Luisa Vasconcellos's Posts (86)

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SaLuSa 21-July-2010

Thought as always is a creative power, and as you envision yourself so you manifest what you want to be.

When you begin to live in the Light you draw harmony and balance into your life, and it is part of your transition to a higher levelof expression.

Pride has its place in life and there is certainly nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements. In factwhere some individuals are concerned it comes from the desire to be cleansed onall levels, as part of becoming more of the Light. Cleanliness and tidiness isa sign of a mindset that desires to present that person as looking to bringperfection into their life. It is caring about self and having respect for thetemple that you call your body, which is your physical vehicle throughout life.Thought as always is a creative power, and as you envision yourself so youmanifest what you want to be. When you begin to live in the Light you drawharmony and balance into your life, and it is part of your transition to ahigher level of expression. However, it does not mean that those who carry nosuch aspirations are without spiritual understanding. Seeking upliftment is astage that you go through when you do not feel at ease in the lower vibrations,and it will come to all in good time. You cannot really avoid it as the energiesbeing beamed to Earth, are raising your level of consciousness higher thanbefore. With it comes a desire for beauty and harmony in both a spiritual andphysical sense.

In the course of the changes coming to Earth, the mass consciousness will dramatically change and peoplewill see what is around them in a different light. For example you will moveinto a preference for new designs particularly in building, and the traditionalsquare shapes will give way to those that are circular. Materials used will bemore natural, and you will advance to organic materials such as we normallyuse. Of course you do use natural materials, but you also cover large areas ofthe Mothers Earth’s surface with concrete, and it stops her from breathing. Youwill know already that we build our Spacecraft with organic materials, and theyare programmed with levels of consciousness that makes them self-proficient.Visitors to our craft have noted how the crews can interact with them to a veryhigh degree. Naturally when we can move amongst you, we shall share suchknowledge with you so that your advancement will speed ahead.

There is much for you to learn that needs revising in light of the truth we shall bring. It is to be expectedthat some of your beliefs and theories are inaccurate, and what we shall do isenable you to make a quantum leap into the future. There is as you might say alot of catching up to do, and also the development of many good ideas you havealready been working on. Nanotechnology is one example of what you have seen asa desirable advancement, and it will come into being. It is unfortunate that somany advancements that could have benefited Mankind, have been deliberatelyhidden away to keep the status quo where profit is put before your well-being.Yet massive amounts of your money have been invested in new technologies formilitary power. While these policies are followed, you are clearly not going tosee peace come to your world. However, that is soon to all change and the warmachine will grind to a halt and be dismantled. We shall bring you peace andensure that all weaponry is neutralized by our higher technologies. We arecoming not to perpetuate the old life style, but introduce you to an easier andmore satisfying way that will restore your sovereignty. You are to become freeto have more time to follow your own pursuits, and the drudgery of life will beremoved and replaced with more acceptable conditions that allow time for it.

The changes are lined up and in a well advanced state, that means once we can commence events will move forwardquite quickly to say the least. You can sense that the dark Ones are losingtheir grip on you, and as they do so they will be unable to re-claim lostground. We are blocking any moves they may make to establish any major threat,having already averted the potential of a serious incident. We are here to leadyou on to a successful conclusion in your quest for Ascension. That result isbeyond doubt and is already written in the annals of time. You may therefore setyour sights fully upon ascending, and the plan is being supported by manyCouncils and individuals who are also helping you go forward. You wouldundoubtedly be surprised if you knew how many of them were with you at thistime.

There are times when you feel that you need extra support, and in such instances it is as well to rememberthat you can contact your Higher Self. We often mention about allowing time foryourself and this is one of those occasions. If you have the names of yourGuides then use them to make a contact, and if you have attached yourself toone of the great Angelic Beings such as Archangel Michael even better. Yourprayers or petitions will be heard, and the answers may come in unexpectedways, such as through another source. You are indeed never alone, and in yourtimes of need your Guides draw closer to you and welcome contact with you.

The Solar Cycle draws to a close and we the Galactic Federation are with you to experience the final days. Thistime unlike Atlantis you have avoided destroying yourselves, and rightlydeserve the opportunity of Ascension. In its time Atlantis was a greatspiritual civilization, but then the darkness descended upon them and theyspiraled out of control down the path to oblivion. So many of you now on Earthwere there in its demise, and subconsciously you still carry memories of thattime. It is why perhaps you have felt fear at the possibility of anothercollapse leading to extinction. However, the signs are positive and as wementioned, you are picking it up and it is helping you overcome your doubts.There are however a number of different predictions for the end times, and ifyou find that confusing rely on your intuitive feelings.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the picture will be come clearer before much longer, and we asmuch as you are pressing onwards to hasten the final showdown with the darkOnes. Victory is already with the Light, but the final days need to be enactedout for the sake of every soul on Earth. Our love is accompanying you all ofthe way, and we want this time to be remembered as a successful turning pointin your evolution. The fact that it is not just the end of a Solar Cycle, butone affecting the complete Universe makes it all the more important to you, andindeed also to us.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH – NEW - RUSSIAN - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 19-July-2010

There is within each one of you a desire to love and be loved; yet not everyone can express that in termsof freely giving of themselves. The energy of love is powerful and can workmiracles, and costs you nothing to share with others.

We come as friends and for many also as family, but more importantly as your spiritual mentors and guides.You shall feel our love that we give unconditionally, and it will lift you upout of any worries or concerns you may still have.

Fame and wealth are looked upon as an achievement to be desired; yet so often they are difficult to handle. Yourprivacy which you value is intruded upon and literally your life is not yourown. Some people are prepared to withstand such a loss, and live out their makebelieve lives in circumstances that are no guarantee of happiness. Showbusiness is surrounded by glamour and the need for success, and failure isoften experienced with inconsolable grief. So who can lead a so-called ordinarylife and find happiness and satisfaction. The majority of people are in liveswhere they struggle to make ends meet, or even to survive. Yet some manage tofind a purpose in life that does give satisfaction, and it is through servingothers. When you have found a way to help others, it gives an inner feeling ofhaving discovered a true path, that allows you to express your love andexperience fulfillment.

There is within each one of you a desire to love and be loved; yet not everyone can express that in terms of freely giving ofthemselves. The energy of love is powerful and can work miracles, and costs younothing to share with others. When it is given without seeking reward, and withno conditions you are well on the way to being able to give unconditional love.That indeed should be the goal you are working towards, and if you struggle toachieve it do not be too concerned. With the ever-increasing upliftment of thevibrations you will naturally attract higher energy to yourself, and it willbecome much easier to hold the love vibration. Everyone can work towards suchlevels, and those that are successful rarely seek fame or gain beyond what isnecessary for their immediate requirements. Lightworkers know their life planand are not distracted by the search for fame, although it sometimes comes withsuccess. It is knowing how to control it that prevents it from taking over yourlife, so that you can continue with full focus on your work.

Service to others is not necessarily seen as an attractive occupation, yet its rewards are manifold. You cannot take anythingwith you when you complete your life plan, but you will have the inner growthand joy of having spent it in a beneficial way. It does not require that youbecome one of the leading lights, and every contribution however small helpsuplift the level of the mass consciousness. The capitalist way of thinkingtends to promote greed, but there are of course some successful people whobecause they are blessed that way, do not forget to share their wealth. Becauseof it they sometimes achieve exceptional levels of generosity, but it is notthe amount that is important but the thought behind it. This is exemplified bythe biblical story of the widow’s mite, as she gave when her needs were asgreat as anyone else’s.

So where are we heading with our message and why now, and we will tell you that the changes on Earth are becoming morewidespread, and leaving many people in dire need of help. That position willworsen for all manner of reasons, and it begs of you that until it changes forthe better that you try to help ease other people’s distress. The challenge ofthese times is putting a lot of pressure on you, but you can help prevent itbecoming chaotic by getting together and organizing some kind of relief. Itwill provide an answer until the coming of real help, and the changes in yourgovernments that will start a new era of beneficial changes on a largeworldwide scale.

Be assured that at all times we continue to keep a check on the well being of Mother Earth, with your Ascension in mind. Thereis a balance that we are responsible for, and it stops matters really gettingout of hand. You will complete this cycle as decreed and in that sense it doesnot matter whatever the dark Ones attempt to do, they will not stop completionas planned. After all Dear Ones, you may conjecture that you have God on yourside, and the Light is all-powerful. In reality God favors no one, but allowsall souls to experience as they desire, using their God given freewill. In factGod loves all souls and is waiting to welcome them back to the Source, by whichtime your Light will have been completely restored.

As fellow travelers we admire your confidence and tenacity in taking on duality, as it is far removed from the wonderfullevels of Light that you came from. Now you are at the end of your journey andhardly realize what you have achieved. To have left your home of absolutebeauty and bliss amongst the stars, and an enduring state of being within thelove vibration was an immense decision to take. You were aware of the nature ofthe challenge, and took heart that whatever happened you would never beforsaken. You were promised help and direction, so that no matter how far youbecame immersed in the lower energies you would rise up again. That promise hasbeen kept, and already you have emerged from the dark sufficiently, torecognize your own divinity and link to the Light. The awakening continues tospeed up and you are beginning to feel the expansion in your consciousness. NowAscension is in your sights and so near to taking place, that you have only afew more years before you lift up with Mother Earth.

When you look at the larger picture, realize that you can ignore what is going on around you as it cannot last long, and youare stepping onto a new path that leaves it all behind. The new paradigm istaking shape, and as you focus on the future will imbue it with the power tomanifest. You are creating all of the time but now you have the powerfulenergies directed to Earth, and they are far more potent than ever before.Because of this latent power it is in fact good practice to monitor yourthoughts and emotions, and direct them only for the good of all. As time passesyou will be helped to master such a degree of control, and it is one of ourtasks when we arrive upon Earth. We come to do much that is of a physicalnature, but we do not forget that your upliftment is for your spiritualevolution.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and already feel the joy at the thought of traveling with you for the last part of your journey. Wecome as friends and for many also as family, but more importantly as yourspiritual mentors and guides. You shall feel our love that we giveunconditionally, and it will lift you up out of any worries or concerns you maystill have.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
日本語/Japanese ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH – NEW - RUSSIAN - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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Channeller: Veronica Montague Keen

With so many photographs and video clips of U F O's finding their way to you asevidence of what you have been told. Ask why your Press and T V ignore suchvisits from other Planets, why do they want to keep you in blissful ignorance,?Veronica you had the privilege of spending many hours both in America andEngland talking with the great Dr. John Mack and so had no problemaccepting that there are other Planets with Beings far in advance of ours, itserved your Controllers to keep you in ignorance of this fact.The truth cannot be stopped, in every corner of your World people are speakingout and are being listened to. The great Awakening is happening, it isset in stone, no power on Earth can stop it. Those who truly work for thegreater good of Mankind do so willingly, unselfishly, they do not expectpayment of any sort, Truth is what drives them. Truth that has been kept hiddenfrom you on all levels so as to control you for their own ends. Those who passthemselves off as Human Beings who have bought Power and control throughcorrupt means will not succeed. Planet Earth is not and never will be theirs.Though they use every evil means at their disposal to create enough FEAR sothat Man will trust them to "protect" them, when to protect them isthe last thing they want to do. Soon their devious plans will becomeobvious to all.

The Vail was lifted and those who seek truth have only to look, seek it forthemselves, never has it been so easy as it is now. So many young men are drawninto organisations that have questionable motives during their University days,they are drawn into situations and corrupt practices as a result, theyare taught that they owe loyalty to these organisations and are made tofeel obliged to go along with whatever is asked of them. Such decisions made atsuch an early age should not be accepted as binding.

Learn to question everything, do not accept anything at face value. Those whodeceive you are well practiced , they have had centuries of practice atit. They have altered every "Truth" , they have managed to convinceso many of you to accept it and abide by it. You have all been lied to.All the belief systems you have given your lives to are only there to controlyou, to keep you in line. In my last incarnation I had to be strong andstand up for what I believed, I refused to be drawn into the control system Iwas born into, I saw the bigger picture, I was awake. It takes courage tostep out of line, I was a seeker of truth, I now try to open your lives up tothe truth. I know I was right, I could not do what I do now if I had beenwrong.!!! Stop deluding yourselves, wake up.

As Veronica will tell you music played a great part in that life, we enjoyedit, it nourishes the Soul so instead of the mindless T V programs etc. listento music. Look around you at the beauty of the trees and flowers, nature at itsbest, it helps link with your higher self, your true Being. Release yourmind from the bondage that you have unconsciously become lookedinto. You are a free Being, no one owns you or controls youanymore. Allow Love to flow into your life and you will feel fulfilled.Love is what guides you, not fear, the Power of Love is so great, it makes everythingpossible.

Look to the future with hope not fear, the truth will set you free. we in theNetwork are guiding people to come to know who they truly are and whattheir purpose is at this time of Great Change on Planet Earth. We willreveal ourselves when the timing is right.

