Malechite's Posts (193)

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Restorative April Vibrations

Don't knock it until you try it.  Shift really does happen and many of the tips listed here may help relieve some of the stress.  Fear Matrix is being broadcast loud and clear and we continue to hear from many about the Mad Max dreams, the disrupted sleep cycles, the intense aches and pains that "magically" evaporate after a "download" of higher energy.  Daily news casts detail the planetary cleanse that is now underway.  Each new wave hits hard so read, enjoy and employ the relief wherever possible.  Thank you Charlotte Szivak!

Last months  life-altering celestial events of the final Uranus Pluto Square (a series of 7 we received between 2012- 2015) including the powerful added  voltage of the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse which sparked a reconstruction process in a profound way, elevating further still any lingering deep seated wounds, anxieties, self-esteem and fears  to once again be released (Pluto takes us to the core of who we are while Uranus shakes our foundation til we align with truth and our higher self). You'll find that recuperation and a sense of balance will be restored through the month of April.


94477c49-3d5a-47bb-88a2-60fd2d01c385.jpgThe Earth and all her sentient beings are Ascending; elevating in  vibrational frequency  collectively as we are all  disengaging from the Fear Matrix of Illusion.  The Fear Matrix is nothing more than an accumulation of past anxieties, stress- filled worries to sometimes evoking paralyzing fear resulting most to feel left in a mental fog.   For those of you with Clairvoyant abilities the Fear Matrix's usually shows up looking like a cloud above your head that travels with you as well as a part that remains stationed draped above your bed  as gray and black clouds seeming like weeds intertwined throughout your subtle bodies.


The important thing to remember is that this is all an illusion treating you to some sleepless nights spent in over-analysis and strategic planning similar to a chess match leaving you mentally drained and waking up in a frozen state. Awareness is key and these are just some of the "symptoms" of the Fear Matrix fog clouding your perception.

Hearing the call and the need for help the Inner -Plane Ascendant Master  devised various techniques to assist you with releasing these energies from your body, aura and hologram; helping to awaken to the many levels of consciousness and embracing your inner reality.

SOME BASICS to remember...

Simply begin with smudging your room, above the bed, your own body especially above your head with sage (white buffalo) or sweet grass. This will instantly dissolve these clouds leaving the room feeling energetically fresh and light.




Another great idea is to create your bed as an alter with these specific stones:



A powerful and protective stone that's a natural tranquilizer bring serenity enhancing sacred space the healing and cleansing of your sacred space and aura. Superbly beneficial to the mind, calming and stimulating when appropriate.  Over come insomnia, nightmares awakening the divine connection with the brain



An extremely efficient grounding and anchoring stone that also assists with raising your vibration releasing any negative energies, dissolves fear, lifts depression and brings emotional calmness restoring harmony, peace and a feeling of stillness allowing you to release your day and get some restful sleep.

29e750ec-a855-4070-9c8e-1dd046e719be.jpgOne of the most powerful transmitters of negative energy on the planet at this time, if your great with visualizations then this may be the one for you. Envision yourself completely engulfed in the violet flame especially around and above your head and within in minutes you will feel the energy release restoring stillness and peace. Repeating this mantra 3X's while focusing on your brain will do you wonders;

I AM the Violet Flame
I am the purity God desires.

As all the cosmic stations (astrological signs) have been expanding and anchoring their own highest expression ie Saturn is no longer the planet of the father or world teacher but now embracing  the Inner Guru! We are all experiencing the anchoring of our true calling - A TOTAL GAME CHANGER! Moving from the head to the heart ~ looking closely at every aspect of our being, revamping EVERY aspect of you.   Its time to stop waiting and start creating!
Below you may recognize this symbol of the
Flower of Life.

One of the most magical symbols in existence.  When tracing  these lines you'll notice an awakening serenity overcome you as it begins to infuses your pituitary /pineal gland igniting the Arc of Light above and around your forehead  blending and merging the left and right brain hemisphere's together for brain illumination allowing you to gain access to parts of your brain you may have never used. Awakening your Mind of Light the Mind of God enhancing your natural abilities and gifting you with a greater sense of foresight.

Further igniting and infusing you with creativity, feelings of serenity, peace of mind, magnetic clarity, stillness allowing you to just simply be. A fantastic tool before a meditation, or just when your in need of some moments of pure aloneness luxury.
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Shifting and Surviving

April 2015 Shift Trauma

Don’t be fooled by the title and believe that this was a March into April 2015 only event because it wasn’t. Every month is seeming to end and transition into the next month with more intensity, trauma in many cases, aches and pains both physical and emotional, and more chaotic pushing energies than the month before. It’s just that this latest shift out of the last few days of March into April was super intense and filled with “extra” crap n’ stuff, both good and plenty miserable.

Below is an email I received from Tom B. a couple of days ago. Thanks for letting me share it this way Tom. 

Also, in the Q & A section, Elle W. wrote a Comment about some of these things her husband recently experienced so I thought it would benefit more people if I combined these conversations into an article. First is Tom’s email letter.

“Hi Denise – Thanks for your recent articles and posts in the Q and A Section.  I’ve been going through an extremely challenging time with Ascension symptoms over the last week and a half.  Being able to read them has been validating.  It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one going through crazy, challenging times these days.  Reading your articles and posts has been helping me get through some very challenging times lately.

The 28th I stayed in bed all morning and early afternoon. I had a series of epic waking dreams (for want of a better term) which lasted for hours.  I can’t remember experiencing anything like that that lasted so long.  I forced myself to get up and go to work that evening even though my intuition told me to stay in bed and keep having the strange waking dreams.  That night at work I felt very depressed to the point of being suicidal.  I haven’t felt that depressed in a long time.

Since then I’ve been experiencing severe fatigue, especially on the 30th.  This morning I had a series of strange, emotionally draining dreams as I kept waking up and falling back asleep again several times.  I also released a lot of old physical toxins after I got up the final time and started my day.

I’m finding it very challenging to keep a good attitude about all of this.  I’ve been reading on your site and others that spring equinox through the eclipse on April 4th is a very intense time for Ascension.  I’m trying to keep this in mind, but it hasn’t helped the last few days because I’ve been feeling so shitty during that time.  I feel that things have only been getting worse for me lately, and today I just can’t shake that feeling.  Please feel free to post this if you feel it’s appropriate.  Thanks. Tom B.”


I just wrote to you about my first “recalled” ET contact (though I did have something on 2/22/12 in a dream that pointed me to having possibly “been from” another planet in a past life). I mentioned my husband was my confident and help mate in all this. I have been with this dear man for 40 years, and just yesterday (the day after contact), he had a complete and utter meltdown the likes of which I had never seen–he was not even sure life was worth living anymore. I know this is extremely personal, but I can’t/don’t believe this was a coincidence. I am ready to put down everything in my life and just nurture him back from this. He does believe in the possibility of psychic attack as he’d had experiences, but this is just too direct a correlation to miss, I think. Unreal.”

Here’s my Comment reply to Elle.

Elle W & All,

I’m not at all surprised by this actually. It’s hard, difficult, traumatic in fact when any of us are suddenly and unexpectedly compressed/pushed/propelled etc. upward on to a higher consciousness/frequency energy Stair-step. There’s typically some level of blow-back and repercussions to it because the ego self freaks out over having to change. Our egos deepest fear!

