Malechite's Posts (193)

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Magnetized To Elevate This World Of Ours

A piece of well-magnetized steel will lift another, un-magnetized, eight times its own weight.  A human in touch with the Divine Principle, magnetized by the consciousness of ONENESS with the great, creative force of the Universe, in touch with Omnipotence, has many times the power of a human who depends on puny strength.  

Think of a motor operator, who puts up the trolley pole and draws from the great wire the help of the mighty electrical current, and one who tries to push the trolley car simply by human strength.

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Now Is The Time

We are not dealing with a Force impoverished by granting our requests.  

Great Spirit does not have less because we ask much.  The candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.

It is now time to learn how to transfer the full current of Divine Force to ourselves and how to use it effectively.  This law of Divine Transference will multiply our capacity as co-operator and co-creator with Divinity, on a scale of which never before dreamed.

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The Old Falls Apart Right Now!

Buddha Moon 2016

533x800 Lapis Buddha

We’ve entered the annual Buddha Moon period of energies once again, except in 2016, they’re going to be more potent and meaningful to far more people than ever before. They may not consciously know that this is what they’re feeling, what they’re being affected by and that doesn’t really matter, just that it’s happening to more of humanity in 2016.

Despite the global appearance of increased chaos and destruction, everything is rising via more and more Light than ever before. I know it’s easy to believe otherwise, but this is normal for the giant evolutionary leaps forward we’re all taking at this point within the Ascension Process.

The higher we leap, the more the old falls apart, and this will continue for a while because it’s part of the Process. When the Earth hurts, shakes, has hot flashes etc., and when you hurt, shake, have hot flashes etc., it means we’re all going through another evolutionary Stair-step which is really good even though it often hurts and can be difficult in a variety of ways for all concerned. None of this is news to most of you and I’m repeating it only to remind any who may need it at this time, and, to ask you to hold as much Buddha-ness or Buddha-like energies and consciousness in yourself consciously for as long as you can during this Buddha Moon period—Full Moon April 21, 2016 at 2° Scorpio 31′ through to next months Full Moon. It’s also happening with a cluster of planets in retrograde motion now so there will most likely be some more inner excavating. The recent Solar energies of the past couple of weeks helped prep us for this phase so do your highest and greatest best for Self and All as these energies lift and open even more.

While the Forerunners continue and/or complete Embodying the/their Solar Crystal/Christic aspects, this Buddha Moon will only help everyone into an even higher state of being, into more HighHeart consciousness which is very Buddha-like. Further merging for all. Hold the growing higher Light that is You as we move through this 2016 energy Stair-step in further preparation for the upcoming summer Solstice (Northern hemisphere and winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere) Stair-step. T

hank You for all you continue doing for All.


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In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, each and every single Soul, the emerging Man of Light Soul and the Lightworker Soul, will begin on equal status with the ability to give, share, and receive the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The only ability in which both Soul types will not be peers, however, will be in the ability to administer the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate,” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will!

A Lightworker Soul already has the full package of readiness to begin within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, while the Man of Light Soul is just beginning to initiate his or her role of becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to assume his or her responsibility to God as Mother Earth’s Caretaker in the Time to come. You are in leadership, dear Ones, to guide, demonstrate, and role model every single aspect of Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

Though Mother Earth will be fully immersed into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, she will not be fully complete in her Fifth Dimension Transition until March 27, 2017, as she will still be aligning her Chakras within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars from April 30, 2016 to March 8, 2017. From April 14 to May 14, 2016, the theme of Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will be Preparing for God’s Directives!

God’s Directives, or “God’s Commands,” will be leading Mother Earth into the expansion stage of aligning her Chakras into the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars through our Sun. While God’s Directives will be leading Mother Earth in her Transition, you will be gaining more clarity and insight with God Source’s communications to lead you throughout your excursion into the Fifth Dimension! Man of Light Souls, the Man of Destiny Souls who internally declared and chose to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 15, 2016, will not be aligned with God Source just yet, and will not fully understand God’s Directives, or God Source, for that matter. This will come with more Time in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

For this reason, dear Ones, you will become God’s physical representatives and messengers throughout Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. The remaining Man of Destiny Souls on Earth, the Souls who bypassed or completely ignored the choice to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, will be striving to maintain Earth’s disorganized state through a constant shift of purpose, values, and standards for defining “success.” This is why all Man of Light Souls will appear nebulous to what is occurring and confused in the direction they will proceed in Mother Earth’s remaining days with her Fifth Dimension Transition! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be redefined through the concepts of Life as a Soul immersed within the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

The redefinition of “success” for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not occur in one instantaneous moment but will be built upon the attainment of “newly” discovered concepts and methods. Each and every “newly” discovered concept and method for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be built upon the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The surprise and bewilderment of every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension discovering how successful they truly are by simply applying the Spiritual Essence of Love in every thought, word, and deed, will achieve wonders!

This self-discovery process, dear Ones, will become your tool of inspiration and your teaching tool of preference to all the Man of Light Souls standing between their Fourth Dimension thoughts and memories and “success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Things will actually be getting more chaotic and even more confusing on Earth while Mother Earth completes the alignment of Chakras from April 30, 2016 to March 27, 2017. But by maintaining your Life with the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will, you will achieve wonders of your own! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come to be redefined through one’s ability to Create with Love and the recognition of God’s Directives through God Source!

Preparing for God’s Directives will involve Lightworker Souls as well as Man of Light Souls, but it will be Man of Light Souls who will benefit more by learning to trust and understand the direction his or her Heart’s Expression will be leading him or her. As Man of Light becomes more aware and even more experienced with his or her Heart’s Expression, he or she will also begin expanding and increasing his or her awareness to God’s Directives, and God Source, and begin the journey into the fullness of his or her Fifth Dimension experience! By personalizing God’s Directives for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensions, he or she will be attaining the final key of Life in the Application Dimensions, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – to Activate in God’s Will!

The activation of God’s Will simply means to “have fun!” and Create your Joy in Living – as having fun and Creating your own Joy in Living are what every single Soul was designed to do! “Success” during Mother Earth’s last stages of her Transition will come quite easily for you, dear Ones, as you fully comprehend and understand that God is the owner of ALL Things in the Universe! In the Application Dimensions God gives and grants ALL Things to those who have or are seeking Unity with God status, as the Applications Dimensions of the Universe are designed for Sharing and Cooperating together to increase and expand the Universe with God! The only way this will occur will by personalizing God’s Directives for the you in all of us!

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April Astral Activations

The first concluding April 2016 Event of Change will be the release of the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony on April 9, 2016. The release of the Seventh Emanation will serve to accomplish two noteworthy results on Earth. The first result will be an increase in the Energetic Presence of the Universal Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth that will fundamentally signal to the Universe that Earth is completely aligned into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! In becoming “completely aligned” into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, Mother Earth will begin signaling the result of her readiness to you and the Universe by producing the essence of her green skies at night!

Our green skies at night will begin faintly at first starting on April 9, 2016, as the Universe, our Sun, and Mother Earth begin triangulating together and demonstrating the model of Cooperative Collaboration, the Universal standard of all Souls working in unison as Souls in Unity with God! Once the Seven Universal Emanations have completed their responsibility on Earth, so will the increased potency of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony leading to Mother Earth’s new vibrational capabilities as an active participant of the Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s increased potency will also enhance her ability to more readily produce her internally derived “Star Bursts” through her alignment in the Fifth Dimension and her expanding connectivity with the Energetic Presence of the Zodiac’s Constellation Stars!

The second concluding April 2016 Event will be the Activation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Mother Earth began generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field on June 24, 2015 and will achieve a direct correspondence and parallel uniformity with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension from March 24, 2016 through April 15, 2016. During this time period, Mother Earth will make her Activated Fifth Dimension Harmony Field available to every Soul who has chosen to merge into her evolving Fifth Dimension through the experience of Spiraled Time, the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW!

It will be difficult for most Souls to easily transition into the concept of Spiraled Time, dear Ones, as the Fourth Dimensional world we are about to leave largely functions in linear time mode because most Souls in the Fourth Dimension were not required to communicate every moment of each day in the silent language of the Soul – with Love in all one thinks, says, and does! In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world however, the availability of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not align when one is expressly functioning in linear time mode, but concentrated in Spiraled Time mode! The final April 2016 Event of Change will serve to instill our conscious efforts to maintain a Spiraled Time state of mind while aligned in Mother Earth’s “Star Bursts”!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth through our Sun’s interaction with the Sun-Stars of the Universe will become fully aligned into the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension with all the Sun-Stars of the Universe! This unprecedented event upon our Earth will initiate with forty consecutive days of internal “Star Bursts” that will have even those expecting “nothing to happen” like back in December 21, 2012, the Mayan Calendar “end date,” to realize that Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension was a sequential process of mutual participation by the Universe, our Sun and Solar System, and not a single moment of change caused by a catastrophic event! Our Reality is defined by the “tried and true” methods of accomplishing the goals we set in our minds to achieve. By the standards of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, everything should continue to be status quo so that nothing ever changes.

