About Yourself
A lot of astral travels... and 144 ... always 144, the number. I see it every day from almost two years. I was told I've sirian DNA... so maybe i'm really a sirian.
Anyway, i know i'll go away from this world to travel in the space and knowing other civilitation...
Meditation, meditation... every day... it opens heart and calm mind
My italian blog
Data on my family, the Sirian people of Samanet....
Yes my own starseed origins are Sirian, but related to the "nordic" Sirians of planet Samanet, which is Sirius B4.....
On Samanet, Muktarin and Atarmunck, are Sirians of both Lyran and Vegan descent...The Vegans have blue skin and some of them have a darker blue skin, like black races on earth, but without the brown tone...
And the race of sentient leonine felines of Sirius A have intermingled with some of the black Sirians, as you say...thus the concept of Sirians with feline features...or the Pschat "warriors of Heaven."
My own star people, the Samanet, have colonised the planets of Sirius B, C & D...We are of Lyran and Vegan descent...
We are culturally allied to the Pschat who have associate membership of the GFL, but not fully fledge membership...as they choose not to be such...
Thank you for your friendship Marco and I will answer your questions as I am
able and acknowledge where I cannot.