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Esoteric Astrology: The Journey of the Soul

Esoteric Astrology:

The Journey of the Soul

By Candy Hillenbrand

Esoteric astrology is the astrology of the soul. The delineation of a natal chart from the soul-centred perspective focuses on the purpose of the soul, why we are here, where we have come from, and where we are heading. Traditional or exoteric astrology is the astrology of the personality. Its focus is on the problems and potentials of the personality.

The body of knowledge known as Esoteric Astrology is drawn from the Theosophical tradition and the teachings of the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul, as dictated to Alice A. Bailey. It is contained in a voluminous set of books which form a large part of what is referred to as the Ancient or Ageless Wisdom teachings.

Soul-centred astrology is based on the understanding that there is a spark of divinity, or 'soul' within each of us. According to this cosmology, reincarnation and the reality of the soul are accepted as fact. Many sense this divinity. The moments of deep insight, peace, awe, wonder, grace and love that we have all experienced at some time are voices from the Soul.

Some call this divinity God/Goddess, the Higher Self, the Core Self, the Transpersonal Self, the inner voice, the Buddha or Christ. It manifests as the religious urge in man/woman. Indeed, Carl Jung, in his book Modern Man in Search of a Soul, makes the astounding assertion that in thirty years of treating patients in the second half of life, their illness or neurosis was invariably the result of a lack of spiritual or religious meaning:

"....there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age have given to their followers, and none of them has been really healed who did not regain his religious outlook." [1]

This soul, or divine spark, strives towards unity and perfection, and according to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, its motivation is selfless and its purpose is service to humanity or contribution to the greater whole. It is essentially a humanitarian philosophy and is therefore highly appropriate for our incoming Age of Aquarius. According to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, the structure of man/woman can be symbolically represented as a downward-pointing triangle (the personality) linked by the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge to an upward-pointing triangle (the soul). See Figure 1.



The highest goal of traditional or personality-centred astrology is the integration of the personality. This is achieved by recognising and striving to overcome the limitations and problems of the personality, such as physical excesses, emotional instability and negative thinking. The goal of personality integration is to bring the body, emotions and mind into a state of harmony. The orientation of many of the personal growth techniques and healing modalities is towards this end. For example, hatha yoga, nutrition and herbal medicine work on healing the physical body. The Bach Flower Remedies and counselling work on healing the emotional nature. Positive affirmations, Christian Science and prayer work on healing the mental nature.

The integration of the personality is an on-going process. Once this has been achieved to some degree, the goal becomes one of infusing the personality with the qualities of the soul, or to make the connection with the Higher Self. There are various techniques which can assist us to connect with the Soul or Higher Self. These include meditation, some forms of creative visualisation, dreamwork, psychosynthesis, artistic and musical expression, communing with nature, compassionate service, study of the Holy Scriptures and Ancient Wisdom classics, and so on.

The soul-infused personality is symbolically represented by the six-pointed star. See Figure 2. [3]



You will notice that the triangle of the Soul has a threefold nature corresponding to a higher octave of the personality vehicles. The physical body has its higher counterpart in Spiritual Will or Purpose. The emotional body has its higher counterpart in Universal Love, while the mental body or rational mind has its higher counterpart in Higher Mind.

There are several approaches to esoteric astrology, and it is indeed a complex body of knowledge. Therefore, I would like to keep it as simple as possible. One of the fundamental differences between esoteric and exoteric astrology is that both are based on a completely different set of planetary rulerships.

Some esoteric astrologers, such as Dr Douglas Baker, dismiss traditional astrology altogether and work only with the esoteric rulerships. Other esoteric astrologers, such as Alan Oken, recommend the interfacing or juxtaposing of the personality-centred chart with the soul-centred chart.

Another important point is that esoteric astrology has its foundation in an understanding of the Science of the Seven Rays. [4] This is a system of soul/personality typology and is referred to by Bailey as Esoteric Psychology. For the purposes of this article however, I am not going to deal with the Seven Rays, although their meanings are implicit within each of the astrological factors.

What I am presenting here is a somewhat eclectic approach which can only scratch the surface of this vast body of knowledge. There are a few basic principles which we can begin to work with straight away, and which will help us to shift the focus from personality problems and potential to spiritual purpose. I am not recommending that we forget the personality. I feel that it is still important to delineate the natal chart in the traditional way. But what we can do is add a soul-centred perspective to our traditional delineations.

The Ascendant

Perhaps you have felt that there is a deeper meaning to the Rising Sign than a mere description of the physical appearance, the persona or the manner in which we project ourselves? In esoteric astrology, the Ascendant is the key indicator of the Soul's Purpose. This does not mean that the empirical evidence of traditional astrology is invalid. What we can say is that the soul's purpose is projected through the persona at the Ascendant.

It is a tenet of traditional astrology that the Ascendant is symbolic of the birth or point of incarnation, of the entry of the soul onto the physical plane or the cross of matter. Esoteric astrology merely takes this a step further. If we look to the qualities of the sign on the Ascendant, we can glean valuable information about the nature of spiritual purpose and service.

The qualities of the Ascendant sign describe the future direction of the soul, what we are growing towards, or new qualities that we are developing.

In this respect, we can see its meaning as similar in flavour to the North Node, although I would suggest that the qualities of the houses and signs of the nodal axis tell us how we can achieve personality integration, or integration of the yin and yang within the personality. The quest of the hero as symbolised by the North Node is the quest of the personality.

The sign on the Ascendant indicates how we can best express our personality gifts to extend beyond ourselves to help others, or to help the planet as a whole. The house position of the esoteric ruling planet of the Ascendant indicates where these gifts and qualities are best expressed. It points to the field of service of the soul.

The Esoteric Rulerships of the Signs

These rulerships may seem odd at first, but a deeper study will reveal their significance.

Aries - Mercury
Taurus - Vulcan
Gemini - Venus
Cancer - Neptune
Leo - Sun
Virgo - Moon
Libra - Uranus
Scorpio - Mars
Sagittarius - Earth
Capricorn - Saturn
Aquarius - Jupiter
Pisces - Pluto

Vulcan is an undiscovered or hypothetical planet, and esoteric astrologers believe that it is located near the Sun. To date, there is no officially accepted ephemeris to calculate its position, and there are varying opinions as to Vulcan's actual distance from the Sun. The astrological software package Solar Fire, developed by Esoteric Technologies, offers two options for the calculation of Vulcan's position: the method of L.H. Weston or that of Dr Douglas Baker. [5] Note also that the position of the Earth is located directly opposite the Sun. For example, if the Sun is found at 9 degrees of Sagittarius, then the Earth will be found at 9 degrees of Gemini.

Some Ideas for Delineation

While there are 'esoteric' meanings for all the signs, planets and houses, the traditional meanings can still be applied in a simplified approach to a soul-oriented natal interpretation. We are not looking at 'negative' manifestations here. That is the realm of the personality-centred delineation. Of course, any personality problems or dilemmas are relevant in the soul-centred delineation, because they offer us an idea as to what is hindering or impeding the progress of the soul. The following are some suggestions for delineating the Ascendant from a soul-centred perspective:

If the Ascendant is in Leo, then the soul's purpose is to shine, to express one's creative gifts and facilitate leadership for the benefit of others. If the esoteric ruler, the Sun, is located in the 11th house, then the field of expression for the creative and leadership qualities is through group activity.

If the Ascendant is in Aries and the ruler, Mercury, is in the 6th house, then the soul's purpose is to inspire others with ideas, through one's work, through healing, or through developing techniques for self-improvement. This person may be an inspiring writer, counsellor, healer or teacher. With the Aries emphasis, the focus would be towards empowering and enabling others through their mental and communication gifts.

If the Ascendant is in Aquarius and the ruler, Jupiter, is in the 2nd house, then the soul's purpose of pouring forth the waters of knowledge for humanity, is expressed through a spiritual approach to gathering and distributing resources. There is a facility for manifesting on the physical plane, but the purpose is to gather resources for a higher or collective purpose. For example, this person could accumulate and distribute resources in order to fund some sort of group venture.

The esoteric rulerships do not cancel the value of the traditional rulerships. For the Aries Ascendant, the position of Mars points to personality problems, tendencies, talents and gifts, while the position of Mercury points to the area of service of the soul.

Aspects between the Rulers of the Ascendant

It is important to look at any aspect formed between the exoteric and esoteric rulers of the Ascendant. The ease or stress of this aspect indicates the ease, or lack of ease, with which the soul's purpose can be expressed. Using the example of Aries Rising, a natal square between Mars and Mercury suggests that this person may experience some difficulty in manifesting the soul's purpose. On a practical level, this may be because s/he has a tendency to communicate in a sarcastic way, or is bad-tempered. A trine or sextile between Mars and Mercury suggests that there is a harmony between the personality expression and the expression of the spiritual purpose. S/he may be an inspiring and enthusiastic communicator.