Please support my dear wife on this lonely path she has chosen so as to bring Truthand Harmony to all. In this year of change many Truths will be revealedto you, I was always accepted as a man of my word, this has not changed.

My love, I am with you always, I will continue to show that you are never alone,we will never part. I will always be your adoring husband, Monty.


Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 16-July-2010

We respect your privacy, but if needs required it we could see right into yourbuildings and focus on whomsoever we wished.

We can hear your conversations, or even read your minds, which is useful whendealing with the dark Ones. It is why their plans will never succeed, as weknow too much about them. We take preventative action and our allies are veryactive in these roles.

We do not like confrontation or threats, and our approach is diplomatic but firm.

You hear from many sources that your reality is an illusion, yet for you it is quite real asyou experience the physicality of the 3rd. dimension. Yet it is anillusion inasmuch that it is not your true reality. For that reason it has beencorrectly referred to as an experiment, which you willingly offered to takepart in. The consciousness of All That Is which you refer to as the Creator,desired to know how its godsparks would deal with separation as experienced induality. You part in it is drawing to a close as the cycle ends, and unless youwish to continue experiencing in the lower dimensions you will be lifted upagain. Subconsciously you have memories of your time in the higher dimensions,and that is why for most of you that idea of Ascension is welcomed. Some soulshave become so used to your present dimension, that they cannot imagineanything better and are fearful of change. Problems arise about what willhappen to your family and friends, and naturally you have concern for theirwellbeing. Be assured that each soul has its own path to follow, and whilst youmay come together in families that is not a permanent arrangement. You attracteach other because you have certain experiences you desire, and all of youbenefit from the family set up. Of course there are some beautiful lovingrelationships, and it is most likely you will meet again in subsequent lives.Even in those that prove volatile, there are often souls that already know eachother and because of the love they have, will sacrifice it for the purpose ofhelping each of them to evolve. Believe it or not, once you return to the“other side” your earthly experiences can be put aside, and love returnsbetween those who were at loggerheads on Earth with each other.

What we are trying to do is get you to see how little your time on the Earth resembles yourtrue abode. In duality it is of course a challenge most of the time because ofthe absence of Light, although that is quickly changing as you create a pathwayof Light to Ascension. However, because of the contrast between the dark andLight, you do have some illuminating experiences that can be most ecstatic anduplifting. The Earth is certainly the place to test yourself, and indeed thatis the very reason you took the challenge on. If you wish you can sit on acloud and play your harp for all eternity, but there is so much you can do tobring knowledge and understanding to yourself. You are naturally always seekingand expanding your Light, as you make your way back to the higher dimensions.As ascended Beings we are also still searching, and we have the Galaxy withinwhich to have new experiences. Join us and we shall travel far and wide, andhome will be wherever we station ourselves as we take it with us. We refer ofcourse to the gigantic Mother Ships that are like enormous cities, and providefor your every need.

We want you to be excited at the thought of becoming Galactic Beings, because that will beyour future selves when you have become fully conscious Beings. The planalready exists for your growth into such a Being, and you will be overjoyed atthe prospect once you know the details. We will participate in youradvancement, and Ascension is the first real step towards it. In time yourlives in duality will seem so distant, that the memories will soon beforgotten. After all you are ascending with the new Earth in all its beauty andfully restored to its pristine condition, so why indeed would you want to thinkof her in other way. There is of course beauty on Earth now, but it is a palereflection of what she will soon be, so you have some idea of what splendorsare in store for you.

There seems to be so much aggression on Earth, both of a physical nature and in words andgestures. Some of it arises from people being “disturbed” by the higherenergies coming in, as they cannot handle them. They become disorientated andstrike out in anger and confusion. In contrast those of the Light become moreserene and joyful as they continue to be lifted up. The Light is sorting outthe wheat from the chaff, but there is no shame or guilt attached to the slowdevelopers. The sorting out is unavoidable, but it is necessary so that soulsfinds themselves where they are best served for their evolution. It happens allof the time, as evolution is a progression of steps that take you onto levelsthat are right for your experience and development.

Now you are seeing out the cycle of duality, and at times there will be mayhem, but it isthe end of an era that has taken you to the depths of darkness and you havesurvived. At last the Light has broken through and there is only one wayforward and that is upwards. Leave duality behind and try not to let itinfluence you, as your sights should be on whatever you need to tread firmly onthe path to Ascension. The door to your future is opening wide, and it willaccommodate every soul that has ambitions to be part of it.

We of the Galactic Federation are totally ready for action and we have the advantage ofknowing exactly what your needs are, through our extensive coverage of you andyour planet. We respect your privacy, but if needs required it we could seeright into your buildings and focus on whomsoever we wished. We can hear yourconversations, or even read your minds, which is useful when dealing with thedark Ones. It is why their plans will never succeed, as we know too much aboutthem. We take preventative action and our allies are very active in theseroles. We do not like confrontation or threats, and our approach is diplomaticbut firm.

Each day that passes brings you nearer to completion, and nearer to our open contact withyou. But first the preliminaries, and although the announcement we seek has notyet been made, there are now many individuals making their voices heard. It isputting pressure on the authorities that cannot hold back for very much longer.We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can toassist our allies to this end. We do still of course have a deadline date bywhich we should have started, and clearly it is not that far into the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and there is a great feeling on our side because we have traveledfar with you, and are pleased that you have reached the end times. It wassometimes in doubt but you have rode out the storm, and peaceful times arecoming where Love and Light shall reign.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


President Barack Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia talk as they wait fortheir lunch at Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Va., June 24, 2010.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH – NEW - RUSSIAN - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 14-July-2010

Whatever you do effects everything else, and creates energy levels that can powerfully influence othersouls.

We are now much closer as a result, making our coming tasks so much easier.

Over eons of time you have given your power to those who would lead you, and some have been true to theirspiritual beliefs. Most have usurped power for their own gain, and establishedlaw and order to ensure they keep it. In more recent times you were placedunder the rule of Kings and Queens, who declared they were appointed by God orindeed were gods, and the right of succession was born. Along with the Churchyour freedom of choice was taken away, and since then you have rarely had atrue Government of the people. Increasingly, power has since been seized bythose who control almost every aspect of your lives, and it is power and moneythat has taken over. This brings you right back to the Illuminati and thewealthy banking families, that set up a system that has denied you your sovereignty,and your God given rights to live in peace and happiness. As a result yourreality is in dire need of change, and not just because of the problemsdeliberately set up by the Illuminati.

As promised. within the provisions of NESARA are virtually all of the steps necessary to reverse theestablished systems that have held you back. These are necessarily far reachingand indicate the direction in which Humanity should have progressed. Thechanges that we have participated in that are awaiting an opportunity to beintroduced, are those very same benefits and they are close to becoming part ofyour new reality. In part you have created it by showing your intent tomanifest changes for the good of all. That indeed is the key, and has thebacking of the Spiritual Hierarchy and God, and has been the flag that St.Germain has carried for you. The present period of time was foreseen millenniaago, but even so you still had the freewill to determine how it worked out. TheLight has never been far away and battled with the dark Ones for supremacy.However, as you slipped into the lower vibrations, you forgot who you were andfell victim to them.

Now you stand tall and know where you are going, and fear has been replaced with the certain knowledge thatyou are safe within the Light. It is your shield, sword and suit of armour, andcannot be assailed by the dark energies. You the Lighted Ones are the Knightsin Armour that have arrived on Earth to win the final battle, and we tell youthat it is already won. The emphasis of power has switched to you, and theLight is now so well established on Earth it cannot be extinguished. In fact itcontinues to grow exponentially, and is opening up the path to Ascension forall to see. More souls are awakening to their true self, with the knowledge of2012 and its significance. As always the choice is yours as to whether youaccept this unique opportunity to ascend.

Our mission has been to not only assist in your awakening, but ensure that the dark Ones were unable to interferewith your evolution. Where you have accepted their rule, that has been yourfree choice and it was not for us to intervene. However, many of you haveexpressed your intent to move forward into the Light, and because of thatdecision we will protect for you. Being of the Light is a state that you worktowards, and every aspect is embraced by Love and your ability to express it inall you do. It is being gentle, compassionate, kind, considerate and mostimportantly non-judgmental. It comes from understanding that all life has itssource in the Creator, and therefore you are All One. What you do to One you doto All, and that is expressed in the saying “that no Man is an Island”.Whatever you do effects everything else, and creates energy levels that canpowerfully influence other souls.

We come to you not to preach but there are conditions created upon Earth that must be changed, if you are tobe prepared for Ascension. So many of you look for guidance and that is what wegive, but you must find what satisfies your search for the truth, and yet evenso it will most certainly change as your consciousness expands. This is why thepath of another soul will not necessarily be for you, but you should have nodifficulty in finding yours. If it feels right it will serve you at the time,but do not fall into the trap of becoming too rigid in your beliefs, and leavespace for change. You will find that knowledge and understanding, is far moreexpansive than you could possibly believe whilst you are still held in thelower vibrations. Allow for the fact that it will be a long time before you canpossibly know everything there is.

You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as membercivilisations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended. We continue toevolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of AllThat Is. No matter who you are or how you view life, or what your beliefs areyou will still evolve through the experiences each life provides you. You maygo in all directions at various times, but the fact is that the net result willsee you progress towards the Light. You may choose to stay in your presentdimension, and that does not mean you are not evolving. You can return to anylevel you desire in the interests of gaining the experience you need. It is notusually a decision you make alone, and your mentors and Guides will assist youin making it.

In reality life is quite orderly inasmuch that every individual has his or her own plan, yet it stillinteracts with the whole. The Laws of the Universe apply to each one of you,and you are very much affected by the Law of Attraction. You may not knowinglyuse it, but if you do it can be very beneficial. Cause and Effect are real andthat is why you take responsibility for all of your actions. Indeed you arealso responsible for your thoughts and words, which carry energy according towhat you intend. Be careful Dear Ones, and think before you act and simplycheck that you are not about to harm another soul in any way. It sounds ratherhard to be in control as you are prone to act first without thinking, but youcan if you put your mind to it. Live from the heart and love will accompany allyou do and say.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and in the time we have had together, a lot has passed between us. We have followedyour consciousness levels as they have expanded, whilst helping you with yourspiritual understanding. We are now much closer as a result, making our comingtasks so much easier.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH – NEW - RUSSIAN - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on


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We are here to assist you. We are here to help lead you through. You SHALL KNOW US as you dream of knowing us. For your
dreams are your future reality.

We embrace you ... Our family in Light.

Jul 13, 2010

It has begun. Can you feel it?

Remember we are here at this time because we are the ones who volunteered and were chosen. So many asked and yet WE are the ONES who
were chosen.Best then we do not take any one given moment for granted.
Best then we call upon our inner strength for we Know great changes are
to take place upon our planet and it is for us NOW to become those
warriors that we are. Time to display our colours and act in the manner
that we know is our Truth. And ... within that TRUTH their can be no
room for doubt, no space for fears. We know within the Highest level of
ourselves that fear and frustration, despair and uncertainty are merely
deterrents from the very tasks we came here to perform. We have waited
for so very long, we have cried tears of impatience. We have buried are
heads in the sands of time and allowed those with their own interests of
control and power to beat us with their darkness until we could not
find the Light at the end of the tunnel. And indeed at times has it not
felt that the Light had gone out?


So release those patterns that have chained and bound you. Set free your souls and KNOW that the LIGHT THAT YOU ARE is preparing itself to shine. This Light of yours, this LIGHT that IS each and every one of us
is empowering itself in readiness for that which lies ahead.

This feeling within your hearts. This response to your Higher calling is telling you that it has begun. There is no turning back.The road shall present itself as treacherous along the journey and yet you each
have the tools to overcome the rocky terrain. You were trained as
warriors and NOW you are moving into action to walk yourselves and many
other's into the NEW WORLD.

Those who are of great strength shall carry the weak when the rivers become turbulent. Those who are of MIGHT shall assist all the little ones who do not understand and lead them onwards.

We have talked of change . We have asked of your TRUST in our words and you have listened with your hearts and now shall we ... together ... walk hand in hand across The Bridge.

You call out to us as your hearts weep ... we answer you and we feel your sorrow, yet we cannot allow you to drown in your own tears. For this reason we heed your callings. We,that are your family join you now
in blessed union and say to you that procedures are in place , although
unseen, and in that moment of glory when we reveal our TRUTH for all to
see , then each shall KNOW. Each shall remember why they are here and
what they came to do . All questions shall be answered and there shall
be a determination and a recognition that far surpasses anything that
has presented itself thus far.

Some of you have dreams of this moment. Some of you allow your hearts to show you images of what is to come. There can be no denying in your hearts the LIGHT that is to fill your Beings. For this Love filled Light
shall melt your FEELINGS into a blissful state instantly.

This day shall come. You KNOW OF this. It shall make its mark and it shall change your world as you know of it today.