In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension every Soul will become an initiator and innovator of new methods and concepts in Creating a New Reality! Many will be successful by going inward through Spiraled Time, while others will still attempt to move in a linear time mode. It won’t matter, dear Ones, for every Soul involved in the manifestation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be in Unity with God or designated for Unity with God! All we have been waiting for since July 24, 1950 is finally arriving with the manifestation and revealing of the April 2016 Events of Change!

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Star Burst Energy

Beginning on March 13, 2016, Mother Earth will begin enhancing your Creative abilities with Energy Surges from her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Field – Energy Surges producing “Star Burst-like” activity through her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field’s alignment with the Zodiac’s Constellation Stars. These internal “Star Bursts” have been a rarity on Earth over the ages, but will become quite common in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

The first of these “Star Bursts” will occur on March 13, 2016, followed by one on April 9, and once again on April 11, 2016. The intent of these “Star Bursts,” dear Ones, is to initiate your Soul’s abilities for what it was designed to do – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth! These “Star Bursts” will initially occur only one day at a time, and it will not be until April 30, 2016, when Mother Earth will be fully aligned into the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension, that she will be producing an internal “Star Burst” for 40 consecutive days from April 30 to June 8, 2016!

Though you will not initially see any miraculous changes manifesting within your immediate physical environment during these particular days, the internal call of your Soul’s idle and latent gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension will be beckoning to emerge from within you! You may still experience some bouts of self-doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty, even after June 8, 2016, but that is to be expected – for you are transforming into the essence of your body of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and have chosen to Reveal and Manifest yourself for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Your Heart’s Expression through your Heart’s Chakra will lead to the solution of every concern, issue, or question that may arise within you, for you are also in a process of developing your Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon!

Mother Earth and all Souls upon her will still experience another adjustment period once Mother Earth has completely merged within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. This adjustment period will occur from May 22, 2016 to March 27, 2017. It is not expected that every Soul within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will automatically perform every necessary adjustment to fully manifest as a body of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe all at once, and especially in the manifestation of the Soul’s Heart’s Expression – for learning to adjust from the parameters of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to her Fifth Dimension Harmony Field will be the first matter of concern! This too will take Time for all Souls, especially in the evolving Man of Light Soul!

The Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon may take some time for every Soul in adjusting to the new parameters of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, for Change does not occur when new ideas and concepts arise, Change occurs with the implementation of those new ideas and concepts. Every Soul’s transition to manifest his or her Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon will greatly benefit by Mother Earth’s Energy from March 15 through April 13, 2016 – Mother Earth will Activate her Fifth Dimension and inaugurate the momentum for every Soul choosing to begin in a New Reality, and a New Horizon of experience for his or her Soul’s truest responsibility – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth!

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Get Ready For February 2016

On February 25, 2016, the Sixth of the Seven Universal Emanations of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be installed into Mother Earth’s body. In addition to the Sixth Emanation of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony being permanently installed upon Mother Earth, God’s Harmony Vibration, God’s Auric Field of His/Her Individuality within the spectrum of Energy encompassing the entire Universe, will also be permanently installed upon Mother Earth on February 25, 2016!

There will be three significant resulting effects produced through the collaborative efforts of God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony assisting Mother Earth and her Solar System’s celestial bodies into the Fifth Dimension. The first effect will result in a substantial increase in the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Mother Earth and within her – Mother Earth’s vibratory frequency will begin resembling and corresponding more directly with the vibratory frequency of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

The second effect resulting from the Energy of February 25, 2016 will be an increased awareness of God’s Presence upon Mother Earth! With the permanent installation of both God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony and Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Mother Earth will become elevated enough to sustain and manifest God’s Presence! In the experience of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Fields, God’s Presence on Earth was best likened to the essence of a flower as opposed to the actual manifestation of a flower itself. God’s Presence is in ALL Things of the Universe through the Light, Love, and Harmony encompassing ALL Things in the Universe.

But in the experience of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, God’s Presence primarily functions as the Essence of God, like the essence of a flower you can only draw internal experience through your conscious perceptions of the visualized flower. In the Universe’s Fifth, as well as the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Dimensions, YOU ARE IN GOD’S PRESENCE, dear Ones! Like the essence of a flower you internally know by appearance, fragrance, and all of its other idiosyncratic characteristics, you will know and recognize God’s Presence in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension through your timeless relationship with Him/Her! This will not be the Essence of God you will encounter in Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, it will be God’s Presence in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth!

The third resulting effect of the Universe’s Energy of February 25, 2016 will be twofold. With the increase of Mother Earth’s New Vibration resulting in Mother Earth’s ability to sustain and manifest God’s Presence, you will not only be given more direct guidance from God’s Presence through God Source directly, but you will also be able to begin implementing Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency manifesting within her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Though every Lightworker Soul is withdrawing from his or her experiences garnered in Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds, you are not on Earth to right every wrong and offer judgment of all offenders, dear Ones.

From February 6, 2016 to March 15, 2016, every Man of Destiny Soul will be choosing in Freewill to aspire to become a Man of Light Soul for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, and the responsibility it entails by becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe, or not! The choice may not be as easily made as you would assume, dear Ones, as all of Man of Destiny Soul’s experience is drawn from Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions, where God’s Presence is by all cognitive perceptions of Reality merely God’s Essence! With the influence of Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Man of Destiny Souls becoming Man of Light Souls will also realize that God’s anthropomorphic characteristics they presumed were valid or the Truth about God’s Presence, were never real!  

When the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony is installed upon Mother Earth on April 9, 2016, you will finally begin to see the sign that she has completed her transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – her manifestation of green skies at night! Beginning faintly at first from April 9 through May 22, 2016, dear Ones, the green skies will eventually prevail over our current blue skies in daytime.

The only Souls caught unaware by the manifesting appearance of green skies at night will be the Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. But it is not for them that Mother Earth Created a New Vibratory Frequency, it is for you, the Legion of Light, and all Man of Light Souls aspiring to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension with the guidance of God’s Presence through God Source in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth!

Everything is drawing to a close in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field and soon, very soon in fact, there will be no reason to let the standards of man’s world – comparison, competition, judgment, and fear – prevail over the standards of God’s World of Light, Love, and Harmony! For there will be no space, time, or need to experience the lesson of learning to Love in order to Create with Mother Earth’s New Vibration for the Fifth Dimension – for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is Creating the space and time to experience the becoming of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe that IS ALL THINGS WITH GOD!

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The One Dominant Force In The World

When we talk about a purpose of divine power we are talking about life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the individual soul designed to uniquely express its truth. Ultimately, there is only one truth. By expressing your truth I am referring to the truth of your sacred design and to know the truth of God. This is what all of us are meant for.

Everyone has this great dharma to know God. What next? The individualized dharma (or right livelihood) is one’s particular expression that creates the daily challenges and gives support to help them align with the Divine and to evolve spiritually. Those who want to dominate the world are literally clueless to think there is one way for everybody.

It is an insult to God that people want to dominate, enslave, and make people act the same way. It was never designed to be that way. This is why there were the 70 nations initially. Each culture is a unique expression – but all are meant to express life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

At every level society tends to put us into a box to serve the political dominators in the name of the good for society rather than to serve your spiritual evolution. The message that we get from the social-domination systems (whether we call it communism, socialism, capitalism or some other form of “ism”) is that the state (the right of the politically, economically, or religiously powerful to dominate) is more important than the individual.

The deeper cosmic message is that we are all put on the planet to know God. Creating the optimal interface between the organism of the state and the organism of the individual is part of our evolution. They both have their role. From a cosmic perspective the existence of the state is simply to support the evolution of the individual, not the other way around. Governments, however, try to dominate by asserting that the public agenda has greater importance.

The Torah teaching is that there is a balance that creates the highest evolutionary process to our essential life purpose, which is to know God rather than to accumulate wealth and power. Blind submission or the polar opposite, as in hedonistic self-expression, undermines the primary directive to know God. Evolutionary alignment uplifts the planet, society, and the individual. These forces need to be aligned for the evolutionary process to work.

As we search for our own individual expression, we have to be clear enough and empty enough in our own consciousness so that we can tune into that. This is where the Six Foundations for Spiritual Life provide support. These help us to become empty enough to tune in to our individual or even cosmic dharma. Even still, sometimes we can’t tune in. Sometimes it isn’t so specific.

Rama Krishna said that if your dharma isn’t very clear, the best thing to do is to take an easy job that supports the overall spiritual picture and to be in an environment that supports your evolution. It isn’t inherent that we have to have a specific, unique, individualized expression. What is inherent is that whatever we do is organized around supporting our awakening to the Divine. That is what is most important. In our daily lives being lived by the Six Foundations supports our spiritual evolution. If something in particular emerges that one feels they should be doing, this is also fine, so long as it is aligned with the bigger Dharma.

