Luisa Vasconcellos's Posts (1571)

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild


November 25th,2015

Blossom: Hello again! I am keen to get back chatting with you after an unexpected fortnight away looking after my grandson! How are you?
The Federation of Light: Of course, we can be nothing other than supremely well and more than elated to be of service to those who choose to take heed of that which we find necessary to relate, in these very exciting times.
Blossom: How lovely! I am very keen on talking more about ‘The Illusion’ … something I am trying to grasp more of, as I FEEL it is indeed THE KEY to open any door. However, I wonder if you could address a few matters for readers? Keeping in mind, I am completely unattached these days … for I FEEL the 'time frame’ issue with us has been … and always be … way up the Swanee River without said paddle! So … You have said, that before the year is out there will be massive changes that will be apparent to all and also, more and more Pillars of Light shall appear and some even presenting as rainbow coloured. The end of the year is very near and folk are questioning once again … where are these things you have spoken of?
The Federation of Light: We thank you for bringing these matters to hand ... for we do not FEEL in any way that we are responsible for that which does or does not ‘appear’ in your skies or anywhere else.
Dearest Friends … The only responsibility that any One Soul has … be they residing on Earth or otherwise … is to BECOME WHO THEY ARE … IN TRUTH. By BEING so … ALL that one is hoping for … expecting … desiring … needing … simply melts away. For when BEING in the fullness of their True Reality … none of these things matter … not one.
Blossom: Then with all respect … and I say this Light heartedly (as some readers, depending on where they are within themselves, choose to read my words from a different ‘mood’ ) … IF none of it matters … I.e. Pillars of Light … Light ships … The Event etc. … Why are you mentioning them? Was it not you that asked me to send out the Oct 14th2008 message which got you on the map in the first place?


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Khazarian mafia takedown is accelerating, making them dangerously desperate

November 24, 2015
Because we were hacked last week by Khazarian agents, we ask our subscribers to please ignore the usual Thursday embargo and post this weeks’ entire report on as many sites as possible.
It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.
These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.
Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan. Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.
These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.
We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:
US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 
US Department of Defense: 
US Justice Deparment: 
1-202- 324-3000.
In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.
All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public. These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.
OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.
A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say. In particular, Exxon Mobil and BP have been identified as the real controllers of Qatar and Saudi Arabia which are, in turn, the chief sponsors of ISIS, Pentagon, French and Russian sources agree.
The Russians deliberately leaked information about a nuclear torpedo recently. They also fired cruise missiles from a submarine in the Mediterranean. Russian nuclear armed bombers are also patrolling the airspace around Israeli borders escorted by Iranian fighter jets. The message being sent is that the oil company colony of brainwashed Europeans known as Israel can be “nuked, tsunamied and EMPed into oblivion at a moment’s notice,” Pentagon officials noted.
War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.
However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement. The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.
Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.
Companies like BP and Exxon that have been buying oil from ISIS are also likely to face sanctions even as their senior shareholders are hunted down, Pentagon and CIA sources said.
In addition, measures are being taken to prevent the manufactured Syrian refugee crisis from being used to infiltrate saboteurs and agents into Europe and the US from the Middle East and elsewhere.
French Journalist Thierry Meysson, the man who first reported lies in the official 911 story, has also identified the hedge fund KKR and of course the mercenary company Academi as key players in the fake Islamic terror racket. Hero Meysson has recently published a ground breaking report on what really happened with the Paris Friday the 13th “massacre.”
Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.
In any case, the French government has other reasons to wish for martial law. The head of a large French corporation supplying the French army contacted this writer last week to say he had not been paid by the French government for his services in over 8 months. As a result of that he had to lay off 400 employees, he says.
If we recall, the original Friday the 13th massacre in October of 1307 was used as a pretext by the bankrupt French king to seize the assets of the Knights Templars. In this case, the Templars would be the Rothschilds and their banker buddies.
Other European countries, notably the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are also facing bankruptcy so there is growing pressure there as well to seize funds fraudulently taken from the people by privately owned central banks. The gnostic illuminati view this as a golden opportunity to make their move against inbred European bloodline banking families.
The United States is also bankrupt so there is a strong incentive there as well to seize assets earned fraudulently by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. One recent sign of US bankruptcy is a 70% drop in freight charges from the US to Asia in the past three weeks.
This is a good indication the Americans are unable to pay for their Christmas goodies from China this year.
Another recent sign is the publicly admitted bankruptcy of the US semi-state of Puerto Rico.
Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.
The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
Already, senior Khazarian agents like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and others are also facing “serious consequences” in the US for their anti-social activities. Pentagon sources are saying Hillary Clinton will soon face criminal charges and the assets of the Clinton Foundation may soon be seized.
In what is probably a related move, a Senior Chinese agent in Japan offered this week to donate $100 billion worth of Clinton issued “Kennedy bonds,” to the White Dragon Foundation, presumably as a way to get around expected asset forefeiture.
The White Dragon Society prefers that forensic accountants identify the people behind the foundations that control most of the world’s stock markets and force them to return funds they stole through fraudulent fiat (money out of thin air) bank crime.
The White Dragon Foundation is also willing to accept funds dedicated towards setting up a meritocratically staffed, transparently run future planning agency dedicated towards creating paradise on earth.
It is time to end forever the mass murdering Khazarian mafia tyranny.
Also, because we were hacked last week by Khazarian agents, we ask our subscribers to please ignore the usual Thursday embargo and post this weeks’ entire report on as many sites as possible.

