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Today we will discuss your many reactions to truth and what to expect when it is at last revealed by your media. First of all, there are millions of you who will not be surprised at all, and in fact, have been diligently attempting to spread this type of information for many years.

There are many millions more who have had contact with this information and who have believed some of it and reserved judgment on other parts of it. And of course, there are those who either have not heard of it at all or who refuse to believe what they have heard.

Each day now more and more truth is beginning to sift into the consciousness of the people. Each one who accepts the truth of your condition makes a larger change in the mass consciousness than the ones before, just as each drop of color changes an artist’s palette. It will become increasingly easy to see these changes in the coming days.

You have noted, we are sure, the increasing pressure being brought on the various meetings taking place and the rise in interest in your alternate information sites as the traditional media takes a beating in popularity. The ability to discern truth from fiction is rising, as is the dissatisfaction with nonsense filler and distractions.

We caution you, however, that even the most awake of you will not be aware of the entirety of the information which will come to light in the coming weeks. There is hardly an area of your past which has escaped the pervasive attempts to cover the truth with enough lies to serve the agenda of centralizing control and wealth. Even those of you who already know some of what has been done will find it shocking to see the extent of this and the methods used. There will be many attempts to discredit the information, but the evidence will be irrefutable.

Still, many will be unable to change their cherished beliefs, at least for a while. You do not have to preach or convince anyone, dear ones. Those who have the ears to hear will hear, and those who have eyes to see will see. What we ask you to do is maintain your calm centers and receive those who need comfort in your embrace. Allow the truth to spread, as truth always does.

Do not concern yourselves now with the trumpeting and rattling of weapons which you see and which will increase for a while. All of this school yard posturing will come to naught. There are much more important things for you to place your attention upon at this time.

We will continue to raise the frequencies being sent to dear Earth, and we urge you to breathe them deeply into your being and allow the consequent changes in yourselves to manifest. We continue to walk with you in peace and love. We will speak again tomorrow.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link
Veröffentlicht unter Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, Ron Head | Verschlagwortet mit AA Michael

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My beloved children. There are many things happening in your near future. The full moon and the Venus transit bring enormous energy with them. The eclipse was only the beginning of a series of events that are now seeing their continuation.

As you know by now, the highest members of the Cabal were replaced with clones. Their presence was required in order to prevent panic and fear. The exchange of your governments can thus be made easier. However, it is able to give trouble if the clones will be arrested and your monetary system renewed. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

I appeal to all lightworkers, remain calm, stand in your light and help your fellow men. Explain to them what is happening and why it happens. You have enough knowledge in you to be able to answer any questions that arise. Don’t impose on them, but be there when you’ll be needed. Envelop your fellow men with your love. Offer them a hand and help them out of the darkness. You are the lighthouses for them, that escort ships in the stormy times in the safe harbor. You don’t need to do more, my beloved children.

The Ascended Masters came back to Earth through portals in order to help you and to enhance the light even further. Also, most of the Masters who have ascended during the recent solar eclipse, returned to play their part. You see, you are not alone. The celestial and stellar teams are also available for helping to intervene when it should be necessary. You are now needed, my beloved children. Together we will overcome the changes now taking place. I know that you’re capable of it. You are wonderful bright shining Angels in human form.

I love you all beyond words. I am your mother, Lady Maria.

Copyright © Isabel Henn. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


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There Is No Death By Jafree Ozwald

"In the midst of winter, I learned that there was in me an invincible summer." ~Albert Camus

You are like the Sun. Eternally bright, warm and healing. There is nothing in this Universe that can put your light out. Your brilliance will continue on and on... for eternity. Your inner light is always on, blazing bright and expanding. You shine without even knowing you are shining. The light of your awareness is continuous, even when the mind clouds your vision the Sun is always always shining behind it.

The light that you are is forever here now. There is always a flame burning within you. Even when you think all is lost, hopeless and dark, it is there. Even after your body wears out, and you physically leave this amazing vehicle, you will see that the light of your creative lumin-essence goes on and on. Something will continue to experience life, reality, and consciousness. Death is the greatest illusion of them all.

If you truly want to get the most out of your time and experience the greatest experiences possible on Earth, you must first accept deep in your heart that there is no end to this experience called life. You must know it deep down, so it becomes a part of you. When you trust that which never dies is forever inside you, eternally free at the core, you become fearless and unstoppable in all that you do. Every thing you do becomes successful. Any goal you want to achieve will manifest because you will have no fear. Your approach will be unfailing because you have nothing to gain or lose. You can finally leap into the unknown with total faith, courage, enthusiasm and joy!

The person who realizes that he/she is not really a person, but a soul that lives in this body is the only one who can truly be unconditionally loving and free. Everyone else will give love with conditions and be attached to some form of expectation. This is because they are attached to their ego, thoughts and body on some level. They think this form is all that they are and thus are limited by it. The advanced being knows otherwise. The truly liberated soul has realized that they are pure undifferentiated consciousness, that is beyond all thought and form, and is grounded and well established in the joy and freedom of being absolute unconditional love.

When you accept that there is no death in this lifetime, you begin to see everything with new eyes. The typical stressful situations you're used to suddenly become exciting fresh new adventures! Those people who challenge you on the deepest levels are truly your greatest teachers, and are welcomed into your heart on the most intimate levels. This is how we can know and experience what real peace is like. There is no longer any resistance, judgment or fear because you realize you are the eternal source of love. All is forgiven and everyone is your friend. It is truly discovering heaven on Earth, every single day of your life.

"Love does not resist itself because there is no thing outside it to resist." ~Angela Walker

Recognition of the deathless in you is the fastest way to true freedom. It comes instantly from a deeper investigation of your spiritual nature and an honoring of the very essence of your being. This is what really matter most in this lifetime. The source of who you are is where the ego life ends and the spiritual life begins. You know you cannot bring any of this "stuff" with you when you die, so why invest so much of your time and energy into it? Do not be attached to anything that you can place a label or name upon. Everything one day will fall away from you, like old leaves on a maple tree when hit by the autumn breeze. Simply invest all your time and consciousness exploring the eternal light and love that you are.

It is like we were told as children to be afraid of a snake that is really a piece of rope. It sure looks like a snake in the dark when the lights are dim, yet when you turn on the light and see the truth you just begin to laugh and laugh and laugh! When you fully accept that death is not real, then you really start to smile and truly become alive. You stop being afraid of everything in life completely. You also stop procrastinating and start doing everything you always wanted to do. You stop holding back your love, your words of appreciation, and your sacred heart energy, and every meaningful thing you wished to say to those who you care most about. You start to share the gold which you always felt could not be shared.