One of the things we face in today’s world is that the outer life is becoming more and more meaningless. Without that associative meaning, we are more likely to have people creating meaning out of fanaticism and paradoxically trying to dominate others. When one is so empty of deeper meaning and divine connection within, one can become attracted to the domination of others because the ego, at least, can feel like it is right.

The people who have the least amount of faith and divine connection are often those who attempt to dominate others. The external action is a disconnected attempt to make the connection by forcing others to follow your way. When we talk about power, the key is to use one’s own soul-power and one’s healthy ego-power to focus on the divine point of life. If it’s being leaked off into other ways of being that don’t really support this truth, then we are missing the cosmic boat. Unfortunately this includes an increasing majority of the population in the United States and the world. A significant number of people have forgotten what life is about. Part of our role is to help people to wake up to this and thus bring meaning, value, and purpose back into life.

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Light & Love Soul Self Identity

There will be a worldwide economic downfall in the months to come that will result in each and every Soul being compelled to revaluate his or her self concept in order to assess his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension! All answers will not be as straightforward as most Souls would like, but the activation point will be produced by realizing that one’s True Self is a Soul designed to become a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God!
Although most people on Earth will be more concerned about the economic downfall than the uniqueness of his or her Soul, the shift into Fifth Dimension Consciousness on Mother Earth will be an event for every Soul! You were primed and prepared early, dear Ones, to expand your own consciousness in order to demonstrate, role model, and guide all Souls into the Fifth Dimension! Most Man of Destiny Souls evolving to become Man of Light Souls in the Fifth Dimension will be too shocked to promote his or her own self growth, acting as if he or she were trying to survive on a sinking ship rather than a Soul preparing to enter the Domain of God! The shock will eventually yield when they will realize some people are being “successful in a New Way!” This will be the Legion of Light, dear Ones, serving to guide every Soul into the Fifth Dimension!
The economic downfall will endure for more than a year, as the period from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017 will serve as the gateway for all Souls to make their internal adjustments for the Fifth Dimension. Some Man of Light Souls will acclimate easily while others will expire at the enduring work caused by responding to the age old question of “Who am I?”

Our True Self-Identity is a Soul naturally attuned with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! All Souls express their attunement with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe through their own unique and individual expression of Joy of Living. Our Joy of Living, dear Ones, is the expression of our uniqueness and individuality for which we were Created for by God! By expressing our own unique and individual Joy of Living in the days to come, we will be assisting God in the process of increasing and expanding all Mother Earth with the Light, Love, and Harmony the Universe for the Fifth Dimension! The Re-Creation of Mother Earth will primarily involve Lightworker Souls but as Man of Light recovers from his or her initial “state of shock,” they too will be activating into his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul!
But that will more likely occur after March 27, 2017, when the Triad of Unity, composed of God, the Legion of Light, and Man of Light, will finally begin working in unison! For the many Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls on Earth, the issue will not be the realization that he or she is a Soul, for religious services remind him or her of that, but the incorporation of his or her status as a Living Soul into the everyday experience! Right now, there are many conceptual and linguistic boundaries limiting his or her ability to conceive equality for all genders, nations, cultures, and religions, much less the concept that he or she is a Spiritual Being on the days not designated for religious service!

The “hard skills” of some occupations will still be required for the New Way of Life, but it will be the long discounted “soft skills” that will come into prominence during the gateway of internal adjustments for all Souls from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017!
The “soft skills” of “effective interpersonal communication skills, being a ‘team player,’ and social etiquette,” represent the manifested traits of a Soul well versed in the protocol of Brotherhood Spirit! Brotherhood Spirit, dear Ones, is the Spirit of Sharing and Cooperating through every person realizing his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul becoming a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! Man of Light Souls will eventually recognize him or herself as a Soul while practicing in Brotherhood Spirit and seeking his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Once he or she has recognized him or herself as a Soul, there will be more learning and that will come in learning to follow the Mantra of the Universe - “Align, Apply, and Activate,” align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will! Then and only then, will every Soul be synchronized in the same Harmony Vibration – to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!
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Energy of January 30th 2016

The Energy of January 30, 2016 will begin the first of two Sanctifications by God’s Universal Energies. The first will be produced prior to Mother Earth becoming fully immersed within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, from January 30, 2016 through March 6, 2016.

The second will occur after Mother Earth has completely merged into the Fifth Dimension from May 26, 2016 until August 2, 2016. Both of these Sanctifications are in place for God’s Blessings. First for Mother Earth’s transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, and secondly, for all Man of Destiny Souls who chose to understand God’s Plan to increase and expand Earth’s parameters with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe as Man of Light Souls in the Fifth Dimension! 

This extended Sanctification Period by God’s Universal Energies will eventually lead to the Integration of Light for the initiation of all Future of Man and Light Projects in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, Man of Light Souls working in tandem with all Lightworker Souls!

Even before the eventual installation of all Future of Man of Light Projects on Earth, all Lightworker Souls will be integrating and demonstrating the Universe’s Mantra of  “Align, Apply, and Activate” in order to guide all Man of Light Souls into the Pathway of Integrating with the Light! Overall progress may seem slow to materialize, dear Ones, but consider that the Man of Destiny Souls evolving to become Man of Light Souls are progressing for a humongous Spiritual responsibility with God. All Man of Light Souls will become the Caretakers of Mother Earth for the maintenance and sustenance of increasing and expanding the parameters of their world with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

Lightworker Souls are permitted to unrestrictedly transverse the entire expanse of the Universe from galaxy to galaxy in order to accomplish their responsibility to God – to raise, nurture, expand, and educate with the concepts of Light, Love, and Harmony Consciousness in all Man of Destiny Souls! Once this responsibility has been fulfilled in the Third and Fourth Dimensions, the responsibility of maintaining the principles of Light, Love, and Harmony Consciousness falls upon all Man of Light Souls in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

Man of Light Souls will still require your guidance for Integrating with the Light, dear Ones! While the first Sanctification’s Energy of January 30 to March 6, 2016 is designed to produce God’s Sanctification for Mother Earth’s role as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension, Man of Destiny Souls will have their impending choice to progress into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on February 6, 2016.

Mother Earth will be in the Fifth Dimension when Man of Light will receive God’s Sanctification for all future events and actions. When the second Sanctification completes on August 2, 2016, Man of Light Souls will begin the process of becoming components of the Integration of Light for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! It may not be as rapidly as you would hope it to be, but it will be a “work in progress.” Eventually, Man of Light Souls will be the predominant inhabitant of Mother Earth, but there will still be Man of Destiny Souls born to Man of Light parents. But this will be in a New Millennium and a New Horizon in which all Man of Light Souls will be recognized as Co-Creators and Co-facilitators in Unity with God!

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Year of Inspired Action 2016

2016 - A Year of Inspired Action

The stage has been set. Each character prepared with lifetimes of experience for what is finally a tangible transition into the new 5D energies so many (including myself) have been discussing. For those who didn't have a chance to read my September 27, 2015 follow-up, a 3-part energy update was written, circulated globally, and remains posted in the articles section of our web site.


While much has opened up throughout the latter parts of 2015, some were unable to feel the newly-expanded vibrations due to the amount of integration that was required in order to fully rewire your energy field in preparation for our emerging times.

As always, I offer these energy updates as a way of providing clarity, so your path can be navigated with love, compassion, inspiration, joy, simplicity, and ease. While I am here to assist you in seeing things differently and reminding you of cosmic options you may have forgotten are available, it is always important to remember that your unique path is always your own. While I may offer these updates as reminders that you are not alone in your awakening symptoms or mysterious patterns of experience, it is never intended to become a replacement for your innate ability to think for yourself. Whatever power I am given, it is my duty, honor, and privilege to apply the polish of unconditional love and return your power to you more shiny, upgraded, and radiant than ever before.

May these words act as a guide throughout a journey that evolves at the rate of your most inspired choices.

In my recent conversation with the Universe, I was told the theme of 2016 is a year of inspired action. It is where beings who have been on what feels like an endless spiritual rollercoaster will finally be able to make the important life decisions that invite a new reality to dawn. On a collective level, 2016 will reveal greater activity on a grassroots level, where communities of awakening beings will begin coming together to address the issues and implementing solutions for the well-being of our planet. It may not be the overnight awakening on a collective level that many await, but it will be a time when we see humanity begin to wake up from its unconscious slumber and step forward in the direction of conscious action. While 2015 seemed to end with much violence and confusion, a different picture is revealed when thinking of the shifts in energy like weather patterns. Just as a hurricane can cause mass destruction to the places it reaches, its purpose is to clear space on the planet for new things to grow. On an internal level, the weather patterns of our emotional bodies have been clearing space individually and collectively in preparation for new energies to emerge from the onset of 2016 and beyond. For some, this space clearing has been physically debilitating. For others, it has been nothing short of emotionally exhausting. Some even had the 2-for-1 combo platter. And yet, there are some who are so out of tune with their innocence that the only way to clear space within themselves is to victimize others.