The Esoteric Meanings of the Signs and Ruling Planets

The following esoteric meanings are synthesised from the available literature on the subject. [6] The traditional meanings of the signs, planets and houses may also be utilised in a soul-centred delineation.

ARIES - to inspire others with ideas
Mercury - mind, communication; the 'Messenger of the Gods'
Keynote - I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule. [7]

TAURUS - to release personal desires and attachments
Vulcan - growth through change; illumination and enlightenment; the 'Blacksmith of the Gods'
Keynote - I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.

GEMINI - to teach Right Human Relations, between self and others, personality and soul, anima and animus, higher mind and lower mind
Venus - intelligent love; relatedness; resolution of polarity; turning knowledge into wisdom
Keynote - I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.

CANCER - to build a spiritual home and selflessly nourish others
Neptune - unconditional love and forgiveness; devotion and self-sacrifice
Keynote - I build a lighted house and therein dwell.

LEO - to express Divine Will through the qualities of open-heartedness, warmth, creativity, leadership and love
Sun - the self-conscious I; the integrated personality; creative equipment
Keynote - I am That and That am I.

VIRGO - to heal and serve others
Moon - the past (karma); the 'Mother of all Forms'; matter; nurturing
Keynote - I am the Mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.

LIBRA - to harmonise the opposites and choose the middle path; Transpersonal relations; perfected love Uranus - collective inter-relatedness; intuition; urge to better the human condition
Keynote - I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.

SCORPIO - to transform darkness into light; the battle between Soul and Personality
Mars - the desire nature; spiritual drive and idealism; the spiritual warrior
Keynote - Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.

SAGITTARIUS - to uplift humanity through the revelation of Truth and Wisdom; fiery aspiration and one-pointedness
Earth - the physical location of a person's path; dharma; where we materialise our solar potential
Keynote - I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.

CAPRICORN - to express one's true spiritual vocation and purpose for the greater good
Saturn - the Lord of Karma; the 'Dweller on the Threshold'; opportunity through crisis and pain Keynote - Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.

AQUARIUS - to serve humanity through the dedication of personal energies to the collective
Jupiter - intuitive understanding blended with impersonal love; abundance
Keynote - Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity.

PISCES - to sacrifice the self through compassionate service to others
Pluto - the destruction of negativity and separateness; surrender of the personality to the soul
Keynote - I leave the Father's home and turning back, I save.

The Esoteric Meanings of the Houses

1st house - emergence of soul purpose, activities of the soul, the aura.
2nd house - spiritual values, use of life energies.
3rd house - mental energy, relating of higher and lower selves.
4th house - the foundation of the soul.
5th house - expression of spiritual will, actualization of Higher Self.
6th house - personality integration, service through healing and nurturing.
7th house - the path of inner union between the soul and personality.
8th house - the path of the awakening of soul consciousness.
9th house - knowledge of Cosmic Law and Ancient Wisdom.
10th house - spiritual purpose and responsibility.
11th house - spiritual visions, aspirations, spiritual groups.
12th house - unredeemed past karma, bondage to personality, selfless service to humanity.

Beginning a Soul-Centred Delineation

In esoteric astrology, the Rising Sign is symbolic of the soul's purpose and the path of the future. Look to the qualities of this sign as an indicator of new qualities that need to be developed in this lifetime. The house position of the esoteric ruler indicates where these 'new' qualities are best expressed. Try to also blend the qualities of the sign and house position of the North Node with these Ascendant qualities. Together, they form a picture of the future path of the soul.

The sign and house position of the Sun is symbolic of the present, or the path towards integration of the personality.

The sign and house position of the Moon is symbolic of the past or karmic conditions which have been carried over into this life and need transcending. Try to blend the qualities of the South Node with these Moon qualities to determine the path of least resistance, the negative personality tendencies which hinder progress in the present, and the gifts developed in past lives.

The signs, houses and aspects of Saturn, Pluto and Chiron, and planets in the twelfth house will also give further clues to karmic factors which are relevant in the current life. Of course, the entire chart can be viewed from a karmic perspective, but we have to stop somewhere.

The Role of the Esoteric Astrologer

The fundamental qualities required by the esoteric astrologer are the intuition of Uranus, the sensitivity and compassion of Neptune and the profound understanding of evolutionary purpose of Pluto.

I do believe there is an urgent need, on the part of astrologers, to move away from the excessive focus on the negative expressions of astrological energy and the over-emphasis on events, effects and manifestations.

The focus of esoteric astrology is on cause and purpose, and the consecration of the self to the greater whole of which we are a part. Certainly, we must not ignore the 'negative' tendencies and manifestations of the personality, for these are guideposts to the past and present suffering of the soul, and point to ways of healing that suffering.

But the focus, in esoteric astrology, must ultimately be on the positive qualities and the highest potential that the client may express. Too often, traditional and even psychological astrology, has focussed far too intently on the greatest depths that the client can reach.

As esoteric astrologers, our role is to act as a trigger or catalyst to help the client contact their own inner sense of purpose. And this purpose can most easily be identified by asking the client what gives them the most joy; what is their passion; what do they love doing the most? Joy is one of the supreme qualities of the soul, and to focus on what gives us joy is to attune to our soul's purpose.

JOY - Like a bird on the wing,
I fly towards the sun.
I sing in my soul,
so that all I meet can hear.


[1] Jung, C.G., Modern Man in Search of a Soul, NY & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1933, 
p. 229.
[2] Oken, Alan., Soul-Centred Astrology, New York: Bantam Books, 1990, p. 33.
[3] ibid, p. 36.
[4] Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on the Seven Rays, NY & London: Lucis Publishing Co, Vols 1-5.
[5] Esoteric Technologies, Solar Fire User Guide, Version 3. Adelaide, Aust: 1994-95, p. 177.
[6] For a more detailed approach, refer to Alan Oken, Soul-Centred Astrology (op. cit); Errol Weiner, Transpersonal Astrology, Gt. Britain: Element Books Ltd, 1991; and Kathleen Burt,Archetypes of the Zodiac, St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1988.
[7] The keynotes can be found in Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, NY & London, Lucis Publishing Co, 1979, pp. 653-4.
[8] Bailey, Alice A., Ponder on This, London & NY: Lucis Publishing Co, 1983, p. 229.

Copyright © 1995 by Candy Hillenbrand

All Rights Reserved

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(Reuters) - A federal judge has rejected Wells Fargo & Co's bid to dismiss a U.S. government lawsuit accusing the nation's largest mortgage lender of fraud, a victory for federal investigators pursuing cases tied to the recent housing and financial crises.

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan said on Tuesday that the government may pursue its key federal claims that Wells Fargo lied about the quality of mortgages it submitted to a government insurance program, costing hundreds of millions of dollars over roughly a decade.

In particular, Furman sided with the U.S. Department of Justice's interpretation of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, a law adopted after the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis that lets the government sue for fraud affecting a federally-insured financial institution.

Wells Fargo said the FIRREA claim should be tossed because the only institution affected by its conduct was itself.

But Furman concluded otherwise, following the lead of two colleagues on the Manhattan federal court, Jed Rakoff and Lewis Kaplan, in cases against Bank of America Corp and Bank of New York Mellon Corp, respectively

"The question considered by the courts in these cases was whether a financial institution, through its own misconduct, can affect itself within the meaning of FIRREA," Furman wrote in a 60-page decision. "Courts have repeatedly held that it can. There is no reason to deviate from that interpretation here."

Furman also dismissed some claims against San Francisco-based Wells Fargo, which is also the fourth-largest U.S. bank, including claims of negligence and unjust enrichment. He said this was because the government brought them too late, or had been aware of Wells Fargo's misconduct at the time they arose.

The October 2012 lawsuit accused Wells Fargo of misleading the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development into believing its loans qualified for insurance from HUD's Federal Housing Administration.

As in many of the government's major financial crisis-era cases, no individuals were named as defendants. The Justice Department is also seeking civil penalties as well as damages.

"We are disappointed with the court's ruling, but we look forward to presenting facts to vigorously defend against this action," Wells Fargo spokesman Ancel Martinez said. "Wells Fargo denies the allegations and believes it acted in good faith and in compliance with Federal Housing Administration and Department of Housing and Urban Development rules."

In afternoon trading, the bank's shares were down 51 cents at $41.80 on the New York Stock Exchange.


The lawsuit is one of several filed by the government seeking to hold financial companies liable under FIRREA, the federal False Claims Act, or both for shoddy mortgage loans that helped fuel the U.S. housing and financial crises.

FIRREA has become a favorite tool to address alleged mortgage fraud because of its 10-year statute of limitations, twice the length than allowed under other federal securities laws.

The lawsuit against Wells Fargo alleges that the FHA paid hundreds of millions of dollars on insurance claims on thousands of defaulted mortgages as a result of false certifications by Wells Fargo. The bank was sued under both FIRREA and the False Claims Act.