So, let go of your fears about all that is taking place around you. Know that the DIVINE spark that is within each one of you cannot and shall not go out. We are here to assist you. We are here to help lead
you through. You SHALL KNOW US as you dream of knowing us. For your
dreams are your future reality.

We embrace you ... Our family in Light.

9.30pm. Tues 13th July . 2010.
Golden Rays
Bloss xxx


Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild -FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH
Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on


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SaLuSa 12-july-2010

Our message to you is to have faith in us, just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when you first allowedyourselves to drop into the lower vibrations.

We are your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love anddedication.

Is your mind in turmoil, as these times are such that it would be easy to become enmeshed inall of the problems around you? Of course some of you are directly involved inthem, and you do have personal worries. With so little time left beforeAscension, it is important to give your attention to the unfolding process thatis occurring, that is to release you from duality. If you can totally placeyour faith in the outcome, it will divert your attention from otherdistractions. By doing so you will be one of many helping establish the Lightupon Earth. The impetus to achieve this goal is bringing people together in acommon cause, and an unstoppable energy is sweeping the Earth. Moving from thedarkness into the Light is not achieved overnight, but you have turned aroundwhat was once a seemingly impossible task. Each time you take another stepforward, we are also there with you sharing our Light.

The Galactic Federation is just one group of dedicated souls, that are fully committed toensuring Ascension is successful. Behind us are even more powerful ones such asthe Elohim, and many Masters and High Beings of pure Light. The focus is theEarth and you need not have any doubt about the outcome, as on another levelthe new Earth already exists. Many of you have opened a link to your HigherSelf, and as it grows stronger so your intuitive powers are also growing. Ifyou sit quietly and relax perhaps by following a suitable meditation, you willbe able to “talk” with your Higher Self and find out for yourself how powerfulyou are. Like every other soul you have the full potential within, but withduality there has been a loss of your higher vibration that has becomedifficult to restore. You are helped by energies being beamed to you that arecollectively preparing you in readiness for Ascension, as it is not a task leftsolely for you to handle. In a similar way although Mother Earth will take herown action to make her preparations, she also benefits from what you are doingand the energies from outside sources.

The changes that you are patiently waiting for are taking shape, and what you perceive asdelays are not in fact preventing them from being prepared in readiness. Onceour involvement becomes open knowledge, you will see some remarkable eventstaking place in quick succession. One that will give us immense joy is when ourcraft can fly over your cities in a greeting to you, and a celebration of ourcoming together. We have all traveled far to reach this momentous time in yourevolution, and the experience for us will be crowned by witnessing your greatjoy and happiness. The knowledge that you are free at last from the dark Ones,will bring a great sigh of relief that will be heard all through the SolarSystem. In fact there will be immense celebrations throughout it, as yourupliftment will mean that you can soon join us as fellow Galactic Beings.

From one point of view the Earth has never been in such a bad state as it is now, yet it is aparadox as it is now so near to lifting up out of the lower vibrations into theLight. In other words you are not going down, but clearing out the debris of aperiod of misrule and mismanagement, and the future will not become clear untilit is swept clean. That process clearly cannot fully commence until we arriveon Earth, and combine forces to quickly deal with the many problems you havebeen experiencing.

In the meantime your awakening and rising consciousness levels are bringing peopletogether, and you are knowingly or otherwise putting your power to good use.Prayers. Petitions and meditations are focusing upon your vision of a newEarth, and you are helping manifest it. It is all coming together, and ourcombined efforts are destined to bring satisfactory results. There is no doubtwhatsoever that you will soon witness the end of the old regime. They have beenthe architects of their own downfall, and there is no longer any way back forthem, even though they try.

Take everything in your stride, and no matter what happens in the following monthsit cannot last for any length of time. Our plan for your safe passage toAscension is proceeding satisfactorily, and our allies have never been moreready to carry it out. Much has already been organized behind the scenes, andjust waits the correct moment to move into action. We naturally wish the endtimes were in full flow, but that will come before much longer. You will havesome signs of it that will give you an idea of its nearness, and although themedia are still controlled, your Internet will be a source of interesting speculation.Be intuitive and you will be able to pick out the reliable and truthfulreports.

Our message to you is to have faith in us, just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when youfirst allowed yourselves to drop into the lower vibrations. You knew you wouldeventually be swallowed up in the darkness of duality, and face the challengeof finding God within once again. However, you were promised that you wouldalways be helped to rise up again, and now that has been fulfilled. TheGalactic Federation works with the Higher Beings, and all along have beenauthorized to accompany you through this cycle, as others have done before. Weare your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love and dedication.There is joy in being able to serve others as they make their way throughcycles of experience, and our reward is your success. We do not seek glory, butare allowed to have pride in our missions just as you experience greatsatisfaction in a job done well.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that one day some of you will visit our bright star andyou will find it teeming with life, and what will strike you immediately isthat everything seems new. Because of the higher vibrations wear and decay doesnot take place, just as in the case of our physical bodies. You are in factbeginning to experience cellular changes, which are also destined to lift themup to that level. You will see that colors are bright and pure, and permanentlyremain vibrant and give out pleasing energies. Light is emitted from everythingthat you see, and you will feel a strong sense communication with all lifeforms. Harmony and balance is felt everywhere, that somehow envelopes you in afeeling of being at One with everything around you. You will have much to learnand enjoy from these trips.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 09-July-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Lovethat permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have thatuplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

In times such as now the pressures are upon people, and those who are not so well informed orspiritually advanced will often blame God for them. They believe that if Godwere All Love he would not allow the present conditions to exist. However, aswe have informed you previously and it is sometimes necessary to repeat it, youhave collectively created your own reality. Whilst it is true you are induality and that means experiencing both the Light, and the lack of Light, itis still you who determine how your life experiences work out. You can just aseasily attract the Light as the lower vibrations. The further you drop into thedense vibrations the quicker you lose your connection to the Light, and itallows entities of a similar vibration to incarnate on Earth. Looked at from ahigher perspective the more you attract the Light to Earth, you create theconditions that enables Higher Beings to come to you.

Now we ask you, how can God who gave you freedom of choice, be responsible for yourchoices? You knew the challenge would be very trying, but you were promisedthat however low you fell you would be helped to find your way back. In factyou knew that this cycle would end with Ascension. So we might also ask you,why should you expect God to interfere with the reality you have created foryour experience? Even so, the Higher Beings have drawn the line at allowing youto destroy the Earth, which was in danger of happening. It is one thing to putyourselves at risk, but your actions cannot be allowed to impinge on othersoutside of Earth. For quite a long time you have been edging towards totalannihilation, but when it comes to Mother Earth as fully conscious Being, shemust be allowed to ascend as you will do.

Is it not reasonable to expect that if you make a mess that you should be expected toclear it up, as otherwise you would not appreciate the full consequences ofyour actions. Our comments are prompted by your feelings about the Gulf Oilspill, and we do not lack compassion for those of you directly affected by whatis happening. We would remind you that our allies are near to achieving theconditions which will result in the official announcement of our presence. Thatwill allow us to liaise with your authorities and put into being a clean upoperation, that will rapidly return your lands and waterways to their originalcondition. However, until the Illuminati and their minions are removed thespecter of more problems hangs over you, as they still believe they are incontrol. The fact is that they have little power left, and events are closingin on them that will see them collapse.

You will have to wait a little longer to see some firm indications of what is occurring, butvictory over the dark Ones is drawing closer. Without help you could not haveremoved them, and we will be aiding our allies when they go into action. Wehave no desire for fuss, or intentions of retribution against those concerned,we simply want them safely out of the way so that our projects can proceedwithout interference. We know that when the truth comes out there will be anangry response from large sections of the public. It cannot be allowed tocreate more negativity, and the law will be seen to be applied justly andfairly.

Being on the Earth at such an important time offers you first hand experience of the endtimes, and how there is progression from one cycle to the next. Some of you arealready participating in the transmutation of the negative energies that haveaccumulated in the Earth, whilst others are bringing in the Light that willlift it up. It is indeed a remarkable time that you are privileged to witnessand be part of. Each of you that are Lightworkers contribute to the cleansingthat is taking place, and when we can join you the whole process will begreatly speeded up. Computers handle much of our technology, and also robotsthat can go where Man would experience difficulties. Your aptitude to change isvery good and you readily adapt to new ideas and technologies. It will be anexciting time for us all and we want you to keep your vision on the future,which promises more than you can really understand without our help. We are thebridge between the old and new, and your guardians and mentors, who will ensureyou get all of the assistance you need. The goal is Ascension and all effortswill be to achieve a happy ending to this cycle. You need not dwell upon thenegativity around you on Earth; it will not remain for much longer as the Lightis lifting everything up.

The truth about many hidden agendas of the dark Ones is coming to be known. Many bravesouls have decided it is time to step forward and reveal what they know. Itwill encourage others to do likewise, and it will surely have a snowball affectthat will soon see the floodgates open. Having been mislead over many matters,people are understandably very suspicious about what they hear. Sometimes thetruth will shock you into a state of disbelief. However, we intend to give youabsolute undeniable proof, where major events are concerned such as 9/11. Thesematters have to be cleared up so as to allow people time to put them intoperspective, and overcome their shock and pain. At some stage you must move onand place your focus on your bright future, and leave your sorrow and griefbehind you. Many souls of Light gave their lives, to bring into being a focusthat could be placed upon the terror and fear created by the dark Ones. Bybringing 9/11 out into the open they ensured that it was given worldwideattention, and that the truth would be sought and the perpetrators identifiedand held to account.

The catalogue of crimes against Humanity is immense, and it covers the world all over. Youwill not see every criminal brought to justice in your time, but if necessarythey will be totally removed from Earth. They are no exception to anyone else,as all of you review your lives once you return to the dimensions of Spirit.The dark Ones think they are clever and get away with their actions but everythingis recorded to confront them, as only the truth exists. It cannot bemanipulated or distorted to avoid the truth, and it will remain in yourconsciousness. It may sound frightening to some of you, but there is nopunishment involved and it is you who decide what lessons you need to learn.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Lovethat permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have thatuplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 07-July-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at
openly visit you and your beautiful Earth.

Do you feel calm in the midst of what is going on all around you, because they are verytrying times? Yet if you can rise above them, it is the best way to copewith the pressures they bring. Unlike years gone
by whatever happens will have only a passing impact upon you, as it
will quickly be surpassed by the more positive actions that will be
taken. There clearly has to be a crossover point when the Light once
again becomes the dominant force upon Earth. You Dear Ones are bringing
more Light to Earth, that is speeding up the path to completion and all
of the changes it entails. We can hardly fail to mention the Gulf Oil
Spill that is a major concern to very many of you. It may threaten your
coastlines, and in the context of the size of the Earth may appear a
relatively small incident. However, as a newsworthy item it has
travelled the whole world, and its impact has impinged upon many, many
people. It has highlighted the dangers of Man’s actions, and the crying
need to stop raping and polluting the Earth. It often takes a threat of
this nature to awaken people, to the impending possibility that the
“fall out” of such a spill could spread far and wide.

The more people power is used to promote changes, the more likely it is to succeed in getting action. Your leaders are aware that there is achanging mood throughout most countries, and that the people realise it
is time to get them to act in their interests. Therefore a new type of
leader will step forward who has them at heart, and the dark Ones will
be unable to stop them from being elected. Fair and honest elections
will be demanded, and steps taken to eliminate fraudulent voting. You
will learn that most of them of late have been rigged, to ensure the
puppets of the dark Ones are elected. That will all change of necessity
as a start to a new period in Man’s life, leading to more honesty and
open handed dealing. Spirituality must be expressed in all facets of
your lives, if you are to have societies that treat each other with love
and respect.

What you give your power to will blossom and bear fruit, and if your intent is to experience a new way of life that is joyful and happy, itwill manifest. That is indeed what is happening now, as so many souls
have lifted up into the Light and are bringing down the necessary
energies to achieve it. So you find yourselves virtually living in two
worlds at once, the one that no longer serves your desires, and the
other one that is touching your hearts with its promise of all you could
wish for. You choose which one opens up before you, and every effort is
being made to awaken those who are struggling to bring the Light into
their lives. Believe us because there is not one soul who is condemned
to remain in the lower vibrations. Opportunities to rise up are there
for you all, but if you should walk past them that is your personal

As Humans your courage against adversity is legend, and your history is known throughout the Universe. The Earth is very special in thisrespect having presented challenges so foreboding, yet brave souls have
stood their ground and learnt how to overcome whatever has faced them.
With your ongoing series of lives, your experiences have made you into
warriors who have become unbeatable. Your shields have been the Light
you carried, and the sword of freedom in your hands. It is why we can
quite positively tell you that you have already won the battle between
the dark and Light. Therefore you can strike out towards Ascension, as
the final days of the dark Ones are numbered and they can no longer stop
your onward march. Try they may but without success, and you shall
brush them aside. We of the Galactic Federation shall be with you all of
the way home, and our presence will give you every encouragement to cut
your ties with all that belongs in the past. You are creating a new
paradigm, which will ensure a smooth flow from one to the other. Changes
often unsettle people but what is coming will delight you and fulfil
the promises that have been made to you.

