Malechite's Posts (193)

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Cosmic Calendar

Highlights of the November 2014 Cosmic Calendar

By Mark Lerner

If you have been feeling much closer to the spiritual realms and tuning into psychic abilities more deeply during recent Novembers, there is a somewhat hidden reason. Sure, the zodiacal signs through which the Sun appears to move at this time of the year – Scorpio and Sagittarius – both have archetypes that pull humans toward in-depth research, investigative work, delving into mysteries and secrets, and exploring religious and philosophical teachings. However, since 2010, outer celestial bodies Chiron and Neptune have been making their stations – pauses in the heavens after several months of retrograde motion – and then shifting forward during this eleventh month of the year.

Back in 2010 – when Chiron and Neptune were virtually conjunct at 26 degrees of Aquarius close to Neptune’s discovery point from September 1846 – these two planetary bodies made their stations on November 5 and 7, respectively. A year later, the dates were November 9 and 10, with Chiron a little past Neptune in the zodiac. In 2012, with Neptune and Chiron both in Pisces, the dates were November 10 and 14 while last year the dates widened to a six-day gap of November 13 and 19.

Now, in 2014, you want to rev up your visionary talents on November 15 (when Neptune is motionless) and become a master of synchronicity and healing old wounds (when Chiron is motionless). Note: While the dates mentioned for each November are accurate, stations of celestial bodies are often influential for several days before and after. Plus, you will have one more November – in 2015 – to be a part of the extra potency of Neptune and Chiron barely moving in the sky when they shift their directions forward a year from now on November 18 and 27.

Beyond the increased power of Chiron and Neptune during this month, the two key cosmic happenings are certainly the Full Moon of Thursday November 6 and the New Moon of Saturday November 22. The Full Moon is always a potential carrier of divine illumination for humanity as the two lights are on opposite sides of the Earth.

This month the Sun and Moon activate 15 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus which the eminent astrologer Dane Rudhyar named as two of four Gates of the Avatar (when he wrote about their special nature many decades ago). To him, the power points of each season occur midway through their three-month duration, and the power point for this season occurs on November 6. Therefore, on this date almost every year, the Sun is radiating its essence at one of these extra-strong and spiritually-active Gates of the Avatar, but during this November the Moon is in polarity to the Sun and thus energizing the Taurus point of the zodiac associated with the same solar phenomenon that happens on May 5.

All of this adds up to a more electrifying and psychically awakening Full Moon experience.

Meanwhile, early on Saturday November 22, there is a New Moon at the beginning of Sagittarius as the Sun enters this ninth sign of the zodiac only about three hours before both lights merge their influence. Any New Moon is a signal to earthlings to look ahead and build momentum for dynamic plans and enterprises. However, when the Sun has just arrived at the zodiacal sign and the Moon joins forces with the solar orb almost immediately thereafter, you have a much stronger-than-usual opportunity to make the entire 30-day journey of the Sun in that sign a truly profound and successful experience. 

As November fades into the history books, our distant friends Neptune and Chiron will be reawakened again in all of our hearts and minds as the Moon unites with Neptune on November 28 and Chiron on November 29 while the last main sky configuration of the month is a square of 90-degrees between the ancient Messenger of the Gods planet Mercury and far-out, dreamy and imaginative Neptune. No matter what kinds of metaphorical cards – tarot, fortune telling or the regular deck of 52 and a joker – you are dealing with in your life as this month ends, you have the capacity to morph into a more divinely-aligned human soul as December begins.

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A Finger Pointing At The Moon

November 2014: A Finger Pointing at the Moon


Saturn in Scorpio

“It is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember that the wonder of life places the medicine of the Self near where the poison dwells. The gifts always lie near the wounds, the remedies are often made from poisonous substances and love often appears when deep losses become acknowledged.” ~Michael Meade

Visualize the astrological landscape of November and December 2014 as the final way station of a great pilgrimage. 

The venerable pilgrim is Saturn, archetype of the elder, the Senex, Guardian of Boundaries, Time and Karma, plodding through Pluto’s underworld in the eighth sign of Scorpio since October 2012. As the planet carrying the archetypical energy of matter, structure, foundation as much as restriction, discipline and hardship, imbued with the deep, abysmal, profoundly psychological vibe of Scorpio, the Eighth Sign of the Zodiac, Saturn has been making himself known in our daily lives, forcing us to anchor ourselves in the depths of our psyches and uncover all that was secretly running the show of our life from behind the curtains: forgotten issues, subconscious patterns and complexes.

As the Master Teacher approaches Sagittarius at the end of December, after its trip through the underworld, now is the time to mindfully process the losses and the learnings. This opportunity to work co-creatively and intentionally with such a powerful archetype in the Eighth House of Transformation won’t come round again for another 29 years. Think back to 1983-1985 for the last transit of Saturn through Scorpio and the themes that were evoked in your life. Saturn in Scorpio’s great teaching is the Koan:

“All instruction is but a finger pointing to the moon; and those whose gaze is fixed upon the finger will never see beyond. Even let him catch sight of the moon, and still he cannot see its beauty.”

The Dweller on the Threshold is at the heart of both the Full Moon and the New Moon, with the Lunations falling either side of the archetype. At the Full Moon in Taurus on November 6 the conjunction of Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio opposes Moon in Taurus, squares Jupiter in Leo and trines Chiron. The symbolism is clear—it’s a point of reckoning, a time for a fearless self-appraisal and a reality check in the name of a great healing, not in judgment, but in the penetrating light of awareness. Once you’ve seen your quirks, foibles, weaknesses and self–deceptions, your Witness records it in your consciousness. Once you’ve truly understood the courageous sacrifices that you’ve made in the name of personal growth since 2012, you can feel nothing but love for your spirit.

Your Pilgrimage—Questions to Ponder

Our journeys are not informed by what we know, but what we don’t know. So much in this world is dependent on knowledge. It feels like a great relief that there is also value in the things which we do not know. In reality, it is possible that our questions tell us far more about ourselves than our answers do. But unless we accept the invitation that our questions offer us, our questions remain just questions.

To learn from our questions we must engage them, and to engage our questions we must turn our questions into our quest. There are many types of questions the beget quests—relational, vocational, spiritual, existential—but all questions worthy of quests have one thing in common: they are essential. And because these questions are of the essence, their answers can only be found in the essence—of the self, of the other, of the soul.

  • What major shift in identity is occurring?
  • What in me is dying and what is being born?
  • What is trying to emerge?
  • Where are the unattended wounds that need to be healed?
  • Where are more boundaries needed?
  • Which outgrown roles and identifications have you left by the wayside?
  • What might you future look like, as you connect with the Saturn as Magician?

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Chaotic Nodes And Our Fork In The Road


Due to time-acceleration and cosmic forces far beyond your control you are in the midst of a crescendo of interlocking Chaotic Nodes.

In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.

Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.

Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of your ecosystem, is the stress of interpersonal communications. This is a very complex situation, and it is partly due to the shifts in magnetic fields upon your planet, making short-term memory and cognitive sequencing difficult during energetic shifts—and these energetic shifts are accelerating. Irrational behavior, desperation and feelings of utter hopelessness are on the rise. As the deterioration of both the ecosystem and interpersonal communications increase we anticipate even more cultural and social instability.

There is a growing sense among many that something is terribly wrong, and along with this is the feeling that there is no solution. In this instance we agree with something Albert Einstein once said, which is that the solution to a problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem.

From our perspective, the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is creating tidal waves of intense chaotic energies that many of you are finding difficult to contend with. Furthermore, your automatic reflexive ways of dealing with change are increasingly ineffective.

There is a fork in the road, so to speak, that you have entered both individually and collectively. One path from this fork will lead you into a type of madness and an inability to function in practical ways. For those who take this fork, escapism will be on the rise. Self-destruction both individually and collectively will also increase in this period.

Many of you who have an opportunity to transition out of third-dimensional reality into other dimensions will take it.

Without mincing words, to use one of your phrases, we would say you are entering one of the more difficult passages of planetary transformation.

At this fork in the road, one path leads to self-destruction, madness, despair and hopelessness while the other fork leads to a deeper connection with your interdimensional or spiritual nature. It is this fork in the road we wish to explore.

It is not an either/or proposition. Many of you who possess a transcendent and interdimensional or spiritual sense of yourself may find yourselves, from time-to-time, on the path to madness and self-destruction in spite of your self-knowledge.

This is because your 3-D reality is oscillating. And the rapid changes in your third-dimensional existence are accelerating at a faster rate than your biological organism might be capable of handling. The extreme stresses upon your biological nature must be dealt with if you wish to avoid the path to madness and self-destruction.