According to the government, Wells certified more than 100,000 loans for FHA insurance despite knowing that borrowers' ability to make payments had not been properly vetted.

The government also said that from 2002 to 2010, Wells Fargo identified 6,558 loans as having materially violated HUD requirements, but reported only 238 of them.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan, at the time he brought the case, faulted Wells Fargo's alleged "longstanding and reckless trifecta of deficient training, deficient underwriting and deficient disclosure, all while relying on the convenient backstop of government insurance."

Furman rejected Wells Fargo's argument that it need not face the lawsuit because it had joined a $25 billion federal settlement in April 2012 with several banks over alleged foreclosure abuses. The judge supervising that accord, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer in Washington, D.C., in February rejected a similar claim by the bank.

Trial began on Tuesday in the Bank of America case before Judge Rakoff. There, the government accuses the second-largest U.S. bank of violating FIRREA through the fraudulent sale of risky loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

In 2012, the government settled False Claims Act mortgage cases for $1 billion with Bank of America, $202.3 million with Deutsche Bank AG, $158.3 million with Citigroup Inc and $132.8 million with Flagstar Bancorp Inc.

The case is U.S. v. Wells Fargo Bank NA, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-07527.

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Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transformation, healing, forgiveness, renewal

Moon: Cancer/Leo

Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi

Today begins the Balsamic Moon phase – the phase that is out of space-time.  Balsamic Moon phase is neither part of the last lunar cycle (month) nor part of the next lunar cycle (month).  It is the time when we release feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and events from the past month and prepare our mental landscape for a new month.  Just like a gardener weeding the soil before planting something new, we weed out our minds and free space for the new to enter.

This time around, however, we are clearing way for the fulfillment of our highest desire courtesy of the Mahavidya Shodashi – She Who Is Beautiful.  Shodashi does not necessarily bring what we want most; she brings what is our highest desire – as in highest and best for us.  What we think is best for us is not always what the Mahavidyas think is best for us.  They look at what our higher self wants. 

That said, Shodashi is rarely harsh with us.  Archons, particularly the “chief” Archon, are another matter altogether because Shodashi is not just the Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire.  She is also the Goddess Who Destroys the Demiurge.  If you think she hasn’t been busy with the other Mahavidyas lately, just look at how we were on the brink of world war yesterday.  Shodashi has been working on a pre-emptive measure for two months now and we see the manifestation of her effort.

The reason for this is because enough people have awakened to the level where a consciously collective desire is to be free from intrusion into our lives.  The Archons work on all levels.  They work at the micro-level with incessant psychic bombardment with all the personal reasons that send us into negative self-talk and self-feeling, and they work at the macro-level with total psychic control over the controllers of the world (the bankers and corporations – the real rulers, the so-called Illuminati).  As a collective, we want to be free of this force.

Shodashi responds with the backing of a collaborative effort from several Mahavidyas in defense of humanity and in service to Gaia-Sophia’s vision for humanity.   The next lunar month is Shodashi’s alone.  Her mission engages at the New Moon on September 5 and reaches full impact at the Full Moon (the Harvest Moon) of September 18/19.

In the midst of this, we are going to watch September 3 very carefully.  Venus will oppose the Eris Point – 22 Aries  (which is the Illuminati’s favorite degree for nefarious activities) and will still be in range at the New Moon (when most efforts are undertaken).  The Illuminati work off of the energy of the Black Moon and Eris because these powerful frequencies are encoded by the dark void (abyss) from which everything is created.  The relatively rare opposition of the Black Moon and Pluto last Thursday was a once in four and a half-years event.  The aspect to Uranus made it all the more rare.  In short, the energies over the past several days contain a great deal of power and forces obsessed with power will milk it for all it is worth.

A few months ago I wrote that I had seen ahead – into the future – and that it was a wonderful thing.  I saw that the power of the Archons would begin diminishing.  To me, that is the greatest thing of all because they are an aberration in the natural course of our development.  They will not go down without a fight, and so in many ways, they are more predatory than ever.  We can expect them to pull out all of their tricks.  A false flag on US soil would be their next move, and if they do this, it is the tell-tale sign that they know they have lost.

Bharavi fortified our hearts to withstand whatever fall out there may be with this, so do not worry.

Please don’t mistake this report for doomsday and fear-mongering.  It is the exact opposite.  I am here to say that a new day FOR HUMANITY is dawning and our ability to free ourselves from mind parasites has been unleashed.

We can’t forget our mission in all of this: to find beauty and fall back in love with life.  Let’s do this and make all of the efforts of the Mahavidyas mean something.

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According to minister of finance, Ahmed Galal, the Egyptian government currently has no intention of carrying forward talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for $4.8 billion in aid, as the country no longer bears austerity policies. 
Speaking in an interview with Dream satellite channel on Tuesday, Galal said the government is seeking to achieve an economic policy that could balance the requirements of economical discipline while injecting new investments into the market.
"No one could support us except ourselves," Galal said. He continued, "We could boost our own economy by supporting domestic investments and production, as well as rationing energy, so that the next government would be able to endure."
Galal pointed that recently, the government is adopting numerous initiatives to achieve social justice, including an initiative to financially support poor families and another initiative to boost non-official businesses by exempting them from taxes for a specific period of time.
According to a press statement issued on Wednesday, the minister emphasized that the current government is conducting an expansion policy which mainly focuses on new investments in order to bolster the state's ailing economy. The Egyptian economy has experienced a slowdown over the past period.
The statement pointed out that public deficit represented 14 % of the GDP in fiscal year 2012-2013 and that the general debt climbed to about 92 % of the GDP.
The minister noted that although these indices may raise people's concerns, the economic developments following 30 June revolt seemed positive and signals that the domestic economy is able to get over all troubles.
"The recent Gulf financial packages are expected to help the government to guarantee petroleum products which are needed by society, with no crisis or more pressure on the foreign cash reserves," Galal said.
The government will inject $6 billion worth of deposits into the Central Bank of Egypt in an effort to bolster foreign cash reserves.
Several Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, meanwhile offered financial aid and fuel supplies to Egypt following the overthrow of former President Mohamed Morsy.
Galal said that the government is contemplating taking two steps: increasing sales taxes from 10% to 12.5 % and imposing a progressive tax and construction tax.
The minister emphasized that no further tax categories would be imposed since it weighs on the poor but that the government would rely more on the value added tax system (VAT).
Commenting on the minister's statements, the chairman of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) capital, Karim Helal said, "I believe this decision sounds good especially as it is a feedback of the statement released by the IMF managing director, Christine Lagarde, days ago." 
On Friday, Lagarde said that the circumstances in Egypt do not yet allow the resumption of negotiations on the package the fund intends to submit to Cairo. Violence has racked the country since Morsy was toppled.
"The IMF is more likely a guarantee to attract foreign investors, so I expect the negotiations to continue within this year." said Helal.
Helal welcomed the decision of the VAT tax system. He believes the government of former Prime Minister Hesham Qandil was mostly dependent on imposing huge taxes to tackle the deficit, a policy which has not met much success.
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Hello dear ones.  We come today to wish you a happy spring although it has been a very different spring for many parts of your world this year.  Gaia is adjusting to the new energies pouring in,  as well as opening herself to more of her own Divine energies for she too is a conscious being.  Gaia is making the adjustments necessary as best she can in order to allow her own ascension to proceed with the least amount of discord  to the  beings living on earth.  


Much of that  which you see as chaos in the world is the releasing of dark energy  pockets which have lain dormant in certain areas for eons of time.  These are places where the energies of  war, strife, and suffering  still resonate and where years and years of un-enlightened thinking and actions  are now manifesting in order to be looked at,  transmuted, and released. It may appear as though the world is becoming darker but it is actually the activity of more Light  shining on previously hidden shadows bringing them to world awareness instead of allowing them to stay hidden and  functional as has been the case up to now.
Much is happening dear ones, and those choosing to resist the Light through ignorance and fear are now fighting for their survival which can only be a losing battle regardless of how long it takes,  simply because Divine Consciousness is the only Reality and thus can never be extinguished.  There is no reality (holding power) to illusions created from the energies of  duality and separation even though they seem so real--hypnotism.  We have stated before that the good illusions are no more real than the bad ones, both represent duality. When there is enough light on earth, it will simply dissolve the un-enlightened illusions into the nothingness that they are.


Many  of today's children are on earth at this time simply to add their Light to this evolutionary process.  They did not need to be in body for their own personal evolution as they are already very evolved, but chose to be a part of this powerful time by adding their evolved energy to it.  This is why you are becoming aware of so many very intuitive, and "old" thinking children. Try to honor them for their Light and not think of them as odd or force them to being more in and of the old energies.
Stay true to your awareness dear ones, for you are making the difference although it may not seem outwardly to be that way. Try not to watch so much news for in doing this you are being fed a continuous supply of negativity and old energy.  Be selective in what you read, for you would not feed your body  junk so why feed your mind and consciousness with it?   Stay aware, but not fully engrossed--"in the world but not of it".  The time is now to live that which you know to be the truth, and not just consider it interesting conversation for groups, classes, or friends.  Meditate often, resting in your center of Oneness, for this is your calming respite from the world of appearances, and is where you will be taught.  No longer do you need piles of books and many classes, for you have evolved beyond them to being taught from within. This is why many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with metaphysical books and classes.


