Malechite's Posts (193)

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Ascension Progression

God’s Logos activated upon Mother Earth on August 18, 2015, as God the Father and Mother of ALL Things has permeated into all endeavors and activities upon Mother Earth!

It will, however, take about one more year for all Souls to fully align, synchronize, and integrate with God’s Logos. The primary reason the initializing process will require another year will be due to the issue of Freewill. Freewill allows each unique and individual Soul to become a part of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension or not. By choosing to progress into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, one will be choosing an entirely New Horizon led by God’s Logos through God Source!

To become a part of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is to become a part and a whole of God’s Universal Domain. On September 17, 2015, God’s Logos will begin “silently” influencing and guiding all Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, and, into an entirely New Horizon of Spiritual Experience!

The initial “sounds of silence” will be God’s Logos “speaking” through God Source to transmit God’s Commands directly to you, dear Ones! For this is how the Universe’s Fifth through Eighth Dimensions, the Application Dimensions, function – God Source leads each and every individual Soul to his or her Soul’s self designed world of Joy of Living!

 Mother Earth’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will be moving much more rapidly by the standards of Time in its truest sense of meaning – Time as movement of the Soul – after September 17, 2015, when your alignment with God’s Logos through God Source will truly align into place!

The first year with God’s Logos will begin slowly in awareness but as Time progresses, there will be a noticeable difference in one’s approach through the measurement of success – the awareness that Love, and only Love, will function in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Man’s world measures success by the standard of the dollar, the more one has, the more things one can do. In Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world into God’s Universal Domain.

Success will be measured through the attainment of Spiritual Wisdom and its application through the Spiritual Essence of Love! In returning to functioning in the truest essence of your True Self with the Universe, dear Ones, all things in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension will come much easier and in a more natural sequence!

When the Energy of November 17, 2015 arrives God’s Logos will be calling the Legion of Light together to unify and work in leadership with God to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! From October 6 through October 25, 2015 the innate “sounds of silence” from God’s Logos will no longer be “silent,” but direct to you in the preferential system of your meditational communication method! This way, dear Ones, you will be aligning into the natural sequence of who you are in the Universe once more!

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Breath And Ascension

This “darkness” is comprised of “blocks” within you that are afraid to change, afraid to transmute. Once you are aware of these blockages that have not yet been released, you can participate in your own clearing. Once you remember how to clear yourself, you can assist others with their clearing. The higher light arrives from the dimensions beyond time. Hence, it moves into your present, past, and alternate realities.

Once you remember how to allow the light to enter your earth vessel in this manner, you can assist others to do the same. You will also remember how you can assist Gaia by grounding this multidimensional light into the core of Her Being. In this way, you will merge your personal form with Gaia’s planetary form.

Then, your personal, and Gaia’s planetary elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water will share the higher frequency light with all life. Because this higher frequency light is continually finding, and clearing blockages, you can more easily transmute your self and your reality. With the blockages discovered and released, your daily consciousness expands into higher brainwaves.

With these higher brainwaves, states of consciousness, your perceptions of reality begin to include higher frequencies of reality. As you adapt to the transmutations of your vessel, you learn/remember how to find that which is wounded, distorted or out of sync. With this expanded perception, you will be able to identify, unconditionally love and transmute your reality with the Violet Fire.

Whatever you have transmuted within your physical or planetary body is then set free into Gaia’s reality to assist in raising Gaia’s resonate frequency. Gradually, there is more and more higher frequency light and less and less third dimensional light.

Do you understand now how important you, our human representatives, are? We remind you to be sure to release whatever you have transmuted. In this manner, that which has been transmuted is free to contribute their experience of transmutation with all life.

Remember in the fifth dimensional reality that you are assisting to create, every person, place, situation, and thing will come into its own awareness of where and to what they wish to resonate. Eventually, all these expanded resonances of SELF will join in unity consciousness with all life within the fifth dimensional resonance of Gaia.

You see dear ones, you are moving from the resonance of the third/fourth dimension into the fourth/fifth dimensional resonance, in order to merge with the NOW of the fifth dimension, and beyond, resonance of life. As soon as you become aware that you completed that shift into that next dimensional zone of Gaia, you will naturally flow into unity with all life within that dimensional zone.

As you begin, and continue, your process of “return to SELF,” the higher Light precedes you to direct your ever-expanding consciousness/perception. As you continue your journey, everything that you need to know flows to the surface of your consciousness.

What was once a boundary between your inner self and the outer world becomes a magnet that attaches you to the frequency of light that is dominant within your consciousness, your thoughts, your emotions, and your intentions.

As you preview all that you have created with your higher resonance, your first intention is to unite with other people, life-forms, places and situations that are calling to you for assistance. Via your own inner higher light, you are connected to myriad persons, places, and dimensions.

Therefore, you are well informed. Thus, when you send your inner, higher light into the lower frequencies of reality you share all of your experiences of transmuting reality via unconditional Love and the Violet Fire. In this manner, you set into motion a situation in which you become the teacher of what you have learned/remembered.

We say “learned/remembered” because you have learned to remember your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. You have also remembered how to bring the higher Light into your consciousness and run it through your physical form.

You also have remembered to share this light with all third dimensional life. Hence, as you breathe out into your transmuting world, your multidimensional breath is shared and can enter other third-dimensional expressions of reality to assist them to transmute as well.

The more and more you allow this higher light to enter into your body, the deeper, and deeper it can travel. The deeper the light can move into your form, the more old karmic pathways of parallel and alternate incarnations on Earth can be transmuted. In this manner, you are shifting myriad versions of your third dimensional self within the NOW.

In this way, the injuries that you have taken on throughout your myriad embodiments in a third-dimensional vessel can be healed from within. Fortunately, the antidote to the lies you have been told, the mistakes that you have made and the hardships you have endured is that you KNOW that you can refuse to participate in any version of reality by letting GO of that which you have determined to be a completed experience.

As you begin to take control of your own reality in this manner, you realize that you have the ability to transmute and release any experiences that YOU deem as complete. You also remember that the antidote to any fear and/or pain that re-emerges is to send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to yourself.

This gift of unconditional love for yourself allows you to peacefully move through the overall experience of flowing through the time zone in which you are presently incarnated. The Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, which has become a constant component of your consciousness, will guide you to align yourself with the higher frequency energy fields that are increasingly flowing through your present reality.

You are NOW moving through, traveling around, touching, caressing, floating above the lower frequencies of light/reality, which has been all that you have known until this NOW. Therefore, you are being called upon to adapt to a novel experience of 3D reality.

As you move through your increasingly, expanding reality you will learn to discern between the different frequencies of Light. With your new multidimensional discernment, you will be able to slowly, or quickly, adapt your consciousness to choose the higher dimensional perceptions.

Bit-by-bit and moment-to-moment, your perceptions will align with the frequency of reality to which your higher consciousness has adapted. You are similar to deep-sea divers who must slowly return to the surface so that their body can adapt to their return to the surface in which the “light meets the water.”

NOW, just as you might go into the water and feel the flow of colder water and flows of warmer water, you will learn to recognize the denser flow of lower dimensional realities and the lighter flow of higher dimensional realities.

As you move through this ever-changing version of dear Gaia’s planet, you will hone your ability to recognize and fall-into the higher dimensional flows of ascending Earth. You are able to do so because YOU are adapting to your expanded perceptions.

The more you adapt to your higher frequency choices of perception, the more your consciousness will align with that which you are now adapting to. As your consciousness aligns with the higher frequency waves of light/reality, you higher frequency perceptions come online in your daily life.

Gradually, the worries and woes of the third dimensional resonance, which you are now moving beyond, become distant memories of a life you once lived. You are increasingly adapting to the “feel” of a higher resonance of reality. Hence, you can more easily discern the difference between third, fourth and fifth-dimensional energy fields.

As you enhance this discernment, you will increasingly choose to flow INTO that which is filled with unconditional love. You will also remember to transmute the denser versions of reality that you are releasing. You will also discover that you can no longer tolerate the energy fields, which resonate to frequency of confusion, separation, or fear.

Even though the higher frequency energy fields might be disconcerting at first, you will swiftly learn that if you remain in that resonance you will soon adapt. As you choose to remain in the energy field of unconditional love, your consciousness will increasingly expand to the resonance in which you will begin to remember.

Gradually, you will lovingly remember the reality of your Higher SELF in which the fifth dimensional state of consciousness is normal. As you float in to and out of these higher dimensional energy fields, your consciousness will gradually adapt to the higher dimensions of reality.