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There are so many factions, all vying for control in your world today, and you cannot trust any of them. You have unknowingly allowed this state of affairs to happen. You forget that each one of you is a sovereign being who is entitled to be on Earth. You were conned by these interlopers, who persuaded you to hand over your power to them. Politics was their idea, as was religion and banking, all specially designed to make you servile to them. They have taken all that is rightfully yours. Now, each one of you must TAKE BACK YOUR CONSENT FROM THEM. You must use your voice to do this, if possible, in groups, as this makes it more powerful. Without your consent, religions and politics cannot function. Politics and religion are only in place to control your lives. Each day they kill you a little more, through the air, water, food and medication. Sometimes they also use guns and bombs to create fear in you. What more do you need them to do to you, before you wake up and refuse to comply with them.

What happened in Paris is but a small part of their overall game. Before you give credence to the latest bogey man, remember Osama Bin Laden. They continued to fool so many with that myth, long after he was dead and buried. They knew he was dead. Do not fall for their stories this time.

Your enemies have access to knowledge that was once yours. They removed it from you and now use it against you. I have tried, so many times, to open your eyes to the fact that there are those amongst you, who, though they may appear to look like you, are not like you. They want the Earth for themselves.

MICHAEL TSARION explains this on You Tube.

Take this valuable information, share it, and act on it. I have always said, "nothing is as it seems." What is portrayed in your world as good, is totally evil. They plan many more attacks like the one in Paris. These are effective, as they give them permission to curtail your freedom of movement even further. When government is complicit in killing its own people, then good men need to stand together to expose such actions. Remember, they can only act with your consent, so indirectly, you too, have blood on your hands. The reports you see on television are pure fiction. They all give the same story, as they are all obeying the commands of the cabal.

There is a move afoot to chip the US Army, to make complete robots of the soldiers. How dangerous that would be, as they could then be controlled by an Artificial Intelligence. They do not want humans on Earth. They want their New World Order.

They have manipulated your minds so that you see as NORMAL, what they do to kill and maim you. The diseases now prevalent were commissioned by them and released to destroy humanity, yet they constantly tell you that they protect you. How evil is that? You cannot afford to remain as silent, obedient slaves. You need to find your voice. That is all you need. Say loudly and clearly, "I REFUSE TO ASSIST YOU TO WIPE OUT HUMANITY AND TAKE OUR WORLD FROM US. IT IS TIME THAT THEY RETURNED TO THE PLANET WHICH THEY DESTROYED BEFORE THEY ENTERED THE EARTH. They are not welcome on Earth. Tell them to take their false religions with them. They have destroyed all that was good and wholesome on the Earth. WEALTH is what they live for. It drives them to do unspeakable things in order to acquire it. They do not have souls, nor conscience, which leaves them free to kill and steal.

Be grateful to those kind souls who take the time to meditate on the ley lines and sacred places, to release the sacred energy which will enable mankind to have the strength to remove all that is evil and corrupt. People are beginning to tell the truth. Two journalists: one, Irish, and one, German, have refused to comply with the lies anymore. They have exposed the truth. Pray that many more journalists will follow their example. This is when you know that you have got through to the masses.

Do not allow the false flags and other atrocities which the Cabal uses, to create fear in you, as this is exactly what they want. Many have chosen to sacrifice themselves in order to protect humanity and the Earth. Your enemies are many. They use many guises to hide their ill intent: religion, banking, and politics; but you, my friends, are the 99%. Without you, they are nothing.

Listen to those who explain the truth. Those who go back in history to a time when "they" came on to the Earth and took control. Once you understand, then, and only then, will you get the full picture. Together, you can stop the killing in all the needless wars that serve to destroy humanity and your heritage. Think about it. Talk about it. Act on it. It's in your hands.

My dear, you are right. Those little laser lights that flash on you are a form of attack. They are losing their grip. This leads to mistakes. Be on your guard. Concentrate on gaining freedom for the one. It may not seem like it, but the light is extending. It is removing the influence of the dark.

Take good care of yourself, as you have work to do.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Channeller: Veronica Montague Keen


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Message from Matthew: November 20, 2015