In truth there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is always on a divine cosmic plan. The projection your mind has created in who and what you think death is or who you are is still a small slice of the truth. The totality of you is beyond what you can imagine. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Are you afraid to look in the mirror? You may not like what you see, yet you know that what you see can change if you're willing to look at yourself differently. This tiny shift in perception is all it takes to step into the deathless experience of life.

This is my invitation for you. Open your mind and see what its like to live the next 24 hours of your life knowing deep in your heart that you will never ever die.
You will find that the mind resists this experience or tries to manipulate and micromanage it. The mind is used to living in being in control. To live a life without fear is the purpose of your life, yet if the mind hears there is nothing to worry about it will truly get worried! The mind is used to its job of being afraid and time bound in the 3D world of polarity thinking. It doesn't know anything about living for an eternity.

That seems absurd, there are so many practical things to accomplish and being absolutely trusting would mean that nothing would get done. Give your mind the option to explore what is behind door number three. Imagine what it may be like to just explore the sensation and knowing that you are an eternal being who will go on and on forever. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


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Dearly Beloveds,
I Am Melchizedek and I come forward to talk to you about your Ascension process and about variations in Dimensions.

I can honestly say that the most exciting times are approaching for many Lightworkers. Many are now receiving connections with their Higher Selves and with their guides. Moreover, many spiritual abilities such as channeling, telepathy, aura-viewing, seeing colours, healing and conscious astral travel are in the process of being activated.

In order to reach this high point in evolution, you have all had many incarnations! You have taken on various physical forms as well as various different energetic forms most of which are almost inconceivable for you. You have been both : on the one hand you have embodied very negative energies but on the other hand you also appeared as pure energetic light. Now you have all come to the point in your evolution where you can leave it all behind.

That is, you have accrued enough experiences to have obtained a very accurate self-image and you know what you can expect of yourself. You are amongst the strongest of souls who have acquired lots of experiences, and you know what lies ahead. You have all incarnated to advance this planet Earth as well as your civilization enormously and now you can close this cycle of illusion once and for all. The time has now come to make a conscious choice with regards to your next evolution.

Take your time to make the right choice as very soon you will exist amidst the world you have created for yourself. Of course, this choice is free and based solely on your free will. In case you choose to remain in the 3rd Dimensional world, you will receive another chance to Ascend to the 5th Dimension at a much later date. You will always evolve and continue with the Ascension process no matter what you choose presently because Ascension is an eternal, never-ending process in the Now. You decide your future in this regard.

If on the other hand you choose to return to your Home-world in another Dimension or if you Ascend to the 5th Dimension, you must understand that you will never ever have to undergo the challenges so relevant to the 3rd Dimension again as living in this 3rd Dimension has nearly overtaxed your strength and has lasted for several lives. It goes without saying that your evolution in the Higher Dimensions proceeds further and further on as you will continue to evolve endlessly. In the Higher Dimensions you will continue evolving in a love-filled way whereas the 3rd Dimension is filled with illusions and various negative energetic forms.

Say your good-byes to these illusions for they will collapse in on themselves before your very eyes. The new has finally arrived. Thanks to the Awakening of so many Lightworkers, the Light has increased immensely on your planet and you all sparkle brightly in the Universe : a fact that is even visible in our celestial spheres. You have accomplished this! You and no one else! We, the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters are only assisting and guiding you whenever it is necessary and, together with our Galactic Brethren, we are uplifting your energies in doing so. In short, it is you who do the work! You can be assured of this.

You are, and always have been, the liberators and now you have almost rounded up this phase. You can now even sense the freedom among you.
The month of June is an important month of this year. After innumerable energetic updates and transformations of the past months and especially in the month of May, the now incoming energies will be converted into results with retrospective effect.

The energetic codes and updates will naturally continue on and will climax regularly such as with the upcoming Venus Transit. Hold on to your hats for the month of June will show visible changes that are now heading your way. You will see the Energetic changes comming to Transformation. Despite the fact that you begin to feel these changes somewhat, it will all intensify even more than has already been the case. You are well on your way and there is no returning back : the Light has won and shines brighter with every passing day.

Please remain centered and take good care of yourselves because it could also turn out to be demanding, from an energetic and mental point of view, to calm down the Unawakened ones who could experience chaotic times now.
Everything will be achieved in a heavenly way and will turn out as Divinely Decreed. Enjoy these most wondrous times my dearly Beloveds.

I Am Melchizedek from the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for sharing this message. Namasté.


Veröffentlicht unter Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, Méline Lafont | Verschlagwortet mit Méline Lafont, Melchizedek | Kommentar hinterlassen

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Loved Ones of Earth. I would like to speak to you again today. It is my pleasure to sent the word to you through my old friend EnnKa .
We Dragons are regarded as evil and bloodthirsty creatures, which you must fear. So it was taught to you for millennia. There was a time in which we have lived peacefully alongside you, as the vibrations were not as tight.

Then different times had begun. The dark side had taken dominion over Earth and began to hunt and kill us. To avoid this, we had to left Earth, and we had to look for a new home. The consciousness of our existence has been transformed into fables and fairy tales. At the same time you have been led to believe that you ought to fear us.

We Dragons are powerful Beings, but we are well disposed towards people. We have a very old memory and we can well remember the times of our peaceful coexistence on Earth. We love the people and it is our desire to return to Earth. We already send our energies to you and just waiting for a change of your consciousness to become even more active to help.

Do not be afraid of us. We will do nothing to you. Make yourself familiar with the idea that we are not a fearsome creature, no mythical creatures. Besides us, there are so many other Beings that only you know from your fairy tales: fairies, unicorns, mer people, trolls, goblins, elves. They all really do exist and after your Ascension into the 5th Dimension you can see them. They will return to Earth and live side by side with you.

We can now help you only from the distance, as soon as we can once again live among you, we will be able to actively support you in building a new society. We will have a lot of fun together. My friend loves it to fly with me through the air, on her homeworld Sirius. You’ll sure love it too my beloved people of Earth.
I am Lady Ifegena and bring you the greetings of the Dragon Realm.

Veröffentlicht am Juni 2, 2012

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1 June 2012 - 11:45pm | hilarion /hilarion
Channeler: hilarion

St. Germain and Hilarion Feel The Incoming Energies At A More Direct Angle June 1, 2,012 through hilarion

Not all the energies hitting planet earth are hitting, or affecting, your physical. This misbelief could lead your mind to a focus and awareness that is narrow as compared to a wider or broader range of awareness which includes your energy bodies, around you , through you and above you. Many of the energies directing at earth now are extremely , extremely intense.

And yet it is possible to sort of feel it, but in a more diffused way, not a very direct intense way, more coming in at an angle. To step up your registration , transfer or shift your attention to your energy bodies within, around, or above you. After adjusting your attention, and expressing within your intent, allow several seconds or a minute for your energies to make it so.

