true! I am unworthy”. No. No more of this, as it hardly becomes a beloved creation and reflection of myself and The Father. Do not fall into the trap of defining yourselves by your human experience, by what you deem mistakes and failures. They are not mistakes and failures and they are not who you are. They are not who We made you to be. You may think you don’t remember who you are, but alas, you do. You may think you do not hear the songs of the angels, but you do.

 Reach deep within your heart and read the story of your life. Do as I instructed Grace those many years ago, and begin a Holy quest to know your own Divinty. The nudgings are not false. There is no more accurate information than that which you obtain yourself. The telepathic gifts are already yours. The dreams, words or names which repeat themselves, locations you are drawn to, talents, obsessions, all are clues.

Follow the breadcrumbs. Obtain validation if you must, but seek. Humility is fine, but do not ever doubt that you are perfection. Have confidence and partake of this rarest of opportunities, available only here in human incarnation the journey of rediscovery. Enjoy the adventure! The suffocating veil of secrecy is falling away now, bit by bit, and as it does it is revealing to you the pathway home. And at it’s end, I shall be waiting. And so it is and thus it shall be.”


Copyright©Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


source: by theangeldiaries

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in Ron's Channeled Messages 




 This morning we will speak of the progress being made, which you so eagerly await. Many envision a huge, almost cataclysmic occurrence. But the most powerful energy of manifestation on your planet right now has become that of you lightworkers as you unite your intentions.

On the fifth and twentieth of this month, huge numbers of you united in envisioning a smooth and peaceful transition into your new world. We were more than overjoyed and joined you in this effort. Not only was the effort a success, dear friends, but the transition has begun. Each successive wave of the incoming energies is lifting your frequencies so much now that your effect upon the whole is increasing and unstoppable. It is overflowing and finding its own to unite with.

If one of you is still isolated, we assure you it will not remain so. In fact, if you are reading this, consider yourself within the reach of our voice. You are needed where you are now to keep the new energy grid intact. Soon you will be able to move freely. We ask your patience a little longer.

The ‘house of cards’ is weakening so much now that there is a deal of crumbling from within. The foundation is washing out, and soon the whole will collapse very quickly. Maintain your focus when that happens. Its replacement will emerge immediately.

We ask that you keep your focus on that happy occurrence. We walk with you now. The intricate planning for this time is well in hand. If you can maintain your calm focus, the changes will seem to occur in the blink of an eye. Your complete freedom is about to be restored to you, something which has not been experienced here for many thousands of years.

Be at peace, beloveds, and in patient, grateful anticipation. Keep yourselves centered and grounded and we will speak with you tomorrow.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

source: | Tags: Channeling, Frequency>;, Light, Love, Michael, New World, Power | by Oracles and Healers

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in Ron's Channeled Messages

 Our topic today will be the willingness of your societies to sacrifice the lives of your young ones to accomplish the goals of the elites. Long years ago, young men were forced to serve in armies to keep themselves and their families safe and fed.

Over the centuries the elites have learned to enlist the willingness of both the young and their families for the same purposes. First they invent ways to portray the intended enemy as fearsome and malevolent, then they reluctantly produce plans and means to keep you safe by attacking those imagined enemies. If necessary, they have many times staged events to ignite retaliatory fervor in the mass consciousness. They have done this so often now that it goes almost unquestioned by the majority of their populations.

Today however, their frantic need to ignite a massive conflict has resulted in their making no effort at all to secure the approval of the populace. It appears as though they are willing to start a conflict which could easily escalate into a world-wide war even though it is obvious that their citizens are sick of all the killing and the devastation of the planet. Their motives and methods having been exposed, they rush blindly ahead with no regard to the wishes of those they pretend to serve. It is obvious to them that they, after all, know what is best.

Be not in fear, dear ones. The time of such chicanery is past. They know well, for they have been told, that such machinations will not be allowed. Yet they will continue such attempts to their last gasp. They have already been thwarted over and over, yet they seem to believe they just need to try harder. All they are succeeding at is exposing themselves for what they have always been.

We are not asking for revolution nor confrontation, dear ones. We are promising you that the combined intent of yourselves and those on our side of the remaining shreds of veil will result in their efforts dissolving into nothing. We have shown them over and over that the time for such things is now past. It shall not be.

Join together in groups large and small, as you have learned to do, and focus intently on the peaceful and free world you have decreed, and this is what will be delivered unto you. Love your world, love yourselves, and love your neighbors and the killing will cease. It is time. Bring the love and the power of your Creator to bear and create the world you desire. Your gift to the universe will be a planet forever at peace, increasing in beauty, and shining its love throughout the heavens.

Be now the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave. Dare to love your world.
We are everywhere with you, bonding our hearts to yours. Feel our presence and be at peace. We will speak with you tomorrow.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

  source : | Tags: Channeling, Love, Michael, New World, Peace | by Oracles and Healers

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 Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012

Dearest ones,
we are the Arcturians!
It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of your reality. Yes, all shifts always start on the level of thought, a thought that has being dreamed in the Heart of God. From there all truly Divine projects of creation are being initiated, and then all the other chain reactions are following, down to the level where the initial thought has been aiming towards.

This process of creation is now manifesting increasingly on your world, and many of you have been feeling the new great waves of light which have been arriving in the recent days and which still continue to arrive. They are the messengers not only of your shifting consciousness, but also of the shifting of your bodies and the shifting of Gaia’s body. This shifting will continue also in other areas of your life, so that your daily routine might be disturbed by these changes.

However do not think that there will be one major catastrophic event leading to the total destruction of your world. Yes, there will be disturbances in all kind of areas of your life, but if you have been preparing, you will find ways and the strength how to manage changes and transitory events who require to let go what has been familiar to you.

You see, changes in your outer world are just that, changes which do not touch what YOU yourself are. However, as long as you identify with outer appearances solely, when they are changing, it is difficult to accept this with a serene mind, as you are convinced in this case, that YOU yourself are being undermined and deprived somehow of parts of yourself, whereas in truth it is only about your familiarity with habits and environments.

Therefore It is important, that you are centered in yourself, in the heart of your very being and not allow changing circumstances to take away your equanimity. Trust in a shift that happens in a way that it is benign for you. Remember, everything is possible, and if you connect yourself with Gaia, being grounded in her and one with her in your heart, she will find ways to gently provide protection and fulfill your needs.

At the same time, it is important, that you learn to let go of your 3dimensional world as being your undoubting reality, whereas it is only an unhappy dream in a low density. While you let go, you are free to dream your new Divine world and to free yourself from the errors of what you are not.

Your new reality in the higher dimensions will be very different, and what is now still a matter of course, will be gone completely. So be prepared to be willing to let go, what you still consider to be so called “necessities”. This is not about a world that collapses and is waiting to be rebuilt with the old same parameters like in your past. This is about the arising of a completely new world.

Naturally, when you are willing to let go the signs of your present world as being irreplaceable because you do not want to hold on to a fading false world, you are already on your way to dream your new world without limitations, - in the most ideal case. Because if you do not impose any limitation on your deepest heart desires how your new world should look like, miraculous things can happen.

