Luisa Vasconcellos's Posts (1571)

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Already you have set the Light grids in place, and it will not be too long before the new Earth will manifest. Enjoy the success that is due to you and rightly yours.This year has so much potential, and it does not necessarily mean just those who are awakening to the truth. Every soul will at some stage reach a point where they are at the cross roads and can decide to stay where they are, or take a quantum leap forward that will carry them through to Ascension. The ever-increasing power of the Light, will be tugging at people’s heartstrings. It will ask you to create a higher pathway out of the 3rd. dimension, one that will open up the truth for you. If you allow it you will answer the pull to open up your heart, and the Light will enter and clear away the dross that has accumulated over many life times. Accept the opportunity without fear, as it will be for your best good. If you are in doubt, there is no need to worry yourself over it, as in the end you will make the wisest decision that is consistent with your needs.Already there is great pressure building to reveal that which has been hidden for so long. Many groups and individuals are on the verge of announcing their findings, having accumulated much evidence to support them. They relate to the way in which your human rights have been abused, and the deliberate withholding of information and technology that would have improved your quality of life. You are all One, and have not been placed upon Earth to gratify your own greed at the expense of all other members of the Human Race. You are going through a period of spiritual evolution, that is intended to lead you to the understanding of your joint responsibilities for each other. Over eons of time the survival of the fittest may have benefited your physical evolution. However, survival of the most cunning and wealthiest has taken away your sovereignty and freedom to determine your own future. You have instead become enslaved by the intention of the Illuminati, who have sought to achieve total control over you.Dear Ones, you have stopped the dark Ones from progressing any further, and their plan has been stalled by your defiance of them. Your loyalty and desire to adhere to spiritual tenets, has strengthened the Light upon Earth and it has proved to be a formidable force against them. What you are intent upon doing is to restore all that has either been taken from you, or denied through criminal activity. This year will see the reversal of a number of decisions taken against you that are unlawful. It will be one of great revelations, as the covert actions and world of the dark Ones is opened up. Your reactions will be ones of both astonishment and horror at how long you have been deceived. You will find that you have been used for years on end, by a deliberate policy to keep you ignorant of what has been taking place.You will also be angry to find that your wealth has been misused to foot the bills of the secret war machine, and its clandestine actions. Regardless of your feelings we ask that you allow the law to deal with the crimes committed against you. You must try not to be distracted by the revelations, and maintain your focus on the ultimate goal that is your Ascension. It will be a joyful time as you will see that all that was promised to you, will have been manifested and delivered to you in a relatively short time. The changes will be breathtaking, and eventually transmute your society from one that has been held back to one of great advances. Every aspect of your life has been considered, and your prison Earth will become your veritable Garden of Eden.Some of you are well aware of what is in store for you but for the majority it will at first be a shock, turning to elation at your release from those who have held you in bondage. You will also become more aware of our part in your evolution, and our numerous activities on Earth that have in recent times prevented major catastrophes. Believe us Dear Ones we have played a major part in your progress, and helped you find your spiritual strength to become your own guide upon the pathway to total awareness. Each of you will have the chance to reach such levels over the remaining period leading to the completion of this cycle. It is always a matter of choice, and if required you will be helped to make that decision by enlightened Beings.It may be as well to mention Abundance, which we know many of you have sought for your own release from lack and poverty. Know that there will come a time when neither shall be a curse upon the Earth. However, also be aware that by sharing in the wealth, which is to be fairly distributed, it is not intended to set anyone up in a life of luxury. The maxim by which it shall be done is “sufficient for your needs”, and the Earth will no longer be plundered to line the pockets of the few. Respect for Mother Earth will return along with the recognition of what she has done for Mankind. Helping restore the Earth will be an enjoyable task that will benefit all life forms upon it. Harmony is to return bringing happiness and joy, as you ride the crest of a wave to Ascension.Let go of any doubts you may have about the future, as it is in the hands of the Creator. A Divine Decree is the absolute final word where Ascension is concerned. Nothing can prevent it from coming into being, and chaos such as you may be experiencing the sign of change and necessary to cleanse the planet. Remember that Mother Earth is a conscious Being, and responds lovingly when gratitude and appreciation are given her. For centuries she has been neglected as Man has raped and disfigured her in the pursuit of wealth.In the near future when you can create in accordance with your needs, there will be no necessity to live off the Earth. A completely harmonious partnership will exist, and life will be one glorious existence. There will be so much available to you for your comfort and happiness, and never again shall you experience suffering and degradation. Peace is your strongest cry just now, and we can assure you that it has been answered and it shall be achieved in your time. Your prayers or thoughts will never remain unanswered, but allow for the response to come in a way that is beneficial to all.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope that you can grasp the importance of this present period. All of the time you can keep focused on the future; you will be instrumental in bringing it into being upon Earth. Already you have set the Light grids in place, and it will not be too long before the new Earth will manifest. Enjoy the success that is due to you and rightly yours.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEW - LATVIAN - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLAND - CZECH BRASIL
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These words are appropriate for all who read OUR words to let you FEEL our FEELINGS for you all.Blossom: For days now I have been hearing in my head ‘We are ready’, so I am assuming we are again to resume our connection and carry on from where we left off. I have missed you on one level, yet on another … life has been carrying on in its usual busy fashion. There has been talk of many things regarding disclosure /decloakings etc, and I have stepped back as required. Yet now, I feel such excitement in talking with you again and seeing what knowledge you wish to share at this time. If you are here I will know any minute now …….. Welcome back … are we ready for the off??Federation of Light (FL): It is with the greatest of Love and joy that we once again resume our networking with yourself and many upon your planet. Indeed as suggested by you , much news has been filtering through your channels of Light and indeed bringing with it much anticipation and wonderment. However, we would like to clarify a few points from the position in which we reside. We feel this will be beneficial to those who are preparing for ‘lift off’ so to speak … and whilst we are full of exaltation within certain plans that are underway we would also stress the facts that your time factor as you know, is not in keeping with the space that we reside. And any misconceptions that have been brought forth by misrepresentation is not of our doing but of those who believe themselves to be connected with us … yet are not. Before we continue, as we have always stated, it is from deep within your heart that the TRUTH of any given channeller is acknowledged. We understand that the intent of many is for TRUTH and yet may we help you to recognise that not all are of a level that are able to reach the Highest good.B: I think many of us are choosing wisely these days as we rise (so to speak). You speak of ‘lift off’. Would you care to elaborate?FL:Are you not in tune with your Higher self these days in a manner that is so very different from former days? Does not the aching in your heart tell you that we are ever closer to that part of yourself that connects with us? On the whole … you could say that a proportion of the planet has risen significantly in order for much to take place that has been in the minds of many for decades of your time.We are very aware that there has been chit chat regarding appearances etc from those in the ranks, and that many of you from your position are feeling excited and yet tiring of the ongoing presumptions that do not seem to occur. Yet we say this … Your eyes are soon to pop out of their sockets when we display to you an inkling of the possibilities. And we can feel you are requesting a time frame around the word ‘soon’ are you not?B: Well to be honest, that word has sort of lost its meaning where you guys are concerned … from an earthling’s understanding of the word anyway. But I am not questioning the credibility of your words dear friends, far from it. I feel, since our last break, that I am ready to receive you in an even more TRUSTING way, if you know what I mean. I always trusted you, but probably didn’t trust myself enough, but I feel different about that now. So, no, not questioning ‘soon’. I am but your messenger. It is not my place to interfere. So when you say things like you just have, are we to assume that these wonders are to take place this year?FL:Dearest and most TRUSTING souls of earth. Can you honestly say that you do not know of this? Can you not feel your hearts beating faster with every new dawn? We have spoken to you of rising up within your beings and coming into a new understanding of yourselves. Whilst we have been silent with this communication, you must surely be aware of the new place within yourselves that is serving you now? Quieten your minds for one moment and inquire as to your hearts knowing at this stage in your progression. If you KNOW of yourselves … there will be in this silence the answers of all your inquiries … just by the FEELING of KNOWING that we are on our way. AT LAST!B: And I guess we are on ours also … and I am thinking we meet somewhere in the middle. So much makes sense regarding the necessity to be of a certain level of understanding of ourselves and you before ‘THE BIGGIE’ occurs. I, as Blossom, as little me, the human BEING, am pretty much the same as always, and yet as you say, in the silence of myself, a place that my thoughts talk to me, I feel I am different. A littler Higher perhaps? (all ego aside) And from letters sent to me, I think many are experiencing the same.FL:You have been shedding skin if we may put it like that. Layers of unwanted and unnecessary misgivings that do not belong upon and within your new self. The physical outer portrayal of yourselves is changing also … although not to the degree from which your inner beauty is aligning with its TRUTH. There is so much that we have already spoken with you concerning this arising.B:You seem to be using ‘rising’ and ‘arising’ as opposed to the word ‘Ascension’. Is there a reason for this?FL:With newness of the self comes new terminology. You will have perhaps noticed that your vocabulary is becoming refined?B:Compared to my mouth years ago, I could join a convent!!!FL: We smile to be back in your energy. You see dear friend, there is NO resident position for such things in the NEW WORLD. What is of earth NOW that is unsuitable for the world ahead … (that is still of earth) will be discarded at the drop of a hat. For it simply will not befit the vibration that one is moving into. This is why so many of you are feeling unsettled, for when we say ‘you are leaving the ‘old you’ behind;’ that is exactly what is taking place, and a lot of mourning is being released as you say goodbye with LOVE to thousands of years of self sacrifice. This is part of the great DIVINE PLAN.You have a game in your world by the name of ‘pass the parcel’, whereby many layers of paper are strewn away in order to reveal the prize. You are all the prize bearers. And that prize dearest souls is … your heart. It is the most precious gift of all. It has been with you all along and yet it is beginning to feel as if it is only now that you appreciate it for what it TRULY is.B:I have to say, at this moment … mine is expanding as if about to explode. Once again I inquire ... Is that just the nearness of you? ????FL: You are smiling and yet we are saying “YES”. It is the fact that you have allowed your BEING to arise a little further and with that comes the growth of your heart which in turn connects with us on a ‘closer’ level, along with the fact that we are actually physically very close to you at this time also.B: Ridiculous I know, but you feel so close that if you were to materialise in front of me I wouldn’t fall of my chair because it would be accepted. I feel prepared for that … and yet have never even thought of the concept before now.We shall be appearing to many! Side by side … for there are those that are now of the vibration to ‘deal’ with this phenomenon and have been preparing themselves for this very thing.Oh la la as they say in France!!!! I just this minute went to press the control button and then B to undo the bold type and the words to a song called ‘The Blessing’ which I have recently put in my computer came up on this document. Am I supposed to leave these words up?FL:Yes.B: If I get sued for copy write or something … your paying!!In the morning when you rise I bless the sun, I bless the skies, I bless your lips, I bless your eyes, My blessing goes with you.In the night time when you sleep, Oh I bless you while a watch I keep, As you lie in slumber deep, My blessing goes with you.This is my prayer for you. There for you, ever true, Each, every day for you, in everything you do.And when you come to me, And hold me close to you, I bless you And you bless me, tooWhen your weary heart is tired, If the world would leave you uninspired. When nothing more of love's desired, My blessing goes with you.When the storms of life are strong, When you're wounded,when you don't belong.When you no longer hear my song, My blessing goes with you.This is my prayer for you There for you, ever true, Each, every day for you, In everything you do.And when you come to me , And hold me close to you, I bless you And you bless me, too.I bless you And you bless me, too.FL: These words are appropriate for all who read OUR words to let you FEEL our FEELINGS for you all.There is not one single moment that our thoughts and energies are not with you souls of earth who have volunteered to play your part at THE MOST POIGNANT TIME IN THIS CYCLE OF IT’S HISTORY. You are souls who are blessed by THE TRUTH of THE DIVINE. We are ever with you in assistance as we transcend into HIGHER realms. Realms which you will recognise as your home from long ago. A place where you will reunite with LOVED ONES that only your soul’s history shall recall. As the union integrates with THE ALL of this VAST Ascension project, your eyes as we said, shall pop out of their sockets. For never could you have imagined the magic that is in store for each and every one of you who has been willing to sacrifice so much for the betterment of THE WHOLE.Within this deep KNOWING as you connect on a soul level with that of which we speak ... we ask that you give thanks to the ONENESS for the FEELING that you receive. This FEELING cannot be misinterpreted. It cannot deceive you. It is your souls TRUTH. And this FEELING is the One and only TRUTH that is THE ALL of everything. That is what YOU AND EVERYTHING are all about.THIS FEELING.THAT IS ALL THERE IS …FOR IT IS LOVE IN ITS PUREST FORM.IT IS YOU ... IT IS US ... IT IS GOD ... IT IS LOVE ... IT IS!B:Thank you so much. I know it is time to stop now. I am sure you are aware that many have been waiting patiently for your return (me included). And so on behalf of myself and many on this little pixel of a planet we bid you farewell for now, and look forward to your next chat … when ever that may be.Much Love to you … and so much appreciation for allowing me to be the channell for which your words come through.FL: Indeed we retract from your energy now. We are like birds of a feather, we flock together, and in this way, the NEW WORLD UNFOLDS.B: The word “ADIEU” popped into my head. I reckon White Cloud is in amongst all this somewhere. It just makes sense to me.Well, there we go!! Feels great to be back I have to say!The Blessing (by the way) is by Graham / Downes and can be found on youtube by ‘Celtic woman’. On reflection, it could be??? that it was the last thing I copied and pasted and therefore pressed the ‘v’ instead of the ‘b’ which would have brought it up. However …. How ever it got there it seems they wanted it there and so I shall leave it. All is as should be … Trust !!!Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - PORTUGUÊS - SPANISH – DUTCH
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08-January-2010 SALUSA

