Marcus23's Posts (1)

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I just want to say something, I have been pondering since discovering this wonderfully informative site...I love what I have learned, the idea of cleansing one self, through yoga and treating myself with respect and love; to not give away to the negativity anymore and I truly feel better about myself and where I have come from... The Information has been more then educating and enlightening. BUT...I do believe demons/genies/jinn or DIMENSIONAL BEINGS can trick us into pretending to be "angels of light" or vice versa... and despite the love, acceptance and education you and myself have received from this site, you MUST PLEASE STOP praising these idols!To praise these beings for the information they have bestowed upon you, gives them more power. You do not know who these beings are. Just because they give you information, does not mean they have your interest at heart!Your attention to these entities gives them energy. You are filling their spiritual cup.DIMENSIONAL BEINGS (forget UFOs) are tricking you through education??JUST LIKE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN!We were tricked with information. NEVER FORGET THAT! …and then lead astray… from GOD.To want to understand the reality of this world is only natural, but do not give attention to these entities/beings who have not disclosed their purpose to you because you could be doing yourself and the world a disservice;IN THE NAME OF FINDING THE TRUTH!MUCH of this information is true, believe me, because I believe it, but never forget God has a purpose for you and so do each and every entity/spirit that comes to contact you.These contacts or channels, even if spoken with love, can lead you astray.PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A NEW AGE RELIGION TO FURTHER KEEP PEOPLE IN BONDAGE AND SLAVERY!!!There is 1 GOD and a lot of higher intelligences.Work with the intelligences that send you love, by all means, but take everything with a 'grain of salt.'DO NOT treat any of these intelligences as God, they are not!Never trust an entity who wants to be praised or worshipped!Never trust and entity who leads you from the idea that you will forever be in the hands of God and The Purpose.Never trust an entity that makes you worship ANY of the demigods, which include EVERY ancient religious society, of the Egyptians, Mayan, Norse, Native/Pagan, Roman, Greek and ATLANTIS demi-gods.These are just higher intelligences, all will lead you someplace with their higher wisdom and only a few will lead you to the ONE GOD, THE GREAT SPIRIT and LOGOS on top of this entire higher pyramid of consciousness.REMEMBER whether you are Christian or not, Jesus said he did not want to be praised, he did not want a religion, he wanted you to understand there was but 1 GOD and all religions, some loving, some not, are setting up ways to take your undivided attention away from GOD!With LOVE I SAY TO ALWAYS TRUST YOU’RE HEART and NO ONE ELSE'S!PLEASE I IMPLORE YOU!YOU ARE GOD"S CHILD!NOT ZUES, SHIVA, ARES, Osiris’s OR ASHTAR's...(or is it ISHTAR; the goddess of DESTRUCTION???)I'm sorry, but I believe NIBIRU is a hoax, but THIS phenomenon is NOT!Would you consult all your brothers and sisters before you consult your father or would you rather ask your father directly???I come from a large family and love all of my brothers and sisters, but even though they would not harm me (necessarily) many of them would sell me up shit creek to steal my ninja turtle, my TV time or play me off my parents for their own interests, to keep themselves from getting caught and to keep out of trouble.AND So would every entity in the world, if you give them a chance…PLEASE DO NOT BE TRICKED; there is only 1 God to give yourself too, despite all ENLIGHTENED BRIBERY.THE BATTLE OF THE ANGELS AND DEMONS WAS FOUGHT WITH IDEAS.And We are ALL PROGRAMERS OF THIS MATRIX, built off and out of our very idea and belief structure.Until you become conscious programmers of your reality (this matrix), someone else will do it for you, I promise.IF ASHTAR REPRESENTS GOD???A NEW AGE RELIGION WILL NEVER BE NEEDED any more then the old religions were.AS LONG AS WE HAVE RELIGION SOMEONE ELSE WILL DO THE PROGRAMMING FOR YOU.To always give energy to one entity, higher consciousness, alien or channel, is creating a ritual or personal religion for yourself.While fighting off a false god, you may accidently recruit or allow another, to take its place…And then you will be exactly where you started from and only if you’re lucky, with more wisdom then you started with…WITH AS MUCH LOVE AS ONE CAN CONVEY-Your friend in arms for the DESTRUCTION of the program, so we can all once again smile and walk with God in our hearts!LET THE LAUGHTER OF ALL OUR GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN BE OUR VICTORY XOXOXO
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