Message from Matthew

November 20, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As some in the Illuminati ranks are being arrested or ousted from influential positions and others are abandoning ship, the hardliners are digging in their heels where they still have some leverage. Most noticeable is what their international drug trade funds—CIA and Mossad “black ops” activities, which include downing the Russian plane, and ISIS, the source of the recent massacre in Paris.
Because the public at large isn’t aware that the Illuminati even exist, there is no understanding that they act independently of their countries’ governments in planning and carrying out acts of violence. Thus finger-pointing is at the United States, home of the CIA, or Israel, which is thought of as the Zionist homeland. The truth is, a rogue faction of the CIA follows Illuminati orders; and the Zionist movement is the Illuminati’s militant and spy operation that never has served the best interests of Israelis or Jewish people anywhere else. Eventually those distinctions will become widely known, and indeed that is important; however, it cannot ease the sorrow of losing loved ones or other life-changing traumas in any of the tragedies perpetrated by the Illuminati.
The assault on Paris served their aim by causing death, grief and, initially, chaos and fear, but the act was born of growing desperation about fast-waning control and decreasing numbers of minions, and desperate individuals act without thinking rationally about the consequences. They intended to put and keep the world in the grip of fear—they feed on the energy of fear; instead, they united the world in the high vibrations of compassion and resolve to stand strong against terrorism.
Military might has been galvanized, police are pursuing instigators and suspects, and the search for potential terrorists extends across national borders, but finding and fighting terrorist groups wherever they are will not stop them. Only eradicating terrorism’s roots can do that. The hatred that underlies terrorism—and has led to millions in refugee populations—is rooted in one or more circumstances that can be linked to Illuminati activities or teachings: self-serving foreign interference, betrayal, economic exploitation, bigotry. Each generation instills in the next that all who generate such circumstances must be eliminated, and none realizes that all of them are merely puppets in a diabolical play scripted by manipulative individuals who are fast losing ground. As vibratory rates keep rising, minds and hearts on both sides of this heart-wrenching divide in your society will be opening so that empathy, mutual respect and kindness can replace hatred, prejudices, vengeance and fear of differences.


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  Dear Friends,

I would like to thank all of you who have E/Mailed me with thanks for the first message I sent out received through my Higher Self. All told I must have received around 100 and found it most encouraging and uplifting.

20th. November 2015. Mike Quinsey.
Events on Earth continue to create challenges to those of the Light  who are helping to ease the situation in whatever way that they can. There seems to be no relief from the ever continuing problems created by those who lack the Light to understand the true nature of what is taking place. The dark Ones continue with their plan to create a World Government in which they would have the  major power and control. However, their power is diminishing and they will never be allowed the degree of control they seek. In fact, they are laying themselves open to scrutiny that will reveal their true agenda. So although they still have sufficient power to make a last try to achieve their aims, they cannot succeed and in the end will have no option but to surrender. You can therefore keep focussed on your tasks, knowing that every effort you put in will be worthwhile and eventually reap rewards.

You can see all around you evidence of the changes taking place, and the dark energies are being transmuted as soon as possible. You are so near to Disclosure and preparations are well advanced. It will be the start of many revelations that will prepare you for the great future that lies ahead, when you will be free souls no longer held back or subject to misleading information that is meant to confuse you. You along with Mother Earth are in the midst of welcome changes as the old is being cleared away to enable the new energies to be grounded. Already many of you are aware of them and taking such energies into yourselves, and the more you can do it you are creating a strong auric Light around yourself. Providing you keep it intact, you are safe from any attempt of the dark Ones to interfere with it.

Your history is one of struggle and consistent wars with the consequent results. Yet in spite of them you have never strayed far from the Light and have benefitted from your experiences. You have been continually guided to ensure you keep on the Path of Light, and your experiences have been a succession of challenges that have enabled you to evolve quite quickly. There are few random happenings as your lives have been carefully planned with your agreement, so as to ensure your continuing evolution. It means that whatever is going on around you is all part of the plan even if you cannot understand it. The dark Ones also have life plans as their karma is being played out, and their actions are used to help others with experiences they also need. Nothing of any importance happens by chance and when you can accept that it is so, it helps your understanding and acceptance of what is happening around you.


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Will The Matrix Prevail? Paul Craig Roberts

Will The Matrix Prevail? — Paul Craig Roberts


UPDATE Nov. 19: Note that the authorities almost always claim that they had no warning or indication of an attack, but they can almost instantly identify the “mastermind.”

The Paris attack is playing out as I expected. The French government is attacking French civil liberty with legislation similar to the US PATRIOT Act. 

Readers in France have informed me that 84% of the French people, according to a poll, are content to be spied upon as long as it keeps them safe. This means that only 16% of the French nation is not brain dead.

Another reader informs me that a TV news station read a letter left behind by one of the alleged ISIL bombers, a letter written in perfect English. Really! I mean, Really! Those with their secret agendas know how stupid the Western peoples are, collectively a hopeless basket case.

French and American politicians are demanding that NATO Article 5 be used to put NATO boots on the ground in Syria. This is important not in order to fight ISIL, which the Russians are successfully doing, but to overthrow Assad under the pretext of fighting ISIL, a crazy policy that could bring conflict with Russia.

Alternatively, to avoid conflict with Russia, Washington can take advantage of the Russian government’s hope that the Paris attack will show the West that Putin was correct that the West should join Russia in opposing ISIL. Once a NATO-Russian coalition, as advocated by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, is formed, Putin becomes the West’s captive in the overthrow of Assad.~

To insure that no one is informed of the true facts by the English language Russian media, such as RT and Sputnik, the US Senate arranged hearings on foreign propaganda. Kenneth Weinstein, a member of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, that is, the censors, told the senators that RT, Sputnik, and a variety of other truthful news sources are “well-funded state propaganda outlets.”

In other words, only believe what you read in Washington-controlled propaganda outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, BBC, NPR, and so forth.

The aftermath of the Paris attack is like the aftermath of the so-called Boston Marathon Bombing. Fifty heavily armed police converged on two people and murdered them. The murdered female is described even by RT as a “female suicide bomber.” If the murdered woman is a suicide bomber, how is she still alive to be murdered by police? Not even the “Russian propaganda outlet” RT asks why 50 heavily armed police were unable to capture two people alive and had to kill them!