We will love to see the expressions on your faces when the first of our members is presented to you. Any apprehension or fear will vanish immediately as you realize how similar they are to you, and you will learn that it is because they are part of the human family.If any of the differences bother you, look at the root races upon Earth and see how much they differ one to another – yet all are human. You would have to see Beings from another Universe to see life forms quite different to yours, but remember that like you they have come from the Source Of All That Is. They are every bit as much a God Spark as you are.When certain people hear about the end times, their reactions border on one of horror or believing it to be a fairy tale. Yet when you look at your lives, it is full of challenges that do go to extremes. It is part of your learning process, and desire to see how far Man can adapt his physical body and develop his mental faculties in the lower vibrations. Instead of being a dream when free of the dimensional limitations, grand ideas and visions of the future can become your reality. Clearly you can only go so far in your present dimension, and your technology has reached a point where you are ready to become travelers in Space. Therefore the end times resulting in the closing of your cycle of duality, are the stepping-stone to the next stage in your evolution. Your spiritual understanding is perhaps your most difficult aspect to bring out, as you are surrounded by so many views and opinions as to exactly what is the truth. For eons of time you have looked up to others purporting to hold the truth, and there have been occasions when you had no alternative but to do so. Literacy is not something that has always existed, and as a result superstition has often replaced knowledge.Another difficulty is dealing with the number of old prophesies for this particular time. As a result some people still believe that extreme catastrophic happenings are coming to Earth. Yet, by and large messages received from spiritual sources in recent times indicate otherwise. Of course some physical changes are inevitable, but not to the degree that millions of people will die as a result of them. Bear in mind that prophesies are an indication of probabilities, and as you progress they can change, or should I say you change them. It is down to your levels of consciousness, and since they have risen dramatically over the last century you are enabling more peaceful changes. It must of course not be forgotten that we of the Galactic Federation have our own part to play, and are so technologically advanced that we will alleviate much of the potential damage and destruction. So Dear Ones, do not be fearful of the end times, and be assured regardless of what happens Ascension will take place.The potential exists for many events to come to the fore that will clearly indicate that massive changes are on the verge of commencing. It is now a matter of “marching time” as with all of the confusion caused by the dark Ones, it is difficult for you to see the true direction you are going in. Once the truth starts to come out, and our Federation can start its open contact with you things will change quite quickly. Truly exciting times are upon you, and you will not have long to wait before they come into being.As we often advise you, as messages come your way and you have any doubts about the content, go within and trust your own judgement. There will always be those messages that conflict with others, and that is in the nature of differing levels of consciousness. Words carry energy with them, so ask yourself how you feel as you read them. Clearly if you find a message uplifting it will follow that it originates from a higher level. There is always a question as to how precise the message is in its meaning, and whether the channel has been able to put it into suitable words. Sometimes the wrong word can completely alter what it was meant to convey.As the truth eventually comes out from both our Federation members and the Master’s, there will be lot of “gnashing of teeth”. It is because it means that some people’s cherished beliefs are laid bare and found wanting, and is not entirely your fault as for thousands of years you have been subjected to many different beliefs. Indeed, some have been forced upon you with the threat of death if you disobeyed. Therefore over hundreds of lives, your sub-consciousness has been filled with so many different beliefs. This is another important area needing cleansing, and is why the truth will be presented to you by those souls whose higher experience can be trusted. It is why we have repeatedly suggested to you that you do not hold too rigidly to your beliefs, and allow for change. You are after all only just beginning to awaken from the long sleep. You have the truth within, and when it is presented to you again it will resonate deeply with you.There really are so many Dear Souls involved in the process of Ascension, both on and off Earth. They mainly come from higher dimensions and different civilizations, that have been traveling with you on your journey. This should indicate how loved each one of you are, and how important the completion of Ascension is viewed throughout the Universe. It is in keeping with the promise made by God that the whole Universe shall ascend. What a special occasion you are approaching, and one that is unique inasmuch that you will ascend with your physical body. We hasten to add that by then it will have been restored to a perfect expression of itself, free from any deformity, illness or aging. It cannot be any other way, as you will be entering the higher vibrations, where nothing of a lower vibration can exist.We will love to see the expressions on your faces when the first of our members is presented to you. Any apprehension or fear will vanish immediately as you realize how similar they are to you, and you will learn that it is because they are part of the human family. Of course there are other types of humans, more familiar to you because of the presence of the Grey’s. If any of the differences bother you, look at the root races upon Earth and see how much they differ one to another – yet all are human. You would have to see Beings from another Universe to see life forms quite different to yours, but remember that like you they have come from the Source Of All That Is. They are every bit as much a God Spark as you are.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can I can sense the Light arising amongst you, which can also be detected by our instruments. It is seen as an auric glow that links all of a like vibration, and as it grows it becomes incredibly powerful attracting even more Light to Earth. Be assured all is well, and that you have now progressed so far in a relatively short time, that you have moved beyond the interference of the dark Ones. Keep your love and Light shining out, as that is the most important act you can carry out that will help others.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEW - LATVIAN - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH - SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLAND - CZECH BRASIL
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You are bathed in Love and Light and victory in the fight between the Light and dark is already yours, and you may complete your journey in full confidence.Dear Ones you ask do we ever tire in our work and the answer is “no certainly not” in a physical sense, as we do not have heavy bodies such as you carry. Ours are of a much lighter vibration and require little nourishment, and we can draw upon the energies around us, although we do have what you would call “light refreshments”. These are mainly in a liquid form, as we can maintain our bodies without the heavy foods you are used to having. We do not therefore experience hunger as you do, and replenish ourselves in a pleasurable way. Your bodies demand re-fuelling to keep your energy levels up, which is vital where you need physical strength and stamina. If you listen to your body you will know what is best for it, and this is why for example some have to eat meat whilst for others it is unnecessary. Generally speaking the higher your vibrations the more likely you are to eat less, and it will be the more wholesome foods that are fresh and unadulterated.In the higher dimensions that are to be your new home, all of the restrictions that you presently experience will cease to exist. Aging will not be an issue at all and you will retain your young looks as in your prime, and it is not necessary to experience death. When you decide to move into a new experience that necessitates a different body, you will consciously leave your body and take a new one. Not through birth as you understand it, but a waking experience into a near adult body or one that is fully developed. In fact if it is necessary you can have two bodies and alternate between them. Life is simple and easy compared to your present one, and you have none of the personal concerns that involve you in the maintenance of your physical body. You will select your hairstyle or clothes by the power of your thought, and know that your body will keep clean and pure because of its high vibration.Again we come back to those who cling to Earth and fear changes, and we ask if they can at least keep an open mind about them? Regardless as to how it appears on the outside, what is taking place is a magnificent cleansing necessary to allow the new to manifest. What no longer serves you will be removed, and in its place will come the beginnings of the new Earth. Would you seriously prefer to remain in the cycle of duality, when the opportunity to ascend is on offer to everyone? Perhaps only your Higher Self can truly answer that one, as very few souls are fully aware of their life plan. However, what you set your sights upon is where your energy is focused, and that will be your creation. Now more than ever, your power to create is increasing and you need to sure of what it is that you desire.We are working hard to bring certain events forward, that will have a bearing on how long it will be before Disclosure is declared. The pressure is on the authorities to go ahead without delay, and that day is coming ever closer. Following it the whole process of Ascension will eventually be made known, and it will help those souls who cannot make up their minds as to what to do. For some, no amount of information will make any difference but that indicates that they are not ready to leave the 3rd. dimensional experience. It is in no way indicates a lack of effort, as each soul moves at its own pace. We encourage you all to make your choice to be part of Ascension, and that is a much as we can do. In the final reckoning it is your freewill that will determine how you proceed from thereon.Let no one influence your thinking, not even ours unless you are certain as to where your future lies. If in doubt about anything you come across that you are not sure about, do not cast it aside but keep it in the background until you are absolutely sure about discarding it. You will find that things will often just drop into place where previously they did not fit in with your understanding. Be flexible and not rigid in your beliefs, and in this way nothing will pass you by that may have been of value to you. Life is continually one of re-assessing your position, and you have a wealth of experience behind you from all previous lives. What else Dear Ones is your measure of what you believe in and feel is for your greatest good.As each one of you grow more into the Light, so you are helping raise the vibrations upon Earth. With that you are also lifting up every other soul around you, as the mass consciousness grows exponentially. We see it at the level where it is beyond being affected by the dark energies. It will continue to expand and at a future point will reach critical mass, and it will be the means by which upliftment will take place. It is of course ongoing, and the commencement of yet another cycle that will carry you ever higher in the dimensions of Light. Life is infinite and you will soon be free to experience it as you choose. What a wonderfully loving Creator we have that opens all of creation to us.The Earth has been your permanent home to accommodate you through the cycles of duality, and served you well. Like you Mother Gaia is now gathering herself for the final thrust that will carry her into the higher realms. Together you have traveled a long journey and got to know each other well. It is fitting that you ascend in that way, and that your association still goes on. The Earth already has a reputation for its past beauty, and has been your Garden of Eden. Somewhere deep in your memory are visions of that time, which shall return in their full glory to your great delight and joy. Perfect harmony, and colors of great variety will heighten your happiness, as you rest in a dimension that fulfils your idea of Heaven.I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will confirm that the Galactic Federation has never been more ready, to move into the final phase of the path to Ascension. You will soon share our vision of the exciting times that are to lift you out of the chaos that still affects you. The dark Ones will still try to invade your peaceful disposition and distract you from the Light. However, you are now much stronger than you ever were, and should be able to easily prevent their attempts to unsettle you. Believe in your power and mental capabilities to protect yourself, and you will be beyond their reach. You are bathed in Love and Light and victory in the fight between the Light and dark is already yours, and you may complete your journey in full confidence.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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The Golden Age is truly within your reach and deservedly so.Time is as ever speeding up, and events are also moving on and destined to fulfill your expectations. There is a point that has been reached, when we may have to exercise our options to bring matters to a head. We would rather that changes are seen to be the result of your mass consciousness, which is bringing reality to your visions. Many more people are questioning the old ways that some still cling to, and are promoting ideas that will change them forever. Each of you can add your power by focusing your thoughts on what is for the good of all. Ascension will come to pass regardless of what paths you create, but it will be much more to your liking if you move with it in a harmonious way. Bear in mind that a section of your population still expect apocalyptic changes, and it is where their focus is centered. Be assured therefore that everyone’s contribution to the Light is of great value, and helping create a peaceful passage to the end of this cycle.Although you have not been aware of much that happens behind the scenes, we know that you have sufficient evidence of moves that are in the right direction. We believe that you are noticing that more people are questioning the authorities and their policies, and will realize that is creating more energy for change. This approach causes a reappraisal of existing practices, and it is opening the eyes of those who have been oblivious as to how they have been used. The power of the dark forces very much relies on their ability to gain blind obedience from their servants. However, it is changing as the level of consciousness is rising and bringing the truth to many more people. You are all part of the means to an end. according to how you project your vision.We have our role to play and it will not make any difference to us if changes are necessary. The fact remains that Ascension will proceed regardless of how difficult it is made, but we do not anticipate problems. All options have already been considered, and we are totally prepared for any major changes to our plan. For example, if we were authorized to speed up Disclosure, we are primed to carry out a mass landing. By this we do not mean an overwhelming show of our presence, but one where the result would be impossible to ignore or refute. Disclosure would then follow, as it could no longer be kept back from public knowledge. There is clearly a vast difference between the usual sighting of our ships, as against a flyover and landings that would follow. As we often inform you, we monitor your levels of consciousness and we can therefore gauge your likely reaction to our open contact.Our own focus is upon the leaders of the various countries, and some of the smaller ones are far more receptive to our coming than the larger ones. Power is not something that the politicians or their institutions are prepared to give up. However, with the changes that will come, it will be re-assigned in such a way that there is more sharing and smaller units. Furthermore, you the public will have far more say in what is done in your name. With more spiritually aware souls at the helm, it will become easier to guide you through the final years in a peaceful and happy environment. Our input is course imperative and will ensure a speedy and acceptable conclusion. You and the Earth are to ascend, and our orders are to make sure it occurs exactly as planned.Considering the vast nature of the changes that are lined up and ready to lift you up, it is wonderful that so many of you can see the necessity for them and how beneficial they will be. It is only fear or lack of faith that prevents more people from awakening to the importance of the times that you are in. Sometimes it is a lack of belief in the existence of the Creator, and because people cannot see the order and creative powers that is behind everything that exists. It you are looking for a God that has a human appearance you will not find one, as at the level God exists all is pure Light. The Universe is God, and all that is within it is part of God, therefore God is within you and you have no need to seek God outside of you. You are a God spark as is every other form of life, whether it is animated or otherwise.The whole panoply of the Universe invites your attention, and once free of the lower vibrations you will travel wherever you please. Your Cosmic Self will move instantaneously from one location to another by the power of thought. Your evolution will continue under your own direction, but as always higher beings will be pleased to advise you if so required. You will be as a God in your own rights and the master of using your creative powers. Wherever you go you will find that life abounds, and if you desire such an experience it can take you to other Universes or parallel dimensions. Your future is exciting and fulfilling, and there is space without end that you can explore.You will soon forget time as you now understand it, as you will move into the “Now” with no lines drawn between the past, present and future. Everything just “Is” and continually evolving, and although it may seem unlikely to you now, nothing ever remains inert. You can create and un-create as nothing is ever lost or destroyed, and only subject to change. In your present dimension you can detect changes much more easily, as matter of a lower vibration does not hold its form as well and for as long as it does in the higher dimensions. As you are beginning to realize, life as you will come to understand it will be vastly different and more fulfilling than it is now.If your are pulled into earthly matters that are not for your best advancement, just imagine what lies ahead and be thankful that the Creator’s Plan for Man is so beautiful and rewarding. What are a few more years in duality against what you have been promised. This period is in fact most important to all souls, offering an opportunity to move out of this cycle for once and for all time. It is the golden chance to leave duality having wiped your karmic slate clean. There is no place like Earth at present, where so much help is available to everyone offering a way out that will fully restore your consciousness.I am SaLuSa from Sirius and glowing with joy at the signs of Man reaching out to the Light, and finding within the heart the love that knows no limitations. The Golden Age is truly within your reach and deservedly so.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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Lightworkers’ fuel and armament is LOVE.Dear Readers,This short but important message came today, to be spread far and wide.Thanks in advance."Dear souls Jean and Lou, we are acutely aware of the potential for lethal attacks and retaliatory strikes as the tumultuous energy of duality is playing itself out. We wholeheartedly endorse your ideas of collective prayers, meditation, thoughts and intentions to shower the entire Middle East with love to transmute into light the darkness that is building. Because it is your world and you are there to assist in its liberation from the light-resistant souls who are taking desperate measures to hold onto their power, lightworkers as individuals and in unity sending forth love with a focus on peaceful resolution is the key to easing the tension.Nevertheless, however the blows come in that region, a massive and spreading conflagration will not happen. Although it is inevitable that some deaths and damage will continue in the short term, in honoring Earth’s desire, God has authorized nearby civilizations to use their technology to prevent wholesale destruction of life and property. This needs to be known to eliminate or at least greatly diminish the feelings of fear that the dark ones want to engender in peoples. Fear is their fuel and armament; lightworkers’ fuel and armament is LOVE."Suzy WardSpecial Peace Vigil for the Middle EastHello!What follows is a complement to the current Meditation Focus #207: Transducing Heaven on Earth will remain in effect for as long as the situation in the Middle East warrants it. It is suggested that you dedicate a portion of your moments of prayer and meditation, particularly these coming three Sundays, at the usual time - 16:00 UTC (see your local corresponding starting time at;p1=0- towards assisting in the achievement of the collective mission outlined in the summary below.Please help network this call for a Special Peace Vigil for the Middle East to as many people as possible.Jean HudonFocus Group Facilitator PEACE VIGIL FOR THE MIDDLE EASTThe original English version for this Special Peace Vigil for the Middle East is archived at note that you will also find much information related to this Special Peace Vigil in the following English compilation:Eye of The Storm Series #9: A Confluence of Conflicting Energies (posted December 31, 2009) SUMMARYAs we enter a new decade which holds many promises of a better future for all, the current global situation is fraught with several difficult challenges that need to be resolved peacefully and for the greater good of all before we can collectively move ahead towards establishing the conditions that will ripen in the near future into the manifestation of a Golden Era of Peace, Love and Harmony on Earth. The more immediate challenge we face is the deteriorating situation in the Middle East with the ongoing struggle for the establishment of a just and sustainable peace between Israelis et Palestinians, and with the increasingly violent political turmoil in Iran. But most importantly, there are many indications that, in light of an apparent impasse in the international efforts to secure the collaboration from Iran to ensure that it does