



Tacoma, WA


October 19

About Yourself

used to be a catholic priest for 25 years, now I want the truth about myself, life, I am open and willing to grow in love and light = to ascend. I wrote twoo books in Slovene: Nekaj lepega se rojeva = Something beautiful is happening and Smeh v bratovih oceh = Smile in my brother's eye Smile=smeh...haha

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Nisargadatta Maharaj, Balsekar, Ramana Maharshi.etc.

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  • Today at 21:00 irish time we will do grop mediation, are u in ?
  • Hey Ludvig I'm just sharing some love and light with my brothers and sisters. I hope life is bringing you ever closer to full consciousness, and I'm truly thankful to know that there are beacons of love and light out there like yourself. Peace, love and light
  • Dear Ludvig, I hope that you are keeping well my friend. I send you my Blessings to you and wish you an Inspirational Experience each and Everyday...
    Love Comments & Graphics
    ~Magickal Graphics~
    Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx
  • You Welcome ,mi Hermano.Big Hug to You too

  • :) Dear Ludvig :) .. Thank u for uplifting energy on my page ... U too are bright and shine but this I am sure you know :) You speak of u used to be catholic .. :) yes I was brought up in early years a catholic ... My father was an orphan in Catholic Orphanage here in Oz .. Og how they told my father that he would be coming to a wonderful ife here ... Strange how it turned out to be a nightmare for so many .. he is in a book called *The Empty Cradles* so I got to read what it was like for him living in that environment etc .... I dropped the religion a long time ago too however the programming took some time to unwind from the old roman ways :)

    Do you not think about what assists in making us stronger beings ? :)

    LoveLight to U ... <3<3<3 RJK
  • Dear Ludvig, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for being so kind...
    Thank You Comments
    Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx
  • Dearest Ludvig, Thank You for the hugs and comment. Yes it was me up there!..Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx

    Have a Great Day
  • Dear Ludvig, Thank you for the Beautiful comment. I am disheartened to hear of you friend's ailment. Also the fact that animals are too affected. When a person is infected and others around ALL require treatment. I am pleased to say the disease is curable. But it seems like your friend has had this for way too long. Has he or she sought medical advice? I am offering you information here and it is not a substitute for medical advice as I am not qualified as a doctor. Scabies is curable. The usual treatment is with permethrin 5% dermal cream. Permethrin is an insecticide that kills the mites. If permethrin cannot be used, an alternative is to use a lotion called malathion 0.5% aqueous liquid. (For example, some people may be allergic to permethrin.) You can buy both of these products from pharmacies. You can also get them on prescription. They are easy to apply and normally work well if used properly. Re-apply the same treatment seven days after the first application. This helps to make sure that all the mites are killed. Has your friend had their immune system checked out? As a weak immune system will not help to rid of these symptoms as the normal time it takes. If you could forward a photo of your friend and the animals affected, I can pray for them, I am not promising any miracles. But I will do my utmost spiritually, though! I hope you find this information of some use. I send you my Eternal Blessings of the Highest Order from Divine Source and may this Blessing touch ALL Hearts around you into Infinity and Beyond...Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx

    Archangel Raphael sends his Blessings...
  • Dearest Ludvig, Thank You for your friendship and Beautiful comment. I know the Light is shining Brightly in Tacoma because of YOU. If you have any questions please ask and I will always respond. I send you my Silver Violet Flame enriched with the Highest Blessings of Unconditional Love...Light, Love and Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun xx

    Thank You Comments
This reply was deleted.
Ludvig Roth replied to sagitarius13's discussion Malevolent Reptillain strongholds
"Yes, I support you, sagitarius13 in your prayers... I pray with you...thank you, kadoish, kadoish kadoish Adonai Tsabayoth.. "
Mar 18, 2012
Ludvig Roth replied to Mr.Ed's discussion ***HOT*** INTEL - GS - Markets - PP - RV - NESARA 3/11/12
"Thank you, Mr Ed for your love, compassion...praying, asking heavens, angels for help on our way to ascension...blessings to the family...."
Mar 11, 2012
Ludvig Roth replied to janie's discussion a new member
"Welcome Janie!
Tell us more how, where you connected with AA Metatron....I love AA Metatron.
Aug 20, 2011
Ludvig Roth replied to Ben-Arion's discussion Ashtar Command Crew Community 5 Years Online Today

Thank you Ben for creating this great family of dear people all over the globe. Somehow you magnetized together people with the same heart frequency. What a mighty family of love and compassion we are... yes, it is my family!
Thanks, hugs and…"
May 16, 2011

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