You’re 100% right that all this is no “coincidence”. In fact the ETs most likely are doing what they did for him as much as they did for you… but both of these events are happening for both of you on very different levels or Stair-steps as I call them. This again is typical of positive ETs; they use the least amount of energy to get the largest results. :wink: It takes some conscious interactions back and forth with these Beings before you begin to see how multidimensional they actually are and that they work this way with us too.

On the other hand… as I’ve written recently, we’re typically attacked by Team Dark (TD) beings and/or lower energies etc. whenever we evolve up another Stair-step. They sense the change in our energetic frequency and they panic and attack to stop us, derail us, sidetrack us, to terrorize us back down into the old lower frequency level again. This too may be what and why your husband experienced what he did. We’re integrating and evolving beyond DUALITY after all! :smile:

I’m going to try to get something short written quickly today about this because I too experienced an attack March 31 into April 1st. Plus I recently received an email from a man whose experienced something similar and gave me permission to quote his letter. I know a lot of people have been going through this over just these past few days and it’s been super intense — I’m talking contemplating suicide intense! I’ll do my best to get it written and published today.

One more VERY important thing in this I want you to consider Elle.

“I am ready to put down everything in my life and just nurture him back from this.”

That’s exactly what TD is hoping for. You doing that in an attempt to help your husband is the worst thing you could do for him, and to yourself, and to the positive ETs that worked to have this contact happen with you primarily, and secondarily with him. This is one of those “tough love” tests for you and to not interfere with what he’s going through, and an expansive “step up” to another level of awareness and being test for him. I want you both to get the most out of what you’re each going though now.

Hugs to you both, Denise


In my case I’ve experienced portal people being activated, oftentimes to the point of sick obsession, at the end of March into the first day or few days of April. I’ve experienced this enough times over the years to know it’s not a “coincidence” either. And I experienced it yet again the past few days with my next door neighbor. He however is not the issue; how I deal with or don’t deal with, focus on or don’t focus on etc. what he’s attempting to do to me is the issue.

As is often the case, those of us consciously aware of the Ascension Process and personally working hard to utilize those energies to evolve are at key times attacked, tested, confronted, sidetracked, tempted off the Path, greatly confused, increasingly depressed, exhausted, or even considering suicide, especially during extra potent and big energy influx shift periods such as what these past few weeks have been.

Another aspect of all this that’s easy to overlook or forget for those of us living, embodying, seeding/anchoring the NEW Light Energies first (codes, blueprints, templates etc.) is that the human Collective is in a wild state of energetic and emotional turmoil, chaos and wild negativity much of the time and they will be for a while so learn and discern and override it all as best you can.

Sensitives feel the human Collective despite our best efforts to not be effected or influenced by it/them. The trick is to be able to discern what’s yours and what’s the human Collective that you’re feeling inside your head, mind, heart, body and being as if it was yours! It’s easier to deal with when you can tell that it’s just you sensing and feeling lower energies and emotions coming from much of humanity. Hold your High Heart space and level in the midst of all this shifting, fighting, instability, insanity and chaos because in doing so you are Consciously Creating NEW space for NEW realities, worlds and incomprehensible amounts of wondrous NEW creations. Forerunning into NEW space and holding it open at higher levels is how we plow the fields for seeding for future crops. :wink: <3

And then there’s the ultra-weird dreaming mini series type dreams most of us have had for weeks now… when you’re fortunate enough to even be able to sleep for a couple of hours that is! O_o I’ve been falling asleep at night and then waking up two hours later absolutely positive that it must be four or five hours later. No such luck, I’ve only been asleep for two hours and then the rest of the night is thrashing and flopping and trying to not think stupid, self-defeating, pointless thoughts all night. In most but not all cases, much of this dreaming activity is Collective related too, but some of it is my personal “stuff” from decades or days ago. It cannot co-exist with more of the NEW merging now so we dream our little selves clear/clean again and again for as long as we need to.

Another thing I wanted to mention in all this is the solar winds that had been a blowin’ for the past few weeks. They felt extra potent and I felt them in my body as old Ascension flu aches and pains. My spine often gets tight and sore when a lot of NEW Light is pouring down in through the top of my head down into it. Doing nothing physically is all that helps with that it seems. Also, the air itself is much more charged with NEW Light which makes my nostrils bleed sometimes, my sinuses feel pressure and my lungs hurt when I take a deep breath.

In the end I think what many of us have felt recently is both ours AND the human Collective feeling the increasing energetic pressures of tremendous change and growth. Change and higher “company coming” :wink: to merge with us/us with it. Despite the BS and negativity, the aches and pains physical and emotional, I very definitely see and feel massive progress. I know the external world isn’t reflecting this nearly as much as we’d prefer at this point and yet, it and so very much more is happening. (I think it was around the start of February 2015 that I saw some higher dimension packed with unusual activity by great numbers of Lightbeings/Angelics working like crazy there. Many of them were needed, and still are evidently, to do certain very important things now which means some of us have been seemingly left on our own here in the physical. If you’ve felt your Angelic Ascension Assistants gone lately as I have, I believe it’s due to them being needed elsewhere for a while. They’ve been incredibly busy with profound changes too. Plus we’re needing to learn to function and create without our personal Ascension Assistants at our sides constantly.)

I know this article is all over the place but it’s the best I can do today with all that’s going on around me at the moment. Please know that I too have my really low days or hours even, and then I get back to High Heart level again and pick up where I left off. We all do this and it’s perfectly okay and expected as we become more proficient at all this in a physical body in a physical world. You are doing so much more than you realize yet so give yourself time to sit and seemingly “do nothing” while you receive even more into yourself.

Multidimensional Group Gratitude Hug,

Denise Le Fay

April 2, 2015

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Energetics Of Blood Moon Portal

This month we have reached a new threshold, where all these souls are for the first time energetically capable of fully participating in a global ascension test run, which, if successful, may lift this reality permanently into the new 4D worlds in the new Golden galaxy and thus dismantle the old Orion overlay. This event will be very similar to the ‘PAT Supernova” – another metaphor we used in the past to describe the numerous ascension test runs during major portals, where only a few of us had to heave the whole humanity and Gaia to higher dimensions.

This Tantalus act has now been distributed on many shoulders and among many souls who have, in the meantime, advanced enough to follow in our footsteps. Hence there is a great chance that this month we may finally experience the PAT Supernova that will trigger the final ID split and the transition of this uppermost mother planet to its new destination in the Golden Galaxy. This night, while watching the blood moon eclipse, this event felt very close to me.

Parallel to these positive developments, we have the majority of very young and unripe souls who cannot connect to the new crystalline grid. These souls continue to live and act within the old electric grid and to perpetuate their failures and obnoxious behaviour. These, once former leaders of humanity are, however, powerless now as they can no longer hook into the new crystalline grid, which is the basis for the new holographic model of humanity and manipulate the masses. Hence they have no longer any influence on this portion of enlightened humanity, no matter how much dark magic and other demonic manipulations they resort to in order to reinforce their once strong energetic influence on the rest of humanity.

Ultimately, this is the energetic dynamics that will bring about their demise. As these people constitute closed, low-vibrating energetic systems with a very limited perception and tools of response to new challenges, all they can do is continue perpetuating their old dark patterns and expect the same results as in the past. This is the generally accepted definition of insanity.