You are certainly sensing the speeding up of time more than ever before, and it is becoming obvious that the transition to the higherdimensions is rapidly approaching. Your Ascension is the most important
event of all, and what is taking place is specifically intended to
hasten your progress towards it. Simply put we must get rid of the old
to make way for the new, and our involvement will become more apparent
as the weeks go by. Much happens behind the scenes, and we are not
always in a position to be able to release information about it. It is
sufficient to say that we closely monitor all that is happening on
Earth, and as always will play our part to contain the dark Ones.

As with individuals who have their own life plan, so the Human Race has one that arises from the collective consciousness created overmillennia of time. With your freewill it could have directed you onto a
different path to what you are now on. As with your earlier
civilisations, you could have slipped further down the dark road to
destruction. However, with the will to lift yourselves up you have
averted what could easily have been another disaster. Now the forces of
Light are so well established upon Earth, there cannot be a return to
darkness that covered it.

Heavenly Beings of mighty power know of your future and guide you to it, and it is one of travelling the dimensions of Light. Life on Earthleft you isolated from contact with other civilisations, until the
latter part of this cycle. Now you are beginning to understand that the
Universe is teeming with life. You have gradually been introduced to
those like us, who have travelled with you on your journey. It has been a
planned program of acquainting you with our craft, and allowing for
your natural curiosity to seek knowledge of the intelligence behind
them. It has not been easy to guide you to the truth about us, as your
sources of information have clouded the issue by giving out
disinformation. Fortunately your minds have awoken the vastness of space
and life beyond Earth. Your moon and Mars are now known to have carried
life as you understand it, and are in fact still used as bases for a
number of different extraterrestrials. You shall learn much more about
these matters, and proof of the truth as it is already known will be
released for you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at last openly visit you and your beautifulEarth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey All languages statedabove

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 05-July-2010

We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvelous opportunitiesahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels.

They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks thatdemand their full co-operation.

Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normallywould have no need of further earthly experiences.

They come out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your final spellin duality.

Our present mission of enlightenment will eventually come to an end in this form of communication, and will be superseded by one that addresses all alike. In the initial period we shall speak with you
through your existing outlets such as television. However in time there
will be a more personal form of contact, similar to your mobile
telephones except that it will be based upon a different technology. It
will enable you to converse with anyone, regardless of where they are
around the world. Your present system emits harmful radiation, like many
other appliances you use on a daily basis. The changes to the type of
energies you use will be far reaching, until all of them come from free
energy sources that are safe to use and non-polluting.

Naturally such changes must include the different forms of transport you currently use, that are creating massive pollution and are harmful to all life forms. Many of your illnesses result from it, not to mention
the affect upon your Earth that has become seriously poisoned as a
result. Your scientists and specialists in such matters have been well
aware of the dangers, but their recommendations are ignored to protect
the companies who are responsible. You have been unnecessarily held
back, from what should have been natural progress towards the use of
clean energy which could have already been widely used. As we have
mentioned previously, the condemnation of your government is that they
have kept these advancements for their own use. Their underground
military bases use every conceivable advancement, which could have
greatly benefited your quality of life.

Our mission will still proceed to accompany you to Ascension, but it also requires us to bring you into the modern age of free energy and all of its benefits. In fact we shall be together for a long time, well
beyond your immediate needs and shall become as One. Your destiny is to
travel the Cosmos which is open to you once you have ascended and live
from your higher consciousness. Many of you have already acquired such a
level, and your presence on Earth is awakening others to the power of
Light and Love. It is the goal that you should be aiming for and it is
achievable, which is why you are given so much help and encouragement.
In fact your levels of consciousness are continuing to increase very
rapidly, and if you are committed to Ascension you will be successful.
As your bodies inevitably change so you will notice a more gentle energy
present, and be of a much healthier disposition. Illness and disease is
unheard of in the higher dimensions, and it is only prevalent in the
lower ones such as yours.

Your future is assured, and even if you are not amongst those who do aspire to ascend. Those who oversee the progress of Humanity plan your evolution, and many times it has fallen into the lower dimensions. On
each occasion it has been given the chance to rise up again, with a
careful plan for your upliftment. The cycle you are just closing is one
such example, and although you have had to find your own way back you
have been helped at every turn. When it is seen that the Light is
returning, you attract the attention of those Teachers who serve you.
They incarnate into the more spiritually developed countries, and help
to establish conditions for greater progress.

It may seem that you are at the mercy of events beyond your control, but in fact you collectively have the power to change them. You have for example contributed to the changes that are now taking place and have
re-directed the focus of Man from the old paradigm, by seeing its
inadequacies into a new vision that is bringing freedom and peace. Yes,
it may take time but once the seeds are set they will come to fruition,
and you are just beginning to see new ideas being examined that will
bring you long awaited changes. Because it starts from the bottom
upwards, you have much more influence than you imagine. Fear as always
is to be avoided at all cost, as it feeds the very source that has kept
you under its control for eons of time. It is the Love and Light that
will transmute it and against which the dark Ones have no defense.

Your patience will be sorely tested in the immediate future, as matters will seem to be becoming more serious. However, the answers are with us and together with our allies, we shall reverse the threatening
trends that you see now. We want to meet you with due ceremony befitting
of such an occasion, and cannot just arrive without first approaching
your leaders. The only exception would be where we were give divine
permission to do so. You will understand that the Galactic Federation is
not some marauding group of Space Beings, we are organized to police
the Universe helping young civilizations evolve without interference. We
carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out
his plans for evolution.

Even in your lowest moments of despair, Beings of Light are with you and try to ease your worries. They help you pick up the pieces, and lift you into the Light so that you may find hope and new inspiration. You
are never alone regardless of what position you are in, and your Guides
will influence you for your good if you will but listen. Sometimes you
need to create a quiet moment so that they can get through to you.
Inspired thoughts are often a result of such contact, and unlike your
ego will not lead you astray. Indeed, it is your ego that often controls
your life, and imposes upon you the image you have built for yourself.
Go within Dear Ones and listen to your Higher Self to understand who you
truly are and what you are capable of. Your ego sometimes will limit
your ability to change from the mindset you have created.

We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvelous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and
experience, and often specialize in one subject to which they are fully
dedicated. They come from many different planets as we do, and have
volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives
are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and
normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come
out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your
final spell in duality.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and leave you with my Love and Blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
日本語/Japanese -

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages
available on
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MONTAGUE KEEN:July 4, 2010

As the time draws near for Truth to be revealed, come together with confidence knowing that as Earth comes to the close of thelast 25 Thousand Year Cycle, you have all chosen to be part of this greatTransition. The Light will return once more to guide Mankind, the darkness willbe extinguished forever, their corruption exposed and removed , Truth andKnowledge will be available to all, Race and Creed will no longer be an issueon any level. Because the Dark have plans to exterminate many, we havebrought our plans forward. The Human Race is not theirs to do with as they will.

My dear, you are getting information from many parts of your World from those who are Awake and aware of all that ishappening. It is good to see this , we encourage all good people to cometogether. Connect with your Higher self, open up to the Light, know who youtruly are. Each of you are on a mission to rescue Earth from those whofoolishly believe it is theirs for the taking, those whose evil plans to remove2/3rd's of the population that they see as surplus to theirrequirement. They have held Mankind in a Dark Prison of control andIgnorance, this my friends is coming to an end, their reign will sooncease. The Reptilian Dark agenda is ending, they cannot exist in theLight. Some of the greatest who are working with the Light are now by your sideas together you increase the awareness of those who still "sleep"within the "illusion" they call life, unaware that it is but anillusion. Please be there for them when reality strikes and the illusionis ripped away and they feel trapped, frightened, conned by those they trustedin and believed. It will be a tough awakening, be kind to them, help themto re-connect with the Light.

There are changes that are part of the Transition that you are being conned into believing that you are responsiblefor such as Global Warming, this is NOT so. No one on Planet Earthcan change even one of these natural changes that are part of the Earth'sCycle. See what is being done as yet another scam to control and cheat you outof what is rightfully yours. There are no depths to which these people will goto control you. Do not fall for their lies.

Right now they are conspiring to create Fear and Mistrust . Know that your Fear gives them control. Their methods ofcontrolling you have been well thought out and planned, do not go like sheep tothe slaughter. Listen to those who speak the Truth, read their books, thetruth will set you free. You take these steps for the sake of your childrenand Grandchildren and future Generations to come. This is your role inlife, it is what you came on Earth to do, this decision was made when youwere in full knowledge and understanding of what was involved, you agreed toit. Everything you have done up until now is incidental , this is what you cameon Earth to do, this is your role in life.

You are entering a very important part of the Earth's transition to the Higher Energy. You will actually feel many changes inyour body as well as the connection that you will become aware of with theLight. Everything will become clear as you awaken to the Light. Youwill feel as though you have come home, suddenly you are free of all theconfusion that bound you to the Dark. You belong in the Light, nomore pain and killing, your DNA completely restored, Brains that work 100% rememberingknowledge that was removed from you. See it as an exciting time of exploration.So much awaits you.

As you move forward to the time of revelation on a scale never before seen on Earth, I tell you my dear, those who liedand cheated you and who continue to do so will soon be exposed, each one ofthem will answer, there is nowhere for them to hide. That they planned thiswhile I was still on the Earth Plane grieves me, sadly I was not aware oftheir Evil Intent, this cannot go unchallenged. In hurting you they hurt me, weshare one Soul, I feel what you feel. Our Love was despised by them, you werenot one of them. Our Love is pure and beautiful, it grows in strength as wecontinue our work, together for all time.

Reach out to each other, share your Light. Do not choose to stay in the darkness because it is familiar, be brave, itis your destiny to go to the Light.

Veronica, you will always be the Light of my life, your adoring Husband, Monty.


Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

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For as you KNOW … the saying goes … when the pupil is ready the teacher will come.

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced something strong, manydidn’t and yet found later they could see aura’s or sensing some change fromwithin, many didn’t experience anything at all, even though they gave it a goseveral times. Could you please explain why some felt it and some didn’t’?

Federation of Light(FoL):Indeed we would feel this appropriate. For we are aware that some wereperplexed at the lack of outcome which therefore stirred from within adisappointment of sorts. But we ask you to KNOW when we say that whosoever madethe efforts to perform the task of activation … IT WILL HAVE OCCURRED.

Blossom: That’s really good to hear, and yet how come some felt it and somedidn’t?

FoL:Because of the necessaryadjustments to the individual’s energy field and the level of vibration theywere in at that particular moment. Not, we stress, NOT because of the levelthey reside in full time, if we may express it that way. There are many thatwere expecting the Earth to move … and due to the anticipation ... theexpectancy overruled the actual phenomenon and if you like ‘disguised’ thatwhich actually took place. Yet we continue to express that the event withineach one DID occur. Perhaps we would say that some have been ‘put on a timer’and for those who did not feel it immediately they will WITHOUT DOUBT KNOW themoment when their particular ‘timer ‘ goes off. There can also be for some …‘activational triggers’ that shall take place at the correct time for each.

Blossom: OK. Thank you. Anything more you would like to add on that matterbefore we move on?

FoL: Yes. We desire toadditionally remark upon the devout intentions of so many to bring your worldinto its Higher realm. The activation process deemed its self- importance andmany more than you realise succumbed to their inner voice and followedits calling. Do you see dear ones? Do you see how the Divine Plan is comingtogether? It is happening NOW. You only need to sit and FEEL it in the silenceof yourself to KNOW of its TRUTH.

Blossom: Thank you. I KNOW I have asked of this before, but there is so muchspeculation as to what is to take place regarding the Gulf oil spill. So manyare living in fear … understandably. Would you feel it appropriate to speakmore of this ongoing disaster, to perhaps relieve the fears of many? If youFEEL you have said all that needs to be said, then I shall accept that ofcourse.

FoL: YOUR WORLD IS AT THE ENDOF ITS CYCLE. YOUR PEACEMAKERS ARE DRAWING STRENGTH … IN PEACE … AND IT SHALLBE KNOWN THAT THE TRUTH OF WHAT IS … CAN NO LONGER BE HIDDEN. For decades now,many are learning of matters that at one time they could only conceive as makebelieve. We say, from the HIGHEST PLACE OF AUTHORITY … VERY SOON … AMONG YOUshall be LIGHT that cannot be covered up or hidden from view. *A decloaking asyou know of it to be expressed … SHALL occur on a scale of that which wehave spoken in the past. Many KNOW of this in your hearts. Many FEEL this inyour hearts and at times we are aware of the yearning … the longing … for thisto take place. It is soon to be upon you.