This is simply a heads up that a lot of the action can be felt more directly by including this approach when appropriate. Note from hilarion: The masters have shared with me a simple mantra which they showed me would electrically prectpitate the energy into your aura.

What energy?.. the energy of divine feminine. Many of you would not require this assistance. Thus is an offering to you who would like to get a little more taste of some of this energy of ' divine feminine ' namaste to all,, hilarion Aum Te Ama , Amaram or Aum Te Ama, Amaram Gurudev in a way it seems silly- but i'm trying it and it seems to bring a very strong energy vibration and or a strong effect upon my energies.

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Tags: Ascended Masters /category/ascended-masters, Ascension

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May 31, 2012
Beloved Ones,
We wish to have discourse on the quality of Love known as support. This quality is one that is an enabling, encouraging one. When one person is in need in their life, another that cares for them utilizes this quality in whatever way seems best to give courage, inspiration, hope and forbearance to the one in need. This quality is one that is manifested often from the Angelic realms as they respond to your calls for assistance. It is a way to help lighten the load of another to uplift their spirit to a happier mood.

Whenever any endeavors are taken on, having support from the ones around you can help bring it into manifestation. When this quality is given freely, the fruition of One’s desires comes into being with much greater ease and grace. It brings joy and a sense of knowing that all will be well and that you are not alone. There is an element of going beyond Oneself in the giver of this quality which empowers them to continue to offer support. The giver, by giving this quality also receives this quality in return when in a position of needing it.

Those in a close relationship give this quality to each other on a daily basis and it keeps them aligned to each other and their commitment to enjoy a happy and meaningful relationship. This provides the impetus to continue on when the going gets tough and offers each one the demonstration of caring. It makes the heart smile in warmth, knowing that here in this person, the goodness and kindness of the Creator’s love is working on their behalf and it is most definitely a deciding factor in the happiness of both, knowing that in each other they have a constant friend.

When One is celebrating a special day, it warms their heart to know that there are others who know them and wish to honor them by offering a demonstration of their support for the individual in kind and happy ways. They send cards or flowers or telephone the individual to brighten up their day. They offer this quality of Love as a constant so that the individual is aware that they are deeply loved and cared about. Many times this is what has helped the individual continue to take a step forward in their lives as they experiences challenges and learn life’s lessons. It is the factor that helps them keep on and lightens their load.

On a larger scale, this quality can do great good when a world wide project is brought forth for consideration. When One chooses to support the project it is a powerful statement that the many are in alignment with the intent and motivation behind the project. Countless lives have been saved and changed for the better by the many acting as One. Great good has, and can be, accomplished by having many individuals throughout the World give this quality to ensure the higher good of all. When the efforts are shared, it feels much easier to bring forth the creation that was intended and the goal is met.

Finding ways to give this quality to others is most noteworthy and relevant in all situations for it helps foster cooperation and positive communication. Those who take the time to give this quality to others are rewarded in many ways that help maintain self esteem and feeling good within themselves and they often find reciprocation in their own lives as and when needed.
In Loving support,
I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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Venus transit /channeling/160659/venus-transit
2 June 2012 - 1:05am | elpaso /elpaso

Channeler: Ron Head /channeler/154828/ron-head Venus transit - Michael channeled by Ron Head June 1,2012

We will speak today on the topic of the Venus transit. Everyone is talking about this subject and we simply want to add a little something to the discussion. What we urge you to do at this time is very much exactly as you did for the 5-5-5 and for the eclipse. A great many meditations were planned and carried out on those dates.

Somehow, no matter what the planned meditation was, many of you, perhaps I should say most of you, found yourselves seeing peaceful and loving transitions smoothly taking you into your new lives. We say, do that again, dear ones. In fact, simply placing your peaceful and loving attention upon your intended future will be enough to hasten its arrival. You may also want to leave some aspects of your lives, some remaining fears or doubts, some restricting beliefs, behind as you move full speed into the remainder of this shift. These things may pop into your awareness during your meditation.

Just notice them one last time. Turn them over and examine them. Decide that you no longer need them and release them to the light. Now we would like you to fill the space that those things left in your consciousness with the light and love of Source. Pack as much in there as you can. There is plenty to go around. Take a deep breath. Thank Creator for the gift and return to your visions of your new life. In meditation, reach out your arms and grasp hands with the millions of others who are doing the same. Share your intention for a new peaceful, beautiful, and free planet. Allow the energy of that to overflow into all the earth.

Some of you will see people changing. Some will see trees growing. Some will see seas becoming abundant again. We will see that all who allow it will feel the immense energies of the moment. You are further along your path than you can even imagine at this time. But we tell you that the things which are soon to surprise you so totally are those that you have worked so long to manifest.

Reach out now and find those that you wish to meditate with on the day. We will speak again tomorrow.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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We are the Pleiadians and we have a message for you.

The upcoming Solar Eclipse of May 20 (May 21 depending on where you live on Earth) is approaching very quickly now and we are most pleased with this. At last we have the opportunity to show ourselves from our strongest side for the first time in thousands of years.

This upcoming solar eclipse is a gift which we look out for and which will accomplish many changes. All around the planet portals are opening here and there and the energetic boost which will be released in the alignment with your planet and Moon during this Solar Eclipse will open a very important portal which will be essential for the Ascension to the 5th Dimension.

This opening of this portal will not go unnoticed and will instigate many changes which will become obvious in the near future for all of you.
There is a lot going on and still much is to be disclosed in a very short while. If only you knew what has already transpired behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, you would not be able to fully grasp it in its totality because it is so huge. So we steer it in your direction gradually, step by step, in order to minimize a tension.

What is the essence of the alignment of our Home-world, the Pleiades, with your planet, the Sun and the Moon? This alignment happens very rarely and the positions of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon with the Pleiades will cause a certain rotation of the axe of the Earth. With this rotation a portal will open ensuring your passage to Ascension.

So it is of utmost importance what will happen energetically. We will coordinate everything carefully and we hope that we can count on your cooperation by coming together at the time of the Solar Eclipse and to concentrate on your spiritual evolution. It is most advisable to meditate, to open your crown chakra as well as your third eye chakra (pineal gland) and let our energetic information enter into your being and welcome it in your heart, for your heart is the center of your being and not your brain.

Convert this energy in self-love and send this out to all the people in your vicinity. In that way the love and energy will spread out even to those yet still unawakened.

Feel how you become lighter and flow together to the One Source of Love. This is Ascension my dear brothers and sisters; nothing more and nothing less. To many people it is unimaginable what Ascension implies and it is hard for us to explain more clearly as the Universe operates in very complex ways and exists of countless energies each sprouting from One Source, than to split even further and still further and even blend with other energies … All in all, an endless process.