We recommend therefore that you, if you have not yet done so, practice daily and center yourself in your feeling heart and observe and understand that the things around you do not really belong to you, they never did. Let go of all ideas of “having”, but concentrate on “being”. And while you allow the feeling of being to expand, start dreaming your new world, a world which will be much lighter and vibrant, where all the things and objects, you are now clinging to, cannot exist anymore, because of a new and higher vibration!

Start preparing yourself now for the great transition, and in case you experience disruptions in your daily life, do not hold on to what once was functioning so far. Do not try to recreate the old. Let it go. Be creative and put all your energy and heart in new ways of living, working and cooperating with one another.

Remember, that in the first place your own vibration will be changed and increased, and with that you would not be happy with anything you presently enjoy and play with. The massive energy waves and light are there to be received by you to increase your own vibration and light quotient. This is the fundamental work you need to do, to go as easily as possible through the coming changes. The light is altering your consciousness, and with a new consciousness your view of the world and your understanding of it will flow with the shift.

This shift has already started, and it will continue over a longer period of time. So do not settle into any step you will have done at any moment, but be prepared to exist in an ongoing shifting of your world, by being centered in your heart. Share this place of peace with everybody and be united in love with one another.

Dearest ones, now your true humanness is challenged to emerge, and it is already emerging, you know it and you cannot deny it anymore, as it is happening with each single one of you who are here to participate in this great transition.

Be Blessed! We share our love with you, it is the unconditional Love, this very special and precious vibration which embraces you now and which is established on your earth. Always remember, that all the changes in your world are embraced and are happening in this Field of unlimited Divine Love. They do not occur outside of It, they occur because Love has already settled down in your realm.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012





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"Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination. That is all." ~Robert Adams
There are many stories we can tell ourselves that will make us feel sad, gloomy or utterly hopeless about life. We can create a fabulous tale in our mind that has imagined a past of deep failure, where we were powerless, victimized, and totally incapable of creating the dream life we desire. The mind is a genius at developing a rational plot and story line for this, and how your particular version of it is actually TRUE! Yes, the mind loves to entertain you, captivate you and bring others in to gain their sympathy and support on a variety of levels... just because you feel depressed.

Depression can range from having the ordinary glimpse of feeling blue, to the perpetual toilet bowl feeling which you can never seem to escape from. Whatever your experience of jumping into your emotional dumpster, it's good to know depression has a deeper reason and purpose for occurring. The soul always has a bigger plan in the background which the mind cannot often see. It often chooses to take this wild rollercoaster ride down into the emotional slum, as a way to bring awareness and enlighten the deeper heavier aspects of hidden inside. This way when you eventually rise back up to the surface to breathe again you bring with you a profound sense of joy, lightness and a renewed appreciation for being alive! Imagine if someone were to hold your head under water for 30 more seconds than you could normally hold your breath? You'd feel extremely happy and passionate about being alive when that initial first breath of air came rushing in.

If you (or a loved one) are battling depressing thoughts or feelings on ANY level, the following information is guaranteed to dramatically cause you to feel happy, alive and excited to be a human being again! The first thing to know on this anti-depressing journey is that all depression is caused by a lack of expression. The damp cold energy of depression is simply needing to meet with a warmer or hot and fiery energy to balance it out. You might say you'd get a steamy result if you really let your real fire flame up and burn through you. This basically means that you allow yourself to be really passionate again. If you cannot let yourself get heated up or angry about something that you feel very strongly about, you are dampening your flame with a cold towel. Don't do that! When in that moment you feel anger, let it rise (throw it out...not at a human) and most definitely you will forget that you were ever depressed. The deeper the depression is the higher and more intense the expression is needed to balance things out and create an equilibrium in the mind again...and this is where things get really exciting!

On a practical level, depression arises as a mysterious block which forces you to become stronger, more focused, and dive deeper into your innermost being. It makes you dive so deep within yourself that you eventually break through the grip of the ego and have to attain mastery over the mind. One must truly set their ego aside if they are to have the courage to beat their depression which essentially means they start sharing with a passion that which cannot be expressed. Yes, its that simple and the best part of all is you get to allow yourself to be totally crazy, wild, and free! How wonderful is that! You know this life of yours is all about discovering what really makes you excited and passionate about being alive. Why are you here on this planet and why aren't you fully here and present in this moment on the planet? Think about it...

The greatest thing about depression is that it causes you to unconsciously unveil your life's mission and purpose. You have to in order to transcend depression. This means you're pushed out the front door to take inspired loving actions in the world, helping the rest of humanity to overcome their inner gloom and doom stories. Once you get clear about what makes you passionate in life and you are taking massive inspired actions daily, then all forms of depression have to fade away. They have no choice. When your life is all about taking inspired action on what really makes you happy, fulfilled and jazzed then you truly become alive (not depressed).

Today is your day to boost your life to the next joyful level, even if you're not the least bit depressed! I want you to discover what is real fun is about, and take your fun factor to an entirely new level. The day you become 100% devoted to serving humanity (including yourself and your relationships) in the most enjoyable enlightening way you can imagine, then all depression will cease to exist in your experience of life.

This is all about waking up the natural way, and using your power to heal yourself. You can do it!! There is no real specific order as to how they should be done, just do it with the attitude of a child and explore!! The secret to seeing real results is doing these actions as frequently as possible with the most amount of playfulness. If you don't have the motivation to accomplish these by yourself then ask a friend to join you for fun and support.

Below is a list of ten anti-depressing super liberating actions which are guaranteed to alleviate any level of depression from your life. There is no need for pharmaceuticals people, you don't want to be addicted to pills the rest of your life that simply make you emotionally numb. Simply follow these 10 secrets for the next 3 months of your life and you'll be soooo high that you'll have no reason at all to take ANY drug again...enjoy!

1. Exercise your body for at least 20 minutes every morning. Bringing more oxygen to the body and brain is essential for feeling high, horney, happy and free. If you want to feel good in life do any exercise as soon as you get up. Go for it until you break a sweat, and continue on until you feel a sense of exhaustion. This will flood the brain with positive happy chemicals that make it much more difficult to feel blue the rest of your day.

2. Stick to eating 70 percent 80 percent raw fruits and vegetables. If you want a super high vibe, stay far far away from any food or drink that is in a box, bag or can. Processed foods made by a machine will not bring out your highest consciousness and a raw veggie fruit diet will. Raw foods contain the highest and most potent energy (from the sun) and lays the foundation where your brain can access expanded levels of energy making it hard to fall into any form of perpetual sadness.

3. Stay away from alcohol or drugs of any kind. Most people who are depressed are drinking and smoking frequently to numb some deep emotional pain, abandonment, death or relationship breakup buried deeper inside. The temporary elated high experience received from drugs or alcohol only later bottoms out, leading for the need to detox the brain and body. The day after one always has to fight their hangover, and battle their way out from the long chemical crash it induces in the brain. This makes it very difficult to think and feel happy thoughts for several days which addicts who cannot handle the low often "bite the hair of the dog" and re-introduce the drug/alcohol back into their system. This cycle will then numb out their low, and jump back on the chemical rollercoaster again. The best advice is to not start at all, and when you go out at night simply order a water, lemonade or a virgin bloody mary instead.