Arcturian Group wishes to talk about America.  America  was founded on Divine principles brought forth by the founding fathers through the guidance of Beings of Light from this side.  America was evolved enough to begin moving toward  a new consciousness  representative of the freedoms and peace enjoyed by the societies of evolved and already established colonies on other planets.   These are highly intelligent societies living in  peace and love--societies in which  all life forms are valued and respected, and there is no awareness of lack or limitation.  Mankind was ready receive and plant the seeds for this higher resonating society to unfold.  America's Founding Fathers were being Divinely guided as they wrote the constitution, seeding consciousness with a new way of living and being, one of freedom and peace for all.  The constitution was a three dimensional way of bringing in a more enlightened world consciousness  although most were not yet ready at that time and even now,  to really comprehend the higher truths embodied in this document.
America began as a babe, over time unfolding and growing  through painful experiences of trial and error but is now awaking spiritually into "young adulthood" although there are still many resonating with  the "rebellious adolescent" consciousness.  Many have and still misinterpret this spiritually guided document to  benefit their own selfish or simply ignorant interests-- twisting or eliminating divinely inspired ideas to their personal level and working to convince others that this is entirely appropriate.


It is happening  more than ever now because there is panic in those who  see the awakening of the masses as an end to their old, comfortable, and self serving ways .  Corporations, governments, churches, etc. who may be  still functioning in an energy of greed and selfishness are doing whatever they believe is necessary (including the ms-interpreting your sacred constitution), in order to keep mankind in an energy of fear for the purpose of  preserving their own lucrative and self serving agendas.
However, those of you of the Light  are now ready  to pay attention and  deal with world issues on a new and  higher level.  Send light to the people who seem to be causing so many problems and remember that they too are in and of the Divine, but have no  awareness of it and thusly make all their choices from a place of ignorance.  Bring the Light of Truth  to every situation you become aware of or personally encounter.  The awareness of truth and the illusory nature of appearances along with the sending of Light helps to dissolve these illusions of darkness.  Ranting  and raving about the evils of the world adds your energy to the already present energy creating these appearances and gives them m
ore reality-- illusions gain strength from the energy you feed them, see?
Do what you are guided to do in order  to bring change  in practical  3d dimensional ways (sign petitions, plant seeds of truth with your words etc.) but always  be aware of the illusory nature of appearances--that they are  manifestations of shadow energy with no law to sustain or maintain them.  Take the human footsteps but only  after seeking guidance through contemplation and meditation.  You may be guided to do absolutely  nothing but stand back and observe in detached awareness---or you may be guided to just  send Light--or you may be guided to take some sort of action.
Always remember-- All power is only ever within the Divine, the Truth, the Reality.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                                       4/21/13


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The Arcturian Group ~ 26 August 2012

There are two areas of strong belief firmly intrenched in the third dimensional consciousness and both are causing pain for many at this time. These two are; 1.Beliefs regarding romantic relationships and 2.Beliefs about money.

In third dimensional energy (duality and separation) relationships are based on the concept that “I am half of a couple”. “I need you to give me the feminine energy” (male belief), or “I need you to to give me the masculine energy” (female belief) and “together we are whole”. This concept has been in place for lifetimes and is still being pushed upon you through books, movies, television shows, family, friends, churches etc.




We come to wish you all a very happy summer. Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

This new world is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness. As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law. If there were disease or lack in Divine Consciousness, it would be held in place forever and could never be healed or changed.

Many of you are now experiencing painful endings; the leaving behind of people, places, and things that no longer resonate with you. These things as you have known them, are not held in place by Divine law but were the expressions of your state of consciousness at the time they were important to you. Do not be afraid to lovingly let go of all that is finished, because this paves the way for new and higher forms of that which you love to appear in your experience–new friends, new activities, new joys, for nothing real can ever be lost and your new and higher resonance will draw that which is completeness for you, to you.

There are two areas of strong belief firmly intrenched in the third dimensional consciousness and both are causing pain for many at this time. These two are; 1.Beliefs regarding romantic relationships and 2.Beliefs about money.

In third dimensional energy (duality and separation) relationships are based on the concept that “I am half of a couple”. “I need you to give me the feminine energy” (male belief), or “I need you to to give me the masculine energy” (female belief) and “together we are whole”. This concept has been in place for lifetimes and is still being pushed upon you through books, movies, television shows, family, friends, churches etc.

However, as you awaken to your innate completeness, you begin to understand that you are already complete and whole and that as the manifestation of Source, you embody both the masculine and the feminine qualities/energy. Those spiritually ready for this awareness but still needing to integrate their masculine or feminine aspect are now getting ample opportunities for practice through experiences of daily living that force one or the other to take on responsibilities heretofore believed to belong to the opposite sex. You cannot move forward into the new and higher energies while still entertaining the belief that you are half. All have both the masculine and feminine energies. It is a matter bringing them into a balance regardless of what physical form has been chosen for this life time. This awakening is causing conflict in many established marriages and relationships as suddenly one partner realizes his or her completeness while the other chooses to stay in the old energy of being half of a couple.

The other area manifesting many problems now is the struggle to release the beliefs of financial lack and limitation. Mankind creates from its state of consciousness–personally as well as globally. The third dimensional consciousness always manifests as pairs of opposites because it is an energy of duality and separation. Therefore, the world as you have experienced it lifetime after lifetime, has always known lack and limitation, it has become the accepted normal. There is a human matrix of beliefs and it is filled with concepts of lack with more being added each day. Your job is to stop claiming these beliefs as true and thus allowing them to become your state of consciousness. You are ready to move beyond this matrix of beliefs and it is difficult.

Abundance is held in place by Divine law and you are now ready to accept and embrace that. We are not guiding you to sit in poverty repeating over and over; “God is all” while doing nothing, for to “pretend a state of consciousness not attained, is human”. Truth must become a state of realized consciousness before it can manifest. What we are saying, is that it is time to make the first step as you consider acting on a financial situation, a step of realizing that Divine Consciousness (which you are in your true essence) contains nothing of lack. Recognize that you have simply come under the influence of false concepts and beliefs because it is all you have ever known–no judgement, no guilt–just a moving into the new and higher awareness of abundance as being for all, held in place by Divine Law.. This is your journey, this is evolution–your work as you evolve. Remember, you chose to evolve through duality and separation and you are doing a fine job. After assuring yourself of the truth, then proceed take whatever human footsteps may be necessary at the time.

All is about to change very soon and this is why we guide you to let go of blindly holding on to things and ways that no longer work for you. You are moving into new awareness which in turn will lead you into a new and higher state of consciousness. When people try and hold to what is old and finished and no longer resonates simply because of family, friends, false pride or duty, they hold themselves back and cause themselves much unnecessary pain. However, there will always be free will and all can choose when and if they wish to awaken.

It is a new time dear ones, a time for celebration, for that which is real is beginning to manifest. You are not hearing about this through your media, but much is taking place behind the scenes. Hold to your center of truth as best you can with every experience of daily life while visualizing your energy field filled with Light.

You are being bombarded with much that is old and false as the clearing process within and without manifests chaos. The Light is forcing illusions created of shadow energy to surface in order that they be looked at and released. You are beginning to recognize this chaos for what it is– the manifestation of that with is old and untrue, creations of duality and separation

Mankind as a whole is no longer resonating with ideas of war, in spite of the intense and ongoing efforts of those seeking to keep you in bondage to the belief that war is necessary for your safety.

You are now awakening to what is real and the understanding that real power lies within. We love you and congratulate you in your difficult yet necessary work of awakening, dear ones. All is proceeding according to plan.

Trust. Trust. Trust.

We are the Arcturian Group


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U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government

As more people became dissatisfied with federal government controls and land grabs, it was inevitable that local law enforcement would eventually see the bigger picture.

At the northern California fairgrounds of Yreka last month, seven California sheriffs and another from Oregon gathered with a large group of citizens to say that they are finally going to do something about it.

“A giant has been awakened,” said Plumas County, Calif. Sheriff Greg Hagwood, “and they didn’t count on that,” speaking of the federal bureaucracy.

With exposure of the Emergency Management Center in San Luis Obispo a few decades ago, California began to offer the rest of the nation some evidence of the psychological conditioning aimed from the federal level at state, county and city law enforcement.

Dean Wilson, sheriff of Del Norte County (Sacramento), is a great example of this great awakening. He received the loudest and longest applause  for his candor in confessing past faults after apologizing for not understanding the central government assault and land grab being committed against the people and what he should have been doing about it. Only in the past year has he done a turnaround and begun to behave as a county sheriff instead of an extension of federal law enforcement.

