



Everett, WA

About Yourself

I am a work in progress! I am educated in psychology and philosophy, although I do not work in those fields. I actually design and make jewelry. I very much enjoy being creative. I was always very, very intellectually curious about what makes us humans tick, and even moreso what makes us tick in relation to the grander scales of society, the planet, the universe. I was also interested in what makes me tick... but too scared to look. But that was then. Around 2007/2008, I had some intense experiences that "woke me up" from my intellectual "sleep", and I had to somehow begin make sense of things that could not be explained rationally. My "old" reality was rapidly crumbling, and so with the help of a trusted mentor and many spiritual books as teachers, I developed the courage to let go of all fear and finally go inside. Despite my beloved helpers, I found that the inward journey is ultimately a solitary road! Once I realized this "awakening", I held a completely different perspective of what it means to be human and how we fit into this world and into the Whole. Generally, I am most interested in spirituality that transcends dogma and the intellect. Somehow, when we discover and open our High Heart, we can finally shed our small mind, our ego. A non-dogmatic and heart-centered spiritual understanding is what I am most interested in now.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I have a wonderful mentor, who has been on the "path" for many years. She is amazing, and I love her. She is my teacher and the "witness" to me on my path. Additionally, I cannot count how many spiritual books I have read that have been great sources of inspiration. Probably some of the greatest have been writings by Paramahansa Yogananda and Sri Yukestwar. Also, Rajneesh's The Mustard Seed, a series of discourses on the sayings of Jesus taken from the Gospel according to Thomas, opened many doors for me. This book was given to me by a very special person, one of the very few people in my life who "gets" what it means to be on a spiritual path. The Seth books by Jane Roberts were early books that blew open doors that I never knew existed. Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah inspired me to begin to integrate Tree of Life teachings. There are so many more... just too many to list!

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MaryImagines replied to ChaoticDragon16's discussion I had big, strange, deep dream with Ben-Arion Involved...
"Thank you for sharing this! I've been having similar dreams lately... where the main messages seem to be that the "outside" is only a reflection of the inner. I have also had a couple of OBE-like experiences during dreamtime and seeing this reality…"
Jan 1, 2013
MaryImagines replied to ChaoticDragon16's discussion I had big, strange, deep dream with Ben-Arion Involved...
"I like the term "Etheric School" - very fitting! Much love :)"
Jan 1, 2013
MaryImagines replied to ChaoticDragon16's discussion I had big, strange, deep dream with Ben-Arion Involved...
"Thank you for sharing this important dream! I recently had a dream that I was playing a part in a huge "game" where there were many, many challenges, and the rules were unknown. It was a game that not everyone could play, and so it seemed like a big…"
Jan 1, 2013
MaryImagines commented on Ben-Arion's blog post Protocols of the Fifth Dimension - Conversation between Sananda & Aurelia
"Thank you for posting this - it came at exactly the perfect moment!"
Dec 19, 2012

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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceGreetings, beloved ones! We are thrilled to establish a new connection with you. We are the Blue Avians, channeled by Octavia, guardians of the passages of time, 12th-dimensional beings. Once upon a time, we were just like you.As you entered…
5 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceBlessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all…
12 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Also what do the Sirians call the Andromeda Galaxy? Had to ask since you mentioned the Andromeda Galaxy and yes I agree the name Andromeda is indeed a pretty cool sounding name :)"
12 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceBy now, hopefully everyone has read the earlier morning article and the update that was sent later.This supplemental information deals with the LION’S GATE PORTAL which opens tomorrow, Friday, July 26th, 2024, and which will be active until…
19 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yeah around the normies I guess I still gotta use the term Milky Way. Forgot about the normies for a second lol :P"
24 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"hehe...Yeh I always thought we had a bad deal with the naming of "milky way." It obviously comes from the Greek, "galaxias," which means milky....So milky way galaxy is like saying the "milky way milky"...LOL

Now in contrast, we have a nearby…"
29 minutes ago
RichRaelian posted photos in Mission Of Maitreya; Eternal Divine Path
33 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good information You provided Drekx. It sounds like I might have to stop calling our galaxy the Milky Way and start calling it the Kashira Galaxy now."
37 minutes ago