The novel element of this time, beginning with the opening of the blood moon portal today, is that when such dark entities decide to harm other people in their surroundings with their dark decisions or even black magic, these acts of darkness cannot reach any of the people they intend to harm, because they are now connected to the high vibrating new crystalline grid. Instead they simply bounce back onto them and cause them the pain they wanted to inflict on other people. This is the new rule of the new incarnation game on this uppermost mother planet that is now on its way to the new Golden Galaxy. While we had in the past a downward spiral of debased, low vibrating behaviour that few, very dark entities – the elite – imposed as self-proclaimed leaders onto the masses of incarnated souls, now this situation has been totally reversed.

Since the opening of this blood moon portal, and even much earlier for us, any lowering of the vibrations at the individual level causes such a pain in any human being that has already linked to the new crystalline grid that there is no possibility any more for this group of evolved humans to lower their frequencies and debase their personality anymore. The ones that still connect to the old grid are the same that will be severed interdimensionally when the final big events will take place and the wheat will be separated from the chaff. All these dark souls, who will have to go through another very long incarnation cycle of 26,000 years before they have made enough negative experiences and qualify for eventual ascension, will begin with these negative experiences Now – this month of April.

The stage for this grand “finale furioso” was set with the blood moon portal today and the coming days will be full of dramatic events.

And precisely here our creationary approach must now set. We must begin to envision all upcoming dramas that will involve family members, who are either fence straddlers and must make their final choice for the light and against the darkness by radically releasing all past attachments to dark negative thoughts and behaviour patterns, or truly dark entities, who are destined to leave this uppermost mother planet. These people will start this month with their last desperate efforts to turn around the course of the events and regain full control over other family members, eventually over you.

Of course they will fully fail this time and this is the same mechanism as to how the ruling cabal will lose their power by making huge blunders and committing terrible crimes that will be contained by us as incumbent Logos Gods for the most part. But in order to create this favourable outcome, you must know precisely how the energetic dynamics behind all these events operates and what its true nature is.

Now, let us assume that you have such a situation in your family and rightfully expect an éclat to happen in the coming days because now all lies and all deceptions must come to the fore. They can only be resolved in an outer escalation of human dramatics – in a resolution through confrontation – at the global stage and within the family. Hence do not fear any confrontation as it is unavoidable and is the only possible way to resolve such old dark patterns based on perennial lies, deceptions and illusions caused by the total separation of these individuals from their souls.

But – and here comes the good news – you can create a new reality, where this confrontation need not happen. How? Here is where the real master can manipulate his reality as to experience only what he desires. From now on!

When you perceive that a confrontation with (a) family member(s) is inevitable, as these persons are either on the verge of awakening and distancing themselves from their past dark environment or are truly dark entities and will be separated from us in an ID split very soon, you can actually create this outcome already in the Now within your personal subjective reality.

First, you identify the problem with the person, then you envision several possible scenarios how he would behave when he will be fully confronted with the truth in the coming days. As all these scenarios will be highly unpleasant due to the fact that these people always tend to drag you in their personal unresolved dramas, you should immediately begin to make regular invocations with the seven sacred flames by decreeing what you want to experience and what you do not want to experience. Then move all negative scenarios to parallel probability timelines, where these confrontations through escalation can be resolved without directly affecting your life in this reality or in a set of realities you live in.

This means that you may visually and telepathically perceive in a very intensive emotional manner how such a confrontation occurs in one or more such parallel timelines and then suddenly you move to a new timeline, where this unpleasant event has not taken place and will not take place. You may even see the same person, who was the culprit for this conflict at the same day and he will not be aware of this conflict or remember anything.

At this moment it is very important for you to discard fully your old, deterministic thought patterns based on causal relationship. I can assure you that this is really very difficult and even I must very closely observe myself as not to fall back into past, illusionary linear thinking of causal relationships, constituting of perpetrators and victims, of blame and projections of false responsibilities.

All these human games have lost their meaning now. Instead, preserve the clear knowing that you have anticipated with your expanded awareness what is energetically happening on this uppermost mother planet now, because you have envisioned all possible scenarios in the Now moment and have made a clear choice, which scenarios you do not wish to experience personally and which most favourable outcome should manifest in your reality.

This is the way how our souls create our reality in every moment in the Now out of myriads of probability alternatives without us being aware of this complex process of constant creation.

Now we have reached the level of expansion of our awareness, where we can begin to consciously create our reality in a multidimensional manner. By envisioning a negative scenario, we already experience it in the inner space of our soul, which is the only relevant reality these final days and in all eternity. The moment we decide to discard this alternative, it disappears from our reality, while it takes place in a parallel probability world.

In practice, this happens as we move to another, more favourable, higher vibrating timeline. In this way we constantly increase our frequencies and those of the reality we live in, by making conscious choices for the light and against the darkness. The fact that the negative event you have anticipated in your reality has not occurred, should not be interpreted as a failure of your creation according to old, deterministic thinking in causal relationships, but as the most convincing proof that you have been highly successful in creating a better reality for yourself.

Of course, it may happen that you may even witness how such a dramatic event affects a family member as envisioned by yourself, but it will never affect you. Had you not anticipated this event in advance in a conscious manner and had you not done the necessary invocations, you might have been fully embroiled in this superficial drama triggered by this person and your experience might be very unpleasant.

Hence you create your better reality by a conscious exclusion of all alternative negative scenarios. This is how we should now operate as conscious Creator Gods. It is not sufficient to know that you are a Creator God and then not participate actively in the daily Gestaltung of your subjective reality because you still succumb to the old idea of causal relationships, where there are perpetrators and victims and we cannot affect the course of the events. We are now in a completely new game of incarnation and the old rules no longer apply.

I hope that with this disquisition I have shed some light on to how one can create consciously one’s reality now and I would like to reassure you that all these observations are based on my personal experiences and observations, not only in the last few days when they proved to be particularly true, but since twenty years when I first consciously realized how we create our multidimensional reality in each fleeting moment.

By the way, you can find most of this explanation in the excellent books of Seth channeled by Jane Roberts more than 50 years ago. Everything I have said in this article has always been there, only that we now begin to fully comprehend it and consciously make use of it. The new greatest advantage, beginning this month, is that the energetic structure of this uppermost mother planet now allows this kind of immediate creation only if we follow the Universal laws of multidimensional creation as presented by Brian, the Dragon, in close observation of the aforementioned considerations.

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Chakra System Symphony

On April 15, 2015, dear Ones, the journey to recondition Mother Earth with Eternal Truth and restore the possibilities of Creating with Unconditional Love will begin! The sequence of Energy that will result in the restoration of Eternal Truth within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension began on February 13, 2015 and will complete on June 15, 2015.
This is the Energy of Growth with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe designed to guide all Souls into understanding and beginning with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in Mother Earth’s progressing Fifth Dimension! From April 15, 2015 until August 4, 2015, the Energy of Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe will prevail in giving all responsive Souls a boost of Energy towards becoming Super Creators with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! It will not be Man of Destiny Souls who will awaken on the morning of August 5, 2015 as a Super Creator with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, dear Ones, but you and aggregate whole of the Lightworker Souls within the Legion of Light!  

Most Man of Destiny Souls will still be in an enduring process of demystifying the relative truth of his or her own world rather than attempting any major steps to align him or herself with God’s Eternal Truth of the Universe! These “baby steps” towards understanding and becoming Super Creators in Man of Destiny Souls are just a beginning process for his or her alignment with Eternal Truth and will involve much more Internal Processing Time. The Eternal Truth of God’s Universe will be revealed and divulged by you, dear Ones, as you amicably demonstrate and role model the Eternal Truth of who you are within God’s Universe!
The Energy from April 15, 2015 through June 14, 2015 is juxtaposed between the Energy of Growth and the Energy of Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. During this particular Time you will be Sanctified by God and the Universal Energies in not only internalizing with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but in becoming the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and a Super Creator once more! Your role as a Super Creator will be seen as “lucky” or “a fluke” by Man of Destiny Souls at first, not realizing that he or she is destined by the guidance of his or her Soul to also attain similar results by applying Unconditional Love in all he or she thinks, does, and says!