not contribute to nuclear proliferation, there could be a heightened and imminent risk of inconsiderate military action, with potentially devastating consequences. The simmering energies of hatred that have plagued the Middle East ever since the state of Israel was created in 1948 are now deeply entrenched in the hearts and minds of countless souls, thus forming a cloud of dark thought-forms that is being used by ill-intentioned forces to further increase the level of fear and hatred that now feeds on itself like a giant vortex. This psychic tornado is wrecking havoc in the very fabric of Life on Earth and until sufficient spiritual activity is generated to address the root cause of this phenomenon, which is the state of profound delusionary ignorance of our common spiritual nature as soul fragments of the Omniversal One, much will remain on hold-a situation which cannot continue for very long because of the growing evolutionary pressure to catalyze a global awakening to and remembrance of Who We Are.As co-creators of our Destiny and as guided from the place in our soul that Knows the Will of Creator Source and the true purpose of our existence in this physical field of experience, it is incumbent upon us all to take responsibility for healing this rift in our collective understanding, so that all souls still entrapped in the tenacious consciousness of duality may soon be freed from the dark influence of fear and hatred and from the pervading sense of separation from All That Is which those thought-forms breed. It is in our power as One global soul family to close and seal the door in our global consciousness that allows the dark influence from past miscreations and from all that is devoid from the Light of Love to further tyrannize the souls of our spiritual brothers and sisters in the Middle East and elsewhere, and make them into mere puppets of the devious fears and torturing hatred implanted in them.To enable them to exercise their freewill to choose better Life-nurturing options, they need to know and feel at soul level that we love them all unconditionally, no matter what past learning experiences they may have gone through or initiated, so they may see beyond their current prejudices and distorted perceptions, and hear the songs of Peace and Love emanating from our souls. To do so, we need to first heal within ourselves all such prejudices and perceptions towards all actors involved into these karmically enlightening experiences, in the Middle East of anywhere else on Earth, including our neighbor next door, so as to start the healing process in all. Herein lies our immediate responsibility. Then, through demanding, in humble acknowledgement of our need for assistance, to our innumerable allies, both in other dimensions of Life and from other locations in this universe, to magnify and channel precisely where they are most needed the healing Light of Love we will all co-manifest, we will set in motion the closing and sealing of the symbolic door mentioned above, and, in so doing, set the stage for seemingly miraculous openings of hearts and souls that both in the Middle East and around the world will trigger the changes for Peace, Love and Harmony we are meant to collectively accomplish, for such is our Mission, Here and Now... for the Highest Good of All as One.-------If this e-mail has been forwarded to you and you wish to receive a monthly Meditation Focus (in English only) and such occasional Peace Vigils, simply send an email to with "I want to receive the Meditation Focuses" in the subject field of your email.For more information, please review the material posted (in English) by the Global Meditation Focus Group at’s email: - ALL - All languages stated above – SWEDISH new - JAPANESE new - ENGLISH DEUTSCHE - FRANÇAIS - ITALIANO - DUTCH - CASTELLANO PORTUGUÊS ROUMANIAN – DANMARKS
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Apart from getting bolder with our presence in your skies, there is not much more we can openly do until Disclosure.Have faith and patience as you really are at the commencement of an historic year, that will be of great significance where your future is concerned.Dear Ones, here you are facing a year that promises to fulfill your expectations, and yet many are apprehensive because you have been a long time awaiting the changes that will lift you up. You look to us for signs of fulfillment, as indeed we are the centre figures in all that takes place. Until you are totally involved it naturally seems out of your hands. So you wait for events to unfold as predicted, and we do our best to keep you informed as to what is taking place. Apart from getting bolder with our presence in your skies, there is not much more we can openly do until Disclosure.However, off Earth there is a lot happening, and most of our work takes place aboard our ships. To carry out our monitoring duties we do not need to be close to you, and our technology enables us to carry it out from our ships stationed outside of your atmosphere. Although you see our Mother Ships of varying sizes, we prefer to use our scout ships if we need to come nearer to you. We do not normally stay in one position for very long, but on occasions we will remain stationery for lengthy periods to allow you to see the reality of our presence. We are more often than not pursued by your aircraft, but their attempts to apprehend us are quite pointless. We have the ability to accelerate far more quickly than any conventional craft you have, and can defend ourselves with ease should weapons be used against us. We are not out to create unnecessary confrontation, and ours has always been a peaceful excursion when visiting your planet.We can say that all major events necessary for your release from the old regime will begin this year. We are still intent on moving the last cabal into a position, where they will have no alternative but to concede their power. It is already much less than at the beginning of this millennium, and our allies are pushing them further away from their plans for total control. At the same time you the people are becoming more adept at recognizing the truth when you see it, and are more discerning where your personal future is concerned. This year will be the beginning of many dramatic events, and you will see the plan for abundance and other benefits promised to you taking shape. So much hinges on Disclosure, as without our help you could not alone overcome the dark Ones, or begin to co-ordinate the forces necessary to cleanse the Earth.Time is now of the essence and we are ready to leap into action at a seconds notice. Be assured you are safe from any attempt to create a major incident that will give the dark ones more power over you. One of the earlier aspects of our plan is restore your rights, and draconian laws that are unconstitutional will be removed as quickly as possible. Progress revolves around creating a new mentality towards each other, and a desire to give help wherever it is needed as you go through the period of change. Your potential is unlimited and we know that when you understand the purpose for what is taking place, you will give of yourselves whole heartedly. There is a rainbow of many different rays of light uplifting your consciousness, and it brings the promise of the Golden Age where all is in absolute harmony and peace. What is about to happen on Earth are the first steps towards establishing the structure for it to manifest. The vision is held in your hearts and Ascension is the process that will lead you to it. Never lose sight of your goal, as you are the creators of your reality. You are continuously projecting your energy into the future, and each individual plays their part in determining how it will be. As the saying goes, “be in the Earth, but not of it” and allow the lower energies to be transmuted, without taking your attention away from your life plan and destiny.If we look at the probabilities for the next few years, we see completion of this present cycle of duality in accordance with the Creator’s decree that it shall end successfully. If we were to anticipate where you might be by the end of this year, we would expect to have seen governmental changes and the first signs of the abundance program taking place. This means that disclosure will have already occurred, and a number of other projects will be under way. World unity is a strong factor in determining how quickly progress is made, and it will become more easily achieved once the leaders of each country are in accord with our plan. If there is any delay we see the people demonstrating their power to determine their own future. By then you will have been informed of the meaning of the end times, and will be under no illusion as to where your future lies. The falsehoods and lies that have kept you in the dark as to your real purpose in life will have been disclosed. Some souls will still refuse to acknowledge the truth, but their denials will mean that their future will be in accordance with their beliefs. God does not impose the Creator’s Plan upon anyone who chooses a different experience, because it is known that eventually they will find the path to the higher dimensions and the Light.As more of you take up a position of projecting the positive energies all around you, so it is transmuting the energy of fear that is still prevalent upon the Earth. That alone is weakening the ability of the dark Ones to maintain their hold on you, and they have no other way of preventing you from moving fully into the Light and Love that is all around you. It is your silent weapon like Archangel Michael’s sword that sweeps away the darkness that has hidden the truth from you. You can lift another soul simply with a smile or kind word, as each carries the Light that lifts them up. You will find it gives you great joy to do so, and will eventually lead you on to Unconditional Love which is your ultimate goal.Enter 2010 with the most positive approach you can muster, and we could ask little more. There will still be trying times but their impact will not be lasting, and you will soon see the shape of things to come. Think of 2010 as the start of a new beginning as you see the old regime being swept away, and know that it will be permanent as there is no coming back for them. Their influence is already dissipating, and their structures are being undermined by our allies. Have faith and patience as you really are at the commencement of an historic year, that will be of great significance where your future is concerned.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pass on best wishes to all of you for a Happy New Year from the Galactic Federation.Thank You SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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The present period is about the secret battle raging between this American dark corporate cabal with its many global partners and those seeking to turn around this unfair and unsound set-up. This conflict has brought most of your world to its knees, and worse is to follow in the beginning of your next Gregorian year!5 Ben, 16 Mol, 5 CabanSelamat Jarin! We come again with much to discuss with you. In previous messages we briefly delineated the make-up of our Earth allies and of the last dark cabal. The latter is a predominantly American entity with associates spread across the globe. This group is heir to the policy of skullduggery and deceit that the illuminari perpetrated under the command of your former off-world masters, the Anunnaki. This set-up changed when the Anunnaki decided to make peace with the Galactic Federation in mid 1994, drastically altering the distribution of power on your planet and sparking a deeply entrenched internecine war that continues to this day. It is important for you now to have more background on this conflict so that you can better comprehend what is happening on your world. Until the Anunnaki switched sides, they monitored the discords among their minions very closely to ensure that one side dominated, but not to the extent of outright supremacy. This point of power was retained by the Anunnaki in order to keep ultimate control over their ever-squabbling henchmen.Once the Anunnaki left, the illuminari factions engaged in a pitched battle to acquire the decisive dominance that was previously impossible to obtain. The American corporate-led cabal was the first to make its move by physically imposing its control through a series of political, military, and financial moves. This strategy was meant to peak shortly after 'winning' the election of 2000. A base for sweeping political and military moves was created by taking more direct control of the United States government. The first of these acts involved illegally seizing a large amount of money from the US government and using it to conduct a massive worldwide assault on the other illuminari factions. This led to the 9/11 attacks, the subsequent 'announced' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a number of 'undeclared' wars in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The fulcrum for these actions was the great American banks centered on the privately held US Federal Reserve banking system. In the first years of this strategy a number of initial successes were realized.But a basic financial weakness was there from the start: The American economy was undermined by a number of conservative regimes which allowed their corporate cronies' greed to run amok. This weak point was countered by a special government fund that was part of the illuminari Trusts reorganized and set up after the conclusion of WW II. Taking control of this USA Trust was one of the prime objectives of the American dark cabal. Another essential element was the UFO cover-up, which is in many ways the core issue for this cabal. Now armed with growing control of the USA corporate government, this faction is determined not only to defeat those who oppose it but also to keep at bay the ongoing UFO presence. The other illuminari factions understand full well the changes happening to you and the destined first contact with us. They cooperate with us and a structure for formal liaisons is in full swing between us. Meetings are held daily to determine the timing and dates of the UFO disclosure conferences.The first task is to take down the American dark cabal. It has plundered Mother Earth for decades and caused a widespread ecological extinction process to begin, leading to the death of entire species of trees, plants, and animals. This is a harbinger for the massive changes to be wrought by Mother Nature when the time comes for her to return to full consciousness. As we watch these changes, we see your planet as well as the solar system sounding the alarm for a great turn toward the Light. The merciless dark faction refuses to accede to this urgency and to permit a wholesale realignment of the Anunnaki's former minions. It remains obdurate in maintaining the past as a way to control the future, a most unwise proposition given the circumstances. You are embarked upon a period of huge change which is to intensify. If this transition is to be smooth, a global distribution of power needs to be reestablished, in which one rogue faction is unable to hold the rest hostage as is the case at present.What this amounts to is the need for a new economic, financial, and political system. Basic agreements between nations and various organizations are in place and can produce the required results. These accords began with the Agreements of 1998 between our Earth allies and us. Since then a number of items were added which clarified issues and established new governmental structures. The overall thrust concerns global abundance, peace, and universal individual and national sovereignty. We wish to make it clear that this is not about setting up a new global congress to rule your world, but about paving the way for first contact, which remains the ultimate objective. A transitional reality is to facilitate a whole host of events that are to prepare you completely for contact. We continue to monitor your reactions to us and these indicate a level of fear in you that still needs to be fully addressed.When we took on this mission we fully understood what we were getting into. You have been manipulated by fear for eons and are deeply xenophobic toward anything slightly different from you. Except for a small minority you are very resistant to change. Heaven knew all this and set about to transform those factors which control you. The first was to encourage the electronic age and the next was to raise your consciousness. These prerequisites were carried out between 1960 and the present. The advent of your atomic age in the 1940s brought both the Light and the dark to your shores to observe how your primitive technology was being used. Then came the encounters between your governments and the dark Anchara Alliance in the early 1950s. Our overtures at the time were ignored but we knew that this hostile milieu was set to change during the ensuing decades.The present period is about the secret battle raging between this American dark corporate cabal with its many global partners and those seeking to turn around this unfair and unsound set-up. This conflict has brought most of your world to its knees, and worse is to follow in the beginning of your next Gregorian year! We therefore deem it essential to have our Earth allies quickly resolve whatever is preventing the next steps from immediately manifesting. Your suffering over the last year, as the last dark cabal wreaks its final havoc upon you, is intolerable to us. Our liaison teams are reaching a point where we both feel that an even greater degree of intervention is called for so that the immediate period can be used to achieve our pre-contact goals. It is definitely time to move this entire scenario forward to victory!Our momentum toward contact cannot be stalled much longer. First contact is needed if only to level the playing field and give the Light on your world a means to end the deadlock of the previous decade and a half of waiting for the right time to act. We understand your xenophobia and know it is often hard to reverse long-standing erroneous beliefs. However, we know intuitively that you need a game-changer moment to allow you to move swiftly to your victory. We ask you to come together now and courageously acknowledge what it may take to move forward. Many things are to break loose to ensure that what we both want occurs. This is no time to expect anything less than a miracle! So, prepare yourself for success! The time is Now!Today, we continued to expound on what is happening around you. A great force for change has enacted a program to squeeze out the dark from its traditional power bases and compel it to capitulate to the Light. The time for your part in this arrives. Let us together transform your reality and prepare this planet for contact! Let us rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding before us. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Galactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASILThe Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEW
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No President has served his term without contact from us and we are delighted to work with Obama, who is one of the few that have put world peace at the front of their agenda.There is an air of expectation as you move through the last days of this year on to 2010. You are finding that many sources agree that it will be one of completion. What started many years ago and promised major changes within your civilization, is bearing fruit. No longer is it a question of whether they will take place but when, and 2010 will quickly see the first of many changes. Our allies are fully prepared to carry out their part, and are primed as to their role in the coming months. There are whole sequences of events that will gradually fulfill the plan for your upliftment. Changes within your Universe are as ever moving ahead with Ascension in mind, and on an energy level will also continue to affect your Earth. You will understand Dear Ones, that changes of such a magnitude cannot be delayed by the actions of Man.As you look back at the events of 2009, it may be difficult to highlight many positive ones. However, for us the election of Barack Obama as President of U.S. was a major victory for the Light. His influences and desires for world peace are bringing in important changes, but the path is by no means easy. There are many who oppose his authority, and a difficult job is being made even harder. No President has served his term without contact from us and we are delighted to work with Obama, who is one of the few that have put world peace at the front of their agenda. Everything revolves around this issue, and eventually other countries will work together to forge a united plan that achieves success. Currently there are too many people in places of influence, that are making progress painfully slow. That will be changed in the near future, and you will see a great outflow of energy that will galvanize many groups into action.Fortunately everything is being held in balance by the forces of Light, and thus your victory over the dark Ones is assured. Already there is confusion and infighting amongst their ranks, and this will add to their demise. As always we carefully monitor what is happening on and off Earth. We control the extent to which adverse conditions are created, whether by deliberate intent or through natural causes. We have to allow changes that are necessary for Mother Earth’s cleansing, but again we can direct energies in such away as to avoid massive destruction. It is also our responsibility to minimize the extent of personal injury and loss of life. We do not however have a total free hand, as there are many factors involving karma and the greater plan for Mankind. We serve those who oversee the Creator’s Plan for your Universe. Upliftment is to take place with the end of this cycle, and it will occur quite naturally and in accordance with Universal Law.Meantime we see that so many of you have awakened, and are opening your consciousness to new levels of understanding. This coming year will enable even greater advances, as the incoming energies are rapidly increasing in their levels of power. It will give everyone the opportunity to join in Ascension if they so desire. It is your choice and your freewill is respected and honored as always. Life is infinite and the soul indestructible, so there is no necessity to force the issue. Your evolution will progress at a pace that suits you, and you can extend your experience in the 3rd. dimension if that is what you wish. However, as the existing Earth is to ascend it would be on another planet prepared for such experiences.You have achieved so much in a relatively short time, and now you have reached that point where your endeavors are to be rewarded. What was considered to be unobtainable a few decades ago is now within your sights. Instead of heading for oblivion you have risen above the lower energies, and reached a plateau where you are beyond the interference of the dark forces. The Light is supreme and will continue to create a gulf between it and them, who will find that their main weapon of fear is becoming less effective. People are much wiser and more aware than they have ever been before, and know that all they need to do is keep focused upon the Light. It is your protection and at the same time is lifting up your consciousness, and you are perhaps for the first time seeing more clearly. Through intuitive thinking the truth is becoming apparent, and you have realized that all knowledge is within.Soon the event of Disclosure will start a series of revelations, that will inform everyone of the truth as to what has been carried out in their name. There will be no hiding place for those who have deliberately mislead the people, and their deeds will be uncovered. The truth will come out in such a way that it will be impossible for it to be manipulated or distorted, to protect those who have deceived you. Irrefutable evidence already exists that will be produced to substantiate all charges, that are for treasonable acts against the people. As we have explained previously and will repeat again, our intent is not to punish them. Our purpose is but to establish where criminal acts have taken place, for higher authorities to handle. We carry no hatred or desire vengeance, and in fact we see all souls as Ones carrying the Light. We know that given time even the most godless souls will return to the Source, and it simply has to be that way. Souls may be re-absorbed but in no way are they destroyed, as some believe. Consider Dear Ones, would the Creator destroy his own creations, that are part of the Creator’s Love and Light. We of the Galactic Federation have a love for all life, and uphold its right to live out its planned evolution.Man has been evolving very quickly which is to be anticipated, as the cycle of duality creates the ideal conditions for rapid progress. Again Dear Ones, realize that without the dark Ones you would have had no measure of how far you could evolve. They have presented the challenges that have made you respond, or go down with them. Now that you have reached a certain level, duality has little more to offer and it is time to move on. We are here to ensure that you take the opportunity to do so. Therefore, Ascension is the focus of all of our efforts, and are creating a pathway to it that will reflect your higher consciousness. You are moving into the new expression of Earth, and together we will all take part in that process.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, wishing you every success in carrying your seasonal goodwill and compassion into the New Year.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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23-December-2009 SALUSA

All of your happy experiences will be surpassed by what is to come in the higher dimensions. They will be completely manifested in the Light to a degree of perfection rarely experienced on Earth.Dear Ones we see you as one in a physical dimension and also one of energy. They are each changing very quickly as they draw closer together, and create a balance that will bring harmony and peace to Earth. It is reaching critical mass and brings with it the final change that will result in Ascension. You are so far advanced that nothing can halt the process, which is bound to succeed. We see that more of you are moving out of uncertainty, into a positive state of realization that the end times are for your upliftment. It does not matter whether you understand the reasons for the changes, as long as your perception is that they are beneficial to everyone. Certainly there are many of you who see so much around you that is undesirable, or not in your best interests. The call for an end to conflicts, and leaders that work for world peace is growing every day and it is an energy for change that cannot be ignored. It is an example of people power at a level that is creating a new reality.Looking back over this year and realizing how far you have come in such a short time, it shows how much you have responded to the Light. Although many of you have found that your life on Earth has become more difficult, you have gathered strength from knowing that the domination of the dark Ones is coming to a close. You have also intuitively understood that the changes are not going to bring disaster, but are part of the cleansing necessary before the new Earth can manifest. Holding fast to your understanding will help you through the immediate period, until certain events of world wide importance reveal that a new direction will be taken. Once it becomes apparent it will galvanize many of you into action, as this is the time you have been waiting for. We acknowledge that so many of you are keen to participate in actions to restore the Earth to its former beauty. Time will be of the essence, but your help will be accepted according to what you have to offer. Naturally we are already aware of your value to us, and we will gladly enlist your help.It gladdens our hearts to see so much Light being drawn to Earth, and it is a credit to those of you who have steadfastly given of your time to participate in one of the many ways it can be achieved. Even now more souls are awakening to the tasks that they came to Earth to carry out. This was of course part of the plan for the upliftment of Humanity, as decided by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Souls were chosen to incarnate for this particular period in duality because of their proven abilities as Lightworkers. Some fail to realize their life plan, but every attempt is made to awaken them to their intentions. If you feel that you have something to do but cannot identify what it is, simply wait for signs to come up in your life. Be prepared and alert, and you are unlikely to miss an opportunity to find your role in life. You work does not necessarily have to be at a high spiritual level, as there are a great variety of needs that can be served simply by those of good intent. Serving others is invariably at the root of any action that comes from desiring to give of yourself.The goodwill generated by such occasions as Christmas has a lasting effect, and the love freely given to others uplifts the vibrations of Earth. We would like to see it maintained well into the New Year, and believe it will increase as the realization of your pending release from the dark Ones raises your expectations. You have a year ahead that will surpass any other you have experienced, and it will see the outpouring of great joy and happiness. The relief at being able to cut your ties to the old ways of control and domination will see a wave of euphoria move across the Earth. We shall be part of that celebration and you shall see the Galactic Federation in a show of unity with you. We shall then be able to complete this journey in duality together all the way to Ascension.You have yet to appreciate the magnificence of your achievements, as your journey commenced before time as you understand it. It is in some ways unnecessary for you to remember the many lives you have had, as each one has complimented those that have gone before. Today you stand as one who has all but completed the journey, and you are expressing yourself as a total Being of an expanded consciousness. Everything you have learnt is still retained at your sub-conscious level, and you are all the greater for it. An even greater jump in your evolution is about to occur, and it will bring you closer to the level you were just before you dropped down into duality.Remember Dear Ones; your whole purpose of leaving the Godhead was to experience the challenge of being separated from your Source. At times you have lost touch with it, and floundered as you sought the purpose of life. You have hit out in fear because of your feeling of insecurity, and failed to realize the Oneness of All That Is. Now this period of doubt and misconception has passed for those who have found the truth, and realized their eternal and immutable links with God.All of your happy experiences will be surpassed by what is to come in the higher dimensions. They will be completely manifested in the Light to a degree of perfection rarely experienced on Earth. The change will be so sudden it will be like taking one step out of the Dark Ages, and finding yourself in a totally new dimension of Light. That has to be a joyful ending of a great challenge that has seen you rise up against all of the odds. If you are experiencing hard times now just remember what lies immediately ahead, and see it as a reward for your resilience and never flagging determination to lift your self up.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and if you ask whether we celebrate as you do the answer is yes. However, in our lives every day is a tribute to the deity, and grateful thanks for all we have been provided with from the inexhaustible Source of All That Is.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Since I will be away for Christmas, this message will be my last one until Wednesday the 30th. December. So from me, our Space friends and the many dear souls that accompany us all on our path through life, I will wish you all a most pleasant time of celebration, and may the New Year fulfill all of your dreams. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

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Once these primary items are dealt with, the UFO disclosure goes to the top of the agenda.11 Cimi, 9 Mol, 5 CabanSelamat Balik! We come before you again with much to discuss. Pivotal events are taking shape before us. Our Earth allies are completing a very delicate series of maneuvers which constitute grave dilemmas for the dark. Once achieved, these predicaments will force the dark cabal to resign finally from the game. Concurrently, the new caretaker regimes are to assume authority, and their first act in office will be a series of formal announcements explaining the whys and wherefores of the sweeping debt forgiveness programs and the new hard-backed currency. These two simultaneous initiations are just the beginning of a new monetary policy for your world. These broadcasts are to be followed swiftly by pronouncements that put an end to illegal wars and invasions. A timetable for a return to true representative governance will also be laid out. Once these primary items are dealt with, the UFO disclosure goes to the top of the agenda. This can be an exciting as well as a disturbing time because for many decades exotic devices were used in secret by a number of your major governments.These devices include suppressed on-planet inventions as well as alien technology, the latter having been well tested and proven in many black operations. UFO disclosure is to provide the opportunity to unveil these immense inventories along with many other inventions that have been kept out of the public arena. In a few short steps your technology is to surge forward bringing online a new scientific paradigm and birthing an exciting milieu which can reflect back to you many surprising things about yourselves, including how your reality is truly constructed. This will be a boon to your rising consciousness. Many 'truths' accepted by you at face value and perpetrated by the dogmas of your sciences and philosophies can then fall away, and a truer definition of you and Mother Earth can take shape. These new truths can then serve as a foundation for what we are to tell you, about why we have come from afar and about how you are to be individually returned to full consciousness. This process provides a wonderful way to introduce us formally to you and to show you some of your unlimited potential.The true direction underlying your global turmoil is an unerring and irresistible sweep back into prosperity and full consciousness. This drive has been growing within you since the end of World War II. Superficially, the post-1945 world carried on as before; but deep within multiple secret projects around your globe a new governmental structure was developing. These early directorates rapidly acquired the ability to subvert the safeguards set in place to prevent exactly this from happening. By the early 1960s, these secret structures had morphed into underground governments that were running key policies which were no longer hindered by their aboveground former masters. These shadow regimes form a vital part of the dark cabal's operational web and we closely monitored these conspirators as they weaved the policies that led to the undoing of your global economy, enforced a UFO cover-up, and spawned a vast empire feeding off senseless wars, illegal drug industries, and perpetrating an inhumanity unmatched in your history. Their empire encompasses the largest global banks and multinationals, and administers transnational criminal activities.Toppling this labyrinthine empire has not been easy for our Earth allies. It controls major governments and has allied itself with the old power structure left behind by the Anunnaki. The denizens of this megastructure are what we call the dark cabal and it has its roots in the horrors of WW II. It is true to say that on many levels the hidden agenda of this war did not end in 1945. Its goals are ongoing today, and what is about to happen now is the de facto final defeat of these awful objectives. These undercurrents explain some of the scary developments of the present times. For our part, we can only give you broad brushstrokes about current events. This goes rather against our grain as we greatly prefer to be open and frank, but secrecy is how things get done on your world. We have, however, clearly outlined the predominant issues and repeat that victory is approaching swiftly as the dark is running out of resources and ways to defer the inevitable. Many groups and nations have come together to force a termination of the chaos that has engulfed your reality.Around you, undeniable developments are apparent: beneficent changes in peoples' awareness; grass-roots organizations growing and interconnecting on the World Wide Web; and behind the scenes, the gratifying coming-together of the groups we call our Earth allies. The new reality this attests to recognizes the importance of ending the UFO cover-up. It is to be an incontrovertible instant of transformation for Earth's humanity! Nothing will be the same. It changes the way you perceive yourselves, your place in the divine scheme, and your future world. You now possess the wealth to end poverty, to educate everyone, and spread truths that will astonish. The Earth allies are to provide you with the means for this, and all you need is the motivation. In this, we expect you to excel! Inside each of you is the genetic imperative to radiate your divine essence. You know you are each others' keepers and that you are all ONE!This movement away from the dark and its grim intentions for you arises from Heaven's gentle guidance of you from the beginning. She wants you to thrive not perish. It is also time to honor Mother Earth and to redress the depredations visited upon her. You were intended to be the 'perfect guests' and the loving stewards of this wondrous blue-green world. She is a living entity and you need to return her to health. Her many ecospheres now require nursing and her three elements (land, sea, air) need extensive revivifying. This ability, albeit dormant at present, lies within you. Once you are fully conscious, you can work your magic upon her. The brilliance you are to give forth is to produce a world of unimaginable beauty. At its center will be you, true physical Angels; and the Light of your world, future Earth, is to be the center of a new star-nation.At present, ethereal Beings live on every orb in this solar system and soon you will be able to commune with them. Absorb their considerable wisdom: It contains the history of this multiplex reality system and the framework for what you are destined to build: a great star-nation. This wondrous land is to be your home world, and the galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality will open before you. The journeys you are to make are quite beyond your present imagination. An age of exploration is your destiny! Ships of your design and inclination are to take you to areas of immense beauty and to conferences that are to change the very make-up of distant societies and the galaxies they reside in!You are a special people who originally migrated here from many parts of this galaxy. We, as your family, come to renew this kinship and to let you remember who you truly are. We look forward to what lies ahead. See this present morass as simply the last test of your ability to overcome great odds. And remember always: Heaven has your back! She put forth mighty warriors of Light and great negotiators who are right now doing what is needed to free your world from its dark oppressors. This operation is taking longer than expected. Nevertheless, remain confident, and bear in mind the immensity that is the Light. This great force is preparing to pull off a resounding victory and return you fully to the Light. This time is now dawning!Today, we delved further into the elements that are being primed to generate your new reality. Our task goes well beyond first contact. It has come to include the role of guide and mentor to you in your new reality. Soon this new dreamtime-like world is to be yours. Thus we come to serve and protect Earth's Humanity! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Galactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.Dear Ones, yet again a promising arrangement has come to nothing, due to the inappropriate release of the date on which Disclosure was to be made by President Barack Obama. Our disappointment more than matches your own, as the announcement was agreed and the details completed many weeks ago. It cannot be as easily re-arranged, but there is a sense of urgency to get started again and lose no more time. Keeping details secret is extremely difficult once they get into the public domain. However, we have other ploys that will continue to emphasize our existence, and we ask you once again to keep your eyes on the skies. These are the days when the signs have become talking points, that will awaken people’s awareness to not just our presence but our methods of contact with you. For many years we have made crop circles as one means of getting your attention. As you will have noticed in more recent times, they have become more sophisticated. The messages they send have been interpreted, and their symbolism correctly understood. They have carried energy with them, and even although everyone has not understood them, it has connected with them sub-consciously.We are fascinated by your many interpretations of the blue beam over Norway. It has certainly become a good talking point, and your perception is sufficiently open to consider that it originated in space and that it has been beamed down to you. The connection with the presence of President Obama is also interesting, and shows that you see it as some indication of attempts to contact you. Millions of people accept the existence of Space Beings, and now many more believe that they have a place in the lives of Mankind. With a sudden surge of interest in us, and a desire to know us you have created the opportunity for contact to manifest. There are many factors involved, not least of all our role in ensuring that the plan for your conscious upliftment and Ascension takes place as decreed by the Creator.As you can understand, there are many reasons for speeding ahead with official contact. We want it to come out naturally, and in a way that will not shock those souls who have no belief in our existence. Many have put up a barrier in spite of the evidence that supports us, and the underlying reason is fear. Be assured whatever view you have of us, that we are peaceful Beings with no design on taking over your Earth or your people. Ours is a mission of love and the desire to prepare you for Ascension, by releasing you from the control and domination by the dark forces. Their power base is crumbling and their attempts to prolong their reign are going to fail. They certainly do not want you to get to know us better or place your trust in us, as that means the end of their influence and ability to hold onto their own positions. They trade on their massive fortunes that are used to buy people off, and support covert operations that are used to bolster their powerful positions. World domination is their goal, but they will not be allowed to go any further than at present. We are monitoring their every action and they are doomed to failure.We say again that you are such powerful Beings of Light, yet you not necessarily believe in yourselves. Your power of thought is creating your future the whole of the time, so providing you are focusing on what is for the good of all; you will hasten your upliftment into a higher consciousness. There are a number of different expectations where the end times are concerned, and again your power of thought will give you the experience you desire. So you may ask how can there be more than one ending, and we will answer by informing you that they all occur simultaneously on different levels. From any one individuals experience it would seem that everyone is involved in the same one, and there will be no awareness of any others. We might say beware as to what you focus on, by making sure it is what you would wish to give your energy too.God’s plan for the end times is called Ascension, but it is up to you as to whether you take advantage of it. You cannot just wish to be part of it and succeed, as it requires effort by you to lift up your vibrations. The Law of Attraction allows only for those souls who have reached a certain level to ascend. The process is one of living in the Light and Love, so that any ties you have had with the lower energies are cut. This enables you to focus on the task of further lifting up your vibrations, and as a result you will surely achieve success. There is considerable help around you, and you have only to ask and it will come to you. Use names if you desire such as your favorite Angel or Master, as you may be assured they will receive your request. Allow for the answer to freely manifest and do not insist it happens in any particular way. You may not necessarily know exactly what is best for you.You are learning a lot about life and have never been so well informed as you are now for a long, long time. For over a century spiritual groups have arisen with knowledge and teachings, that have explained the many misconceptions given out as the truth through orthodox religion. As you are often informed it is the truth that will set you free, and every effort has been made to place it before you. It is not forced upon you, and is not accompanied by fearful consequences for not following it. True disciples respect your freewill, and that way you are free to take what you can and move on. Each soul is unique and therefore what suits one is not necessarily another’s path. If you cannot grasp or understand the need for Ascension, then you are most likely ill prepared or insufficiently illumined to accept it into your life. Have no fear about making such a decision as you are not abandoned or held in lower esteem. You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.I am SaLuSa from Sirius and member of the Galactic Federation. I love these opportunities to offer advice, and it is essential that as many of you as possible fulfil your life plan by ascending, if that was your goal. Remember that those “coincidences” that help you are more planned than you realize. Your Guides work small miracles to get you where you need to be for the experiences you have chosen. For example you may feel that you met your partner by chance, well Dear Ones such an important step in your life is totally organized. There is much love felt for you and importance given to your life plan, and it is simply the out working of your choices by which to experience.Thank You SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH BRASIL
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18-December-2009 SALUSA

The time for your spiritual advancement has arrived, and you are to go forward in leaps and bounds. We bless you and love you for being exactly what you are.As you go through the cycle of duality, by and large there is a balancing that prevents extremes of energy. However, you are now in a period that allows for the Light to become the dominant force as you draw to a conclusion. It is both necessary and appropriate that with its victory, that the Beings of Light are seen to leave this cycle. It is the time of completion and the higher energies are now in greater control, and the future for those who are to ascend is assured. Meanwhile, the dark forces cannot hold onto power much longer, as their plan falls into disarray. They are being ousted by the emergence of the new thinkers that are creating a new paradigm. It will fulfill the vision that many hold of a peaceful and happy existence, free from the interference of those who live by the sword of death and destruction.There will still be attempts to stir up fear but if you remain aware you can sidestep it, as many have done over the Swine Flu scare. It is a matter of degree as to what you make of such scares, and flu is always around but not of pandemic proportions as you are led to believe. Be informed about such matters and know that such bodies as the World Health Authority are influenced by the bias of the Pharmaceutical companies. Your Internet is awash with information, but you will soon learn which sources can be trusted. Your media carries little unbiased information and is controlled by the Press moguls who are largely government controlled, and not the free Press you are led to believe.You have come far enough now to be discerning about any information. Certainly many of you are now sufficiently advanced spiritually, to know what has the ring of truth about it. Find those teachers who speak words that resonate with you, and go within and you will know what to accept or set aside. The dark are also allowed to put their own kind forward as teachers, and it is intended to test your powers of understanding. Bear in mind that spiritual teachers never force their opinions onto you, or demand your acceptance of their teachings. Quite the opposite, as true teachers who speak with love, will tell you to only take what fits in well with your understanding and is intuitively acceptable.The changing times will often bring out the aggression in some people, and it comes from being unaware that they are necessary to allow for the cleansing of Earth. We see the demonstrations that often start out peacefully and with good intent. Regrettably some demonstrators seek confrontation, and that gives the authorities the excuse to hit back. Freedom of expression is your god given right, but in volatile times it is difficult to exercise total freedom. However, there is a place for pacifists and those who are more vocal, but take care not to give the dark ones reasons to further curtail your freedom. Control is the weapon used to follow your every move, and any excuse is used to restrict your lawful actions.Dear Ones, we encourage you to seek change, but desire that you disassociate yourselves from any movement that talks of violent action. That is not the way of those who are walking the path of Love and Light. Their way is by example and talking of peace and the Golden Age, that will fulfill all of those promises made to you over millennia of time. The advent of Ascension was planned from the time you first agreed to drop into the lower dimensions to experience duality. In all of that time the nature of the end times has never been in doubt, and all Heaven has assembled to ensure that you ascend if it were your desire and intent.The future will lead you to the real Heaven upon Earth, which was never likely to manifest in the lower dimensions. Yes, at times you may have had happy and fulfilling lives, but we talk of ascended Man in realms where all is permanently in a state of peace and balance beyond your present reckoning. All is shared and there is no lack in any way whatsoever, and abundance is everywhere. Heaven is not just for the chosen few, but there for every soul who aspires to lift themselves up. You will become again the Masters and Angelic Beings you really are, and your consciousness will have expanded exponentially to Cosmic levels.You might wonder why if you all have such wonderfully developed souls, you see around you some who carry so little Light. Dear Ones, the reason is that you accepted separation from your true selves, so as to experience lives spent trying to find your way back to the Light and God. Where many of you are now indicates success in doing so, and you have made that link again with the higher energies. Presently you have one foot in both the lower and higher dimensions, and are about to leave the lower ones through Ascension.Life is a serious business yet if you can treat it as a game that has a finishing line that is now in sight, it will release its hold on you. With adequate understanding of the necessity for the changes, the remaining years will pass so quickly and easily. There is nothing to fear and no reason to doubt the outcome. Your mass consciousness is drawing the higher energies to Earth, and your visions are manifesting more quickly. Soon is a word that we have used often, but it is your measure of time and major events will soon materialize the long anticipated changes. The Disclosure and Abundance programs are lining up ready to be opened up, and commence a whole string of events that will follow through to Ascension.I am SaLuSa from Sirius and so pleased that our help is appreciated, and the best is yet to come. Our continued readiness and adjustment to the changing scenario, means we are fully prepared to move into action at a minutes notice. What a grand awakening is coming to you, and the Human Race will soon drop its barriers against others. Trust and goodwill will return and the recognition that you are indeed One. If it were not for the dark Ones creating the “enemy” where none previously existed, you would have become more united and already ascended. The time for your spiritual advancement has arrived, and you are to go forward in leaps and bounds. We bless you and love you for being exactly what you are.Thank you SaLuSa,Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH
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And with that offering of enlightenment, guidance and encouragement in these waning days of your new century’s first decade, we now take our leave in message form only, as we are with you every moment along every step of your journey.1. This is Matthew, bringing you loving greetings from all souls at this station. Always this season of holy days magnifies emotions in accordance with personal circumstances, and excitement and joy stream forth alongside despair and grief. In that respect, this year is much the same, but in another respect, there is a glorious difference. Out of the various hardships that have befallen so many of our beloved souls has flowed a vast giving from hearts around your world. Gratitude for blessings in your lives and compassion in greater abundance than ever before have inspired in like measure your sharing with those who have less. From families and neighbors to peoples in distant lands with different cultural beliefs and customs, the spirit of giving from the heart is blanketing Earth. We wish you could see this as we do— radiance like summer sunshine embracing Earth’s family of souls and melding with the light being beamed to you from many points in the galaxy. It is a most magnificent spectacle!2. Very few days remain in your 21st century’s first decade, the most pivotal period in your recorded history. Throughout the past ten years that the light has been uprooting and exposing the darkness that for long ages was deeply entrenched, it also has opened more and wider windows for your self-discovery and introspection about the “unseen universe.” Your next decade will be an explosion of dynamic revelations that will forever change life in your world, including the imminent recognition of other civilizations’ presence. Other long-suppressed truths that will lead to a multitude of reforms will follow like tumbleweeds blown by the wind and lead you into Earth’s Golden Age.3. Our primary message today is a special kind of offering, but first we shall address the question in many minds: What was that phenomenal appearance in the skies over Norway? I asked my mother to copy what I told her in reply to Jean Hudon’s immediate query []:“Matthew says this is the most profound sign yet from our brothers and sisters in other civilizations that the time is nearing for their presence to be properly acknowledged—there is no way that those who do not want that to happen can explain away this dramatic sign. The overall spiral represents the unbroken interconnectedness of all souls from our Beginnings in the light—the intense light at the center—and the blue spiral aimed at Earth is the most forceful evidence to date of their desire for us to consciously connect with them in the same spirit they have come. The timing and location are significant, selected to mark the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Obama for his vision and dedication to achieving world peace and to indicate that they are here to assist us reach this goal.”4. Thank you, Mother. As you have seen, an attempt was made to “explain it away” as a Russian missile, and a different theory has it coming from HAARP. We could not help but smile at the bumbling around the missile claim and crediting that nefarious manmade grid system with the astounding display produced by the technology of your multidimensional brotherhood.5. Now then, we know that some of you are deeply disappointed about President Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, which seems to be totally contrary to his having been chosen to receive the prestigious peace award. In this moment that may appear to be so, but in time you shall see that the committee’s selection is indeed most appropriate.6. From his beginning days in office, Obama has been confronted with powerful opposition to his godly vision for his country and a world at peace, and while never wavering one iota from his ultimate intentions, he has had to make compromises and interim decisions that are not in consonance with his vision, with messages from his soul. Ironically perhaps, the same energies that are inspiring gifts from the heart on an unprecedented scale also are causing those who are against all reforms to dig in their heels more stubbornly than ever; through bribery, blackmail or life-threats, the individuals who have woven the pernicious web of darkness still are calling many political shots. Obama and the members of Congress who share his vision will tenaciously pursue the liberation of their government from those self-serving ones who wish to keep it under their control.7. This is not unique to the United States, it is happening in countries throughout your world. What is occurring behind the scenes within and among governments will result in triumph for all light-filled peoples, and the dark ones in ruling bodies and every other organization that impacts life on Earth will disappear. As planetary vibrations continue to rise, those ruthless manipulators will leave; their physical bodies cannot survive without the light that they refuse to accept, and the souls will go to worlds that correspond to their lifetime energy registration.8. The soul essence of Obama is expressed in his words, and you may remember that he wisely said to believe in yourselves. When you eagerly “raised your hand,” so to speak, you knew that you would experience the deception and corruption in politics, laws and the socio-economic strata, and you incarnated specifically to free your world from the destructive nature of that divisiveness and inequity.9. And you are doing it! In villages and towns, cities and metropolises worldwide, the energy of the populace is breaking down unjust systems that have been making the wealthy wealthier and the poor poorer, and there is growing impatience to accomplish profound changes. This, too, is in response to the higher vibrations of intensifying light, and so is the desire for peace that underlies the growing discord even within military personnel. All actions and reactions are being accentuated in accordance with the energy acceleration, which you perceive as time passing faster and faster, and the wrangling and bickering over issues will evolve into unity of larger purpose as Earth continues approaching her Golden Age.10. We have described that world of love, peace and cooperation among all peoples and life in harmony with Nature [“Essay on 2012”, December 31, 2007] and the master plan for this wondrous world that already IS in the continuum [November 21, 2008]. If you haven’t read those messages, doing so at your leisure will fill you with excitement and assurance. Our special offering today, in the form of excerpts from the Matthew books, is a collage of timeless truths about your physical and spirit lifetimes within our universal family and your planet homeland in a universal context. It is our fervent hope that our selection will illuminate your spiritual pathway into the Golden Age and inspire you to “live your light” as the god and goddess selves you are.