With this adaptation, you will progressively release your link to the lower dimensions of reality. Eventually, you will be able to stay longer and longer in the fifth-dimensional energy field. As you adapt to the fifth dimensional energy field, you will begin to clearly to perceive the myriad third-dimensional illusions.

With the release of these illusions, you will know that you are the creator of your personal reality and that you chose to enter into the resonance of third dimensional illusion. You will realize that it is the NOW for you to take full responsibility for the life that YOU have created with your every thought and your every emotion.

When you take that responsibility for your choices, it so expands your consciousness that you begin to think in a planetary manner. As you move into Planetary Consciousness, you increasingly realize that with your every inhale, you breathe in your fifth dimensional consciousness; and with every exhale you share your fifth dimensional consciousness with Gaia.

This form of inter-dimensional breathing so expands your perceptions that you can clearly recognize when you are being called up to transmute Gaia with your gift of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.

As you answer this call, your perceptions expand even further to perceive how your ongoing transmutation expands into:

– the atmosphere,

– the ground,

– the water,

– and into all of the elementals.

You can also perceive the elementals joyfully transporting your gift to persons, animals, plants, locations and/or situations.

Even though you once feel you were alone, you are NOW intermingling and intertwining with ALL life. You are increasingly releasing old 3D human beliefs of good – bad, better – worse and yours – mine and moving into the 5D planetary belief of:

“We humans are members of this beautiful being known as Gaia.”

Now that we have explained how you are the creator of your reality, we want you to remind you that YOUR Multidimensional SELF flows all the way from Source, down through the Oversoul, and into the myriad versions of your sixth, fifth, fourth and third dimensional expressions to align the energy field of your SELF with the version the YOU who has fully awakened.

Through this “string of pearls” you are able to expand your perceptions up into higher and higher frequencies of yourself, while you simultaneously plant that string of pearls into the core of Gaia. In this manner, YOU become the very nature of your planetary SELF-Gaia.

As you expand your consciousness from being a person into being a planet, you realize that you are not just creating or changing, you are returning. You KNOW that you are returning because you can remember who YOU really are.

You can remember that you have had myriad incarnations on Gaia, and you are now ready to gather them all into the NOW and return ALL your expressions to the fifth dimension and beyond. We wish to remind all of you that we the Arcturians are with you throughout this entire process.

You may not recognize us because we are formless energy fields that encircle, move through, and resonate to myriad frequencies of reality. Therefore, you will recognize us in the same manner as you recognize your own Multidimensional SELF in your own multi-dimensional realities and worlds.

In other words, as you know more of yourself, you will know more of us. And, as you know more of us you, will know more of yourself. Remember that we, all of us, live as ONE within the NOW.

We see that in your NOW, many of you are getting ready to release and let go of all your third-dimensional belief systems. These third dimensional believe systems are remedial like your first grade “learning to read” books. These 3D belief systems are based on polarity, gender, separation, sequence, time, competition, and death.

Just as all of the third-dimensional experiences of your reality are being recalibrated, every dimension of your great, multi-dimensional life force is being downloaded into your third-dimensional clay vessel.

With this major download of your Multidimensional SELF, the members of you who were once primitive, individualized and disillusioned and efficiently merge with the members of YOU who are infinitely collective, united and enlightened.

You all chose to enter into this great adventure of planetary ascension because you knew that this huge challenge would be very beneficial for the expansion of your entire SELF. When you ask:

“When will these event occur?”

We say, “NOW! NOW is real and time is a third dimensional illusion.”

Please remember that a question about “when” is bound by third dimensional “time.” We ask NOW that you release that third dimensional construct and move into fifth dimensional truth.

YOU are already ascended.

You are already a fifth dimensional being.

However, your third dimensional thinking told you that you are one individual who must work very hard to be good enough to ascend.

In fact, ascension is a third dimensional construct in which YOU are separated from the YOU in the higher dimensions of reality.

As you let go of time and third-dimensional thoughts of limitation, you will flow into the Now of the fifth-dimension YOU in which you know that:

YOU are the creator of your life, and YOU are All as ONE collective being WHO is creating Gaia’s Ascension.

Please remember that each and every one of YOU is equally important.

Suzanne Lie (

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Ascension Success!

Who determines what it means to be a success? This stupid society! The main preoccupation of society is to keep society sick! And the sooner you realize that, the better. Sick, every one of them. They are loony, they're crazy. You became president of the lunatic asylum and you're proud of it even though it means nothing.

Being president of a corporation has nothing to do with being a success in life. Having a lot of money has nothing to do with being a success in life. You're a success in life when you wake up! Then you don't have to apologize to anyone, you don't have to explain anything to anyone, you don't give a damn what anybody thinks about you or what anybody says about you. You have no worries; you're happy. That's what I call being a success.

Having a good job or being famous or having a great reputation has absolutely nothing to do with happiness or success. Nothing! It is totally irrelevant. All he's really worried about is what his children will think about him, what the neighbors will think about him, what his wife will think about him. He should have become famous.

Our society and culture drill that into our heads day and night. People who made it! Made what?! Made asses of themselves. Because they drained all their energy getting something that was worthless. They're frightened and confused, they are puppets like the rest. Look at them strutting across the stage. Look how upset they get if they have a stain on their shirt. Do you call that a success?

Look at how frightened they are at the prospect they might not be reelected. Do you call that a success? They are controlled, so manipulated. They are unhappy people, they are miserable people. They don't enjoy life. They are constantly tense and anxious. Do you call that human? And do you know why that happens? Only one reason: They identified with some label. They identified the "I" with their money or their job or their profession. That was their error. 

Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is the natural state of little children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture. To acquire happiness you don't have to do anything, because happiness cannot be acquired. Does anybody know why? Because we have it already. How can you acquire what you already have? Then why don't you experience it? Because you've got to drop something.

You've got to drop illusions. You don't have to add anything in order to be happy; you've got to drop something. Life is easy, life is delightful. It's only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, your cravings. Do you know where these things come from? From having identified with all kinds of labels!

Anthony de Mello

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Awakening Phenomenon

Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in Evolution.

Ascension is not about leaving the planet, getting rescued by off-world brethren or flying up into heaven. It is not about watching the Shift unfold online, or waiting for the external world to provide evidence of inner change. Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution.

When consciously activated, the Ascension process affects every aspect, level and layer of a person’s beingness. The physical, emotional, mental, egoic and spiritual structures undergo acute transformation, evolving to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness.

The Awakening Phenomenon is one of the more impressive effects of the Shift. Amidst the external changes – political, social, financial, spiritual, solar and planetary –  people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years.

Planetary Ascension is a change in frequency 

Dimensions are based on vibration. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the reality or experience within that dimension. Anything living on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet (or higher) or it cannot exist in that reality. As the frequency of the Earth changes, everything on her surface is affected by this increase in frequency.

Ascension Guidance for activation, integration and acceleration

Integration is vital to achieving a permanent state of higher consciousness. In the Ascension process, it is essential to clear and retrain the lower emotional, egoic and mental constructs which block higher states of consciousness. This frees the true Self to do what it came here to do; awaken and embody a unique expression of Source.

Reliance on external modalities, channels and old paradigm New Age methods has limited the awakening process for quite a few people. Many are now ready to take on the task of Self-empowerment, REactivate their Divine HUman state and achieve Crystalline consciousness.

Incredible possibilities for Earth and HUmanity

The Shift, jump time, evolutionary upgrades in consciousness and the ascension process have been discussed for years in spiritual circles, and for millennia in ancient cultures. Waves of unique cosmic energy have been surging through our galaxy for decades, and the window of amplification has arrived.

It isn’t the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new paradigm, and big change is typically rough. The Shift is a shift in consciousness; a dramatic change in the parameters by which we experience reality. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dimensional changes which are occurring here have never been experienced before. It is a fantastic time to be here and experience evolution first-hand.

How do I ascend? Won’t it happen to me anyway?

Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the structure for experiencing a certain kind of reality. Third dimensional reality is the lowest density (frequency) which a human expression of consciousness may experience. There are many side effects of the old 3D reality, including the illusion of linear time, the inability to perceive higher dimensions, and spiritual amnesia where the memory of past lives, experiences in other dimensions, and connection to the rest of the Universe is forgotten. All of that is changing during the Shift. This is why the phenomenon of awakening is so widespread; we are waking up from the amnesia of 3D and reconnecting with higher dimensional consciousness.