This does not condone violence in any way. The entire reason we are participating in our own awakening is to accelerate the consciousness of this planet, so all can live as One throughout a global renaissance of spiritual expansion that is closer to actualization than you might think. As always, nothing dwelling within you acts as the cause of why the world acts the way it acts. Instead, you are witnessing injustice and atrocities like spiritual flashcards, where the very mixture of feelings that emanate as a result of what you see reveals the next aspect in line to be nurtured, consoled, and loved as a heart-centered journey of eternal salvation.

May every act of violence inspire you be more kind to yourself and others. May each word you speak be a seed of compassion planted in every heart, instead of bullets of judgment you've locked, loaded, and are ready to fire under any given circumstance. Physical violence and emotional cruelty are manifestations of negative energy. The purpose isn't to turn the darkness into light, but to invite each shadow to remember its true self as the supreme light of all by offering it the loving support it has never received. By loving the pain, sadness, hurt, fear, and anger within you, by no means does it cause you to attract more of the same.

Instead, we only attract more negativity when it is judged by its appearance or behavior, instead of being rehabilitated in the arms of love.


This also doesn't mean that you should stay in toxic relationships, aggressive living situations, or unfair work environments as a way of transmuting the shadows in those around you. Instead, the objective is to always place yourself wherever you can be best respected and honored for your talents. From this space of greater safety, life becomes an open-ended opportunity to embrace each aspect of your innocence, no matter what series of events life puts together just to show you what is next in line to be loved instead of judged. Even if there are judgments active within you, perhaps it is merely a more clever invitation to embrace the one who judges, instead of withholding love until the judgments subside.

When we become the ones who change how we treat and relate to the shadow, instead of withholding love until the shadow changes first, an internal shift occurs to melt each aspect of self-sabotage and inner conflict when love is your guide. Whether your world seems to be awakening at an accelerated rate or at a snail's pace, this moment invites you to repeat out loud the following insight of acceptance:

"I accept that I am only seeing the exact version of the world that is needed to be seen, in order to bring my attention to the aspects of self who deserve to be loved. One moment at a time, may I respond to each atrocity with actions of the opposite vibration throughout my life."

If you, or someone you know is a victim of theft, what if you responded to that energy with a moment of generosity, whether direct or anonymous? When violence seems to have no regard for the innocence of others, why not respond to that energy by being even more kind and gentle to yourself and others? When world leaders seem to ignore what's really important, what if you responded to that energy by taking a deeper look at your life to discover the important issues you may be avoiding and implementing greater conscious action than the political characters in view?

For some, it is hard to believe how decluttering your home or finally having a long-awaited conversation of honesty with someone you know has anything to do with resolving the global issues at hand. And yet, when understanding life from an energetic perspective, we recognize the most direct way to shift a collective reality is by raising the vibration of choices made on a personal level. As 2016 honors a year of inspired action, it opens up a brand new portal of infinite possibility. With the opening of this new portal, your most powerful choices that invite peace, harmony, health, balance, and well-being into your life can finally manifest tangible results in your outside world.

For quite some time, powerful changes seemed limited to adjusting the way you see things, or briefly shifting how things feel on an emotional level. With the emergence of 2016, your most incredible choices are capable of bringing to life your most fulfilling reality - once and for all.

Whether you are coming out of a deep phase of integration, are already experiencing a year of inspired action long before 2016 arrived, or find yourself completely disassembled and unaware of the first step to make, each moment acts as an opportunity to return to love - no matter how you feel. Even when you are sick and tired of loving yourself, why not embrace the one who is exhausted?

If you are one who has lost all hope and plagued by insurmountable despair, please watch our YouTube video, "Life's Eternal Liberator" for further energetic support during this critical stage of awakening. That video in particular will assist you in opening up to love in a pure way when and if the words "I love you" were ever associated with those who said loving words, but then acted in a hurtful or abusive manner.

Also, for a step-by-step guide to opening your heart and discovering the safety that allows your brightest light to shine, my book, "Whatever Arises Love That"was written as an energetically charged owner's manual for life in the new spiritual paradigm.

May these words inspire you to make one bold new choice on a daily basis, as a way of unraveling blockages of stagnation with newly-circulated energy. One bold new choice at a time, whether inspired by negativity that motivates you to respond with greater conscious choices in your personal life, or merely treating this incarnation as a canvas where your greatest work of art is created through a series of courageous decisions, I honor you as a beacon of eternal light and a unique catalyst of heart-centered consciousness.

On behalf of the Universe, now is the time to shine. The portal is now open for those who no longer wait for the world or others to change, but remember that life can now evolve at the rate in which you are willing to choose differently for yourself. The world exists within you. What you change in your personal life creates a different world over a period of time. This doesn't mean the actions of the world or individuals you know are due to something out of balance within you. Instead, a world only seems to be the way it is, as a way of inspiring greater conscious action throughout the life of the witness, which in turn, sends out waves of healing energy to transform everything in sight.


You are not the cause of anything you see. You are the conscious solution dwelling in every heart. Rather than look to the global problems you yearn to resolve, I invite you to first return your attention to the worldly affairs of your personal life and dare to make the powerful decisions that bring forth the light for the well-being of all.

As a year of inspired action arrives, 2016 asks you to consider the following question as often as possible: "What am I willing to do differently in order to make today unlike yesterday?"

One new bold choice at a time, including loving the one who is afraid of change or feels unsupported by the Universe, you are delivered across the threshold of victimhood and into the radiance of your long-awaited paradise.

Our time has come, together as One, and in a world of endless questions - love is the only answer.

Many blessings to all,
Matt Kahn

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Integration Process Accelerates

Reveal and Manifest
From January 15, 2016 through March 23, 2016, there will be a Freewill opportunity for every single Soul on Earth to choose whether or not to enter into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. No single Soul is simply “destined” to enter into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension upon Mother Earth by defaulting into it, or even by “falling through a dimensional crack” into it. Ascending into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on Earth is based entirely upon one’s Freewill to choose to enter, to abstain, or to deny him or herself the opportunity to experience the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.
From January 15, 2016 through March 23, 2016 the role of Spiritual Growth will be emphasized to allow one’s Freewill to consciously say “yes,” “maybe,” or emphatically state, “no thank you, God!” to the experience of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on Earth. The emphasis of gaining Spiritual Growth will not be a need for every Soul to garner, as all Lightworker Souls on Earth have already decided to “return” to the Universe’s Fifth Dimension and regain his or her Soul’s latent gifts and talents to assist the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! The emphasis of gaining Spiritual Growth during this time period is essentially designed to accelerate the integration process of every Man of Destiny Soul choosing to advance as a Man of Light Soul. For the most part, dear Ones, the vast majority of Man of Destiny Souls on Earth will still be subconsciously submitting an uninterested “maybe” to the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.

It will not be that the opportunity to gain Spiritual Growth for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be overtly expressing itself for every Soul to see, touch, and feel the New Earth. Instead, Spiritual Growth will be seen, touched, and felt through the signs and events the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will reveal through its Presence on Earth!
The “unknowingness” involved for making an informed decision about the Spiritual Nature of ALL Things in the Universe will keep every Man of Destiny Soul submitting an uninterested “maybe” at every opportunity to advance until May 22, 2016, when Mother Earth will finally be completely immersed within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! For Man of Destiny Souls, the absent and deficient evidence ascertaining that indeed, our Universe grows, expands, and increases its content of Light, Love, and Harmony will keep their body’s posture looking downward rather than upward, where the Physical Generators responsible for All Change reside – within the Stars of the Heavens directly above Earth! Despite the fact that Man of Destiny Souls will maintain their body’s posture looking downward, it will still be his or her responsibility to decide in which direction his or her Soul will go, as the uninterested “maybe” response will soon no longer be available! For only a direct response of “yes” or “no” to the possibility of entering into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension with Mother Earth will work after February 6, 2016!

The Energy of February 6, 2016 is not a direct part of the opportunity to gain Spiritual Growth for the advancing Man of Light Souls. It will, however, be motivating every single Soul on Earth towards Unity and Oneness with God from February 6, 2016 through May 21, 2016!
But for you, dear Ones, the Energy of February 6, 2016 will begin the Time to Reveal and Manifest the entire content of your Soul’s idle and latent gifts and talents! Resisting the unfamiliar Energy of Unity and Oneness with God will be easy for Man of Destiny Souls, for they will be more focused upon the residual effect of Mother Earth’s collapsing Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field on Earth. Mother Earth’s collapsing Fourth Dimensional Field will be forcing every single Man of Destiny Soul to decide, once and for all, to either become a part of the experience of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension upon Mother Earth or not! The Freewill choice to Ascend with Mother Earth into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will not be simple for any Man of Destiny Soul! Man of Destiny will be primarily focused upon maintaining the Lives they already know and are most familiar with – the purchasing power achieved through participation in the world’s economy rather than gaining Spiritual Growth to understand the unfamiliar Power available through his or her Heart’s Expression’s ability to Create with Love! But you will be on station, dear Ones, to assist the Souls who will begin turning their attention towards the Stars of the Heavens above!