4. Stop eating food for 36-72 hours. One of the most powerful and effective ways to truly conquer the depths of long term depression is making the commitment to do a 2-3 day fast or cleanse. Depending on your severity of toxicity, it may take any where from 2 days to 2 months to reboot your system. You can do a water, fruit juice, and/or vegetable juice cleanse as a way to retrain your brain to let go of attachment to the thing it thinks it absolutely needs to! When you stop eating food, the mind then becomes void of all thoughts including the ones that make you feel sad and hopeless. You have a clearer consciousness that can see through the story and liberate you from the powerless place you were once in. A stomach that is truly empty of food will purify the mind, cleanse out the internal organs, and as the liquid moves through you liberates the mind from all grasping. For more information about how to do a juice cleanse click here;.

5. Jump up and down with joy because you are alive. An amazing technique that really gets the joy valves pumping is to physically jump up and down every morning yelling with excitement!! Yes, physically jump up and down for at least 15 seconds and yell the words "l'm excited! l'm excited! l'm excited! l'm excited!" This will instantly flood happy creative chemicals into your brain, and force you to think about what you are actually excited about in your life. In this life changing experience you may need to fake it until you make it, pretend it until you transcend it, until you truly start feeling exciting about this opportunity to be alive again.

6. Stop resisting the experience you are having. Whenever you feel the most depressed during your day, take that precious moment if you can to lay your body down on the ground. Connect with the earth, let your entire being surrender to this planet beneath you and drop into core of your innermost being. Surrender to all the feelings that arise and if you're feeling fear or resistance, then merge and melt with resistance. Open yourself to explore every little body sensation that your having. Let your self dissolve into the experience and do not move a muscle. Surrender as if you were a corpse and if needed go through the death experience in your mind. If you do, don't stop at death until you feel completely peaceful and serene with every aspect of your life. The secret is not fighting, avoiding or resisting the experience you're given on any subtle level.

7. Get out of your box and socialize. At least 6 days a week get out of your box and go meet with one person AND a group of people. A group is considered to be 2 or more people that are including you in the conversation. Learn how to be social and don't talk about intellectual things that bring everyone further up into their head! When in your group, speak from the heart and share something that is real, emotional, heartfelt, or are thankful for in life. Speak only positive words even if you're sharing about something traumatic or negative, you can bring about a lighter side that contains some level of appreciation and gratitude so as not to bring everyone's vibration down. This is your time to be honest with everyone about what you're facing inside, and yet look deeper beneath your story to share what is positive inside you, and discover what you are truly thankful for in your life.

8. Give and receive at least 3 hugs a day. We are energetic beings with a bio-magnetic need to be affectionate and give/receive touch with other people. Science has shown that we live longer, healthier, happier lives the more physical loving contact we have in our daily life. Open your arms to hug every single person that enters your home, even if its a total stranger! Allow yourself the give of being touched and touching others! Get a massage, ask a friend if you can hold their hand, or sit with your partner touching gently yet being slow, quiet and conscious. By increasing the level of conscious physical contact you have everyday, you'll shift your body's bio magnetic field and alter the brains happy chemistry in the process.

9. Become more sexually active. A good orgasm always leaves one feeling high, free and more enlightened. Initiate and instigate sensual sexual connection with your partner several times a week. If you don't have one, go find one! There are many people online looking for the same thing you are. So don't judge the sexual experience, be safe, adventurous and do something that you are afraid to do yet have always dreamed of doing. After a wild night of tantric lovemaking its very hard for the brain to be sad about life. The most powerful and blissful chemicals are released in the brain right after you orgasm. If you are picky and just cannot find the right partner to be with, then pleasure yourself as frequently as you can. Don't be shy, this is your life and opportunity to experience being free alive and joyous!

10. Initiate contact with the God Source. Meditate and pray to the Universe for healing and guidance every morning, noon and evening. Nobody can be depressed when they discover their own personal connection with the Divine. Sit for a few minutes a day and meditate on the source of love. Where does the source of love come from? Relax into your body ever so gently and deeply until you become aware of that which is aware. Breathe deeply and remain conscious of this divine all powerful intelligent consciousness that is always here now. Practice this awareness all throughout your day. Whenever you discover that this divine Love is at the core of each experience, you'll find yourself giggling instead of crying, and truly understand the cosmic joke of it all when you remove the veil that was once pulled over your eyes.


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Drake Notes

Posted: 24 May 2012 02:12 PM PDT
Drake Notes:
UPDATED (04/29/2012)

· He won’t be definitive about the arrests. There are the beginnings
of the things which he has discussed on prior radio shows that have
already transpired.
· Europe is going crazy. The reason they are going crazy is 2 reasons:
they do not have the funds to back the currency known as the euro and
they also have an extraordinary, staggering and impossible to pay back

· A NORTHCOM maneuver is scheduled between May 2- 9 in 6 different states.
Seeing military convoys wouldn’t be out of place since it is a training exercise
however it could be the good guys putting their troops in place.
· The legalistics involved should be complete as of this past week.
If not, the first of next week.

· Majority of the executive orders, if any, that can be used on a legal basis
simply because they have not been done correctly.
· People need to start learning how these things work so they can take
this down to the local level and tell their mayor no, nature does not clean
up the leaves in the forest so there is no need for me to clean up the leaves
in my yard as such. You are not sending locals workers over to do that
for me and then charging me for the privilege. This goes to property rights.
· When certain people are in a position to do so, they will take a sweep.

They will take all the people from behind the people you have in office
- the financiers, people that have been being the document runners and
people like that are all of a sudden going to disappear.

After that sweep is made, they make sure they have all the records they
need to prosecute these people. Then the people will be given the notification
to go into a green light status. That means everyone will be notified about 24
hours ahead of the time you get to see people put away in handcuffs.

(UPDATED 05/06/2012)
· Regarding the arrests: it will be soon and Drake will not give a date.
The dates he has been given on anything have come directly from the
military so he’ll let them deal with it. The federal government as we know
it will cease to exist. Most of it is unnecessary and a lot of it is illegal.
· There will be some gun fights (the bad guys not wanting to be captured).

· Per Drake, if you have money in the bank everything will be zeroed out.
· Afterwards there will be a RV (re-evaluation) according to a combination
of both personal and collateral accounts.
· The collateral accounts will try to attend to a combination of public works,
making sure people have jobs, thing of this nature.

· The private accounts will be more attuned to making sure that the people
who would bring out emergency food stuffs to people who don’t have any
food have gas for their trucks and things of this nature

· The banks themselves, if they are not directly affiliated with the Federal
Reserve or central banking system, will not be taken down.
· The re-evaluation is going to be a different type of value in terms of currency.
We will be going from what we now know as a debt system to what will be known
as equity system.
· You may be looking at 2-3 times the purchasing power you had with the
Federal Reserve note. This means wages, costs, a lot of things are going to adjust.