[Excerpts from Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven]11. Life is meaningful, Mother! There is an ecstasy, a fervor among the people here. We have important work, almost limitless studies, visits to Earth families, glorious music, astounding travel and incomparable beauty. Much more goes on here than the blissful life in spirit that is associated with Heaven! Nirvana is the proper name of this realm. ….12. There is no "Heaven" as a placement, nor a "hell" as such. What people on Earth refer to as Heaven and hell actually are their approaches to situations wherever they are, and what each individual manifests as the circumstances of his life. …. Every single soul there creates his surroundings, and they are different from even the same "set of props" as they appear to those who are sharing that life in any close capacity. It is a matter of individual perception that creates each individual world, and one can choose how he wishes to perceive all aspects of his life. It is just as easy to create the glories you attribute to Heaven as it is to create the horrors you associate with hell, and both conditions are being created right there! …. You have heard people say that someone "is creating his own hell," or "Heaven and hell are right here on Earth." YES! And neither as perceived there is in this spirit realm. ….13. The soul who has embodied on Earth is not bound by the same third density limitations as the physical body and psyche, so it is free to travel wherever it wishes during the sleep or deep meditative states of the person. When there is closeness of souls, their love energy bonding alerts the others, including all those who have embodied again, to the imminent transition of any one. That's why they can be on hand to greet him or her. Often one or more of them may be seen by that person prior to the physical death and understand in a blissful way that very soon he will be going with them.14. As for subsequent reunions, always it is possible that they can meet in this realm, and most visits do take place here. However, the souls may meet anyplace in the universe where their energy frequency enables them to go. The soul that has reincarnated has total freedom for travel, and the energy bonding of that soul with any others anywhere will allow reunions wherever all parties wish within their energy limitations. ….15. Your thoughts and feelings of love and caring for others are prayers. These can be at any time, in any place, with any words or no words, only feelings. The effects of prayer are directly related to the intent and intensity of the thoughts and feelings. …. God never meant churches to be buildings of any kind. The magnificent cathedrals are man's idea, not God's. Church is all within the soul. Church is one's feelings of reverence, of thanksgiving. It is the uplifting of the spirit into the love and light of God. In this way, church is a single prayer that has the ability to touch the universe. ….16. Everything that IS, we already KNOW at soul level. As we are inseparable from God and Creator, so we are inseparable from the universal mind. It is consciously remembering all we know that is the journey through all our lifetimes. …. It is the completeness of experiencing and the earned return to Creator that is the culmination of the promise of perfection in eternity. The ongoing fulfillment of that eternal life is in the growth journey of the soul.[Excerpts from Revelations for a New Era]17. (Matthew) LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE! Forces are at work in the universe that are "for" or "against" the good of Earth. The thought forms you originate attract like thought forms from the far greater brain power of the distant entities. By universal law you must invite them to come, and they are indeed being invited! Your INTENT is the basis of that invitation. Intent has the greatest impact upon you and the planet because out of intent come the thought forms. Whether your intent is "good" or "bad," it is your invitation to like-minded or like-intentioned entities to join and energize with yourself. ….18. Life wouldn't be so complex if everyone knew that each person is a part of God and that even one person's energy is so powerful that it affects multitudes. That is why converting a negative attitude into a positive one is so important. Consider a casual conversation: The tone can be either upbeat or downtrodden, and it not only correspondingly affects those conversing, but it has far-reaching beneficial or harmful ripple effects as those people spread their sensations. A smile is irresistible! The natural reaction to a smile results in positive energy movement that replaces the negative pockets holding psyches captive. That kind of positive attitude can do more to assist Earth to relieve her travail than any other actions at your level. Smiling is beaming goodness to all around you, and the ripple effect is incomparable in its scope of betterment. ….19. The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator. It is an indestructible living entity of light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only. Our souls, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of the love and light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God. In any of its forms, the soul is an inviolate independent being at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls in the cosmos.20. The body is only a very fleeting vehicle for use by the soul, which is far stronger and more tenacious than any third density body such as those of Earth humankind. And, the body does not hold the soul, the soul creates the body from its image that will fit the specific experiencing it chooses in each incarnate lifetime. When the soul is released from the physical body, its etheric body is released at that same instant, and in that etheric body the soul makes its lightning-fast transition from Earth to Nirvana, the change from a physical life to a life in spirit that you call “death.”21. The soul is the power behind everything that exists on Earth. It is the life force of all its parts that it creates for ever-greater experiencing. At every level of evolvement, each soul part is an independent self with intelligence, characteristics, choices, goals and all the other life elements that make each person a unique being. Each individual lifetime of a soul is its personage. The sum of a soul's personages is the cumulative soul, in which all knowledge gained by each personage is available to all. Thus, as each melds into the cumulative soul, bringing the wisdom of that lifetime’s experiences, every individual personage evolves just as the cumulative soul does. ….22. Karma is not only opportunities for souls to gain balance, it is a symbiotic relationship between souls and Earth. As microcosms of Earth, humankind add to her balance as they evolve through their own karmic learning, and this gives Earth more light to radiate to her residents, thus giving them a boost toward attaining balance. Karmic lessons can be presented anyplace in this universe. Although lifetimes in other kinds of physical forms and worlds is essential to progress toward reintegration with God, then with Creator, usually Earth is the schoolhouse for experiencing all emotions incurred from the beginning of human life on the planet. When that is mastered, souls evolve into other life forms in placements where intelligence and spiritual awareness are beyond the present capabilities of the great majority of Earth's peoples. ….23. (Ithaca) Humankind as represented by Adam and Eve did not spontaneously appear on Earth. Nor did humans descend from the apes as theorized by Darwin. There was a similarity only in ancestral physical form, with approximate sizes and upright movement. All varieties of the ape family on your planet diversified from the original ape root stock. Humankind evolved into current likeness directly from the parallel developing of the human root stock introduced by their extraterrestrial ancestors. The brain and God fragment with soul attachment introduced directly and ONLY into Homo sapiens is the vital difference in the two lineages. ….24. The “lost continents” of Atlantis and Lemuria are not fanciful stories. They are part of Earth civilization's beginnings, and most souls embodied on Earth today were part of those two populations during their most turbulent times.25. (Matthew) Earth is more than a small planet in an ordinary solar system in a minor galaxy among the billions in our universe. The planet was one of God's favorite placements and actually was the paradise named Eden. Its radiant aura and pristine beauty made it a showcase in this part of the universe, where it was a testament to the power of God co-creating with Creator in love-light energy. The planet then was the antithesis of all that the forces of darkness had made to plague the universe, and the conquest of Earth became their objective. ….26. Whales anchor light energy beamed at Earth from distant sources, and their holding pattern of that energy within the ocean depths and vastness is at a wavelength beyond the dark forces’ attunement level. Now you can see why influencing her humankind to eliminate whale life has been one of the major strategies and a goal of the dark forces. To counter that negatively-aimed energy, some humans have acted on soul level inspiration to bravely and steadfastly work to save the whales from extinction. The current comeback in whale numbers is specifically to raise vibrations during these years of Earth's ascendance out of negativity as the light heals her planetary body and lifts the consciousness of her peoples. ….27. Animal energy doesn't always embody in animal form, but it can do so for many lifetimes while learning to recognize its value in the Oneness of All. Creator’s light essence is the source of all manifesting energy, and just as human lives are sacred and inviolate soul-selves, so are the lives of all animals. Each animal soul comes to Nirvana after its Earth lifetime ends and, like a human soul, it chooses its next embodiment based on its past lifetime experiences. As an animal acquires greater intelligence, it also gains awareness of the inseparability of all life and the direct connection of all with God and Creator. ….28. In their evolution, some animals may have a human soul source. Although most do not, some in the higher orders may derive from a human soul that wishes to experience as an animal to fill a niche in the growth pathway that such a life would enable. If so, usually the choice would be among animal species that most often are treated with mercy and caring rather than those who are treated miserably or are raised only for food or whose lives are untouched by humans.29. I'll give you an analogy of how a soul can direct an energy stream to initiate an animal—or human—lifetime. Think of the soul as a pond into which you toss a pebble and see how sun rays upon the rippling water create countless points of light. The refraction of light and the energy in the ripples represents human soul energy streams that may be used to manifest any number of animal and human lifetimes, whatever the soul chooses to achieve balance. All of this takes place in the continuum, where all those lifetimes are happening simultaneously.September 16, 2001:S: Matthew, I just heard from Kalama that a representative of the people who perished in the towers told her they gave you a message. If you have something, I’m sure Jean and Michael will send it out.30. MATTHEW: Yes, Mother, I have their message, and I have been asked to speak on behalf of the Council of Nirvana and all other souls in this realm and beyond. We weep. We see the larger picture, but still we weep. Who could not do that in these days of agonizing shock and sorrow? We urge all souls to feel love, compassion and peace and hold these emotions in your heart—in a moment, your beloved family and friends who so recently came here will speak of this in their own words.31. Every one of them is being tended most lovingly, with gentleness and understanding. Many recognize these familiar surroundings from other spirit lifetimes and remember that they knew this was to happen and agreed at soul level to participate. But they, as we, know this cannot comfort the people who love them.32. The dark minds behind this seemingly inexplicable agony claim that war will be “justice for those who died.” But the war is intended to create even greater negativity in an attempt to extinguish all light on the planet. The perpetrators want you to feel fear and hatred and demand “justice” because they know that only by continuing their cycle of violence can they keep their pernicious hold in this critical time of souls choosing between the light and the darkness. Choose you must, and choose the LIGHT you must!33. What happened is not a nation against another nation. It is not even a tiny faction of humankind against all other humankind. The root of this madness is a malignant power that most of you don’t know exists, but its intentions are so malevolent that Earth herself is weeping. This truth will be revealed in time, but for now, please hold only healing love in your hearts for all life. Let the god self in each of you sustain your light so your conscious self won’t align with the darkness that wants retaliation, revenge, hatred, more cold-hearted killing.34. Let the thousands of lives that left Earth in those fiery moments stand for something besides what the dark ones want. As a collective voice, these recently departed souls are saying:“Let no more lives be taken. This is the time to keep love above all, for compassion, for bringing healing to the bereaved and injured, for bringing healing to Earth. Please know that the hearts that are hardened into wanting to kill others as their tribute to us, they need light above all. We petition you from the whole of this realm of Heaven to speak of love, of opening eyes to seeing clearly what is happening on Earth, and rising above the tragedy that has been perpetrated by a darkness you cannot even imagine, where your entire world is expendable. We see this from here. We need you to help the myriad light workers by uplifting your hearts and allowing light to come in, by comforting those in fresh sorrow. You must hear our plea. We are working in the light to assist you, and we are forever bonded with you in love.”[Excerpts from Illuminations for a New Era]35. (Matthew) The pain of Earth HAS to come to light so it can be healed. As long as it remains in the darkness that spawned it, it never can be healed. LOVE is the only essence in the universe that can heal pain, whether in a single soul or in a force field of such power that you cannot begin to imagine it. Light, the visible and inseparable component of love, is being infused into Earth herself and her collective life forms to accomplish the healing. While your world may seem hopelessly out of control, it is NOT! It is within each individual where the control lies, each soul’s unlimited capacity for LOVE. ….36. The energy of fear forms a barrier between the feared object or circumstances and the energy of light. Because of the barrier, the light in the souls of fear-full people cannot reach their consciousness to dispel the power of those fears over their lives, and the light being sent to them by light workers cannot penetrate. The barrier feels like a real wall, isolating the person with the consuming fear and leaving no way out. This energy blockage of the light intensifies the power of whatever is feared, thus enabling it to draw to itself more manifestations to be feared. Fear is wildly contagious, and due to its magnification in power, fear sensation streamers have sticky edges that attract the kinds of energetic interactions that omit common sense, sound judgment, and wise decisions. Fear is so insidious that it can convince a person that the only way to escape is through portals leading deeper and deeper into darkness. Fear is the forebear of such actions or characteristics deemed prejudice, tyranny, greed, cruelty, belligerence, deception, dishonor and hatred, and even those seemingly senseless tortures or deaths of innocents arise through psyches that have been twisted and tormented by fears. The light, in which love and universal knowledge and spiritual clarity abide, cannot reach those souls to let them know their spiritual powers are far stronger than anything the dark powers can conjure to frighten them. Nothing is stronger than the light, which is the gift to every soul of the love and power of God. ….37. (God) So, this “forecasting” you’re asking about, as if Dooms Day or Armageddon is on the near horizon—forget that! It is NOT the case! It is the concept of some, so they can create that for themselves as long as they are alive on Earth to do so, because it is solely the province of their ideas. Their CONVICTIONS do that creating! So, those souls who are intent upon having an Armageddon, so they shall! But for you who aren't intent upon having that sort of “future,” you WON'T! ….38. You can stay within the light and rise into higher and higher dimensions of closeness, understanding, awareness. There are no strict rules that are so complex or rigorous that you and anyone else aren't capable of adhering to them. All that is required is to live within the light! Or in simplest terms: BE KIND. ….39. I weep with each soul who is suffering in any way and I rejoice with each soul who is feeling joy. I am the soul of all of the worst and all of the best, so I cannot be inseparable from the best and not inseparable from the worst. Am I happy about what I see happening on Earth? For those who are happy, yes, I am, too. For those who are worrying that their tyrannical power is diminishing, I feel that, too. …. There is no entirety of separate pieces, there is amalgamation. The souls are inviolate during their physical lifetimes and remain inviolate in spirit, so they influence within “the body of God” just as they influence the play unfolding on Earth. …. Do I WISH that all of my parts were within the light in which I was created? Yes! Who would not wish that perfection of Creator to be returned! But I do not hold forth condemnation or punishment to any faltering part of me. I am here to respond to what you call prayers of the "godly" just as I am bound by the laws of Creator that are set up within the parameters of my operating powers if the choice made is not within the light. ….40. So then, what can I say that you will consider acceptable to all who pray to me for peace to come soon, for peace and justness and love to reign on Earth? I can say this: I hear your prayers – they are my very own prayers! – and they shall be answered as we who desire this wish!41. The days at hand are the final chapter of violence, hatred, grief, destruction, tyranny, and death as you know it on Earth. Even as the war rages, as death claims physical bodies and beloved souls are greeted in Nirvana, the promised new era is being ushered in. Sources most of you don’t know are helping you and your planet with abundant and profound aid—the light, love and technology of my children of civilizations who at the right moment will introduce themselves to you.42. These are the long, sad, dark days before the universal brotherhood can make known their presence among you and be your helpers in restoring your planet. The darkest of souls, wherein lies the free will that I cannot control, curtail or even touch by my own love because they refuse it, will be leaving Earth as their energy cannot withstand the higher energy of the light arriving in your atmosphere by the moment.43. Know that this entity you call God or other equally suitable names is “taking sides” with Goodness, the godliness you associate with love, mercy, compassion, justness, caring for one another. I cannot intervene in or circumvent the laws of Creator that have allowed desecration of that Goodness by the free will of dark souls who equally are a part of me, but I can speak my piece for my children of Earth and its sanctuary realm Nirvana whose godliness remains: The radiance of Spirit, your planet restored to her former glory, and the abiding love of All is One is what you came into this lifetime to experience. And you SHALL, on Earth as it is in Heaven! Know that this is so![Excerpts from Voices of the Universe]44. (Hatonn) You are yearning to feel something that isn’t in books or graphs or seminars. It is the private pathway to your godself you need, not the mysterious mountains and valleys to travel for years and years. Nevertheless, if you have spent years in this journey, start connecting directly with God without further delay! …. A child comes into an Earth lifetime with knowledge of that direct God connection, that absolute intuitive knowing, that total sensing of inseparability. The child hasn’t studied, hasn’t spent hours in seminars or been treated to sessions of calling upon help from the ascended masters. The child simply IS the godself! Only by orientation away from that does the passing of your time bring about the separation. Then you search for your connection through those various forms of “how to” reach what always has been yours, always has been YOU!45. (Matthew) What you perceive as random events, chance meetings, good or bad luck, isolated incidents, and especially what you call “coincidences” actually are energy in motion in perfectly defined and aligned directions to achieve specific results. …. Synchronicity has no beginning and no ending—like the universe, it always is in motion—and synchronous happenings are not as obvious as a straight line. …. Synchronicity is the series of situations required to manifest the intended result of all the players. Please don’t take offense at my term “players.” If you could know the profound importance to your soul of your consciousness acting upon your variety of inspirations, motivations and intuitions, yet the simple reason for ALL the happenings, you would understand that Earth is a stage for all of you to play out the karmic roles you chose. The “importance” is the soul’s chosen mission that is being relayed to your consciousness via those nudgings; the “simple reason” for all happenings is that you manifested them by your free will choices. …. You do of course participate in synchronous happenings, but you are not responsible for creating the circumstances or contacting the people who will be the links. Countless sources of energy come into play for each life, arranging the opportunities for connecting the links. But as always, free will is honored, so at each “open door”—or, new acquaintance or event—everyone may respond as he or she wishes.46. (Lazarus) Our beloved Terra has regained a great deal of her former strength with the incoming light, but we still are adding ours along with our technology to assure her stability. Not all the upheaval in ridding her of negativity is over, you know, and there’s no point in diminishing our diligence in this respect until she is fully within fourth density vibrations. Then we’ll all shout Hallelujah—our work there will be done! And at that point, you’ll all know your universal brothers and sisters. …. I devoutly hope that when the first ETs make their presence known on Earth that people will be able to think of us with families like yours, whom we love just as dearly as you love yours.47. MATTHEW: And with that offering of enlightenment, guidance and encouragement in these waning days of your new century’s first decade, we now take our leave in message form only, as we are with you every moment along every step of your journey.________________LOVE and PEACESuzanne[Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks for your many good wishes to Bob and me for joy, health and well being in the New Year. We wish you the very same blessings in your lives and peace throughout our world.]www.matthewbooks.comSuzy’s email: - ALL - All languages stated above – SWEDISH new - JAPANESE new - ENGLISH DEUTSCHE - FRANÇAIS - ITALIANO - DUTCH - ESPAÑOL PORTUGUÊS ROUMANIAN – DANMARKS