Apocalypse and the planet

Anything which desires to experience life on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet in order to exist within the parameters of that reality. The frequency of the Earth has been increasing, and continues to rise, which means everything in, on and around her surface is affected. Higher frequency always overpowers the lower vibrations.

As the parameters for 4D reality dissolve, the planet supports the experience of a higher dimension. This change in dimensional structure is becoming very apparent to the awakened. Apocalypse means lifting of the veil – the unveiling of higher dimensions which were once hidden by the density of 3D reality.

The HUman Ascension process

HUmans are unique; our DNA hold the codes for all life in this Universe, an expression of Creator consciousness embodied (Creator-in-carnate) in HUman (God-man) expression. Your primary responsibility in this game of amnesia is to wake up and remember who you are as a divine HUman.  The Ascension process is the transformation of the physical body, light body and the consciousness which animates it, in order to hold a higher vibrational state. Your higher self is merging with your lower dimensional self after a very long separation in the 3D experience.

In order for your body to be capable of holding that higher frequency, it must transform into a crystalline-based cellular structure. DNA which has been dormant must be activated. Our consciousness must be expanded beyond the boundaries of habitual 3D/4D existence. It is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually challenging, and it is quite amazing. Medical impossibilities are popping up all over the globe. Not everyone has chosen to awaken in this lifetime, nor do they have to awaken. There are many factors involved in experiencing the Ascension process, and we are all here to play out the Shift in our own way.

The changes will affect your lifestream

Severe weather and climate change are imminent due to the drastic reduction of the magnetosphere and magnetic shifts in the Earth itself. Global warming is simply an affect of the collapse of the astral planes of consciousness as we go through the Shift. There is less protection between us and the Sun, and that is fine.

Mother Earth is a very patient conscious entity with a long and diverse history. This window of evolution coincides with many galactic alignments, some of which only occur in million and billion year cycles. Galactic cycles are very long, and the experiences of other off-world races, systems and galaxies depend upon the raising of Earth’s frequency. It’s a bit like being the weakest link – other games cannot be played until this density is upgraded.

Earth is constantly balancing magnetics as 3D dissolves from the collective reality. The doom timeline – a complete destruction of everything on her surface – has been eliminated thanks to the amount of awakened consciousness on the planet. She is heavily influenced by the collective consciousness, and millions have been connecting with her to smooth the transition during the Shift.

It is a process which requires participation.

The dimensional split between a 3D/4D version of Earth and an ascending 5D version (the New Earth) began in August of 2011. Our planet ascended to 5D on December 12, 2012. This means a platform for the new experience of the return to the true HUman genome is provided. Kindwhile, HUmanity is able to merge with their 5D and above aspects, while the veils are down, and bring Heaven (5D+) to Earth, merging these realities. Lower vibrational systems, programs, entities and belief systems dissolve in the New Light – sometimes with ease, sometimes with resistance. Eventually, the lower 4D expression of Earth will drop out of existence.

We now have a holographic platform for a 4D experience as the collective awakens. Many are choosing to fully embody a 5D consciousness of Unconditional Love right here in this reality, as an act of Divine service to raise the collective vibration into peace, harmony and compassion. Some are choosing to embody a Christed Consciousness, which enables a conscious connection to 5D – 12D expressions of the Self. We do not know how long the 4D platform will be available. Whether it is 2 years or 200 years does not matter, the inevitable Shift is well underway.

Evolution is evolution; the entire planet and all of her residents are experiencing the Shift, regardless of their awareness of it. Ascension is a conscious process which requires a choice to engage with the unknown, in order to experience something brand new. It is a remarkable, challenging and rewarding process which frees the Self from perceived limitations.

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New York Stock Exchange unexpectedly halts ALL trading over 'technical issue', two hours after United was forced to ground all its flights nationwide also blaming an unexplained 'computer glitch'

New York Stock Exchange stops trading as United Airlines experience tech crash

The New York Stock Exchange is currently halting all trading, for reasons not yet announced. The halt started at 11:32am and was triggered by 'technical issues,' CNBC reports. The NYSE's website says 'additional information will follow as soon as possible.' Earlier this morning all of United's flights were also grounded nationwide due to a computer glitch. At around 8am EST, United requested that all of its planes be prevented from taking off after it suffered from a 'network connectivity issue', according to the Federal Aviation Administration (AA). Although the airline did not explain the nature of the issue, passengers said its reservation system was 'down across the board' - meaning those without hard boarding passes could not check in. Shortly before 10am, two hours after the worldwide ground stop began, United resumed its service.

Daily Mail UK

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Light Body Activations #1 And #2

If your soul is the light of the Universe personified into physical form, then the light body can be understood as the emergence of the soul expressing itself through your senses. It is more so a shift in consciousness than an object to pursue. As your light body activates, it signifies a deeper integration of spirit in form. As this occurs, you become aware of yourself as the light of the Universe experiencing life as a person, instead of a person trying to figure out how to integrate their spirit or activate a light body.


Before I go into the common symptoms that confirm the activation of a light body already in progress, it is important to remember not to objectify this stage of awakening as any form of social status. Let us not imagine those whose light bodies are activated as the "spiritual haves" compared to the "spiritual have-nots" who continue to stumble around in the darkness. It is more insightful, loving, and compassionate to view each person as a unique seed that requires a specific amount of time in order to fully blossom.

Since the light of the Universe is an eternal field of subtle energy, it is essential to remember what light feels like once it has awakened. While there can be waves of ecstasy ebbing and flowing throughout the core of your being, the light body is like a vast ocean holding sacred space for each passing wave as a celestial body of emptiness. Often misdiagnosed as depression or chronic fatigue-like symptoms, light body activation expresses the infinite spacious nature of consciousness that only seems so hopeless, daunting, or heavy to an ego dissolving back into the light of Source. Throughout this process, it may seem as if partnerships or life-long relationships are disappearing, you are unable to find the passion you once felt, you might even be confused by a lack of direction or intuitive knowingness, or be emotionally triggered by the unresolved patterns in others, or perhaps just exhausted by an inability to function without an ego maintaining a false sense of control throughout your life.

This is why confusion, disorientation, frustration, apathy, and loneliness are each vital signs of light body activation in progress. As you make peace with these signs as a confirmation of light body activation already in progress, instead of judging them as symptoms to overcome, your consciousness naturally moves into a timeless dimension that exists within the physical body. Your initial entry into the timeless dimension within you might seem confusing as your perceptions of time begin to melt away. Soon, you will be able to see time as merely an idea throughout your play that cannot burden or imprison you when fully integrated into the timeless dimension of eternal being. This process cannot be rushed, and is not a result of personal doing, but instead, a natural unfolding that occurs as you continue to slow life down and love what arises.

This can also resolve outdated old paradigm spiritual teachings, where the objective was to transcend time or view life as the eternal witness from outside the body. In order to see life from a timeless dimension, it is essential to move toward your experiences, since the more deeply rooted you are in the body, the more spacious, liberated, and fulfilled each moment can be.

The objective isn't to pull back from experiences, but to relax your body and breathe each experience into the core of your being. As you become integrated into the timeless dimension within you, your initial experience of life outside of time might feel like being mysteriously blank. There may not be a sense of who you are, what you're not, or any impulse to do anything in particular. The key throughout this stage of light body activation is relaxation. The more you relax, no matter how odd or indescribable your experiences become, the more quickly your light body becomes activated for the wellbeing of all.


Once rooted in a timeless dimension of eternal being, you are able to guide the physical body that is still existing in the play of time from a higher vibrational and heart-centered perspective of quantum reality. Through the eyes of quantum reality, since everything happens at once, choices are no longer associated with the need to control outcomes, but are acted upon to bring forth your highest consciousness to raise the vibration of your personal play. While it is easy to think that since everything is happening at once in parallel dimensions, you can develop the ability to call any reality to you at will. In truth, when you are fully aware of the simultaneous nature of reality, there is no longer a ravenous hunger insisting how satisfied it would be if only it had control over your play. Instead, the mentality that arises from a fully activated light body is an unwavering sense of faith in knowing that everything is meant to occur at a specific moment in time, whether you work toward earning it or not. Instead of trying to manifest outcomes at exactly the moment they are not meant to exist, a fully activated light body inspires you to use choices in each moment to anchor higher frequencies of consciousness throughout your everyday encounters.