Blossom: Hate to interrupt and of course with all respect … but as we havediscussed in the past …That word ‘soon’ doesn’t cut it for us down here. Yourversion of ‘soon’ is very different from ours down here. Your ‘soon’ could meanin a few years … to us … that’s LIGHT YEARS AWAY in the terms of expectancy!!!!‘Soon’ to us means in the next couple of days or months, so to be honest …Could we scrap that word for now … as, for us earthlings ... it is verymisleading.

FoL: We accept yourproposal and we smile as we say Light- heartedly yet again … oh ye of littlefaith.

Blossom: And I accept it Light-heartedly, for as you know, myself and who knowsexactly how many thousands, have KNOWING rather than faith … yet it is our‘time difference’ that causes the dilemma.

FoL: Yet there is no dilemmafrom our perspective. You can only see with your human eyes …

Blossom: And yet do we not FEEL with our spirit hearts? And through yourteachings we are learning to listen to our FEELINGS above all else.

FoL: And what are yourfeelings telling you of?

Blossom: A feeling!!!

FoL: About what?

Blossom: About you coming … about you showing up in the way you have alwayssaid you would …. SOON!

FoL: And as you have justsaid, have we not taught you and have you not adhered to this lesson of KNOWINGthat your FEELINGS are your TRUTH? For they and only they (your feelings) canalert you to what is. Your minds’ thoughts can wonder and interact with allforms of energy that may confuse ANY given matter, and yet … ask your soul, askyour heart what it is FEELING about ANYTHING and it will always give you theTRUTH . For it cannot … it is not designed … to give you anything other thanwhat it is … TRUTH.

So these FEELINGS that somany of you are experiencing are what is about to take place.

Blossom: But we don’t know what these FEELINGS are saying … we can FEEL them,but what are they telling us?

FoL: Let us ask you thatquestion ... What are your feelings telling you?

Blossom: Erm … are we not going round in circles here? We started this sectionoff by saying that the FEELINGS were telling us that you were coming ‘soon’.

FoL: Thank you. Shall wecontinue on this wheel or shall we move on.

Blossom: Understood! What would you like to discuss next?

Fol: Decisions.

Blossom: About?

FoL: Your futures. It is sovery important, more than you realise, at this time to be very precise aboutdecisions you make regarding your everyday existence. Lift up your spirits intoa place of great value. How much do you think you value who you are and why youare here? It would benefit you endlessly to involve your FEELINGS with valuingthe position you are in right here, right now. For by doing so , you will allowthe activation notch to be tuned into an ever increasing frequency that releasesacceptance and understanding as you move into that ever increasing frequency.

Blossom: I sort of get that. Are you saying that the more we value theprivilege of being chosen to be here at this wondrous time, the more arevibration rises and the more we can value ourselves … and the more we valueourselves the more …. Etc …. You get the picture?

FoL: That is precisely whatwe are saying.

Blossom: Oooh! I just heard the next sentence you wanted to put, and thought …‘here we go!!’And that sentence was????

FoL: You are waiting foryourselves.

Blossom: And you knew I would be saying … please detail this on a deeper levelif you would. Because I am taking that sentence on the lines that many arewaiting for ‘The Star Kind’ to arrive and give us a helping hand in all thismess we have made down here … so how does that tie in with yourstatement ‘ Waiting for yourselves’?

FoL:Has it ever occurred toyou that those very ‘Star Kind’ that you speak of may just be a HIGHER versionof yourselves? After all, you have come to know that you are just a smallaspect of who you are , experiencing a ‘playtime’ on this planet earth.

Blossom: Playtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

FoL: Indeed … this was theintention … this was its original purpose. To play … the derision of which isto be of joy to have fun … is it not? THIS WAS OUR INTENTION FOR YOU. Andalthough the experiment did not finalise in the way we had assumed … it is nonethe less IN THE BIG SCHEME OF THINGS … just a small experiment. We can FEELyour FEELINGS Blossom as you write for us. We are aware that as a human NOW onyour planet, it appears we are of little comprehension of what it actuallyentails to be experiencing ‘life on earth’ at this time.

Blossom: For when you are here deep within it … all the horror and disaster andcontrol and abuse of free choice etc seems to FEEL a lot more than a smallexperiment that went … got to say it … excuse me …. Arse up!!! I am notangry saying this , not at all, it is just I can sort of FEEL what youare about to say and I ‘GET IT’, but when you are actually here on earthplaying your part it all FEELS so important that we are doing so.

FoL: AND IT IS. Yetunderstand from your inner KNOWING that you are playing a role. You are carryingout your destined will in order to uplift this tiny tiny planet called Earth.IT IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE IN THE SCHEME of things, and yet, if you were able tocomprehend the vastness of eternity , which of course in incomprehensible, youwould also come to the realisation that this ‘EVENT’ is merely a smallaspect when you consider FOREVERNESS. Each step that is made along theeternal path of LOVE is simply a happening. Life … all life … all LOVE …is simply experiencing a happening.
We can FEEL too your need toreturn to the matter of ‘waiting for yourselves’.

Blossom: Yes, you said, or I FEEL you implied that those that shall arrive inthe ships in the sky … are a Higher version of ourselves?

Fol: That is correct. And nowknowing this, do you see the importance and necessity of your vibration beingof a degree that could handle this?

Blossom: Well, sort of. Guessing that if we were not ready to accept andreceive this information, when I finally met a Higher aspect of myself … thisone, this human one, might keel over in surprise, and if we all did that, therewould be little point of any of it. I am TRULY a bit lost here … So, your'esaying we are going to meet a Higher aspect of ourselves … What ? All of us?Each one of us? A biggy is coming, I just got the gist of what you areabout to say …. THIS IS ALL SO HUGE!!!

FoL: Let us take this slowlywhen we say … consider the notion that a group of souls on your planet earth …a large group … may together … make up … one Star Being.

Blossom: Far out!! So what you are saying is … I FEEL … I think … that thosewith whom we may feel very strongly connected to … those that we say we have adeep soul connection with … when moulded together become one soul in the realmsof the star people.

Fol: That is correct.

Blossom: That’s blown me away. Holy Moley and any other appropriateexpression!!!

FoL: And then to take it astep further …

Blossom: Steady Neddy , because I might fall off my perch!!

FoL: Take that same scenarioand adjust it to it happening to the visitors that are to come … them meetingup with the next Higher aspect of themselves, so that many ‘starkind’ who wereof a soul group , then became ONE Higher Being …and so on and so on . Ifyou take this into account, perhaps it helps you to understand the concept ofBEING ONE.

Blossom: Yes, yes it does. White Cloud once spoke of a metaphor regarding this,it has just come to mind, as to how Love was broken down into many particlesetc, too long to go into now, and even though I had understood that, I hadnever really looked at it from a point of view of people. Well, not in the waythat you have just described. It’s so weird to try and get my head aroundit … so, what happens then … when say … my soul group … meets itself … asportrayed as one Star Being?

FoL: This dearest inquisitiveone, we must leave for another time. In some ways we would need to discussamongst the Higherarchy whether or not it would be appropriate to reveal suchthings. For as you KNOW … the saying goes … when the pupil is ready the teacherwill come.

Blossom: And I know, simply because I am so accustomed to the KNOWING of when asession is over, that the bell has just gone and it’s time to go out and play.As Alice in Wonderland once said … ‘curiouser and curiouser!!!!!!!’ Mmm a lotto think about today. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us. Part ofthe plan I know and yet I know it’s not compulsory. Like for each one of usthat is awakening more and more into the Light we share our knowledge becausewe want to , not because we have to. Ok … I guess I shall be having a realthink about WHO is ME. Who I am part of on this earth plane right now that isnot just a friend or part of my family , but is actually ME!! LORD MAUD.And what you have shared with us today I FEEL is just a current in the cake… I can’t possibly imagine what the icing on top will contain!!Until next time oh blowers of minds … much Love Light and thanks!!PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

*As I was reading through for spelling etc, I got to this bit and FOR NO REASONAT ALL ... or for every reason , my page changed on my site and the followingchannelling came up. So I feel I should guide you towards reading this again... after a few years it seems!! Very strange ... Truly I was just reading ,touched nothing and it came up all by itself ... (or not)!

(around end of August 2008 )

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - JAPANESE -FRANÇAIS - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 02-July-2010

There will be many re-unions and celebrations, and more than a few tears of joy.

Ever since the Millennium commenced you have been tossed one way or the other, by events that have beencontrived to place you under firm control. Situations have beenengineered to force issues concerning your future, not to release youfrom constraints but to take away your last vestiges of freedom. When itseemed that you were close to becoming prisoners in your own lands, arevolution of the mind occurred and the grand awakening commenced. Itincreased exponentially until the energy for change become so powerfulas to halt its progress. Consciousness levels rose substantially, andopposition to the dark Ones became more open. Today you stand at thedoor to victory over them, and their ambitions have been trampled uponby your resistance to their plans for your incarceration.

Your natural inclinations move towards peace for all, and given true representation at government level youwould achieve it. It is therefore important that such changes occurwithout delay. Together with our allies we are plotting the downfall ofmany corrupt groups, and their replacements are
chosen for theirproven support for you. You have sent up an ever-increasing plea foryour release from the dark Ones, and it has empowered us to act inresponse. The suddenness of changes will undoubtedly surprise you, andso they shall continue until your freedom is fully restored.

Do you sometimes wonder what is about the Human Race that gets so much attention, particularly at this time, andwhy it is that every soul has many Guides, whether you are aware of themor not? Firstly your evolution is extremely important, and it mustwhere possible reach a level that makes Ascension possible. Also, yourprotection is necessary as there are Beings in the lower astral regions,and even Earth bound entities that would “attack” you and interferewith your life plan, unless they were prevented. However, your Angelicdoorkeeper is there to keep them away, and normally you have noknowledge of it. Possession and psychic attacks do sometimes take place,in spite of attempts to prevent them, but it can be part of yourintended experience. Countless people can relate to the presence ofAngels, and many of what you call miracles are carried out by them.Often what you call a lucky escape from danger is due to theirintervention, and indeed the nature of your “luck” cannot be explainedany other way. Talk with them, and call for them if you are in need, andthey are more than willing to help you with even quite mundanerequests. Their service for you is their love for you, and it is totallyunconditional.

Living in duality your experiences are so different to those of the higher dimensions. Every step you take nowcould bring up another challenge, and many are in direct contention withthe dark Ones. You have to be continually on your guard, as you neverknow when you might slip up in spite of your Guides helping you along.The wrong decision could temporarily put back your evolution, butfortunately it can often be corrected in the same lifetime. Life isabout learning lessons, so that you do not have to face them again. It
is about awakening you to your true Self as a Being of Love and Light,and acknowledging your god spark within. Knowing that in reality youhave unlimited power to decide your own future. These messages aregetting through
to people, and together you are creating the pathwayout of the darkness and walking into the Light of All That Is.

God cradles you as a Mother would her baby, watching over you and helping you every step of the way home. Godpicks you up when you fall, and is ever present wherever you go. Godwhispers in your ear if you but listen, and answers your prayers. Indeedas we have often told you, you are very special and we say that not tofeed your ego, but to tell you how it is. You are Spiritual Beings firstand foremost; the Sons and Daughters of God, and we are no exception.All life has its immutable link with God, regardless of what form
ittakes. It is all evolving ever onwards and upwards as you are now. Suchan understanding should enable you to overcome any doubts about Beingsfrom other
planets that are unlike your selves in appearance. Onlythose that have risen to the higher levels will be able to visit you onEarth, and you will readily accept them once you have experienced theirpeaceful emanations.

You may recall that it is our expressed intention, to first introduce to you those members of the GalacticFederation that are the most humanlike. As it happens, they will includemany of those who have had a hand in your evolution
and are yourtrue family. In time memories of your links with them will return, whichwere only blanked out to allow you to move through duality withoutdistraction. We know that most of you are fascinated by the possibilitythat you are Space Beings, and in time you will meet us. There will bemany
re-unions and celebrations, and more than a few tears of joy.Doesn’t all of this lift you up and make you realize that your future isassured, and give you more strength to sail through the remainder ofthe cycle of duality. It is merely a passing phase of change that willlead you to Ascension.

The Gulf oil spill is naturally still uppermost in your minds, and will remain the focus of attention forquite some time to come. It will go a long way to moving you out of yourreliance on fossil fuels, and already alternatives are being preparedfor announcement and production. It will quickly move on to
moregeneral applications that will go worldwide. It takes a disaster of themagnitude of this oil spill; to wake people up to such dangerous andunnecessary practices, when clean and safe alternatives are alreadyknown and secretly being used. Have no doubt Dear Ones, the changes aregoing to happen and once more your beautiful Earth will be restored.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you we are very active at present. There are opportunities likely to presentthemselves very shortly, which will give our allies a breakthrough. Weare ready to move into action when our
presence is needed, and beassured that the desired outcome will be quickly achieved. We know youare anticipating a great move forward, and it will certainly take place.Remember that nothing will deter or stop your ultimate

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey All languages statedabove

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

YOUnity, One World.One Vibration, EnLIGHTen Life.Active Site.