· These things are predicated on two basis: direct valuation (means that things
have a certain value) and to go along with this productivity in terms of what the
individual people are capable of doing and making sure they have the opportunity
to do so.

These are to see the basic needs of individuals.
· The currency of a country should be backed by some value.
· For people that have money in the bank (prior to everything being zeroed),
consider purchasing gold and silver coins.
By having $200-$300 worth of silver coins (called junk silver because they
are 85% or more silver) you have a vendible currency that is always recognized.

· From Drake’s understanding, it will not take very long to change from the
debit system to the value system.
· We will continue using the current currency and it will be phased out over time.
Drake has not been told yet what the new currency will be.
There will be a dead period that can be addressed with gold and silver coin.
Get at least enough to last you basically a week in terms of your
expenses (groceries, fuel, etc.).

(UPDATED 05/06/2012)
· There are several things going on that people don’t know about.
Several of those took place recently. One of those was the liens against the
banking system in Europe. The interesting part about this is the legalities
involved in this are basically set. There is a second and third part to

The secondary part is coming in the near future but Drake is not certain
exactly when and if he had the information he would refuse to give it out
simply to protect the people doing it.

The secondary part of this is causing the liens to become a warrant.
The manner in which that is done is by requiring the bank, according to
its charter, to pay its annual fee on the amount of the collateral accounts
they have been using as collateral to maintain their operations.
When that is done, the request for payment then becomes a warrant to the
bank to produce their payment.

When the bank cannot pay this, they are immediately referred to their
bonding company.
The bonding company then takes care of the problem whatever it may be.
That is the system. The problem is that the bank cannot pay it. They don’t
have that kind of collateral in gold which is the required payment. The bonding
company doesn’t have it either so primarily you are looking at a bankruptcy.

If a bank refuses to perform, in terms of reporting to its bonding company
that there is some sort of serious problem, then that in and of itself is felonious
and anyone who is involved with that bank can go to jail. If they do report to
the bonding company, the bank is cleared of that.
If the bonding company does not report back to the lien holder, that is also
felonious and everyone associated can also be arrested.

· A 143 country consortium refuses to abide by the Rothschild banking system
any further. They formed their own banking system.
· As these things transpire then these people, who are iffy at best, who did
this on purpose in terms of our banking system, are being systematically
singled out and that systematic singling out will come in the form of these
arrests that everyone has been talking about.

There will still be mass arrests also.
· You can expect a bank holiday when they zero out the funds so they
can get rid of the bad guys.

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

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. May 24, 2012

The Holy Spirit gave me a stunning vision in 1998 of America’s demise when He showed me American cities on fire and refugees staggering out of the burning urban centers. God commissioned me that day in April 1998 to warn the American people that time was running out for this nation to repent and return to obey God’s commandments and ways.

 I have spent the last 14 years in full-time ministry proclaiming that message. Since the beginning of 2012, I have detected a marked intensity in the warnings from God. They are coming to me from various sources and ways. Many people are experiencing disturbing dreams. Others are seeing visions. In recent weeks the warnings have taken on an alarming new level of urgency. Reports of prophetic dreams and visions are flooding into our offices daily in recent weeks.

 Without a doubt, I am convinced that one or more catastrophic events will strike the USA before the end of 2012. One reoccurring theme I have seen in these various prophetic warnings that have been forwarded to me recently are two general dates in 2012: July/August and November/December. Upon careful examination of these many warnings, it appears that God is telling His saints in America that they must have final preparations in place by late July or early August.

I do not know the reason. Perhaps there will be travel restrictions imposed this summer. Again, I do not know the reason. What I do know is that a growing number of mature, devout Christian men and women are privately telling me that God is strongly telling them to have everything in place in July or August. Many of them are selling everything and fleeing the USA.

 The second date is fall 2012. Many of the dreams and visions indicate that great woe is coming to the USA in November - notably shortly after the presidential election. In particular, many of the prophetic dreams hint at trouble during the Thanksgiving holiday season.

Several days ago I received three more prophetic dreams from two people who listen to the Trunews radio program. They arrived in my email box simultaneously. I was stunned by the dire warnings of imminent judgment, bloodshed, and captivity. Unless God intervenes, I do not believe the USA will be a free nation beyond November 2012. I contacted the two recipients of these dreams and asked for permission to release them to the general public. Both agreed on the condition that I not release their names or places of residence.

 The first person received two dreams three weeks apart. This person is a newly naturalized American citizen. The first dream arrived in the first week of May 2012. The second part of the dream came on Sunday night, May 20. Likewise, the second person received a prophetic dream on Monday night, May 21, 2012. All three dreams were sent to me on Tuesday May 22, 2012. Below are the dreams.

 Do not dismiss these warnings. Instead, seek God with all your heart about what He desires you to do in the coming weeks. Please forward the dreams to everybody you know. You may have only weeks to prepare for a time of horrific violent bloodshed in the streets of America later this year. Know this: America has forgotten the God who made the nation great. He will now strip away America’s greatness. Perhaps Americans will rediscover His greatness in their poverty and captivity.

 FIRST PERSON: DREAM #1 - Received first week of May 2012 I saw patriots dressed in battle uniform (from the 1700's) perhaps they were pilgrims. They were on an island. Their leader was hoisting the American flag and it went half mast. Then I saw a man on a balcony looking through a telescope and I could see these patriots through his lens. He was a dictator, an evil man.

 The next thing I knew he had a canon and fired at the men. I didn't see them get hit but I knew they had died. Then I was on another island. It was more like a forest. I saw a pilgrim woman dressed in a long black dress. She was with child and looked very distressed. She was gathering grain in her skirt. I asked her what she was doing. She replied that she was hungry and had to feed her baby, but there wasn't much food.

 She warned me "they" were watching her. There were eyes watching us. I felt we were encircled by something like a barbed wire fence or so, not sure, but I knew she couldn't leave the island and she was being watched. Then I realized there were other islands and there were pilgrims/patriots on them and they were stuck there. They couldn't get out, and they were all being watched. It wasn't a good thing to be on those islands.

 Originally, I thought this dream meant that Christians would flee to islands, but would be trapped as they united to fight the dictator.

 The second dream, however, revealed they were not on literal islands, but instead, they had fled to places they thought were “safe zones” or “places of refuge.”

 FIRST PERSON: DREAM #2 - Received May 20, 2012 My spouse and I were speaking with some old men. They were good men. Kind, very clever and very smart men. One talked about how he built his house with his hands. I saw the house it was made of massive beautiful wood, and it had an ocean front - it was so well built. He was proud of that house.

Then another old man was referring to another friend who managed to save $1 million Dollars in his lifetime. He was very old. Then one of them said "they are coming to get our homes, you know" "yes, that's the first thing they're taking, our homes" and maybe I heard him say "when you hear rumors of that it will start to get very bad" or "when that happens it will get very bad".

There was a feeling of anxiety but we were still very casual, having fun, even laughing. But all of a sudden everything changed as they were talking. I suddenly saw hoards of people gathered together in some coastal area. In front of us was a city called "Christian City.” It was what everyone thought was a safe harbor, a city of refuge. There was a sandbar right outside the city - it was on an island. It was a city everyone fled to for safety. It was magnificent; it had huge buildings; it appeared to be fortified. We were assembled with a huge crowd. I knew all these people surrounding me and my spouse were kind people.