In its simplest terms the requirement to successfully make this passage through the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is deep authentic contact with your interdimensional or spiritual nature and the self-renewal that arises from such contact…

In the final analysis, your personal experience of the escalation of interlocking Chaotic Nodes will depend solely upon the vibratory resonance you have attained or failed to attain. The responsibility for this passage as an individualized being, embodied in time and space, is solely and completely your responsibility.

We wish you a good journey on the high road.

The Hathors

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In a spiritual awakening, the old and antiquated structures of the psyche are breaking down, which can become a breakthrough, however, depending on how it is contained and related to by the surrounding community and unfolded. The dis-integration of the personality can be the beginning of a coming together at a more coherent, and unified level of consciousness. When someone is having a spiritual emergence, it is as if they have snapped out of a life-long spell and are beginning to see through the illusion of consensus reality which is woven all around us; because of this they are typically in an incredibly open, vulnerable, fluid and fragile state.

When the person who is spiritually emerging is being judged and pathologized by the world, their friends, their family and “the authorities,” i.e., psychiatry. However, this can literally evoke the pathological part of their process to manifest, which simply confirms to those who are pathologizing them the objective truth that the person is indeed in a pathological state, as they now have even further evidence to prove the rightness of their judgment, ad infinitum.

This process—a self-perpetuating feedback loop—can quickly become a nightmare for the person who was waking up, as it can literally make them sick. Before my awakening got violently shut down by psychiatry, my inner subjective feeling was that my prayers were being answered—the trauma from my father was being released and liberated.

In a spiritual awakening, an enormous amount of psychic energy and latent creativity is released, as if a beach-ball that was being held under water had been released to its natural buoyancy. Talking about the birth of the true personality and its “therapeutic effect,” Jung writes that it is “as if a stone lying on a germinating seed were lifted away so that the shoot could begin its natural growth.”

As is typical when something is long-held down and suppressed, there can be an over-compensation in one direction until “the shoot” sprouting out of the germinating seed of the personality naturally gets in balance over time. Typically, the person who is waking up can become quite “enthusiastic” (“en-theos” means to be filled with spirit) about the “good news” they are realizing which can easily be interpreted as being a form of “mania.”

In its initial stage, a spiritual awakening can, and often does look like and mimic a nervous breakdown, as the person’s habitual structures of holding themselves together fall apart, as their inner constitution is being rewritten. Indigenous cultures the world over are more aware than our modern, industrial society that when someone begins to act a little “weird,” it might be the beginning of their call to potentially become a shaman or healer, a role which would benefit everyone.

Once my spiritual awakening became ignited, I have no doubt whatsoever that all I needed was a number of months, maybe even a year, to have a safe container, supported by friends, family and mentors to help me to integrate what was being revealed to me. Instead of being pathologized, medicated and all the rest, which simply aborted a deeper process that was emerging, all I needed was to have my process held in a certain way so that it could creatively unfold itself and be naturally metabolized and assimilated.

Paul Levy

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Greed In Spiritual Teachers

If you are at all familiar with me or my teaching, it’s rare indeed to hear me spend any time on most worldly issues like politics, the economy, and such. Nevertheless, after much deliberation, I feel compelled to share my thoughts about something, namely the huge emphasis over the last year from so called spiritual teachers and authors for their students and readers to learn to “get more of what they want” from this life—particularly when it comes to money and material possessions.

I can’t help but notice that Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, and numerous other masters forgot to tell us about this “prerequisite to enlightenment.” How is it that these ancient masters failed to tell us what so many New Thought teachers and authors are now commonly emphasizing? These modern teachers tell you to use the “spiritual power within your mind” to get more stuff. 

Whereas the masters of old taught instead that we should get rid of our stuff. This should really make you wonder if the teachers of old were missing something or if today’s teachers have perhaps fallen prey to the lord of this world—GREED.

Of course, their greed is disguised as “creating one’s own reality.” But, who do you think is paying for their self-oriented “reality?” It’s you the spiritual student! Don’t get me wrong, I agree that we should all be abundant. In fact, if we do good work AND maintain integrity, we will usually prosper quite well. But why do I (a spiritual teacher) have such a dire need for such material possessions such as multiple cars, houses, and boats, while failing to be equally okay giving such possessions to others in greater need.

When the movie The Secret (which certainly has a wonderful message) made it big, too many teachers and authors jumped on the bandwagon and wrote books, made movies, and created seminars to tell people how important it is to get more from life.

Sadly, it’s rare for any of these same teachers and authors to allow those who have little or no money to attend their events for free—mainly because such folks who have no money can’t supply these teachers with another boat payment. Sadly, it’s generally those people who can least afford it that need our teachings the most. I recently saw an interview with one of these teachers/authors; when he was asked how he was doing, he replied by stating that he had just paid cash for a new house, as though this is the measure of one’s state of being.

Now imagine instead, answering such a question (such as, “How are you doing?”) by the measure of how much you are able to give to others. I also recently heard from the coordinator of a popular spiritual conference that she was having difficulty affording speakers for her next event because most have followed the trend of asking for $15,000—$25,000 per hour for their time, which they usually want, paid in advance. This is absurd to me!

I have been teaching for over 25 years and have met all the well-known teachers and authors (many of which are friends and colleagues) but, in my experience, none of them have $25,000 per hour worth of wisdom to offer. In fact, I personally find that even most of my students have more sincerity and wisdom than the most popular of these teachers and authors.

Today’s teachers rarely offer an original word or thought. Instead, they tend to merely rehash their own previous successes or, worse yet, simply rip-off each other’s ideas. Do you have any idea how many teachers wrote books in the last couple of years with the word “Secret” in the title?

You will especially find nearly every one of the teachers interviewed in that movie wrote books or audio tapes with the word “Secret” in the title in order to draw an audience from the success of the movie. They know full well it will get your attention and sell more products.

A true spiritual teacher or author has only a value proportionate to their Inspiration—which should come from Spirit and not from profit potentials. After all, just because someone wrote a book on Reiki doesn’t mean they are better than any other Reiki practitioner. So why is it that once they publish a book on a particular subject, or appear on Oprah, it suddenly means they deserve to charge more for their services? But they do so nevertheless because there are always people who are ready to believe that these spiritual celebrities have something special to offer.

The same goes for psychics. In fact, as is true with everyone ranging from movie stars to athletes and from healers to psychics, when they begin to believe their own PR, it can severely taint their gifts and abilities. So, my advice is to save your money and visit several loving, humble, and affordable readers and/or healers for the price of one who has a great gimmick.

So let’s learn to discern the difference between true spiritual teachers from popular authors. One is there to teach you, and the other to sell you something. Of course a spiritual teacher might also sell you something and an author might also teach you something, but the priorities differ from one to the other. A true spiritual teacher exists, teaches, and writes first and foremost to serve God and humanity. Then, in turn, they can attract abundance without sacrificing their higher integrities.

Even students of spirituality seem to find it acceptable to sit around and complain about the profits the government makes on our taxes or the oil tycoons for fuel or large corporations to pad the lives of their CEO’s, but nobody bothers to notice the greed of modern spiritual teachers. Buddha laughed at the likes of these individuals; Jesus rebuked them and referred to them as blind guides and hypocrites. Furthermore, neither Buddha nor Jesus ever charged a dime for their teachings which, by the way, far surpasses the teachings of today’s authors.

Now, you might ask, “Well Michael, don’t you also charge for your services?” The answer is of course, yes. But, in over 25 years of teaching we have NEVER turned away a student who couldn’t afford our workshops or sessions—that is, as long as that student or client was sincere about learning or healing.

Yes, we do ask for occasional donations to assist with printing and or the numerous expenses for our retreat, but we share even these donations with others in need. Even at our recent mastery intensive, our attendees were surprised to see that such a large portion of their fee was spent on workshop supplies, guest facilitators, and on beautifying the property for their further enjoyment. In other words, we directly gave back to those who gave to us. We choose this win-win scenario rather than having one person benefiting from what they can take from others.

All this said, I encourage everyone to speak up on the matter. Say NO to the spirit of greed! Please send a copy of this letter and/or your own thoughts to everyone you can—including the most well known spiritual teachers—and remind them to get their priorities straight and to put love and service before self and profit. Take a moment to remind them what they seem to have forgotten:

“The world needs to be for-giving and not for-getting.”