By Revealing and Manifesting your Soul’s long idle and latent gifts and talents, dear Ones, you will also become aware of others likewise being internally prompted to Reveal and Manifest the True internal expression of their Souls! Thus, making it quite easy for all Lightworker Souls to recognize one another throughout the lands of Mother Earth! The opening of the gifts and talents designed to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will also be leading to the Gathering of the Light on February 17, 2016, when the essence of Unity and Oneness with God will serve to bind the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls as the Legion of Light on Earth!
Though Mother Earth’s Ascension process into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will be complete on May 22, 2016, there will still be 10 more months until the solidarity of the Triad of Unity, the blending of all evolving Man of Light Souls, the Legion of Light, and God, begins to gain momentum and coalesce on March 27, 2017. The extra Time required to begin the work of the Fifth Dimension will not be due to any form of lack on your part, or Mother Earth’s part, but the evolving Man of Light learning to shift his or her perspective from “me, myself, and I,” to the team concept succinctly summarized through Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers, the expression of “All for One, and One for ALL!” Right now, however, from January 15 through March 23, 2016 the emphasis will be on Spiritual Growth for all Man of Destiny Souls becoming Man of Light Souls!

Man of Destiny Souls will not be realizing that the entire experience of learning to Love will be signaling its completion upon Mother Earth on February 6, 2016, and transporting him or her onward for learning to Align, Apply, and Activate – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will. There will not be a deluge of rain for 40 days and 40 nights occurring at any one place on Earth, or even a storm of fire and brimstone sent to destroy the “unholy” places on Earth to signal the end of an era. Instead there will only be signs and events to demonstrate the Presence of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Field has replaced Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field!
These signs and events will not come from an “other worldly source,” dear Ones, but through every single member of the Legion of Light! Once every Lightworker Soul has aligned into his or her internal prompt to Reveal and Manifest the long idle and latent gifts and talents of his or her Soul, the Universal Energies will be working with you and for you! By May 20, 2016, on the eve of Mother Earth’s preparation to initiate the fullness of her Fifth Dimensional body, everything and every member of the Legion of Light will be ready to step forward into a New Horizon, and so will the Time to Reveal and Manifest God’s Presence upon Mother Earth! For Mother Earth will have finally achieved the capability to sustain the full Energy Vibration of God, the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the Universe!
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Your Gifts And Talents Are About To Come In Handy!

The Re-Creation of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension will primarily involve the Souls whose idle and latent gifts and talents are ready to implement for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. There will not be many Souls initially involved, as there are perhaps only 500,000 Lightworker Souls worldwide upon Mother Earth.
What may initially seem like starting your Life or career all over again, dear Ones, will actually be the return of your Soul’s True Purpose in Unity with God! You are who you are on Earth, but now you will be revealing who you are within God’s Universe! The distinguishing difference between what and how you will be exemplifying who you are on Earth within God’s Universe will come through the demonstration, role modeling, and leadership with the Light, Love, and Harmony of God’s Fifth Dimension Universe! Before Mother Earth’s transition from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension began, and even up to now, you have largely been incognito to the world with Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls, and have only been able to talk and demonstrate ways to improve everyone’s Life through concepts and material currently available on Earth.
From January 5, 2016 onward, all Lightworker Souls will begin an external process of revealing his or her True identity and role within God’s Universe, as if you were finally being allowed to reveal your “angelic wings” for the entire world to see!

Your idle and latent gifts and talents will not be unfamiliar to you at all, dear Ones! Every single Lightworker Soul was originally Created by God to fulfill a specific need and purpose. The purpose we aligned to in each past Lifetime on Earth did not always directly align you with God’s original purpose, but served more directly in the need and purpose of raising, nurturing, teaching, and expanding the concepts of Light, Love, and Harmony to all Man of Destiny Souls!
Now that all Man of Destiny Souls are on the verge of putting into practice all that has been collectively taught over the duration of all their lifetimes, they will soon have the choice to begin within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension as Man of Light Souls, and put into practice all they will know! Mother Earth’s transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will also serve to release you from your role as Man of Destiny’s “parental figure” of Light, Love, and Harmony to assume the specific need and purpose you were originally designed for – Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! As Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God, your first and primary task will be to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The only way you will be able to do this, dear Ones, will be by placing all of your Soul’s gifts and talents forward to do exactly what you were designed for, God’s specific need and purpose of increasing and expanding the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe into every nook and cranny of space in the Universe, starting with Mother Earth!

Not every single Lightworker Soul will suddenly abandon his or her parental “duties” to Man of Light Souls. After all, many Lifetimes were served to assist Man of Light in comprehending and understanding the benefits of implementing the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in one’s Life. Where and how a Lightworker Soul will use the original need and purpose he or she was designed for will be a matter of personal choice, as long as he or she continues serving to spread the knowledge and wisdom produced through the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, it will not matter!
The Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe are seemingly silent. We only become aware of their presence when we consciously move to align within them. And in doing so we also become conscious of the Presence of God! Through and with God’s Presence in the next several months, dear Ones, we will all be moving to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.
It will not be a chore or a burden for any Lightworker Soul, for in initiating the Project of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension in Unity with God, we will all be demonstrating, role modeling, and guiding every single Man of Light Soul the way of the Universe – how to be and become a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God by exemplifying God’s Presence as the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Mother Earth!


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Legions Of Light SHINE ON!

In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional World, dear Ones, there will not be one unique vernacular or one single religion to bind the world’s population into one homogenous state of unity, instead the world’s unification factor will be produced through Unity with God! Because of the many barriers produced by linguistic, religious, and geographical factors to unite all Souls as One in Unity with God, there will also not be one single prophet heralding in the Will of God, but many – the role of prophecy in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional World will initially be produced through the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls on Earth, the Legion of Light! At first, it will seem as if there will be multiple voices conveying bits and pieces of the wisdom of God’s Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe.

But as Mother Earth progresses closer to completion of her transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, the multiple voices will become more coherent and unified as a singleton of God’s Will through God Source revealing God’s Plan for all mankind! The majority of Souls on Earth will not be listening to you yet, dear Ones, but to the modern day prophet, the economist and the will of his or her nation’s leaders! In due time, the alignment of the Legion of Light will become more cohesive and better organized in God Source, as all Lightworker Souls will begin to reveal God’s Plan to all Souls upon Mother Earth in the same vernacular of the local population, at the same time and space worldwide! In the current transition to elevate the entire whole of the Legion of Light into proper alignment, all Lightworker Souls are internalizing as well as making external adjustments to assume his or her part of responsibility from November 17, 2015 through February 16, 2016.

On February 17, 2016 it will be Time to align as a singleton of God’s Will through God Source to reveal God’s Plan for all mankind! There will be two major stages of preparation for all Lightworker Souls to complete and activate his or her part of responsibility. The first stage will arrive from December 30, 2015 through January 29, 2016. This particular stage will align you, dear Ones, with the Truth required to understand, know, and implement for becoming fully functional in the New Horizon dawning before us all!

The second stage for activating your responsibilities will place you into motion to provide God’s Prophecy and will occur from February 14 until February 22, 2016 and from March 15, 2016 through April 13, 2016. There are two segments of Time involved in the second stage due to fact that God, Mother Earth, the Legion of Light, and the evolving Man of Light Souls as a collective whole will be choosing in Freewill to begin within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension sooner rather than later from February 24 through February 26, 2016. Do not hold your breath on Man of Light’s choice, dear Ones, for they will still be heeding the words of the modern day prophet, the economist, and do not comprehend what they want yet!

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December 15, 2015 - December 19, 2015

The days from December 15 through December 19, 2015 will serve to initiate the New Consciousness in Unity with God upon Mother Earth!

The Energy of December 15, 2015 will initiate the internal catalyst for realizing the need for the New Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension through the alignment of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony with God’s Harmony Vibration. The second catalyst of the Universe’s Energy will occur on December 17, 2015.

The Energy of December 17, 2015 will form a progress point for the movement of the Future of Man and Light through the initiation of God’s Logos, God’s directives, to lead all Souls, Man and Light, into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The third catalyst of the Universe’s Energy will align on Earth on December 19, 2015 and will serve to instill the need for serving one’s Spiritual Purpose with God for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Though many Souls will be in a state of confusion and bewilderment in these next few months, no one will be lost by seeking his or her Soul’s station of advancement, for everything in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will lead to the discovery of Unity with God!

None of the three individual catalysts of the Universe’s Energy will produce an isolated result, for they are designed to work in unison like the arrangement of God’s Universe – “be together, work together, BE AS ONE!” And it is so, dear Ones, for the physical aspects to begin within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will all emerge from the internal dimensions of choice from each Soul, and not by the disorder caused by unprecedented worldwide events!