They had to be Christians. We were, however, like cattle. There was so much chaos I had a hard time thinking, but I kept hearing a voice in my head saying "Go!" or "Leave" but I was so confused. The voices of the people were so much louder than the voice in my head. Everyone was saying something at the same time. Then something happened. All of a sudden I found myself in a vessel with my spouse and all these people. We were like cattle placed in that vessel against our will. There were evil men, I couldn't see their faces, but they surrounded us. They wore uniforms. They were armed and they were watching us.

 More people were forced into the vessel against their will. None of us could believe what was happening. I was so very shocked. I then saw the same pioneer (pilgrim) woman in the black dress on the vessel with me. She was the woman I saw in my other dream. She and I were talking. She was telling me something but I can't remember a word she said, I don't even think I could hear what she was saying. Then I put my hand on her shoulder or her chest and I saw the future. I saw her on a bed, she was ashen, like a Holocaust victim and I was there with her on her death bed.

 She must have died. I took my hand off her and I was where I was, back on the vessel. Suddenly the city in front of us was burning. There are no words to describe the feelings I felt in the dream, because my feelings were so intense. It was a feeling of complete and utter fear, grief - deep grief and disbelief all at once. Suddenly, I saw a multitude of hands from the people trapped in the vessel reach for the city.

 I reached too. We were all wailing, mourning, and reaching for that beautiful and beloved city. I didn't want to leave it. I remember thinking this is America, I just got here, I love this country so much, it's my home and now it's gone. It was as if my conscious mind connected that city to America in my sleep. As our hands reached for the burning city, I saw there were children's hands, small hands, old people's hands, so many hands all reaching for the city. My spouse told me to not worry. He tried to assure me that we would escape from the vessel and run back to the island to hide somewhere. He was trying to calm me, but we were both very sad and scared.

 I knew we would die because there was no way out. There was an indescribable presence of evil. Suddenly all the hands that were stretching forth to hold onto the burning city started waving goodbye. We all waved goodbye to the City of America that was burning to the ground. We knew the evil authorities were taking us away in the vessels. We didn’t know where they were taking us. We were very afraid. I couldn’t tell which emotion was stronger: grief, dread, or disbelief. I woke up from the dream crying for America. Upon waking up, I was deeply disturbed by the dream.

 I spent the day (Monday May 21) in deep prayer and intercession. I believe this is the interpretation the Holy Spirit gave me. It must be God’s thoughts, but I can’t imagine me saying such things. I have never liked the “gloom and doom” message, but these two dreams have shaken me to the core of my soul. Here is what I believe the Lord told me.

 INTERPRETATION: Which kingdom do you belong to? The test that is here is the test of obedience. Are you bound to the conveniences of this world? Are you so wedded to the world’s luxuries you’ve known in your lifetime that you cannot let go of it? When you said "Lord, I will follow You to the ends of the earth. I will do anything for you. I will lay down my life, everything!" Did you say that out of emotion or did you mean it? The test that is here is the test of true sacrifice. Will you follow the Lord wherever He leads you? Will you follow Him to an unknown land where you must learn another people’s culture and language that is so foreign to your lifestyle? Will you truly trust the Hand that leads you, or will you turn it away? The Lord's hand is outstretched. For now, His mercy is calling you.

That time will soon end. His hand will still be outstretched - but for judgment. Which hand will you take? Mercy or judgment? This is the test: To see if He truly is your Lord and if you truly are of His Kingdom. God weeps over this nation. His heart is broken. He has knocked at the hearts of your people, but they would not listen. Even those who profess to love Him in reality love this life more than Him.

 The dreams they claim are His are really their own. They suffer from a cacophony of confusion. Voices, there are so many voices. It seems too difficult to discern the Shepherd's voice. Voices in your head, voices from the enemy….voices of people who will not let go of this kingdom and will drag you down with them. Voices everywhere! Be still and listen to His voice. Watch the time, watch the season. Judgment will strike when you least expect it. People will be merry. They will ignore the air of anxiety. They will speak of the good times of days gone by. Judgment will strike.

Confusion…so much confusion! You will be taken captive against your will. Many good people will suffer. Many innocent people will be killed. Oh the children, the innocent children who will long to go home. (I cannot continue writing what I feel. It is too heavy.) The test that will soon be here will split marrow from bone. It will separate His true disciples who will follow Him and live from those who will die because of their greed.

They follow false dreams and pride of their heart because in the deepest chambers of their hearts they refuse to surrender to Him. Listen! Listen while there is still time. The window is closing quickly. There will be no safe havens! Dreams of a better future…dreams of great achievements are now gone! They will never return. The veneer is ready to break. There is no hiding place in the darkness. There is no future in God's judgment. He calls the righteous out. This is the test. It is the beginning of birth pangs.

 The world will soon change. Though the great change is near, people are in disbelief. They see only the glory of the past. They long for America’s past glory to be their future. This is the test that divides flesh and spirit. The true man - whether flesh or spirit - will decide his or her fate. This nation will soon witness its fall. God’s hand of mercy is stretched out for you. Which kingdom will you serve? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be, too.

 SECOND PERSON: Dream received May 21, 2012 I had this dream last night…early morning actually because it woke me up when it was finished. It was around 5:30-6am. It was very disturbing. I felt a great deal of sorrow and mourning when I woke up. It was very heavy.

 The dream was a series of “scenes” in which I saw back to back. It made me very sad. THE DREAM: Scene #1 A family was sitting at a dinner table. Mom, dad, baby in high chair and 2 small children. They were enjoying a meal. A bomb was placed down in the middle of the table and they completely ignored it. The bomb was round and large - about ½ the size of a basketball. The family kept eating. At first the mother and father slightly glimpsed at it but then they ignored it. The children started drawing on it with crayons. The parents were interacting with their children and laughing.

Then the bomb started ticking and the ticking became more intense, louder and faster. Their eating slowed down and the parents looked at each other in fear. Then the ticket stopped and the parents grabbed each other’s hands and held on to their children. The bomb exploded. Scene #2 Men were in a yard throwing a baseball. They were playing a game of baseball together. It wasn’t professional baseball. It was like a bunch of family members together playing ball. In the middle of throwing the ball the ball exchanged to a grenade.

 It looked like a grenade was thrown in to the game and the regular game ball fell by the side. The men at first looked at the grenade but paid no attention to it and continued to throw it….they continued with the game. Then it went off.

Scene #3 Men were running down a football field toward the goal. People in the stands were cheering. It was a professional football game. As they were running toward the goal a large missile came through the air, skidded in the dirt and dug in to the dirt right beside the goal. No one paid any attention to it being there…they were so engrossed with the amazing play and the game. The crowd was standing and cheering. I saw a couple of the football players (as they were running) look at each other and the missile that was buried half way in to the dirt. But they kept on running. Moments after the touchdown, the missile exploded. (The team was wearing a dark red color and I thought I saw something gold.)