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Mars The Warrior In Service Of The Greater Good

The final Mercury Retrograde phase of the year is over, the retrogrades of 2014 are finally behind us, and all the planets that drive the mechanics of daily life—Mercury, Venus, and Mars—are in fast-forward, quickening the pace of regular routines and, perhaps, making some of us wish that the wheels of life weren’t moving quite so quickly. But not to worry: For those seeking a crawl, Neptune is retrograde until November 16, Jupiter goes retrograde on December 8, AND Uranus remains retrograde until December 15.
But this week’s new pace isn’t necessarily about fastening your seatbelts, although being prepared for maximum warp would be a wise choice. The next nine weeks are about figuring how to find and maintain a wholesome balance in the midst of an end-of-the-year acceleration that not only ties together the loose ends of the last ten months, but also wipes clean the memory of the first half of the year when we were stuck in retrograde hell. What’s more, even if you are never in a hurry and have never had a Mad Hatter day in your life, you’re likely to feel the need to rush. So breathe deeply as often as necessary, and try to prioritize your time and energy. And when possible, encourage your fellow travelers to take life in comfortable strides.
The next few weeks are dominated by Mars, the archetype of the warrior who can be devoted to battle or to the service of a Greater Good.
Mars begins a conjunction to Pluto on November 4, a conjunction that is exact and separating on Tuesday, November 10 and lingers through November 18. This is a pernicious aspect that symbolizes the compulsive need to have it your way—and your way only. Brutal methods are often associated with this configuration. 

Try not to be dictatorial or insistent, and instead devote your efforts to peacemaking. The problem is that keeping the peace is impossible, if only because as soon as Mars moves out of exact contact with Pluto, Mars immediately moves into a square with Uranus, another difficult aspect that further fuels urges to use sheer brute force to achieve goals.

And together, this entire bundle amplifies all the places and people in the world already inflamed with the madness of violence and war. Its power could be used to facilitate peace through creative solutions, but using that power positively will require great discipline and devotion to a Higher Power that can restore the sanity of everyone—not just addicts.
The Mars/Pluto conjunction happens at the same degree as the third Uranus/Pluto conjunction on May 20, 2013, and when Mars is exactly square Uranus it activates the same degree as the Grand Cross on April 21 of this year. Be prepared to revisit experiences, feelings, insights or encounters with people related to events that occurred at those significant points.

Keep in mind as you reflect on the recent past that we are moving toward the sixth Uranus/Pluto square, which takes place on December 12. As soon as Mars triggers those points in the first weeks of November we will move inexorably toward that December date.

These squares have catalyzed personal, political, individual, and collective movements for independence. And as this planetary cycle continues to unfold, so does the process of evolution. These are not easy times, but they are times that temper the heart and forge the soul.
On a softer note, the Sun and Venus are still traveling together, and their conjunction, in Scorpio, stimulates sensual desire and harmonious interactions in general. Unfortunately, they aren’t likely to generate enough beauty, even in Scorpio, to produce a healing balm for the world.

Ralfee Finn @

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The Connection MIND YOUR BODY New Documentary Film

The Connection features six true stories of people who have added mind body medicine to their approach to healing a chronic illness.

Whether it’s recovering after a heart attack, coming back from incurable cancer, healing severe back pain, becoming pregnant after an infertile diagnosis, or recovering from multiple sclerosis, the stories are real and remarkable in their simplicity.

Each person takes a different approach to his or her recovery.  Their stories show the power of stress reduction, relaxation, group support, meditation, faith, belief and finding emotional balance through things like professional therapy.

While each of the people featured in the film is committed to their mind body practice, they also believe their approach should be used in conjunction with best modern medical practice.

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Conscious Neptune Versus Mob Mind

Mob Mind

In the USA a vacuum of leadership, a wholesale loss of faith in the political system and a widening wealth and power gap have set the stage for an era of devolutionary misrule, Uranus-Pluto grand cross in the US chart. With no collective center of gravity, the American public, ever the world pioneers in the realm of grotesque cultural trends, seem to be abandoning their ethical and common sense willy-nilly, casting their lot with the mob mind. Pop culture has become the dictator of American thought.

Distracted by the World Series, pet videos and the iPhone 6, the public pays less and less attention to current events, unless they’re about Renee Zellwegger’s face lift. If people think about “politics” at all, they think in terms of what the corporate media tells them is newsworthy. In this atmosphere the war makers play the public like saps. I think most Americans would be astounded to hear how the rest of the world sees their country, little suspecting that it is associated, in the Middle East and Central Asia, with mass murder by drone.

Never in recent memory has so much taxpayer-funded extrajudicial killing — unspecified, sketchily explained, sometimes completely undocumented — been given a pass by so many American citizens. Ugly Bug The telecommunications arm of the military-industrial complex, too, is making hay out of the public’s unfocused anxiety. If Ebola hadn’t existed, Fox News would’ve invented it.

Neptunian fear is not the same as that of Saturn (lack) or Mars (fight/ flight). With Neptune there’s an element of theatricality, of perverse titillation. Today’s mass media is the perfect organ to exploit it. Its programmers know that what appeals to today’s over-stimulated supermanviewers are random, easy-to-grasp, isolated panics like Ebola. The kind of disaster you might find in the plot of a superhero comic book.

Most of the reporting on Ebola doesn’t waste time on the kind of facts and figures that would provide context and real understanding. Such data would detract from the perverse appeal of this kind of fear. The fact that more Americans are killed every single day by stray bullets – and far more because of poverty — than by Ebola is not considered relevant in this kind of coverage. Equally absent from news stories this month was any mention of the other epidemics to which Ebola could be compared — the ones Westerners never hear about on the news – to confer perspective.

But perspective isn’t sexy. In fact it’s Neptune’s worst enemy. Perspective bursts the bubble, as when we point out to a friend the glaring inconsistencies in the story her handsome new hook-up told her at the bar last night. That’s not what she wants to hear. When seduced by a fantasy, whether desired or feared, we’re attracted to whatever supports the fantasy.

Neptunian patterns (hypnosis, entrancement), like Pavlov’s dog, thrive on repeated cues. Ebola was the perfect story for the media’s signature echo-chamber treatment, ratcheting up public hysteria with each hyperbolic retelling. Under the Scorpio eclipse last week, enthralled readers were able to read, over and over again, about the Ebola-like symptoms of one singular New Yorker, all sense of proportion and scale dispensed with.

I don’t think we can afford, any longer, to indulge in this kind of nonsense. In a world this unbalanced, we have to be more careful than ever to maintain balance within ourselves.

Conscious Neptune

What would happen if we informed ourselves, instead, with stories that could actually focus all this free-floating anxiety, and thus transform it? We know, from psychology, that when we address the underlying sources of our anxiety, it turns into something else. We know that emotions are energy, like everything else – no matter how chaotic and undefined, they are made of the same stuff: just energy. And energy changes form in the presence of consciousness. interconnected Properly channeled,

Neptune in Pisces confers the revelation that everything is connected. It inspires us to perceive the whole-pattern truth in front of us. It makes us understand the gestalt of whatever we’re looking at. During these weeks of the station, take the time to think about the difference between this side of Neptune and its shadow. When we realize how the media plays out Neptune’s shadow side, we have begun to free ourselves from it.

We should know by now that the telecommunications industry is a business, and that empowering viewers with understanding is not the business it’s in. This includes our servitude to social media. Then we try on this idea for size. We take a look at which of our media behaviors make us feel dis-empowered. The moment we dare to do this, to make a recognition like this, we shift gears on a soul level. Then, by Natural Law, we start to attract empowering ideas instead.We start magnetizing people of heart and intelligence, those who personify Neptune, and Pisces, at their highest.

This Changes Everything

Consider the kind of intelligence at work in the immersive reporting of Naomi Klein. Her new book, This Changes Everything, which connects the dots about climate change, does the opposite of what conventional reporting does. Instead of disbursing the reader’s attention, she focuses it.

Instead of thinning out our grasp of the subject, leaving us feeling helpless and at sea, she deepens our relationship to the information, making us feel a part of it. We feel ourselves to be a component of the world in which all this is happening. An essential component.

Whereas Big Media hides behind a for-profit amorality, Klein takes a moral stand, a secular moral stand. This connects us to our hearts. The state of Neptunian helplessness that drained us before is replaced with empathy, a strengthening force. Not sympathy, which is personal, but empathy, which is transpersonal. Informed concern takes the place of fear.

Jessica Murray

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Patterns Of Perfection For The New Earth

Patterns Of Perfection For The New Earth

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.

As One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we Invoke our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM—All That Is—and the entire Company of Heaven.

Powers of Light, join with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth as we breathe the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through the Portal of Precipitation, and into the world of form through every person’s Heart Flame.

And we begin...

I AM magnetizing the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form nto my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing perfect Health Habits, perfect Eating and Drinking Habits, perfect Exercise, Work, Relaxation, and Recreation Habits, and perfect Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Eternal Peace, Divine Government, Cooperation, Fairness, Balance, Harmony, and Reverence for ALL Life into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity. 