From this higher dimensional perspective, the people, places, and things that come your way are like flashcards created to help you practice bringing forth more conscious responses. This means the actions and behavior of others do not reflect something imbalanced in you, but were created as opportunities to match their unconsciousness with a greater conscious response. When someone complains, we respond with a compliment. When someone judges you, say "thank you". If someone is having a bad day, offer a smile. And, throughout it all, if anything triggers you, take it as a reminder of the perfect moment in time to stop and love your heart more sincerely and deeply than ever before.

The light body is the radiance of your soul that awakens once you have made peace with life's divine plan and relaxed into the emptiness of being. Once emptiness is no longer confused with sadness, grief, guilt, insecurity, or depression, but a gateway into liberated existence, the emptiness of being awakens the light of the Universe within you. Once the light body is fully activated, each person, place, or thing can be welcomed, transmuted and returned to its original form, at the rate in which everything is breathed into your core and breathed back out as blessings for all.

As a way of assisting in the transformation of your journey, I have been given two light body activations for you to repeat out loud, as a way of anchoring fifth dimensional consciousness. For the first time ever, just by repeating the following words that I have been divinely guided to share, you can allow your light body activation to accelerate with peace, ease, grace, and joy.

I invite you to repeat out loud each activation - one at a time. First start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths to ground your energy field, then repeat activation #1 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #1 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths to integrate this activation:

Light Body Activation #1: "I allow the nervous system to recalibrate and transform into pure crystalline light as I am now."

To move onto activation #2, start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths. Repeat activation #2 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #2 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths for further integration.

Light Body Activation #2: "I welcome the light body, I trust the light body, I am the light body, the light body I am."


You can repeat this process throughout the day, while knowing it isn't a matter of how many times you say it, but how often you provide the necessary amount of space to allow what you activate through your words to be revealed within you. Many will repeat these activations and feel instantaneous shifts, while some may not feel anything at all. It all depends on how sensitive you are to sensing subtle energy, which is much like noticing the most gentle breeze on a warm summer day.

When we put aside any tendency to approach our spiritual journey with desperation, intensity, or aggression, we can harmonize with the light of the Universe and call forth the higher aspects of self that allow each breath to be endless gifts of fulfillment - no matter the situations or circumstances at hand.

May these activations awaken a well-spring of perfection within you, inviting you to slow down the pace of your pursuit, so you may notice the light of divinity dancing as the beauty of form. As always, take your journey one breath at a time, so not to get distracted by long-term spiritual goals, when in fact, the precious nature of this moment has so many gifts for you to receive. With many more energy updates to come, you can rest in knowing that all is well in the Universe, no matter how the growing pains of evolution appear in your world.

As your evolution continues to unfold, the Universe offers you every activation, awakening, and integration necessary to help you remember the journey that is already complete. Even though the completion has already occurred, we are blessed with the opportunity to live out what is already so, as if it's happening for the very first time. No matter how you are meant to blossom in the garden of divinity, may you love yourself more, not less, every step of the way.

Happy activating,
Matt Kahn

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On July 15, 2015 a Universal Emanation of Energy will be discharged upon Mother Earth as has never occurred before. The release of this particular Universal Emanation of Energy will be similar to initiating the beginning of Mother Earth’s season of winter through the increase of sunlight upon Earth, but on a Universal scale of Time. The Universal Emanation of Energy will be stimulating the growth and expansion of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to an unprecedented level on Earth!

The intended purpose, dear Ones, will be to prepare all Souls on Mother Earth and Mother Earth herself for the fullness of God’s Presence Energy! From July 15, 2015 through August 1, 2015 the Universal Emanation of Energy will begin raising the standard for all Souls to align within Mother Earth’s developing Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration and God’s Harmony Vibration. Not everyone will be choosing to prepare to align with the Energy of God’s Presence, and for this reason Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension and Fifth Dimension will co-exist side by side until May 21, 2016, when Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will finally cease to exist upon her body! The Universe’s Model of Balance dictates, much like Isaac Newton’s law of motion dictates, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

As God’s Universe assists Mother Earth in increasing the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe within and upon her, so will there also be a decreasing effect placed upon all things that may stagnate Mother Earth’s growth and expansion with God’s Universe – for nothing and no one will delay, hinder, or obstruct Mother Earth’s process to integrate within God’s Universe! Mother Earth’s increase with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be advantageous in all your works, dear Ones, especially during the days of July 22 through July 24, 2015, when the Universal Emanation of Energy will apex! As the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe increases on Earth, the easier you will find it to access and regain your Spiritual concepts, perceptions, and awareness of your Soul!

You are on a course designed to lead and teach all Man of Light Souls the ways of God’s Universe beginning with access to God Source! Everything will not happen all at once, but as Mother Earth increases in the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and continues to build her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, so will the diminishing of all forms darkened by the lack of Light begin in earnestness! Mother Earth as a Universal Model of Balance in Motion will be increasing the presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of God’s Universe upon her. In the same series of motion from July 15, 2015 through August 1, 2015, she will also begin diminishing the presence of all “darkness” from her Fifth Dimension body.

The diminishing process will not produce natural massive destruction or devastation in any way. Instead, it will be a process of allowing “darkness” to go the way of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration, like the shedding of an old skin, away from her new Fifth Dimension body! This, dear Ones, is the beginning of the end of the Fourth Dimension and the start of the fulfillment of God’s Promise to make “all things new” in the Book of Apocalypse (21: 5).

Many Souls will still be concerned about the shaking and quaking in the world of man’s economic systems, especially Man of Destiny Souls, who will be going the way of the Fourth Dimension with their economic systems of greed and control. Man of Light Souls and even Lightworker Souls will still be in bewilderment and exasperation during these next 10 months. But knowing, feeling, and understanding that aligning in Unity with God and God’s Universe with other TEAM oriented Souls into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will lessen the effect of “darkness” through Mother Earth’s modeling of Balance in Motion!

Alexandrian Kosmos

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Push Upwards Like Those Trees

You always tend to view difficulties as obstacles.

In reality, it is often when faced with difficult conditions that we have the greatest possibility for growth, precisely because we find ourselves in a tight situation.

Look at how the trees in a forest solve this problem. In a forest, all the trees are so closely packed together that, if one of them wants to spread out, the others prevent it from doing so.

So the tree says to itself, ‘These are not the best conditions for my development, but I am going to find a solution’, and it pushes upwards. In that direction there is space, and it meets no more obstacles.

It is the same for human beings. When they can no longer go forwards or backwards or sideways, all they can do is go upwards, that is, mentally soar to the spiritual world, because in that direction no one can stand in the way of their aspirations.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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Beauty and Poetic Imagination

Humans tend to flee the world of beauty and poetic imagination, on the pretext of needing to keep a sense of reality.

And this tendency is even spreading to artists: painters, poets, film directors and playwrights do all they can in their works to present the most prosaic reality, and not just prosaic but sometimes even crude and repulsive.

As if we didn’t already know enough about these aspects of reality! Why is it necessary for them to keep going over them, reproducing them and parading them everywhere in their work?

To be well-balanced and fulfilled, it is infinitely preferable for people to have access to the world of harmony, poetry and wonder and to strive to live there as often and for as long as possible.

You will say that that world is an illusion, since it is unreal. Well, no, on the contrary, the world that people claim is unreal is precisely the one that is most real.

It is where we finally feel we are living in purity and light. True reality is found on high, in the vast spaces of the soul and spirit. 


Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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If you have ever taken a road trip to a distant location by car or bus, you completely understand the itinerary of shifting into the Fifth Dimension on Mother Earth. You will see a sign from time to time reminding you that your intended destination is getting closer. Everyone riding with you is gaining in excitement and enthusiasm for whatever may come ahead. Those in the background servicing the roads, at the fueling stations, and the eateries, are nebulous to you and your party except for the business you might bring in to them.

The itinerary for beginning within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is much closer than things would appear, dear Ones, as Mother Earth begins generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field on June 24, 2015. With the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field building upon her, so will the presence of all the potential possibilities now lying dormant and undeveloped within your Heart’s Expression! The doorway to opening all your potential possibilities will begin on July 6, 2015, when all Souls choosing to align into the Fifth Dimension will begin entering upon the New Horizon’s Pathway!