What you will see is that Ascension in itself will be a beautiful process which is irreversible. Say good-bye to sorrow and lower vibrations, as they will no longer be part of your existence. “Enjoy” your last remaining days in the 3rd Dimension which is in itself collapsing now. Be prepared and also be ready and continue with your current life for you won’t have to wait that long anymore. The line-up with our Homeworld, the Pleaides, puts you all one big step further along the way and much closer to Ascension. So take as much of our warm, uplifting energies as you can and transmute them in love for yourself and others.

I AM Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Veröffentlicht unter Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, Méline Lafont | Verschlagwortet mit Méline Lafont, Melchizedek, Pleiadians | Kommentar hinterlassen

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When changes of such magnitude and significance as are starting to occur all across the world become known and are made public, it is to be expected that a certain amount of confusion and anxiety will arise. Do not be concerned, but continue to hold your Light on high as you offer solace and compassion to those who are anxious or unnerved by what they see happening. Help them to understand the significance of what is occurring, and explain that clarity of purpose and intent in all relationships (personal, governmental, international), as well as peace, harmony, and abundance are to replace dishonesty, conflict, and scarcity that have plagued you for so long.

As honesty and integrity, with concern and general thoughtfulness for others, continue to sweep through humanity, much will be brought to light that has been hidden from you by those in positions of power and authority as they followed self-serving agendas to protect and enrich themselves and their cronies. There will be widespread amazement and shock as information disclosing the many “irregularities” perpetrated in the name of “public security” and the “wars” on terrorism, drugs, crime, cancer, poverty, and many others is made public.

Those responsible will no longer be allowed to hold office, and they will be replaced by people of incontrovertible integrity so that the whole corrupt system that causes so much suffering for so many can be replaced by a totally new system that is simple, honest, and transparent. As all the information that has been withheld from you is brought out into the open via the media - initially the alternate media - there will undoubtedly be a public outcry against those responsible for bringing about this unconscionable state of affairs.

Courts will have to be established to investigate these furtive, cloaked, and clandestine activities and call those responsible to account before impartial judges. There will be no witch-hunts, nor will attempts be permitted to lynch or destroy those suspected of complicity. In this approaching New Age, Love will be the guiding power and authority, substantiated by compassion, wisdom, integrity, honesty, and transparency. It may well be necessary to restrain and confine some of the masterminds behind all the corrupt behaviors and activities, but punishment will not have a place in this new and transparent world that is being brought into being.

Love is the life force - the energy that sustains all existence. It was divinely created so that all of creation could and would live in eternal peace, harmony, and abundance. As you awaken, this will become self-evident. In the meantime, safeguards will be put in place to protect all from the insane and egregious behavior that the corrupted “elite” have for so long used to their own advantage, and to bring those behaviors to an end.

But also, in line with God’s Love for all of His creation, that elite will be protected from any attempt to destroy them or cause them suffering, in what might previously have seemed to you to be justifiable retribution. However, rest assured that they will no longer be able to harm others in any way whatsoever, and that they will have as much time as they require to become aware of, and reflect on, the enormous pain and suffering that they have inflicted upon others. As they do so, they will come to understand very fully how completely unacceptable their immoral and injurious practices have been, and they will not enjoy that experience.

Nevertheless, remember that you are all presently experiencing an illusory state of existence - it has never happened - and one of the essential tasks you are undertaking is to forgive yourselves for any number of what may well appear to you to be quite shocking acts and omissions. And this is a task that the elite will also undertake, at their leisure.
God - Creation - is Love.

You are about to return to that divine and perfect state. No unloving attitudes of any kind can exist in that state. So let go of all resentment, judgment, and any desire to condemn that you may still be holding on to - so that you may awaken into that glorious state.

With so very much love, Saul.

05/30/2012 by John Smallman

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It is a vision of immense power that you are bringing into being

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace. All is exactly as it should be, as more and more of you start to become aware that enormous changes in the way you live and experience life are shortly to come into effect. The first signs of this are already visible and being reported, mainly in the alternate and independent media, but there are also brief snippets occurring in the mainstream news. Watch out for them there because reports from that area give you what you might call more tangible evidence that great changes are underway - at last the mainstream media are starting to tell some of the truth, and that is in itself inspiring.

Waiting for the arrival of this mind-altering event continues to be stressful for very many of you who have held the Light and the vision for so long with such eager anticipation. That was one of your reasons for being on Earth at this time, and you knew when you elected to take it on that it would not be easy, although you also knew that you would have tremendous amounts of assistance to help you to achieve your aims and assist in the awakening of all of humanity.

Remind yourselves frequently of the vision that you have been holding and make regular contact with others on similar paths because it gives you added strength and confidence when you associate with those who are also holding this vision.
It is a vision of immense power that you are bringing in to being, to replace the illusion in which you have been hidden for so long. Its arrival is of enormous importance as it will finalize your release from the shackles that have bound you so firmly to unreality and suffering.

It will allow you to discover and revel in who you truly are, who you always have been, and to delight in the return to your natural divine state. All on the planet are set to take part in this amazing new vision that will inspire and uplift humanity to undreamed of levels of harmonious cooperation, enabling the undoing and repair of the damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on so many of her inhabitants.

As you awaken you will find yourselves offered boundless assistance in the task of cleansing and renewing the planet by those who have watched over you for eons, and who will provide you with fantastic technologies, way beyond anything you have ever imagined, which will make the task of planetary repair and renewal swift, effective, and easy. And of course they will provide or demonstrate to you new ways to access the energy you need to run all your essential services without the collateral damage and pollution that has always seemed to be unavoidable with your present vast complex of industrial systems.

Pollution and toxic waste are not the inevitable side effects of industry! What has been occurring on Earth under your stewardship has been a complete disregard for the responsibilities that living on Earth involved. You have been operating a system of rape, pillage, and destruction, and when all of value had been extracted from a site you just moved on. No wonder the Earth is in such a parlous state.

This will all change. You are finally becoming ready to take on the responsibilities that living peacefully, abundantly, and joyfully on Earth rightfully demand of you. And when, ably assisted by those who have come to help you, you do so, you will find that it is not a task of time-consuming drudgery but a most creative and inspiring experience that will bring you inordinate satisfaction.

Yes, many of you have for a long time been very concerned about the constant despoliation of your beautiful planet, and yet it seemed that there was very little that you could do about it. However, your various movements to bring this knowledge out into the open have been most effective in bringing about alterations in people’s attitudes, and an awareness of the great need for change in your industrial practices. And this enormous change in awareness is part of the awakening process that you have been undergoing.