I AM magnetizing Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Clear Perception into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity. 

I AM magnetizing Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.

I AM magnetizing Heaven on Earth, our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, and our Renaissance of Divine Love into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity.  

I AM my I AM Presence and I ACCEPT and KNOW that these patterns of perfection for the New Earth are manifesting in my life and the lives of ALL Humanity with every breath I take.

I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame is instantly transmuting any thought, feeling, word, action, belief, or memory I may express that would prevent these patterns of Divine Love from manifesting in my life or the lives of ALL Humanity.

In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree,

It is done.  And so it is.

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Every person now has the opportunity to become an Instrument of God vested with the power to change the feeling worlds of all with whom he or she comes in contact. This will be accomplished not through our human will, but through the balanced power of the Flame of Divinity now blazing in our hearts.

Through Christ Consciousness and the full Divine Momentum of my Mother God’s Love I now realize...

I AM a Force of God moving upon this Planet.

I AM an upward rushing force of vibration and consciousness which is the

Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame pulsating within my Heart.

My Heart Flame is the electronic aura spiraling around me.

God’s Infinite Light flows through my aura.

I AM a Christ Conscious Being of Very Powerful Light.

I AM ONE with all Light, I AM That I AM.

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Spiritual Warrior Energy Invoke Unleash And Master!

The divine blend

Frequently there seems to be a view in spiritual circles that the path to Enlightenment is one of softness, gentleness and light; that unconditional love is only expressed through the softness of the divine feminine. This is an illusion! The soul has seven key characteristics, only one of which, is the surrender of the divine feminine.

The masculine warrior energy is the counterpart to the softness of the divine feminine and in truth, both sexes need it. It is just as vital for creativity and without it, we probably wouldn't do anything effective at all. To be truly enlightened, is to be able to unleash, and allow to flow, all of the authentic characteristics of our soul, without limitation, control or hesitation.

Of course the warrior has gained much negative 'press' in life because of the distortions of it. Its energy has been used throughout the ages to gain power over people, to control and imprison them. This is a gross distortion of the energy, the purpose of which, is to invigorate, uplift and liberate. It is to breakdown lower harmonies yes, but not to create some other limiting status quo. Rather it is to continually provide new possibilities for growth and advancement. This authentic yearning is in every one of us, male and female alike, and to deny it is to deny who we are.

Invoking the spiritual warrior energy


If we truly want to be fulfilled in life, it is going to involve us learning to work with our warrior energy. For those who do not frequently feel the arising of this powerfully passionate and creative yearning, it might mean invoking the warrior energy by doing things that activate adrenaline. It could be taking part in sports - including the martial arts - for example. If you're young and fit, it could be something like mountain walking or climbing. 

If we're older and less agile, that needn't stop you, a power walk in nature might be for you. Anything to get the lungs and heart pumping. Maybe watching emotive films would help - films like "Lord of the Rings" and "The Matrix" for example.

Once the energy is flowing, you'll definitely feel it. It's the kind of energy that wants you to jump and leap; to scream and shout. 

When you feel it arising, the key is not to deny it, but to find a positive vehicle for its expression. Letting the energy come through, but in a harnessed way. We need to 'open the internal pipe' through which it is channeled by feeling it and working with it. 

Denial is dangerous

You may feel the pipe too constricted within you and it may cause you initially to tighten as it flows. That's when the warrior energy turns into frustration and anger. If this happens, keep working with it. Work with people who'll let you be who you are without judgment. When it happens to the friends in my life, I get them to don boxing gloves and spar (either with me or a punch bag). It's simply amazing how liberating and enlivening it can be!

The key is not to suppress the warrior energy or try to make it dissolve before you are ready; denial is dangerous because the energy simply goes inside leading to repression, deep seated frustration and stress.

It's why 'heaping love' on someone in this situation is dangerous too. If they're angry and aggressive, we need to totally accept them as they are, but then find healthier ways of expressing the energy.

Keep finding the appropriate vehicle. We will each have a way appropriate for our lives and when we've discovered how to harness the energy, we become more at ease with it. We don't tighten when it arises, we don't get angry or frustrated and we certainly don't use it to control or intimidate people. Arising anger is first harnessed, processed and then directed positively rather than at people.

In so doing, it becomes a powerfully creative force for good in our lives. It gives us the courage to surmount the seemingly insurmountable. In these often chaotic times of great challenge and change, it is the energy that can break down the limiting constrictions of the past and unleash positive force for growth. It is this energy that can open the breathing space for a higher harmony to emerge.

Tips on harnessing the spiritual warrior energy

Here are some tips gained from working with people on how to harness the spiritual warrior in you:

  • Invoke it: if you have trouble raising the warrior in you and you feel any strongly creative and manifesting juices are lacking, then watch for the subtle rising of passion and bring attention to it. It could be something as simple as walking through the rain or it could be getting up early and power walking to the sound of the dawn chorus. Or it could be dancing passionately to your favourite boogie box tunes. Whatever generates that feeling of empowered invigoration
  • Unleash it: denial is not a river in Egypt! If we try the 'spiritual identity' approach and put on the 'Buddha-like-behaviour' if it's not how we're truly feeling, then we'll build either deep seated frustration or bubbling anger. Better to find a way of letting it out, but without directing it at anyone - unless they're a willing facilitator
  • Contain it: if the energy is running strongly through your 'veins', then building and holding it, so as not to let dissipate too soon will be of benefit. The key is not to get lost in it. Not to let it control you. Feel it, but then contain it within your consciousness. It's something that comes from experience.
  • Channel it: once the warrior energy is there, the key is to watch for productive and constructive ways to channel it. If you're holding it within you, those opportunities are bound to materialise as a product of your conciousness. It could be through physical exercise, but it could also be some for of challenging action that requires commitment and courage - confronting a friend, relative or acquaintance with naturally arising confrontational news for example. It could be through the creative arts or caringly passionate sexual intercourse.
  • Master it: the warrior spirit is one that requires much attention and care in its mastery. It is influenced, suppressed or harnessed through many of our daily activities from the food we eat to the colour of the clothes we wear. Of course it's gotten pretty bad 'press' through the course of history, but make no mistake, those that work to harness it in a productive way will find it works creatively for you through the daily events of your life.


In the eyes of the Spiritual Warrior

You know when you're looking into the eyes of a spiritual warrior. They're eyes that have seen it all: the pleasure and the pain, the success and the heartache. They've been broken and bowed by it all, yet they didn't stop, they didn't give in.

When you look into the eyes of a spiritual warrior, you see eons of earth shattering experience, humbly expressed through an immovable sense of self belief and presence. It's definitely not something that arises overnight or simply springs up without courageously clearing the path before it. It is one that is forged in the crucible of life, with mountains of patience and persistence.

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Ignoring Suffering From A Meditation Pillow Perch

Is even talking about fear helpful or is it like saying “Voldemort” and inviting the very demon we’re trying to escape into our hearts and minds? Surely, it’s not helpful or healthy to keep reciting lists of the world’s woes, but does it help to deny danger and ignore suffering from the comfort of a glass of fine wine or a mediation pillow?

One answer is that relating to fear is like all relationships as neither fixation or flight is useful. We can learn to dance with ideas, even frightening ones, like we breathe in an ever-shifting pattern of taking in and letting go. We can even move beyond this bi-polar two-step to a multifaceted approach by examining the question from a variety of angles. Is this a fear that I can do something about? If so, what? Is it a concern that requires immediate attention or can it wait? Is this just a new version of an old story and, if so, what have I learned from the past? Does this fear belong to me or am I being taken by a collective issue or someone else’s problem?

These questions don’t necessarily provide concrete answers but they encourage movement and adaptability to overcome the viselike grip of our most compelling concerns. It is the trap of fear about love, money, health, the environment, physical danger or any other subject that paralyzes minds and freezes hearts. This immobility leaves us powerless, victims of circumstances and ideas over which we have no control. Certainty is the enemy of change. While uncertainty, too, can be stressful, its very lack of foundation leaves room for surprises and possible relief.

Some fear is rooted in the belief that things won’t change and some is born of the fear that they will. Staying stuck in a soul sapping job and losing one that pays the bills cover both ends of this spectrum. Either way, however, it can be helpful to recognize the role that certain fears play. Lack of money, for example, is my go to place for fear. I’ve carried it with me for so long that it’s become familiar and strangely comforting. For one, I’ve made it this far in spite of irregular cash flow over the years and, second, it’s not about my health, my marriage or my kids. This is my placeholder fear, the old unfriendly friend that takes priority and keeps Ebola and the environment from wrapping me up in their particular tentacles of terror.