The attainment of Super Creator status within God’s Universe is only achieved by awakening the entire Seven Member Chakra System. The Three Chakras most Man of Destiny Souls currently use to achieve Creation with Unconditional Love, do not offer discernment between relative truth and Eternal Truth. Discernment between relative truth and the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe is provided by the remaining four Chakras – the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. In understanding his or her world, relative truth serves most Man of Destiny Souls “just fine” as it allows him or her to seek a job, a family, and a home, the relative truth’s version of “attainment.”
The relative truth’s version of “attainment,” however, does little to promote or acquire Spiritual Prosperity in the form of Joy of Living! In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, relative truth, “truth as the situation requires,” will nullify and abolish itself with any attempt to Create without the discernment of Eternal Truth. This occurs not only in one’s life, but in all societies involved in maintaining the Reptilian Soul’s charade of fooling all Souls with the denial of each unique Soul’s status as a Super Creator with the Universe!

The Reptilian model of moral and ethical standards, based upon the relative truth of “as the situation requires,” will be superseded by the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe and revealed by you, dear Ones! Man of Destiny’s world fashioned through the Reptilian model of practice will also be going the way of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, away from influencing all future Souls to come. On April 15, 2015 the Universal Energies will serve to align you into the Space and Time to begin your Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe.
By June 15, 2015 there will come an internal signal transmitted to all Lightworker Souls stating that it will be Time to gather and assemble into one solitary unified unit – as God’s Legion of Light! At every step and process of the way, dear Ones, whenever and wherever you are generating the Vibration of Unconditional Love, God will be harmonizing with you and doubling the effect and influence of your Love as you become a Super Creator of the Universe in Unity with God!
Alexandrian Kosmos.Blogspot.Com


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Blood Moon Portal April 4th

New Image2

Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress and intuitive understanding of being. This portal was but one door into the new world which we are all walking towards. As many of you know another magnificent portal is about to open for all of us, this portal is going to take place on April 4th – The Blood Moon portal.

Before I talk about that though I would like to point out to all of you that the next few days leading up to this blood moon may see you incredibly conflicted. All of your old memories and RE-Actions are going to come back, you may feel as if all the work that you have done on yourself is slipping way from you and you are right back to square one. 

However, that is absolutely NOT what is happening. Simply the last ounces of “dirty water” are being squeezed right out of you. Brought up for you to deal with finally, and use all that you have learnt up to this point to SHIFT your focus onto the POSITIVE. I know this as I have been experiencing all of this first hand. All of us are going to and already are going through this, no matter your level of enlightenment, the only way around it, is to remain stable and at peace with everything that is happening.

 It will be very easy for you to get tangled up in the old drama, but at the same time you will find yourselves looking at everything from the distance with a new perspective in mind, armed with various tools to get you through. As the drama unfolds all around you, you will observe it from the still point of none-resistance. You will simply see the old you emerge and the new you balance everything out. You will do a little dance with your very own self, refusing to re-en-act everything that should stay in the past. You will make it through I know so, because you have been prepared very well for this week and the weeks to come.  

But going back to the actual Portal on the 4th of April. What is this portal going to mean to all of us. The message that I am receiving from the divine is that this portal is a portal of FREEDOM. Freedom from the past energies that have been holding humanity’s consciousness in the paradigms of the olden days. Ever since we have entered the photon belt a lot has begun to change, to transform to morph into something else. Much work has been done by all of us individually and collectively to get to this point. We all had to face our shadow selves, work on ourselves diligently to prepare for this year’s portals.

What will this mean for all of us? A great CHANGE, an incredible energy influx that will finally strip us from the old ways of thinking. We will be pushed and supported with all the upcoming changes that we will be making both individually and collectively. The way that we perceive everything from “conflicts” to “resolutions”, from the clothes that we wear, the place where we live, even our food choices are going to be different. Some of you are already feeling the effects of this energy influx. Our bodies are truly shifting rapidly, we require different food now, as the type of food that we do eat is not satisfying everything within us, and so we are craving for something else, and that something else, is pure energy from the cosmos. We are being led to discover that part of our diet is going to come directly from the energy that surrounds us daily. This may sound like a farfetched statement, however many of you are already noticing the effects of your body drawing energy from other sources and not just food.

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Abundance Manifestation April 4th


“Blood Moon” Total Eclipse (April 4) = Moon of Manifestation!

blood moon eclipse april 2015

We’re right in the midst of a powerful Eclipse cycle!

These cycles happen twice a year, and the one we’re in now has been particularly intense and filled with opportunity.

Eclipses always come in pairs, and this “Blood Moon” Eclipse occurs on 4.4. 2015, giving you the gift of Abundance Manifestation.

Here are some of the highlights for this Total Full Moon Eclipse:

▶ This Lunar Eclipse is the third of 4 consecutive “Blood Moon” Eclipses, part of a rare “Tetrad”, meaning “Four in a row”.
▶ It occurs on a Double 4.4. Day, triggering a strong Manifestation Code.
▶ The Sun and Moon form a T-Square with Pluto and Uranus – stimulating you to ACT.
▶ The Eclipse “Achievement Triangle” triggers an exquisite 14-15-16 Numerology Code!

A Total Full Moon Eclipse exponentially expands the emotional Full Moon energy, making it much more intense.

This particular 4.4. Eclipse also nudges Pluto-square-Uranus one more time, a cycle that began close to three years ago and has transformed you to the core!

In Numerology, April 2015 is a 12 Universal Month.

12 is ingrained deeply in our psyche – we have 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 12 signs in the Zodiac.

12 teaches us to say NO to sacrifice and victimization.

With a “root number” of 3 (12 = 1+2 = 3), we’re going to FEEL all of life very deeply in April.  3 is a creative, uplifting, social and emotional number of self-expression. By expressing the full spectrum of your emotions authentically, you will keep your April light, fun and drama-free.

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Multi Dimensional Creativity

Georgi Stankov

Even if this message discusses well-known esoteric truths, it is highly relevant at this moment for one simple reason. We have commenced to create our world in a conscious manner and we must be aware that this creation is subject to some simple but fundamental laws.

One of them is that we, consciously or unconsciously, create anything we experience. When we look at this world as given and only seek to make us comfortable in it, as the majority of the people actually does, then we come very soon to the basic idea that we live in a permanent state of scarcity.

In my two theoretical articles the other day: “How to Put the Pieces Together” and “Personal Reflections” I identify the perception of scarcity as the primary cause of all evil in this world. Although this finding appears plausible, yet it is an undeniable fact that most people take no notice of it, because otherwise we would not need to observe all these wars and conflicts and the ever-increasing poverty of humanity on this planet.

All-That-Is is abundance, creative abundance, and the same is true for each one of us, especially now that the energetic structures for instant creation have already been set up and activated by us on this uppermost mother planet with the opening of the last portal on March 20th,

After all, what I perceive, and as we have been insured by the Elohim, the big breakthrough will come very soon, possibly next month, even if we know that linear time is an illusion. Everything speaks for an imminent quantum leap in our ability to create immediately and we are the ones that can speed up or slow down this process, as Anita’s message clearly states on this issue.