To live in peace, joy, and harmony is your desire and has been your dream for eons, and now you are on the threshold of creating it. You have never been alone, either as the human race on Planet Earth, or as individuals. Mostly, this has not been apparent to you as you buried yourselves in conflict, disagreement, confusion, and sometimes even total despair as you played your unloving games of winning and losing within the illusion that appears to you to be so real.

Nevertheless, those in other realms - i.e. aware of but outside the illusion - have been with you constantly, offering unlimited support and love, but when you are totally engaged in the games that the illusion provides for your unceasing distraction, it is extremely difficult for you to be aware of anything other than how to survive in this ever-threatening environment. To you, of course, it does not seem that are you are engaged in playing games; your environment seems totally real and absolutely deserving, in fact demanding of, your full attention in order for you to assure your survival within it.

Now, however, the utter insanity of your present state of existence is breaking through into your conscious awareness and insisting on your acknowledgment of it. It is a shock and a relief for many who have had such a strong and intractable belief in the illusion and all of its accompanying misrepresentations which you have been led to believe is Reality. It really has been quite a game that you have been playing with such concentration and intent for all these eons. Rejoice in the confident knowledge that it is finally coming to its conclusion.

The anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and suffering that you have been experiencing will come to an abrupt end as you awaken into your true state of oneness with God and all of His divine creation, and recognize yourselves once more as divine beings, infinitely loved and of infinite value. When that happens you will find yourselves once more in Reality - your eternal Home - in a state that is more Real than anything you could ever have imagined while you were shut down, disconsolate, fearful, and effectively buried in your illusion. You are about to discard your belief in it, lay it to rest, and allow it to dissolve into the nothingness from which you made it. The moment for eternal rejoicing is almost upon you, so hold your Light on high, share it unreservedly with all, and know that the moment for your awakening draws ever closer.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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It does seem to some of you that you have been waiting an interminable amount of time for your awakening, and this is mainly because time seems to pass so slowly when you live in enthusiastic expectation of an event that you know will bring you all amazing happiness, the like of which has never before been experienced on Earth. And your expectations are absolutely valid. There will be no disappointments because what God delivers is always way beyond expectations! And He will deliver.

You have been promised a New World in which peace, happiness, harmony , and abundance are eternally present for all, and this is what is about to occur - no ifs, ands, or buts! And when it happens your hearts will be filled, infinitely, with joy. A joy so intense that it is utterly beyond your ability to imagine; it has to be experienced, as it most certainly will.
That is the Good News, and while it may not be new news, because you have always known that its time is coming, it is eternal, timeless, and permanent. What you are waiting for is almost upon you, and signs of the great changes that will herald this grand moment are appearing all over the world.

Only those who wish to be unaware are unable to sense the air of excitement and anticipation that has enveloped you all. And free will allows them to cling to that unawareness. Needless to say, many of the unaware are beginning to wonder whether it makes any sense for them to continue clinging to this state of stubborn inflexibility which sees only continuing and insurmountable problems all over the world due to people’s inability to cooperate for the benefit of all. They have an inner sense that there has to be a better way.

They know, because all on Earth know - even though that knowledge may presently be buried under monumental amounts of debris - that life is intended to be an eternal experience of infinite joy. Nevertheless, because of the unhappy conditions that the illusion provides, and the suffering and pain it offers constantly to all who choose to focus their energies on those aspects of it, they find it very difficult to respond positively to the hope that has started to seep into their consciousness. They look at history, their own or the world’s, and are very disheartened, for it seems that it just endlessly repeats itself.

Because of the work that the Light-holders are doing - changing their attitudes by releasing all that is unloving, and embracing compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness towards all - the divine energy field enveloping the planet is intensifying and infiltrating the individual energy fields of everyone on Earth at this time, and awaking within them the hope and the faith that has lain there for so long hidden and unacknowledged.

The loving spiritual assistance that is pouring down on Earth at this point in your evolution is constantly increasing to ensure that all receive their divine wake-up call. Not to awaken is a conscious decision not to hear, not to listen, and not to be aware, that has to be taken by anyone who remains unaware of humanity’s unfolding spiritual evolution. Nevertheless, the divine energy field will not cease in its attempts to persuade them that they are dearly loved and that their awakening will bring them untold joy. It is inevitable that eventually, when their suffering becomes unbearable and they choose to surrender their will to God’s, they will accept this divine offer, which is always available and will never be withdrawn, and then they will be lovingly drawn into God’s divine embrace.

If any of your loved ones seem to be unwilling, or are determinedly refusing, to allow themselves to open to the joyful energies flowing across the planet, just silently and quietly send them love and acceptance, and know that when they are ready - and their readiness is inevitable, eventually - they too will awaken. No one will be forsaken, so do not worry yourselves about them. Divine destiny has a most wonderful outcome planned for every single one of you without exception. Eternal ecstasy and infinite joy for all are divinely assured.

With so very much, love, Saul.

by John Smallman

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✿ Dear Children, it is with a heart overfilled with love and good wishes that I come to you this sunny morn. Sunny and abundant it is, for we are closer than ever to the realization of our dream. Yes, our dream, yours and mine and that of the Legions of the Heavenly Realms. So, indulge me if you would, my darlings, in my joyous ramblings, for I am of a mind to bring in June on a pleasing note!

✿ My message is quite short and simple, and I shall neither digress nor embellish. However, I would like my words to serve as a possible first-step for the newly awakening and as a much needed reminder to our more seasoned warriors. It has come to my attention and to the attention of many in my company, that it is time for a reminder of the most fundamental tenets of what the Ascension process truly is. Of what it entails. It is most normal and expected of one embodying the human form to want to dissect and to study everything down to it’s most minute particle. This often results in making a situation or a concept far more complicated than it need be. And so it is with the topic of Ascension.

This is not something which is complex at all, but rather there is nothing you shall ever face in this lifetime-or any other-which is simpler and easier to understand. It is not about grasping difficult concepts of the planet’s history, of quantum physics and sacred geometry; though the knowledge of these is most commendable and beautiful. It is not about tearfully beseeching the Star Brethren to scoop you up in a beam of light and carry you afar. It is not about escapism at all.

Nor is it about placing oneself upon a pedestal, to lord it over those who cling to the old ideals. It is not about the overthrow of governments and finance, disclosure or arrests, or even the punishment of those you feel have wronged yourself or society as a whole. Rejoice not in another’s misfortune, as this is not The Way of The Christ. Oh, never question that they shall answer to the Father, as those issues will all be addressed and rectified in good time.

Remember to approach them not from the standpoint of judgement and retribution, but with comapassion, prayers for restoration and in the spirit of His forgiving heart. Ascension is all about the heart. Yes, the heart. That is all. When you are living in the heart, everything else will fall neatly into place. To ascend is to raise ones vibration. And to raise your vibration you must eat, sleep and breath from the very core essence of the heart. You must both embody and emanate the grace of the Holy Mother. You must walked the Earth as Sananda walked it, as the Magdalene walked it. In a state of generosity and goodness. As one who does not judge another, but reaches out a helping hand to guide them towards the light, at a time when they are falling prey to the darkness. You must be kindness personified.