A number of readers have sent to me information that indicates that the Paris attack was reported on both Wikipedia and Twitter the day before it occurred. 

I do not know what to make of this. I do remember that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC building 7 prior to its collapse. The BBC reporter is actually standing in front of the still standing WTC 7 as she makes the report of its collapse. In other words, orchestration mistakes occur. But hardly any of the brainwashed pubic notices.

The question that raises itself is to what extent is this false flag attack in Paris a hoax. Why don’t we see the large number of dead and wounded. What we seem to have are uninjured crisis actors.

Where are the eyewitness videos? 

Witnesses in behalf of the official story seem to have performed the same function on other occasions:

Having been at the top of government, journalism, and academia for a lifetime, it is clear to me that there is a great deal wrong with the explanations that people are being given. However, the majority of Western peoples have been thoroughly brainwashed to believe that anyone who doubts official explanations is a “conspiracy theorist.”


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SaLuSa 19 November 2015 by PhilLightbody


SaLuSa 19 November 2015.
 We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and first contact. By working together we can bring forward the necessary changes so the New-Age can proceed with all haste. This can all be arranged however you are called to focus on positive outcome only, else risk unwittingly adding energy to that which is not desired. By pre-imagining and focusing on your chosen outcome you are committing to that future path.
  You have also to detach from all that does not serve the highest good of all; this can be a sticking point yet you can rise above the pull of the lower energies, and not repeat the mistakes of the past, you are here because you can do this. The higher purpose of these testing times are to purify and separate that which is not needed going forward onto higher levels of awareness. Abundance to completely meet all your needs is realized when you live as if it already has happened.
 The obstacles in the way of our landings are slowly being cleared away and we are looking forward to meeting you as friends. Relax knowing that in spite of everything all will work out as planned. Look out for news and events which can give you a little more hope so you may face the future assured all will work out well.
  There is coming a time where suddenly and decisively you will be transformed into a being of higher awareness, you will be assisted by higher beings and this will all be done in divine right timing. The path of spiritual evolution cannot just be an intellectual exercise; only by crossing into direct experience are you advanced. It takes astute discernment to see you are not alone and that your guides and angels have been helping you all along the way to pull you out of darkness and into the light.
  The intense energies are hotting-up matters causing all around you to change and morph, which in part is caused by humanities awareness ever increasing at exponentially higher levels. All that divides will dissolve leaving only that which is in alignment with truth and love, allowing you to see yourself everywhere and in all things. You all readily rolled up your sleeves and dove headlong into the difficult task of overcoming duality and separation. We hold you in high esteem for this sacrifice.
 There is much that needs healing in your world; can you step up to the task of healer, teacher, or enlightened master? Through expanding to express more of your potential you help create balance, also clear and calm the path forward allowing all souls to progress in a beneficial way. Much can be gained by noticing synchronicities in relation to your chosen path, so may detect most subtle signs leading forward. This can also buttress you from the actions of the dark ones, for if you follow the signs you can always be in right place or situation for your safety, also by becoming more in tune with the flow of life you help energize/stabilise the Christ Consciousness grid around the earth.

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More Paris Puzzles -- Paul Craig Roberts

More Paris Puzzles
Paul Craig Roberts
Some people who are not inclined to believe the official story of the Paris attack are troubled by the question why Muslim suicide bombers would blow themselves up for a false flag attack. The answer to this question is very simple. But first we should dispose of the question whether suicide bombers did blow themselves up. Is this something that we know, or is it part of the story that we are told? For example, we were told that during 9/11 passengers in hijacked airliners used their cell phones to call relatives, but experts have testified that the technology of the time did not permit cell phone calls from airliners at those altitudes.
To dispose of the question whether we have or do not have any real evidence that suicide bombers blew themselves up, I will assume that they did.
So we have suicide bombers blowing themselves up.
Now turn to the question that troubles some doubters: Why would suicide bombers blow themselves up for the sake of a false flag attack?
As I said, the answer is simple: Why assume that the suicide bombers knew who was organizing the attack? There seems to be abundant evidence that ISIL is a US creation, one that is still dependent on US active or passive support—thus the conflict between Putin and Washington over attacking ISIL. ISIL seems to be what Washington used to overthrow the government in Libya and afterward was sent by Washington to Syria to overthrow Assad. Obviously, Washington has ISIL infiltrated. Washington has long proven is ability to use Islamic extremists. As Washington used them in Afghanistan against the Soviets and in Libya and Syria against independent governments, Washington used them in Paris. By my last count, the FBI on 150 occasions has successfully deceived people into participating into FBI orchestrated “terror plots.”
Now let us move to some bigger questions. Why do terrorists attack ordinary innocent people who have neither awareness of “their” government’s actions or control over them? The victims of 9/11 were not the neocons and members of the Washington establishment, whose policies in the Middle East justified attacks on their persons. Ditto for the Boston Marathon Bombing, and ditto for the Paris attacks. Innocents were the victims, not those who have taken Muslim lives.
Historically, terror attacks are not on the innocent but on the rulers and those who are guilty. For example, it was the Archduke of Austria/Hungary who was assassinated by the Serbian terrorist, not ordinary people blown up or shot down in a street cafe.
It is interesting that terrorists attacks attributed to Muslims only fall upon ordinary people, not upon the political elites who oppress the Muslims. In past years on several occasions I have remarked in my columns on the total vulnerability of the neoconservatives to assassination. Yet there has been not a single attack by terrorists on a neocon life, and the neocons are the source of the violence that Washington has unleashed on the Muslim world. The neocons walk around without threat free as birds.
How believeable is it that Muslim terrorists take their ire out on innocents when the President of France himself, who has sent military forces to murder Muslims, was sitting in the attacked stadium and could easily have been eliminated by a suicide bomber?