Word of Wisdom: The true ascended master is never seen because, once one masters all there is, one returns toCreation.


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"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." --Marcel Proust



God always opens up the perfect way for those who are willing to believe the impossible and remainperseverant in the face of apparent reality until they can recreatereality to truly mirror their visions!


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SaLuSa 30-June-2010

We urge you to follow David Wilcock and his revelations, if you want tokeep abreast with what is happening in the world and beyond it.

Depending on your understanding of what surrounds events now taking place you are probably feeling exhilarated, or have a certain foreboding about thefuture. Man has been conditioned to accept trouble and strife as a natural partof life’s experience, and has never been given the encouragement to thinkotherwise. Yet as sovereign Beings you are entitled to choose happy andfulfilling experiences. So what has resulted in you losing your way, and whatis the answer? Dear Ones, you allowed others to take control, and as thevibrations gradually dropped even lost your memories of having been greaterBeings. The path back has been torturous and painful, but to your credit youhave never given up. With help to awaken you to your true Self and your fullpotential, you have begun to realize that you are special. You have lived livessurrounded by so much negativity, that your Light has almost been diminishedbut you have risen up again. Your Light however dim can be re-vitalized,because the promise is that every soul has infinite life and is immortal.

As you go through the last years before Ascension, your focus on it will be assailed by what appears to be the end of the world. The prophecies ofArmageddon will seem to be coming to fulfillment, and fear will fill manypeople. However, before events seem unstoppable, amazing developments will turnthe tide to one of reversing the trends. Suddenly the answers will come throughrevelations that are accompanied by the truth. That which was hidden from youwill be brought out into the open for cleansing, so that where you have beendenied the opportunity to advance yourselves, it will now be placed before you.We refer to many discoveries that would have enhanced and lifted your lives toa more acceptable level, and we along with many other sources are now empoweredto ensure that what is due to you is received.

Like you the Earth must be cleansed, as having had the use of it for your experiences you cannot just walk away from the conditions you have left it in.Remember that you are ascending with Mother Earth, and like you she has to makepreparations for it. Nothing would be learnt from your experiences if you didnot understand the consequences of your actions, and did not acceptresponsibility for them. This is very much the same for you as an individual,and you too have to learn from your mistakes. That is the whole point of youpassing through the cycle of duality, and as we always remind you, you eagerlyput yourself forward for the experience. We might be prompted to ask that nowyou are in sight of the finishing line, why some should lose sight of the factthat nothing can prevent Ascension.

In spite of the doom and doom outlook of certain people, try to see beyond the immediate happenings and enjoy what you will experience in the immediateperiod before Ascension. Even better occupy your mind with what you will becomeafter it, with all its promise of happiness and a blissful existence. Bepatient and if you have the opportunity, help others in despair to overcome itand have faith in the future. Many, many groups are forming and pressing forimmediate changes, and their protests will not go unheeded. You are becomingthe voice of the people, and it carries a potent energy that will attract themeans to manifest it. That is how the Law of Attraction works so we ask you touse it where you can.

The whole Universe is proceeding in an orderly fashion as it prepares to ascend, and yet the attention is being paid to you on Earth as a vital part ofit. You must be ready for when the great day arrives, and your Universe willseemingly disappear, only to re-appear instantly in a higher vibration. That isthe scale of what is happening, and you may ponder what magnificent Being canwield such power, and think no further than the God of your Universe. Can youimagine for one minute how powerful that makes you, because you all carry theGod Spark? You have of course yet to manifest your full potency, but in time asyou ascend to even higher dimensions it will gradually come about.

We urge you to follow David Wilcock and his revelations, if you want to keep abreast with what is happening in the world and beyond it. Get as youmight say the low down on many happenings, and the likely outcome. David hasassigned himself to bringing you the truth, and is a highly respected soul whohas a total commitment to his work. Many look for guidance and seek a reliablesource, and he is one that tops the list. David inspires such confidence andassurance that his goal is to reveal the truth. At the same time setting outthe likely scenario that will lead you out of the darkness, and into the Light.Our protection goes out to anyone that serves the Light, and there are many ofyou that do it. You are all loved and respected for your total commitment tothe role you have undertaken for the benefit of all. Your beautiful world hasbeen blessed with the presence of so many Beings of Light, that they will bringmore Light to it.

The darkness on your Earth that threatened to destroy it has been stopped from causing such a monumental disaster, that it would have taken eons of timeto recover from. It has happened to other planets in your solar system, and iteffects every other planet causing displacement and damage. It can even cause aplanet to become uninhabitable for many thousands of years. God has decreedthat your jewel in the sky, your shimmering Earth shall not be destroyed andthe Galactic Federation will ensure that you are safe from danger. You have onmore than one occasion faced total annihilation, and we have stepped in for you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust you are being uplifted by the good news that we bring. You will one day very soon, learn a lot about your past historyand the final chapter will end with your Ascension. Once out of the cycle ofduality your evolution will steadily proceed, as you move into higher, andhigher dimensions. You have everything to look forward too, and nothing youhave now will compare with what you will have once you have ascended. Keep itmind when you are distracted by earthly matters, and know that they can have noeffect upon you unless you allow it to be so. Our love goes with you allforever.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 28-June-2010

We hope to have clarified this matter and would remind you that Disclosure and First
Contact, are necessary to give us the clearance and permission to officially
land on Earth, and then we can immediately move into action.

Fear not, as the Light will be with you always.

The countdown has started and one way or another, opportunities will be created to allow matters to advance more quickly. The will to go ahead with monumental changes is being supported by more and more members of the public.
Their awareness of what has been happening in the past has greatly increased,
as the truth circulates far and wide. It cannot be hidden away as in the past,
and you are becoming much more adept at spotting the deliberate attempts to
mislead you. Trust is something that has been lacking for a long time, but with
new leaders appearing in many countries all over the world it is returning. It
has also given you people who are right for the times you are in, who are ready
to move on from the old ways. We are behind them and our allies are supporting
them where possible. It must lead to prompt changes, as time is passing so
quickly that action needs to be taken now. From many different sources your
support is known to be growing, and the pressure has been increased on those
who are the decision makers.

Our message is that you should keep your minds, eyes and focus on the outcome you desire. The energy produced by your mass consciousness is so powerful that it can shape your future, and is indeed doing so. In fact it has
carried you forward since the Millennium, and it is now that you are seeing the
changes manifesting that you the people have helped create. You have battled
with the dark forces and their insidious plans, and have stopped their onward
march. All has been up in the air, but you will see before long clear signs of
where you are going. Listen carefully to those who shine out, as the White
Knights and are leading you all into a New Age. It is their powerful Light that
is clearing a pathway to Ascension, and you will recognize them by the work
they are doing. Many dear souls are at the ready to help those who are at the
forefront of the changes, and you are assured it will be used. The correct
timing is still very much on our minds, and it is your state of awareness that
is a key factor where it is concerned. The dark Ones still harbor thoughts of
causing mayhem, and you must guard against falling for their acts that are
simply to create fear amongst you.

We can and do help in many ways that you are unaware of, but at the end of the day it is you who really call the tune. Fortunately our work and that of your Guides and Masters has well prepared you for the present time. You have
made the transition from a set of rigid beliefs to those that are more
flexible, and consequently you are more open to the truth and not afraid to
move on. Your past history shows how you have been mislead to believe in the
ruling hierarchy, who have held you back for their own benefit and power. Now
you no longer find the need to be told how you must lead your lives. You are
sufficiently aware to be able to go within and speak with your personal God.
Take time out regularly to meditate and it will benefit you in many ways, not
least of all you will become relaxed and less prone to illness. Stress has been
your worst enemy for eons of time, but that is changing as the prospect of
lasting peace and happiness is within your grasp.

We say again, that you are sovereign Beings and you have God given rights that will be observed, and we of the Galactic Federation will lead you to the Promised Land. You sometimes talk of desiring Heaven on Earth, and as
the changes take place you shall see it forming before your very eyes. It is
yours to claim and where you really should be, as duality is not your home but
merely a cycle of experiences that were never meant to be permanent. It has
served your purpose, and elevated your levels of consciousness to higher ones
that are taking you on to Ascension. The plan of the Creator is perfect and
with it still allowed your expression of freewill, which has directed your
personal experiences in the direction you chose. It is now time to close that
period, and the cleansing is under way so that all can eventually be restored
once again.

There is still some confusion regarding Extraterrestrials visiting Earth. It exists even where people are more informed as to such activities, and it results mainly from disinformation by Government sources. However, it is
also considered unlikely in view of the talk about First Contact. We have
pointed out that it refers to open and official contact, but clearly does not
mean that it is the only circumstances through which contact or visits can occur.
By Universal Law another civilization cannot interfere with the development of
another civilization, but can be authorized by us to visit Earth providing it
follows certain guidelines. What you often find is that when such visits take
place, once the Space Beings are seen that they quickly move away. In the past
there have been exceptions regarding actual contact, but these have been
pre-arranged with the permission of the contactee.

So you may ask, how is it that there is talk of Extraterrestrials having bases upon Earth. The answer is once again that providing they do not interfere with the people, they are allowed to have such bases as indeed we ourselves
have. They are usually deep within the Earth, or under the sea beds
safe from any intrusions. They are protected by advanced technologies so as to
keep them safe and secure from the dark Ones, who try to penetrate or destroy
them. There have been occasions where privileged persons from Earth have been
allowed access but these are special exceptions. Where it often gets confusing
is because of the Greys, who have had bases on Earth for many years by
agreement with the U.S. government. As we informed you previously, since they
were invited to stay we cannot make them leave unless they violate the conditions
relating to it. Even the “abductions” and cattle mutilations were approved, and
this aspect was also confused by the U.S. Military who were also involved. It
was further compounded by brief skirmishes that took place between the two

We hope to have clarified this matter and would remind you that Disclosure and First Contact, are necessary to give us the clearance and permission to officially land on Earth, and then we can immediately move into
action. The Creator is the only authority that can override such conditions,
and when a certain time is reached we have permission to organize First Contact
ourselves. These events approach ever nearer, and become more urgent as the
conditions on Earth worsen. Fear not, as the Light will be with you

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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Montague Keen: june 27, 2010

What Mankind needs to remember is that "No Man is an Island", what is being done in one part of the World today can be repeated anywherethey choose. You are your brother's keeper, I ask you please cometogether in Love and Peace, support each other. Do not think thatbecause this is happening far away in America, I am safe here, you toowill have to face challenges and you will hope that someone will respondto your plight. The destruction of your World as you know it ishappening before your eyes, are you going to let it happen or will youwake-up to the major disaster that is unfolding, the truth of which isbeing kept hidden from you. A disaster is always created before the nextsteps of the plan to control your Planet can be taken, when enough fearis created then man will close his eyes to so much, he will agree toanything put before him. History repeats itself over and over again,what must happen before you wake-up and say Not in my Name. 3% of thepopulation of your World is inflicting such damage, ask yourselves, howcan this be.? Where is my voice.? You are consciousness, part of theWhole, all that is and ever was, together in Light and Love you canreclaim all that was taken from you. Forget the man-made differences ofRace and Creed, those were used to divide and rule. Find your truepurpose for indeed each of you have chosen to be on the Earth at thistime to rescue it from the Darkness that has engulfed it for so long.

I am part of the Network on this side of life, nothing happens that we do not know of, we see all. We will guide you forward to the HigherLevel that your Earth is approaching, the Dark side try to put obstaclesin our way, I promise you that even if it goes to the 11th hour, theywill not succeed. There are people who know the truth, they try to keepyou informed and are prepared to guide you. The darkest hour is justbefore Dawn, you will not be abandoned .

Never has your World been more corrupt, in every corridor of Power this Evil has secreted itself, hiding behind the puppets who crave powerand position. This has been very cleverly planned and executed up untilnow, but people are waking up and are no longer sleepwalking intobecoming the slaves of those who want to control you. Do not fall victimto their plans, they cannot be trusted. It is time to come out of theDarkness. The Truth will soon be revealed.

There are many good people in your World who work tirelessly to protect all of you , come together, learn to trust, reach out to eachother. You only have one enemy, that is he who wants to control you andtake over your World. You grew up in Ireland where Protestant andCatholic were taught to mistrust each other, divide and rule, one ofthe oldest tricks in the book triumphed and so trouble was created. Nowyou are taught to see Moslem's as the enemy, you are encouraged to fearthem, yet when you meet them they are just as fearful as you. Yes Iknow, there are always the exceptions who believe the hype and do stupidthings because they too are taught to hate and fear. Who is responsiblefor this.? They too are victims. It is time that you all learned tolive together in Peace. I remind you once more of when you and I cametogether, when I told you that I had been born a Jew, I asked if thismattered to you. Your reply brought joy to my heart, "Should it."? Youaccepted people for who they were not what they were. Our love should bean example to all that such differences should never matter. You sawbeyond the labels, you recognised the Light we shared and continue toshare. Reach out to each other, you have nothing to loose, nothing tofear except fear itself.