The New Horizon’s Pathway is essentially being produced by Mother Earth’s increased magnetic field, the Earth’s magnetosphere, through the generation of her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field by increasing her daily rotational speed. The immediate physical changes she will be producing will be an expansion of the Aurora bands over her northern and southern hemispheres and an increased presence of atmospheric pressure upon her body. For you and the evolving Man of Light Souls, dear Ones, Mother Earth’s increased magnetic field will produce an expansion of your Spiritual Purpose with God in the Fifth Dimension through God’s Harmony Vibration and God Source! Man of Light Souls are not fully in Unity with God Source but will be learning from you, as they do not yet have any experience in the Fifth Dimension like you do!

Aligning into the New Horizon’s Pathway will come easily and naturally for you and as you do, so will your decreasing need for man’s ways and laws unnatural to God’s Laws of Love! Mother Earth’s New Horizon’s Pathway will serve as a fast track for moving everything into the Fifth Dimension with God while her Fourth Dimension begins to diminish and wane in importance to Mother Earth, as if she were shedding her old skin!

By increasing her magnetosphere, you will begin to see some striking wonders of nature being produced by Mother Earth. Some will astound the boundaries of experience of not only the experts but neophytes as well. The most noticeable of these wonders will be the increase of the Earth’s atmospheric pressure and the prodigious super storms she will begin producing. These super storms have already been occurring intermittently in the recent years but will increase in frequency and magnitude from June 24, 2015 through May 21, 2016, when Mother Earth will be shifting into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The super storms will actually be a byproduct of Earth’s superheating process of her interior subsurface to induce the momentum required to increase her daily rotational speed, and to secondly, produce the expanded magnetosphere to build her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field.

Mother Earth’s second most noticeable wonder of nature will come in expanded Aurora bands over the boundaries of her northern and southern magnetic poles. The Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis will expand and become ever brighter and more florescent in scope of perception, and more interestingly, observable in areas not known for their presence! There will be many more signs yet to come, dear Ones, as Mother Earth makes it known to all Souls – she is getting closer to being fully immersed into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

The New Horizon’s Pathway will be Mother Earth’s gift for all Souls choosing to align with her in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Initially the New Horizon’s Pathway will serve as the way of preparing to align with God’s Presence through God’s Harmony Vibration and God Source. Afterwards, the New Horizon’s Pathway will become the way of fully experiencing the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in Unity with God through God’s Harmony Vibration and God Source for all Souls upon Mother Earth! 

The initial wave of God’s Harmony Vibration began upon Mother Earth on May 4, 2015 and will complete on October 20, 2015. Following the initial wave of God’s Harmony Vibration there will be a brief interlude from October 21, 2015 through February 24, 2016. Before the initial wave of God’s Harmony Vibration departs there will be an opportunity for all Lightworker Souls entering upon the New Horizon’s Pathway to Activate with God’s Harmony Vibration from October 6 through October 25, 2015. Through the Activation of God’s Harmony Vibration, dear Ones, you will be making rapid progress into positions of prominence and leadership all over the world in order to ready Mother Earth for God’s Presence with God’s Harmony Vibration on February 25, 2016!

Once the Energy of July 6, 2015 arrives, so will the sign that the final stretch of a long road trip has arrived, as the New Horizon’s Pathway moves into position!

Mass media will be predominantly focused upon the striking wonders of nature and the side effects Earth will be producing through the increase of her daily rotational speed. The Climate Change and Global Warming debates will continue with nothing of note being accomplished.

Rather than seeing the positive in Mother Earth’s shifting into the Fifth Dimension, the general population of the world will be looking through the lens of gloom, doom, and economics rather than with God’s Lens of Perception. In doing so, they will all miss the opportunity to align with the Spirit of Love and look for the signs of Happiness and Joy for his or her Life’s Joy in Living!

By not choosing to evolve from the Universal Dimensions of learning to Love into the Universal Dimensions designed for Applying the Spirit of Love in all thoughts, words, and actions, Man of Destiny Souls will remain in Mother Earth’s diminishing and waning Fourth Dimension missing out on the greatest opportunity to do what he or she has been preparing for throughout his or her Lifetimes on Earth – the opportunity to merge into the New Horizon’s Pathway and meet his or her Creator within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension in person!

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Whether you were bamboozled by the Mercury in retrograde that we just successfully completed, or made it through virtually unaffected, the past few weeks have brought forth a rather interesting array of energies. As these energies came into Earth's atmosphere, they assisted in loosening the cellular structure of the old paradigm that is being purged out of the human energy field. You can think of the past few weeks as a "cosmic shakedown," where anything lingering from the old paradigm was loosened out of its fixed cellular position, so it may be released to create space for the immerging 5D light body. While you will still appear physical in form, the immerging 5D light body shifts the orientation of your experience into a much calmer, vast, synchronistic, and intuitively-aligned perspective. In simple terms, as the 5D light body awakens, you transition from being a person attempting to hold light within your field, or in search of oneness with the light, to being the light within the body that experiences each thought, feeling, interaction, outcome, and encounter as I AM.


As the loosened cellular imprinting of the old paradigm is released out of your field by the Universe, the activation of your 5D light body unfolds. Since you have spent more time in a dense physical form than aware of the subtle higher vibrational 5th dimensional energies, it is common for you at this time, to be more aware of the old imprints dissolving than of the 5D light body that is emerging. One common symptom of the dissolving old paradigm cellular structure is joint pain. Whether you feel inflamed, less flexible than usual, or even unjustifiably sore, it is more than likely that you are becoming aware of the unraveling of the old, as the new comes forward. This can also include lightning bolts of energy coursing throughout your body, or abrupt electrical shocks felt within your field. 

While I stated at the beginning of the year that we have ventured beyond the point of needing to continuously clear and purge as a means of maintaining alignment with the Universe, it does not take away from the fact that everything you've been clearing up to this point must be given the space to move out and return back to Source. This essentially means while so many have been clearing and purging on an energetic level, there hasn't been an appropriate amount of time and space given to allow what you've energetically cleared - to move out of the cells of your physical form. When energetic healing occurs, an imprint is released out of the etheric body, which exists on the soul level. From this space, the etheric body must converse with the physical body to determine how much time will be required in incubation, in order for the transformation to trickle down from the ethers of the soul and into the tangible form of physical reality. 

What I am referring to as incubation is an extended period of rest and renewal. When you are immersed in incubation, you might feel exhausted, depressed, void of inspiration, or without the drive to be a part of life. While it might be easy to think that something is wrong, it is merely the Universe channeling all of your life force energy to usher your healing into completion. While many seek healing modalities to resolve these experiences, they are unaware of how essential these periods of incubation are, just as embryos need time in the womb in order to grow.

If a moment of energetic healing is like a surgical procedure, then the essential stage of incubation is the crucial period of recovery that is necessary afterwards. Using this analogy, so many diligent lightworkers, often afraid of being left behind or left out of the Ascension, worked diligently to cleanse and clear their fields, like patients who have been living on a surgical table for years on end. Of course, each of us has and always will be a vital element in Earth's Ascension, which requires your cooperation and assistance in the most relaxed, faithful, and heart-centered manner. As I was asked by the Galactic Council to announce the end of needing to cleanse, clear, and purify, it was done to invite every lightworker out of endless rounds of etheric surgery, so the body could begin to incubate, recalibrate, and receive all the healing that has taken place.

As the maturity of our highest truth dawns within, it becomes profoundly clear that it's one thing to ping-pong from one healing modality to the next, but a much deeper journey unfolds when you give yourself the time and space to adjust and welcome in the healing you've already received. 

Another symptom to notice is an internal shaking, which can be interpreted as anxiety, fear, loneliness, or even projected outward as expressions of anger, judgment, agitation, and frustration. This inner shaking is the recalibration of your nervous system. When the nervous system is recalibrated, your energy field is adjusting to life in the absence of the cellular memories you had carried in your body for so long. When your nervous system is being recalibrated, the best strategy is to just sit still and slow your breath whenever the shaking becomes too daunting or irritating. 

You can also repeat the mantra: "I acknowledge this recalibration as a gift and receive it here as I AM now." This mantra can be repeated throughout the day, or used as a meditation when the nervous system requires more grounding. 


As periods of incubation bring forth the integration and recalibration you require for your journey ahead, it is common to sense a wellspring of impatience. As lightworkers and starseeds alike are being rooted deeper into present moment reality in preparation for light body activation, it is natural to want to fast track your healing and desire any possible way to move things along. As is always the case, the best way to accelerate the storyline of your journey is by daring to slow down. At this stage, you can consciously choose to slow down and honor the healing underway, or force life to slow you down through the circumstances and outcomes that arise.