 Scene #4 Children were playing on the school playground. A fence surrounded the entire parameter of the school. Suddenly men dressed in long white gowns and white headdresses started coming out of the woods. Others got out of cars. They made their way to the fence and surrounded the school. The teachers on the playground watched the men gather. They had a look of uncertainty and worry but they said and did nothing. They just stood there and watched as the children continued to play. It seemed like a loud echoing sound was heard…then all at once in unison they jumped over the fence, pulled machetes from their gowns and began their terror. I don’t want to write what I saw.

 Scene #5 Men and women that looked very ashen and thin were walking toward what looked like on the outside a bank. They walked up to the bank and put their money through a slot that was accepting their “deposit.” They seemed sad and lifeless. Part of the bank became transparent so I could see in to it. It was totally destroyed on the inside….there was nothing. It looked like a b0mb went off on the inside - it was a bottomless pit. There was nothing there - no floor. I saw the people putting their money into the slot. The money merely floated down into the bottomless pit. I asked the Lord when these things will happen. I’m frightened. I don’t want this to happen to us and our children.

 The Lord said “Go back and look again.” I revisited every single scene. This is what I saw: The family at the table: They were dressed in sweaters and on their plates was cranberry sauce. The flowers on the table were not “spring or summer” flowers - they were darker in color - looked more fall. The men playing ball were wearing jackets. The people in the crowds at the football game were wearing coats, some had scarves on, there was a light drizzle of snow that was dissipating on the ground. I saw the breath of the players. The children at the playground: The children were dressed warmly with heavy jackets. The men at the fence - their gowns were blowing heavily in the wind - the wind was very heavy. The people at the bank were wearing coats and jackets.

 The final scene: I was using my hand to scrape away a thin layer of ice from a window so I could peer through….when I cleared the window I saw a large city with smoke coming from its buildings. I remember saying in great sorrow, “My America! My America!” I woke up immediately and felt a great sense of sorrow and mourning.


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Ray Dawn
Greetings to All of you, we are the Arcturians, and are here to be with you in resonance with All creation. As All is in creation, All is in you!

We come to be in resonance with you to discuss ourselves as beings of unencumberedness. This unencumberedness is you as well. This ‘ness’ is life and you are always one with life, as you are a living being!

Enjoy your moments-- you are this specific living essence. Yes, you have a body and in this body you can be a part of everything upon this Earth, for you already are everything upon this Earth and beyond! You are the Earth, you are the birds, you are the flowers and grass, you are the very dirt that you stand upon and you are also the stars in the sky and the perceived darkness in between.

This darkness is the shadow and the shadow is an important part of all that is as well. Yes the shadow is one with the light, for it is also alive and full of potentiality!
This shadow is also within you and there, in the shadow, is also life, pulsating life that will become creation. Does not creation first start as the shadow, the darkness?
Does not the plant grow in darkness before the dawn, before it comes into the light and blossoms?
Yes, all is needed, all is in perfection, and all is in movement, the natural cycles of life. Become one with this shadow, and become one with all sides of the equation. In darkness is new life!

Yes, so here is the eclipse upon you and in this great shadow, there is new life being born upon this Earth, creation is here to manifest the new life you are living. Enjoy this newness. It can be scary, the shadow, the newness of all of this change, but in it is creation!

Can you trust creation is in perfection? Here we are at the turning of the tide, take a deep breathe and allow this birth. Awaken to the truth of life.

Here is a new cycle of creation. Within each of you it is birthing within your very body, in your body are the adjustments that are aligning you with a new way of living these lives, in these bodies as one.

Be not afraid of the shadow as it moves across this planet to awaken the codes within each of you. You know this deeply and yet, will you have them functioning properly? Yes, of course! As we go back to ‘all creation is in perfection’ can you allow that now?

Again and again, return to that thought, allow that feeling within you-- all creation is in perfection! Then what is left? Yes, what is left is to enjoy this creation within you, to enjoy your life, your body, your moment, now!

We greet you with a warm-hearted welcome Home!

Enjoy this life and awaken to the knowledge that you are All, for how else could you be?

Enjoy this life now, here upon this beloved Earth and rise to the occasion as the shadow passes over, bringing forth this new occurrence of the beauty within you.

With love,
The Arcturians

Feel free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included, Blessings!
copyright 2010 Ray Dawn all rights reserved


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Message 620 -

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wonderful delights are now making their way into the consensus. Non-divisive
conversations and anchoring of light have increased. Acts of giving and clear channeling
have also increased. When we began these messages only a few were aware of them.
Now they are in many mailboxes and considered a gift by many. We are now ready to
amplify our contributions that make a difference.

Many of you have accepted these messages as an ongoing guide. Give up that idea. They
are not going to be available when matters get difficult and the internet is no longer open
to revealing the cause of the difficulties being mentioned. My comments could be
censored. May we all deepen our direct contact ability. No more energy for learning from
my dialogs? Then get yourself capable of direct contact with me or your own angelic
guides now.

Face the controllers with open hearts that don't give rise any anger because of their
attitudes. Love them, and don't act like they are the answer to your dance of Leela. They
are not-YOU ARE. When you can accept that they are needed to bring more awareness
to the dance, you can give up your anger and fear, and dance the current mass
consciousness to the next level of awareness. Give me your controller anger because you
need to negate it now. Freedom is not actually anything more than an act of declaring: I

AM FREE and making this your mantra. I AM FREE of anger, desire, negativity, darkness,
fear and all other "me against other" attitudes. Being FREE then becomes available. Cast
them away, as none of it is worth keeping. Keep only what is love.

Practice this attitude changer when you notice you have some negative attitudes that are
attacking anyone or anything: Declare I AM FREE and discard the attitude that has
appeared to be discarded. Declaring I AM FREE will not eliminate your golden dreams and
caring thoughts but you may still have some contractions that need calming and care.
Treat them with chuckles and anecdotes. Allow them to consider themselves FREE to
expand and awaken with new aliveness.

 Picture yourself as a living generator for caring.
Give, give and give. When man gives without demanding compensation, a new
consciousness becomes available. Eventually you will notice that the old control
consciousness is gone.

When your control consciousness has been eliminated, the controller inner controller, your
mind, can do nothing dark; it will just bring happiness to the world. Get on with your growth
of awareness and consider contact with your guides as the most attractive option for
guidance available right now. Frame a calling for yourself such as, "I AM a change agent."

Do not make a list of all the details that this title might include, just keep giving from
mastery and your non-controlling awareness. This is enough.

Ascension consciousness needs more candidates. Are you opening others up to your
newly discovered awareness? Are you distributing grace wherever you go? Allow laughter
and your other creative abilities to erase the darkness that remains in you and those
around you. Face any disturbances with your attention only, and discard any negative
attitudes that may appear as a test of your clarity. If you appear interested in them than
more of this particular lesson is needed.