✿ No finer opportunity exists for you now, than the in the expansion of your loving heart. Growth can occur no place else, do not doubt that this is so. Knowledge will take you far, but purity of intent will take you farther. Cultivate a loving vibration and demeanor and live it, be it, each and every day. It is by the embracing, and then the expressing of the qualities of the 5th dimensional living that you make it manifest within your own planetary reality. Indeed, it truly is that basic!

✿ It was not my intent to run on, so in closing permit me to remind you also to be grateful. Be grateful for everything. Be it your health, your children, your home, the food you eat… Thank the Father and Mother many times over, throughout the course of every day. While it may not always appear so, it is a tremendous honor and a blessing to walk the planet Earth in human form, during these most illustrious of times. Your concept of a Gratitude Journal is a fine one, also, as it serves to remind you to to be forever grateful.

Might I suggest you keep one, and update it each evening upon retiring? And please do steer clear of that which lowers your vibration, be it a person, place or activity. Your healthy energy is a key component of the whole. Know that you cannot go wrong, when you keep in mind that kindness and gratitude are the cornerstones of the Ascension process. If nothing else, it is this very concept that you have need to master. Share it. Teach it. Then venture forth with a giving heart.
From my own loving heart, I bid you honor and peace. I Am Athena.

Veröffentlicht unter Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, AuroRa Le | Verschlagwortet mit Athena, AuroRa Le | Kommentar hinterlassen

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Posted: 31 May 2012 11:14 AM PDT
Subject: There is so much more going on that most just can not comprehend or believe it. I guess we do.
Aiyiyi! This means that the White Hats have to move and do it quick. The fate of world is at stake.
Breaking - Exclusive: Japan Attack, German Terror-Intel Group Complicit
Wednesday, May 30th, 2012 | Posted by Gordon Duff
“Confirmations of Nuke Move Against Japan, South Korea and US
Japan’s top secret Plutonium production and storage facility facing attack, a radiation catastrophe for North America planned. Based on multiple confirmations from official sources, plans are afoot to use a Russian nuclear device to destroy the secret Japanese weapons grade facility at Rokkasho Mura in the Aomori Prefecture.
We now have strong reason to believe that the Fukajima earthquake and tidal wave were not a natural event but one engineered to damage Japan and as a “first volley” in a radiation war against the United States. A second, far more serious attack has been discovered, the agencies involved are the NSA, the British Covert Services, the Royal Navy and the Office of Naval Intelligence.
A “repeat performance” is scheduled, one we hope this detailed report will offset…”
[Zan: Confirms Ben's prior warning...Time for action by positive military]
More contamination to add to what's already there . these fuckers are Satanic
May 31,2012-
Fukushima, Washington Hides ‘Black Swan’ of Economic Collapse
“As the sovereign debt crisis in Europe dominates
media coverage of both financial and main street
news, Washington’s deliberate cover up of a far more
serious threat to the global economy stemming from
the continuing crisis at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear
power plant (beginning on Mar. 11, 2011) is now
seeping out more rapidly from sources outside the
captured and complicit mainstream news outlets.”>;!
Here is an article about special ops and what the public is never told.
There is so much more going on that most just can not comprehend or believe it. I guess we do.

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Eurovision Winner Really About Ascension?
Not sure how many of you watched the Eurovision Song Contest over the weekend? Possibly not everyone - and I ‘m not suggesting that we start posting regular music clips here.
But, in light of everything that is going on in the world right now, and especially in Europe - plus what we know we have to look forward to this year - I found the winning song somewhat prophetic.
“Euphoria”, performed by Sweden’s Loreen (pronounced Lorre-en, real name Lorine Zineb Noka Talhaoui - she is of Moroccan descent) came through to me as being a song about God, unity consciousness and Ascension.
Remarkably, it was the landslide winner of what is one of the world’s most-watched non-sporting events: voted for by the people of 42 countries across Europe (including some we may regard as being from the Middle East).
Yes, I know it’s a dance song about love but have a listen to the lyrics, which I include below. Loreen is also a big advocate of both vipassana and Ashtanga yoga (which may have inspired her dance moves).
In the week prior to taking the title, the Eurovision winner had courted political anger when she accepted an invitation from local human rights activists to discuss their concerns over equality, control of the media and government harassment of minority groups.
“Human rights are violated in Azerbaijan every day,” Azeri opposition newspaper Azadliq quoted Loreen as saying after her meeting. “One should not be silent about such things.”
Authorities from the Azeri Government were quick to react with a warning that Eurovision performers should not be commenting on politics: “Unfortunately there are some attempts of politicisation,” senior Azeri presidential aide Ali Hasanov said. “The musical event cannot be politicised.”
Really? Well maybe it was “spiritualised” instead…
“Euphoria”- Lyrics
Why, why can’t this moment last forever more?
Tonight, tonight eternity’s an open door…
No, don’t ever stop doing the things you do.
Don’t go, in every breath I take I’m breathing you…
(Chorus) Euphoria
Forever, ’till the end of time
From now on, only you and I
We’re going up-up-up-up-up-up-up
An everlasting piece of art
A beating love within my heart
We’re going up-up-up-up-up-up-up
We are here, we’re all alone in our own Universe,
We are free, where everything’s allowed and love comes first,
Forever and ever together, we sail into infinity,
We’re higher and higher and higher, we’re reaching for divinity.
Forever we sail into infinity,
We’re higher, we’re reaching for divinity…

tags: Ascension Lyrics?, Eurovision Winner http://the2012scenario. Loreen - Euphoria - Live - Grand Final - 2012 Eurovision Song Contestcom/tag/eurovision-winner/

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Posted on May 30, 2012

My last blog post Divine Guidance – How To Recognize Divine Guidance and the two examples detailed in that post that show the variety of ways one can receive higher guidance prompted a response from a moderator at Rumor Mill News:

“I’m not getting the meaning of her examples. They seem a bit unimportant but I would like to stand corrected if anyone can explain. Thanks.”–MisterBoll

Since no one over at Rumor Mills News came forth with a response, I am responding to MisterBoll’s comment in this blog post.

MisterBoll, it doesn’t matter if the examples given seem a bit unimportant to you. Not all instances of divine guidance are going to be dramatic or life-and-death. What’s important is that we as individuals develop confidence in our inner guidance and our ability to recognize and correctly discern divine guidance. The fact is, most people do not have a well developed inner guidance system / internal B.S. detector … because cultural programming has taught us to mostly ignore our inner guidance. It’s important we reverse this trend now.