During this period, you might find yourself at odds with time. Perhaps your healing requires more incubation time of rest and renewal than you are willing to offer yourself. Maybe you find yourself confused by your inability to know what to do with your life or where to go next. There can even be an urgent sense of there being something else to do or somewhere else to be without an instinct of how to take the next step. Each of these examples acts as signs of incubation in progress, where the impatient ego structure continues to unravel, as your nervous system is recalibrated. As this process unfolds, the healing that has already occurred on a soul level trickles into tangible physical form. 

The best approach at this time is to relax as often as possible, especially throughout the course of your daily activities. Since relaxation acts as a sign of spiritual alignment, the Universe asks you to slow down and be as relaxed, intentional, open-minded, and easy-going as possible, so you may accelerate the integration process and fully receive all that has already been given. 

For many, the unraveling of the old cellular structure and recalibrating of the nervous system may continue to occur until enough space can be created for the 5D light body to be felt within your field. While some have already completed such critical stages of incubation and are already experiencing the flowering of their newly-activated light body, it is essential to maintain the utmost compassion towards yourself by not comparing your experiences with the journey of others. 


While this stage of incubation may seem to linger longer than you desire it to be, there are other stages that you have completed with ease that may have been difficult for others to process. In essence, we each take turns reflecting the breakdowns and breakthroughs of transmutation, as the one eternal light experiences its emergence in every combination of possibility. 

Another sign of an unraveling cellular structure and recalibrating nervous system is loss. Whether you've experienced the loss of romantic partnerships, friendships, sudden career changes, or shifts in your living environment, it is important to think of loss not as a form of rejection or deficiency, but as a parting of ways between you and the old paradigm. 

The relationships or circumstances that may dissolve throughout this stage represent the releasing of karmic ties to the vibration you embodied when the circumstance or relationship began. Through the eyes of the Universe, the ending of a relationship doesn't have to symbolize you being rejected, but can be seen as a graduation out of an outdated level of consciousness that such relationships helped you outgrow. If possible, allow yourself to focus on the greater possibilities your life is creating, instead of mourning the losses that you haven't yet remembered how to live without. Even if it seems impossible to remember a greater spiritual perspective, it could only be another opportunity to embrace the one who mourns loss - with greater peace, patience, love, and support. 

Whether you are experiencing a lack of inspired direction, feel done with your current reality but without the passion or clarity to take the next step, overwhelmed by the pain, frustration, loneliness, and confusion that arises during critical stages of energetic incubation, confronted by the losses that represent the dissolving of outdated levels of consciousness, or even starting to feel better than you've felt in quite some time, I offer these words of confirmation to reveal the success of a journey that each of us is equally a part of bringing to life. 

On behalf of the Galactic Council, I applaud all the inner work you've already completed, and remind you to make time and space for it to integrate, so the fruits of your labor can take tangible form throughout the spiritual garden of your eternal paradise. 

In my next energy update, I will speak more extensively on how an activated light body can change your experience of reality, including how it can be used to participate in the world without getting tossed around by the energies others may still be releasing and processing. Through the grace of an activated light body, may you surrender all energetic shields and courageously step forward as a fully integrated expression of spirit in action. 

In the meantime, may you savor your experiences as exquisite gifts of divinity, trusting in the grace of the cosmic plan, while loving yourself and others more and more every step of the way. 

May all be healed, awakened, and transformed by the light of your highest potential. May all be blessed by the love that you are. 

Matt Kahn

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Sacred Alchemical

No one is promoting pain and suffering, it’s just that transforming from the lower level density and duality we were born in, into such a grand elevation as what we’ve been living through and embodying within ourselves, our bodies and consciousness causes some pain along the way. This has been, literally, a sacred Alchemical Process.

The reason why some of these old Ascension symptoms — and some new ones too — seem so amplified is because the old energies and blueprints/patterns etc., are gone and we are existing within the NEW energies and blueprints/patterns etc. In other words, there’s no going back for even a minute because we’re completely within the NEW energies and anything within us now that’s of a lower frequency is so profoundly amplified in all this NEW Light that it’s unbearable.

Truly unbearable and one is willing to release and/or change whatever it is that’s still within oneself to make that all go away for good! I’ve been experiencing this profound amplification any time I have the slightest fear over something; it instantly is so huge and miserable and revolting that I’m happy to face it just so I can be free.

The energetic pressure now requires that everyone living in it is clear of all the old lower stuff because it cannot co-exist within this NEW Light. Period, and that’s a blessed thing!

Try to understand just how intense and complete this stage of the Ascension Process actually is for each person, each being, each animal etc. because that makes it easier to live and move through the transformations and further embodiments we’re going through in 2015.

Just look at the weather around the planet and the earthquakes and volcanic activity and it’s easy to see how these changes are affecting Earth in 2015…and of course we’re part of Her too so we’re going through the same changes within/without.

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Roller Coaster 5th Dimension Harmony Vibration

A roller coaster ride is a thrill ride some people enjoy enough to experience and pay for it. Others just simply do not like the idea of losing his or her sense of balance and equilibrium, much less paying to experience it. On June 24, 2015 Mother Earth will begin generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field in order to integrate within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration. Mother Earth has coexisted with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration since October 28, 2011 but has only been in a process of assimilating and acclimating into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration.

From June 24, 2015 through May 21, 2016 Mother Earth will be generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to finally match and correspond, in exact proportion and magnitude, with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration on May 22, 2016. For all inhabitants of Earth, Mother Earth’s final stage to reproduce and match the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will be much like a roller coaster ride at a theme park.

No Soul will be spared from Mother Earth’s roller coaster-like effect she will be producing. The realization of Mother Earth’s new Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not happen instantaneously or even overnight but will be steadily forming within her from June 24, 2015 through May 21, 2016. Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will be produced through the increase of her daily rotational speed.
The increase in her daily rotational speed will function to slow down the apparent length of a day in order to align and adjust her daily processes into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The physical phenomenon of Mother Earth’s increased speed will cause the subtraction of a small amount of time from her apparent 24 hour spin. No one will even notice the subtraction of a second or two on a daily basis but they will develop Fifth Dimension Awareness through the events occurring in and around their daily routines! The side effect of Mother Earth’s increased daily rotational speed will be the roller coaster-like effect that will let every Soul upon her know that the Fifth Dimension is on its way upon Mother Earth!

The loss of a second or two per day will not immediately do away with anyone’s current daily routine, but the loss of a second or two will produce wonders for some Souls, and just plain hell for others. There will be no middle ground from Mother Earth’s roller coaster-like effect!
For Lightworker Souls and the up and coming Man of Light Souls, magnificent wonders of Spiritual Awareness and perception will increase and magnify latent Spiritual gifts and talents meant to be released upon the arrival of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration.
These latent gifts and talents have always been within you, dear Ones, but will now be available for you to achieve, demonstrate, and role model the True beauty of your Soul’s Light, Love, and Harmony with the Universe! For Man of Destiny Souls, the experience of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will not produce any noteworthy change, as Man of Destiny Souls have chosen to remain in the Fourth Dimension by choice! They will experience hell, hell, and some more hell, until he or she may finally realize that he or she is not a demigod on Earth serving him or herself but a Soul of God within a human body!

The ticket price to remain within Mother Earth’s roller coaster-like effect will be one’s fear. The price to stay off Mother Earth’s roller coaster-like effect will be the application of the Spirit of Love in all you will think, say, and do, dear Ones! This may be problematic at first, but not impossible, to achieve, as every single Soul, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, in the last 10,000 years has experienced negativity in one way or another.
The experiencing of negativity was not primarily of your own doing or choosing, dear Ones, but a condition of being within a Universal Dimension meant to teach Man of Destiny Souls the experience of Creating with Love! The experience of negativity in your own Life more or less served for the purpose of investigating a negative experience for your own internal learning and understanding about how such negative experiences begin and occur.
Such issues as domestic violence, gender, sexual, racial, cultural, and class status discrimination served to make you aware that all these issues have one common thread – all these issues involve people who have come to experience these negative situations are all Souls of God and not objects judged as inferior goods! In bringing social awareness to these issues, dear Ones, you aided the expansion of understanding for the foundation of Fifth Dimension Awarenessin Mother Earth’s New Era within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Man of Destiny Souls are finally at a maturation point in their evolution to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe as Man of Light Souls. Not all Man of Destiny Souls will make it into the Fifth Dimension with you, dear Ones. Had it been planned that way God would not have given Freewill to freely move in the growth and expansion of the Universe with God!
Instead of having Universal Dimensions of learning to teach Man of Destiny Soul to Love, the experience of negativity would prevail through transfer and transmission throughout the Universe like a virus, but this is not the Truth! All Souls will experience Fifth Dimension Awareness through Mother Earth’s action of generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Mother Earth’s action will cause the physical phenomenon of increasing her daily rotational speed.
And in doing so, the effect will cause a roller coaster-like influence upon Time, economics, social relationships for those paying the price of fear. But for those in the True Spirit of Fifth Dimension Awareness like you, dear Ones, the wonderful experience of heaven on Earth will begin!