A second fundamental truth is that we create both our outer world and our inner world at the same time. The exterior world is the consensual reality of all incarnated souls and changes very slowly according to the collective beliefs and prejudices of the majority. This is a very slow process, as we regretfully observe today.

At the same time – and here comes the big news of which Anita’s message, in line with the Elohim’s message, makes us aware – we decide as Creator Gods solely and alone how we should experience this consensual reality. And now be attentive: We can make the decision to continue experiencing this reality from the standpoint of our limited 3D consciousness or distance ourselves entirely from this world and decide to adopt the multidimensional approach of our souls.

This is the crossroad at which we all stand now. Those, who have wholeheartedly embraced the multidimensional vision of things of their souls, will very soon undergo a massive expansion of consciousness and de facto ascend – i.e. transfigure their physical body into a crystalline light body. This first Ascended Masters will not disappear from this reality, because their bodies will still remain visible here, at least for those people who have also raised their frequencies sufficiently. Only they will now have immense powers of creation and will immediately begin to act as Logos Gods, serving humanity and leading it to new horizons. As I said, the chances are very high that this will happen as early as next month with some of us.

However, what needs to be of central gnostic importance to all of you is that there is now also a subjective reality existing besides the consensual collective reality. Actually, it has always existed, but it has not been perceived, or rather denied, by most incarnated souls and this attitude determined the old 3D holographic model.

Now the rules of the game have changed fundamentally, and some of us, who have already transfigured their bodies, will demonstrate this fact also visibly to everyone. This includes all attributes of an Ascended Master as bilocation, immediate creation, etc. Or as the Elohim tell us in their latest message:

A refined reality that now exposes more truth; a reality that then nurtures more of humanity and where more of humanity then softens to life, as lies are exposed and one can now return to breathing with relief, in the knowledge that you, the Light warriors, are now truly on the “other” side, the side of honest recognition, where your power is drawn back to you, returned to you, in a kind of sudden enlightened moment.

This statement coincides fully with those of Anita’s HS. So, here we have a remarkable consistency. Now enjoy the clear message of Anita HS and immediately begin to think, feel and create from the fulcrum of your soul, if you really want to ascend. We must now meet our souls half-way before they descend fully into our bodies and build the paradise on earth. This is what one should understand under the term “harmonic convergence‘.



Dear sister, you are creating with everything you do, say, or perceive your own world. Yes, even the perception creates your world. You decide what you perceive and what not. In this way, your very own world arises. And so it is for everyone. This is nothing new, as it was always like that. For this you need do nothing great, it is just the nature of your Being.

What is new now, is that you become aware more and more of this obvious process and therefore can also deliberately influence what you create. That is, until now you have created your world more or less unconsciously and now you have, depending on the level of consciousness, acquired the ability to specifically interact with the formation of your world. This is the personal level of what is happening right now.

Of course you are creating, each one on his own, and all together your common world. But how you experience this world, is entirely the creative act of each individual. Because the experience of the world is as much a creative act as the creation of this world. As such, there is of course no collective destiny. Even when the outer fate of two people looks very similar, viewed from the outside the inner experience of these two people can be totally different. This is what we mean when we say that everyone creates his own world.

We would like to once again focus on how your common world is changing now – even in your perception. You have been for example so far mainly conditioned to perceive strongly what you are missing. Yes, you are conditioned to perceive conditions of scarcity in a more pronounced way than states of abundance. If you look at your world, you will be able to see that it is true. You perceive scarcity much easier than true wealth. The reason for this is that you have separated yourself from your soul, and thus make experiences separated from the source. As long as this separation is your reality, you perceive scarcity everywhere.

This has of course serious implications. What is there, appear to you more as a matter of fact. What is missing, is what you feel more or less as painful. And by this selective perception you create individually and collectively a world of scarcity. Unless you begin to counteract, each one for himself. This is then entirely a conscious creation. The creation of worlds of scarcity happens, so to speak, automatically as long as you create unconsciously. Now, when you begin to consciously create, you can counteract this automatism and create more and more consciously worlds of abundance.

That is, first, each one of you can create as an individual for himself a world of abundance. This was basically always the case. However, only very few people were aware of this fact, and even less have considered the consequences and started to create abundance for themselves. Now more and more people become aware of their capabilities and therefore can accomplish this task with greater clarity.

Anyone who is becoming aware of this already helps in the re-creation of your world.

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Negativity Evictions!

frequencies colored 
Portal People

Jumping back a moment to the old patriarchal systems circling the drain faster every day now and the unaware human devotees of and to those old corrupt negative systems — employees, their jobs, careers, titles, incomes, monies, ego-based positions of power over other people etc.

I’m working on another article about this topic alone because it’s very important to discuss in greater detail now even though it’s unpleasant and dark. I’ll publish that article as soon as I get it finished but I need to include this topic—what I’ve called portal people or Team Dark (TD) humans—here briefly.

My blanket term portal people covers all living unaware humans who are functioning at the old lower levels of consciousness, ego, Duality etc. and because of this are also easily used, manipulated, controlled and directed by nonhuman, nonphysical TD beings/aliens/entities. This horrible situation becomes vastly worse if you are Team Light (TL) — a Forerunner, Lightworker, Pathpaver, Volunteer, Wayshower, Indigo etc. physically on earth now to assist with the Ascension Process. TD will target you/me/us of TL because TD sees us as the great enemy.

Where all this becomes painfully frustrating not to mention occasionally downright dangerous is that these nonhuman entities USE lower consciousness and frequency humans to get at (attack, harass, make miserable, derail, sidetrack, wound, make ill or worse) those of the Light, including anyone starting to wake up and evolve. 

This is why anyone starting to wake up, expand their consciousness and extricate themselves from the narrow lowly TD frequency range will typically come under some form of psychic/etheric attacks by TD in an attempt to stop them, prevent them, or simply terrorize them right back down into the old lower frequency, state of being and consciousness. There have always been vicious etheric guard dogs protecting the global junk yard keeping Light out and Dark in. However, the Ascension Process has and is changing all that. It just gets difficult at times… and that was me being very gentle with this topic.

My point about the portal people is that they’ve been ratcheted up a few more notches in 2014 and 2015 due to the constant and increasing Divine cosmic Light pressures to evolve now or go elsewhere and all this is becoming nearly unbearable for both sides. If you’ve had to deal with any of the old patriarchal systems (and which ones aren’t!?), then you too have felt and dealt with more and more portal people deliberately messing with and/or attacking you because you’re radiating Light everywhere.

Because of this they try to slow you down in any way(s) they can, make you physically ill, mentally confused, emotionally frustrated and so on. I’ve encountered this amplification in almost every person (not all of course) I come into contact with and it has been and still is frustrating and heartbreaking that the majority of humans aren’t even aware of how they’re used by TD to hurt other humans and Forerunners and keep the Light out of the old junk yard. 