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First contact is a watershed that takes all we have been talking about to new heights.The UFO disclosure is an important part of this process and the leadership of our Earth allies realizes this fully.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation4 Cauac, 2 Mol, 5 CabanSelamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. Everywhere, your world is preparing to transform. The collapse of your economic and financial systems is a precursor to the shake-up about to take place in the political and social sectors. A new world is pushing up through the now-gaping cracks of your reality and is already forging new ways for your social and political systems to function. These changes are gaining momentum in many parts of your globe; the green movement and new approaches in medicine and banking, among others, are redefining the way your societies perceive themselves. This movement is geared toward local, practical solutions that break the grip that large multinationals have exercised over you for 60-odd years. This "small is beautiful" approach shows our Earth allies how the bigger reforms they plan can accelerate what is happening at the grass-roots level. Another key guiding principle here is "we are one." Extensive associations of such groups network with each other on the Internet, blurring national and ethnic boundaries and bolstering each others' campaigns.This nascent global web demonstrates what needs to be done on a much larger scale, yet your mainstream media remains silent about this phenomenon. These interwoven groups are determined to create programs that tackle growing pollution, the development of credit in small communities, and new ways to bring medical personnel to understaffed communities. As the old systems collapse the world needs to re-form along new lines; ones that take into account the rising consciousness and that extend the benefits of this modern age to all citizens of Mother Earth. This momentum is encouraged and supported by our Earth allies. The coming prosperity is the massive catalyst that can produce a transformational tour de force! Our Galactic Federation personnel, embedded for decades within these global networks, have done their part to ensure the growth of these myriad inventive endeavors, all of which we have assiduously catalogued. We stand ready at a moment's notice to help these enterprises flourish and prosperThese small projects are to have a profound effect on what is to happen once the regime changes occur. Our Earth allies report to us daily on their progress against the dark cabal. Indeed, in the last few weeks some amazing breakthroughs have happened. The cabalists' sphere of influence is shrinking, but they still possess a large amount of control over several major governments. As long as this grip holds sway, progress is stalled. Hence, our Earth allies are now focusing primarily on forcing the 'puppets' in charge of these regimes to resign or give up the formal reigns of power. This strategy, too, has been close to success at times. The decisive factor, this time around, is the presence of much-needed safeguards to ensure the success of the regime changes. When the time comes again for the definitive thrust, measures will be in place to prevent the insider duplicity that scuttled previous attempts at regime change. The personnel for the temporary regimes have long been ready, and await their opportunity to assume their positions of authority.Evidence of global change is largely ignored by your mass media. Only those who are attuned to these social and economic currents are aware of the implications of these micro-movements. From our perspective, we see the new consciousness spreading like wildfire. New ways of social and group interaction is the engine driving these developments. In fact, these methods could be described as a primitive version of fluid group dynamics in so far as each group reflects the level of expertise of its combined membership. It is exciting to watch other groups' interest in these networks and to see them tapping in to the Internet conversations and adding their knowledge and skills to the mix. In this way the ability to put these new organizational techniques to use is growing in leaps and bounds. Our liaison personnel are also now active in this arena. Moreover, this new knowledge is spawning a leadership that is starting to comprehend the power of this new social tool. It extends also to the way our Earth allies do business.We watch as this consciousness proliferation begins to manifest a whole new reality matrix. New insights spring up from the confluence and interaction of these diverse groups. These now resemble primitive neural networks, and as they grow in complexity, they attract increasingly cogent and pertinent information. This global web is beginning to mesh into a more complex pattern, and as the 'synapses' proliferate, the constituent parts of the collective are motivated to see everything more holistically. This means that new ideas are seen as viable additions, not threats. Like a computer gathering files, these holistic networks become both mentor and innovator for the whole. These groups, flying still largely below the mainstream radar, gather strength as they reach out for more and more useful data, and soon their time to make their mark will be upon them.Thus you have a micro- and a macro-level preparing for change. The missing ingredient is the grand global prosperity and the formal encouragement from the top that will ignite this waiting tinderbox of change. This is why we focused on this aspect today. Your new reality happens because the blueprint is already forming in the guise of a new web of societies more self-sustaining and decentralized, predicated on the need to come together to foment change. Innovation frequently happens haphazardly and our organizational tools can smooth the process of integrating change by honoring the innovators. This growing open-mindedness toward change is a symptom of the new consciousness. Your inventors are being accepted and recognized for what they can contribute. In fact, a section of the new web built up around innovation is beginning to contribute to the direction these networks are heading in.Your world is in transition. Often such transitions go unrecognized for decades until a movement in a major nation brings the new ideas to the fore. Your case demands a swifter response, and the answer is the Internet. Your electronic age is about to move beyond the Internet. The rise of more personal communication devices coupled with a generation raised within their purview is changing how you interact with one another. Again, this merely reflects your rising consciousness. Your perceptions of yourselves and your world are morphing out of all recognition because of your exploding information age. A new Internet generation mirrors the arrival of the crystal children, and together they form the first underpinnings of the consciousness revolution. This is combining with your environmental and economic crises to fashion a new reality.First contact is a watershed that takes all we have been talking about to new heights. Your society goes to the brink of transformation and, at a stroke, achieves it! The final stages of your journey to full consciousness are to be completed quickly after we arrive. The UFO disclosure is an important part of this process and the leadership of our Earth allies realizes this fully. Long discussions between them and us resulted in a comprehensive scenario that leads to full consciousness. Those who realize that your world is changing watch in awe as even the growing chaos of your world cannot deter them from their sacred tasks. Ahead lies a world of wonders, prosperity, first contact, and full consciousness!Today, we discussed a number of subjects that are very pertinent to the coming of first contact. We looked at the micro- and macro-levels of change and their relationship to what our Earth allies have planned. A movement is underway that is very close to achieving its goals, thus permitting a massive first contact. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Galactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECHGalactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEW
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Being non-judgmental will then make it easier for you to become a Being of Light, expressing love for all life. Many of you are well ahead on such a path, and by example are contributing to helping others find their way to Ascension.Some of you wonder what our belief is where God is concerned. Your language is inadequate to convey our understanding, but the principle difference is that so many of you have personified God as humanlike. Your reason is often connected with the biblical reference that refers to Man being made in the image of God. Dear Ones that was meant to convey to you that you are of the same essence as God. Have you not been referred to as God sparks, and told that you were breathed out by God. Furthermore, you have been called gods, because you are all the Sons and Daughters of God. We prefer to call the Source of All That Is the Supreme Creator, and therefore you also exist within the same energy. With this understanding you can see that all around you is connected and is One. It makes your relationship with all life more understandable, and indicates your responsibility to it.As we have informed you previously, you are the Guardians of the Earth and it is now time that you accepted your responsibility. You have to help restore Mother Earth, and it is your recompense for all she has done for you. As you might say, you are all in it together and it is true that what you do to one, you do to all. The more you establish a loving relationship with Mother Earth, the more it will help lessen the need for dramatic changes. Global warming is currently very much the topic of the day, and it is well that you try to understand how you can reduce the damage you are causing. However, what is not fully taken into consideration is that your Sun is changing, and is by far the main reason that the changes are taking place. In time they will settle down and you will have more temperate conditions throughout the world. The extremes of weather as you have always experienced, will no longer occur and life will become more pleasant and totally bearable.As the changes are brought about they will open up opportunities to receive the higher energies. It will enable the cleansing of the old and allow the new to manifest. Of course we are going to be greatly involved in the activities on Earth, and will accompany you for the rest of your journey to Ascension. We are eager to get started, and for the time being the “Disclosure” announcement is the key to a new phase in your evolution. There are other options that will be invoked if necessary, and our mission will be completed as planned. Minor delays can be accommodated and as we have often informed you, there is a final date by which we will in one way or another have to get started.Because so many people are normally involved in carrying out covert actions, it is difficult to get to the truth. However, the longer time passes so the facts relating to 9/11 are coming out and they are irrefutable. The involvement of officials in high places is being revealed, and no amount of excuses will release them from their responsibility for what happened. Learning of the manner in which you have been deliberately mislead, is important if you are to understand the intent of the dark Ones. They have acted not in your name but for their own greed and desire for power over you. You have been deceived time and time over, and wars have been engineered for the same reasons. The massive loss of life involved weighs heavily upon the souls who brought them about, and they will yet experience the pain and distress they caused. It is the same for all souls when they face themselves in the Light of Truth, and there can be no denying the result of their actions.There is no such thing as getting away with misdeeds, although you may have escaped punishment under Man’s Laws. We talk of your life review when your physical life has ended, when each thought and action is examined with a view to determining how much interference or harm it may have caused another soul. Intent is the factor that indicates whether it may have been accidental or deliberate. It is you Dear Ones who decide in what way you should handle the lessons you need to learn. You will therefore understand the care we always take to tell you that there is no punishment involved. For most of you your karma of this nature is coming to a close, as you have worked out many weaknesses through so many different lives. Certainly you do progress, and great numbers of you are seeing out this cycle with Ascension in your sights. It has come to you deservedly through hard work and dedication to your spiritual path.Everyone’s lives have purpose and lead you ever onwards in your evolutionary search for upliftment. After all what meaning would your lives have if there was not some goal you were working towards? Your existence is not some freak accident, but of a careful design intended to give you every opportunity to move off the wheel of rebirth. Ascension is that very process you can join, that will bring an end to your need to continue in the cycle of Duality. You can of course ascend at any time, but what is special about this time, is that the whole of Humanity has been given that choice. Also it is unique because you will ascend in a physical body, that has changed its body cells to make it suitable for life in the higher dimensions. By the end of the cycle it will be possible to say, that everyone had at some time been given the opportunity to take a new path out of duality.Be of good intent without thought of harming another soul, and treat all as you would be treated yourself. That way regardless of your beliefs you will be setting yourself up to tread a path of Light. Being non-judgmental will then make it easier for you to become a Being of Light, expressing love for all life. Many of you are well ahead on such a path, and by example are contributing to helping others find their way to Ascension.You have come a long way over many, many years and your progress has been slow but sure. Keep going now that you are so near to completion of your souls journey in the lower vibrations. There is no doubt at all that you will succeed, but keep looking forward and use your energy positively, and not allowing your guard to fall for one moment. The dark use many ploys to instill fear in people, and it is to be absolutely avoided.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and end by giving you greetings of Love and Light from the Galactic Federation.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH
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Your willpower will become your driving force for the good of all, coupled with Unconditional Love.For most of you the coming festive celebrations are welcomed, and allow you to take your minds off more pressing matters. This is creating an opportunity to take your focus away from the problems that beset you at present. Truly if you are already aware of the reasons for the changes you see occurring around you, you can make every day one of celebration. For you know the reasons that they must take place, and your joy comes from anticipating the outcome. It also means that the changes present no fears for you, and you look instead for the signs of completion. It has been quite a time since we commenced contact with you, and you have had to frequently change your expectations. As we have adjusted to the alterations to our plans, you also have moved your focus accordingly. However, one factor has remained constant, and that is the process of Ascension, which will reach a key point of upliftment by the end of 2012.So Dear Ones know that regardless of what happens, there can only be one outcome. Only the Creator can change the destiny of Humanity, and no attempts by the dark Ones will subvert the march towards your release and completion of this cycle. For those of the Light there is the assurance that if it is your intent, you will be uplifted as anticipated into the higher dimensions. Well before then we shall have openly landed on Earth, and have co-ordinated our plans with our Earth Allies. Time flies by at present but when you get into the positive aspects of the changes, it will progress at breathtaking speed. What a relief it will be for you once the Illuminati have been removed from power, and you can rest easy in your homes knowing that the threat to your well being has gone forever. Can you sense how relaxed people will be and smiles will replace those worried frowns. An exciting period in your lives will have commenced, which will be productive and fulfilling of the promises made to you by us.Civilizations can only qualify to become Galactic Federation members, when the have reached a level of Light that indicates their allegiance to the Creator. They serve others in a selfless way, understanding that it is the duty of those who have evolved to help others along the same path. How you approach it is up to you, and you have all time in which to experience the multi-dimensions. However, that inner urge will always drive you onwards, and you will stay just as long as you need to further your evolution. As you move higher, there is a drawing together of like souls that enhances your understanding. In other words, you do not always have to experience first hand to evolve.Life really is straightforward and uncomplicated providing it is based upon Love and Light. Surprisingly it is not difficult to be within the turmoil that changes bring, if you focus on the outcome. Let all that has no place in your life pass by, as it cannot affect you unless you attract it to yourself. It does not mean that you necessarily have to avoid such situations, as awareness of them is sometimes beneficial to you. Being prepared for the consequences of what is happening is sensible, so as not to be taken by surprise. What you do as a result can often be intuitively decided without outside help. We believe that the large majority of you are sensible and are caring of others, and will make appropriate decisions.The coming year will be seen as one of great opportunity, and in many instances the people will be the motivators of what takes place. Their discontent with the old ways will ensure that they do not creep back. Consciousness levels have advanced so far that new concepts have every chance of being manifested. It applies to all areas of life, and particularly those concerned with people’s welfare. The new way of thinking embraces the higher spiritual understanding that each of you is your brothers keeper. For too long you have accepted that people are responsible for themselves. While this is correct to a certain level, all are not born equal or have the same opportunities in life. Yet you all have a role to play, and in a fair and just society everyone should share the benefits.Looking back at your recent history you will see that it has been dominated by wars. What is also apparent is that no political system has come up with the answers to your needs. Furthermore, each one has failed to provide the promise its policies have intended. Because of this they have all in turn failed, and seemingly there are no new ideas being promoted. However, when your representatives are spiritually enlightened, there will be a major shift in the way governments are organized and operate. In the higher dimensions Councils are always comprised of souls who hold super consciousness levels. Even now they oversee the Earth and its people, and make decisions that effect your future. There is a hierarchy below them that carries out their bidding, and ultimately overshadows individuals on Earth who can manifest whatever is required. Great leaders invariably have many special Guides, as do most souls who have entered life with a specific plan in mind.Here you are on the verge of entering a wonderful period of change, and you will know that the outcome is the lifting up of people into the Light. As we have often intimated, how you get to your destination is not important as long as you do get there. Duality is full of ups and downs, but providing you never lose sight of your goal you will be victorious. Intent is everything in whatever you are doing, and it sends out an energy that will attract the opportunities you seek. What it also does is fits them in with your karmic responsibilities, so you do not always receive exactly as you would have wished. Do not therefore be concerned if that is your experience, as it will be absolutely right according to your stage of development.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and should you wonder about our evolutionary level, I will say that we have achieved Cosmic consciousness. We do not feel superior to you, as the ego has long been balanced into our psyche. In fact we are quite humble, and would not dream of trying to elevate ourselves above any soul. You too will follow this path and your competitive side will become more subdued. Your willpower will become your driving force for the good of all, coupled with Unconditional Love.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH