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The Galactic Change Of Seasons

The Galactic Change of Seasons 

Almost three years have passed since December 21, 2012, the foretold Mayan Calendar’s “End of Times” date. Some people had high expectations that “something” resembling a cataclysmic world event would occur while others expressed little expectation and remained undisturbed in their daily routines. If anything actually occurred due to the December 21, 2012 phenomena, it was a raised level of conscious awareness that “something” similar to an “End of Times” type of scenario has a probability of occurring, or if not, there is at least a possibility of a localized type of event capable of interrupting anyone’s life. In the recent years, world governments have also chimed into the “chatter” of “End of Times” type of scenarios with the intent of acknowledging possible alterations to “life as we know it.”
Governmental “End of Times” scenarios include the subjects of economic downfalls, Climate Change, and even more lately, concerns about terrorist issues. The more frequently we hear these “End of Times” type of scenarios, the more credibility the subject gains amongst the masses. As you already understand, dear Ones, it’s just the rhetoric of fear they are spreading, and the more public announcements they make to publicize the “End of Times” scenarios, the more their own fears perpetuate and promote mass hysteria. The end result is not an elimination of the “End of Times” scenario, but a heightened level of fear and vigilance amongst the masses, and thus, fear rules the land!

Most Souls upon Mother Earth are in the habit of practicing “homeostasis,” literally meaning in Greek, the act of “standing in one place.” We are all guilty to some degree of pursing the comfort of homeostasis in one way or another, as we all tend to like the comfort and security of a steady routine, a steady income, and having all of our daily needs easily met. However, Mother Earth and our Universe are not models of homeostasis, “standing in one place.”
Our Earth rotates around the Sun, which in turn rotates around the galactic center of our Milky Way, which in turn, rotates around the Universal Axis. The rotation of Mother Earth around our Sun creates the effect of the seasons upon her body, spring, summer, fall, and winter. Depending upon which of Earth’s hemispheres and the latitude of your physical location, each season has its own time of the year and purpose.
The yearly seasons we witness upon Earth lead to the formation of our societal and cultural adaptation of Life around the seasonal cycle – our holidays, cultural celebrations, and life milestones. The culturally defined seasonal cycles also serve to shape the societal “norms” of our culturally defined personal levels of comfort and security – homeostasis to maintain the preferential level of stability in our Lives. Whenever an “End of Times” scenario appears to destabilize our personal level of stability, at first, it is thought to be an anomaly, but when persistent threats to stability are encountered, countermeasures are devised and executed.

Our Milky Way Galaxy and Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is not an anomaly or even a threat to “Life as we know it.” What is occurring, dear Ones, is our Milky Way Galaxy is in the midst of experiencing a change in Galactic Seasons, much like we experience the change of seasons on Earth. The Galactic Seasons are produced through the movement a Star Galaxy’s rotation around its galactic center in alignment with the Universal Axis.
But instead of producing the effect of extended or shortened increments of daylight and nighttime like Earth’s winter and summer seasonal effect, a Galactic Season produces a Galaxy’s transition from one Universal Dimension to the next Dimension, the effect of Dimensional Ascension with the Universe! We do not experience Galactic Seasons every three months like on Earth, but rather, Galactic Seasons occur through an extended period of Time. Our Milky Way and Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Fourth Dimension happened around 3000 BCE, after the time of Noah’s Flood. Our Milky Way and Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Sixth Dimension will occur around 7000 CE, still some 5000 years from now. In our present state, our Milky Way Galaxy is in the process of changing its Galactic Season from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension! The change of Galactic Seasons is similar to the effect a change of Earth’s seasons has but on a much larger scale, the galactic scale of reference!

When we experience a change of seasons on Earth, a change from winter to spring for example, we begin putting away our winter gear like snow boots and thermal jackets in anticipation for warmer weather. The days become longer through the increase of the Sun’s rays on Earth while the nights become shorter. We change from predominately indoor activities to include more outdoor activities, such as planning and planting our summer gardens and give more attention springtime sporting events.
The Galactic Seasons do not occur within a generational or lifetime point of reference – the Galactic Seasons occur from a galactic scale of reference! To plan accordingly you would need to plan where you would be every 5000 years. So when such events as “End of Times” scenarios become so frequent, as they are today, dear Ones, you know it is not just the cyclic nature of the world economy depressing again, or Climate Change demonstrating a verifiable measurable difference for more than a hundred years, or even terrorism becoming so rampant without cause! It is the Galactic Change of Seasons we are experiencing through our Milky Way and Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Unlike the change of seasons on Earth, the experience of the Galactic Change of Seasons does not come with an authoritative manual of instruction. The closest resemblance to an authoritative manual of instruction will come not in the form of the latest findings in scientific or psychology journals, but in the ancient texts of religion!

The ancient texts of religion are the closest resemblance to an authoritative manual of instruction for the Galactic Change of Seasons! The ancient texts of religion will not regain authoritative status for our current Galactic Change of Seasons, dear Ones, due to the fact that the original transcribers are not physically present to clarify the intricate details of the texts and the multiple translations of translations of the original texts. While the world waits for a Messianic or Mahdi figure to bring an end the world’s “End of Times” crisis, the Milky Way and Mother Earth will continue evolving from the Fourth Universal Dimension to the Fifth Universal Dimension with the momentum of the Galactic Change of Seasons!
The sequential process will continue until May 22, 2016 when our Milky Way and Mother Earth will be successfully merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension through the assistance of the Universal Energies! Many will attempt to alleviate the numerous acts of the worldwide “End of Times” crisis through religious, political and economic maneuverings, only to witness even more crisis situations appear. It is not that religious, political, and economic maneuvers would not work, it is that no one will be referencing an authoritative manual of instruction for the Galactic Change of Seasons! For the only hands-on approach that will serve during the Galactic Change of Seasons will be the Language of the Soul – Love!

In order to understand the Galactic Change of Seasons, dear Ones, you will have to apply your knowledge base of previous experience. A change of seasons on Earth requires a change of strategy to successfully deal with conditions such as winter driving in the transition from fall to winter, for example. So you put snow tires on your vehicle for the winter months ahead and pack an emergency safety kit with your snow chains. Now think deeper from your Soul’s level and you will find all the answers will come to you in your preparation for the Galactic Change of Seasons through the Language of the Soul – Love!
The prevalence of the “End of Times” crisis on Earth is simply a sign that Mother Earth’s place in the Universe’s Fourth Dimension is completing, much like the prevailing winds of a geographical region begin to change climatic conditions to signal the end of one season and usher in the next one. All conditions upon Mother Earth are simply replications of the Universe, “As above, so below.” On December 4, 2015, the Universal Energies will be completing God’s Sanctification of the Milky Way and our Mother Earth’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. God’s Sanctification will largely go unnoticed by anybody except you, for things on Earth will begin to transition as Jesus summarized in Matthew 17:20, tell a mountain “Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you!” Mother Earth’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is a Universal Event, the Galactic Change of Seasons and is closer to initiating a New Season and New Reality!


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Spiritual Pathway Creation

The Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation is a natural and innate attribute of Life for every single Soul in the Universe. It may seem impossible to most people on Earth, as most people generally think of purchasing power as Creation through the practice of consumerism, Creating money to purchase consumer products to maintain one’s Life or Lifestyle choice. Purchasing power through the practice of consumerism is only one way of Creating upon Mother Earth, but is not the only way.
The Universal method of Creating with Love is to apply the Spiritual Essence of Love with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe to Create “Light.” “Light” is the end result of an Emanation of Love making “contact” with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe. Most people think they cannot Create “Light” from “nothing” like God, but the Truth to the matter is that Love and the Harmony Vibration of the Universe have electromagnetic properties that are invisible to the eye! When the electromagnetic properties of Love and the Harmony Vibration interact, the final result produces the radiated visible electromagnetic properties of Light! Everything we will be Creating with Love in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will become “Light” in the same way God Created the inaugural “Light” of the Stars in the Initial Dimension of the Universe! 

Creating purchasing power is the easiest and most conceptually understood method to Create one’s Lifestyle. This is due to the way things are organized within Earth’s current social structure. If you were to become “successful” in Earth’s Fourth Dimensional social structure, you would most likely go to college, meet some new supportive friends, find a desirable job in the field of your studies, and make an income worthy of your educational and desirable pursuits.
In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, understanding with Love in all you will think, say, and do, will be all the education you will ever need, as purchasing power with money will eventually become obsolete through each individual Soul’s Power to Create with Love! The Man of Destiny Souls now evolving into Man of Light Souls in Mother Earth’s Transition as a New Earth, a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension, will prosper as much as you will, dear Ones, but not as immediately as you will! The difference is that you as an evolved Soul of the Universe already have the tenacity and skills to remain within a State of Lovingness 24/7, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The evolving Man of Light Souls will still be attempting to overcome stages of fear. On November 1, 2015, a humongous step in the world of the Future of Man and Light will begin! The Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation, applying the Spiritual Essence of Love with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration to Create “Light” for one’s Spiritual Pathway and Spiritual Purpose with God will begin!