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Imagine Humanity As A Single Being

"People want this, they wish for that… but these disconnected reveries, inspired only by whims and the liking for ease and pleasures, are useful to no one, and especially not to those who indulge in them. It is not forbidden to dream; in fact, you should dream.
But only if your dreams are conscious ones inspired by generosity – dreams for the good of all humanity. Everyone is capable of creating mental images of great power that can influence the course of things. So why not dream that the whole world will one day live in love, peace, freedom and joy? If many more men and women often had that kind of dream, they would help them to come true much sooner."

Imagine humanity as a single being

You say it is not possible to help the whole world, to bring light and peace to all humans – there are so many of them!

Of course, if you present the problem in that way, it is impossible to do anything. But if you know certain methods, it becomes possible. Try, for example, to imagine humanity as a single being.

Yes, imagine the whole world as a being right there beside you, whose hand you are holding and to whom you are sending much love. At that moment, small particles from your soul go out into space in all directions, and what you are doing for that being has an effect on all men and women in the world. Gradually, they will begin to have different thoughts, different wishes – better, more generous ones.

If there were hundreds, thousands of us doing this exercise, a new breath, a divine breath, would pass among all creatures, and one day they would awaken truly transformed.

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Why We Look Towards The Heavens

Age of Aquarius

Prepare To Benefit From Its Currents

To speak about the Age of Aquarius and to rejoice in its imminent arrival is not enough.
You must prepare to receive the new currents this constellation is already projecting throughout space.
Aquarius brings with it a revolution in technology as well as in concepts related to the human psyche.
But the most important revolution concerns the notion of universal brotherhood. The Age of Aquarius must teach humanity that we are no longer to work only for ourselves, our family and our country, but also for the whole earth.
This new philosophy is, of course, based on a science. Those who are ready to embrace this ideal of universal brotherhood must learn to elevate themselves by means of thought in order to contact the divine world.
It is in contacting the divine world that we open the sources of light, love, and peace which will one day inundate the entire earth.


Bring Down Heaven On Earth

For centuries Christians have been taught that earth is a place of iniquity and that the physical body is an instrument of the devil; only Heaven and the salvation of their soul count.

What lack of understanding! And most of those who accepted these theories neglected their body and ended up desiccated and fossilized. They thought of themselves as being sublime, but people who do not take on life here on earth can have no true life in Heaven.

The age of Aquarius, however, brings a different philosophy.  Aquarius teaches that human beings should look to Heaven without turning away.

We must look up at Heaven and bring down from it all that is beautiful, pure, luminous and eternal. We in turn shall then become a mirror of Heaven, a conductor of Heaven, a garden, an orchard, a sun.

Why should Paradise only be up above and misery, poverty and ugliness only be down here on earth? No, from here on in things will be different and beauty will descend on earth, and everything - the stones, the plants, the animals and human beings - will be radiant.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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Gather Your Energy And Dissolve Fear

If a storm is coming is it of any value to know about this in advance? Yes, most people would say: To take the necessary precautions and ride it off, instead of be taken by surprise.

So, gather your energy, clarify your intention and mobilize your whole being so a leap can be made.

On a personal level we can break free from chains – psychological and regarding our work and relationships. Some chains we have carried for so long that we may only notice that they are there under special circumstances.

AldebaranGuardian of the East , (EARTH – BULL)

RegulusGuardian of the North , (FIRE- LION)

AntaresGuardian of the West , (WATER – EAGLE)

FomalhautGuardian of the South , (AIR – ANGEL)

Among astrologers they are treated with veneration. Not because there is any code of ethics demanding this in the ‘astrologers handbook’, but simply because they only reveal their secrets when approached with this attitude.

A structure like the Roman Empire, which still pervades our structures in society, relies on ignorance and obedience of the people inside, and the suppression and exploitations of the people outside. The fuel that keeps the machine running is fear. Fear of losing position within the hierarchy and to be expelled from the ‘good company’, where everything looks like freedom but feels like death.

Tools are needed to keep "the machine" running. One is a constant reinforcement of habitual and reflexive patterns of obedient reactions to persons in positions of authority – also known as our education system. When this system has squelched the balanced AMOR mind of the child, and installed an unbalanced ROMA mind, there is one more agent of the empire to enforce its laws.

In the esoteric tradition this societal structure of the empire is likened to a vampire, which is more than just a convenient metaphor: Individuals who willingly participate in maintaining this structure, and allows fear-induced channels to be attached to their energy system, are having their life force tapped and directed to the center of the spider web, where it is consumed by something that should have withered away and died for a long long time ago. If this sounds like something from a Harry Potter book, it might be about time that you examine and make a decision about the resources you turn to for education.

Real insights and education of course comes from your own heart, and with the Heart of the Lion now in Virgo we will see structures emerge that are governed by wisdom. Structures governed by a much more humble and potent form of leadership. Potent because it align with the natural expression of Regulus in Virgo.

Likewise old power structures will become more and more desperate in trying to maintain their source of life force, until they inevitably will have to let go and face the karma that have been build up for millennia. In the personal psyche this will feel like old patterns of behavior, which are identified with the modus-operandi of the current societal structure, and their unwillingness to let go. 

As the old power structures are crumbling, room is given for the new. On the shadow side there is no longer any bar hindering fragmented collective sub-personalities fueled by the cardinal sins, to create havoc. 

With Regulus in the sign of Virgo, the focus of leadership will be what is being born and how to serve this. This attitude heals the old antagonistic dualism between the masculine and the feminine. In the individual psyche it can be experienced as a deep decision by the masculine to serve and protect the feminine, which will eventually release or “melt” the ROMA mind. This allows for the feminine energy to relax and combine more and more with the flow of life, trusting and bonding the masculine energy.

For aeons the Celestial Father and Mother have had their backs turned to each other, we are now about to experience a world where these energies are turned “face to face” as the Kabbalistic tradition describes it.

By Johan Tino Frederiksen

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Awakening Your Path To The Stars

it is time for you to fully step into your physical and Spiritual senses by embracing the sacred fires of combustion within that initiates you towards the bliss of union with Spirit.  It is time to redefine and learn to properly use the physical senses in order to access and develop the higher senses that became dormant so long ago: clairvoyance/clear seeing, clairaudience/clear hearing or telepathic abilities, clairsentience/clear knowing.

All of these heightened abilities are a part of your Divine Birthright as an Integrated Ascendant Master just waiting for you to reclaim them. When these are united together the spark of divinity awakens and ignites the fire of your essence inviting the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align,  integrate & activate  higher states of consciousness through balancing the two polarities so that they dance within us as ONE, Whole and unified. 


Many of you have accepted the fact that you can communicate and interact with the Angelic Realms and Beings of Light. 

However, most of you are still not aware that you can communicate with the many Facets of your bodily form and access divine body intelligence.  

The body's integration gifts you with an unparallelled opportunity for personal evolution. All you need to do is drop the brain, the thoughts and allow your divine temple expand.

Utilize your senses to access its wisdom and vitality in an almost intimate fashion by simply allowing the solutions to intuitively provide the necessary changes and growth with vitality, passion and instinct. 

You Are Awakening your path to the stars!