“I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not understanding my oath of office,” he told the audience. “I was ignorant and naïve, but now I know of the assault against our people by the federal government.”

Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, speaking about the federal environmental intervention, said: “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the  human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?” Later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.”

Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.”

AFP readers are familiar with the work of former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who has spent the latter half of his life teaching sheriffs that they are the top law enforcement officers in their counties despite continuing federal intervention attempts. The ears that were deaf for so long may finally be starting to hear.

“It’s becoming a national movement now,” Mack told AFP, citing Immigration and Naturalization Service failure at the Mexican borders, the phony drug war, plus IRS and other unconstitutional intervention within these states.

His plans to take this movement national will be launched at a January meeting, where he anticipates 200 sheriffs will be in attendance.

“The county sheriff is the last line of defense guarding our people’s liberty,” he said.

Retired USAF Col. Richard Niemela of Reston, Va. has been exposing the federal monster for years.

He told AFP: “It’s the surreptitious domination by international globalists insidiously using unauthorized and illegal tactics to render null and void those historic and unique powers of the sheriff.”


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The Mayan calendar has come to an end. This means that the universe has attained its highest possible quantum state as of October 28, 2011. In mythological language, Bolon Yokte Kuh, the nine-support-god, and especially the unity consciousness of the ninth wave has been strongly experienced by a certain number of people. Many now typically report that they experience a flattening of time, an end to time acceleration and as a result a great calmness. The end to the acceleration of time is even experienced as a deceleration and some have reached so deep into their own presence that the term “future’’ is starting to loose its previous meaning. The future is no longer a place to get to. With the completion of the Ninth wave we potentially already have direct access to all the guidance we need. This shifted experience of time all seems understandable given that was has happened is that the directed nine evolutionary processes from seed to mature have now been completed. For those that have a conscious relationship to the tree of life the new experience of time will continue to deepen also after this shift. As we know from all previous experience of the shifting energies of the Mayan calendar it always takes time until their external manifestations become visible.

A good thing about the end to the Mayan calendar is that the world did not also come to an end on October 28, 2011. We now have reasons once and for all to throw out the notion that an end to the world was somehow scripted by the Mayan calendar. This should also go for many of the sometimes crazy disaster scenarios that were suggested under the influence of the high frequency of the Ninth wave when it was sometimes hard to keep the balance. The Mayan calendar is primarily about changes in the human beings themselves and everything else is secondary.

Unfortunately, the October 28 date was sometimes popularized as if the whole transformation would occur on this very date and some big media came to talk about it as another end of the world date. For some, the absence of a catastrophic scenario have then led them to question whether the calendar has actually come to an end, which shows to what extent many have become addicted to Hollywood’s view of the world. As I see it however we are now, as of October 29, 2011 entering an era where the future is no longer scripted and what happens will be entirely up to the human beings. This is a situation that has never existed before as up to this point the evolution of the universe has been guided by nine directed waves. For those following my work it should thus have been clear that whatever would happen on October 28, 2011 would have been the result of the processes of the nine waves leading up to this date.

There is also always reason to expect inertia, and hence delay, at such a shift. To exemplify the delay of manifestation we may for instance take the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld on November 3, 2010, which many were celebrating as a day of balancing male and female and an end to dominance. It then took several months after shifts until it more tangibly manifested in the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. According to most standards “nothing” happened on the dates of either the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987 or the Conscious Convergence of July 17-18, 2010 and so if indeed something happened in or around October 28, 2011, which I will return to below, it would be truly remarkable and a first in this regard.

Because people had different expectations, which did not always manifest, and also sometimes to confuse people, there has been a range of different forms of criticism or questions asked from me. Many advocating the December 21. 2012 end date have written critical articles usually with the essence that I am not an orthodox enough Mayanist. Maybe so, I am a person who honors truth more than tradition, and for this reason I am probably also the only person in modern times to have suggested a solution to the Mayan calendar. Thus, when people who see themselves as Mayanists or Mayan calendar experts have criticized my work they have done so without answering the relevant questions themselves. I then see little reason to respond to criticisms from people that claim to be authorities, but in fact have presented no alternative solutions. (The absurd notion that October 28, 2011 did not mark a cycle end has even been put forth as if this were not even a 13 Ahau date). It is not a solution to the Mayan calendar to say that there is another end date or that something will happen in the sky on such a date. A solution to the Mayan calendar requires a theory of how its shift points drives the evolution of the universe including human civilization. As Einstein once said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them,” and this goes for the meaning of the Mayan calendar as well.

Yet, some questions have been raised by people more broadly that need to be taken more seriously. The general prediction I expressed ten years ago in The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness in 2001-2002 that by the end of the calendar we would be enlightened might have been overly optimistic. This was partly of course for rhetoric reasons since I did not want to constantly repeat qualifications and possible alternative negative scenarios when after all I did know that the overall direction that the universe was heading for was unity consciousness. Moreover, it would have been a superhuman task to be able at that point in time to see exactly what the world would look like as the calendar came to an end in 2011. Not everyone who more recently has taken an interest in the Mayan calendar may realize that at the time of writing my first books the impending onset of the Galactic and Universal Underworlds represented something entirely new in the creation of the universe and the human collective: Never before had the duration of a wave been shorter than a human life-time. What this meant is that the majority of people living in 2011 would not actually have been born into the highest waves, the eighth and ninth, that had influenced the minds of humanity and the power of a wave to influence those that had not been born into it was unknown.

It was in fact clear to me already then that a large segment of humanity that had been born into the materialist Seventh wave was so shut off from spiritual experiences that they were not responsive to waves which carried a spiritual light. It was then also possible that they would resist the changes to come as those could be understood from the Mayan calendar leading up to 2011. People that have been born into the eighth wave starting in 1999 are in fact today not yet teenagers and those born into the ninth wave have not yet learned to talk. Even if you generously include people that were born into the pre-wave (starting in 1986) of the Galactic Underworld they would still be less than 25 years old and outside of all major decision making that has shaped the course of our civilization since.

Yet, there obviously also is a group who has taken an interest in the Mayan calendar and the spiritual fate of humanity even though it has not been born into the eighth or ninth waves. This group is however clearly a minority in comparison to the mainstream of people above 25 years of age, a minority that has become sensitive to the energy changes and drawn to a world of oneness because of some special experiences they might have had or personal choices they have made to practice yoga, meditation or deeksha, etc. The existence of such a group, that I belong to myself, does not change the fact that society is still run by a mainstream that was shaped by the materialist Seventh wave. Thus, even if unity consciousness now with the Ninth wave exists as a cosmic imprint most of those born into the Seventh wave will not take part in the creation of a new world unless they feel compelled to do so through the breakdown of the old. It would naturally have been nice if the universe would have taken humanity to a more advanced place as the Mayan calendar came to an end, but as it turns out it did not. I do believe however that it now has provided us with all the necessary tools for our transformation and now everything will be up to the human beings themselves.

With this background to the current situation I would like to start the discussion about what objectively happened as the Mayan calendar came to an end. On my blog at the Mayan Calendar Portal I made the prediction that the end of the Mayan calendar would mean the collapse of duality-based civilization (in fact the end of authority) and its transcendence by unity consciousness. Did this happen? I think to address this question we have to look especially at what happened along the 12 longitude East because this is the line along which duality was first established with the Sixth wave (Long Count). Thus, if duality would be transcended it is along this line, created by the Tree of Life, that we would first see the effects of this before they would spread from to both the East and the West. This is a critical point to understand. Some people have been following the Mayan calendar as a means of following a tradition and others may have been following it as an intellectual or mental structure. Yet, without a personal relationship with the Tree of Life – or the Heart of the Heavens­­ – and the various lines along which this creates duality and unity on our planet I do not think that it is possible to actually experience the energies of the Mayan calendar and so understand the reality it describes.

Looking then at the 12th longitude East a very notable thing at the end of the calendar was the fall of the regime of Mouammar Kadhafi, a dictator and supposedly the world’s richest man. The war in Libya had started on the first day of the Ninth wave and followed a classical seed to mature fruit process as it was completed with the final downfall of the regime in its seventh day. The reason that this process was so strictly aligned with the Ninth wave is that it manifested on the line along which duality was initially introduced and where it is now being transcended. Tripolis is located exactly on the 12th longitude and a new government was introduced there on October 31 (three days after the end of the Mayan calendar). The end to this war and the downfall of the oppressive regime has helped clear this critical line for the evolution of humanity.