One’s Spiritual Pathway and Spiritual Purpose with God have always been a part of the human experience on Earth. One’s Spiritual Pathway and Spiritual Purpose with God also embrace the Power to Create with Love at all times. The greatest contribution to the diminishment of the Soul’s Power to Create with Love was the world’s movement towards the path of consumerism with the development of “purchasing power” as the predominate means to Create one’s pathway and purpose in Life. Mother Earth’s evolution into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will “restore” the Soul’s Power to Create with Love.
The “restoration” of the Soul’s Power to Create will only begin when a Soul releases the Third and Fourth Dimensional logic, the logic that ascertains truth to be held by the standards of the Soul’s five physical senses. The process of releasing the Third and Fourth Dimensions’ logic will not be an easy one for any Soul, but by listening to the resonating inspiration of your Heart and the internal guidance of God Source, dear Ones, you will produce many wonderful results! Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will be at full strength beginning on May 22, 2016.
Not every Soul will be ready for the full implementation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration with a conscious commitment to remaining in a State of Lovingness 24/7! This will not be your responsibility – it will be the responsibility of each individual Soul to make his or her own commitment to God, as nothing else will work! 

Spiritual Pathway Creation will produce the manifested “Light” of your Love! The “restoration” of the Power to Create with Love will not produce “instantaneous” Creation just yet, but will reduce the Time of manifestation for the appearance of your Fifth Dimension Creations! The days until February 16, 2016, when every single individual Lightworker Soul will be unified in Unity with God through God Source, will begin forming the days of miracles for you!
The road to restoring the Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation in your Life will be less difficult through the release of the Third and Fourth Dimensions’ logic, as the release will also serve to open you to receiving and understanding what God will have you do for your part of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! The Energy of God’s Presence upon Mother Earth will also be increasing through you, and with you, as the Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation returns to its rightful place for the human experience on Earth once more!
The side effect the “restoration” of Spiritual Pathway Creation will bring will be a great economic collapse! The economic collapse on Earth will produce a redistribution of wealth, from those who influence the practice of consumerism through the diminishment of the Soul’s ability to Create with Love, to those who will restore the Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation with Love to its proper place in the human experience! 

The Future of Man and Light will not involve a “redistribution of wealth” by people removing the “wealth” of the people controlling the greatest parts of the world’s economic system or even by forcing them to give up a share of their “wealth” through the judicial precedence of a world court system. Instead, it will be the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional Harmony Vibration evolving upon Mother Earth doing all the work! The “redistribution of wealth” upon Mother Earth will take form through the reacquired insight and foreknowledge you will gain directly through God Source for your Spiritual Pathway Creation! Your ability to Create your Spiritual Pathway and Spiritual Purpose with God will serve to demonstrate your adaptation in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, while those who will not be adapting with the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will be set aside to learn more about maintaining a 24/7 State of Lovingness for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!
Those who will be calling to further expand the practice of “purchasing power” with “patches” of new rules, policies, and fiscal stimulations, will only find that they will be working against the evolution of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, and fail at every turn! Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, dear Ones, will only support a 24/7 State of Lovingness to promote the Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation for the evolution of the human experience upon Mother Earth!

Many of the things we now take for granted in the world’s economy, such as, the reliability of monetary exchanges, the trust of governmental fiscal policy, and the world stock markets’ ability to continue to rise in value, are already demonstrating failure. The Role of Spiritual Pathway Creation will serve to replace “purchasing power” in a Fourth Dimension world system requiring no one’s Love to be successful! Your ability to remain within a State of Lovingness 24/7, dear Ones, will serve to demonstrate and role model “success” within the Fifth Dimension upon Mother Earth! It may at first seem illogical, but think about the way an Internet coder develops new software programs and applications to Create a new program out of “nothing.”
The coder will first visualize what it is he or she wants to Create, apply a coded format for the project, and then finalize the code from a trial version into activation mode! Creating with the Spiritual Essence of Love will function in the same way, dear Ones. Visualize what you want to Create, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love with the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration, and then let your Creation begin to materialize in activation mode! It may still seem as if there is no Change occurring, but the prevailing conditions to make Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony possible are all now complete! By February 16, 2016, so will your adaptation to fully work and function with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field – as a Creator of Love in the ways of extending and expanding the Universe through your Creations of Light on Mother Earth with God!


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Spiritual Essence Of Love

On October 30, 2015, the Universal Energy upon Mother Earth will be emphasizing the role of one’s Spiritual Purpose with God.

Everything we now do is Spiritual in intent with God, but the emphasis of one’s Spiritual Purpose with God will now be accomplished through the Spiritual Essence of Love in every moment’s thoughts, deeds, and actions of our Lives.

This cannot be accomplished in a social structure that now allows part time efforts of Love intermingled with fear to permeate anyone’s efforts. For this reason the Universal Energy of October 30, 2015 will begin a long overdue shift in the world’s social structure.

Everything we now do is Spiritual in intent with God, yet some people are materially wealthy while others are materially poor. In the Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension of Universal Experience with God, there are no rich and no poor!

Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition from October 30, 2015 through May 21, 2016 will separate the Souls using the Spiritual Essence of Love from the Souls still using in the Fourth Dimension’s Universal Experience with God, for Mother Earth will no longer be generating her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration after October 22, 2015!

The shift this will produce, dear Ones, will be an emphasis of one’s Spiritual Purpose with God through the application of the Spiritual Essence of Love in every moment’s thoughts, deeds, and actions! It will appear the world’s social and economic structures are collapsing but it will not be that at all! Rather, it will be that – You have become the long foretold Change and Transformation!

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Defining Sign You Have Arrived

As we enter 5D consciousness, we have reached a new horizon of possibility, where all previous reference points cannot assist us in dissecting reality into separate categories of polarity. Instead of feeling sad while hoping to be happy, or even feeling happy, while hoping not to avoid any further sadness, we are neither sad nor happy. In the absence of sensing a high or noticing a low, we have returned to zero point, but without a defining sign of arrival.


Perhaps for you, your entry point has left you without a sense of who you are, including the melting away of each spiritual identity or attribute that your ego spent so much time striving to embody or desperately capture. Maybe there is no sense of where you are in time and space, which can cause you to imagine how you are somewhere far behind wherever you've been anticipating to go.

As your experience of emptiness acts a definitive sign that you have exited 3D reality and entered the doorway of unity consciousness, while it may seem underwhelming to some, it is a crucial stage of spiritual growth to help ground you into alignment with your highest spiritual maturity. Instead of fearing being left out or left behind some sort of window of opportunity, it is important to know the true gift that such a shift in consciousness provides.

While many have spent the last 7 years being turned upside down, shaken to your core, and unraveled, the emptying process occurs to clear out your energy field, so you may enter this brand-new frontier of experience completely empty of any previous assumption, belief, or conclusion. It's as if the Universe is making sure you cannot obscure your view of what is and will continue to unfold. The emptying out, in and of itself, reveals a fiercely compassionate Universe.

It's an omnipresent reality that will do whatever is required to empty your vessel, ensuring that you will not miss a moment of miraculous grace by having the ammunition to misperceive what will be seen as the most miraculous time in human history.

If you are sitting back with your arms folded, waiting for a cosmic lightshow to prove itself to you, you might find yourself in a stand-off with time, battling the grace of existence with arrows of frustration, confusion, and expectation. For any being inhabiting a body, this particular lifetime is an open-ended opportunity to release the chains of victimhood and not just experience the perfection of life's Divine plan, but to live out each moment of ascension with the joy, faith, and enthusiasm that so many are reserving to express, once something impressive happens.

While many understand the term "reincarnation" to indicate the journey of a soul through various bodies of incarnation, I'd like to provide another term to help you remember the significance of why we are here during a time of planetary expansion. A few years ago, the Universe taught me a word called "meta-incarnation". It refers to the quantum understanding that not only have we incarnated many times before, but to also acknowledge how this isn't the first time each of us have lived out this exact lifetime, as the characters we view ourselves to be.


It's as if the ascension lifetime is one of the soul's favorite movies in its cosmic Netflix account. When souls watch movies of lifetimes, they go along for the journey of a main character by incarnating into their world of evolution.

The more times a soul lives out a particular incarnation, the faster they wake up within it. The objective is to be as liberated, boundless, infinite, and immortal as the soul experiences itself within the domain of heaven, while incarnated in form. The deeper a soul wakes up in form, the more the world in view transforms into higher frequencies of light. This may shed greater perspective on why some are so adamant on not wanting to come back.

It is a deep-rooted declaration emanating from the soul, indicating that it has learned and grown from this meta-incarnation, to the point of being ready to move onto greater adventures.

And yet, for those who feel quite done with this ever-looping scenario, I invite you to release yourself from the grip of self-imposed beliefs and declare the absolute Truth of your immortal existence, so you may complete this lifetime as the highest self you've always been.