Charlotte Szivak - Diamond Star Ashram of Light


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Your Progress In Activation

On June 16, 2015 Mother Earth will be moving in only one direction – into the purity of the Fifth Dimension with God and the Universe! For all inhabitants upon Mother Earth there will be two directions emerging. One direction will be comprised of the initiating Triad of Unity – the Legion of Light, Man of Light Souls, and God, aligning to establish the Fifth Dimension upon Mother Earth.
The second direction will consist of Hue-man of Destiny Souls as the only remaining Souls within the waning and diminishing Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration. From June 16, 2015 through May 21, 2016, the “thread” sustaining the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions upon Mother Earth will be steadily weakening and fraying until it will finally “snap” on May 22, 2016, when the Fifth Dimension will be the only Harmony Vibration available upon Mother Earth’s body. In the direction of the initiating Triad of Unity, God will be leading all Lightworker Souls with God Source.
Man of Light Souls will be led by YOU through your role modeling and demonstrations of the Light, Love, and Harmony with the Universe, dear Ones, at least until Man of Light Souls have become better acquainted and familiar with God Source on his or her own.
The direction of the Triad of Unity will initially appear to be as disorganized as the direction of Man of Destiny Souls within the waning Fourth Dimension. There will not be a Buddha, Jesus, or Mohammad, personality arising to lead the Triad of Unity in leadership, for all leadership in the Fifth Dimension will be solely maintained by God through God Source!
There will also not be a substantial physical contrast between the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions upon Earth until May 22, 2016, but the contrast will become more and more apparent around March 7, 2016, when God’s Harmony Vibration permanently settles on Mother Earth! Until then, Life in the Fourth Dimension will be a lot like watching your evening news, dear Ones. The latest auto accidents, mishaps, and shootings as the leading news stories followed by your local weather, and a filler story, such as, how local parents replaced a vandalized playground with their own time, labor, and funds for their children. Accidents, mishaps, shootings, and the local weather will become more extreme and even odder than usual. At the same time, the Progress of Activation in the Fifth Dimension will be quietly occurring in the background, much like the local parents looking to make their outer world match their own Joy and Happiness for their children!
Your momentum to Progress in Activation, dear Ones, will especially increase and accelerate in motion from June 24, 2015 through May 21, 2016. The accelerating boost for your Progress in Activation will be supported in two ways. First by God’s Harmony Vibration entering into the Earth Plane to sustain and support the Vibrational Frequency of God’s Presence upon Mother Earth.
The second momentum boost will come through Mother Earth’s newly generating Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field beginning on June 24, 2015. God’s Harmony Vibration entered upon Mother Earth on May 15, 2015 and will be blending and merging with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field on June 24, 2015. Alone, God’s Harmony Vibration and Mother Earth’s newly generating Fifth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field would make a great world of difference upon Mother Earth. Working in tandem, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Field and God’s Harmony Vibration, the magnitude and pace of Change will only take months, not decades or centuries as in the past!
There will be no Souls, Man of Light or Lightworker Soul, who will truly be able to claim he or she is physically prepared for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field moving in tandem with God’s Harmony Vibration. However, Lightworker Souls will have internal preparation through previous experience within the Universal Plane. Your experience, dear Ones, is within the memory banks of your Soul, just as your innate comprehension of the Spiritual Nature of ALL
Things that broadens your natural understanding of ALL Things in the Universe!
You will not have to venture too far to regain access to your Soul’s memories, only to apply yourself in the direction God Source will be leading you! In order to gauge your Progress in Activation, you will only need to set your goals and accomplishments based upon your own unique factors of Joy and Happiness! Your internal gauges of Joy and Happiness will send you in the direction of your Joy in Living, and it will be in seeking the highest manifestation of your Heart’s Expression that you will find the easiest path of NO RESISTANCE to your claim of Progress in Activation with God and the Universe in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration!
To use man’s values to gauge your Progress in Activation, dear Ones, will be to base your entire future’s “security” on man’s past. The continuation of man’s values of the past will already be in motion within Mother Earth’s waning and diminishing Fourth Dimension. Man of Destiny Souls will find that the more they attempt to revive and reinvigorate the values of the past, the more they will see futile and unsuccessful attempts to revive the values of a Loveless dominion!
By returning to the values of your own “past” in the Universe with God, you will be drawing from your natural source of inspiration and creativeness! In this way, you will be naturally contributing to the newness of a brand New Era with God upon Mother Earth! In the present, God’s Harmony Vibration has been upon Mother Earth since May 15, 2015. God’s Harmony Vibration is currently producing an “inoculation” effect upon Mother Earth until October 8, 2015. Once that Mother Earth begins to generate her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, you will find that the “rainy days” of uncertainty will no longer exist! For it will be your Love that will serve to introduce social change through the Unlimited Source of your Soul and your Progress in Activation with God!


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Healthy Organs Expansive Thoughts

Sunday, June 7, 2015

« Intelligence in human beings depends on the state of their various organs: the liver, the stomach, the intestines, and so on. If all the cells in the body are not working properly, the ability to think and to judge will be affected: no matter how much they read and study, their malfunctioning organs will cast dark colours and distortions into all their thoughts.
Even those who are considered great thinkers or great philosophers have made many errors due to the defective condition of the cells of certain organs hindering their mental activity! The inadequate functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas and so on creates obstructions somewhere in the brain that even a very intelligent person cannot overcome. So how do we reduce these obstructions? By doing exercises. And the exercises recommended by a spiritual teaching, even if they only relate to breathing and nutrition, have no other purpose than to improve the state of our cells and therefore expand and improve our understanding. »

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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Inside You KNOW It Is Time For CHANGE

There are many who simply know within themselves that it is time for change, who feel within themselves the urge to make change, to be part of the shift that is underway that will bring Mother Earth through the powerful transition she is going through as well as seeing humanity be successful in the same way: shifting consciousness, awakening that which is within each and every human being that which is awaiting the opening to the future, to that which lies ahead, a future free of oppression, enslavement, domination, death and destruction. 

You are here in the millions to awaken to the degree that we may start gathering with each other, may start coming together, supporting this group that is here at this time, this substantial group of spiritually-aware evolved and enlightened beings, who have chosen to come to this planet at this crucial time. You are one of those who have chosen to come here at this time to be part of the gathering in consciousness that will rise up and like a tsunami crash down upon those who have been the suppressors/ oppressors for so long, sweeping them away as Mother Earth, as humanity moves into its bright future. 

Do not give in now, do not give up now. Now is the time to dig even deeper, to find the resolution that lies within each and every one of you, to pull it up, to wear it as a cloak, to look at the dark ones in the eye and say: "no, the line is drawn here, you will not advance beyond this line. I will not allow it". This means that you must also be willing to look at the darkness that you are in at this time and to perceive it as illusion and delusion. To understand it is a desperate attempt by those Archonic ones to stop you, to stop each and every individual that could make a difference to these times and to the times that are coming. To resolve with full commitment that you will not submit to them, you will not be vanquished by them, you will not be defeated by them, for you are greater, you are Spirit, you are Divine Source, Divine Love, Divine Light, and you are here now.

That this Awareness has sent energies to one and all to help in this extreme and difficult moment, to remind you all of who you truly are, and to encourage one and all to rise up, to raise oneself above the quagmire that you are stuck in as individuals and as humanity, and to recognize that it is indeed a great illusion to believe that you are powerless, without meaning,

You are Great Spirit manifesting Itself in this adventure of a lifetime that you are engaged in, in this crucial experience of the leaping forward in consciousness on individual levels as well as in the collective level of human consciousness. You are partaking in the shift in consciousness of a sentient being of great stature and magnitude, Mother Earth herself. 

Re-Member and Recall that you have the willingness to OPEN that door, and the resolve to pass through the threshold and the determination to live the truth that lies beyond. You are given the key now by this Awareness, by Spirit, but it is up to you to use this key, to remember at this dark time when it all seems so hopeless and distant and far away, when you are under extreme attack and it is affecting you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, that this is the very moment to stand up and say: no, to just say no, I will not be vanquished, I will not be put down, I will not be destroyed, for I am Spirit, I am the Divine expression of Divine Source Itself and I will rise up, I will stand in front of you and deny you, and I will succeed, I will triumph, for I am Spirit, I am the expression of the Divine Source Itself having this life experience and I will not tolerate the oppression and deviousness of those who have no connection to their own Divine Source. I am the I am that I am. 

Do not give in , do not fail in remembering who and what you are and that each and every day the dawn will come, the sun will rise again. Know this, hold this, live this for it is that which will bring you through, that and the resolve to not submit but to raise your own bar, to do your own work, and to hold that you are not alone. That there are many who are now beginning to gather and that is at the beginning of a process. To hold and have faith that it is so and that you are part of the process, part of the wave in consciousness that is bearing down upon those who have held it back for so long. They cannot hold back Divine Source and it is Divine Source. It is Spirit Itself, and you are Spirit yourself that is coming now, that is rising up, and that will crash down on those blocks that have held humanity back, Mother Earth back, the individual back for so long. It is all happening now.

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