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  Dear Friends,

                     Some of you will not have read that since I stopped channelling SaLuSa events have moved on quite quickly, and that I have since received a message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate asking me to channel direct from my Higher Self. I had not tried this previously, but decided to give it a try, and the message I have received is as follows:

13th. November 2015. Mike Quinsey.

Nothing will happen now that will prevent the outcome being victory for the Light. The dark Ones are being held in check with their power having been largely diminished. It will not be too long before they will be restrained and unable to continue with their plan for the imprisonment of the souls on Earth. As you may have noted, just recently many positive actions taken by the forces of Light are taking place all over the world. So much so that the Light is now the dominant force upon Earth, and revealing many of the secrets that the dark Ones would rather you did not know. The Truth is now coming out so quickly that it cannot be stopped, and as Humanity learns how it has been misled they will demand changes. Many Lightworkers have been preparing for this time and are now able to work more openly without interference. However, caution is recommended as common sense is required to ensure that you do not over expose yourselves. There is certainly safety in coming together with other Lightworkers, but even so the dark Ones will be anxious to make their presence known to strike fear into you. Trust in the Light, as fear is the very energy that they feed off, and will try to stall the advances that are being made.

Lightworkers are linked to one another by their Light, and there is strength in numbers. Each one has a specific role to play, and each contribution to the whole is so important. It is a time when your intuitive powers will help you immensely, so be guided by them in times of doubt. If it feels right, it most certainly is and you can go ahead with full confidence. For your part you can keep a mental check that your aura is kept intact at all times, and be careful not to leave it open and allow interference from negative souls. Most of you are seasoned Lightworkers and need little advice, but it is as well to remind you to take care. Fear and doubt can affect your ability to stay within the Light, so it is recommended that you stay positive at all times. Call upon Higher Beings such as St. Germain if you need help, and he will protect you with the violet flame. Remember at all times that you are a powerful Being and are only just beginning to realize your true potential. You are Gods in the making and it is the path that you are following.


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SaLuSa 08 November 2015 by Phil LightBody

 SaLuSa 08 November 2015
 On your world today your rights and freedoms have been drowned out by the interests of the few, this is to turn around in the coming time. People and events are being arranged to restore your freedoms and this will lay the ground-work which will lead to your ascension. We can warp space and time to be with you very quickly, however only when it is safe to do so. As the minions of the dark would react to this and take action against us with no regard to the consequences, when they would not act otherwise. So we are calling all to become aware of what is taking place and why; more details and updates will be forthcoming in the times ahead.

 Many lightworkers have become apathetic, even as positive events gather pace, and disclosure looks more and more likely every day. Take comfort knowing that as the vibrations rise you will have more open contact with us again as in the past. All has been laid out and 
planned beforehand, so things happen according to the plan and less so for time. Events are falling into place as all naturally seek to find their suited vibrational level for spiritual growth. Spiritual people have been especially affected as the new energies come online.

 God has heard your calls for peace on the earth and we are here to assure a successful completion. The desert regions of your planet are afflicted by conflict, however an alternative path for peace must be employed there; all these areas release negative energies built up across the planet, so act as a mirror for mass collective consciousness of humanity, Ascension is assisted by understanding how your thought-forms effect others. You have been drifting gently ever closer to the Light that now you are past the tipping point, so focus on the bright future you are headed to. Do not buy into the masks people wear as all people of your world are beautiful, and better is yet to come. It is incapable of being expressed in words how much we love you all so be assured we are doing all we can to resolve the migrant crisis in Europe which could collapse those systems.

 As time and change speed on you have the option to open yourselves up to enlightened possibilities and refuse to buy into the spin about events from your news media. It is a thorny issue that the works of men will decay in time, yet what is added to spiritual growth will last forever. However know at all levels and in all circumstances your Free-will choices are of great importance as to how the New Age unfolds. Remain ever hopeful as your hope creates its own reality. You are getting a fore taste of things to come; the tide is shifting towards the light and expansion of consciousness.

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Blossom Goodchild: November 4th, 2015

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild


November 4th,2015

Blossom: So, I tuned in to do a channelling with you and nodded off for 40 mins instead! Let us try again, shall we? I have been reading some very intricate material* regarding this ‘Illusion and Oneness’ … (Should I even put ‘etc’ on the end of that sentence?)  It does blow the head off! Yet, I do FEEL somewhere within me … it makes sense. Although, I can’t at this point, make any sense of it at all! Should we travel down this road today or should I go back to sleep?
The Federation of Light: And isn’t that Dearest Blossom EXACTLY what you already are … even though you are awake?