Once you have got through this Dark Period, life on Earth will be beyond your wildest dreams as both sides of Life come together inharmony. Look at our crest, the pyramid,the eye is not placed at thetop where knowledge is kept by the few, I have placed it in the middlewhere it is available to all mankind. You will regain full use of yourbrain, this was removed by the Darkside so as to control you. There willbe no barriers, everything will be possible once more, life will be asit was intended to be.

Take courage, open up to the Truth, research, establish the truth for yourself, take responsibility ,this is your life, live it to the fullin love and truth.

My dear you had some very interesting meetings last week, the timing ofthese were carefully orchestrated by us in Spirit, we are pleased withthe results, there is much to do.

Enjoy the Sunshine, my roses are doing well, it is good to see them in bloom once more, I planted them with love for you. My love surroundsyou as we progress along the road to fulfillment. Your adoring Husband,Monty

Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

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SaLuSa 25-June-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feelingbothastonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it hasbeenrejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly representthemood of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into theirhomes,and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives toget thechanges moving.

There is so much going on you could be excused for losingyour way. There are Man’s attempts to find solutions to your problems,and oursthat do not always follow yours. Our view of them means that we see agreat dealmore, than you can possibly comprehend. We oversee government officials,andanyone directly involved in decision making. We are there when covertoperationsare planned, and our allies and us benefit from such knowledge. It helpsusavoid any major actions against you, that might otherwise have caught usoffguard. As you have found out, there is nothing quite like a goodintelligencesystem. For us the added benefit is that we cannot be fooled, and wehave themeans to determine whether people speak truthfully. Indeed, when face tofacewith you we can tell so from your auras, or read your mind. From ourpoint ofview, you can literally be read like a book. We can see if you arespirituallyevolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light. It is this thatyou canfeel from these ones when they come close to you.

Man is sensitive to another’s vibrations, but normallymost people are such a mixture that it is only when it goes to extremesthat youregister the energy. Have you ever passed another person and feltshivers run upand down your spine, because if you have you will have known that theyindicatesomething unpleasant about them. What does indeed attract you to eachother, ifnot the energies being given off? Like attracts like, and you know thatsometimes you can have an instant rapport with another person, andequally ofcourse an instant dislike. When you rise up you will have powers ofperception,but in the higher dimensions the souls you meet will have alreadyascended, andyou will not find evidence of the lower vibrations. You will clearly seeeachother’s Light, and with it also be able to “read” which ray they areworking on.The Seven Rays are ones that you work with now, and have a greatinfluence onyour expression of Self.

As we have mentioned before, life in the higher dimensions is very different from your experiences on Earth. For a startyou aremore Self-aware and know that you have unlimited power, but you willalso havereached a point of understanding of your responsibilities where they areconcerned. Again this is why you cannot enter such levels, unless youare of alike vibration. How else would harmony be achieved, if there were such amix ofpeople as on Earth? You range from the enlightened to the unenlightened,andAscension will ensure that as the changes take place you find your rightlevel.You have to admit that duality has pushed you to your limits, and whenyou canstill rise up out of the darkness, you are truly one who has found theirtrueself. Every so often due to the cyclic nature of everything you aregiven theopportunity to ascend. It keeps occurring until at some stage, each andeverysoul will have returned to the Light. That is your destiny, and it iswhy you donot need to worry about the progress of othersouls.

All choose how they will progress on the spiritual pathway back to the Light. Roman"">The whole nature of your experiences is to evolve, andyou have no pressures on you to work at anything other than your ownspeed. Itshould also be noted that there is no status connected with being of theLight.People of a lowly class or lacking education are not lesser Beings, butsimplyin a role that gives them experiences they have chosen. Often it placesthem inlives where they work closely with Mother Earth, and so much can belearnt fromthem. The simple life can bring you closer to the truth than wealth,which cantake you anywhere and buy you anything you desire, but there is nosubstitutefor hands on experience.

By now you will have had so many lives on Earth that youwill so to say, have done the rounds and there is little left for you toexperience. For many of you that means playing out the last dayspreparing forAscension. You should be able to sense if you have fulfilled your lifeplan, asyou will feel no pressures upon you and relaxed even in these times ofturmoil.You are partway to the higher levels and have that air of confidence andknowing. Your peaceful mien and relaxed approach to life, is helpingothers calmdown and look for their own safe haven. Without some place to retire toand beable to find quietness in which to meditate, the stresses of life willtaketheir toll.

Dear Ones it is easy for us to talk about matters thatare peculiar to you on Earth, but only because we fully understand thenature ofyour problems. We have lived them with you, and can comprehend the painanddistress that you experienced. In fact we have tried to lessen it bysending youour Love and Light, and to uplift you in your moments of depression orsadness.We absolutely admire you all for undertaking the challenge of duality,as it wasknown how tough it would be. The fact that all along you have receivedhelp,does not in the least take away your courage and tenacity in the face ofhardships. You have fought a battle for your souls and have passed alltests,and now stand proudly at the portal to Ascension.

The Galactic Federation stands by for action and hasnever been much nearer to coming out into the open, in such a way thatwill foronce and for all time dispel the doubts about our presence. Theannouncementconfirming our benign and peaceful intentions where you are concerned,is neededso that we can immediately start to address the most urgent problems youareexperiencing. Some leaders favor an approach to us for everyone’sbenefit,whilst others are reluctant to give up their power and acquisition ofwealth.However, in the end changes will be made to remove those who do not haveeveryone’s interests at heart. We must join you when there is anagreement toour coming, and already large numbers of the people are warming to theidea ofworking with us. Otherwise the outlook is bleak, and a total breakdownof yoursociety will occur unless you face the threats thatexist.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling bothastonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it hasbeenrejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly representthemood of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into theirhomes,and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives toget thechanges moving.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Original site:

Petition to the Galactic Federation: Disclose, Stop Oil Spill, Release Free-Energy Technology

June 24, 2010
by Steve Beckow
3 Votes

Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey brings this initiative to our attention. Petra Samoiski-Tierney has created an online petition to convey our invitationto the Galactic Federation to disclose themselves, help us with theGulf of Mexico spill, and give us free-energy technology.

She asks us to follow a two-step process. The first step is to go to the Youtube link provided. Merely going there registers your votefor the Galactic Federation’s use. It gives them the invitation tointervene.

The second step is to go to the petition link provided and actually sign the petition, which will be forwarded to President Obama.

The petition has some grammatical and other errors in it because the author is a native German speaker. I’ve written MikeQuinsey and suggested that the wording of the petition be looked at.

Thanks to Petra for allowing us a means of taking action to bring about disclosure, stop the oil spill, and release free-energytechnology.

Dear Friends,

As we have noticed in our friends the majority of people on earth wish to have permanent peace for all nations and beings. It is obviousthat the mass consciousness has changed in a positive direction and thathumans are aware that “Mother Earth” has been damaged massively throughpredatory exploitation of the soil specially oil and the misuse ofpower.

Most of the humans have recognised, that we did not want to have these results and that we want to make a change now and immediately.They wish a change of the actual economic sweating system and an activesupport in the reorganization process of the planet through implementingalternative energies and technologies as well as a better health system.

These people that belong to the dark side are now in minority, but still these dark Ones are able to suppress most of the humans throughclever manipulation of their mind and free will. It is important thatthe “parity of power” will be re-structured, to terminate the force ofthe dark Ones which is executed through their technologies and power ofeconomy.

The Galactic Federation which is, a community of many star nations that protect our Milky Way Galaxy, has offered many times their help todifferent governments, but they have refused it. The Galactic Federationare more than ready to help us directly to remove the oil spill in theGulf of Mexico, to master the worldwide economic crisis and theenvironmental damage and to develop alternative technologies that bringbenefits to all human beings.

“A mandated authority” from us, the earth population will be needed and required to intervene in respect to the free will.

In that sense the Galactic Federation expects a cosmical mass Petition, which would ensure that they can come to us in peace. Theyare awaiting this moment for a long time, this moment, that they callthe “Magic Moment” in which a mass of people would welcome them. Everysingle person that reads this petition has now the chance to showresponsibility and as well the opportunity to create a positive changefor the whole world.

If you want to welcome them, if this is also your firm will to accept their support, then please act and perform the following 3 steps:

Step 1:

click on to this Youtube link, that counts in a symbolic way your “Vote”, like a “barometer”

Step 2.

click on this link to sign in to a mass petition

which will, if it has received a high level of attention, be directed to U.S. President Barack Obama

And the very important Step 3:

Support this action and forward this letter to all the people you know, who may think like you.
Never forget, only together we are strong and “YES, WE CAN”

In Love and Gratitude

Petra Samoiski-Tierney & Friends

June the 18th 2010

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SaLuSa 23-June-2010

Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead you to the heavenly peace youseek.

Once you get your teeth into something there is no letting go, and it cheers us immensely to see your determination to lift your levels of consciousness. They are progressing in
leaps and bounds, and as they do so they are bringing other dear souls out of
their old dream world, into the reality of who they really are. People all over
the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid.
Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is
becoming clear. Most importantly you realize that you have the power to change
the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for
Ascension. The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led
you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely
weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings
peace to the world.

What is also clear is that you are able to hold your focus on the wonderful future you visualize, and are no longer fooled by the tactics to distract you from it. It is your belief in the
future that is giving you the strength to rise up against those who would put
obstacles in your way. As you now know, everything is possible when you set
your minds firmly on what you want for the good of all. It was always seen that
you would eventually have sufficient understanding of what was required of you,
to succeed in creating the peaceful existence denied you previously. Duality
has shown you what happens when the Light has been suppressed, and how it
deadens your senses to your ability to rise above any difficulties. It is now
the time for you to claim your sovereignty, and collectively demand that your
rights are honored.

Meantime the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is attracting worldwide attention, and even those countries that are not immediately affected are extremely concerned at its threat to the ecology.
It has highlighted the dangers of continuing with your dependence on fossil
fuels. A serious look at alternative sources of energy is needed, and as you
know by now they already exist and are pollution free, but have been suppressed
and ignored by Governments who are beholden to the big oil and energy
corporations. The changes will be enforced and the multinationals will be
re-structured, so that they no longer have such influence and power. Freedom of
the people will be the object of First Contact, and the establishment of a
system where the wealth of the world can be fairly distributed. The next step
will be to banish poverty and we are well prepared to ensure it is quickly
carried out.

We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of
your understanding of the issues involved. More to the point, you know that at
the same time our allies and we are on the verge of achieving our aims to put
our plan into operation. It is still the timing that is of importance, and we
are helping create the ideal conditions to enable the go ahead. We are not idle
while we wait for the order to do so and still closely monitor all activities
on Earth. They are under our control so that we can exercise limitation where
massive damage is likely. We have been doing it for a long time, so as to
ensure you safely reach the end time.

Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of
those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well
known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing
the people of the world as One. The feeling of being your Brothers keeper,
comes with having compassion and love for all life. That is what has been
lacking for a long time, but with the increasing levels of consciousness more
of you are opening up your hearts in this way.

Whatever type of lives you have had, each one of them has been planned to further your evolution. Lessons to be learnt are measured to suit your ability to benefit from them, and no one
is given challenges unless it is known that they can cope with them. Naturally
in the run in to Ascension, you have tended to pack your lives with as many
opportunities as possible. That is why some of you have had such action filled
lives, and they often involve relationships with souls that have been a part of
your previous lives. These can often lead to disappointments, as you are not
given to know that all outcomes are pre-arranged. It is in adversity and even
pain that the greatest lessons are learnt. You seek happiness on Earth, but not
many can claim to have achieved it for any length of time. Happiness like
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

However, once you have passed beyond duality and take your place in the higher dimensions, you will find all of the peace, joy and happiness you can wish for. Balance and harmony is
everywhere around you, and life will be one continuous experience of
fulfillment. It is where you should naturally reside and have journeyed through
before. Duality is simply the testing ground for souls that want to advance
their evolution quickly. Not only that, by passing through it you are helping
all other souls that may follow after you. Service to others becomes quite
natural when you have restored your levels of Christ Consciousness. Seek to
elevate yourselves into a position where you can be the personification of
Unconditional Love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that we of the Galactic Federation are not religious in anyway as you understand the meaning. We find all knowledge within, and have manifested our
god selves having become unified with God. You too are heading this way, and we
know that already some of you have achieved great progress in this respect. Now
you will understand why you cannot enter the higher dimensions, unless you have
already lifted your vibrations to that level.

Prejudice is prevalent on Earth, but once you can accept that you are all One it begins to fall away. Look at people and see their soul before you, seeking, as you are the path to
freedom and happiness. Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead
you to the heavenly peace you seek. Know also that our love accompanies you,
and you can turn to us for help.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Once you get your teeth into something there is no letting go, and it cheers us immensely to see your determination to lift your levels of consciousness. They are progressing in
leaps and bounds, and as they do so they are bringing other dear souls out of
their old dream world, into the reality of who they really are. People all over
the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid.
Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is
becoming clear. Most importantly you realize that you have the power to change
the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for
Ascension. The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led
you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely
weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings
peace to the world.