Shortly before the end of the calendar there was also an intense activity to avoid a collapse of the world’s financial system in the form of the acceptance of an aid/austerity package to Greece on October 27 (The European Union is the world’s largest economy and its central nation is after all Germany, whose capital Berlin is on the planetary midline). The Greek drama was however reactivated with the idea of a referendum proposed on October 31 but later retracted. As it now looks a global economic collapse will instead be precipitated in a relatively short time by Italy (under the midline) an economy of a size that cannot be saved by other EU members. The edge of the knife upon which the future of the world’s economy is balancing has thus shifted to the midline, where its fate will be linked to that of Silvio Berlusconi, a clear representative of male sexist dominance.

Thus, the transcendence of duality may not look exactly as I, or anybody else, had envisioned it. The collapse of the world’s economy will likely be very troublesome to many of us, but as I have written before the current financial system is not consistent with the unity consciousness that has now been brought by the Ninth wave. The most important practical steps in the direction of unity consciousness would probably have to be taken in the economic arena. Unity consciousness is not a state of mind of an individual. Unity consciousness manifests primarily in the absence of relationships of dominance especially in the world’s economical and political systems. Despite its limited reach I feel the Occupy Everywhere group that called for a global “Shut down of the System” on October 28, 2011 had intuitively grasped that the Mayan calendar is all about the end to dominance and duality.

Another thing that happened close to the midline at October 28, 2011 is what the successful practical testing by Italian scientists of cold fusion energy:

As you might expect question marks regarding further scaling may remain. Yet, it seems clear to me that if there will be any chances for the 7 billion headed (as of October 31, 2011) population of humanity to survive on our planet it is imperative that a source of energy that is both safe and abundant becomes available. Fossil fuels carry the risk of global warming with large ecological consequences and the great risks associated with the use of nuclear fission energy was again recently demonstrated in Japan. If earthquakes continue at the frequency and strengths they have had in the Ninth wave then we would be at a constant risk of a global radiation disaster. For these reasons the demonstration by Rossi of a controllable energy source holds the potential of something very important that may come to save our planet. Maybe it can also be looked upon as a fruit of a process of transformation of our sources of energy that started in the first day of the Ninth wave with the nuclear crisis in Japan. If this is true it may be that people are not always looking in the right directions to see the miracles that happen around them and for this reason are all too quick to dismiss the idea that the evolution of our planet has been guided by a divine plan.

Regardless, given the few points I have mentioned above I really do not understand when some people say that “nothing” happened at or around October 28, 2011. Consider also the fact mentioned above that at the dates of the Harmonic Convergence (called for by José Argüelles) or the Conscious Convergence (called for by myself) nothing visibly happened in the external world. October 28, 2011 is then the first widely celebrated date based on the Mayan calendar when remarkable things happened on its very date. In a sense however this may not be so surprising as this was indeed the date of the shift of the ages and is likely to come down in history as such.

So what will happen after this shift? What I have meant by the “end” of the Mayan calendar is the completion of the Nine waves, including the Long Count, that have developed the cosmos up until this point each in thirteen steps. The processes from seed to mature fruit have been concluded. Bolon Yokte Kuh, the “god” of the nine forces, has descended, but “his full regalia” will continue to manifest also in the time ahead. At least on the level of the Tree of Life unity consciousness has transcended duality through the effects of the Ninth wave. In the time ahead we will continue to see the effects of this transcendence of duality to play out, but in a new way, where the timing of events are not part of processes going from seed to mature fruit. Built on the unity consciousness introduced by the ninth wave we will see a continued transformation of duality to unity consciousness in 2012 and beyond.

What is new is that there is no place, or scripted event, in the future to “get to” since the climb of the top of the pyramid of consciousness has already been accomplished. Throughout the Ninth wave thousands of people have had the experience of a heightened awareness of unity. Thus, much of what was developed in the Ninth wave such as “the world oneness revolution“ (including for instance struggles in Yemen and Syria) – now mostly known as the Occupy Movement – will continue with global objectives emanating from this unity frame of consciousness. It is, I believe, for a reason that people for a long time have been looking to the year 2012 as a year of transformation. The reason is that this year follows upon the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 and the unity consciousness that especially the Ninth wave has brought.

From now on the future is no longer scripted in time. Of course, many people, and especially those born into the Seventh wave, did not think the future was scripted to begin with. Yet, I feel there is massive evidence presented in my books and elsewhere that indeed we have been living within a cosmic time plan regardless of whether the large media and social institutions of education chose to ignore this. Certainly, if the future is no longer scripted, the transformation to unity and to the creation of a world in harmony will come down to the human beings themselves. A lasting legacy of my solution to the Mayan calendar will then still be the demonstration of the climb to the top of the nine-storied pyramid with its unity consciousness and this is something many will need to be reminded of also in the future. It is from the unity consciousness attained by the ninth wave that a new world will be created after some time of intensifying chaos.

In one of my most recent articles before the shift I discussed what time would be like and what calendar we might want to follow in the time ahead. I will need some time before I announce my own views on this matter. A new resonance with time is now being developed by people that have experienced the shift and this has to be distinguished from the inertia of the previous consciousness of time. It seems clear that even if certain waves may continue they will not be taking us to higher levels of evolution. Instead, I believe that at the level that we have now attained we will go from doing and evolving to being in harmony. October 28, 2011 was the final shift of the ages and there will not be another one. I think there is no longer any reason to expect anything, whether good or bad, to fall down upon us at any particular date in the future since there is no longer any scripted cosmic plan. At the same time, it seems obvious that the world is still far from the goal of harmony in unity. It is then also entirely possible that this goal will be served by different collective events such as 11:11:11, the Venus Transit on June 6, 2012, 12:12:12 or December 21, 2012, etc that bring people together for intention setting, even if these dates do not have any inherent meaning in the Mayan calendar. To the extent that such celebrations have constructive goals or serve as deadlines for significant projects I will support them. The actual content of global events will now be more important than their actual timing, which is different from before October 28, 2011, when there was an intrinsic value to following the cosmic time plan.

Carl Johan Calleman
November 8, 2011


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Millions are expected to participate in global event on 11-11-11 to uplift and unite humanity through conscious intention, according to I AM Group University, an Illinois based University that "Illuminates Human Consciousness Expansion and Growth."

As described in a promo for The Science of Miracles: Quantum Language of Healing, Peace, Feeling and Belief (DVD) by Gregg Braden, "In the first years of the 21st Century, scientists confirmed the existence of a field of energy that connects all people with everything in the world. Given names that range from the 'Quantum Hologram' or 'The source Field' to 'The Divine Matrix' and the 'Mind of God', research has shown that through the conduit of this energy, the feelings, beliefs and prayers within people have the power to change the world."

So what is so special about November 11, 2011? According to transformational thinkers, changes are occurring in the galaxy whether we are aware of it or not. "These changes are bringing about incredible opportunity for mankind. They are making it possible to directly affect reality. Every soul on this planet can consciously choose a higher vibration, lifting the planetary consciousness of your very being to create a golden age of unity, oneness, love, peace, joy and abundance." state Joseph Lahue, faculty member of the I AM Group University.

With this in mind, let’s connect on 11-11-11 for the “shift of a lifetime” engaging millions of people across the globe. 
Whoever you are, wherever you are, join as we all open our hearts to one another, to mother earth, to everything that lives on this planet, and the universal energy that supports all as we become one.

Lets all meditate for a global cause, join with us on 11-11-11. Gather with friends to pray, contemplate, dance or sing to honor the amazing changes taking place in our lifetime, and at the same time we will all usher in an era of abundance, joy, peace, unity and pure love.

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Clow’s 2011 Scorpio New Moon Report

Scorpio New Moon: October 26, 2011 3:56 PM EDT, Washington, DC

“Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity has arrived. This Scorpio New Moon’s dark intensity reminds us to cleanse our emotions and see what still remains. Under strong Scorpio influence, everything gets destroyed that can’t handle the hard and clear light of truth. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, went direct on September 16, the day before Occupy Wall Street began, so Scorpio cleansing is global; people are connecting to demand equal justice for all.

This New Moon is unusually influential because it arrives two days before the end of the Mayan Calendar on October 28, 2011. We have reached the evolutionary turning point of our species-and we must each consider becoming intentional keepers of Earth. Those who continue to use Earth for their own desires with no consideration for the planet’s multidimensional fields of creation are going to crash and burn. Those who accept their eco-sensitive creative mantle-the new aura of Gaia-are the new seeds for our planet’s beautiful future. As October 28 arrives, the Nine Underworlds of Creation will rebirth many Earth Keepers. This exciting New Moon in Scorpio sets the field for the simultaneous culmination of Nine Underworlds. The period from the New Moon through midnight on October 28 will probably be remarkable and mystical, so I will examine it with great care.

