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June 14

About Yourself

I am all that I am

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  • WELCOME TO MY CONSCIOUSNESS & thanking you for ALLOWING ME IN YOUR'S >>>I also thank you for giving me the gift of UR friendship...LOVE, LIGHT, BLISS BLESSINGS, TRANSCENDENCE, HEALING, PEACE, ONENESS AND GRACE.


  • I wish you throughout 2014

    commitment to your inner healing of mind, body and soul

    a radiance of harmony and joy, giving others hope and courage

    unique moments of bliss

    faith that all will be well and no mind what, someone will always be there for you

    the kindness to forgive

    the purity of heart to feel divine perfection in all that is, and the clarity of mind to set boundaries

    the courage and perseverance that transform challenges into opportunities and that makes dreams come thru

    the joyful eyes of a child to enjoy the immense beauty around us

    I wish you a year

    of Power and Wisdom

    of Respect, Compassion and Mercy

    of Peace, Light and Love

    a year full of Magic

    and of Gratitude for so much Abundance and Happiness


    Anya Kà Wa  -  Let the Light Come


  • 8113720854?profile=original

  • I do not know if it is help that I pass along . But , in any case I listen to what is being said at any given time . If there is a place for me to speak I do so with Heavenly Father in mind . It just happens . Difficult to describe . It is more of a feeling than Lower Self jumping in with ego talk . I use myself as the example also . I truly have been blessed by this Spiritual/Life Journey being shown my past ones . I also use FB and Google+ to spread what we are truly here for . I also stay connected to and with Michael of Nebadon and Sovrnty Sanctuary . He , Michael , is my Spirit Guide . He will be at my side when it is time to return Home . You may ask anything of me and I will serve your needs also . Stay Strong with your Higher Self .   

  • Part of my comment got cut off so here is the rest of it .At the time of my spiritual reading I was a apprentice with Merlin and Morgana,then I was a Native American princess.

    I was sexually abused at about 3or4 yrs of age from a down the street neighbor, then in 1970 I was raped by two men and let go from there house,then during the beginning of my first child pregnancy I was drugged and gang raped and had to find my way home from the party which I was at,I never told anyone about these rapes, then 1998 I was raped when I went on a canoe trip with a female co-worker, he went to prison for that.

    So now you have most of my life.

    This was the part that did not post with 10:22 pm posting

  • My mothers,father family name has distant connections to the death of Jesus,through Pontius Pilate, now in those days your first name was presented last and last name first, Pilate was of German decent. My mother,mothers father was from Yugoslavia,but in his time belonged to Russia,not much info on my mothers,grandmother except she has passed when my grandmother was 12 yrs old.

    My father in English,and Native American which he has tried to hide from the family.I do not know much of my fathers parents bloodline.

    I was born into a dysfunctional family, I'm one of six siblings born now only five. Two of my siblings won't speak to me any longer due my believes in the Galactic Beings and my believes and views of the Bible and that it was translated incorrectly.

    I myself have five living children and have been married twice,there are four different fathers to my children,oldest is a girl and has schizophrenia, her father is Aztec Indian,I had her right after I turned fifteen prior to my first marriage. Now my first marriage was an abusive one filled with beatings and drugs,two boys from this marriage, my oldest daughter did not know her bio-father until she was twelve. I divorced my first husband and left these three children with my ex-husband,I left in fear for my life but not the children,I also had outside relationships with other men during this marriage which contributed to the divorce as well,my ex-husband is a good father but was a bad husband, we were together for almost 14 yrs. Then I had my 4th child a girl no marriage and then a boy and no marriage each different fathers.Now after my last child I got fixed. My oldest son from the first marriage will not talk to me,I never made time to see the the children from the first marriage and moved around alot and had no car or job or money to due anything with them.

    1989 I moved to North Carolina,my youngest daughter went to her father and youngest son went to his aunt and uncle to live,I lived in NC for less then a year and came back to Michigan,to correct the mess I had made for myself and to reestablish a relationship with my children,which somewhat worked out only for 2nd oldest son and youngest daughter and youngest son.

    Lets move on to 1999, I remarried a wonderful man,he has no children of his own and knows all the facts about the first marriage. He is somewhat disbelieving and a little negative about the what is happening with this Ascension,Humanity,World, and the Universe.

    All the children are grown up now and some have children of there own. My youngest daughter,her boyfriend,and granddaughter have moved back in with us and my daughter is having her second child  due Feb 5th and it is a boy.

    I feel as if I've taken two steps backwards and there is stress and negativity in the household. The daughter is mainly focusing on the new baby. My granddaughter and I are very close and she understands all about Spirits and our Star Brother and Sisters the Universe, now she just turned 7yrs old on Nov,23rd.

    I need help to clear my passed lives so I can Ascend.

    I have also been experiencing extreme stomach pain for the past 6 yrs,have seen doctors had all the procedures and they tell me I have weak stomach lining.

    I do not know who my guides are and I'm having extreme pressure on top of my head and buzzing and ringing in my ears, at times I feel myself shifting sideways while I'm sitting down,I've seen white orbs,shooting stars which I believe to be ships, I could really use some guidance.

    I have asked for forgiveness and tried to reconnect with my distant loved ones but with no response from them,my oldest son has a daughter she is 10 yrs old ,my son says she has no idea who we are and he wants to keep it that way. I respect his wishes and will not intrude in his life.

    I had a spiritual reading 2 yrs ago and was told that I had lived in Egypt during the Atlantes era then I was an ap

  • Thank you for BEing . I AM of Sirius and have been on Mother Gaia before . In this life I had been shown where I had been . I was known in The Gambia . I was a warrior and leader of men . I now AM awakening those that have come to seek me out . My Spiritual Journey has been Blessed with my Higher Self connecting with Michael of Nebadon . He has given me tools to bring lower vibrations closer and closer to Higher Self . I continue to walk with Him . May you stand strong amongst humanity here . And thank you for the energies you have given also unconditionally .

  • I feel that many Hu-mans on Earth are not from Earth originally, we each chose the Life of the Hu-man that we are now, did that star being know what kind of life it would have and the different incarnations that he/she would have including all of the trauma of the Hu-man Life. Some Hu-mans chose to pass on and then others are awaiting for Ascension, when the Hu-man vessel has gone through ascension will the Star Being remember that said life of that Hu-man and it experiences on Earth

  • Yes for the most part,my husband tells me I ask to many questions my response to him is if you don not ask how can you learn!

    I would like to ask more questions but not for public eyes.

    I'm not sure why but I believe we were meant to find each other, as soon as I saw the invite my whole body quivered.

    I need to talk privately

This reply was deleted.
Living Eternity commented on Sebanyoth's blog post Ashtar ~ The Year of Revelation
"Thank you, really very good. I can confirm that I feel the same energy as in the text. I feel the change is here and possible the time that is almost up is 2017. We will see, the key focus for me and I hope for many also is to help as many of our…"
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Crystalline Truth is a continuous flow of ever-increasing energy held in the crystalline grids of pure Divine Love manifestation available now for All who wish to partake in the Divine love awakening on Earth. The crystalline truth flow of energy…
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Living Eternity replied to Ariel's discussion Like a Thief In The Night...
"Bible in my opinion should be read parable by parable and not separate phrases as this takes away from the context. Although I kind of get what your getting at. Anything is possible in a multi dimensional world. But if your going to be following a…"
Dec 15, 2013
Living Eternity left a comment for ceilidhsioux
"Does our soul know what it will happen to it in the human in the life and does it have remembrance of what occurred after?
This is an extremely complicated question, especially the second part mostly due to the number of infinite possibilities and…"
Dec 11, 2013

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