Furthermore, the only way that humanity will create a new world that works for everyone is by following divine guidance. There is a Divine Plan for creating a Golden Age for humanity, but it will not be accomplished simply by doing things that have been done before. Everything we’ve tried before will not work. Indeed, what we need to do is to resolve the world situation once and for all, to complete it for all time, from the highest level of consciousness we have access to–our connection to Source.

This means that a shift in consciousness is required. By “shift in consciousness” I don’t mean that we’re aware of the extent of the lies we’ve been taught about our world or the level of corruption of our governments. This level of awareness is important but insufficient to resolve the situation. Rather, we must become aware through firsthand experience why we willingly chose to create this scenario / Earth Experiment in the first place–which requires that we cultivate a deep relationship with our higher self, our connection to Source. (And this really isn’t an option.)

The fact is, we did not embark on this long, long, hard journey merely to survive the experience, but to realize its amazing and tremendous benefits. You will discover the gifts of your life choices when you connect deeply with your higher self, follow through with its guidance, and begin to fulfill your contribution to the Golden Age–which, by the way, will give you more joy than you ever thought possible.

Note that your mind would not know why you chose to experience the life you’re experiencing, but your higher self does. Your higher self (your soul, that has been around since the beginning) will show you one puzzle piece at a time if you get to know it and follow the guidance within. If you follow the guidance within, you will discover your gifts and the level of your success will be unprecedented. This is why most of my writings involve connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance. It is THE KEY to everything.

The only way the people of Earth will win this Dark vs. Light game is if we trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan for our victory, a bigger picture that includes everything and everyone, and that we consciously follow this plan to the best of our ability. And the way we connect to this plan is by connecting to our higher self and following through with its guidance promptly and consistently.

Most people cannot develop this kind of confidence overnight. It’s a process that often requires baby steps and simple examples. As you can imagine, following through with your guidance in spite of the contrary opinions of those who are considered the experts requires a bit of confidence, particularly when the guidance places you in uncomfortable situations. (I am reminded of Jesus here. Well, we all, in our own way, now get to follow Jesus’s example…)

For those who want to know more about the Divine Plan and how to connect with divine guidance, I would suggest reading my eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity. Workshops are not required and you don’t need someone outside yourself to activate your higher self for you. You activate things for yourself, and you will gain a good understanding of this simply by reading this book. Your understanding will reduce your fear and help build your courage–which will be required when it’s time to follow through with divine guidance in the days and weeks to come.
This entry was posted in Inner Guidance, The Great Shift and tagged Connecting with Your Higher Self, Divine Guidance, Divine Plan, inner guidance by Christine Hoeflich. Bookmark the permalink.

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Spanish>;; Portuguese

We speak this morning of your many religions and their single truth. There is a divinity within all life. The very highest value in the multiverses is the sacredness of life. All similarities among your various belief systems are due to the agreement upon this one principle.

Life is given by your Creator as an extension of the creative principle itself. The urge to create and the freedom to create are valued beyond price. The creative force itself is at the heart of, and is the goal of, all true spiritual experience. To the extent that this is recognized in thought, there would be no argument among the belief systems on your planet or any other.

Every teacher whose teachings have made any sort of lasting impression upon you has begun and ended with this first principle. Is it love? Is it wisdom? Is it the way? Is it Truth? It is all these things and more.

There is a counter principle at work on your planet, still, which proposes a higher value than life. It reveres profit, or gain. In doing that it has lost sight of the fact that there must be a subject, or living being, to profit or gain. Again it should be obvious, but has been lost or intentionally obscured, that if no life profits or gains, there can be no profit or gain. It also proposes that some life has more value than other life. Do you need more than an instant to evaluate that statement? Of course you do not. So therein, dear friends, you will find the crux of the matter.

The measuring rod of every thought, every action, every law, should be, and actually is, does this benefit all life. It does not take a great deal of deep thought to see that this principle has been increasingly ignored for a very long time, not by the millions of you, but by the few who would seemingly benefit. The only way to see any seeming benefit is to turn one’s face aside from the truth and at the same time to allow oneself to ignore the consequences of one’s actions.

Time, which does not truly exist, and the finality of death, which is also an illusion, make that possible. What if you became able to understand that time is an illusion? What if you became positive, beyond any doubt, that death is an illusion? What if you could at last see clearly that no one ever escapes the consequences of their actions because their judge and jury is ever within themselves? As the curtain is raised, dear ones, these things will become obvious to every incarnate being. Those who choose to see will see and rejoice.

You may see around you those who seemingly reverse lifetimes of attitude and action. The force which will bring this to pass is known as love. Love is the valuing of life above all else. Unconditional love is the valuing of that life regardless of what it has done or where, when, how, or why. Value the life itself. Have you learned to do that yet? Can you? We know how difficult that is for you yet. But you are rising every moment in your understanding and your feelings are changing.
This is confusing you at times. Yet it is also making you happier and giving you hope. You are becoming the new earth.

You are bringing into your lives, your minds, your bodies, more and more of the being which you are a tiny extension of. Things which were difficult or impossible for you will be matters of course, and you may not even realize when it happened. You are becoming YOU. The cumulative power of that will change your world overnight. Love yourselves, dear ones. You are the life we have been discussing.

Today be peace. Today be love. Tomorrow we will talk again.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Veröffentlicht am Mai 31, 2012

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello my Lovely One,



We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to share with you a message about Love. As Love is the most important element in your evolution, you are presently being overwhelmed with messages of Love and it cannot be missing for you are beings of Love, Love is All and everything comes from Love. Just like a flower in her process of blooming, the Love blooms in each of you and never stops until you become beautiful flowers. This is a most beautiful process called Awakening and we get to see this from our dimensions and it motivates us and satisfies us to continue to provide assistance to you all. We are almost there, the whole process is nearly done and so close that you can touch it. Love is All There Is and you evolve back to your original source of Love from which you were all split off. You evolve remarkably well my lovely ones and we feel that you are most ready for it.

The coming date of May 20th (May 21st depending on where you live on Earth) is very important and not to be missed as a worldwide event. On that particular date the Earth will position herself in line with the Pleiades and with the Moon and these energies are of the utmost importance so welcome these energies with open arms for they will uplift and enlighten you. These Pleiadian energies arrive at your shores only once in 13.000 years and they will arrive on May 20th (May 21st) and in this regard we can say that it will be a remarkable event. Even more Love will sprout from these energies than are already present and the contacts with the Pleiadians will be very strong. They are the ones who are closest to you and they are in direct contact with many among you.