The creative agendas of the first eight Underworlds have been driven to completion during the intensely accelerated Days of the Universal Underworld since March 9, 2011. Many dualities are resolving as the allurement of Oneness shifts the fractal fields, and many feel their personal design within this great cosmic weaving. The awakening of the Cellular is complete, now that we realize that each cell is intelligent. . . the Tree of Life has born fruit in all the species that evolved during the Mammalian over 820 million years. . . these species discovered ways to share by discovering family bonding over 41 million years in the Familial. . . and intelligence sharpened during the two-million-year Tribal. Our hearts opened during the Regional when we discovered the sacred, the numinous. We explored the desire to control and possess for 5,125 long years during the National. . . and then we sought security and comfort starting in 1755 during the Planetary. Since the January 1999 opening of the Galactic, we’ve connected ourselves by means of technology. . . and now during 2011 these creative developments are swirling us into a spiral of Oneness during the Universal.

Our species will require hundreds, if not thousands, of years to consciously process all the abuses that were the natural result of our rise to consciousness during the 16.4 billion years described by the Calendar. Like trying to push a huge fallen tree erect, there is no turning back now. Now that we have attained fruition through these nine phases of evolution, we will learn to respect the incredible intelligence of each cell; protect all species; value the genius of family bonding; admire the awesome power of mind; feel the power in our hearts; identify hierarchical power; bless nature’s plenty; use technology as a tool, not a toy; and enjoy the bliss of Oneness. We will invent the new world by co-creating reality in universal awareness. I am sure of this because I have faithfully followed all the Days and Nights of the Universal Underworld this year, and I have seen irreversible new patterns taking shape; for example, the increasing bans on the use of nuclear energy for power. Now we are flying into the radical spiral. When this vortex calms down, we must identify what we have accomplished; otherwise, we may not have the will and vision with which to go forward. So, let’s assess our progress, and then I will read this New Moon to see how its field might help us embrace the simultaneous culmination of all Nine Underworlds.

Regarding a few issues this fall, Palestine requested statehood from the United Nations on the day of the Fall Equinox, which was a bold attempt to resolve the dangerous tension that festers in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic vortex. The US and its chosen allies have finished trashing Iraq, and are winding down in Afghanistan, so they are casting around for other wars to guarantee business for the weapons manufacturers. On October 21, Obama announced the removal of American troops from Iraq by Christmas, which inspired some wry comments in the October 22 New York Times: “The president’s statement coming a day after the NATO air campaign hastened the death of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, was laden with symbolism, marking the ebb tide of a decade of American military engagements that began after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks… For Mr. Obama, whose rise to the White House was based partly on his opposition to the Iraq war but who as president ordered a troop buildup in Afghanistan and intensified drone strikes against militants in the region, the announcement fulfills a campaign promise.” War weary Americans responded with little joy over this long-awaited moment, since senior Obama officials such a Joe Biden were already trumpeting the next new American way of war to citizens weary of ground combat in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Wow! The US military spent only 1.1 billion in Libya and didn’t lose a single life!

Meanwhile, the US Attorney General Eric Holder reported that his contacts in the war against the Mexican drug cartels told him Iran was behind an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington. Stunningly, the next morning after announcing this bizarre plot, Holder and the whole Justice Department were subpoenaed by Congress to tell the truth about the ATF’s (Dept of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) involvement in providing weapons to the very same Mexican cartels! In a plan dubbed “Fast and Furious” ATF is accused of selling thousands of guns to the drug cartels, instructing border guards to allow the weapons to pass through, and then dropping all surveillance of the guns once they cross the border! Weapons sold during “Fast and Furious” have been found at dozens of crime scenes in the US and Mexico, and they’ve been used to shoot US Border Patrol agents! (See “Fast and Furious: 22 Shocking Facts about the Scandal that Could Bring Down the Obama Administration” on The American Dream website.) As if somebody is mixing up two movie plots concocted in another dimension, Holder calls attention away from himself by saying he found out about the alleged Saudi assassination plot from the very same drug cartel that the US was supplying with guns!

For the average person, reality was really distorted during last month’s lunation because the media mostly abrogated its responsibilities by failing to fully report on the debate over Palestinian statehood, the gun-profiteering scandals brewing in the highest levels of US government, and on the real motivation for the Occupy Wall Street movement that is now “Occupy” globally. As anybody can easily see, power structures built during the last 5,125 years are being assaulted at every level because the people are demanding their rights and opposing a future of endless war and financial deprivation, but all you get on TV is bloodied bodies of fallen leaders and abused wild animals.

Going to the chart for the Scorpio New Moon, there are signs the people will attain their rights. The New Moon closely opposes retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, so Jupiter’s earthy confidence expands and grounds this new intense Scorpio seed. Also, Jupiter is almost exactly trine Pluto in Capricorn, so the desire for happiness and joy is about all the people and not just “the 1%.” Since Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, this dark dynamo has been transforming the industrial power structures of this world. Now this power is emerging within the global scream for fairness with Saturn transiting Libra through fall 2012. Fairness is the theme of the New Moon because Pluto sextiles the lunation, and Saturn exactly sextiles Mars in Leo, which exactly squares Mercury/Venus in Scorpio. These are the go-go signature aspects of the closing Mayan Calendar, since the Sun exactly opposes Jupiter exactly trine Pluto on October 28. Some people fear-especially the “haves”-that these scandals and demonstrations could end up creating a horrible global bloodbath like the French Revolution. But this is not the situation because what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of 5,125 years of male-dominant abuse. This is a profound global movement with Chiron/Neptune sextiling Pluto and sextiling Jupiter, and trining the New Moon. These great changes are very healing because they aim for a spiritualized world, not just a struggle for democracy that is managed for a fee by the elite. Jupiter will go direct at 0 Taurus on Christmas Day 2011, a day when many people will celebrate the incarnation of Light.

The most intriguing aspect in this chart is Venus-in-Scorpio squaring Mars-in-Leo because the square is exact thirty minutes before the New Moon. Wow! This means the great Plutonic cleanse is going to be expressed by equal female and male forces. We’ve seen this marriage in many of the revolutions in the world right now, especially in Egypt. Venus in Scorpio (entered October eighth) urges the expression of deep feelings, such as feeling the rights of all species. She is the lioness that protects her cubs. Mars in Leo demands total courage and loyalty to truth and all beings; he is the lion that opens the heart. With this square, I expect to see the beginning of a global cry for the protection of wild animals, especially in light of the hideous massacre in Zanesville, Ohio, in mid-October. The beautiful and passionate joining of male and female force during this New Moon is like manna falling on the freedom movements-exactly the personal power that can carry the force during the simultaneous culmination of Nine Underworlds.

Saturn in Libra exactly sextiles Mars in Leo, so this potent Venus/Mars square is stabilized by Saturn’s struggle for justice. Each one of us will play a personal role in absorbing this culmination because we are the reflective aspects of evolution. The energy in the Occupy Movement is so strong and well linked by social media that it can bowl over the resistant elements of the powers-that-be as we’ve seen in the Middle East. The elite clutches for the old safety systems of the National, Planetary, and Galactic Underworlds; however, their greed has stolen the people’s future, and people who have nothing will revolt. Mysteriously, a huge Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) shot out of the sun on October 22 that will blast Mars on the day of the New Moon! During the culmination of the Calendar, very unusual events have been going on in the solar system, and the Sun has been very expressive. For example, a few months ago a CME blasted Comet Elenin into pieces, the comet that some said was the “Comet of Chastisement” in Revelation. Ironically, the CME that will blast Mars during the New Moon could herald the end of war in a real way! You should be watching the Sun on right now to see if another CME might seriously affect the solar system.

A question for the Calendar culmination is, how much will people really understand about what is actually going on? Ironically, plenty! Mercury is very close to Venus as she squares Mars, so potent mental comprehension is added to the visceral knowledge between male and female forces expressed by Leo Mars squaring Scorpio Venus. Notice that these planets aspecting Mars will resonate with the CME as it strikes Mars! Mercury gets to within a second of Venus on November 2, when they both move into Sagittarius together. Bingo! Comprehension about the real truth in our primary relationships is going to explode: Many partners will have to deal with unresolved elements in their relationships that hold them back from supporting this huge cleansing of human history. Ouch! Do not kid yourself, we all carry these shadows, and this chart says we must clear them before they backfire on us. Mercury carries this admonition through November 2, and then Mercury goes retrograde November 23 until mid-December. As annoying as Sagittarian fire can be, it exposes the lies. Regarding deceptions, Neptune goes direct November 9 (returns to Pisces in early February 2012), so elevating conflicts to the spirit level resolves things very well in subtle ways. But don’t forget spirit won’t help you if you are lying, especially to yourself! This New Moon is the night when I’d love to hear the pillow talk in the White House!