Maybe total FREEDOM is closer than you think.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


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✭ I woke up on the morning of the solar eclipse, kind if in that groggy state, to find myself in the presence of Plianda. She identified herself as “woman of weights and balances”, and went on to perform upgrades on me, manifesting themselves as swirling lights, intense pressure all over my body and a surreal feeling of euphoria that I can’t remember feeling since…well, since probably before I got here! It was 4;10 a.m. when this began, and after she was done, in what only seemed like a few minutes, the clock read 6:33.

After much contemplation, I later recognized Plianda as being from the healing center on my ship. She clearly took the effects of May 5th up a notch-or several-and nothing has felt the same since. I learned that she had removed the last of the ‘human overlays’ that I had chosen to take with me on my one-time journey to Earth. Overlays being other people’s past life memories from the Akashic records, so that first timers have the tools to survive here and can appear somewhat streetwise. I also integrated a lot more of “me” into those empty places. It’s nice to feel more or less whole again.

✭ If you’re anything like me, you’re finding this particular chapter of the Ascension process to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. It’s in one moment magical, mystical and beautiful - then one minute later, maddening, frustrating and confusing. We aspire to be fully conscious 5th Dimensional beings, and are told to live in our heartspace and vibrate at this level, while at the same time going about our lives in 3D physicality and attending to our more mundane 3D tasks. In it but not of it.

The coolly unaffected observer. Oh, it can be done, I promise you that. I’m doing it (or trying to do it) every day. But in no way am I saying that it’s always easy. In fact, I think this is the most challenging assignment we’ve been issued yet! And I haven’t even touched on the instances of missing time, the spontaneous visits “home”, and our favorite new game of Interdimensional Hopscotch.

We are now living our lives in two places at once, going in and out and never really being certain when you’re going to make the jump. I think this is the most exciting and gratifying progress we’ve made to date. It’s exciting because we know it’s happening. We can see it, feel it, often remembering it and sometimes there’s even physical evidence of it. Such as in those cases of lost time. Just look at the clock and there it is. We’re dreaming while awake.

Beginning on May 5, I began to experience the most incredible clarification of my vision and my communication with my Team. I now need to only stop and listen, and it’s like they are right here in the room with me 24/7. Meditation has also taken on whole new properties, and I seem to be able to reach out and actually “touch” the things I’m seeing and to feel emotions I can’t even put a label on, along with a very cool “new” connection with the Elemental Realm!

The upgrades of May 5, and more recently the 20th are changing us in amazing ways. Some of you may be realizing the changes sooner than others, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. We’re getting our natural abilities back. We’re relearning how to bi-locate, be telepathic, to be the multidimensional beings that we truly are. I’m finding that more and more often I’m checking out at unexpected times, and not all of them the most convenient! Even to the point of there being a part of me that stays here in my human-bodysuit completing tasks, while the other part of me has been elsewhere doing something else.

And I’ll have little recollection of what my physical self had been doing! I’m relieved it’s happening and I wouldn’t change a thing, but I would be lying if I said that there wasn’t a flipside to all of this cosmic joy. I’m finding that it’s difficult, and sometimes painful to come back. To readjust myself to the imperfections of Earthly life after being in a place of such perfect peace and unconditional love.

I’m a busy Mom, and most of the time after I meditate, or even when I first get up in the morning, I’m jumping right into my lengthy things-to-do list. Housework, broken appliances, car repairs, college applications, phone calls, traffic, bills… These are the essential ingredients of our 3D learning experience, the stuff that makes us stronger, the meat and potatoes of what our friends and family back home are living and studying through us. Which brings me to the question: Is there a secret to all of this, and to doing it well? Do we simply anchor ourselves into Gaia’s core-crystal and hold on for dear life? How do we effectively maintain a peaceful 5th dimensional (or higher) frequency -one of warmth, stillness and detachment-while remaining in our evolving bodies amidst the chaos and duality of the outgoing 3rd density? I posed this question to my Team and it was Uriel who was kind enough to come through with an explanation.

Everyone was affected by the energies of these past two key dates-May 5th and 20th. Even the people who give the appearance of being unawakened were given healings and upgrades to their physical and energetic systems. They simply do not know why it is they feel so tired and are unable to focus. Take note that the process is different for everyone, depending on who you are and from where you originated, your energetic blueprint and the details of your chosen role on planet Earth. While it is often enjoyable to compare notes, bear in mind that your friends’ experiences might not necessarily mirror your own.

The symptoms will vary, as will the pace at which you progress. No one situation is any better than the other. You may quite possibly recall something specific happening to you at the time of the solar eclipse. We will see more and more reports of this beginning to surface. Put into the most elementary of terms, what actually happened is this: You received essential upgrades to both your physical and energetic bodies. Upgrades which are propelling you higher vibrationally and aiding in the formation of your lightbodies.

We are currently working on you, to strip away the veil of forgetfulness and to restore your dormant DNA to healthy, working condition. This is by no means a small task! Do not be alarmed that some of you are being taken during sleep or are receiving visits to your homes.

It is acceptable to have heard our voices, seen us or felt the lightness of our energetic presence. The effects that you have been feeling these past days are but the result of your increased vibration, you are in an adjustment phase. You are anchoring into 5th dimensional consciousness, which is the next step in the full realization of your ascension.

Be comfortable that you rest in the 5th now, and you are on your way to the 7th. You are tired because you are occupying two worlds! Yes, you must remain for now, in the physical sense, in the 3D world. You have much work to do here, and the key to this is to not become embroiled in what you see going on around you. You are the Wayshowers and Placeholders-the ones who agreed to come back and guide humanity, ushering in the new Platinum Age.

Be in your center, in your heart, think and feel and behave as the 5th dimensional Master that you are. Confusing, is it not? However, if you do this all else will fall neatly into place.
As for the lightheadedness and forgetfulness, and the sudden jaunts into dimensions unknown…let me clarify this for you. As I have explained, you are now for all intents and purposes, rooted in the 5th dimension. You are beginning to initiate your ascent into the 7th. It only stands to reason, does it not, that there will be stopovers in the 6th? The 6th dimension is a magnificent place, dear friends. It is uncommonly beautiful.

The is the land of color and dreams, of creation, where you may go to rest, to play and to create something wonderful. To live a dream or aspiration, and try it on for size. It is also a meeting place of choice for us, a fine destination at which to confer and plan. It can be anything of your choosing. In those lost intervals of time, it is very often that it is here you go to. When you visit a happy place repeatedly in dreamtime, the 6th is likely where you have been.

These times are essential to your overall health right now, both in the physical and the spiritual senses. You are being removed ever more frequently so that your high levels of awareness may be maintained, assuring your continued progress. Embrace these changes, however inconvenient or uncomfortable they are at times. For, these are the outward signs of the Ascension that you have been seeking. They are here within you.
source: . by theangeldiaries

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Most people aren't aware that when you cook meat (whether it's grilled, broiled, or seared) there are carcinogenic compounds that can form called HCA's (heterocyclic amines). Now don't ingest various carcinogens all the time, even with some vegetables. You can always protect yourself with more antioxidants.

Please Note: When you cook meat in a water base as opposed to grilling, broiling, or searing, you eliminate the harmful HCAs. So for example, meats cooked in a soup, or meats cooked in a crock pot will not have the problem of the carcinogenic HCAs and is a healthier way to cook meat.