Fear is about contraction, which is why it’s associated with limiting Saturn. Astrology, though, offers several antidotes as Saturn isn’t the only planetary color in the cosmic crayon box. The energetic Sun and Mars put us into motion with activity as their cure for the blues. The Moon offers healing memories, calming habits and comfort foods to buffer ourselves from demons at the gates. Mental Mercury provides distractions that turn minds away from the abyss. Venus’ medicines are pleasure and partnership, while Jupiters' fly us to faraway clouds of hope and philosophizing. 

Uranus springs surprises that shock us out of our patterns and Pluto perversely plunges us deeper into fear to bring us out on the other side. But the most effective planet may be Neptune, dear, sweet, forgiving, compassionate and spiritual Neptune, the universal solvent that dissolves the limits of present reality. It expands consciousness beyond the structure of any thought, belief and circumstance to reconnect us with a finer awareness of existence. It is the planet of being everywhere and nowhere, placing us outside pain and freeing us from the illusion that this reality is the only one that exists, returning us to a divine place where all things are possible.

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Cinema's Creative Collapsing Of The Cowardly Cabal



Additionally, the two most recent Tom Cruise movies, Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow, also fill in valuable, even astonishing data points.

Let's discuss Oblivion first. Though it didn't do as well in the box office as Ironman 3, it is just as revealing in its own way.




The film Oblivion starts out with most of humanity apparently having been moved off of the earth to a colony in space.



Giant ships are removing all the water from the oceans -- ostensibly because earth has "died" and the water is needed for the colony.

A small group of survivors are treated as villains, even aliens -- and drones are used to take them out.



Tom Cruise's character lives in a futuristic, floating paradise with his wife, working as a soldier apparently for the human survivors out in space.

He is there to repair the drones, which go around killing anyone else left behind but him. His job is to make sure they still function.




He is taught to only act within a certain area, as everything outside that area is apparently radioactive.



Ultimately, Cruise's character realizes the people the drones are killing are not monsters or aliens -- they are the only human survivors left.

This allegedly giant human colony in space, called "The Tet," is actually an extraterrestrial AI system that has invaded Earth -- and is destroying it.

"Tet" is obviously short for "Tetrahedron" -- a triangular pyramid. Hmmm.



Without giving away a variety of plot twists, Cruise's character ends up facing off against the artificially intelligent menace directly.

What he sees is a gigantic upside-down triangle with a red dot -- an eye -- in the middle.



It is an absolutely undeniable symbol of the Illuminati All-Seeing Eye in the triangle, atop the pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States.

The message is only very thinly veiled by turning the triangle upside down and clipping off the corners.




In Edge of Tomorrow, the message gets even more explicit, in some ways.



Cruise's character is a high-ranking military official who gets framed and thrown into active duty as a grunt soldier.



He is outfitted with an advanced battle-robot system that enhances his own body movements, and he gets rushed into combat against terrifying aliens.



The aliens ambush the military's position almost immediately. He barely makes it to the ground in his parachute, kills one of them, and dies right aftewards.

He then is reborn -- over and over again. Each time he dies, he just starts over from the same day again, like Groundhog Day.




Over time, Cruise and Emily Blunt's character figure out that the only way they can stop the invasion is to take out the central brain running the whole thing.

My interest and intrigue skyrocketed when I saw that the "brain" was a spherical mass of tentacles contained within a very obvious pyramid shape.

This is much clearer in the film than any single, still image can convey.



It gets even more fascinating when we realize where this brain is located.

At first, it appears to be in Germany -- hiding in the remains of a Nazi military facility.

We already saw that Hydra in Captain America: TWS was a Nazi group. Now Edge of Tomorrow seems to be conveying exactly the same message.



However, once they finally fight their way there, it's a dead end.

The brain has been disguising its true identity -- putting out false signals about its true identity and whereabouts.

Only then do the allies push even harder -- and figure out the actual location of the brain.

I was shocked when the film placed the final location of the brain as being directly beneath the glass pyramid in the Louvre.



Why does this matter? This is the exact same location where the body of Mary Magdalene is buried at the end of The Da Vinci Code. 




The idea that the "Holy Grail" is not a chalice, but actually a sacred, secret royal bloodline is the ultimate point of Da Vinci Code.

The "quest for the Holy Grail" becomes a search for the secret that Jesus survived the Cross and had children with Mary Magdalene.

At the end of the film, we discover that many of these people are still alive -- and they have preserved their genealogy with meticulous care.

Insiders confirmed this film was intended to presage a formal disclosure to humanity, by the Cabal, of their presence -- an event they call "The Revealing."

By portraying themselves as the living descendants of Christ, they hoped to be openly accepted as Gods among us.

I covered many fascinating details about this story, including whistleblower testimony, in my epic 2007 piece The Revealing.

James Cameron was preparing to come forward with a coffin that allegedly contained Jesus' remains -- complete with dust that could be DNA-tested.




Illuminati symbols were widely used in the promotion of this film -- including the telltale triangle over Audrey's eye in the following poster:



It cannot be an accident that the hive-mind of the invading aliens in Edge of Tomorrow was located in the exact same place as Mary Magdalene's body was buried in The Da Vinci Code. 

I had a dentist who was a Scientologist, like Cruise. 

I routinely talk to people about these things and gently see how much they can handle.

I quickly found out that Scientologists are very well aware of the Cabal -- much more than most people.

The topic of bloodlines is very interesting -- and we will get back to that in Part Two.

Like so many things, it turns out that what the Cabal believes at the highest levels is the mirror-opposite of what they were presenting in films like Da Vinci Code.



I hope you can see with this new data, which I have never before summarized like this, that you are not alone.

The idea of a global elite cabal is not a "conspiracy theory", relegated to dubious sites on the internet and millennial paranoia.

The theme of exposing and arresting the Cabal is finally making its way into big-budget Hollywood films.

Enough powerful people know about this now that the theme of exposing and arresting the Cabal is making its way into big-budget Hollywood films.

Not all Hollywood films are influenced by the Cabal, though many of them are.

Both Stan Lee and Tom Cruise appear to be using the money they earned from other successful films to help put out a positive message.

Most interestingly, these films help confirm what insiders have been leaking to us all along -- namely that an international alliance is working to solve the problem.

Nothing that we are seeing happen right now is random in its timing or content. Nor will the high-level arrests be an unexpected, never-before-seen moment.

This is an intelligently scripted event in the global storyline -- written into cosmic cycles that are vastly older than all life on earth.

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New Age Gurus And Infantile Followers

New Agers are still very much enamored in the glamour of a petty guru.

None of them is able to see the grand design behind the ascension process in this state of self-illusion.  It does not take much to realize that it is not the duty of an old warrior soul, coming from much higher dimensions than most human souls, to bask in vanity and personal admiration.  

Instead it is time to do a very dirty job in service of humanity, namely to cleanse this densest and most toxic planet from all dark forces and archons at the astral plane and on the ground and in this way to become the driving force behind the planetary ascension.

In other words, all new Age gurus and their infantile followers did not comprehend that it is not about trumpeting around nice, rose-fluffy stuff and hover like self-proclaimed avatars over this debased reality, but instead to delve into its abysses and cleanse the thickest human goo, as many have been doing for years.

Ultimately the New Age movement repeated all the blunders of cognitive, ethical, intellectual and personal kind and helped to totally enslave humanity in this End Time of ascension.

The sole achievement is that of small groups of heroic and self-sacrificing souls, the light warriors of the first and the last hours, who distanced themselves in a resolute manner from the miasms of the New Age and indomitably followed their steep and very difficult and lonely path, rejecting any earthly laurels and misguided accolades.

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7 Billion People Heading Towards A Cliff Edge

When so many spiritual leaders and 'gurus' are encouraging people to go for the reality they desire - to create from the Law of Attraction, what do you do when you understand that it is all only ego - the presence of the One needs nothing, because it already has everything. The One is not an identity desiring something. There's an absolute peace and contentment with the way things are right now.

And what is the point of life itself? It's providing an experience of the One, and there is absolutely nothing else going on. So when you are being the One, life - the universe - flows through you.

But here's where the confusion creeps in: you are the One AND, you are being a unique expression of the One aswell - you're being a soul. The soul is riding a wave of unique experiences that constantly reveal different aspects of the One.

Now the One is infinite potential, and creation flows from this potentiality. According to the configuration of your soul, you are already creating a stream of experience. And the role of your soul is to bring that into being. So as you begin to open up the ego, you'll get visions or feelings of what is beginning to shape just ahead of you, in your landscape. Now if you don't bring attention to what you're already creating - this forming possibility - then you'll not land the experience your soul could. So there IS a need to apply oneself - to bring focus to what you're creating.