To open up the floodgates to your highest experience throughout a lifetime you've successfully completed so many times before, please repeat the following words:

"No matter how I think, feel, act, or perceive reality, I hereby accept that I am the ultimate reality dwelling in the hearts of all that is. I am the light through which all things come to be, as well as the aliveness of being that is already so liberated, I am choosing to experience life as this character, only for the purposes of awakening to transform reality for the well-being of all. I no longer wait for anything within or throughout my experience to change, in order to confirm the eternal truth that I AM, I have always been, and shall always be.

Despite how I think, feel, or act, I am the immortal reality within it. While this body provides me an experience of being the main character within the movie of incarnation, I hereby declare the Truth of my infinite nature and command my reality to confirm this Truth to me now. I am healthy. I am happy. I am abundant. I am free. I am the light. The light I am. May all beings be uplifted, healed, and reborn by the power of my immaculate declaration. And so it is."

I invite you to take a moment and feel the power within these words. In doing so, you enter the revolutionary part of the love revolution by no longer holding yourself hostage, while waiting for life to rescue you. Instead, you declare the absolute Truth of who you are, as the ultimate reality of all that is, and free yourself through the infinite power of your spoken word.

When I was given the date 9-27-15, it was for the purposes of assigning a marker in time, where the purging and purifying that so many have endured would transition into a period of integration. As this date was given, it was mixed into the other interpretations of ascension to become something else to project anticipate, doubt, hope, and assumptions upon. Soon, many began to wonder if this was the date they'd be leaving the planet, or if it was a confirmation of something catastrophic.

Others used it as opportunities to cast doubt and skepticism, when so many widely-anticipated dates in history have left many scratching their heads instead of opening their hearts.

The truth is, both sides are actually right to a certain degree.

Is there a spiritual significance to this time in history?

Yes. It is a time when awakening individuals hold space for a spiritual evolution unfolding on a global level.

Will something powerful happen on 9-27-15?

Yes. The expansive energies of 5D consciousness that have already entered the atmosphere of the collective consciousness reaches a point of crescendo on 9-27-15 and integrates into the Earth the following day on 9-28-15.

Is 9-27-15 the moment of ascension?

Ascension is not one moment in time, but a period of spiritual renaissance, where beings that have evolved in consciousness are catapulted into new horizons of experience.

Will all my symptoms and problems instantly dissolve on that day?

As always, life only takes shape and form to provide you with experiences to ensure the evolution of your soul, as you continue to complete this lifetime, but from a higher timeline of perception than any other time of meta-incarnation.


If wishing to accelerate the storyline of incarnation, it is a matter of releasing attachment to outcome and daring to be more loving toward yourself and others. In essence, your evolution accelerates when it no longer matters what happens to you, but only how rooted in your heart you happen to be.

For those who yearn to be rooted in their heart, but fail to act as loving, joyful, and kind as they wish to be, the willingness to relax your body and offer greater emotional support to your less desirable qualities and characteristics releases deep-rooted judgments to allow all aspects of shadow to be as worthy of receiving your light as your most admirable qualities and characteristics.

What can I expect in 5D consciousness?

By its very nature, your entry point into 5D reality is void of any idea, belief, or expectation collected or developed along the way. When in 3D reality, making your way through the 4th dimension and toward the 5th, there are many signs and symptoms you are taught as a way of ensuring you are making your way. Because 3D and 4D consciousness are rooted in personal will instead of Universal will, faith is given to the expectation of outcome, if without an awareness of the silent eternal force within you that guides your every move and ensures the completion of a journey you have already lived out many times before. This is also why intuition exists. It is the remembrance of what you've already played out so many other times that allows an inner knowing to guide you into making decisions contrary to however you lived this lifetime out before. It's as if your higher intelligence remembers the decisions you've made in the past and encourages you to select more powerful and courageous options, so this adventure of incarnation can be as fresh, unique, and exciting as you've intended it to be.

As you evolve in consciousness, your inner knowing replaces a tendency to cling to expectations as an imaginary form of security. In the absence of using any sort of future pending promise to ensure your safety, an awakened being finds safety in being completely open to the equality of all possibilities.

To an awakened being - the notion of "Will I be okay?" isn't a question or a concern. It's just an innocent thought passing through the beauty of time and space like the uniqueness of a snowflake drifting through the air.

For those who wish to reclaim their power from the mirage of expectation, and no longer fall victim to the dissatisfying allure of outcomes, it is essential to be as open and empty as possible. This doesn't mean to get rid of anything or try to hold your body and mind in any particular position.

Instead, it is merely an invitation to breathe in and out as thought, feeling, interactions, and circumstances come to be. When and if the simplicity of this way of being seems overwhelming, it is merely an opportunity to offer greater loving support to your innocence, as you adjust to being empty throughout a world of seemingly endless hunger and desires for gain.

A mantra that can assist you in making peace with the emptying out process of entering 5D consciousness is simple but effective:

"When in doubt - go without."

No matter how often your ego seems to freak out by not having a passion to pursue, a direction to forge, a battle to win, or an obstacle to overcome, you can best serve the evolution of your consciousness by making your inner and outer realities as simple as possible. This is a time to listen deeply, move softly, speak with gentleness, while greeting each moment as a precious gift of divinity, no matter how hardened, callous, sarcastic, or insensitive anyone seems to be.

In celebration of entering 5D as empty as possible, your external reality is no longer an indication of your evolving consciousness. If anything, the way in which characters behave reflect a way of being that you have outgrown, as you forge a path in an exciting new direction that you cannot fathom, anticipate, avoid, or deny. As you enter 5D consciousness more open, vulnerable, and empty than ever before, you release judgments that resting in nothing means you are deficient or left out in some way.

Soon, you may see that resting as nothing or no one in particular, not even settling for spiritual identities such as "witness" or "self", allows you to make peace with the spacious aliveness of your infinite eternal being. As you become comfortable and at ease with your natural state of emptiness, which may in the beginning feel flat, desolate, hopeless, and depressing, the faster you advance into stages where joy, passion, synchronicity, abundance, wellness, love, and fulfillment return to your life.

The more heart-centered support and authentic encouragement you offer yourself as emptying out occurs, whether you feel the love or not, invites you through the doorway of unity consciousness to discover a new frontier of reality, while rooted in the most optimal perspective of spiritual maturity.

As 9-27-15 dawns, I invite you to welcome the dawning of 5D consciousness with the peace, simplicity, emptiness, and ease of each passing breath.


May the disappointments of unfulfilled expectations awaken the brightness of your being, where once and for all, you can rejoice in the ecstasy of breathing -- with everything to welcome, and nothing to avoid. From one moment to the next, you will always know exactly what needs to be known, but only when it needs to be known. Not sooner, never later, but always at the perfect moment in time.

We've already played out the ascension timeline so many times before, and yet, the one thing we have never done is rejoice and celebrate our eternal victory before the final act unfolds. Knowing this, may we explore the adventure of ascension as never before, and allow each step forward to be taken with a heart blown wide open to fate of life's highest possibility.

It's already meant to unfold in grand perfection. The question is, are you going to hold your breath and wait, or will you join the cosmic party already in progress.

While a 7-year cycle of healing crisis and tumultuous spiritual growth comes to an end, it ushers in a new paradigm of heart-centered consciousness for those who incarnated to play at full capacity.

Since you are reading these words, it confirms that you are among the courageous and faithful souls who are leading humanity into the unknown only to discover the light of one dancing as the uniqueness of every heart.

As always, it is an honor to serve the evolution of your journey, as we continue our adventure into the most exciting chapters of spiritual evolution. I rejoice in the brightness of your being that now more than ever before has the power to transform all who enter the light of your eternal presence.

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Mother Earth Transforms

From September 1, 2015 through May 21, 2016, Mother Earth will begin making the last of her Transformational Changes for becoming a New Earth, a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension!

Mother Earth’s sequence for becoming a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension will be assisted by the role of Seven Universal Emanations of Energy designed to stimulate her growth and expansion with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe.

As the series progresses, the next three will be like watching a public fireworks display. Interesting at first but then, “oh, we’ve seen these kinds of bursts before,” followed by more familiar displays until finally the finale occurs, a new and more dramatic kind of burst is on!

The more “familiar displays” will follow on October 14, 2015, November 28, 2015, and January 11, 2016.

These three Emanations will serve to increase the awareness of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe for Mother Earth as well as all of her inhabitants. Some, like you, dear Ones, will feel and become more of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but most others, will be exposed to extreme events of senselessness. The main cause of these senseless events will be people instinctively “purging” impulses of rage and anger resulting from extreme impoverishment of Love!

If the entire sequence of any Soul’s transition from one state of being to another state of being were instantaneous no one would realize what happened or what, if anything, was accomplished.

Time as the movement of the Soul allows for the Soul to learn, grow and expand with renewed momentum! Before the arrival of the April 30, 2016 green skies at night, there will be some adjustments all Souls will need to make, but once everyone aligns with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, you will know that a new and different kind of burst of Light is about to begin on May 22, 2016!

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