But let's face it... grilled meat tastes awesome and there's no way I'm giving up my grass-fed steak from the grill, or my grass-fed burgers!

That's why it's important to know that there's a way you can use spices to both counteract, and also drastically reduce the carcinogens formed when you grill meat...

Here's the trick:

If you're going to grill meats, marinating meats for at least several hours beforehand in liquid mixtures that contain rosemary and other herbs/spices can dramatically help to reduce HCA's (heterocyclic amines), which are those carcinogenic compounds that can form when meats are grilled. It appears that the highly potent antioxidants in these herbs prevent HCA formation. So using rosemary, thyme, garlic, oregano and other spices in a meat marinade before grilling meats can drastically reduce any carcinogens that normally would form on grilled meat and give you a healthier meal, that's also very tasty!

The antioxidants in rosemary and thyme from a marinade were specifically cited in studies at being powerful inhibitors of HCA formation when grilling meats. But it was also noted that other spices such as garlic, oregano, and others can help to prevent HCA formation as well, so I suggest using a variety, which tastes great anyway!

One more important point about grilling meat:

Remember that the more well-done a meat is cooked, the higher concentration of carcinogenic HCA's can form, so rare, medium-rare, or medium are healthier choices than well-done. I've never understood why anybody would want to ruin a good steak by burning it to oblivion anyway. But hey, if you're one of those folks that likes your steaks well-done, just remember that you're eating a lot more carcinogens than a steak that's cooked less, so make sure to load up on your antioxidants (spices, teas, berries, etc) to help combat those extra carcinogens.

Washing down your barbequed meal with a glass of unsweetened iced tea (rich in antioxidants) and also a good salad with lots of raw veggies can provide the antioxidants needed to counteract the effect of HCAs in your body from grilled meat.

By the way, even charring vegetables on the grill creates different carcinogens such as acrylamides, so don't think that the negative effect of charring only applies to meats.

Hey, we all love a great barbeque, so no need to give that up just because of HCAs or acrylamides, but at least now you know how to counteract the effects of these in your body to protect yourself, and also how to use spices to drastically reduce the formation of HCAs on grilled meat!

Enjoy that next barbeque in a healthier way!

Author of Best Seller: The Truth About Six Pack Abs;

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An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine
Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone. We now know this is not true. Emotions have as much to do with the heart and body as they do with the brain. Of all your body’s organs, it is the heart, a growing number of scientists theorize, that plays perhaps the most important role in our emotional experience. What we experience as an emotion is the result of the brain, heart, and body acting in concert.

Since its founding in 1991, HeartMath has been dedicated to decoding the underlying mechanics of stress. IHM’s Research Center is committed to the study of the heart and the physiology of emotions and has conducted many studies that identified the relationship between emotions and the heart. A number of HeartMath’s studies have contributed new insight to the scientific community’s understanding of how heart activity is linked to our emotions and health, vitality and well-being.




HeartMath studies define a critical link between the heart and brain. The heart is in a constant two-way dialog with the brain. Our emotions change the signals the brain sends to the heart and the heart responds in complex ways. Today we now know the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart, and the brain responds to the heart in many important ways. This research explains how the heart responds to emotional and mental reactions and why certain emotions stress the body and drain our energy. As we experience feelings like anger, frustration, anxiety and insecurity, our heart-rhythm patterns become more erratic.

These erratic patterns are sent to the emotional centers in the brain, which recognizes them as negative, or stressful feelings. These signals create the actual feelings we experience in the heart area and elsewhere in the body. Erratic heart rhythms also block our ability to think clearly.

Many studies have found that the risk of developing heart disease is significantly increased for people who frequently experience stressful emotions such as irritation, anger or frustration. These emotions create a chain reaction in the body: stress-hormone levels increase, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises and the immune system is weakened. If we consistently experience these emotions, it can put a strain on the heart and other organs and eventually lead to serious health problems.



Conversely, HeartMath’s research shows, when we experience heartfelt emotions such as appreciation, love, care and compassion, the heart produces a very different rhythm - one that has a smooth pattern and looks something like gently rolling hills. Scientists consider harmonious, or smooth heart rhythms, which are indicative of positive emotions, to be indicators of cardiovascular efficiency and nervous-system balance. This lets the brain know the heart feels good; often we experience this as a gentle, warm feeling in the area of the heart. Learning to shift out of stressful emotional reactions to these heartfelt emotions can have profound positive effects on our cardiovascular systems and overall health.

As you begin to understand and appreciate the important link that exists between the heart and emotions, you’ll start to see how it is possible to shift the heart into a more efficient state by actually monitoring heart rhythms.

Being Appreciative Has its Benefits
The feeling of genuine appreciation is one of the most concrete and easiest positive emotions for individuals to self-generate and sustain for long periods. Nearly all of us can find something to genuinely appreciate. By simply recalling a time when you felt sincere appreciation and then re-creating that feeling, you can increase your heart-rhythm coherence, reduce emotional stress and improve your health. (Coherence here refers to a balance or smoothness in heart rhythms.)

Experts recommend that people who initially find it difficult to self-generate a feeling of appreciation in the present 8108780860?profile=originalmoment recall a memory that elicits warm feelings. With practice, most people can self-generate feelings of appreciation in real time and don’t need to recall something from the past. IHM Director of Research Dr. Rollin McCraty explains.

“It’s important to emphasize that it is not a mental image of a memory that creates a shift in our heart rhythms,” McCraty said, “but rather the emotions associated with the memory. Mental images alone usually do not produce the same significant results that we’ve observed when someone focuses on a positive feeling.”

Positive emotion-focused techniques, like those developed by HeartMath, can help individuals effectively replace stressful thoughts and emotional patterns with more positive perceptions and emotions. One of the long-term benefits of practicing these kinds of techniques is increased emotional awareness. This increased awareness can help individuals maintain a more consistent emotional balance, which is a fundamental step in improving cardiovascular health.

Diet and exercise certainly will always be paramount in keeping the heart healthy. There is a growing, awareness, however, that maintaining a healthy emotional state can also play an important role in maintaining a healthy heart, especially for people recovering from heart-related illnesses. Studies show that HeartMath’s positive-emotion-focused techniques reduce stress and anxiety, both of which are safe and effective ways of lowering blood pressure and increasing functional capacity in patients who have suffered heart failure. This is an approach that many hospitals and cardiac rehabilitation programs around the country began utilizing a number of years ago.

The demand for placing greater emphasis on emotional well-being has grown rapidly to include a great many applications, not only across the medical sector, but far beyond as well. Today many corporations, law-enforcement and corrections agencies, preschools and universities, teacher programs, churches, amateur and professional sports teams, U.S. military operations and nonprofit organizations subscribe to science-based programs incorporating emotion self-regulation techniques such as those developed by HeartMath scientists. These and many other entities in the United States and around the world are actively engaged in training, restructuring, policy-making, etc., to ensure that the emotional well-being of staff and management is an integral element in day-to-day operations.

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Date: Tuesday, 22-May-2012 16:01:59

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