Blossom: Eh … Yep, I think I’ll go back to sleep! Pray, continue.
The Federation of Light:We would very much like to do so. For our assistance … on assisting … in assisting … is why we come. Such ‘illusions of mind’ … such ‘misunderstandings’ … are completely perplexing and to even begin to unravel this particular ball of string can be, to ONE … mind blowing. Yet, we shall continue … for it is from the ONE MIND that we speak … or care to speak of.
Over and over have we not said … You are One? Over and over have we not said ‘You are LOVE?’ … and this Dearest Blossom, is in fact … all we ever need to say. For that is all there is.

Blossom: Yet, this particular book speaks of 'forgiveness' being the most important thing in order to break through/see through this illusion.
The Federation of Light:And we would say that ‘Pure Love’ IS forgiveness … would you not say the same?

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BENJAMIN FULFORD -- 27:10:2015


Arresting Richard Armitage and forcing him to talk may be final straw to break back of Khazarian gangster rule


October 27, 2015


The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key individuals would be enough to change the future of this planet for the better. As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist branch of the Khazarian mob.


The information below was provided to us by CIA colleagues of Armitage as well as by Japanese government sources, members of Japanese yakuza crime syndicates and others. Armitage was given a chance, by phone and e-mail, to rebut what is written below but he refused to answer, meaning that he is not denying what we are hearing about him.


Armitage is the senior person in the group that controls Japanese puppet prime minister Shinzo Abe. The hapless Abe is terrified of being killed and will only read from scripts he is given by Armitage and his acolytes. Armitage also controls the right to create and distribute Japanese yen. The so-called Abenomics, or money printing by the Bank of Japan, is just a cover for the continued looting of this country by Armitage and his fellow gangsters. Capturing Armitage and forcing him to hand over the codes that allow for the creation and distribution of yen would cut off one of the Khazarian cabal’s Nazi faction’s most vital sources of funding. The White Dragon Society is offering a 10% reward, potentially worth billions of dollars, to any individual or group who manages to capture Armitage and force him to return to the Japanese people the money he and his fellow gangsters, like Michael Green, have stolen from them.



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Blossom Goodchild: October 29th, 2015

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild


October 29th,2015

Blossom: Hi there, my friends. It seems a while since we have had a good old heart to heart … due to you offering 'speech therapy' as opposed to the written word these days. Either way suits me … I feel that you KNOW the general overall Energy more than I and therefore, aware of what is more appropriate.

The Federation of Light: We offer words … be they spoken or written … to encourage all those upon your planet to ‘find’ themselves. This as you KNOW is why we come.

Blossom: Yet, I wonder how many more ways there are to tell us how to do so. We KNOW we are LOVE through and through. Yet, actually finding our TRUTH behind all the misconceptions that we have been fed throughout our lives, can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The Federation of Light: Yet, when it is found … Oh the Joy! The ‘YES’ FEELING … to find such a sparkling thread amongst all that straw!

Ladies and Gentlemen of Earth … surrender all thoughts of not KNOWING. Give up all confusions and doubts and let go … simply let go of everything. For then shall you discover that needle!

Blossom: Yet, what about ‘Seek and thou shalt find’? If I’m not looking for the needle … how will I find it?


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Hi Friends,

          Things have been happening so quickly I can hardly keep up with them. No sooner had I announced my retirement from Channelling and was considering instead sending out the best messages from other channels, I received an Email from Nancy Tate with a message from St.Germain. I am sending it on to you so that you know how things are working out.

          Nothing much will happen for a few weeks at least, because I am visiting my friend Michael in Devon. I usually visit him twice a year and enjoy speaking with someone who I admire and rate as the best medium that I know. Michael at 91 years old hardly looks his age and has the energy and outlook of a much younger man.

          So after all the kind wishes and thanks from so many beautiful people, I am back much quicker than I could have visualised. I shall for the time being pass on to you any message that I consider to be of the higher vibrations, and hope that fairly soon I shall be back sending you messages from Spirit directly through me.

          I was overwhelmed by the large number of wonderful messages you sent me, and could not reply to them all individually so I thank you all for your heart felt comments and expressions of thanks for my work.

          Below is the full message I received from Nancy Tate, a friend of many years and of great help by allowing me to use her website for my messages.

          In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

I have just received this "Wake up Call" from St Germain with news that confirms what I had felt last night, that Mike Quinsey would be doing in the coming times. You can read the "Wake Up Call" for the 'rest of the story'. to read about Mike's Retirement Decision. Nancy Tate.

