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  • Hey, Stopped by, just to remind U that we r friends.
    Much Love & Light as always.
  • Water_Voices_by_daekazu.jpg

    Hi Marita

    Thanks for stopping by
    I am trying to have my best summer that I never had and I am having!
    Hope you are having a super summer too with your family and friends

    Love and light

  • I love you !
    Many blessings
  • Hi Marita. I sort of took a break from Ashtarcommand and cosmic stuff to explore and discover myself more. I think I am now grounded better and may start coming 'round the crew again. I hope all is well with you.

  • Many blessings
  • hi Marita :) yes I think we are nearing the finish line very soon,
    in fact Mother Sekhmet even said it might be sooner than many expect...
  • hej. hoppas allt är väl med er..kramar tina
  • Hej kära "Ljusvän",det har varit lite mycket en tid nu, därför har jag inte svarat på ditt mail som jag fick för ett tag sedan.....men jag har tänkt att skriva,och det gör jag på det sätt vi brukar skriva på.....lite mer privat så att säga :-) Så jag hör av mig. Må så gott, och mycket Ljus och kraft till dig! Kram Lenina
  • här är mina syrener. mmm
  • hello dearest marita ,
    how nice to see the beautiful words on my page , yes all is okay and beautiful around me and in my heart , there is everyday only light and sunshine , so i shine it all over dearest

    with my light , blessings , power and love
    frans xx
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Marita posted a discussion
Good News everybody!There will be a new search-engine for Internet coming soon, which is based on truth, independence and freedom.So now you can put the other corrupt ones in the trash-pin (especially the corrupt one starting on G for instant which…
Jun 1, 2015
Marita replied to happy person's discussion COBRA - Free the Colonies! Final Update, Saturday, May 30, 2015
"We did our part,didn´t we ! And it was also a great rehearsal for the things to come... (smile).
Until next time - Take care, my friend."
May 31, 2015
Marita posted a discussion
Join a Meditation against the cabal/darkness/bad guys today on the 30:th of May (see right time for your country in the info below).See video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WOTqeJcC8See info here: "Free the…
May 30, 2015
Marita replied to Marita's discussion Help the Light forces free the solar system from darkness on the 30:th of May - Your help is needed
"Thank you for the nice thought and picture "Happy person".
Take care."
May 23, 2015

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"This was a few days before the last video posted where this time it was Russia intercepting US aircraft. https://youtu.be/ZCrAPAEwMOw?si=P6w0MRfm5IIpM81P"
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"And not too long before this a week ago at most it was Russia intercepting US aircraft. It's very obvious the Cabal knows they are about to lose power in the US and then everywhere else not too long after so they are prepping for WW3 so that they…"
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"Happy New Year to the human, humanoid, and whatever else you may be in Milky Way!"
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Demolition-charges were installed on girders of each tower.    George Bush Jr's  brother was pres of operations for a security company responsilble for the towers' security at that time-
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"✨🕺 Thanks for the funxy beats 🎷✨"
7 hours ago