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We want you to be happy and able to see further than what is happening around you. Concentrate on the outcome that has been promised to you, because you are on the verge of a series of great happenings.The happiness that is generated by the expectation of having pleasant and memorable festive celebrations is helping overshadow some of your concerns. The effect of the financial collapse is by no means over, and you see a tough year ahead of you. There are plans to use the situation for your ultimate benefit, but it will not emerge for some time yet. Be assured however that there will be changes before long, that will herald a new chapter in your lives. The important step that will put things into motion is Disclosure, and that will come regardless of how many obstacles are placed in our way. It is long overdue and we are working hard to bring it out.The recent years have been a continual battle to keep the plan for your future on track. Clearly with Ascension coming quite soon, there is a mandate for us that allows whatever action is required to go ahead. We do stop at using force, unless we are placed in a situation that calls for us to defend ourselves. That is rarely the case as we have the powers to ensure that you have protection, and provide you the opportunities that are necessary for your Ascension. The dark forces may gain momentary advantages, but we soon impose our own plans upon them to keep them in check.We are here there and everywhere, silently and largely unseen as we monitor what is happening on Earth. Most of our observations are from our Space Craft encircling it, and our Scout Ships that move within your atmosphere. We can uncloak when desired but prefer to work unseen, so it does follow that some craft you see are from your own military. This can cause confusion but we remind you that our presence is for peaceful reasons, and you can be certain that any negative incidents do not involve our craft or us. The dark Ones have seriously thought of staging one, but we will prevent it.You Dear Ones through lack of understanding have caused untold damage to Earth and not least of all by your continual warring. Fortunately, your levels of consciousness are rising and you now see the futility of them. It has put back many souls evolution, as you keep coming back until you learn the lessons involved. Through the Law of Grace you can be allowed to forego karma, providing you have turned to the Light. God is not unreasonable and fully understands your intent, and it is by evolving and proving that your progress has taken place in living your truth. The soul that has transgressed and found the path of Light and Love is greeted back as a long lost son. So do not be too concerned about your earlier life style, as it the now that is important and whether you have truly set your sights on evolving to a higher level of consciousness.You will know if you have applied yourself to spiritual application, and how well you are doing. Simply hold fast to your goal, and you will certainly reach it. When the Masters walk the Earth again there will be much to discuss, and Man will have the opportunity to access his/her beliefs in the light of the Truth they will bring. The end times are to reveal the truth about your history, and your true purpose in life. You must be fully prepared for Ascension, and Nothing but the truth can accompany you on that journey. Being on Earth is not difficult all of the time, and there are occasions when you have blissful and happy experiences. Just imagine a total existence where there is never anything to upset you, and all is in harmony with everything else. That is the promise of what will come with your elevation to the higher dimensions. Words cannot paint a true picture but think of times when you felt at one with everything, and that experience is as near as can be to what awaits you. Whatever you need to do to ascend is well worthwhile, and when you look back you will be so pleased that you persevered. The past will then quickly become just a dream, and it will fade into the background.You have to take each day as it comes, and do your best to keep calm regardless of what happens. There is still the possibility of more pressure being put upon you, as the changes will seem to be causing chaos until the future becomes clear and defined. We are desirous of keeping anything connected with the dark Ones in the past where it belongs. So much has no place in your future, and if it is not of the Light it will be unable to match the new vibrations. Consequently it will be impossible for it to proceed with you into the Golden Age.In the period that remains before Ascension, you will have ample time to get used to changes that will accompany it. Already you are able to visualize and even “feel” what it is like to live in the higher dimensions, and this is helping bring it into manifestation. Think perfection, and think New Age and you will be getting near to the joys that await you. For some it all sounds too good to be true, but any assurances you need to be convinced will come in good time. There will be many helpers coming to Earth, to guide you with your transition. No one will be left out except that they reject help, but we will do what we can to convey the truth to you in an acceptable way. There will be worldwide communication, and our technology will make that possible in ways that will be new to you.We want you to be happy and able to see further than what is happening around you. Concentrate on the outcome that has been promised to you, because you are on the verge of a series of great happenings. There has to be a speeding up of the process taking you to Ascension, but have no fear as we can plan accordingly. It is as well, because until the dark Ones have been removed from power, obstacles will stand in our way. We will approach them with great gentleness and understanding, as there is now much fear experienced within the ranks of those who now realize the game is up. Their time to answer for what they have done is yet to come and it will not be in the name of revenge, but justice and in accordance with the Laws of the One.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your support, which we necessarily need at what you call the grass roots. You can do untold good by simply putting other peoples minds at rest, as fear is still a factor in many lives. Some see nothing but death and destruction for the future of Mankind, so spread your Love and Light around you and help transmute it for them.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN - All languages stated above - ENGLISH - DUTCH - SPANISH – SWEDISH - NEW

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Hi everybody,I think by now probably everyone has heard about the stunning light phenomenon that was visible in the sky over norway yesterday (i'll attach some pics).Today, Jean Hudon from wrote some interesting comments about it and also asked Suzy Ward, Matthew's mother, what his thoughts were.Here is Jean's message:Hello everysoul!Something ABSOLUTELY EXTRAORDINARY happened today, December 9, 2009 which I know is a portentous sign of GREAT global changes of unprecedented magnitude now underway that will significantly transform our world and our experience of life in many wonderful ways, especially for those of us who pray/meditate/demand from our hearts and souls that such changes are globally implemented for the highest good of all.I've received numerous emails today about what happened this morning in Norway where President Barack Obama is scheduled to give tomorrow his Nobel peace prize acceptance speech, and many, many people are very excited about what this stunning phenomenon potentially means. To find out immediately what it is, just read Spiral UFO puts Norway in a spin and See the 84 related news articles on this todayAfter reading all the related information I found on this (gathered below in the "Worthy of your attention" section), I've decided to share with all of you something I had only shared with a small group of kin souls yesterday and which I did not intend at first to share widely. But to me what happened today is perhaps not coincidental and could very well be related to something that I heard last Sunday during the global meditation focus... Here is how I described this experience yesterday:"I heard, out of the blue, while I was in a very high state of soul/God attunement with all other souls reaching out together to welcome our soul family from abroad, near the end of this past Sunday's focus meditation a voice suddenly popped into my consciousness and stated firmly: "Access Granted" which - in a nutshell - I understood as being the response from our larger galactic soul family confirming that we have reached collective mass awakening in sufficient numbers and quality to be formally acknowledged as ready for first global contacts with and integration into the Galactic Light Federation - it was also signaling our global ascension process is well underway. It felt like an important threshold had been crossed..."Of course, if anyone else experienced something similar during this last Sunday meditation, I'd love to hear about it...So this feeling as too important to wait, I've decided to send out immediately this Special Addendum to Turning Tide of History #30: Reaching Critical Mass For Real Global Change. You'll also find below a wonderful suggestion by David Spangler - see Peace on Earth below - who recommends that we all join to overlight him during his speech that is to take place this Thursday December 10th at 1:00pm Oslo, Norway time (CET) - that's December 10th at 4:00am PST. 7:00am EST (New York time).If you cannot join in meditation during his speech, you can project your Light right away towards this moment and even do it after to sustain the momentum of Light expansion that is now firmly underway.Finally, at my request, Suzy Ward asked for Matthew's perspective on these wonderful new developments and she just sent me back the following:"Matthew says this is the most profound sign yet from our brothers and sisters in other civilizations that the time is nearing for their presence to be properly acknowledged -- there is no way that those who do not want that to happen can explain away this dramatic sign. The overall spiral represents the unbroken interconnectedness of all souls from our Beginnings in the light -- the intense light at the center -- and the blue spiral aimed at Earth is the most forceful evidence to date of their desire for us to consciously connect with them in the same spirit they have come. The timing and location are significant, selected to mark the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Obama for his vision and dedication to achieving world peace and to indicate that they are here to assist us reach this goal."Please help in circulating this widely if you feel this is indeed a momentous Earth-Shift in the making...Love, Light and a bright future lie just ahead!Kees
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You took on the challenge of duality for your love of God, knowing that you would never be deserted.As we have mentioned a number of times, sound is to play a large part in your lives both for relaxation and healing. It has its downside on Earth and is used at frequencies that can effectively drive you mad and induce illness. When used in this way it is a silent killer and hard to detect. Again in instances where technology is used against you, we will not allow it to be escalated against the world population. This problem of misuse of technologies has existed for a long time, and has meant that new discoveries are kept secret. It has been done for gain, and even those discoveries that would be beneficial to you are held back. You have therefore been denied the advancement they were meant to have brought about. However, evolution cannot be static for too long, and those causing it to be so will eventually be removed from their positions of power.The overall evolution of Mankind is always being re-assessed, and it is our responsibility and others like us to ensure you take great strides forward when appropriate. Inventions and ideas are subconsciously fed to individuals who have the interest and ability to manifest them for the benefit of all. Unfortunately some inventors are threatened or blackmailed to hand over their findings to the dark Ones. It has been the same with the Greys who gave them advanced technology that was solely used for military purposes. However, some spin offs such as the chip have found their way into general use, but much more remains secret. All of this will change with our coming, and is the reason you will experience a great evolutionary step forward. In fact you will go beyond where you should have been by now. So whilst you will have a lot to learn, you will also have the time to do so many more activities than before.Time on Earth has largely been your enemy, as you rarely have sufficient time to do all that you want. Doing what you choose, will be your release from the laborious jobs that are necessary to keep the world turning. However much is unproductive when your time could be better spent. Again that will all change before very long, and you will be able to spend time using your talents for everyone’s benefit. You have the experience and talents to take on any project between you all. With our help and advanced technologies they will be enjoyable and satisfying experiences. These advancements will all be part of your learning, that will enable you to eventually take your place alongside us. You will therefore see how these changes are a part of your Ascension. The final achievement will be your development into full consciousness.We know that some of you feel you do not need help with your problems, but it is necessary if you are to complete this cycle successfully, you cannot do it alone in the time scale remaining. There are numerous beliefs as to how the cycle will end but for those that invite us into their lives, Ascension is the path that is open to you. We do not see the massive disruptions that some predict, although parts of your Earth may require the movement of souls to other safer areas. One must not forget that since Mother Earth is part of Ascension, she also has to be allowed to experience the changes necessary for her preparation. All in the Solar System has the opportunity to lift up, and you are to join the other planets on this momentous occasion.You are really leading double lives, as for your daily existence life goes on as before, and you are also preparing for Ascension. You cannot yet entirely release from the old ways, but you are gradually moving towards a new way of life. It is in accordance with your expectations and the conditioning of your mindset, that allows for changes to come to you. As long as you continue to project your vision of the future you will be helping it manifest. This is why we have told you that you have created your existing reality, and no one else is involved. God looks on and sees all in order because you have been given freewill to create as you desire. Now you are experiencing higher levels of an awakening consciousness, and are lifting your sights to create in a greater degree of perfection. You realize that you have the power, and with it the knowledge of how to use it sensibly.We are watching you come together and becoming more powerful, and able to dictate the course of Humanities achievements for the benefit of all. This proves how far you have come in a relatively short time, and also shows that many of you have moved into the Light. You are sampling what it is like to be lifting out of the 3rd dimension into the higher 4th/5th levels, and this process will continue until you reach your optimum point in the new cycle. Always you are seeking the highest expression of yourself, because you inherently know that your destiny is to return to the Source. You will not be complete until you do, but that time is as near or far as you like to make it. You have all time in which to experience, and everything already exists in the Now.By the time you ascend your consciousness will have moved well beyond where it is now. You will be an entirely new type of Being, and much like we are now and able to conduct yourselves with Unconditional Love. Many of you are just beginning to realize that all life is sacred, and to be honored. You owe much to the different kingdoms that have partnered you on your journey through duality. They too are also evolving, and you will have a final opportunity to address some of your neglect and misuse of their service to you. You are meant to be the Guardians of Earth, and you still have lessons to learn in this connection. When you reach that stage of being able to telepathically relate to them, you will clearly know what is expected of you. The animals have been severely abused in the past, and yet you will find they have a great love for Man.I am SaLuSa of Sirius and must tell you that we of the Galactic Federation have much admiration for you all, as you have descended into a hell of your own making but been able to find your way back to the Light. Never again will you need to make that journey, and you are all the greater for the lessons you have learnt. It was not in any way a punishment that led you to the lower dimensions. You took on the challenge of duality for your love of God, knowing that you would never be deserted.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.Galactic Federation by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH. - ITALIANO• / - NEDERLANDS• - DEUTSCH• - FRANÇAIS UPDATED• - SVENSKA UPDATED• - PORTUGUÊS• - POLISH• ESPAÑOL* – JAPANESE - GREECK - NEWGalactic Federation by SHELDAN NIDLE - - All languages stated above - DUTCH – SPANISH – SWEDISH – NEW - JAPANESE - GERMAN – ITALIANO ~NEDERLANDS - CZECH
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