 October 26, 2015               
I would like to add something to the news of Mike Quinsey and his move to stop channeling. There will come a time when it will not be considered channeling by anyone because it will be speaking what one knows is the truth and sharing it with anyone who cares to read, or hear it.
There is coming that time for so many who are now channeling. They will realize that what they are bringing through is from their own inner knowing. It will be a subtle difference in what they are saying and feeling about the information. It will be resounding throughout them in a way that their own consciousness now shares information that they know is the truth, because it is being lived on a conscious level.
The difference will be that some of the information will relate to what they have experienced in other lifetimes, on other planets, and in other galaxies. They will be able to access the information that they have been carrying with them in their souls. This manifestation will be a part of the openness that they will be living and realizing is coming forth into their present consciousness. It is a part of the evolvement of their beingness. Their ascension will come in so many individual ways, and it will be the truth of what they have brought with them since the beginning of eternity. It will be a matter of the soul knowing when the consciousness is ready to begin the journey back to the outer world. For the journey forward into the levels of Creation are in existence through their expression of what they have manifested throughout their existence.
So, dear ones, when Mike feels the urge to share something with you all that he has just remembered, then that is when he will decide if that is what he will do. He may not remember that it is his own memory that is bringing the information through, but it will be an inner feeling that will bring it forth. He is at a place, as so many of you are now, where the completeness of their inner knowing will be accessed with the intention of doing so. It is one of the aspects that you all can expect in a time that is in perfection for you.
Go now into the world of remembrance. Take it as a fun trip through time and out of time. It is a new expression of your abilities that will be making themselves known to you in the coming times. Enjoy the remembrances and the sharing of that which is on it's way forward in the libraries of your souls. Love is all around you and within. Speak it forth, and feel the family of Love in expression.
Thank you so much, Dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
For more information about previous note from Mike Quinsey
please click HERE 
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SaLuSa 23 October 2015 by Mike Quinsey


zon.jpg    SaLuSa  23 October 2015

Time moves ever faster and for you there never seems to be enough to do the tasks you have set yourselves. Yet you do manage and achieve so much in your work for the Light. There are so many of you spread across the world doing your bit to bring the Light to Earth. Your success is such that the Light is now so powerful that it cannot be stopped from bringing even more souls into it. At times you have been disappointed at the time it is taking to cleanse the planet of the negativity that has built up over eons of time. Yet it has given more souls the opportunity to find the Light for themselves. However, a time has come when the New Age must be manifested, and with that in mind action has been taken to speed things up. The Illuminati have had their powers curtailed, and as you are probably aware can no longer use their nuclear weapons. We have often emphasised the point by hovering our craft over their silos and disarming them. In no circumstance will they be allowed to use them and we have made sure they fully understand.

You are destined to ascend and nothing will be allowed to stop it taking place. Matters on Earth may seem to be in a turmoil but with so much happening we are not surprised. The cleansing period is in full swing and is necessary to make way for the New Age to fully manifest. The old ways have to change and many of them are necessary before you can take advantage of the new inventions that we are waiting to give you. The most beneficial one is certainly a unit that will allow you to be self-sufficient for all of your energy needs. You already have the knowledge given to you, but it will take time for it to benefit everyone. Be assured that we know of your needs and we shall satisfy them as fast as possible, once the circumstances are right for it.

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the GFP. BENJAMIN FULFORD -- 20:10:2015


World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist

October 20, 2015
The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government. This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script. There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction. The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.
The Nazionists are still pushing for a totalitarian, fascist new world order controlled by the same old bloodlines. The White Dragon Society and its allies are insisting that it be more like a benevolent council of village elders. The illuminati, the Pentagon and the Italian P2 lodge are, for their part, offering a third alternative, which they call a Star Trek future. This vision is of a world headed by a large meritocratic organization run something along the lines of the Pentagon, the Vatican or the Chinese Communist Government.
Those who argue against a world government are either naïve or else work for corporate handlers who wish to have the right to continue to plunder the planet without such impediments as human rights, the protection of nature or the rule of law.
The main battlefield over the future of the planet earth remains the battle for control of the financial system. The part of the financial system that matters the most now is the part that pays for men with guns who are actually ready to fight for their view of the future. In that sense the battle for control of the planet’s future is now centered on the ongoing fight over Middle-Eastern oil, the war over illegal drug money and the battle over control of the Federal Reserve Board.
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White Cloud through Blossom Goodchild


October 20th,2015

Blossom: Hello there my friends on High! The more that is being revealed through whistle blowers etc. … the more one could despair … and yet … LOVE conquers all … and we MUST KNOW that … at our core level … wouldn’t you say?
White Cloud: We would say ‘Very much so’ Dearest Blossom. Good morning to you. We would very much appreciate the turning on of your recording equipment.
Blossom:All set up and ready to rock and roll. (And what a lovely surprize to have White Cloud present himself for the session, which of course was ‘honoured’ by The Federation Of Light.)
A very warm welcome to Each One of you, as you walk this time upon life’s journey. And how well Each One of you is taking and making every step along the way.
My Dearest Friends upon the Earth plane … how those of us who do not reside within the density of your Planet … How we applaud you … How we honour you ... How we thank you for playing your part … which we understand is not always an easy pathway.
And yet, on and on you keep. Do you not? Because, inside of your soul you KNOW … you understand more and more … that this is what you came to do. To lift the Vibration of yourselves and indeed, the Planet … if you call it that … Herself.