This situation had gotten so severe for me that I didn’t think I’d be able to move through all the portal people but thankfully the March 2015 Equinox reduced a good chunk of this and opened the way forward once again. The portal people situation will continue for a good while so figure it out fellow Planetary Up-lifters. It gets easier the farther into this we all go, however it isn’t always easy so pay attention and make whatever adjustments in yourself that you need to at the time. This will ease up over time but be smart, be wise, be aware and do your best to not let them pull you out of your High Heart space/frequency. Easier said than done I certainly know but that’s what we’re dealing with now in greatly amplified ways.

silvergold waves 
The Ground Disappearing Under Our Feet

Another thing I wanted to mention that’s been amplified once again over the winter months of 2015 (summer months in the southern Hemisphere) and into March has been the growing sensation that the very ground under my feet is gone or is very unstable, soft and dropping away. That plus hearing weird sounds again in the air around me like the very world is cracking, creaking, groaning under the energetic pressures and literally coming apart. It probably is.

I’ve heard these weird sounds again since December 2014, and I know the majority of them are not physically created sounds but energetic repercussions in the space around me. Could this be some more of the Separation of Worlds? I sense it is but wanted to mention it because I know many of you have been hearing and feeling these latest changes and sounds too.

And as is often the case when great chunks of negativity is being broken up and moved some more by more Light coming in, some of us will See or feel or sense small pockets of that Dark, toxic energy on the move in the space around us. Much has been and still is being removed that needs to but it sure can feel weird and highly unpleasant at times when it wafts through some room in your house!

And lastly I feel compelled to mention that during these times when another round of negativity is being evicted, some of us will have lucid dreams (yet again) where we experience some horrific event/events done by living humans to other humans someplace on planet earth. In my most recent case this happened somewhere in South America deep in a jungle type setting in what I can only call a kill camp. Some brown skinned males had a makeshift prison there where they imprisoned other brown skinned men, women and children to get certain information out of them. It didn’t matter if those people talked or not or if they knew anything or not because they’d all be murdered when the males were done with them.

I witnessed one day of this up close and personal a few weeks ago, and as usual it took me days to get over what I experienced. I’ve talked about this type of transmuting energetic Work via lucid dreaming (which is just code for going to where the actual physical events took place and see and feel them to permanently clear them) before in other articles and in A Lightworker’s Mission because it’s one of the many ways Forerunners transmute or clear residual negative energies across the planet. I just thought I was done with this type of energetic Work and had to really work on myself afterwards to release what I’d witnessed only a few feet away from me in that South American kill camp.

So… pink ponies, candy, ice cream, tranquil pools and ponds, happy birds flying and singing and so on. That’s what I used to have to do when I was a kid and unpleasant, scary negativity would impact me. Old tools die hard. I couldn’t end on that horrific note so please envision pink ponies and happy birds signing. Sorry it took me so long to write anything but it’s been truly crazy weird horrible and magnificent at times for many months now. All perfectly normal for where we are and what we’re going through now. 

Denise @

March 28, 2015

Donations can be made here and Thank You very much for the energy exchange.

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Collective Karmic Healing

Together, the Violet Flame of transmutation and the Pink Flame of divine love, both created together in one braided energy stream shall firstly transmute any and all human miscreation and through its alchemy within the context of the pink flame, shall then heal all discord, all emotional, mental and physical hurt, all shame, all misunderstandings that have plagued the world for centuries.

As an energy is transmuted by the Violet Flame, the newly created element that remains now needs the alchemical reaction of the Pink flame of divine love.

First the Violet flame is flooded into a body, or a thought, or a difficulty, and then the luscious pink flame is brought in to engulf the issue in order to heal with love, the disconnection.

The Violet Flame then floods the situation again, in order to fully re-set back to the wishes of God-Source.

A full clearing (Violet Flame), healing (Violet and Pink Flame) and re-set (Violet Flame) is a powerful combination of actions.

As you prepare for the many up-coming healing sessions, you must know this truth:

Pure healing stems from the conscious recognition and activation of the electronic (prana) tube of light that enters your body through the Pineal Gland (or through the left brain portal in ascended light warriors, note George) and moves directly into your heart space.

Invoke this light and weave the violet and pink flames [and any other flames that we intuit as necessary for a particular healing] into it, to begin a complete healing of lower vibrational and dysfunctional situations creating imbalance within all of the four bodies, physical, emotional, mental and etheric.

Know in advance of your healing session: What is it that you wish to achieve? Of course, any conscious desire for the highest good of all involved is perhaps the most gracious approach and realizes a most desirable outcome, and leaves great allowance for the divine to solve any issues in a most dynamic and fruitful way.

I will attend all healings with you, you only need to invite my presence.  I thank you for your service and for the Service of those joining you in this sacred endeavour.

There are great shifts now occurring and much is coming up for clearing and healing. It is to be remembered that the human collective is now processing great past tragedy and the implications upon the Ascension are potent. While many issues seem to be centred around an individual problem, these issues are always representative of collective karmic healing.

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Love Means Get In Sync With Spirit

Applying the Spirit

When the Energy arrives on April 14, 2015 you will have completed the first of two conjunctive phases designed for aligning you into the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones! The first phase began on March 15, 2015 and will conclude on April 14, 2015. The first phase serves to Activate you into your Spiritual Purpose with God. The second phase will begin on April 15, 2015 and will complete on June 14, 2015, when you will be Sanctified for your new role and duties with God within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Most of the two phase sequence will require additional internalization Time on your part in order to access and reacquaint yourself with your Spiritual Purpose with God. The most problematic component of implementing and initializing your Spiritual Purpose with God will be sustaining your trust and conviction that the Universe will provide everything you will need to begin your new role and duties with God on June 15, 2015.  

Our internal conceptual domain forms the perception of our external Reality. If you are phobic to trying new experiences because of past failures or have an expectation of peripheral obstacles of obstruction coming your way once more, your Creative endeavors in the Fifth Dimension will not produce an outcome any different than you experienced in the Fourth Dimension. The same can be said if, for instance, you were accused of wearing “rose colored glasses” in the past for interpreting the potential of a person or a situation to be much higher in merit than reality was demonstrating. The role of assisting Man of Destiny Souls has been a collective ongoing process extended through the past 10,000 years by Lightworker Souls. In those 10,0000 years you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light have integrated into Man of Destiny’s world to raise mediocre expectations of achievement, belief, and clarity of understanding into the standards of the Universe with God. The task of raising the standards of man’s world was largely thankless, undervalued, and unappreciated by Man of Destiny Souls.

In the Fourth and lower Dimensions, Love is not required in every thought, deed, or action to achieve, only that learning with Love is realized. This makes it truly difficult to navigate the essence of Reality for any Soul, especially a Lightworker Soul who has the Light, Love, and Harmony standards of the Universe ingrained within his or her Soul! Ten thousand years of substandard expectations and values may have only momentarily stunted your own achievements from Time to Time, but Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will see you returning to the standards of the Universe with God! You are the Momentum of Change, dear Ones! Within you is a detailed plan ingrained to your Soul, and only you have the ability and the choice to unveil it to the world! You will have three advantages working to assist you in the Application of the Spirit into your everyday world for Mother Earth’s evolving and Activated Fifth Dimension Reality!

The first advantage you will have over past experiences in the Fourth Dimension will be that you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light are in Unity with God – at Oneness with God and the Universe in all you will do and attempt to achieve in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. In Unity with God is not just a “catchy” phrase without significance or merit. You will find that the more you will apply the Spirit of Love with God into your Life, the more trust, conviction and confidence you will gain to ease into the massive scale of achievements you will put into motion for The New Earth arriving on May 16, 2016. The second advantage and benefit you will have in all of your initial Fifth Dimension endeavors with God will be there will be no Man of Destiny Souls to impede, hinder, or delay any of your Projects of Light and Love for two years! In other words, dear Ones, you will not have anyone to question the validity or feasibility of your work because you will not need to seek investors, financiers, or venture capitalists – for Love is God’s Currency of the Fifth Dimensionand once you realize it, you will be wealthier than you ever imagined!