What I strongly believe, is that various teachers have had some initial insight into this inherent creative capacity of the soul, but then the ego owns it and obscures it with their desires and objectives - which are really based on a limiting sense of lack, and subtle level of control. The amusing thing about abundance is, you're being most abundant - and have the strongest sense of that - when you don't need anything at all!

Right now, nearly 7 billion people are heading towards a cliff edge. This includes - in my view - a good deal of the spiritual mainstream; because they're not embracing the reality they've ALREADY created and have ALREADY subscribed to.

The key is, why did you create that reality of injustice, have/have-not, abundance/lack, winner/loser? What is it revealing about who you are? They're not seeing that it's about the expression and feeling of abundance within: that you don't need to constantly consume things to find fulfillment - fulfillment is a feeling inside. 

So the question for you is: that despite the movement of the masses, led by spurious guideances founded on sense of lack, which direction will you head in? It's time to reclaim personal sovereignty and responsibility rather than following the masses or some guru. Somebody - like Openhand - can show you a mirror. But there's only one person in the universe that can truly know your soul - and that's YOU!

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If You Are A Lightweight Please Seek Shelter!

Lightweights seek shelter.  We are bookending a two eclipse period with an eclipse of the Sun at 0º Scorpio meaning the eclipse takes place at a rarified shift point right as the Sun leaves Libra and enters the feminine, power water sign of Scorpio.  Now Libra embodies its own aspect of the feminine as it’s ruled by the esthetic loving, relationship enhancing qualities of Venus – more the light feminine.  Scorpio embodies the dark feminine.  She plays in the arena of power, transformation, sexuality and self-mastery.  Scorpio is ruled by Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, so a natural propensity to reveal and release what is hidden is contained within Scorpio.  The Underworld contains the realm of death and out of a period of darkness and incubation comes rebirth.  Like the journey of a seed that lies beneath the ground gathering strength until it can utilize all of its vitality to completely and miraculously metamorphize its form and burst forth into the realm of light releasing an unimaginable thrust of power. That’s the energy we are working with here as the life-giving light of our solar system is for a few hours lost to us and shadow predominates, consciousness is allowed that window to release what is pent up, unconscious, walled off in order to realign to the truth of our planet at this moment and of who we are NOW.

The eclipse window preceded by Mercury’s retrograde and commencing with the fiery, lunar eclipse of Oct 8 has been a fast-paced, eventful, life-jarring ride for many.  We are encouraged to ‘invite the child out of the basement’.  Let that part of us walled out of the light-filled domain of the heart, be released from the fear and diminishment of the many lives and experiences we have partaken of to reach this threshold where we can now manifest our divine selves here on the physical plane.  Yes, the backlash is great, as is the support for change.  Many cling out of fear to the past, wary and resistant to letting go of what is familiar.  Don’t we all, to some extent?  Doesn’t the world reflect our need for security in the face of such an amazing leap in consciousness?  We find ourselves in a period of extraordinary transition on the edge where chaos reigns, and we must hold the paradox of ‘don’t know mind’ while mind-altering coincidence and creativity and manifestation in alignment with the dance of the divine has never been more spectacular.

Let this New Moon eclipse split you open like a ripe seed pod and sow your dreams into the underworld where they can gestate and release you into your personal power.  Scorpio says, it’s time to step up and be seen, speak your truths, share your gifts of wisdom, invite in your relationship with the invisible world, and be the master of your life from that place that is deep within your belly and right from the gonads that Scorpio rules.

Leading the Sun and the Moon at 0º Scorpio, is Pallas Athena (1º) and Venus is combust (at one with, 0º) both the Sun and Moon lending her feminine values of relationship, love and intimacy.  Athena carries a multi-faceted legacy of intuitive inspiration and creativity birthing our mental children into being, social justice and strategic planning to preserve and protect what is humanly right, and energetic self-healing skills like visualization, hypnosis, meditation, and all psychotherapies that work with the integrated body, mind, spirit levels of beingness.

Pallas Athena raises the vast fertility of the feminine womb energies to the level of creative intelligence.  So let’s call on her wisdom and courage and her powerful ally, owl, to clear our psychological basements and welcome full blown, miraculous healings of the Feminine into our lives with this powerful quadrant of Pallas, Sun, Moon, Venus in Scorpio.

Another feature of this New Moon Solar eclipse chart is the presence of 7 quintile aspects.  A quintile (72º) divides the 360º zodiac into fives the number of the Feminine, the pentagram, Venus and denotes the individual expression of creativity and talent – seeing the world from a unique, creative individual perspective.  It’s common to see one or maybe two in a chart, but SEVEN is remarkable and a heads up that there exists a high level of creativity afoot.  And, it’s the ruler of this chart and of Scorpio, Pluto, carrying great power, that is in quintile aspect to the Sun, Moon and Venus bringing tremendous support and possibilities from the Underworld, as well as Jupiter in quintile aspect to Pallas Athena, Sun and Moon contributing a broader vision and the urge to aim high where ever we see fit to bring our creativity to bear.

The North and South Nodes, those points that actually mark and create the path of eclipses, are highly charged with the presence of Mercury traveling with the North Node, point of evolutionary growth, opposing Uranus traveling with the South Node as it was at Full Moon two weeks ago.  Learning right speech, understanding how powerful our thoughts are for creating our lives, disciplining our mental habits to create love and joy for ourselves, and perceiving others as our Self in another form are all on the table to bring us into fuller conscious awareness of our divine nature.

Mercury is still retrograde until Saturday, Oct 25 when this mischievous messenger will come to a slow standstill in Libra and begin to regain its degree before retrograde – 2º Scorpio which will take until November 10th.  With Mercury opposed to Uranus, I would look for unexpected truths to present themselves, and seeing familiar situations in a whole new light that unravels a problem knot.  Mars is working harmoniously in the background with the eclipse parade and is also in quintile aspect to Mercury supporting us in all our communication and interconnecting activities.  Mars enters earthy Capricorn where it is exalted on Oct 26.  Mars is action; get ready with your list and tools to move plans forward and get things done in the physical world.

I hope Thursday afternoon will find many North Americans out viewing the partial solar eclipse.  In awareness and esteem of this watery eclipse, I urge you to whisper and sing your prayers and dreams into a basin of water and bless yourself and the world with this blessed liquid at the eclipse. Invite in and claim your right to have the life you want using Scorpio’s passion to call forth your secret longings.

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You've come to the right place - you've discovered something deeper about meditation. In the Openhand Approach - our observation - we don't meditate to feel better. Or at least, we mediate to bring us back into alignment with the universal flow. But in order to get there, you've got to break down the distortion in order to get there. The distortion is where you identify with the physicality of life - where you make yourself less than the cosmic being that you are because of something you physically feel. You let the pain disempower you.

It's highly likely that when you mediate gently, without forcing, you'll touch your karmic pain. Unless that is, you're in avoidance and denial of it - in other words, all you're seeking is the bliss.

You have to get into your pain to realign it, to release the density and realign the energy in it. Then you bring true harmony to your system.

So if you activate your pain in meditation - I say wonderful! You're actually beginning to bring consciousness into your unconsciousness - trauma you've probably been carrying around for lifetimes.

So how to work with it?

Activate the pain and get deeply into it with your awareness. Feel it. Explore what it might be. Do this over several days - as the universe to show why its there... "show me!" Attentively watch the signs and synchronicities that show up. Keep pulling on the thread of your pain; express it, and let it out, through movement, or crying or what ever comes to you.

Then become as one with it - which means to be so intimately engaged within it, that you don't need it to go away.

When you are the pain, to the extent that you no longer judge it as negative, then you're ready to step through it as presence - as the one that you are; no longer limited and confined by something so small as "pain".

Then the pain will likely go away. And you'll have reclaimed an aspect of your soul which was buried in the unconsciousness of it.

It is for no small reason that the great poet and sage Rumi said...

"Your pain is the place where the light enters

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New Moon Report

New Moon in Scorpio Thursday, October 23, 2:57 pm PDT, 5:57 pm EDT This New Moon is a solar eclipse that can take us on a stroll down memory lane as the emotional Scorpio Moon’s partial coverage of the Sun stirs up issues from the past. While we normally expect powerful feelings in this passionate sign, Scorpio’s intensity is softened by loving Venus’ conjunction and forgiving Neptune’s healing trine to this lunation.