We are of the opinion that we too of the Dolphin Collective are very close to you and we will do everything in our power to keep protecting your portals. We all work together; the whales, the dolphins, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians as well as the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, the Archangels and many other civilizations. All this to help you, our family, ascend. You will be amazed at the sheer number of civilizations and lightbeings we work with and you can rest assured that you are all protected and cared for, for we number in the trillions. Doesn’t this statement uplift your thoughts and your hopes for the future? Know and trust! An enormous amount of Love is sent in your direction so as to guarantee complete success!

You all have come a long way and when we consider how far you have descended and the depth from which you come we say to you :” Thank you and a big applause!” You really are a very strong race which is now awakening from hundreds of thousands of years allegedly disconnected from the Source. You can all be proud of yourselves as we too are of what you have accomplished. Your planet Mother Earth is presently undergoing tremendous transformations and most recently She began to emit lots of Light and Love. Her grid is gathering lots of Light and Love and it now sparkles brilliantly as seen from our viewpoint and that of our Galactic Brothers and Masters. Love is all you need to complete this process and to continue evolving. Think of Love and Be Love; with Love you can achieve everything and become all that you are. Love is unconditionally beautiful in its essence, the true image of each and every one of you. We thank you for sharing this message, we are the Dolphin Collective and we love you.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Posted by Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin>at 3:37 PM

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Posted on April 17, 2012


Old friend, our names are Tulla and Nara, and we are the Water Deva. We knew you in Atlantis, when you were sent to help in the final days. You remember very little about those times, when God sent you to create the vibration of peace. Many like you came to make them understand that the destruction was coming. We stayed by you and protected you as Guardians.

Now we are back. Many of you incarnated on Earth at this time have been assigned Elemental beings as protectors. The Devic Realm is part of the Elemental Realm. Living in the Elemental kingdom are also the ones you know as the Elfin and Faerie. We are old; many, many millennia, and have been here devotedly serving Gaia all this time.

The Water Deva swim amongst the fishes and spin beneath the stars. More and more of us are arriving each day, in order to counterbalance the energy of your environment. Never before have so many of us been here! We are from everywhere and all places. Ours is Earth’s water realm. We reign within the rivers and lakes. See us under the water, in places of dense greenery and look for us in the starlight, upon the lakes and ponds. Pools reflecting the moon display us in their energetic form. Strive to see the glittering, twinkling orbs of light. We are green, but shine with iridescent rainbow tones which change according to our mood, living place or task. Beautiful colors impress themselves upon our tails and hair. Upon meeting us, prepare for great surprises!

Return to the awareness of creations that await you by an Earthly waterfall of unimaginable beauty. In dreams, create this picture and with it hold a feeling of joy. Let yourself swim amongst us. Such freedom! Nothing holds us captive in the way that your illusion does, as it appears to take away your basic rights of creativity and self-expression. In creating this vision of us, we help you to feel lightened of your burdens. It takes the little children, and those like them, to truly understand and appreciate the Elemental Realm.

We are always visible to the innocent at heart! You may also elect to go to an ideal setting and hope for the right moment to present itself, to see us. Open your heart for a visit. Look for the Faerie amongst the dainty flowers of nature and see the Elfin prance atop the slippery stones. Kick off your shoes and dance! Call to the Starry Ones when you swim in the sea. You may not see them, but they will hear your call and come. You see, we understand your interest in us.

Most human beings are well-intentioned, but they forget that Gaia is a soul and they upset her life-force. The younger humans know this. They have plans to rectify this injustice at the onset of the new Golden Age. We, the Elemental, are a cleaning crew of sorts. In conjunction with your Star brothers and sisters, we are establishing the clearing of the many toxins that are slowly poisoning our Mother. The dangerous fluoride which some choose to pour into lakes destroys the precious balance within Gaia’s core, in addition to making the population sick and diseased. The runoff from the farms slowly penetrates her underground aquifers; and the divided waters - the dams and levees - affect her body’s natural balance. Watch as the ancient volcanoes erupt beneath the sea, for they will one day move the old land masses into their proper position.

We see that you all are beginning to take notice and speak out. This pleases us so! For the days grow shorter up until the day of Earth’s final slide into 5th density. So take the time to keep our sweet Mother in your hearts. Give of your dear, joined visions in meditation, as this reinforces the energy grid which encircles the planet. Love really is the perfect tool for healing, and your prayers have a medicinal effect. Just imagine that the happy time of our reuniting is at hand, and feel deep within you the kinship that we once enjoyed. The Earth will again be a pretty paradise. Gaia’s heart will weep no more.

Tulla and Nara

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In the dreaming of it, you are creating it. - Michael channeled by Ron Head May 31, 2012
Veröffentlicht am Mai 31, 2012




Spanish Portuguese
This morning we shall talk about your similarities and differences. It would seem absurd to say that you are all exactly the same while no two of you are at all alike. Yet that is a true statement.

No two persons, nor indeed creations in any form, have experienced exactly the same things during their journeys through existence. And every experience has led you to draw conclusions about what you have perceived. No two persons perceiving an event or thing experience it the same. Every experience they have had in this lifetime, or any lifetime, colors what they see. Every conclusion they have ever drawn about similar things comes to bear. Every fear, every love, every pain, every comfort that has been experienced and related to similar circumstances will be compared instantly, consciously, or more likely unconsciously, to the situation, and instant conclusions will produce additional emotions and feelings.

As more and more of your being becomes conscious and aware, you may have more and more control of these things. They do, nevertheless continue to happen. We would say to you that this would describe a function and purpose of your existence. You are Creation experiencing itself.

So it becomes east to see that no two of you are alike. Now let us discuss your nature as a living being. Everything which is common to you will probably reveal more of your true nature. Humans love their families and protect them from harm. Humans all have dreams and desires. Humans all want safety and comfort. We can make the list as long as you like. And we are sure that each of you, if so inclined, could produce examples which do not fit the mold.

Now, if you will, take a moment to imagine what our human would be like if all doubt, fear, and lack were removed from the perceived future. Imagine that this is you. How would your life change? How would you change? If you knew beyond doubt that you would never face hunger, nor lack for anything again, how would you react? If you knew that your sons and daughters were assured of the same, what would life be like? If we even told you that your life is soon to be exactly like that, would it change anything?

We have done it again, have we not? We have caused you to dream of a world you could never have imagined before now. That is one of our functions. For in the dreaming of it, you are creating it. As more and more of you dream of it in more detail and for longer periods of time, it becomes more possible, more believable, more real.

And now we have touched upon the nature of the sameness of all humans. You are creators. You are creating a new world and you are learning that you are doing so. We are in awe at how quickly you are progressing. It seems to you to be slow and painful. It is not so. It is the blink of an eye that has been foretold.

Once again we ask you to hold peace in your hearts and we will speak again tomorrow.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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