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Message from Matthew: October 19, 2015

Message from Matthew

October 19, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion. 
This acceleration is causing the Illuminati to take irrationally desperate measures to cling to their remnants of control in New York City and Washington, DC. Often fingers have pointed at the United States for self-serving interference in other countries’ affairs, and with justification—all significant federal actions from Day One have been the work of individuals in the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction within that nation’s government and military forces, all without the knowledge of the citizenry, who mistakenly thought their voices and votes counted.   
Let us tell you what evolved civilizations have long observed about your world. People ruled by other corrupt governments knew they were captives of their political systems; however, only recently and only some United States citizens are realizing that they’ve been duped into believing they lived in “the land of the free” and what they’ve been told generation after generation: We must fight our enemies who want to destroy our freedoms and democratic way of life.
Thus, as your world reels from aerial strikes on Doctors without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a tragedy stemming from Illuminati madness, the blame falls on the United States via the wrongful assumption that the country’s Commander-in-Chief authorized the unconscionable attack. The fact is, behind the scenes President Obama and others in positions of influence—primarily individuals in the US and in China; Israelis who know Netanyahu’s dark intentions to foment WWIII; Russian President Vladimir Putin; Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; and Pope Francis—have been collaborating to uproot all of the far-reaching tentacles of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller and Rothschild factions.    
That attack on the hospital; explosions at a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey; clashes between Israelis and Palestinians; the situation in Syria; and shootings in the United States have caused some to view deadly violence and other prevalent conditions globally as “unsolvable problems.” Dear ones, none of the issues of your concern, which also include effects of climate change, lack of clean water, deforestation, near extinction of some animals, diminishing bee population, widespread surveillance, unjust legal and justice systems, enforced vaccinations, massive impoverishment and rampant pollution as well as war mentality, bigotry, greed and ignorance of truths is unsolvable!  ~~

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SaLuSa 16 October 2015 by Mike Quinsey


zon.jpg    SaLuSa  16 October 2015

Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanized themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the Light of Truth. The full extent of the power of the Illuminati may not be known to them, but instead of confrontation they have realized that giving more strength to the Light, more than balances the scales. Indeed, with the help of other forces of Light they can speed ahead with the changes that are destined to ensure their victory. There is a way to go yet, but what you will see are the signs that clearly confirm the direction you are going in. The energies for change are growing all of the time and as the old ones fall away the new ones will bring about desirable. It will clearly signal that you are taking bold steps to ensure that Ascension is not delayed and continues approaching.
With the introduction of the Plasma Reactor Unit it has so to say set the first stage of real change into action. It remains to be seen how the information will be received and if any attempts to delay it can be overcome. Certainly the manner in which it has been made public through the Keshe Foundation ensures that it will be introduced through many, many different sources. This alone will make it difficult for anyone opposed to it to, to completely halt its progress. However, now that the information has been released, it will be very interesting to see the general reaction to it. We foresee that such a life changing invention will be eagerly accepted, and be the first of many to lift the quality of your lives. So travel the rest of the way to freedom, knowing that nothing will be allowed to interfere with the path you have chosen. There are other changes being prepared, but first let us see how you cope with the present situation. Whatever problems you encounter, they cannot have any real impact on the excellent progress you are making.

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Blossom Goodchild: October 12th, 2015

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

October 12th,2015

Blossom: Hello! For some reason I have been putting this week’s channelling off. I’m not really sure why. I sort of, well … just didn’t feel like it! Hope you are around now for a chat?
The Federation of Light: Indeed we are. We would firstly like to state that these ‘chat’s’ we have, are not compulsory Blossom.
I know. Yet, I somehow feel that this is what I came to do … and do it I shall. Even though sometimes, I am a bit despondent.
The Federation of Light: About what?
Blossom: Well, I hate to say it, because last week’s chat had such High Energy, it was wonderful, yet … I guess it’s that same old thing of wanting to bring something new and exciting to the table.  Yet, I KNOW that it is all about Love and that’s what you intend to stick with … and I know why etc.
The Federation of Light: What would you have us speak of?
Blossom: How ridiculously unaware we all are of what actually IS going on in the bigger picture. How did we ever become so far removed from The Truth?
The Federation of Light: Then let us speak to you about that. And yet … we would say that this of course, will also be all about LOVE!
Blossom: I sort of guessed that!
The Federation of Light: The TRUTH … what is it?
Blossom: If I knew that …
Yet, you do! You ALL do! It is just that it is locked up inside of you due to blockages that have put restraints upon you … in order to NOT KNOW YOUR TRUTH.
Blossom: I am presuming you are talking here about ‘Those of lesser Light’ as you choose to call them.
The Federation of Light: This is so.
Blossom: For some reason … writing and chatting this way doesn’t seem to flow as it used to. Perhaps we have become more comfortable with you speaking?
The Federation of Light: It is more to do with the Higher Energies that have created this change … for it is more suitable to speak through you … to put across that which we FEEL appropriate. Yet, it is more than suitable for you to ask questions in your head to us … as you are used to doing in this written form.
Blossom: OK. Let’s see what ‘revelations’ you come up with!

Greetings of the Highest order to those who have taken this opportunity to listen and FEEL the Vibrational Energy that we bring through to uplift your soul this day.
The lady Blossom was FEELING a little despondent … she spoke to us of. And yet, she smiled as we entered further into her Being and therefore, she found a rather large smile upon her face and her eyes filled with water from the FEELING of Love that we brought through to her … and we choose to bring through to you … and we hope Dearest Souls, that you are able to FEEL this Love that we are … and this Love that we FEEL for you. You, who have taken the harder road … should we say … to come down upon Earth and fulfil your mission.

There was an inquiry as to whether there was a system of Hierarchy … regarding who chooses those who volunteer? We would not say it is so much as Hierarchy. There are not those who know better than another … would we say. For indeed, we are all … when in our Highest form … of the same material … which is Love … and yet, as you know, there are different levels of Vibration of this Love.


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