Cerebral Mercury plays its reminiscing part as it approaches its turning point in partner-oriented Libra. Revisioning and renegotiating relationships are potential plusses of this subtly powerful event. Rediscovering hidden or underused resources can also help to fill hungry hearts and empty purses. The eclipse path covers much of the U.S. and Canada, making these the most likely places where its impact will be felt. But the possibility of economic recovery and sexual scandals associated with it can take up to six months to occur.

Loving the most unlovable parts of ourselves, though, can start immediately and will work as a remedy to restore trust and to raise self-esteem.

Mercury Direct Saturday, October 25 Brainy Mercury ends its retrograde cycle and slowly begins regaining forward momentum in the days ahead. Conversations that have hit dead ends or gone awry may finally get back on track. New connections should be made more easily and fresh ideas can revive projects slowed by stagnation. Making amends where conflict has damaged relationships is another constructive way to use the messenger planet’s turnabout in peacemaking Libra, preparing us for deeper levels of communication when Mercury returns to profound Scorpio in two weeks.

Mars in Capricorn Sunday, October 26, 3:43 am PDT, 6:43 am EDT Mars in Capricorn is like a well-disciplined soldier who pushes aside pain and persistently sticks to a plan of action. This transit has the power and punch of the warrior planet that is highly effective in pursuit of a clearly defined goal. Mastery of tools and techniques are benefits that allow us to apply our abilities with patience and precision. This traditionally favorable astrological pair works best when high aspirations are matched by total commitment. If you’re not ready to conquer continents, use this 40-day transit to take on lesser challenges like getting your body into better shape or tackling practical tasks with maturity and consistency to overcome doubts and discomfort in order to achieve your goal.

Full Moon in Taurus Thursday, November 6, 2:23 pm PST, 5:23 pm EST Full Moons are associated with extreme emotions because we face the contradictions of opposing points of view. This one, though, may feel more like putting our feet on solid ground than being washed out to sea. The stabilizing influence of the earthy Taurus Moon gains additional ballast from harmonious trines with potent Mars and Pluto in competent Capricorn. The intensity of the Scorpio Sun is softened by its close proximity to pacifying Venus and we’re finally out of the eclipse zone that’s been rattling cages for the past month. Still, we may expect some drama about money, resources and self-worth with overspending or exaggeration spurred by profligate Jupiter’s stressful squares to the Sun and Moon. But the sound and fury of strongly expressed opinions is probably more of a show than a final showdown. Once excessive pride and the need to prove others wrong have been set aside negotiations to settle differences can commence with a common desire to find solutions.

Mercury in Scorpio Saturday, November 8, 3:09 pm PST, 6:09 pm EST This is perceptive Mercury’s curtain call in penetrating Scorpio, providing second chances to pull aside the covers, push through niceties and get down to discussing essential issues. Minds dive below the surface to ferret out vital ideas and hard to find information. Suspicious thinkers, though, may try to hide from invasive inquiries, yet overcoming mistrust and fear of exposure will help to untangle knots in highly charged relationships and complicated financial matters.

Mars conjunct Pluto Mars square Uranus Venus conjunct Saturn Monday, November 10 and Wednesday, November 12 Incendiary Mars’ conjunction with Pluto on the 10th and square to Uranus on the 12th trigger the transformational forces of these explosive outer planets. Resistance to rules may fuel revolts against authority figures and lead to breakdowns in the chain of command.

Yet a purposeful application of power and innovation provides more than enough energy to break through inner and outer obstacles. Venus’ conjunction with stern Saturn on the 12th is socially and fiscally sobering, forcing some to deal with unpaid bills and unfulfilled emotional expectations. Facing hard facts is rarely comfortable, yet knowing exactly where we stand sets a solid base from which effective changes will follow. Neptune Direct Saturday, November 15 The forward turn of the solar system’s most formless planet is not likely to make an immediate impact. This is a slow shift of private dreams toward public action, allowing us to put our ideals and fantasies into motion.

Compassion and spirituality may become more visible in the weeks ahead as this super sympathetic planet pivots away from inner reflection to outer activity. Venus in Sagittarius Sunday, November 16, 11:04 am PST, 2:04 pm EST Amorous Venus in adventurous Sagittarius inspires us to expand our social horizons. Love and pleasure come from fresh experiences, faraway places and philosophical pursuits. Restlessness and boredom can provoke emotional honesty that may come across as insensitive so temper truth telling with tenderness. It’s tempting to overlook inconvenient details and unrealistic expectations when hearts are pounding with the fire of newfound romance. Going too far is a temptation that some of us may be unable to avoid but it’s wise to forgive yourself and others when high hopes overcome common sense. Still, taking chances in pursuit of pleasure is called for and should prove more rewarding than risky when tempered by small doses of reason.

Sun in Sagittarius Saturday, November 22, 1:38 am PST, 4:38 am EST The expressive Sun follows Venus into outgoing Sagittarius where the sky is the limit. The heart yearns for meaning and truth but could settle for a good time if they are not available. Sagittarius aspires to more of everything which can, of course, lead to all forms of excess, overstated opinions among them. Being judgmental and prejudiced are the dark shadows behind this sign’s characteristically jolly exterior. When we are stuck with the notion that there’s only one right way to be, to think or to act, we’re straightjacketed in ignorance disguised as certainty.

Curiosity and humility are remedies against the excesses of self-righteousness and generosity is the gift that expands hearts with hope and minds with optimism to reward us with the open spirit of this adventurous sign.

This New Moon in Scorpio is a solar eclipse that reminds us to look back and complete unfinished emotional business from the past before desire and a sense of urgency compel us to forge ahead. Facing the shadows of our fears is wiser than driving them underground as the former enriches and empowers us while the latter diminishes potency and potential.

There is no shame in hunger and need because recognizing them without shame is a significant step toward filling the empty places within. A person who feels complete brings less to a relationship than one who is able to give and is willing to receive.

Jeff Jawer/

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Powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon In Scorpio

Powerful Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Scorpio with Mercury Direct

October 19-25

By Leo Knighton Tallarico 

This week we will be moving through an important turning point time period. On Thursday October 23 is the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio, and on Saturday October 25 Mercury will go back Direct. At the same time, here in the Northern Hemisphere of Planet Earth the "Sun has been setting" for the year as we approach the mid point of Autumn. Darker colder days are on the way.

This so far has been a most transformational year on our way to the Age of Aquarius. The Cardinal Grand Cross and Spring Eclipse Season brought huge waves of change, as they included the powerful Uranus square Pluto formation. Of course we have written many times about how when Uranus made conjunction with Pluto in the mid '60s it signified the beginning of the '60s revolution, a time of great change when the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius was first being recognized.

And now since 2012, Uranus and Pluto have been experiencing their first major meet-up since the '60s. This Uranus/Pluto square has two more exact encounters: December 2014 and March 2015. And by Autumn of 2015 we should be deeply in the center of a magically swirling storm of transformation. Already this year we have been witnessing the beginning of breakdowns of our old world, its rules and boundaries, its structures and institutions, its very paradigm for human living. We are at the same time experiencing breakthroughs into a new paradigm of consciousness for the human family.

More breakdown of old security structures will continue over the next year of so, as well as breakthroughs into new dimensions of consciousness, and of course surprise events that change our outlook and paradigm. In the greater world since the Cardinal Grand Cross earlier this year, we have witnessed Russia helping to break down the old boundaries of Ukraine and at the same time putting up new boundaries and potential confrontation with the Western World and USA.

We have also been experiencing the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a militant force that is reshaping the boundaries of the Middle East and threatening to dramatically and ruthlessly disrupt and confront the current security structures of the world. Israel and Hams engaged in a very brutal war in the Middle East as well, and in the process many people died and lost their homes, mostly in the Palestinian Gaza enclave.

And the Ebola virus is expanding rapidly and threatening to be a major problem in our world. This is a life threatening virus that will cause travel and economic well being to be challenged as a result. And the world economy showed signs of great weakness this last week, as stock markets around the world took a big downward turn. These events are not just passing dramas on the screens of our life views.

These events are catalysts for great transformational world changes. How we react to these challenges will greatly influence our entry into the Age of Aquarius. Will we give into fear and hatred, to feelings of separation for one another, to a belief we live in a meaningless world that requires us to take care only of ourselves and our kind. Do we believe we can build a unified world of Diversity in Unity, respecting the differences between us?

Bill Maher has expressed many things through the years that I have resonated with and respected. But now on his HBO Friday night show he is painting with a broad brush the idea that the religion of Islam is inherently bad. He is not just against ISIS or Al Queda or other radical militant groups, but instead is indicting a whole culture of people that number over a billion. Since he is respected by many usually peaceful liberals, he is leading a most dangerous charge against a large segment of our world population. This is the path of the old world: separate and divide, demonize and bring about devastating hate, wars, and destruction.