What is also clear is that you are able to hold your focus on the wonderful future you visualize, and are no longer fooled by the tactics to distract you from it. It is your belief in the
future that is giving you the strength to rise up against those who would put
obstacles in your way. As you now know, everything is possible when you set
your minds firmly on what you want for the good of all. It was always seen that
you would eventually have sufficient understanding of what was required of you,
to succeed in creating the peaceful existence denied you previously. Duality
has shown you what happens when the Light has been suppressed, and how it
deadens your senses to your ability to rise above any difficulties. It is now
the time for you to claim your sovereignty, and collectively demand that your
rights are honored.

Meantime the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is attracting worldwide attention, and even those countries that are not immediately affected are extremely concerned at its threat to the ecology.
It has highlighted the dangers of continuing with your dependence on fossil
fuels. A serious look at alternative sources of energy is needed, and as you
know by now they already exist and are pollution free, but have been suppressed
and ignored by Governments who are beholden to the big oil and energy
corporations. The changes will be enforced and the multinationals will be
re-structured, so that they no longer have such influence and power. Freedom of
the people will be the object of First Contact, and the establishment of a
system where the wealth of the world can be fairly distributed. The next step
will be to banish poverty and we are well prepared to ensure it is quickly
carried out.

We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of
your understanding of the issues involved. More to the point, you know that at
the same time our allies and we are on the verge of achieving our aims to put
our plan into operation. It is still the timing that is of importance, and we
are helping create the ideal conditions to enable the go ahead. We are not idle
while we wait for the order to do so and still closely monitor all activities
on Earth. They are under our control so that we can exercise limitation where
massive damage is likely. We have been doing it for a long time, so as to
ensure you safely reach the end time.

Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of
those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well
known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing
the people of the world as One. The feeling of being your Brothers keeper,
comes with having compassion and love for all life. That is what has been
lacking for a long time, but with the increasing levels of consciousness more
of you are opening up your hearts in this way.

Whatever type of lives you have had, each one of them has been planned to further your evolution. Lessons to be learnt are measured to suit your ability to benefit from them, and no one
is given challenges unless it is known that they can cope with them. Naturally
in the run in to Ascension, you have tended to pack your lives with as many
opportunities as possible. That is why some of you have had such action filled
lives, and they often involve relationships with souls that have been a part of
your previous lives. These can often lead to disappointments, as you are not
given to know that all outcomes are pre-arranged. It is in adversity and even
pain that the greatest lessons are learnt. You seek happiness on Earth, but not
many can claim to have achieved it for any length of time. Happiness like
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

However, once you have passed beyond duality and take your place in the higher dimensions, you will find all of the peace, joy and happiness you can wish for. Balance and harmony is
everywhere around you, and life will be one continuous experience of
fulfillment. It is where you should naturally reside and have journeyed through
before. Duality is simply the testing ground for souls that want to advance
their evolution quickly. Not only that, by passing through it you are helping
all other souls that may follow after you. Service to others becomes quite
natural when you have restored your levels of Christ Consciousness. Seek to
elevate yourselves into a position where you can be the personification of
Unconditional Love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that we of the Galactic Federation are not religious in anyway as you understand the meaning. We find all knowledge within, and have manifested our
god selves having become unified with God. You too are heading this way, and we
know that already some of you have achieved great progress in this respect. Now
you will understand why you cannot enter the higher dimensions, unless you have
already lifted your vibrations to that level.

Prejudice is prevalent on Earth, but once you can accept that you are all One it begins to fall away. Look at people and see their soul before you, seeking, as you are the path to
freedom and happiness. Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead
you to the heavenly peace you seek. Know also that our love accompanies you,
and you can turn to us for help.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Once you get your teeth into something there is no letting go, and it cheers us immensely to see your determination to lift your levels of consciousness. They are progressing in
leaps and bounds, and as they do so they are bringing other dear souls out of
their old dream world, into the reality of who they really are. People all over
the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid.
Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is
becoming clear. Most importantly you realize that you have the power to change
the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for
Ascension. The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led
you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely
weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings
peace to the world.

What is also clear is that you are able to hold your focus on the wonderful future you visualize, and are no longer fooled by the tactics to distract you from it. It is your belief in the
future that is giving you the strength to rise up against those who would put
obstacles in your way. As you now know, everything is possible when you set
your minds firmly on what you want for the good of all. It was always seen that
you would eventually have sufficient understanding of what was required of you,
to succeed in creating the peaceful existence denied you previously. Duality
has shown you what happens when the Light has been suppressed, and how it
deadens your senses to your ability to rise above any difficulties. It is now
the time for you to claim your sovereignty, and collectively demand that your
rights are honored.

Meantime the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is attracting worldwide attention, and even those countries that are not immediately affected are extremely concerned at its threat to the ecology.
It has highlighted the dangers of continuing with your dependence on fossil
fuels. A serious look at alternative sources of energy is needed, and as you
know by now they already exist and are pollution free, but have been suppressed
and ignored by Governments who are beholden to the big oil and energy
corporations. The changes will be enforced and the multinationals will be
re-structured, so that they no longer have such influence and power. Freedom of
the people will be the object of First Contact, and the establishment of a
system where the wealth of the world can be fairly distributed. The next step
will be to banish poverty and we are well prepared to ensure it is quickly
carried out.

We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of
your understanding of the issues involved. More to the point, you know that at
the same time our allies and we are on the verge of achieving our aims to put
our plan into operation. It is still the timing that is of importance, and we
are helping create the ideal conditions to enable the go ahead. We are not idle
while we wait for the order to do so and still closely monitor all activities
on Earth. They are under our control so that we can exercise limitation where
massive damage is likely. We have been doing it for a long time, so as to
ensure you safely reach the end time.

Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of
those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well
known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing
the people of the world as One. The feeling of being your Brothers keeper,
comes with having compassion and love for all life. That is what has been
lacking for a long time, but with the increasing levels of consciousness more
of you are opening up your hearts in this way.

Whatever type of lives you have had, each one of them has been planned to further your evolution. Lessons to be learnt are measured to suit your ability to benefit from them, and no one
is given challenges unless it is known that they can cope with them. Naturally
in the run in to Ascension, you have tended to pack your lives with as many
opportunities as possible. That is why some of you have had such action filled
lives, and they often involve relationships with souls that have been a part of
your previous lives. These can often lead to disappointments, as you are not
given to know that all outcomes are pre-arranged. It is in adversity and even
pain that the greatest lessons are learnt. You seek happiness on Earth, but not
many can claim to have achieved it for any length of time. Happiness like
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

However, once you have passed beyond duality and take your place in the higher dimensions, you will find all of the peace, joy and happiness you can wish for. Balance and harmony is
everywhere around you, and life will be one continuous experience of
fulfillment. It is where you should naturally reside and have journeyed through
before. Duality is simply the testing ground for souls that want to advance
their evolution quickly. Not only that, by passing through it you are helping
all other souls that may follow after you. Service to others becomes quite
natural when you have restored your levels of Christ Consciousness. Seek to
elevate yourselves into a position where you can be the personification of
Unconditional Love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that we of the Galactic Federation are not religious in anyway as you understand the meaning. We find all knowledge within, and have manifested our
god selves having become unified with God. You too are heading this way, and we
know that already some of you have achieved great progress in this respect. Now
you will understand why you cannot enter the higher dimensions, unless you have
already lifted your vibrations to that level.

Prejudice is prevalent on Earth, but once you can accept that you are all One it begins to fall away. Look at people and see their soul before you, seeking, as you are the path to
freedom and happiness. Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead
you to the heavenly peace you seek. Know also that our love accompanies you,
and you can turn to us for help.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
日本語/Japanese -
ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages
available on
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SaLuSa 21-June-2010

With each input of this nature you are increasing your level ofconsciousness, and cutting your links with the lower vibrations.

The Summer Solstice like many other special occasions isone that brings with it a powerful out flowing of energy. It isparticularlyimportant at this time when you are being prepared for Ascension, as ifyou canintegrate it into yourself it will uplift your level of vibrations. Witheachinput of this nature you are increasing your level of consciousness, andcuttingyour links with the lower vibrations. With each step, your desire toreach thepoint where you can ascend comes so much closer. Those souls who seechanges allaround them, struggle to understand why it is happening. The incomingenergiesfrom many sources tug at their heartstrings, but often it ends in thecreationof more confusion. However, nothing outside of you can force you to moveintoany particular direction, and it is your choice entirely. Some willprefer toremain where they are in spite of the negativity around them, and findsolace inthat which is familiar to them. Should a spark of love touch themdeeply, theymay nevertheless awaken to the sleeping giant withinthem.

Each soul has a Higher Self that endeavors to bring thetruth to you, and is what you sometimes refer to as that little voice ofyourconscience. However, once you recognize your potential, you can tap yoursourceof knowledge and understanding. If you so desire, the way will open foryou toexpand your consciousness, and before you know it your mindset willchange.People often look outside of themselves for guidance, and it isappropriate whenyou first open up your mind. It is however advisable to check yourunderstandingwith your Higher Self, and do so when you have the opportunity to findthosequiet and peaceful moments. Ultimately you are destined to again become apartof your Higher Self, which is the highest expression of the beautifulsoul youreally are.

Everything you have experienced still travels with you,and is reflected in your beliefs and understanding of life. At differenttimesyou have chosen to live a life in whatever culture or religion, thatwould giveyou the experiences necessary to expand your evolution. You have beenblack,white or any color that went with it, and that too has been an importantpart ofyour experiences. Do you not find it odd that you could have enteredyourpresent lifetime, with some bias against another being because of colororreligion? Let us suggest that perhaps it comes about because you havehadunpleasant experiences in an earlier lifetime. Ones that remain deeplyetched inyour subconsciousness, and need to be expunged so that you can moveforward. Ifyou identify with such problems for which you can find no apparentreason, tryto analyze your feelings and consider that you may be looking at areflection ofyourself. Often in life your own shortcomings seem to be magnified, whenyou seethem in another and you can be their sternest critic. Sometimes it isuseful tosee for yourself how you may appear to someoneelse.

Life is a learning curve where you look to find your pathback to the enlightened Being you were, before you dropped down into thelowervibrations to experience duality. Separation from your Higher Self hasleft youexposed to the lower vibrations, and as a result some of you have lostyour way.However, help is always on hand to reveal your true self, and awaken youto thelove and Light within you. In the present period of time help hasincreasedtenfold, and you will rise up again if that is your desire andintent.

Earthly matters move on even if very slowly, but there isnow a sense of urgency where the Gulf Oil spill is concerned. Itrepresents aworld threat, which if unchecked and not stopped would leave you withrepercussions for many years to come. Fortunately that will not be yourexperience, as other matters will take priority, such as Ascension.Thereforeyou can expect some action that will put a stop to the leak, so that theplanfor your final upliftment can get under way. Have no doubt as to theoutcome, asnothing will be able to stand in its way. We are an integral part of it,and youhave our backing to ensure that disclosure and all that needs to followithappens as planned.

As expected the people are more aware than ever before asto how they have been deceived. Now you are wiser and able to determinemoreeasily when the truth is not being given to you. As a result the darkOnes getenmeshed in their own lies and are seen for what they really are. Theworldwidefinancial problems are also a blow to their plans, and they know thateventuallya total collapse will se them lose their power in the market place. Thecontrolsthey had over many aspects of your life are being removed, and theirfuturelooks bleak. We see a time coming when our opportunity to remove themlooks mostlikely, and rest assured we shall take it. The dark Ones can resign atany time,and are aware of the terms of surrender that give them some protectionfrom theanger that people will feel. We of the Galactic Federation are not alynch mob,and our ways still offer love and compassion to those who have beensucked intothe mire of evil and negativity. Our view is that there is always hopewhere thespark of the soul Light still shines, even if it is but a glimmer of itstruepotential.

We have shown time and time again that we have movedbeyond being judgmental, and there is no feeling whatsoever of wantingrevengeagainst those who have controlled you and Mother Earth for so long.Duality doesin fact allow expressions from both the dark and the Light, and that hasformedyour challenge to be overcome in the lower vibrations. Many have done soquitesuccessfully, and they are leading the way for others by their example.Look toyour spiritual leaders both past and present, and where you find thosethatpreach love for all life you will find the perfect example. Is it notever true“that by their works ye shall know them”. It has not changed overmillennia oftime, and you only have to look at teachers such as Jesus and the Buddhato seewhat we mean.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, motivated by love and a strongdesire to see you all ascend, but I know you must be allowed yourfreewillchoice, but there is no urgency as you are all in the Now. However, fortheperiod that remains before Ascension, there is a lot to be achieved.Yourtroubles are going to distract you from your focus, if you engage themwith toomuch emotion. So try to let go of them, and have faith that all willturn out aspromised.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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