The third advantage for initializing your work for the Fifth Dimension’s superstructure will come with the Energy of March 28, 2015. Back in December 2013 Mother Earth aligned herself with a new communication grid, the New Matrix, to allow communication between all Souls to occur as if all communication were being simultaneously accomplished by telepathic means. The New Matrix will Activate on March 28, 2015 and will only be initially available for all Lightworker Souls to communicate directly between each other and God. It will not be a Higher Self tool, but one directly related through the Activation of one’s Seven Chakras. It will still take a little while to get used to, but like any new technology, it will become a great asset to increase the speed and momentum of the New Reality!
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In The Presence Of Love

On April 1, 2015 the Universal Energies on Earth will be rushing as if being released through the debris and obstructions of dammed up water, for Mother Earth will be completing the Activation of the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration upon her body! Some of the impediments obstructing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will move out of the way rapidly. The rest of the remaining obstructions will linger just a little while longer in order to produce the karmic effect of learning for those Souls who do not understand the Fifth Dimension’s prerequisite requirement of thinking and doing all things with Love. Learning from the karmic effect will not affect you, dear Ones, for you will be more focused upon what will be revealed behind the Universal Energies undamming effect of “the debris and obstructions” upon Mother Earth! In essence, Mother Earth’s Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will be producing a Reality Split – where the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions co-exist at once but are separated by the Energy of Love through one’s thoughts, deeds, and being!

The Reality Split has existed on Mother Earth since May 9, 1992, but at a much lower scale of access and influence. The lower scale of access was primarily made available to allow you, dear Ones, to prepare with the Vibration of the Fifth Dimension ahead of Time for our current days. The Reality Split will continue in co-existence with the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions until March 21, 2017. What will happen from April 1, 2015 through March 21, 2017 can best be described with the material properties of water through the five senses – almost invisible and formless, lacking taste, smell, and sound to all perception. You will still see every Soul around you and they will see you, but they will only be able to access you when they enter the Fifth Dimension in the Presence of Love! Those who will still be in the Fourth Dimension will be Man of Destiny Souls. The Souls allowed to enter into the Fifth Dimension with you will be the highest evolved level Man of Destiny Souls, the Man of Light Souls and all those who will come thereafter!

Love is the key to successfully aligning into the Vibration of the Fifth Dimension. The awareness that the Fourth Dimension will cease to exist will be much like the realization that a drought is occurring. Nobody realizes exactly when the drought began but as the water levels of lakes, rivers, and reservoirs begin to drop and plunge, and the land becomes noticeably dry and barren from the lack of rain, the awareness that a major crisis is on hand is finally realized. In the same way that the lack of rainfall produces a drought, the effect of the Universal Energies no longer replenishing the Fourth Dimension’s Energy Field will produce an awareness much like the effect of a drought occurring! But as a “drought” beyond the level of the physical senses! Mother Earth is already directing all of her Resources and Energy into her evolving Fifth Dimension and will no longer replenish her body with an Energy Vibration of the past, and so, she will move on! As the Fourth Dimension Vibration ceases to exist, so will all of Man of Destiny’s activities that were taking the Universal Energies for granted. Without the Universal Energies to stimulate and induce the vitality of all activities in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, it will be to each and every single Man of Destiny Soul to propel and exert every ounce of energy and will that he or she will be able to maintain in order to keep everything going! That is until he or she realizes that Love is the key to successfully aligning into the Vibration of the Fifth Dimension and out of the Reality Split!

You will be making great strides into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, dear Ones! When the Energy of May 15, 2015 arrives, there will be a great assisting Energy Force to assist in whatever task or achievement you will wish to accomplish – the Harmony Vibration of God will arrive to boost you and your Projects of Light and Love into motion! God’s Harmony Vibration will be available to initiate growth and expansion from May 15, 2015 through October 8, 2015. Then on March 7, 2016 it will be permanently available for you! God’s Harmony is not a subtle power but The One used to Create the entire Universe and keep it in a stage of constant growth and expansion! You are a Co-Creator in Unity with God and are here to assist Mother Earth in her Transition into the Fifth Dimension! You are also God’s physical representative, so why would you expect less than what you are, dear Ones! The Reality Split will not impede your growth and expansion for the Fifth Dimension but will be like the severing of the umbilical cord to a New Life for you and all Man of Destiny Souls to follow!

Alexandrian Kosmos

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Transformational Equinox Explosions

Aloha Family of Light !

Happy Equinox and Astrological New Year! A very special powerful week of which we have just experience the 'critical degree" the last degree of  a sign (Pisces - surrender, dreams, wisdom) with a Solar Eclipses  on this Spring/Fall Equinox depending upon your location. Get ready for a transformational burst of energy as the actualization of our unified selves of heaven and earth anchor the eternal self where all is calm and clear.

537.jpgThere are eclipses that mark the beginnings of great things, and there are eclipses that mark the beginnings of truly amazing things. This eclipse, at the very last degree of the zodiac is set to mark the beginning of unimaginable things. Can you imagine what that might be? MORE

Now is the time to make those intentions, wishes  surrendering them to the divine  allowing for them to manifest from deep cosmic realms. We are the future, we are the ones we have been waiting for.

"Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth." -

You are being called to embark on a new path in your journey. This is an inner path. It is the path of your heart. It is here where you are discovering your greatest strength of all - that deep connection to your Higher self and inner guidance. Others maybe surprised by your choices. They may even react strongly to them. Do not allow this to stop you but instead send them loving energy and continue on letting your Heart direct the way! Take note of the synchronistic  events occurring around you as life unfolds in its own divine way. 

ALCHEMY OF THE HEART; Ignite divine bliss, ecstasy & magic.


As we take a moment to reflect back on the universal theme of the last 3 months being a massive spring cleaning and clearing we see how our 'KARMA WITH LOVE, SEX AND THE TWIN FLAME' have all unfolded, did we embrace its lessons, gifts and challenges or continue with the game of illusion and denial? Thinking back to our intentions made at the New year are they NOW sprouting and unfolding thought the coming growing season of the spring? How have they harvesting or how in gratitude do you feel during this winter season? With the powerful astrological CARDINAL GRAND CROSS Activation at the new year our entire BEing was flooded with the divine cosmic love energies with the realization no matter where we are HOME is truly in the HEART.

Charlotte Szivak

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During the Time Period of February 17, 2015 through March 19, 2015, all Lightworker Souls will be in an internal process to align with Mother’s Earth’s Activated Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration. The process may become demanding for you, dear Ones, as you will also be aligning with God Source to lead your Heart and Soul into the New Horizon! The demand of your Time will not come from understanding and comprehending the specific details of your personalized role with Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension, that part will come as both a Joy and a relief to finally know! The demanding part will come with the decisions you, and actually all Souls, will need to make in order to align with Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension of the Universe. The internal process will concern a shift in priorities – shifting one’s priorities from man’s world of limitation into God’s Infinite Universe!