There are culture wars building up steams of hatred, but you and I do not not need to be swept up by this toxic cyclone of negativity. At times like this when Eclipses are erupting and Uranus and Pluto are doing an intense dance of transformation and potential healing, we can each instead let go and release attitudes and beliefs, dysfunctional and toxic patterns that separate us from our authentic selves, each other, and the Universe. Yes indeed we need to be discerning and protective of our lives and loved ones. But we do not need to let fear and then hate dictate how we believe or how we will react to our life challenges or our world.

This next eclipse, a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio will be this coming Thursday October 23 at 5:57 PM EDT. New Moons represent new beginnings, a Solar Eclipse is many times stronger than the usual New Moon. And it being in Scorpio adds even more intensity to the occasion. Scorpio can be like a roto-rooter that goes right to the core, and brings up whatever has been in hiding or repressed. And usually that means that the darker feelings like resentment, jealousy, rage, etc.- those emotions not usually accepted by our culture to feel or express- are the ones that will erupt. These passionate and often primal emotions put "everything on the table" so we can work issues out from our souls not just our heads.

This process tends to promote a catharsis and potentially a deep healing. It can also, especially if the emotions have been held in for a long time, bring up an explosion that burns bridges of connection and puts an end to relationships. In the greater world conflicts will likely intensify, and new ones may begin, especially those affecting Israel or Iran, Syria or Iraq. But these conflicts can erupt anywhere now, and with ISIS and Ebola and a downward trend for the economy, it will be so easy to give into fear and desperation.

Our human family has always had to face difficult times, and in fact our ancestors faced severe challenges without the comforts and electronics we now possess. These challenges are coming now so we can, at this crossroads time for humanity, decide who we are, what we truly believe in, and what kind of new world we want to build. You are not powerless in the face of these challenges.

You are always in charge of your attitudes and beliefs, and how you react to situations. And then how you believe and how you react has a direct influence on what you will then attract into your life. Two people can face the same type of difficult challenge in their lives, like a relationship breakup, for instance. One person then decides to never trust love again or to develop an attitude toward women or men. They stop believing in God or spirit anymore because their life did not turn out the way their ego wanted. Another person eventually sees the breakup as meaningful, as they see how the two people were not right for each other any more, they learn lessons around how to relate better or how to choose differently, and they before too long attract a person who is better suited to the authentic person they have become more true to.

It is your choice now also to believe we are moving through a transition time on the way to a new Age of Aquarius, one of greater equality, run more on love and truth, and bringing us a world of Diversity in Unity. You know the transition will not be easy, but you have faith you will attract to your self what and who you need to continue your soul's journey into the meaningful, sacred and authentic life you have committed to. Whatever comes to you this week will end up helping you to release what patterns and beliefs no longer serve your soul's growth and evolution. You will open your heart more to trust your self and the Universe to bring you through the doors you need to walk through now on the path of greater love and truth and higher meaning.

And as Mercury goes direct next Saturday October 25 at 3:17 PM EDT, the airwaves of mind will begin to clear up, so you can then come to some conclusions and make some decisions. In the meantime before the New Moon Solar Eclipse and Mercury Direct this week, trust the process, continue to look at the possibilities, and resist the desire to jump to conclusions, be impulsive or make rash decisions. We are truly in a new chapter of our collective human lives on Earth, on the way to an Age of Aquarius.

Keep on your soul path of Love, Light, and Truth, no matter what. This is within your power.

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The Solar Eclipse on October 23 2014 is at 0º Scorpio. It is conjunct the planet of love Venus and closest to Miaplacidus, a star in Argo the ship. In mundane astrology, the Sun signifies the ruler, so having his light blocked out by the moon (which represents the common people) could be a worrying time for the ruling elite.

Unfortunately many of us are still carrying the cell memory of “eclipse fear” that we common people had when most of us didn’t really know the astronomy behind the phenomenon. Those that could predict eclipses had a great weapon in their hands from which to scare the public into obedience. It was very useful to issue dark omens that implied almighty god was punishing the masses for their disobedience, rebelliousness, or whatever behaviour was liberating .. Can’t have the serfs feeling empowered can we, or even worse, feeling their own divinity! 

Saying that, it’s true that eclipses do have the power to “breakdown”, but if we are aware of where they are likely to hit us, we can attempt to transmute the eclipse into a “break though”.

I tend to think the solar eclipses have more of a “breakthrough” quality about them, since New Moons do generally herald a new start. The star Miapacidus, is found in the keel of the constellation of Argo the ship. The Keel holds the whole ship together like a spine and is always built first, so this star then is sturdy and robust. Miaplacidus used to be the alpha star of the defunct constellation Robur Carolinum. (Charles’ Oak, a tree famous for hiding Charles II after he lost a battle) Oaks are known for being strong and resilient. The fact that Charles took refuge in one, supports Scorpio decan 1’s ability to conceal itself and then its ability to resurrect what seemed lost. This decan also contains some stars in the crucifix, so the theme of resurrection is strong here. This decan does have a dark edge however, this comes from carrying the weight of the crucifix.

This Solar Eclipse might address issues of one having to bear the responsibility of psychic or prophetic ability. This could also be about belief system programs also negatively over-riding ones ability to use ones psychic abilities to heal. Carrying the weight of ones religion, and any negative attitude towards sexuality could be wounding ones relationships.


This Moon could make us feel very driven, but also enable us to glide to the top quite silently. Those connected to this eclipse can use this Moon to do undercover work. Nobody notices because of this decans amazing ability to construct a psychic cloaking device. This could be useful for healers/mystics trying to release sacred wisdom into the collective without it being de-bunked by sceptics. This eclipse enables us to be stretched to the limit without snapping. Somehow our deep faith in love healing all, will get us through the most horrendous suffering. What is extra special about this eclipse is the fact Venus is soooo close to the Sun and Moon, that instead of it being combust it is actually cazimi. This means Venus is in the throne of the King and extremely powerful. Love really does hold the power here and we will need as much of this divine love as possible because, as I have already mentioned, this decan can give you quite a cross to bear.

Unfortunately though, a fact we cannot ignore is that Venus is in Scorpio, the sign of her fall. This means she might not be able to let her great love flow without some hindrance. When a planet is in detriment, I personally believe it means that the planet is more bound by fate than planets in better placements. Therefore this planet needs to consciously work at claiming its freewill in order to function authentically. The problem is, how many of us are truly able to exercise free will? Most of us are running on negative belief programs instilled in us by, parents, school, society, TV etc etc…. This is why the Moon has such a strong effect on us because it stimulates our needs, cravings and infantile habits. What I like about eclipses is that they do a great job of putting a glitch into this habitual program. Suddenly we are conscious! However sometimes this awakening is a painful shock, but it does gives us an opportunity to rectify and reboot.



These days, I rarely add such minor asteroids to the Moon reports, but I feel I must mention these two because it is quite uncanny that both Scylla and Charybdis fall either side of this Solar Eclipse. The idiom “Being between Scylla and Charybdis” is derived from Greek mythology and means to have to choose between two evils. The Solar eclipse literally is caught between a rock and a hard place! Scylla and Charybdis were sea monsters who resided on opposite sides of the notorious strait of Messina found between Sicily and Italy.

So then, what can this myth add to the equation? It looks like an extremely difficult decision needs to be made about love and because Venus is in such a hot spot, we may be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. The north node is conjunct Mercury representing the collectives children.

Personally we have to make a decision that will either upset ones beloved partner or ones child, or we may have to make a fair decision between siblings, either way someone is going to get hurt. The only solution is to truly make the decisions from the heart and not let yourself be pressurised by the person who is making the most drama. We also have to examine wether we are unconsciously replaying the same worn-out family dramas over and over again.

This solar eclipse calls on us to be sturdy and robust, like the wood in the keel of Argo the ship. Those plugging into this eclipse carry a great deal of responsibility to make things right. They have the opportunity to end a cycle of family karma once and for all. It’s not about making the decision that makes the least waves, it’s about looking inside and feeling what is right deep in your gut. Ignore the two “monsters” wailing at you from either side, look straight ahead through the rocks and fix your eyes to the horizon. I like to think of the horoscope as the steering wheel of a grand schooner, it helps one navigate through the sea of life. Look above and the stars are your guides. Oh how this metaphor is so appropriate for this Solar Eclipse. Steer wisely!


Solar eclipse oct

 Moon Phases 2014 ~ Lunar Eclipse October 2014 ~ Solar Eclipse October 2014

Picture credit: Johnann Henrich Fussli: Odysseus facing the choice between Scylla and Charybdis, 1794/6


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