Lastly, Uranus continues to square Pluto, creating a force that is causing the people to rise up in discontent, especially with Pluto having gone direct just before “Occupy Wall Street” began. Since there will be seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares during 2012-2015, this movement has only just begun. Please consider this idea: Debt is not a necessity. Debt is a technique used to weaken the populace by skimming off public reserves for the agendas of the rich, such as wars for profit. Wall Street has stupidly exposed this abuse, so now the people know that total slavery-a sort of return to a feudal age-is what will happen if debt enslavement continues. Debt enslavement is not the same as using capital to create projects, which is a technique that creates energy. Pluto will have its way in the destruction of the structures that strangle Earth, and Uranus will activate the forces of transformation that will bring resource usage back into balance. The fascinating thing about this juicy New Moon right at the end of the Calendar is that it shows that all this energy must run through each one of us-through us within our partnerships, and within the brave freedom fighters in the streets. It would seem that the flaring Sun is making sure we get enough energy!”

Barbara Hand Clow

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 11/11/11 The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes of Renewal Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11/11/11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a „Cosmic Moment“ of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the „Light Codes“ or „Cosmic Codes“ of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

It is indeed a Moment of Joy and Celebration. You are on your way „Home“…both Individually and as a Planetary Civilization. The Great Awakening is under way! Those of you who are ready are stepping into your New Earth Soul Purpose and becoming the Multi-Dimensional wayshowers for Humanity. As Earth settles into the Fifth Dimensional Holographic Matrix of the New Earth, Humanity is learning how to express the Oneness and the Unity Consciousness of Interconnection that is the Essence of the Fifth Dimension. Daily, you are beginning to perceive that you are truly Planetary Citizens, One Family with common problems and issues. And, you are beginning to see that you can only solve these problems by coming together in Peace and Love to create a New Path forward.

Beloved Family of Light, we celebrate with you this Great Moment of Transformation. At the end of 2010 we were overjoyed when the Earth made her „Ascension“ leap from the Old Third-dimensional Timeline and into the New Fifth-dimensional Timeline. At that point, all the „End Time“ scenarios were rendered invalid as the Earth and all her Living beings aligned with the Reality of Re-Birth and the New Earth. Then, in August of 2011, at the time of the Lion’s Gate, you took another Great Step forward as you connected with the Sixth Dimension and the Flows of Abundance and MManifestation that will unlock the New Earth. Those of you who were ready anchored these energies into the „Rose Lines“ of the Crystalline grids, those energetic meridians that carry the Cosmic Christ Consciousness from the Divine Heart into the Heart Grid of the Planet.

Now, at the 11/11/11, those of you who are entering into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness as Wayshowers, will anchor the Seventh Dimension, the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters of Light. You will become not only Masters of the Earth Plane reality, but you will integrate also the Spiritual Mastery and Wisdom that will prepare you for your New Roles as Stewards and Guardians of the New Earth and Keepers of the New Earth reality. This connection will mean the „end“ of „religion“ as an organized means of control, and the recognition finally of Individual Spiritual Connection with the Divine Heart. At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.

You will also become the Guides and Teachers for those who are just beginning their Journey of Awakening and leaving the third-dimensional matrix for the Higher Awareness of Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery. Just as you have worked to master the Skills of this New reality, so you will be called to show others how to become Masters and to Remember Who They Are and to Walk in Empowerment and Love.

The Codes of Renewal

Beloved Ones, as you approach the 11/11/11 you are already beginning to receive the Codes of Renewal. These are Light Codes that will activater and energize the processes of Renewal on the Earth. The „Codes of Renewal“ are Cosmic Light Information „packages“ or downloads that carry the instructions from the Divine Heart for the Renewal of All Creation at this New Cycle of Cosmic Birthing. The „End“ is Over….it is truly the Time of Birthing and Beginning.

The „Codes of Renewal“ are activating your Light Body annd your DNA, both to align with the Original Blueprint for Divine Multi-Dimensional Human Life Forms, and to receive New Information for developing the Human Form is new ways. This means that there will be strong „electrical“ energies that will be sending electrical „charges“ through the Light Body and into the Physical Body, where the physical DNA will also receive the information of Renewal and Regeneration.

The Effect of this New Energy will be to accelerate the Frequency of the Light Body and the Physical Body, making for a Higher and Finer experience of Reality in those who are ready to embrace the new frequecnies and embody them as masters of the New Reality on the New Earth.

In broader terms, the Codes of Renewal will affect every aspect of Life on Earth as the New Fifth Dimensional matrix takes shape and begins to manifest new ways of being that will express the Human Divine capacity for Love, Peace and Abundance. Every aspect of Life will be reconsidered and restructured to align with the New Reality. This process will accelerate as the Codes of renewal are anchored and grounded into the New Earth Grids.

Beloved family of Light, it will be your privilege to receive and anchor this energy so that All on Earth may benefit from the Abundance and Blessings that are pouring down to the Earth since the anchoring of the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness. It is time for All to benefit, and so, the old economic system that created poverty and ecological destructuion is crumbling, and will be replaced by a new way of life that will arise, based on sustainable and ethical principles that will guarantee the very basic Human Rights of food, shelter, clothing and education for everyone, as well as the opportunity to develop and grow according to the Soul Plan of each being.

These changes will evolve out of the anxiety and chaos that you now see around you. Those of you who came to the Earth with Soul Plans that call for New Communities and New Social and Economic systems, will be called now to begin to offer your gifts abd align with your Higher Purpose. The „Codes of Renewal“ will activate and accelerate those whose work is to be part of the Renewal and Birth of the New Earth Reality. Beloved Ones, as the „Codes of Renewal“ are streaming inward to the Earth from the Divine Cosmic Heart, it is a good time to consider how you may align yourself more fully with your Soul Purpose and the new incoming energies.

The Rainbow Bridge and the Role of the Indigo/Crystals between 11/11/11 and 12/12/12

There is a Soul Group or Soul Family whose specific Soul Purpose is now undergoing a major Shift. This is the Indigo-Crystal Soul Family. Initially their work was to provide the impetus for the Great Awakening and Transformation of the Planet, by challenging systems and empowering themselves by Remembering their Divine Heritage as Human Angels and activating the DNA Light Codes necessary for the Awakening and Transformation.

Now, however, many of this group are moving forward into new roles that will enable the establishment of the New Earth. The Indigo-Crystal Soul Family are the „Rainbow Bridge“ into the New Reality. It is the younger people, primarily those under 40, who will provide the creative energy to propel new ideas to the forefront in technology, economics and social interaction. These new ideas will be the „seeds“ that will germinate and take form as a new way of life.

Once this „Rainbow Bridge“ of new ideas and concepts has been established, you will „cross over“ to a new Multi-dimensional way of life that honors the earth and all who live on her, and war and poverty will become things of the past.

There are many Indigo-Crystal beings, both the young and those who have awakened and made the shift, who are now ready to embrace a New Soul Purpose for the New Earth. This New Soul Purpose will align fully with the New Earth and by the 12/12/12 Homecoming Celebration in 2012, this Group of Soul Leaders will have seeded the new structures and communities that will take the Earth across the Rainbow bridge and into the Final Triple Stargate of Time gate. This will be the period from 12/12/12 to 21/12/12, a period of 9 days in which the final integrations and alignments with the Cosmic Heart will be achieved, and the earth will be „re-set“ for her next Grand Cycle of Evolution into Peace, Harmony and Love.

So, many of you will discover in the next year that your Soul Purpose has changed and been realigned quite radically, as you begin a „new incarnation“ in the same physical body. This will mean great changes in the lives of many as you prepare for what we will call the „Final Shift“ in this process in 2012. By now, Beloved New Earth Family, you are accustomed to the Flow of Change and you know how to accept and surrender to the destiny of your Soul with Grace and Joy. You can be sure that you are moving to a place of Joy and Happiness within the New Earth Reality.

The Indigo-Rose Stargate 11/11/11

Beloved New Earth Family, in November of 2009, at the first 11/11/11 event, we guided you into the opening of the Cosmic Rose Stargate and the opening of your own Personal „Ascension Stargates“. This was the activation of the Crown Chakra, with the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Centers, allowing you to begin to experience the full connection of Multidimensionalty. Then at the Solstice of 2010 we activated the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, allowing you to fully ground and integrate these new energies. Each one of you that has allowed this Transformation now has the „connection“ chakras to allow the blossoming into Multi-dimensional and Cosmic Reality.

At this second 11/11/11 Stargate, the Earth herself aligns and connects with her Cosmic Destiny. Just as you became the Golden Chalice of Light at the first 11/11/11 Stargate, now the Earth becomes a Chalice of Light and is filled with the Cosmic Christ Energy!

Beloveds, this means that the Ascended Earth has become Sacred and filled with the Christ Light and Divine Unconditional love. It means that those who seek to exploit the Earth and her People will no longer succeed. The Divine Plan will no longer allow this kind of behaviour or support these kinds of actions. Only those who use Free Will to choose Love, Peace and Harmony will flourish in the New Reality. It is indeed Time for the Peace Makers to inherit the Earth!

We Celebrate with you at the 11/11/11!


For those of you who would like to share with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael at the 11/11/11, we will be in New York City. There will be a free meditation in Central Park, and on the 12th and 13th we will anchor the Light Codes for the Fifth and Sixth dimensions in New York

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