The difficulty of shifting from man’s world of limitations into God’s Infinite Universe will be an internal and psychologically derived adjustment rather than external. Though you may already conceptually understand the shift from a Fourth Dimension Reality to a Fifth Dimension Reality, the reality of changing your daily routine and experiences may produce hesitation and uncertainty.  To move from the conceptualization of an idea to the implementation of an idea is a big step in adapting into any change. There is no “safe zone” in adapting to change, only the trust and belief that what you are doing is following the Truth within your “gut.”  But knowing that your personal guidance comes from God through God Source, your adaptation into the New Horizon will be relatively simple once you acknowledge the TRUTH that you are the Light Love, and Harmony of the Universe! As for Man of Destiny Souls it will not be a “simple” process for you have a great advantage over Man of Destiny Souls, dear Ones, you have experienced the Harmony Vibration of the Fifth Dimension before! 

Man of Destiny Souls will become like leaves in the wind, blowing wherever the wind may take them. They will try to settle down whenever and wherever they land but the “wind” of the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration will not allow him or her to do so, not as long as they are neglecting the Time to become “like” the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! There will be no other way! The “wind” as the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration will not instantaneously “blow” things away but will make Mother Earth’s New Harmony Vibration feel stronger and more vibrant than the Fourth Dimension Harmony ever was beginning on March 23, 2015. By July 6, 2015 Mother Earth’s New Harmony Vibration will be at “full sail” towards her course in becoming a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension!

On May 16, 2016 every Living Soul upon Mother Earth will be on the way to claiming, “We are at One with the Earth, the Universe, and the Father and Mother of ALL!” But until then there will be a sequential process for becoming in Unity with God. For every Lightworker Soul it will simply be a process of remembering who you are! For Man of Destiny Souls the achievement of being in Unity with God will only be realized through the process of learning and becoming “like” the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe as a Man of Light Soul! Once the Energy of February 14, 2015 is here, dear Ones, so will the course of Mother Earth’s new direction with God and the Universe!


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Intensified Full Moon Rising February 3, 2015

Stop, look and listen! This month’s Full Moon (3:10PM and energizing 15 degrees of Aquarius and Leo) is a big part of today’s power surge, but you need to be focused and tuned in on very high wavelengths to make the most of its awesome cosmic strength. 

First of all, emotional sensitivity is a keynote as the Moon unites with Juno in Leo (2:41AM). This often peace-loving and harmony-enhancing conjunction could backfire and produce anger and antagonism since Venus forms an off-kilter, 150-degree tie with Juno (3:54AM) shortly after Juno’s rendezvous with the Moon. Know where you are going and what you are doing on the partnership front. Ingenious ideas can start pouring into your mind when the Moon trines the joker-is-wild Uranus (12:20PM). Meanwhile, mind-dazzling games like chess and backgammon are on center stage – courtesy of a supportive, 60-degree alliance between the Sun and Pallas (1:56PM). 

By the time the Full Moon is precise (3:10PM), it is wise to meditate for clarity and send out your healing thoughts and prayers to humanity, and the kingdoms of nature. The Sun and Moon activating the middle of Aquarius and Leo ignite the so-called Gates of the Avatar – written about by the eminent astrologer Dane Rudhyar in many of his illuminating books.

Think of 15 degrees of Leo and Aquarius as celestial gateways to vast universal reservoirs of individual and collective inspiration – inspiration that can be poured forth to enlighten your fellow travelers on the path of divine understanding. However, glamor and illusion are always lurking in the shadows as the Sun contra-parallel to Jupiter (6:45PM) followed by the monthly Moon-Jupiter union (9:32PM) remind you to steer clear of overdoing a good thing. In addition, this Moon-Jupiter convergence begins a new void-of-course lunar uncertainty cycle that lasts until 9:47PM tomorrow night. Don’t try to be a know-it-all overnight.

February 3 2015 Full Moon

Mark Lerner

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Restoration Of The Light

Lightworker Souls are not concentrated in any one metropolitan area or even within one nation in the world. Rather they are scattered amongst the masses, incognito in who they are and what they know and can do with the Spiritual Skillset each unique Lightworker Soul is endowed with.
Most Lightworker Souls prefer to be in the background but you will find Lightworker Souls functioning in almost every public and private sector career and job category. The physical recognition of another Lightworker Soul is difficult at best, as maintaining “uniformity” in the world with Man of Destiny Souls provides no special physical demarcations such as “wings,” “halos,” or huge “space alien” eyes to distinguish a Lightworker Soul from a Man of Destiny Soul. As it is now, you can only tell an assumed Lightworker Soul by being in his or her presence and listening to the ranging depth of engaging conversation you will be drawn into. Beginning from February 3, 2015 until June 16, 2015, dear Ones, you yourself will be drawn into a Restoration of the Light process that will restore you into your magnificent glory with God in fullness!
The Restoration of the Light “process” is not Truly a “process” per se, as a process involves Time sequencing with timely internal decisions leading to a favorable outcome or event. Instead, the Restoration of the Light will be the sequencing of a single Event through Time, much like a snake would shed an old skin to reveal its new skin covering. In shedding your “old skin,” dear Ones, you will be revealing the Truth of who you are in the Universe with God.
All of this will happen without the need of choosing to remain with your minimized your Skillset and staying incognito or to have the Restoration of your Truest capabilities! It will just happen! The end result of the Restoration Sequence will serve to transform you from using 10% of your Spiritual Skillset to 100% of what you have to offer for Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension with God!
In leadership with the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light, dear Ones, you will be redefining all boundaries, limits, and parameters of thought and perceptions that involve God and Mother Earth in the New Fifth Dimension Universe. It will not be difficult for you, for you will simply be role modeling and demonstrating the Light, Love and Harmony that permeates the entire Universe upon Mother Earth!
As for Man of Destiny Souls during the Restoration of the Light period from February 3, 2015 until June 16, 2015, the most important thing for him or her will be to prepare for his or her “in Unity with God” status. Currently, Man of Destiny Souls are still evolving to progress into Unity with God as Man of Light Souls, the highest status of Man of Destiny’s evolution for becoming like Lightworker Souls! In the next two years, dear Ones, all Souls upon Mother Earth will be in Unity with God for that is all Mother Earth will allow upon her!
The most difficult period of Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will begin after you have been fully restored in all ways with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe on June 16, 2015! Man of Destiny Souls will be given two more critical opportunities to progress with you, Mother Earth, and God into the Fifth Dimension. These opportunities to choose will occur from March 25 through March 27, 2015 and in a short series of last choices through June 15 until July 1, 2015.
This will be Man of Destiny’s last opportunities to advance for what he or she has been destined from the beginning – to become a Co-Creator with God and Universe! This will not be an unmanageable issue for most Man of Destiny Souls but for the slowest of all evolving Man of Destiny Souls, the Reptilian Souls, it will be a difficulty to remove the “me, myself, and I” issue as his or her preferential priority. Until July 6, 2015 all anyone will be able to do is shrug one’s shoulders and let the choices go where they may, for the remaining Reptilian Souls will not be an interference with Mother Earth’s schedule with God and the Universe!


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New Monasticism

The New Monasticism

“…whereby individuals/groups get on and create new ways of doing things, without fanfare or large billboard announcements.

Such ‘monastic work’, so to speak, often operates below the radar and is authentic through its activity rather than seeking visibility and attention.

The ‘monastic worker’, in seeking change, chooses a way of life that has meaning and that can bring lasting change for those involved. Often the monastic worker strives for assisting change within their own communities.

They are like ink dots on the blotting paper, slowly spreading their impact by diligent yet creative work.

What makes this model not only more appealing today, but also much more effective, is the rise of global communications and distributed networks. Now, the hard-working monastics can connect, share, and collaborate.”

Kingsley L. Dennis

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